##VIDEO ID:OpxCbVCKtRg## um it's this is August 13th it's the towns and finance committee meeting I'll call the meeting to order at 6:01 PM as we have remote members our roll call attendance please sah H present Andrea wood presid samam Grant present and Don Hayes present with four members we have a quorum thank you for all coming in being prompt and we'll continue on this meeting is being cancelled I'm sorry is being record yeah let's start that again this meeting is being recorded uh for playback on Channel 9 and um also available on the YouTube channel um at this time that the next item on the agenda addition or deletions um I had nothing nothing to add to the to the agenda at this time um moving on to the work session um the first item we had was um the finance committee membership um we did have one resignation come in uh Jean Diller has submitted his resignation so we will have an opening on finance committee for that he did resign he did resign Y how do you spell his name um G NE d l da d i l d okay and for his efforts that he's put many years in on the finance committee we appreciate his his effort uh for that we still have one outstanding um Josh levit um was moving out of town we haven't seen his resignation yet so we'll follow up with that you're getting those in writing yes they in yeah yes it's kind of we we won't take we have the one and we're looking for the second so we will get them and get them to town clerk so that they're registered properly okay um second item on the agenda um um in the work session uh the view viewing articles not um not voted on previously um the the first one was article one that we had um voted to reconsider because we wanted to make sure where the funds were coming from to pay pay the old bill um we have a draft copy of the Motions for the four that will be introduced on the four and that specifies that it's the payment will be coming from the water Enterprise fund thank you Andrea for pushing that one through and Don you're welcome I was the leg thank you Andrew again um so if there's no other questions or discussion on that I think that's we where we wanted to see it paid from um and with that we'll entertain the motion to recommend article one I'll make a motion to recommend article one I'll second it okay thank you [Music] um with a motion and a second um we'll take a roll call vote and voting in the affirmative here will mean that we recommend paying the previous um FY 23 invoice carolis yes Andre wood yes Sam uh Sam Grant yes sorry okay yep no no worries and Don Hayes yes so that will be R yes um I in the motion for this article um only the Commissioners can take um money from the Enterprise fund selectman can't they're not authorized to is is you didn't put who it was submitted by and all that stuff on the bottom is that going to be taken care of all right or is it just the way it's worded on the warrant it's on the warrant that's submitted by the selectman um it's similar to the wording that's was in there for the major article where they transfer from D you know from indirect funds so I think it's I mean it's the selectman's warrant so I think it's okay that they warrant come from the selectman okay that's fine the the staff excuse me the style of uh motions and all are different this year than in the past and we we wrote out maybe many many things we didn't need to and so I was just curious do you think we're missing something in the Motions um I I thought it it I thought it had to be vot voted out of the Enterprise fund by the uh Water Commission I don't believe so but I tell you what I will check with the Water Commission between now and the 20th thank you it would be embarrassing to have them stand up and say no but well it' be awful too if it went through just fine and then you weren't able to do it because it was done the wrong way I will check thank you thank you okay the next article that we had not voted on that we had questions about was article three um we were you were okay with two yes we were okay with two that that was recommended [Music] article three because these are now um we we had thought because we were doing something different on the police cruiser line we would we we were thinking it would be maybe two articles here we just reduce we're reducing the lines in the budget that were approved in in May so since all four are just reductions um this this one is is now reducing the lines um and based on our conversations that we had in the finance committee um instead of reducing it by the 95,000 it is reduced by the 475 as we had um thought it would be good to do so that we didn't have to have a special in in the fall so this is consistent with that so so we're going to leave it all four I we'll leave it all yeah all together um we won't separate it article three all four we're in here A B C and D um and being reduced by their appropriate amounts and again the the item that we have for the police cruises is just is moving out the lease and so that's the amount we anticipate for a halfy year lease and I think it was being taken down by to the from 95 to zero to try to um get a balanced budget this even with this number the balance the the budget will balance um and we were we were going to move some of it into the last article to come from stabilization so that's that's where we that's why we had said put it in because we feared not being able to get a quum in in the fall for this one hour arle that's all there was so um any other questions on what we what we did here and does it make sense from our conversation last last week okay I'm not hearing anything if this no questions um do we have a motion to recommend article three and reduce the budget um by reducing the amounts on these four lines I'll make a motion to recommend article three reducing the amount for the police cruises from 995,000 to 47500 second okay any additional questions on this none being heard um take a roll call vote to and and again affirmative vote is going to recommend article three um from the finance committee to town meeting Carol Hof say yes Andre wood yes Jam Grant yes joh yes thank you um I am going to par on Article 4 we um I'm sorry Article 4 was also on our list because we were concerned when we looked at the July assessment from North Middle sex um the number in the warrant was matching the amount which would have been full funding um the North Middle sex assessment um so that number has has gone from um 600 oh was it 691 th000 in change and it's been reduced to 55755 um sorry I got a 505 755 is what what it is now that it was 691 in the prior yeah the draft version of the warrant so when they they posted it's been posted at 505 um so this this amount does not um provide the assessed value to um nor metal sex so it is not really not approving their budget as assessed to us um but this is the amount that we we feel we can come up with it's about a 4.1 um% increase year-over-year from the the FY 24 and again when we look at this that means it's about 100 um about $190,000 that we don't have to come up additional fund so we didn't have to come up with u from from the tra warrant so it reduces the amount of money that we have to to add into the general fund if this number is approved a town meeting and as Don said it is not what the school asked for so it's still essentially a negative vote on the school's assessment but if this number is past the town meeting we will have a balanced budget without using stabilization if the number if somehow it gets amended and the number is what the school ask for will need over $135,000 to we'll have $35,000 deficit that I'm suggesting we'll take out a stabilization which we can talk about when we get to article 11 yeah is that is that clear to everybody I think so yes okay so any any additional questions regarding the the amount that's going into the budget on on the middle sex assessment line no okay then being heard are we ready to make a motion to recommend or not recommend Article 4 I'll make a motion to recommend article four I'll second okay we've had the motion in a second any any final questions comments no none being heard um a ro roll call vote and in the affirmative we are voting to recommend article four to Tom meeting Carol H yes Andrea wood yes Jam Grant yes and Don Hayes yes sorry and that we will recommend article four Article Five we had voted and recommended last week these are the two Micha Valley Technical High School assessment and the debt limit article six um we this is where we're looking for a line of 20 20 potentially 25,000 to add into the budget um for the software and um labor to support building um filling trash fees and do we Carol do you want to report back in or or Ross you wna you're both on that that piece would you mind if I say yeah no go ahead so we've been working last couple weeks including this afternoon to come up with the actual cost to collect the trash fees and through the help of treasur collectors that's how we sort of came to the 25,000 that was based upon increased hours and some software then we met today with a woman who's on the state's recycling committee and she convinced some of us I think me anyway that a pay as you throw back system would actually be easier to to manage less costly um and would more appropriately reflect people that are in the program or not in the program it also has added environmental um benefits in that history has shown least the state that if you charge people to throw away trash they throw away less because they get involved in recycling repurposing composting donating and and she says they've seen in multiple towns the total trash reduced by as much as 30% which could follow for go forward for the following year in the sense we might be able to bid for a lower tonnage in the contract we the town already has a bag system for overflow so we know how to do that we already have retailers that that provide those bags or sell those bags we can set up a system where the retailer can buy the bag from the company that makes them and pay the for the bags then versus having us pay that as a separate invoice so that we don't need to have a revenue account or or an sorry an expense account like this is yeah with that said this is what I think the the group this afternoon felt that this was the better solution I have not had a chance yet to propose this to the selectman because they will make the final decision I expect there will be some strong opposition and they wanted just to charge a flat feed everybody as we've sort of been talking so I guess I would suggest this article this motion stays for now based upon what we H what happens at the next select's meeting it will either State and be pushed forward or we will move no action okay um the one thing I did have a question I didn't bring the spreadsheet because I figured we were going to go with the bag thing but on that spreadsheet she had that two lines one was for they were both like overtime for 9 months 25 one was 34 something and the other one was 5,000 for a total of eight something I just want to know what the difference was between those two lines because I couldn't figure out what was different about them two different employees one would be extending their hours two diff two different employees two different employees one getting more hours and the other one working overtime on their on their existing hours that just seemed excessive to me that seemed way excessive that meant that much money $8,000 yeah but because I understand that there's some learning curve up front and you're going to do more hours but I saw I think the first line there was zero for the second year but for the second year there was additional overtime hours I agree there's a learning C but I just think that that's a lot of money once you learn this system to be paying that kind of overtime and do we really have the fund and when we're strapped as we are do we really have the funds to do that Mr chair yes I'm confused okay okay because it sounds like your finance committee yeah not your fin um seem to think that payers you throw was the better solution instead of the Fe for everybody okay my understanding was the 25,000 included those extra hours was if you chose the option of um everybody gets a fee instead oh okay right so that's what it is this this 25,000 is the software plus the two people totaling the $8,000 okay so you're you were questioning that 25,000 yes yes to begin with to begin so we were looking to try to lower it but at this point it it may go away it may go away otherwise I want to take a harder look at those hours yeah I'd be glad to sit down with you and maybe with Melissa and go through yeah came up with it but came up with that and hopefully we'll go with the bag because I think overall it's a better option there's no tracking everybody goes buys their own bags there's no Lis for shot to manage of who not to pick up is kind of like you pick up the bag that's the right we're doing this fast um and I've got to talk to to Shaw hopefully tomorrow to see if the bag system causes him heartburn from an operational perspective or not but as of this afternoon I think the bag system is better but I have to be honest the selectman will have to vote and there's some disagreement um on how that would be right I yeah I the things I've heard it is kind of like simpler is better anything that's extra is is not is would be difficult I think to find this we did this when I lived in chord years ago you paid you paid for your bags and it could go away it it didn't last very long they went back to pay for trash again but it wasn't hard you could go down to wherever the grocery store or whatever and buy you B and and there are still other potential options available yes um I'm just anticipating some of the questions that the public might have either way um one of them is the estimated cost for you know joking public um how much the bags would be right they though to be determined at this point all all of that is is still in the air this this is is all quick and and trying to go through okay so but that comes off of the budget then in in essence they're reducing the budget by that amount of money if you're offsetting the you're offsetting the cost by the revenue received from selling the bag from selling the bag it's it's just a different Revenue just a re instead of having a fee and everybody say pays the same price um it feels like a a more Equitable you pay for what you use what you TR what you throw away so there are no questions about everybody pays the same amount so you could overdo it too and not do as well on things like recycl right it it eliminates that whole I don't I live I'm one person and I only have one bag versus another house that's got five people with you know six bags and you still pay in the same amount this way you pay you just pay you pay some yeah I was GNA say some weeks I have a bag some weeks I have both barrels so it's kind of like so by using more I pay more of the weeks that I have more yeah if I if I have a party I'm going to have more trash [Music] and excuse me how are they handling the recycling recycling would go my understanding is the same way it is now so we wouldn't change we wouldn't change that they think that actually as you have to if you have to pay for your trash you may actually recycle more um but recycling would continue as has been well I'm afraid I can't recycle more we we we've got four different directions we have a garbage pan Which is a you know animal waste Etc uh plant waste uh that gets taken out to a spinny bin that slowly composts it we have a stinky trash where um uh we put things that are going to start to create an odor over a week's period of time or less uh and then we have the regular trash can inside I make darn certain with most times um I can't say how often we have a a house house cleaning but it's not all that often most times I get one bag only by condensing the house trash with the stinky trash and putting a single bag out under normal circumstances of the trash and then to the right of to the left of that if you're standing on the road looking is a lot of recycling which is twice as much or more than whatever is in that trash bag and that trash bag happens to be a a 50 lb bag of horse food it's no long that's you know been emptied where it belongs and is out on the street um so basicly speaking you know it's not hard and I'm concerned you know it's the recycling that uh that's also the problem if this helps the rest of the people I have to think about it uh you know in other words recycle more that's a great idea uh but I like they like to see out on the street waiting for the trash people as small a bag as like we can possibly do thank you before we figured out the the paper throw concept today yeah finance committee was okay with supporting the 25,000 on on the fee basis except I still have a question of that we were conern yeah we were looking to try to reduce it I was think 20,000 yeah it just bring it bring it down a little bit and if if they needed more I mean if we can do it for L we would do it for less but this was our best guess you know still the convinced that all that overtime is needed Mr chair I have one procedural question but I could be wrong but I still have a I don't have a warm fuzzy about the over talk to Melissa understand the nuances that one procedural question yeah and this might be something that Ross check in the select have the right to create fees okay the Board of Health is their own elected board and they are the ones that handle the budget and the what are we doing for trash right it just feels like a potential conflict there and maybe it's better to try to figure out that part of it right enough to explain it to people like me right and and Bo of health is represented on the team that is looking at Fe so um I would expect that they would go back to the board of health committee and uh and get the rec recommendation the other part is is my wife WR to me something on Facebook and I went in and checked that out on the charter um the fees that Board of Health assigned is supposed to be with a joint meeting with finance committee which we've never we haven't seen well I'm not talking about border of Health fees I'm talking about border of Health budget in terms of trash collection and and how the trash is collected right but if this if so they they get into it's kind of like they do the contract and then the board of selectman are has to sign the contract they have to sign the contract but it's the board of Selectmen trying to come up with the fee right now it's Ross do you understand what I'm saying well I think so and since selectman set the fees in this case set fees and and the Board of Health manages the traff contract exactly I will point out and I said this to the chair of the Board of Health who's here last week procurement should go through the chief procurement officer which is the Town Administrator and the to and eventually be the contract will get signed by the select so the Board of Health I don't think the selectman want to manage that trash contract they're more than willing to let the Board of Health continue to manage the trash contract needs to be part of the part of the negotiation but the selectman and Town Administrator need to be part of the negotiations on the trash contract and I just it could if there's a disagreement on you know your Finance group said we prefer the payers you throw if the selectman say we prefer a fee then how does that get resolved is my it just an open question I will submit that it's the selectman's decision as to how to do that Ross yes I'd like to um ask you to consider something if if they go I like to pay for throw but if they go with the fees that that the trash pickup then be um formulated as a Enterprise fund and the money would go back in and it would be a standalone item with certain people uh you'd work with councel who could take money out and put it in and stuff upon a vote but it would it would if it would pay if you had shortfalls from it and it would also if you have money extra could go on I think the best way to handle it if you go with the fee system is to form it up as an Enterprise fund Point noted we've actually discussed that um it was recommended by do that we not do an Enterprise fund the first year but we consider doing one the second year and for all the that's what I thought too all the reasons that you suggested I also believe that up an Enterprise fund you have to put the money in first yeah which will be a challenge if we had that kind of money extra to put in first we probably wouldn't be having this discussion but yes um the accountant and I and others are talking about the ramifications of the Enterprise fund and I think that if this continues that will be discussed more so I I'm glad you're considering it thank you okay sorry it's kind of like lot of lot of conversation with those in in related to this article because it's not straightforward and we really don't have the solution yet so um Coming yeah exactly it it to be determined really really quickly but uh for uh for tonight's um purpose of going through and either recommending or not recommending um um for the finance committee on on this do do we think we want to recommend it going going in or do we want to leave this um um yeah so I it's kind of like so our two the main choices are are recommending or not recommending in the past we have um if if we need to um we can um we can do a no recommendation but do it on the floor at Town Hall if this is presented um but with we'd have to have a vote and and have it UND understood whether whether it was supported or not so um if we are adding the line of 25,000 it's it's off pretty much offset by the other articles that are being bringing money back into the general fund um if it's not if it's not used if we if we don't go with this it would be setting up it would be recommending setting up a a line um that would end up being free cash if if we if we set up so it's almost really feels too early to make a recommendation because we don't have we don't have a there's too much in flux make okay then on our recommendation sheet we we're not going to say recommended if if it um we're waiting for um for Town town the um town meeting for to see what what the action is um so I guess that that would lead us do we want to make our recommendation of no recommendation on article six because okay I would have to agree with that um I need this to be my neighbors and all to put have their input on whether or not which way or what is the best thing to do to solve the problem um I trust my neighbors and I need their advice yeah okay then I guess that's the motion will entertain and if there's questions that come up on town meeting for we can make our make our thoughts known at that point because the town will vote excellent okay so um just so that with they i' entertain the motion to not recommend or it's not not recommend it is no recommendation on article six I'll make a motion to no recommendation for article six all seconds there okay um I know there's been a lot of discussion but any further questions none being heard um the vote in the affirmative will mean that we are making no recommendation on article six at this time oh Carol HF is that part of the motion no recommendation at this time yes um yes thank you great yeah okay um I'm sorry did Andrea did did you vote Yes okay thank you I thought so I I just missed okay D yes yes with no recommendation Don Hayes yes make it unanimous right right now now article seven is um we we voted to recommend um the um paying the 13,200 for the caterpillar lease um and I guess there's been some question it um further is there my understanding was that there may be additional lease payments still that so into next year into next year so for Capital planning this will have to get back onto the capital planning list and and continue to follow with it um and that's what's stated in the recommendation sheet that that was prepared um article 8 we had voting to recommend um this is bringing back the four uh annual town and special town meeting articles that had money still left in them that um was was no longer needed for that project so that will bring back the 18,750 article nine was voted to recommend um the Mass General law for um the $1,000 certific a for the treasurer position article 10 we had recommended um in the motion um there looks like the $4,000 to for that may come from a transfer from oper funds um but I guess that's still being finalized on there as this is a draft War um and we we we had voted but if it comes from oper at least it's not coming from General funds this is a one-time payment and that's perfect for what proper should be used for so you voted to we had we had voted that to pay or is that the way it is it sounds like RPA it is or is it AP it's arpa it's arpa just a typ of yeah but thank you for catching up because I was looking at that like everybody says AER that doesn't sound like AER um um okay and last we we had voted to recommend the transfer um from stabilization um we we had a number that was based on the draft warrant and at this point um if I heard Russ correctly we won't need to transfer any from stabilization if the amount on the North Middle SE doesn't change and the the and the other and the other articles pass as as planned and happens we will moove no action right on the other hand if another presumably higher number gets amended and voted at town [Music] meeting then well that number is but right if it's the school's requested number I believe we would need 13518 to come out of stabilization to balance the budget that was in the ballpark of what we talked about last week we shifted some the police cruiser and right yeah yeah so yeah that was a little higher than the base number but when we added the police cruiser into it was higher soor what was that number 135 108 135 108 if and again this is if all articles it goes back to the original if it goes back the original assess value from July and everything else passes as so the original assess number was that the 120 6991 change 355 691 355 let me see if I can find that's okay there was an April assessment number yeah and that got what the town voted to level fund so that didn't happen then the school came back with a July 10 number which is what what's reflected no that's not what's no it's it's the number that I believe we can balance the budget with it's in article four right so the in the draft warrant that had been going around the number was 691 691 284 okay and so that that would be that would be their fully funded number and we're going with the five 505 so the 691 was fully funded that we had offered is that correct no we never offer they asked that's that's what they asked for and if we approved it it would be fully funded and that that would be the that would be Two Towns voting for their their budget and approving their budget um so as it was a draft and there were numbers floting around this 505 755 is the number that will will be presented on on town meeting okay um if a higher number than we propose is voted at town meeting up to presum we no go higher but than the July 10th assessment request would defance committee support using stabilization for that 135 108 to balance it um again we we we had voted a higher number last week because it included the the Cruisers um and and we had voted it we can we can reconsider here um our vote um but we we put the stipulation on it that it' be paid back from the free cash that we anticipate so it's it's like a loan from stabilization for until free cash is certified from FY 24 that is our plan I think it's the smart plan I will caution that I don't believe one town meeting can tie the hands of a second town meeting so you can't can't force the December town meeting to vote that way but the people preparing the budget are here so and and except for me right and and the we would expect that the first first item on the war on the warrant for the special will be replenishing [Music] y Okay so um question four and I know Sam you weren't here last week when we had this discussion but last week we were looking at a number that was about 121 or 129 and then we added the 47,500 for the cruises to it so that we could put put the cruises back into the budget and not tie the hands of the chief waiting for a special town meeting that may or may not get a quum um so that even even if it's fully funded this 135 is less than the number we had voted last week so so I think we're good but if people want to want to revote with a with a new again everything is is going to be dependent on the actions of of town halls so as long as the article the the Articles as they pass don't exceed the number we had voted last week i' say we're good okay and so this this number would be less and again um Sam you weren't here we did sell three properties last year from the from the the um tax taking right and there so that money in addition to any normal free cash that is will be validated um that that money should be available to us to replenish this and that and that was our reasoning for saying take stabilization money okay sounds I'm sorry I missed last we had a very bad internet problems here by the time I got it fixed it was 7:30 I didn't even bother to pet punch in no we we were still going I was too tired after solving my problems but thank you okay um so that go back to [Music] just try trying to find okay um so um then I guess we're we're good to go with our recommendation sheet that was prepared um did anybody I'm at a fincom meeting can I call you back okay but byebye byebye um so basic based on what we voted today I will update the um recommendations sheet and get that to town clerk so that it can be posted and then we'll we can share that information so I um and uh I'm going to bring up one piece of old business um I had misstated I misread the number on the MMA dues and so I didn't I haven't signed the the um to pay the dues it was actually $196 not $1 150 as I had stated so I did did not want to um pay an amount that was different than we had voted on so at this point I would like a um motion to update and pay the MMA dues of the 1996 for the motion to update and pay the MMA jues of $196 I Su in it okay and no other discussion roll call vote Carol offis yes and realwood yes Dam Grant yes and Don Hayes yes so I will get that bill paid so we're good um we had a meeting on the schedule for September 5th because we had originally and that's a Thursday because we had originally been thinking that it was a September 10th special town meeting date um so at this point um just get the calendar and see what our next meeting um are the selectman meeting on September 10th because the third is primary day are they going to meet on the first Monday or first Tuesday in September you're gone so I'm sorry um I don't have anything in for the third okay and probably stop putting stop booking appointments Point yeah y so and um just it's kind of like the um Ross said let me know earlier he's staying till the end of the month of August 29th and after that be taking some time off I'm sure enjoying the rest of the summer and uh coming back to uh pursue the electrical aggregate so we'll have a new Town Administrator and hitting it so um at this point I don't I don't have the next meeting scheduled um and so I'll play it from whenever the next selectman's meeting is I'll go Thea the week after so it's either going to be September 10th or September 17th that we'll have a meeting and then we'll follow up with the open items that we had look forward to are you are you saying no meeting until you let us know yeah it's going to either going to be the 10th or the 17th I expect um it'll be Bas based on when select men are meeting okay 10th or 17th so I cross out everything between now and the 10th and leave the 10th and 17th up and running assuming where this is still August there September so yeah okay Tuesday nights everything's bucked all the way to the end of September for now anyway here um for you so I just go ahead and cancel only the ones between now and the 10th the 10th is open 17th open 24th is open yes all right thank you okay then we're good and I'll entertain the motion to adjourn can I I I know you're in a hurry sorry yep that's that's okay um but if you wouldn't mind I've got a list of of efforts that town employees have have done to reduce costs would you mind if I go through that I've sent copies to the board Sor of the commissions okay yeah and this is so I want people to understand we don't just sit here and take money we actually do look for ways to run the respective departments more efficiently so they the town selected a new um insurance provider that reduced $30,000 off the fy2 budget versus what was planned they negotiated a salary for the new ta that's lower than was budgeted by 6,000 and an auto allowance that was lower that was budgeted by 2,800 the it costs um have been reduced an annual amount of at least $10,000 by stringing fiber between the buildings and avoiding having to pay for um modems and other devices at each site you know that we've recaptured 8,570 from unused warrant articles and it looked like that has not been done in a couple years based on checking back they've replaced a full-time Building Commissioner with a part-time person that's shared with another town that reduced that line item or salary item by like $13,800 at least you know that we've had the benefits of a very skilled fire chief that agreed to work for half price so that's been saving us $60,000 for a couple years the Board of Health negotiated a lower rate for the trash collection for fy2 that $70,400 less than what he had proposed but was for the Board of Health efforts that we benefit from that we've been employing a part-time Health agent and nurse um versus having one fully on on the payroll that Sav us I think about 26,000 a year something that's small but shows you sort of the can do attitude is we've got a tree that needs to be pruned on the north side of the building we had a quote of $1,500 the cemetery Park superintendent said that his crew could do that saving us $1,500 the water department this is almost throws all of our other numbers off the chart they've taken a $24 million project and threw grants and work that they've done themselves versus Contracting out they've itemized $3,997 of reduced expenses to the town and I've got um David's breakdown here but I I just want you know that that as much as the budgets go up and we moan and grown every year which is justifiably so a lot of efforts are being done in a lot of departments to reduce expenses and this is ongoing this list is not complete yet um and that's not talking about the $3.4 million in Grants or the money that's coming in with ARA that's allowed us to provide certain services at no cost of the town so we doing our best to get things done around here thank you okay and hey thank you for your time and updating us on that appreciate it um okay so if there's nothing else from anybody um I'd entertain the motion to adjourn at 658 I'll make a motion to adjourn at 6:58 p.m. I'll second it okay and a roll call vote car yes Andrea wood yes samam Grant yes Don Hayes yes with that we stand adjourned and we'll see you at special town meeting next week on the 20th 20th what time does it start 7 o'clock what 7 7 PM 7 P.M thank you very much 1900