good evening I'm Carol hopsis chair of the open space and Recreation committee and I'd like to call the meeting to order so and can I take a roll call vote please Mar Jane Churchville present Veronica Cal pres James Gates present Jo salivan present and Carol Hoff is present um I want to announce that the meeting is being tape recorded and I have no additions or deletions and I'd like to see if we that's where we dance we can get up and set our Recreation I guess thank you did everybody have a chance to look at the minutes that I sent out and anybody have any comments of um May and um in June minutes I know it's been forever my only comment was the dates up in the title it says May 23rd 2023 and I believe it's 2022 if you read the minutes it was our organizational meeting was it let me see I have a minutes here panic no no need to panic it's it's just the date and what I have is okay it's the May May 18th 2023 which I believe is May 18 2022 because down in the minutes minutes are all right a motion to schedule meeting for Monday May 2nd 2022 at 7 with made by Carol H so it's just up in the top and it might even have been an auto correct thing I'm sure I was just looking I got the six well it could have been because I didn't change it on my why would I have it on I'll mark it down so it's 2022 instead of just up in the up in the top meeting minutes of May 18 2022 it's where we um nominated Carol the chair Emy the vice chair and all that oh that was the first meeting that organ first meeting and it was 2022 oh right but I thought the ones I sent out the minutes weren't from 2022 no they would have been from 202 three no the 2022 but I sent oh maybe I sent you the wrong I bet I sent the wrong M minutes oh I'm just showing you this this is what this is thetion did we it says meeting minutes of May 18 20123 but this was the original organizational meeting so I never changed the text the text is all oh maybe you didn't if it was meant to be the minutes of May 18th 2023 this is hi hi lady how are you okay let me see if I can oh I can't get never mind I can't get but but these are did I said that I could have said that I don't know what you said but what Veronica has is the minutes from 20122 uh which should have been approved for 2023 so I have to go and see what happened in my word I don't know what I did I did something wrong so you intended it not to be the May of 2022 meeting minutes the May of 202 mine says 2023 on my meeting minutes no say happened does it say that we not 2022 board the recreation so I put the wrong I didn't take the text out for 202 schedule the next one for 2022 I get it I don't know what I have change 2023 all right so we'll we'll we'll update that and then then the um minutes of May 18th so do we find anything wrong with the two and8 minutes I did I didn't those seem to find no those ones are fine okay so can I get a motion to approve those minutes yeah a motion to approve the minute meeting minutes for June 8 2023 second second okay and roll call Vote Yes James Gates yes Veronica K yes Mar chille yes I yes cares yes all right so do the a May minutes the next time all right sorry about that I'm glad you caught it I'm glad you caught it so now we can go to the um actual plan which I'm so excited first of all I want to thank everyone for their hard work putting this plan together because it's been a couple of years doing this doing the thing doing the thing thanking Jeff and mlpc for all the hard work and you talked to Jeff this afternoon and Steve wanted to say thank you because he enjoyed working with all of us so um does anyone have any questions comments before we approve the plan and we can go forward with it I gave you mine too already yeah and I'm just gonna fix that one thing I have one question so now that the plan is going to be approved what where does it go from here going to go to the state and then they have to approve it once the state approves it then you could apply for Grants so until the state state approves it we can't apply for Grants and it's the land use Department yes right I'm going to be sending this to Jessica consalvo because I've been working with Jessica a lot oh on on updating U we the last couple of days her and I have actually scrubbed the plan and we've gone through and you caught that one thing we didn't but there have been some edits there was some x's in there one of the tables is off on there was some a little bit of a tweak um there was no cross reference in here they referenced the ha the haard mitigation plan but there was no cross referencing so there's a new appendix with the tables cross referencing that we re named it 2024 because decided we now 24 so so they minor mostly minor um tweaks there wasn't a whole lot that's so weird um I guess I just printed the one that was on my last email it's 2023 okay so that's kind of weird yeah well because I just got it like yesterday oh that would be why never mind then don't worry about it I I actually just got it last night and I decided that it was it was so minor most of the corrections are minor yeah that I just didn't want to fill up everybody box and um um so what are you looking at for changes what so basically the only thing Veronica gave me a little uh one of these pages I know she B it up page 58 or something something like that put 58 could find it faster page 58 I think I think she changed but it's around there she just changed the date it was a date for uh I tabed down the corner I doed the corner okay uh next right there so it's going to be um at the time of their this incorporation in 2022 it should be in 2023 they conserved a total of 200 Acres is now conveyed to the north county Le trust so that's just that's I'll have that so I'll have Jeff fix that um but other than that um if we're happy with the plan we've been going back and forth on those just little minor tweaks here and there where we found things that tables were kind of messed up and some of the font and there was some questions of did we had the right dates he talking about I was getting confused with the mass of play between 2021 and 2022 and so I I wrote him a note and said I'm confused you know is this all correct and he did write me back and said yes the way he had written it was cuz I was getting confused between the two references but um so if we if we're happy and we want to go get this uh forwarded then this once it goes to the state from what I understand the state will review it and if they have any comments they'll send them back to us and then we'll have to update it but otherwise I'll take a motion to approve the 2024 town of towns in open space and Recreation plan make a motion go girl I I move that we um approve the 2024 open space and Recreation plan back it okay all right let's go James Gates yes maryan Church yes yes and Carol H yay champagne I should have brought champagne right shouldn't bake cookies except my my house is kitchen's being renovated and it's just that's all right oh yeah because I yeah it my son-in-law is doing it when his Workman can fit it in so it's not like they're working fulltime at my house thank you so I will I will I'll be talking to Jessica tomorrow or maybe they don't work on Fridays I forget um do they work on Fridays I used that they Clos not Autumn's there yeah but I okay so I'll talk to Monday so now does that dissolve thisit I don't know no because it there a oh so we don't dissolve until the state's approval well yeah because we have to accepted yeah to accept the board well I think from what I had talked to Jeff today it's already gone through the boards oh okay and because I talked to Jeff I said there was such minor changes I didn't want to be bothered going back to the board for such minor changes now these are really like typos they're not content no there's no content change so I since it's already been through the boards I just I'm going to have just I'll talk to Jessica in um Monday and I'll have her and Jeff's gonna give her all the contact information of where the plan goes and she'll we'll just I'll have just through that one change before goes to the state okay and then I'll talk to Jessica and U submit it submit it so could you see see us the final 2024 documents one that goes to the state yeah let me um have him fix that one correction and then I'll um just see page n nine or 10 I think it is on onl how long does that take to reviews I have no idea we're still I guess we still are you got the XXX yeah we did we did because that was one of the first things I found was the XX so that's all taken care of but and I guess sometime we'll have to approve those new B or something amended maybe when we come back yeah when we do that that will be fine but other than that I guess I'll thanks for hanging in there Carol because I don't know if we all would have oh believe me days were I'm sure but we'll be recording nice don't forget so I guess we could be unrecorded we have okay can I make no motion during the meeting I seconded uh 6:49 p.m. 649 thank you okay go George how do you vote oh yes I'm sorry I James Gates yes verica yes Mar Church yes yes Carol H yes Emy did you second James thank you