##VIDEO ID:YX_rYpxFGqY## I'd like to start the meeting if I may yes the 7:04 and I don't need a roll call I can see it Mikey and no I did provide a um minutes from our last meeting uh but I I didn't send to you until late so we can table uh that if if you want until you know vote on it the next meeting so you have time to go at it was like it was a lot of a lot of uh lot of minutes so uh but there are parts of it that I'd like to go over with you now because of what actually happened in the meantime [Music] minutes don't tell me I didn't print that out when I got my printer all done all fixed I managed to print out the minutes it did minutes June 12 there it is all right um three all right so we got um on that meeting at toward the end we voted to apply for a grant right and I as part of the minutes I said that uh uh and part of the meeting I said that I would check with mrpc to make sure that you know they could handle it but we have a temporary administ found administrator and the and and really the answer was no they couldn't handle it because it because that real that whole Grant was really to be initiated from here it's like the grant administrator was supposed to put together you know with with the facilities Department these are the things we would like to do and I didn't have any facility to help me you know accomplish that um besides that I did when I when I sent prior to Eric's leaving I I sent to uh to his attention and to um and to our uh our Lea on um and they uh Teresa asked Eric you know what does he think and he came back with these are great for when we have a grand administrator and you know there was another function that I guess they were planning to do along with Grant administrator but that hire never happened so I I was when we voted on this I I thought that there was a possibility that uh we could work this out with the with um the uh with mrpc but it it it's not going to work uh there's just no way to put it together and maintain it without a without someone separate from us to really spend probably 10 hours just getting to the list of stuff to do together and uh then sending it in a format that you know had you know how we were going to comish work who who it actually asked you who who was going to do the work so it's like you didn't have enough opportunity even ask rise if they could do it was a strange uh thing so I'm advising the committee now as part of our meeting during reading during reading of the minutes which we we'll get to next time actually that that never happened and um I guess I'll have to I don't know if I have to have a vote to say we're not going to do it or what but but I have explained what happened and you can go over the minutes uh another because there's three pages of minutes and too much to try to do right here now okay um Green community status discussion well this is disgusting one to get into right now um during the before the summer break they uh I knew they were working on getting into the library and stuff and and uh during the summer break um Frank um Davies the representative from Rise told me via text that you know he thought they were finishing it then they may be able to send me a copy of the report oh great well didn't get it for a month so I asked him back at the beginning of the month and then a week later again you know was it possible for us to get a copy how are things going you know what's happened and um he told me they hadn't finished the report and then a day later they had finished the report and um they sent me a copy um which I think you guys have received yeah uh it is quite detailed and Technical I am pleased with you know the attention they play play they paid all the details there uh I I I'm not really qualified to uh engage the quality of the report but it but it looks pretty detailed to me and uh we would have to engage Rob uh B to determine if it is actually good stuff that he can uh execute but um the great opportunity coming up Frank says that were some uh energy control measures that were not complete and he thought that nitol wouldn't wouldn't clear this project until they were done and I said what acms are there you know uh he mentioned the rebate and I know we have a separate contract for for rebatable Stuff of the lights on on the on the um public buildings in we in town Ed some money towards that but I said what additional stuff you got and it turns out that there's one of these um if you read the details of the report someplace around page 3235 there appears a uh a cooling system at the uh at the senior center that could use one of those um what what do they call it it's a mechanical they do something to improve the controls to reduce the energy consumption and it could cost like 15 grand and he he said that the uh he's already checked he he said he he said that uh when I asked him again about it I I double checked because I said you just mentioned that you know you may not finish in time what the heck is that and he responded by saying yep we're not going to finish in time because we got to do this other stuff I can't believe it I mean I have a I thought that we had given him that sense of urgency you know I was looking for a quote so that we could bid this this year I expected us to be able to do then he sends to me a copy of a contract for that work that he has to have signed by uh Eric slagel or I guess Ros Perry know but the contract date is last spring is a year ago more than a year ago two years ago God look at the dates is this stuff they missed they didn't do that they should have done I don't know was it on a previous contract and they didn't actually do it now I don't know all right so I don't want to take or distract from our our main purpose at this meeting which is the any ending discussion but it's got to be looked at further and uh I had it in mind I'll might as well bring it up now to write to um Rob bamp to invite him to a meeting and I would like to have three specific questions you know for and maybe you guys have but I wanted to get his opinion on Rise engineering's performance first of all because you know there's the technical side and there's the you know administrative side how are they to deal with because he's done Rob was was uh complimented by uh Frank on his availability and helping him helping them get into buildings and stuff good um I'd like to get his opinion on the Retro commission report was it helpful will we execute what about this ECM let's find a little feel little more information on that and then uh the um towns and buildings for electrification in our future do get around to get a quote in Fall there'll probably be some electrification on that on that but we should direct we should direct Frank which buildings are most likely it doesn't mean they we're going to it means he's going to develop a detailed quote for a couple of buildings that we request and it doesn't say that we're going to do it it says that we want to consider it get a complete consideration in front of us for the for the spring um and and maybe may maybe there he knows of older equipment that's in need of replacement anyway or or it's inefficient uh or maybe he he knows of a cooling requirement they can't get out of the heating equipment now so and you can get that out of heat pumps so that was you got think that's a good idea to get him over here all right thank you yeah now Jessica oh mg um I'm GNA skip over that the the non green communi grant program LEDs are not complete but there's no time schedule on top of us to complete that but he hasn't he hasn't apparently done he says they they had told me they were working on the U on the Spalding school I mean we heard had te Tech emails saying they're trying to get into the spaling school and and planning to do it during you know it was best spring but apparently there's still some work to be done uh no not uh a school oh that's not to school that's the um that would be Community Building not school so there's apparently some some work that he still need to do on those so not done now getting back to the engine goals to master plan Jessica consalvo was at a meeting upstairs couldn't join us today I I told her that you know it's early for us to be joining us anyway so maybe to tell us what she could do for us you know versus what we do ourselves that's the that's the difference but um she had suggestions on how to proceed and sent us all a copy of the of the master plan this meeting I wanted to just review the task plan our approach and attempt to commit to a Time response request I don't think we're going to finish anything today I think we start some now uh Jessica sent us all a copy of the master plan and I didn't have a predor K today so I printed out a bunch of stuff but I didn't print the whole thing because it's like 300 it's outrageous yeah um I have I mean I have it on my computer I have it on my computer too but I did for purposes of of marking up and being able to do that here I did print make an extra member copy there's two things that I I made copies of one is this section uh which is the climate mitigation plan they call it climate adaption plan they they kind of mix up adaption and mitigation here but um there's mentions of energy on page 24 35 and uh 52 to 53 that we could edit that's that one I also the other place where energy is um strongly mentioned is on the um implementation plan which Pages um there Pages 116 through 18 well actually 122 but um the energy is mentioned on 117 and8 so also for purposes of marking up if you wanted to do that I got other copies here cat but they're no good for you yeah um all right so I've made a couple of notes having read this thing and uh one of the things I did is I went through I I put the file uh which opens with um as a PDF and I searched on the words energy electricity natural gas gas gasoline diesel power electrical lights and a light and tried to find all the instances where we are mentioned where we come up and I haven't necessarily got all of them yet but the ones that I wanted to call your attention to are uh on first of all page uh 24 but you gave me yeah I didn't give you that that that this was one that I found late in the uh late in the game well what it what it page 24 if you find it in on your computer there it's just the um the very bottom of that page 24 it just begins to mention energy a little bit it says to preserve these facilities and prolong their use towns and needs to develop and fund a maintenance and preservation plan that extends Beyond routine actions to include projects for Capital related expenses such as roots Heating and Cooling which is the electricity uh and related products but that's that's a minor one I don't need to really focus that on too much but that's that came up energy and then the next uh significant one will be on page 32 do you have a copy of that to look at C I'm trying to pull it up right [Music] now what I gave you copies of starts on page uh 29 because well at at the at at the uh just above the um drawing the map three watersheds and subbasin on page 29 just above that map it says to ensure redundancy and availability of water during electrical Auditors generators are needed at CR this is the water department but it's an electrical accomodation for them that they're looking for as part of their plan next was on page 35 and this is where we really might begin doing some of our own editing water department is first and then we 32 is where the uh climate adaption plan begins now this is this is a place where I think from my way of thinking I I hav't maybe haven't pulled the whole thing together in my head yet but it says uh this is regarding uh the first paragraph has to do with um the um habitat and town to check the resources and the next paragraph after that it has to do with climate change this is where we start to get really seriously involved um let me just summarize what I see here it's it's it there's a lot of good stuff here but the whole approach attitude Tone If you will of this is we're a little town there's nothing we can do about global warming so you know we'll you know take we'll watch out for this or that the other thing and uh where uh I think is more appropriate is is you you could acknowledge that we're a little town I mean something like [Music] um look one down he um well it's not possible to stop climate change quickly it is possible to slow its rate of change and its extent by reducing human emissions of heat traing GES and soot or whatever according to scientists around the world consequences of climate change the worst consequences of climate change you know to avoid the worst consequences of climate change we need to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner there's hundreds of ways of saying this you know but I think what I'd like to try to get through here is that we have been doing this for years and and I uh and later on um I think Jessica's already put in here something like that we've already made substantial progress but we I think we ought to try to put some numbers to that I said that before but here we are we we got to put something down to and not just what we spent but something about what we Sav and all they got to do really is get the first year and the last year where we have records and it's too bad it sucked because we had a lot of snow3 um and said that this is this the approximate savings that we are achieving annually you know um and then say we'd like to continue you know with um the the did you see the difference climate change I think what we have is a reaction to minimize the impact of conditions we can't really control and the other one is join most nations in in mass and in most other Comm most Nations and other communities in Mass to take actions that will reduce our carbon emissions potentially reduce our cost of energy as well so there's lots of ways to say it but there's a there's a there's a somewhat substantial difference between what I'm trying to D drive this to get energy included uh because we're not adapting to climate change uh we might be mitigating our contribution to climate change yeah is to but but we're not mitigating climate change or or even adapting to it so there's another I I have a problem with the terms of mitigation and adaption and and in these context and and and even in here they mix it up somewhat you got uh one place where she F mtic she says uh adapt adaption and in the next paragraph she says mitigate so I I think that's a place where we could you know make adjustments I don't know how much you know I started to write this I actually had a a thing when I wrote it and I and I came came to a point where I say you know what I need Michael I'm not the writer so I I just scrapped it I and then I went I went back and I tried to do it as an outline you know this is what this is and this but did so that and so this is one part this whole this climate adaptation you know section and within that after that uh par those paragraphs on on page 52 and 53 is where there's some recognition that you know that we've already you know taking the the those 52 and 53 is another significant part that we've got to try to edit a little bit where we're where we are concerned 52 the energy Community is just in your planning stage to establish a master plan for the town their role is advisory services and oversight of our green communities members help reduce to the energy cost and carate foot in clean energy projects in to School build I don't have any problem with with what that says but it it doesn't really Enlighten people enough about what it is that it is and energy efficient lights and and town should maintain and support energy committee I think I've got to do a better job of communicating to people that that we we lose by not having a grand administrator I believe it's cost down 15 grand last year and now I can't apply for a grant because I I can't I can't manage it I mean I I was leaning on error to manage these grants that's what it comes down to now we got a temp I don't even know if Ross is here every day is he here every day or he just show up all right so the two different parts one is the um what do you call it the adaptation and mitigation section which I don't like those names and the others the impl implementation section where they have actually uh used terminology that sounds a bit like some of our goals so the our goals are primarily action oriented implementation not so I think we ought to try to come up with a a um I gave you the implementation yeah um we' got to come up with an outline of what it is we'd like to have um this part of the our our representation in the say I have Ed the bathroom is one around the corner here um this Flor go have to go up what are we doing what's going on Mike uh I think so we're looking at um the adaptation yeah you have the [Music] um uh this master plan it's page 116 page 116 we're on now section called implementation and yeah Ron was just still on 52 and 53 yeah so I don't know I don't know I guess this I haven't I haven't read all this but I can do that and um just don't know yeah we have to see which parts of this we could potentially improve it looks like this basically a big table of things to issues to focus on some of them we're the ones at least collaborating we we collaborate okay yeah Mike you got in the the gist that I'm I'm hoping you can help with the writing yes what do you need from us to do that I mean things that we'd like to see included and we'll provide some of that if necessary you know you know I've I think the implementation part of it um you know putting things in slots are something that uh I can handle um maybe rewarding some of the things she had um main things like to me are that although we don't expect to change the climate by what we do here in Townsen we are participating Global effort to minimize risk for our kids and yeah uh I mean the section that's called climate adaptation recommendations actually is most really looks more like a you know energy conservation and ination of climate so there may be an issue with wording yeah you know it's funny like obviously we probably all agree that encouraging solar and wind not going to focus it's not a green Community funded thing yeah I I not everything is green communi funded right that we we can't leave people with the impression that everything gets paid for by Green community you know the the the um the goals and you know how to express them so it's kind of what we're looking for so with you thinking maybe incorporate some of the goals we' worked on to this part of possibly other parts but this part of I'd say we try to fit the goals into parts that exist in where where things places don't exist for our goals they would go uh probably answer text yeah but um you know we we could we we could clearly identify them because Des might we'll probably come to the next meeting um unless you don't want or two because we'll still be at a point where we're you know editing I don't see that happening in one meeting either this to her her involvement because she's she's going to have she'll probably take whatever it is we do and try to fit it in herself so I if I remember the idea was that she was asking if we come up with ideas on how to how to how to meld our you know those goals into this right and and I I saw enough difference so that there wasn't just a Coffey and paste de where my my issue starts where um they say they come out and say there are two two things that we can you know two two paths we can follow and I don't um two on page 32 two parallel paths minimize the impacts of climate change so we're not trying to energy committee has nothing to do the impacts of climate change we're trying to reduce production our that's yeah so This truly is talking about adaptation yeah that other section is more oh you know something else that I noticed recently the Massachusetts goal has apparently changed oh yeah the year they're tring for third see to prothetic this used to be third % by 2030 it's 33% now oh so you know even that kind of stuff which isn't here and I don't know how we fit it in at some point I guess just say it our our the um Preamble whatever you call it to our energy BS the introduction does okay you know what you wrote there what we wrote there does you know try to do that brings our orientation this is weird what direction we're headed but um have to be presented something other than as a uh um introduction really part of the she thought that we could just copy and Pace part that um go the Preble whatever you call it I don't know what you the introduction I think it's called on the page of the uh of our plan yeah introduction says um what we wrote was so since 2010 towns has participated in the Massachusetts department and of energy uh you know that that whole paragraph it has it has also trimmed our our uh Town's climate changing emissions by about 177% since it' be great to put you know put and Save towns and at this point $100,000 annually I would like to be able to say that but I can't because no one's giving me the numbers I have to myself [Music] I didn't see anything so Mike even even if you don't actually uh pen paragraphs if you could um um if you could that would be great but if you at this point write down uh the sequence of things that you'd like to include and would may include some of the stuff she has may include some of the stuff that's not there from our goals or whatever it is that you you can think of but um if you were to write it out we could look at it like that and break it down into uh you know its uh parts or you if you're willing prare the uh outline and uh that outline may help indicate where I can stick some of the goals know I can if you need to talk to me is it if it's all right with you Kathy is it all right if you consult with me along the way because you can't talk yes yeah okay and so if if you if you have something in mind but you don't know if if you want to check with me can but I you don't have to check with me for anything all right that is good I I'll try to run up some get some numbers going I know I've said that before I'm dedicated to that will do it so so what what is going in the master plan for us again please what's going into the master plan for for us for the energy committee I didn't see that any of them really fit you know um here oh she's asking what's going into this from the energy well that's I guess that's kind of what we're tasked with recommending or coming up with ways to put energy related goals into this some there are some mentions of there there's already been some attempt to put energy into this plant but it's known that it doesn't really match up well with you know the actual goals that we ended up with it's just little pieces that have been stuck in there so we're supposed to clean it up and and uh um what she have to do is try to try to fit what we have into what she's already done and it doesn't work because uh what we what the current master plan presents as uh the towns and energy committee's work is actually presented as what happens after what do you how do you respond to uh climate change not how do you reduce your contribution the climate change so yeah so in the future we don't have to so so that's the difference we have been doing something about it for 10 years this is what the current plan says is that we're a little town there's nothing we can do about it however we can react to it in certain ways and that's a total change so it's a much more of a change than Jessica had anticipated yeah and and that's why we're we're talking about I'm not sure sure whether it becomes the energy committee section of the plan or whether it I don't really think it fits it into this mitigation and adaptation terminology what we do doesn't fit no and that's why I was getting confused that and and save money and and and and reduce our expenses I joined this committee because my my tax bill went up that's that's what made me say I I've got to find something I can do about this so I and this is where I ended up but I'm glad I did I think we are doing something about it and doing something about the climate as well um okay so that's that's what we're trying to do and uh I'm gonna I'm going to work with the uh Mei to try to produce some reasonably certain amount of savings to say in dollars and cents this is what we think we're saving I mean once once the thing is set up I mean I'm going to have to relearn some features in Excel that I have not used recent you know so um but in Mei they have uh every invoice paid on every meter every gas tank every since we started and uh the data is it looks like it's complete I haven't really run the incomplete data test yet but that's one of the things you do they've got a in Mei they have a a program where you use to test and look for uh incomplete data which I found that before in my own just by um when when you download the data to a spreadsheet you get every meter every month for the whole period and and in order to um and the gas and and or gas oil you know diesel is all separate but you got to mix it around so that so that you come up with a total number of gallons for the town and um or the total kilowatt hours or whatever and and see how it looks now versus then and then you can apply a um what we were paying for uh gas or oil whatever back then and what we're paying now or you could just use use a standard rate but the point is that that we should have reduced gallons and we should have reduced kilowatt hours and we should have reduced you know thirs um to some point it'll make it obvious that there's there's savings um whatever values you choose at some point we find a value you apply the same value to to both and relative value you say if that previous uh level of consumption was going on today at today's price we would be paying this much many more thousands of dollars for our fuel than we than we are because we took AC I think that's and that just becomes one little Tey thing but it gets people's attention if it's 100 Grand or whatever I would get my attention um all right all right [Music] so can I think we're almost done go that topics not reasonably expected open Forum schedule the next meeting um Dave suggested that we uh we we set up a regular date for a meeting like going through the spring and uh if we need to change it that's okay we can we might be able at least we'll have a spot you know and trade it off with somebody but at least you'll hold one instead of finding somebody in your room you know later on so it does Wednesdays at s work for everyone or Thursday work better you any idea at this point I think Wednesday works for me yeah yeah Wednesday works okay so I'm going to request Wednesdays going forward and then you know when we get when we involve folks like uh Rob or uh Jessica we'll be looking at their calendars too I guess so we'll see what happens um so scheduling next meeting would be a Wednesday next month in a way there's some pressure off us because I was expecting to to with the next couple of meetings get into to the next Green communities rent thing but we're not going do now well that's not going to happen no all right so we've got uh the fourth is too close to the long weekend so can we go the 11th yeah yeah and do we go the second Wednesday of each month as I know should be okay y okay right now that's going to be the September 11th any any further questions or input in this meeting I have a motion to adjourn yeah I I make a motion to adjourn the meeting all right thank you and seconded second it all in favor Mike hi Kathy yeah I uh in favor R in favor we are adjourned at 7:50