okay call a meeting to and the time is 2:10 2:10 on the 14th I have the agenda that's been posted for 48 hours I do a roll [Music] call Church present and C pleas uh do we have approval of a mid minut TR from the last meeting not yet not yet that's okay you're talking about the workshop right yes yeah no we don't that's that's okay not up next time all right uh we'll do a review and discussion of applications which is talking about word i' like to do you have a coffee of that know what you're that's the agenda you can't read it that's got it just that one line so is this what we're we're discussing the Historical Society wishing to meet with the district to present and discuss material selections for Windows and side yes okay now I'd like to make a suggestion is we take care of the second half of four on the agenda which is go four minutes oh you going to do that first take two minutes minutes 10 s thank you so you going to do 444 first yeah going to take two minutes okay so do you want to explain this okay 434 was a house in the West Hampton and they're completely gutted the inside of the house because of the chimneys that are defun and water that they had so the application we got was just for the outside is this this is up in West so I went there and looked at it and there is minimal damage to theid of the house that's left the inside is completely compl we don't have anything to do with that so my position as chair I can decide that if is a strict maintenance problem that that has to be solved this way that there's really no point in having a meeting because we can't vote different we to have to say yeah that thing is toast or it's or not what are you talking about the building demolish no no no no they're not going to demolish it but they demolish the inside we don't care about no we don't care so it doesn't really matter and the they're going to replace the sighting in kind on it and uh trim and that's been painted and that's been all they're doing they're not doing anything they're not putting on Lum siding or anything no so so you signed off on it on I signed off on this chair okay which so you're just kept letting us know what you information purpose okay so this sub will be entered into the record so right so correct so 20 years from now somebody will know what they've done right yeah yeah yeah so it's so just confirm entering into okay okay so we don't have to take a vote no we don't this is just strictly information okay okay and now we can now we can switch over to okay I'll make a motion that we're going to have discussion on the application for towns and Historical Society for the um material for watching for Windows and sing yeah I'll second hi po I okay sorry I I said I said the eyes have it oh okay okay so I have a motion to continue with this and right just continue you don't need a motion yeah we get good H all right so we have the motion to discuss the application okay so we can continue on yeah left I left the dog outside though I got the bone it's not easy all right so if I could I think start with sighting uh currently the situation on that house is that building is um the sighting is loaded with Le peeling um I think what the proposal is is Church we're talking the church uh is to remove that siding and replace it uh we have a couple of different probably two different U approaches that we can go with that I'm just back up for one second the trim material window trim corner boards faasa sofits all that is remaining we're only talking the claer portion of the building correct yeah um we're looking to remove the existing clappers and replace it with new material we have two proposals one is to replace it with cedar great Cedar sighting which is on there now and the other is using a newer product that's manmade um which has an indefinite life it's painted you're probably not going to know the difference and I don't think there's a leaning one way or the other Mark with which material yeah I'd love to see it so what is thisy board not Bo this is Boral and Cedar and I have a PVC product no that's PVC you don't want that so this is the cedar that's currently what's on the building it's a wonderful product it's hard to tell I don't think it's a origal to the building to be honest with it but it's been there for many years the difference between now and back then is they paint the back and everything before we install it they didn't do that not back in the day so moist can't get into this product it'll last forever and it's real wood that's real cedar yeah yeah that's unfortun we love it this is currently on the building yeah yeah on the building now so you're asking us to pick one well we're going to show you two two so the second one is a manmade product which actually I'm not very familiar with but it is impervious and much heavier yeah does this with guar guarantee guar that's made like that's a wood pulp mixed with resin so you can keep that right in water it won't like a lifetime so you know but if you're look in the state to the building switching apples for apples here go with this so this we probably have a little longer life painting wise Cedar is usually every five years I'm not sure how it is on uh no we're going to get five years okay and especially if I send the cedar all to be prepainted before we install it and I just put a finish on the building when we're done that's the best way to do it and the last you probably get 20 so you and I won't have to worry about it when he is no that is the goal people bad I'm gonna be I'm gonna be here I'm gonna be think positive yeah so I guess the question before the committee is commission is to one over the other we can go E I like to see we voting make a motion okay go ahead that we select the choice of clad boards from Reda to Boral flat board okay I take a vote no wait a minute minut wait a minute you want to discuss are we voting on I'm missing that we choose either red cedar oral sting all right so those are our choices this isn't split or anything so I have potential I have this good but what's on there hasn't really you know what I mean like I said that P back I don't know yeah we have okay we're in discussion mode so this is a 20 years for both of them plus or minus true oh yeah the paint job is a paint job the the Boral would probably last longer but if it's painted properly it's going to last you know yeah more than that right right I have those on the house see see B yeah Boral or Cedar the Bor that's Cedar isn't it is that you have the Boral in your house okay yeah and it works well very well my house was painted 13 years ago looks like that's what I'm saying your paint job last way over five years now well the problem I think we have is that as a commission haven't made any decisions ever on using products that's we never made any decision on that the we Havey we've made we've made decisions unique to a particular problem particular house so it's not g whole one well are you talking about Bill and yeah and well we made him we made him split we made him do um wood siding on the front remember yeah and then we let him do his vinyl in the [Music] back that was a big contentious well my question is is what does s is mean in kind in kind yeah well in kind means you replace what's there the same with the identical same thing with the or look is much more expensive but one you're replacing it with the same material same material but when you start Pi this doesn't say in doesn't not not this particular one but that's a general consensus on how we operate this in kind if we can sometimes you can't you can't go well okay this is where we have to we can't be both the historical society and the commission so we have to be the commission right now right so I've said this before on other occasions not in this one but I'm sorry if it costs more but no I'm not looking at the cost at all yeah I'm looking at we say in kind we don't want you to go and put aluminum BL no I understand that but he's not saying in no oh you're saying that's oh I stick to what I don't see in kind here so I don't see this particular this really doesn't uh how far does that get us that one liner doesn't do much we've already we've already done the church once and then we have multitudes of information about this what what do you suggest we talk about that I mean how what do you I think we I think we can personally consider it in kind because when When the Smoke plays and paints on it you can't the difference unless you go up and stab it with your knife okay would be my opinion this take application and I I think that plastic stuff is kind nice last to see you're going wear that so I'm confused with what you're saying you're saying you want this but this would last longer or you want that what is it you really want I'm I'm giving the the the condition rather option and do they want to stick with wood for wood or this would wasn't this it wasn't available it's what it wasn't available from years ago if I can I add something I think we're more here to make sure that you understand we are removing all the s and replacing it correct regardless which one we go with they're going to look the same any you know so I don't know if there's any historical thing to either one of them you know what I mean but I just want to make sure before I open a can of worms that the plans call for us to replace the siding and that's we're going to by doing that we're going to insulate the out the building from the out exterior drill holes and blow in insulation to insulate the building and we're going to replace the siding we just needed to make sure that once I start taking The Sing Off everybody isn't like what are you doing mean oh oh okay gotcha okay so we're talking about like 12 different things here well it's all related to the siding gotcha you know okay so all right let's take a bre how many people want red sight wait a minute wait way there only four of us what is the cost differential here because it does matter to me I'm it shouldn't it is more expensive for the red cedar but that's really we're not looking to pinch pennies here you know we want the job to be right and if you guys say you want wood for wood then we're just going to do it not a big deal it's more about replacing the siding haven't you you know because once you replace the siding we're trying to replace all C we replacing all the windows I mean what's really left to be a story you know the foundation you know I mean but that's the point yeah but it is what it is I mean the building's 200 years old here and it's falling apart we need to you know we got to change the stuff it's making sure everyone's on board here is it ad the reuse yeah adaptive reuse okay so that mean all that means is we're going to we may have to make some changes or can make changes to this nature because you're not going to know the difference the public won't know the difference it'll look exactly the same I know the public won't know the difference but we'll know the difference and the Integrity of what we do is important I think at least to me serving on the board I mean I I should I would like to go through the person but well because [Music] of yeah well okay I I want the w we have what do you want well I I would for the other but I understand why we should stick with the wood so I guess I'm going to say we should say what you because I know this product and my house is an old old house that we did replace part of the house but this is a great product no I'm not I'm not I'm absolutely not I'm aing I would girl I I would have it on anything but but but I this is this is what the butt is is in the law or in our what is it our constitution our laws or whatever it is it ask for it ask for everything being well the Integrity of the building based on not creating a hardship and according to you know we're not creating a hardship if we choose what yeah either way final make sure yeah that that is that where you're going with that yeah that's where we can and now okay I'm I'm writing down who left red cedar R red cedar red cedar Jerry Jerry red cedar red cedar clear red know yes red perfect there you go well done all right the next one is not as e we did that I know I'm terrified got their no stamp ready all right next one is the window um as you know those windows are in rough shape they're leaky um it it I let Mark say but from my point of view yeah anything can probably be repaired but you're never going to have a window there no matter what you do with them what we're looking at doing is doing a replacement window produced by Marvin is a custom historic window um it's what insulated glass right now is only single pain right okay so I me and the windows are so big right it's going to cost a fortune heat the place with the windows out of that now and this is but this is a historic window yes brand new but made historically correct with insulated glass how different is that window going to look not not much I mean you have to get right up to the by he's holding his hand it's only slightly I picture you're not going to know other than they work I have a question just there now like window pan across window P we're going they're going to look identical try this is four over 12 no no no eyes are even eyes eyes I 12 12 12 yeah we're going with the same thing you're going with what's the um what's the difference and in the windows that we have and windows that Marvin well they're insulated glass and outside is a um a uh W that's like a metal skin on it so it'll never rot the actual mutton BS that divide the the lights is not wood with cocking like what we got now oh I see that's an actually metal clad so it'll last forever but we're going to go with wood on the inside staining so have exactly what we have now okay yeah so you know aesthetically it's exact same thing green outside stained wood in the inside it say that doesn't have to get painted it's an actual metal clad that lasts forever so what's the glass on there now just a single paint glass it's not it's no inating value whatsoever but it's not like what do you call that glass it's it's wavy there is it's not all wavy there is the big not so much's on the street too and if those windows are being taken out I would be looking to take the glass out of those windows and preserving it for our use of society yeah but these windows would be it's a it's not individual lights it's a big pain on the bottom and big pain on the b top and it's all divided like this all divided and you really you really don't don't see the difference until you get right up to but the factors there yeah right these are also filled with an Argon gas so just two lay layers the gas and they open and close so what ises the uh let me clarify the bottom I bottom opens suggested that just the bottom move you won't be tall enough to wait so does the when the Sun hits the glass does it make a difference of what that look is going to be as opposed to now and with the new one I don't think so because the west side which is the one I see more than b side that's private property really that's all pretty flat glass if you look at there's some attached windows on the back of the stage that has some wavy glass in it and on the front of the building those upper on have some weighty glass in it I'm not saying there is no weighty glass in the in the big windows but generally when you're looking at it looks pretty flat so does Marvin make historic wooden windows they make that's what we're talking that's what we're make oh they don't they don't make a wooden historic hand this is all wood it's just only the mutton BS outside met FL yeah oh do they make a true divided light yeah yeah yeah they don't know they don't make a divided light it's a big pain and it's divided up with mutton bars right now we do have individual paines of glass but no off Factor you know what I mean it'll make a brand oh okay so the W windows are going to be wooden this is going to be the only ex outside business on the window if you will just metal it's just wrapped in metal so don't the canes will not be inserted correct individually like this okay I thought you hold that up they virtually look the same this one is a little shallower than the one that's on the yeah no I understand that but I've seen the windows that were not wood they were gross no no just will be working against us from the tomorrow am I going to see the same thing I saw yesterday pretty much want to replace I me no no yeah when you're when you're done you walk away and I go back to look at this window that's it's going to look like it does now that's the insulated glass and you know at the end of the day M came up with this whole historic line because people all around the country are in our same shoes here yeah yeah you know oh let's get Church yeah let's get that one that's a nice one oh I like that that's for your house right right oh look at that H P hall P Museum and S no we have more discussion or do we need to vote yeah I an she's been cooped up that's right thank you you're welcome um take so those will fit into wood they're going to all custom built custom wood windows custom everything's custom one pain over one pain exactly all right divided by muton by Styles outside you have one m so when you go to wash them you can wash it one big sweet you still have to go between all the no I get that but is this a big that's 9 foot by 5 foot the window's huge oh open be a double only only the bottom will be so each window the top and the bottom each will have its own grid separate separate SES separate s pict of that how are these going to be held on to the outside they glue down not the glass they welded to the to there's a frame to the window and then the the cross members and and the ones that go up and down are welded or glued or however they fasten in the factory we don't do it in the field right comes as a unit you just put the whole unit in going to be all finished okay of the weather no no making something warp or one of those little attachments reason they went with the metal clad versus just wood so it never rot you have a warranty on those Mar well I don't know what actually with me off what m is but it's it's the best window you can buy I mean that's you know we not tryina you think p is better than M no I do no what Marin is one of the best companies there is the only reason they asked had the last own yeah you sure they wer no Anderson Mal something that came out of Macky I can't see in there we had one Anderson window and that survived rest's a good very goodand but they don't do historic only Marin does historic line I was just curious that fact that they have distored one I think that's a A plus right do we care how they're fixed yeah I did do I write that down you don't what do you mean fixed what how [Music] they sounds good it's basically a replacement window that goes into our existing this is really cool like sign [Laughter] change they to the B thing oh go now on the windows on the top of the glass is all that fake BL stuff we're going brand new we're going to put the same mov is to make the building look like it does now you know right that's are yeah it's going to look identical but everything's going to be brand new L even the Lou Ian you can't scrape them all pain on them by the time you GRE just like they you know they the pot no I'm sorry got confed sorry I'll shut up um they're going to be wooden they're going to be wooden okay correct yeah yes yeah and they're going to be positioned the same way that they are now the town top ones are closed they'll F closed and the bottom are going to be fixed open oh we're going to have bottom ones oh yeah they're they're on there now so we're matching what's on the building make they you get used to it yes they do make wood with wooden they do make a completely historic we have window window Marvin this yeah yeah but for maintenance we weren't going to grow the wood mut B outside because they they rot yeah no and if they're getting painted green anyway we were just going to put the metal cladding you know or longevity more than yeah it makes it makes sense don't look the same the whole issue exactly it's going to look identical what it is I never see them I'm on pedal board Jerry that's outside the build uh one other consideration is there are new windows going into the building um goes on the front top Center window is shortened and then in the new tion where the stage is there are new windows in there so this would do a much better job of being able to match everybody the same what are you talking about was that little things on top of the window don't operate so you're talking about this window right here you're not you switched it subject to this window right here that Center window gets shortened the other two remaining yeah the one over the door and why did it get uh because there's a there's a there's a new door that's higher so the big window doesn't fit in there and then there are uh two windows being put in where the doors [Music] are I got the plants here if you want yeah no I vaguely remember but we already discussed that pain exercise well I can ask a question okay you taking the doors off and you're reusing them but there was a question about putting glass in one of them on the side where the um Ada entrance is there were going to be two panes of glass in the panels there coming into the main room so that people can see an interior door it's an interior it becomes an interior door but it leads into a vestibule that somebody handicap could be on the other side you don't want anybody swinging it open while seeing having a vision not talking about the out exterior no no no not theor exterior got wood new doors called the glass as well but we're gonna try to use some existing doors that are in there to try to keep the building stored you're gonna take off those two doors yeah front the two front doors Two Front do okay help me on this so right now people walk through those two doors to get in the room get in the building well there's now two rooms behind those two room no that's not my point is why are we making the door higher and the window lower to change the look of the front no we added a second four and it cuts off that window so the middle window is going to get smaller and then the entrance is going to be we have all new entry doors coming so the okay so the second floor is now window in the way of the little window yeah yeah it's got to yeah it's got to go I mean it got to be changed we're going to keep a window but we got to make it short doors yeah I just don't like to front look at all yeah but look across the straight from the r house at the bot the window up there that's a 2x4 yeah our windows are going to be low we're going to put an extra safety piece of glass because it's you know against Cod to have window that close to the floor once you're up on the mine it's only storage anyway but you still rather than to put a railing that you see from outside we're going to put a safety glass so when you looking you don't see it you know okay let's go okay let's go right oh make a motion that we go with the har window from [Music] the har who's har invisible har um to the historical windows with the green grid on the on the outside and the wood matching The Stand Inside green green grit outside facing out oh facing out I'll second okay all in favor say I I I allos guys cool that it are you happy I'm happy okay good we will be happy it will not cost so much to with building Tak many many months to hold the windows yeah everything nowadays yeah you're right but windows are especially long lead time I bought a chainsaw very recent battery chance I don't I don't think phone how long will it take to I'm just curiosity how long will it take it can take three months oh okay sometime four well the ones up at the senior that got lost all its s yeah oh yeah that's why it took so a long oh yeah I remember that oh [Music] W okay so thank you you guys are done yet you are I think we are finished in terms of having you informed you about things I go making that meeting an hour long that's it all right thank you we can't do that just stop it I'm not hours well you know something if you need a longer meeting you just can't say St and going home so what was the dimension on have those windows something like 4 by9 foot that's what you said it's pain over pain just one I make a motion that we uh dissolve this meeting okay any motion been made I second it second it and they disolve the [Music] meeting no it's done that's it we're done it's done thank you very much app