thank you okay I make a motion to um appoint Jerry oika temporary um interim chairperson I second thate I jul I Susan ey V for secretary then okay I make a motion to appoint Julia St as Secretary of the STW in I second that all in favor I unanimous okay okay on the agenda what do we have on the agenda do we have a copy of the agenda [Music] yeah I think exent okay discussion restructuring done that okay I'll share right here sh okay we have to set a time and a date with Teresa okay but but actually that should be done after we get some new members J yes that could be in the we are seven board six member seven seven remember yeah we only have four now we only have four I can't remember when we had seven so number eight no we did back back when the uh Seminary was on the number we're on seven what number are we on eight eight I thought we need on seven well did we did we ever set up the meeting I believe that they did at the Town parks office Kathy has got in touch with and they have not responded to her yet okay so Kathy will let us I did take the uh training today and so did did I miss it today no where was the training we just went into Mas Zoom did is it always gonna be a zoom or is there gonna be somebody yeah anybody anybody anybody any committee Town committee I okay we have we have where did you attend that on the computer down the um okay you computer I did yeah the library no was Mary James it was Mary James computer was I that's no big thing do home oh I know good to take a test though you have to take a test it's basically it's not like go over go over things sits there and talks and they get a lot of scenarios which is good but there is something that we're supposed to do that what he said today theel meeting it's exactly what he said you know you have to make sure you post the meetings you have to put sort of an agenda on you what you're going to be discussing at the meetings and then after the meeting any votes that you take any minutes that you have then go back on within a reasonable time on the computer or I assume and there are a couple more couple other questions and then and then you just submit it to the town correct certifi and you done and you did that well yeah Mary Jane did I didn't do it yeah because I'm just the new secretary right appointed yeah right sorry yeah so yeah and um and I didn't know that it went to Jin in the building inspector's office for minutes copy the minute so all right so oh I didn't know that either yeah so apparently it's either the town clerk or Janet Janet is supposed to be the one that gives it to the selectman yeah okay now I we're taking the r the J you know I can you know as a secretary have can make sure that like me get a c together that's not in the sh okay I think they don't have to get one for every it's only fire St that they right that they didn't get on yeah that's it because they were the applicant right bu station oh all right the applic gets notice I think they were saying no Mary Jane that they want to get a copy of everything to go to the board of Select put on not necessary Tom I'll clarify that when I meet with them then okay that's Tom Clark has them yeah and Janet has inm I don't know what Janet does with them buty has favor yes yeah so Janet needs to see the approved minutes that we've approved application application yeah but she needs to see that sooner than three months from now if we don't yes she sees it the next day yes the next day but she but but she also would like the minutes no she doesn't want the minutes no do with the minutes select them one our minutes okay they want a supposed minutes say on the on the town website yeah and I understand it can be three months from now yeah I'll just CLE clarifi that they just say that out loud I think he I think um yeah Joe shank had said that he wanted to see it the minutes but maybe I may be miss the the minutes aren I think he say that yeah I think he said that too so I'll just clarify it when I meet with him in two week the approved he wants to see the approved minutes and he understands it could be three months from now yes he didn't understand that that was not an issue no so what are you doing in two weeks from now I'm going upstairs and addressing the uh bo of Selectmen on behalf of ano and no j i my little speech out there in this town since almost when I was born it's very disturbing that it's hearsay oh yeah it could be something that someone it could be like the telephone game that's right you tell this and it comes by the time I hear it it's a little different and then it becomes personal it doesn't become factual and that's the problem that's very disturbing yes and that's not what this town is about and he wouldn't let anybody come back with them you I would have asked who well couldn't you couldn't speak I was told that I could not speak and that is unheard of um you always are able to talk I don't know where this new law came in that you can't speak in tell me they made it up they they don't I worked for the board of and so you can't just make up laws like that all right you just can't so I mean I will talk to them two weeks now you know because like I said I've lived in this town all my life Mary Jane and Mary James and her family has been here all her life you just do not do that to somebody who's really dedicated to the town to the town absolutely and to and to the historic part of the Town M absolutely y so anyways I am sorry Mary J and I've got that on the record as a citizen of this community I am sorry that happen to you and I you too all right so what else do we have on the agenda we have we have I have to make a meeting with Teresa so we do have to have a meeting with that part that so I is she going to contact you Mary Jan teres I know all right so now you guys have to get somebody get because Ross took my phone number to yeah being the email person well I'll go upstairs and give them my house you don't have emails email that's on my desktop okay not on my phone all my phone is only for text and talk okay so you are you going to um do you want me to call Teresa are you going to call Teresa Teresa alas on I think she's using email yeah would you mind doing that Madam chairperson did did she um did did she say she prefers email to do all this or telephone number I don't know I don't know I don't think she Teresa okay I'm sorry I'm sorry Teresa I don't have her phone number I'm just getting to know the I'm sure I can require be easier to do it by pH yeah okay and when I go upstairs I'll I'll just make sure that knows it you'll do the Le on okay she's the Le she's the Le that up in all right um so do we want to meet after I meet with the selectman in two weeks yes absolutely okay so I need to post a meeting trying to get it I thought it had a it was stated upstairs that that ano and and Mary Jan can reapply it stated they cannot re they can yeah no so why not reappoint them Claire I can't believe you ask that question that is so great because it's based on on um rumors yeah that's the problem so it would be the 30th okay that's there well no today what the 16th yeah okay so they meet every other week so it be the 30th expensive pencil and pencils so you you'll you'll you'll talk you have you'll speak to the Town Administrator to be make sure that you're on in the meeting theend on the agenda no is that 6 o' yeah usually unless they so should I go and see Janet tomorrow and see if there's anything pending no she is supposed to know Noy but she doesn't know now she I'll I'll give her a call tomorrow let her know all right and actually she can notify me if you want or okay she your number yeah she I think she has right so um are we gonna have a meeting after that July 30th I think we should okay I have to post the meeting now if I I don't remember if there's a time frame do I have only like five days to post 48 hours 48 hours okay but you know I would I'm post it I'm G post it as soon as I can yeah good idea just so that we I don't um you know it guess it's what around Labor Day that's another that affects us too yeah okay CH people speaking all right anything else I think that's there I Mo wej the meeting I second all in favor I meeting wonderful [Music] ba okay now because an started the meeting upstairs I have a question I have to put that as you open the meeting upstairs at the board of s this meeting do you remember what time it was yes I wrote it down GB I know okay was secretary so I have to ask that question was about 6:30 620 6 okay 6:20 pm. me and I'll put this on in the minut okay well you can call me or put it on send it to my email what I'll do is I'll type up an I'll you okay great don't forget to put in that Julia was appointed cuz she's going to be I was upstairs because I was accepting a package for Town Hall well they were taking it away they didn't know what to do with it I was waiting for that box and I I knew it was coming to Rob K knew he was too when he came downstairs oh he did okay so they didn't know they said they had a note leave it by the stairs well they didn't see any stairs and they didn't they didn't they didn't even know this was a town hall so I I that's what I was doing down here for a little while helping them sort that you were very quiet I never knew you were behind me until you said something I know I didn't hear you come in either for you I didn't hear you come in either well because an told me I came in a little 605 but um told me 610 so was a j