this is uh don Hayes finance committee chair um the scheduled meeting um has been canceled we don't have a forum for April 9th we are going to be doing a quick working session regarding the budget um format and and recording results to be presented to the full board the working group is Andrea wood Mark hussy and myself Don Hayes um with that I'm going to try to share share the whole [Music] screen and it says you can see my screen um this should be the the Omnibus budget the the preliminary that seen can you you both see it yeah okay okay so I'm going to flip to um a different spreadsheet um and and maybe we'll go back and forth um what I had what I had done and I wasn't sure what we were going to do I I started with just a summary like each of the sections um because generally we would um vote on a on a section and say we we approve it or recommend it or or not recommend it um with with notes so what I was doing going to do is put those comments and and our results in column a um B and C are just the sections and then I brought in the totals for each of um each of the Departments with within this within the segment so we have General government and within General government and I didn't count them so the count is 17 so the 17 budgets W within General government so we we could record and just make notes on the budget as a as a total the then I started and thought generally we start having questions about individual lines yeah um and so uh I have filters I get filters on here let me clear them and very similar similarly um I brought in and what I did is I brought the whole the whole of the contract in thinking that we would continue to make the notes in column a um as you can see a work in progress It's kind of like I I didn't have titles um and then again the sections but this time we'd have all the lines and we if we vote on um and because of the filters um and if I concentrate on border of selectman all that we see is is the lines of um whether their wages up up above or expenses down below starting at line 12 I can certainly add a column to identify um wages and salaries versus versus the expenses um and separate them um let me just bring everything in just so we see it um so when we had the Personnel subtotal line I did not put anything in here because I didn't want to count I thought we might not want to count it might not want to see it because we're going to have no comment on on lines that are are either just subtotals or things like that um but as I said we can I can separate it into um the Personnel line and the and the expense line so that we can we can see that and and see the differentiation um I'll just do that quickly here and then if I if if we would apply those same filters um I'm just turning off the blank blank lines um and we would be able to make a note on the and apply it to the whole of say Board of Selectmen um and put that over here but if we had questions on an individual line or comments on on a line we would be able to record them also um I don't think it it takes much more time um the copy and drag is as we're talking but um as as we're voting on the budget but I just wanted to give those as options or or do we want to um and we're going to look at the whole budget anyway but um if we have comments we make comments on the notes and and retain it and then just have a summary total of what our final decision is on on the budget as a whole for each of the Departments what about um the budget that we don't have a firm amount on yet go all the way to town meeting with the anticipated amount rather than an actual amount um is there some way to note that um there would be in in our notes that's that's you know we these these lines are expandable so we can um you know put multiple notes in a line um and we can hold it and revisit um we um but as we know them I think one of the ones that comes to mind was the paving because the paving amount went away um and it went to zero because we didn't have a total the insurances the general liability was not known yet um so l like that we can make the notes and continue to revisit it so we don't vote the the Insurance's section as a whole and I'm going to try to scroll down here um and so that we think we think you know if and I got to spell insurance is right um so we we could um just put a whole get a note in here that that is saying um or final um or um um recommended um yeah or yeah it's kind of like I'm I'm trying to think of my note here it's kind of like um recommended on estimate um year-over-year 10% increase right we we could [Music] um we could do something like that on the notes we we don't have to have to approve it in until the very end you know it's until we have a final number or going to town meeting we we know we don't have a final number um we we can we can have those notes and those notes actually become part of our recommendation sheet that we provide to the town so I guess that's the other part I was thinking that that this is a way to record our our notes that we want to include in the recommendation sheet also I like that um that way we we capture it it's all there um we can we can review it and continue to to um to update it and work it as as we continue on so um and maybe it is working between the two so if you know in in the in the case of insurances if I go down to the end um we we can make those notes if if we know the county retirement system is is a guaranteed amount we we could approve that line and just you know leave in the summ have the summary sheet with with our final notes and used for the recommendation sheet I guess just trying to trying to capture it so that so that we see it and helps helps us prepare for town meeting um it you want me to send send out sample you know screenshots of certain things so you can look at it and try it think about it yeah I would like that okay so and we'll concentrate on the top we can do the um selectman the selectman's is is a good one because it's got a couple um the move of the Web Master from um Personnel to expense and it also has a line that's no longer active this year which is the um um uh the Mart Park and Ride cost yeah which which which went away so um it's be updated then correct is is yeah okay yeah that's fine um and then we can see that the the web M um the web master piece went away this year from Personnel on line 10 and they moved it as an expense um as they outsourced it and I thought I had highlighted it but I took it away um I think that's a good idea too because I think um it it informs the public in Greater detail of of changes they may say oh well whatever happened too they were went yeah yep so that so I will I will put those kind couple of examples over in column A and then um but as as far as the working session that's I guess oh all I have for now um yeah if you want to send some screenshots like you said that'd be great yeah I yeah I'll when's our next meeting it'd be next Thursday am I correct um it is scheduled for next Thursday um but we're I haven't seen seen either warrant yet and and I know the special special warrant is open until the 16th so we're not going to see that so right now we only have 18 and 25 so I think we I think we're going to need a few more to go to go through it um is should we meet on Thursday if we don't have anything well we got this talk about of course so well but that that's Thursday the 18th so it's a whole week away right right um so what I'm wondering is and and I hate to do it to to Josh but go to the um 16 request from pcam meetings for the 16th 23rd and 30th um just make sure I think two of them we can do at 4 o'clock and the and the other week can do at six o'clock because the selectman would not be meeting on one of those unless their schedule is going to going to Comm in so well don't forget that when we get this all wrapped up yeah the budget we still have however many articles are in the warant we we do so um so I I I don't um so I will look at selectman meeting just because of of where we are um on on dates um we have until Thursday May 2nd because then the following Tuesday is Tom meeting on on May 7th yeah and um I can um I think I have a sample of the the current warrant I know the special isn't closed yet but the so let me see if I can get that out to you um well I'm going to be doing some work with Eric too so see if I I can get Eric with it because um and I don't think you were here last week um no I wasn't I yeah so um I did have a conversation with Eric and we've started working on um a piece to go that goes along with the budget um um proc policy that says we should be having a five-year but look forward would at it and so we're go we're we're working on it and starting um let's see if I can close this down I don't think I have it in in this version of it um but we're going to try to then take the next five years or four four additional years and part out 26 27 28 and 29 based on rough rough numbers you know like a like a 4% increase in um in wages and um same way we do Capital expenses we it's a little different I understand that but we always try to do them out five years okay right yep yeah so we we're going to try to do that so that you know we as as we go we can we can see that um especially with the arper funds that are uh not visible not necessarily visible in the budget yet so that we know when we get there and we don't have those anymore that we're able to support it with the operating budgets and and revenues that we the ongoing revenues we have I I'm sorry um I thought we had hired a company that was going to do that for us and give us new um budget sheets and a number of other things and nothing has happened um oh oh um you're you're thinking of the cleargov software I think so okay so the cleargov software um went went through they never got it to a workable condition with us last year and that was provided on a grant and we did not budget for any continued use of the clear go software oh okay and um Eric said that it really wasn't giving him what he anticipated it would be able to provide so right now the clear go software is not not a viable option or doesn't look viable for us so we're gonna continue oh that's right I just wonder I hate to be spending money when we're not getting result and I didn't understand thank you yeah no that was you know it and we went back and and asked the question if if the if it really didn't come working for us would we be able to um use that grant money and and do it in this year's budget session and the answer was no because the the grant money had to be used one year and you can't have that same Grant two consecutive years so so there was no grant money to continue trying to evaluate that software so so as bad as it you know it it it at least we're not spending money on something with that's of no value to us so that's good that's a good exactly very good y yep okay um that's really all I had I'll work on on both both versions of it because I think both both are good and then and then when we meet next we can uh do that and then like I say I'll go to tecam and see what I have what I can have available for um meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays so we'll keep them for Tuesdays and Thursdays through our um through town meeting and hopefully we don't have to if if we have to we we can squeeze in some other meeting time but I hope not to not to do that okay okay so you'll send us an updated schedule then yep I'll send you an updated schedule so excellent thank you y okay so all right I'm gonna go grab something to eat then okay Sam just joined us yeah I know yeah it's kind of with um Sam I sorry sorry to say we we had called it into a working session um and just to go over um format for recording so we were about to hang up um finished with the working working session for that so um I'd say we we're done for this evening and Andrea or or Mark any other questions no comments I'm gonna go grab something to eat okay that that sounds good it's I'll do the same all right everyone take care stay safe bye okay thank you all sorry sorry Sam for I appreciate coming you know why but thank you yeah okay John I'm gonna sign off now all right okay yep you're good thank you heartley appreciate it you're welcome have a good day