good evening everyone my name is Laura shiffman and I'm calling the meeting to order of the planning board for July 22nd 2024 at 6:32 PM I'd like a roll call vote please Carol H is present Lance mcnali present Andrew Shephard present Robert Dar present and Laff present would you all joining in pledge of aliance please the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands Nation indice also to thank all our veterans and all those currently serving and our First Responders if I could sing like Le Greenwood I would do a rendition but I can't oh Dr um Circle I'm just GNA introduce Patrick good evening Patrick and welcome for uh joining us we're thankful and we just thank you for your service um okay 1.5 uh we did get minutes for June 10th June 18th June 24th July 2nd and July 8th did you all have a chance to review them I did I'll entertain a motion do you want to do them all or do you want to do them separately I would abstain from the ones I wasn't present at um but otherwise I did read through them all okay and felt relatively comfortable you don't have to attend to approve by the way I'll approve I'd like to just approve them all all at the same time okay is there a second I all right any discussion additions delions Corrections heing none I'll take I don't have to do a roll call now because everybody's here okay you don't have to you just have to say I I all in favor say I I okay any opposed stains uh I abstain okay all right one exstension want to follow everybody else's ey and Patrick um I did me to go over in my additions so if someone is you're welcome to participate in the meetings um unless someone is absent which at which point then I can then appoint you as a voting member that's when you could vote but in a regular session that you're attending and participating in just can't vote okay unless somebody say and I will tell you that's coming up so um all right and we got the vat everybody said I right that you have that 1.6 administrative report if we can get that in before the 6:45 oh we have a 6:35 I'm sorry I'm sorry 6:35 and so it is um Sally Thurber so I'll staying and then I'll be back for the next appointment does he have to leave the room no yes yeah be it's cleaner if he leaves alone okay Sally do you wna approach upate pardon do you want to give us an update so um yeah we a year and a half ago we um contracted with a engineer to do the site plan and uh there was quite a few mistakes on it uh I won't go into it but it was a mess so um I went and got another engineer um to do it and that contract started think the end of April and um that was to do the front the vestibule the ADA Compliant ramp stairs and um the sidewalk in front so uh but to do all that he wanted to do the back too and then it I guess there was a lot of mistakes everywhere so he's doing the whole thing all over again and uh a couple of days ago he gave me um a finished date of eight weeks from now so that means we won't have the plan in hand until probably maybe September sometime okay so so we can't do anything until then okay um um well we can't so the extension or the permit itself that was originally granted after a back and forth um expired June 30th so is this your third engineer now no second Dillis was always your first engineer he was the first engineer okay oh you all right you had started before that though she submitted her own plan initially and then we asked for the engineer t Okay pleasure of the board um well I'm very this is there were so many things that we had reviewed in first Engineers PL which generated more questions and then there was changes to the building that the first engineer was supposed to address and there were documents from the state highway for approval that we have still yet to receive so in that perspective and the extensions that have been provided um I think it may be worth considering reapplying for a whole new permit again um because a what's happened at the building um is different than what was originally reviewed by this board and I'm not even sure that the building Department's aware of the changes from when it was originally applied for so the whole thing is I mean how do we know that this does this how do we know that everything was communicated to the previous end of the year is now the new engineer is aware of and you know there were a lot of issues and it took a long time to resolve and we were down to the final approval of what was um work through and they you know there was a pro progression of engineer drawings that Sally provided responding to all the things we were concerned about and we had I thought given a approval on that s plan subject to certain items and one of them was updating that front area the other one was for the confirmation from the state right and so it's really perplexing to know why there was a need to change in engineering now when we were almost there and there only those two items were remaining may I speak to that I'm Sally's um office manager and I've been helping her with that I actually got a call from Mass do a few weeks ago and informing me that Dillis had not touched any of the questions on the plan they had told us we were going to have our permit in December but it shows on record that they had stopped working on it they had just never followed through with it um the do email uh said that they would wave one of the questions which was moving the driveway they've done their look through and the driveway is fine where that is I've been in contact with Bob garide about the vestule he was ready to sign off the permit on that but we don't have it on the plan um that was originally Dillis was supposed to do that originally and he forgot um the new engineer Dillis won't help us he won't help us um we found out he has been I probably shouldn't say there are issues we're not going to deal with him anymore he's extra billing things he's not doing that he said we're done but the do confirmed none of it has been done issues with the engineer plan Consulting issues right um so now if now I think we have a new engineer yes have to be provided with his stamp on it um so that we have an opportunity to review it I would encourage with your new engineer that you completely tell him comprehensively everything that this board has requested so that we don't have to exhaust ourselves again he has all the original documentation with all the notes and things like that it took us a little bit to talk to him too because he was Leary of switching in the middle of a project so we had to explain to him I don't want to says it does not matter but what does matter is uh um by changing engineering all the documents that have previously been submitted are not going to be appropriate now so you you submitted a document on July 10th dated July 9th and named your engineer so did he wait until today to tell you that it's going to be eight weeks or did he tell you start looking over the plans and they were trying to work with Dillis to get the cad drawings over um but Dillis is refusing to release the cad drawings too um so he now has to start from scratch and when he was going through they had already come out and they've done a ton all the surveying and things and while they were running their numbers they found several issues that won't work that Dillis had put on his site plan so it's going to take him longer to cor the site plan so um I'm trying to understand this so are there issues with the plan or there issues to the execution of the plan well on our part it was the execution because things appeared that weren't on the plan that we had approved so just to give a quick summary uh this started with the preliminary scheding we said we needed Prof so and it's also a product of a building department that didn't have the documents they needed or whatever and the work was started without anything being approved but did the planning board approve uh no the planning board never approved anything we reviewed several submissions and each one we had different standards or requirements that had to be met based on the circumstances so at the last presentation uh we were okay I'm going to stop you right there I'm sorry we're at 6:45 which is a continuation of a public hearing and so your appointment now is over that time but we would like you to come back and speak with us if you can wait okay okay I have to physically at 6:45 do the continuation okay um you're next be comfortable you know what I wouldn't sit there because Andrew is going to come there you can sit over here if you want how's that let me get Andrew and thank you for keeping my schedule get hung up on all this stuff like to call the continuation of the public hearing for 108 pitchburg Road on July 22nd 2024 at 6:45 PM age restricted development site plan review special permits storm water management permit so what we're going to do now is um have the applicant uh give us your updates um I understand from Beth that you did submit some updates on the a revised plan and all that so would you please present that to us now so um Mr starter took a personal day today uh the emails came through midday to ask for some printed copies um I never got a chance to get over there and do that so I believe that this was going to be continued anyways today yeah so I'll have all the print copies in Beth's office this week but um Mr the revisions for the storm water he was under understanding it goes back to Beth and not to to the engineer to the third party he sent it to you okay that's the way he did it or it was done to him so that's why he figured okay so they have it they're G to review the storm water um peer review peer review yeah they're GNA do the storm water part of it um in the r Beth can you put that up on on the screen or do you want do you guys want to talk about that stuff that he well are you planning to continue I think we're all we have to because of peer review yeah so that the he's just informing the board okay the peer review documents have already gone to them and so for the next meeting we'll continue it again yeah but just an update there's just an update we did some um a couple of things that were asked of last meeting the the dumpster walk over to it um the mailbox a screen sharing would you like the um response letter to is that what you're looking we can go in depth with it or or just touch you know we just did a couple things and we're waiting for peer review um there was a couple calculations that had to be done um from what I understand those were all sent to them so they'll probably get back to us at the end of next weekish I'm assuming peer review and then we can just hit it all with one last meeting but if you see if you see if there was any other questions that come up between last meeting and this meeting um I'm glad to take care to take those on any updates on the pool so um one mistake is I thought Rick Mecha had said to talk to Carla downstairs it's carara so I was chasing the wrong person um Cara Cara is the pool inspector for M Board of Health I thought it was Carla when I saw the email well Cara is new Cara's new and Carla was like you're not you're not supposed to be looking towards me like someone else and then I read it again I'm like oh so um Wednesday afternoon is a tentative planned for her to walk through it with me to see if we can do some Republic or just keep it to one of the units okay um that should be Wednesday afternoon try to hat time but my mistake on that part of it it was last week I was like tells me to contact you yeah um got time anyway but [Music] who wants to screen share yeah uh Beth I see if uh hold on she's not logged in she's logging in log in first oh can you do this the meeting it's take a few minutes to log in yeah I have to actually log meeting any updates on the legal part of on condo docks yeah um you're gonna be one or two or I think it' be one I haven't moved forward with a lot of a couple of things because I want to see if this is going to get approved like the architectural drawings those will be all Cod compliant for for the age restricted with a zero curve entry and stuff like that but don't go forward with the architect ual plans until we know that we're same with um board health and Rick meaf we're not submitting the right um Disposal system until we know we're moving forward um but those will be all in each department those will all be approved and the cosos will be signed off at that point and we'll apply the a restricted bylaw to those each departments did you communicate with the AR um the concern about the elevation that I percentage those I believe they're on the okay the engineer though right well both of them have to coordinate that correct I think the engineering side of it is is what the planning board has jurisdiction on then the building department will take over on the noep entry okay okay that that's you should be able to yes I see it thank you okay okay s so out a little bit I think he drew a a walkway over to the dumster in the front of the house we a to that the trees along pbgh Road are going to be removed they're not be planted they removed it's down a little further yeah so the mail bar on the left side of the left driveway we have a mailbox uh Community mailbox um drawn in there the dumpster Pathway to it again I'll have all these printed next couple days drop off the B you guys can look at them just wasn't happening today and then U Mr star care of all the comments from each department for okay I think that I have those printed for you any other questions on that have had arised I only presented that discussion and knowing it's under the building department but many instances the uh the site Consultants from aware of the code requirements for different parts of the building yeah so I'm saying that to alert you ahead of times there won't be any problem I think we are aware of that we're trying we talked about last and originally we talked about when we set the gra The Architects know how to take that up so yeah yeah okay thank you I don't see it to be a big issue at all because we can step up into the garage it's it's the main walkway to get zero I think people are still confused what the question is there but the the standing for the building code has nothing to do with age standards is that the garage slab has to be 6 Ines below any occupied living space so that's the general code for say and then when I looked at the site plan the elev um that were recorded on the site plan for the house yeah um indicated that that would have surfaced as a problem so okay that's why somebody has to look at that okay and that's that's for gas fumes right it's for yes for gas fumes yeah yeah prevent the house from going boom just a garage answer questions of the applicant that have there been any other updates to referrals or anything the [Music] department week to turn response so August 12th would be the next August August 12th at 645 so I'll ask for a motion to continue the public hearing I move that we continue the public hearing for 108 Fitchburg road to August the 22nd at 6 12 August the 12 at 6:45 p.m. there second okay and Andrew seconded all those in favor any opposed we're good unanimous thank you very much I'll have that stuff this week you hi and okay so also in the intern we've had well the building isure left the original when this all started and then there's probably be been two interns before Bob or including Bob I think we're in like our fourth one since uh the beginning of this one question what is the is the is the building current ly serving animals yes okay yeah she opened before she had a permit or anything it's it's been in operation and I mean if you go back through the records it's a long story I I well I know that it originally had started right when I was on the board I think oh really yeah yeah yeah because I just saw Ian was on the um it goes back that's not important there was an approval okay it was April 10th 23 no you would maybe it was for something else that was yeah okay it was a different board though I mean there were other members of the board okay so I was I was just trying to understand if there was a site plan A plan where were the issues found were the issues not identified originally by the planning board or why why are there issues why are there issues the original site plan was approved by you people okay but it didn't include and then we added a vestule which I thought was allowed with the original uh building permit Y and I found out the hard way that it's not so um uh I Dillis was or somebody somebody Dillis was asked to put it on the plan and uh I think he did he did a it was uh it was all messed up well it was a mess an absolute mess and the do um I had paid a fee to Dillis because they wanted to deal with do think three times and I know that the do permit isn't very expensive but it it ran into thousands from Dillis and we never got the DOT permit so um and then Dillis wanted more money bringing it up over $20,000 and I said wait a minute if we did uh what was on the plan that he drew there would be a lot of mistakes and you guys would be going crazy so um I got a new engineer got an estimate from them they were very professional and they've been working on it since but they're they they're kind of straight out apparently with a lot of jobs um the plan were we did approve we did approve a plan yeah subject to certain requirements one of them was a release from the state mhm which which we wanted in writing okay from do so she's correct we did approve a plan but the plan we approved had the handicap access the way where she decided to put a waiting room or a vesu or a Lobby so now that handy cap parcking and the ramps cannot be delivered to what is there what I'm what I'm trying to understand very if someone could make it very briefly what are the current issues are the issues vestibule are the issues do approval and those two things pardon you don't have to go any further just those two things those two things those are the only two things that are of issue but those two things integrate with a lot of elements of the plan and very well discussed at the planning board meeting okay we did a lot of discussion on the entrance and the incoming of the ramp for the handicap accessible so if we could find the meeting dates for that there was a lot of discussion on that there was no Vesti there was no front building on the plant there was no discussion of a front building on the plant so is there a VES there now yes half Bill okay 10 by 10 feet well within the setb that's all been worked out to do with the setb I understand I understand I'm just trying to understand um so where we are in terms of the Deltas between the plan that was originally submitted right and what the issues are had not the addition been put on then that plan would have been approved awaiting a document in the dep Transportation right so the owner elected to change that wasn't an oversight in the planning board meeting corre correct correct so what does it mean and I don't know if you can help me with this but what does it mean in terms of going forward with an extension to I imagine have the new Engineers update the plans and present them to the board in that time frame versus starting the process all over I think as far as this board goes it it doesn't matter as long as we have a plan that's we can agree with and is serviceable and meets all the requirements okay so whether she wants to change Consultants or not um however this hearing is about an extension on this an extension in time correct not a building extension but it's an extension on a different site plan now right I I I understand that I'm just saying that you know it seemed to me that unless it was I mean to make the applicant what's the effort if they have to start from scratch versus just doing an extension that's I'm trying to understand that the guy's starting from scratch he's not starting he's he's measuring to make sure everything is okay that's from scratch well he said he wanted do that well I would if I was stamping a drawing too I'd want my own information so I don't have a problem I don't either have but what does it mean to the to to the to Sally in terms of she's requ asking for an8 we extension as opposed to no we're not going to give you an eight-week extension um we're just going to start starting all over again yeah is that going to take another two years I don't know is that the your point I just you told me at the last meeting I was never going to get this project done and here we are two years on only because you changed the project no I didn't okay stop it did ask for a modification of this special permit that's what you asked for and she's asking to extend that special permit and then when she comes back with a complete design she will file that application for modification of a special application process it's a minor it's a minor thing I just want an extension because the engineer can't do it in a two- week period he wants two months that's understandable that is that is yeah that's fine okay and did Beth characterize the situation correctly I couldn't hear her could you could you say what you said when you when you finish with the new revised site plan you'll file it with a modification to a special permit which you already have which where hopefully the board will extend right now so they extend what you have we're building on what you you know provided and then when you have the new one you just bu a modification and everything say so that would be an extension well no the extension is a special permit that you currently have but so we have to we have to vote on the one that's expired to extend that exactly yeah a little secur this but it's it makes sense to do that can we can we just do it as efficiently as possible because this is an unsightly looking dump right at the beginning of the Town agreed and I I just it's not good for the town yeah I'm Town look bad is yeah but we didn't do it I didn't do it yes you did when you put on that wasn't on this has been dragged out for two years now nobody everybody gives me wrong information I do what you asked me to do and then you say no we got do not come here the way you but let's not rehat this whole thing what are the dates in September that I have to L my minute yeah okay so so eight weeks if he gets it done just to to look put it out there would be midt because he called us Friday and said that this is uh one two three fourth Monday the fourth Monday in September yeah I just wanted you to be aware I'm just scared so it's all of August yeah four weeks eight eight weeks and all we have to do in that time nine weeks from now is get the final plan brought to you in that time frame to for review yes for review and then what well if everything's satisfied and we feel confident it is then you get approved okay so do we have an extension until the end of September I you have an extension until the next meeting and then you can decide the board will decide with what you present so that's September 23rd wait excuse me she's just told us she can't have anything to show us for eight weeks that's nine weeks from now so um from my perspective what has to be happening there is the new cons consult has to coordinate what's built there now first and identify all the elements about that and then come up with a satisfactory handicap access to that area and integrate that with what else was salvageable from the earlier plan so I'm questioning whether eight weeks would even be enough what is the pleasure of the board I would to go longer than eight weeks because I kind of agree with you that I think it's gonna take well it's pointless to have hearings and just keep extending them and extending them but I m chairman I think you're correct the current one has expired so we have to I think our only option is to get an extension as far as I see to when um well if she thinks she can do it in 8 weeks and that's fine I'm not doing it it's the engineer so I I can't speak do you need more time I would like more we I just W to we can do October 7 avoid all of this we do to I mean we're not here to be obstructive we just have to job would 10 weeks be good for you guys I'm more comfortable with that I'm just nervous or he said eight weeks and then if he finds something else 10 if we if we go 10 weeks they can certainly come in earlier correct of course I would think so yes I I tried to pin him down but you know why don't we make that more manageable okay so we'll give I would suggest or make a mo a motion that we give her an extension for 10 weeks she has the option if the um if she has to completed stuff or she wants an earlier review she will be entitled to it at an earlier time sounds good okay I I will second that motion thank you what are the dates in October make sense to have some sort of interm update like is the engineer going to need his 10 commitment tell he said he would he would do it in eight weeks um but I mean four weeks in we realize it's going to take 12 weeks or 16 weeks oh God I wish I knew so I wish I could I wish I could it would be it would be helpful that within the tech 10 week period he does come up with primary thing so that when we have the 10 exp expiration date everything has already been resolved and reviewed it would just be get to 10 weeks and then I need I need six more I need more weeks I know yeah I just I'm just going to maybe I'm very naive but you know being an engineer um I would say that if I give a customer a date then I had better meet that date because if I consistently don't I will get a very bad rep tion and not be in business any longer so because I can understand how you guys can't can't make a decision on whether it's going to be six weeks as reasonable or 20 weeks I mean that's not your expertise relying upon the expertise of an engineer generally when people say they're gonna have a delivery date in their mind if they're a good business person they're going to deliver early they're not not going to deliver late or certainly you're going to know that's how I built my business um yeah um makes sense yep so 10 weeks is September 30th we are not meeting so 11 weeks is October 7th well that's good with that and if you get it done earlier then we can do it earlier yes I hope so okay because I know that you want to get it done I want I can't do another winter in that mud hole Yeah public appointment but just need to make a decision on the request for okay so I entertain a motion that includes an extension of the existing special permit to October 7th I'll motion I make a motion that we extend the special permit until October the 7th when we meet second any forther discussion all those in favor say I I okay so we extended your special permit to October 7th and you can let be know if you get the plans earlier I we can accommodate earlier we will we're working on it okay okay thank you very much I have to call Andrew yeah please Andrew is that we'll do your administrative report please okay as soon as he's back okay he's back so 1.6 administrative report for applications and anticipa applications 27 SC Lane the request for certificate completion St water is still pending um the owner has updated that his engineer will be supplying the as built of the St water management system next week so I think the board can expect to be able to act on that be 12 meeting Main Street is all done um 10 PB road is all done so don't have to you Department introdu departmental approvals building permit applications that were reviewed and approved um 35 Wallace Hill road6 Parker Hill Road 26 turn road for a garage and 101 Highland Street for a pool site visits and compliance 9800 West me Road owner has been advised that storm water management permit is required and we have word that the engineer is um working on it 108 110 and 112 West me Road the board did Grant the storm water permit uh everything's issued the decision was sent uh what we're waiting for now is the proof reporting and finalized right of Entry agreement from the owners of 108 West Mead road so I'm keeping that eye out those 27 Mason Road some of you were not on the board at the time that this special permit was issued it is a dog boarding business and the planning board issued a special permit a site plan review special permit and the zba also issued a use special permit um and both of those special permits came with some conditions that we're just following up on so we should expect a letter was sent to the owner with just a request to follow up on those conditions of approval there were also board of health conditions of approval that one so we're reaching out for all the departments on that Master Plan the oh this uh for implementation for the board a planning assistant Grant application has been submitted to the U executive office of energy and environmental Affairs to fund a review of towns in site plan review special permit bylaw um I'm just going to read a little bit so the board knows uh the ongoing project between mrpc and the town of town in to develop zoning to comply with the NBTA communities act reveal section of the zoning bylaw that we fear prudes development of a compliant bylaw T and Zoning contains unique Element Section 14542 the site plan review special permit site plan review is defined as a special permit in town and SP law this means that any land uses or development projects even those designated by right under the town's use regulations become subject to a discretionary special permit if they meet a broad set of triggers many of which would set off would be set off by residential development under the NBTA communties act there's no true site plan approval process in town one in which the applicant can expect an approval with conditions as long as the project meets the requirements of the zoning in town in order to comply with the ACT this section must be realized so that's the reasoning behind it I think many of you remember when oil from mrpc came and talk to you about that so hopefully we'll get that Grant um and the master plan implementation table will be updated and discussed in planning board meetings uh the mvmp plan I did go through it um and I updated the areas where the board has contributed to their responsible um activities and I a copy on the table you can go do that if you want have more ideas that the planning board member SharePoint resource folder has been published and this is basically been developed to serve as a resource Library it includes information for new members and updates for veteran members and self-paced learning opportunities BTA community's law zoning compliance Town Council has a copy of the most recent draft MBTA multif family over overlay District bylaw and did return a few comments these comments are in your folders land use is preparing to submit to the executive office of Housing and liable communities once the final overlay district is agreed upon we're waiting for NPC review and recommend recommended revision of District three requested that they reanalyzed that and um they're going to give a recommendation regarding the value of that District to the trans possibility for town over District the planning board is meeting with select board mrpc and Town Council on August 12th to discuss and finalize the N over latest and complete the timeline then is all services demand On Demand only and we're happy to say that Patrick is joining us today as associate members board to thank board vacation next dat I will be um on vacation from July 29th to August so my I'll be back the day that we need but I will be handing handling administrative duties for for that meeting so you're not I will be that so on that date the 12th we have a joint meeting yes I have to verify that because from what I understand I've heard understand CH will be in attendance I know Town Council is confirmed I don't know about the other two members of the select board yet so if they are attending we'll make it a joint if not it'll be Chaz and um Town Council and mrpc so we'll have everybody all the and is Adam still the Town Council he is okay and he will kind on the uh bylaw okay okay and as far as training update I'm making a foundations of emergency management class in August um I have the dates of August there full days August 20th to the 22nd and again the following week August 27 28 we'll be monitoring office d mjtc did announce route two Corridor study is open for public comment period is open until July 25th okay so next agenda is work session do you have any updates uh well I guess you already told us um what we're going to be doing on the NBTA communities on the bylaw oh yeah I gu and um hmp and MVP and master plan cing board infation progress is Jessica she's not tow what I print I did print it out for you the table but it it's very small print oh the phm the hazard mitigation plan table Yeah CU I'm doing that Thursday went to the status update and I just wrote in all the things that I could remember the plan board has done um over the past few years towards those goals quite a bit in there made a lot of progress actually it's very hard to read sorry I should still read it I read I could read it yeah you can riew that and send me Rie this and send in your feedback and two is here as well note on that one um oh yeah so we have until Thursday to reply with any feedback that we have um did everybody get this email for okay so you can just do the survey1 ethics State eics commission pre conflict of interest law Thursday July 25th and Thursday September September 26 are we all do for that now or you you send us a notice when we're do right um everybody is up to date on conflict of interest law but this is ethics training just if you want to have a refresher there probably a question and answer okay if that's something you want to do or haven't done yet might want I did the online training okay you do it online your own time oh yeah yeah very good uh citizen planner training collaborative there's a number of self-paced learning classes okay and then the towns and mass online code searching tools okay planning board number resource Library that's online now okay is there any other correspondents two or three some notices I I read online my phone if I need I think there was like two or three from one was from Bron ah there we go all right uh town of peppol board of appeals notice of decision to a Stefan kakaria for a special permit to allow a home occupation for an office for a nurse staffing agency located at 46 Main Street peppol Mass cessor map 23 parcel 82-0 owned by stepen Stefan kria decision is on file with the town clerk notice uh notice to applicant having received certification from town clerk it shall be the responsibility to record this there's the decision that's the decision I couldn't find the decision when I read it I don't see a clear decision on here I don't see a decision on that so we'll go to the next one uh town of feil board of appeals to um charna soer uh oh you know okay so this say granted a special permit to allow a home occupation for the purpose of one-on-one physical training property located 68 Brookline Street peol mass as shown on tax map 9 parcel 48 Lot 12 in the town resident District owned by charina schert the decision of the zoning board of appeals is on file with the papers of this matter at the town clerk town of Bron zoning board of appeals notice of decision a comprehensive permit appc ation the zoning board of appeals cow Pon Brook Road Heritage Landing notice is hereby given that the gron zoning board of appeals has voted to approve with conditions a comprehensive permit pursuant to master law c40b and the code of the town of Bron chapter 338 to applicant Defcon 1 LLC 290 Broadway Road in trit landowner con one property is cow cow Pon Brook Road so there you go another one count of gr public hearing nonce notice Monarch path definitive plan modification public hearing will be held Thursday July 25th 2024 at 7M at the Town Hall to consider a request submitted submitted by ibraim Mahal to modify the definitive plan for Monarch path subdivision the applicant seeks to modify the storm water management system and drainage easements in the subdivision as shown on the plan entitled easement plan Noble Path gron Massachusetts prepared by TF Moren Inc dated July 2nd 2024 copies and information is available at the Town Hall okay so I would just um recommend to if you would like to review some of the planning board meetings where we made the decision on 22 Main Street um I Rely heavily on Robert because he's an engineer and you're an engineer and I know that he scrutinized the plans and we've all had experience with the previous Engineers of the plan we were looking at and uh I have the highest respect for them you know so I just think that you should view the meetings and see that we did our due diligence oh I'm sure you did your due diligence some of what was stated is not correct the problem here as an overview this was a building that was a residence single change of use change of use for a n Veterinary Hospital modifications to do that codewise are pretty serious and then the site limitations were very serious this the one next to my yeah and then septic and the storm water drainage and then the proximity to other driveways on Route 119 and then that previous engineer had a really challenging project I could see where he did everything he could do to accommodate this program and so we finally got it down and it all seemed to work okay with the exception I was a little reservation about the state highway approving that driveway with the exception of that it was approved she went did her own thing right where the handicap W was supposed to be yeah I understand I understand everything is so critical on that that site it's just I knew it wasn't going to work so I'm I don't know what this guy's going to be able to do I think it's important to really strongly communicate it to the applicant that do not okay you know that you know you push on one thing and then you screw up five other things so that it's got to be done to plan I think we did I coached her recomendations suggestions so how this could be done yeah at no charge um okay so I did have an addition here it 3.3 actually it's an addition I just missed it and do apologize but um Adam prepared a right of Entry template um would this have to be like what we just did for uh West Meadow yes okay yeah all right so this is yeah for the storm water observance if something is wrong right it's a right of Entry agement the storm water management system owner has to grant that right to pass if you will in the event that the stor water management system fails um it allows the town the ability to go and either fix the system or you know make the adjustments necessary in the event that it's impacted in a public way and it's failed so it's like in these all these different circumstances have to align but it still has to be granted um legally so that's the document that Town Council Drew up for you and I would add that to the application to give to the applicant so they know exactly what they need to do to comp so just a little background to that when we had this come up um where they were now not the owners the applicant the original applicant was now not the owners of the two properties if you remember right um they had come up with an agreement between them and then with the town well it was modified a little bit and we approved that but we a we asked Town Council to set up a template like this so that um those if we ever got into the situation again they would not be hand handwriting basically what it was but making up their you have templ to and this is what's written and approved by him so as that said it can be handed out to somebody should something like that happen so well wouldn't it be handed out when someone applies for a storm water permit so it's going to be done ahead of time so that if there is a need for right exactly part of the package every every day we get a different situation that brings up something else that we need you know so so I'll entertain a motion to approve the right of Entry uh template that our attorney has drafted to include in the storm water application so is there a second second any further discussion very none all in favor I any opposed unanimous and um thank Adam for that and I'm I'm sorry I didn't follow my agenda okay okay so our next meeting are August 12th and August 26 and just a heads up I will not be here August 26 so before that Carol is my vice chair we going to have the 266 and I'm going to give you the paperwork so that you'll be able to appoint um Patrick oh okay okay thank you you're welcome we'll entertain a motion to adjourn at 7:36 PM there second I'll second okay all those in favor say I we're adjourned