##VIDEO ID:JUg5wzYqMq0## e e e e e good evening this meeting of the planning zoning Commission of August 21st 2024 will come to order please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation andice for all R call please Lori chairman Richardson here Vice chairman Aton secretary Grant here member Childs here member Gad here member fa here member moso here alternate member Findler here alternate member Rogers here School Board member mclin okay we do have a quum next is the approval of the minutes of August 7th 2024 has everybody taken a look at the minutes is there a motion any additions or deletions from the minutes Mr B I move that we approve the minutes from August 24 I'm sry August 7th 2024 and are you seconded yes okay a motion has been made in second any discussion all in favor please say I I opposed I meant favor not flavor qual confirmation procedures Chelsea yes good evening the notice on today's agenda provides that all persons who anticipate speaking on any public hearing item must fill out an oath card to be heard on that agenda item and sign the oath contained thereon these cards are located on the table near the entrance to the council chamber or may be obtained from the recording secretary this meeting will be conducted in accordance to the procedures adopted in resolution number 24-1 1997 those speaking in favor of a request will be heard first those opposed will be heard second and those who wish to make a public comment on the item will speak third the applicant may make a briefer bual if necessary a representative for either side for or against May cross-examine a witness anyone who speaks is considered a witness if you have photographs sketches or documents that you desire for the commission to consider they must be submitted into evidence and will be retained by the city please submit such exhibits to the recording SE secretary thank you there is no old business new business item a Eddie thank you chairman and good evening Commissioners uh before we begin I wanted to introduce our uh new planning staff and she's not new really because she's been here with us for about eight months now um this is Tabitha Armstrong and she's our planner if you call the planner of the day hotline you're more than likely going to get tap at this line so she's uh very helpful and happy to be here I'm sure so you've been hiding her I'm I'm right at the front counter so not too hidden go ahead thank you thank you Commissioners uh so for resoning one -224 at 2300 um Columbia Boulevard the applicant Larry roads on behalf of the property owner 2300s 2300 Holdings LLC is requesting to rezone approximately 3.69 acre property located at 2300 Columbia Boulevard the request is to rezone the property from Regional commercial zoning District to the community commercial zoning designation for property currently designated as commercial high intensity on the city's future land use map the requested CC zoning district has locational criteria requiring that it be located along a collector or higher classification roadway per section 28- 314 Community commercial the property is located along Columbia Boulevard which is identified as an arterial roadway in the city's Transportation technical manual section 9.3 roadway classification map of the city of Titusville the intent of the request is to establish a building and Tra Building Trades and services use at the property the property was previously rezoned in 2018 from the community commercial zoning District to the regional commercial zoning designation with a comprehensive F plan future land use designation of Comm commercial high intensity so they'll be taking it um requesting to take it back to that um Community commercial any questions of the staff Mr grod um just a two questions I was familiar with this site as I thought it was a fence kind of installation storage thing was that the change in the 2018 to bring that business to that site yes sir thank you any other questions uh member moso um when a change like that happens so that the the reone was at the applicant's request okay both of them yeah all right thank you Mr Rogers uh a couple things um he can you remind me what what exactly commerci Community commercial does I mean it's there's a decrease in intensity it says in this I'm sorry I should be speaking to you tab okay my apologies um I'm just so used to speaking to Eddie um I'm sure I'll rely on him what exactly can you can you do with uh Regional commercial that you can't do with Community commercial in general so generally Regional commercials are most intense uh commercial District Community commercial is a little less intense and limits some of the uses um we could look at the use table to see kind of partial out which uses are allowed in CC versus RC but generally that's the difference is that it's a little bit less intense of commercial uses thinking thinking of what types of nuisance might be associated with those commercial uses and then also um Regional commercial is typically located at um higher intersections of higher class roadways and so a community commercial might be located along an arterial that's not at an intersection okay um and that um I think led to the next question but there was something last month that we last month last meeting that we T that was tabled you that was withdrawn by the applicant uh a storage facility that you said um was too far from it was it was a half mile almost from an intersection and it was supposed to be a quarter mile from an intersection there's none of that issue going on here correct so in application they were requesting the regional commercial zoning District because they were requesting the intended use of the property was mini warehouse or self storage facility and that that use is only permitted in the most intense commercial District Regional commercial which is what they were requesting in this case the applicants requesting the community commercial that doesn't have that limitation okay um and also I see that outdoor storage is prohibited in community commercial zoning um well perhaps this will be a question for the owner the owner is the owner here tonight representing well anyway I just I I'll last that I suppose but um I just noticed that um 2300 Holdings LLC had been involved in a in a code violation issue in May of this year um and I just wondered if um it's I it was a little hard for me to understand the document that I had I I wasn't clear whether it was an outdoor storage issue or not but uh I just wondered if that is of any concern to to us at this point do I know a little bit sure so from my understanding code enforcement it was with the the fencing company that was there um with the outdoor storage and the new um building Trade Services it's intended to be here is aware of their um the how the outdoor storage is prohibited in that district and will not does not intend to have any okay A bit more of a tenant problem than an owner problem yes and I think that was appealed the amount of fine was appealed to city council because I saw the city council I have no life and um she won the appeal of the amount of the fine okay it's City Council thank I'm Carla Nettles representing 2300 Holdings I believe both zonings prohibit the storage issue so we've addressed that and we already know that and the new tenant coming in is aware of that so so we should be good there so that's not expected to become an issue again no right um and is there just since you're up here um it said something about a six foot screen on the property is there now a 6ot screen on the property uh that maybe possibly there would be a requirement for a six foot screen uh on the I believe in it it says that you in order to have storage there has to be oh but you're not supposed to have storage okay any more questions of her I need to open public hearing but I've got a uh as member fa and he had a question of the staff how you guys doing um again so back to what member rers was saying um I just want to bring to the attention of page 13 uh line 46 number seven says here that the that the substantial Reasons by the uh why the property cannot be used in its existing zoning is already stated why they need to go from RC to CC so just want to make sure that people are aware that you guys have already addressed the reasoning for going from RCC to CC yes that's correct member Gad um discussion about outside storage and the buffering the question I had when I saw this application and recognizing the previous tenant what I saw for what it's worth while the business operated there was somewhat of a warehouse operation for supplying fencing materials the summary of what I saw I didn't see it being a point of sale it wasn't a place you went to to buy bu fence if you were a contractor you probably ordered fencing through them and then distributed it to a job site that was at least what I saw the event and having a zoning change U when you have a change in use that's somewhat um for that business versus the business that you want to have a Building Trades it's almost as if you're having to change Zoning for each tenant and sometimes I question whether reflection on those matters that are so similar or perhaps should be considered similar that would result in maybe a review of the zoning text to see whether we can maybe put that use in both zoning districts so you don't have to force a change in zoning each time you have a tenant that I think is difficult certainly when you the regional commercials kind of an acceptable level that can almost bring a light industrial type of use to it which leads to a problem if it's not countered by some restrictions so that was the one comment I had in seen the application was kind of a tennis ball match back and forth just to get a tenant change so it would at least be my consideration to be something to look at and maybe if ever presented would maybe make it less cumbersome on the owner to go through the honorous event and not that we don't enjoy your company but the honors event of getting a reone that would be very beneficial any other questions of the staff okay then I'll open the public hearing you want to present your reasons for doing this we pretty much covered it just that the uh the new tenant coming in didn't fall under that the zoning requirement and so we had to change it that was pretty much the only reason the applicants representative Mr Rogers the new tenant coming in said it was going to be kind of a what is the the business or what is the the use it's a construction company okay so they will be keeping materials and vehicles there and then coming and going from there basically yes but it won't be to the ex When the Last Tenant was in there that wasn't the expectation of of what he did okay there there was you know there there there's going to be some sort of amount of thing because I mean if they're installing fences that material has to be delivered and then distributed but not to the excess that he had on there and this the new company coming in won't have that type of a situation thank you Lori do we have any cards I have no cards okay can I just ask the applicant to complete a card yes I will thank you okay we'll close the public hearing and it comes back before the commission do you have any other questions or anyone care to make a motion I move that we approve uh item 9A resoning of 1- 24-23 Columbia Boulevard recommend approval recommend approval thank you is there a second second second about secretary Grant any further discussion roll call vote member Gad yes member Childs yes member Moscoso yes secretary Grant yes member Rogers yes member fac yes chairman Richardson yes okay and that will be heard before the city council win there next meeting yeah August 27th first hearing uh first reading and then September 10th after that okay thank you okay next item is the powers and duties ordinance thank you chairman I guess I give this to you or is Ed I can um so just a brief summary um in May of this year the Tec um reviewed their powers and duties as established in the um code of ordinances and they wanted to make a change um Council ultimately is responsible for making changes to the code of ordinances when we're adopting an ordinance to make a change so um they aren't able to make a change to their own powers and duties and since this is an ordinance that references the Planning and Zoning commission um while this this is kind of in the vein of like bylaws um pnz typically wouldn't see these since it is an ordinance changing um the city's code of ordinances we brought it before you and so just to summarize um the three the four categories that um EST that are what is it the four criteria that need to be met in order to maintain the city's credential as a Tre City USA Community um the Tec wanted to include those in their powers and duties to make sure that they are ultimately responsible for um these actions and so those are number one maintain a tree board which the Tec serves as the city's tree board two have a tree care ordinance two or three spend $2 per capita on urban forestry which is tree plantings tree REM removals tree maintenance and then four uh celebrate Arbor Day so being responsible for some form of Arbor Day celebration on behalf of the city and so um we've presented the changes as Tec approved them and we're looking for your recommendation uh to move it on to council thank you I understand by striking the second one on page 33 uh to review and make recommendations to us has been stricken Toc is fully aware of that because we frequently want Tec to review some things good question or good point um that is not being deleted it's being relocated and so you'll see that same language is added further down in subsection Roman numeral 4 uh at the top of page 34 so that's just formatting relocating the language I see it any question Mr Rogers uh yeah um I I got into I I I called um the head of the um lur LLY Thompson head of the the of the Tec because I was a little bothered by um sort of a a disagreement it seemed to me an inconsistency in what was said here um on page 33 um this section 311 powers and duties you have a goals and objectives and so you have a paragraph actually it's a really long sentence explaining the goals and objectives and then there's a paragraph after that that says the commission may study any subject that is any subject of environmental Slater resources interest or concern and report its finding and recommendations to the city council City staff Titusville Planning and Zoning commission or any other duly authorized City committee and I thought well that's good because that you know I mean we're all worried about the environment and that's a uh um that's I I like them to have that freedom um to to with people tasks tasked with preserving our Environmental Quality you know to be able to go where they feel like they need to go um and then I ran into um on page 30 4 [Music] um7 um it says the city council reserves the right to determine the projects or issues to be reviewed by the city by the Titusville environmental Slater Resources Commission and that seems to be in conflict with what was said before furthermore um sec a let's see no 0 4 on page 33 well now it's point three to review environmental this is the list of specific responsibilities Part B now New Number Three Old Number Four to review environmental Slater resources issues as selected by staff and submit to the Planning and Zoning commission as part of applications for rezoning so I I talked to Miss Thompson and she said actually this one specific responsibilities be three was more when you had something that might be a quasi judicial item that was going to go to tec before it went to pnz so that wasn't it was just that when something they needed to be directed to investigate something that was then going to come to us that's not limiting what they can investigate it's just one of the things they do is to investigate things that they're going to be coming before us and you tell them what that is but uh Miss Thompson said that she and she said she felt that she could speak for the entire Tec um would kind of prefer to see number seven uh Point number seven on page 34 uh struck stricken um taken out she says she really thinks everybody would agree and the reason is uh she gave an example um there are a couple of examples I won't go I won't Bel labor the points but they relate to storm water quality and water testing and that kind of thing where of the city council at some point in our history has basically had the opportunity to test outfall water and has declined that opportunity um because they basically kind of didn't want to know um that was the way that was told to me um and I really do not want to see uh this politicized I don't want the Tec being told what they can invest and can't investigate and I'm sure that this was you know just boilerplate type language but I i' I'd like to take number seven out and that's how I feel and that's how the Tec apparently feels I don't think the city council should be telling them what to look at and what not to look at it's too easily abused I'd like to respond to a couple of those points so uh the first is the three sections that you referred to on page 33 and 34 are existing language in the code of ordinances this is not new language that we're proposing um the sections that you see underlined is where the added language is is being Incorporated and so those sections um are existing language in our code uh the second is the what's presented to you tonight is what was adopted or what was recommended by Tec with their vote and so I would be careful to take the advice or comments from one particular member and say that they are representative of the entire board because while that could be the case what's presented before you tonight is what was voted on and what was suggested to be recommended to city council and then third um just a reminder that Tec serves as a recommending body for city council and so ultimately it's city council that the Tec works for and so if the Tec were interested in pursuing a particular policy and city council was not interested for whatever reason in pursuing that policy ultimately they are appointed by Council and they take action um in support of council's Duties and so those those are just a couple of my thoughts on on that but um that is still uh something that you could add to your recommendation that Council consider removing section 7 if you feel that that is um limiting or not necessary but that that is um a change to existing l in our code um and Eddie what was the vote was it a unanimous Vote or um I could look in the minutes if you give me a few minutes yeah while he's looking for that I would just like to piggyback what Eddie said I was going to say a couple of the things he said um in particular um the recommendations that Tec makes are to city council and specifically talking about that number seven where the city council reserves the right Mr Rogers in the same vein where you see how staff may select issues that are submitted to tec and then Planning and Zoning because it's quas judicial I think that in that same vein that city council is giving being granted that authority to delegate a particular issue or subject matter to tec and I think that's what seven means they reserve the right to send something to tec for their consideration so I would object that that would be a a move that the city attorney's office would not support taking that that right of city council out of the code secondly it was a ordinance that the Tec already reviewed and voted upon so if you wanted to change something in their um powers and duties then I think that this board if you were in agreement with Mr Rogers points then you would either want to make a vote that it gets sent back to DEC uh to revisit that point or to recommend to city council that they redirect this item back to tec um rather that would probably be the appropriate motion because you can't on your own redirect it city council would have to so at this point the Planning and Zoning is more being provided the powers and duties ordinance as a courtesy Eddie had introduced it but um this this ordinance is not required to be presented to pnz um by law it is being presented to you so that you are updated and informed before city council makes its final decision basically as courtesy yeah so um I just wanted to clarify those things and Eddie can answer the Tec minutes when he has a chance and I would just allow you all to discuss the comments made by Mr Rogers based on the city's feedback sure the uh May 15th regular meeting uh it was a unanimous vote to pass thank you Mr Gad I was just making a comment to the extent that um I've watched over the course of the past year and a half two years of time in my tenure and it seems that that the tree U ordinance I'll call it that we went through for most of that time um during the back and forth discussions and reiterations and changes I know on several occasions Tec members actually appeared in Council as they have a right to do presented as it has a right to do comments individually I believe that there were several other Representatives that appeared during that time meaning that as opposed to the council individuals on it presented those individually and allowed the council to think about it and that's kind of what I'm familiar with just as Planning and Zoning commission members could appear outside membership here as an individual at the city council member if they had an opinion may be individually wanting to be expressed so I don't think you limit the the city council is not limiting the Tec from looking or examining matters that are brought to their attention they can do that on any meeting can't they yes any other discussion uh me member Rogers I think they're excellent points um and I understand what you are saying um I guess I just I certainly think it's kind of like the freedom of the press I mean I think the you know the Environmental the Tec certainly needs freedom to move I think to consider issues environmental issues that come up I I I I mean I suppose they have them I guess you know they have that freedom rather but you know it's I just think they need I I hope that it would not be abused and I was just hoping that this did not limit their ability to go in One Direction or another to investigate something um I guess that's what I was trying to prevent but um I I hear what you're saying any other Mr Chows I was gonna say I think that cleared it up for me when she said because it it does it basically says that at point 7 says that city council should be able to send them stuff to look at that makes perfect sense I guess it depends on how you read it but you know then after you get that context it totally makes sense that of course city council should be able to send stuff to their Advisory board so and it doesn't it doesn't seem to me even in in practice that the city council stops them from looking at anything I haven't seen them stop them I know they probably would want to sometimes it seems but they they let them do they let them review just about anything they want it seems but um um but uh I I think this looks good to me but um yeah thanks yes Mr Rish well I'll go ahead and give the two examples the sort of thing that I that I found problematic um I was told that uh Tec pushed for a storm water outfall test at one point and uh Council voted 5 to zero against it and in the meeting you know the the full televised meeting and I don't know when this was and I don't know who said it but two people said that they didn't want to test the outfall water because if it was dirty basically said this they didn't want to test the outfall water because if it was dirty citizens would wanted them to do something member Rogers I think what you're describing is a recommendation that went to council that Council didn't agree with and I think that's different than saying that the Tec is not allowed to have that item on their agenda to discuss and make a recommendation on so there may be instances where Council doesn't agree with a recommendation they receive from Tec uh but that's not to say that Council has told them don't stop discussing this yeah I know the the the vote that you're talking about it was July of last year and um they didn't want an independent guy going out and um and testing the outfall water and that I think that's different than like a hearing that you're having in in as a board um so I definitely don't think like Advisory Board should be able to say yeah staff go out and go out and test this or go out and measure the rooftop and stuff I think that's I think that's what they were they were recommending an action for for the city to approve of someone going out and the objections of it which I mean I disagree with how it was um I I wish it was approved but they were worried about the insurance from the guy going out and and testing stuff and um possible litigation for the city for that I think that was some of the points that they made during that meeting for that for that particular issue but um I mean I think that they're able to make the recommendation I city council didn't say stop we don't want this recommendation so I think if they're going to take action that's totally different for Advisory Board to be taking action on something like that instead of I've never seen any them being stopped from doing a hearing on anything or talking about anything so okay well again that's that's a valid point thank you okay if there's no more discussion I'll open the public hearing do we have any cards Lori I have no cards okay close the public hearing and come back to the commission do you have any more questions for the staff if not anyone care to make a motion how you I make a motion that we recommend approval to city council that we've reviewed it and thank you for bringing it before us since our since the board's names in the ordinance thank you secretary Grant second any other discussion I believe it's uh approval recommendation excuse me recommend approval as written I believe is what it is sure I'll Adit it to that in that motion yeah the second okay any other discussion roll call please Lori secretary Grant yes member Rogers may I obain no no member faon yes member Childs yes member Gad yes member moso yes chairman Richardson yes Mr Rogers can you state your basis for the denial vote I guess I just worry not necessarily now but at some point in the future that that language could be used to Shackle the Tec in some way that that would be unhelpful to the community you mean the existing language talk that we were talking about yes okay and now to go before Council next meeting yes sir okay next item is item 9 C Planning and Zoning commission semiannual report staff has no summary uh but we will want to ask you if anyone of the members are planning to present the report to council or if you want to submit the report as written um well I'll just say that I would prefer just subin it as written but does any other commissioner want to stand before Council I see none so I assume as written any additions or corrections to make to the semiannual report well well written okay I'll open the public hearing anyone want to speak on this subject no cards okay we'll close the public hearing anyone want care to make a motion Mr grod I make a motion to uh recommend the report to city council as written is there a second I'll second second by member moso any discussion really roll call vote member facon yes member moso yes member Gad yes member Rogers yes member child yes secretary Grant yes chairman Richardson yes okay next item is item 9 D proposed amendment to the pnz bylaws this uh deals with the um our discussion last week or the week before uh that we add another petitions and requests from the public present Chelsea does this mirror the Tec what the Tec did what this mirrors is the city council rules of the city council as they apply to the public participation I do not know if the Tec rules are mirror image of city council but that's what we did based on the pnz vote at the last meeting any discussion I would like to make another point before you enter discussion um I reviewed the draft before it was published and I made an executive decision that I would like you all to take note of um which you may vote either for or against in the final version um you see that there's a strike through through the term consent agenda which is number six the reason I propos that is because I do not believe that there is ever any occasion that this pnz has a consent agenda um since the nature of a consent agenda is more T attuned to what city council does um you do not have to remove it from your bylaws you can keep it there you can keep it on the agenda you can discuss it um but that was a action that I took and so I wanted to explain that before you make your vote and I agree with you because I think on the six years I've been on the commission this time and the previous six or seven years on was on the council back back in the 80s I've never seen consent agenda it's been on the it's been on the agenda but there's never been a consent agenda so I agree with Chelsea completely any other questions of the staff any cards Lori no cards okay I did have a question yeah um that's a Chelsea I think um this the new section six um I just didn't understand and um it everybody everybody who speaks has to turn in a signup card right I mean typically everyone who speaks here like a citizen who comes before us has to turn in a signup card right on any agenda item so not under petitions and requests okay okay okay um got it thanks any other questions okay it comes back to the commission anyone care to make a motion or go ahead I defer to you because I think you made the motion last time I appreciate that and I voted against it I'm going to vote for it this time all right thank you I'd like to make a motion to propose that the Planning and Zoning commission follow City council's agenda in accordance to section 2-26 of their bylaws and recommend the council they approve it yes can you include that you recommend approval of the bylaws as presented okay and recommend approval of the bylaws as presented thank you is there a second of the motion second any discussion roll call please member Moscoso yes member Gad yes secretary Grant yes member Childs yes member facon yes member Rogers yes chairman Richardson yes we have a unanimous vote chairman C I just ask uh Chelsea real quick um on Chelsea on page 41 under at the end of summary explanation we have that the Planning and Zoning commission will have the ability to vote on the proposed amendment at September 4 regular pnz meeting is that still accurate um or is this vote sufficient to forward on uh the changes to council and I know I'm throwing you a curveball so sorry about that I just didn't want since it's in the agenda packet I didn't want anyone else who may have seen that to think that um yeah do we because of advertising do we have to consider it again one second and when Chelsea was looking when I was looking for something Chelsea was able to distract you with something else I don't have any magic tricks or stump the lawyer or excuse me Attorney Megan oh miss moso Eddie I do have a question for you and this is not related so if it's not appropriate for me to ask I noticed some of the development on that's going on on Park Avenue um right next to um Park Avenue Church there were two Heritage trees in the front that were preserved and what they did with one of them is they parked heavy equipment on top of it and it ended up killing the root system and that tree is no longer there so I was just curious what happens with that do we just count it a loss or does the developer have to go in and pay a fine for that or what's the the process after good question so I'm not sure about that particular site and that particular tree it may have been um that it was scheduled to be part of the clearing and that it had remained for whatever reason crazy crazy things happened with development so I wouldn't want to say that this is exactly what happened in this case but typically um any damage that occurs during construction of a tree that was supposed to be preserved uh the code has a penalty for that because you're not allowed to impact the CRZ critical root Zone and so um the site inspectors would see a tree that was shown on the plan is to be preserved and is no longer on the site or has has died as a result of construction activity and there there would be um either Remediation in the form of additional plantings or um I think that's that's the primary method of of restoring the canopy that was lost because of a Heritage tree thank you Eddie for covering my delay there really appreciate you um I just wanted to refer back to the bylaws the bylaws themselves say that an item is presented at one meeting and then voted upon at the next so I'm not sure how the September 4th information got put into your agenda if you could all just retract that um this was the final vote on your bylaws we're good to go and if you have any other questions of me I'm happy to answer as quickly as possible so as far as you're concerned the final vote was tonight tonight yes I'm not sure what the September 4th reference was meaning but as far as the finalization your vote was Final for this board's own bylaws they will be presented to city council but they do not need to take action to approve your bylaws they are good to go from here on out excellent next item is petitions and requests from the public present you've been sitting here all meeting I don't know what I don't know what I'm here for well it obviously wasn't tonight like driving to Melbourne every other week so I'd love for him to come today as well okay any others okay reports staff no reports um I'm going to be careful with my comment um last night in the election you saw that we'll have at least two new people in city council and possibly three the majority will change so I would encourage the staff to take items like changes to the comprehensive plan those kind of changes slowly and while we have two members up here and that may be on the next Council I think the new Council needs to um understand what comprehensive plan and other things should be I would take those kind of things very slowly and um that's just my opinion and and you may have some questions on what I mean by that but obviously there're going to be possibly three new members of council so um they need to be educated on what the comp plan is and all that even though one of my right and one of my left will say they know all about it okay City attorney I want want to piggyback on uh chairman Richardson's comments with the election yesterday and take a moment to publicly congratulate my friend Kristen Smith Rodriguez who Titus ville's own has um earned the position of circuit court judge she is currently our Board of adjustments chairperson and unfortunately due to a dual office holding prohibition um as of January 1st she will not be able to continue serving in that position so if you know anyone who you think would be a good fit for the board of adjustment and appeals there will be an upcoming vacancy yes and I assume then Al Taylor will take over again as chairman okay that's all your report I have no report except uh several of you followed the directions and wore shorts tonight I get the memo last there was no memo I made a comment in the last meeting had a memo and any members have any report okay you know just real quickly um just because we live here in Florida the Sunshine State I'd like to bring to everybody's knowledge that today's national day is National senior citizens day I want apply toast anything else from the staff this meeting is adjourned at 650 that's uh sooner and that's it Lori