everyone it's Tuesday April 2nd 2024 it's a meeting of the Board of Health um we have the roll call please gav buyers James ler Chris Noella um 1.1 we have the trash contract recycle contract we are going to go into exe executive session to discuss this contract um that you don't have it in the agenda well that's a problem I didn't know we said an executive session you don't want to okay that's fine I don't think there was even to have usually when you do contracts you do if we don't then we'll just talk about it and you know see how the negotiations go and that's uh that's what we're going to have to do because we have to get this done okay so we got curbside recycling we are not going into executive session ah well we'll introduce Glenn and I forgot your name Ben benth what Ben Ben Beth where the hell that come from uh welcome to the Board of Health meeting um we have uh your numbers here yeah and uh we appear to have a lot of questions because this is very vague to me um I mean we have a copy of last year's contract yeah and mentions nothing about you know schedules or anything this is just oh this is just a bit basically as far as I'm concerned yes yeah okay um any questions you are going to do if you don't mind Mr here as in the past you're going to leave everything at the parks and the wrecks and all that stuff all those dumps stay there and stay maintained and uh the ball fields and all that are going to have theirs everything's all flit away there I think there was a discussion also about uh the citizens of towns and at the end of this contract going to own the TOs yes okay so everything is the way it was previously with these new numbers for the upcoming and you're going to go for a 5-year contract yes so the residents I'm sorry Jim so the residents would own the totes after the 5year contract the town own town that's I mean that's how most people do it are we buying excessive amount for yes oh well we don't want to buy too many extras where would they be stored well I usually keep them and then if something happens in 5 years and somebody else takes over yeah they just hand the barrels well usually they B they'll buy them off that's another thing we got to because there's a lot of questions on that that was like a rough yeah that's kind of why we're here today for like broken barrels like somebody builds a new house um I don't know how you're going to do those are the all each Barrel going to have an individual number printed on them for each house yes so the excessive barrels that you'll keep will have numbers on them that we will sign at a later date um my my concern Jim okay is like I said there's a lot of long driveways a lot of old people in this town and I understand that lemonster is a city with a little short driveways we don't have that we need to offer not just 64 gallon trash RS because a lot of old people aren't going to be able to drag those down the hill or back up okay um they have the company I want to deal with has 48s and 32s just6 32 64s no 32s 40 64s and the 96 yes so yes okay okay can you share what the company is that you sorry TOA to and I assume that they're on state list are they they should be okay because I believe that we can get a grant to get a couple of dollars whacked off of each um household that gets a tote and I'm going to be talking to Irene about that at the end of the week yeah okay um are you offering a different color for recycling uh no I didn't want I want to just do a different lid keeps different lid okay price of the barel down okay that's what I was wondering because so we could go with colored Lids I can promise you that when my mother lived in Florida and they had just a recycled bin that was nice on wheels that was blue should fill that full of trash and then put a trash out in recyclable so right every do the um I guess that's like some some other companies have just tried that just to keep the cost though yeah okay different lid that's fine so this speaking of the totes so this would be a 64 gallon for recycling as well and it will not be Limitless anymore it'll just be four gallons will you give the option to the people to buy a second 64 gallon oh see that that was another question that's up to the you guys I was going to throw that on you so we have to find out exactly how much these totes are costing exactly or you can sell them to the I mean I that's city of lam does do that too that's like that's they they'll sell barrels to the residents they need extras okay please keep in mind that we're not a big city we know no money they charge the residents for the barrels does it too I we don't use not doing yeah D is a small town they do um 64s and 32s 32 trash 64 for yeah they do 32 gallons a week for trash that's all they there's no way in hell we could do that gner does 48 no Gardner does 48 what if what if we did something like that over time though right so how long is this going to take to roll out the TOs but like for this contract would they ready for July hypothetically probably not actually room I don't know what the leeway is right now July's a big everybody everybody stting July but once once we get them ordered it shouldn't take us more than a couple weeks to get them out yeah we also have to figure out how many we're getting exactly how many we need and how many people are going to want the 32s and how many are going to want the 64s we're going to have to PLL everybody buy too many of the BS isn't used a lot right I I wouldn't think the 32s would be used a ton but like I said we got long driveways I should have brought I meant to bring them I was going to bring a 3248 and a 64 well I have a 64 that's uh that I use all the time for trash but if somebody I could have left them outside people could have came look down them I yeah something if you wanted to do now what happens if somebody gets a 64 and decides that they don't want the 64 and they want the 32 are they stuck with the 32 for 5 years they just have to wait for I I I almost think that that's something each household is going to have to come up with before we order trash barrels well that's it you know not exactly sure how we do that you know I mean obviously we're not having it for July 1st so that's not an immediate problem but well the other problem is you have to go out to bid um with the town meeting because it's a fiveyear contract yeah so we're going to have to go to town meeting and there's no guarantee on that so that's that's really the first thing because if they say no then all this negotiations is but not is there any chance of doing three years just a question just a hypothetical um you have to you that yeah you like we do a three year but there'll be a buyout at the end for the tot to cuz I spread it over years but we also don't have the $6,000 credit that we have every year at the recycling center um that was taken out of this too right so that's $188,000 that the recycling center is going to lose um for funds the next well five years so that's that's 30 30,000 how does that work again five time n does that work um it's um sha takes out the U um furniture from the recycling center we can use our grant for the wood debris and we can use our grant for the plastic debris but the furniture as what we call bulky buk um is what sha takes out in the last contract we had was a $3,000 credit the first year a $5,000 credit the second year and a $6,000 credit we're running about $112,000 a year that we spend so that 6,000 was instrumental so that how does that how is that going away just on if we don't do a fiveyear or no he's doing away with it totally oh it's totally gone totally gone okay gotta so we could also actually solicit bids for the recycling center to see if someone wanted to come in and um then we could probably ask for a a complete new contract for that if you want to take that over still yeah that's that's up few guys okay um looking at looking at this you've got the recycling center hauling fee the bulky Furniture the clean wood the bulky Plastics in the metal so with it tipping fees on these before or no on what the recycles on so that was an Allin number the last contract no I get that I that was for recycle sent also but yeah uh no was that no that was separate after the 6,000 that was separate after oh okay so that you dipping fees for that you were okay so that's only going to change by $9,000 a year it's going to change $6,000 a year for five years so that's $30,000 that going to lose from the recycling center yeah which would might even cause us to have the rise prices again what was that so we may have to raise prices again to make up for that loss just have to figure out what what it is that's going to have to go up basically brought the board um do you know exactly how much we're paying for tonnage um at the recyc center right now one think I have that in front of [Music] me should be on there no she wants price per ton so no it's right here recycling so it's it's right now now we're being charged 175 per Hall plus 9713 per ton for bulky Furniture so 97 so you're looking at it's a huge jump I mean that's $40 a ton ex then it goes to 45 then it goes to $50 more a ton so we'll have to we we'll have to um we'll have to separate the contract from the recycling center if there's not going to be a credit involved in the contract so it'll be two separate contracts what we'll have to do okay yeah there's really there's no deal in doing them together it's not like we like we didn't before we got the the 6,000 was 9,000 we don't get that anymore so I mean it's really no incentive for us to combine the two any questions Gavin still have numbers well well he's figuring out have a question so if you guys do separate uh the transfer station from the curb side no you guys have a transfer station recycl recycling Rec recycling center so if you guys separated those would you keep the contract year the same as has the residential pickup meaning if you went with the fiveyear would the recycling center also be a fiveyear would you guys keep it at the three I think we'd like to keep it as three be easier for us for three only for the reason we don't have to go before the town to sign a contract for three years or under over we have to go to the town to vote um I'd rather keep it three I mean it's not like it's ever going anywhere right you know it's how many years now J quite a while since they started yeah early 2000s maybe I don't when was your first contract I don't remember was the 0 no I was here in 2001 so it had be I think we started I well I when my father stopped we lost it for 5 years and we got back in 07 yeah okay yeah so you're almost looking almost 20 we had stopped at a bump in the road as far as what to do I think this is just a suggestion that all the residents should get one of each barrel and we'll figure out what they want to change after they get them all in other words don't give them the option up front to have what side they want because they might find themselves in trouble not having enough space or whatever so if we give every household a big one and a small one and if they've got any complaints after the fact we can Shuffle things around at that that's going to cost you more money to buy additional barrels well no not necessarily CU you're going to need extra ones anyways people break them if we're if we're looking at buying 3200 64 gallon trash FS 34 right well I'm just looking at your yeah 32 I think yeah which is really 6 a year a year well yeah 64 now you understand it in a Year everybody goes oh Jesus Christ I I I want 232s I don't want this one what do we do with the big ones give them back you don't want them well no but you'll so you know what I'm saying yeah but I do take them back you're going to use yeah you're going to use new houses like I said plows hit them yeah you're always going to get a broken one here and there and I don't think just back giving us issues because so many people have all the room barrels such as yourself and my right now to come up with the ones that are going to be from the contract to give everybody the same equal portions right here you go this is what you got if you don't like that then we can negotiate changing the size for you okay all right and that would go according to the people with grabs Etc yeah but how we sh so what happens when everyone misunderstands that and goes oh I have 64 gallon and a 32 gallon so now I got 99 gallons of trash that I can put out and they put both of them out be two separate Lids it's got to be two separate things that's why they get different Lids yeah if I we we don't deliver one unless we pick the other one up okay that's someone call what I what I hear Jim saying is that he wants everyone in town to get a 32 gallon and a 64 is that what she say that would be the initial dispersement from the town what's a 324 it's a 324 my understanding was Jim was saying give everyone 264 is one per Cy and one for trash and someone thinks the 64 is too much to hand what I would do then they would call and then you guys would work something out with the 32s okay okay okay that's probably an easier thing to do is let every because the 64s you're right you are going to you are going to you're going to use them and and and do a a very um conservative um bunch of the the 32 gallons just because you know that some people are going to automatically say I don't want this yeah so I think if you had a couple 32 gallons so we can choose those as we go yeah like we usually keep 100 well I usually keep 200 extra totes for lemon s and we keep 100 extra totes for dumpable okay okay usually I let them Weedle down and then I'll just order a are we paying the whole nut for these barrels or you spraying for half so five years you're paying for all of them it's going to take you five years to do it that doesn't help me you know that only helps you it doesn't help me at all I get nothing out of this you realize that yeah but prob paper when you sign your names that's there's no incentive for me to do that so much easier for you for everybody I already had it is it is what it is you want actually you got to put the bag out got to buy a bag remember we use looking at you don't throw it in so you're gonna need someone to get out of your usually they put it put it back in the barrrel dump it again keeps the town cleaner on Wy days usually that's another big issue with because we've been having trash all over the place for too many years Lemstone never has a problem with trash BRS fall oh yeah no oh so they're going to fall over there as well as here up on Elm Street across there is not a good argument not a good argument anything will fall over but it's most likely to have these fall over than some of the stuff I see on the side of the road just saying trash Falls over trash not a good argument not a good argument Gavin what do you got you're down there any other there's a lot of questions that we need to go over that whole thing with like on the totto barrels like how are you going to distribute a new a new one if somebody breaks one what happens you what keeping the records for them are you keeping records as well as k for these so if somebody calls if K calls and says we needed um replacement barrel at so we'll say One Main Street yeah then we get a email or whatever and we when we deliver it we usually write the number of the barrel send it back to oh okay so she knows what about we delivered there okay and I'll update the database where where are you getting the um projected Tage for recycling in trash this 198 that's what we came up with on my computer or uh system for last year up to date I forget what much we did we went from I we picked something January to January like my only concern I think it's higher than that yeah you think he is I do I think I think we pull numbers that can you can you guys excuse me for just a minute I just want grab remember off hand Gavin what uh no I asked for all these numbers yeah did we get is it in the no no we had that last time didn't we oh I think we had that last time what did we have last time the uh a tipping no no tipping fee no no the Tipping weights that we had last year so we can I mean well I should say I did but we pulled them off the computer and that's that's what I said we buil always in our College [ __ ] happened too yeah I thought it was 19900 some reason I thought it was more than that how much rough estimate how much do you think we could save in trash tonnage if more people would not throw food scraps composable food scraps in there that's a good question I don't know what the average is on that and obviously every town is different Townsen I have no idea I wouldn't even know where to Guess that something something that's hard to figure out would be just more of a what's a typical house average on you know food waste and then figure that out by how many units you guys have you know it's kind of hard to know look up an average on I mean if there's just a I didn't know if you kind of just knew a general because that I feel like in my house that would cut out a fairly significant amount you know 5 to 10% at least weight right um and and we compost a little bit but not as much as I would like in a five family house um cuz where I think our dilemma here is that we can only go so far on a five-year contract and I'm fairly certain that the difference between what this contract looks like and what the contract was at the end of last year is going to scare enough people in town to not approve any vote at all which isn't where we want to be I don't feel which is why we have preferred a three-year contract because we can at least vote on it as a board uh that's the that's my first major issue is looking at the numbers and trying to work with you guys on how we can get creative to make this not such a big jump um that's the going to be the toughest thing because the next turtle is the the three versus fiveyear piece so we if if the number wasn't such a big number we could go we could go to the town and say vote and I would feel confident that something would push through that would also require a lot of work on our part to come up with some creative ways to make the initial number less than what it is granted we're going to have to deal with numbers as they come right based on tonnage you know changes of know seasonal pattern and all that crap so that's the first major issue that I the first hurdle that I think that we need to figure out a plan on how to attack yeah and one way would be um if we can get more uh composting in town and reduce the wa waste tonnage it's couldn't be hard sure it is sure there's a ,000 $50 you're not supposed to pick the trans but you do anyway what's that I said you know supposed to pick the trash up at they not recycle it but you do anyway so that gives them no incentive to recycle well that's also on us because we don't we don't really do anything about it either we need we haven't been good partners on that at all right we can do better there yeah I don't I know you guys don't want to pick up more than what you should anyway I'm sure you get dinged on the other end of that anyway and now we're going to get dinged right in the pocket so we got to kind of come up with a creative solution on all fronts on how I I do like starting out with a smaller toor for Waste to reduce the cost right up front um I think also we need to have some sort of a plan where we show households purchasing the toor on their own versus putting it in a contract that the town has to pay for through taxes just to show what that looks like that's going to be awful awward because his intention if I'm not mistaken like others around is to have these trucks that take the specified size TOs and if we let these people just put out their own TOS that don't fit on the truck no no no they no no no that's not what I'm saying at all okay CU I hear you saying they Supply their own totter still okay purchase indirectly everybody is purchasing these on a f Finance plan because it's going over five years how much is a totor roughly oh man 75 bucks yeah they're not quite 75 bucks well go 7 so if every household that's picking up trash has one year to pay the $150 for the two totter they're going to need we can take that money right out of this Finance plan how many people are going to go along with that though we that's something we're gonna have to vote on that right and we can put that in a vote yeah I I think we have to get creative in that way so the only problem with that is I'm putting the total barels as a labor so now if everybody doesn't have one now I need a guy in the back I don't have that guy in the contract other words so like two guys to a truck the the barrel is replacing basically a guy that's on truck so if you guys have um the homes buy their own while we're Wai they be buying them from you we're not going to go no we're going to buy the ones you not go to home people and buy your own trash oh yeah no no I know that but everybody's not going to buy one you know that I know no this would be a this would be a let's get as many people to buy them as possible if right there too many PE people there's a lot of people out there that just use trash bags they won't even buy a barrel there's a lot of them out there making them mandatory to buy barrels is a good idea but it's going to cause a lot of flack that could cause this vote for a five-year contract to go I'm not paying for trash barrels even though they are they're not going to like it I mean what we could do is we could possibly go to 50 54 gallons of trash 6 48 4 48 48 48 gallons of trash but big families are going to get screwed on that because they're going to end up buying all the trash bags like me you you forget about you don't even live time but I mean I have a 64 gallon trash bag Barrel I put one to two bags in a week that's it I just bought it because when I buy a TV I could have someone that's your household though that's not the average household no I know town of pound right and we're here to support the resident correct yes so I've heard this story now for over 12 years and we're still sitting here with our feet in the mud not knowing if it's going to dry up or get more water on it right and it doesn't matter what we do we're going to have a conflict we're going to have people are not happy right so we have to do what we have to do the best way to satisfy the majority's needs when you can't satisfy everybody's needs makes sense so and trash is trash it's coming every day it doesn't go away yeah there is no BL bills anywhere that are open we don't have much option and once again this has been a repetitive situation for too many years it's time to make something happen my question to you is how's your uh transfer station coming so so subject today so I'm going to say with not very well not not well right now when it opens someday yeah so will that change the price of my contract no um that contract is based on that right now that's why I'm a little up sythetic well that's not quite what I was hoping for for an answer be like yeah we can cut $100,000 I guess I guess if you guys want to get creative and a threeyear contract give me a week ibe I can come back with something yeah I'll do more more in depth like we got to do more in depth yeah so like the first go around like a new house they just build a new house on Main Street do we do give them the bows you make them buy no they're going to have to buy they're going to have to buy I think we're going to have to go because everybody else in town is buying them they they're going to have to if you're going to make people buy them then why are we putting it into a contract we sell everybody to buy them no J I understand where they come from I'm just saying like so everybody in town right now is paying for in the taxes for these barrels as a new house comes in do they they are you guys going to make them purchase there taxpayers and we got a town policy that we Supply trash barrels to you you get one set if you screw them up you damage them you buy the next one that's fair yeah actually Jim is right on that Gavin because we're going to say go to the 3,400 barrels that counts for new houses coming in they were already paid for by the taxpayer so someone just gets [ __ ] lucky it's a distribution thing so somebody builds a new house in two years they still get their tot it's a deal on that yeah they get the first ones for free and after that if they break them they got pay for that's across the boards in my opinion Glen um let me ask you this please um the private roads that you have where everyone brings their trash and recycling down to the end of the street do you see most of that in bags do you see that in barrels yeah it's mostly it's it's a mix it's a mix okay is something that we're going to have to cross the bridges and we get to them because there's going to be people with a different opinion wanting different things and we have to be here to to to resolve the issues the best we can so that everybody's treated equal yeah you're not going to please everybody yeah don't want to complain they going to complain whether they got a purple brown or black true then just so I can put it um preference on colors the lids it doesn't matter blue for recycling keep the other one same color as the barrel just something distinctive so that your guy will know which one he's grabbing our people will know which one to put the stuff in well the recycling cover should have you know recy stuff whatever the cheap that what the cheap that's what I was ask the cheapest CU like the black Lids are um the cheaper like a red orange are more expensive same with the barrel call it a mix it's like it's recy I think they call black black Sparkle yeah no 30 32 was uh I a quest but we like you said everybody gets the 64 if they want to change I'm going to have to going to have to buy I was just curious how the money would you think what do you think how many people would want a 32 roughly that would be more your guess than ours I don't see the trash everywhere I know there's all different size trash barels out there there even the dreaded 96s which are illegal as hell but they're still out there and um I mean Ju Just A a poll on my street yeah I would say that 60% of the houses just on Gilchrist which isn't it's a mile long a half half mile long I would say 60% could get away with a 32 and 40% would need something a 48 or larger yeah most of my most of my neighbors are not full families with kids so the same way har is the same we can certainly start putting um deers out on social media we can put a Sign Up Genius I can put we can have the solar sign please take the survey um and get a general idea from the residents where we're still on to's website that they have they have their Barrel site each one because it would be nice if you had a picture if you're going to put on social media we should put the barrels oh absolutely what I'm hoping is for Earth day where we have a booth on Saturday is to have the two totes there and also have a sign up sheet right there this is what's coming which one do you want be thousands of people that will go through the Earth day and it would be really good to have the actual totter there I know it's a city discussed here the I've been doing the city of L for 10 years I've never bought a 32 gallon tote yeah I just keep swapping them in and know some people want some people don't do do you have like your own barrels that you use for there or no they have their own the floran or whatever it was cuz no no no well they have their own now just double stamped City like the city oh cuz my son still got the old ones FL that well yeah they're on they're going on after 15 years on the stes W so a lot of those ones mostly the blue ones yeah the blue doesn't hold up all in the sun yeah even the lids hey hey hey on a second how many trash Bells do you guys go pick up without lids on a lot yeah I put Lids on it I explain to you why I have looked on my trash BR yes because I don't want them sitting out there overnight raining 4 Ines of rain so you guys can't pick the trash BRS we we yeah we love guys like you just like the guy that puts the lid on it after it's got 6 in of water in cuz they haven't had it on all week and that doesn't the scale at the the dipping Shak care water Sol so do those things have dras in them to dry out to trash so Jesus no vents on the bottom vents on the top something they want to keep the flies in or out we don't know so so you only allowed to pick up trash the day before it rains after you got away to week yeah then you leave the lid open he wash washes them up so all right I'll I'll go back to that and then um I'll have to I'll have to just when I'm doing it I'll have to email you the questions that I need answered okay and then you can go through them want to do it that way sure that's that then I can nail it all down all the way that yeah okay you were you were um were very close with our recycling numbers I actually have her tonage for recycling 745 and you had 850 so uh and I had 2,50 um tonage for trash and you had 1,900 so all right so so say 2,000 so 2,800 Still Still basically the same and I just want to really make sure that we're Focus my number should equal your numbers and that's Aus they should be and that is calendar and then while I never spoke to anybody in Gardner you do you talk to the b h in Gardner no really I'm just curious how they are 48 wor cuz I know in G they do 48 Shirley does 32 right for trash they do a smaller size so GNA does 48 and they do 96 recycling but they do the recycling every other week yeah I fill up my 54 gallon every single week yeah every week I think 64 is what how what would that change if we did recycle every other week just the PIP of that not really much well You' need a lot more dumpsters at the recycle yeah then you probably have to go to a 96 gallon total or should just increase price bar yeah okay so now we got to have another meeting is soon as she's prepared with the next have to come with questions so it's going to be all right so we got the T and like how many barrels like what do we need to put out there I I I want to work with um Vicki and get the la4 report that we generate every year for recycling dividends actually has how many single families how many two families how many three families so and that's where we actually get the 3,400 number but I really want to go in there and make sure and we going up to four families is it four families up to three families three right Y what else so does everyone want to come back this time next week Tuesday no I could have told you that one got a meeting scheduled on the already do you wanna do you think that we could have something by the 8th that's that's next Monday that's Monday okay how's that gevin creative that's the eth okay I can be here that night well you're already going to be here because that's our meeting day what that's our meeting day that was for the 15th the next regular meeting 15th is holiday I'm going line dancing that night I can't be here right I'm going line dancing I went the eth no that's what my phone says but I don't know what it's going to be that was the 15th actually 15th is tax day it would be the 8th and 22nd I think the 19 that's right yes next meeting 48 and um we have curbside trash update so it's already right there so we can just continue this Monday and we'll work with emails you you work with me and I'll make sure that everybody getsa you give me that exact if we can pretty within within reason because we're going to order a couple hundred extra anyways or 100 extra you're trying the number of households we have yeah yeah dwellings right dwellings yeah families in town yeah okay and then just throwing it out there will we all agreed on like or you guys going to agree on 2 64s are we going to try to like want me to talk to God them see how they make out with the 48s think people can get away with a 48 gallon in town I think the 48 G would be the right way to go that's my opinion yeah and then 64 for recycling and I would I like that we should be pushing to that anyway they're also going to get a little break on the grants too if you go to 48 you'll get some money back from cars that would be nice I mean it's going to be really tough like mine to to do that but going to end up buying a lot of extra bags what do you say a 96 gallon recyclable no because if you're it's really not going to help with the what happened with the Overflow bags now when there's a bag on the ground and you got truck somebody's getting out pick it up and that's why we don't want too many of those but yeah well within that's why I'm just saying I don't you don't want people buying them you know you don't want somebody have to buy two bags every week that's noid that's what I'm gonna be I'll be at that for so right 64 is the yeah is it I mean we we're doing pickup right now like is there any way we can get a a quick tally on I mean if you drive around most people I think I see 64 55 60 Gall 64 Gall I did trash I did too when I did it's not so we're better off to do the two big ones to start anyway they won't know by tipping weight eventually if they're actually putting in that much trash or if it's less it's going to get be well you don't want you don't want to have a 5year contract and go out with 64 gallons then the end of the 5year contract say oh wait a minute we're going to buy 48s oh no these are this is a 1520 year plan it's a longterm G yeah because they should last you should get I mean they're warranteed for 12 but I mean lemes get abused those is abused the 15 16 years now now is there is it would it please the board to think of um maybe adding another 48 for larger families and have them PID they additional one it would be over the 64 but not as much over and at least that gives them the option of buying another 48 Galls they could have two 48 Galls for the large families then you're also having the rest of the to pay for that excess trash so that's another thing I was going to ask you is if you wanted to do that so let's just say we go 6 uh 48s and he needs another one don't he doesn't just pay for the barrel he should pay extra for the extra that he's going to put in it I don't think I don't got in all directions standard scenar may you know what I'm saying I don't know how you would do that though yeah I don't well I almost like I almost think we should stay what we're at as far as the 64 gallons of trash and we went down a lot if you remember when I came it was unlimited there was no trash limit really was none and then we had I was a guy in the back wait a I remember those days when was the last time you were on the back of the truck I want to see you Friday morning I want to see you Fray morning my another thing about the barrels I think we're overlooking a little bit is if everybody got their liend around the side of the road the woods are going to shed all the moisture coming down so we're going to be cutting the chipping feed just by keeping the water out of these barrels because I don't have a cover on mine I'm serious I'm not going to deny it so time it rains of Snows that's going right back for tipping fees so by having these covers I hope you have the big one I just got fixed but I got 10 more years no big one for me um what does it look like for the next contract concerning toor well we don't even have numbers just typ no just type do you mean now like let's say we said yes to this contract we all agreed next contract out of the totter plan you guys would have already bought them so we own them the only thing that whoever would be paying is if one broke or new house or something like that so they'd be they' have to figure out some sort of a small budget for yeah that's on our own to pay for that um which we can certainly separate that in a different line item with the yeah with the budget we can do that I just I just wanted to make sure there was no any any other fee or any like there's a tipping fee for weight right is there a yes there's not like a pick up the totor fee or like that on top and um if there's any I know so our meetings on Monday but if if we can get the question before the meeting so can I'm going to try to do this tomorrow I'm try to work on this tomorrow you get I know we have a meeting tomorrow at one again in aost so you picking up trash no no I think I got to get my my ducks in a row here okay any other questions before I I can't think of any we need all these answered we might have a few at the next meeting but that won't be quite as difficult right okay all right thank you soon soon the better with those as soon as I walk out of this room and then keep in a straight line don't let them screw up anymore I'm try I want to see you Friday morning on the back of that truck picking up my trash B I always have to go when you know it's raining or snowing and someone calls out I'll be out there what up on th I know I I don't know that's like you said you w get your trench in this weekend don't worry I got projects lined up we just can't get them done all right guys thank you very much appreciate it the thing with the five-year contract too is he doesn't give you numbers for the last two years that's hard to post to a town that uh be like well we don't know what it's going to cost you know three years from now we got to go and renegotiate per tipping weight you mean yeah well it says market price market price which would be anything by then yeah we should probably have that locked in yeah I think that's only fair to have that locked in instead of being that's like having a variable rate yeah well I I kind of might remember a little different and I would not be surprised if I did let me know when you're done so I can get that stuff but I thought he was going to pick up half the trash barrels when first started talking about that now what he was going to pick up half the cost of the trashs because he this benefits him more than it does us that's what I was saying the other day like because he was going to pick up half the trash BR cost we were going to pick up the other half now we're picking up all of it yeah which I'm not a fan of because that only helps him that does nothing for us but cost us money no it's that's what I was saying the other day was that we've gone to a tipping fee yeah versus unlimited right and we've gone to having to finance the totor as a town yeah it's all on us and he he's losing an employee on the truck which saves him 40 Grand a year or 50 Grand a year whatever that is plus insurance and all that [ __ ] so well I hope he's not paying this the guy in the bag of the truck 25 bucks an hour whatever the yeah prevailing wages in Massachusetts is that a prevailing wage position are you sure about that yes it is yeah yes it is yeah any contract that covers Massachusetts is prevailing wage there a state contract or town contract prevailing wage it's like all the buildings that they they build are all supposed to be paid out except the ones that Al Hill Al Stone did because those are private Investments but like the fire station that we paid for was prevailing wage the high school was prevailing wage you know any of the roads are prevailing wage so this is prevailing wage also well just still shits and gigles let's see if Google knows what it is hey Google what is the prevailing wage or trash pickup in Massachusetts see what happen is there electricians doesn't really give me that I don't know if we can get it or not doesn't give that tells you all about it but doesn't give you the actual numbers so I can't tell you what that is right now guys just get your description doesn't really give you the uh the actual numbers all right can can I ask a couple of questions yes absolutely for us yes can can we ask Carla to put some numbers together for us for our next meeting so we have something to look at we're kind of we're kind of like running around in circles a little bit and I think we need to get a little organized yeah um I was hoping to have these numbers today um so I'm just going to ask like a straight up question can we get a comparison of last year's contract versus hypothetical year one do you not have to copy broken out broken out yeah into last year's applying the Tipping fees that we would be paying to last year's contract to see what the base of contract price would be for that one for for last year so we can compare that to item line number one the would you have to go back two years on that gin because you have to prepare the two years previously to find out the difference to go forward to this number here to find out how much that just one year is not going to give it to us but going back on it that's fine we can go two years are you all I can can we get these numbers for next week please I'm going to give you the the numbers okay what I I'd like to see is a compare a comparison of our last contract versus the last contract the previous two years versus the hypothetical year one contract for 2024 if we took the Tipping weights and remove the hypothetical cost from the previous year's total what exactly does that mean gevin so last year we our contract was 755 yes we should have that contract here you don't need it just take the 750 just take the 755 right and the previous tipping weights to try and add up how much try to figure out what the what the base rate would have been for the prior contract I can tell you I can tell you what year one and two and three lump sus were right but which they were very very nice number great oh my you understand what I'm saying I do yes Carlo do you understand what I'm saying on that not really but I I think I will understand it um once I once I on it's dry so just take the tonnage actually just I'll do it if you can just get me the tonnage per quarter for the previous two years trash tonnage and recycling okay I can do that a last contract the number of households was 3233 I don't know I don't know what it is now 3233 was last year there only no that's that was our contract number of houses that was from three years ago so I don't know what we're up to now I imagine could G A much maybe 10 households a year yeah I think this last year is that something I could run next door real quick and find out from them no Carla knows CU we had the nine this past year we had nine well there's an la4 report which shows all the households and I just don't have it with me certainly go in my office and get it in two seconds sure yeah AB okay and I think in the future I'm probably going to bring my laptop to keep running back and forth so I can get in the server so when you ask me this I can just pull it up yeah I want to see what the increase is on the the base of the contract is it the just I just need to know and then to see hypothetically where the Tipping fee per ton is and if try to figure out if they have any wiggle room on that tipping Fe per ton because we don't have anything to reference that number off of that 105 no uh before that contract I think probably the last one you did Jim before this last three years ago those were all tipping fees right there were no flat basically it's it's been the synopsis of everything to roll over and be the way it was but where Gavin's going which I agree with is to look at the previous two years see what they how about the difference with in the two years and then look at what projected is see where it's going to go and I will also add that now with the new totter in place those tipping fees should go down because we're not going to have all that water weigh lot of a lot of water gets weighed on bad weather days here in this town that has to be a bonus that can't be a yeah let's go to town with the projection that we're going to have less weight because we're saving on water weight and well it's difficult to um specifically figure it out but there is I'd say that over the course of the year there's probably 5 to 7% of water weight that goes into I don't I don't disagree but we can't go no we can't but just to realize that that's in the back of our head to look at what the future is going to be with covers on all these tots for the first time that have I only two for the year I don't want to make phone calls to you total 30 3929 partial count so 2920 is the single family houses okay 102 I believe is the duplexes which is 248 and then the 13422 294 762 these are the ones that I really have to ask her to show me exactly which ones they are so but this is this is giving you an idea so I mean right at the 2920 and the 248 you're already at 3200 right there yeah but there's a thousand difference between what's that number right there that's 3929 but that's not all that's that's got chapter land see it's got land in there so we need to know whether their dwellings and whether they qualify under the single family two family or three family who knows that Vicki titman is she here um she would have to actually go through the 10232 106 all all 2 94s but I can see she might be able to give us a a little better of a rough number like if we can get within like 10 or 20 is better than a th yeah half of this I don't have a degree in anything I can't read this sheet I think some of the people that write these can't read them well I don't know what the difference between a property type 104 and 105 is you know what I mean yes I do I know exactly what you meant all I can do is go 39 29 minus 23 and 28 still 3,800 houses or properties and on taking out the land Vicki is not there Jody say it's going to take a while for her to compile the information but she'll when she can and I'm sorry where are we getting a th 3929 okay thank you thank you still 3800 something if you take off the land did you take off the 3318 and 11 land already Yes okay it's 38 some change it's 3878 3878 yeah okay so that information hi what can I do for you how do we read this it's the la4 report so I brought you guys this these are the DLS Everything Is Broken Out by oh that's what these numbers mean that's correct oh that'd be nice though so let me I can go print off just these pages that explain what the codes are well what they want is how many houses are getting trash picked up that's what we want to know oh I have no idea they're single families two families and three families so need to know exactly how many of those are here I know that this is single family homes right here I'm pretty sure this is two families 102 are condos 248 oop sorry yeah 248 a condos that's a condos okay well those are not included so we can take those out because those are not included with the trash contract what is this 13 misscellaneous 103 109 103 is mobile home okay so that's not 109 is is multiple houses on one parcel so those would probably be like the two families or accessory Apartments okay is differentiated for you guys is there any way to determine out of that how many of those 13 are accessory caret I don't I can try to see if Vicki can break it down I don't know if I know how to but I can look into that okay okay what about the next one the 42 for 104s that's two family okay so we'll include those and that's are three families okay and then these are 11 is those are Apartments these are Apartments again comes out 130 1 so those are yep 1 2 125 yep those are all those come 200 to 231 I think you are in 200 is that's zero okay so you got 300 through three uh 93 [Music] 300 land 300 hotels motels in nursing homes private hospitals and what will to go to yeah so those come out and the some of them are Office Buildings and that runs into that but I don't know that's a private I don't know how you guys do that no no we don't pay for that okay okay so we're looking at the 2920 the 13 but it's going to be broken out the 42 and the 12 yeah did I miss anything what about 400 and 429 there a00 are manufacturing ohse what else for number 400 well that was just four 400 yeah yeah 400 so all right we go to 02 to 43 that be 12 the beginning well what is it let see what the classification code is okay so it says anything with the the zero in front of it is multi-use um but that one let me I'm going to have to look that one up look that one up because that's not clear to me okay let's go to five one five I think are all commercial or industrial let's confirm that yeah all personal property so that is 501 that's commerci you said that is individuals partnership associations trust limited liability companies and all right so but so all the 500s are up pretty much yep those are all businesses personal property all right so now we the only other thing is the land are all out obviously because there's nothing on them I what the um 61 those are that's just that's my yeah that's so those don't count so we'll take those out on see well those are farms not yeah those don't count for us to pick up treasure we you don't what what what if there's a a farm it's a residence yeah so see that I don't chapter 61 is forestry 61a is I think that is a that's Agriculture and horiculture and then the chapter 61b is recreational open space could a the a is farms and those are farms in town that would be but that would include the field not necessarily with the house so necessarily the house but it could it could yeah so we don't know okay so there's another 28 okay we put that 2 back in all right so if we add these all up now let's see actually and what was 130 through 32 and 106 what was that classification again vacant land in a residential zone or accessory to residential parcel okay why is the same 28 18 14 and 33 difference between well this is the carel so I can again I I'm G have to check Vicki I'm new here not that new but new enough that I'm not the guy that does this I wonder if um that's the um the difference between houses and the just the open land but I don't know that I would have to check with Vicki to see what what is the difference between those two numbers here I'll leave you this that gives you all the codes in that front of that so that way if you forget anything there they are and if you want me a copy of car I I'll take you tonight thank you okay thank you you want them so what I did Gavin just a what's your rough number I added 20 as far as the land goes for Farms instead of 28 I don't know exactly how many we're still at 3255 3255 yeah which is pretty close to what Glenn had I think right I don't have that one you have that he has 3200 right yeah so I mean maybe the the last three years that's that's probably 50 new in the L three no I mean of a crappy guess yeah I don't know whaty like as far as the farm L goes I threw in 20 of the 28 having a house on yeah I could be off by 105 so we're close with What Glenn had for some of these Farmers have parcel that AR connected to the actual farm right so so that and your other two back numbers now Gavin are you happy with that for the next meeting no I need a tipping weights tipping weight I thought that's what we were going to do with those members for the previous two years yeah well she didn't she didn't take those out yet that's okay no we'll get them at some point yeah that's okay we could she can just send to him sometime during the week and Y let them all as long as I just I can add them up by next Monday that's fine did you get our our shirts and everything from the town office you want me to go get them sure I don't know if they're for you or not I I'll go find out I don't know where they are well apparently the they used APPA money to buy everybody Town t-shirt so I'm just curious if that includes us also or it's just employes do you know I know this shirt upstairs with your name on with my name is there any other K here no no it say hiter just said oh they like they're like gas station attendance church no they just they got a logo on it they don't have you name on it's a hosted note stuck to a couple of shirts posted note after okay okay no Post-it Note with my name on it and then the shirts under it it's not that they have Carla on them right correct okay is it P next Monday name yes okay y hopefully he'll come back with a three year contract that's only going to raise it the cost for the trash B we got to talk to him about that because I swear he said that he was going to pick up half the cost of the trash BRS maybe if he went in with a 10 year contract he might but and that's and that's I believe the um contracts that he speaks of with um Garder and dunable are 10year contracts to absorb the cost of the dots any he yes with them they're 10e contracts he has those contracts yes which makes it a lot easier to disperse a large amount of money that's over 10 years versus five I don't know how well I mean I think the town would look at it and go oh that's great we don't have to worry about this for 10 years just I don't know where the money to pay for this is that's oh that's it we're getting to the point where that's their problem yeah thank you oh no it's definitely going to be their problem but I can't guarantee you they're going to look and go we just can't do this we don't have the money they don't have much of an option well this this is what I don't want to have happen is yeah if if you have to go and talk to them yeah I want you to understand intimately where all the numbers are coming from that's a good idea yes because that I wouldn't want to have to go talk to them not knowing right oh yeah the more information better so whe whether we end up here back again or not right it doesn't matter number-wise what matters from my point of view of this board is that we understand what's happening I don't understand what's happening on this bit proposal so I just want to understand everything before we tell everybody else either yes or no the number may be the number right that and and at the end of the day that's fine I just want to know why and I would like to be able to answer questions pertaining to what the numbers are sense I like you way than you great job yeah okay so we we'll look at it uh hopefully having your numbers for you so you can you know I I I just want to know how much our annual is jumping up sorry guys that's okay do you need me to lock the office um sure all right thank you sorry good is he the real building inspector or just a rental no he's a real one oh he's here on Tuesdays and Fridays nice right is he doing both Town INR is he yet there's no building inspectors to be had yeah I know who wants to do that who wants to do that job somebody's G nobody's getting into it nobody wants to pay them and everybody wants to blame them and they hand time the board to help them nobody wants to pay us there's a not all of us know exactly what we're doing not all of us have 20 years experience like you do yes you're 100% correct Gavin and I appreciate everything you're doing to get these numbers finalized um I have about two more experience yeah that's not easy but a building inspected should know what they're doing well there's a building inspector and a Building Commissioner the commissioner has more power than the building inspector more experience yeah it's more hand gone yeah they also have no more rules and whatnot because Bentley is a commissioner so it's it's it's building industry especially in Massachusetts I don't know about other states but boy these kids are not getting involved I don't know what people are going to do that's with a lot of things a motion to absolutely close the absolutely motion to I second it all in favor I I I so close gonna be meeting with