okay I'd like to open the meeting of April 23rd 2024 at 7:04 PM sorry we're a little bit late um just want to announce that this meeting is been recorded and is on zoom on March 29th 2023 the governor governor Healey signed into law a supplemental budget bill which among other things extends the temporary Provisions pertaining to the open meeting law March 31st one little thing for this yes you no longer have to read this because the town passed a new regulation that covers Us okay all right not new regulations say new uh policy okay uh then we shall foro that um thank you for that Dave um now it's uh tcam is recording it it'll be uploaded to YouTube uh roll call me um of members present Todd malanson chair Ean Mata Vice chair Jessica funi clerk D superintendent J xend deranian liaison and I don't see anybody else so we should be good Mr chairman point of order yes sir um which agenda are we going off of because I have three iterations and the one that's posted town has received 18 and it looks different than the one in the recent email so I just want to make sure that the one we're going off of the one that we should be following so the one that we should be following is April 23rd 2024 um it should have the normal preliminaries that we have um business meeting votes to be taken um discuss an alternate board member uh review PowerPoint uh for I had had some things put on there as a commissioner's report um there's a liaison um report superintendent reports and then there's four items under office and update and reports is that the one you have um like I said I have three and I just want to make sure that the one we're going off of was posted in the appropriate yes it was yes I sure with Kathy okay um all right so we've done roll call I don't um one addition and I don't know if it it's not an emergency or anything I just want to say to the staff that they've done an excellent job on keeping the updates coming on Facebook um you know it it's really helped with a lot of people and appreciate it um did you get a a chance to review the minutes Nate uh I I did read let me I just want to look in the packet and make sure everything's what it is yes sir many tabs okay that's the old one well the meeting packet should be the same I don't think that changed all that much it's just no no no I I had way too many tabs open ah here we are perfect yes I'm good with that hold on one second all right um so are we good uh Jessica uh I don't know if you would have gotten the packet or not I'm gonna abstain from that vote good enough um Nate do I have a motion I move that we accept the meeting minutes as submitted for the meeting of March 11 2024 second motions to made seconded um Todd malanson I Nathan Mata I and Jessica f is abstaining correct okay and review correspond in public comment I didn't see any in the packet [Music] um see just double check um doesn't appear to be so we will continue on um 3.1 discuss alternate board member so let me just give you a background customer came in and asked if if there you could so researched it there's a charter for the water department that that right now does not allow we need to change the town Charter though yes that is correct so that is the answer from if she listens to this that's the answer and it's not a shot process now it would have to be a change of the Town Charter I think the town Charter revie riew Committee just reviewed it and sent it up to the state legislature if I'm wrong Chaz am I yeah there's a much more drawn out process that needs to be approved by um the powers that b in towns in and it needs to be submitted to the legislature the legislature then needs I think we have to do a town meeting on it as well right right so so the answer for that that customer is that it's it's is currently standing it's not allowed and it it would be an act of Congress literally to change it to to be allowed so that takes care of that one okay um any additional comments on that for anybody well if I if I may Mr chair the there is a charter Review Committee and if this was something that um you guys would want to move forward when that process starts again I can notify the um the chair of the water Commissioners if you'd like I don't have a problem with that we'll see how far it goes okay Nate go ahead does anybody know what the purpose of um of this item was it was a request of a resident to see if if it was allowable to have an alternate right well I know our board in the previous year and a few previous years we've only been running on two-thirds of a board which has made it difficult when someone's not there and but I think now having a full board you know it'll be it'll be a lot better there won't be a need to cancel a meeting if one of us can't make it true um have yeah U Mrs strs you can unmute yourself hi guys can you hear me yes ma'am um I offered that just to be of help if you needed it um no but now you've got a full yes ma'am got a better a fuller board now but that was just an off an an offer on my part if it was possible and if you needed it so appr actually appreciate Nate and I have been pulling double duty for a while now but with a full board I I like Nate said we shouldn't have that that issue um and and uh it's it's been a long haul there's been a lot of responsibility on n and I and um actually appreciate all your hard work I was just Tois thank you guys thank you thank I've gotten a um Mrs stris can you drop your um just hit your raise hand button to take it off the screen there you go um no I just I I'll take this time to say thanks to Nate Nate has been um a good uh co-commissioner and I've got a lot of respect for um for his opinion and and stuff like that we don't he and I don't always agree but I I do highly respect him he's got a lot of good viewpoints and he brings a a different perspective sometimes mine's too water focused and he brings a very good uh balance to it and I look to see I look forward to um working with Jessica going forward um all right oh go ahead Nate did you say something oh I was I was seconding your what you said well thank you um let's see 3.2 review PowerPoint right did you get did you get to look that over at all Nate uh no no I I I didn't see anything is it supposed to be in the packet it's in the packet should have been on it was in the packet yeah not seeing anything in the packet 423 24 this is the correct tab Brenda can you parcel the plot plan 5.1 oh might have been separate Nate hold on um Brenda can you send it to Nate's email right now the PowerPoint let me check my other T oh no I just closed it look happy so if you want I'll give you a breakdown of like you said um you asked yep hold on one second I think um oh I see it I see it it was an unrecognized format it so the other thing is is um should we let me ask a question you guys were already sworn in do we swear you in again here no did you get sworn in with Kathy we both did okay then that takes care of that oh the one thing you didn't do you didn't reorganize the board somewhere okay this year I don't think they're actually is but so so then then there's no need to reorganize the board then so we're good the way we are as long as I I mean I would entertain anybody that wanted to have it on the agenda just said she wanted to be uh a different position than what she is I would I would I'm good with I am right now thank you you me at home yes all right so let's yeah do you have it open now Nate I do yes posos yes um I I did go through it um and is there one is how do we share it online so that we can see it but a couple of notes I had for you Dave sure the one I have slides 3 through six or repeat of the same slide they're they're not they're that every time you put it up it adds a sentence on on each one yes yep all right and and it's that way because you you just have to it's it's just um just breaking it down a little bit for the for the uh the customers um I will tell you I've gotten I have 30 customers that I've talked to in the last few weeks on people who want to hook up to the water system then that that's fine well they're not customers yet but no right right potential customers and what's what the big drawback and we'll get get into that later is the these are people with existing houses afraid because they're hearing news on posos and they can't afford to have the hookup fee and paying to hook it up yeah you know what I mean but I just want you to think start thinking about that because about it so the PowerPoint is that for us or for town meeting that's for that's the one you asked for town meeting yeah and I want to take the regulations and and shove it up the the uh top because I wasn't sure you were I weren't sure where you were going with that Dave what you did so we love to blame EPA putting regulations down because why is this all happening because we got new regulations so I want take the regulations put it top okay and this way um and then build up from there okay now I understand what you did I um the other part so I was going through it and the whole point of our communication to people was from the get-go not to panic them Panic them um I mean it's in the news enough I like most of what you put in there um I'd like to stay away from the examples if we're going to neighboring communities and stuff like that I can take the the gr one is an example of what is in the legislation for the state right now word for word but I I so I well so I was I was thinking slides 9 10 and 12 um that's the example yeah take the examples off I love the packaging one um example the reason two examples for the the drinking water is drinking water bottle water is not regulated and we have two bottled water companies just a that have tested positive believe bottle water is it's just at a different um it's a different regulation at a different level than drinking water right but I do believe bottle water is but yeah no there's been detections I just with the health advisory being so low that makes nothing safe to drink I don't want to add to everyone's right I examples were just something for the the public and I I'll take those out all right and the other and the other point to it Dave is I the other point too is I I'm great at building PowerPoints that are usually way too long um so I'm just trying to trim it down I don't want to lose everybody on slide um 14 hold on so what are our n levels that we say they're they're at five out of 10 they're out of five two and harbit Trace but we're going GAC and that's going to get taken care of with gacc all right and then this the same with the Pharmaceuticals and preservatives do you have takes care of that yeah I know but the S so if we're already what what we could say what we could say is that these are all the things that instead of um saying they're found in water maybe saying these are the things that the treatment system will remove that may or may not have existed in the water that way it's we're showing them what may or may not be in the water but also Beyond just pfoa and pfos what the treatment system system has the ability to remove I think that would right but this was found in I water I understand that but our GAC will take this all out and I think you're saying that you know you could say that but I I would definitely put on this that our treatment system as it is now the new one will remove all of this and I think it's a I think it's a a better message um like I said I'm trying not to to panic people um the rest of it I what the final rule requires the state stuff the one about grad take out but everything else I really love I really love everything else you put in there at the end um you know with the filters and stuff like that um I'm GNA have one for the building but I want to be a little more done they finished the doors to they're doing the doors um yeah today and tomorrow so we'll get so so that so yeah so all right 3 through six I understand but I I think 9 10 and 12 14 and 20 one it'll shorten your presentation so um may may be found in your water yeah and that the system will our the new treatment system will remove all these let's let's pound that you know so we're not just hanging our head on pfoa and the our past but the system um as it is set up will handle these other things that may or may not be found in the water okay I got it all right Nate what do you think uh I think it's good um everything I've read looks to be you know in line factual from what I understand I would just you know make sure that any wording that you put out there is is um in line with um reality as far as like May or should or can words like that um I haven't seen anything to the the contrary but it looks good yeah as long the regulation part of it and move it up so all right yeah can you send us a final draft in this is for the informational this is oh Christ right it's just for informational at the to meeting um sorry about that um what I was going to say is uh say that again I'm sorry you said it's for the informational portion the the one you asked for for Tom meeting all right thank you and I brought in in the examples of the well but the example for the um the study I can take the out the word example for the homes um that there's been a study that 71% of homes have been that have a well an aseptic system have found have been found to have P so I would stay away from that one until the state until the state waves the personal liability um I mean nobody is at fault for this I don't want I one I don't want neighbors fighting against neighbors because what first if they test their well when it comes up first of all Wells are out of our purview private Wells anyways um but the only way they would get out of having to clean their property um because the site would techically become a 21e site which has to do with hazardous waste cleanup um you'd have to prove down gradient status what I'm hoping for and I actually spoke with a large group of legislators it's not a law you can't make it a law because it's a d Breg what they're trying to do is get The Regulators of the legislators to put pressure on D to grant that personal liability waiver so that those of us that haven't done anything wrong we weren't the ones that produced it we used legal products that were sold and are still sold today um that contain pet levels that would potentially contaminate their own property through a septic system it would wave that personal liability so that their property values stay what they are and all they would have to treat as their private well water or I'll take I'll take that one out it just it's I don't want to see someone shoot themselves in the foot so to speak it it unknowingly to be quite honest with you because they're not going to know can I ask you a quick question am I blurry on your screens or a little bit but you look better you're thank thank you fored okay um Al righty can I ask a logistical question Todd sure thing when you got guys approve this if somebody could send me the final version yes sir so that so that I can um get that loaded up for the informational session and question oh go right ahead um Nate um Dave you said 70% of Wells were containing private Wells were containing P of what what data set is that is that across the country 70% of Wells test Ted 70% of all private Wells 71% of the the wells tested that have a septic system and a drinking water wealth it was the entire state of Wisconsin and that's Wisconsin okay right but if you take the the study that the private well testing in Massachusetts they have broke down the numbers but the numbers are similar right because I broke them down yeah but there's not time you see a data set like that my point was is that they say oh 70% of you know it doesn't explain the breakdown of how many Wells were tested and what like what uh well how many Wells weren't tested how many Wells existing and this and that and the numbers can get skewed right no they can and it also like they can get skewed by what's the population density like like um if you had a a neighborhood like timbery Park that had any sort of Wells on it um given their concentration of septic systems yes um but the further west you go you're going to find um the wells I don't know I yeah I I think just keeping that one out of there because I think we we'll keep that out of there but the point the point is just so you're aware that if you have a well and a septic system it's more than likely you're going to have some kind of traceable people Wasing you well yeah I think that I to be honest with you I we'll take it out and leave it at that yeah but I also think a lot of stuff you're going to see is environmental background they're already talking about like down the cape it's not septic systems they're actually worried about it's the Ocean Spray carrying P off the ocean so yeah the the more we can keep this on the straight narrow and less ambiguous and stuff like that um I think that's uh um a good I make the changes and send it out um because ultimately you're going to be a Salesman for town meeting You're Gonna Want to say you know we want you at town meeting to support this and us spending this crazy amount of money because this is the benefits that you're going to get out of out of it yeah I agree with that thank you you have to be a Salesman when you go to town meeting with certain things so and Jess you are the next up I was going to ask so thank you for piping up and be afraid to I don't think that'll be a problem with you no I didn't think it would be Nate go right ahead sir is the state thank you Mr chairman uh is the state going to be are they trying to get you to be uh when I say you I should say is the state trying or the EPA state or federal trying to get local water municipalities to be some sort of an authority behind private Wells I don't want to misunderstand they are not that's strictly on the or no um what they are is they do want you to communicate the risk um but but I've been part of the stakeholders group that's been going over this um I was part of the last one when they came up with the first set of RS what D is waiting on or at least the people that that work on the regs and stuff are waiting on is for the legislature and the D leadership to hash out that personal liability on private Wells before they come out with anything they'll come up with is a new clean so the process so everyone understands is the Bureau way side cleanup will set a new um they I think they have three years to do it um set up or yeah um the way the law the reg is set up now they were supposed to review it every three years they put it on hold until because they knew the ep the new EPA reg was coming out um now that that's done they're going to review their Reg they have to be they have to be as stringent as the federal one but I believe they have three years to come or at least two to come up with the new R they announced they're gonna do it within two so normally it's three go right ahead Nate I might have missed this did you discuss the food packaging example yeah we took that out okay we did I thought you said you liked it you didn't leave that in no no I like it but I don't like McDonald's I don't like Stop and Shop I don't like sweet green labeled I I don't know I'm not a lawyer I'm not a lawyer yes name brands certain large fast food people I I but I don't want yeah I don't know that the no the food packaging the actual food packaging one the diagram I like the diagram and take the paragraph out got it I think I think the paragraph is good because it outlines just looking at this picture you know I like the specifics that Dave provided but don't I don't I wouldn't brand them yeah let's take the the the there's a lot of branding stuff going on right now I'd like to see it flip Dave I'd like to see the diagram first and then just um instead of saying example say food packaging facts and just and then take out the the um the big name you know the the brand name so that we're not yeah I I think yeah I think we just leave it out um instead of saying maybe you know fasha bag from sweet green labeled ecocraft just ecocraft in general things that are labeled ecocraft maybe I ecraft is a trade name I think it would trade name show oh it is a trade name okay yeah so I I think go ahead I like the way he had said it before one one of the times we were talking about this he said like oh you know that packaging that water kind of beads up on it or it slides right out um and that goes along with the water resistant stuff obviously if it's waxy cardboard it might not be PE but well the three the three main to be honestly the three main exposures for teenagers right now is Microwave Popcorn delivery pizza and Chinese food believe it or not and it has to do with that non-stick coating that's on all of these um fast food and that nonstick coding is 400 Millions pots per million which is which is yeah I don't even of times more odent than our our water what say that that's the thing is so the the levels that are in these these codings Nate are almost different galy so if you do I think it's 400 it's 40 million times more concentrated in your rappers than it is in you're drinking water Dave I'm not sure the math and the significant digits we can just G we could probably say it it's in a different realm of reality but I think if we stay away from that I I did I did the math if that's what it comes out to orders of magnitude okay but I think it doesn't matter it's bad that would yeah that I'll try to rewrite this um so yeah I just if we can keep the brand names out of it yeah try to rewrite it and add add some stuff to that so but and I I like the I'd like to have it flipped because I think that packaging really pops and then you have if you had food packaging facts underneath it I think that would be outstanding y okay any other comments uh from Jessica or Nate or on the PowerPoint yeah if I didn't say it already um like I said I liked the way Dave explained it at one of those meetings that we had where like if people can look at a packaging and and say oh this is kind of like has a waxy coating waterproof coating on it educating them in that level saying like fast food rappers why well because of the way it's coded the reason of it they don't want the food to leak through it's an impervious whatever if there's a way that could be described um to that would that would let people do their own research you know say oh this is kind of like that and I've encountered products newer products like that and I said I wonder I wonder if this is like what Dave was talking about and it may be it may not is that the same stuff that they put inside like ketchup bottles to to make it so that the ketchup doesn't you get like all of the ketchup out let me let me put it this way if anything says polymer additive polymer additive um but look at this way EPA regulated two plastic manufacturers not to add P FAS or their Plastics they sued EPA and um and they w w in court they W in court so um um you know it's it's it's going to be a long process in fact you're only affecting about 5 to 10% of your actual exposure by dealing with drinking water because they're not dealing with anything else you're look at 80 to 90% not I mean you look at pet food containers you can in the bags the bags are made so oil can't go through well that's pasas and it absorbs into the food the can they want you to get every last drop out of that can while the can is non-stick so yeah it the stuff is everywhere and but I think the more light we can bring to it and say this is what we've taken action for um the end of that the end of the PowerPoint Dave is spoton and you did a really good job with that and um you know just for these tweaks I think you did a really good job with the power point so thank you you're welcome um all right one last thing question yes sir um like a cast iron pan yeah you're heating up oil like when you season a pan you're heating up oil and it creates a polymer is that it's not a polymer additive but it's not anywhere near one of those compounds right no no and the oil is natural this all the stuff we're talking about is specifically man-made um the oil is is unless they come out and they tell us that they've been making pastes virgin olive oil then we're in all in so I'm not going there um let's see um so I believe he thank you um oh crap hold on one second I'm an idiot and shut it we're talking about lawsuit funds oh yes I all right I have my notes written down hold on one second on the lawsuit funds um I think we've mentioned a couple of times that we would like to have those funds um formally um uh put into like an investment fund so to speak um that would gain interest and that we would use to defer the cost on GAC I thought it was since we I got the notification from Dave that another lawsuit has been settled that we formally say that uh and I've talked to do I've talked to do what we're talking about is legal and stuff like that um and I wanted to talk and I know um Chaz has talked to Town Council about it or or um we've asked him to on on a couple of occasions but one of the things I wanted the two other Commissioners to think about is when we get to that point one we we agree that that's what we want to do with those funds to defer those costs um but the other is we don't necessarily have to use the bank that the town uses we can do a request for calls we can get them to bid against each other so we get the best rates we get someone that is is um experience in these sort of accounts so that we get the best bang for our buck um that we start thinking about how we want to make sure we use those funds do you want to restrict their uses to just GAC or do you want to leave a wiggle little wiggle room I'd be open to disc discuss it but where the costs on GAC change out are going to be fairly significant um you know we you know it I I I would hesitate against that because this way it's not going to be solely relying on our water rates we won't be putting this cost and this burden and we can keep our water rates um sustainable I think that's going to be a a large challenge for a lot of these water utilities that are going into this all the money's been put to building things and not how we're going to operate and maintain them over the long term I think the department and the town would be best suited if we took those funds put them in an interest bearing account or investment fund let Nate I'll get you in two seconds let me just finish and then um that way we can rely on those it may not pay all of it every time we change out but at least some of it so we're not depleting it and it's there for the long term for all the residents go ahead Nate um I remember bringing this up before about I don't remember which money or which account it was but um what what's changed because I was told before we can't do that um I checked with do I've checked with multiple utilities that do it it is legal to take especially if it's incoming money from a lawsuit like this um you can do that um it does take um I don't know the specifics on how to set it up I just do was very specific that you can do it and that you need to get they won't give you legal advice they'll tell you what what is possible and what is not um and that's um I was when we got done discussing it um I wanted to give CH a point and see if we've done um with the Town Council Jess wait a minute Nate was not done gohe go ahead Jess I I'll save it that was going to be my next question was um Chaz did they did you run this by Town Council well there's a there's a couple of things if I if I may through you um Todd um the what was discussed before Nate was um I think this is what you're referring to was that we can't pay down a loan with with money um from a Lo another loan from from another loan that's what we discussed before um and I think that's what you're referring to uh this is actual money that we're getting direct from um the uh uh recovery from the lawsuit um so Todd is right yes MD is allowing um these to be put in a a interest bearing account what we need to do and what I'm working with Town Council with is setting up what the proper account is supposed to be for and we have to set a criteria of expenditure so um these are the things that you can if if we're taking it in um is the uh what monies that are interest can be spent on and what monies that are principal can be spent on there has to be a breakdown of the both areas before uh before we even set it up so that we're all clear you guys are all clear on exactly what it is now I have uh my next appointment um is with uh Town Council in his next session he was on vacation last week um so I couldn't get the information back to Todd before this meeting uh but once I have that um uh figured out I'll reach out to Todd and then Todd can disseminate it to the rest of you guys um but we need to get a specific uh order of what where it can go what type of account it can be you guys can figure out whatever account that you want and then we would have to just make sure that we have a a strict accounting of it so that if we do get a if you guys get audited we can have we can say this is what you know the interest was spent and this is what the principal was spent on so and that's where the you know where we interview different banks or or or firms um you know they would control it under our Direction but the auditing would be an unbiased third party none of us would have so to speak have our hands in the kitty and to expend it would be in our monthly vote to or you know depending on how often this stuff gets changed out um would determine how often we would have to vote to to change it and stuff like that I've seen it used uh I've seen other utilities have like a by anual report or or a quarterly report depending on how things go um from The Firm to the board saying okay this is what you invested this is how much it's gained or a loss um this is how much you've expended this is what we see the trend um the the object would be not to deplete it um and you know so we could vote on how much what percentage of the the change out Bill we could do it um but I just wanted you guys um I don't think we need to take any votes on it or anything right now but definitely be thinking about it so when it does come up we can act but I really wanted to bring it to the Forefront in an in in a recorded meeting saying that is our attention I think maybe we take a vote on that that that's our intention to do um and I I'll make a motion if if that's all right or if Nate you want to make it that's fine I would add it to the agenda and and do a formal okay let's do that yeah no that's yes sir is that I'm I I like this and I I thought it was the MBTA money that I was talking about but I might be incorrect but I would say I'm for this but I won't take anything under 4.4% okay you GNA say 4.4 million well that's the average high yield so if I was to go dump money into a into a high yield account it would be about four and a half% so nothing under that that's why we get them let's get get to bid let's get three of them in here bidding against each other we get the best deal for the residents um the other so I'll move on to the next points um Capital Improvement in system plans they kind of go together to be quite honest with you um one of the things I wanted we promised or I did was that when we built this plant it would go be a long way to clearing up the discolored water that has been a bane of the residents that are on our Municipal system I just want to make sure that we're formally making sure we're planning for it in the Capital Improvements and and this is where system plans comes into it I want to make sure um that Dave has the tools one that we are accounting for a large part of our problem um especially in timble is that hydrants aren't at the end of the system now I'm sure Dave has a plan for it and stuff but I think in the efforts of transparency if we're producing a capital Improvement plan hydrants need to be listed as a high priority that we're going to be buying them and imp placing them and and accounting for them in our budget so that it's visible so that people know that we're holding true to our word where system plans and capital Improvement come into play is I've seen um we have a GIS they've done a good job of putting it together you take that GIS I think we talked to tyin bond Dave if if the Comm other two Commissioners agree I'd like to invite tyan Bond um with this idea to the next meeting but that we produce What's called the hydro model I know for a fact that the system doesn't react the way we thought it did when Paul did the Ice pigging they thought it had it isolated and it wasn't and it went P Bonkers now we've added a treatment plant we're replumbed how the wells work and we've looped it over to 13 I think you work with the gis they take some pressure managements and flows in the system they create a model on how your system works and then you take that and you have them create a a unidirectional flushing program or UDF these are tools that Dave can use um and it's not going to be immediate it would be something but I think putting hydrant prominently in any sort of budget we put together going forward um would do nothing but be transparent that we are working towards solving the discolored water I think the system plans are tools that will help Dave um and if we budget for them and we show that we're planning for them um discolored water isn't an overnight fix it is a long-term process but if I if we show them that we're giving Dave in the department the tools to do it um that we're planning for it I think it holds true to our word that we're working towards that solution and uh I'll take any comments you guys get on that right can I can I uh so I one one comment I have is we have expended our master plan that was dated in uh March of 2021 there's nothing left on it because it's all been done and then it's time for a new one so what you're talking about right now is a new master plan okay so that's what we have to because the well the cross street well was on it Highland tank was on it our Main Street well was on it looping Emory Road was on it and so everything that was on the master plan is completed so you know the things then not the things I and in the in the terms of what I said about the investment fund Nate why don't we put this as an agenda item that we can vote on next one but I would say that things to think about are definitely putting hydrants on there so that like I said it's transparent that we are planning to do this sort of stuff we start to be transparent in our communication that discolored water is not an overnight event and I I can swear to God on that one um the two other things I mentioned are tools that Dave and the department can use and it'll be in perpetuity I mean this is something that we're giving the department and the residents to use and all they need to do is if they make any significant changes is update the model going forward it will tell them how the system works what gates to shut down a unidirectional flushing program is the true way to clean a system um I would add Dave's tank plans to that that's on on this later um I don't know if it's on the current one but these are all things that you know like we should set a fiveyear when we hit that fiveyear the board or whoever's on the board at that time can reset it but it gives us it's a transparent step to show the people in the town what we're planning what we're doing with the money we're collecting um you know not just on on vehicles or or or things like that on just on operational cost that we do have a long-term vision for the Department and I will take your thoughts Jess or Nate I think this is a good idea I think especially if Dave finished his fiveyear plan early I think we should start definitely start another one and I'm all about transparency and the more communication we can get out to the general public to get more support from them the better we're going to be Nate well I couldn't have said it better myself and Dave certainly has knocked it out of the park getting a lot of stuff done yes and I will say also some of that was done or a lot of that was done internally by our staff Highland tank I think we bought the equipment but the staff itself did the the cleaning the painting um I think the electrical we hired an electrician to do the work pulling the stuff out of the pit but making the pit um the pump house at Main Street Station Dave you guys did that correct except for the p our guys did the pad okay my mistake and the water line in the water line so and and all the uh the cleanup work and the road and everything else so I you know we've done a lot of that internally which keeps which have kept the cost down um Dave uh you know so the Powerpoints for the informational session that happens before town meeting actually town meeting I would start making notes of what what we've done internally to mitigate and keep down costs so when we talk about our budget at town meeting we can say look we cleaned the tank we built this we did these are the things we did internally a lot of the stuff with the treatment plant there's no way in heck any of us had should have any idea that could have been done internally but monetize it yeah and anything that and Dave you you've got a good handle on that I'm sure you could do that um and that that is an excellent point well the perfect example is the main street wall which was budgeted at 1. 826 million and we finished at $597,000 so I you know that sort of information at town meeting I think goes a long way to selling this department as being financially responsible um and and um self-sufficient I I like those two words UST aable and self-sufficient um and fidu um financially responsible and I think a lot of what you just said if we could Mo Jessica that was a fantastic idea um beyond my just throwing stuff on the wall and see if it sticks um I think that part of it goes a long way um so I would people like all these facts and numbers and you can literally show them via like a pie chart or bar graph or something and say this is how much we budgeted for this is how much we came under this is our extra and this is what we're putting the extra into so I like you know and in that regard um you know if you guys have like for me the hydrants in the system model and the flushing that goes to something that I ran on that I would try once we got P you know as best we could on its way and stuff that would that would become second once the plant came online I don't know how we do it without those other things um so those I I I would those would be my additions plus the storage tank um that that would give us the pressure capacity to take up almost anybody in town that needed to come online um if you can think of something that would fit what your goal for the Department would be and what we need for infrastructure um please add it to it and we can hash it out we can prioritize it the list can be as long and short as we want it but I I definitely think having input from all three of us would be beneficial and that and that's what I'd like to see beyond me just taking up all the time talking um so on that something to think about for the next meeting yes sir five sections of the Town talking about what something you just said lunenberg Road Fitchburg area there are 437 homes with about 1,00 people which is about you just you just remind something Dave that I want to I know the booster station's halfway up West Meadow Road but I know the people are below that barely have any pressure at the house if we can do something to boost the pressure going up that hill um to to you know would the new tank do that Dave do you think isn't there an add-on that you can put no because the tanks on lunenberg road it it it will but no the new one you're talking about it's on um West off at West Elm isn't it up that way the one designing right now is on lenberg road so that would the pressure coming down that would not affect no because you have to cross over Main Street so is that something we could put on the capital plan for TI and bond I wait I would wait for um what happens with posos and here's why because Ashby is going to be looking for water again and let them put the tank in put the tank in on top of West Elm which would give pressure on both sides right let let them put the tank in we just boost the booster pump all right so why spend money when it let's see if they come to us no I know what just saying all right I just don't it's don't like leaving those people I mean they've had to put booster pumps in their own but I I Dave what you said makes sense that whole fiduciary responsibility and sustainability that that makes sense to I have a list of areas by population affected lunenberg road is about half the people in private Wells would be effective and then the next one was towns and Hill Road which is going to lead up to to Chaz and his little piece of uh um land but we don't need a tank up there you put a booster pump right next to the existing tank with a Pneumatic tank and that is a very much cheaper solution okay I wanted to say that because um that's going to come up in chazes in a second so I have a list of of population cut cutting down uh lunenberg Road would need a booster pump in a tank uh towns and Hill Road we just need a booster pump pop at the tank waren road is gravity now waren Road lunenberg um as you know plans on building a treatment plant got srf funding but they think that they're they're uh going to get voted down by the town because the residents as you as you know it's a district can't it's a district right but the town the district meeting they think it's going to get voted down because as you know on a district you usually get about 10 15 people showing up for meeting but from what I've heard there's going to be over 100 people from the Hickory Hills Hickory Lake yeah they if they're worried they're going to draw down the lake which is not it's not the same and they they have they have come to us and asked if we would sell them water do we have the Capac do we not the physical capacity where the with with counting and growth or new business hopefully for the town do we have the Le legal capacity under our water management act yes because it's a it's it's a n it's a n it's no no so what I'm asking so when does all right let me back up we pull water water utilities pull water legally out of the ground or from a surface water under the called The Water Management act right you have a registered volume that right now is uncond conditionable um and we have permits how much of our volume is registered how much is is uh permited Dave permited is 3.7 million gallons per day we have what's registered well uh what do we use no so this there should be two volumes there should be a registered volume and a permitted volume or do or do we only have permitted we only have permitted and it's 3.7 million gallons a day with the treatment plant are uh during the drought we were at 1.7 for one one of the days not 1.7 1.2 so let me ask a different another question then when does our permit expire and come under review four years so the way things are going um just to let you know where I work um because we weren't using all of our uh volume we lost 900,000 gallons or 0.9 million gallons a day in volume off of our permit I know where I used to work they're going to lose their 02 million gallons a day so I just want to make sure where we where we are in our usage um if we if we sell it and DP approves it then it would be in our benefit okay that's that's what I wanted to hear I just um I know the legalities of it I just want to make sure we don't agree to sell it but then lose our volume and not be able to deliver it that's the only thing we won't lose our volume if we're we're selling it to another town who needs it and they're think they're they're not going to pass so they ask for a half a million a day which the revenue at yeah we could that that comes down to that's your negoti yeah that would so that you two Nate and Jess understand that would come down to a that would come down to a negotiation with us on what the bulk gallons uh dollars per gallon we would sell them or thousand gallons or whatever right any agreement would have to be done the selectman um on on this in this case because an interm missable agreement yeah yeah you're right well I would say probably uh two because we would have to agree first to sell it and then and then the board would act on that I guess um but we we would vote on whether to sell it and at what price and then they would sign they would agree on the intermunicipal um the other part of can I go ahead you would recommend to the board of Selectmen what what the Commissioners feel is is what what you want and and the the select would would sign off on whatever you want but it's under your recommendation okay the other part of it is Dave I would make say they want to buy um a half a million a day or 500,000 I would make sure that we could sell that we had a million gallons that we were not going to need because with lunenberg growth they're going to look um you always see renegotiations for more volume if they have an emergency or what have you so I you know not just if if they asked for 500,000 I'd make sure we could give them a million so that we have that so our surus wiggle room our Surplus is 2.5 all right but I would who's our regional assistant in planning ncog or uh Chaz what's the name of that mrpc mrpc thank you it might be worth engaging them to see what potential growth both in population and businesses that have the potential like taking into account the um I don't think we have a good standing to to not build these um MBTA Community stuff just because we are septic and groundwater system um and we've already shown effects from septic systems into our wells um I don't think we could take on a concentrated uh wastewater treatment plant because there's no place to discharge it but the ground um but we definitely should take into account the and use it to our favor um that you know those numbers of potential what the use would be would be of those potential um developments and use that and say you know we're going to need that in case this is built and then that gives us the window and save as much of what we have as we can um I'm sorry I'm talking way too much right so right now we just have to wait for lunenberg on the vote in a a little number I worked out if every house in town that's on a well went on it' be just under a quar million gallons per day okay if every house in town that's on a private well um join the system so okay and we'll leave it at that and then we'll move on okay uh do anybody else have anything to say under my points okay we've beaten those to death good job 5.1 leaon update report chairman yes sir are we are we now posting our updates and reports I do have an update on I I'm very close to having like I you guys know I've been going through all this document this physical documentation I'm I'm very close to having a draft for the board so possibly the next meeting or the meeting after we could put that on the agenda is this the putting policies in the rules and rs this is this is old documentation um so if you remember we had requested I had requested any physical and digital information that had been taken from the towns and water department um before you joined us Dave and I just because I well I do have a lot of physical documents um I wanted to make sure that we weren't losing any any stuff that boards that I had served on previous boards had come up with so but it it looks like that that really we really didn't get anywhere with that so I'm going through a plethora of papers and documents um there were a few items that were in rules and rs we had rates and fees structures like that policies and procedures and you know I think I think we'll have a good draft in about uh a month or two I'm just I have a lot of my plate so I haven't been able to dedicate as much time as I would like to so I don't mind I don't mind reviewing those and stuff um and to see what you have um yeah it's my hopes that the board can oh wait a minute go ahead Jess point of order update is fine if he just wants to tell us the update but if there's a discussion about it there's going to be an open meeting law violation yeah we can't so it's fine if he just wants to say this is what I've been doing this is where I got but we can't talk about it until unless it's on the agenda thank you Jess that's and that's what he's saying is he just updating us that he will have that information at the next meeting it would be posted at the next meeting yeah no specifics okay so all right are we good we're good all right thank you all right um 5.1 discuss water department water Warren Warner Road tank parcel 49- 9-0 Mr CH uh Su deranian newly reelected uh welcome aboard thank you um so I have been working with um the board the select board in regards to some part Parcels that um are really land block and um are are really at this point um we just need to clean up some of the the land that we have in these smaller Parcels uh we've gone over three smaller par Parcels that um our fishing game or fish and wildlife um surrounds one of them happens to be this parcel off of Warner Road um it's 44- 9-0 uh that was earmarked if you look at it it does look like a post postage stamp right in the middle of uh the Wilderness here um that was earmarked for a water tank if I remember correctly David right that's correct it's on the highest point on that side of time right um so my my question is what the Commissioners um want uh is that something that you see feasible to hold as um Town land um and if not then I would appreciate a vote to say that you know you're not going to build a a tank on that so that we would be able to um turn that over to fish and wildlife so that the town itself would be able to add to our our pilot program can I shoot on this one so when when the town acquired it it there it was between two owners on both sides since then fish and Wildlife have bought both sides of the property and there's no easement it's also about a mile out of out of the uh way from any usable any usable road so so a quick Meadow Road I'm looking at a map right now hold on one second well he's looking is this the area where all those white PVC pipe are sticking out of the ground in the woods I don't know I've never been over there um it's all ledge it's U if you go up Wallace Hill Road from Highland yeah it's a small it's a small Road where the road turns left you go to this um this dirt path to the right oh through some Wetlands to the other side and then take a right and go about a half a mile in is this the is that the access that you referred to is that the um mwa access yes okay there's a there's a trail that runs up there through there to Nate so those PVC pipes was that for a proposed wellsite or something I've never seen that before I didn't know one I I don't know enough about this to really what I would say is we put this on as one of our agenda items to vote on next one do a little bit more due diligence um this is where I I said earlier that to do that area of of Townsen we put a booster pump next to the existing tank with a Pneumatic tank there and that would probably save us anywhere from four or5 million by not in the middle of nowhere where the hell yes and it's and it's all it's all fish and wildlife that's that's around it so even if you did want to put a a water tank out there it would be it would be very difficult for us to be able to get an easement out there to even get get it built and Dave you said it's all it's all ledge right it's a it's all ledge that's it's the highest point in that pot on Ledge in the middle of nowhere through fishing Wild Life and there's a cheaper alternative no I know what I'm saying is is it if it's Bedrock we really can't put a gravel pack in there right not not a well a tank what I was Switching gears on it I mean if we if I I just don't want to give up land that we potentially could use as a source but if it's ledge it's going to be it won't produce enough water so that t water tank yeah but you can change the use it is the high it's the highest point in town well the second highest point in time right the lunberg Tank roow tank is the highest point in time but the the um I I'll let detain em motion um I think um I don't don't think we have many uses is if it is that much ledge I'd be hesitant to put a high pressure line coming down out of there say it is the highest point say we build a a three million gallon tank and it the altitude gives us an enormous amount of pressure If you line if you put a a line in um in ledge under high pressure it it it usually breaks and having gone through a tank emptying in six minutes I I really don't want to do that in Townson um so and also Mr chair you have to stop and think that that any any lines that you're putting away from that particular area it is in protected habitats as well so it would be a difficult sell yeah it would I'll entain a motion to to to um would uh would seed the property to town dispersement be the correct wording chz um just that you you are um relinquishing that back to the the town of Townsen to um to do as they may or however you want to word that it's is it going to be sold to the Department of fishing game well we're going to they they've asked about it they've asked what our plans are um and if if um they are agreeing to it um there's two or three of these smaller Parcels that we're giving them as options and if they want to buy them yes that's the that's the goal I mean if they don't buy them we can't really do anything about it I'm just trying to clean up the what we have on the on the rolls yeah they they purchased several Parcels in that area not too long ago like 10 years ago yeah yeah yeah it's all it's all fish and wildlife in through there and and uh we were talking about a couple other things that we were working on uh with town properties and there were the they actually the rep was the one that brought it up to me about this parcel and I didn't have that info so I got the information from the assessor's office and I'm like it literally looks like a pokit stamp in the middle of of all of what fishing game have I can probably safe to assume no one else is going to buy it because it's in the middle of all that so once you get there you can't go anywhere outside um I I I'll I'll take the direction of the board because uh I'm Nate take the floor Mr chairman I move that we relinquish uh intent for uh tank this is a tank parcel second motions and Maiden second and we'll take a roll call vote Todd malanson I Nathan matala I Jessica foli yes thank you very much all right then did you know that the Department of Fish and Wildlife on average acquires about 20 20,000 Acres every year yes and and and I I'll be transparent with with you all as well there's litigation not litigation there's um uh legislation right now um that is going to increase the amount of monies that towns and municipalities are getting back that are on the pilot program so if we can get this in and um get it approved that they're going to take it on as a project that's going to increase uh the money that we get from pilot um from the state so that's kind of why I want to get this cleaned up so that the fiduciary uh part of it for the town gets an increase as well I'm all for that all right uh you finished Mr deranian on this particular subject absolutely all right so we will move to 6.1 superintendent reports okay Dave you have the floor all right so Main Street Main Street wall the generator comes in in two weeks and then will be installed and it's supposed to be finished installing by the end of the fiscal year of 30 June 2024 uh there's a stat there's a stream gauge also being installed which is part of the which will be attached to skater which will record level flow temperature and dissolve solids and that's all part of the the turtle plan that's required by D and that will complete everything on the Main Street wall that we have that we have left over Dave I have a question on that yes well um is it majoring gauge height and flow or just gauge height both so all right thank you level flow temperature and dissolve solids so if there's any change Upstream that somebody's doing something we'll get an alert okay um but this is just under our control this isn't USGS that's under our it's required in the turtle plan nope I just want to make sure we're we're not getting into something where they're going to attach our withdrawals to a nope all right good thank you so two meters are now at 43% complete and of course as you know that our staff has put in every single one of those meters so right now we're at 97 that are finished planning for uh the next two homes on Highland a for for to be inst solved as you know we we're eliminating that section of Highland a so we're doing two more homes this summer um working on hyr replacement this year on Main we're still working on Main Street uh then GIS which the crew is doing doing they're locating all the services Gates and hydrants and they've been doing a fantastic job on that South Row and Emy waterline is almost completely in the ground and they'll have to go back and put hydrants um so they'll be done the water lines pretty much all this week and they just have to do some connections and and installing hydrants South South Row Road from Ash Street to to South Row sorry South h Road from as Street to South Road will be ground on the 6th of May and will be paved completely on the 13th to 14th of May and the highway Department's doing that so that should mitigate some of the the complaints on on that road which we we've had a few um PS plant all the windows are in the office the outside doors of the office uh will be completed tomorrow the treatment plant veneer the the tall section is going up now and it should be completed in the next week or so and then they're going to stop bringing up the level of the dirt so couple of the things that are that already been approved by the state is the pickup truck an electric boom um a mower that does steep slopes and a flock lift that's the Boom is to to inspect the tanks and and to do everything it h it can't be a sizzor lift because you the boom will move over the tanks is this to move the tanks Dave if they need to get changed out or not to move them to to be able to change the lights above it work on the heating system and inspect all right you mean a mobile boom all right when you said boom you mean a lift basically a scaffold boom lift and there's no way to see on top of them without it so that's coming with the building and as you know every time you hire a contractor to fix something they rent out a boom lift and charge you Absol amount of money we'll have our own and in the long run it'll save us a ton of money but that's coming with the uh with the building the srf has changed um I was told that we couldn't put solar on the roof until it's finished paying for srf has if if we do it with the contingency money we can put solar on it so I'm looking into that um I would Dave this in the same regards to the investment fund um the they're they're specific and so that everybody knows under procurement law um uh anything having to do with um Energy service or procurement contracts are 30 be exempt if anybody needs the the line and law on it I can get it um but we can entertain um in a bid fashion three companies to come in and give us um we you know there's one I would say next amp would be one I would look at they're they they're very very well acquainted with Municipal solar they're the ones that did the back when there was ARA the American Recovery and re uh rebuild act um they're the ones who built the 15 different municipally owned solar arrays um we can talk to them and then there's a couple of I wouldn't do the residential ones that are doing residential they don't have the capacity I would say to handle but we can there there's a good list there some on the state contractor's list I think nexamp is there is a place where we can get I would say three and again have them come in and bid against each other and give us the best deal possible well we we cannot what we cannot do is we cannot rent out the roof it we H the only way we can do it is we have to purchase the the panels out of with the contingency money and you can put it on there so that is done through Winston Winston yep winon Builders yeah but we can firm we can pick the firm that does it it just we have to with the monies we have to purchase the equipment um Now Dave does that include doing um battery backup or is it straight use into the G the building is made made for there's a place for batteries on the building inside the garage over the electric room to put them in all right so this so I I'm I actually prefer buying the solar stuff over renting it out it's usually can't rent it because you I know even but even if we could I would be opposed to it I think it's a better deal to own them um so yeah I Dave does that need something to be voted on now or is that something we should I think it would it doesn't have to be voted on at all it's just getting getting the right price Chaz has a hand up yes sir I recognize CH thank you Todd uh I Dave you guys are on the municipal aggregation aren't you what do you mean that's what I figured all municipal buildings in town are on an aggre aggregate um price locked in price so if you are going to if you are thinking of doing the solar we need to to check um how we can do that without getting penalized for it because we're locked in at a at a a price per um kilowatt hour for all of our municipal buildings and that I do believe is considering yours that that's it's Nott that's that's an easy answer it's an expansion of the solar field what already have a solar field there it's expansion of the solar field that's there and it would hook into that I understand that but you're taking out you're taking out west M uh the the Main Street Building correct but it no it's not Main Street har TR I understand that no no no stop and and let's look at what your current setup is right now where your office is is on Main Street correct right that is on Municipal aggregation what I'm saying is when you guys make the move we have to make sure that that comes off of that that's not going to affect our our contract contracted price you see what I'm saying right okay all I do now um is there a way we can who's the gentleman that brokered that deal Chaz uh Ross Perry yeah is there a way he could attend the next meeting and we could go over that in the meeting I can definitely ask him to come sure all right so there's another next meeting sorry Justin M Nate it looks like our next meeting is could has the potential to be a long one right um that's okay used to Long meetings so go go on back the next srf meeting is Thursday of this week and so there be an update on Facebook a few days later wit is Brook the new generator comes in June um and wies book 2 will probably be off Sometime Late summer till it switches over to the treatment plant but as of right now wites Brook 1 and two with the infrastructure can't run at the same time so instead of taking do one e either uh every other day we're going to going to leave one on to the system while two is being transferred over question for you if we're going to take it off which one did we clean a couple years ago Dave both if it's going to be offline we're just going to leave one on would it behoove us to pull it and like have it inspected and if it needs to be clean clean we already did but it's been used for two years or however long since then we did February of 20 23 in September of TW for number two and September of 23 for witches Brook number one to get ready this all right but we're coming in on two years and we been leaning on it hard I think about it's SP about a year and when part of the doing this is they're pulling the motors we're changing out the motors all right the the um we're changing out everything it's well no I know U but we're not actually changing out the physical pump down in it are we yes we are okay so that answers my question it it it's it's it's getting done well we want but just by changing so if it was going to be down it made sense to have it looked at but if they're if we're changing the motors and the pumps as part of the project then that that just ask us so all the ills that we've had in the past are thrown in this product we're gonna main Street's going to be brand new hit Trace will be brand new which is one and two will all be brand new Motors pumps Ellers everything's changing and to include the vfds Dave you probably are so I'll just ask the question since I talked about cleaning the wells um keeping track of rotating the cleaning and keeping up on it so we're not ever falling behind when does crosy come up for a cleaning three years it's on a fiveyear rotation all right works thank you so we have five Wells every year a well gets cleaned okay I'm good with that right then so little information on the ASR second straight year at 4% on account of full water and which is fantastic since we had at least 10 to 15 years of 30 plus what's our residential per capita Dave um you know I don't have that number they didn't have us but it's way down because nobody W last year are we are we below the 65 Dave absolutely I think I ran it and it was like roughly it was in the 40s but the year before was 80 you no I know but but that because that'll go into when our permit comes under review if we stay under that 6510 rule we're we're good to go so we're gonna be we're gonna be good to go there's nobody watered last year and that's all I have all right um let's see what next do we have hold on one second I got on the right page um let's see [Music] um 7.1 uh schedule the next um board meeting Nate it's get back I just need to make sure that's get to my calendar but second second Monday correct which is 13 May the 13th so know me I'm super flexible all right that works for me as well also yep Chaz I'm good all right pencil that one in please um Nate you're really good at this could you take 7.2 and 7 point uh the rest of seven point whatever sure yeah Jess normally what we do at this point is um we could when we're in the meeting room we used to do this at the desk and um we would sign uh monthly abatements and adjustments review to the end of month reports have you watched the meetings before no I have not um and also the bills payable and receivable warrants and I guess we've been doing it for many years I hope we're allowed is what we do is we vote to sign these out of session so we're not running the camera and a recorder and having tying everybody up from leaving and you know people want to stick around make sure nothing said it right the tail end right so we opt and move to sign out of session and then we end the meeting and then we now more so than ever because it's on Zoom we can't sign over the computer we um sign at the bills payable for the month and all the other things that are on this list so vote how you will but Mr chairman I move that we review monthly abatements and adjustment list review and approve end of month reports and sign reports and monthly bill payable warrants out of session motion uh second motion's been made second any discussion I don't see any roll Co vote Todd bson I Nathan Mata i j fi yes I I did foret one thing that I wanted to bring up and um it was in the report I don't know how I skipped it the last few weeks we've had number of people who have um private Wells but are near water lines or not near water lines hook trying to hook up because some of them have heard of p p force and they want to hook up now as you know there's a service connection fee and and it cost money for these people to hook up because of the the uh as of uh the vote by the board of selectman on 20 July 2021 there's a PS crisis and with the new EPA numbers I want the board to consider of in in the to suspend the service connection fee for only existing homes um why don't we do this Dave why don't we put that as an agenda item on the next one um cuz I'd like there to be different options for us to think about like a payment plan or or reduced I just think fiduciary I I understand what you're saying I agree with it but also the people that have already paid that we've got to be fair to them so give us a like three options like a payment plan splitting up monthly over a term we already offer that that's already but you get what I'm gonna understand people didn't ask no I I I do understand that but the other part is is we need to be fair to the people that have already paid all those so I wouldn't be oppos I'd be I'm not opposed to discussing any option but I I do think there should be different options for us to consider maybe reducing it for those but I you know um we got to do something because people can't afford it I I I I understand that and they're being forced to do this I just I just believe you need to put that on as for a discussion at a futuree yeah that's why I'm putting it in I'm bringing it up put it on the agenda for next time but think think about it and remember these people EPA just lower the numbers again there's legislation out there that is going to hurt people e and just be aware of this and no I I I do I the legislation isn't going to hurt people it's the people that are trying to enforce it that are gonna correct from the actual is the residen so just please uh think about it and we need we need to try to do something no I agree with that um one thing I did think about uh Dave can you have Brenda make up um stamps for Jessica um I think Nate and I have them sometimes if you can't get to sign a warrant if they send it to you in digital form you can read it and then send an email that you approve to use your stamp to approve you give her invisible link only on your Fe Dave yeah that's good thank you I asked that one all right um if does anybody think have anything else left for us this evening um Mr chairman yes sir I move that we adjourn the water commissioner meeting I'll second motions been made in second roll call vote Todd malanson I Nathan matala I Jess foli yes thank you very much for your time you all have a great week and a great weekend thank you welcome Jessica thank you do you just want to officially adjourn the meeting m i adjourned I thought we did with the vote I adjourned the meeting of the Town border of water committee is on April 23rd at 8:38 p.m. you all have a great week and a great weekend again thank you you too good night