good evening tonight is July 16 2024 this is the selectman's uh meeting and um I'd like to call the meeting to order a roll call please Teresa a pres Jo shank pres chanian pres you join me in the pledge of un States America [Music] thank alls pass and present and those current service and our First Responders thank you for your service the meeting is going to be recorded and uploaded to YouTube uh afterwards is anybody else recording there a somebody recoring in the audience uh Chairman's additions and deletions I do not have any you do or you don't I do I don't um 1.5 review and approve the meeting minutes um have you had a chance to look them over both yes I have so um I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes for 64 614 and 618 2024 so Mo second any discussion on that um do I have to expain for the one I was [Music] absent I'll I'll amend that I have a couple of spelling things that I'll point out to you after them for we'll approve for with the Amendments just cut them nothing that's all those in favor yes thank You2 a little early but you guys all start right so we can take this early this is 2.1 joint meeting with the historic district commission um this is in regards to a letter that was sent by myself the chair um um the um couple things I wanted to point out number one is that um I want to be very clear in regards to the reason why um I I do want to say that I um I watched your last meeting and the way in which you discussed the letter I was kind of hoping you would read the letter because it gave exactly the intent of what it was and it wasn't read so if you mind I want to read the letter that was sent um dear historic district Commissioners I'm read this today as our office has not been able to get any response to questions we have regarding historic district commission matters I have been contacted by the state ethics commission regarding several pressing matters that they are looking into and I feel that these matters need to be addressed immediately by this office therefore we are emailing and sending hard copies to all HCC members we have on hopefully we get some response to this request uh we have received reappointment requests for two members which were not signed by the HDC chair or show any evidence of a vote by the commission to reappoint these Commissioners all matters of appointment by the select board must follow our town Charter and these requests do not follow this Charter a meeting of the HTC must be held with an agenda item listing the reappointments the reappointment must be voted on and outlined in an approved meeting minutes by the commission none of which has been submitted which will hold up any reappointment by the select board at this time there is also a question of board composition which the town Charter outlines in the following um and this is in the town Charter it's also taken right out of mass chapter um I don't have to read it because we'll probably talk over some of the points on it um it is understandable that the HTC is finding it difficult to find volunteers to sit on this commission all boards and Commissioners are all boards and commissions are finding this difficult but having members of both the towns and Historic Society and the HDC go directly against the town Charter and has to be taken into consideration when the select board is approving a reappointment since the vision of the Historic Society has expanded in scope the HDC must be held separate from that scope despite disclosures being filed this is what the SEC is questioning and as the appointing authority as outlined in the town Charter we would keep these entities separate therefore we should only have one um or at the most two members of both the HTC and Historic Society and not a question and not a quorum as we currently have this will cure any ethical questions anyone should have about both entities in the event a controversial decision has been has to be made regarding matters both with both entities there is also been a request by a member to meet the Town Council on June 25th 2024 for the selects policies and procedures that request must come from the chair of the requesting commission and not from a member any members going in front of Town Council should potentially cost the town so the select board has had this policy in place for several years now we have requested approval via an email to the chair regarding this matter and still waiting a response a waiting for an answer without the chair's approval this meeting should not move forward as a matter of policy we also have been informed of several alleged open meeting law violations that pertain to discuss questions made by the chair on matters that should be voted on by the entire commission meeting minutes not being up to date approval is not being sent in a timely manner and discussions being held outside of an open meeting regarding commission matters it is highly recommended that the commission refer to the Commonwealth videos pertaining to the open meeting Law and Review this training to avoid a future violation your attention to this matter will be Paramount I do understand the importance of the historic district commission and have always held our historic buildings here in towns in high regard in order to move forward we will need to vote we will need we will need a vote of the HDC in a meeting of the commission and reappointment paperwork signed by the chair before we can put any reappointments on the select board agenda I also understand the difficulty in getting volunteers to assist in the goals of the HDC let's work together to achieve the goals of both the HTC and the town to make our community a much better place I am always open to talk with you about any matter and have communicated this to our interim Town Administrator about ways we can improve our collaboration we have several projects coming up that would require HTC input and I trust that this commission can assist us with your expertise the goal here is to work together as a village and not divided as a sep divided with separate agendas um so I guess the reason why I wanted to to make sure that we were on the same page is that um I sent this letter because I wasn't getting any information and I just wanted to make sure that we all on the same page um it was sent to your town email that's the email address we have for the commission um I spoke to ex was there a hard copy sent as well I don't know did you send a hard copy as well yeah for the request so that was mailed that as well for the request we were looking for a copy of the certificate of appropriateness for the fire station and we are looking for the minutes that approved the certificate of appropriateness for the fire station that's what we're looking for we have the reappointments for now yes that's why the I have the the reappointments on the agenda yeah yeah so to avoid this from happening again can we ensure that that email becomes active it's active the email is active well they need to sure they've got computer to read it on so is there someone else accessing talk email to the HTC know specifically he's the chair so it was we sent it to the chair we had in our minutes from last year that you were going to set up an email to the HDC so that the public could reach us I said I would look into it I didn't say I was going to set it up yes but um is that possible we can get one so the communication can be like all the other Commissions in town right there was a there was an HTC email box that was set up but it was it was no longer is working right right we're talking about we can look like we really are a municipal commission I I believe that there's an HTC set up is there one in the system Sabrina can you jump in and see real quick I thought we did that like a year ago two years ago and if they did if they were both of them then they would have to have authentication available because you can't get into those emails without authentication do they have the Authentication on on en know has an account set up in the system that he can get on he can get on to the system we want the HTC yes and the HTC is is to my knowledge and I'll have to check on it but it's attached to to the chair's email address that's on but the chair isn't getting on to the email it appears so we need to figure out where instruct how to get that done properly because those don't appear to be and I bet I assume look at them they haven't been opened already they might just be S being sent to hyperspace up to them to look at to instu anybody I had to be instructed how to use the authenticator I mean we we all as Town members have to be learned technology if we're going to you know put two authentication and other stuff on that is there a physical mailbox downstairs there should be do you guys have a mailbox downstairs okay so that should be the backup just send send an email with a back up to the hard to the principal mailbox downstairs yeah but if they send you a paper copy and somebody should be able to come in here well I never got a cop I never got a letter so your your letter actually was returned to us so I did we did we did system yeah that's all that's all my my main point is that when the the reason why I sent this letter is because I needed to have the certificate of appropriateness and I needed to have the minutes that were approved by the HDC to send into the other paperwork that I sent into the ethics commission and you know it this all came because I out of the blue got a phone call uh well actually I got an email from Ross saying that the ethics commission wanted to talk to me and when I called them they just basically wanted the paperwork so when the state asks for it I put the paperwork together and send it out so yeah but we never I'm seeing the board of Select number got it you don't get it yes we do because we signed we're the we the applicant to it well you got go downstairs and ask Janet you send it to Janet Jan well whoever signs the the or whoever applies for the certificate of appropriateness do they get a copy of that or just the building department that's what I'm saying I never got a copy of that either yeah I was in the meeting November 14th I was at that meeting um Y no we can we and like I said it's not this the letter the intent of this letter is to make sure that we're all doing the right thing that's the concern um it's on the building theart that own is that you did not get prop it's not on well if he's the person that applied then and you say you get it copy back to the the board that would be what about your minutes for November 14th do you have minutes for November 14th yeah and I I requested that and and what I had sent in that's all I'm asking for I'm not you know this is not it was it was sent in the in an email I think yeah so do you either do you that as a chair do you have a smartphone we'll have to figure something out use the mailbox downstairs we can use the mailbox downstairs okay so have we confirmed there is a email box to anybody yet you know that anybody exide have computer at the uh the read Homestead don't you that's right I do so if there's a computer there someone should be monitoring that email without theth should know that about anybody but even if you could get it at the computer you can't get in without the authentication so you need to be right we need to make sure you know how get that application so if one of you wants to be the recipient of the emails get us your phone number and we'll get you the the account access and the the authentication set up in the meantime we'll also make sure you have a physical box downstairs so that anything we email you will be printed hard copy and put in the mailbox place on the system so you need for the person that's special paper that you go on I just rip a page out my notebook the name and a phone number and we will get you an account access this is one that exists is that email C currently set up as a group me group email to all members we can't we can't do [Music] that um question information proted from [Music] anything yeah your protect well it's all in a firewall so yes plus I know my account is set up with the town email like we have for you but you don't have the ability to get access and the town phone number not my personal information right I don't don't okay but other members in your group do so we'll get we'll get it taken provide access to the email as I said we'll have the physical box downstairs and anything gets emailed to you will get printed and put in the mail the physical mailbox so again we don't we need to just look forward get the solution to this so I guess the key is to make sure that the the HTC website is up to date with everybody's current email addresses so that when we send something out we can send it to everybody so everybody gets it I think that would be now can they I'm sorry can does it have to be the town email or can we use their personal email what do you mean like is can they use Gmail there's HTC towns. up can they also have point of order we have a we need to right well you right but here here's the thing with that before and I respect your point of order the we're having the the there's a difference between an elected board and appointed board you are an appointed board all right in order to um have votes with the board of Select when you have to be an elected board I want to be very clear on that so as far as any appointments that happen it's only between the Selectmen in regards to the historic district commission dist District commission second of all if you want to call your meeting to order just for open meeting L than yes please do okay thank you not appointed yet um so the the second thing that I wanted to talk about was the the makeup of the board um I know that the way it's worded that's worded in the charter but more importantly that's that's the way it's worded in the state legislature that's on 46 so what we have the charter is exactly what's in the state legislature um the I guess the importance of this is that I wanted to make sure with the um ethics commission that we are following what they feel is proper protocol and they agree that because we're a small town we have problems getting um people in and all of that kind of stuff um their terms were as long as the commission is making an effort so making an effort would mean contacting AIA and contacting um the void a real tour from Massachusetts and just asking if they have anybody that's all they they would want for that otherwise the way it's worded here you guys can can have you know your your board made up the way it is all right but I do want to stress that as an appointed board um the the concerns that you know I know I have um when we have any appointed board that comes um in front of us and we have questions for the individual um we will at times call the individual and ask questions on what they would like to you know work with the board and that kind of stuff um we've done that with both elected and appointed boards but um you know my thought is is that on a an appointed board is an extension of the board of Selectmen as long as everybody's doing what they're supposed to do I I you're the expertise on on whatever area that it is and it's completely up to you guys uh and I respect that um the the again the concern that I had was that I gotten a phone call and it kind of caught me off guard and I didn't know what was going on until I until I answered the the questions that they were asking I haven't heard anything back from them so I assume that the information that was provided to to them um was complete now as far as going forward is concerned um I just want to make sure that we're posting for meetings the way that they're supposed to um in your meeting I did hear um um Mary Jane I think you guys you said that you you set your yourselves up for open meeting law training had it did you did it okay um and that and that's that's all that I think would be the most important thing is to get the training um and the last thing that I just wanted to say is what do we need to do to move forward from this how are we going to keep moving forward and make sure that we just do business as usual I think we have a reason [Music] no I understand that what do you mean by business as usual because as usual just had our meetings we posted at our meetings submitted the minutes and had the document sent to the that's business as usual right and we have doing again I was an applicant the town was an applicant for for a building that's that's that's all I'm saying and the other thing I think you and all on need to need to make sure you're on top of it you know just like any other place be real diligent with with your minutes getting them approved just taking them and then not voting on them uh not I'm not accusing anybody I'm just saying that's business isn't normal so just make sure on your minutes and and stuff like that so I also would like to clarify what I perceive is confusion between the HDC and towns and Historical Society I I think it's imparative a lot of people a lot of Town's people a lot of people live in the district a lot obviously I believe this board too the HDC which is this the municipal Commission responsible for the three districts and the 100 properties in those three districts the town and Historical Society owns four of them but only has jurisdiction over one which is the town to public church the other two buildings are under the jurisdiction ofland commission corre which is state so when the when any application would come through but okay let's just talk about what's happening now so allegedly the cdge the gmill and those re buildings may or may not come before the for restoration restruction were they to come to us as the commission we would have we are trumped by the state rules so I don't even know what we would do with the application we're going to have to look into that because we don't tell them what to do right and and to my understanding you guys have a leas on with the state when you do get to that when and if you get to that point then you would talk to the ladies on with the state and they would be able to help you with what what your responsibilities are in that respect and all of that's business as usual that's all saying all of that is what he's mentioned business as usual so you're aware we're aware of it now you're aware of it now and we just need to move forward okay right so the the church which I believe started this whole is off the plate now already the church didn't really have anything to do with the reason why I said that it was the fire station and um us applying for the certificate of appropriateness that's where right did you mentioned in the complexity of the board that um a vision of Historic Society that was disturbing to M it didn't say disturbing I said expanding it was expanding and concering that we be in balanced right right because there there had been comments that I have been getting in regards to the the um the Quorum of the historic district commission um was made up of of Society members as well right so the only vision that has been put out there publicly is the Old Harvard church project it's the historic village I guess we talk the old well yeah the old Harbor Village which includes several so that's the vision of the Historical Society correct but no other buildings in the town of town have anything to do with that and so we shouldn't even have to worry about that Vision here for theic commission distri it's the Optics is what we're talking about when you're when you're dealing with ethics ethics say the you know it if there is an appearance of and some people may think that there's you know there is an ethical issue between the society and the commission exactly that's why I want to clear it up right here at this meeting that is the whole point of my speech everyone well then that's that's the whole point of why I wanted to be able to do this and I want the town people to know that too correct they're not it's not just here we get this a lot I don't know if it's because words are the same historic people yeah so as far I'm going to bring back to my only concern is just to make sure that we follow open meeting law we follow protocol we follow the state what the state requirements are and and it's you know it's business as usual you know I I have no issue with anything other than we need to have updated um information for your members so that we can communicate um keep your meetings up to date and then um if if we could also make sure that the information gets put on the town website as well which we we can give you that information okay go back what information the historic district commission has a page and on that page on the town website it has all the members of the historic district commission and that is is that exist right now what's up does that exist right now yes yes it's also a place for you to yes we can I can over with you at the next meeting I'll throw it with you we do that y okay you can you the you can get direction from the from the clerk too as far as posting I gotting okay but but it's post meeting and I'm not take our minutes and we ourselves can app ad no they go to they go to the town clerk she'll stamp them as received and she keeps a copy and then you can after you can't eliminate the town that way there'll be a stamp on there that says post on Town commission website page correct so we have what what I can do is I'll give you um can you give her the um comparisons the clear email address yeah we can set them up also with the um with they'll need an account on that as well to be able to upload and post please and thank you do you want from 2023 no you can start from now to to present um we have from the old website I think we have whatever was on on the site before month ago in archive and I do recommend that you discuss at the meeting what you're going to post I obviously you don't want to have just one person putting stuff on that without it being discussed on on the meeting so just say we approve these minutes they'll be on our web page or this is coming to town we're going to post notice of event on that on our web page but to mention it during your meetings doesn't necess it doesn't need a vote but it should be part of the meeting discussion yeah that that your your your group approves of it being post on website so should we say that when we never it after just to be clear what you heard what we did when we started our meetings we have four meetings that we've had somebody's taking the minutes they're typed up when we come we all get them prior to our meeting we review them if there's something in there that's inaccurate and we get to this meeting we say well we got to clarify something and then once it is everyone has an opportunity to review your minutes and then say okay any questions no questions then you make a motion to approve if somebody says that oh that isn't how it happened this you correct it very simple and then once they're approved go to Clark get stamped in and post could months well but it's your meeting that's you know I mean just because we have meetings every other week it's different than you know so but it's in your meetings you have to approve them in open open meeting law says within reasonable time frame posted there's no that's the nature of the game it would be nice if they were posted a week later but it's not going to happen when you only meet every three months so before we move on to the 6:30 meeting is it possible to move to 3.1 and 3.2 no I'm move we have 6:30 that we need to get to okay anything else we not going toj our meeting um 2.2 Tavern one day special license application for an event on 720 at bird house Botanicals Wyatt is that you sir yes can you hear me yeah I can okay um sorry I'm in the I'm in the car right now so if it sounds a little loud sorry um so I have reviewed the um the application did you folks re review the application yeah um I know that we still have an outstanding issue for um the payment for that Wyatt um I talked with Amanda today and she said that she would um have the payment into us by Friday by 4:00 um yeah it's it's been mailed but if we have to Avid the check I mean I I'll just drop it off by Friday okay yeah if you could do that by Friday and what we'll do is condition the vote to say that um it would be approved contingent upon receiving the payment okay you okay with that Teresa yeah you want me to make a motion sure I'll make a motion that t 13 gets a one-day special liquor license for event on 7 2024 at the bir house bonal on Main Street in Townson on the condition of payment second any discussion on that not they have everything except for that payment so good the only thing I would like to make sure is that last liquor license we gave for an event the the area that the liquor was supposed to been in really got a little out of hand so I see the picture so just make sure that that liquor stays within the premises that is put out that we've approved this one this one is contained yeah inside the building don't inside yeah that's good I'm good this one's contain we've been at this location before we've we've actually had several events in Townson but we've been uh this location before um it's yeah it's certainly contained it's a pretty pretty calm event very good that's all I add just some good okay to all those in favor yes Joe shank yes ceran yes good luck all right thank you very much have a good night all right thank thank you Wyatt thank you but I don't see them on there [Music] all right so we can go to 3.1 appointments and we'll come back to 2.3 so I will entertain a motion to reappoint Mary Jane Churchville to the historic district commission for a three-year term to start 716 2024 to expire on 6 2027 second that any discussion on this yeah I'd like to have a discussion on it um so I guess I always get myself in enough trouble by myself I don't need anybody to help me but with that said I pay attention on YouTube to a lot of the different boards and committees tab meetings just so I am up in a breast as to what goes on what I have been seeing and what I have been following when you're boy I don't think first Jane you have the best interest of the town right now for me to reappoint you because of what I've watched what I've heard and I've seen and what I have been being told by people my real problem I have here if this continues the way we're going we are going to lose the funding for the rest of those buildings that need to be redone and if we keep going that way we are going to have a problem because we all been in those buildings if this donor isn't as nice as he has been to do that those buildings would fall in the ground with an matter of another year or two that's how dire me and for what I'm seeing hearing well in my opinion I'm only one but I don't think at this time for me to vote reappoint you back the way it's going I just think it's wrong I'd like to just say something in the supportive area I may James you know I've been at the meetings most often attending them I know she's about respected uh by her other board members which is very important for continuity of of services to the town and uh the application was approved by not just her um cheer but also other members uh that she's currently working are highly uh supportive of her continuing her work um they all believe as I do that she does have the best interest of the town at heart um and would I would support this reelection uh re reappointment no this is an appointment this is just the board of Selectmen um all those in favor she say mo yes shank no tanian no I'll entertain a motion to approve Eno Cy to the historic district commission for a three-year ter to start 7:16 2024 to expire on 627 second that any [Music] discussion those favor shank no Chan no I'll entertain a motion to reappoint Susan R girkin to the historic district commission for a three-year term to start 716 2024 to expire on 627 so move second any discussion all those in favor Jo shank yes ch yes uh 3.2 can can I ask a just question what's the uh rules on since there we lost some continuity of services here when what is it the rules when it comes to let's say the chair would like to reapply for that commission and we vot we voted his reappointment down so can he that now there's an open position can he apply for that open position correct okay thank you um 3.2 I'll entertain a motion to appoint um Julia V Stockwell to the historic district commission for three-year term to start 716 2024 and expire on 627 so second any discussion all those in favor say yes Jo shank yes yes um 3.3 I will entertain a motion to reappoint Michael Brown to the energy committee with a term effective 7124 to 630 2027 Mo second any discussion on that all those in favor say yes shank yes please when does the board selectman not entertain a question from the member of the audience who was a town member and been a town member for all my life to not be able to speak that was voted on um several almost over a year ago it's recommended by Council how does a res of this town put on the agenda yes yes okay i' like to put on the agenda for the next meeting please yep I can do that and the topic would be I'm sorry and and your topic it's going to be the reappointment Mary thank you very much I got a question on on how that's rotating we never rotated um so are we with threee positions so we're all we we all come up at the same time again um not everybody there were so it changed right there's two others that have the different um okay different time okay because it was offered correct all at the same time yeah they should be yeah yeah and I think it was intended but it didn't happen I went back into some paperwork originally was intended to do that got s yeah we'll be with you in one second okay um great I just didn't know if I should be muted or unmuted right now okay no you can be unmuted but what one second we'll finish this up and we'll get right to you okay oh sure perfect thank you you're welcome if you could um to see if they can straighten out what the years of the appointments are and then we can we can straighten it out because that's that has always been I've been on a long time and it's always been all of us I I know that and I appreciate we'll set it up then yes okay thank you um okay so the next uh 2.3 is let USP LLC for a one-day lifter license application for a summer Market event on 72824 at Evans on the common in towns um did you guys get to review that one as well yes I did any questions are you guys able to hear me okay I'm sorry I just want to make sure that I'm on oh yeah we can hear you I'll move the emotion great thank you um support a uh one day special application some Market event 728 Evans on the pH it's a special license application for um a liquor a one day special liquor license Sal Mo second um so the discussion um I I did have um several emails I I went back and forth with you in regards to this um and thank you very much for responding and getting that information into us the the concerns I have and this is towards the board um this is at Evans on the common and they're going to rope off on the outside of the parking lot so that they did that last year and it didn't work that's why I'm bringing this to the attention of the board so what I had asked um I'm sorry I forgot your name oh my name's Haley Haley yes um so I had asked um if they could provide me with a map on their serving area and um it really the serving area that they're looking at is um roped off for all of the area where Evans on the common is so all around their parking lot um according to what I see here there's going to be uh and correct me if I'm wrong Haley there's a food truck there's going to be vendor tents as well so it's like a like a little Market Fair within their parking lot so I went ahead and I talked to the um to the Chief and regards to what his thoughts were in regards to this particular application um he had two concerns number one is what you're talking about now is that uh Haley just so you know last last time they had a function uh that was doing this um people were getting alcohol and then walking over to the town common and then walking over to the rail trail with alcoholic beverages um so we need yeah that's that that was my concern in regards to that they are doing it again this year the same time as the ton Comon event so there will be an event going on in t t I'd like to say as part of the application and I didn't see it that they have to hire uh somebody it doesn't have to necessarily be a police officer but there has to be a separate individual who's not pouring drinks and not taking anything that monitors the perimeter okay but what I I have a oh sorry I didn't mean to interject a suggestion I don't know if this would help or not but something that we' done with other events that has seemed to help this issue that we've faced with other towns is we have wristbands that we can supply and then we know that when they have the wristband they need to stay in this certain area and then that other area it's roped off we are very strict with our business of kind of letting people you know cing people we're not like we're very strict we let everybody know when we serve drinks so they need to stay in a certain roped off area we just did this in lemonster where it was the first time they let more of a free roam within the event but they couldn't go to parking lots and we let everybody know please do not leave this area you know this is them taking a chance on us with letting kind of free roam a little bit more and it was a huge success so I don't know if that's a helpful suggestion or not I know that you might have had a poor experience last year but knowing us we were very diligent with what we do I think part of the problem last year though they did have it roped off but they it wasn't mon but also there was no sitting place to sit where it was roped off and it was full sun there was no shade there so it got like if you wanted to order food and drink it was easier to go to the town Comm and and sit under tree be cool have so may I I got no the our contact person had said that if we in order to get approv for the permit if they if you would prefer a police detail they said that they would be willing to provide that okay so Haley okay um what I would like to see because you know it's a a great asset for the community great asset for for Evans but a colossal failure last year putting caution tape up doesn't solve the problem you walk underneath it you walk around it you do everything my suggestion would be and it'll be up to the board to vote on it that there is actually barricades on the Outer Perimeter where you're going to put ropes put up barricades so that people cannot physically walk out have one entrance in and out and I think that's going to be the only way that's going to be a safe thing last year we are very fortunate that we as a community did not get jammed up bad with the amount of people walking around the streets in the common without is that something that the city could provide as the barricade because that's exactly what we did in lemonster with multiple events that we did there and it was very helpful to have that yeah and the police chief on that that in our discussion he said that um he would he would suggest um to have a police not a police detail but somebody that is going to be that is tip certified that's going to be able to walk around and make sure that nobody's going to be leaving the premises now the what you guys didn't see is that Haley provided um Sabrina and I another email with this particular area a little better drawn area with signs that no no alcoholic beverages Beyond this point or whatever and they're they're going to disperse them around well there were a couple of them I believe there they had just taped in different places I think for our best way as the board going to put her name on a liquor license and somebody doesn't get run over on on Route 13 I I would highly recommend we can talk to the high they can talk to the highway superintendent and see if he can just bring down barricades and they set them up it's not up to us to have the highway department barricaded off or take it down but I think the only way that's going to be safe to do this is that they have to be regular saww style barricades put up caution tape doesn't work for me okay and we are we are for that I the event is in you know roughly a week and a half is that something that you feel like is possible to accomplish within a week and a half I'd be more than happy to go make a phone call from Jimmy and ask if if you'd like me to okay talk to on say just ask him yeah yeah yeah I'm sure that we can we can accommodate something I'm only thinking closure on Brooklyn because we've got some closures up there and we're also using what we're using over on um South roow Road that's the thing how many we have enough I think I might be able to get some from the water department so um we we'll see what we can do um you have uh you have my email address what I can do Haley is um I'll I'll uh do some checking tomorrow I'll send you an email and then we can go from there okay yeah and I just want you all I'm not sure who everybody is there listening but I know that last year you may have had a poor experience but I'm very hopeful that myself and my business partner Emma we hopefully can change your mind on what happened last year and really bring a more positive experience because we're very diligent on what we do we've been we're very strict with the way that we serve alcohol we know that alcohol is a very you know it's a risky thing to have in your town and we appreciate you considering having us there while you had a poor experience last year and I'm hopeful that once this is all said and done that maybe we can come back next year too and it'll be a more positive experience for you all I I appreciate that so as long as we're all on the same page if we can't come up with enough barricades I'm sorry uh they would have to be willing to try to find them to make sure we finish it because it has to be a solid barricaded off area that's that's only my you know I mean I think we need to protect ourselves especially after last year's colossal problem so you could so I'm sorry I missed who who who is this speaking that had the suggestion of the barricade is that you had said that you might have a contact where you could help us kind of get that is there a way we could all connect maybe tomorrow to try to figure that out I am the vice chair of the board of selectman Joseph shank and oh great nice meet you my name Chaz is the chair and he's the liaison to the highway superintendent so if he will reach out tomorrow but my only point I'm making is if we have several roads that are kind of being repaired and we have a lot of uh barricade out uh so he may not be able to get all of them but my point is if we can't come up with all of them and it really isn't our responsibility to do it but we're willing to help Evans is a great business we want to do what we got to do to make sure we support business but if we can't come up with enough to do it then it would be up to you to figure out you have to rent them or wherever you got to get them from and they do have that you have to get it done so we we are willing to do the work too and I'll talk with Noel because she had said that who she is part of Evans that she's willing to help with whatever is necessary to make everybody comfortable so maybe we can all reconnect tomorrow and kind of make a finalized plan I mean I I'm willing to move forward as long as and so it's done we you can tell her how many we can get and then she can work on but the day of the the event barricades have to be up or if they're not up that will get shut down then just vote us so I I think this is Ross Perry I'm the interim Town Administrator I think the permit should say that the applicant should make all the necessary precautions to contain participants customers and protect them you know protect Public Safety and that we will ask the water department and the highway department to make available what resources they have they can do but it's up to the applicant to make the site secure and to finish it off we ain't got enough absolutely so moved well we have um there there is um we have a one- day looker license conditions and on that um number one is one license has been issued um and we'll have the the number on the license um from the time frame that you requested number two would be the license must uh licy must stock alcoholic beverages within the licensed area three is leny must purchase alcohol from a wholesaler importer um much like U you put down in your um application excuse me number four is attendees cannot travel with alcoholic beverages outside the licensed secured area the license area is the defined area of the event and that would be the map that you provided to us um number five is the leny is responsible whether present or not for entering uh for ensuring that no disorder disturbance or illegally or illegality takes place in or on a license premises um number six is the license the ly is responsible whether present or not for enfor ing the serving capacity of no more than 100 guests and number seven is make all um necessary arrangements to have a solid barricaded area to contain participants perfect are we good with that we good with that I'm good with that Teresa yes great all those in favor Jos yes Jo shank yes chess deranian yes and may I suggest a copy of that license be sent to the police department so if they're patrolling they they know what they're looking for yes they have it with my telephone number just so you know um yes but you're you're all set with this um we'll go ahead and sign it and then you can talk with Sabrina about the details and then I'll send out an email after I talk with our Highway Department okay all right thank you so much I appreciate all of you much thank you have a good night you too have a good one bye to Executive session seven time it say yes Nelson here I don't know I will go look for good Lu I I look see you want to talk about ambulance receipts or well we can take a quick recess I just I have a couple items in my ta report that might require a vote maybe we should do that before the executive session unless you want to do it after the executive session no we did do that before serious I I I am here I didn't want to interrupt anything just you can come in here you don't have to sit out there okay let me get my back all right checking out your future office um no I just I couldn't there wasn't a seat up there have a seat Jo Jo sit here so you can sit in either of those other two recess good to see you to Char nice to see nice to see you sir so we can we can jump out we only got a couple other the things afterwards R so we can into executive session and come back out I can wait if you want to finish up those items to see how we operate what's that I said he'll get to see how we operate bad things yeah send them run yeah I can wait if you want to finish that up yeah if you don't mind no not at all not at all that way we can be clean and just cut it off and shut off room and then so I'll just sit back here okay yeah that's fine what see man sorry about that gentlemen ladies better receipts okay 4.1 approve uncollectible ambulance receipts for the fire department Ross this is a list submitted by the chief um it's a long list of ambulance fees that were not collected they've gone through a rigorous process with our collections agency um these include some cases people that have passed away sometimes people moved out of town some people who don't have have any type of insurance or funds to collect them so on the Sheet's recommendation the board can vote to drop those receipts you see an option know we had used uh in my former job when we ran into that situation same thing somebody died whatever um that we basically sold the receipts for 50 cents on the dollars to collection agencies and then like if you have you know well you know what I'm saying you have $100,000 in receipts and might give you 33% of it or 50% of it has that option been looked at I don't believe it's been looked at but the agency that does the collections has multiple rounds of trying to contact and that's the first thing that they do but then to sell it to an exter um but this the way I understand it these go back prior to this fire chief now and that's several years it's many years ago this is from and um I just think you know just you know it's people are deceased people can't pay whatever be the case and I mean I just think we Chief them off and write them off most of these are hardship cases so that I think that we gain little in our results in trying to collect from them um I can assure you the chief is as I am very sensitive to ambulance receipts and using that as a revenue source for other projects so none of us are riding this off lightly no I think we've beaten the the bush if that's the right term um collection agency might do that but I think in cases of hardship it may not be the best way to treat local residents and and I I believe Tes said that is something that the that that we would be looking into but because of the longevity of these some of these bills it's beyond the point where we could capture any kind of funding for it okay and I don't want to put any additional guarding on if guys you say they're mainly hardship cases but I do know that that's a typical way to at least get some money even if you're only getting 33 cents on the do been beating bushes the past two weeks you wouldn't believe what you're shaking out but um so I'll entertain a motion to approve the uncollectible um ambulance receipts for fire department has a WR off some move second second any further discussion all those in favor 4.1 discussed fiscal year 25 budget impossible said you said 4.1 4.2 I 42 no you said one I was trying to give him a break I know I know but that's okay no no no such luck see my friends um just keeping you honest right thank you I appreciate it um okay so Ross how do you wanna how do you want to roll with this well I was going to the summary I have for the budget at this point is we're still working on the fy2 budget the good news is the north uh middle sex Regional School District voted on the 9th to lower their assessment to Townsen by $629,500 it did we approve at town meeting have that with me I get it right the next room I have it level funded it line number 502 sorry 502 500 somewhere there yeah it is um the assessment for fiscal year that we talked about was 13,000 133 million uh 13,796 771 and I when okay and the new assessment is 600 six L than that 629 less than that the um no well what was in the town meeting was the fy2 number okay what's the new the assessment that came in July that's the J July 9th figure that's that's 14 million 3 62,400 47 and that's the new assessment that's the new assessment their assessment from April was4 m991 699 so it was a $629,000 plus decrease from their April assessment that was 1.2 million the original was 1.2 from 136 well the original deficit for both schools was a million6 and they've taken $629,000 off was the over sorry so 1.3 million still so we've got a ways to go but this is a start override for the full yesn't it was for a million six two schools you going to write CH Force no I'm just saying since the town approved the level funded and I know I don't know if we're getting off track here but could we consider instead of doing an override for the full amount level fund and look for an override for the the difference that's one possibility that is one there's several possibilities that we can do um that would mean that we would have to have another election another ballot vote a town meeting and a ballot vote I don't think that's the way to go again another override the other options we have is to to look within our budget to see what we can do or we could we could say that we just don't approve we don't accept the the new assessment am I right wrong in that yes I'm wrong or no I'm not you're correct right but I think it's I read if I'm correct that that bring them down to uh one one the monthly budget that they have to have to do and that's already been approved my understanding at the full amount so we're not saving anything that the state of Massachusetts has come back and approve a 112th budget last it was last year's budget 112 last year okay misread the article so so actually it was the same as what we did last year to answer your question so the way the process works is if a town or two towns vote it down they had 30 days to come back with a new number which they've done they did it almost overnight um after the recount and then they've came back subsequently on the 9th with a lower number the $629,000 decrease town now has 45 days to convene a town meeting to vote that number and presuming the second town will also have to vote it down correct if we don't act within the 45 days it's constructively approved so they will get their approval we have no action I'm suggesting that we have a special town meeting August 20th to look at revised budgets if if that's the case then I would suggest we open the warrant tomorrow the 17th we close it next Thursday the 25th so it's open for just barely a week that will give me time to have the warrant written up review it with Town Council so we can post it by August 1st that gives us a few days buffer on the required 14-day minimum for posting I don't want to get caught up because we're one day late getting something done and we miss the poting date so I'm proposing and would appreciate a vote from the board to set the special town meeting and then we've done this this is probably the third time I hope we don't keep moving it but we keep getting new numbers from the school which changes our calendar so open the warrant on the 17th close it the 25th and hold the town meeting on August 20th so if we did that if we had the August 20th special town meeting could we at that time do a reduced override not for the full amount but only for what isn't level funded greatly reduced we would have to do that and I think Kathy said November have to have the election by November I'm going to say 18th I may be off on that but we couldn't get it by the August 20 meeting that you're suggesting and I think that the town has asked the voters this year for an override twice as much as I sincerely believe an override is needed the voters have spoken and I think we are in a position where we need to listen to the voters this year well I think there's a huge difference between an override of the full amount that show 14 million there is between an override for million override no we're only doing it was 1.6 1.6 million override was for two schools but there were two two votes the one for the um the Scher votch was 286 286 87 and they did and that failed as well y um I think we're obligated to come back with waste to balance the budget cut the budget with amongst ourselves that's my op I mean I yeah I disagree but that we have a right to disagree I think with the vote being that close um with the reduction in the numbers I think um that another vote is warranted you were not talking that it was uh like the first vote um that we had you know a significant difference between the numbers um so I think just uh close the numbers were I think warrant um that before we start looking and cutting uh Town budget adding uh maybe trash pick up at a fee which is going to cost people more possibly than uh the override would especially with the decreased amount uh and I certainly have had a lot of people speak to me and they are more than willing Town people and I've heard from a lot of town people to have it their GR yeah no I I Mr chair we can beat that dead hus forever and ever in NADA the town vote the town is truly divided 5050 and all we're going to do is really piss off a whole bunch more people in the community to do another town Town override vote we're going to waste money on the all the election I think the town people voted my honest opinion we sit here as a board go through that budget cut what we need to cut and move on and then when people get all upset and all mad because this service is gone they got to pay for or that person we're only doing what the people wished the override failed we as a board need to do what people said and move on um I agree with both of you but but and this is a big but um there's been a lot of um clarifying questions that I've been asking not only with our town budget but I've I've had conversations with the other Town administrators and other chairs um they there's a lot that's going into it it's not just our town it's also Ash as well um peil has already voted yes um we're not as strapped as as Ashby is but I also have that in the back of my head that I want to be I want to be nice to our neighbors you know um I want to make sure that uh that all of our voices are in this together having said that uh Ross and I really poured over a lot of um things within our own budget that we are finding some things that are improving our our situation um there are a lot of things that we as a board have enacted and and the previous board has enacted that is saving the town's money right now and this actually is the first time we're going to be seeing it so we have to keep that in mind as well we're not only saving the town's Town's residents money in certain aspects of what we have in our budget but there are future things that we have in the process much like your energy project that's going to be saving a lot of money in regards to that um the uh uh our wide area network that we're putting in saving a lot of money in monthly fees that we're not going to be paying um that we were paying before um there are other uh we are um working with the accountant we're working with Treasury Department to make sure that you know we're getting the highest yield on on the accounts that we have that are the high interest payments and some of the accounts that we have we're getting rid of old bank accounts that we have that we don't need um following what our our uh auditor has has told us to do so there's a lot of things that are involved in what's going on that's a long way of saying that I honestly feel um that we have I I'm I'm GNA listen to the the voters the voters had two says um I personally don't know if I have it in treesa for another another election um well I think the the concerns that I have is if it hadn't been the recount that changed it somebody had vote had counted that didn't count because they used a pencil or 10 or didn't hit the box right it would have been we would be in a different position right now right it was passed it did pass it uh until the recount and and I'm not saying this a recount is why you do a recount but the the vote that didn't count but you know the votes that didn't come were technical they didn't fill the whole box so they used the wrong tool to fill the whole box or things like that the infamous hang in Chad right from from the bush Bush Administration I mean it was Town's version of that that's especially why uh people are are coming to me and asking like it's so close why wouldn't you do it again that's just not logical the U but the biggest reason they're coming to me and I think they would be okay with it most of the people that are talked to me uh but the biggest concern they have is they don't want this uh looking for money ways to cut to uh get rid of free track pickup they like if that was off the table we'd be fine um but that has to everything has to be on the table you can't put you know I make it very clear you can't take anything off the table till we get a balanced budget um but I think it it is clear to most people's mind that um that if we have have to do a fee for trash pickup that that will cost for a much longer period because it's never going to go away than the override would and be more uh hardship on our Senus and others in the town than the override C so you also have to look at what the school is going through too because the school is charging fees so that the individuals who have kids in school children in school are paying this extra money those Fe were in at in my watch 20 years ago so it's not nothing new understand that but there's there's the fees are going up there's a lot more and there's that that one population that is paying those fees whereas the other one isn't and everybody's getting free trash all right that's you know I personally think that um where we are are at right now I am listening to what what the constituents are telling us and they said very very clearly we had the recount this is the second vote that we had I think we just need to look at our budget and and you know that's what Ross and I are looking on the revenue end of it and then we have some other numbers that we're looking at and I I feel that we can um crunch the numbers and go forward I I don't think I don't think that the clerk um would need to spend money on another election and all of that kind of stuff I just don't we're the only community in the area that is gut free trash yeah we can't we can't sustain it we just we have to cut somewhere and that's a big number that will help us do I want to pay for trash no I don't but I don't want to decimate the entire town employees and everybody else we've got to stop somewhere to minimize what we need to do that's my opinion so as far as I'm concerned I don't I if we need to take a vote and make a motion we do not have another override that wasn't was on the floor the the vote was for that we have that special meeting on August 20th with a warrant open on the 18th and the uh closing 17th I'm sorry in the closing on the 25th so I'll move that motion second discussion on that all those in favor I will say I think an override is needed in the future we're kicking the can down the road a little bit but I don't think time is right any this summer with with the meeting on the 20th we run the risk of not getting a quorum and not being able to reschedule before the 45 days runs out but we can get everybody the key players will be available on the 20th not the 13th and I think we've got to let people know that this is important we're going to be making tough decisions and people need to show up for town meeting if they don't then the school gets what they want and we're still back with having to to make further cuts are you g put it out there okay rest um continue when you get to your agenda do you want to talk about the um closing on the 719 well I did I was going to do oh okay I thought we were addressing the budget issue which is why I brought that up now um I can continue if you like or I can wait until you finish why don't we just do real quick it's the LR um LRTA Grant so 4.3 the um LR LRTA the Council on Aging has a contract with LRTA as far as their bus drivers are concerned that is a grant we don't we the town doesn't pay for that um in order for them to keep the two drivers that they have they'd like to um have a pay increase to I think it's $18 an hour L I'm right on that um again this comes out of their granted doesn't come out of um Town funding uh so the director on the council on agent is asking to do that in order to make sure that she retains the um the drivers that she has so they don't go to another another organization um so I'll entertain a motion to um approve the pay increase for the Council on Aging B drivers to $18 so second any further discussion all those in favor Jo shank yes tanan yes um 4.4 update on the town Charter um I didn't ask John to come it was really relatively simple um as you know um we had in our special meeting on on that Monday uh the charter was returned to us by the state legislature the um revisions were sent to Town Council Town Council had four or five different things that he wanted to make sure that got into the charter those revisions were really um uh if there was a b and c we took out B and it still referred to that as B so we had to there were um some structural changes that needed to be um sent in so I submitted that to uh representative Scarsdale who then presented it to the committee and the committee said that because I'm concerned that we had until they have until um the end of July to approve that Charter because they've had it for three years um and the reason why I'm going through um representative Scarsdale is because if we don't get it approved I was afraid we're not I mean the town voted on it three years ago we should have that pass right now um the chair of the committee of that is restructuring that said put those changes in because they are important that the changes get in there he said that he'll be able to get that approved within six weeks because it's really only um W smithing it's nothing more nothing more than that so um I said go ahead and and do the changes and then it'll come out of the committee it'll go from the committee directly to um the Govern desk to get signed so we should have within six weeks of last week we should have the the charter back with us hopefully 5.0 um the oper projects um that's one of the things that Ross and I were working on and we are still working on so I'm just going to say that did you guys get the um email from yeah with the arera projects do you have any questions on minute no yet okay once we start really getting delving into more of the budget stuff we can we can bring those issues up um but I just wanted to make sure that you guys had all of that and then Ross go ahead with your um report well this is relevant to Nelson being here but um two weeks ago the town of ministr search committee provided us with two names of qualified candidates subsequently the board voted to hire Nelson pending contract negotiations which is planned for executive session later tonight so it might be appropriate this time for the board to acknowledge the work of the search committee um thank them for the reference and ask them to hold off any further search uh you know screening or search until we know the results of the negotiations um we don't need to have them working for more candidates if we've got one that we're still working with so okay with sending a letter telling him thanks but hold off yeah good I'm good um the web migration project continues there's still a lot of work to update um or to migrate minutes and agendas um it's estimated it's roughly 70 hours of work for Metro to do so the board might consider um adding to their monthly contract 30 hours for July and 25 hours for August the thought is the balance between the 55 and the 70 hours could be picked up as sort of part of their normal business but we're looking for the board to vote to extend the hours for metrov to help keep working on the web migration so let me throw in what I what I've known from our web master um when we had the migration done we were not made aware um that only x amount of documents were going to move over to the new site anything above and beyond that we were going to have to pay for so instead of telling them to move everything over and paying for everything we're doing it this way and I know that it's pain in the behind but I didn't want to authorize that amount of money for the town to pay if we can we can do the work in in a more constructive way I guess and that means moving all the minutes over all of the agendas over um and making sure that we have everything else archived properly I think that was really the the big thrust of it the second piece Ross is my questions are do we have the the employees really should be doing some of this work is do we know that the outstanding work that they're doing is is it work that the employees can do or is it all the employees could do that but I think they should be focusing on the day-to-day work and and and posting current minutes and agendas not going back historically and posting a whole mess of old ones those are things that those are yeah those I I understand I agree with but I just want to make sure that everybody's now currently posting what they need to post on their own if they aren't they should but I would hold off I don't think it's appropriate to ask them to go back and and fix the ones that didn't get transfer age Okay Age we currently have Veronica working as a Web Master right no she stopped working when we went over to the new site okay we are under under the contract vro go okay thank you so is there to clarify Russ they're looking to increase the hours for these two months and then well they suggested there was 70 hours worth of work to be done and I thought that maybe we sort of spread this out a little bit over two months and see if they can absorb some as part of their normal work assignment see how that does it do we have enough in that in that budget to to offset that because the thought is after we get everything moved over then that should cut down the amount of time that they're doing it correct right the time should go drop dramatically once the web is up to speed but is is somewhat frustrating now when you going to try to find past minutes and there's nothing there correct so yes so we got to get it updated we gotta get it done let's move on I'm I'm okay with that okay soes a motion to increase Metro GS hours 30 hours for July and 25 hours for August to help address the migration so mov second discussion all those in favor Mo yes on insurance um some good news um due to the diligent work from our it provider and chair of our board um the new insurance company has looked at the way we hand protect against cyber attacks and they've said they've agreed to increase the dollar amount of our coverage at no Expedition charge so hopefully that's a claim we won't have to make in any form but in either case we got a little more breathing room um for this Friday the 19th and you know as you know Fridays are normally staffed very lightly in this building anyway and then only until noon time I think with the plann vacations that I've heard about there might only be one person here so the suggestion was to that that the building be closed on this Friday if people weren't taking vacation and they won't get paid they can take vacation time but I didn't see that it made much sense to have the doors open with only maybe only one person here and if you agree to that may post a notice on the web page as well as on the door it says closed got pretty quiet there well this is not an additional cost of the Town um I don't think it's going to drastically hurt our service because we had people that planned be on vacation anyway as I said Friday is sort of a lightly staffed anyway this build okay two reports from board Le the only thing I had was the um meeting with the um historical commission and we discussed that I didn't get to go to the energy one um but I know they had some of their questions answered and I'm trying to um they are having somebody from the um green communities uh to finalize that last project that they have out there so I did check on that as you asked me to last make sure that you look at the press release that Ross you because I we like to get that out elected boards um the I will say the there's a lot of work being done with a lot of our boards right now into planning also been working with um our grant administrator we're really kind of cranking out some of the applications for Grants right now uh which is a good thing there's a lot of repairs that need to be done we need funding for it um so I've been focusing a lot with with the grant administrator on to get some of these there's some Road stuff that need to be done there's sidewalk that we need to to make sure that we get fixed before school starts at the end of the end of the year so a lot of good things I think so Public Safety um couple things um Police Department the police Union police Chiefs asked me to mention this and he'll come in front of rossia pretty quick once he gets all his information but the police Union wants to talk about changing the hours of the work schedule Chief will let us know when he when he is ready to talk about it he'll talk with Ross uh it's just going to be a temporary change for now and hours because these short Manpower people are in the academy and he just needs to get the approval from us and he bring it to us and come to us to do it they Chang into like a 12-h hour day shift instead of the eight but he feels it'll be short term but just wanted me to put that on the radar for the board and he'll talk with Ross if he hasn't already he's coming um thank you for the warning the building department everything's going really great he says the office is running really well downstairs everybody's working together he says that you know he's got some good news the all the abandon building Bank building and the Haba mall has uh had an application put in to renovate that building and change it it's going to be a uh stbu Starbucks which would be a great income hopefully for the town uh so that's all on that um just like to read into the record just with the fire department there was a little bit of question and talk about the Emer Emergency Management and um so this is we had a little meeting today and so the towns and Emergency Management agency tea is looking to recruit volunteers for the community Emergency Response Team sir C they are looking for people who work well with others and are willing to assist in the event the town's necessity to set up an eer mergency Shel shelter direct traffic and assist during several weather events loss of water or loss of heat or gas is an infrastructure or any other emergency situation as needed teer is looking into the requirements for volunteers and how to advertise the need and then I'll talk about that uh Chief Shepherd makes note that the only true fallout shelter in the town is haor Brook and training room at at Central Station can also be used they will review how the heresy will work with the direction of the deputy director teema has set up a cooling center at the towns and Senor Center on July 15 16th and 17th so everybody will know that it's been shared on the team of Facebook page the towns and Fire EMS page and the towns and police and like to see if we can share it on the town web page towns and fire and EMS assumes control of the towns Emergency Management under the control of the director and deputy director of the Emergency Management I just want to put out there that the director of the Emergency Management is Bill Elliott um they have a number I won't put that out there the deputy directors Jeff Cormier and towns and Fire EMS and they gave numbers which it'll be on the website the towns of fire department has reviewed their equipment inventory and the ca capabilities should an emergency situation arise next Tuesday Billy Elliott deputy chief Kier assistant chief Jim Kirk and myself will take a tour of the bunker at Nema to see the inw workings of the Nema can offer the town in the event of an emergency so you just would like that also there's a form that's going to be uploaded and you'd like to see if we can get this uploaded on the Townsen page it's a volunteer form for the Townsen Emergency Management uh people and uh if they could fill it out send it they've already had a couple people volunteering to put that organization together so that's all I have and I will submit these for the record yep and then I will make sure that that gets put on and that's all I have 5 are there announcements in here want the big clip on it um I'll take one off the cup here um we are doing um on Thursday at the Town common is um kids country playground is doing the lawn party for the concert and uh the Selectmen are cooking Andor working other events um on that so we would like people to come out and get hamburgers and hot dogs um we also have uh I do want to say that we have a fantastic grill that we get from uh Roger Rosa from our cemetery and Parks he always wheels that out we get everything going but that's this Thursday um there's also been a uh because of the weather we've allowed the recreation uh the kids at the recreation department to come in to use the Memorial Hall in the afternoons just so that uh they're not in the Heat and in the weather but that was uh they've done three days were they here yet today not today not today but they'll be definitely here tomorrow um y okay summer safety program this oh with with uh yes that is uh at Spalding at Thursday at 1:00 corre um the District Attorney's going to be there she sent me an email and I thought I did something wrong when I got it but um she'll be there at one o'clock um they're going to do I think they're going to do certificates and awards and stuff for the kids right but it's going to be at Spalding school at one o'clock on Thursday um 5.4 the next meeting will be August 6th 2024 at 6:m what's that I will not be and I'll uh entertain a motion to review and sign payroll and bills payable warrant out of session so move second all those in favor yes shank yesan yes and I'll entertain motion to enter into executive session pursuant to General La chapter 30A section 21 A2 to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations with non-union Personnel in regards to the non-administrator sojourn and not to return to open not to return to open session second any discussion all those in favor yes ch yes