##VIDEO ID:2F8kA4cFGOo## I didn't see any corrections oh good okay the only one I'm going to ask I'm gonna ask you Julia to talk about because I I wasn't here when you were doing a CL is six through gone some place okay well oh we need to do the minutes first okay so 6 through n you got questions about that oh well I I wasn't here so I was just hopeing that Jo would have some further information on do you want them now we need we need to I you talk about it okay yeah motion I up SCH second be a second I just said I I I move that we accept as submitted and should be a seconde okay one second please second that was you right yeah now abstaining was not here so are are you the chairing the meeting I am the inter chair okay so so would say all all all all approved I I I okay do you want an explanation of what happened exact all right um remember we had talked previously was actually a member about finding out um how other towns do their target when it's in historic district so that when real just sells the property that um somehow it's targeted that it's in the historic district so the person who's buying the property is aware of that when they buy the property right now we know that doesn't occur so what it did is I went over to lunberg and talked to their um building inspector and they do not have a District they have they have a federal historic register which is the CER of the ter and then there's what that's called an overlay which they call an architectural District okay which I had difficult time understanding the difference between historic and Architectural and the internet was no help believe me but he kind of explained it to me that they just want to make sure that anything that's seen from the road is architecturally correct of what it was if they're repairing and it even sent some of the materials and I J that would hard to do because today you would use like pressure treated but they're saying no no the only thing they don't do is um the um Sola Sola they allow the Sola they do allow the so they do allow the so so um so paused we paused the historic district meeting to go to the board of Select Muse that's number seven okay and that's when I explained to the board of selectman because I had that SC set up two weeks ago I had to schedule it to be on on their agenda that's when I talked about why I I gave them a list of about 40 something names that I asked them to please take a few names I didn't expect them to do all three of them but to take some of them go back and check with some of those people just to see that Mary Jane tville um has the best interest of this town and explained why getting her credentials you know and um also I also did Ana because he was one Bo for 15 over 15 years don't see why they didn't give any reason for him and I gave him a list I gave him the only one I really knew to give him is nilon Michelle bustler but I think I did anybody who you know in the historic soci so that's how it ended so they would they were going to take it into consideration to what they said to me um and then um then 3.1 let's see I didn't have we didn't know what that 3.1 was on that selectman's agenda but I PID I I went on YouTube and checked it out um and it is was another reappointment for Mary Jan which they table until they um did what I requested okay so let's see now that's and then we resum the meeting here at um 6:15 and I I I had a copy of the names that I gave to did you have did you have that clear do you want to copy of I believe I have okay you have um so um we continued we continued U discussion on the architectural items which I just sort of explained to you too and um what I was able to gather is that they just deal with the architectural from A View so if you can see it from the road apparently if you don't see it from the road you can do anything you want okay um also I did find I I did talk about um the phoenic phoenic road with the got to stone wall because that was one thing the building inspector inberg mentioned to me that um they did reduce stone walls but I think that was because of the law and I do have a prop the law so the law is we have a bylaw in T I don't know the number of we a B for that and9 State Road through therefore is um under the offices of the state and um our planning board is the one that does okay and Laura sheer and I did call um I said I was called she was she was unable to make the meeting tonight but she will make a meeting if we go back to Tuesday okay so any any more discussion on that no that's fine very much I appreciate it did we get did you get anything in the box from um the building inspector I did okay okay um 3.2 uh we were going to interview Laura although we all know her would have been nice to have a meet and greet but I do understand what these water sment have approved that's what I was told before yeah I really would like to not that we don't know we should have been able to vote [Music] on well we can discuss it because she'll be coming to another meeting and she want to explain to you why there no I know I not sure you had to well first of all she's uh she's still inessa Yes okay the real estate agent but that's not unusual but as an assessor and she's on the Housing Authority and she has been recommended To Us by CH I next time we I think so because I'd like to I'd like to know why she would want to be on this Bo you know why IED I know but we can find out she wants to be on this board I I'll with everybody else if you decide not to I think it would have been you might might ask might ask about the interest in historic districts or something like that to know why she wants to be a well usually you're on a board because you got an interest in that particular board that's why I joined take no action on that right approv I I did suggest I would let contact her and let her know when the next meeting is 69 main streets now that is the yellow house right on9 Street that is the yellow house right next to the fire station right uh Gary did send some things to me Y and he also sent me a picture and Behind These Cedar Shakes actually there are clab boards there cedar clab boards and um I guess that's what he planning to put on in receiver CL boards I believe that there are some this is situation where I believe the per was already posted before before but he did fill out the um [Music] application sorry can ibody on my agenda I don't have a agenda [Music] you like to see the picture lifted the the um shakes on the I'm not even sure those are I don't know if those shakes or if an an or what like an an stle you know look like the Spen no but I think that what we're looking at is the wood underneath for the he wants to replace the um shingles with the with the CL boards but still out of and where they were original to the building I really don't that's front of there's kind pull them up a yeah you go so we okay with this one um I believe permit's already beened out anyway how that happen I don't know don't I just was curious how that could have happened I well I'm not well somebody else wants to do on meeting they already doing that well I don't think they should be and I did have a I did have a a quick um talk nice talk with Bob and um you know he said this is what had happened and I said well from now on that I want see everything that comes that affects us everything because upstairs were all those files on I'd like to really break them down into three districts and then each each house that belongs to the district right now they're just kind of all together everything's all together yeah so that's what I really would like to do so that's why I ask B that now on I'd like to see so we can add to or even create a new file for whatever building is going in I mean I think at this point everything should be because 20 years down the line somebody's gonna say well what they did this how come they did or I think it's important does the building inspector have anything that identifies the the district I believe he well I would believe he do and Janet's in there she has it that's all by by street address number district and Street add 403 right yeah are you in the district you're yeah so it would be all the it would be identified by the address that's what I would like to so the building inspector is going to give a permit does he look anything up is that typical what they would well I would say that would be typical what they should do that's what they should do and but our building inspector also he's been a building inspector for many years I've asked him to you know I have asked him to he seems very Cooperative got it down got it down question were the files upstairs the Little Kitchen upstairs the first two files underneath all the telephones and all the boxes ohes the went up the other day open the door and shut it so I'll just come back so they're open to the public they're not locked well they are locked oh they are locked they are locked y I think that's a great idea and motion on that are we doing a motion on on 69 Main Street or do the motion on so what do you want for a motion that um like to use CL in place I think it better make a motion have a second second formal application can sign off go Kathy and then to talk about the I don't know if I do have that9 yeah we're just talking about 69 but saying don't we have to sign off like this no that's not what number is that I'll have to get it from J this is a service that we did which is good but there's no place for us to really sign off on this well that's this is an application but it's it doesn't have an what is that what to say that doesn't say shepher Gary that's it but where's the okay so that's not our then I'll ask J for so do you want to itology to be pending because we don't have all the information that hold it up Jerry well not by long that goes with that is here that's his business address 55 shepco yeah yeah that's that's the business this is the job site address 69 yeah not it's not your not our I know that's what I was looking for our application this is about insurance insurance yeah yeah that doesn't I'll get Janet to will this delay it because I don't know the next time we're going to have a meeting if we're going to take just 55 Main Street that's we we don't have we don't have paperwork one there 55 Main Street the yellow no no 699 so we have all the information here we know we don't have the application but this one is right here say this is 55 Main Street the object of this application remove the CER face but that's the owner and the address of the property is 69 Main Street this right here right here no right there and this is all that just this doesn't pertain us because this is a solid waste disposal idate this and this one right here is that about his license this is just everything he did to the building inspector we have two issues to this application the same address 69 uh what is the little yellow building the second objective is to raise remove the store circuit 19 as the r in work requ oh ways the benefit not original of the area in building as a store as limitations the garage will stay just the store area will be removed this will enhance the view of the restored fire station that's where the antique shop was correct they try to remove that board's going on the house that's the house oh yellow house so CL are you including be okay to remove that building as well no there two separate issues right so you never did vote on the other motion that's there ibody yeah we did we approved the house FL was that was need a motion to raise the store was a little it really was not it was not really his89 that [Music] that antique store yeah I think the point is it was 1958 it really wasn't in of the it's not identified I don't think it is I think the the houses and I think the fire station we really should have that with us all the time at least we're just guessing Okay so we taing that then yeah well that sto from being able to do it though so that we're gonna have to meet again soon so the motion to raise this St was tables and it has its own address storeever AAR building put up they have whatever store to begin with then became like a variety store and it was antiques yeah I think they venes like so we're taing we're tabling this to words pleas to check on the historic district identify this in the historic district yeah thank you yeah I would say it is it yeah I mean District you T they're not sure whether it's inor is it's actually labeled in historic to me I don't think to me it's not a historic building but it's as they said it's in the historic district so we have to have to find out so it's identified by building not by the it's all on that piece of property all on that right no I knew that the house is identified so I have to find out well I hear what Chuck is saying though if it if it's in the historic district that building is there then the historic district was made and it's in the historic district not necessarily no really no because people like the Wilsons they opted out right um yeah but they didn't opt out we don't know so now we have to decide on whether we're going to allow it to be taken down or can it be taken down or does it have to stay falling apart anyway well it is falling apart a lot it probably wasn't fair historically like you said it was built in 19 58 well that's how I feel about like check on BL I'm in favor of it coming down I am also I that makes the motion then well Claire already did make the motion discussion on it anybody second it I didn't but I discuss yeah it's very difficult you G have to bear with me how strictly in not at the same time I just okay okay [Music] sorry you keep track of this J this will go to um get stamped in and then um get stamped in by C it wasn't stamped it wasn't stamped in so do I have to keep that keep a copy of that in the minutes no okay checking what have identified it by the address and these don't pertain to us this a solid waste yeah but this this can go back to the building whoever does who does Solid Waste job these are original want keep the picture all these together yeah [Music] [Music] the agenda and Sh oh I think this have second go now you get it it came in I got it in the we should have a copy of all that for our file too if you give it to me I can a copy why don't you wait until she that to move on the next item 3.4 the clock now it says that uh submitted by the bilding inspector I did not receive anything but I haven't received anything from anybody so application and well you bring it inspector I don't believe let's see what was I was in yesterday there wasn't anything yeah there wasn't anything last week when I saw when I but do you want to go ahead and talk about do you have any materials that shows what I sent you yeah but I know what the clock looks like it looks just like the one that's inad Square down yeah it's a niceu but have a question why did it come before usbody director meeting at towns historical society was suggested that you come before HTC is it being attached to the building no no standing fre standing street constru it's not part of the building no it's not we have no CH wonderful I I have a question for you though would the state have any jurisdiction on it because they have it's on there it's it's a building in and of itself though it's like downies already there but you can't enter it it doesn't have a door to walk into it open you can't live in it so it's nothing it's not a it's not a structure that that um I think is occupied no I think the question was because it wasn't part of construction and it was never there I think they were asking whether it can go there I think that was the question more than whether it was in a building the Bell is in the building appropriate I I see it stand there yeah there's yeah is it before the sidewalk or after the sidewalk between the sidewalk and the Street sidewalk on the building on the building [Music] okay it changes time when the season changes I think it was tall I it's called a Howard Post oh I believe it's back L I remember right from the shut off it's so faint trueing so you the light won't be on night time I could be can't remember was well you got the light [Music] someone but actually because it does have a shet is below a certain wat way below the town already has has that in the I do have another question the these are just changing I I have the application is it ex it's gonna go it's gonna go it's gonna go to the building Spector oh absolutely yeah so but but I would imagine that's you to yes you can do thatd you saidd what about the well I don't think we have anything to do with the read house because that's a his I was mistake I st the if they've said no which I assume you've already contacted the people Mass yes I've talked to not talk to well those two involing that will come before us yeah I'm just figing out how you the application by reading the regulation noted kind yeah but that that would come before us yeah I'm just asking how to fill out the application Yeahs bu it will come before us before you I would say it comes before us we vote Yes when it comes before us we told to vote on it we which box oh then I can I think it's the top yeah yeah yes that's one yeah okay question what about would you decide go the flag pole I know flag pole has been removed from that site here were really nice what they're doing is putting a on the on it's not struct right you have anything else I don't oh I have a lot of thank you welcome thank you for explaining it too hopefully clear enough is not call okay so we're at 2.5 and this is actually Tak care means I'm not sure that the ABS were ever no well so it wasn't replaced just right just so this is the original right here have to do minut the all what they did is question it's the same yeah I think you told me about that he have old business about the reappointment of former members did they indicate that they would be bringing this up again no but I was told um they did bring up um the reappointment and I asked Cathy about that today on Mary Jane I think I don't know why I don't know why it keeps getting put in there because like I said on the August 6 meeting that I had with them the 3.1 was that aspect about a reappointment to Bar Jan when they tabled it based on what I had requested but then I was told um um came up second right I'm yes they decided already on YouTube that um they dein to De well [Music] okay I know but thank you for telling us because that's what I didn't I didn't feel he that was5 no that was that was um [Music] 4.1 well I'll make it to in again so that they can tell me to their face my face that they didn't do no I think you thank you 4.2 actually J went over this um but um I did I did leave it open that week I know suan wanted to go to one of the meetings too I haven't scheduled anything so but if anybody else would like to just let let us no really no no it just me another another day out I would be interested interested okay and um 4.3 discuss recruitment future are we are we a complete board now with um seven has be number we need a AR [Music] wellar was our [Music] last oh well I could try to talk down but he's very busy with we don't we don't have to have should be a well we've got five again so [Music] oh I was going to talk about other business okay um I was W is having and I didn't write down the date Worcester is having architectural cence in Worcester this year and I almost signed up for it on Friday because it was the early bir sign up for $150 so I didn't know if anybody be interested in going to drive anybody is um D have to give email you let me know what the I can't remember it's just the early registrationid and yet but we do have a budget to sh yeah I know thanks to you how would that well talked to all all the historic districts historic commission from the state you know and and the United States actually the big I get more information you can talk about it more information M my problem is um my I have relatives coming for burial so so that know the date yeah and I'll give you the paret I just didn't have time P it I saw to another meting to but let me try jam it first okay you'll let me know I will on the agenda well I guess the stuff that Lor didn't bar didn't the proper that's right basically to be signed right yes yes it might have just stay at the did we just found it well wasn't everything was it yeah problem notamp stamp before you schedule okay okay all right the process that had been set up was that it's given to the town cl's office they notify you that they have one you come and look and see if it's the description of the word and then and then they will stamp it okay but if you have to give it back you can't back so because that stamp is a date yeah but it's a date it's how many days from that date you have to work on all [Music] rightly so my question is there someone who would like to take over this is only your first time no second time second can you hold up for another okay then we call the meeting no we got disolve it oh to call to second please second all in favor 64