##VIDEO ID:-r1PK3CMlpQ## good evening it is August 20th 2024 at 6:01 p.m. in selectman's Chambers I'd like to call this meeting to order and a roll call please present pres CH deranian present please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance thank all those that have served our country both past and present and our First Responders tonight's meeting is being recorded is anyone else recording Y and we will be uploaded on YouTube um hoping that we are going to be live on Channel 9 as well 4.1 Chairman's additions deletions joe4 um 1.5 review and approve the meeting minutes so I'll entertain a motion to approve the 85 and the 86 2024 meeting minutes so move second any discussion on those did not see changes all those in [Music] favor thank you Sabrina this we know we have nothing 3.0 um we have two appointments um we have uh one that we've already visited and we have another new one in regards to the historic district commission um so my question to the board is um we'll start with Mary Jane Churchville um we did take that up in our last meeting we're going to be taking this up again you took it up in the August 6 meeting no no we took in the mon before that if that I don't think was an appointment that was for you knew it would return which left a blank and this is for an appointment to the so I'd like to say it brought up well the form that was submitted to me that was stamped in by the clerk was a request for reappointment for reint we've already we've already um voted on a reappointment for the individual um the second volunteer response form um that we've received for the historic district commission was for Laura e shiffrin she's a real estate broker I'll entertain a motion to appoint Laura e shien on the historic district commission um effective today 820 2024 to 6:30 2027 so move second second and any further discussion all those in favor Mo shank yes thank you Lori for helping us out 4.1 discuss vote on Surplus request of the fire Department I believe you all got the information in regards to the um fire department um they're requesting the following equipment be declared Surplus by the board of Selectmen it is a 2005 Polaris Sportsman 6x6 ATV and a 2005 Caravan single place snowmobile ATV and an ATV tilt trailer have any objection to go right to a motion okay so I'll entertain a motion to Surplus um the equipment as listed umed on the agenda so the following equipment be declared Surplus by the board of Selectmen of a 2005 po Sportsman 6x6 ATV and the 2005 Caravan single place snowmobile and an ATV toil trailer second any further discussion all those in favor yes uh 4.2 discuss last minute fiscal year 25 budget items [Music] well I hope there aren't any last minute changes I think we're set for to meeting I like to get discuss like procedure with what happens if gives that La so my question is as I understand it from when I worked on the board school board if both Ash and Townson reject the budget today then the town norn nor School District continues to need to work on using the one month budget from last year so each month we hold out we basically in my opinion saving money is that a correct statement or do we have to end up paying it back like I don't remember that I remember going to a mon my budget but I don't think we ever got that money back like the new money started when the budget was finally passed but I don't know that's a good question so they're on a 112th budget of last year right but do we do we make up the 112 going back to the beginning or do is like the longer we hold out the more we say it depends on how they want to what number they want to ask the town for so if we both vote no they've got I think 30 days to come back with a revised number it could be the same number as before or could be the same number minus 21 12ths you know that they have we fin come to an agreement whether it's a month from now three months from now for whatever that agreement goes from that day forward it doesn't back pay so they get more than that one2 budget they have to use that one 12th budget they could ask for whatever number they want you might argue that they don't need the full number because they've gone a couple months at a lower rate but technically all we can do is vote up or down the number they sent us and what's in the warrant is a number that we picked because it we can balance the budget it gives a a little bit more than zero increase but not as much as they ask for so if it gets if the article is approved tonight as submitted it's essentially a no vote to the school number because it's not what they asked and then and then to to continue on with that if both towns say no to that then we would then have to wait for the school to come back to us we then would have to have another town meeting yeah I know that'll process but I just didn't know how it worked like I think my understanding is that desie sent set the the 112 budget then the time that we we agree on a budget and we go from that point I don't think we have to back way I understand it ashy starts their special town meeting at 6m tonight correct and I've spoke with Town Administrator up there the fire chief actually up there and um they have balanced their budget and the way they feel that it's going to pass because they didn't hire police officers so if they vote for their budget that means we're going to be on the hook for it no matter what we do for the July 10th no assessment yes I I understood that I know that Ross and I were putting making sure that we had all the documentation right um there's some other uh documents that I you know that we or savings that we had gone through so we'll be discussing that in the meeting that he talked about in our last meeting outside of that I think we're ready to go we have all the materials ready to council already we we' had meetings to make sure that we're all ready to go [Music] so 4.3 review and sign wer Road and Todd Road Edward Ro chapter 90 projects have you guys had a chance to take a look at those um I know that when we were talking about chapter 90 um with the chapter 90 we agreed that these two were going to be the ones that were going to be on the on the plan for this I don't have any questions if you guys don't have any questions then I'll entertain motion to to approve the Road and Todd Road Edward Road chapter l0 projects sh further discussion all in favor shank yes all right while we're doing that I'll go ahead and move forward if that's okay our next meeting is going to be at 7 o'clock in about 45 minutes um I'll entertain a motion to review and sign payroll and bills payable warrants out of s Mo second further discussion all those in [Music] favor yes I do want to to administrator activities well we don't have that on there well I would just ask that we have a meeting next Tuesday at 7 o'clock um we might start 6 but 7 o'clock to hear agre 8:27 at 7M I don't know if the board wants to meet ahead of time on that but you want to hear agreements should we at least be updated before we get there if You' like sure it's going to be an executive session so they're set to come in at 7 so we meet before you can update us on what's going on if you like sure it's only 6:30 we don't have announc on we'll save these [Music] for I mean the next meeting um so I letain a motion to adour some second thank you we'll see everybody at 7 o'