good afternoon um this the towns and finance committee um meeting are calling to order at 1M um for May 7th as we have remote members can I have a roll call um by V uh voice please Jal is here Andrea wood here Sam Grant here and Hay's here with that that's four members so we do have a quorum we are good to continue um item three um this meeting is being recorded um it is being played live on Channel 9 will be available for replay on Channel 9 as well as on the YouTube channel as needed um the item four additions or deletions at this point I did not have have anything else to add we are just finalizing our the work we're doing today in the work session is reviewing the um final recommendations and for those two articles that we did not have recommendations for I had put some words together just to see if we want to do it or update them because we do need to get these printed so that they're available for to meeting tonight Mr chair yes I just want to bring it to your attention that the request for capital of planning expenses um what is came into question uh what the board of selectman approved was different than what the finance committee and the um Capital planning committee had suggested and there was some uh discussion about whe whether that was the intent so at the six o' meeting tonight um before the I am going to make a a motion that we restore the $70,000 to Output the uh new police uh excuse me new fire truck ambulance vehicle uh into that so I wanted to let you know I don't know if the board's going to approve it in its entirety um but I am going to make that motion okay now um could you repeat that motion I didn't hear what you said um so um this this is in regards to the capital training okay um so when we looked at when we reviewed the warrant article we saw that the outfitting for the I believe it was a total of $120,000 to outfit the um was it a rescue vehicle with boat theyre so it was a total of 20 we do have on the uh special town meeting the uh the fire chief has agreed to take 35,000 of that uh yeah 35,000 of that out of ambulance receipt so what he the remainder of it is only $70,000 he's looking to borrow under Capital planning not the 420 that's already uh on the budget to become out of out of his receipts so he's taking the 35 out the the 35 is on the special warrant um hang on okay that was uh article 10 the um on the special the Fire Department emergency vehicle equipment see the 35,000 but so take the 35 out of the uh 25 he requested and he's looking for the remainder to borrow directly under capital okay so that y now the other two that we did have questions on items one and two on the capital plan um that yeah we're discussed um one was the electronics record um back up for police department and the other was the 77,000 for the energy upgrades both of those on the Warren article are showing borrow we thought that was that was not on the borrow list we thought it was only the the um the two Highway Department trucks were borrow the other two were Capital stable a I believe the 30 uh the 38 was out of capital okay and then the 77 was uh for the building upgrades for the whites was at borrow So when you say for what are you trying to the lights um the energy upgrades for the buildings so that um because when we look at the Warren article sorry let me let me call up the warrant articles um themselves sorry the 38 was com for free cash right was it um was it free cash or was it um Capital stabilization Capital wasn't it Andrea capital or she wasn't there yeah and so yes I I wondered um uh if uh Terry had the copy of the motion cuz if we had the motion we'd know how it was going to be proposed and what it was going to be for full yeah I do I I can pull that up on my screen if you want but I think he's pulling it up as well so they were listed as borrowed and now that you're saying I I didn't catch that but you're right we did say some of that money was coming from Capital but the Motions to tell exactly what coming from and where it going what article is that yeah what article is that I think it's article nine nine okay sorry [Music] just yeah so um I do have it displayed up on our screen so it's kind of so item one police Man Records management is showing at least in the again in the warrant article it's showing borrow for the first two the police of the energy and we thought and and it may be corrected in the motion that um that we're using Capital um yeah the motion it says said borrow or transfer from available funds but it probably should be in the motion I can see if we can change that that should we should say um Capital funds for for those first two because that is what we had decided right yeah and and again that's what that's and since I'm asking that this re motion be reconsidered and added tonight I can make that fix tonight at the uh uh select men's meeting as well okay so so that's article eight on the on the so I I don't know that we need to change well if the motion's going to change on the Flor and have another the 75,000 the the additional um and and again that that was recommended by the by the capital planning committee at the time was was to outfit the the fire exct yeah so um the motion it it's coming coming all the way back to what we had reviewed with capital and planning and and was presented to the finance committee correct so with with that additional information um in we get back to our recomendation regular town meeting sorry it's kind of like so regular town meeting article eight um the recommendation that we're showing here is that we're recommending with that we support the capital budget and we recommend funding items to with available funds um and borrowing for item three and four so do we want to clarify that to from with available funds from Capital stabilization we just put it in well this money that's already standing in the capital planning uh budget um yes that's my understanding okay yeah well that's good and then last some of the other articles are going to be funded by U fre free cash this should our our thoughts for item three and four um their their PL um plow trucks is to uh go to bond for [Music] those right and do we want to put a comment if if approved at um if if approved on the four we also um recommend taking item five which would be the um um equipping the uh fire fire department equipment what what did you say Okay so yeah I think we should wait because I'm not sure the um the other two Selectmen they had originally like the finance committee and the capital committee PL uh did approve that but the Border selectman 2 to1 did originally vote that $70,000 down um so they might do that again and it would just stand out as it is but there was some confusion on exactly what they were voting down um some of them thought it was just for a boat other um now we're learning that it's really for cardiac equipment and stuff so we just want to get a chance for the fire chief to review exactly what that money will be used for and give us another chance to revote on that okay yeah and and I'd like it if it said from the exact place it was coming rather than available fund because I think that becomes confusing after all to to the public because Andrea we'll we'll do that oh good thank thank you okay yeah okay so that that takes care of one of one of the pieces um that we were having again I was trying to um trying to make sure if I go back up uh to the top we we sort of sort of jumped around um just um pretty much our our commands we article three was um we had gone through we've recommended article two we have no action recommended article article three um on the war okay on the special um and I can see that I was typing in a hurry however in a year where overrides have been presented and other difficult budget decisions are not resolved every amount it doesn't make any sense it if it doesn't have an amount we can't vote on it right yeah okay that's that's right kind of I won't vote on it yeah um bring up Ault three which what what is the one you said doesn't have an amount what I'm just going back to take a look kind of we were on special town [Music] meeting $5,000 um yeah so um this this is from the Board of Health looking to take $5,000 and put it in a in a protocol for the Board of Health in case of um residential uh condemnation of property kind of and so I Mis represented what we were talking about and did not read okay yeah now I now I get it it's kind of like um every what we were trying to get it across is that um we are not we're not recommending an action to be taking on setting up this $5,000 because we're we're trying to preserve um every every amount that can be preserved for other for other usage um what we what I what we were trying to say with this is preserve the $5,000 for another for another purpose as as it gets defined okay just so not that it matters I understand what you're saying here but this is a an amount that the board came Board of Health came before us um to look for but I can I understand what you're saying so we're good [Music] [Music] here and again we we um we under the fact that we we said we understand the request we we understand what we're trying to do it but we don't um you know other other other funds available is there a grant available for funding like this that we can go after to try to put that money into into an account it's kind of like um and where's the trigger and and what's the payout and what's you know there's a lot of questions um with just setting up we don't know how long that would last and we don't know you know if that's a day a month year a week yeah I think we have be careful with that yeah yeah okay sorry um so I didn't know that um were other pieces did any did anybody have on the special town meeting the any es that uh I incorrectly captured and put into our recommendations for town for town meeting um Okay so we've got um got free cash and other funds when will they decide whether it's free cash or other funds when will that be um what is our free cash at the moment the free cash was I think it was 329 I don't I don't know that I it was over 300,000 yeah I thought it was like 329 329 right and then all of the articles on the special would bring it down to about 150,000 free cash yeah okay if we okay and again that yeah that's so um the you know if there was if if there is available funds that can be transferred so when do we when do they decide when are we deciding that um well those are the pieces it's kind of like um I um Teresa do we in the motions does it say specifically where the funds are coming from or is it still um free cash or or other available funds it's just not making a decision when yeah right it it's kind of like so it comes down to the Town Administrator working with the town accountant to see are they going to know that by tonight no they won't know that necessarily and I so things that we don't take out of free cash can be pending up in the air for um in until the yeah in so if we took everything out of free cash we don't only have 100,000 Left Right 147 I think he said 147 147 yeah yeah yeah and that's that's with FY 24 free cap or F y23 free cash the free cash at y24 is not going to get certified until this fall right so and again we the free cash should be should be looking at using items that are onetime onetime use items not not things that are ongoing budget items so we may be funding this as a one time but if the intention is to perpetually bring this up to 5,000 or increase it that's an ongoing and it's almost an operating budget item rather than rather than just a one time so that that's why we're saying be very cautious with the with the use of the free cash in setting these up um because if they if they're in essence becoming operating budget items um they they are going to be there's going to be in need year over year and we don't know what it is setting all these all these different different funds up with maybe the exception of the elections one that that one is more predictable at this point because we know when State elections are and we know when um presidential elections are so those those years can be can be a little bit more um predictable okay so um would rather than review each each one or do you finance committee do you want me to go through and look at each one of our recommendations that we captured um nothing being heard I'd like to say that I I have captured um our last meeting and transfer transferred it onto onto this when we talk about um down to Article 13 are the um 12 and 13 are the trash lines um we have recommended more favorably article 12 because that was the L price article 13 is also in favor I I suspect we'll take no action if if article 12 passes I suspect Article 13 may not may not be brought and there'd be no action with the two they may bring up the second one just to see which one has a higher vote you know if if it's a matter of counting people which one we really get yeah yep I uh and and I think it it's all it it all becomes very um personally what the decisions are um you know they 13 is more expensive overall but um I like many probably built a trash receptical holding area that was built on the on the trash barels I had at the time not new ones um so you know that that could be people's decision they rather stay with what they have with in in getting picked up and and pay the higher annual cost um one of the problems people have is that the the toor are um huge I actually generate very little Tri in a week right yeah stick with what I have yep it it uh that that becomes a piece yeah you um I know I can see what goes up what goes out to the curb in my neighborhood and you're right some some people have tiny bit and it just having a total for that seems like Overkill but then on the on the safe side everybody's totor would be the same right so you'd have less chance of your totor getting into the truck or dropped off in somebody else's house you know because it wouldn't matter they're all the same y yeah well the other part of that other story is one was the Jers which is great but the second part would should take a away a job from somebody but this vote really has nothing to do with any of those that's eventually going to come back to the board of Selectmen whether we go with totis with toades whether how much the contract's going to be for the only purpose of this V is to see if um the town is willing to let us go consider a fiveyear contract nothing about whether that contractor will have toos or not nothing about whether what the pricing of the contracts is going to be it's just right now by uh Town regulation we can only enter into a three-year Contra uh contract and shes is thinking it may be better for us to do a five-year contract which we can't do unless we pass this law does a motion say that no well this is the motion is different than the warrant article um the the motion if if that's if that's how the motion is written um that's one piece the way the warrant articles are written it looks like an either kind of offering it's well the way the the articles are written um a motion gives you one action the Articles the way they're written are for two actions one for the fiveyear contract and one for with or without toor no that's not how it's written can we bring them up well um I should be should be sharing article 12 oh sorry you're sharing your recommendations I'm sharing our recommendations I need to go back to the special so you want it blown up a little bit or are we good with art article I do see what you're saying to not include toas y yeah so it it appeared as though there were two you know the the two articles one is a fiveyear contract with totter one is a fiveyear contract without and and again we we understand it the main you the main thing is the fiveyear um but it it comes down to it and again it's kind of that's that's why we went with budget wise and finance committee we recommending lower lower price initially and over the life of the contract is is to do the tots the way that that we are addressing it as select men though it's if you allow us to go into a 5year contract then we have an option with or without toas um but if both of these are voted down then then we can do we a three-year contract but three-year contract can also be made with totas or without totas as well so but that contract isn't yours to make that contract is a Board of Health to make you only approve or disapprove of the what Heth to make and for us to approve or disapprove so so I see where I'm confused on this but um this is what was presented last night too by the other selectman so let me um I'm glad you straightened me out I'll have to straighten them out well that's that's what the appearance what the what the appearance is so I you know it gives us that opportunity um to to look at these and and have couple of sets of eyes looking at them so that they're they you know how and then how it's presented to the town tonight is is with a little bit you know exactly yeah because at yesterday's meeting I I said to myself I'm just very concerned that many of us have already have reciprocals in this town that that fit the requirements of the totis so now if we go into a contract with whatever with Tois or whatever then now we have more trash we're making because we're not using what we already have and Chaz stopped me and said but that's not up for discussion that will come later the discussion is just whether we can do a fiveyear or three-year contract it's not about toad is or not we what does a motion say does a motion say just you're right no I see where where it says here um I don't know if they made some change or if I what I was looking at yesterday but again it does say exactly as you said it does so uh and I don't see how it's going to change so it's exactly what you said I'll just clarify I'll just make sure Chaz knows he he was uh either is unaware that how it's written or is uh confused in how it's written so or or you know again there was a change in philosophy in that we're going to say on the warrant take no action on Article 13 article 12 the motion will be presented to allow us to ENT into a fiveyear contract with terms to be defined right yeah but I definitely will get it want it to be straight with all all of us before we meet I don't want it be getting you know straightened out on the floor so at 6:00 and make sure the language is the same that we we have from yesterday as I'm seeing up here plus you don't want the uh the public to think you're pulling it fast exactly youve got is it clear to them right that's that's the biggest thing is the clarity in a in a single single point of view it's kind of like we we didn't have motions in front of us to review we only had the the war articles and and so that's why we vote based on on what the warant Articles exactly yeah it's kind of like so um but we you know if needed we can we can clarify it too at this at the same point because in in reality we're Rec you know we we know how important trans Fortune is to the town um and as one of their main main items that they want as a as a service provided by the town so looking at it we're recommending that the fiveyear contract even though the last two years have many items that are Market Market pric we don't have a definitive year four and five price but it would have we would have a contract for five years which is stability it's kind of like this is where it's going to get confusing to the general vote because they think they're voting on the trash I think if we just come right out and say what you're really voting on is a a three-year contract is what we normally have but they would like to go to a fiveyear will you allow us to go to a fiveyear other than that they're going to be thinking they're getting totes or no totes yeah exactly and and as that goes there are many other questions that I that come down to who's who's managing the totes how many how many extras are we going to have where are the storage going to be who manages it um who approves new ones um how many people have bought purple garbage bags and maybe don't have them used up what's the purple garbage bag process going to be um all all those kinds of things are are right opt out options all these other type of things that's not part of this article you know the article brings everything back to to the Board of Health but the way it's written the article is does say totas or not totas so I know that's not we we you know that's that's we gotta look at that y yep okay isn't it a little late to look at it NOP we uh we have one more meeting six o'clock to um tonight and we can you know just make sure we're all on the same page yeah yeah that's um if yeah t is referring to there's a six 6:00 border select meeting just before town meeting which is the normal standard process so that will be in the selectman's chambers at at six o'clock this evening so they write those two articles is what you're saying um they'll they'll discuss them and they may have in the Motions um Clarity in in how they're they're planning to address just say I'm making a motion to put for on the $70,000 that was lost for the fireman that might make a change last minute change to that we'll have to make the amendment on the floor um but at least we're all in agreement would we would agree as a board to add make that Amendment if we if I bring it you know forward to Chaz tonight that that you know we're saying this isn't about the contract about totas about not Toad and say what but if you read it as it's written it truly is one says totus one says not totus we might make a a a mo you know decision as the board to amend it on the floor to uh to uh change or explain it yeah well you can you can do it in you can do that but you can also um have it specific in the motion itself because it's a motion that goes forward not the article exactly yep okay I meant by that's what I meant by on the floor so before the mo is read we would just like there's a change to article 16 the motion is as read blah blah blah is Council going to be at your six o'clock meeting yes they are wonderful I'd like to go back to the fire thing I'm I'm a little confused on that okay all right so um that article one dat no uh I have it as article 9 but some reason it's shown as article eight here so is article eight on the C I must have wrote it down but anyway I'm in special and and I think it become because it's where it fell on on the page kind of so let's see page up um okay so the the was 120 right I see it yeah 120,000 right yes so is that correct that was initial request when we vote when we vote when we had our vote I had the minutes from our meeting when we voted our minutes uh uh between the capital planning committee and the finance committee we had voted 70,000 and he he accepted that and he put another is article on the warrant in the special meeting to uh transfer from reserves fund um the other 30 5,000 that we didn't give him because we only out of the 120 we only gave him 70,000 then when the board of Selectmen voted as as a body on the um the the entire Capital plan they voted not to fund the the police vehicle a fire vehicle cuz they felt that they have already funded too many items they had you know new fire trucks andever and they wanted to hold off funding that for another year okay so um I did Andrea did you have a question in there I thought I heard you um she said from the reserve fund and she meant I think from um that's all right yes I apologize thank you for that correction no problem there we we're dealing with a lot of accounts and a lot of what a well that's it so well it's all at the last minute which gives you the heie jibbies anyway right so anything in that in those 78,000 that came from Capital anything after March 1 is g to be funded by EMS is that what I'm being that basically is that what's happening yes okay all right but as it stands right now yeah they the they're only funding out of their own account basically out of receipts 30 35,000 and the 70 the rest of it to uh outfit that new vehicle they have is not going to be funded till next year till next year okay unless we I can get the board to reconsider tonight they and they think it's wise to have an empty ambulance sitting there for a year Andrea I can't answer those questions oh no it just kind of popped out would it be an ambulance or would it be a a truck or is it what is it it's a rescue vehicle rescue vehicle yeah the one with the boat doesn't have a boat yet and that's kind of why they felt we didn't need a boat yet wait another year we've been this long without a boote okay all right all right so if they voted it down because they thought it was a boat right that's why potential for the for the decision to should be an article to to um uh refund um swimming lessons for everyone then maybe we'd never need a v i i really I do think the Selectmen are gonna go go forward it uh that like I said uh the chief is going to be there to help explain I just think they really were confused at exactly what type of equipment it was and I think once the chief explains to them that he's not trying to buy a $70,000 boat uh I think we'll be good yeah I think you're probably right yeah okay um okay sorry it's kind of like we're we're getting a little off and it's kind of like I was trying to so you still getting everything once y yeah but trying to but not the boat but not the boat right he's rescue vehicle okay minus the boat okay now what about the jaws of life is that the equipment that he's talking about the jaws of life life is is specifically for um listed as that 35,000 that he borrowed because he wanted to purchase that uh right away make sure so that is coming out of the uh ambulance receip and it ended up actually costing 40,000 so he's might have to change that to 40,000 he can't go up on to FL oh okay well I guess we'll have to figure something out no it can't go up can't go up that's right I forgot about that yep and you can't add articles you can't add articles what it posted you can add articles yeah yeah or maybe yeah maybe he'll he'll he'll figure out a way to get it at the price he he he considered how how many jws of life does this give us at the at the um fire department I do not know that oh okay I'm sorry what did you say Andrew I missed it how many jws of Life do we have I know we have one old one and I know the new one is supposed to be much more modern easier to use faster on release and things but I um I had thought that um uh we had gotten one modern one already and I was just curious that's a good question I will definitely yeah I asked that night tonight because it's on the size how many do we really need yeah right how how many is it and I'm sure somebody will ask that on the floor tonight yeah right and you know there it when it was brought up in several meetings ago here we're wondering is is this to go out and buy um a draws of life or is it is it paying for something that was already purchased so basically you know does he have it already or is it here or what yeah it's kind of so we don't know we don't yeah so I just know he knows the price has gone up but I don't know if he's purchased that makes me assume he hasn't purchased it yet but I don't like to assume anything right Y no that's um so that's that's again as as we go into well you know I think when you get to town meeting floor and the see an amount and it it just says equipment and things like that I think people really want to know that what it is you know is it five or six things or is it one thing I think just keeping you know transparency is what it is it's just keeping everybody in tune to what we have what we don't have all serious Jerry I think you know that was the problem I think that the selectman might have had all all I really had at that time was equipment I didn't really knowly you know what left so I think that you know gave them you know they just weren't weren't clear you know so just as they weren't clear I think it's important that we make them clear tonight and be able to make the floor clear absolutely absolutely yeah okay um so um I did not hear anything else on the special town meeting so going into the annual town meeting articles um when when we get to article three the revolving funds is um sorry like I gota get what article um article three is the resolving funds the the list of the revolving funds and approving the revolving funds um and so all that I did was highlight the three that are increasing over last year and the rest are are maintaining at at the FY 24 spending limits so this is the one where the recreation evolving from the cemeter I don't have that information um that that is in the warrant itself let me let me jump back to a warrant and go back and get the annual well I assume they're raised because it brought in more money last year than it had the year before right yep that's um right and and that's the that's definitely what we and and actually when we look at it we did increase to um one of the things that we said we were going to do and we're having trouble getting reports to help us um is to review the revolving funds because the last two years we have made increases shortly after town meeting when we get into the new fiscal year we did raise them uh so the recreation was one of them we took it from 80,000 to 100,000 um last year so that's actually stable but not not if you look at the annual town meeting report this was um action taken by the board of selectman and the finance committee in our in our meeting so it's here it's clear that it's changed an increase from last year and it's important to remind the people that this is a transfer from one place to another if if it as $100,000 and they don't have $100,000 in there they can't spend it you don't they don't get that a big amount they get what they have yeah yeah they get what they have it it's it the the revenues that they that they generate for whichever the you know whether it's the recycling center for the fees we charge when we recycle things up there or whether it's Recreation and um the the programs that Recreation puts on um they will they will get in their revenue and they will they will take and and pay from within their program receipts um to the people that the counselors and things that they have the the materials that they need to support it did they did they um put any new programs in do we know I don't know if they did it it it appears as though most of them are probably the same year over year but um they have and they have posted that they're still hiring so little shout out for counselors if you're looking for a little it's kind of like program probably yes has some for you um article four when we when we get down here um in the descriptions you'll see that I highlighted it because we had not come to this um so if I if I look at the um article four is the whole operating budget um and it continues into each of the sections um we had a discussion the other night um and we're talking you know it's kind of like there there are many things that can change um at this point and we really we say we have no recommendation because we don't know what decisions are going to be made on the FL um and we we don't really have um we we don't have a recommendation on the budget what to approve I don't believe we have a balanced budget with all the lines that are in the operating budget as it stands and so we wouldn't necessarily have a recommendation until we have a balanced budget and like I don't think this one is back it it the the override was approved by voice voice spoke at on March 19 but it was voted down on the on the annual Town election so we don't have the money to support the overrides for the schools those are still in the budget listed at their override positions it's kind of like that would put our budget out of balance and we can't re we're we're not recommending because we don't we don't have a balanced budget available to us that's what this is this is saying it's kind of like I don't know if that conveys it or if I need to be a little more specific with it I I think that's good and I think it's particularly good to let the public know you you toss around all these figures and talk about this and that at the meeting and I think a general clear line of thought sometimes gets blurred and and spewed along so when you state outright that we don't have a balanced budget that can put the public thought into a concise picture um so we have to present as cl to possible a balance budget so we we posted yesterday a second on um a second override vote okay yeah that it can be used to balance the budget if that fails then we have to go back and do it again and again should that be mentioned anywhere in here um we can do that we had we did not have that at the time we prepared this right we just did that yesterday at 10 o'clock so yeah okay um isn't there a waiting time um between I I it seems to me when we went over this earlier in the year that then you had to have if it failed then you had to have the whole do the the whole thing over again not just um the the electoral vote over and over because that's what we had done in the past and I realized it was wrong when we did it the past my understanding we have to we we we have to do we can do the school budget over again and then we would have to maintain what's say it fail okay then we would have to go to that same process again so we already once went back it already failed went back to the school they and they have to come back with us with us with a decreased budget they Dro to 300,000 yeah right well so basically 100,000 to for us 147 yeah all right so we go through that process again it fails again they come back they drop more or less however they they have to drop but let's say they don't do another significant drop then by that second time we'll be into their school their new school year and if they don't come with a budget that passes by that time then they have to stop working on 112th of last year's budget oh okay if that continues to fail that they work with basically month to month I think they have up to three months to get us to settle then it does go to a judge basically a judge decides what the final answer is it get it get it becomes a mediation s situation we've never had it g on that that that far in the town we have once before matter of fact I was on the school board uh right before I came on the Schoolboard it's part of the reason where we did go to a 112 budget um they it lasted for about one month and then they came up with a a budget that the town could accept [Music] that help or make it more cloudy oh no no that helps I I remember reading it but you explained it much clearer than what I had read yeah I was really surprised with them knowing that you know they have to figure out how to work on one 12th of last year's budget in a relatively short time that they came back with such a low first offer I thought they would be more more reasonable yeah yeah so I added lines two lines to the end there will be another override boat scheduled for June 11th to determine if the budget presented will be a balanced budget if additional changes or another iteration is required after that um the um that looks good thank you yes okay so I'm going to take my yellow out of here and again one of the reasons why we're doing this um okay so on article four we're saying we we are not making a recommendation prior prior to our meeting um and these are the words that we're going to have with it um do we we we should take a vote today if we can um that these are the words that we want to present to this is this is these are the statements we want to make um in our recommendation sheet for to be handed out as voters arrive this evening so we're looking at article four at this and I'm sorry I do have to drop but I think you got everything you need for me so I'll see you tonight yeah see you tonight six o' bye bye now okay um has everybody had the chance to read our or recommendation or no recommendation for Article 4 um somebody want to make a motion that we present this in our recommendation sheet for this evening I'll make a motion put this into our recommendation sheet I'll second it okay so we have a motion um and a second any additional questions um comments anything you'd like to see additional none being heard were you GNA say something that I go to I think it's it's fine it's nice and blunt and I think that's what needed okay that's what we're trying to do and not make it flowy but you know get there so I have a question yeah the there were two override votes both failed we are only talking about one now okay um we are talking about education overrides um yeah there were two educational overrides teast yeah the tech and regular High School the show Tech passed because the five other towns voted for it oh okay so we've automatically passed thank you very much I forgot about that yeah so that so the yeah so the number that's in the budget has to stay in the budget we have to find a way to cover so so the only override vote would probably be for MX right yeah okay I'm just gonna maybe see if I can come in here are you going to beting C for tonight so we'll have some I am I'm gonna don't hm what was this this this one is the first the first two pages these These are the first three pages are the special t Okay and then the next two pages are the annual it's kind of so okay um so they're all connected together who want to separate them you can certainly separate them um but the way to meeting runs we start we start special we start the annual and then we Mee and and go to a go to the special do the special articles right um and then return so that's been the process as I as I know it um okay so I'm gonna come in here um and we had the motion um in a second to accept these words um into our recommendation sheet we haven't voted so if we could have a Voice vote J 6 yes okay we still still have everybody I don't know okay um Sam Andrea Andrea yeah um I'm thinking okay that's fine I'm still reading yeah so we we're I'm trying to highlight and maybe that makes it worse yeah and if I try to blow it up mess you that's as far as I can go okay and pretty good reading thank you yeah okay I'm sorry what was that I'm fine with the article four okay so you're you're yes that will that's affirmative Y and Andrea is still I'm fine with article four okay and then I will vote Yes to so we if I can find my cursor back [Music] again I'm just going to see what I can steal and and I have been doing this for the last couple where um I put what our vote is so people can see where we are okay now if I jump back to the Articles sorry I'm going to scroll by the whole budget I know um so Article Five pretty much says to see if the town now let me try to pull this up that's let's take this and put it at the bottom tell me Article Five yeah Article Five says to see if the town will vote to transfer from free cash a sum of money necessary to balance the budget for fiscal year 2025 so with that we don't know what the number is we're voting an override in June so I don't know that they can do anything with Article 5 well the other thing too with Article Five is the things you're funding with free cash are ongoing expenses yeah we can't do that that's going to get us in nothing but trouble y okay the balance oh okay yep yep you're right it's kind of like so we don't yeah yeah um recommend it so yeah the recommendation should St the same you know not no don't recommend it yeah we're not going to recommend it but but um uh we might want to change this to say the final budget presented needs to be evaluated um and reviewed for support it should not be funded by it balancing a budget should not be funded by free cash right in order to balance the budget because it's not a recurring Revenue y okay I'm with you great I just need to change my words to um eliminate that it it was only I think two maybe three years ago when the auditor said that we were doing so much better in not funding things cash right um going to jump through hoops and seeing this one get my St right here um onetime expenses or getting rid of a lot of what I wrote we're changing it to say three Cash should never should not be used excuse me okay so now Article 5 not should we change it to not recommended yes I'll go with the fuzzy work but I prefer not talking to you guys good we're saying a balance budget should be funded with recurring Revenue sources only free cash should be used to fund onetime expenses or holstering fund like Capital planning or stabilization one of my favorites and then maybe other okay does that look like what we want to say about Article Five and using free cash to balance the budget looks like what I'd like to say Okay I I don't know that it'd be a number that they could put tonight because we don't have that kind of we don't have a million dollars in St in in free cash perfect we can apply to it so it's gonna I don't know per but it damn good yeah so then the I would be looking for a motion to not recommend Article Five I'll make a motion we do not recommend number five Article Five I had a low battery problem there a minute ago no that was me I know but it's still over still on scre we got a hurry okay so um we have a motion in a second in the room from Jerry um any additional questions comments um none being heard um a roll call vote please is yes Andrea wood yes Sam Grant yes and Don Hayes yes we are doing this and then we're going to get rid of that color and so that gives us give anything else so we're gonna save that right now okay so we have our recommendation sheets for tonight um and if I jump back to agenda that's really all we we had the the budget review recommendation which we just completed in in four and five the next schedule meeting we have is May 7th tonight at 7M which is annual town meeting um so with that do we have I I I didn't ask any everybody all set with with where we are comfortable any other comments before we close no I think we got them covered important stuff yeah yeah okay that being the stance um I would entertain the motion that we adjourn at 2:10 p.m I'll make aour 210 thank you we have a motion toour in a second uh roll call vote General is yes Andre wood yes Sam Grant yes yes we stand adjourned