##VIDEO ID:3nqKRcNBcVc## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e coming all right good evening everybody um welcome to this evening's meeting um we'll go ahead and get started so I'll call our meeting to order this is the city of Treasure Island Board of Commissioners regular meeting for Tuesday September 3rd 2024 um if everyone can please join me and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you roll call please commissioner Toth here vice mayor doctor here commissioner Minn absent Arden dicki commissioner dick mayor Payne here thank you all right before we move on um I just want to and before we get started I just want to bring everyone's attention to something that we've added to our agenda so you might notice that it's new is the meeting decorum statement um so at our last commission meeting we had um in my opinion some issues maintaining decorum in the audience um so this is something that we've added just to remind everyone of what our rules of procedure and the section on decorum um cover so we have rules that are set out in our city commission rules of procedure which has been adopted and is amended from time to time by the city Commission um so this addition to the agenda is just a reminder about those rules and we are happy to reference um where those are if anyone would like to read the full full set of those but um while there may be dissenting opinions in the audience we always I mean there that's always going to happen every person will always have their chance to be heard at the proper time from the podium shouting yelling jering and arguing with the commission or staff from the seats in the audience is not something that um will be tolerated in the future if this happens again it is within my discretion as the presiding officer according to our rules to have individuals removed from the room if those rules of decorum are not being followed um additionally you'll notice that Applause is listed as one of the actions that violates our rules of decorum so I am requesting that the audience moving forward please refrain from clapping after individuals provide their public comment Applause is very distracting and it inter interrupts the flow of the meeting slowing down our process um this is not the appropriate way to Signal your agreement with someone's comments you're welcome to do so again from the podium at the proper time um it is of the utmost importance to me um that we hear everyone's input and comments and I don't want this to be misconstrued as a tactic to avoid hearing people's input and comments we always prioritize that we have these rules in place for a reason um so that is exactly why we have these rules of procedure and theorum um and if you go to other cities like I've mentioned you will see that every city all 411 of them across the state our counties our state um I see our state senator in the audience if you go to a committee meeting in Tallahassee the audience is very respectful even when they disagree There are rules of decorum that have to be followed um and you follow those procedures out of respect for the institution um so that can all be done in a respectful and civilized Manner and what I saw at the last meeting was far from respectful or civilized so I'm asking that moving forward everyone please respect our rules and respect our process and again if you have any questions about that we'd be Happ happy to provide you that full um full statement and our full policy on our rules of procedure so moving on um we next have approval of our regular and workshop agendas do we have any changes that need to be made to our agenda this evening no no all right then we'll move on as it stands um next we have proclamations recognitions and certificates of appreciation tonight we have a proclamation for Hunger action month and I'll go ahead and read the proclamation and we do have um someone here in the audience to to accept the proclamation and I'll present it to him and introduce him after we read the proclamation whereas September is recognized as hunger action month a Time dedicated to raising awareness about food insecurity and mobilizing communities to take action to end Hunger and and whereas in penel County approximately 11% of residents experience food insecurity with nearly 140,000 individuals struggling struggling to access sufficient nutritious food on a regular basis and whereas food insecurity impacts our community's health well-being and economic stability affecting children seniors and families alike and whereas it is essential to acknowledge the hard work of local organizations ations such as hope Villages who is committed to alleviating hunger and providing critical support to those in need and whereas hope Villages distributes nearly 6 million pounds of food throughout penel County every year and where as collective efforts to combat food insecurity through education advocacy and Community involvement can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected now therefore I mayor Tyler Payne of the city of Treasure Island on behalf of the entire city commission do hereby proclaim the month of September 2024 as hunger action month um in Treasure Island and encourage all citizens to participate in local initiatives such as food drives fundraising events and volunteer opportunities to support our communities fight against hunger um so thank you and I will introduce um Nick deigle who's the president and CEO of Hope Villages if you want to come up to the podium and say anything and then we'll um have you come up and we'll get a picture with the commission thank you mayor commission uh it's good to see you all uh we've been uh myself and my staff been going around penales County with these proclamations um we had a couple last month obviously going into the month of September uh like the mayor mentioned I'm president and CEO of Hope Villages of America uh we've been a nonprofit organization in Clear Water since 1967 uh we have a food bank that distributes 6 and a half million pounds of food on an annual basis uh we serve around 150,000 people a year um and so you know awareness is a big thing uh so that our our citizens our community understands um you know not only what we do but what what they can do to to to help out these folks these are these are our neighbors these are folks we go to church with sometimes even folks that we work with uh many of the folks that come through at Food Bank they have jobs they have families um and they they're just having a difficult time you know going to Publix putting that food on the table uh so these proclamations go a really long way getting that uh getting the awareness out there and uh and I really do appreciate mayor and and the rest of the of the commission of your support today so thank you thank you um if you want to come up we'll come around and take a picture a good all right next is public comments for non-agenda items I do have a few cards um if anyone else wishes to speak on an agenda that we don't have on the before us tonight um please feel free to fill one out and bring it up to the city clerk um first I have Kim Matthew please state your name and address for the record please Kim Matthew I reside in District 3 having read through the rules um of procedure that you referenced earlier it says that we must State our district not our address so I'm going to do that District three and I want to address the issue really of the um decorum statement as you referenced wait a minute I'm lost some papers here as you referenced that statement I decided to go back and take a look at that myself and read through it wanted to make sure I understood what you were referencing unfortunately what you reference does not agree with what is printed on this statement on the agenda um they are different um so the educator and me decided I was going to take a look at where this came from this came from the city of Great Balls Minnesota not from our statement um of rules and procedures so I think that needs to be looked at a little more carefully and revised to coordinate with what we have in our rules and procedures let me see I left one notes okay so um I know you felt like last week's meeting was a little out of hand but I'm just wondering if you've ever stopped to ask why it was a little out of hand and could it be that your agenda does not match the agenda of the residents of Treasure Island if you're doing the res doing the work of the residents maybe there wouldn't be such passion or push back coming from the residents um in what way are the residents permitted to show their dissatisfaction we've been told that the way to have our voices heard is to show up and attend the meetings and speak up so we are doing that however we've also had residents reach out to City staff and we've been told by City staff that they're to too busy to meet with them or they'll meet with them but they're only going to discuss one topic when they meet so that doesn't seem to be embracing that Spirit of working together I am hoping that as we go forward um and we come to some coordination between this statement and what is actually in our rules and procedures that we can get to a point where we don't have such heated passion uh heated debates and passion at our meetings disruptive or violent behavior is not appropriate in any professional setting and I don't condone this and I don't know that other people would and that's actually addressed in our City's statement of decorum however editing rules and procedures to limit resident feedback is also unacceptable which is what happened here as I read through that decorum statement I kind of felt like I was back at the principle of my as the principal of my school reminding the students that we have rules in the cafeteria of behavior and all of that the difference between that and what we're doing here is that we're all adults with vested interest in how our money is being sent spent and how the city is being governed decisions are being made by you that impact our quality of life our bank account whether or not families can continue to live on the island if they can take vacations and so if you're doing the work of the residents perhaps you wouldn't be met with such passion from the residents also the decorum statement printed on the agenda classifies Applause as one type of behavior that is considered disorderly and boisterous by this statement however if you think about it Applause can often be a gauge of the level of agreement on an issue by your residents so if you want to know if the residents are agreeing with what you're proposing or what you're saying then often times Applause can let you gauge that from them not all residents want to stand up and make a public statement in front of the commission Applause are often used to celebrate employees and staff being recognized for the heroic work that they do every day like our police officers and firemen so will we not be allowed to clap for them recently we had a designation of a Mel and Betty sembler day will Applause not be permitted for recogn recognitions like that or is it only Applause from us on things we agree with it feels like the rules are a tad bit disciplinary or a punishment in some way to prevent Divergent decisions from being voiced thank you thank thank you Ray tuning uh Ray tuning idle Palms by the way when she said Minnesota she misspoke it was Montana sorry yeah came from you right okay so um I wanted to um first say from what you uh first said was uh I think you're forgetting one major U Point here is the whole thing started because you would not allow people to exercise their First Amendment right of free speech during a non-agenda period on a non-agenda item in the regular Workshop you violated our First Amendment right so we have obtained attorney and we've sent a letter to you on that okay so that was a no no we were allowed to speak you wouldn't allow us and that's when the meeting started getting out of hand at that point just want to make sure that that's clear now that you've brought up this decorum I would like to suggest a mayoral Integrity pledge so um from this day the 3rd of September 2024 going forward I will not push a charter amendment to load TI residents with substantial new debt number two try to do an end around TI residents with an assessment scheme designed as a second property tax number three try to force TI residents out of their homes with a massive unfunded vanity project called Elevate TI especially when allowing fil dirt with simple regulations like those in other coastal cities would survice number four initiate schemes that are contrary to the public interest like reducing the city's Main Boulevard from two lanes to one lane in each Direction number five let free grant money devalue by more than a million dollars by failing to execute on basic infrastructure projects number six put in walkways around the golf course so deti residents and guests especially children can be hit by a golf ball number seven pick silly fights with major land owners that result in half of our downtown being torn down and turned into two two parking lots number eight grow government by 50% while offering TI residents nothing for it number nine propagandize TI residents through the ti information officer and social medal media channels you need to pay attention what's going on out there number 10 stifled TI residents free speech and public comments with time and content restrictions solely on topics endorsed by the city number 11 vote for unvetted capital projects like borrowing $8 million to buy and renovate a city center and then oversee a 300% renovation bust and a three plus year delay refer to the city attorney as my attorney and proceed by changing meeting protocols without citing any sub supporting code Provisions therei thereby forcing the City attorney to resort to an attenuated privilege shield to protect disclosures that in fact no such code provision actually exists number 13 provide fake excuses for unduly delaying critical infrastructure projects like the lift pump station which going on since 21 needed to avoid polluting or precious waterways I will aay within the next week provide a full list of substantial capital projects that have been substantially educate uh executed within the original budget and scheduled during my 10 tenure as mayor B provide timely an answers from the city to all questions being a being asked during the non-agenda portion of every meeting we ask questions we never get answers back number c excuse me letter C establish an accurate planning and budgeting process which eliminates 16 plus million of carry forward amount the carry for amount is essentially TI residents being overcharged on their property taxes and we'll talk more about that at the at the budget section D drive operational efficiencies that will lead to a fiscal year 2026 that's I will drive operational efficiencies that will lead to a fiscal year 2026 mil rate reduction for TI residents you guys have got so many dollars to City I'm glad the the uh the state representative is here and number and last and certainly not least always put TI residents first thank you for your time I've got copies here and all like thank you next is Cara Sim hi everybody Caris Sim District One um I just had a couple questions on um the uh previous meeting I'm allowed to do that right Elevate TI sure okay great I just want to make sure um I was looking at numbers and I did send an email in um over to Stacy and I have not received a response yet um but from just October 1st of 2023 up until um now it is looking like um for the purchase order status report um that we are indebted to Advanced engineering and design um for over a half a million dollars 5 almost 520,000 um so my questions to her were um how much of that was for Elevate TI and also um they were contracted from 2019 onward and we know the project started prior to 20123 in October so um I think as residents we would love to know exactly how much um of our money has been spent on a project that pretty much got squashed last weekend um last week so um that's pretty much my question is 520,000 just in the last 10 months um which I don't know if we've paid them any of that or how much of that is grant money or anything but um it says that we are still um outstanding on all those statuses for all of those invoices so I would just like clarification as a resident as to how much has been spent with Advanced engineering and um what portion of that was actually for the train modification program thank you thank you do we have any other comments for non-agenda items all right hearing none we'll move into commissioner reports commissioner Toth all righty thank you um I just have a couple little things um starting Thursday September 5th the icca meetings start up and they will be moved from the community center to the fifth floor here um the meeting starts at 6 p.m. and then secondly we are having the music in the park coming up on October 5th from 4:30 to 8:00 P.M at Rose allei Park thank you thank you vice mayor doctor I do not have a report tonight all right commissioner Dicky I I don't have a report either but I did want to let people know I've been out of the country for the last two weeks I just got back late last night so if I haven't answered your email that you sent to me in the last couple of weeks I promise to get to them before the end of this week perfect thank you um I don't well I do have something um a few days ago we found out that um our former mayor and very very longtime Treasure Island resident Julian Fant um passed away um earlier last week um so I just want to extend and our heartfelt um condolences to his family um he served in many many capacities um throughout his lifetime with the city of Treasure Island um and his family as well his son was our our fire chief for a while so um we're very thankful for him I got to serve on the charter Review Committee with Julian as the first um kind of foray into the into City involvement and that was something that I'll um for a long time so um just wanted to pass on our our condolences to Millie his wife and the rest of his family and thank him for his um service and then just in response to um some of the public comments um it is it was correct that that meeting to Quorum statement was a a suggestion um from our city manager who was previously at the city of Great Falls so we will definitely take a look at that make sure that it is completely aligned with our um rules of procedure um and make sure there isn't any any variations there and then as far as the um one topic meetings was something that was brought up um I know specifically that that was something that we told uh one specific resident um who I met with numerous times for typically our meetings were three two to three hours long and he had a list of 10 topics he wanted wanted to talk to me about um so that was really a result of one specific person that was really occupying a significant amount of my time staff's time um and when you have that much and this conversation I had with him so I don't really know why this it feels like it's being weaponized now but the the sentiment behind doing that was so that we could really allocate the time set aside an hour have a conversation on a specific top topic really go in depth and be prepared when you have an agenda of 10 topics that you have to come into a meeting prepared to talk about in an hour it's quite overwhelming and daunting so that was the the rationale for that approach if there's smaller topics it's going to be it's very that's very circumstantial so that's not always going to be um the rule or the response from staff if there's some small things that anyone wants to talk about we can certainly um cover multiple things but for me it was it was quite overwhelming to be grilled in an in a two and a half hour three-hour meeting on a list of of multiple topics that I wasn't necessarily um prepared for so I just wanted to um kind of address that one and then Cara we'll get that we'll get some an answer for you on the lev8 ti question um all right next is our city manager and City Man City attorney and city manager reports I just have one brief item tonight and that was ordinance 20249 the mobility ordinance um was scheduled for second reading this night and when it was passed on first reading we announced it for um tonight but due to a posting issue it will actually be on the agenda for the September 17th meeting and in case we had any residents that had heard that I just wanted to clarify that all right thank you mayor no report for tonight thank you all right thank you um next is approval of minutes we don't have any minutes this evening to approve so we'll move on to our consent agenda we only have one item on consent which is the Ford pelis reapportionment plan amended local agreement do we have a motion to approve the consent agenda I move to authorize the mayor of City Treasure Island to accept and execute the Ford panel's reappointment plan amended inter local agreement presented second okay it's been moved and seconded um any any comments or questions any public comment all right roll call please commissioner Toth hi vice mayor doctor hi commissioner dicki hi mayor Payne hi thank you all right moving into items of business um item one is ordinance 2024-25 first reading and public hearing ordinance 20 24-21 an ordinance of the city of Treasure Island Florida establishing the property tax rate for the city of Treasure Island for fiscal year 2025 commencing October 1 of 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 providing an effective date all right I'll turn it over to Mike all right good evening mayor and Commissioners uh got a first of three items for you tonight um first one is the uh first reading of the property tax rate for FY 25 uh the rate for next year has been proposed at the same flat 3.81 to9 Mills U that it is in this year uh this is also the same rate that was uh published on the trim notices uh the RO rolled back uh millage rate um the rate which is the rate to collect a similar amount of revenue for the upcoming year is 3.46 49 um compared to to the 3.81 29 millage it is about uh 10.04% greater than the uh roll back rate uh the total taxable value for Treasure Island is uh about 3157 billion or 11.57% greater than uh last year's valuation uh because of this the proposed rate of 3.81 29 will require four commission uh four Commissioners to vote in the affirmative to pass um there is additionally there's a special wording in the motion um these have to be read and uh done in a very certain way or the Department of Revenue comes back after us and makes us do it all over again um so with that um I will go ahead and open up the floor if there are uh any questions all right any questions for Mike all right um give me one second we do have like Mike said there's a specific procedure for this one so um at this point I'll open the public hearing and um we'll hear public comments on the established Mill do we have any comments on the mill okay then we'll go ahead and close the public hearing and I'll entertain a motion I move to approve ordinance number 202 24-21 establishing the fiscal year 2025 property tax rate for the city of Treasure Island Florida at 3.81 to9 Ms which is greater than the rolled back of the 3.4 649 Ms by 10.04% at the first reading with the second and final public reading to be held on September 17th 2024 at 6 pm second excuse me just very quickly when you said you said second public reading but you meant second public hearing yes that's what I said second uh and final public hearing thank you okay um at this point do we have any commission discussion on the milit trate no all right roll call please Vice May doctor I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth I mayor Payne I all right the proposed mill rate for fiscal year 2025 for the city of Treasure Island is established at 3.81 29 Ms Which is 10.04% higher than the rolled back rate of 3.46 49 Ms the final property tax rate is subject to a second and final public hearing that will be held at the city of Treasure Island City Hall on Monday Monday September 17th 2024 Tuesday Tuesday okay Tuesday September 17 2024 at 6 PM that's why I stumbled on that I was like I know that sometimes we move those all right moving on to item J2 ordinance 2024-25 budget for fisal year 2025 first reading and public hearing ordinance number 2024 22 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Treasure Island Florida adopting a budget and making Appropriations for the payment of the operating expenses of the city of Treasure Island Florida for fiscal year ending September 30th 2025 and providing for an effective date all right good evening again uh mayor and Commissioners um not too many um I mean we've already U kind of uh gone over the budget on a couple of different meetings so I um I think it would probably be the best way of uh spending my time is just to highlight some of the changes um from the proposed to this uh revised proposed budget uh the revenue projections for FY 24 have been revised uh from a projected actual of 21, 128,000 up to 21, 459,000 U this is a um a difference that's reflected in metered parking parking findes uh and sunset be street parking being and interest earnings being revised up um and insurance proceeds uh being revised Down based on current actuals uh property tax revenues are revised upward of a calculation error I made um there's a uh and changing our formula from uh past couple of years we've been budgeting at 97% uh collection rate and the city has fallen just under that for the past 10 years uh so as of a matter of uh just being a little more truthful in what we uh anticipate collecting I adjusted that down to 95 and in the formula there was just a latent error that caused a an adjustment to that um that's showing it an extra uh basically it's moving the available fund balance from a range of 10 to 22% to a more fiscally stable 20 to 1 to 29% which is uh little more uh suitable for City our size uh sunet Beach Street Parking has been reduced uh based on uh current actuals and modifications to the parking policy and kind of wanting to give us a full year of monitoring it before we make any sort of long-term forecasts um itum it assumes the golf course will be out of service for all of fy2 and most of FY 26 um so we've just kind of taken a conservative projection on those as the living Shoreline and um if the golf course project goes through um increasing the facility rental Revenue based on higher utilization and the increase in those fees and just having additional uh rentable space uh increase the community event revenues reflecting of the sanding Ovations um increase and those revenues that are associated with it um and increase the interest for interest earnings based on some Investments that we've been making this year uh that was just for the general fund uh Wastewater fund the revenues are revised up by a net of $155,000 to reflect a reduction in fees but an increase in interest earnings um and the charges for services and the Wastewater fund have been revised downwards based on uh projected returns for FY 24 uh Solid Waste fund uh charges are projected or charged for services uh and the projected actuals revised down by 85,000 uh to reflect current year-to-date returns um and as a result the necessary Revenue projected for FY 28 and 29 have been increased from 3% to 5 and 10% respectively again every year we look at these revenues uh so years out is just uh for planning purposes only uh storm water fund the charges for services and the projected actuals are revised down by 50,000 based on current year-to-date returns um and as a result because we've uh said that the new eru rate is going to be uh Revenue neutral I've projected those revenues as flat in the out years uh for expense adjustments uh the FY 24 projected actuals have been reduced uh by about 1.1 million uh reflective of updated estimates for salary and benefit costs and capital funding that will not be used at year end uh personal services cost for FY 25 has a net reduction reflective of rolling back projected salary adjustments while also adjusting adjusting the public safety administrative pay um and certification pay for fire and EMS um operating expenses are reduced by uh 35,000 um reflect to reflect the certification impacts in the EMS program um as the EMS program's adopted budget uh must match the agreed to revenue that's just the Zero Sum so we've moved money from operating to personnel and kept that budget at the the same 1. 336 million uh for fy2 we need to keep that adopted at the same uh total or next year pelis County will not they will only give us an increase based on our adopted budget total and not our um adopted Revenue total so if we adopt a lower number any number that we ask for next year will be based off of the lowest number that we adopt so just to save our um you know fiscal future with EMS uh we're recommending that we keep that um as it was uh indicated originally uh the penny for pelis fund um rather than carrying forward the golf course it's just going to be re-budget in fy2 uh just a cleaner way of uh getting that money um carried forward to 25 in a in a cleaner way and it allows for a better dialogue um uh in the public um building fund the Personnel costs are updated to refer reflect workers comp adjustments upwards um while operating costs are reduced downwards as a result of a per uh property insurance allocation and that's the same for the Wastewater fund solid waste and storm water uh workers comp went up a little bit but property insurance came down um also in the Wastewater fund uh there's a reduction of 300 oh that is actually an erroneous note that is needs to come out so sorry about that one um and then the solid waste oh yeah for solid waste the Personnel costs are uh revised upwards as a result of updating the fy2 salary Productions uh based on having a fully staffed crew uh and then in the storm water fund the only major change is the reduction in CIP for FY 25 as a result of deferring the West Causeway elevation project um included in the backup is a uh fun level summary of that reflects all of these changes at the uh you know the fund level um I would I typically I would bring a line item detail of all of that too um but just the tentative nature of uh this year's budget um put me put a little pause on that one but I will have that detail um for the uh the next meeting um with that if the commission has any questions I'd be happy to answer them now sure um you start out by saying that the revenue projections uh will be $331,000 above our Revenue projection which is positive um property tax you mentioned that there was an air just so that I I stated it for everybody here that air basically was $1.8 million per projected that is projected over 5 years so it's not 1.8 for every year but it is projected going on to the expense side of the equation we're going to be uh $1 1,76 th000 better it's a decrease um and so what I would like to uh to point out is that that is for estimated uh salary benefit costs and some Capital funding out of the uh general fund now there's a couple of things I think that we missed we when we went through the budget meeting we had said that we wanted to put in um a position for economic development and uh that doesn't appear to be in here as it stands today is that correct uh no that that is correct I uh that if if that um if that was the the will of the commission that's on me I uh I I didn't think that we had uh the the counts for to adding you know that position so so that's that is on me for uh not including that one okay and the second was for a uh code enforcement uh or parking officer uh that I don't see included either uh same thing with that one I I didn't think that we had uh that we had the the consensus so again that one's just on me okay and the one thing so how do we can that be corrected at this point it can as long as it's done tonight correct Mike would you speak to that or is it a budget amendment um there there is a possibility of doing so but the the ads that need to go out to the newspapers need to go out basically tomorrow um so if we make any of these sort of changes they would need to be um it would it would put us in a very tight window to make these changes for the adopted budget um it would probably be better to uh package all of this and bring it in early October as a budget amendment knowing that the the funding will be there um and would allow staff a better time to kind of wrap our arms around it and make sure that we're doing this you know 100% and not um by the seat of our pants um but it it is possible it would just put us in a um um an interesting position to make sure we they get everything advertised as it needs to be so I guess I'm hearing that it'll be done through a amendment I I think it would be safer to do work it through a budget amendment to ensure we have all the timing correct with the advertisements on the N through the um excuse me notification system I'm sorry but I'm I'm extremely disappointed in this this is that was explicitly clear from the commission that we wanted that Economic Development position I um I I I believe I I don't usually criticize but this is I I and I um I believe that we can if um uh I need to sit down and look at the actual timeline for um the newspaper and the trim notice Department of Revenue um so I I can't say with any certainty that we absolutely can but if we I mean the parking enforcement would be easy enough to do that's a position we've already got a benchmark for those um it's coming up with the salary the estimated salary for the economic development um and we can always just you know put in a a u a placeholder and hope that it's U accurate enough um and work all that through and I I I think that you know we could probably make all of those updates um and make make the deadlines but I I can't promise that um uh sitting right here may if I could I would suggest that we keep going on with the budget we can bring a budget amendment to the next meeting and have that in there we've got job descriptions for the economic development coordinator and also for the parking person and it would just be cleaning up to make sure we have advertised timelines for the public but we can do this for the next meeting with via an amendment you would have an amendment before the final budget is does this the second reading would be at the next meeting so you'd pass the amendment at the same time as the second reading or on an agenda item after that after yeah and I I believe your budget amendments also have to be done by ordinance it' be first reading and then you'd have your second one at the first okay in October okay couple of other items um you know I'm taking a look at with the the revenues up expenses down uh that is approximately $2 million just over $2 million um I would like to uh bring in our hour employees right now it is in the budget at 3% and then 3% Merit so 3% cost of living a 3% Merit and I would like to take a look at doing a 5% Cola and a 3% Merit now that sounds like a big deal and it is because it's your tax dollar and my tax dollar but it equals $116,000 is what it is for our folks our Police Department's been taken care of our fire department folks have been taken care of and I think that it's uh necessary that we do something um we do have some statistics and I would like if uh if Jessica is Jessica could you please come up and uh so that we could address where we stand she's been able to do some analysis about all of the communities that uh that are around us and that uh that this is something it's it's not that we in the the uh top half it's not that we're even in the middle we're we're at the lower end and I think that it's important that we take an opportunity um and I know I like I said I I realize it it's all of our money and uh and it $116,000 is just that it's $116,000 if it was in my checking book it would be very very large so uh could you give us a little bit of information and a taste for where we are as far as the hourly emplo always sure thank you so I've been doing a lot of research um it is difficult to do an entire comp study so because that takes into consideration so many other factors than just pay um and title so earlier this year I had sent out a survey to all the local municipalities and said hey these are all of our job titles for our hourly employees I was basically focusing on public works at that time because we were looking at that uh recruitment phase and so they sent everything back and said hey these are all of our similar titles and this is where everyone's starting at and when people are out there looking for jobs that's really what they're looking at also as job title and starting pay um and what I found is that on the average for all 12 municipalities we are very much below uh the average and then the on top of that then what happens is that now they're also doing pay studies so some of them had already completed their pay studies some were in the middle of pay studies and others are just now starting their pay studies um and inevitably though what happens is they never decrease pay they always increase it so the numbers that I have at this point I would probably have to go back and take a look at them again but even then they were still below the average of all the different municipalities and then I also just looked at the ones that would most be be most comparable to us madira Beach St Pete Beach and those were also relatively under as well and then I know St Pete Beach just went through a pay study madira Beach just started a pay study um clear water just got done with theirs in January so everyone's just kind of moving along in the same so it's kind of it's a moving Target at this point um and then on top of that with the pay studies many of them then are also proposing Cola on top of whatever increase they received due to the pay study results so that's anywhere between like 3.7% 4% just depends on the city so it was the uh the pay adjustments due to the pay study Plus on top of that a cola in October that they are uh forec thank you very much did we do a pay study this is probably before you were here definitely like within the last two years no no no one here can remember the last or like an informal I feel like we talked about it and didn't maybe didn't go do a formal one but we occasionally will reach out for like specific positions like code enforcement or that sort of but never you know Contracting out and getting a a firm to come in and look at our race we haven't done that in the six years I've been here okay so what would it take to make that change it would be the same it' have to be in the we had just may if I could we had just gone through a pay salary study and they cost approximately 22 to 28 or $30,000 roughly if for a full study to be done everything from job descriptions grades market analysis Etc and I also asked the ones who had just gone through it and who were getting ready to go through it and it was anywhere between 30 and $50,000 that they were paying to do the pay study I'm I'm not sure we need to yeah you're not proposing that we do that you're just proposing that we do the 5% instead of three% okay okay that satisfies my question okay yeah it was mine too I was like wait is does the rest of the commission agree with that direction I know I think my question when we talked about that at the last meeting was I'd like to see something on paper not just a verbal report right exactly and I mean I do have it so it was really a matter of then I thought we were going to do the three and three so I I wasn't quite sure where we were at so okay um it just seems like an odd time to be having this discussion uh it I would have preferred that we had it during the workshop uh and I know you briefly touched on that but uh as far as giving the public time to re respond to it uh you know I I don't see how we can proceed with this other than an amendment uh at a later date soon okay would you commissioner TOS support having that in the if we're already doing a budget amendment at if we're doing a budget amendment I think that's a way to go and we have some idea of the numbers correct okay yeah and along with that I think we need to see some sort of report or memo on paper would be great abs so I for cl for clarity sake we're saying yes to the five and the three but bring back information and paper for the commission to take a look at that is that correct correct okay at least from three of us would you agree I I think we're saying yes pending the the documentation and support for that increase okay I'll summarize everything thank you very much thank you all right Switching gears just a little bit uh getting to the carryovers um I'm I'm trying to figure out why the golf course was treated different than any other of the carryovers uh it's not by fund because penny for pelis is where the money comes out of and we have five or six items that are penny for pelis and they uh they uh are being brought over as the carryover and not an individual item this is a question that I asked you last time that we were at the meeting is why do any of the carryovers get a spot in the 25 budget for the capital Improvement fund I I guess can you I I don't understand the question do you you apparently don't and you didn't last time but what you did is you have taken two items and you've moved them from the carryover and placed them in the capital budget I I for the for the penny for the golf course um I mean we can treat it either way we can either carry it forward or we can list it um as a 25 project or we can scrap it and let it fall to fund balance I mean those are the the three different but why did you treat it differently from all the rest of the carryovers I I just because it it had so much uh attention on it already that um I I I just assumed that it was was a was a project that was going to be back for future consideration by the commission one way or the other and so but there's a whole list the carryover list is all that and items and I'm happy to pull it back off of there and put it on this list I mean it it really doesn't matter one way or the other as far as the funding goes this this was just because I I I was under the impression that the commission was going to entertain uh potential alternatives for the golf course next year rather than carrying it Forward having it listed as a project um in the adopted CIP I felt gave it a little bit more uh transparency rather than it falling in with all these other carry forwards but if if if we don't want it on that carry forward if we would rather have it be on the carry forward list with all the others that's perfectly fine too it's it's up to the commission how how you want these figures to be presented commissioner if I could I think what Mike is trying to say is that there was discussion about the golf course and the bids and what was going to happen with the future of the golf course so I think previously the discussion said hey remove it from a carry forward because we definitely don't know if we want to carry it forward but a final decision has not been made on the golf course and whether you know it's going to be rehabilitated there's other projects going on out there the walking trail the living um EXC the living sea line Shoreline excuse me you know and getting those parts and pieces in place but this way to have the funding not is showing that it's there but it's available in the pennies for pelis in case the commission wants to move forward with the rehabilitation of the entire golf course that was the that was the only motivation was just uh putting it on the the CIP list rather than the carry forward list that was the the only U motivation behind and not having that on the carry forward but rebud getting it in the capap for next year Well personally I'd like to see it treated like every other carryover that we have I think there's 26 of them and uh that's the way I'd like to see it played that's yeah that's not a problem that's just U changing how we have them reported it it doesn't I did take note of the fact that it uh was being treated differently wasn't really sure why and I I still don't think that I am sure why but that that really doesn't matter I do like the fact that we've reserved this money so to speak and either with the carry forward or or uh if we budget it so like I said I don't care which way we do it I would like to suggest that we change it uh how we label it currently we label it as uh uh rebud getting the golf course allocation uh I'd like to recommend uh to the commission that we consider changing that to to say uh uh instead of for the golf course to say Treasure Bay improvements which would include the golf course and any any other thing that we may want to do with that money that involves the shoreline and the walking trail or anything else we might do with Treasure Bay sure okay what would need to be commissioner to do you have anything to I like Treasure Bay altto together because that gives us an idea of what we're spending on that Park and that area sure and actually with all the parks separated that way what does that take for it's just a just a change in uh some of it doesn't really change any of the ads or anything like that so it would uh I don't think it does if it does it' be a minor minor change that I can correct in the morning before I send the ads so that's um that's easy to do okay thank you anything else that's it all right um any other questions from the STA or for the staff we didn't will we be talking about fees in a different different uh Fe schedule will be the next agenda item I have no other questions any other questions all right at this time we'll take um public comment I have a couple cards Kim Matthew okay thank you Ray tuning uh Ray tuning is of Palms um I want to touch on a few of the items um commissioner doctor I do believe that people need need some sort of raise they work out there pretty hard and un like that I think that there's probably some other issues more in located in this building that should be addressed because there are I think still some stipping that are being paid as assistant city managers and we have a new full-time city manager maybe those should go away and maybe some other things should happen there um the golf course is is mindboggling to me because we continue to talk about this golf course I'm glad we're starting to talk about it as a treasure Bay improvements but you got budgeted 1.3 you put another contingency in there for 2025 you've got a bidge that actually came in and they were at 1.9 right you have a living Shoreline that was rebid it was over over budget and um you had a low bid that was $2 million lower than the next bidder there was only two biders you think it's going to come in even lower I doubt it I've been in construction business for many years so you just continue to move these things forward and the whole the whole carryover thing is just mindboggling to me we have $15 million that we're going to carry over that we didn't spend from pelis pennies for pelis general fund all kinds of Grants and and and those kinds of things they're getting moved over whether you put the golf in the carryover or whether you put it into the next year it doesn't matter those two years together are going into 2025 there's no way that you're ever going to spend all of those monies we continue to have a high millage rate in my opinion so we had opportunities and that's why I'm asking for next year you guys take a hard look at that and start get stop getting R start getting rid of some of these things number two the lift station it's just ridiculous it's going on three years now if this thing fails and we have a whole bunch of sewage in in the Gulf of Mexico we're going to be sad we're going to be real sad and I'm glad they're two different items but they need to be completely decoupled if you want to do something you need to move about $10 million and you know what that's been identified because we were here last time telling you about this you could you could move that stuff and decouple those and move the Public Works into 2026 you need to talk about the garbage Outsourcing the garbage and really determine how much you really need for this Public Works building and public yard and then make up your mind and then get the jobs done this lift station somebody should be held accountable for this this is crazy I'm glad to see that you actually got upset about something because this is something you should be getting upset about you have people back here they know who you know who they are that have not gotten this job done and this is ridiculous so I hope that something will be done there um all in all I I you know the fact that we completely missed an economic development person is inexcusable because I heard it very clear I was here that whole night it was a long night and we all had a lot to talk about so um that's that to me is just I think is what we were trying to say months ago which is you need to have different form for the whole budget process so that the people the residents can express their opinions on what's important to us so that we can move forward and then maybe these things wouldn't happen because we will heard back and forth from us and to the Commissioners and to the the city manager what's important and then we wouldn't have this so I don't know how this is going to end but it sounds like it's just going to be another cluster another you know bad show and um and and I'm disappointed that we we continue to do this kind of stuff um anyways um I'm glad that we got most of it but you guys really need to you know the whole carryover thing just kills me because if you just took the carryover projects 15 million and moved them into next year and in one or two really priority like the lift station you couldn't even get all that done right let let's face it we're not getting stuff done so anyway for what US world thank you for your time right thank you Byron Magby hello Byron Magby 10117 Tarpon Drive I'd like to speak uh also about the um the budget carryover as a a leadoff I I've gone through this and noticed the uh like the golf course we talked about that being um put on as a carryover item and it shouldn't be treated like that the uh it occurred to me having been Treasure of some pretty large organizations in my life if you budget something and then try to raise money for it in the year 2000 then you re-budget for it again in the year 2001 and try to collect the revenue to cover that it skews the need for Revenue so I think uh cleaning that procedure up will be good the second thing to I would encourage the uh Commissioners to do is please take a look at all these projects that are carried forward and let's get them off the books I think that's a great idea um I have followed in my years in Florida various communities having sewage dump problems and the problem that comes from that and I don't want my community to be one of those so let's get that lift station done um I understand it may cost more money now than it would would have it was first discussed but we've got to do it I mean it's it's a matter of we've got to to commit the funds from somewhere to get that done now um another thing is this uh $8.1 million I believe it is for the or $7 million for the Public Works building I think that's maybe a little premature I'd like to see that removed from the budget talked about at a later time until we can still stud whether or not we can do uh say garbage Outsourcing we don't need all these big trucks uh $900,000 in the budget for a couple of new garbage trucks let's Outsource this um city of our size needs to use wisdom and efficiency in our purchases and in the application of our tax dollars uh communities larger than ours have set pretty much the precedent for that and experence exped uh good results outsourc garbage either commercial or residential or both preferably both but that needs to be at least studied and let's take the time to remove that um that capital outlay for the Public Works building decouple it from the from the uh sewage problem let's get that done then later on we can re revisit whether or not we need a Public Works building or we need one of that size or that character the um another thing I'd like to discuss is the um um that we need to just remember that all of the this budget impacts what some previous discussions the millage rate we need to if we can get some of these projects off the books not keep rebud getting them I don't know if that's happened before maybe it has but that just means the need for more money and it skews the decision making or analysis that we might do and say oh how much money do we need to take care of the budget maybe we don't need that much maybe we just get some of these projects and cancel them off the books we don't need the money for them carryovers go away and the need to raise the revenue goes away U so uh the main impetus on that will be an analyze our pick up let's get the lift station going let's postpone any decision about a Public Works building remove that from consideration at this time thank you thank you all right do we have any other public comment on this item can come to the podium Cara Caris district one um I do have a question in our um code of ordinances it talks about a financial audit management evaluation I know we were talking about um raises for hourly employees or um however you say that um city manager you being new um when was the last time um that we were under because it says here the finances of the city shall under the direction of the commission be examined and audited by a certified public accountant at least once a year every Financial audit shall be certified a certified audit and all reports and recommendations of the auditor shall be made directly to the commission when was the last time that was completed or was that do that every year yeah we do that every year okay I just wanted to we have an auditor car Rigs and Ingram that we have a we actually hire a or form a committee to select that um aitor our annual audit has won the gfo award for certificate of achievement for 42 years in a row now cool um and then uh going back to I think um just what previous folks have said um with the um in terms of the carryover um $2 million in revenue for this coming year um I as a resident again I would really love to see the city staff be fiscally financially responsible um with our dollars and you know maybe a very solid look into you know our current city staff what they're being paid are they doing the jobs that they need to be doing um are they working for for the residents um and and not creating these projects out of you know just reading something on the Internet that tells them that this is the next big thing um because I do see that that that's the direction we seem to always be going is we come up here and we're constantly telling you guys that's not what we want um when we're not even being asked as residents um which goes back to my previous at the previous meeting talking about you know perhaps a more constructive survey being sent out or even mailed you know to Residents or something um you know if if we're going to move forward we would love to see our downtown developed we would love to see Treasure Bay you know developed into something um familyfriendly and fun for everybody um you know and we'd love to see our downtown something so um you know I think I think definitely I think we're moving forward finally in the right direction um but I would like to see actually some progress so that's all thank you okay thank you we have more comments sure Rick Matthew just three I just have a few things um first of all police and fire I sat in on a um meeting in India Shores which is a fire district a little bit different than ours and they had a complete list of everybody's pay rate from driver EMT paramedic they had it listed down for any insures for or Treasure Island had a whole spreadsheet so I don't know why it would take $20,000 they had it so um that being said I am all about police and fire I'm with John doctor on that one they don't get enough money I'm military but in 2010 when I sat my butt in Iraq I got a 2.9 pay rate my highest pay rates ever was 6.1 and that that's the year Ronald Reagan took over but when you're only making 15,000 a year 6% doesn't mean nothing okay so that being said was a proposal to raise police and fire or all city workers you don't have to answer that I know and a merit raise means everybody gets 3% let's be honest you're going to put it in the budget everybody's going to get 3% on top of their Cola um what else I have that's it just keep in mind our our military we're we're fighting the fight too I agree with police and fire I also is there a possibility of bonuses rather than pay raise can you do that we have the money but throw throw the residents a bone if we're going to keep raising salaries let's do some reduction in some of the expenditures we haven't dropped our millage we've increased property tax like crazy or property revenues but we haven't brought our millage back down we have the money and we're have we're running out of ways to to spend it that's why we're getting carry over thank you all right thank you any other public comments all right hearing none um I'll entertain a motion I move to adopt ordinance 2024-25 adopting the fiscal year 2025 budget with the budget document and prior year incompasses as of the September 30th 2024 at the first reading with the second reading and final public hearing on September 17th 2024 second okay it's been moved in second end any discussion or comments i' go ahead go ahead um I just wanted Clarity that we did not agree to spend 20,000 for a salary survey that's correct so I just want to make sure that was clear I do not have that on my list thank you because it was just mentioned and I know that we're not doing we didn't agree on that and the 5% instead of 3% increase was just for hourly employees not police and fire those are both unionized so those have to go through Union negotiations um and then could you also touch on um the Merit always being 3% maybe I don't know if that's a question for you or for Chuck but our employees go through it Jessica if you want to comment on that Jess Jess is walking up we actually have just changed our our formula um because uh well I'll let her talk about it thank you uh so it's not necessarily A 3% is up to 3% uh so the Merit is definitely based on performance and I have been doing evaluations um and and vetting evaluations for a very long time the original system that we had was it was like a 05% up to a 2% is very difficult to kind of go in between steps we just tried to clear it up a little bit um so every single evaluation comes not only through every single supervisor but also through human resources and the city manager so we're looking at all of those um and if we see things that we don't feel are appropriate or maybe something is missed then we will address it at that time so the the vetting process for the up to 3% is already within our processes how large is our non-exempt employees the non-exempt terms of FTE or total salary uh FTE I I wouldn't feel comfortable giving you a guess off the top of my head I we we we' be I mean it wouldn't take me two seconds to come up with it I just don't have it right here in front of me it's it's yeah because it's probably somewhere around 50 okay thank you okay any other discussion not not on that subject but I I did want to talk a little bit about the carry forward items I think uh if you watched uh the video or were intending the meeting last uh uh two weeks ago the mayor recommended that we were going to take a hard look at those carry forward items I think all of us on the commission are feeling uncomfortable with that so we hear what you're saying and we agree with what you're saying so uh I think you had suggested and I we all agreed that we're going to take a hard look at those items that are on that list prioritize one these are the ones that need to get done first and and I'm hoping personally hoping that we might be able to see some things that we can choose not to do and maybe fund the Public Works facility with with uh some savings that we might be able to pick off that list don't know if that's going to happen or not but it's it's one thing that we can be looking at okay y i that was on my Note to make sure that that was on the on the Forefront message received I I actually already have a uh working document that takes all of this list of carry forwards and the fiveyear CIP and smushes them together in one list so we'll be able to look at all of the outstanding projects um in one big list hopefully in October great that would be wonderful thank you all right do we have any other comments or discussion all right hearing none thank you all for your public comment and um roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne I thank you thank you all right next is j3 ordinance 2024 4-23 adopting the fiscal year 2025 citywi wide fee schedule as appendex a to the code of ordinances ordinance 202 24-23 an ordinance of the city of Treasure Island Florida establishing a fee schedule and adopting appendix a as the city of Treasure Islands fee schedule providing for severability providing for conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date all right good last uh last of my items this evening um the uh uh fee schedule remains pretty much the same as it was presented uh a couple of weeks ago uh so I'll just highlight the changes in the interest of time um under Parks and Recreation uh we reverted the golf rates so that they are staying the exact same that they are for this year um knowing that you know if the golf course and the living Shoreline um if that project is awarded that uh that area will likely be out of service for sometime anyways um the uh let's see the parking passes were uh uh cleared up and allowing for us to uh still continue to sell the Hang tags um at $45 um the uh under the police section we're actually having to can I ask you a question backing up here um we had talked about the fees for parking and so and they're not listed here and I I understand this is in the full thing but we are doing $4 and $5 $5 for the parking on Sunset uh and $4 for the the rest of the uh the parking uh yes that that was the uh that was the plan so if if did it make it into the plan it it um yes it it will be uh reflected I was changing other things in that section but yes um I will that will be in the the adopted okay John I or commissioner doctor I'm not sure that uh I understood what you said about the $5 for Sunset Beach for the side street parking the side street parking I'm I'm sorry yes thank you for the clarification it's the side street parking not the parking lots I I knew what you meant okay thank you um under the police we actually are having to un strike the bike registration and Jen can speak to that but basically we've got it in their our ordinance right now and so we need to strike it from the ordinances before we strike it from the fee schedule so we'll be bringing that back um here in the sometime in early 25 and then the uh the business tax um and doing some of our research again with JY uh We've realized that this to make those changes will require U uh four fifths of the commission to make those changes if we don't have four fifths and we only have three the rates will just basically stay as they are um so with that I don't believe there are any other changes since the fee schedule was presented so if the commission has any questions I'd be uh happy to answer them the question I was going to ask is regarding $5 was the uh in your original recommendations you were proposing to roll back uh for the parking passes the annual parking passes where you can park in any City parking lot from $45 to $5 for digital yes I know we didn't uh talk that out at least I don't think we got consensus on on that but I was uh suggesting that we not roll that back that was about a $50,000 uh loss in Revenue by Rolling uh those annual passes back from $45 a year to $5 for digital and I was going to suggest that we charge maybe roll it back to $40 just have been in incentive for going with digital versus uh versus the the the the hard copy of the pass but I think giv up 50,000 in Revenue uh that we already get uh wasn't the wasn't the wisest step so I'd like to hear from some of the other Commissioners what they feel about that well my thinking on it was that uh you know we can give this benefit to the employees you know that we uh sorry the residents uh yeah I got the employees up open in mind um but uh and so today where we charge $45 per most houses have two so $90 it would come down to $5 each $10 and I think that that is giv the savings back to the residents is probably what we need to do and we're raising from $375 to $4 and that uh does bring in uh six figures um so it's kind of like okay we're still going to be growing our dollars but we're giving all of the residents you know that that uh that that perk if you want to call it a perk but uh that perk so that that was my thinking on it is let's let's even though it's minor it's small but give it back to the residents I I sorry go ahead Comm go ahead no I will um in looking at the numbers the in going to LPR your efficiency for enforcement goes up so we're like liky to have more people paying the fees and more people getting tickets so that will likely um offset some of the revenue and then going to $4 an hour will more than offset the 50,000 um additionally if we have them priced at the same there's not an incentive for people to uh go to LPR which is um by streamlining and having one in enforcement mechanism it makes it much easier for our staff and number two the biggest black hole in our parking program is knowing what our actual utilization is and with every resident pass that's being used that's that's a piece of data that we do not have um so while I can calculate and know how many parking spots we have and know our current paid for utilization I have no clue for how much the residents are and know how much we could actually be selling of our available parking inventory and be making even more money um so I think this is just for my opinion is that if if we kept the $45 for both passes it wouldn't move enough residents to choose the cheaper option um for all of the benefits that come with that data and the enforcement Etc I would agree with that I think that the I think the $5 for the P electronic pass and $45 for the physical is a good setup in my opinion um it incentivizes people to go to the electronic route but still gives kind of addresses some of commissioner toth's concerns about people who really do need that physical pass um and as vice mayor doctor has said I think that that's an immense value ad and perk for our for our residents I know some other cities have free parking for the residents but you know we got to kind of cover the administration of this program and we're a little bit bigger than those cities um so I think that this is a great I I I would hope that nobody is going to be mad about a $5 annual parking pass I think that that's something to be pretty happy about I can tell you anecdotally from having worked at the front desk you know multiple times not in this building luckily but um about one in 10 one in 20 residents that come in to buy a parking pass they always like to remind us that our neighbor cities don't charge anything so um it is it is enough out there that you know we we've we've heard it plenty of times um so uh if we can move a little bit closer to our neighbors that's probably a nice thing for our residents and that is a real a big reoccurring complaint that I hear Too is as we change out some of the street ends and places that have been not metered in the past as we introduce meters and more regulation to kind get a hold of parking in the city a lot of people are saying oh well all of our free parking spots for residents are gone um so I think this kind of addresses that yes and at $5 a year and that's an hour parking yeah exactly so administrative fees are covered and and I think also the extra hassle that our residents have during season I think it kind of pays off too and it gives us a little edge up I think the the benefit now that residents can just roll into any parking spot and get out of their vehicle and don't have to worry about if there hang tags in it or is this the vehicle with the decal on it or anything like that should be uh should be a good uh good change are you okay with that sure okay okay thank you for your comments on that I did have one other question is we didn't uh I didn't see the change in the in the uh revised budget for the 50% uh discount for residents and uh business owners for rental fees at the Pavilion I didn't see that that wasn't changed in the the document that you sent out earlier today it was still you talking about like the res like Revenue estimates for not Revenue estimates uh Sunset Fe pavion rental that it should have been updating the latest I think the LA the the the latest edition of the fee schedule I believe did have at the top of the parks and wreck uh facility rental section in underlined I think it's like at the top of the page it it mentions how residents in Treasure Island business owners get a 50% discount and the discount can't be provided with any other discounts that may be available okay I I I printed out the actual page here and it's still says right under there Treasure Island residents will receive 25% discount on it so we just need to fix that then we'll make sure that's updated yeah all right I I only know the wording exactly because I I typed it out and exactly it hadn't been changed on the individual we'll make sure it gets line item commissioner dicki what page was that on sorry page uh 16 I'm sorry it's on page 17 yeah top of page 177 in the packet that's in the um one that was this afternoon yeah oh in the when I open the fee schedule that's in the in granicus or published it shows the 50% discount for the posted rate okay that's good all right any other [Music] um comments or discussion um sorry I've lost track of where are we on question still or have we done we done public comment you haven't okay um we'll do at this time if anyone has any public comment on the fee schedule all right hearing none I'll entertain a motion I move to adopt ordinance number 202 24-23 adopting the Citywide fee schedule as appendix a to the code of ordinances to be effective October 1st 2024 at this first reading with a second reading and public hearing scheduled for September 17th 2024 and just to be clear on the record and that's with the one Amendment to the four or5 parking that was just discussed yes okay you have to say yes do I have to say yes or do I have to yep I heard you say yes second okay that's been moved and second in do we have any further comments or discussion all right roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you mayor commissioner I promise I will get all that stuff cleared up in the the adopted budget will look perfect so all right great thank you thank you guys thanks Mike all right item number four is resolution 22404 annual appointments to the boards and committees yes good evening good evening so the purpose of this agenda item is for the city commission to review the annual appointments for our board which we have Lyft um the life intervention Focus team as well as the code enforcement board and the Planning and Zoning which is also our local planning agency LPA the applications that we received so far um or have for Lift is we have six for lift for your consideration and we have two for code enforcement and we also have two for the Planning and Zoning um I'm not sure how you wanted to start this if you want to start with lift begin from there sure um and so starting with lift I did have a conversation with um The Lift Chair Karen um earlier today and um as this is a new board we're kind of going through some Growing Pains of figuring out how we want to how what the process is this is the first time we're doing um appointment appointments I believe so um they've requested a little bit more time to they would like to vet the candidates as individual board members um or even as an a full board um so since they are a a public board they have to comply with the um public records laws and the Sunshine Law as well um so they're asking that we only we have one person that's eligible to be reappointed Brad Brisco and then um that would give them that would leave them with enough people on the board to still have a quorum be able to continue business but that would give them a chance to um talk to each one of these applicants because it is a board that operates a little bit differently as a almost a charitable organization or it is a charitable organization um so they feel like it's important for each one of them to have a chance to talk to um the applicant and kind of vet them and give us their recommendation either as a whole board or as a um or as individual board members so if we're all okay with doing that that will give them a little bit more time sure okay that okay and the reappointment will give them a quorum yes the meeting okay yeah I'm good then thank you okay um so so appointment for Mr Brad Brisco yes okay so is everyone okay with reappointing Brad bris M yes is Mr Brisco here this evening ainar okay he's giving a webinar this evening so um we I have it on good authority that he's been a great valuable um board member um so I'm in favor of reappointing him as well um all right so we'll move on to code enforcement then okay so for the code enforcement board um there are seven at large members and then there's two alternate members so last year the commission had decided just to um uh appoint one actually sorry real quick um I did want to mention so Karen and a few of the lift me board members are here I don't know if we have any um people in the audience who are applying for that board or came this evening with the anticipation of coming forward and introducing yourselves to the commission um I would ask you guys to stick around the lift board current members are going to go out into the hallway they're going to meet with you in you've met already okay okay so um just want to make sure that thank you for being here and our apologize our apologies for not having this ironed out quite yet um but we'll we'll get to it and thank you for your interest in serving on the board all right sorry that's all right um so the second alternate member for the code enforcement board the commission didn't appoint someone in the um code enforcement Board of staff is really hoping that this time that they would um pick an alternate so with that we have one member who has completed their full term meaning the first and their second term and so they've termed out which is Raquel Lopez Escobar so that needs to be filled it's a brand new okay um Mr Frank Malone and Jeff Richardson both need to be be reappointed they just completed their first term and therefore this would be their second if reappointed and then the second alternate member has been vacant and that is what staff is hoping um we've had some difficulty getting the Quorum and so it just would be helpful to have a second alternate member with that we have two applicants um we have Eric Olen and Donald or Don Simmons Nims all right um so we need to decide which out of those two which one we'd like to appoint to the full board seat and which to the alternate seat and then the two reappointments and the two reappointment so um are either of those gentlemen here this evening Eric Olsen or Donald snemis all right can you come to the podium um please and just introduce yourself I think it's just you just me yeah yeah how do you do Commissioners good vice mayor your honor I'm Don snemis a resident of Treasure Island I submitted all of my information to you happy to approach this in any way you'd like all right do you have any questions for Don no no appreciate your interest in the thoroughness of your uh application thank you absolutely all righty well thank you for being here all right that's all that's it easy yeah we're pretty um all right well does anyone have a a recommendation for the code enforcement board did we hear from um Mr olon Mr Olsen as to why he wasn't able to be here this evening he didn't reply but he is he is very interested in applying yeah or being appointed well then I think it would be appropriate if everyone's okay with appointing Don snemis to the full seat and Mr as the alternate I agree all right um we'll move on to planning and zoning and then we'll have the it's all in the same resolution right so it would be correct yeah um so with that though Frank Malone and for Jeff Richardson that was okay for a reappointment for their second term yeah okay um I have a question for um the last meeting uh Mr Richardson voted no on um where he was advised to vote for um he vacation and he didn't he didn't vote he he did not vote yeah I'm sorry he did not vote on that so yeah there is a I've spoke to the City attorney about that he as an appointee to the to a board you do have an affirmative duty to vote you can't abstain according to Florida law so that was an issue that he had at the last meeting and the City attorney has talked to him about that he's still interested in in serving on the board um if he does do that again um been instructed that you would need to leave the meeting which would count as as an absent so our absence rules would kind of take care of that but um I think he has he has said that he he still wants to try to work past that conflict that he saw at that meeting so my question then is would we be better suited to approve Mr Olen as a voting member and have Mr Richardson give him some time to work his um change him to an alternate change him to an alternative I'd be fine with that I to be honest haven't met either of them so I don't um neither of I know them personally concerned about that at the meeting soers are saying we're penalizing is that what we're well it is an obligation when you um when you did he understand it was an obligation yes he was counseled as such by the City Attorney at the meeting before he he did it at the meeting yes okay all right um and I actually I take that back I do know Mr Olsen um he is a I I have met him he is a good good guy he is a good guy yeah so I'd be fine with that okay thank you fine with that okay okay good thank you all right now we have Planning and Zoning for Planning and Zoning uh these do have districts and uh they are also seven full members and two alternates um so for district one we have Michael heres and he is being reappointed he's just completed his first term will be his second we have Diana krael who's District Two who actually should have been a reappointed last year but mistakenly I admitted her and so she's in her second term and so we just need to reappoint her um and so her uh expiration not her expiration but the term will be August 31st 2026 okay um for district three you have Mr Sanchez and Mr Sanchez is also the vice chair and he's completed both his terms his first term and his second term and then we have a vacant one which is District Four and this will be um if I'm not mistaken um this will be a partial term because they'll be completing someone's term um that will be August 31st 2026 and then for Mr Sanchez I know that um one of the uh thoughts was that since he's had um such involvement with the um LPA well with the LPA U with the ldrs and the comp plan that maybe that he might be also someone suitable to appoint um but with that we have two appointments or excuse me two applications we have Mr Stuart Sims and then we have Grant Smith who is District Four which Mr Dicky has is recommending for district four which is that vacant spot so that leaves us with a um District three and um the reappointments and then also one more I apologize Mr Chris Downey he's also an alternate member and uh this is a reappointment and for Mr Downey he is very much interested in being a full-time member but he is in District Two okay so we don't necessarily have a an opening for a full-time or all or at large member that that that he could serve in right not at this time no okay yeah but we do need to we would need to reappoint him as an alternate member correct and then if there were an opening at a year from now we could move him into a full-time board member position right if there's an opening the commission yes MH okay okay so we have Michael heres for the district one for a second term Diana krael um from District Two for a second term Ross Sanchez would be for district three and that would be a new appointment um because we didn't receive any other applicants from District 3 we did not yeah we started um in June um Advocate you know trying to advertise and get people but this is what we've received okay and then Chris Downing for reappointment as the alternate member for a second term um and then the only eligible applicant for the District 4 seat is Grant Smith correct correct okay do we have Grant Smith um in attendance this evening could you come up and introduce yourself good evening folks I'm Grant Smith I live on Sunset Beach um I'm delighted to help in any way I can um I saw the opportunity ardan informed me of it I've read through the requirements and while I have limited experience in Planning and Zoning I do have substantial experience in aligning specifications with outcomes and processes I'm a professor of Statistics worked exclusively in a Consulting arena for several years across many different sectors I'm very comfortable with public documentation aligning specifications um outcomes and making sure that we can adhere to a plan so if I can help I'm delighted to do so and I welcome the opportunity great thank you so much thank you any questions for no no I would just like to add that both Grant and his wife Derry are very active in Sunset Beach uh a Dair is a member of the historical society as well as a her and her husband are both Beach ambassadors are very active very involved in the community and they care a lot about it so I'm glad to see him step forward and uh be willing to do this great thank you thank you all right um well do we have any other do we have Clarity on what the motion is every anyone opposed to that or now I have some other questions um Mr penano is served as an alternate for District 3 that is correct can he be moved to the full-time seat for District 3 because I know that we have a kind of and we have Mr Sim here too we haven't spoke to so I have a couple questions um I remember back a little ways when Mr Harris turned out and we had applicants and we had to fill those because that's what our our um policy is yeah but we don't have an applicant right now Mr penano didn't apply to move from an alternate to the full position he need did he know he needed to do that no he didn't and we didn't notify him concluding personally I think that Mr Sanchez is a very con large contributing member of the the Planning and Zoning Board I think he is well deserving of being added I know I understand the reference that you're mentioning but I I do feel like it would be a loss to not have him on there as to Mr SIM for district one I mean are you suggesting that we not reappoint Mr hubis no sir I that would be the only position that you would be able to fill no um unless we appointed Gary penano to The District 3 seat then there will be an alternate position open correct and that's what we've done in the past with Mr Harris I'd like to see it as we we've already laid it out I agree right do you want to make a do you all need a moment yeah please okay um do we have a motion I move to adopt resolution 202 4-04 annual appointments and reappointments to the boards and committees second okay it's been moved and seconded are we going to vote on them separately um we can if you need to but it was all part of a resolution um as one do you want to break it out into separate you do mhm is there a specific one you'd like to break out or Planning and Zoning okay [Music] um I don't agree I'm sorry okay that's okay um we can you amend your motion then to just approve the um nominations to the lift and the code enforcement board and we'll take up the Planning and Zoning as a separate is that okay yep with the resol is it okay to have two well it's been noticed as one resolution right right and you would just need a we would need to bring you back a second resolution on Planning and Zoning well then let's we'll go ahead as as it stands and if you if you feel like you need to vote no on the whole resolution that's fine and you can specify during your if you'd like as to why that what that vote is I think I've made it pretty clear I'm I'm good with that as long as you realize my objectives on that sure okay so we have a motion and a second do we have any further discussion all right do I have any public comment all right he none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth I don't know which way to go because it's like I with reservations I don't have I mean it's like two out of the three so I guess I okay I may pain thank you thank you all right um thank you for everyone who expressed interest in serving and being reappointed um we appreciate your service and look forward to to working with everyone who's going to be new and when do these start are they effective immediately effective immediately yeah once they meet with Jen all right yeah thank you all right um moving on item number five is a motion to renew General Public Services subrecipient agreement between the city of gulport and the City of Treasure Island and directions for Living hey good evening mayor and Commissioners there's K yeah okay good Karen's here there's three of us that wanted to present this this is um an extension of the one-year agreement that we had with directions for Living to provide a casew worker to do the noble work of the lift board in reaching out to our vulnerable populations and finding them help um I think everyone has probably noticed the absence of our residents without addresses on Gul Boulevard over the past 14 months um I would wholeheartedly put that and I think uh Chief Barkley would agree um right at y'all's feet your your responsibility for empowering the lift board and providing the funding to hire this case worker and then the lift boards work to make this happen so um the agreement actually expired in June on June 20th so we would be seeking for a oneye renewal from that date and we're all three here to answer any questions you may have how has it been going have you seen them on Gulf Boulevard I mean I have not I hate to answer a question with a question but um they're not there because they're in programs um we've gotten them the services they need to fix the problem Chief will tell you we can't just swoop by in the his I love his analogy in the black van yeah and snatch him up and send him to another city we actually take these people to places they need to be to get care and treatment so it's been a great program from a human services standpoint we'd love to see it continue Elijah our case worker from directions for Living is an absolute rock star uh he works with both of our agencies on a regular basis connects to folks here in Treasure Island that need help with County State um all kinds of programs to get them what they need he's he's had lived experience on the street so he really can relate to these fols that's wonderful all right any other questions um no I'm very grateful and like we do see the difference and it's really good that people are getting help that really do need the help city manager do you know if that the $ 43,800 has been included in our budget I'd have to confirm and get that back to but I'm I'm pretty sure that it has been okay great but I need for 100% accuracy all right um thank you do we have any public comment all right I'll entertain a motion please I move to approve the one-year extension of the General Public Services subrecipient agreement between the city of goport and city of Treasure Island and directions for Living For A Street Outreach and engagement specialist second okay it's been moved and second in um do have any further discussion or comments it's a great program yeah um thank you so much for putting all the work into it and thank you to our lift board for um implementing it and helping to look for some funding for us to um to pay for it and cover it all right roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi all right thank you last is item number six Advanced life support first responder contract with the penel County EMS Authority right hi again and thank you um this is a five-year agreement with uh pelis County Board of County Commissioners who act as who function as the EMS Authority for our County um the county is is tasked by the state with providing EMS Services countywide the way they do that for first responder Advanced life support is a contract with the municipality or special fire district in that region to to provide those Services which we do so any non-transport advanced life support services costs that we have are are fully reimbursed by the county annually um that was what we talked about in the budget a little bit earlier so this is the actual contract it's a five-year agreement uh we're just coming out of a five-year agreement um it's been great we do um a discussion every year with the county to make sure the numbers are Tred up and we're allowed um pretty much automatically a 3% increase to account for inflation inflationary pressure and if there's an extraordinary increase of above that we can negotiate with the county um so basically this covers our entire EMS budget and this specifies the contract language as to what is covered and what you're not able to put in that um the residents pay the EMS millage as part of their property tax that goes to the county and this is our method of recouping that money to provide the service for our residents great thank you we have any questions for the chief all right do we have any public comment all right hearing none I'll entertain a motion I move to authorize the city manager to enter into a five-year Advanced life support first responder contract with panel's County EMS Authority commencing on October 1st 2024 second all right any further discussion hear none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth hi M pay hi thank you thank you all right do we have any other business to come before the board this evening hearing none we're adjourned thank you everyone we do not have a workshop this evening there weren't any items for Workshop so we