good evening this is uh towns and finance committee meeting uh calling the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. see sorry scroll down um with the meeting called to order uh as we have remote people that need a roll call attendance J is yes Mark hassy here wood here Jos I heard you um and Don Hayes is present um with that we have a quum and uh we are good to continue um this meeting is being recorded and played live on Channel 9 it will also be available on the YouTube channel um when it when it's been processed and posted um item four on the preliminaries additions or deletions um I have nothing to add at this particular time um does anybody else have anything that was missing from the agenda I do not I have I'm good okay none being heard we're going to go to the work session um which is item one the reserve fund transfer requests um we had sorry just do do we have this one to put up um I can yeah sorry I don't know if they have it yeah I had sent that out earlier to everybody but let me share it okay so I get a s sharing on Zoom share screen joh can you share the email as well as the trans yep um I'll get that going now I'm just uh it up uh let's see okay so I should be sharing the screen right now you should see the agenda I'm going to call up we'll start with the file and then I'll call it the email and we'll go back and forth between them as Okay Okay C okay um Andrea will you had spoken up you want to review the information in the email or do you want to start with one transfer request at a time um I I guess I've misunderstood I thought she sent the um email saying this is where he's likely to hit short fall and then the reserve fund transfer itself yeah was to cover all those things although he only named one thing in the transfer itself okay um so what um we've only got three here right we should have four I think four with the generator the comp system yeah and do we have plaster and we got plaster yes okay should be a okay um so as we started when with Reserve fund transfers earlier this year and we had the one from the police department come in for the elevator repair at that point we we discussed I have not codified it yet and put it out but we asked for supporting documentation of show us the invoices so we have actual numbers and show us the other money that will be coming out of that account that you have scheduled um and so I did have a conversation with Rob and Katie actually watched the finance committee meeting that we had earlier in the month and she went ahead and pulled the invoices and and gathered the rest of this information for the account because one of the items we talked about was that we didn't know which account they wanted to put the money in and every is professional everything is going into the Professional Services account everything is that was done here was Outsource um so this is in this is to support um why the the current balance in the budget um why they're requesting it and the additional money that may be coming out of of the account and that that they know of right now so then the 21,000 that is left over from what he's asking for here it's not in here though right no it's it's not in here this this is saying this this money is 20 they're going to use another 21,000 okay for the for below the light fixture right the window 10 elevated a quarterly payment why is that not in the no no no it it's it's it's part of it so when he put together the budget and put I think I don't remember the total life if it was $80,000 it was in there at the beginning of the year he's so the account that had had the elevator quarterly in there and that's what they're saying he estimates that he's going to use another 82,000 for the rest of the year so if we at yeah well it's expenses are there and but I guess I guess what I'm trying to say is the elevated quarterly payment shouldn't even be an issue it should be already align or maybe not a line item but yeah it was in the schedule for the account so when we when we asked this we said what other expenses are you going to incur that you have regularly scheduled for that money and so he's listing the the elevator quarterly payment is part of what's going to continue to come out of that line item so he's he's used so he used the elevator fund the elevator well it there was a budget at the beginning of the year estimated how much you was going to need these were not estimated at the beginning of the year these are outside his normal so what's listed here is his normal maintenance activities that is coming out the Professional Services so we didn't pay for the elevator all at once we said put it up ply payments so last year we had a an $8,000 or 7 7,600 in car $ 7,298 Reserve fund request because that was outside that was a safety issue with the elevator that we had to pay once and and what was it this year this year is every quarter he they come out and service the elevators which should be he's got a contract I'm sure he has a contract with that and so he how much is it every quarter it's probably a fair amount of money they're expensive but they're worth yeah yeah but well that was already known and that should shouldn't be on could use some help setting aside money in his budget for known things to be paid correct so what we have in the list that's displayed let me should I try to blow it up a little bit um so we have a list of let me count we have a list of eight items these eight items were on his list and in his original budget for the whole here what we have on these requests is what was outside his budget oh so the elevated things coming out of here no I'm confused okay so let's go back to the beginning of the year he has a quarterly elevator budget will stick with one right so every quarter he estimated that he's going to pay $4,000 for the elevator he has a contract he has a contract yeah he has a contract and he pays that money now we had a ceiling fall in the main stairway he's got to get that fixed he did not schedule that for the beginning of year so he had to pay he had to hire a service and get it repaired so he paid Professional Services money for an unexpected expense out of that account I got it I get it I just don't think that you should be able to take money from something that was already in your budget away and then and then and then have this on the list to ask for money yeah no no no it's it's just my opinion yeah I okay and and and nothing against all right it should be quarter then it should be it's dedicated you can't use that money no it's dedicated to something right okay so this my opinion this is where we maybe get into um that there may be needs to be two budget lines mten because that's a quar and we have a contract contracts simply contracts here's your contracts these are all your subcontractors all going to get paid this amount of money extra stuff is not miscellaneous but I mean unforeseen things you have a a budget for that too along with your maintenance contracts and everything that's my opinion okay so so that that was the piece and because he out he requested and and we received the repairs whether it was the power generator it's just kind of like we'll stick with this St and and the plastering so when was that from a Le I don't believe so no okay I think it was just age what caused the plaster to fall down to we know age I guess it wasn't wet up there or anything like that I don't know I don't I I didn't see it but but again these are things we should have foreseen and had in well and I know he ain't got no money so it do matter had to say if sing got to come down you can't tell it's not years there's only a certain number of account lines that we that had set up yeah so when he sent out and got a quote and a contractor to come in to do the repairs they were done and they were paid out of out of out of the professional Serv yeah no I I totally get it but I don't think it's right okay okay and I'm not saying he's wrong doing what he had to do it's how it's set up you have contracts that's a line item all your maintenance contracts that's it this is what you got for the year and you know it's there right and then you have a separate PR in my mind yeah preved M and maintenance versus rep care right and you've got to have your eye at the other side still looking at Capital because all this stuff's all going to fall apart eventually right and I know he doesn't have the money so I I shouldn't yeah no no no that's but this this is what we have in the budget this year right we have the opportunity for fy2 to see if we can break and and create two lines a maintenance line where it's all there and a um line for repairs you know cuz I'm looking right there the irrigation start up and repairs that's that's a an a contract price I mean that's part of your contract anual basis so maybe that's what we need to tell him that we want it done this way well I don't know if he can necessarily do it versus what the town wants him to do either that's that's a piece but we can we can request that and we have on it only makes everybody's job easier right and we we did it last year with the software and the maintenance contract and that's going to happen this year it's kind of like we because of the the bulk and and paying those software licenses up front we said that's not your contract so break break out the lines between your software licenses and and your ongoing monthly contract for um Guardian then everything's kind of protected all right but if you go over on your maintenance cost or or or repairs that's okay that happens all the time so but you've got your money there but I think he would be better off doing it that way with with contracts I think it would make it easier I mean then he doesn't have to worry about it he knows now he's going to worry about oh God I got to have the elevator quot you shouldn't have to worry about that right and and so those are the pieces he did that budget but then he had these extraordinary circumstances happen with things broke that were not not covered by contract and not covered by insurance but I think they should be S it would make his job easier too and again I'm not saying he's doing anything anything wrong he's just doing exactly I think would be better for him and that's the typical accounting thing method that we use when when you have um a vendor come in and do a repair we pay him out of Professional Services facility he should come out of repair as a maintenance well it and I think that's maintenance is one thing because you can plan for maintenance yeah more than repairs right right so it's kind of like so I see it as don't do repairs and maintenance just do repairs and then have your maintenance contracts yes right and so you have a maintenance line for all that nice clean stuff you set your known costs your known costs are in a maintenance line and your repair line you put in something right um an amount and year over-ear we we have the experience that we are going to need some but I don't think every building and every Department can put in a buffer of 25,000 for especially these days but at least is there's something in the you know right I mean it just looks bad that way it isn't as bad as you think but I mean why you know it just stood out to me like are you kidding me what are we doing here yeah no wait what what stood out is and again this is our first time seeing seeing information that we requested to say okay we have this but there's still $20,000 in the account well there's 20,000 but they they're planning on about 82,000 right so it's like um so we're still running the po potential we may overdraw that account we may have to do um an M the municipal transfer requests later on but right now um in order to get them through current um this the these requests are to pay for the these invoices that were um unplanned breakdowns when your main job is maintenance three4 if not all of your maintenance problems are unplanned yeah you know um what I think one of the problems is that um well first of all he's been given chores and not money to cover them you know somebody drops off from doing this job they assign it to him instead but there's been no money to compensate for the cost of that new job yep um this is one budget now I we're late in the game like we like always happens but I think this is one of the budgets that really needs to be revalued and taken care of and delineated what he does for the different buildings because he does different things for different buildings bu right right what actual buildings he covers now when this was first designed it only covered librar of police [Music] station yeah and then they threw in the the fire department I but no money money went into his budget from the fire department though I do believe the fire department has itself paid for some of those things there is there is a line for maintenance and repairs in both police and fire so if they're budgeted and he does work for them it should go to their account where does the water go through water um each building each building has it its own so fire fire has a water line police have water line and Facilities has the remainder now there's something in here on this right about maybe there wasn't light fixture what was the light fixture in the parking lot somebody knock them down what was him light fixture in the park there's a white picture in the parking lot there is [Music] um yeah like [Music] how did it get hit or did it just blow out or what yeah I'm not but these These are what he says is plan these these AR be unplanned this is this is what he has to be done what has to be done this is his list of other tasks that have to be done from within that account because see I look at the automatic cooling system oh no wait a minute I'm sorry the town hall fire system yeah anti-freeze needs to be drained and filled drained and filled now is that a surprise I hope not that's all I'm saying no no that's what this makes it look like right okay that's all I'm getting done probably three or five years yeah yeah this but that's a that's that's a constant though right but see that's and he probably does that every three to five years but it doesn't look like it here that's all I'm getting so yeah so what what we had asked for is what else are you going to use the money in this account for so like I said there's 20,000 in here and so this is his list of items that he has to get through the last quarter of the year and and cover all these things so that's why he's requesting so if we look at it our our what we had done the procedure that we used was not to transfer the money until it was about to go to zero yeah okay and so we changed we we talked about it and said let's look at what their usage is going to be and are they truly unplanned errors and I would say so well and and again this is this is that would apply to these we only have 1 half of 1% of the budget in a reserve fund so we we have to be cautious with how we take the reserve fund releases and and approvals um and so how much less than the res fund do we know um I think it was about 41,000 right now and that's got to bring us through that's got to bring us through end of June so this 21,000 includes this or no um okay hang let me let me get my my math done I haven't done you said 41,000 there's 41,000 in the reserve fund right now so 21 alone that he's asking for it's going to leave 20 and I'm hoping it includes this well yeah 34 15 well you know another thing too at at the end of the year it would seem to me that um the things that you should be well for example there's the counter at the library the doors still work automatically it's just the counter isn't working is that a priority you know maybe you could put that off to another you know till the next fiscal year because it isn't as important as changing the the fluid or whatever if you didn't say that we would not have known that's what the only problem is you know what I'm saying they say they C they talking they must be a button to open the door at the counter is that what it is no it's um I I you know how at budget time they always say we had 7,000 people come through the library just today yeah I assume that's what they were talking about was the automatic door still automatically open but the counter count the people correctly no are you do you mean the you know when they show their little their little card and they put it in front of the machine and it count it is that what you're calling a counter or you calling the opening of the door counter I'm I'm call I think it it says automatic door system um at the library and it says VC out out you know that doesn't make CRA come through at the same time yeah no no no it's kind of it could be to me it it's a tractor beam a laser beam that's trying to ID not open the door and it's not opening the door at the right time problem it's kind of for the senior center yeah but it for for both it's kind of that's the only thing I can think of with with yeah I also misunderstood what I read I'm sorry that's right it is recalibration yeah it it's kind of like that's that's my guess on it is there something about calibrating and aligning it um or it's not there's there's an adjustment for sensitivity and it's not adjusted properly it's kind of um it's not sensitive an so what's up with the uh window treatment for the to administrator's office um can we maybe put that off for a little while maybe we could because things might change yeah oh yeah not not before the heating heating system in summer but um we with that um it was always cold in his office there a window and yeah there Windows yeah windows were downward but that's what the window treatments are for is is to adjust that so we I think we could wait on there either one of the things that um he I'm I'm not vaulting his skill but you know no one person can know everything right I would assume on this Library thing that he would have to hire somebody to do that and got a service contract and he's got money built into that it could be but but again this is this is coming out of the same so this is Professional Services this is not any other line work these are the things that he's going to um so we don't these are the things we don't know right right these these are the things that we don't know that he's going to use the rest of the money for right because that was the thing we were usually blind to what else would be coming out of that account this this we're trying to make it visible to us as as we look at these requests these are the things that he anticip he anticipates he's going to do and yes may you know he may get to that point that he makes that decision I don't want to do certain things on here until the next year um because he's he's getting closer to the end of this fiscal year you know and and he doesn't want to take it negative but he knows he doesn't want to add it to next year he was redone not now redone but yeah for the next the upcoming year um wouldn't it be more valuable to know the services that he can do and the services he has to hire for because then we could figure the cost better yeah yep and and I will agree with that and I know he um Rob had um asked um even for a pest control line to be broken out because Pest Control can vary that has to be probably they bar do that monthly I would say and he may be able to move go to quarterly depend depending on and it may be building it may build that way lot of place right so it's kind of so those are his pieces but if we have one building that can go quarterly and every and another building that they do monthly updates to baiting and and trapping then that that could help but all of the pest control would be in in in a single line so he's going on and I apologize it's kind of it is it is a little confusing that we we see this but that's sort of the information we were looking for to help us make decisions with the S that uh it's 22,400 for this for these four the request for everything that's on the screen is not not these request so then we'll looking at the whole boat we're looking we're looking at the whole boat so it's kind of like let me go back about 19,000 um and get the last BBA that we had what's wrong with the window treatment that's in there now well I don't think that's a problem it's just my us you know um well I know they put new treatment in here you know what's up with the light did it get knocked down is it a hazard can it uh you know is it just a bulb I don't know even if it is just is it in the front of the parking oh no no I'm not I'm saying does it have to go do we have to deplete this fun for that so quick so quickly right you down to what 19 I don't think it's anything when we get done with both numbers let me check I thought we had 41 and it came to 21 right plus the 21 down zero so let me let me just so these are already paid these invoices are already paid oh they are okay these these these invoices are not just being built now they were paid out of this okay so he only needs the 21 to survive um he's asking for the 21 to repun into the account so he can finish out the year so we're de it then yeah so if we look at facilities Professional Services um is that our total Reserve fund is that no no it's not the reserve is it the reserve fund the reserve fund is 41 41 right now and so if we take 22 that's going to leave us about 19 19 that's what I said okay sorry how much does he have left 19 um I am looking at and it says the facilities Professional Services has 7,442 as of the February BBA what can happen so there's not much left in that account he had 32981 for it for the year yeah [Music] um and his that that's his Professional Services his repair and maintenance for the building is also yeah um only is it 91% as of February and this is only 2835 remaining so he is running thin on quite a [Music] bit hopefully okay so there's been a lot of lot of discussion um wow we know one thing if we can't whatever we decide do remember that in May which is still within this fiscal year do Municipal transfers correct y we if we if it's decided that the amount is too great from the reserve fund and he can hold out in in some place he could go for it in May then to repair maybe right that's a possibility so that was where one one of the thoughts I had do we we we we can take numbers and we have the reserve fund request they will get assigned numbers and we can vote it yes or no tonight holding one or two depending on what it is until that time does he need it in the account and we have to go to the reserve fund or can we squeeze it as Andrea said until May and look and see if we have money in a different account that we can move in here with the municipal transfer as the Municipal transfer request is only available for the last two months of the fiscal year and the first two weeks in the following year so we can we can make adjustments to FY 24 um to account um through the second the end of the second week of July um with those Municipal transfer requests and if we did have that and we want to make you know what's what's a balance we want to try to maintain at this point um and we can look at these numbers and come up with with a with a set that we would like to approve and then the other we can put on hold and until it um until we hit May and and see because then we'll be in the last the last two months and we may have that other the municipal transfer requests available to us to support anything else that that they Comm in or we can see that we only have two months left and look at it and decide that we could do it with Reserve fund he down sorry how do we how do we know if he's gonna have I'm trying to follow what we're talking about but how do we know he's gonna have a they would have enough to cover gu period of time um for us for the reserve fund or for Rob I guess for this the municipal request the municipal transfer you're talking about yeah okay so what that what that the and you haven't been through a municipal transfer request season yet um that allows us and I'll take the for instance um the the um Mark bus that we had for the shuttle that was going to Pittsburgh we had put in the budget $244,500 we were able to not expend any of that money so we have $24,000 in an account that was allocated because we thought we needed it for the mark PR so now it's available when we hit May that if we have an account like this that's going to go negative we can move it from that line in the in the board of selectman budget to this line in facilities oh okay so it's almost like unused funds that we can transfer around okay yeah re reallocating funds yeah but you can't you can't do it all year you can only do it in the last two months got it okay thank you yeah okay okay so I guess so what are we looking for for a mo well let's let's start with do we do we have a target of the re Reserve fund account that we want to do we want to get to 25 ,000 in the account do we want to get to are we okay with 23,000 what's in it now uh 40 41,000 let me let me see if I can call up and you wanted to take out you talking about you're saying take out right um now okay so let let me let me call take out to to Rob's take up it yeah and transfer to Rob's um let's see Professional Services yeah it's kind of like U shoot I have a question been a long time since I've looked at that Andrea has a question yeah go ahead Andrea when you he the these expenses that were C called to our attention by Katie yeah we don't have a reserve fund transfer from him for those correct correct that that that that is trying to show us what he has scheduled between now and the end of the year yeah so we have some time to think about it what we have to act now though on one way or the other yeah is the reserve fund transfer that we actually have that's right yeah you know knowing knowing that he had those other expenses coming the idea is bolster his budget so he can continue to pay in and deal with the facilities maybe we could meet with him and and help to understand the priority of those right and do what you said and wait till May for the ones that can wait till May and do the right the thing is we don't know what's coming down the line that's on top of that right he put He could have something else unplanned when when they start the heating system something well then when that happens we'll have money in this account left right and and so that's what I was saying so I'd rather do that that's my opinion I I have um a reserve fund up we we had approved two for the police department so far and we have 41,400 remaining at this particular time jeez even if we did the whole well leave us 19,000 yeah but you know what why do we want to gamble like that why don't we have a sure B you know if he can wait till May do what he has to have now has he got anything in there now he's only got 7,000 in there now but that was the end of February so he's probably got less than 7,000 in there right so why don't give give what would he need to get him to May and then we do the the other thing maybe 15 I don't know he has to tell us but I well I and so I'm going to go one way or the other he needs the money in the budget to cover the UN right we can't give it to him until he actually does a formality of applying for it right so so the only what we can what we can do is is look at what we have as available balance which is 41,400 right and his request is um and I'm just going to put it on the line 22,400 and if we said yes to all of it it leaves us 19,000 19 slat in the reserve fund so so just a question if we transfer from everything that he was looking for and that leads us down that depletes the reserve fund down to I think he said 17 that only US 19 that LE that leaves us a month until we can do possibly Municipal transfers that we could use to cover things that come up right right yep Y and that's why it I'm looking at do we want to try and say approve three of them tonight and do we want to change that existing balance um to be something more like 21,000 so that we we are now in approach let's call it April because we're there it's kind of like um so we're three quarters of the way through the year so that 70 75% of the year is is gone do we feel comfortable with having um about 40% of our budget in the reserve fund left in the last qu for the last quarter knowing that we only have to really support the one month before we can start using the other tool and do M Municipal transfer requests I think that approach that you laid out makes sense okay so when you say pick three items right so I we we have let's rough it 4,673 500 excuse me okay take these three items yeah and give him the money though he has never asked for it formally he Pi the three items he has to supply it to us on the reserve fund transfer request okay sorry let me let me go back do we know the three what are the three items well I'm I'm I'm just so we have in front of us four request for Reserve fund transfers the first one is uh for um the town hall um generator failed and he had to pay for repairing the generator so that we had backup power in town hall so that's uh there's two different prices there did you know I think the total is 3954 54 I think it is too yeah yeah so he was requesting of of the total budget the total invoice of 30 3950 3954 he's only requesting a replenishment of 3950 correct um the next next one that is in front of us is for the library boiler needed repairs that we not foring how do we not I how do you not right you you got to heat the library yeah and and again that's you know it's kind of like so then the next one was the ceiling in the in the main stairway in town hall how can you not repair the main the main stairs in town um and then the last one that was here is the uh the storage witht pumps and how do you not do that you you can't yeah yeah it's kind like so um in in this case so there you go yeah it's kind of like your storage is backing up the pump the pumps aren't pumping it to I don't think there's anything that's that we can't go think that whole thing's got to go right but but we do it all enough do do we do it all now and come down to 19,000 or but you said these are paid the bills are paid but that leaves him only $7,000 in his account so and he thinks he's going to need the 21 right do but do we know what the 21 is sure yeah it was for that list of items on excuse me I asked before yeah and I thought you said that we only had one one transfer we have four actual transfers three we have we have four actual transfers in front of us yeah yeah how old are the other ones I don't even remember them um they just they all came in at the same time in the March 7th meeting I I mentioned that they were incomplete because they didn't give us a listing of the current balance and they did not give us an account that they were go that's where I I Let It Go all right thank you so so we we had talked about them but there wasn't a lot of detail in them because we couldn't address them and and say this is the right account to move move the money to um so I did meet with Rob um and then as I said Katie forwarded the rest of the support information um to us because she the invoices had been submitted by Rob to it so that it it sort of came from from the information from two places I don't have anything in regards to as the lamp post or anything like that I don't know you no that information is not here that is his plan to spend the rest of the money that's in that account and what are they I don't know what they are did you tell us what they are the lamp post and what else well they were listed on the uh let me let me scroll go back up it's kind of like but there's no numbers Associated there's no numbers associated with it I just want to know what they are okay so so we start with the light fixture in the parking lot so is that the lamp post or okay the parking lot Okay window treatments in the Town Administrator what is that um again I think it's to to manage heat and cooling um to window treatments that tells me like it's curtain and shades that's what it sounds like but doesn't say Heating and Cooling no there's a big difference between eating ghouling and window chain well a a window treatment can prevent cold from coming through old windows and heat from escaping if you're or heat from to me it's written wrong I think it needs for clarification okay was auta the the third is the automatic door system at the library out of calibration fourth is the town hall fire system some antifreeze needs to be drained and filled H so what is this total up to 20 20 something um said estimated 21,000 for well you need the fire right and then there is paper products cleaning supplies town hall and and I think you have to have those it is they um facilities is they take care of all the building it they do and with this um the senior center and C um and Library have facilities here managing and supplying certain things for them and and so Rob is responsible for those um the grounds keeping and pest control so there's a right now a monthly bill for the pest control well that's a must that's a must you we have to continue to control them the irrigation startups and repairs probably in the May time frame he's going to have an irrigation company come in and water his broken heads every year usually it's kind of like and then the last is the elevator quarterly payment so that's their intention is they expect be paid 20 21,000 out of there um and one of the directives from Town Administrator has been get the work done so that the last the invoices is turned in before so that we're not yeah so about the by the end of the second week in June so that the invoices can get paid and the accounts can be cleaned and we're not doing the 15 12 15 Municipal transfer request in the end so that's um they're trying to plan better and and try to keep keep the the scrambling a little bit a little bit down um so maybe we confused ourselves with I I think it's all good information to have but we have to take it in in what in the intention that it is so well some of the things I don't think we have much Choice some of the things we don't have much Choice others might be flexible in you know we're on daylight savings time now on a light fixture you know or was it white fixtur is hanging and has to be replaced yeah yeah so that information we can we can look for right but that's that's the rest of his 21 but right now he's at seven so he can't he can't even afford so K can we give a 14 we can 141 I think I came up with I can give you how about 15 um there's two big ones in here an 8300 and a 6700 okay and if we do the two big ones it's 15,000 I'm good with that that's easy I'm good with that yeah okay so that's us in the room sorry um and and what what items were those uh 6700 is um the boiler at the library and 8300 must be the generator uh what was the fire um the SE pums yeah yeah how much are the pumps 83 83 okay yeah and what was the fire the cleaning of the what's that one how much was that cleaning um the 8 freeze for the fires um that wasn't listed as price that's part price part of the what future work it's it's not it's not in front of us okay um for work that's been done so these um and again that that may be already that may have already been planned and part of his regular maintenance it's just that we said of the money in this account what's what's left to be done in fy4 and so that's that's that list of seven items in front of us well I'm exhausted on this yeah I don't know about anyone else um yeah I think we talked I think yeah we beat the dog dead here I'm ready to let's move on I propose we move on yeah all right okay I I'd like to make a motion that we um do the financial transfers uh the request for $6,700 for the boiler at the library the cleaning and $8,300 for the sewer lift pumps here for Town Hall that [Music] Mo okay we had a motion to approve to and hold two correct um other and and we had the second um any further questions or discussion is it clear or what we're trying to do at this point that I I'll just try to summarize it quickly we we are trying to approve two trans two um Reserve fund transfer request for a total of $155,000 to um facilities so that they can continue um their work and we'll continue to hold and review the ne the last the the other two that they've submitted with more information with a little more information from the work that they're going going to do um and take it out of a different fund and then we may take it out of a different fund when we hit um May May um or we we may find it we want he there more money money needed in April for him to pay bills for for this and we can come back we can come back and and visit it but this this is an ongoing in active conversations with everybody that we need with the 15,000 transferring only $155,000 that's going to leave us about 50% of our fund and it's going to leave 26,400 in the reserve fund to address any other unplanned expenses that may come before us okay did that clear it up for everybody what we're trying to do and accomplish I am good I'm good okay Andrea yeah I'm good okay and I know it's it it's hard we um I tried to I I didn't get the full list for Katie with the invoices out to that fil until noonish today I think it was so um so okay the mo we we are ready to vote on the motion before us um J bikas yes Mark yes Andre wood yes Josh L it yes okay so we we have approved and I I will update and and assign the numbers to robs um and we'll make them um the ones we approved three and three and four and we'll hold five and six so we're we're saying um 8300 oh I'm just well if we knew a little more information about the other two we could we don't so let's want we know I think we know the information we have we just don't want to deete those deplete the reserve fund right on those and we do have questions about the other work is he going to try to balance it and move some in I just want to know what what they are you know saying you need a light bulb in the light in the driveway doesn't tell I maybe somebody knocked it down too we don't know right yeah so I'm just when I go out I'm going to have to look yeah yeah I have I have a question to ask y you did you say that we've already had two Reserve fund transfers this year from the reserve account for the police y all right so elevator and the alarm we had a lightning strike on in yeah the the lightning strike was for the alarm and yet we still have $41,000 in the account my want um it was before tonight's votes it was 41,400 yes right y but we only put in um The the Reserve fund is only like 45 did did we how does this work it doesn't seem like okay um are you seeing um an self spreadsheet in front of you yet yeah I should be sharing okay so um as we've been going I I started this idea of tracking so for fiscal year and was saying Reserve fund transfers within RF and the first one that came in was for the alarm repair and we have $50,000 to start they requested 5,120 we approved it with the yes and that left the balance of the 4 for 880 you don't even have to go any further I'm better off I had forgotten that we had boosted the reserve fund up to 50,000 ah okay yeah yeah okay yeah yeah we went up $10,000 last year yep yep so so that's that's that's why we had the 414 okay yep yep okay so I will sign those outside the meeting approve them distribute them to Katie she can transfer the $115,000 over Rob will have some money I'll make sure that I touch base with Rob make sure he's all set with that okay um back to back to the [Music] agenda um oh not I thought open me there say no no not this week Oh I thought we were okay there's the Thursday is next week okay we were we were we were meeting once a week every other week not not like we did before sure uh so we're we're meeting either Tuesday or Thursday every week until the week before okay um so the other item I I listed was the budget Summit review um we did have the budget Summit on March 9th um and Andrea was there Jer Jerry and I were in person in the meeting um and we were able to ask questions and and get input from from everybody um for that it didn't seem to be any major questions um there were there were a couple of items that we brought up that made need needed a little adjustment in in the Omnibus budget um and so those changes have not been made to the Omnibus budget yet and so um we will will the good changes um probably not prob probably not it's kind of like um but we we have numbers eight the other the other item that this really any anybody have any specific questions related to the budget Summit or we did it as a working session because we didn't have enough of a enough people for a forum so it it was a working session for the people we voted on nothing um but we were able to ask questions and and get clarity on some of the lines in the budget it was a good work session it was a good work session uh a lot of people were well prepared um Council on Aging um and we may invite them into into a meeting one of the things that that everybody is working for but Council on Aging specifically um as has been our conversation in finance committee they have they have the the budget plan out multiple years showing how they T how they tend to or or intend to address the oper money that they have and not have us be have a budget shortfall um when the areer funds for them go away so we are working we know that we had police and fire we brought those into the budget this year um the plans for um the HR coordinat and the Outreach coordinator um they have a plan to increase how much is coming from the operating budget year over-year and and when we get to um FY 27 they they have the intention that it will be fully funded without having having to do any kind of override those things so there there has been some attention to the detail of Opera money going away that that total of 350,000 that um would've been propping up the budget with so there there was talk on that so we want to see and again they're they're talking about it so I want to see it on paper the what the plan is for the total budget and how we're going to so that's still not been decided the total budget um no because there's there's some things next next on the Hit Parade we have the special town meeting of March 19th and what's that um that was we the oh the one we just had yes the the town voted to approve they did yes I I I've seen that yeah those overrides yeah so we have two overrides that were voted at the special town meeting one for m valy is that the 24th right town the town vote is April 22nd 22nd so now now now that you've had a town meeting vote to approve them it goes to a ballot it goes to a ballot question and so we have the annual Town voting on Monday April 22nd where not only will they um how many questions are there are there a lot of questions I don't know I think it's only yet no it hasn't it better be only two overrides well I I think it's only two overwrites but I don't think there's any additional questions on the oh I see yeah there could be other other questions it's local um it's local only so it's local whoever else run moderator planting board those those kinds of um positions with within the town government are being voted on um but the override will vote and in order so we voted a town meeting too yep and the the people that that we uh are partially funding or assimilating into the budget from oura fund yeah there was a police officer right and it was yeah fire department correct yeah did were that just salaries they didn't figure we we haven't approached the benefits part for those people the benefits were in in the operating budget always in the operating budget no our funds paid for those two people's well I think they paid for I I didn't think they were if if they paid for the fire in police position this year they're fully in the budget um um they're fully okay that's all I wondered I I didn't think about it until afterwards and I wasn't sure right so what yeah what what they said is those positions are going to be fully fully in the operating budget for this year so fy2 we will we we won't have an additional hit for them coming in um and I thought they had said the other the other two positions that were added and and funded with Opera funds were um were also in the operating budget but we we can ask that question so I I just can't imagine that the will'll be able to fund the operating budget well again we we um we had written in an amount for the schools and it was before their override amounts so the override has to pass in order to approve the extra money on the tax bills to pay for for the school did the other towns have their town meeting have their they meeting at I don't know if they have as Ashby does not have one scheduled and pepp is scheduled for April 8th oh next week okay yeah yeah it originally it had been scheduled for the 18th but but you know what I meant by my question yeah well and again this this is Phase One we're voting the override we're not voting the budget yet this is just the override this is the override so oh oh yeah because town meeting won be meeting is where we vote the in may vote the school budget and approve everything that's in the the operating budget is at annual Town meetings so at that time they could be we could be short we if if if even if even if the schools pass I don't think we'll be sure they great news I think it's I think it'll be all right yeah and that's why agree I don't see how we can continue to grow every year when we have somewhat fixed um receipt base real estate taxes and um salaries are are gumping ahead which is fair to the employees I'm not doubting that but I don't see how at the rate we're going how is it's going to be all sustainable I don't I can't believe it's sustainable this year only because of the new positions we added because of the Opera funds you know so we were struggling last year how are we not going to struggle this year by adding positions if what we really haven't we is no new positions this year over last year they were added last year they were added added last year but not funded not funded now so we're funding them this year it's like having them added wa it is like having them added and and so they're added to our expenses they're not added to the town so looking at aren they putting so much X number of dollars away per they're putting so many dollars away per well I think we're fully funding to of now right no everything is partially funded now partially still amount of Mone my mistake yeah so fy4 we're funding $10,000 for each of the other two positions was it 10,000 in current current budget next year Health contribution is greater than that right it it will be now now next year when we when we talk fy2 we're doubling it to 20,000 so I I believe it cost something somewhere around 31$ 32,000 per person to provide health care I think so yeah it's been a while since I've looked at the numbers I pretty I know they're pretty high but um we'll take um we'll ask Eric on I think when we first started on this I guess it was five six years ago they were like at 24 so you know they've gone up every year of course yeah and some of those numbers we we estimate six and they come in at n 9% increases so yeah it'll it'll it'll be significantly higher um but it is a bance I will tell you I know at least two full-time employees that are doing Health Care outside the town they're not using the town's healthare so we well that's great we they get it from their spouses yeah you've got spous and you've got potentially some other other sources um so um yeah so it's it's we budget as if it's going to be a position we have to pay healthcare for and so that's why last year you saw some of the municipal transfer requests the money was coming from the healthcare you know even if um move well one of the reasons on healthare too that money came from there was because we had some open slot that were not filed so that healthc care money was not spent right yeah so so all all those things were to the benefit of us and that's why the you know there there was that free cash um we're going to have but what you say is wages are going up and and and rightfully they should it's it's still going up it it's still going up at at more than the 2 and a half right right it's kind of like so that's where your new growth has to try to keep Pace but I don't know if there's a lot of lot of new growth is there any new growth in the town there there's some I think it was about 200,000 in um real estate ta last year so I you know what that equates to on um on the on the total taxable base um and that's that's the piece I mean there there's a lot of room in the above the lever between the levy and and the top level um that that we could tax to um if if we if if if we were able to vote an over right but I'm we're not asking for that every everything that we have is using the two and the two and a half increase the and and the U cherry sheet money from the state and the other revenues we get like excise tax and and that all of those all of those revenues should should support the operating budget being put forward um the only the only pieces the schools the school numbers were coming in at a higher percentage than we had so um so we we sort of still have our piece where we have to play it a little bit by Year we're not going to know final numbers um but as far as school budgets go when town meeting happens at each if everybody votes it down then then um or if we have if if and there's I'm goingon to there's so many scenarios I I don't want to get them all some good others ugly um so we we have to continue to watch this um and maybe be prepared um for different budgets later later in the budget season then then anticipated schools if the school budgets get voted down by all two out of the three towns they need to come back and and look look at um changing changing their budget changing their ass see what see what they can do they have said that you know if they didn't get the budget they were requesting that they had numbers on how many positions would would end up being Bo they they presented that you know I I I hate that when they do that because first they said is a Sports and music and band and you know all the big yeah all that all the big that's the youth in town should have because there's nothing much going on in town yeah yeah so um we'll keep there and the schools are keeping links open and mailing on Facebook and things like that to to keep people apprised of of changes um I had had item four on the budget on the work session the Omnibus budget uh since I haven't got a new updated one I'm holding off on on that um but that's that's a real activity that we're going going to um to need to to take and prepare when do you expect have that you know um Eric I did see Eric today and he said by the end of the week can you s that out I will send it out as soon as soon as I have it um and then we can we can take a look at uh how we're going to record record it and put it together yes um okay so that's that's all all we had any any other questions on the I'm seeing the Omni budget or I'm good thank you okay then um I had put this on because I had um it it's something that should have been on the email I did not see any new correspondents that come in and I I say that and it's kind of like it wasn't received in the mailbox maybe I should have C SE it um and and I'll mention it here it's because I put it on I'm going to take correspondence and leap into new business the finance committee membership um oh I we have we're a separate member board and we've had seven members assigned but one hasn't attended for most of probably 18 months um I did send a letter in the mail today inviting the person to our meetings with a list of everything for the March and April meeting dates um we're going to continue along that path um and the process that I read in the town Charter um we can bring that to a vote after we have sent a registered letter to to the person because I think he he's scheduled um to be part of the finance committee until 2026 um I would like them to attend um and uh we're doing do everything we can to to try to try to get them here um and at that we'll we'll address that and uh we do have the ability to take a vote and um remove the member If U if if we're looking for a more active member on and and I think we are we're looking for more active finance committee member so I'll leave it at that um any any questions I um um and I'm just going to continue to follow follow the process that's in the charter and uh and hit that and I'll update you I'll leave that in in there I'll move from new business into another section and we'll continue to to monitor [Music] situation that's good okay um with that I didn't have a lot of other things um any um any other new business from anybody before we take a motion to [Music] adjourn okay no not hearing any I will entertain a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. I will make a motion weour the meeting at 7:20 p.m. now second there okay we had a motion and a second to adjourn roll call vote J bikas yes Mark hassy yes Andre wood yes Josh L yes and Don Hayes yes we are unanimous we stand to joh