today is Monday April 8th 2024 at 6 PM it's the meeting of the Board of Health can I get a roll call Gavin buyers and Chris noell Jim is absent today uh additions deletions we have one you can delete item 1.6 there are no other septic perits okay great all right and I just I wanted to add uh just a quick discussion about the McDonald septic system thank you yeah okay um one second Rick can you turn that TV up at all I can barely hear him don't worry when you get to my Edge you'll understand you don't hear as well as we used to wow try it again Rick you want to say something yeah uh so I wanted to add McDonald's discussion on there yeah that's fine go ahead bud you're up so did you want to do that first then yes please I would like to get that out of the way so I I did send it all out to you guys but I got a complaint about the septic system over there um I went out and inspected and it was in pretty bad failure so it was um coming out of the the ground uh where the leeching trenches are uh so just beyond the back of the the parking lot uh so I sent out the order to correct I know they hired Mike Whitmore to kind of do some leg work and uh Dillis and Roy ised supposedly putting a plan together um and and there's some um effort to kind of expedite it so uh I just wanted to give you a heads up that if I do get those plans I want to try to review them as fast as I can and then if possible if we could get two people together for you know quick meeting to try to get that approved or um you know if there aren't any variances if you guys are okay with me signing something out a meeting then I'd like to get them that permit so that they can get going on it uh if it helps you the uh drawing is here with us right now no it's not that's not the McDonald's one no no oh never mind oh that's that's the fire station fire station yeah okay sorry Rick if I can just interrupt for a second we did uh sent out a proposal today it did come back signed uh around lunchtime today so we we are going to be doing that job okay does it look like there's going to be any baranes I think it's going to be a straight I talked to Rick about this last Friday I think it's going to be a straight remove and replace of what's there sounds like there was probably a lack of maintenance on the new owners behalf uh shortly after the old septic system was put in in 2011 sometime between 11 and 15 the franchise was sold to another group and uh from what Rick says it sounds like it's a just a failure to okay think that's helpful inform for both of you that's helpful information for both absolutely I kind of figured that I think they changed owners a few years back right uh 15 I think there there was a a change in ownership there yeah yeah so the new owners came in and from what Rick and I had talked about it sounded like they they didn't do any maintenance on the tanks they weren't familiar with the whole setup so okay okay that takes care of that one go ahead K do Rick do you need a motion for us to allow you to sign that out of meeting no so what I'll do is um you know Chris can give me the okay as a chairman if if it has no variances if not then we would have to get together regardless so I'll um I'll figure out when I get the plans and then timing and then I'll I'll get together with with Chris and um and if we have to set up a meeting then then we'll try to coordinate that with Carla but um I don't need anything right now all right just kind of more of a more of a heads up than anything else y okay cool thank you okay let's uh move to uh 1.3 55 Old City Road upgrade with uh UA Local Lua so local upgrade approval um so you guys should have the plans there um so they are proposing to uh upgrade the system that's existing so same number of bedrooms which is three um they're changing the plumbing in the house to come out in a different location uh that'll go to a 1500 gallon SE two compartment septic tank and a 1,000-gallon pump chamber and then it's going to pump out to the back of the property where they've proposed a Presby uh leeching field uh they're requesting three local upgrade approvals uh so the first is use of a Civ analysis and Lou of a perk it was just uh too wet to perk at the time um so they took a soil sample and the perk rate ended up uh coming back at at 30 minutes an inch so that's what the design is based on um the other one is they're requesting a 1ot redu reduction in the groundwater offset um so four feet would be what the code would require uh they're asking for a four uh sorry a 3 foot um offset to groundwater from the bottom of the leeching field and then the last one that they're asking for is a reduction in the separation between the tank T's and the ground water um so 12 in is what's required and they're providing 10 in on the tank inlet uh 7 and 1/2 Ines on the tank Outlet 7 in on the pump Inlet and 5 in on the pump outlet and for that variance the code requires that the um connections have rubber boots or or that they're um sealed to be watertight so uh most tanks are manufactured with rubber boots at this point okay do you see those motion I did uh with that whole package there is a letter that requests those three variances but they're also down in the left lower leftand corner of the plan no I'll make a motion to approve 55 old city as with uh local upgrade approvals I'll second that all in favor hi hi okay that takes care of that one 99 Fitchburg Road septic with uh with upgrades sorry Rick yeah Jack is there right yeah you want to do my presentation uh 99 Pittburgh Road Leonard [Music] um yes set you're okay uh we have a three acre lot uh the only property line that we show is along the road here uh this goes way up in the back water tower sits up on top of the hill up in behind here we do have a waterline easement that comes right down through the property right now that uh is service from that water tower down to the main here and our client's water line is serviced off of that currently uh there's th gallon septic tank in this red area to a leech field out here that's in Failure we went out and did uh three test tools out in here we did have uh some very good soil but not a whole lot of it a lot of ledge out here in the three holes uh we did these two uh tried to do a perk test obviously the water table being too high we came up to do a third test hole here same thing so we decided to keep the system down in this lower area uh and we are looking for um local upgrade approvals number one 15 4518 reduction in the 5ot requ ired separation between the bottom of the system and the estimated seasonal high water table we're going from a five to a four uh 4051 i c analysis may be performed due to the water table uh it was extremely high we couldn't even find a spot to do the perk test so we did a Civ and it came back at a 2 minute per inch rate I included the Civ analysis in with the other package t uh with Rick um because there wasn't enough room on the plan to to do do that I didn't want to get a second sheet going uh 4051 J reduction of the 12in separation between the tank inlet and Outlet T's uh and the seasonal high water table we are actually less than 12 in uh due to the the high water table out here uh and number four um it's DP certification uh special conditions 3B if a reduction in depth of naturally occurring perious material layer is necessary a proposed reduction of 2T may be allowed in the four feet of naturally uh occurring perious material U and then 25 240i provided that has been demonstrated that no greater depth of naturally occurring perious material can be met anywhere on the site uh we can use the B Horizon so it's kind of a we can explain a little bit better maybe but I'm just taking the numbers right out of the title five so it's kind of a combination of what the state has allowed us to use uh in regards to policy and then use the uh special condition yeah to get the uh the two foot of naturally curring material beneath the system and then the other two feet we're actually building up with gravel so we're going to have that 4 foot offset so the plumbing right now comes out the back here there is another tie-in that's over here we propos it coming out the sidewall but what's going to happen is we're going to take it at the tie-in and come down this way so it'll be a little a little bit changed from from what the plan shows but it go to the 1500g two compartment tank th000 gallon pump chamber up to a Presby system in yellow uh question for you Rick y uh their pipes are going over the uh water line is that so they they've proposed to sleeve it um so it'll be a 6 in sleeve around that line and then um you know typically they'll use like some sort of an insulation to seal the ends so you just don't get your material coming in um but it'll be sleeved 10 feet each side of the water man okay thank you so we'll probably be going over the top of the water line with this so and again this this water Line's a pressure line This is gravity flow so yeah it's it's not like you have a well on site with a suction pump that you're yeah fting right so okay P SP sh what's that it's a bad spot for the shed kidding eement is such a pain in the butt well mine is no longer an eement mine mine is mine yeah because the high power Lin used to go through my ad which would end up being about that wide in the back with if they took the 504 went back but it's gone any questions have a motion make a motion to approve 99 Third Road with local uh second F hi okay oh oh this is the fire [Music] station okay let's go to 65 Main Street this is the old fire station in town Harbor area the church you guys are talking about is over here um it's going to be a fire station Museum currently there is some sort of a Suess pool or something out in this area plumbing is going to be redone so it comes out to a tight tank over here there is uh this ditch with the wetlands that does come underneath 119 and Brook H E brook maybe this book either way there's what ones associated with it so uh we are looking for uh 15451 a reduction of the required 25t setback it says of a septic tank from a BW bordering vegetated Wetland uh 12T setback uh of the tight tank is what we have proposed given the area that we have uh there's also a water line that comes in right in here so we have just 10 ft to that so we're kind of how big is your tank uh I think it's 3,000 gallons G 300 okay good size yeah um Board of Health towns and Board of Health regulation 13 septic tank to be located at least 100 ft from a flood plane Titanic is lo located 3 feet so this is I think it's a 272 Contour that wraps up into here that is the flood plane so everything that side of it floods everything this side of it is Upland but obviously we can't get here's your 100 foot away from the from the buffer zone here um and then towns in the the Wetland regulations article uh 152 K7 uh minimum 35 foot buffer uh vegetated buffer along wetlands and water bodies required and I think they approved that last week y conservation yes so it's now a museum it's not going to be a fire station anymore huh that's yeah that's what we've been told oh wow what's the sum pump do you know anything about the sump pump do you know anything about that sump pump on that plane Rick um so they say remove and plug drain pipe at wall so I'm assuming that was probably one of the requirements of the Conservation Commission that they couldn't pump that right into the brook there so they were pumping out of the building in that's what it looks like based on the location I'm glad they're not doing that anymore I'm surprised and yeah we so we had dug the one test hole you can see it it's 10233 to the right of the fire station hoping that maybe we would get some really nice material to be able to squeeze something long and skinny in that area um the gas there is a gas line there that's dead we actually hit it when we were digging the hole um but they've got the new line proposed right there um but we just we hit 5et of fill and once we hit that we knew it was kind kind you know not going to work out so great just with the the minimal area and so that's when we decided that you know tight tank was probably the best um solution for this this site um it's it's going to be capped at a 25 person capacity so that was uh after discussions with the um the applicant The Building Commissioner um so we came up with that 25 people so the flow is pretty low it's uh 125 gallons per day um it's 5 gallons per day per person for the museum um which is well under what it previously was as a fire station um you so it's it's still there were some questions as to whether it it met the upgrade requirements and it it would because it's not above above and beyond the previous design capacity for the site and then um what's going on top of the tank how we finishing is that just finished to gra grass SED or is it it's broken pavement and gravel now Rick is that now it's it's like a concrete driveway um so I'm not sure what they plan to to put over it but it is H20 rated so it's it's rider for vehicle traffic um so they they could do a parking area if they needed to I did see that age does it say who the owner is uh Town Town towns and owns it and we're the African is the towns and Fire EMS relief Association okay yeah okay give me a motion make a motion to approve 65 Main Street Bar second all in favor I I theone thank you your car thank great we see you later see you later later okay a good night um this looks different one I got in the mail did you guys need me for anything else I don't believe so Rick okay all right have a good night unless you want to get uh into town and start picking up trash on uh Earth Day oh I can't hear you that's okay thanks Bill we got check one okay well I know that Rick added the septic perment at the end um what are you looking for I'm just going to check only take a sec did you see the minutes if you like to read something about us going into executive session no that's okay it's all right all right so let's do 1.7 GW [Music] show no no I so it's been rough but we pulled all the tickets to make sure so um we had 1,900 T trash we came up with yeah previously we came up with 22 so we put down 2300 on the sheet okay thank you just okay now recycling was 820 it was like 800 so we put 820 that that was from July of 22 to June of 23 the summer of 20 because that would be horrible okay and this summer though it was ringing so with saying that yeah I did get um the trash on edge number to come down a little bit M but with the extras what extras with the extra tonish didn't help you got one for Gavin and then this was for the uh the dumpsters like that those are just what they are the police station and all that curious as hell this new museum is that getting a dumpster I don't know no we went through this with the old fire station remember the the new one that's right over here behind us because they didn't put one in and then we didn't have a concrete pad for it so we definitely have to ask them what their thoughts are because they don't want I can't imagine that they would need something Museum right that's just to store that old truck over there and Rehab the building that's all that building and once a year there's going to be 30 people that walk through it along with the church across the street that's all that that oh that all that that's for that's all that that's for but what I and and I didn't um know the plans for the fire station but the fire station um holds multiple catering events for training and whatnot so they needed a dumpster and the the one right up right behind um right next to Dunkin Donuts the one that's right here yes and they never they never put in for one so when they asked for one I said well you would have to pay for do don't you remember that and like well so I would really like to be sure but you're right I can't imagine that it's providing it stays a museum and it doesn't become the meeting Hall where so basically we're just looking at giving them two trash barrel which is fine no not even a trash barrel they can drive the trash in one of the trucks over to the dumpster behind this fire station and put it in there oh okay well how about the fire station that's right next door unfortunately next to the harbor unfortunately the name of it is a fire station Museum but it's owned by the town it's not owned by the fight about which would put it under the same rule as this building just it's that's my only concern I would just give a total barrel for trash and one for recyc and see how it works yeah and worse and they can put it out when they have it and worse after I'm dead and gone and you know Glenn's dead and gone they can figure out what they want to do next that 65 M Street yeah that's just one of you know I just want to be on top of things a little bit that's all so we will agree on that for now yeah so I'm still not done with this contract thing because we have a three year which I didn't change the numbers um I just don't know how to do the total battles if the town wants to buy them out right or willing to work with you guys all work let's say at the end of three years whatever the balance remains needs to either be paid or go on the next GR that's that's EAS I probably because you could do just give a put in it gets paid at the end of the contract because this this scares the hell out of me on how I would bid a contract at market price on a fiveyear contra but we can negotiate if you don't like it yeah you got a that's um oh there is a clause I could put in that is a clause like BL has one that he doesn't come up with a you decide can come up with a thing it goes back to the last years until it's you know while it's in negotiation if that happens is some type of wording yeah we can also we can also do the threee and then you know hopefully you guys will resign with us won't be me right you think I want to stay here forever young no it doesn't no it doesn't remember I'm reti yeah they don't have to do that anyway so um well maybe Gavin will come back and do that back in three years and do another contract but U gin I did like your thing on with the last meeting where we need to like push a little bit more with um some um education yes yeah I would love to see a collaborative effort at the Earth Day Fair where we talk about we have a poster with some numbers and we talk about saving the town money through composting Recycling and some of these other activities that saves you guys time money and energy when when is that Under Pressure it's well it's Earth um one of the things that I do want to bring up and it is in here is I had the opportunity of um buying a kitchen scrap buckets versus 50 to get them here on time and I got them for 5.95 a bucket versus $8 a bucket so if you really want to promote the composting I thought it was a proactive idea to have them available and ready yeah so they will be arriving in five to seven days what if what if we did some kind of a raffle to give we talked about that I think we should give the people that are interested in doing it yeah the best thing about and then watch those programs yeah sure well I asked my father the other day when we used to pick up the food was in towns he said it was about three to four ton of weight I would be surprised that's all and he said he's being conservative yeah you said when they first got it was a lot it dwindled out over the years towards the end but I bet you just and I'm a and we compost a little bit and I bet putting I bet you I'm putting 20 20 pounds in there a week just out of my house you told me oh I could be wrong maybe that was almost a d now we also have the president of black composting that is joing the recycling committee I'll have to reach out to him I was really just it's okay um um I was really hoping that AR was going to be on this call tonight um but I will reach out to her and and ask her what are her thoughts and reach out to him directly I haven't seen any communication from him but he once sworn in to be on the recycling committee this was your last year I talked to him a little bit okay it'd be nice to have him right so our next meeting is I mean Earth day is over our next meeting is 20 seconds it's too it's very late for any of this stuff we should have been talking about this stuff like in August we thought about it then you think we can come up with something for these guys what is today how about picking up half the C of the trash bar why do you laugh at that we went through this before to me it's the town owners everyone that lives here has a trash barrel we don't need to buy another one this helps you not me helps everybody no it doesn't labor insurance those are all you all but you still should pick up half the trash you should what do I do with 3,450 trash barrels I have to pay to get rid of them why would have what do you think people want 15 trash BS yeah serious no cuz then you're going to make money off of those too when they when they take them to the dump they going to do with them where do you think these are gonna go they're going to the dump the recycle center excuse me there will be one more meeting I'm sure with the recycling committee and it will be on Zoom if you'd like to participate with that and I can possibly send you an email and keep you up to date about what is going on uh I I the I feel the consensus has been to have it very visible with the totor the 32 gallon or the two 64s going 64 for a recycle 64 for the solid waste making sure the people are aware that it's not unlimited recycling that these totes will be theirs and when would we be looking at starting this program do we have any idea about telling them when is this going to happen well cuz the other thing is is the people who are moving in now I usually tell them to go buy a 64 gallon tote and I have a hard time telling them not right now knowing that and I and I am completely upfront with them because this is all public meetings that we are in negotiation so you might want to hold on um and and check the website in town government to see what's happening but there's a very real possibility that you might have ters provided to you Jesus um one of the things that we talked about with the grant Gavin is there's different um different strategies with how you want to go into the the implementation of the toter if you wanted to do buy all the toter at once flat fee that's $15 per household you get R off which would approximately be I think we said it was $330,000 it would be up it's up to 50 the cap was 40 but then if you phase them in then it goes down to $10 and then if you do a buyout it went down to only $5 so that's something that but we can't really fill out the Grant application until we have more information about what we're looking for so those are also things to think of I mean you're looking at 15 what do we say the barrels were about 60 70 yeah 75 I hoping it doesn't change it's all we need and then I have the list I also got the state contract was just to make sure that I know that you said that you're working with totes right okay um but that's that's where we are right now um and I the quote I have is for uh 3,000 it's going to somewh 3,456 of each one because that's complete four four complete trailer loads I told the guy I don't want one spot left onz getting a whole Trail you pay for shipping might as well have them full yeah and are we going to do anything about talking to the people about 32s or we just going to give them 64s for now and call it I think we for safety just do 64s I mean I don't I don't you know what that's going to cause a problem if you go oh yeah well that guy's got a 232s and you know it's it's going to be a pain in the ass this is this is new to us we got to kind of work it out I would do the 64s just do the 64s for now and then next contract maybe Glenn will be gracious enough because he's making 122 million spring for some uh some 32 this I wouldn't on I would reti over you reti anyway question please if if the homeowner decides thank you for the 64 gallon tote but I just don't want it and I'm going to use my own 32 gallon totes is the truck a dump which which kind of truck are you using so do they have to buy a certain type of 32 32s so you'll have 32 we'll have we'll we'll have to get but 32s or 48s that's I don't know do you guys want to go to 32s or do you want to go to 48s that's why I would bring discuss 64 I hate the 32s well which which type of truck do you have do you have the one that grabs the sides not the one that grabs the belt so you could actually grab I don't know if you can grab round ones you probably could I don't know if it's going to stay on the handle when you dump it you go there goes another trash BR people like the 32s because they like to be able to put them in the back of their vehicle and drive them down to the end of the driveway is 48 going to be able to fit into the back of a vehicle to drive them down we'll bring them down we'll have to bring them 32 um I would 48 something to think about to keep uh homeowners at the 64-gallon barrel is if I know you last time we talked with um the old people with such a big barrel bringing it down to the road I don't know if you guys thoughts on this is if they can't handle the 64 instead of doing like 232s you only toly them with one I don't know how much trash they would have depend it all depends on the type people that yeah we can't give you going to give 232s I don't know I I'm new at this I hate this whole conversation it's like I just think long driveway yeah you have like you have a long driveway you can't roll a I get it it's heavy it's a pain in the butt so that's you got to get rid of the trash how people are going to actually have long driveways too and just talking from my knowledge I feel like usually older people don't have as much trash because they're like you family five is it yeah they shouldn't have as much trash as like your family right so maybe that's where one barrel instead so the other we you either get a 64 or a 32 you don't get two 32 okay see I think that that's important to let the people decide I I really feel that I don't I don't want the elderly people feel that they're being shunned oh right right you expect just to so in order in order to do that now he's buying 64s and if he's got to buy 32s but I would I mean I to have that printed out well I have some of my own I I would use those see how many my concern was like that you oh my God I got to go buy 3,200 of those and then put towns and then number them or something no I don't see that at all yeah okay did the trash there was maybe 1% of the trash residents that had totes the only thing that you might have is like um recycling totes some people might want to where right but we talked about that being if you want to have so you you want to have unlimited recycling you can get an added car but it's going to cost you I don't think people will be upset with that I I don't I don't think people are going to go to to 64 gallons is a lot Yeah we actually cut down just by reducing like water bottles and okay that of stuff so we try to only cood Christmas time you gotta cut it up and now when someone let say someone would want another Barrel would they would you guys be building them or would that be something we would be building them I'm going to leave that to you CU you own the trash bar right right I think we're there in your no you said you got 32 they got to buy them from you but you have you're store them at your facility yes so if you're storing them then I'd rather have you do them yeah just because I don't see where we can store them no oh yeah we don't have anywh what if someone wanted an extra 64 Trail stick a trail we can all our trails are full refrigerators well we would store all the stuff I'm just that' be a monthly bill that that new home owner would and they probably they probably pick up half of it if you bought aund of them right so remember that now if I call them yes and they say yeah we'll pick up half the cost you bu a dozen it's not theirs right it's still well it will be theirs if they buy it if they buy it they own it we can't make it the towns that they paid for they would have would you let would you let them sell it back to you if they moved let's say somebody moved in they wanted an extra one they bought an extra 64 they paid you for it directly two years later they sell their house they've got a toor that they don't need anymore would you we can figure out something like that yeah that's nothing I was I was even going to say like there's quite a few people in town that bought our barrels yeah I see them I was gonna we were going to figure like a buy back because I mean I I do feel bad that they and we still saw on them so we'll buy those back can you reuse those same ones yeah damage all depends yeah as long as we can watch you can tell by looking at them anyway some people spray paint all over yeah we get hacked we getting the real news oh my God see the traffic oh my God it was nice and quiet in my front yard czy I drove up to O this morning to drop something off and on my way back there was traffic from conquer all the way to Manchester at like 9:00 wow wow I went to keing this morning on my way back Route 12 yikes it was a choo choo train from CH stop and go from Troy Center all the way down into keing I um a pencil went from being full here it didn't look any different than what it's going to look like this much darker yeah yeah yeah yeah I was expecting like pit black no because this happened what eight or nine years ago yeah anyway okay so all right so I think to make things easier I think we we should go with a threee because if we have to go before the town and then they look and then the Selectmen go hey you know by these prices we're going to have to get a two and a half override for this and everybody vot no and then you don't get a contract and we don't get trash pickup anymore I I can't even guarantee you then have assigned this contract right you know all we can do is negotiate with you as best we can which you still got to pick up some on the trashers I can't pick up all of them just pick up 10 bucks a barrel help me out come on why not we're still in negotiations right I let's go back I'll talk to the toad guy See's got see if he's got a grand or something I can apply for why is the why is the recycling center gone up $20 per ton for the new cont contract proposal okay cuz that's my CND pricing I can't get rid of CN right now well why are we taking CN D well that's what that's what the prices are the CN but we're not supposed to be taking CN but you have it on your thing don't you have a CN container no or you have clean wood clean wood it's not too clean okay but that's what I'm saying because we've been bringing it in and they've been charging us for CN okay like no no pressure treated well then we're just gonna have right right I mean if you cut that down I'm willing to honestly that's like that's negotiable to us especially if it can get clean we can we can definitely stop that um didn't know was problem so um definitely can fix that in the bulky waste no I mean that's another hard one to get rid of yeah that's the that's almost like C dat pricing bulky waste yeah so we're going to have to get a sign and say clean wood only yeah M what else was down there in the Plastics that's you don't haul that that often anyways oh the plastic plastic and that's that markets up and down all the time I can never give you a set price on that anyways so it says here that they have a construction debris I put that on there isn't it two clean wood ones no it's wood plastic two furniture oh the two Furniture ones yes two Furniture wooden plastic and no my question to you too is why did we lose our our what is it the the credit for the dump that's like a no I'm asking I'm I'm not being that but I mean took cred away put it towards the to B I was like I don't think you did I I really don't think you did so in other words you screwed us again no I didn't you did you took our money and gave it to yourself again you listen you're a business is there anything free what is it love I'd love to have you pick my trash expensive I wanted to say that but I was G you know your wife's prob watching definely today broke my wife has all my money I don't have any I get an allowance okay I do as cheap as I possibly can I am you're still not helping us I know am you got to pick up something on the barrels you know this is for you you're saving money on labor pick it up delivering them for free I don't know do you want to you want to have barrels how else are they going to get there if you don't deliver companies that deliver them you can have a company deliver they're your trash BRS they're yours you're buying them they're your was until they go in my ad they're not fine oh there was another thing I was going to ask you if they want an extra tote to keep it um because you know the neighbor's going to see it and go how can he has to I could give him one of mind for the extra if they pay him for it that's that's a good idea actually if somebody has an extra one yeah then they can just say they bought it from you right yeah we can just build direct yeah is that for the cost of picking up the recyclable well you could just call it you could just call it a deposit too instead of a purchase just it's a deposit for one of your barrels for an extra Barrel that way you get you get them they get the money back so you give you the barrel back and it's still in good shape right all right yeah that's all pretty well something like that and then it's whatever you have do you have your own smaller ones too smaller to I don't have a lot of 3 toos so we could like we can even sample yeah no I'll like I said for birthday I'll bring down 32 48 and the 64 I like the 64s and the 48s the best 32s I just I yeah you don't have to pick them up anymore it's okay if it's not that bad just an awkward battle I don't know why they're just awkward well that's what everybody had when we were kids the old metal ones probably the dimensions of it probably don't work out with the lid weight right either right I mean they do stand up pretty good they're not like some they make the wheels Bas kind of wi bigger wider so you know you think the barrel fit somewhere but it doesn't the wheel my regular barrels hopefully the numbers will come down maybe H in the T how much is you are I put two barrel two bags in a week is there a date for the new meeting special time meeting I'm not aware of it did you call to a direct I if they have I mean they they sell a lot because the St m I have not but I I have probably start calling them tomorrow I can call them tomorrow I have a I'm GNA make some phone calls there's also people in lster where it's the plastic company of the oh yeah never know I don't make total I don't think know someone who does maybe they do kill them the gr's going help yeah it's going to help it's going to help gr a lot hope this helps hous long just think you got five years and then that's gone you got to understand everybody has a trash BR and it works fine for us this is all to help you that is the tough thing to get over is that we're paying for something that everybody has to change over and then we and then they got to pay to get rid of the other ones there's no there's no way in hell everybody's going to have four trash bars in here there's no reason for it what are they going to do with it you can fill it for we and take it to Second yeah like the people that just bring trash bags full of it just throw the trash bags that's one of the things we have to do I know I know I'm trying to find a picture of a bag with without um a lot of writing on it so people can understand that no no bags no plastic bags right because the leaves bags right right right all right so let's see so you don't know how much the trash B was cost straight out you just you're guessing round S I think exactly if we like they want they say how we're gonna you guys want to all right go this way I'll call them up and I'll get the to put in and I'll tell you what you already took out my $9,000 that you don't even know the cost of the crash BRS yet I I I have a trouble with this Glen cuz taking stuff away driving stuff up is killing me um I got that number home was like 300 just under 350,000 to what trash barrel the trash barrels wa spreading it over five years spread it over five years keeping the cost down no it's not keeping the cost on it's just spreading the cost out that's like when you buy a car for $30,000 and you go wait a second I can do a 10year loan on this oh it's cheaper no it's the same price that's what Shirley and dunal did didn't they SP their financing for their totes over 10 years yeah you can I think you can through to that's what why you want me to do that 10 years you can I won't be here for your next contract I don't really care I figured five years was good um yeah 352 500 that's also some extras correct well that's for 3,456 I believe and then if you and then if you look at 15 gallon $15 a tote and how many tots did you say you were going to buy there, 46 yeah times two I think we went we tried last time the girl brought the paper that's all the money they're going to give us what no no no there uh 6,912 total barrels that's what I have on like I told the guy would be on order 6,000 what 9900 okay yeah okay but how many total battels are so you're you're looking for 6,912 total battel total total total okay and if you got $15 per totor barrel that is how much money than you for adding that what was it now $15 per per tote all right so that was 69 12 times 15 mhm 103,000 680 okay but their cap is 48,000 so you're never going to get more than 48,000 from the DP but if can get 48,000 we can knock that retail you can knock that yeah we can go oh boy look how much more money Glenn's making we're still paying for it so it's 70,000 was it 70,500 a year so if you pick up $100 for each [Music] Barrel that will lower my cost considerably deliver oh yeah H at that point i' Come AC to deliver them and I have to maintain them it's going to be a pain it's not you know you just said they were going to last 30 years oh well should get so by then I might be moved out of town Never Know cover well don't break the covers plow guys guys towns and plow guys we have to i' have to go buy them coffee every well I can promise you they will never hit the one in front of my house never thought that I want to go buy I told you that story for the plow guys back oh Jesus that was was that was in the 90s from Emory Road all the way down south roow South Harbor wiped out every single mailbox until he got to mine because mine is a schedule 40 5 foot pipe with a schedule 4 8 in bike welded on top here's a big Bing and he bounced off and didn't hit any more after that I thought that was I thought it was it's it's not cemented in the ground it's just there it's just there so anyways we're going to go down this road One More Story yes my buddy had the same thing his mailbox BR times so we put a PO on the ground cemented yeah we bought the big mailbox we put the little one inside of it cemented all around it with lag bolts to the post and he he called me up one night he said Somebody's triy smashing my mailbox and it dented and Chip the concrete so he just went a little hammer and straightened it out and it was fine about four years later I hire this kid this right on the truck and we see this mailbox couple mailbox in town broken and the kid like oh yeah I used to do that when I was younger but I hit this mailbox one time and it broke his wrist and the bat went through the back window cuz when it hit the recoil and I said I remember this story I said and I actually still know the address Adamsville Road in Greenville and he goes how'd you know it's said I put the mailbox in but he said he never did it again of course he brought a steel be B my buddy went like a I think it was like an 8 inch little I beam buried the ground cemented and I go I don't think you should do this he goes I'll R it wood no one will ever know because the kids used to come down and wipe them out with the cops yeah no one ever hit it but it wouldn't gone anywhere but anyways I'm trying so well I'll call a TOA guy call Bill name's Bill morren guy dealer I'll see if if he has anything that we can chisel up and then the grant money we're gonna work on that I'm gonna talk to Irene about that tomorrow Friday guarantee would be is if you pick up some of the cost of these things seriously I'm serious I really want to get this done but they can't we don't have the money for all this [ __ ] the school wants Millions you want $51 school they just got a brand new scho we have another two and a half over school something like my yach that's what Del think about that please the the with you for um oh sweet all right trying to see what we have and we can try to figure something out yeah thank you um yeah I I wish we had a little better collaboration with them on that the recycling committee because we could do more I think we need do a little more are you are you planning on going to Tom day or just dropping barrels birthday I me birthday yeah I didn't know if you were GNA have a booth and talk to people about trash just asking I don't know it's not thing I probably Mak me do it that's fine no I'm I'm just I'm just curious on you know if you guys are going to do that this is going to be this is so much more than what we we got last time and trying to explain it to people how to how to make it cheaper by not you know throwing every piece of fruit rotten fruit going be there the recycling committee is going to be there and there're the people that are really really passionate about that know exactly what they're talking about we'll have the recycling stickers for them we have the schedules we w we we'll give away the kitchen scrap buckets we will raffle off some of the compost bins the compost bins rather expensive did you want us to get away some of those yeah so um giving away the kitchen scrap buckets having the toter there to promote what's going on and the only problem is is that we won't actually have a contract by the 20th well what are we doing we're working on getting a contract with these what are your thoughts and you can actually get probably a lot of feedback I mean once we actually agree to something then we got to do the the contract then we got to send it to Legal they got to approve it and then it's got to go to the select they got to approve it before we can do anything that's the and you have to worry about but you don't have to worry about the town meeting because it's only a three-year contract which is is huge yeah because if if we do five and they look at the numbers and they could be horrified so but still on those numbers is this is cheap yeah because if you do the math if you go private pick up it's 50 bucks plus a month per hello hi hi what's this meeting this is the Board of Health Board of Health yes I had this room reserved with Sabrina for the Republican Town committee I see that I did not know that this is way we always okay well Sabrina told me I would have use of this room this evening what time do you plan on having your meeting right now you'll have to give us a few minutes then as we have this room every third and what is it first second and third fourth Monday Saina told me we could have it is off a little bit almost okay I'm not trying to make trouble okay we'll we'll be out in less than five minutes if you take that total cost and that's on that and divide it by 3,400 residents it's $22.69 a how much for I had about 24 bucks so yeah that's what I so that's pretty pretty good that's pretty good keep that number in mind yeah keep that webinar by the way on Wednesday to go over all the stuff in here too and also P thr just in case this doesn't work um so and that's at 10 o' on Wednesday so more yeah that's yeah $22 a month yeah per hous per I do 3400 did I yeah we did 30 it was 3258 I believe and we thought that we should 3258 that's going to drop the price crazy you could drop it down to 3,300 though I wouldn't I wouldn't keep you need to keep a couple of extras around right yeah this foring so please please look into that I'll call Bill the morning please that's very important to me thank you Glen thank you Glen thanks guys and uh hopefully we can get this thing going like really really fast you want to educate them all so I don't throw too much in the trash that's why I were you five years ago when I Wasing I was putting 14 trash bags up the one of the things I that scares me on this yeah is I'm afraid you're going to get a lot less recycling because I'm afraid people what the hell is the difference now you know goes in the barrel it goes in the truck it's I that's what I'm afraid of for you not for me I mean all it is is going to be more expensive for us for trash and less for recycling more money no I'm just saying you know that's what scares me because I know a whole bunch of people in town that just don't recycle which you guys should be going no recycles we ain't picking the trash up but that's that tag we do that put a lot of tags out you should be doing it put them out please yeah problem going as long as you guys let me know that they're out there right that that right now that benefits you more than any oh no I know so that's where you got to actually do your part thank you all right guys thanks for a l know you update we've kind of gone through all of that invoices because you have um the shirts um came out to 270 which is great deal Sports Appel Place Unitil regular bill8 Shir did we end up buying we bought 30 oh okay so oh I just look at I'm sorry yeah that's all right I I'll look at this one too yeah okay and then you have the shirt clo I think which is the um oops sorry the compost um yeah this is the shirts right here oh 500 what's this oh good that's the that's the um the kitchen scrap buckets okay okay Lorden 106 gall propane 106 gallons and Carla has been trying really hard not to use her car so she went through all January April is only 136 where is where's our car for you to drive um it's in the um it's in the garage but whenever I go to use it there's no one in the building department and there's no one else that has the key so what to the building to to the to the car the building the car so oh my God a lot of the times they go on Friday and they closed on Friday so for Saturday yeah so entrance update so next meeting is uh the so yeah we'll definitely be talking a lot before the 20th because the meeting is on the 20 y new tobacco what ever happened about tobacco lady she's yeah she's sitting there um but I'd like to keep in touch with you guys especially before our date which is coming up very quickly I notoriously am never here because I used to get taken away yeah um every year but I will be available this year so I will be there yes can we get a motion do I have to do a quick one no you can take your time I think I I think I'm close trying to close the meeting you know stay 15 more minutes would you like to add anything okay oh where were you when we were having trouble this morning this morning yeah we've been here since 7 this morning trying to get that thing to work 710 like to make a motion to close the meeting at 7:10 I'll second that all in favor hi hi thank you guys