this is the towns and finance committee meeting for uh Thursday April 4th at um we'll call the meeting to order at 4:04 pm. um as we are doing a remote meeting today due to the weather um we will all votes will be um and attendance will be by roll call so if you would identify yourself please jalas Andrea wood Josh love it and Don Hayes with that we have four members present um and we do have a quorum so we can continue um this meeting is being recorded uh for playback on Channel 9 and um on the YouTube channel also okay item four in the minaries additions or deletions um at this point um I don't have anything to um dat or delete from from the agenda is there anything else anybody would like to have added I'm good thank you okay um I I I don't know are we going to continue any of the discussion on the facilities budget um okay um so that would we can discuss I thinkig that would come under one that you have there but I didn't know if you had planned on that particular discussion um we can um facilities does have the um two open that we um Reserve fund requests um so under under item two we we can review The the Reserve fund request I did not specifically list it there but those those are open under under the reserve transfer requests okay thank you yeah okay that being said we'll move into um the working session and the first item there is the reserve fund request um Reserve fund transfer requests um um okay so we we still we had last meeting we had um approved two um and I signed those out of session and submitted them to the town accountant or assistant accountant last week so we had two two more on hold from there um do we do you want me to bring up the Excel spreadsheet with um the do the dollars and the request that we had to this point sure why not okay yeah at least it gives us something if we need to look at the forms I will see if I have a have copies of them open and I probably don't okay um all right well um one of the problems with the reserve fund is that it's not to supplement the budget it absolutely but actually every one of his is a supplement to the budget it's not they're not emergencies not in any sense he ran out of money his department is totally underfunded which is something the selectman talked about at their Tuesday meeting it's been very difficult for them to um to gear what he should have and they've been working on it working on on it um and in the future we can expect this to be better I guess now we want to release him the money uh that's fine but for future time we should remember that it's not a budget supplement it's for an emergency that that you have that end your funds or spend all your your cash and you need money to finish off the the project or to um put some money back into your account right and it's um but if if a budget is underfunded because we did not anticipate these types of failures um and take get from Municipal transfer if we did that we' would be taking that line and going negative um to to that point the thing is that that now that he has whatever little money he has left right he he can spend that and that's it until Municipal trans come in now making an exception this year for him I have no problem with that yeah yeah screen you okay I worry about the impact that this might have for the future on our thinking um yeah I I guess I understand it I would I would like to see the bigger budget it it a a bigger budgeted number so we're not doing this um and again that's why we didn't just um do all four so so the idea was to leave us a bit of room in um in the reserve fund for anything that would come up between um or pretty much for the month of April when we made this it was March 26 so we were coming in coming close to the weekend um and so I think by putting a little money in there for failures that were not anticipated we we did okay but you're right it's kind of like not every not every piece and every budget is um is going to be um falling into this I mean not not every case um it's it is is eligible for for that so clearly which trying to well in his case every um every repair he has I should think would be unanticipated uh an emergency on his part I think would be like if we had um oh God for fet uh earthquake and he had to do pinnings to the the um under you know the buildings or something like that you know right yeah so if if we had that kind of natural disaster that they had yeah in Taiwan where the buildings were were collapsing and we had emergency money needed um to spend and and do that that yeah um and so so I guess we'll take a look in the fy2 budget and see if they've increased year over year his professional Services line um so that we can take we can anticip we we hope that the amount they would put in there um is is enough to cover failures like this well I got the impression at at the selectman's meeting that they are now coming to realize that he's under budgeted underfunded MH but they're having trouble anticipating the amount to rectify that right yeah okay so maybe okay then and we haven't we really haven't had many for facilities so doing an average or anything um isn't going to help but if we use this past year as as the example um oh well I say that and then the elevator the safety repair for the elevator last year right was there you would assume too that all the buildings for which he's responsible will be a year older and therefore that a year more needy of some kind of Maintenance right yep so we can we can maybe at least as a number take this year's transfers last year's transfers and come up with a number that that his Professional Services line should be increased as a as a starting Point um so if we just look at the for I'm just going to highlight them um so that's that's a 24,000 if we if we go and add the 8,000 from last year for the elevator we're looking at 30,000 so that would be at least a $155,000 increase year over-year um going into FY 25 this if we can supp support that kind of number right yeah yeah and and again that's just you know some spitball numbers in you know in five minutes here um so I will we'll take a you we'll watch I I suspect it sounds like Eric will be coming up with a new version of the Omnibus budget then that includes that and an increase to that line I hope so Y no understood I think that you know um re reviewing the the activity and then taking a what's hopefully a um preventive action next year by increasing that line we we do a better job at um at not having to use a reserve fund um to to take things that that just happen to to break in an annual in in a year um so rather than on his Professional Services rather than just doing everything he's got contracts for and um using that that dollar value then then we take it and increase it um and add some a little bit of um additional in in there for for those repairs good yeah okay and then you know it's kind of like as as we look at the other build buildings um I don't know it's kind of because we have maintenance and repair in the other other facilities like uh police department and fire department um but if they if we had money in here then Rob would be able to maybe use that to repair the other buildings there there was one other thing that I didn't exactly understand mhm is um that last year I guess the fire department picked $115,000 into this budget for their repair and maintenance and then this year or or maybe it was the year before they came this year they say they Joe said that they've been doing the maintenance themselves they want that $155,000 to come out of the budget the selected made no decision on the thing they just talked about so I don't know what's happening there but you should be aware that that's in the yeah move okay that that's okay so when we get to the Omnibus budget we'll take a look at um at the maintenance lines for both police and fire and and see if we can see anything okay thank you for that okay just make a note of that um okay then um so that so so again we um with with what we did we we we approved um again this the swer pump failure we need needed to pay for that and and we replenish the money for making sure that um we was treated properly and and exited from the town town hall and the and the boiler provided heat for the library so those were the two that we approved we put hold on the other two um for facilities we did get another brand new one this week that came into the inbox um and I assigned the um Reserve fund O7 to it uh um there was litigation um and we in our insurance policy um for that we we have a $10,000 deductible for litigation so we have a $10,000 invoice that came to the town for the litigation for for that item what why would that come from this budget not from legal um or for insurances at at that I don't think there was um okay um Let me let me see whether I was hanging on the word litigation that yeah right yes yes agreed um but it's something that uh yeah so I suppose if if we had it there that that would be a place for it but because it's in the insurance is um that's that's where the request has come to put it back um okay so let me did they have somebody go out or something or I don't understand that either um I don't know why um I'm not exactly sure of the case um that it was but there was um a um um a claim filed against the town and when it it was resolved by the insurance company there was a there was litigation um between the party and and the insurance company and we have that $10,000 deductible in the policy so we have been submitted the bill for the $1,000 but does it belong to facilities no no no this is Selectmen it's in select okay I see it now sorry yeah okay of don't get it a little further out yeah so this is Selectmen and so this um but the Selectmen have been submitted for it um and maybe that's another piece is that I should put the account that that they going to so um this is going to the general property liability line um which did not have any additional um room in there um for the budget let me just get another file open as I usually do um get the let's see if we can find the BBA um move the screen okay BBA okay that window um so right now the general property and liability count is and they they may have made it already because I'm seeing that it's it's running $12,000 12 12,350 negative as of the last um and they may have they may have actually I I thought they were waiting for us because um to do it um but at the the re the um invoice they gave us was already in the overdue it was in the 31 to 60 days so they were they were definitely looking at it and this line has has nothing nothing more to give so they're looking for a reserve fund transfer for $10,000 to pay the invoice or um from but did you say they needed 12 um no right right now um they need the the request is 10 and the invoice is 10 okay um and the present balance in the account is negative 12357 oh okay I think that's where the 12,000 came from right um yeah so that so if and again um put it on hold I'm going to flip back to the request slide um so right now our balance is 26,400 which is and and if this were approved um it's a a nice easy number it'll take it to 16,400 um I I have not heard from any other department heads that um they're getting ready to submit a transfer request so this may or may not be the last one but we you know again we we're now approaching three and a half three and a half weeks till um till we can start hitting the municipal transfer request window um and this what um there was act action that um Eric was going to take with this um they he is talking about a warrant article um to go on to the special town meeting warrant that will create a line that puts a um puts an account out there that will be for use for deductibles on insurance policies so um again getting to that corrective action um we did that's a good idea however yeah if it goes to town meeting on the warrant it's going to also be voted down and then where are you then then we're back to this same same point you're right it can be voted down but um well I I was afraid that if you put it on as an article that it would erase your ability to go back to this to pay it the other way that's all um it it would not precode us from if if we if if we vote it down and we don't have a separate account to draw from going forward uh um we we have the only the two you know we would we would have to add it into the budget as a line in the budget and prepare it every year um but the the idea is to have one account if we had a deductible for this um there was another deductible last year for um vehicle accident if I recall um so we have little little experience a bit of experience in the last two years um and with with the background in into it we may be creating this and this may be a good year to put some seed money into an account like this um once we get free cash certified um because we did have the sale of those properties last year or you know in this fiscal year last last calendar year so in November we we had the auction and we sold three uh so we're expecting that when we get to uh certified free cash there will be available funds not not that we you know it again this is this is a start for trying to to be more proactive rather than reactive you know we don't want to wait for something like this every year we don't want to have two claims like this that we have to try to plan for um so so we will be a little little bit uh conservative in the amount that that's requested for the deductibles uh for insurance policy so sorry lot a lot a question lot of lot of rambling um are there any additional questions on what the request for the reserve fund transfer um is for no questions for me down thanks okay did did everybody see the two files that I did that um were related to this request yes yeah okay so try to the best we could since we're not in town hall to to do this um are we is there are we ready for a motion to either approve or vote on U vote on this request uh for transfer from the reserve fund I'm ready yeah okay okay so I guess I I need needed in form of a motion from someone I move to Grant the selectman the 10,000 deductible for litigation I'll yeah that's that's good um do we have a second second okay thank you any further discussion none being heard um roll call vote to approve the reserve fund transfer of $10,000 to the the liability fund M yes Andrea wood yesos yes and Don Hayes yes we have um motion passes so we will change this to approve I will get to town hall and and do it and again we with with 20 20day 20 26 days to go we um we are at $16,000 so we we are trying to be as cautious as we can and continue to to hold because this is the time where where budgets may be running out and doing it so thank you um I'll sign that at Town Hall tomorrow and get it processed and then save that are we here that okay so that that is done we we have that saved um sorry get back to the agenda thank you um oh okay I uh missed that the budget my apologies I didn't didn't notice that was still on the agenda so we had the budget Summit um and I'll just touch on it we had the budget Summit on Saturday March 9th where we we had um all the Department's head heads in and we were able to ask questions so just touching on item two um item three the um in the work session the Omnibus budget for fy2 and I know it was rather quick um I forwarded out um the April 2nd budget that was prepared by um by ere and and um brought it out and submitted um do we want to go through and review any budgets and look for questions or do we want to um hold until we have a larger finance committee um crew and do it our next meeting is um the 9th so that would be Tuesday night at six that we have um I looked at it I didn't really have anything specific jump out at me um I mean I know looks like you put a little bit more math behind it with your L but um yeah yeah nothing really jumped out of me that I had any real specific questions okay and and again it it may get modified again um to for um the facilities budget let me um what we here let's um let's take a look at uh fire um just to because that was one of the things that we we had looked at um in the expenses would be um the repair and maintenance for building um and so are we taking that out of well I guess that's going to have to be the question if we're if we're taking repair and maintenance out of um out of fire this it's 14,280 keeping it um where it is um and if we if we look at police um they have maintenance and fire to and they have 20,000 um so if that is all moving then those two items can move to facilities and they would not be um individual in in each department um and Facilities would take it but um th I guess those are the questions is do the other building there or they they use um they have their own um facilities that they that they maintain um so it they do many of the same things but when we look at what we had for fire requests earlier this year um they submitted a request for elevator repair um so that they they are doing their own it appears as though they're doing their own maintenance maintenance and cleaning and repair um and keeping it separate from facilities but if that's an item that they want to bring under Rob and have him to repair and maintenance for everything um then well how how do how do the individual people feel about it as far as Rob or um the chief what do they want yeah I I don't know that was the F first time that I that I heard that um I I thought the the two chiefs were um have been budgeting for a few years we we can see that even as far back as 20 fy22 we had lines in the budgets um and they it appeared they were responsible for maintaining their own building their whole building or just part of it or what um so does that there my understanding yeah sorry U my understanding was that it's it's full it's everything they they set up their cleaning they set up the pest control they they set up everything um and again they they call for elevator maintenance and and validation um just like Rob does um so it appeared as though they were where they were Standalone buildings they were responsible for it which is different than the library and other buildings that maintains of the police department was part of it with the original buildings that were covered MH by maintenance right so if they switched off that's fine but I know I mean I've heard at least that maintenance has has gone there a couple times either they use them and pay them they don't use them at all one or the other it can't be yeah can have both right you you can't yeah you you can't you you can't ask facilities to come in and do work that wasn't planned for in their budget in their budget whether it's yeah whether it's Manpower um or or some other um whether it's a professional service that that gets signed for them so I think that's I'm sorry and they sat down and talk this over um it doesn't sound like it right it it's kind of like they need all all four and yeah the the four um the facilities facilities had the two chiefs and uh Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator need to need to sit down and be clear on what's being done right both ways all the way or you know I don't know yeah yep no same and and I think May there may be some some other peripheral stuff like that too that has to be managed um so um yeah I was going to say um it this what I had done out here is I had a copy of the March 6 budget and I was just bringing in the information to see is it is it different now than it was before and and that stuff so it's kind of like this was just a way to to look in and see if it see see what's what's changed um if it's if it's helpful to people to see what's changed I can I can take these these pieces um and send them out to everybody um just just so you have it I'll I'll make sure um and I I will also come back up to the top because this this is one of the places that we have um when we look at it item line line 15 in the budget the Professional Services for the Web Master oh yeah um that's new yeah well when I look at this um I'm just going to um last um isn't that um this this is now well this this is now really outsourced so when I look at it yeah it it's is company yep so yeah right when I look at it I've try to highlight what I see is that oops sorry kind of like uh I'm just let's copy this and put it down um putk and then I'll highlight it so um and then we master um so what I've highlighted is what I see it in the past years up through FY 24 this was a stien and in wages so I didn't think it was as much it's just the same lot and the same work it was not an expense in those years it was wages oh well I think the situation changed what happened I think right now now the situation changed but we can still do we can still do the percentage it's just a different line um right you know and we can say that the percentage change is is the 4% but it's based on this line because moved it and that and we would have a line that had a note that said move to expenses and and a line here you know moved from wages so that you can see the the difference back and forth I I was just looking at it it because we have the same thing when it comes to Building Commissioner or um because that's that is approaching it the same way and it's it was putting it all in in expenses now when it's always been wages prior because we um y it's because at least on the um uh building inspector we hired or the select hired a company and the the person who will be our building inspector Works under them just comes to us when we need them that's why it's not salary as such we pay an amount to that company right y so it's not a Sal yeah let's see um just and on the Web Master thing I don't know but there I assume there's some extra money in there because now that we don't have a Web Master they have a temporary Web Master Veronica Kell filling that position and I assume she's not doing it for free why should she she being paid because we would pay anybody else for it I thought this new person coming in with taking place of Veronica um the Okay so would they come in okay so what what we have is last year at town meeting we approved an article to revamp the website and move away from Civic plus so with that right now the outside company Harris Harrison's um is working with the new website people and the and the hosting to make sure that's ready to be up and running Veronica has taken the Civic plus which is the one we have today and is going to continue to to just maintain that until the new one's ready for release and I believe they were hoping for June 1st go live the date the date may be wrong but that's so so what we H what we have is we have to m maintain what we have while developing the new one and so they're they've split it out that ra rather than have somebody temporary working with the company um the Web Master that will manage it going forward is working with with that team and if they have any expenses associated with that I would expect that it's going to come from the the cost that we that that was in there to um revamp the website because there were were ours associated with that all right so okay so but again that um Building Commissioner and is is pretty much the same when we look when you when we look at the line there is no the the salaries are all low because there's there's no building inspector line and salary for the years that we had it as a as a wage position so so again I yeah you know so they're not putting it the building what are they putting it down um well they they've moved it into the expenses um right you know so when you look at the total when you when you look at the bottom line the the numbers are going to be the same it's just okay you know so the the bottom line line 404 is the same but it doesn't show that we went from a s a a um pay position and a and a benefited position to the Building Commissioner so you you don't get to me at least my my impression of it is I'm not getting that good view of we we had a position we were paying a salary plus benefits and now we're just hire hiring out and so it's expenses and overall the budget actually benefits by not having to pay health insurance and other other insurances and so it may it it may get straightened out but I I think it's just clearer and we've done we've done that very similarly in other places where we had a deputy chief in the fire depart in the police department for a while and then moved that to a lieutenant position I believe and we show we showed the line for the deputy chief so that we could see where the money moved in the budget year over year if anybody was looking at it in in town meeting there was wouldn't necessarily be a question um if it if anybody looked at it that that closely all right so so anyway that that's that's me I guess it kind of I don't know if anybody else had the you know again it as long as it's you know yeah yeah I it all makes sense me it's just just moving it out of one bucket into the other so y yeah exactly it but when you when you look at it and and have it there if there's any reporting any anybody questions we don't pay taxes on the expenses that when we have the contracts with the outside people but we were paying income taxes and and taxes um and unemployment would be based for a person on on that salary so I'm just looking at it as uh you know the the budget is is what it is this is just an Excel spreadsheet um and we would have it there but we just want to make sure that you know the it it's going in it it reports into the right right bucket when you know as far as if we're looking at at salaries and things when when we're doing it and moving it around if if we go and hire a building inspector then it would move from from this line up um and I guess if we if we take that to the accountant that's the same thing we we have a line in the expenses for the outside Town accountant that we hire um and we and we have lines for the salaries for the people we have doing the accounting in the building okay okay so it it's not a big thing it it's kind of it's you know just just a little little piece of um um information yeah it's information and again um I have it hidden here there is a notes column here um and so when when we do this um we we will get we we'll have the note that that identifies you know that that the line line moved you know it's kind of I um what's good now oh okay sorry it's kind of like but but again this is just a working one it's going to it's going to go away but um fell um this let's see [Music] um I'm just TR to take a look so um the budget has been updated with um as a result of the special town meeting with the values that um NCH and uh North mle sex um had requested at this point so right now we're seeing the increases that um were were passed on the special town meeting when um at at the vote though articles two and four both passed and uh so those those are the amounts in there so we can see the changes um right now the reason why we're all sitting at home we're going to see a change in Highway to um the snow and ice that's gonna that's going to have to be updated um so we we do have some changes coming but you know just to just to highlight where we are and where we may see it um so so again it it's kind of like we'll I guess next meeting we'll start going through hopefully we're more um more closer to a [Music] finalized um budget that we can start voting on the lines um okay I hadn't seen that it looks like all the money for the pavement management is gone the next year trying to help okay fun school budget yeah could be it and it could be in the other the other pieces um some somewhere else in the budget I I'll have to go now seeing this I'll have to I thought we had put money in there before um um no it wasn't in March either okay okay so don't know don't know what that was but we got we still wanted to see if we can get some money in pavement management so so that we can continue to repair some roads okay okay more more questions like um okay now next piece when we talk about the budget and the Omnibus and I know there has been I I always keep keep talking about the the pieces um I have I have filters on right now just to um I sat down with Eric the other day and I'm highlighting columns in through q and we can see that we have FY 26 27 28 and 29 here um and so we're we're working on this and I will work with Eric to in addition to this preparing the fy2 budget see if we can come out and and have this Five-Year Plan um and espe um how it it will work as as we bring more of the upper funed positions and lines into the budget and see if we can fold it and and manage to absorb the additional money into the budget without having to look for an override or any other issues related related to that um but just so you know it's it's working and um we we do have it and and my idea that I pushed with Eric was we should have it in place for um whoever may may be the Town Administrator in the future um and so he was good with that so um it it is working I know we've talked about it um and so there is action on that on that front not I again nothing nothing huge but we're you know it's a it's a start on it we'll we'll keep going uh uh any any questions on the fy2 or what we're going what we're planning um for the fiveyear on the bus no questions um okay um none being y I'm sorry y That's okay how far are we from a balanced budget um I have not seen the revenue to go with this yet um and so I'll speak with Eric and see if we can get the revenue estimates in here um I don't know um balanced budget wise um there is in in my mind until we pass an override at a ballot I can't say that we would be able to balance a budget so we can yes that's I I can see that um but I think what we can do is have the discussion about making the assumption that the override passes um and do we have a balanced budget with the with these numbers in here you know it so um so prepare the numbers as if we're going to have that that additional revenue for the override um so I I'll speak to Eric and see and make sure we're not we don't come up with um numbers that that he's he's not agreeing with um for the revenue great and and because that that's a piece of it that's all that's been his Target to balance it and that's why he didn't bring all of the oper things in and try to try to bring it in he's he was bringing in pieces of it and and still trying to balance the budget so um I'm sure that that's what this is but we we need we need to see the revenue Parts um the only other pieces he had provided uh um on a second sheet is just the summaries at um by groupings um in the budget now the selectman at their meeting he said that there were still some departments or some items that were out and one of the ones that he mentioned or two of the ones he mentioned were insurance and health insurance m in what we have here this time yeah are those um um we have numbers with we have numbers with increases actually I will tell you there's also one more number that has to come in um so every everything is the the other number that has to come in for fy2 will be um the trash pickup and right yeah um so that's that's being worked right now but by Board of Health that contract and so um uh did they go up last year or haven't they gone up for a couple of years um they have been going up year-over-year based on the contract so I'm highlighting line in the line by budget number 569 solid waste the curbside pickup in transportation oh yeah um that better little blown up yep thank you okay so we we are in FY 24 in the third year of the contract paying 7 755,000 in change for cite pick up okay so far what we have is a guess that it's going to go up about 9% and so there's an increase to 825,000 in there right now so so this is a holding point until we actually have a budget or a contract presented and signed don't um and when we I'm going to get down to the insurances um unemployment health [Music] insurance and so when we look at health insurance um line 771 in the budget um he's he's put in an amount of for an increase let's call it 10% um and the other one was the liability and he's right now he's put in a 7.3% increase from 331 to the 355 so it's they're they're estimates and they're you know they're they're above the numbers that we were trying to keep the rest of it too it at you know they they were trying to level fund expenses but when you start talking insurance is generally you're not going to get level funding well especially not in in the Pres economy they have cost Rising as well true everyone else right so so I mean it there's been some hopefully re able increases adjusted in here um to try to um predict where the numbers are but if if we don't have the solid quotes from the insurance companies we're we're still a bit you know we we're holding on to that to try to um try to get it but there's there's some again I you know decent placeholders in in there for the insurances um and overall um R 794 on the insurance total um it's an increase of7 let's call it $180,000 at 7.8% so it um like everything else until you get the bill you don't know for sure but those those are the numbers and as we get closer we're going to we'll we'll watch them and see if we see if we confirm them up to a a real number well we'll continue to watch watch that so the um and then um I guess I want to sit down with um Katie cassin and uh sorry yeah um and see if we can get the revolving fund um we we talked about being able to analyze the re revolving fund and see that we put the right number in um the warrant warrant for the town meeting so we'll do that upcoming um okay so any other questions with lines that may may be temporary out I'll see I'll see if I can identify those lines also and just mark them as not not 100% confirmed on on the on the amounts that are in there how much did he anticipate Healthcare would go up um I think that was the nine % let me scroll back that's what I thought that's what I remembered but I thought I'd hoped maybe it had gone down yeah so he's he's got it at 9.9% and again if we if we um the if we take the number of people that are getting it and and we reduce it um by the um building inspector um you know there there's one less person that we're providing insurance for so that combination of people either coming on or dropping off we did well in but you have some arer people that will be coming under it um my my understanding from them is is uh if we take them on as full-time employees they will well they were already on as full-time employees so we not the two under the selectman we only put, yeah okay so when when those come in then then we also have to absorb the health Insurance unless I get it they they could take their spouses insurance or whatever y those those those are definitely options available for people so we um we'll look at in a piece as we look at at insurance is how many how many people are we insuring and how many are we anticipating insuring next year you know is that inre because we're we're taking additional people on or is it all increase over um just just simple increase year-over-year increase of the of the cost of the insurance good so thank you okay um okay sorry um so no um ready are we ready to move on in the agenda thanks okay um it I was going to say I saw this review any new correspondence received in the mailbox there was nothing new in the mailbox at Town Hall um however I did receive an email um that is out there it's an invitation to the groundbreaking um for the new engineering Wing at Noob nooba Valley Tech on April 12 let me so um so it was it was sent to um so this is the formal imitation of we have people that want to go um I think what day is is that the 12th I thought it was the 12th that um let me the Friday yeah and at what time and where it doesn't well I yeah I was going to say I'm not not April 12th groundbreaking but um oh here it is um no that's just in the header and um so I I would probably expect 9 in the morning or so okay um is it an RSV uh it's an RSVP so if we want to go let say um 10:00 a.m. there we go it's kind of like I don't know if you can see it now there was an attack for sure okay all right so it's April 12th if if you want if you want to go um send it back and and coordinate it through um Eric slagel and um we'll let him send the town information okay but very Friday April 12th at 10 a.m. [Music] okay thank you okay so that's that's the only one that was new and I think you know it's an opportunity for us to get out and be seen by the schools as they as they're doing the work and expanding and I probably go yeah maybe I'll maybe I'll go back out there that's that's they they finally when I was going to college that's the location where my technical my electronics classes were so oh ni that's might if we're having a new building maybe I'll go back to school um that's good reason to go yeah see what's new in electronic that's right new and exciting kind yeah like I had anything to do with electronics the last few years it's kind of like it's all been Business Systems and spreadsheets uh okay um I had a placeholder for new business I didn't have anything in there so we can Skip by new business unless somebody else has new business they want to add or have a subject added to the agenda for next week okay nothing being heard um our next meeting is April 9th at 6 p.m. and then the next one we have scheduled after that is April 18th um I know we're getting close so I guess the questions are going to be in and I'll have it at the next meeting do we want to schedule additional meetings to make sure we get through because in addition to the omnus budget we have the um warrant articles to go through and vote on and make our recommendations so we may get be getting to that point that we need a couple of additional meetings to make sure we we hit all our targets yeah do matter I will I'm on vacation next yeah you're you would say yeah April a April 9th you're on vacation so um we keep keep that meeting um April 9th is the six o'clock it's it's Tuesday so we go back to the six o'clock it's there is the the one following that on the 18th is the Thursday so that's when we do the 4: okay okay um that's well the weren't articles um all set they done I have not seen the warrant articles the warrant for the annual town meeting should be closed they have just as of last Tuesday so two nights ago they should have opened the warrant for the special town meeting that is held within the annual and those warrant articles are going to close on the 16th so is more than likely we wouldn't see them until the week of the 24th the selectman um have the power to change articles on the W up until the time by vote up until the time that it's um posted so okay yeah you know they they're probably still working even though it's closed for New submission you can you you can submit an article and if the selectman decide that it's worthy or necessary or whatever they they have the power to put it out of the war even okay right and other than that they would put it on the special yeah okay yeah okay so so both of them are are still open we don't we don't have them to look at yet so um like I say I think we're we're looking it especially for the special town meeting we're probably looking at the last last seven days of April before we see it well depends I don't know how much before the meeting the warrants actually have to be posted I believe the special has to be posted at a different time that does the other one okay I thought it I thought it was 14 days it could well be I I don't just don't hold that my memory right yeah I'm trying to trying to um it was they have to because the special warrant the special town meeting that we did for the 19th had to be posted by the 4th okay so so that that would be the two we okay okay um I guess we'll keep playing that by year and see see when the work actually hits our our desk and we and we have to work work on it and vote so we'll continue um as I said next week April 9th is our next meeting so um last little um anybody have any other comments or thoughts that we should bring up at the next meeting kind of I think I already asked that under new business sorry kind of um with that uh I don't have anything else are there any other questions I know we went through the agenda in order but if is there anything that we missed that you have a question about nothing being heard um yes I'm ready to hear a motion to adjourn at 5:15 p.m. I'll make a motion to adjourn and a second I'll second it okay thank you and any it any further discussion none being heard a roll call vote JN mik is yes Andrea wood yes Jos it yes Don Hayes yes unanimous We Stand adjourned