good evening everyone my name is Laura schian and I'm chairman of the planning board and I call this meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. on Monday April 29th 2024 would you please stand with me for United States of America the stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all everyone I wish to thank our veterans as well as our currently serving military and First Responders and we just like to say we'd like to have everybody stay safe because it has not been fun lately um like a roll call please car HS is present Andrew Shephard present Robert Darion present and Laura shman present okay hearing all right the meeting is being recorded it's also live and you will be able to see it on YouTube um in a few days I have no additions or deletions except that I received a message from Beth who's on vacation um and the planning board rules and reg fee schedule um has been submitted to the clerk and update something about a code update and are now on the website so that seems to be accomplished okay so that was in addition to what we had on the agenda and then 1.5 uh doesn't seem to be any minutes um I don't have copies here they were not in our portal so I'm going to say Beth just ran out of time before she left and uh actually would like to move I can't move to May 6 so can I have a motion to move that to May 20th meeting so moved oh I okay any discussion hearing none have a roll call vote car hops yes robing yes and shord yes yes thank you very much wow so we have a few minutes i' like to use that time wisely okay so how about if we go to um under correspondence you I'll just tell you that 4.1 uh is the zoning board of appeals notice decision on three-wheeler road and it is in your portals so it was granted it was granted there were two motions for granting so that seems to be closed at this point um just a provision that they uh report before January 1st January 31st of each year okay so that was good um 4.2 is the MBT Community compliance and um this is also in the portal but also the um the full description I think it's like eight pages but just briefly what um mrpc oh actually what's on there is is what nrpc is working on for us which happens to be the drafting of the bylaw language uh public Outreach uh creation and printing of deliverable um selection process for communities but not limited to what they're working on but also um the accessory uh apartment bylaw language 14536 um they're going to make sure that what we did was correct I think we went with what they did anyway there's a lot of um Parts if you will to that um ndta compliance it's in the portal oh it is yeah okay any one of these things that they've already done is already in the portal and their full description of everything that they're doing is in the portal that was one and two three and is um the remote participation policy which I also printed off myself I don't know if you guys have read it I read it I I I guess I thought that was the policy all along I guess it just means that you have to have it you had a choice of not having it before I don't know because well supposedly it was extended Oh I thought it was extended to March of 25 for the state well so I I think this is something that the board of Selectmen put into effect like in writing on behalf of the town right versus what they had before I don't think it's I didn't think the policy was any different than what we were already following well the policy was created because of the co thing the begins my my only comments are um not just in this board with the other board a lot of of the board members are present remotely and theyve been instances where they've distracted doing something else and we have to appeal to them then there were other instances if they had been here present they could have signed the documents or seen the documents physically yeah um and so in that regard I would discourage it to extreme circumstances or something I my opinion you know I I understand what you I mean we all make an effort to be here as much as we can yeah I actually had to do a Voice vote and and a roll call that we're all here so I we have to do that tonight right we all in person so I I think that should be looked at again and refined so that it's just not going to be that way forever you know otherwise we all could stay home and just do remote hearing think you have one person here unless weather or something like that well I see my preferences in person anyways but unless it's like weatherwise or healthwise I mean somebody true said I have a cold I don't want to give every cold that's but not having it repeatedly you know have the same member consistently use that format no I understand there are home distractions right okay so before we get to the hearing uh 4.4 Andrew would you handle 4.5 the notices 4 oh got you got you four got it legal notice m is four yeah the our legal notice or do you want to read the correspondence notices from other towns oh this is you may read that that's one of the four that you're going to read gotcha and it's from towns and it's for next Monday night gotcha all right I for tonight so sure um Office of the planning board of Townsen legal notice um this is for legally do I have to read the whole thing or can I summarize this one for next week just you can some right we don't have to do person do the make sure you do the address then uh towns and planning board will hold a public hearing on Monday May 6 2024 at 6:45 p.m. in the selecton chamber Memorial Hall 272 Main Street and on Zoom to see if the town will vote to amend the towns and zoning bylaws to change the zoning of the property depicted on accessors map 6 block 11 lot 0er and having an address of 39 Greenville Road and the adjacent property depicted on the assessor map 5 block 12 lot 0er and having the address of Greenville Road owned by adsd realy LLC from the industrial to residential or take any other action in relation there to uh additional information is available for review at the offices of the planning board in town clerk right so we're holding the public hearing but it's the efforts of the board of selectman remember he was here at the last meeting he was here no it might have been one before but okay correspond town of Ashby uh their planning board a legal notice of public hearing for zoning Amendment this was a public hearing that was on March 277th at 7:30 pm um they wanted to amend section three of their zoning bylaws and insert new definitions for light industrial use and heavy industrial use and also delete um existing Section 8 and insert new Section 8 pertaining to light industrial districts including purpose section permitted uses special permits and performance standards for the use in the light industrial district Ashby Ashby and when is that that was in March oh it was in March Yeah March 27 not decision it was the public hearing yeah notice a public hearing okay so then we have another one town of Ashby this one's from the planning board legal notice of public hearing for zoning Amendment see public hearing will be on Wednesday May 1st at 7:15 public hearing starts at 7:15 for marijuana establishment the proposed zoning Amendment will amend section 8.2.5 marijuana establishments to allow more than one marijuana establishment public hearing at 7:30 home occupation the proposed zoning Amendment will delete sections 5.1.2 and 6.1.5 and add a definition of home occupation and a new section 4.1.3 regulating home occupations for size Vehicles allowed number of customers among other particulars some uses will be allowed by special permit this is the town of Shirley planning board they will conduct a public hearing at 6 pm on Wednesday June 5th it'll be at the town office building the applicant was application was submitted by conad LLC 182 Great Road Shirley request a public hearing for a site plan review the parcel is located at 182 through 188 Great Road in the north Shirley Village District more information available at the town CL okay thank you there's one final one okay also town of Shirley Shirley planning board will conduct a public hearing at 6 pm on Wednesday May 15 at the town office building application submitted by S abidar 52 Air Road in Shirley for a site plan review um or a proposed coffee shop parcel is located at 52 Air Road in the Shirley Village business district more information at town okay thank you um now we are at almost we're Clos at 644 I have 15 seconds three people totr okay 2.1 6:45 p.m. I'm going to open the public hearing for 108-112 West Meadow Road major storm waterer management permit application today April 29th 2024 I'd like to have the board members introduce themselves Carol hops is present Andrew Shephard Robert Daran Pres Laur Sher present um there's a sign in sheet here I'll give it to you um but I don't think I have anybody in person here we do have people online so could I have the people online please introduce themselves uh yeah this is Chris stard I'm the engineer of record um on behalf of Phil coleta the applicant okay thank you Chris and I'm Jeff Walsh with Graves engineering I'm the peerreview consultant for the towns and board yes thank you good evening and Jessica and is there hi Jessica cons coordinator hi everybody how are you nice to see you Jessica indeed likewise okay so is there one one more person that has not introduced himself yep Phil Cola applicant oh yes hi Phil good evening okay so everyone has been introduced online and in the meeting room there's nobody else here just for the record and I will now read the legal notice in accordance with the towns and general bylaw chapter 85 npdes Phase 2 to storm water management and chapter 175 Article 5 storm water regulations the planning board will hold a high bread public hearing on Monday April 29th 2024 at 6:45 p.m. in Memorial Hall 272 Main street and Via Zoom to review an application received from Philip philli col meta requesting a storm water management permit for a residential development at at 108 to12 West Meadow Road and the assessor Maps I'm going for go that the applicant is proposing site work with a land disturbance of 1 15,440 square fet of material 2,000 cubic yards of fill and some work on slopes um less than 15% the application is available for review at the Town Hall during regular business hour or by mail and then respectfully submitted Laura schiffern and published in the Sentinel Enterprise 15th and April 22nd 2024 okay Phil um you would be on next would you like to give an update to us on your part you're welcome to yeah I think Chris would um take the Wheelhouse on an update okay okay that's fine uh yeah thank you folks for having us on tonight um so we have obviously we submitted a major storm water plan to you folks um it's a little unique where this is three Parcels but it was because it was originally cleared as one parcel it's why we we believe it has triggered a major um storm water review so uh what we've done is we've um installed a series of or proposing to install a series of rain Guardians um around the site at um the different runoff points um we have sized them for having multiple houses on the um properties specifically uh address 108 and address 110 uh we have um we've provided a storm water report that um Mr Walsh has um reviewed the report and the plans we did receive a peerreview comments from him uh we have not had the opportunity to revise them um at first blush I see no no issues uh they're fairly routine um comments and I I have actually revised the model which is per his eighth comment um and no actual technical changes from the design have to be made everything still stays within the design parameters that we have currently um I guess I can keep going or if I can answer questions I don't know dep however you folks want to um proceed we can um we can go that route well I'll ask the board first um did you see the pre did you have an opportunity to look at the photos I did look at the phot yes um the erosion there is pretty expensive um so um have you I you said that you haven't uh actually implemented a new proposal yet of how to correct that work or I'm not clear where you are with that and addressing that problem and um so my understanding is that you are reviewing the information that we've provided you and have yet to modify um or present a remedial program for it am I correct um that might I'm not sure so what I have here is the I guess it would be the uh storm water plan that would be implemented assuming the board approves it uh for final restoration of the site um speaking to the erosion issues I don't know if I'm I think that's a Phil and Jessica conversation um this would be what the proposed finish grading of the site with once the houses are in um final landscaping and final uh storm water measures within the site um as far as mitigation of what has happened that's that's I didn't I don't believe that's they're one and the same but Jessica you folks can correct me if I'm wrong have you been updated on what's happened I mean no not me personally I think if I might Laura just give a little bit of History over the last few years on this project that I think might help with some of Robert's confusion um so we so so as Chris had had mentioned um about four or five years ago this 108 110 and 112 property was one big lot um and at that point when it was one big what was it like eight n 10ish acre lot um about three or four acres of it was logged and then um Last Summer the planning board of 2023 the planning board endorsed an anr to divide that into three different Lots so 108 110 and 112 um two houses have been built 108 and 110 um I think earlier this year or late last year you all reviewed a um a Scenic roads act permit application retroactively also for the driveway and the stone wall disruption on the properties um so in the in the interim up to today at the staff level we've had the applicant engineer Implement a winter stabilization plan so there are some temporary measures out there in place by means of two sediment basins um and some some Sut fense and other erosion control measures installed temporarily until The Final Storm Water Management plan is approved by the planning board and can get installed okay so the pictures that you saw are of the that that interim winter stabilization Basin two two of the two basins okay so that means that we're still awaiting for the final submission is that correct this is but what you have on the table in front of you is the final submission right here the final design yes but does not have what peer review has asked for correct it's not done yet that's right yep so we got I think they received the peer review comments on Friday afternoon so there just has not been enough time to make plan adjustments yeah and I saw them today but I saw where they were uploaded on late Friday proper which but Chris also said I believe that there's not going to be any sub big substantial changes right yeah right yeah correct there's there's a few minor changes um I modeled the the exfiltration wrong I have changed it on my computer and it doesn't it does has no effect on the size of the Basin um so theoretically what you have in front of you is the final rendering um with a few additions but basically what you got I don't have any direct questions you know looking at the photos we've had a ton of rain and I'm not surprised that the yeah did you get to read I didn't look at the so I mean it's it's pretty quick pretty quick read I did read in the comments from other departments there were it sounded like Jessica had a fine that was outstanding is that still outstanding I think that was Conservation Commission issued that and then yeah think I think Phil paid that at the end of last week after kcom made that comment so Andrew I'll be reading that oh yeah okay gotta I did look at these okay my only question in um looking at the peer review Jessica this is for you procedurally um once we a few more things to do here for for the this part of the hearing but we wouldn't be able to do an approval until the the plan was Final right and all of the stuff from peer review was on it I think that would be a a best practice yes okay and so I'll ask the question um of Chris this will come up later how long do you think you'll need oh probably just the week oh I'm sorry plan to have the plan ready and peer review you know approved so that we can extend the hearing to that date that you're comfortable with yeah uh I mean realistically I I could finish it this week um I don't know what Mr Walsh's schedule is I assuming he has to recheck um so I guess if I could get it to him by Friday I don't um and and if I could take it from there Madam chairman um I I need just a couple hours at most with it but given my workload if I could have a week after we receive it I would have a letter [Music] out yeah I won't be here this F which is okay um so would May 20th be okay oh uh yeah for us that yeah no that's totally fish it I don't think we can accomplish it for the sixth no I and I honestly wouldn't have expected you to um I think it's totally unreasonable to have requested that um so yeah the the 20th is more than um more than okay with I think that that's doable right Mr Walsh absolutely Madam chairman yes okay thank you for that that clarifies that um Jessica on my list I have after the applicant and questions um board reviews plans against Town's rules and rs and bylaws do you have any comments I mean usually Beth goes through everything and makes sure that it's here um well that's Jeff's role um okay no I trust his th one thing um I will just sort of note procedural wise is this application was submitted before you guys changed the regulations a few weeks ago um so technically this review this application is being reviewed under your old storm water regulations so there is still that um storm waterer easement shall be granted to the town section um that was recently changed to just a uh oh my gosh what was it something else a right of Entry agreement or or something like that so what I would just recommend and I can coordinate if with your permission if it's okay I can coordinate with the applicant um you know outside of this hearing for that but to maybe prepare a waiver to to wave the actual easement and instead have it considered with the new right of Entry type of type of agreement okay so they can be prepared for the 20th and we can handle that at that time if that works time wise for the applicant and his team yes okay okay um I have a question for Philip call him us he's the owner yes the owner he's listening um currently these two buildings are already erected is that correct correct and um and there's separate owners on each of them yes correct okay um my question was and not that I have an issue with it but it seemed like the Contour modifications on the four bedroom um seems [Music] to direct the that site water onto the abage property and the retention design areas that you have are seem to be focused on the new Contours between the property lines that a question for Chris so am I assuming that [Music] the retention Concepts that are here are for the drainage coming from both Lots whereas all of it is on one I I just didn't know if there was any commentary on that uh yeah so because this was considered a major um project and the entire site was taken as one while there is three different Parcels we have had to design it as if it was one parcel and because we don't own 110 we've had to circumvent that by compensating with all of the storm water on 108 um so all the impervious area from 1010 actually does flow onto 108 um unfort unfortunately that kind of is what it is at this point um if it was one big giant site it wouldn't really have mattered and that's kind of the the theory and the design practices we went with we had to get the water to be in uh treated um and this was the best approach that we could come up with um I'd be concerned that that might cause some legal issues between both Property Owners um yeah I don't I don't know I'm not a legal expert so I can't comment on that side of it um I don't know what else to say all right um any comment uh from Mr Walsh on that certainly um the property line the existing topography shows that the water from both number 110 the the right side I'm going to use right and left on the page thank you okay on the right side of of um number 110 and on the left side of number 108 um the existing topography shows me that it that runoff generally drains along the property line down page um very common for lot development such as this to to have the buildings higher um so that water drains away from the buildings working with the existing depart graphy um you can't you know if you got walk outs or in this case the the land drains down page to begin with um you know as as the two uh buildings put up on the two lots um the waterers just kind of forced to the property line the common property line between number 108 and number 110 that's very very common and that's been achieved um it's in the existing conditions that I can has been achieved with the proposed grading um with respect to the the treatment um the the topography tells me that uh the the runoff from the driveway at number 110 is going to be included in that runoff that runs along the property line unlike the driveway from number 108 so my point is the runoff from from the driveway of number 110 plus some lawn runoff runs down page along the property line and because they've already conveyed out number 110 um they've chosen to put the the um Rain G that serves the driveway from number 110 on number 108 um Not Unusual in my opinion um the current owner of number 110 he's he's not a a party that can be obligated to have to do anything but one of our comments was to recommend that at least an an easement be provided on number 108 for the benefit of number 110 so that that if the party at number 110 was so inclined to maintain what he should be maintaining maintaining um he'd have the right to enter on to 108 within the easeman area to to um maintain that storm water rain giden unfortunately you know where he's not obligated to do it because of the circumstances I still think the easement is prudent thing to do um because you don't want to slam the door shut now and have an interested homeowner now or in the future at number 110 not have the ability to get on to 108 to take care of the rainard um but to the to the planning board members point about concentrating the runoff onto number 108 um actually what happens once the water comes out out of the rain Garden um that's nearest the property line it will flow down page but a little bit to the left that runoff will then enter back on to number 110 but most importantly into Mr Stoddard's Point um the land was the hydrology was looked at by looking at the analysis points being in this case um um number 110 and number 108 the runoff goes to the bordering vegetated wetland um down at the bottom of the page and that was appropriate modeling um so please do know that you know again the runoff as I see it goes to the same point whether it goes completely across 110 or comes off of 110 some of it comes off of 110 goes on to 108 and then goes back on to 110 um I didn't see any concerning hydrologic sit conditions to me in my review of of the grading and the modeling thank you thank you do you we see how uh Townsen would have any difficulty in correcting a situation here if some problem did arise um if there an easement or or that um the right of Entry that's that's in the new regulations if there was something like that in place I see that those would allow one or the other would allow the town of Townsen to come on to the property and maintain these things or repair them if the homeowners fail to do it um unfortunately with with number 108 it's easy the developer currently owns the property he can put together the necessary documents so that when he conveys out that property um the obligations go with the homeowner go go goes from the developer to the new homeowner unfortunately with number 10 I don't know you know I don't know how that could be rectified um with a homeowner so then it comes down to whether or not the town of town would be interested in entering on to number 108 to repair that or maintain that rain Garden of number 110 I'm I'm sorry folks I just don't know how those types of legal situations work um with the town of Townsen or any other community like that I know there are other communities that have similar types of right of entry forms but that's beyond where it doesn't get into the civil engineering the hydrologic design I I don't I don't get involved with that I just don't have the expertise to guide you on that okay thank you Jessica do you have any comments I was gonna ask um legally I don't know that would that would be something that um Town Council would probably have to opine on but I mean at at this time I don't want to speak out of turn but I think the ownership of property 108 has already been trans erred to a private owner so um very recently thank you I wasn't aware so then um Jessica do you think that before we meet that you could have a conversation with Town Council to see what the town has to go through in reference to the storm water situation that we will be overseeing and um yeah I can try I know it's it's town meeting season so I know he's super busy um I will do my best to to get some sort of guidance but yeah It's tricky because it is technically already two private owners so um you know typically the town wouldn't intervene in the scenario but this one's a little bit unique so yeah I see it as unique um um I and of course all the abutters were notified and none of them are here and we don't have anything in writing from abutters or those two owners um Phill do you have any comments regarding the owners do I say it again do you have any comments regarding the owner owners and how they perceive what's happening um no they're just anxious to get it wrapped up and put back together but that was their comments last this past week the Sun's shining now and they they want to see it all put back together yeah but do they understand the storm water situation and and that the town has um authority over it uh I don't believe they know that they have the authority and I actually just was aware of that tonight I I I didn't know that um but I want to bring that to their attention for sure um during the closing we were they had uh their attorney in depth tell their client what was going on know getting this approved in the in the rain Gardens and everything okay they they also were given and so you can correct me if I'm wrong they were given the OM andm plan um for the rain Gardens so they do understand the maintenance requirements of said Gardens on them correct up for for 10 yes okay just Jessica I think maybe explain that situation to Adam if you get his ear for a few minutes and see what the ramifications are of that yeah they're the new owners and they're supposed to make maintain it um do they realize what happens when they don't sure yeah and I think um Chris Ander Phil who is currently listed as the responsible party for the a um the onm into perpetuity is that Phil uh let me double check but I'm pretty sure it is correct that would that would need to be sort of modified accordingly as as approval goes on to [Music] yeah Phil Phil is so we could yeah we'd have to revise that um so yeah so that I think that would just require going a lot more in depth as to what this process is and this permit and the history behind everything with with each of those owners if if they're going to be responsible for maintenance into the future and and there's I mean there's annual reporting requirements as well so those are all laid out in the onm portion of the regulations so um there's a big chunk of change that comes with this so who has the third lot that's still currently under Phil's ownership okay so whatever happens now with this approval um is the other law buildable uh yes so yes we would assuming Phil decides to move forward and develop the third part uh parcel we would actually come back to you folks with an additional storm water design and permit for that third individual lot okay yeah this is just this was just to get us through now because he currently he has no plans on developing that parcel but if that changes we will obviously we'll we'll be submitting a new storm water application to you folks okay any other questions from the board um it's it's my understanding that this is a product of a what was originally designed for three lot lot and because of that uh now we're forced in this situation because some of the properties have been sold and um when the original design intent was for the a much larger lot and and now we're forcing all this design on one um so it would have seemed to me that the original Master lot design should have been vacated and each watch should had its own comprehensive drainage design that's my thinking on this and we wouldn't be having all this discussion right now yeah but we approved the anr okay it was one big lot and then we approved the anr well which he had a right to we had a right to and he has the right to subdivide it which is not an issue uh the issue is drainage here and and um how the drainage has been designed in other words when at the time um so um it's oversight an error or whatever uh the situation now is we're being ASR prooof of site drainage design that was originally intended for a whole and putting ourselves in a situation where all of it's going to be concentrated on one lot and I don't know what the town's exposure would be if there's a problem with it Jessica can you speak to that like going back um because what I heard before was that once we to the anr was when the storm water was triggered it wasn't triggered before um so no the storm water should have been triggered when the trees were cleared so um under the storm water bylaw and the regulations under your Authority storm water can get the need for a storm water permit can get triggered through several different means um and I'll just outline the three of them at very bare minimum um you can disturb 40,000 square feet of ground um you can disturb greater than 1,000 square feet on a 15% or greater slope and have the need for a storm water permit get triggered or you can disturb more than 1,500 cubic yards of fill um and have a storm water permit get triggered so from a from three acres of tree clearing three three to 4ish um that exceeded the 40,000 square feet of land disturbance um so that was on that the big one you know the master lot individually on the Lots I think storm water would have been triggered based on the steep slopes um because again it all it takes is 1,000 square ft of disturbance on a 15% or greater slope to trigger the need for a storm water permit so I think any way you look at this um you know pre or post anr each lot would have triggered storm water regardless each one yeah I think so because of slopes so it's just it sort of unfortunate timing Because by the time all this got underway the the property on the left 110 was already under new ownership so so Chris did have to do some navigating to design around you know property a private property okay I I think um before we prove this that we have Town Council look and see if we have any legal exposure here right Jessica we'll do that right you'll check the town tels make sure that the town does not have legal exposure on this episode right y yeah I'll do my best before the 20th like I said it's it's town meeting season so he's pretty booked up but I'll try to at least get some guidance yeah can I just TR who was that okay I've heard the you the word unique tonight and I just want to apologize to the board and everybody here tonight that this was not my intentions by any means when I bought the property in 201718 it had the lock Brook Run uh condo project already done and approve it people have heard of that word so that's the intentions were to cut the land that was already approved for a property that didn't at the time need storm water I don't think it was an effect when it was designed so it's kind of retroactive but my apologies to the board and we're just trying to make it right now for because we sold 110 and then this kind of came about so then we put the the winter stabilization in Chris got his stuff done the his Pier got it reviewed so we're working as fast as we can to get it repaired I think the the main thing is to get the construction done let's stabilize those slopes let's get everything because we're at me as the Builder I'm waiting for this approval because it's in the far side of the lot to get this work done and then work my way out and Seed everything and get get out of there so I just wanted to you know this being unique is kind of had a little bit more of a history because we we were approved to clear all those land the land put up the um the silt fence and everything stump it on something Elder's permit and then we decided that wasn't the way I wanted to go did the 3 anr so just wanted to say make that clear to you guys thank you okay um just so that you know too because of the concerns expressed tonight we do want legal opinion so if for some reason we can't get it by the 20th we'll just have to go to the next meeting yeah that's understandable know you know know ahead of time that we want to make sure we have all ducks in a row before will you still hold continue the hearing on the 20th or will you let us know ahead of time and then just postpone it it's okay either way I just wanted to know that's all um I mean I I think we what we can do is if if the board wants we can have all of our plans done peer reviewed hopefully signed off for the 20th we can meet on the 20th and if you still haven't had Town council's review I would be okay with just continuing it to your next meeting that way we get something done yeah yeah sure I don't have a problem okay I think we're all good with that here if the if both Engineers um are communicating back and forth about um smaller stuff that's on the plan it's really not the design side of the plan would would it be okay or should we start the install of these rain Gardens to get this thing in the May season and the growing season get going I know you guys aren't going to prove it tonight and it's continued but does anybody see any issues with that Jessica you'll need to wait for your permit to be approved to get started on that Phil okay I think I mean if you wanted to like seed out in that back of 108 that's probably okay but actually installation of the and and Grading associated with any of the bmps will need to wait till you have your permit okay so yeah Far Side I'm not doing anything that's already established far behind the last rain Garden okay but it's just the slopes uh the rain Gardens forward to the street but anything besides like the front lawn and all that can be done just not the rain Gardens right yeah and the grading I would wait on the grading too okay yeah it just seems like it's a better time to seed but I get I understand it needs to be so as soon as we can get approved we're we're ready to rock okay Andrew want comment on that uh sympathetic to the nature the timing but I do think for the towns exposure we get to just make sure we're if we we hear it hopefully we have it by May 20th no you're still you're still in Spring but you know Jessica will do what you can and we'll book you for the 20th um which I think we only have the six I think we can do it at the same time 6:45 on the 20th uh that works for everybody that that works for us the zoom zoom can still happen Zoom can still happen yeah y I will be on Zoom actually on the 20th if it's the 20th I'll be on Zoom okay so the next item here is that um I need to read the mandatory referral comments that did come in and I have from the Conservation Commission I will read this you can uh speak to it Jessica Conservation Commission issued fine has not been paid um Sil fence shall be replaced and a second s fence is now requested due to the step grade Ste grade steep grade and hard to read the words here [Music] um um and amount of soil Sil being eroded during storms did you get um Bill did you get copies of the referrals that came in no and that was kind of Cho and my internet went out and I didn't really understand what all that was okay well my this is from the conservation um April 10th oh no April 25th is wanted to yeah take it in but um so it says that there was a fine issued but Jessica mentioned that you've already paid it yeah we got it at the PO Box we don't go to the PO Box every day it's once a week in Townson got that and it sent out Vil they might have had it already they should have had it already I think she said it came in oh good right Jessica I think it came in late Friday yeah so the their comment was made prior to the receipt of that okay so and then the other comment on here is the silk fence shall be replaced and a second silt fence is now requested due to the steep grade and amount of soil built being eroded during storms we have two in place we have two layers of Sil Pence a place in Waddles y okay and actually the the design plan in front of you also we've we show adding a second row in here so um assuming you approve the plans at some point that would be required because they're on the plan set okay so our next referral is from the L use coordinator note this application is a retroactive filing for approximately 3 acres of a tree cleaning on the property in 2019 both houses are already been built two in consideration of number one please confirm the placement of the two bases is optimal for the entire site question mark three please note that there is currently a winter stabilization plan in place effective February March 2024 until a well Storm Water Management permit is issued sorry about that um for is onm responsible person still applicable once both homes have new owners house on 110 West meow is already occupied uh the next referral is [Music] from Highway Department no comment and the board of Selectmen no comment and there were nothing from a Butters or anyone else that has come in um to our knowledge Jessica does the applicant usually get the copies of referrals we can send them yes okay and then they probably should go to um peer review as well yeah I can send yeah I can circulate sort of a followup tomorrow to everybody yes okay great thank you uh again no nothing has come in from a Butters or concern citizens and there's nobody here from the public to ask any questions just reading down my list okay well I think after the um we won't be closing the hearing I think from all the discussion we've agreed to continue the hearing until May 20th at 6:45 PM and I'll entertain that motion so move I'll second in okay any further discussion hearing none I'll take a roll call vote Carol yes and your Shephard yes Robert zaren yes and Laura shiff yes okay we will see you on May 20th if I may Madame chairman I just want to let you and the other board members know that I will not be able to attend on May 20th I've got a uh medical procedure that coming up that um won't allow me to be here that evening but I don't think you'll need me anyways and I'll I'll uh communicate with your staff um as we take care of our review um and forward the documents um long before the meeting okay very good thank you thank you very much and good luck with your procedure thank okay anybody else no thank you folks we'll we'll see you on the 20th and hopefully we can get this thing taken care for you okay thank you all very much good night thank you good night okay so we're we're good on that and we've already gone through number four so our next um our next item will be 3.1 and Jessica I don't know if you um but I did the uh I passed the message along about the NB about the uh schedule that's now Fe schedule did she leave uh looks like she did oh okay um the agenda 3 3.2 we do 3 reorganization oh no paperwork for that uh okay this is my last year I'm okay if somebody else wants to be cheer this year last year don't you go to next year well I I have one more Robert was just voted in congratulations yes welcome welcome back Robert and he's sworn in so we're all set we do have a full board we uh okay and Michael actually I'm told I was reminded um will be on the board until June 30th at which time and I'll find out from um that's when that the appointment ends so I'm going to find out from Beth if we post for that vacancy as of July 1st time in June okay so that we can address that in June and if Michael is still interested perhaps he will posted anyway yeah so that that will be a question for B or you know I don't think we do it before then before June what is our quum for the planning board is it three three okay but if you have um something that needs a certain approval you have to have a minimum of four okay okay so you can just have and if it's like a public hearing kind of thing where you're voting on a plan true um they have to attend every meeting or say they have watch the meeting read the minutes so that they can vote gotta got you are well informed yeah okay and then includes uh like your altern the affiliate number um so are you going to go all the way to the end of your term unless I die oh okay I usually fulfill my commitments Okay so if I'm not here 2025 you want to stay VI chair me before her let me tell you that okay so then do does that everyone if everybody agrees you just want to make a motion that all the positions stay the same yeah which would leave you as general and you as clerk you're Vice chair unless you want be Vice chair no I have no well you've both done that so it's good Andrew has and you have so I mean in the absence of the chairman everybody knows what they have to do so doesn't concern me so why don't we just I make a motion we maintain the positions and offices the air and uh no second all right thank you any further discussion so just to highlight I'll be the chairman Carol will be the vice chairman Andrew will be the clerk and you will be our general member it's a correct okay all those in favor I I yes okay so that's why I didn't have any paperwork 3 point2 3.2 are the warrant reports and has everybody looked at this I mean this is what's already on the warrant for how much we can do about it you're right this is what on the warrant uh submitted by the planning board and Carol why don't I just have you with the read what the motion would be I don't think you to read the whole thing but just so that we have that in the record the motion where is the motion is that the Highlight I mean the B Review Committee this is the article I don't I don't know why she had that highlighted but it's saying that uh planning board members add additional reasons why this proposed amendment to the zoning bylaw is recommended here so do anybody have any this would have to be this this first one is the amendments to the regulation of accessory apartments and I don't mind reading it if we just have it in in the record in this way if somebody should happen to watch this they can hear it so this is to see if the town will vote to amend the zoning bylaw of the town of towns in being chapter 145 of the town code section 145-161 by deleting c1a in its entirety and substituting the following therefore the applicant shall obtain and submit to the board of appeals a written report of the Board of Health explaining that the changes if any to the existing septic system have been agreed to by the applicant I I remember this this is put in there because somebody got caught not caught I don't mean caught doing something wrong I meant caught by surprise that this happened okay because it should not have happened right the system was big enough to begin with but because there was a change and there was no change in the amount of people or enough room or nothing and it was done so so this puts in here the applicant has to know this ahead of time yes because prior to that it said it had to be installed yes right so I don't have a problem with that okay me neither this is protecting the consumer really um and two is by deleting section c1c and it's entirety by deleting which is not in front of us here I'm sorry but um by deleting the second sentence of section C2 A1 and substituting the following therefore the floor are we got so just the floor area of the apartment shall be no more than 35% of the floor area of the principal residence and the apartment combined I think the formula that right shall be no more than 35% of the floor area of the principal resident and I understand that yeah right and then what is it mean and the the apartment combined I remember our discussion on this right and yeah but why would why wouldn't it just end with 35% of the principal residents I think that's the basic way to leave it because there were all these other instances I presented I wonder if that's an oversight of building profiles and things because that doesn't make sense no it doesn't make sense you were talking about basements that day right yeah so I think at the time we discussed it we had 35% of the Flor area but not to exceed we we talking about the total unit square footage not to exceed 900 or something so what whatever well the discussion was eight or 900 at the time so what we were trying to accomplish was a have it this 35% formula except when we have a large home um now limited to 800 or 900 square feet to keep make us sure it's small right yeah and I think everybody felt comfortable with that I just I when I read that it just hit me wrong well it's not so I have a question and and uh we we'll have somebody explain it uh four but it's already in the warrant then yeah but it doesn't mean it can't be amended and it can't be questioned right it should be amended yeah really because it's not um unless zoning can explain why those words are there it doesn't make sense to me the other the other part that this board discussed on that section of the Bible was this connection with affordable units yeah and that's not addressed there no it's not um by adding to the N section c2b the following phrases this is number four as indicated by the report required in section C1 a above so the bylaw committee was very adamant about not altering that portable language they did not agree with our thinking on that um because I was trying to present it should be by right I think it should be by right but they're saying that the state doesn't allow it the state won't allow it it has to go accessory Apartments have to go under the state ruling and not our local ruling problem is that the state ruling that to be able to do it and not uh break the state ruling the law in other words it's very costly unless it's a f you know unless it's the family member I'd like to verif well CH has looked into it CH has to talk to people at the state I'm I'm not challenging I just um if this if that's the state law you cannot you can become more restrictive you can't be less restrictive right the town can be more restrictive but not less restrictive you have to do the minimum of what the state does it's the exact same thing when they work for the federal government we could be more rest different commun restrictive different communities says that permit expires after five years yeah in other communities it doesn't address an exploration and so in other words if you have one of these units in some communities you have to re apply every five years I don't know what the state rules are but in some communities might not even know what state rules are the cost factors do not come in with the word affordable okay the cost Factor does not come in unless it's not a family member unless what if it's a family member there's no cost factor for the term affordable right okay but if it's not a family member that's when the cost Factor comes in and it's big it's big so by big I mean anywhere from 105 $225,000 for one unit a year or what no to rent it no to get an affordable person you can't do it on your own Lottery you have to do a lottery have to pay that fee yeah I work two or three months on this for for somebody that tell I to touch it oh no I think I told everybody when did I forgot yeah I think you you had said that so um anyway let me just finish with this well I just do anything I'd like to know whether is where it is in the state statute you probably just got to go to the state and SE yeah search they have just do state accessory apartment affordable accessory apartment come up Massachusetts uh let's see five by adding to the end of section C2 C2C and I know I'll she did tell me that she had to leave before 7:30 Jess Jessica did yeah um this okay quote this will be supported by a note from the building department that the appropriate codes have been observed unquote and by deleting from the section E3 C2 and e3f references to dhcd and submitting therefore references to the executive office of Housing and oh that's because they changed the name okay so that part is just to comply with what the state now calls itself which is executive office of Housing and livable communities how much money we spend on that one I'm sure a lot yeah and what is the result you want me read this one uh this one is the general requirements for all large scale ground mounted solar power power installation and it Quin which um joural laog chapter 40a Section 5 the planning board held a public hearing on Monday April 1st 2024 to review a proposal submitted by the planning board to amend zoning bylaw article 16 14586 renewable Alternative Energy section c entitled General requirements for all largescale ground mounted solar power installations the planning board voted unanimously to recommend adoption for the following reasons one the proposed amendment will remove the planning board application filing fee from the text of byar and included in appendix e planning board fee schedule table added to chapter 175 planning board regulations in the code of the town of Townson two the proposed restructuring law for fees to be changed through the process of amending regulations instead of requiring a town meeting vote three the Fe scheduled table created and added as it dependance to chapter 175 planning board regulations is a user friendly format to assist with permit application under the board's perview um and then it's article BL fees for large scale gred M mounted solar installations deceive the town will vote to amend the zoning by of the town of towns and being chapter 145 of the town code section 145-8515 phot of installation shall be accompanied by a fee of $300 and by substituting the following therefore fees the application for permit for large scale ground mounted Sol Al installations will be accompanied by a fee as required by appendex C to the Consolidated rules of the towns and planning board entitled Fe schedule or take any other action in relation there to okay what we did on and then this one here and nothing to bring up on this no questions here so are we supposed to actually add something here is that why this is highlighted because it says the planning board members add additional reason why this section is recommended here yeah if you want to oh we don't have to if you want to all right so this I mean I'm not gonna make it all right oh this is the outdoor light I mean here is here said the same thing on the accessory Department thing I think that's our only question oh okay okay all right so this is rep meaning proposed Zing Amendment article 16 CH 14552 entitled o door Lighting in accordance with General Law chapter 4A Section 5 the planning board held the public hearing on Monday April 1st 2024 to review of Propst proposal submitted by the planning board to amend Zing bylaw article 16 14552 outdo lighting the planning board voted unanimously to recommend adoption for the following reasons number one the proposed amendment will delete section 14552 entitled Outdoor Lighting in its entirety remove and replace it with a new general bylaw for outdoor lighting number two the bylaw Review Committee draft the new outdoor lighting as a general bylaw and submitted it to the board select as part of the change of the committee to review the loing bylaws of the town of towns the general bylaws don't come under us that's what I learned from that one oh okay three fees the application for perent for large scale oh that must have just got stuck on here same thing no it talks about ground Sol thing part of that oh kind of weird oh okay I see they submitted this part um okay submitted this article okay then it goes the Le should have outdoor lighting Provisions in the zoning B this on fees only okay see something these for large scale ground mounted solar yeah see what happened is somehow at the top of this the lighting is down here but this is all about the ground moded solar at the top I don't know how that I I don't even understand what this is doing um because this is all about the solar this comes down all right the see if the time vot to amend the Z byar the town of towns and being chapter 145 of the Town call B leading section 145-12 entitled outdoor lighting and its entirety to take any other action there too um the Articles delete the outdoor lighting Provisions that are currently located within soing byog and you are directed to serve this for by posting up a tested copies there of it I think it's something with this whole page are not following it there's something something at staple by accident when you go to the next page it gets confusing because it talks about the ground moned solar yeah well this is the same this is the same as this okay but this is about the object of lighting right which is here yeah and then you get okay so so basically just deleting an entirety here yeah okay that's that's exactly it okay so our part was to delete it oh okay okay and the the bof Review Committee rewrote it right okay okay all right that makes sense on the lighting as The Zing bylaw yes okay so we move to eliminate bylaw or that are currently located in the zoning bylaws they yeah it's being deleted and The Zing bylaws okay okay all right did was any comment on the sound ordinates no uh no that this was this was well this was three this was 3.3 the section we just did now 3.4 all the economic development projects oh 3.3 so 3.3 on here he has uh review discuss May 7th special and annual town meeting warrant um anybody want to this has got the bylaw the lighting bylaw in it as you well this is all the all yeah these are all the warrants um we we didn't do anything no no so this is just for us to review and you can review that think on your own because we're not going to act on them as a board the meeting right I'm just going to bring your attention to okay the zoning bylaw change on the special which I couldn't find online but I find it special this is the special okay okay yeah so go to article 14 okay which takes a 2third vote and that is to change to amend the towns and zoning bylaws to change the zoning of the property depicted on whatap law 39 Greenville road which is the mhm they were here he was here um comes before us next Monday yeah um in the adjacent property depicted on a cessor map blah blah blah and having an address of Greenville Road from industrial to residential or take any other action there too so since um so I I remember that when we had our last when we did the meeting with and and Zoning was here bylaw committee bylaw committee and planning okay which meant that zoning was represented here the comment was made and I didn't think of it like right away it just came to me this weekend that the comment was made that we have little industrial as it is so why would we change it so I sent an email to the group um and our rbos rep so jica Jessica Beth Chaz no Chaz is our oh he's back to being our our he's our liaison if that changed I didn't know it Teresa came to one of our meetings ohw to so you're not that far okay I thought it I got you yeah um so a couple things that I thought was now the public notice is about now a week because we have it next week so it had to be two weeks ago did that so that we could have some discussion regarding it so in order to me in order to be informed I wrote asking for a list of all the industrial properties in town so I want to know what you know next week when we're talking how much we out yeah because if somebody made that remark here and was um televised if anybody you know sees the meeting it's a question that's probably going to be asked on the floor sure okay so I figured we should know that and supposedly I will have that um this week there was a list that was sent to um Jaz and he then sent it to somebody to see to it that that I get get all the parcels I'm really I don't know if I'm interested in all field cards to them but if I have just have a list with or we would have a list of the parcels and how big they are where they are and how big they are isn't that our zoning map already I don't know if it's I'm sure I'm sure we'll find it but if you have at least a number of aples somebody might ask you yeah list of whatever and we used to have we used to have a map okay so it so we can use that map along with our list is all Greenville Road industrial no no you know it's spot zoning it is spotted throughout town I know they said they have houses on those lots oh great Spott right up here that's Greenville okay so here's Greenville Road that's a a historic SI no that's our shop that's your shop yeah that's your shop I think so yeah what where the person you don't want to lose that there used to be a rail station I don't there was one at the hardware store I don't know if we had a hard ask your dad oh yeah all right yeah I know it was the Fe it looked a lot different when I drove into town the first time yeah yeah I I've seen photos before it got demolished I grew up when it was still there could have been Fant it was a leatherboard mill yeah I went inside and I saw the the leather belts and pulleys and yeah it was so cool here's Greenville Road so that must be with houses are in that zone she's a little one Railroad Street bring this man to the T can say his they probably will but we'll have it for next week is this where uh Sterilite is this is g to be the Main Street Sterilite yeah so these are existing across the street parking yeah that's a Sterilite right okay and the Transformer little area here here and then and this is across the street where the two family was is zoned industrial no no no across there across the street parking and the gas station oh gas station gas station yeah the parking employee parking all right and this is already uh where is this this is this would be partial to the some of the golf course I believe somewhere here oh yeah um and then the Sterilite main offices uh King's um garden and King that the little Dollar Store Plaza no nope this is scales land this is right behind ye's Village oh that's way this is this is 13 here right here oh okay I'm past 13 okay you're going towards West oh that's where Ye Ye Chinese yeah ye is like right here and then you can take that is was that baits across the not thats buing barrows baits used to be down here okay but there's another industrial building this is where towns and Ford and all that is okay barrows barrows is right around here but they don't seem to be zoned industrial this this little tiny little industrial Zone but Turnpike yeah and then there's more Turnpike this is MJS medals yeah somewhere in here and sand pit and other things which I think is trying Chang hands because in the last week there trucks Galore oh really on what used to be I don't know if you know John wen's like garage not sure it's a metal garage that's next to the sand pit that was owned by um the gravel Pit's name in h lunenberg po oh oh key owned by keing but I think he sold it that's the empty spot and then next to it is that metal building and then MJS Metals it's like a a garage metal building used to be owned by John Ren okay but that building all of a sudden has trucks trucks okay and there's a lot of trucks on Turnpike Road well at at the houses if you if you drive up like around where Nick lives oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the houses all after that going towards the farm yeah trucks everywhere all sides of the world no kidding and that's I'm sure that's not zon industrial but it looks like so it was when we read the public notice it was two part on Greenville off of Greenville Road yeah 39 or 40 I think well oh so it would actually you read the not I did I don't know where it went okay so how much of this would become residential versus industrial and is it mostly residential anyways or is there a lot of Industry up there Dum ex the dump oh the recycling center that I've never found I tried finding it one day I got lost I like I'll never find this recycling center yeah so driveway comes up on your yeah like there like no sign or anything industrial areas I don't see there many areas in town that would even support D they just sold that little brick it's down just before the lights that little if you're coming from here going to the lights down by cell street by the harbor that building that was boarded up for yearsing in the windows yeah they the gas station no it's like a carpet store prior that was was in the harbor station I know you put nice Paving up FR but I can't figure out what what it's going to be think cleaned it paved it and I thought he put it for sale sign out oh yeah think that's oh that he did well it looks like a quick flip attempt to oh an attempt to do a quick flip oh yeah that you know the the house that burn down or that didn't burn down but had the house fire on Ash Street that's interesting because it doesn't show up here as far as I know I guess from what I heard for the neighbor she's definitely going to do anything with that that's too bad it's a mess yeah yeah yeah they dealing with the insurances it's it's tough well I mean I I know we're thinking about the U in my head I think of it as like the towns and Ford lot or the old used car lot by here for the NBTA but I wouldn't see why that couldn't be industrial that would be most likely place and it's right on a [Music] good industry yeah right into lenburg there's a lot of stuff in it's the closest part of town closest to a major highway too okay is assessors map six block block 11 lot Zer adjacent property depicted as map 5 lock 12 l0 that's what the public the notice say would you say it was map five well it's it's map five block 12 and map 6 block 11 where would that be hope this is right so I know it's having an address of 39 Greenville Road did you say Lot 12 on map five yes the Lot 12 12 on map 5 is this based on my understanding this little sliver here so that's one sliver and then I would guess you said map six yeah block [Music] 11 I I'll probably get the on field cards well I don't want to say it do look like much but it's this sliver and then it's this first so it's not the whole thing no it's just those they want to change it from industrial to what res residential because it's houses there now at least that's what I read that there's houses on those and then have all this industrial around them I don't think they're no he has an industrial style building there I didn't go walk it I I I haven't been there no I he stated that there was an industrial style building there which his neighbors didn't like okay he he went through a lot to get that but there's also an older house there I don't know if sometimes you have well it has on here that it's 39 Greenville Road even though there's different maps and lot numbers they can all still be the same of the same address right so I guess we'll know more I'll try to get more information for next week so this is this is going for the town meeting yeah yeah that's article 14 yeah CH the zoning without specific law yes yes he was here and he did say that that's what he wanted to do and I don't know why he doesn't he try to get a special permit to do what he wants to put he wants to put a um I think it was like his daughter wanted to put a house up I thought that was part of what he said um so I don't know you know there's no residential use allowed in an industrial area is that what I understand well my understanding was different because I stated it in the meeting that I thought I didn't know that he had to have it rezoned the the Town Administrator did not not agree he's the one I think that recommended that he go for the zoning change so because normally like if you're in a if you were downtown commercial and you went to a residential use you could not turn it back to commercial right if you legal if you right went to have it because that would be that's a new Zoning for that specific l but the thing is it it's allowed in those areas but you can't change it back once you go lesser you can't go more and I and having industrial or commercial zoning is a higher zoning use right um so it'll be interesting I mean it's going to be the town meeting that's going to do it it's not going to be us but the public but we are obligated for the public hearing yeah we for the public hearing for the public hearing we're not we don't have to speak to it on Town floor sure will we make a decision in our planning board public recommendation no I think it's Tom no they kind of just said that it was when they were here explaining it to us those were my thoughts about that I didn't think it was necessary because he could always do that he could always go to a lesser use anyway but uh I guess that that was not what the powers that b thought so Board of Selectmen said that if he got you know the petition to be put on the warrant they would um approve it to go on the warrant so they had the placeholder and somebody was saying well if it wasn't in by a certain date it shouldn't have been put on but apparently he's been looking into this or talking with the town for months sure so it was not like an overnight thing it just well looking at this just this map here the areas that are Zone industrial now to me looks like it represents 15% of the town I don't think it's that much yeah like right and then take out the state land right oh no no no no that's that's all the the state is over onethird of the town I know so uh so even though it's a small amount of industrial as a percentage of what it is what we have to work with in this town it's large you know I mean five it might be 5% of the whole town land area but in terms of the use that's available um it's substantial I mean you know more than you mean there's are you saying Robert there's still a lot of available industrial land right in terms of ratios sure we take the whole town and we look at this and it says oh there's a quite a bit of gray area but then when you take out what the town doesn't have control over all state property right um that's even a bigger so where's the doll store isn't that like let me finish um no it's downtown commercial so in other words looking at this visually you look at the gray and it looks like a significant out of industrial now you take out the areas doesn't look signicant to me that uh not under our control and there was all a third of the land that state owned this you take that out of the picture this becomes larger the gray areas um so which says to me we certainly don't want any more and we probably have more than we'll need right now to my knowledge right now without seeing the list I think that there is something on every industrial piece in town there is yeah right but in terms of so there is no more really to be had um well it's not a matter of what's developed or undeveloped land really it's how much of the town is available for that use not much not much but that's why I want to see the list because I don't I don't know it all the other saying Lori but we all I mean as we''ve been disc in with the housing shortage as well this is why we should have by Right Apartments sure yeah exactly why because of how things are today right and the lack of housing right availability sure if you can make it within your own home not much impact on the water not much impact on the septic not much impact on the schools you're talking about an apartment sure you know it's like the way to go so what we have is the area where Andrew is and behind that is where Deluxe cheex is here yes and then there's nothing until we get to Sterilite Sterilite Sterilite gas station right um however there's still commercial along in there yeah all right we get down to where the area of towns and Port is is that where I'm visioning this yeah Townson Ford I would imagine a gas station or there was a gas station Benjamin um condos there none of those seem to be everything inside of the railroad track seems to be non zoned industrial so towns and for doesn't seem because this seems to be the railroad track right which separates towns and Ford and Sterilite no Sterilite there's two ster lights the one on Main Street see main office office St G see the sign where the golf course is correct the golf course would be I think somewhere around here and then I but I think this little little little bit is the railroad track yeah I think so and towns and Ford's right off the street right um so that would be commercial anyway sure yeah what is the NCD what is the white or the uh OCD I have no idea okay well commercial District commercial District but I don't know what and her own well this is downtown DCd is downtown commercial so what is that North Commercial District here's another one commercial district oh outside okay oh neighborhood neighborhood commercial neighborhood commercial I don't know I'm making this up but sounds good but it sounds good it do sound good so it's definitely a commercial District so outside commercial is going to be um 13 uh it's white white white that's what um well both of these are that's District Two the proposed MBTA area one of these is okay towns and Fords all use Car Lot okay for communication I believe okay so that area connects with old city uh well this is Robert's house Robert's house is right here I know that so what I think that's an access road maybe for the forest Tre that they have going on right it's not really a road up we'll C there that last antique house there on the corner yeah everything else is already this outside commercial district is uh so Clement Road is here uh I would think it' be one of it's before Robert's house correct closer to the center to what is uh Lori asked about one of your neighbor's homes H H Jim oh J house he's right right before he is okay I just he's right there yeah we defin have to had the map the list then at least we can we can speak intelligently you know about it and answer questions dur the public hearing or people can see what it is we're talking about you think we need to bring this well public we're GNA have it a public hearing here oh Monday night oh okay oh it's here okay better not disappear yeah wow all right let me see where are on the agenda it's getting late um I have trouble keeping track of my agenda it's easy to get lost so we did 3.3 and well that's the annual everybody do their own thing now doing that and the only thing on this special that I needed to bring to your attention was the zoning by law um and that was my determination not anybody [Music] else's will should should we plan if any of us will speak at town meeting on behalf of um it can be you it can be anybody with me okay you guys want to split them up if we don't have to speak don't speak I guess yeah they're pretty self exat I guess we'll just leave them let them be and if anyone has questions then go forward planning to yeah sure sure generally what usually happens actually I won't be at the meeting I was I'll be at sheon be oh man I gotta drive my granddaughter out to Westminster oh that's fun it's fun how old is she now 10 on softball we got to go to Westminster on the S for a lot of years can't started at six finished in college she's been yeah she's been doing softball for a few years now now but but she's on two she's on a travel team with gems gems and then the the town the town the town team so that and then the other one the older one is takes eight hours of dance classes a week so I'm going up to Fitchburg T's dance studio twice a week and I think my son-in-law does once a week I do twice a week so okay um 3.4 to review and discuss if you want is the economic development projects managed by mrpc and there for um okay mrpc has started three economic development projects that we want you to be aware of and play a crucial role in number one Eda funded update to the comprehensive Economic Development strategy number two EPA funded ground field assessed remediation plan project and three Eda funded future industrial lands for long term economic recovery and resiliency uh okay which should benefit all of the participants in mrpc as far as cities and towns okay so the Sid's update which is the comprehensive Economic Development strategy well we are in the process of updating the data for the plan we are interested in hearing about any project they that you may want to include in an update to those already listed if you haven't done so already um I have attached a nomination form to this email in case you have a project you may want to include do we have any projects for that no comprehensive Economic Development strategy um oh the project listed for Townson and the current CDs is revitalization of downtown Townsen well that would be nice I guess they get grant money and then you get to ask for things in your town that they can work on with the grant money okay revitalizing downtown which by the way is still our money is what it's still our money yeah well yeah it's all tax money right it's all tax money it's not free money it comes from the right right it may not come out of your property taxes so the so the only thing we can do is hope that it helps the community yeah okay at for the Brownfield assessment present there's an RFQ open seeking a qualified license site professional uh we'll go over this submission okay in future industrial Lance the focus of this project involves identification properties for the future development industrial technology of business PLS and various locations throughout the region do we have anything um did you say industrial yeah industrial future industrial lands theel industrial technology and business products in various locations throughout the region uh will be instrumental ensuring that the analysis of infrastructure needs are accurate as mrpc has become the inventory of existing infrastructure once complete the information will be sent to each town city for feedback prior to presenting information at Future meeting okay because we certainly don't have any programs for economic development here we should it's part of the future but 3.5 is review and comment mrpc Transportation Planning documents basically in a nutshell um this this is in the port hole okay because she's got full docks in the one drive um our only participation was this um Mar the bus the bus anybody writing it still no so they did I think everybody got the email saying take the survey and the survey is not long it doesn't take long to do um so hopefully they get enough feedback you know to do something for Townsen but it's too bad we just don't have the uh people living here that would use it use it I wouldn't use it I looked at the survey but there wasn't really anything I could answer because I wouldn't use it yeah but I wouldn't use it because I'm not gonna go from here to the pitchburg center to go take a train to wait to Boston yeah no because if I have to go to Boston I'm going to Longwood down by the hospitals for my daughter right and going by train is not there is there's no way easy way to get there I gotta drive I just got to drive I it's just um it's just not the demographics in I was just gonna say we just don't have the clientele or you know the residents to live in towns and you have to have a car this is all in the pretext everybody's gonna want to work in Boston and that's not the case here or even pitchburg or lemster right you know so all right so that's that's a transportation thing unified yeah they have different [Music] um acronyms now for different names of programs they've changed and that's 3.5 and we did all of 4.1 MH and the next meeting is Monday the 6th okay so having said that um want to thank you all very much and I will entertain a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn second 831 83 at 8:31 on 29 is it 29 April 29 of April 2024 um does anybody want discuss this discuss what a motion to journ not really all right I will take it is a consensus that everyone voted to adjourn yes okay thank you very much