##VIDEO ID:L## at 550 Susan okay call Susan Susan girin see they upstairs they all see what's he saying are you talking to us Mr ghost no we'll turn off our mute sorry okay okay I'm just wondering we got an application okay I'm just going to pass that around we'll we'll actually discuss that next meeting okay it's 4:44 what do you mean it say 4:44 time the time no what the house house for what I'm not about the application for oh application for the HDC commission our membership yeah um I did minutes but they haven't and actually passed a to and she passed them into the um town clerk from our last meeting yeah but we haven't approved them so right so maybe we can quickly read them and you can make any corrections and then I can just redo them and put them minuts amended J okay bye oh thank you go ahead if you need correction I do just um yeah there were a couple spelling here yeah okay so we Mary J and the wife uh the right before the the fourth it says yeah and Mary Chain is actually one word now too she just told me that I had to ask that I wasn't sure yeah one more something g k just a spellings I don't yeah it was District on the top I think I made a mistake of District somewhere yeah at the very top second the should I just go back and check and circle the spellings for you I already got okay I got few I think the spellings are people's names okay on on the committee oh yeah I see Mary James right there yeah and then Jal we got the second the next and last line oh Jared yeah and yeah and bazik is a spelled how b z o huh b o z z yeah so I yeah I graduated with her so I should know that one any contact any contact Conta yeah content clarifications oh um I I this is is it too extensive no it's very thorough that's good I think I wanted to do that one very thorough for the reason yeah I think the board of selecting has slated for 605 but who knows where they going to be at least me for 605 um you don't have to speak I just posted the meeting for the board of Select because we're were coring right and I think we just we hav this Pro this and again move forward okay yeah okay okay um so the only thing I'm looking here is I missed I should have got my pen out um I got what was no was just spelling you got them all okay I'll just double check it when I go so so me I need to vote to approve the amended and I move that we uh approve the minutes as as submitted I second submitted to our meeting yeah hi meeting with corrections yeah corrections to the spellings content is correct did you agree that clear yeah I did all in favor yeah I okay I think we need to suspend the meeting and go to this second what's your time I have like about two minutes off I too early I think we can conclude it because we've got a volunteer response for and do we want to mention this tonight we have to you have to sign off don't we that was problem last time do we have to approve it or we have to sign off on it I'd like to interview her can we do that oh yes yes okay it's a good idea Oh you mean yes to have her come in yeah so we need to schedule a meeting some other time but we can do that when we come back because I'm planning on we'll continue suspending this and then coming back to the meeting is that's all right with everybody yeah suspend to go to the meeting thank you so we're suspending at 6 o' at um 558 join meeting at 6 okay just got to make sure that I take my step on then I want to talk about um I did get a chance to go yesterday to the lunber that's not in the agenda will this just keep running till we come back then no they G they're going to suspend it okay until he suspend okay okay okay need resume that um 6:15 um okay so we voted on we voted on the minutes we have another one of those lists yeah I'm gonna make I'll make some me take the list back and this is like wonder if they do a packet for um s that wasn't here it was a packet for her or should we make a packet and get it to her or give it to give it to Sabrina to put it in her file because just good idea yeah Teresa yeah never stated why she wasn't there I didn't hear a roll call for no present right no then number four number five rather e take I they're going to act on the request tonight 3.3 yeah that doesn't give anybody time to consider they're going to change the 12-hour shift so the Poli them that's a long it's too long I heard as we leaving I heard say that they were down three three bodies so why are we down our shs Tim gir my son's U my stepson Tim is working 12 hour shifts and right now my sonin-law is too and Bill is working five days a week B our shs doing what he's um they're finishing a school the site they're doing the site work school I think it's wber it's a long drive from bitburg and yeah MH yes collaps at the end of the day when you're on your feet or doing something that's was it five days a week or four days uh it's it's five it's it's six days a week six days six days a week week I have Sunday off it's so exhausted they don't even know they have a day off S A long off the C Machine oh thank you thank you let's see I wrote on all right so well thank you for doing this too you're welcome welcome I hope it helps I hope they do well I hope they read it that's I hope they do too and I hope they do question some other people you know because I think that's important because I think just they only took a snapshot of a couple of meetings really took step I I indicated that at the meeting that was on YouTube yeah wow yeah okay so like I said I do know him and I do know yeah sometimes he says things that can true yeah so um so anyways I did I did get a chance this is not on the agenda so I'm going to add this because because I did get a chance to go with to lber today oh good and talk to them um everything they have is online this is regarding the um they conru yes but they don't have a historic district oh they don't they have an architectural preservation District Commission because they also have signs that says historic district they do have National register historic district okay that doesn't they don't have it doesn't go by the board it's a National Historic register district and overlay on that is a architectural reservation bylaw District okay so I can just tell you it if they this is basically the application they got it online they're online so you can go in and look at it online um they meet every Tuesday every Tuesday yeah every Tuesday I think it's on one of these sheets anyways they meet every Tuesday um in the old library the architectural preservation District commission Mees every Tuesday y now what they do is had to go online to figure out what is the architectural preservation District um I didn't copy whole 27 Pages you can go in and look okay you know you well I wanted to see exactly what the architectural District was in versus the historic district okay and the architectural doesn't deal with the whole building and the surrounding of the building um it deals with architect of the building s like the facial boards the windows the um the roof um and they don't deal with the roof as much as solar they don't allow solar to go on oh um but um they do do with this the um materials that they use which is really surprising because some of the material you may not be able to get so yeah so they did um the planning and it's through the planning board um no it was through the building but she they just do their own and it's everything is online in lunberg and this is who I spoke to it's um Brian gingas Building Commissioner Brian gingas yeah yeah so that's who I spoke to and bingus yeah he he said they really haven't done anything with um notifying the Realtors about historic district um it is up to the Realtors to be able to explain it and that is a problem he's hoping that somehow he can get it on so people who are in the historic district or in the um architectural district will know that they're in the architectural district and they do have to come people did they say how many houses there are no um I didn't copy it they have a little right in the center of town it's a little it's the historic register the national register is the historic buildings in there so I assume the church the town hall um even the library might be part of that too but the old library the old library r Memorial Building yeah and actually that's where he's located is in the Ritter they've used they I'm glad to see people are using the old buildings again you know for offices to expand so anyways um I didn't I didn't copy up the seven but I did go in and look like I said they architectural just deals with like the shutters the windows the um amount of the type of material that they use they explained to me there was one on Massa AB that was doing a pharmace forch and um he said the architectural board approved it but it's using metal roofs and it's using common I mean new equ new uh wood today uh pressure treated wood instead of the wood so that was some of the things that they look at they want to see use the original wood and the original structure of it for an architecture I know it's really interesting but but how different is that than us but they only deal with the building so we deal with I thought we deal with well that you can't put structures to the building on the outside anything in the outside of the building that changes the look of the build the footprint has to it changes the look at the building yeah just the look so that's the only thing I can discern from the internet the internet's not clear either do you see any big difference no no no they seem to think there was because with with my house there was a porch and so someone who owns the house after I do can look at the old picture and put that back on yeah yep I would think that part of the architectural District so I don't know if I and we bumped out the kitchen but you can't see it from the road and we did the garage and I came before the historic district Commission and originally it was it was the garage would be say this is Main Street right here we're going to bump it out this way goes it was it would be for just like Model T cars was that was very short we needed to had lengthen it to fit a car our even our small prient so instead of doing it on Main Street side the historic district commission when I came before them yeah asked and I said how about if I we bump it out in the back and they said yes so it's you didn't change that of it no and well that's what I thought the architectural was but now yeah and we when we put the uh garage doors on we rode around everywhere to find that appropriate for that would be appropriate what year is your house 1855 didn't even have automobiles at that time no no so I mean you wouldn't even have a garage bar and someone too they lived and you could see someone had had a little wood stove for the circle going out going out so what I gathered from him is that um what they're trying to do is they're trying to incorporate um the modernization and the uh the areas to incorporate new buildings new new structures to um support the community in in the future not just preserve the architect and to fit it into the look that's there that's right to preserve it even though it's a new building right to preserve that but I mean it does materials that that are more yeah well apparently they did in a metal roof and a metal roof yeah so I mean but no s no I think they did I think he did say that they don't they allow oh okay yeah so mhm but um so I don't know he said they're he's trying to they're trying to work on getting something on their computer um so if you want to go into it I think I this a this gentleman is a relative of anos oh is he yeah oh so um I think in fact so he's John aela's grandson oh oh oh so it must his daughter the daughter who got married that was her married name yeah yeah yeah Y and that's her sign oh wow it was very nice he was just in a hurry I came in at like 3:30 because I I did it the last moment I figured I'll just goward check so maybe we should take some time and come here maybe we can look at a computer with a computer and go on and look at their website yeah or I can copy it off I just didn't want to do the 27 Pages no I think we just looked look at it yeah yeah quick look at it okay it took a lot of work I don't well it just if you go into it you go into the um town of lunber town of lunberg mass.gov and it'll get bring up the whole thing and they have beautiful pictures of various aspects of the town but also you can go into each of the the offices do they show the houses that are in the district yeah well it does um the map in his office had a the historic register the federal historic register in red excuse me which was the center of the town and then he had an overlay which showed it in Black oh so so on the on the computer you can't see the red there's no red it's just you have to see it all as a a combination of both but it does extend out to a um and it does extend out towards um what would say I'd say North part of it and it extends down to way to the to the um East and West just I guess it's West anyways and then South down on Lancaster street yeah so the sign that we see that says historic district referring to that yes that's a national that's National yeah people have talked about because you can individually do that yourself yeah oh I didn't know that you can do that by I believe you can yeah I think so yeah yeah it's very stringent it is yeah well anyways um so I so that doesn't help us as far as um alerting whe to the things so they're they find the same issue that it's difficult to convey it to because they change well they do send out a letter periodically to all the people in the district of the architectural district and the historic register District notifying the people in there that it is their building is in there so I mean if you buy a piece of property there and 6 months later you get a letter from with the architectural preservation you say oh my gosh I didn't know what was yeah so we still don't have that we don't have any way to if I put my house on the market yeah there's no guarantee unless I happen to see the people coming in and tell them yeah we have no guarantee that the realtor will typically the the realtor doesn't want you there when they no but I'm saying if the realtor doesn't say it yeah I don't have any way to guarantee that the that new owners no no no when we bought our house they never breath the word until afterwards what year did you buy your house uh 95 oh oh yeah you so definitely yeah well my only concern is you know that first of all a realtor goes sells PE you know sells people houses and they're a fuci account really now you know um not like it was when I did Real Estate but um they it's it behooves them to be able to tell them that before they buy it I know they don't want to miss the sale but then they don't want to miss other sales and if a person finds out that they didn't disclose this information to them when they bought the house that's going to reflect on them badly and I think that's what we have to get across to the just just mention this the cars that are marked yeah if the realtor go to those to see anything particular those cars that are marked just they can tell potential own I don't see any reent and I did look up if it was on the records and it's not which what do mean records the records online oh we were wondering if the record not and no it's not oh I see you know because I know you can go online and it tells you what the house is what it's sold for what the taxes are and everything like that but there's nothing there that says but those are put on by the realator not by the town either is there a page in lunenberg that lists all the houses that are in their architectural District no just the just the map that I showed you and does that have the say 403 Main Street or whatever number it is um I didn't see it on I'll have to go back and look online I don't think that's listed online how to identify them by by a photograph well they have it blocked out they have little blocks of all the houses from a map yeah on a map oh okay but not an address no I didn't I didn't actually ask that question yeah you know I can I can attend one of their meetings and see that happens to be Tuesday night so I'm got to make sure we don't meet home at night um but I can go and attend one of the meetings and see he did say that they were working on it like I said Sending out letters to the people who are in those districts to let them know that they're in the your so be interesting just have a copy of that I'm sure they it's it's cou for a copy he didn't have it yet it's in progress so yeah but you know and this is their application and it's really simple I don't know what ours I saw ours so I is more simple yeah want page yeah this is just it's interesting they have certified a Butters list on this photo showing the current property conditions statement evaluating property's current state of preservation evaluation of property AR ual stats um my only understanding was they just deal with the building but then on the on the U 27 page I did briefly go through that and it did say something about stone walls which I thought was interesting because that's done F so yeah stone walls still kind of confused could be Scenic Road or maybe Scenic Road yeah well I didn't even think I don't think we are we s Road in Townson yeah we have S roads in Townson yeah I wonder if the stone walls are I wonder who's who's in charge of that I don't know if it's state 11 19 would be state so I would assume it be state but I know we do have have you seen anything in on writing about the scenic Road I haven't for a long time no no but I know there was somebody about three years ago somebody a new Resident on Adam's Road yes oh a bill bill um calian that's all I can yeah was he the one that very tall man no no no he was you know average height Square built but he was uh repairing a wall and the neighbors turned them in repairing it yeah well they fall down you have to well exactly but that that's up and and they will referred to us and I took the phone call and I said what you doing his stone wall you know this is not was he was he oh he was doing the stone wall he was repairing oh yeah yeah he nothing to do with his house yeah and then Kathy says oh no no we've got this Scenic Lo on this road was on the scenic load this is Adam's Adam's road yeah you didn't say sorry oh maybe you could look into that I don't think I don't I do I do know I just didn't I know there is a same I remember that when I was yeah but I don't know who's in charge of it you I don't know anything know law it's a by law okay but I it but it must fall under someone's it must fall under someone's domain domain to to like we with the houses and the properties yeah who do like way to measure uh the fence fence viewer yeah that's what it is would be offense yeah property line and also would say the person who does the driveways because you know when cut a new driveway in a new building you can only have one now so I hav't turn around yeah so I don't know who does that either anymore I mean I I just don't know because I haven't been here for 30 years so I don't know isn't it but board before they c a new driveway I know an Al cadra when because that's a two family house yeah they yeah they they had to come before a board for that second driveway all right okay so anything else that um yeah I will I will try to attend one of their meetings which one of the um Lister architectural preservation I'd like to go to that all right I'll let you know yeah I thought I I thought I C R times I maybe I just skipped over those but I'll I'll text you or I'll call you let you know I can't do it next Tuesday because I have to do my V thing next Tuesday so but maybe the after that now um did anybody see the agenda for the U special town meeting is that out yet uh I don't know it's the um 20th yeah yeah I know that the um School issue was the budget issue was that on to vote again for an override really I thought they couldn't do it I thought they had to do it within 90 days or something and I didn't think they could do it that soon I know when I was here they couldn't do it for another year but now it's like within 90 days okay well I'll have to look into that so I guess they're just not going to give up are they no they never have you know it's not enough that they spend $400 million dos on a new school but anyways that's not this meeting anyways um so so next meeting we're going to uh schedule Laura sheffron to come in and well we don't know because we don't know what they're doing right now with Mary James well that shouldn't affect Mary James no but if she comes back it still you won't you still you'll only have a full Board of seven then if an know and she come back that's six and then seven or leave 7th I think we should have least interview her and she might have some insight in how to get Realtors to inform people let's wait until we know the results of this and then we can CL maybe a few weeks though the date because I didn't I didn't spe I said take some time and riew it so and not going to so on the bottom of the agend if it tonight what's on the bottom of the agend if tonight the reappointment 3.3 oh 3 I didn't you see that reappointment request for HTC well we're not there why I don't know they're going to be talk that's on the agenda we won't know that we don't know that answer we're not there no have to wait for the you yeah okay well I didn't I didn't even see that yeah actually I would um I I took the time to do a list for them and I I asked respectfully that they take some time and review it and talk to some of the people so let's hope that they do do that because I did indicate to them that they do work for me un I should specify that that's not a full board that's not a full board what's not a full board well they Teresa's not there oh that was the extra one I had for Teresa well I'll just have to make sure I'll make I'll give her one I'll put it in her so is Teresa our contact or is Chaz our contact oh Teresa okay Chaz resigned is here knowing he resigned and not telling us okay a fire station hearing yeah I I did talk to Mary Jane about that she's going to oh yeah okay America B yeah yes okay all right why we need L on we're not we're not governing town it's part of the cooperations that they said that they wanted to deal with the people of the corporation they said cored that they want to work with us and make sure that um all right I didn't see that on the B be interesting to see so so you'll submit the um the corrected I'll submit the corrected minutes and um we'll vote on them next yeah yeah so does anybody do you want to set an agenda for next time and when we're going to have a next meeting oh it's not next Tuesday can we put it up yeah please should okay yeah I think we should wait until we have the results of this other meeting yes so we know where we're going yeah okay so what I don't want to leave Laura shephen in limbo though that's all right I can call her and talk to her and say because we're waiting to hear from the board that um we're going to delay it but we are going to interview her for the board okay all right is that all right with you yeah no I would just say we're we're waiting for the results of I'll contact tell we're waiting for themselves at the second SC well we res the my request yeah I'm going put you down as a chair person today in oh all right because I can't do minutes and do the at same time okay um discuss recruitment okay discuss reappointments we do that 10 joint meeting with like we did that okay the only thing is I didn't add is we did the discuss the minutes of approval Corrections yeah so they really shouldn't be and accepting anded received application from your [Music] doesn't come back on the board at the moment at the moment he said he doesn't want to because he told me he didn't care and I think that was fair he has a lot of information yeah he does and you know it's a shame that we're all we're all over 77 years old we are very well educated we have a lot of experience behind us you know and we have a lot of his with the town of Townson so um I don't think he wants the he didn't want the the position he want the chair chair yeah he didn't want that I think well we talked about that before we went to the slman meeting that he was not interested he was opening it up yeah yeah but and I didn't mention that I did mention that at the meetings that he was not interested I mean he was were talking about read instructing the the officers so okay um somebody want to make the motion I hope that we adj the meeting at was that 6 it's at quarter of seven okay 645 I second all in favor that was easy so some sad news um Jim laquer his wife has had a bad fall and yeah you can okay we're done meeting we jge yeah I heard the the ambulance because we're not talking about we're not talking about meeting Mission I don't have does anybody have a list of I I tried I tried to contact Chaz by email and I didn't have I didn't couldn't get through it blocked me and it also blocked me with u David David David um yeah yeah yeah so and like I said I didn't and I couldn't get through Sabrina I couldn't get through it was to schedule the room so luckily um Jessica did for me well that's the schedule for anyway yeah oh Sabrina does she I've never gone I've always done it right here well she's she said Sabrina is supposed to do it but Sabrina wasn't here because she's on only oh she's scheduling all the meetings she schedules the rooms the room Kathy schedules the meetings puts the posting of the meetings up and the minutes certifies the minutes but Sabrina has to schedule the rooms and I didn't know that okay so that's the one thing I did ask the to used to be all through the town I as that's how it was until the year so ago oh yeah we have I'm gonna go put this in Teresa's box because I have a c yeah I thank you ladies thank thank you