okay thank you heartley good evening everyone this is Laura shiffrin I'm chairing uh planning board this evening May 20th uh calling the order calling the meeting to order at 6:30 pm I'd like a roll call vote please Carell Hof is present Andrew Shephard present and Laura Sheffer present also with us is Chaz AR leaon to the board of Selectmen welcome Chaz thank you president and Beth um our admin is and Jessica will be joining us uh is our anticipation and I believe there's somebody else on but I think I'll I'll go on with our um preliminaries here okay if you will all join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice La I'd like to thank all of our veterans and current military pray that they will all be safe and our First Responders um we need them almost daily especially today uh the meeting is being recorded and will appear will be uploaded to the town um of Townsen YouTube channel one point4 um Chairman's additions or deletions I do have a few things this evening uh first I would like to spread some good news and that is um if you'll remember we did apply for What's called the upw grant through MRP and it is about the corridor anal analysis of Edward road to Proctor roads we we've discussed this before and we're lucky enough to be included and the pro they're going to reach out to us but the program should be starting by October 1st and it will end um hopefully be done by the end of September of 2025 so that's awesome our tax doll at work and our efforts of asking for Grants um happening well Madam chair if I could go a little further to say that it was also the State Rep and the state senator that put letters of support behind that as well yes and um and you as well our chair our Board of Selectmen as well yeah joint effort for sure yep um and we thank them for their participation um next what we didn't have on the agenda but has come in uh the beginning of May is a request for um a representative from the planning board to serve on the uh mjtc as a planning board rep p in the past couple of years Beth has been doing this for us um and I did speak with her she is willing to do it again she's been very good at filling Us in um um on what's going on there and also giving them feedback from Townsen so unless there's another member that would like to serve um okay I will entertain a motion seeing none I'll entertain a motion that Beth Faxon be our representative to the mjtc I'll make a motion to make to point Beth Faxon as the Lea on to the mjtc for the planning board second okay any further discussion hearing seeing none roll call please thank you Beth you're welcome terl Hof say yes Andrew Shepard yes Laura shiffon yes the second appointment that we need to mrpc is from the planning board as well um and I've been serving in that position for a number of years and unless somebody else would like to take that over I'm happy to fulfill those duties for planning board all right I'll make a motion to Appo Lori shiffrin as the Le of plating board representative to mrpc second okay any discussion hearing saying none I'll entertain a roll call Vote or take the roll call vote and thank you Lori for do that Carol hes yes Andrew Shephard yes okay and Laura shiffon yes and Beth you'll report those appointments to the agencies and okay and then uh 1.5 oh also as as when I'm on mrpc I'm currently chairing don't know what's going to happen um for July but I also serve as the chair on the mo which meets monthly and it's a transportation um updates on that so next would be our minutes we have received minutes for and reviewed they're in the portal March 11th 2024 April 1st 2024 April 29th 2024 May 6th is not in our portal has not been reviewed so I would like to uh move that to our next meeting of June 10th if that pleases the board okay uh other than that do you want to take them individually um Beth did you make the edit edits to the that were sent yeah yours yes okay um that was on that was on the um 24th the excuse me April 1 uh ones a public hearing where there was was it was more like uh repeating of a couple of paragraphs so um not sure what's going on there so what's your pleasure oh can we just do the collectively yes can um I'll make a motion to approve the minutes for March 11 2024 April 1st 2024 and April 29th 2024 second okay any further discussion comments hearing none I'll take a roll call vote car say yes Andy Shephard yes and Laura shiffon yes thank you very much and thank you Beth for all the work on that that was a lot 1.6 uh advertise planning board member vacancy is that for the that's for the one that wasn't filled this election correct yes and how many years was that it's uh the term expires at the following April annual Town election where the um the individual can then run for a seat and then it can run for for an open seat that works and um we had talked about the fact that there were some scattered votes and um Jessica was gonna reach out to them yeah that hasn't been done yet but we're planning on uh sending a letter to those individuals okay and'll keep the board updated with that but do you do you want to vote that do we have to vote to advertise the vacancy no it's already posted okay yep it's posted for 10 days and at this point we're um looking for volunteer response forms for individuals who are interested okay um so we just have just a few minutes before the public hearing gets uh continued here or resumed um Chaz you had sent out a memo was in our correspondence in reference to um liaison to the boards um do I guess there was some confusion as to what your intent was um I thought that you wanted feedback on on how we felt about the liaison process and and uh the help that we were receiving or not receiving kind of thing was it something other than that no it was um I'm in the process of um setting up the assignments for the following year and um I just wanted to find out from all the boards and committees and commissions um how they feel the process is going if there's any comments or concerns uh and what we can do to improve the process so it was really just you know I I needed some kind of feedback okay so I understood it um and I think that um we don't want to lose you as our liaison so can I I make that point so so noted Madam chair okay thank you you sound unanimous in that as well yes we are are um no there're they're um I I've kind of broke the mold on several different things um meaning that just because it's been tradition and doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good uh it's a good tradition I know that I've been following um all of the boards for the three years that I've been um a selectman um I've been trying to uh Joe also has been the same way since he was a selectman before and selectman again um and I just feel that having having a shift at the end of the year um we have a lot of things started and I'll give you a prime example the upw is something that we discussed when I was on the planning board before I was even selectman so to get it on to a point where we could actually ask for a grant took us a good three years you know and now we have to wait until we get it on the tips once we get it on the tips then we can start seeing if we can get a a grant to you know find out if we can actually afford to fix some of the things that they suggest in that Grant um so I I just think it's valuable for for you know you guys to have the same liais on um for a longer period of time than just one year and that's just my opinion um I'd have to agree and I I think that speaks volumes for um serving on boards prior to becoming Selectmen I think that you have you know a lot more bra background in how to deal with things my personal opinion yeah okay so now we are at I like to stand got a few minutes here like three minutes so well Madam Madam chair may I just and I I just want to back up in as far as advertising for the vacancy and stuff because I promised Beth Beth that I would do my best to to uh to do this PSA um it's not only um you know put it on the the the VAC posting the vacancy and you know I announce it on the selectman's meetings as well um I I I'm going to be having a conversation with the rest of the board tomorrow in regards to what we can do collectively to um start getting more active um volunteers uh and part of it is we need to find out what's broken in the system so that we can figure out what we need to do to fix what's going on um is it the the timetable involved the amount of uh hours that it takes for volunteers if it means that we need to um assess in each area and say to be a volunteer for planning you would need I don't know eight hours a week or four hours a week or we need to set a time frame so that we can give a more accurate um uh figure to the individuals in uh involved um I also think that we have to um create an environment where people actually want to come and and volunteer uh and that means that we all need to get along we all need to you know have decorum and all of that kind of stuff so think about um you know what you guys as a as a board would would want to do to kind of exercise um some kind of uh the way to Market uh the open positions uh and we'll do whatever you feel is necessary um I know that with Beth we are putting it on uh we have it on tcam um we have it on we're going to be announcing it at um the select winds meetings um but we really have to do some kind of uh internal recruitment to get people on so there you go Beth that's my that's my big shot thank you is not the uh only vacancy yeah we do we do have a lot we we could definitely use the town's people's help yeah and that's where it comes down to if everybody just does a little you know they'll be to the benefit of everyone but um so now just a minute away and um I don't know what can be that quick actually from what we have um so it is now 6:45 p.m and I will call to order the continuation of the hearing for 108 and 110 West Meadow Road major storm water management permit application um I'll introduce the board members and I'm going to have a self- introduction of the board members that are here and we do have a quorum Carol H is present Andrew Shephard pres and LA present uh there's a signning sheet but I don't know that there's any if there's any people in is here 108 is on his way he's coming yeah we do have um butter in the audience but at the hearing the audience okay and then we have the engineer on and we have the applicant on all right um I have a lot of paper so excuse me so we've received the um materials from both the applicant and the consultant and the applicant now has a copy of that right Phil and Chris do you both have copies of what the engineer has sent correct yeah we do have the uh the letter dated uh May 15 with the final um review okay so there are still some things missing on that and we're g we can discuss some of that and the peer review if you like we're I do not see that we will be in a position to make a decision this evening um because of some of the outstanding items but I'll give you the floor um okay we can um I guess you want me well I guess what do you want me to say um I can go through the items um but from a design perspective gii um has reviewed it and I believe they've given their blessing from a design perspective um we do have the few things that we were discussing at the last meeting um the easement on 108 um on behalf of 110 that is in the lawyers hands currently um the lawyers have drafted the easement language um they I believe they have sent it to the property owners's uh lawyer for 108 and they're in the process of reviewing that and um going back and forth on that okay is that is that the item that you sent dated May 2nd um that's no that's the requested waiver no that's the requested W yes so yeah the requested waiver is because this was uh put in prior to your revisions um and Jessica can remind me exactly um basically the waiver is we're W we're requesting a waiver for an easement to the town because in your new bylaw it's implied that with the permit that's what W yeah um so that's that one um I said the easement their lawyers are right now are hashing that out um and the revised uh onm documents are Bill can correct me on this has Phil submitted have you submitted those Phil I don't think so no they haven't 108 hasn't reviewed them yet okay so 108 has to review them and there uh we do have a letter 4 108 hopefully they can review that and sign it which is an acknowledgement that states that they know that the town has the legal right to access the property to do the maintenance on the basins um I think that was I'm trying to look through the letter here um other than that I like I said I do know gii was satisfied with the design itself um but we can um we can talk about I guess whatever you folks want to talk about have any other questions can I ask a question and and my neighbor's coming so hi Phil Lisa's here um one of the things that we're a little bit confused about is that as we look at the drawings I haven't seen the design of what's being done which I trust you all to do all that that's not the question um you know Phil and I had talked previously about 108 and 110 sharing responsibility which we have no problem with either however with the drawing as it looks right now it looks like it sits on 108 but when you look at the property lines and where it actually is right now it sits on 110 so I'm a little confused as to where everything sits and if somebody could just kind of explain that that would be great um George is on his way just so everybody knows and like I said we have no problem with any of the work being done but we don't know what's being done I don't know what's being done I should say that and here he comes and and you're the owner of I'm the owner of 110 okay great thank you and here's George for 108 I made it so that's what we're just trying to figure out you know property lines and such as we talked about it looks like it and pH correct us if we're wrong too it looks like it sits on 110 not 10 is this what you yes so yeah this is me this is him but when you look at the drawing it looks like it sits here Nota are those are temporary winter basins those aren't the okay engine okay okay Mr starter is coming out hopefully this week if he can to sh where theal plans are going out and I don't know if that physically on the property I'm not sure if this it's an imaginary line that's on the ground but there's Stakes like it's hard for you to tell where the property line is I know it's at the bottom of the the hill but yeah it's kind of hard to dictate that okay yeah and and this week I believe Wednesday we're heading out there we're going to stake out the location of those basins so everybody so excuse me for a minute but it's going to shift to the left towards closer to my or onto my property is that how it's going so I understand it yeah so both of the I guess all three of them but let's talk about the ones in the back because that's seems to be what we're talking about oh I can yeah can I do that sorry can you share screen I'm just trying to get that now yeah yeah good point may maybe he would like to see the reviews yeah okay who would like uh their screen shared I will at just a momenty I should be logged in so yes okay give me give me a second Beth which is similar to so while you're looking at the plans and Harley is getting a screen share going yeah okay Jessica yes can I ask you to give a recap please uh yeah sure so at the last meeting um we just got a brief overview of the project and the history of the project um that being that this is a retroactive filing for a major storm water management permit um for the tree clearing across the three properties 108 110 and 112 um topographically how the site is situated with drainage and runoff um the engineer is proposing that storm water treatment primarily occurs in the back of uh house Lot number 108 as we can see um so um action items that came out of the last hearing were uh some plan revisions that were requested by by our peer reviewer um to be made to that storm water erosion and settlement control plan um we had the peer review completed of that second reev revised plan which we've already talked about tonight um we're up to speed on all hard coffees administratively of things um and then yeah the biggest action item that was taken away that Chris started talking about was just sort of the legal review of the drainage and all the properties and the access agreements um due to the fact that these two properties are now under private ownership but the permit is still being filed for by the developer so um we have had no luck getting in touch with Town Council um but I was able to speak with our Town Administrator so um as as Chris had already summarized earlier in this hearing the access between the two back and forth between the two properties drain between 108 and 110 would be done privately between those two owners but then the license to enter um should be presented by the developer but agreed upon by the developer um whomever will be the owner and operator of those storm water basins moving forward and the town so um that's sort of where we're at tonight and then we can see those two where the two proposed basins are going to be um relative to what's out there now thank you Jessica appreciate that I think that really tells us where we are and uh are there any other questions from those in the audience tonight that can be clarified for you because we won't be able to vote on this tonight until we get the remainder of the information just a you guys have any questions yeah I I kind of do so Jessica kind of going back to what you just said so as 108 is my property right so the basins will be on my property so going forward how will who will be responsible to maintain them so the so the information that we received in the office shows that you will be responsible so that is something that you and need you and Phil will need to hash out behind the scenes of course um but what we can do is just um provide you with the information as to what it means to be a an operator and the maintenance manager of these two basins so it's not just you know a summer endeavor it's into perpetuity is how our bylaws and our our regulations are written so there's annual reporting requirements um you know there's seasonal Mowing and cleaning out of the basins as needed so uh what we can do is is sorry my son's right next to me what we can do is we can send you the town regulations that outline what your responsibilities will be um and that way you and Phil and any lawyers needed can sit down and go through it all to make sure everyone's on the same page and I have that here okay but in reality runoff from 110 is still going to be coming onto my property is that true based on how the plans show it I believe part of the runoff from I think the driveway and then sort of like the right side of her house if we're looking at this map on the screen right now um that will be braided so that it runs down into the to the um rainwater Garden on the left so Jessica I can add on to that so that is true part of the water from 110 does enter 108 but after it goes through the Basin part of 108's water goes back on to 110 and discharges to the um the bvw that's down off the property so while his their water does enter your property at some point your water ends up going back onto their property as well so do you know like so is this a shared hold on issue is that kind of what you're suggesting yeah so that's really the reason for the Catalyst for the easement um because 110 water does enter 108s and I'm sorry I'm not using you I'm just it's easier for me to stay it by the property number um yeah no that's giving 110 x access to clean that Basin um is really the cat is the way the water is Flowing that's the reason for that easement they have our permission it's fine we're there yeah we're it and in all honesty I mean the basins is kind of a weird term these are really Rain Gardens so they're very shallow they have some nice plantings and some flowers and bushes and bark mulch it's kind of it would look like any other little alcohol pop-up Gardens that you would put around your property it you know I hate when we use the term Bas and I don't want you to think it's a 4 foot hole in the earth um it's definitely not that we try to make it real gentle slopes you know nice plantings and wood chips to make it obviously we you have to look at these so we want them to be aesthetically pleasing as well and once you install them they're inspected yes correct but here's there is the operation and maintenance plan but it is something that I will need to fill out paperwork per year on this yes there's an annual report checklist right there and the regulations for U maintenance and operation and perpetuity okay and those so I just want to chime in U I was trying to meet up with Mr Kimbell last week um our schedule's just didn't align I have a packet form to go over and look at all this stuff we're kind of discussing now I'm G actually say it again I just want to let you know that I did give him a copy of the operation and maintenance plan that you submitted as part of this application it's public record at this point and also a copy of the annual inspection checklist okay um and a copy of the operation and maintenance plan agreement that you had brought in the other day yep that's all the stuff we with his name on it okay so I just want to let you know what I gave him tonight I think if you don't mind guys just the overall gist of this is you know it's easy just to put somebody's name down on the onm plan but there is quite a bit of responsibility that comes with it so the planning board ultimately is going to be issuing this permit to fill but saying that George will be responsible ultimately for it in the future so just want to make sure from the town's perspective when we issue a permit that everyone that's involved in it whose names are in there whose signatures are on it understands what their responsibilities are so that's that's what we want to give you guys a couple more weeks um until the June planning board meeting to to Hash through all this and and just make sure you understand what your responsibilities will be so I'm going to throw something else out also is now our our house is in Trust so am I going to be the one filling this form out going forward or will it be our our trustee if you will I do not know the answer to that question IL legal question yeah I think um you you mentioned that you have your own land use attorney on board with this part right now so that a good question to start with them and if that's something that you know maybe you're comfortable taking the lead on this moving forward that's probably with a simple fact you know and we're not trying to hold up progress or anything else and you know we have full faith in and Phil there's no issue with that it's more of you know just making sure that legally we're moving forward correctly and especially with the trust you know just to make sure that that's resolved yeah okay that's good that we're moving forward in terms of you know delaying a little bit here to have time to go over it and yeah I would like to meet with you yeah absolutely he Phil when are you coming by say it again when are you coming by to see George uh I can't do it tomorrow but whenever George is available I know he had some some stuff that took precedent but if you have all that stuff that that Beth just gave I'm going to just email this to the attorney so they can Circle it through the attorney's emails yeah that would be good if it's gonna the attorney anyways it's just going to get all emailed over to them tonight [Music] okay okay thank you Beth for making sure that that packet was there for um 110 appreciate that try screen share now technical difficulties here sorry good to get a copy of this yeah can we get a copy of the second page here think we'd be able to share second page copy with them or email we have this we don't have this we don't oh H yeah I should have an extra copy let me just uh I can I are you talking about the plan set I can when I come up when I come up yeah the Revis one when I come up Wednesday I can bring you both a set of plans okay page the only thing about Wednesday Phil um I can't guarantee that um my wife Melanie is um recuperating from surgery so I'm not sure how she's going to feel at that time and sadly I have something um on Thursday so it may be really next week that's fine yeah honestly it you know it's we want to work around your schedule so whatever works for you folks um we can make that happen Okay thank you can can Mr starter come out and still Mark the yes absolutely okay that's that's all it was just thing yes absolutely Mark those and then I can okay then what I do is I I can I'll bring a set of C plans the RIS copies to both of you I'll just throw them in your mailbox or anything so I don't you know I don't want to disturb anybody up there so that works Roger that okay sounds good thank you George thank you okay so from your discussions I just want to make sure that number one you've asked all your questions and number two do you feel that June 10th is going to give you enough time you um yeah I think so okay that's fine all right then I'm good with entertaining a motion to continue until 6:45 PM on June 10th this hearing I can I chime in excuse me um that's Phil okay Phil um that's my son's fourth birthday and we I won't be able to attend that uh can Chris do it is or do I need to be I'll I'll I'm available I can be there sorry we're we're currently planning as big birthday party that's okay um we have another meeting in June if that if you we'll just get it done I want to get this wrapped up I if even if I have to come on with I can I'll figure it out okay I'm sorry just that that date just came to my head I'm I'm glad I'm really that you remember it that's a big okay so I have heard a motion to continue until 6:45 p.m on June 10th 2024 is there a second I'll second okay any further discussion from the board hearing none I'll take a roll call vote please Carol hus yes Andrew Shephard yes and Laura schiffon yes thank you to all the participants thank you have a good night folks have a good night thank you okay um going into work session now uh 3.1 um master plan review accomplishments discuss implementation we've not been prepared to do anything further on the master plan tonight but I did want to mention that um planning board's report on the zoning bylaw change that was approved at the town meeting I received a couple of calls actually from attorney with comments from the engineer that had presented this of how thorough the report was and how all issues were addressed to defend our position if you will and they had nothing that they had to say so I thought wow okay I don't usually get that compliment so let's um let's use that as a template that we check get all those points and any questions that have been answered and honestly it came from questions that people are you know stated in the public hearing that we should know the answers to and so that's how everything uh that's how important the public hearings start too for us to hear what questions are out there and address them before and have the answers for any meeting where the vote is going to take place so that would be my only anybody else have comments on 3.1 no 3.2 uh Townsen MBTA Community zoning act compliance update uh we did get uh something in our Port portal from MRP c um yeah that's the scope of services for the DTA right and been executed um and I don't think there are any action items for the planning board at this time okay 3.3 review bylaw changes 145 36 accessory apartments that I mean it was approved the way it was on the warrant yep so and mrpc will be at the June 10th meeting exactly so that would be preparing and understanding what you know amendments were proposed and approved rather at town meeting so you can continue working on the bylaw with mrpc as your consultant so the kickoff meeting for that uh effort is June 10th at at do they okay so we just booked a hearing for 6:45 do we have a time for them to come that evening nothing has been set yet so if you have a preference um I can you know communicate that to the um to the gentleman it's Joseph Bole coming from mrpc I'm just thinking maybe 73 well 7:15 or 7:30 because that should give us enough time to get through do I mean tell them in between that time because we might be done by 7:15 okay all right and this way he doesn't have to hang around or you know what I mean we're not him up either but he doesn't have to come before that either yes would there be any other invitees to that uh if you have any other individuals or I mean he specifically in the scope it specifically says planning board meeting but I'd you know be happy to extend invitations to other boards and members I would say certainly um housing Housing Authority the Housing Trust and um Chaz of course z zoning y yeah I was gonna say zoning so uh okay that sound good yeah thank you all right um Beth has been really busy so I don't think we need a formal report from you unless you wanted to mention something under 4.1 yeah I just want to mention that all storm water management permits are um up to date um other than Campbell Farm we are kind of waiting on a couple of reports from from that uh project which I'll be reaching out to them tomorrow tomorrow we have a couple of site visits planned uh we're going to 27 scales Lane as the board recalls um you had extended that storm water permit and there was work uh to be done uh well it's been completed so we're going out tomorrow to um to meet with Mr King on site and then after that we will be going over to the W uh water treatment plant where they're starting work on the bio retention plan um for that storm waterer management permit which is also being monitored by the planning board and finally we'll probably take a ride over to 94d Fitchburg Road where they are installing the final bio retention Pond of that system it's a very complex system and they've been doing a great job um getting it installed and uh it's working well we've been monitoring you know they've been great about keeping in contact with our department to let us know when different parts of the system are coming online so we've been able to to work very well with them so that's my strong Water Report I'll also add and we're gonna do a pre-con visit to 66 Bayberry Hill Road tomorrow also thank you yeah we got a busy day okay putting our mosquito spray while you're talking about things that have been going on anything have you received anything on 22 Main Street as of now nothing no okay so there's a deadline was that June yeah that was June 20 uh 30th Jessica do you have plans to reach out again or we where are we yeah because I would think we would want it discussed whatever at the um June 24th meeting right yeah I mean we can reach out I know that both L use and the build Department have been in touch and have reminded that owner numerous times of what is still outstanding yeah um but I don't think we've really received any feedback or status updates so I think probably the best we can do is um just another courtesy check-in and reminding her that her construction schedule is currently set to expire on June 30th okay um 4.2 Andrew do you have anything yes I do I have one notice from the town of PE um let's see public hearing on June 3rd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. um at application submitted by next grid Inc DBA wax myrtle solar LLC on behalf of Lord and Properties LLC requesting a special permit major site plan review and land disturbance permit to permit the construction of a ground mounted solar photo voltaic voltaic array and battery battery energy storage system b s and comp approximately 33 Acres and approximately 46.9 of the approximately 46.9 Acre Site uh property is also located within the Wellhead protection Zone 2 overlay District the Wellhead protection Zone one overlay district is located northwest of the parcel well head protection Zone one surrounds beamus Road well number one property is currently under veloped and consists of forested Woodland the subject property is located at the intersection of beamus Road and Lorden Lane and is owned by Lorden Properties LLC the subject property is shown on tax map 3 as partials 30-1 through 30-21 and is located within the rural residential zoning District if you'd like one information you can see the P Rolle planning board submitted by Al patau Jr chair of the P Rolle planning board and here is a very fuzzy picture this okay all right 4.3 I'd like to mention that there we have a special election for override Tuesday June 11 voting is 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm. at Town Hall 4.4 the select board memo regarding oh we had a little discussion on this already did you want to add anything to that chz no I'm good okay uh didn't realize I was taking that out of order when we discussed it 4.5 uh appointments reappointments go4 oh or did they already select leaon for CH to you through now chair have the Leons been selected already by the board by the select board we'll be doing that tomorrow night thank right it'll be the big reveal is tomorrow [Laughter] all righty and are you revealing anything else tomorrow um I can't confirm or [Laughter] deny okay um and then we have some educational information sessions coming up historic preservation Focus that sounds interesting interesting um and then the citizen planner training collaborative spring workshops if anybody's interested in that and then uh next meetings are June 10th and June 24th at 6:30 and does anyone have anything else to add I appreciate everyone's attention to tonight's details um it was quite a bit to get ready for and I appreciate that um so Jessica thank you for your participation as well this evening entertain a motion to adjourn at 7:19 p.m. I'll make a motion to adjourn at 7:19 PM second all right we call Vote Yes Andrew Shephard yes Laura shepher yes