good evening everyone this is Laura shiffrin and I am chairing or opening the meeting of the town properties committee on Tuesday May 14th at 5:35 pm. um roll call vote please T present Bill Martin present Julie by's present Don you were muted but I I know you're here thank you he's waving still here okay I have sent a text message to um Kevin but I I only gave him 10 minutes so I feel bad about that um next is uhw and approve the minutes of March 4th 2024 was it March 24th March 4 March 4th of 2024 and it was emailed to us okay I make a motion to accept the meeting minutes as presented for March 4th of 2024 and is there a second second second nope no discussions additions deletions comments on the minutes hearing none take a roll call vote please for approval you chman yes pH Martin yes Julie bars yes Ron Hayes yes and Laura shiffon yes thank you very much we also have with us Chaz uh tonight from Board of selectman the aison yes are the aison yes we appreciate it very much um review update list of properties tax title from Town Council all right so we were sent by Jody and thank you very much um you'll see we had gotten four documents of um from the law office of Iris a Le Ley and Jody if you could help me out are these there's four packets and are they each of one property um she stepped out but it looks like it's all the properties no she's I think Lor's talking about something different than what you're are you talking about the sprad sheets no she's talking about this list from Iris I don't no nobody's got it no I've got this too but I don't I have I have everything I think what yeah oh that's okay thank you sorry I think these match up with these okay okay yeah yeah these are different right those are different the long one matches up with the yeah the Thee the the detail some of them are bills that show the breakdown yeah but you guys I think would be more focused on what properties are yeah right yeah because this is all done this is already said and done right this yes that is because there's been questions about how much they cost yeah like what rege C analysis okay so all right so the the detailed list are the properties that were uh auctioned off and so what we got as a report of how much it cost us rant total of time and expenses for each of the properties so that that's something I mean we don't have to discuss tonight but we could certainly all have it for knowledge and what we can expect in the future when we ask for property be to be auctioned off or we if we know that it's going to something um Chaz so how does this how do these affect our budget we don't we don't budget out or pay anything until we get money right no we base our Revenue off of expected taxation so um if they if they don't pay then that money comes out of the levy tax levy okay yeah but when if they don't pay comes out of the tax levy yeah we budget we budget with what is assumed to be the taxes okay so all of the expenses involved Hey Kevin the chair acknowledges Kevin Smith has attended the meeting so all of this is just all of these expenses though then come out of the general fund but after we receive the funds like these are the auctioned items that that's what I'm about okay correct yes well I appreciate that information Jody well that the also I want to I I want to bring out that there was a new law in regards to um when and if these properties are sold um the town can only take what it has owed and the rest goes back to the previous owner oh I understand that I that's new that's that's standard procedure foreclosure procedure same thing yeah yeah if we if we auctioned it off anything above an auction we would keep now correct because we own it we don't auction a property that we don't own right we're not allowed to make is it the same rule as foreclosure I'm not so sure about that I mean when when the bank takes a property and they auction it off say for example the personel is 100,000 and it brings 200,000 after all the legal expenses foreclosure proceedings and all that I believe the person um gets the difference you're right and I don't think it's any different than our storage facility down here because of we if we um sell a unit it brings back a lot of money the only thing we can take is what's owed to us plus the legal costs right and foreclosure costs yeah right but it's different in a taking it so it's tax title taking you then the town then takes the property I don't I don't think I don't know Julie do know differently I I don't think it's I think that when it's taken for taxes you only get the taxes you only get the taxes no I have to I'd have to look that up I don't know the answer to that question if once we own it when we own it right I think that's the difference I think there's the one where we can take it for taxes and then have have it sold so so as long as we haven't done the tax title transfer I think we can only take the taxes at that point I think once once we we get it and the town transfer the deed into the town's property right yeah becomes Town property right once it becomes Town property we sell it we we can keep the entire proceeds it's before that before we actually own it if we're if we're selling it um I I disagree with that because um the main street across from Harbor Auto we owned that didn't we the bank gave it for years so we owned that but because of the taxes and the back expenses that was definitely a wash but we were told that anything if there was any money made in that particular sale it had to go back to the owner the bank the bank really oh okay owned it for years unconstitutional for us to make a profit on on a tax St okay how about the other properties then same thing would apply to the others yep yep so how did those come out and th this is pretty much the same as well same with but wash yeah we may we may not have gotten all of what we owed but we did we we were able to discharge the property yeah okay um so the there's another document here that's uh towns and auction 1027 2023 and there's I I'm let me see are you looking at that spreadsheet that's the three oh yeah okay well no this this that spreadsheet and that just has uh the different properties three of them yeah yep and all that it just it's just outlining all that stuff that's backed up on the other pages okay all right I I guess my question would be we're going to have to we're almost going to have to see one one line item that we don't have in here that we probably should have in here is uh up here Joe Jing the 182 War Road parcel for example it's got an assess value of 151,00 what we've taken that property we own it uh what have what what did he owe on taxes when we took it I mean did he owe us $151,800 would it have accumulated to that amount to this point or is this going to be a situation we're going to have to look into uh from this point moving forward Chaz okay so this is the next document and the last document that we have to look at today um and it says files with final judgment Town owned so that I if it says Town owned in parentheses which I thought it was it still has the name okay it has these are filed yeah filed judgments against the owners for these properties so this was the only property that was per our recommendation to the board of Selectmen which was on the warrant at this past meeting corre which pass that Board of Selectmen now have the right to do something with the property correct and with with the addition of last year in the fall did we do the um water department building on Main Street no the offices I believe I would I would believe that that would be a different circumstance because the town owned that property and owned it bought it uh and has owned it for many many years so I think that would be certain uh certainly a different situation different set of circumstances right it it but it is a property on on the list that when it's available and passes Title Five and all the requirements that were on it um that it will be up for sale but but again that one is which property was that I I didn't hear you the water department building la oh the water department that's I believe I believe that to be a completely different set of circumstances it but yeah no no no I I agree it's not a tax taking it was a property that we recomended sold and we voted so I I just wanted to maybe I muddied the water I thought we were talking about properties that we had agreed would be sold oh okay um this is well this list are all the judgments the open files in land Court we have not we haven't reviewed these or made recommendations on them unless I'm not remembering everything and somebody knows something I don't like 25 Adams Road 65 Adams Road Tyler Road that's an epol property which sounds like that one sounds like um I just see the trusty previously sent a Dem and what and he was deceased I didn't realize that okay uh what's good about these is that um I guess is it the town accountant or the treasurer that prepared all all the statuses or you know of what's going on with the particular properties so do we just want to review all of these please one by one and go over we might think we should so the first one we know was voted the second one uh the Manson property 92 Greenville Road what number did we just vote on the other night 70 something that was a zoning thing yeah yeah 39 39 39 okay all right a different passel all together that was on oh yeah I know I just this is this is a three4 of a mile further up the road okay so I advise the land court and this goes back to 21 land Court was advised have focused on the wrong parcel supplemental title exam provided to the court and as a response to the Court's checklist IIs see my updated status notes to the left so in to um they requested the court to confirm if a supplemental exam is satisfactory to answer the Court's checklist the answer to that was follow-up request but I didn't get a an answer in 24 M fish and wildlife interested in obtaining the parcel uh with permission from the treasurer I provided information from the file to mass fish and wildlife regarding the complicated title April of 24 um any update on mass fish and wildlife progress and obtaining title would you like me to send the court another letter with diligence search information to try to move this case um any comments on that one I can I can speak to the Fish and Wild life okay and and how big a how big of land is this do you know Vicky parcel that is find out for you hold on okay good piece it's all on the side of a cliff she's doing that Chaz you were we the the um Town Administrator and myself met with fish and wildlife for the parcels that they were interested in the only thing that they were um that they approached us with is a private sale that they were going forward with and asked the town if we had any problems with it and that would be the West Property oh but that didn't but Jaz that didn't come before the board to be voted on to see if the town would be interested in it it didn't it didn't meet the the criteria for it to to do we we looked into that because that was under 61a correct yes yeah okay yeah but the way the way it came through because I checked with Adam on this too after our conversation um in conservation um having said that this this property did not come up and the only other properties that they were interested in are the small Parcels that I had asked Vicki about um the small postage stamp Square that's on the Lunenburg side um and then there's a another parcel um that borders fish and wildlife but this property never came up in that this one's 34 Acres okay so 34 Aces and Fish and Wildlife are not interested well yes it's not on their radar it's not that they're not interested okay so you didn't name this specifically and say would you be you just said what are you interested in they asked us oh if we had any parcels and we only named on the very small parcels that Vicky you remember the ones that I talked to you about is just very small quarter acre one was less than an acre um that bord fish and wildlife to get them on that so uh we can get more money on it in our pilot program this was never on there is what I'm trying to say so this is something that you might want to run by conservation and all of the boards you guys do is that okay so okay so this one in particular would be one that we would send to conservation ask their opinion like do you think this is a parcel that the town would transfer to conservation I I can't answer that as conservation member without seeing without without seeing what what the part where what and where the Fels are how big they are and whether they would have any conservation value to hold for conservation most in my personal opinion I would think a lot of them not they're quarter half acre and they and they border uh fish and wildlife and would therefore give fish and wildlife access to a larger parcel then in my opinion it would it would probably be the best place to put it because for the town owner is conservation it doesn't border the river some way that the the residents could get to the river to fish or something like that I can't um like I said I can't speak for the other members of the board either she's talking about the 34 acre one yeah oh the oh I'm sorry I thought you were talking about small passes no no just what's gonna what's on this list that we've not discussed before today oh I I would say I would say that they should go before the kcom review just to clarify technically the town doesn't only yeah technically these are filed in land for for their opinion yeah getting ready for their opinion okay since 21 and they still haven't anything else see they and they're not we are not getting any taxes on this property landport okay okay so um Jody you can just um refer this first to conservation and see what they come back with and it would just be for their opinion because obviously if it's still in land Court there's nothing we can do about it right okay the next one is velart property at 25 Adams Road and that's a same situation that's in Le Court still okay and how many acres is that to a couple acres isn't it yeah it's not big okay so same thing still on lanord and we that is actually that is actually a lot house lot a house it's an existing lot today yeah yeah it's about an acre it looks like but that's pre-existing non-conforming okay and so April 8th was the last notice uh notice has not yet issued updated to the calendar and another letter for land court is necessary so obviously they're they're slow moving on a lot of these things 65 Adams the same thing same thing well isn't that property is in the process of being sold as as I because they came before us uh at our last meeting yep 65 Adams is removed because taxes have been paid in so that should be on and then with that with um 92 Greenville Road it looks like Iris had asked left a question would you like me to send the court another letter with diligent I wonder if you could as a board suggest to the tax um the treasure collector to try to move forward with that that would I I believe that would be a good uh good thing to do to try on which one were you saying 92 Greenville 92 Greenville motion to move forward have it over there yeah you do thato move forward it to for yeah would you like to make a motion to that effect worry to um move the no but I'll entertain a motion did you want to make I think you're making one all motion that I'll make a motion that town properties move that uh 92 Greenville Road parel uh 6- 3.0 uh of the anal Matson piece docket number 16 TL 0000 569 over to be uh looked at to move forwards in the process in court in court is there a second a second any further discussion I'll hear a roll call vote pleasee you yes Kevin Smith yes so Martin yes Julie Byers yes John Hayes yes Bill Martin did you say yes yes did okay Laura Shian yes thank you very much okay and so nothing um then on the epol one um see my updated response review documents at the registry of deed appears the trustee we previously sent a demand to was deceased and we didn't realize demand letter sent to current trustees hopefully they will respond and advise uh if they want to keep the property or if they would Ascent to entry of judgment in court so okay that one was April 8th so that'll just be on our list to check to see what happens you know when she next reports yeah because there was a trust uh trustee there's a lot of money owed there yeah issue with a lot with the Abol trust yeah that's a lot of money property is that that was only a couple acres isn't it and on that property there's a continuation on the top of Page Three yeah that says it that says there was no response and that they will file in that Court okay good sorry I didn't turn the page over um but yeah that's a that's a lot of money so that one they should be moving on um even if we just get the money and and legal fees it's over $100,000 so we could use that yes but I don't know I I I'm not so sure there's a lot there I I I think some investigation would need to be done well I think that's what they're doing it's 623 six that's why I was like I mean a lot or a lot yeah oh sorry a lot oh God okay next um Walter foli Fitchburg Road no no longer land of low value 473 as far as size goes which one this funny only piece I think it was just a small procet as well I don't think so uh Vicki moment please one moment [Music] please I mean they owe 5 over $56,000 in taxes and they the 429 is we file a petition in land Court to foreclose as soon as as possible absolutely I I think this is the property that is across from the F foli house and behind a water tower it's not it's not a small parcel I remember it's 15 15 15 Acres yep okay well that's the report is it a landlocked parcel yeah yeah it's a landlock parcel with no access so that's why the value was so low yes but I believe in a butter would buy that so we we need and and plus it's 56,000 over that that's owed and then plus legal is going to be higher than that but it may still 15 acres to and a butter it may still be worth something oh absolutely it's it's got value yep so hopefully uh Hamilton Jim Hamilton on Warner road that I don't think is a big parcel this just a small tiny parcel isn't it low land value working as fast as you can do no further work um what does llv mean half an acre okay what was it it probably was a good one so this this almost doesn't seem like um it's worth legal and it says file noted do no further work so was it should this have been like attached to another property well he did another passle up there I think I think what this is I think this is where the father's trailer was remember the little mobile home take a left and just go little ways and right on the right and then Jim built a bigger house in the back yeah that's and it's just a small little parcel um is this the parcel that you guys gave to the the affordable housing trust next to it no no oh I don't think that's down that's down south of there okay this property is if you go to the top of Highland Street turn left like you're heading towards my fam yeah and you go you just just a 1500 ft couple thousand feet from the right hand side okay I think this this one might be more something that's gonna fall through the cracks um what the hamilt it doesn't it doesn't say Well it said demand letter was sent June of 2016 here we are eight years later Jim's been dead for for uh Jim Hamilton himself has been dead for Jesus I don't know five six years I think yeah so I I mean it says file noted do no more more work because the legal fees are going to be more than than what the taxes are owed probably on this parcel if it's only $2,300 in value so this is almost like um clean up somehow well it might be a piece to offer to The Neighbor Next Door that own Hamilton's old house um if it's there's nothing to be done on it I believe in my opinion um it's it's something to think about um you know you might the town might be able to offer it to to to The Neighbor Next Door for couple thousand bucks to help recover a few bucks of their money get it back in the tax worlds it's just doesn't own it yeah so move forward on the town owning is probably going to cost more than it be wor that's the thing it's cost way more CH is this something that you could ask action kind of a lot so just let it sit go by which one happen in our lifetime but someday if SE ever went by the town has a lot there or a town water one of the two because a sepic system could be designed on the property if it had down water M where a well could be put on the lot if it had down TOA so I mean you're looking down the road the crystal ball a long ways rather than I'm I'm sure going to be around to look but yeah you spoke for all of us okay so um that's that might be something in the future that um border of slman might want to talk to legal counsel about as what might be the best way to go to just put a note on this that Tom properties discussed it and hold on at no cost it might be something to just run by them and just table okay you know we have a lot of parcels in town still that are that are you know basically going to be Town owned at some point right do we know if there's any heirs I mean we s a letter but if he's deceased I don't know any I don't know the answer to that because I don't think they had children his wife passed before him correct so I I don't know the answer to that I knew Jim fairly quite well but all right um next is uh lee Larson property and this one suggestion ask the assessor to review and if assessed properly I should send a pre-filing letter substantial property value um and this this one does say acreage of six acres but the D contains two Parcels that are 12.28 acres and four acres go ahead I don't know if you remember but when the state bought a lot of Le property the left side fishing wildlife and at the same time they they were looking at this but they couldn't find a clear title to it and I think that's the piece if I'm not if I'm not mistaken isn't that the piece across the road yeah on the right as you heading toward your house yeah after you turn right at the FL yeah and I I I do agree because we had bought and cleaned up no no no it's not the piece where the um that Barn the where he had the sco oh it's down further down by win yeah yes okay that's right that's right um because I knew when um we had purchased some land from him a number of years yeah back a few Parcels but I mean the state did a they did a a title search on and they couldn't get a clear title I knew there was something there um I don't know and so how's it listed in our fil it's still under Le Larson and is it six acres in your record yeah there's one parel of three there's a par but we carry as six six and there's this other piece I'm not really sure so if if I may perhaps on these where we don't know where um the amount of money owed on them is not listed if you could find that out even on the Halfacre just for clarification for discussion and the same on the Le L parcel this piece out on had acreage um column um I've been okay I we do this again I haven't add that could we yeah y y y thank you oh so the attorney is asking on that on on oh I'm reading on Brian ly's now yeah which Redemption recorded was in 2019 for taking of fiscal year 2006 taxes and then on the next page it says Please provide the date and balance was paid via email so that I can note and close the file if in fact it was paid there's not that information here so can you get that information to the attorney and else that went in the last tax taking I I'm not so sure what what there there was some of this land too was in the town of lenberg I believe the end of the end of U sver yeah on the left hand side very not the 13 acre no because that's yeah okay where is on down off the end of the old road yeah it's the land on the left side of the old road into lunberg and then there's some parcel also I believe on the other side of town in lunber as well he did years ago only piece in there this piece Brian Michael piece I'm kind of familiar with this piece when it comes out so we just need to let them know whether that's closed I guess yeah well the one on lvy and then the next one that Kevin just referred to um it says the assessor's office is researching as when did she tell us that just now okay yeah this this piece just now well seeing you right here okay all right this this see there's a reason that this little Board gets together you have been officially told corre okay so you'll let us know about that too at the next yeah this piece had some Frontage on bookline road if you look at you look at the I have looked at it before and when he bought that property and built that subdivision called Hillside Drive when you get down to the very end Hillside Drive he owned a piece that went clear through to for Line Street this is going back put my thinking cap on and U he wanted to continue the road through but he had to go across the swamp there was no way that he would be able to do it in the town's eyes or the state's eyes would let him do it so um he left that parcel and uh and then of course he's moved on and and uh when you say moved on well he's you mean departed this world no he's he's he's around he's just moved on from that project and uh I I would say he's probably realized that there's nothing there there yeah for him so he's probably just thinking well we'll just give it to the town let them take it yeah that would be my opinion and they can reach out to all my understanding lives in Mason New Hampshire well she's um she has suggested sending a pre-filing letter to him also says that uh taking may need to be amended um scrier affidavit to add trust oh so scrier ER because I almost think Brian lby was involved in that too he may he may be a trustee to that am I out there or am I correct probably was involved are you saying that the Brian lby parcel not not the sver one but Brian's up on Hillside was connected to Michael him him and Michael did that together and it said Dad the trustee or question of the trustee Brian may have been a trustee if if they set up a trust okay all right next I don't know that's somebody for that's some for somebody that a lot smarter than this guy to look into but I do remember them building the project I believe they built it together so do you need to make a decision on should she send a pre-filing letter well um sounds I think that's her next step on here I mean I think we would agree with that you want to make a motion send a pre-filing letter to Town Council somebody want to make a motion that's a motion I'll second it well it's it's it won't be Town Council it'll be this Ira yeah that's right d That's right um okay so there's a motion and a second to uh send a pre-filing letter well if we want to call it that that's fine sounded like one for Brooklyn parcel ID 29-2 Vicky tman yes Kevin Smith yes it's B Martin yes a legal motion it's a motion motion Don Hayes yes yes okay so the next one is babber Hill Road low value 2015 demand letter really confused received received a response from the property owner owner does not want the property and will not redeem neighbors gar May on the neighbor that's convenient Steven's Neighbor Garage might be on that is that what that's yeah it sounds like the the whole lot's only 9,000 square feet and and the neighbor's garage is on it so Chaz how how would we um um well it's still in the guy's name right it says owner does not want property and will not redeem will will Iris send him a letter to ask him to sign sign off on it and give it to the town neighbor IDE yeah that's a good idea legally for I legally take it so I I'll look for a motion on that one tax they live in O so the town can accept donations is that basically what would be they wouldn't accept the town wouldn't accept it they would have to the the best thing that could happen in this particular case is to get a hold of the Steve Bron and and ask him if he would sell the town that property for a dollar yeah and then turn around and go to the neighbor whether that his garage is on the property and ask him if he'd like to buy it give it to him let him pay all the legal expenses or move his garage and then and then put it in the tax roles so the town can get 100 bucks a year out of that 9,000 ft or whatever it is get it back in the tax walls I think that's a good motion oh I don't that was a great motion don't know that I I would you didn't get all that Jody no if you if you'd like I'll make a motion a little messed up but um I'll make a motion that the Stephen R prome piece on baby Hill Road parel ID 1-5-3 um as specified by the town as a low value parcel that may have the garage the neighbor's Garage on said parcel um to send a letter to the prud home and Mr prome and see if he would um sell that property to the town of Townson for said $1 legal fee and if the town would accept that property possibly go to the neighbor you don't need you just want to say I think you're saying too much yeah yeah okay right there and I Vicki if I can ask you how much in taxes is due on that low value property because I think maybe add that what his up say it's $1,000 do I mean it's only a, value it could be less than that but that the deed that he'll give over to the town is for that value and that's if it's only like a okay if if he'll do that then the town can do whatever it after I don't I don't think you want it that way I think you want it to be simp to be a dollar dollar transfer yeah but then he still owes money no unless they do it in L of forgiven he's selling the town the property for a dollar and then the town has the property for and the for a dollar but they've got to add whatever was unpaid taxes to to come up with a value to maybe offer it to the neighbor so say the th000 worth taxes at trying to sell it to the neighbor because it has no value to anybody else yeah I'm just or just keep it just we're not saying we're waving the taxes someday the uh the somebody that particular owner do his shed is on the town's property want to say send him a letter saying you owe us and maybe he can figure it out that he could try to sell it to this guy yeah get out of this that's probably not going to happen it pretty much specifies right in here that he to do with it it says will not redeem but we can't forgive he don't want anything to do is that isn't that telling me he doesn't want anything to do it let it go you got you should pay the taxes well then the town takes it Town takes the value the town takes it if that's what Lori was saying well if we're looking at as far as the deed is concerned you'd have to do a dollar if you wanted to do it that way in Lee of the taxes and then if the neighbor wanted to buy it they would have to pay the back taxes on I they has to who's you know that brings up a question the neighbor does nothing and just keeps it there and we still have the same issue we have now it's just now a different name but I don't know if you want to let this guy off tax there's no incentive for him to isue so we have to make the pre filing letter I'm listening who pays the taxes on the garage no one right nowbody this I mean I mean that's the first time I've seen that why don't we why don't we look into this a little bit before we yeah table baby is you know cuz How can there be this parcel of land with a building on it and and nobody's assessed for the building it's not it's not a sh it might be that part of the garage it might be that part it's on part so the garage is actually being taxed on the other lot okay that's that was my question that was my question because that would be taxes that we wouldn't be worried about it wouldn't be assessed to that parcel anyway so that if just find that out more research yeah yeah we can take this one up the next meeting that we have okay y I think and I think those were all good suggestions um we'll figure it out you know it's a puzzle that needs to be figured out that's all Clifford Thompson's property on Warren Road parcel 32-1 15-0 has been gone for some time you passed away a number of years back okay from this it says they paid off in 218 and they paid off 212 and 214 213 was paid off in 218 220 not paid off still owes but no amount last uh low value at 4500 um I follow up with Andrew Kravitz at h law firm and demand the payment of the remaining balance provide me with updated figures I mean that's sounds pretty cut and dry what what she wants to do um still another low value property why they would it's an acre I'm not sure puted up against the what's his name that built that house right along the right after the brook he had Cliff's old house which was old and people did it over Johnson's old house and then you got the house to the right of it that was bought by that fell that was the lawyer there Liv down in timble P out on nice guy can't think of his name and anyhow uh there was a piece of property there was a piece of property in there in the back and I think that must be this piece pull it up get a chance in next meeting maybe we can take a look at it this is a this one um is a little more um complicated I guess because they say they paid 218 for what they paid off in 28 October of 18 but didn't include legal before he died see oh he di when did he die if he died I think it would have got paid off when they when they sold the property what isn't this person related to um who just moved down to New Mexico no yeah he's not related no he's not related the girl the daughter Mr Thompson's daughter so much um who I went to school with yes you do um Sis's wife and her best friends yeah and they all live no I'm not talking about Sand's wife I'm talking about um sand no recorded they are being recorded I will remind everyone so this one here Vicki I would say just find out what is outstanding okay I think they may just be looking for legal fees or I'm not understanding like 12 13 and then 20 so what's 21 22 23 24 um it do they still own it and they've paid the most recent taxes but not this I'm not sure if that's clear here well she's saying she's saying here that that she wants to follow up on 429 I follow up with that she's saying that she wants to follow up with them to find out but she needs some updated updated figures so Vicki can you handle that yep between you and the treasure or t yeah okay that was interesting Sor no I yeah I know I know but I think she has some relation anything else to come before this meeting ume did you have any idea of when we should be meeting again or can it just be call the chair a month well it's May and you get a meeting can you get this information in a month yeah yeah meet in the next month yep be right Middle with the date in June perhaps if you're doing assessors as well INE yeah we'll let everybody know you know them all oh we're not picking a date no thank everyone Chaz in particular for joining us I appreciate that problem I'll entertain a motion to ADN the meeting at 6:27 pm I'll make a motion to adjourn the towns and properties meeting at 6:27 now there a second and there's a second roll call vote please chman yes Kevin Smith yes Martin yes Julie bar yes John Hayes yes and Laura shiff yes