[Music] I'd like to call this meeting to order please stand for the salute to the flag I pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible andice this meeting is convened in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings Act of New Jersey let the official minutes reflect that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by publishing a notice in the Asbury Park Press on Friday January 6 2023 Press of Atlantic City and the Star Ledger and also forwarded to the toms rer times Toms Riv patch and wobm news on Thursday January 5th 5 th 2023 and thereafter posting same on Town Hall Bolton board for such noticings notices and filings same with the Township Clerk pursuant to a resolution adopted by the township Council on Tuesday January 3rd 2023 the meeting dates have also been posted on the township web page roll call please councilman seosi here councilman cop here councilman lamb uh please move for an excused absence Mr lamb is ill and going to the doctor second that all in favor uh all right councilman quinlisk here councilman rodri here Council vice president gagan here council president Lano here item five are the minutes from the regular meeting on November 21st 2023 move the minutes second a motions made by councilman cop and seconded by Council vice president gagan councilman cop yes Council vice president gagan yes councilman Sosi yes councilman quinis yes councilman rodri yes council president Lano yes yes item six is honoring resolutions and presentations tonight we have First Responders recognition from Tomer firing companies 1 and two Silverton EMS Tomer community service officers and RWJ paramedics and Eagle Scout abinav aala from Troop 59 move the honoring resolutions and presentations second all in favor I Council please join me in the well [Music] well all right good evening all tonight's first honoring uh Proclamation and resolution is a little bit near and dear to me um and we're going to kind of change up the order a little bit uh there was a uh significant motor vehicle accident in Tom's River beginning part of this year and as you can see by all the firemen in the back it's not just one individual that uh you know comes out and Saves a Life it's a toll team effort and I was approached by Ron riskowski who I also know as uh from working as a paramedic and I'd like to call him up at this time to read a little statement and uh he'll be presenting some recognition awards at the end but Ron come on up everybody hear me theic I've got a pretty boomy voice anyway so I'll use this all good evening my name is Ron rosowski and I'm here with my wife Marie my son Matthew his girlfriend Sam and my son Eddie to recognize these first respon responding agencies for the extraordinary work they performed on March 3rd 20 2023 on the day Matthew was on his way to work at jersey store University Medical Center where he's a trauma Tech in the trauma unit when he was hit head on by a wrongway drunk driver on 37 he was heavily entrapped and it took approximately 45 minutes for Tom's R fire company's number one and number two to extricate him during the extrication uh Tracy canel a paramedic from Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health the MS crawled her way into the back seat through a broken back window to perform life saving interventions during and post extrication paramedic Kevin gagen from Silverton first aid Squad and Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health EMS other paramedics from Robert Wood Johnson EMTs from Tom's River PD EMS and Silverton EMS provided the patient care and support that kept Matt alive so we could be here today as everyone everyone working on Matt required a safe scene Tom's River Police Department ensured that it was in place I'm sure that they remained on scene for many hours doing the crash reconstruction in the wet and cold called I also thank them for working with me after the crash and whatever we needed I'm sure that everyone up here wasn't expecting any recognition for their efforts because that's not what we do as a paramedic myself we do the work because we love it and not for the accolades but sometimes the world needs to know there you go what true lifes Savers and heroes look like thank you as a small token of our appreciation please accept these plaques which you'll receive soon as a thank you whenever you see it remember that you're not only had an impact on Matt but with an entire family they read for your life-saving efforts on March 3rd 2023 that enabled Matthew to be with us today thank you the rasi family December 5th 2023 now on a final note uh little little levity here Matt's jok during his recovery I at least made it to work thank you m m on up and uh today was specifically picked because hey it's a Tuesday night it makes it easy for Tom number one and two to be here and today is also Matt's birthday anyway like to follow up all all the First Responders I know Jan Eric you were there um ol of tomser number one number two uh Robert Wood Johnson medics come on up for a presentation by Matt and then you'll have to line up for the photos we spread out where's J oh there she is I said you Tom Fire Company number two Silverton EMS Tom Riv PD [Applause] EMS Robert Wood Johnson B Health EMS and uh Tom River Police no one's here I'll give this to Janette thank you we we also have some Township proclamations for all those agencies so before you uh depart we'll get them to you but uh we'll have to squeeze in so Stacy can grab some photos Matt grun and center it's all about you like [Applause] here yes J J and again I would like to thank the rosowski family for uh doing these presentations for our First Responders and uh we'll let a few of them filter out we've got one more uh I'll turn it over to council president Lano I do it I'd like to call up um abanov aanal we want to congratulate you on making Eagle Scout um I think you need 21 merit badges to become an eagle scout how many did you wind up getting around 30 mer badges in total very good and can you tell everybody what your project was my project was for the Popcorn Park Zoo which in case you didn't know is down in forkid river and and they had an old cage there for the Capuchin their names were Kaylee and Buster and I decided to help them out and I cleaned up their cage and I added a few monkey bars to Buster and Kay's cage and the two cages surrounding them and yeah I added some monkey bars and a platform for Buster and on behalf of the township uh the mayor and Council we have a proclamation for you a Township coin and a um another letter from the May um so I think next you should probably thank your parents for dragging you to Boy Scouts all thank you yeah we sneak in for [Applause] congratulations thank congratulations congratul we're going to take a one minute recess and anyone that doesn't wish to uh to stay would be that would be your opportunity you could take pictures in town hall than [Music] all right Mr Krug we continue please item seven is a resolution of the township Council of the township of Tom's River Ocean County New Jersey denouncing the horrific attacks that occurred in Israel and adds its voice to the ongoing support given to Israel pledging its deep commitment to Israel and the local local Jewish community and reaffirming the values and connections that bind us together make a motion to approve the resolution second a motion made by councilman Quin seconded by councilman rodri councilman quinis yes councilman rodri yes councilman Sosi yes councilman cop yes Council vice president gagan yes council president lenana yes moving to the consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is desired on any item that item will be considered separately does any member of the council have any item they wish discuss separately does any member of the public have any item they wish discussed separately seeing none I'll take a motion to move the consent agenda in its entirety so moved second a motion is made by councilman cop and seconded by Council vice president gagan councilman cop yes Council vice president G yes councilman Sosi yes councilman quinis yes councilman rodri yes council president Lano yes moving to the reports move the reports second emotions made by councilman cop and seconded by Council vice president gagan councilman cop yes Council vice president gagan yes councilman seosi yes councilman quinis yes councilman rodri yes council president Lano yes next is the approval of the bills move the Bills second a motions made by councilman cop and seconded by Council vice president gag councilman cop and did abstain from the following all bills payable to own a little Associates uh yes to the balance Council vice president gagan yes councilman Sosi yes councilman quinis I have to abstain from more bills payable to REM and verick Engineers yes to the balance councilman rodri yes council president Lano yes elected officials comments councilman Quin uh I want to thank everybody who came out last uh week for the tree lighting ceremony and I want to remind everybody that this Sunday we are going to do a lighting of the manura to the Middle East and um I met a a lady and she was the 1973 uh Javelin on Tom's River uh South uh track and field but he holds the state record even to this day and she was training a uh a young lady who's in the Air Force so I want to give out a shout out to them and and that's it very good uh mayor Hill oh sorry and I forgot the most important thing my son is being deployed for 9 months months so um he's he's going to a safe place so he should be okay and uh he's in the Marines so God bless everybody thank you God bless thank you mayor help Dave you're never safe with the Marines I just want to put out a pitch for uh Toys for Tots we have two boxes downstairs um somebody dropped off two bicycles today which is just great but we we've the past two years years we've filled between six and 10 boxes with toys so um I don't think they've been buy for a pickup yet so I'm going to put a pitch in to you know if you're coming to a meeting even up until the 19th our next meeting please consider bringing a a toy um very important for those the youngsters who may not be getting toys this Christmas and the Marines do a marvelous job every year the Marine reserve started this back in the late 40s and uh the attachment between the United States Marine Corps and the American public is unbroken U and that's all I have thank you mayor hel uh I too want to mention the the tree lighting that happened uh last Friday it was pretty good turnout all things considered the weather was was pretty terrible but I want to thank everyone that came out for it um and the manora lighting this Sunday uh December 10th is at 6 6 p.m. right out at Town Hall um we recognize a lot of the First Responders today in the fire company paramedics um EMS there's quite a few uh members up here on Council that are our First Responders I just want to recognize them councilman lamb who's not here tonight is a uh a police officer and I believe a volunteer firefighter um councilman quinlisk is a firefighter uh councilman cop is a paramedic and EMT and councilman gagan is a firefighter EMT paramedic and a retired police officer uh and what Grand Marsh and the Grand Marshall of the um yeah the parade upcoming parade I want to thank everybody all the First Responders um and that's all I have for tonight so with that I'll open up public comment does any member of the public wish to be heard tonight see and then I'll make a motion to close public comments second all in favor I I there is a resolution for executive session um the resolution of the township Council Township of Tom River Ocean County New Jersey authorizing an executive session to discuss conf confidential matters covered under njsa 10 4-12 B including executive session Minutes review and Personnel matters move the resolution second a motion is made by councilman cop and second by Council vice president gagan councilman cop yes Council vice president gagan yes councilman seosi yes councilman quinlisk yes councilman rodri council president Lanana yes [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] every [Music] great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah um I will take a motion to approve the executive session minutes please can we first let's take a take a motion to go back into public session make a motion to go back in public session second all in favor I take a motion to approve the executive session minutes from September 13th 2023 so moved second second motions made by councilman cop second by Council Vice pres gagan councilman cop yes Council vice president president gagan yes councilman Sosi yes councilman quinlisk yes Council R yes council president Lano yes before we take a motion to adjourn I would like to say something that I forgot to mention during my uh elected official comments I want to congratulate the Township Clerk Mike kugo he's getting married in three days to his fiance Aaron and I wish you guys all the best congratulations thank I apologize for forgetting it before that's okay with that I will take a motion to adjourn the meeting make that motion second all in favor I I thank you [Music] [Music] you