I'd like to call the order the towns and Conservation Commission meeting for Wednesday July 10th 2024 at 7:01 PM can I have a roll call please James D ran James Gates presid present rise for the please I PL your allegiance to the flag of the United States of America this meeting is being recorded is anyone else recording Chairman's additions and or deletions I do not have any at this time uh chair report anything I have to cover will be covered in the agent report uh review and approve meeting minutes from 61224 has everyone have a chance to yes motion in a second I motion that we approve the minutes from 61224 I fot second uh R call vote James D yes James Gates yes7 agent report uh Jess our L coordinators okay um hold on let me pull it up did I I printed it right yes there's like three things on it can you just read it please yep um building permit inter departmental signatures 8 Walnut Street excuse me 17 Birch Lane 89 North End Road uh no referrals were completed Board of Health inter interdepartmental signatures on Main Street uh completed approvals da4 49 Edward Road applications in RDA for 94 Main Street and 18 copper Smith way uh and notice 10 for 21 Emory Road um there was no other and that's it just if you have anything to add um no I don't think so it was pretty slow few days with the holiday last week so not much has happened since your last meeting do you know if they had posted the position yet for agent uh not to my knowledge and has there been any further discussion regarding it I don't know no but you can check with your board of Selectmen Lee Aon who might know more than I do it is 704 go through some um other stuff before our hearings and appointments um down to 3.1 requests for certificate of compliance 150 Fitchburg Road twb 224-1 180 D number 30806 N9 U cat you had a chance to meet with the homeowners and you saw that everything is yeah everything looked really good there was only a few little thoughts that were that needed some seed um that he's got to retain pain in wall but it looks great and um nothing was wet I walked all around and everything was completely dry and it looks really good actually it's going to need to be mowed it's gotten really tall the grass so he is working on he's got a little bit long left and he's going to work on feeding a couple of those slots they're not big they're just little and so I think he you he still had to so he the up and stuff but you know so you feel that we can yes it's all stabilized so I motion that we issue a certificate of compliance for 158 Fitchburg Road twb 20241 180 D number 308 d06 N9 go have a second so moved Ral call vote James D yes James Gates yes yes to skip down to 36 so 158's closed out now I want to jump down to 3.6 is uh quick one request for certificate of compliance 238 South World Road twb 20241 183 de 30869 3 Jessica this is one that you took a look at I did I did a drive by last week and um the engineer who submitted this request on behalf of the applicant who's Kevin Smith um he also did his own site inspection with some photographs so we have those in the area has been restabilized um all that happened within kcom jurisdiction was a little bit of grading for um the lower half of the leech field and that occurred within the 100 foot buffer so everything looked okay okay was that new construction no it was a old farmhouse that up yeah yeah so I'll make a motion that we uh approve the certificate of compliance 238 South World Road twb 20241 183 D 308 0693 you have a second I second P second roll call vote please James Brian yes James Gates yes yes 78 uh jump down to 4.1 registration open for free conflict of interest training seminars the chair of Select board shared this um State ethics Mission hosts free by monthly training seminars for state county and Municipal Employees on the restrictions imposed under the conflict of interest law um GL C 268a these two our seminars present an opportunity for cities and BS to have new hires receive forign training on the law seminars are conducted remotely via Zoom video conference and are scheduled every other month on the 4th Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. unless otherwise indicated registrations are currently being accepted for the following seminar date Thursday July 25th 2024 this isn't goto meeting or second floor this meeting what nothing they're not being online not doing any of the ethics training just online so it's a seminar that they discuss the ethics um and I'm sure they allow it to offer or ask questions well the thing it's on Zoom like the call so if you needed to do it I'm sure the select board would be more than the comedy sure here so um July 25th and September 26 seminars um can be registered you can register um if you are interested something Sabrina or would shut up anyway Jess do you have anything you want to add to that um no I don't okay MACC annual dues notice for fiscal year 2025 so the annual dues are $311 um so six it's so no we've done it forever I know so we have a um commissioner list that needs to be updated because Colby is no longer a commissioner same with an so we need to make sure that get adj no and no and theer oh um Jessica um for the um associate Commissioners and the staff um you just wanted it it for you I mean I it's up to you guys you have I think you have a $500 budget so for the whole fiscal year so I think I think having one staff I don't know if you need to designate who or if you can just add one staff membership for a potential future agent would be pretty smart I think I don't know if we can sort of just I can hold a membership for a few months until the position is filled land use coordinator I feel that it's kind of important for you to or whoever is land use coordinator have it um but and I also agreed hold it for the additional staff but if we don't have to spend the $60 right the second probably add it on later would be my guess I mean you the the biggest benefit would be if somebody wants to get their fundamentals trainings in each of those trainings are normally I don't know like $70 but if you're a member they're $55 or something so I have that training already done but a potential future agent doesn't potential future Commissioners for this year do not so it it benefits you guys and a and a future agent more than I do if if you're looking to save on your budget for this year I'm not looking to save $50 have we had any grbs on any new Commissioners any applications com in applications for Commissioners no because they would have been right here any we have an audience tonight maybe someone out there will want to join us I say so um so I say we keep moving forward obvious um so I made notes on the Green Sheet just or across out people that are no longer on the commission okay and I will check off adding you and then when and if we get an agent we can add them on and instead of them just sending emails to someone that isn't even here okay um I'll need to submit a warrant for this payment so if you guys can vote to do that please for the amount for the 70 no the full amount for the membership hold on I can I can fill out the paperwork I just need you guys to to vote on the the the total amount please $311 in 3037 371 pretty much takes away from that budget doesn't it well the rest of it's going to go natur watered hopefully the donation right so uh I make a motion that we approve uh $370 $371 um Mac for the payment dues for the Mac annual du dues fiscal year 2025 so move discussion JY discussion we're probably gonna have some new people coming in roll call vote pleas James yes James who D royan yes yes with you want me to sign one of the invoices or um no I I'd have to sign the warrant form so as long as I can do that on your behalf we're good oh boy we're late all right moving on uh1 of intent uh intent uh 21 Emory Road TW WB 2024 179 D 30871 applicant Ace your home Lux LLC representing them is Matthew marrow project is to replacement of an existing septic system within 100 foot buffer I will read the public the legal notice and then we can open the hearing the towns of Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday July 10th 2024 7:15 pm. to consider a notice of intent filed by Matthew Maro environmental Consulting for the African acter home Lux LLC for property located at 21 Emory Road map 16 parcel 50-30 the proposed work is for the replacement of an existing septic system within the 100 foot buffer this is a joint hearing there the require requirements of Master Law chapter 131 subsection 40 as amended in the towns and Wetland protection by law and regulations as amended plans are available at the commission's office at Town Hall 272 Main Street Townsen Mass um 1469 for information email conation at towns andy. like to make a motion that we open the hearing for the notice of intent at 21 Emer Road twb 2024 -79 d308 d711 at 718 p.m. a second second you're out in the sun fall today M roll call vote please Jim bran yes James Gates yes cat joh yes yes very much so just like everyone else was mailing it's been check [Music] off chessica do you mind pulling it up on the screen just so people can see y can do where's in just one the whole thing turn it around so you can see no I can read them upside down right side up it isn't that hard T do you want me to spin it all you good no I'm good okay so there's no increase at all to the footprint 100% replacement in the existing on and he can exp um hi Matt how are you you there you muted yeah I'm here can you hear me okay yeah yeah great yeah if you don't mind giving us the overview And discussing okay so essentially we have is a septic replacement the main the tanks in the leech field are going to be replaced the um existing tank which is under the deck is going to be um left in place um the leech field is essentially in the same spot as the existing field um we have erosion protection put in place along you know the details of such are on the plan that would be the um bold line that's marked with box number six which shows it basically stretching around in an arc thank you for moving your cursor there for me Jessica that's the erosion protection line I mean that's it it's pretty simple stuff it has been approved by the Board of Health by the way okay um [Music] the is there any change in the existing grading that will be taking place no um what about stockpiling of material on site stock would be done the driveway um this these drives are fairly quick so even stockpiling the material it shouldn't be their long so foot elevation line um this is a flat lot am I reading this correctly mat this is pretty much just flat yeah it's I mean when you get to the Wetland the Woodland itself is canopy but the lot itself is pretty flat and open other than a stockpile area but like you said they're in and out quick on that they're not wasting time with they need the materials there still takes time the St material I mean if you put it in the driveway would be out of the buffer zone so right yeah pretty much straightforward like you said his erosion controls adequate and it is a pretty flat yeah there's no detail on the erosion control did you have anything on the back nothing the back am I miss anat or is there no detail for the erosion control but apparently I must be an ER Theos control that we normally use on this site is Waddles and Sil fence right it doesn't show it so we're going to need to see a detail of of the erosion control um there's no way around that Jessica did you get a chance to look at this um very very quickly this afternoon that's it I didn't even see that there's no detail so you guys caught that [Music] okay but um no one showed up to the well pat pat did sorry Pat was the only one who showed up to the site visit so um I don't know if there was any Wetland boundary confirmation or or anything um the plan has it as flagged um so we're gonna have to motion to continue this to the next meeting so we have a detail on the um you're concerned with well one of our regulations is we require a um detail for the set control yeah I mean I could have a detail to you tomorrow um it's a pretty standard input please not the only one here I I i' like to go back and look again better I mean I just did it real quick because I was by myself I didn't know stay and you know yes there was you know some plags up here and do you want to have him we submit tomorrow an upgraded plan with three erosion control L areas wles staked and Sil fencing obviously that's what we need uh I don't think you need silt fence and Waddles uh it's a flat lot so you look at see look at the proposed finish grade for the um cover of the septic tank that proposed is 10.92 um and it's 10.57 for the pump chamber so you're three inches there is yes and then you go down to the you follow the contour line it's only 100 feet yeah 100 feet Elation you can see where the the relief line is like spray right out so so it's flat who's gonna do you want obviously you want Matt he needs to lay it out well he needs to yeah put it detailed but in the title box he has the list of updates and we could always assume make the Assumption of um today's date with in other words you you want to do the sil fence layout not the layout just the detail it's going to be installed layout and details through different things right I know you know that you can't reach me from there you can't hit me no no no what I'm saying can can we do it here now or is this gonna have to be through mat he's gonna have to no he has to add it but I think we can make make an assumption on if he's gonna do it tonight we'll put the date and then the uh update names all right I'm yeah just has foken up so just Sil fence or did you want Waddles too what what would you propose in something like this something like this Waddles I think could be more than unsatisfactory you just stake them in I I agree with you there it's a pretty flat area um even though we did have a two-inch rain our first two in Rain of 20124 the other day yeah y so just did you have a chance to um never mind you [Music] did I'm GNA talk to pretend I'm finishing your thought if you guys are concerned about a few of the typical plan items in your regulations being Miss from this plan I think it is generally assumed that it's a flat sight and minimally invasive work is proposed um an option would be to issue an order of or or vote to issue an order of conditions but make some special conditions in your town and Wetland bylaw attachment a b that you know you need to update the plans to include a spra waddle detail and a stockpile location um and then once I once we get that plan and it does meet whatever check boxes you need it to meet then we can um issue the yeah formally okay so that's yeah um so I motion to issue in order of a standard order of conditions um or 21 Emory Road D number 308 Dash 07 oh sorry- 0711 um with special conditions that erosion control detail and a stock pile location is outlined on the plan and that's going to be strictly Waddles we're not going to do any silk control walls are more than adequate yes I feel they are I do too that's just because it's so flat right is that it yeah I can the waddle detail can be added to the plan right away and you'll have it first thing in the morning no problem it's fine easy and I'll just go on way here and we'll know the update will be 511 2024 with so that's a special order of conditions comments yeah okay so I made the motion um do we have a second second now up for discussion Pat your second didn't seem enthusiastic well it's just it it's straightforward it's just for stockpile area and so control and it'll be resubmitted tomorrow under a special order of conditions special condition do you have anything you want to add do we have any pict this point no um Jess do you have the um you pull up a Google Earth or some sort of overview picture please thank you yep hold on now this was the S Mark we were supposed to do yesterday was that 58 mry road no no this was the same day as we did the others this was the first one that for me which I never got we'll just pull that up Lisa I see you joined our meeting can I ask you a question okay so just you mind zooming in please or put turning on any of the um layers that you feel are important is that a pool at the bottom Matt is that a pool so okay so I turned on the white L layer and the two one one put Topo to make it out but you can see how flat it is what are you trying to look for p sorry I didn't hear that Pat Pat had asked about pictures and I was just trying to understand what she was no I just look like I just you know I couldn't remember because like I said it was just so quick that um and I forgot to bring my phone to take pictures of my myself at that time and but it looks like everything should be fine what that you sure okay so we have uh any other discussion no so uh Motion in second uh can I have a roll call vote please you want the motion I made the motion all right James Daran yes James Gates yes Pat yes we need a motion or and now make motion to close the hearing for 21 Emery Road twb 2024 - 179 D number 30807 so move roll call vote please James D yes James Gates [Music] yes than m we bring that to Jessica tomorrow Qui question yes so um my client essentially I mean we'll have that into you tomorrow I'll review it with Jessica to make sure that she's satisfied with the detail there's anything on the detail that she wants change we can get it change right away Evan's usually really good about getting that stuff done promto um the just a quick question I had was due to a time constraint once the order is issued um are we allowed to since Noah butter has shown up to protest the system um which essentially winds up negating their rights of appeal um is it okay if we start prior to the end of the appeal period on my client risk I mean at this point no butter has shown up and then a but has protest to appeal up to you no the correct answer is no it there's a 10 day 10 business day waiting period from issue no understood that's all but that's all I have no W there's no waiver to that or anything it's 10 days you know but you can always call D if you want better clarification or um want to discuss it further but for us we won't Jimmy won't bless it with this holy water right Matt you just did not get any word back from a particular a butter or any of the ABS nothing as a matter of fact when I send out a butter notices I always add to the form um my boss's email address which my boss in this case being my wife um she cracks any requests from any of Butters we offer the PDF of the noi form and the plan for free um so usually if a bus are interested they will start emailing me asking me for copies I've gotten nothing so you have not heard anything back then all right but it's a 10 days I mean that being said though too just keep in mind I mean if we get the plan tomorrow I I mean I can't draft the order conditions the same business day so I'll have to write it you guys will have to come sign it it's probably not going to be until middle or late next week that we can actually issue it and effective the issue date is when you start your 10day appeal period at the end of your 10-day appeal period is when it is recommended to then record the document to the property's title upon sufficient recording installation of your erosion barriers and installing that D sign that's followed by an inspection to confirm all that was done then is is best practice for when work maybe we so Jessica you expect we could come down Tuesday or Wednesday and sign whatever so we can get that um going yeah I can probably draft it on Monday or Tuesday of next week so that would that's a good time frame I'm good with that so we can exp expedite it a little bit from thatt just get get it going yep um so I'm also 21 2.2 uh the hearing is already open for this one um notice 10 88 met Road WB 20241 181 D um 308 d78 um Jess there was no special comments from D um since we last talked about it no um we've talked about this round and round would we be able to close this out tonight uh uh it's not on the agenda to issue the COC we're going to issue the qu conditions though I understand that we can add the C to the next meeting then how quickly can we expedite closing this one you can sign it tonight okay you know why yeah how I feel about this right now do the C until this has been recorded though so I so that means we got to go to the next we navigate we're gonna sign this tonight are we still pending comment from the ep the 401 Water they are in so they know we're moving on Amen you know where I'm talking M make it sure no I um so I motion to uh issue an order of conditions for 88 meow Road um standard order of conditions D number 308-7008 [Music] is second roll call please James Gan yes James Gates yes need a I make a motion that we close the hearing for 88 Road uh D number 308-7008 second second jimy second roll call vote please James Duran yes James Gates yes yes so we will for our practical purposes be able to be done with this our next meeting I don't know they has to be recorded before we can issue correct correct all so we're close we sign this yeah sorry we are just about back on SC uh 2.3 it is 742 appointment 11 sa ro road Wendy and Andrew Hammond project is a failing retaining wall for structure along vitton Pond Bank in need of immediate rep do you mind coming up so we know who you are and we knew know you're here you've been up before I know oh yeah what then thank you yes I just gave her I'm to keep yours too now you put the new house up right yeah yes across the street from glorious no no no that's that's that's car we're um number 11 like right in the middle got the hip Ro yep yep yep yep I just take Jessica can you please could you pull up the pictures that were sent to you please is that next to clinging birs no couple couple down from that as well okay this you know that new house that just went in at the us we're right next we share yeah so this is the retaining wall right on the pond right on it yeah yeah the sauna is getting bit too and um it's actually it's not in front of the SAA it's in front it's um we've got a patio and it's right in front of the Pao is this a s Mark or did Jessica go up and look at this they sent Jessica some pictures yeah because this is something just did that last rainstorm knock it out what which one got it well it's been a gradual um you know you WR in Mark proor is on Mason and he comes up every year to check it out like this time he's like can't fix well right exactly well he wants to he's got to repair not replace but yeah it's GNA invol just yeah yep y Jessica were you able to find the pictures I'm working on it hold on please yeah like it's it's over 90 years old the W what it made out of Stone big boulders so I just remember my cousins oh go to that stone wall so we can build the because we're the ones put that big Mound up in there Freddy and Tucker and me we go Journal is actually it's starting to and behind it you can't see it pictures that's where it is you can't see it C but this is the 8 ft of about a 27 foot wall it's that 8T that if you were to look at it it looks like a big window so it's if from the side it's not so much top bleeding it's just that it's it's it's coming out like and it's made to be like that no no it's made to be straight yeah and what's happened is because it's been gradually deteriorating that flat patio is now probably about an inch below she's star to Sag everything's mother nature takes everything in its direction then on this side this is another 27 same thing Happ eight eight sub section this this is 30 the small one is 32 in high 32 and this is about well you know what they did when first 90 years ago you can see it was all the same height and then somebody 80 years ago added that because the p used to get so full it does it the water gets crazy high now now if you look here this a little cement walkway by the middle to the end of August come back out you'll see it again yeah yeah early spring everybody everything goes away on the edge if she show if Jessica can show the photos yeah yeah give me one second they didn't download properly apparently they worked in the office so I don't want to pull up your personal email on the public screen though so give me a moment please so your stone Mason L you you're going to have plenty of work for him to do exact it's got to get done well my question is this this is obviously just a fix it's pushing like that it's right it's a it's a Well he he looks at it as a repair as opposed to a rebuilt he's going to reuse the materials that are there just to in straighten up short up he's very experienced actually he lives on Hickory Hickory Hills pond in lber and he overa the whole building up a dam stuff so he's ATT tuned to using as much natural his goal is little cement and keep it as natural to Sure V pwn deserves that you know it'll be all manual machine yeah back breaking but it's all good what you looking at me for you know what my walls look like I was just gonna say how many hours have you put on it I that's a yellow that's my and so you can see here see that cment up here that area that's where that boat starts to come out goes like that and it's you know it's we took 50 pictures trying to make it so that it really gave you good impr understanding but that's it needs Rec yeah and that right down there a whole that's where all water is just drain basically um I'm gonna because I'm having to individually download each of these and so I'm not connected to the server so I'm going to share the email of all the pictures that you sent me Wendy and then I'll connect with our media team to make sure that your email is redacted before this actually gets posted for public use if that's all right with you sounds good okay can you guys see my the email screen now uh no just the picture okay I to restart hold on how many years have you people been on the pH well at my's place okay [Music] so we built our house there in um 2015 came from the board too yeah and then right so just just say when just shout when I need to stop if you guys want to talk about a certain picture first one shows yeah yeah I think we all get the gist of it I mean it's so do you know if there is a any sort of drainage behind that wall right now and look here's the oh I'm not that's not sort of made up I just held the tape [Music] it we don't know you can make your assumptions that they weren't probably putting a lot of crush Rock in the back of bit for water drainage well yeah and there yeah it's all the stone that you didn't use behind it that usually was the old shank and junk that they yeah very it's amazing that they have I mean I literally have pictures 193 that show small it's incredible yeah yeah yeah fins were good workers yeah still are um sh the so if you feel that it's imminent danger for your property we're not going to stop you from doing the work but we will require a retroactive filing after it's done um and based on my experience in walls uh I without actual drainage behind the wall this is just a bandaid to the problem um you know it's pushing out a high right now but you could have a year like last year where we go into the fall with a lot of water in ground it freezes hard and pushes at the bottom you give me back at square one um would that not be left to the discretion of the contractor no we're not designing it we're not building it but um they do feel that you might look further down the road here I you know might the repair might last a year might last five might last 10 20 really don't know um you and in terms of retroactive filing we'd have to have another look at the WPA to see how this would fall but again we're not going to tell you not to do the workation what will you what do you want them to file after the work is done RDA noi I I don't want to speak I'm not I they have to have a direction of what what are they going to need to file I would need to refer to the WPA right without or prior to giving any guidance in I don't want to drag a meeting out with me trying to read just to double check so Jessica will notify them off but you know we as commission will request you know you notify us within 48 or 72 hours of the work beginning any you know solitation barrier put along the water's edge um to revent any um debris um and when we say facilitation barrier soens just so that stuff Falls it doesn't go into the water you know you'll clean it up because it's your home clean it up anyway exactly um Jessica is there anything you want to add to my ramblings um no I don't think so yeah it's I don't know anything about retaining walls so I don't know if it's like immediate will fail in a month or can hang on for another year to to follow the proper procedure but it seems like it's a pretty big job um like like square foot disturbance wise but um I don't know all the retaining well lingo to to really be confident with saying noi but I think being so close to the pond and probably even on the actual Bank of it itself it it'd be difficult with d to do this with just an RDA so I guess I'm GNA back into it if you've already talked about it I apologize when they come in to repair it how much of the wall are they going to dismantle there it's going to be done like sections it's a total of eight feet that that is the going out area so8 feet long 40 inches high the full height we can just get away with that that eight you know n or 10 feet right from the bottom where it begins right up Fresh brand new redone this could I'm going to go out on limit and say this most likely falls under a limited notice inent check um it's because it's an in kind repair replacement you're not replacement you're just rebuilding what's there just providing some structural Integrity to something that's failing and prevent the whole patio from ending up in the pond which is would be an idea so right if you feel the need to do this sooner then you can file and again I I have to refer back to the WPA I'm not going do it right this second um on how to proceed but if you feel that you need to do it you know right wa do it notify the office you know and make sure that there's erosion controls around the entire area even because it's the bottom of the hill you can still have water coming down from the top and you washing into that area want to try to divert it catch it slow it down um but Jessica I'll refer to the WPA tonight in the email you what my thoughts are maybe you could forward it on that works sure so should we just wait to hear from you as far as to what documentation you want us to if you need if this is something that you feel the need to have repair tomorrow or obviously within reason because I know the scheduling a Mason is what most we'll be waiting to hear from you um you know you we are not going to stop you from proceeding um but once any of the work starts or is completed that is we will require you to file um whatever permit we feel is necessary yeah don't file for the until the work start is that correct isent can file if you hear from us I'll look I'll review everything tonight I'll email Jessica she'll email you tomorrow or the beginning of the week um and once you know how to proceed then I would start to file on um and if you need to start the work prior to everything being approved we're not g to stop you yeah we understand app but again facilitation barriers stuff uh whatever you need to and obviously you're working with someone experien working around a body of water he's worked on at the P before done other jobs for other people out there I remember he did a set of stairs going down for Gloria and so he's familiar with the whole BR thing beautiful beautiful so is everyone that so okay we appreciate you coming thank you thank you very much take care of your pond and we we TR we try to as well sometimes W the wetlands protection act can be very confusing you can read it and you know even engineer it's you interpret one way one day me another day you're like oh that actually makes sense like this but it also pertains to the project and everything our intentions are to make the permanent process easy while providing oversight and guidance so sounds good is it good to see something happening over Dr Ross's Old Camp is that coming along with the septic and everything they're doing yeah they've been rebuilding like slowly step by step no that's it's not here about any room good but I just yeah remember sitting over the linquist we'd always waited to do he'd know who we were blah blah blah so you know unforunately Greg Ry just sold it in Japan just found out jail that's with John Greg Ry oh Greg yeah he's a son of Dr so he's the one who just sold it correct he's the oldest correct I think he's old it's and Jimmy do you mind if we uh continue on I know I just I know story time no than you bye now thank you thank you um Jack thank you for being patient waiting for up you are up Sir you want me to go and cozy right in here move on this is 18 c Smith yes okay so uh 3.3 request for determination with ability twb 2024 d182 um this is not the only one in the neighborhood either we'll have another one yep we did one a couple years ago up the street I think it was 22 his build right now too great so she leave my card uh anyway uh we talked about this Pat Jim out uh with Jessica the other day these were uh htech or infiltrator chamber systems same with I think pretty much the whole neighborhood when we did 22 same setup little wetlands in the back um and then the system out in the front septic tank is going to remain that's a 1500 gallon tank the only thing that's getting taken out would be the debox and the old leech area whatever we need to get into that will be hauled out because it's Chambers and you know soil that's been so is it partially under the road no never mind I obviously can't read right now no so this is the property yeah I know the road where it says C that's the road it was hot today you know the existing part of the existing system maybe partially under the driveway based on the jack I was just asking if I'm sorry a moment no I'm good I'm good so there going to be replacement right in the same foot same spot foot pull the old system out bring in new material put the new Presby system in right uh this is the 100 foot buffer so we are just inside the 100 foot uh with the work but this is uh 40b so it falls back to to five which is the 50 Foot buffer we can put stuff up to 50t okay sorry that's right right they played that all the way through that complete project be and Jessica not it to him she wanted to make sure there's going to be so control there is to the back radient so what it does it goes there's a little retaining wall here with the flower bed it's going to come right out here come right in front of this tree come across the back side of this tree up along the edge of the driveway and hit the stairway here this is a grass Swale yep that drains down into here and then in between the two Ls yeah so um that because of the line work and the colors this disappears in here but it's there how old was the set 12 years old I think they said yeah I think it was maybe 11 11 12 somewhere there yeah the what's the average I'm gonna just these are unrelated questions before Jessica yells at me what's the average life chambers that we're finding out uh I just had one that was three or four years old in Fitchburg in Phil uh but when they're in grav material like this 10 maybe 15 years at the most and you have one Fielder on a 4ye it was the same system same type of system yeah they're just the is there better longevity with the pre yes beautiful I mean that's a straightforward again it was completely unrelated outside our jurisdiction I was just curious oh so as the Technologies came out to get away from the stone and pipe the chambers were the first uh approval through D and they gave us a little bit of a reduction in size uh when they first came out for the first couple years D required to have stone around them room then after that the ctech and infiltrator petitioned the state saying we don't want it anymore it should be just laid in material okay straight on material and what what they've been finding what we've been finding over the years is uh when the effluent goes in there it just blinds up the in other words it's silted it silts it it silts it but it's also the biomap that just covers the whole bottom of it seals it up so it's like washing down a big Clay Hill and aftermath of that's fine fine yeah silts and Clays at the bot same thing so uh so again good example of that is McDonald Bobby took out 10t or something good example of a fluent just built up in that se really that was lack of maintenance on that and it was all grease that was in that setic either way just an example of the E isn't that the one they're doing right now just finished it okay so um so we should get used to it we we'll see him again because see again there's two other oh yeah Bru something I is doing it I don't know I'm if those two having issues I'm sure there'll be another one because I was on the board when we were approving these do you have any questions comments I know makes me think about mine but no I supp you're in a sand pit this part of it was too it's all nice it it is but from here over was all yeah low L really sand yeah the hills clay everything off of that should be this nice sanding material crazy what the GL left stuff you go from that to ledge to oh look at West met you know what that's all about one side of West meows all clay as far as you can dig and now the other side of it was sand beautiful approved gold so um so I make a motion that we issue a negative3 determination in those special conditions okay oh sorry no you got it you got it that got it um okay can I have a roll call vote please James D yes James Gates yes yes Jack is on his way Prince now yeah you just throw me off throw you off help you important for us we've got a bunch of stuff to sign at the end just so everyone knows thank you thank you have a good night by Ja all right 3.4 request for determination of clickability 94 Street twb 20241 you mind introducing yourself P the seat form whe you're here Steven Sila this is for um a 12 by 24 shed was that these bushes will be gone in this tree I tried to put some stakes in there put arrows because the sun when I was trying to take it's fine just gives gives everybody an idea where it is so you're going to be doing a gravel pad yes just said are you raising the area or you digging out the soil and then putting the gravel level yeah they're going to level it off it's some slight slight going up to the Rock yep yeah you have that I did the rail trail oh did you yeah yeah your wife would walk the dogs yeah every morning and every afternoon every afternoon so I only have one question on this does that area have a flood have you down just down below where the brook where the brook is so on a it's usually like last year would have been the year for it flood yeah well Che if there's snow on the ground in April and we get heavy rain it doesn't make the turn it won't drain oh it drains fast okay yeah I don't know what they did years ago I think down to the Cooper Ridge when they did it all they can adjust the they adjust the the yeah the river drops I live right on Turnpike Road on the river and eat eat a day it goes go right down so it doesn't make that bend it just comes on the grass but you've never had that area flood out or anything of no I've been there for 18 years all right that's all I just don't think you're gonna want to see yeah because I have a walk out basement if you remember you were there the other day correct so J did you have it anything you wanted to add I didn't um just wanted to note that James I forwarded you the email and I think Autumn had shared it too that she had received an email from the D um I don't have it in front of me but I think I printed it actually I think I put it in the folder um that they are concerned that the area might be mapped blood plane um bordering land subject to flooding so it's it's your call but um I just just wanted to put that into the record and you've put that you did you did an overlay um on on that of that area if I yeah it's just it's just the mapper like like just similar to how we look at the D Wetlands layer it's not fully exact perfect um right so but based on yeah based on the mapper it did not show exact regulatory floodway where the shed is going so only overlayer did not fall on the flood plane area well of recorded you know there's an update I'll pull it up give me one second and I'll screen share but in the 18 years you've been there you've not observed it which it's only of time but I know um so there's the the blue and the orange the blue anything that has the a designation that is the um Bea regulatory floodway so again this is just sort of an overlay mapper it's not exact um flood plane is based off of elevations and not just different colors here but this is just for easier discussion could you zoom in please where the proposed shed is Right Where You M yeah right where your this this is as zoomed in as it goes yeah so the blue overlay is the jurisdiction the FEMA flood M or approximate approximate but yes the blue not the orange can you just this will be my last request right where those three bushes are right yeah right can you draw or measure the from the blue to the uh outside of the orange I don't know this narrow area 22 like that not bad I think that's enough margin of error 20 feet not yes it's only so you got that's a large margin of error even if they're wrong and it's a it's more of an area Le that's the way I'm going to interpret it yeah okay to say he's far enough out of it so locally your jurisdiction um so so State DP jurisdiction is the regulatory floodway locally your jurisdiction is that floodway and also a 100 foot buffer and then obviously there's an interent stream flowing through here with that 100 foot buffer so I think based on what you guys are discussing though all the work is limited to the the buffer anyway so do you have anything you want I mean I think it fine straightforward it's a dir floor so it's well yeah gravel so I'll make a motion to issue a negative3 determination um I will add in a special condition for erosion control along the perimeter of the yard just until the areas especially by that little Brook are you don't have to do anything upwards towards the no towards the lake but it's straightforward and it can be removed disassembled quick enough when the day come comes off got so it's no concrete being dropped it's impervious boom well yeah depends on how you define gravel is it Stone gravel but I'm not going to go down that Ro right either way um so I motioned to issue negative3 determination it3 determination for the special condition of erosion or silt fence along the sil fence or or just Waddles I'm saying Sil fence because there's construction debris all right um on the east side of the property near the drainage near the inter right second James yes James Gates yes yes sign as well tonight yeah yes sir they'll notify you when everything's ready they can mail it to you thank you a question yes sir what are they doing at the ho church it's going to be in Event Center it is yes okay I'm so glad they're yeah yeah they try to you know they're doing nicely the town Focus but it's you can rent it oh oh okay we're gonna have his 70th birthday there whenever that at least at least one of them just from the back and then from the on top of the seat looks like a Chinese restaurant they pitch start that room I that's the second comment I've gotten on that what is this an orental Ste what's going on here now he GNA be he didn't want to do the Spire again huh did Mary Jane approve that so I didn't want to start any room what I we'll do that on our night all right hey guys I'm gonna have to hop off for Mom duties but 10 four thanks in you have one more thing to do you can do it thanks have a good night bye too for the record it's 8:16 pm. and this is the last thing what do we got the um Hazard mitigation in climate at ation actions why are we doing that right now shouldn't we have little time to absorb some more of it we did who did exactly give you a copy of it it's pretty actually go through it quickly no that's not disagreeing yeah would you like me need to go through it and submit stuff P did you have a chance to look at it no I'm sorry no it's fine I'm just trying to think of the best way to do it to make sure that we don't see anything you go through it itemize what you feel so the only I see that really require comments are um Street trees create a replacement plan for lost trees why is that okay I understand because it goes to a second page replacement species that will be able to withstand future warmart climate um bu Town committee that will involve local families and kids and help with planting that's a silly action so they're not looking to do a r per and they're just looking to replace I older trees of Heritage no I'm giving you an example um one of the mitigation actions is design New Street trees with adequate Planters root space continuous planting subsoil some reason that's under us conservation so in 2022 it said we had no comment so in other words you strategically be able to put a tree so it doesn't corrupt the side sidewalk fall into the street so it's logical planting yeah and that's actually a really that's a cut and paste detail from site plans because they root barriers now there's a multitude you have stct strict procedures to follow doing yeah Street tree planting because of you know electrical lines conduits etc etc okay so you get the general idea of it but here's here's the one that you we picked up on last time increased public awareness of Scenic roads act in on benefit of trees and that's we are top of the list on that one for implementation responsibility in other words not to destroy an Old Stone Wall try to replace but that's not our jurisdiction that's planning board they're the ones that we have on West Meto col jamming them on thatall okay I beg to differ but okay I thought we were we were involved in F okay neither here nor there but you know what I'm saying that's the scenic High Scenic roadways act so what I'm saying is we're that's outside of our jurisdiction okay those are the things that I've seen where's Kevin I'm not gonna answer that right this second he's all about the stone walls though but that's not our jurisdiction I know that's those are the comments I think we have to go through yeah Pat if you want to provide your comments to this and even if do you have to have that submitted by what we're the only ones that have commented on this okay really if we actually comment on it again I think we're winning um with that said either I can do this or Pat you can do do it and I can do it and then we just send what we have Jessica or okay if you keep doing site inspections then I'll do that um but fine I'm not so that's item for discussion next meeting um no I will send our comments be basic um if everyone's okay with that yeah definitely all right um I'm just going to finish off with if we know anyone that if you that wants to join anyone that is watching that would like to volunteer it doesn't take much um greatly apprciate the help uh and if anyone that is interested in being the agent was looking for one that when you say Autumn's position as the agent yeah uh with that said we do have obviously open orders of conditions that we need to monitor um Jessica has a list and she can provide each of us with a list so if we have a heavy rainstorm or we want to make an inspection we can make an inspection um we will what who's we'll send Kev to MC he can deal with that one does Lisa want to join conservation Lisa hello you what are you doing actually now that Lisa is on with us Lisa would you ever give consideration to be an associate associate commissioner um I have to see what the details of that are okay you don't you don't get a B or anything so if if you did it would allow us to vote to include you in our Massachusetts Association of commission conservation Commissioners um membership so you have access to trainings and if you're an associate member the town will also pay for that next time I see you we'll talk it up I will thank you you're [Laughter] welcome all right um someone want to make a or so our next meeting is July 24th and August 14 7M Board of Select chamber second floor also held via Zoom I have a motion to adjourn at 8:24 p.m. send that we adjourn at 8:24 p.m. and our next meeting is July 24th P second it um roll call vote please James Brian yes James Gates yes thank you