good evening everybody Welcome to the bo of Health meeting Tuesday May 14 2024 6: PM I like to introduce a new member Kristen Roman and another new member I don't think he's been SP yet PA Serene I'd like to thank you both for participating I'm sorry you're a little copy for the horse here we have a joint meeting with the selectman on the 21st so until that happens they really be an appointment and you also have another candidate to consider as well that's on the agenda okay well for tonight this is how we're going to govern ourselves all of officers that'll just be myself say your name Christian and Roman Ramirez James laquer additions or deletions not anticipated 48 hours in advance if we have any of those just under um 1.5 I have one SE it's uh for new construction it's 65 Adams Road 65 Adams Road yep okay reappointment of offices he just introduced himself and we'll go right to 10 sea Circle local upgrade approval that goes along this is a um system it was permitted uh January 8th by you guys and got installed in April and um they ran into an issue where there was an existing pit that ended up being right under the deck right here um I can see where that original TR propos and so they ended up having to shift everything this way as a result because they ended up they didn't want to take the fit out because it was almost kind of supporting the deck so they punctured it they filled it with a flowable fill but they shifted The Trenches just a little bit in this direction and as a result they they came into some higher Contours um and ended up with a little bit more than three feet of fill over the system which is what Title 5 allows it ended up being um well it says over 36 but it was about 42 in um over the system Title Five requirement is that if the the system be vented if there's more than 36 Ines and that the Board of Health Grant a local upgrade approval for greater than 36 in of material over the system um so they're basically coming back after the fact to ask for um that variance because of that field change that had to be made so at the Top If the top all goes it's going to increase in the back yeah is what you saying yeah so this part of the system all has 3 fet even this side has 3 fet it's just really this corner right here um where you end up with a little bit over 3 ft of cover on it and you have no problem with that no yeah it's vented so it shouldn't be be an issue okay this is a an upgrade system that we're looking at and there was an issue that was unexpected and unanticipated so therefore they had to adjust it in the field to make it proper so it was going to comply and they're asking for this variance to be a little bit deeper than it was in this evented system and in this situation I need a motion to accept the upgrade as uh as um as drawn from the engineer as to what was proposed and where it is at this time and that would be for 10 Circle you like I present the motion to um for the approval of um of the work that was done for the septic system okay I got a motion and I got um for all in favor second me You' have a second because you're the only other okay and I'll second that okay so U motion approved okay perit for review you going to 65 Adams Road yes so I said this one a new constru and there is an existing structure on the property um but they're proposing to demo all the buildings that exist you said all buildings yes yeah so there's a one building a bigger garage and then couple of sheds and trailers that are on the property right now I think they're actually containers mod than trailers um but the road is is over here so there's an existing driveway that already comes up um it doesn't have any water coming up there so they proposing to bring down water up to the property and this box here will be the new house the existing garages within that footprint and um they're looking to put in a Presby system so 2500g two compartment septic tank uh that'll gravity feed to Presby system um because it's a Presby system they are asking for one local variant so towns and rs require Eon filter and um PR beats doesn't want them because it can disrupt air flow uh within the system so it has to vent through this low vent but it also comes back through the tank and goes through the the stack uh to V and so um they say that the filter disrupts that air flow so they are asking for a variance to gas yeah you so you know the board as it was previous constituted have granted that variance before and if you go through uh the the design manual they say that they don't want F1 filters on gravity applications okay and what's that one there that's the reserve area that's the reserve area yeah okay we rather getting into a lot of specifics tonight we're looking for one variance which will be uh what they're asking for to eliminate the filter on the end of the septic tank so they get proper ventilation through into the building and out the roof stack can I get a motion uh I I present a motion to have um this approved okay 65 Adam Adams Ro okay it's been seconded and I'll say all in favor is I okay so we're good to go I name black or it doesn't matter right here that's okay meeting update what's our pertaining to T meeting schedule schedule okay just wanted to make sure that Chris and you and potentially Paul talked about what you wanted to do for the summer for schedule right now you discussed keeping the meeting now on Tuesdays at 6 is that what you want to continue to do is two is convenient we can change it to s or we can use the another the week I'm going to say I prefer the toies at this time yep and uh would you prefer to six or seven six looks I don't mind six six is okay with you we'll going it stay at Tuesdays at 6 o' okay excent thank you executive s okay so I believe that you need to make a motion J to theal Executive oh I a motion to um to go to the executive session to discuss the strategies with respect to litigation you're at 1.8 are we recording again yes okay um you're opening up the meeting right 63 okay and next on the agenda is the Shaw's contract that real yeah you want to come up and tell no does Ben want to do that what's going on yeah's going on that's all we wondering that's why we're here well we have a new a new board here at this point of the game and uh I've got to be redefined and put back in tune here also so let's see what's happening anything to discuss with us no no I think right now waiting for the Selectmen and they're going to have to announce us at some meeting in the near future so that we can be in front of them or they can be in front of us so we can figure out what their attitude is and where they think they want to go so I will tell you that I'm in favor of this fiveyear contract and the totas ETC I think the town of thousand is also so let's see what they decide they want to do because uh that's the way we're handling these situations all right any other comment on that was CHR Paul were you at the town meeting yes did you hear that the town was acceptable the fiveyear I was not there but from the feedback that I heard is everybody wants a three-year contract they don't want a fiveyear contract they want to go back to the three I I can't say for sure I wasn't paying attention to that part of the meeting okay so okay I I don't think sh is going to come back with a three-year contract for us I think they're going to stay with the five so we get the tots and that's what we've been striving for for over 12 years now it's not longer so uh we're going to have to battle it out and hope that we can win the scenario and the situation and get the tot andery be a contract so um I guess that's enough said there any further discussion on that they uh the CC Town wants they they want the trash picked up they're not going to go to pay to throw they never B that we had a contract for trash so what Che from the to tax in the long run trash is almost as important as education Point Blank we are going to have trash every week we have to have it removed and we have to have it properly taken care of we can't go to page of throw all these bags on the side of the road and people screaming at us because they got to pay for every bag that they're purchasing Etc so it's still my opinion and in theory it's been my opinion for many years to have cters and um I hope it happens I hope it happens any further discussion on that I've said enough no we're all set to go okay invoices okay invoices um complete recycling Solutions these are the people who remove our electronics and our cfc's and our marur and our bulbs it is $1,594 it's not bad we actually now have the recycling employees we have The Gaylords that the recycling employees will take out they'll put the equipment in The Gaylords they'll put a tarp over it so when the when the truck comes they'll just grab the fork and they'll just throw it on the truck versus their guys going in and physic basically taking everything out of a 40ft trailer by hand because that costs the labor so and that was a great idea of our foreman Sean Pearson so kudos to him really yes okay this doesn't require a motion anything just requires a signature PA you won't be able to sign this at this time town and police station was looking for Earth Day detail in the amount of $256 they do police detail for the the parking lot and the people crossing over from the school to yeah I was there okay okay Aeros septic had a porta party $410 for that next had two there after I received a nail in my vehicle from being at the recycling center I noticed that there was a lot of nails and whatnot so it was recommended to get a magnetic sweeper one of those little sweepers so now they'll go around the containers and it's very nice it was only $69 uh the facility director helped pick one out he actually assembled it for us and left it out for the guys they haven't got to use it yet but it will be it will be really helpful now I got a question on that even though I'm sign this what do they do for aluminum nails that was a the magots don't pick up aluminum nails okay okay but there's a other things that that magnetic sweeper is going to pick up oh a bunch of them yeah I was trying to be funny but didn't succeed okay it's okay it's okay um buckets for the compost signs $18 we have compost signs a lot of people are bringing their leaves with plastic bags then they put them in the compost pile which actually makes it obsolete so we have made signs that says no plastic bags the compost area and we buy the 5 gallon buckets the highway Department put cement in them so we can wield them around to different areas where we see that the people because the compost bi is extremely large so where people will kind of tend to go we can move the signs and they seem to be very effective cop uh mattresses um removed 26 mattresses $858 the program is going very well no complaints no complaints for no complaints Unitil $23.94 that's for the recycling center lights and the pump at the lagoons which we have not turned on in quite some time GW sh and son you have two months of bills you have um March and April you're paying right now $ 62,939 a month that is a fixed price which was a wonderful wonderful wonderful thing that is now going away so um that is for two months you also have GW Sharon's son we are now over our $6,000 credit for the recycling center so they are removing some of the electronics if it is wood or if it is plastic we can go and pay for it through our grant money so that is wonderful it helps with the disposal costs how much Gr money do uh we have 17,000 right now we just got we we just got 10 from last year the Union contract that the department supervisors have signed allows me an $850 clothing allowance so I have purchased myself rain boots waterproof steel towed boots a rain coat gloves and hat couple of t-shirts couple of sweatshirts some sneakers couple of jeans and a professional suit which I thought was all good use of things that I would need here the raincoat the boots the gloves the gloves that all for 830 I did I all the receipts are there I'm coupon queen I am hi CL timberin timberin boots where what the oh my God the hunter rain boots were like $225 I got for 104 and they're foldable so I have them underneath my vehicle so when I go to the recycling center and last week when I was there and I had to walk around the puddles because I've got my nice shoes on I can take them right out I can put them right on if they're they're just like the rubbers that we grew up with I remember them I was pretty excited to have them so you got those boots for 90 bucks yep and I got the nice Timberland boots as well those were 7079 and I think they were $180 boots well I think you've done well thank you think you've done well thank you and that is all the invoices I have for you okay po BS in kitchen scrap bucket price increase we are selling pal poost bins for $25 $25 we're going to increase that to 50 because it's just we we're not supposed to make any money on it but we're losing money right now because I just had to purchase them and I purchased them at $45 45 so you can't s them for 25 and the kitchen scrap buckets which for trying to commot uh promote composting so we want to really have them available we just because we bought 12 of them the cost went down to $5.95 but we're also only charging $5 so I suggest that you go up to 10 on those do you want to do that at this time a motion for that to raise it to 10 I I pres motion to raise it to 10 all in favor all and the compost spins to 50 which is still a deal if you go to the other towns there's 60 or 70 okay make it a 50 okay all in favor okay minutes which was confusing to you because once you looked at it you saw the agenda but it is the minutes which are on the other side now the unfortunate thing is no one at this table was here you were not at this meeting neither were you so you can choose to review them or we can leave them as draft because this is what going to happen now for March and April I'm going to revie brief okay as you aren't there the good news is is that all of it's recorded So if there's any discrepancy with the minutes they're recorded online so I'm I'm hoping that we won't have any problems with transparency I don't think you will I don't think you will I can't do much in the hospital can we can hook you up to zoom next time we can hook you up to zoom next time no not in the hospital that's my time fair enough back to regulations where are we on those waiting for you want to call me back how long has it been a while but it's stuck in state litigation it's not anything that she can control it's getting it's getting the new it's getting the new rules passed at at State litigation I can have an update I what I will do is at the next meeting I will have a more detailed update okay just so we're aware of that we already have sh here for that cide trash recycling we've already discussed we don't you have question of propane tank at the center is being rented at behind the garage yes which it is not it is not no I didn't think it was I was not at that meeting either all so I just went off the um recording and we had no update on the new gate for the recycling center for Chris Chris suggested before he left that we pursue it that the board had already agreed on it and we were always waiting for the full quum to have a discussion about it and it just never ended up happening at the end okay all right thank you carer oh sweeten voice oop Sorry appointment considerations we're fering in [ __ ] we'll see how that goes uh future agender items well you have to you you should deal with appointment considerations for Paul and Todd I say it again you should you should consider the two of them in the board should make a recommendation based on the two are Todd are you are you on the zoom meeting okay I guess he's not um I know that he had a conflict so Todd I I have his paperwork right here it's very simple it's just like Paul's but it is my understanding that the Board of Health should make their recommendation to go to the Selectmen and then you will have a joint meeting with them so they'll know what what your thoughts are I haven't met Tod in any fashion I don't even know what it looks like so um I think I like an opportunity to meet him and then I think we probably got to discuss what's going to happen between the two of them in our next I agree next meeting unless other things happen well our next meeting is the 28th and you're meeting on the 21st with um the Selectmen so might it be worth a consideration for you to reach out I'll reach out to Todd and say could you talk to Jim personally just a little one-on one and then if you wouldn't mind giving me your telephone number which I should have anyways um and then um that he can reach out to the two of you personally so we're not violating an open meeting law because I would like the opportunity for the two of you I know that you've already talked to Paul so um and I I was really hoping that he was going to be online but I do know that he was saying that his granddaughter had a hockey game so the meeting on the 21st is with um with the Selectmen and it's on the agenda for 605 and my question is um who has the last saying um on on whichever two these two members um can be part of the board I believe the select me to based on our recommendation as Board of Health correct okay what time 10 605 okay we all set there no discussion necessary this time um I mean I wish to have a conversation to see what he can bring to the table too and and MH and we can meet it and well we have to meet before um the 21st to see if if we as board could um I'll get the phone number was it on that sheet um no it actually is it actually is I don't want to give it out um so maybe you can make an appointment for um I also need your so what we'd like to do maybe is we'll send out an email um I will deal with um Todd you and myself so you can have a little talk and then Jim and Todd will probably make a phone call because you're better with phone calls and you are with emails okay but the two of you can't be together no at the time when you talk to Todd Because unless we advertise for it and I don't think that you're G to have time before the 21st to have another meeting uh you can get that information to yep yep okay okay future agenda items I know we're going to have another exe [Music] s and follow through what's going to happen with the people coming on board I think that's about it at this ages yep okay next meeting will be May 28th 6 pm and the and the selectman's meeting on the 21st selectman's meeting on the 21st is 605 correct tobacco regulations SC was waiting on some information back from the person in charge of that I think that disturb anything anything else to be discuss from anybody we'll talk about the contract as well that's an ongoing thing contract okay ongo contract minutes and invoices are always on the agenda so those are under work and and the appointments and hearings Just for future knowledge those those are things that Rick's involved with and when you get into the work session we try and let Rick go because he has other things to do okay all right good I think your Todd has just joined the meeting up there say again a Todd has joined the meeting Todd is join the meeting are you there Tod there he is Todd can you hear us muted can you hear me now yes yes yes I'm here are you there yes we're here I'm sorry I'm outside very loud you want to ask him why he wants to be on the board or something I I want to talk about person okay first first okay so Todd the the board had had just been discussing this and they would like to reach out to you one1 so Christian would like to have a one1 conversation with you and then Jim would like to have a one-on-one conversation with you so they don't um violate the open meeting law where they can't get together before the board meeting with the selectman on the 21st is that something that you'd consider abely okay so I will let them I will give them your cell phone information tonight and I'm sure they'll be reaching out to you in the next um few days yes sure absolutely absolutely thank you thanks okay okay so we'll get his number and I can make a phone call and then you can contact him yourself and all right I think that concludes the meeting I propose a motion to close the meeting yes I propose a motion to close the meeting at this motion been made I'll second that all in favor I say I meeting adjourned 651 well done is less than an hour my head oh