e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e call us meeting order good evening and welcome to the regular Commission meeting for May 7th 2024 I'd like to call the meeting to order now if we'd all please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all city clerk would you please call the role commissioner Toth excused vice mayor doctor here commissioner Min here commissioner dicki here mayor pay excused thank you next the approval of regular and workshop meeting agendas do we have any changes and yes we do we do um do you want to go ahead and cover that sure it's uh been requested of me to remove the uh agreement with two mermaids off the consent and our recommendation is because we are so short-handed to table it until a future meeting okay so do we have everybody in agreement with taking it off the agenda yes okay and uh then we'll move on to the consent agenda I'm sorry we we'll do that in a second um proclamations recognition certificates we don't have any but tonight we do have some presentations there are three of them and we'll start with the presentation by HCA Florida pastina Hospital good evening uh city of Treasure Island C Commissioners thank you for welcoming us my name is Brent burish I'm the CEO at HCA Florida Pasadena Hospital I'm not here with any ask tonight it's more just awareness and information about our hospital we are the closest hospital to the city here we have several of your residents who are employees of ours we have several that become patients of ours the mayor of Treasure Island serves on the hospital board so this is really just an informational update as Community Partners to you all and welcome your feedback if there's any opportunity or if that's a desire at the end a little about our hospital we have a mission statement above all else we're committed to the care and Improvement of human life as we've gone through aration as a hospital our development becoming HCA Florida Pasadena Hospital that name changed two years ago ownership changed now 11 years ago talk through a team of roughly 600 strong that we employ over 400 our medical staff volunteers and others so over a thousand total dedicated to improving the care and Improvement of this human life and it's a privilege for me to represent them at a high level our hospital is a part of HCA Healthcare the largest healthcare provider in the United States it's over 180 hospitals as you can see over 120 surgery centers Ambulatory Care Centers urgent care centers uh physician practices uh but more specifically to HCA Florida we're also the largest health provider in the state we're now at 49 hospitals throughout the State of Florida I'll narrow this down to pelis in a minute but you can see the size and scope we are a local hospital we talked to we have our own board just for Pasadena just for this community of beaches and Treasure Island that we serve but with this comes we're the largest taxpaying entity in the State of Florida from a healthcare perspective the largest in the city of in excuse me pelis County uh in the city of South Pasadena but we also want to be Community Partners uh and with that comes the ability to invest back in our Hospital we finished over $10 million of expansions and Renovations last year we'll have a minimum of five million into expansions this year and that comes with the scale and scope of our system more specifically to pelis County HC Florida has five Hospital campuses we have South Pasadena which is HC Florida Pasadena Hospital H Florida St Petersburg Hospital used to be known as St Pete Jen H Florida Northside Hospital in pellis park H Florida Largo Hospital in ha Florida Largo West Hospital near Indian Rocks you can see some of the figures on here of salaries wages char and uncompensated care I think most importantly is the size and scope we can treat and keep over 99% of our patients in our system we're the largest Healthcare entity in the State of Florida and the largest in penis County and are number in sites of service including again the closest Healthcare entity to the all of the city beaches communities between her up to Indian Rocks Community but most specifically for the city of Treasure Island It's Pasadena Hospital uh we are an 8-minute driveway uh so close to here licensed at 307 beds and I get the privilege of representing again roughly 1100 people who have trained 2 years 3 years 10 years of their career to provide care for this community on a 247 basis if you look I'll talk through some of our safety and quality Awards uh obviously we have an emergency room uh that was rated one of the five best in the entire system out of over 180 hospitals uh we are a primary stroke center we have tele medicine available 24/7 Neurology on call every single day for patients who have stroke and stroke like symptoms uh we also have an impatient rehab unit most patients come to the hospital hospital for 3 or 4 days Inpatient Rehab or patients will come for three or four weeks that are recovering from a stroke they're recovering from a major auto accident and they need six hours sometimes of therapy every day as they learn to walk again or to recover in those which is a separate Wing that's located on the second floor of our Hospital economically you can see just Pasadena Hospital the wages we pay uh we did contribute over 4.6 million dollars into taxes as an entity last year this is for 2023 uh in the charity care uh we are a chable organization we will provide Community donations as well uh you've seen some of the pictures including the last slide we provided $225,000 Grant to reach St Pete which does mobile food pantries around pellis County that was in December of last year uh I met race for the beaches today we're sponsor for them coming up at the end of this year in this community uh we supported madira Beach Fire Department in a race that they had last year to support First Responders in this community uh and you can see that in the Beach's communities on the Barrier Island we have nearly 175 employees uh that apart and live as residents in your community for Quality Awards I won't take much time but I do want to highlight where our hospital has excelled and specifically and transparently where we've improved uh and I've been there roughly two years as CEO uh door to balloon time we provide what's called stare for someone having an active heart attack Ami in the in the healthc care realm uh we provide a door to balloon 100% of the time within 60 Minutes uh so a stent will be placed by an oncall cardiologist if you are having and suffering from a major heart attack there are some hospitals in the county that don't provide that service at all Pasadena has one of the best quality rates for those patients in this entire Community uh if you look we were rated one of the best ERS and intensive care units in our entire company uh zero infections last year and into this year uh and you can see some of the statistics on the right including stroke door to needle time where if you're suffering from a stroke do you get clot busting medication that not only increases your chance of survival but also the quality of the recovery uh what that's transl into in this year is five different awards from Health grades I'd say I'm most proud of the one in the middle we're rated one of the top 10 safest hospitals in the entire United States by Health grades uh so that compares roughly 4,000 hospitals throughout the entire United States uh and that's the ranking that HCA Florida pasadina Hospital received you can see other awards for hip replacement surgery heart failure fractures and Diabetes Care we talk through Community engagement we are proud to be a part of this community I get the opportunity to serve on the Tampa Bay beaches Chamber of Commerce that I know is active with different cities including the city of Treasure Island uh we did a beach cleanup uh one on Treasure Island last year we've done one on St Pete Beach following the hurricane a year ago uh and one about a month ago along with ke panel's beautiful up in Readington beach in April uh so last month we had roughly 50 colleagues of ours go out and collect over 50 pounds of trash on the beach to clean it up we were out in Treasure Island right across the street uh in 2023 doing the same thing with Partners in this community and it's part of us giving back we also have a community lecture series that is out every month happy to participate if there's a need in the city that comes up in the future we will host those we'll also go out to communities Golfport St Pete Beach and again if there's the opportunity to need in Treasure Island we're happy to provide that service as well and the last couple things I will highlight probably a did you know for HCA Healthcare in pelis County we are the largest teaching program we have roughly 150 gme graduate medical education residents Physicians that are learning to become Physicians uh that we train in pelis county is HCA Florida galin College of Nursing has two campuses in pelis County the largest is up near the Gandy north of St Petersburg uh that is an HDA owned College of Nursing uh we're now training over 200 nurses per year you've heard of nursing shortage it is real although it's getting slightly better but it is a real uh challenge in our industry and so our part is to train the next generation of nurses we have over nine student affiliation agreements with St Petersburg College panel Technical College and others in the area that we also partner with Beyond developing our own students at own programs and last because I mentioned we're local I will highlight our governance while we are part of the largest Healthcare System United States and get the benefit of the investment scope and scale that comes with that we're also part of this community uh so I highlight our local board of directors this is specific to HC Florida Pasadena Hospital uh there are five Physicians there are six Community leaders that includes mayor Payne as representative for the city uh who is a part of this uh and we do that intention Community leaders keep us accountable to making sure we meet the needs of your citizens and your residents and with that respect your time I'm happy to answer questions if there's a for to do so I appreciate you allowing me just a few minutes to share an update on our hospital as we try to be good partners with the city thank you vice mayor well thank you Brent we uh we appreciate it does anybody have any questions well done thank you good and our second presentation tonight will be a State Legislative update presentation by Shoemaker and uh advisers I'm sorry Shoemaker advisers thank you Mr vice mayor Commissioners it's always good to be in Treasure Island always good to see each of you um my name is RJ Myers with Shoemaker advisers I have been your government Affairs adviser for gosh five five years now I feel like um uh tonight I am just going to do my my annual overview of the 20 of the legislative session it's going to be very high level um just going to talk U again a high level um overview of the budget talk about the status of our project uh talk about some policy items that might be of interest to the city if you have any questions I will be more than happy to uh to answer them if I can't give you the answer I can definitely look it up but I I promise I can't get it to you so uh so I'll jump right into it the uh legislature approved a 11746 billion budget this year um that's about uh half a billion dollars more than they approved in the previous session um it is worth noting and I'm going to come back to this that the governor in his proposed budget uh proposed a 4.6 billion cut from current spending levels so with that said uh the legislature allocated 32 billion doll for Education $46 billion for Health and Human Services so think um Veteran Affairs Agency for persons with disabilities uh Children and Families um $6.5 billion for a state criminal justice budget um this is obviously funds our law enforcement the Attorney General's budget Department of Corrections um 22 billion for agriculture D fish and wildlife so on um8 billion do for our general uh government budget this funds your state government uh and 741 million allocated uh to the judicial branch to to fund their budget um with that said I want to go back to the $4.6 billion for a minute the um as you may have not noted that from the numbers I just gave you the legislature did not make that cut um they did not give the governor that 4.6 billion dollar um the it's for a few reason it's for quite a few reasons but the the primary one being that the Senate president's uh live healthy initiative gobbled up about $1.5 billion plus uh in the budget um for for for that initiative Alone um leadership also decided that there were a number of State functions that could not sustain these cuts um there was talk uh to cut member projects um to to member projects you can imagine how that went over members like bringing home money to their districts they like bringing home money to their communities so uh what what the legislature really landed on instead of fun instead of giving members one or two projects fully funded they they most the majority overwhelming majority of number of projects were funded at 50% so how that impacts us as Treasure Island is a roadway and drainage Improvement project we was a million request and we were funded at $500,000 um I have spoken to the governor's office of policy and budget quite a few times about this uh the governor has not received the budget to date we do expect that he will receive the budget after special session you may or may not have heard but there's going to be a special session um and so the the we expect the legislature will take up uh issues like immigration there should be a we expect a number of ballot initiatives uh the the legislature will approve a number of ballot initiatives that we'll see in November um after that we expect the legislature will transmit the the the budget shortly after that um I I will be in tah Hasley uh what we're expecting it to be the week of Memorial Day I do plan to have another follow-up meeting with the governor's team on our project um so that's where that is I'll make sure I stay in touch with Gary and he can keep you all updated in real time um as that's unfolding um as policy items are are concerned there actually as as far as like home rule and and issues impacting local government a lot of them failed the majority of them failed um there is one that you probably know what I'm going to say uh it's related to Vacation Rentals uh the vacation rental bill has not been sent to the governor yet we do expect that he is going to sign it that will go into effect on July 1 uh mayor Payne and I have been in contact with senator desley who is the sponsor so many times um and I I know that Senator segle and the mayor have a very good working relationship um and and uh he has always had an open IND policy when when he's in town uh that we can always talk about how the bill is going to impact Treasure Island I will say I wouldn't expect that this is the last time tasse will be having a conversation on vacation rentals um I I think that as the as we start to see the the real world impact of the law um on on communities um they they likely in the future will come up I'll come back and and have to address some of that that's just kind of the way we make laws in America so and um but but we will obviously maintain our relationship with the senator um and you know which which again we're we're in very good standing with the senator um and so when that issue does eventually come back around that we can uh we can uh we can continue to have those conversations with him and how it impacts your community so I know that's actually uh very very quick uh much much faster than than usually uh of an update that I usually give but I if you have any questions I I'd be happy to answer them yes I much much appreciated that Bob any questions NOP all good thank you no I don't okay thank you I can't tell you how hard RJ works on things outside of just fenchel uh he's been successful in in getting at least 50% of our uh request accomplished uh but more importantly we call on him all the time to talk to various departments in the government uh to help facilitate some of the things that are important just to Treasure Island so uh on behalf of the staff thank you thank you thanks thank you RJ thanks RJ and our next presentation Federal legislation update presentation by a CDI and Fay can you hear us all good evening vice mayor and Commissioners uh pleasure good thank you for having me to give you a brief update on uh what's going on up here in DC um they Congress has finished work on the FY 24 spending bills they finished that in March uh those were enacted after a bumpy few months of negotiations and we are turning now to fiscal year 2025 spending bills um the debt limit deal that was enacted Last Summer essentially locks in the spending caps for this year but we do expect there to be some additional haggling in the coming months as they start working through those spending bills um I am very very happy to report that after some meetings with the con uh congresswoman Luna's office um she has agreed to submit our uh Wastewater collection system lining project uh under the Community uh project fund essentially rebranded earmarks um for potential incorporation into the FY 2025 bills um that request was for 1.2 million um or 80% of the total project cost uh so that is certainly an excellent Development I've been working with her legislative director up until yesterday on you know n uh nailing down some of the language and details uh prior to their submission later this week um but certainly a long way to go on that um but a a really critical first hurdle and and we have a lot to be thankful for from the congresswoman for that um you know I think that with the election coming up we don't expect any of those spending bills and you know should our earmark make it into that uh the interior spending bill I don't anticipate those bills passing before the election uh they don't usually pass on time anyway and in an election year it it adds another wrinkle um and quite frankly there are a handful of bills that they'll be looking to pass without and I don't want to say that things will get too political but it's a presidential election year so I don't know that anyone's giving anyone too big of a win in the coming months or there'll be so uh we do expect them to consider the Water Resources development act um as you know uh congresswoman Luna has been looking to get language in that bill to help us out on the renourishment issue to revert back on the easement language uh that bill is likely to come before the transportation and infrastructure committee they should start work on that in the coming weeks that is always a bipartisan effort uh really in the last 10 years they've started it doing started doing it by anually and you know it it's just a matter of timing on that I think that there is increased pressure to get it done sooner rather than later given the nature of of the bill itself but it it could very well slide until after the election that you know that wouldn't be a huge surprise um other than that I I can tell you that one of the roadblocks to getting anything done here has been bit of the dysfunction um and the good news today is that it sounds like the latest the latest effort to get rid of the speaker again um is on hold for now um so they're going to start moving you know regular order uh I do think that it could certainly come up again you know in the coming weeks and months the closer we get to the election it'll die down but the group that is pushing for for the speaker to be ousted is looking for cuts to discretionary spending you know cut any additional Aid to Ukraine they have some pretty serious demands and with a I believe now we're only at a six seat majority uh it it could get a little hairy going forward but um we'll we'll have to see see what happens with that um with that uh any questions you have I'm happy to answer and and uh yeah anyone have any questions no no thank you parent appreciate it sure paron thank you all right moving on public comments for non-agenda items I think that we have a couple of here and this is basically for uh items that are not going to be covered during the course of our business tonight so the first one I have is John hadol thank you vice mayor Commissioners Bob Kathy hope you get a handle on that cough thank you um 20 years ago Treasure Island put out this pamphlet um it was proposed amendments to the Charter of the city of Treasure Island Florida and it dealt with seven amendments that were to be put on the election for 2005 in March um all seven of those amendments reestablished that the citizens are the basic control people of the city of Treasure Island no offense against the Commissioners but for a long time the residents had been ignored and at that time at the 2005 election it was the largest voter turnout in the history of Treasure Island they were all unanimously approved and you need to look no further than what's happening in St Pete Beach right now uh pardon me in 20 years I've gone almost blind um the Sara asked for a developmental increase which without citizen input well there was input but not without their concerns the commissioners of St Pete Beach allowed the serata to go up that was followed in close proximity by the trade winds and now two more the Miramar and the postcard the importance of this is twofold once they gave the Sara permission to go up in density and height the trade wins the marada Miramar pardon me and the postcard went to the commission and said we want to do the same thing the commission was hard pressed to say no because at the same time these next three moved in to ask for increased density in height they said hey either give it to us or we'll take you to court and there's precedent that the courts would allow them not only to win but have their attorney's fees paid and go up in height and density I am so glad in 2005 when these amendments were overwhelmingly passed and and for those who don't remember there was a developer on the North End of the island that wanted to make the south end of madira beach look small in comparison to their plans had this pardon me not you guys but had the commission at that time allowed that every one of these small Moms and Pops would have done the same thing and the commission would have been hard pressed to turn him down uh oh there is a City attorney here and she can either rebut this or or agree with it um the city at that time would have been hardpressed to say no and I'm so glad to come back to Treasure Island after 20 years and still see all these two and three story and four-story buildings albeit not this one um not look like clear waterer or Sand Key um there might be probably only two people who know me or remember me who would wonder why I left shortly after that vote um my uh my wife succumbed to a three-year-old Battle of terminal cancer within two months after that vote and on the heels of that my parents on the farm I was raised on in the midwest asked me to come back for full-time caregiving and if you love your parents you all know what I'm talking about um I sold my my house on isop Palms which turned out uh to be a a 12year ordeal in the midwest again I'm not complaining it was my pleasure uh I would hope that the city of Treasure Island especially the main control in the citizenry nothing against you guys would stick to their guns in keeping this small town affluence ever present um I know I've probably spent my time and I I appreciate your time letting me to address you all thank you thank you very much next we have Karen Barnett good evening Commissioners residents uh my name is Caren Barnett and I live at 2011 104th Avenue I'm here on behalf of the life intervention Focus team better are called the lift board uh just wanted to give you a brief update and for those who are not familiar with the organization we are a 501c organization that was founded through the efforts of our Police Department fire department and our city Administration and we actually became a board it started a couple years before there was a board but became a board in two years ago this coming August our function is to help at risk residents with issues they may be encountering in their lives we have a three-prong Mission which is to Advocate educate and fundraise on behalf of those at risk um we want to take what exists right now and bring it to the beaches there it's a lot of things exist there's a lot of money a lot of programs but the people here on the beaches do not have access to them we want to be the in between those people who need and those people who can provide um to this end we have contracted with the directions for Living it's one of the largest Social Service organizations in pelis County um to date we've been heavily involved with working with our unhoused population or as we call them our residents without addresses um thank you to Darren chy one of our officers for that little quote there um I'm happy to say there are efforts through Elijah Mitchell and the Fire and Police Department our case worker is Elijah Mitchell uh we've been able to help many individuals here on the island in their first steps in life out of the street uh we're currently working to expand our reach in the efforts of Education by coordinating mental health first aid classes they're being offered for three free through directions for Living for all the beach area organizations a lot of the churches um do community projects and Outreach Ministries for those people for individuals for not profits uh within the education system um the classes can be done online they're generally $275 a class per person but they're being offered for free uh through this program uh it's you can do them online in person or a combination of the two so if you know any organizations out there that need that in today's world there's so much interaction with people if you're doing any type of ministry and not everyone is always in the best mental state so doesn't hurt to have it the third prong I mentioned of course is fundraising um that's what makes all this possible for all of you out there who want to run home and donate uh you can Doo through our web page or contacting any board member or you can contact the city uh we welcome any residents who would like to be involved on any level we're a community that needs to take care of each other in a respectful and kind manner by working together we improve our own lives as well as those that we can help um if anybody wants to become aware if any of your consistent constituents have a need um please let us know you can give me a call or contact whatever organization within the city would deal with that issue and they can contact us um any residents who feel that one of their neighbors or they themselves are in need can contact us through the city web page there is a link to us through um our web page page.org can come to the city if you have no access to the internet you can call the city you can stop by the city you can get they will get you to us um even if you don't need assistance in any way please check out the the web page l.org there's there's blogs there's lots of connections to other things so thank you for your time thank you very much Karen now next Ray tuning Ray tuning 11205 3D Street East I don't know why I have to keep repeating that but I know I do um so I'm up here because my wife asked me to come up here today and so I just want to put a bug back in your ear she and I had sent an email related to some beautification issues around the city and one of them is uh had to do with the utility boxes they're still down in many areas I don't know why that's feeding back um so at somebody's Leisure maybe uh a return email or something on the status of those I think that uh there you guys were going to document them and then send them to the utility companies themselves and tell them that they needed to fix them so if that's still the case we would just like an update number too on that beautification thing there's a couple of ballards on the west side of cyle and that was also on mine so the other night I happened to go for a a hamburger and a ttty up at Ricky te's was able to walk by there and kind of study that a little bit and I've got um I've got an idea I'd like to least share with you guys you might can it you might want to use it so I'd like to present that to you I can either do it to the mayor here or to the manager here or I can do it to your utilities public works I'll give it to you that's all I have tonight great thank you Ray Greg Tong make sure I speaking to the mic okay when I watch on TV you can't really hear much of anything that anybody's saying uh first of all uh for the lift people thank you very much uh I know they do a lot with the veterans uh but the reason why I'm here uh is for the cars show I want to thank the city and the staff for everything that they do to make sure that we are still able to do this veterans car show uh for the sons of the American Legion which supports our veterans of families uh and of course the community uh it's very important I know we started off on the beach over there for the first couple three years and we're back over here by the park and uh you can't believe how important that is for us to keep on going uh uh this is May 25th this year because we we lost our promoter uh sudden death uh and we we Prevail on everything that we do uh I will have posters out to the city uh and flyers uh all all around the area it's already on Facebook and thank you to the city uh for sharing that on their sites uh the police and fire department we expect to have the uh the old uh fire truck and the police car uh it's such a great event for the community and uh that's that's what we strive for we want to get out there and and show people what we do in the community and uh be part of such such an amazing thing to to keep on carrying on for our country and uh having a great time and we we only have so many things for the events in our community and I think everybody that does anything for the community on on these levels or even on small levels even down to the beach cleanups it's very important to keep involved with us uh and uh on a side note I it is my first time up here for quite a while uh thank you to the staff Gary uh it's been a while uh good seeing you again commissioner minning past mayor minning great seeing you John I see you every day uh and Aron Dicky congratulations look forward to uh spending some time with y'all and uh getting back in the saddle here but uh again please share whatever we have on Facebook get it out there let's have a big event Memorial Day we can get people to stay in these hotels have a good time very good thank you thank you Greg we'll now move on to commissioner reports commissioner minning I have nothing commissioner Dicky I had a couple things one I wanted to thank Chief Barkley and the police department uh for hosting a uh cupcakes and coffee with the cops uh on the at the Pavilion on April 11th uh and I think I got that on April 19th I'm sorry down down at Sunset Beach great turnout it was a great community outreach event uh I had this vision of the chief showing up there by himself and I wanted to make sure I went there because I didn't want him to be the only person there but this was a big Extravaganza uh lots of people uh participated in it uh and a lot of people came by and and it it again was great community outreach event thank you again Chief Barkley and the police department for doing that uh and I'd also like to thank the public works department speci specifically uh Mike yarberry Mike halick and Stacy boils uh we had uh they they held an event uh where we invited some of the local residents there to attend it was an outdoor event and not even an event but a get together and information sharing uh uh session that we had uh a couple of weeks ago right uh on 85th Avenue in East Bay Drive at one of the worst areas for flooding that we have in Sunset Beach and we wanted uh I had asked the public works department to explain to the residents because a lot of them feel the city needs to do more and more to to to uh uh uh resolve the flooding issues or the potential potential flooding issues we have uh so I asked them to speak about a couple things one is what kind of things do the city do to prepare for a flood event that you know we know is coming uh to what what are post event or post flood event activities what we do I asked them to share some ideas with the residents what they can do as residents and uh to to minimize mitigate the uh the flooding as well and fourthly and probably most importantly is they spent quite a bit of time talking about backflow prevention devices there's a lot of controversy around those uh the the city doesn't seem to think that they are very effective devices in in all areas and uh we spent quite a bit of time talking about that to the residents and I think by the end of the day most of them did concur that those uh devices have limited uh capabilities having said that I don't think they gave us a free pass us meaning uh the city they still feel we need to do something so if not backflow devices what else uh anyway it was a very good session uh Public Works did a great job on it and I just wanted to thank them uh formly for that thank you thank you very much I have a a few here that I'd like to talk about most of them are towards the end of the month but uh it allows people to plan the first one is Treasure Island fire rescue is hosting their second annual walk to the beach it's going to be on May 24th from 10:00 a.m. till noon along Gulf Boulevard between 104th and 108th um second Treasure Island Hurricane Expo 2024 is going to be held on May 29th between 5 and 8 at the city hall on the fifth floor Bay news9 chief meteorologist is going to be our speaker Mike Clay TI is discontinuing C click fix I know that uh several people have talked to me about C click fix we're going to be replacing it with a report an issue so that's that's the name report an issue it goes into all of our department heads uh very quickly uh how you can accomplish this is uh there is a uh an issue button uh on the main page of the city's website so please check that out and then the last uh the idle of palm civic association is going to be holding a year in pizza party on May 28th at six o'clock for residents living on the aisle of Palms so they're going to take a break this summer and they'll pick up uh after this event it'll be picked up uh in the fall so uh that's everything that I have and we're going to be moving on then to approval of the minutes I move to approve the minutes of the commission regular meeting and workshop held on February 6 2024 as written I second okay we have a motion and we have minutes uh hearing no further or do we have any public comments do we have any comments with the Commissioners hearing no further comments um I look for the motion to be approved uh would we please do the role commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi VI May a doctor hi all right keeping us moving the consent agenda as it was stated before we are um moving the um two mermaids Beach Resort parking access issue off the agenda and it is going to be tabled uh but we still do have a second consent item on there it's resol resolution 20243 repeal and replace resolution 20233 to update the Parks and Recreation facilities rental policies for a city of Treasure Island recognized not for profit groups and organizations I move to excuse me I move to adopt resolution 20243 which supersedes resolution 20233 three Parks and Recreation facilities rental policy for historically recognized not for-profit groups and organizations I second that do we have any public comment hearing none can we have a roll call commissioner Min I commissioner dicki I vice mayor doctor I thank you all right now we're moving on to our items of business we have the next one is the second reading of public hearing on ordinance 20241 and I'm ask our City attorney to read it okay ordinance ordinance 241 and ordinance of the city Commission of the city of treasur Island reop the prior comprehensive plan text and map Amendment which reflect changes in the state requirements consistent with Section 163 3191 Florida Statutes and the changes in the current conditions and Community Vision amending eight existing elements including future land use Transportation housing infrastructure Coastal management conservation and resiliency Parks and Recreation and open space intergovernmental coordination Capital Improvements added one new element property rights amended or updated 14 maps including lu1 existing land uses lu2 flood zone flood Plaines and chha lu3 soil associations lu4 future land use map lu5 historic resources cm1 vegetative cover and Marine Resources T1 existing roadway classifications and number of lanes T2 existing and future public transit and truck routes T3 existing bicycle and sidewalk facilities T4 existing and future hurricane evacuation routes T5 existing traffic volumes T6 existing roadways levels of service T9 future traffic volumes T10 future roadway levels of service re revised and renamed one map p r one public Recreation facilities removed four maps including B1 business district B2 John's Pass Redevelopment area t7 future roadway classification in number of lanes and T8 future bicycle and sidewalk facilities remove the data and Analysis from the adopted comprehensive plan providing for transmittal to reviewing agencies in accordance with the requirements of Law and providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you are there any changes from the first reading there are none do we have any additional comments from City staff none from City staff um we did send it up to um the Florida Department of Commerce they had no objections or or um recommendations they had one comment about the planning Horizons but short of that there's no there's no and that actually will be addressing the next evaluations and appraisals report um but aside from that there's been no changes since the last reading okay thank you do we have any public comment Mr chuning I am Ray tuning 11 12053 Street East is of Palms uh last time this came up I objected because I believe there's a lot of stuff in there that's going to hem you guys in on on in the future um you're going to have some resistance I believe from from the residents but I wanted to point out a couple of things because I live in the aisle of Palms I noticed that your maps are incorrect I believe lu1 shows Triangle Park which is very fond to me which is right across street from my house shows it to be three tracks and it's um um open area recreational I believe but on your lu4 future land use you seem to have dropped off two of those tracks and so I have the maps if anybody would like to to look at it and think about it so it it would way it's right now is indicated the orange would be residential medium which means in the future you're going would allow for that to happen and of course I don't think that's your intent is that it yeah thank you okay any other public comment do I have a motion uh yes I moved to approve ordinance 202 24-1 reopt the comprehensive plan for the city of Treasure Island including elements and Maps transmitting to the Department of Economic Opportunity in accordance with sections 163 3191 and 63. 3181 Florida Statutes and providing for an effective date I second we have a motion and a second any discussion um yeah um what Mr tuning just um brought forth uh I think we should get that resolved so that uh yeah Jennifer I think the yeah the question is given the uh given the concern that the some of the maps may not be accurate uh should we could move forward with we can Mo forward and modify it before it ever leaves we we'll check authenticity and the accuracy of this if it's true it's a minor modification so we'll fix it okay thank you Gary okay do we have a roll call please commissioner manine hi commissioner dicki hi vice mayor doctor I thank you just so we're clear you're going to resolve that yet this evening this evening no just checking to pass it to the people who will resolve it this evening we'll get it resolved before anything goes out thank you okay moving on the next three of our items of business are in reference to the American Legion the John gjan Memorial post 158 making donations to the Parks and Recreation Department we'll start with the American Legion we have a donation from the American Legion John G Duran Memorial post 158 to the um Parks and Recreation Department in the amount of $1200 to our scholarship fund for our summer camp and Winter Camp um to assist families who cannot otherwise afford our registration fees the American Legion is also donating 2,000 to each um Treasure Island fire Association and Treasure Island Police Association and both Chief Barkley and chief bars are here to accept on behalf of their associations and I do have Commander uh Michael Harley here if he'd like to say anything again see good evening my name is Michael G Harley commander of American Legion post8 Jan G Duran Memorial uh Treasure Island has been home to the post for since 1974 we're proud to be part of the community we're proud of the government and Treasure Island we're proud of the police department and we're proud of the fire department and as partners we love being here with our with our American Legion we have approximately 350 members uh of the legionaires We are family with our auxilary at almost 400 meters of members and we have over 225 members of our sons of America Legion so we have a nice ongoing population of 1,000 members we're happy to be here and thank you for supporting us thank you thank you all right do we have a motion to accept I move to accept a generous donation from the American Legion John G um Dorian Dorian Doran Memorial post 158 for the Parks and Recreation Department scholarship fund in the amount of $1,200 I second we have a motion and a second do we have any public comment hearing none is there any discussion with the commission all good all good roll call please commissioner minning hi commissioner dicki hi mayor doctor I thank you the next item motion to accept donation from the American Legion auxiliary unit 158 to the Parks and Recreation Department the American Legion auxiliary unit 158 is donating $2200 to the Parks and Recreation Department scholarship fund for our summer and winter camps to assist families um unable to afford the registration fees this um Ladies Auxiliary is also donating $700 to each the Treasure Island Police Association and the Treasure Island fire Association and $100 to Treasure Island fire mascot and uh beloved dog captain and president Pamela Harley's here tonight if she'd like to say anything good evening ladies and gentlemen thank you an honor to be here to be part of this program working with the city as Clos as that we do um each annual year hopefully there's more that we can do throughout the year and be more of a community partner with you um thank you for having us today thank you for your time God Bless America thank you do we have any public comment may I have a motion please I move to accept a generous donation from the American Legion auxiliary unit8 for the Parks and Recreation Department scholarship fund in the amount of $2200 all right second we have a motion and a second any discussion Commissioners roll call please commissioner Min I commissioner Dicky I um vice mayor doctor I all right and the last but not least we have a uh motion to accept donation from the sons of the American Legion Squadron 158 John G Duran Memorial post 158 to the Parks and Recreation Department the sons of the Moon Legion is donating 1,000 to the Parks and Recreation Department everyone plays um fund which allows assistance to families with the field trips associated with our winter and summer camps um the sons of the American Legion is also D donating 750 to each of the Treasure Island Police Association and the Treasure Island fire Association and Commander Greg Tong is here who does want to say something all right uh I'm back I'm not going to say it the scary way uh first of all uh so far as everybody plays I say this every year I was one of those kids in the lunchroom I was not raised in a extremely wealthy family or anything like that I have been left back in that lunchroom by myself with maybe two other kids and there was only between a couple reasons and it's because somebody didn't sign the slip or we didn't have the money everybody else was off to uh Circus World so I just aged myself in case he didn't realize that but I'd never want to see anybody uh in that spot and I I know Kathy does a great job and if we're giving the money to make sure nobody uh or that yeah nobody's left behind in the lunchroom or in the community center they'll do the work to make sure that the slips signed so Kathy uh for everybody plays please accept this check for $1,000 I appreciate that very much all right uh Treasure Island fire Association and Treasure Island Police Association I'll do these at the same time I'd like both uh uh Chiefs to come up at this point and in the meantime while they're coming up uh I do have to mentioned a person that really instilled the police and fire department in with me and she's not with us anymore but it is Dominique Ryder and she would always tell you did do you know my son's a police officer but she her love was fire department just as much uh but uh it was great and I plan on carrying on this uh for for as long as I'm around uh but for us to support the police and fire department especially in the last several years where they have not had the support that they need throughout the nation it is very important for us to come together especially from the American Legion to support them however we can now love that dog uh the way that we get this money from the sons of the American Legion is through some of our events that we have inside of our doors there but we also have the car show again whatever we do in this community benefits Community whether we make a dime whether we make a lot of money I don't think anybody understands that the three people you just saw up here including myself we don't make a dime it in fact it costs us personal money to do what we do everything that we bring in goes back out when we get donations it goes back out and we take a vote on how everything does go out and a lot does go back in the community the support and the support that's received back from the community is priceless and we're proud of that and we're proud to be here I thank you uh Chief Barkley you sir app would would you like to say a word we obviously we love our relationship with the legion and uh you've seen our police cars that are striped up with that and we have something special which I'll be talking to Greg and the legion about something planned for next next year okay surprise surpr well now you have you surprise me I can surprise you okay all right uh and uh Chief bars you $750 for TI fa and all right on behalf of the fire department Association and the fire department um and Captain for his $100 donation that's from the auxiliary that's awesome that you thought about our our mascot here our our captain firefighter dog um thank you and and this will be put to good use um basically supplements our budgets to do things that oh Boyd for so thank you there's a be the one okay for suicide prevention awareness oh awesome and that's a bandana for him to wear yeah get him dressed [Music] in appreciate thank you very much after we get this next motion made uh we we can take some pictures with commission and the dog and everybody else whoever wants to be involved all right all right so do we have any public comment hearing none do we have a motion please I move to accept the generous donation from the sons of the American Legion Squadron 158 John G Duran Memorial post 158 for the Parks and Recreation departments everyone plays Fund in the amount of $11,000 I second okay any discussion no hearing none roll call please commissioner Minn hi commissioner Dicky hi vice mayor doctor hi thank you okay do we want to uh yeah go over here okay you're much prettier now all right we ready hold on well done Greg okay thank you no I have one more thing we we mention somebody all right uh I I did get permission from our acting mayor or first vice mayor as soon as we I know they are there is somebody that I'd like to recognize tonight and it's only because every time I come in the room she recognizes me but Miss D bell Miss D Bell she is the president for the auxiliary for the whole state of Florida and she happens to be over at our post over there so I I just wanted to give her a round of applause because she is very integral person that's helped us out with everything so thank you it is my honor to serve as Department president for the American Legion auxiliary and it is my absolute pleasure to support support and assist veterans our military families our community of Treasure Island and our children and youth and that is what our organization our American Legion family is based on thank you very much and we look forward to working with the city of Treasure Island with for many many years thank you thank you de thank you it's me again it's you again about three more items okay so the uh the next item is to accept contract in general conditions for the annual Run for the Beach's 5K walk agreement addendum providing for assignment Assumption of the agreement for by Run for the beaches and Amendment the commission approved and authorized the city manager to enter into a contract with the ISA Capri Association for the runs for the beaches event and that was um for 2022 with four additional years of 2023 24 25 and 26 Carol Brady has been the treasurer with the ISA Capri civic association and has been the organizer for the Run for the beaches um event the is Capri has terminated their contract for the Run for the beaches and since then the Run for the beaches under Carrie arbach uh Carol Brady and um Barbara Higgins has formed a 401 C3 making their organization the Run for the beaches Inc so they have taken over or wish to take over the annual race um so we're just looking for permission to have the city manager enter into an agreement with Run for the Beach's Inc to take over the annual Run for the beaches event okay thank you and I don't know if Carol or Carrie want to say anything I'm sure she does Carol Brady um 11950 4th Street East style aapri and the treasure now for Run for the beaches Inc um 501c4 so we did this because it just got too big um and for the the uh for just the civic association our partnership um remains with the city they'll still get 50% of the funds and the funds will still remain local um for environmental needs so there really isn't any changes except that we just got too big for them and it got too too confusing um for them to keep track of the funds and um we've got so many more local um Community sponsors this year it's really going to be very very very cool it has been for four years but it's going to be better yeah it's been a great event and I'm glad to see that we're continuing on with it y so do we have any public comment December 14th I'm hearing yeah okay uh hearing none do I have a motion I move to approve and authorize the city manager to enter into an agreement addendum providing for the assignment and Assumption of the agreement by Run for the Beach's Inc for the annual Run for the Beach's 5K run walk and authorize the city manager to exercise the renewal term terms as outlined in the contract I second do we have any discussion oh good no discussion okay roll call please commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki I vice mayor doctor hi thank you can here again our next item approved and authorized city manager Tinder into a contract with Alpha fireworks displays for the 2024 2025 and 2026 Fourth of July sanding Ovations New Year's Eve displays and authorize the city manager purchase Authority in the amount not to exceed $30,000 for the 2024 4th of July fireworks display the city went out for RFP for as you said the 4th of July New Year's Eve in Sandy inovations fireworks displays for 2024 25 and 26 we received one bid from alpha fireworks which is a Florida limited liability company out of um Spring Hill being a new company that just Incorporated in 2023 you know there's a little cautiousness about uh whether or not to go with them however uh s Beach went out to bid they only received one bid as well was from alpha so they have approved them for the same amount um and the same term of um 3 years to go with them so the company meeting with them and talking with them you know I'm very comfortable in requesting that they take our show for the first time in probably uh six years that we've had a new company um for the 4th of July the show will be 30,000 it'll be 23 minutes um and it will be 1,255 shells 3 to 6 in in diameter and that is up from 25,000 and a 634 um variation of shells and a 15minute show that we had last 4th of July um sand inovations and both New Year's Eve are both 10minute shows they're both 5,000 each and they vary in shells um they both are actually 705 shells so we recommend that um the commission approve Alpha fireworks all right thank you any public comment okay hearing none do I have a motion yeah I just want to clarify that what we're approving this evening is just for the 4th of July for this year yeah yes okay we're we're approving the spending Authority for this year but we're approving the contract um okay the motion um just says purchase authority to Alpha in the amount not to exceed 30,000 because the only show we have this year this fiscal year left would be Fourth of July so we'll be coming back again next year for you to do the purchase Authority for the remaining funds or for the additional funds for 2025 okay then I move to authorize the purchase authority to authorized purchase authority to Alpha fireworks display in the in an amount not to exceed 30,000 for the 2024 4th of July fireworks display authorized purchase Authority that motion did not come out a lot of fireworks in displays but yes so you're authorizing the city manager to spend up to 30,000 for the 4th of July 2024 display let me restate that then I move to authorize purchase authority to the city manager to Eng contract with Alpha firework display in an amount not to exceed 30,000 for the 2024 4th of July fireworks display think I got that right I second you did get it right uh on on here we have missed the city manager was which was very important but we had now to have it or we do now have it properly so um do we have any public comment okay and do we have any discussion yes I do have a a question regarding the contract the the rates that are described here are favorable compared to what we paid in previous years I I understand that that's good is that are those rates just good for the first year of the three-year contract or is it the same rate for all three years I they lock them into those prices I don't know if there's um any type of built-in cost of living in the contract I thought or whatever it's called Jennifer do you know I'm looking at it it's just the scope that was own the RFP and I think it's 30 I think it's the same amount for three years I think it was okay thank you all right uh any additional discussion no okay roll call please commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi vice mayor doctor I thank you okay our last item and once again is Kathy thank you for standing there for so long authorization to purchase playground equipment and shade structure for Sunset Beach Pavilion and swing set shade structure for the aisle of Palms so the current play um ground quinette the Beach Pavilion it was purchased in 2012 and it's for ages 2 to 5 over the years we have removed and replaced some of the play elements that are on the structure as well as as the platform due to rust um due to the weather elements being on the beach and to frequent or to recent hurricanes um the equipment is completely rusting from underneath like the slide elements it it has like a little border over but if you look at the bottom you can see all the rust and the slide elements and some of the poles and then our actual canopy um is extremely rusted I don't know if you've been able to see that but I tried a few years ago to get the company to honor um the shade uh canopy replacement because um somebody decided to climb up on the playground and put holes in it and ruin our canopy but when they actually saw the structure for the play or the um shade structure they refused to remove the top because they felt that the structural Integrity due to the amount of rust in that structure um wasn't going to be able to be fixed and put the equipment back together so from that I was directed to put this into a CIP to to um replace the equipment and it is in the budget for this year to replace the playground which is slightly larger than what we have there in the shade structure to cover it and then as you know um Isa Palm's playground was installed in 20122 the only area that's not shaded is the swing set so we're going to put a canopy over the swing set itself that is very similar to the Treasure Bay swing set so the children there have shade so um we do have money budgeted in our uh 2024 budget for this equipment the play um structure is 35,1 18972 the shade canopy which is a 32x32 um shade structure is 34 330 28 and then the canopy that goes over the alapalm swing set is 13444 and we will be entering into a contract with project Innovations and we will be piggyback um offing the off piggybacking off the contract with Manatee County Schools okay do we have any public comment hearing none do we have a motion I move to approve and authorize the city manager to execute the piggyback contract and for purchase Authority in an amount not to exceed $82,900 50 to project Innovations for Sunset Playground Equipment and shade structure and aisle of Palms swing shade canopy I second any commission discussion good no roll call please commissioner Min I commissioner dicki I vice mayor doctor I thank you thank you thank you all right that is the end of our agenda we will take a 10-minute break five minute break we'll take a five minute break and we'll be right back e e e e e e e e e e e e e call the meeting to order good evening everybody and uh we're now going into the commissioner workshop May 7th 20 uh 24 uh I'd like to call the meeting to order first item of business is the city attorney and city manager reports so City attorney I have no report this evening city manager uh I have two one is just a quick update on the uh potential renourishment right now the penis County renourishment project is is scheduled for hopefully uh FY 26 uh the challenges remain the same we're still trying to get uh the Army Corps of Engineers to to work with us uh pelis county is working this issue very very hard uh and we're fingers crossed as I've told you all but I haven't said anything necessarily to the public uh We've now received or the core of engineers has received two letters uh from both Senators Rubio and Scott uh supporting the renourishment efforts and asking them to get the bureaucracy moving toward that end that has been as I've said now for the last couple of months uh the ongoing problem is getting the Army Corps of Engineers to support the project uh it's become easier because of the support from the county uh we are going to continue to work that effort uh a new uh issue has come up recently that's not renourishment necessarily but is Beach preservation uh and that is the groin behind uh sunset uh Pavilion uh that is 50 years old now uh and it's in need of repair uh so they are going to begin to conduct a study to talk talk about how best uh to repair and modify that so that it can help preserve the sand on the North side and then also help preserve the sand on the South Side uh whether or not they're successful I don't know okay but the study is taking place which is positive movement forward at a minimum they're going to rehabilitate the existing you do have something I do have something I was just fooling um no I want I did want to provide an update with regard to the um living Shoreline at um or the living Shoreline project I should say in the in the U issues that we've been having with State lands so um as I think the last time I reported State lands we've been talking with them they were open to uh looking at a a border a boundary survey that would demonstrate what was the extent of State lands where versus um City lands we actually went back and found historical Aerials all the way back to the 1920s um and uh have had a surveyor go ahead and put those historic Uplands um kind of underlying the you know those lines on the boundary survey of uh plan that shows what's actually going to be constructed out there and so far it looks like um over 400 of the 500 ft at the project in question is was actually historic Uplands owned by the city so we're looking at as much smaller portion that we're working with State lands on we did send them that information today and um hope to hear back from them soon great thank you there there's one more map that uh Jennifer didn't talk to you about and that was Bob used to tell me he came down here as a boy uh that map apparently was done by his grandfather in the late hundreds uh it shows a little bit more land but it's it's almost because of the way it was filmed it just doesn't it's not serving our needs so we're going with the 1926 now okay the only other thing that uh that I had uh was uh we're now going to get regular updates from penel County they have set up a stakeholders uh group uh our rep is going to be commissioner Dicky okay and Stacy boils as they talk about the groin and uh those kind of things this is not a public meeting this is really just stakeholders and that's why we're Limited in the number of folks that can attend uh and uh vice mayor doctor has agreed to pass on to City staff uh the The Big C uh agendas as they come forward in the event that they they too get uh information and updates on renourishment as well so we're going to be tracking all of those one last thing real quick uh we do have uh a response to Mr tuning but he's no longer here so I will send the note to you tomorrow and to Rey all right to talk about the Triangle Park great thank you very much okay moving on this is a workshop it's a little more informal than uh than our agenda for the regular meeting um and we'll uh we'll try to get to everybody and uh make sure that they're heard um but we still will need to uh to move it on on and U in a timely manner so what we're going to be discussing tonight is ordinance 20248 amending the code for Parks and Recreation rules and regulations Banning personal Fire Works on public property so that is our that is our agenda for tonight in the workshop so Chief thank you good evening vice mayor Commissioners after uh last year's Fourth of July myself the fire chief uh all the other city employees witnessed uh quite the display of personal fireworks on the beach um it's been probably the reason that is more intense than it's been in the past is because the State of Florida has of course legalized fireworks um the purchase of them so you no longer have to go across state lines or walk into a fire work store and say that you're trying to scare away birds or something from your crops which was the the joke of it before but there were uh literally people with um Beach carts full of fireworks and it wouldn't be far-fetched to say that the fireworks displays by the private fireworks um that the people had their personal fireworks were more intense than the city sponsored event uh we were taken aback by a lot of that it was very the potential for danger is there we lose the ability to patrol the beach effectively to go into crowds like that with our vehicles when it becomes dark and everybody has their blankets and their chairs pretty much right on top of one another even our UTV is limited and during the fireworks show I don't want to get too much into our security plan but we have to protect the perimeter of where the fireworks are being shot out at so it's difficult for us after this has begun and once the sun goes down to enforce that what we are looking to is to modify and have the city come up with its own ordinance prohibiting fireworks on personal fireworks on the beach of any kind um that's twofold we're looking at it from a Safety and Security standpoint I know there's been some community members that have contacted us talking about the amount of trash that is left behind and stuff like that um and I know there's people here that might want to address that part okay we we've got some uh constraints that we've been made a me personally have been made aware of recently uh but we're working with the city attorney to see if there are ways that we can still implement the desires of the commission we recognize having spoken to you all uh that this is the direction that you want to go uh and now while there are cities uh at least four of which I'm aware three of them locally right correct and yes and they one of them is Naples which is a little outside of our area uh then there's two Readington uh B Beach North Readington Beach and Readington Beach all of which have enacted these uh their ordinances subsequently to the one that the state act enacted back in 2007 that took that right away from the city so we're going to look into what we can do how they were able to do it again working with the county uh and try to come up with a solution that does what we intended to do uh and still honor the the statutes that are in place do you think we'll be able to do uh complete that process before this July 4th yes ask how would you notify the uh call the people who come to our beaches of the uh restriction I uh have spoken with uh Kathy and the fire um Kathy hauk the fire chief um how we want to do this it's going to be a lot of public education a lot of social media and literally large temporary and we don't like a lot of signs but large temporary signs at the immediate areas of our beach access points letting people know spelling out whatever the ordinance is whatever the you know rule that we're going after no personal fireworks allowed on the beach um we are there's even been an idea kicked around of having Beach ambassadors which could be used for multiple purposes but also assist us on the fourth of July identified by um a certain colored shirt not in an enforcement capacity but just to let people know hey not welcomed on the beach here but the key is they going to be people not to have them once they get on the beach and once they get on the beach it's like we'll walk up to them and say hey can you take them back to your car we're going to take them basically but it'd be much easier to let people know when they're arriving to the beach when they're getting onto their cars that they're not allowed on the beach and a lot of social media would you go back to the hotel motels and get Lobby signs oh they're and they're already involved in a lot of this okay yeah they they actually at the meeting last week the business meeting uh the hotel years were basically saying they always send out an email before the people arrive at the hotel and that uh that they would be at least several of them said they would be willing to definitely put that out there that don't even bring them you know to the hotels you know don't buy them early and don't bring them to the hotels because they're not going to be welcome as far as the fireworks are not going to be welcome absolutely we've had incidents almost every year since I've been here where someone will be shooting them off from the beach Trail coming out of the back of one of the hotels shooting a Roman Candle off and catching the SE on fire I pretty sure almost every year Chief bars has to run into or his people have to run into the SE and put out a sea fire so that's another thing that you know takes away from our regular responsibility the hundreds of people that are on the beach watching the our display of fireworks and we've already begun talking to Jason uh bazelle our Pio uh and he's going to put together his robust uh program as he can using all of the media Outlets that he has available to him so we're going to try to hit it wherever we can we know that the predominant uh folks that come to the beach for that are in our surrounding counties not necessarily pelis so reaching out into pelis county is not going to have the desired effect we know that so we're going to reach out to the counties where we do believe we can have some sort of an impact all right sure um is there a potential headbutting between the states um regulations and what we're trying to pass I'm going to Du for the City attorney for that I I know what we desire but what we're allowed to implement but there's other ways we can implement it and really that's what we're looking at is the there is some language in the statute with regard to certain acts that you you know you touch um but it's whether or not that that's necessarily going to impact what we're Desiring to do here and we just want to take a closer look at that thank you anything else for chief thanks thank you Chief and uh moving forward yeah that's uh well first of all we need to have public comment thank you so do we uh have some folks I do have a couple of cards here uh Carol Brady so Carol Brady um IA Capri so just a piggy back so we've been so with Run for the beaches is all about the environment and um so we've been discussing it with um Chief bars and chief Barkley for a while about um uh redoing updating the ordinance so I brought you tonight um first of all so I been involved in trying to you know get community support and we have a lot of Community Support um the I brought you over a hundred signatures so far to support the no personal fireworks on public property and you know we are specifically for the beach you have some photos this is the stuff that they're bringing you saw um on Photo number one this is just one you know there's hundreds of them um the SEC I don't the second one might be the sparklers so this was taken this morning on our beach this is not from the 4th of July so you can see what the sparklers that that leaves the wires people are walking barefoot they just leave it there um the one with the little small specks yellow specks that's left over from firecrackers you know so and that we cannot pick up um and then the last one is just one of the things stuff that's debris that is left on the beaches so we will continue to get signatures if that would be helpful um to support this um change in the ordinance that's all I wanted to say thank you very much thank you Carol Carrie arbach good evening everyone I'm Carrie arbach 7427 Dartmouth Avenue St Petersburg and um I'm Treasure Island adopted Beach doing Beach cleanups uh when I moved here about 8 years ago I used to spend a lot of time uh during the holidays fireworks going out onto the beach I actually used to stay on Sunset Beach A friend gave me his condo and I'd pretend I lived here and uh the last three years I do not go on the beach for 4th of July um actually that's not true last year I was out there and um had to take a dive under a beach chair because the shrapnel was falling on my head still on fire um Rockets were whizzing by and um I just turned around and said this is not safe uh so besides the safety issues uh the the impact on the environment is is astounding I go out on the beach with our cleanup Crews after 4th of July after New Year's Eve and the amount of trash is just unbelievable where you know the people go out with those fireworks and put them in the main area of the beach where there's just open areas perfect place to to blow up dynamite and um they run back and they leave let the fireworks go and they leave all of the trash and debris behind so the next day we have more than our share of a mess the uh debris that blows up and leaves little particles we'd have to have rakes and we'd have to have days and days of people raking the beach to get those particles up but they are um uh not they're not biodegradable um they're in our Gulf they're in our Dunes uh the birds eat them the the fish uh the turtles you know it goes on and on um but I know the obvious thing that everybody's going to be saying is enforcement and um it it's going to be tough but with social media with people um spreading the word with educating our visitors getting the hotels on Board um I know this is something we can accomplish and my group were willing to become Beach ambassadors and get people really involved we're not we're not the police we can absolutely train people on how to speak to um educating people and not being confrontational but please you know take your fireworks back this is an ordinance and um we're going to work with Run for the beaches we're going to work with keep panel's beautiful and um help the city in whatever way we can so uh use us we're we're really looking forward to this moving moving to a a new ordinance so thank you very much thank you Carrie question please uh what is the proposed um penalty if if a person is caught with a boatload of fireworks our our goal is to have voluntary compliance we're going to be looking at uh either confiscating if it if they get to the beach or turning around and ask them to put it in their car uh if they if we can catch them before they get to the beach uh we haven't done enough research to come up with a particularly good fine or particularly Fair fine but we will incorporate that in any ordinance that comes before you all okay thank you any other public comment on the fireworks hearing none do we have consensus to move this forward yes yes yes so thank you let's go ahead and move it forward that'll be to the the next regular agenda we will we'll I'll take care of it we'll put it on the agenda okay uh one thing that meant to say in my report that I didn't uh we also are going to ask you to sign a letter to do in support of that uh cross walk by between Taco Bus and Sea Dog yes it's it's a particularly dangerous area uh do is trying to do that in their FY 26 work plan uh we have told them that we believe that it's too dangerous to delay for that long uh and we're hoping with your letter of support we can get that moved up in their calendar great thank you yes did anything ever come of the uh concept to go an underpass under the bridge it did it uh do and Sea Dogs they killed it okay thank you all right now we're at the the last portion of our workshop and that is public comment um I do have Ronald uh okay okay we'll give him a break yeah these pictures uh Carol that you showed unbelievable there's got to be I mean thousands and thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars sitting there with all those fireworks it's unbelievable sure um that picture of the uh pile of fireworks that the guy brought up in a wagon I took that picture and when I turned around and looked around there was another guy and another guy and you know those people went home and said next year we're going to get more more you know bigger and better a yeah amazing en join us Ronald good evening everybody good evening my name is Ron DB Ai and I'm a resident of Treasure Island uh and I'm here to comment on the city budget am I at the right meeting have approximately five minutes pardon me you'll have approximately five minutes good and then we'll see where we goes from there okay sounds good okay I want to comment on a meeting we held on March 5th uh it was discussed excuse me I'm being a little heavy if we can no longer afford the live in Treasure Island because of higher taxes Insurance maintenance costs Etc we would have to sell our houses because uh of the ever increasing cost that we have to live here a lot of us are on fixed incomes and so forth and so on so my concern is we have new buildings such as hotels office space and parking lots that give no benefit to the taxpayer other than putting more stress on our infrastructure increased traffic congestion cleanup cost to the city to maintain the beaches higher police cost Public Works and many other hidden costs we as homeowners are paying a premium tax to support businesses such as large Hotel s with only investors interest that continue that contribute nothing to the citizens of Treasure Island my question is is what can we do to relieve the burden of homeowners higher taxes every year and increase and the increase in insurances I know of people in the near future will no longer be able to afford to live here what do we do with those people we force them to sell their houses um hold on one second why is it that all this money that these people come in these corporations they they build these high rise hotels a lot more money's coming in a lot more taxes is coming in and the homeowner is paying for most of the freight when uh every year our taxes keep going up and up and up and up but our incomes don't go up So eventually we're being forced out of our homes what are we going to do about this why can't the hotels pay their fair share because they're the ones that are overburdening our infrastructure whatever they do contribute nothing to the citizens that live here right here in Treasure Island does nothing for us other traffic congestion our infrastructur is overloaded no benefit to us and we're the ones that are paying the burden so what can we do about it that's my first thing should I keep going um yeah you've got some time left by second issue would be why do we pay a company a year in advance an out ofate company to search for a city manager of Treasure Island we pay an out ofate company over $100,000 a year in advance to search for a city manager I don't understand out of all of Florida we don't have a qualified person to run this city why do we have to pay $100,000 for outside company no less pay them in advance that they sit on our money for a year and all they do is redirect resume they don't even interview the applicants they read a resume and then recommend to the city five people off of that now I know that and I'm not saying but is it possible that people have profession professional companies that do strictly nothing but resumés write a resume up for John doctor that he could run General Motors and he doesn't even know what to lift up the hood of a car he doesn't even know what an engine looks like but his resume says oh this guy is great what kind of a system is that why can we not find a city manager locally right here in the state even if you got to go outside this area in the State of Florida I don't understand it and I'd like to uh inform you that we're going to be forming a committee to uh draft a charter to change our Charter where the we have the people have a say in the government okay we want to make it perfectly clear you people work for us we don't work for you and we want to say in our government the way our system is right now we don't have a say in our government at all we hear about things after it's already done after the horse is out of the barn that's what we hear about it typical example 107th Avenue where they started tearing the buildings down nobody nobody in Treasure Island knew about that and they say we have a system that we're notified and we know what's going on we don't because most people go to work every day they have to work in order to afford to live here they don't have to the time to go onto their computer research call City Hall call the City attorney or whatever they just don't have the time to do it so I think that you know we're going to have to make some changes and I wish you people would really really uh consider it and when we get things going uh as of yet I still the people that are involved with me too we still don't know exactly what we're going to propose but we're trying to propose drafted up now and we don't still don't know what the procedure is to change a city charger we know there's two ways of doing it one is 5 years and the other one is by uh I don't know whether it's by referendum but it's by um 20% of the vote right of the voters so that's about all I got to say and I I would just like you people to really figure out how we could start another form of government and cut the people's taxes you get plenty of get income from these hotels to add more rooms more people more everything else and our taxes keep going up okay well thank you appreciate it if you could do that I'd appreciate it okay okay okay any other public just comment well not I don't know about public okay no I just feel compelled to correct the record on a couple of things uh have full confidence that Mr debiasi is well intended uh but our hotel years uh and our businesses pay property tax uh they pay tour development tax uh they contribute to both the financial well-being of the city of Treasure Island uh as well as the aesthetic well-being of the city of Treasure Island uh so it's it's inacurate to say that they don't contribute to our environment they are an integral part of our environment uh second thing with uh with the city manager search the city manager search firm that you chose uh is has got a base in Lakeland Florida that's the gentleman that uh is doing our search uh it is customary for a city of our size to do a nationwide search because uh the the pool of qualified candidates is relatively limited uh and from my perspective having gone through these searches uh our search firm is doing a professional job and a good job uh and so uh I don't think that uh you could have done better in your firm selection so uh the process is working the process is working as it was designed it was not $100,000 it was not a year in advance uh it was less than $30,000 and we are paying them based on invoices as he accomplishes certain pieces of work thank you for clarifying that all right do we have anything else sure good evening Margaret Musa Granda 7467 Bayshore Drive Treasure Island Florida we my husband and I have um owned here for over 20 years I'm also a member of the Florida bar and what I can tell you is that as a as a resident uh here in the city of Treasure Island things have changed quite a bit in the past 20 years um there there is a lot uh more um business Commercial movement and I I also agree uh with Ron that uh it's not commensurate I don't think anyone is saying that the the business Community doesn't contribute but what we are saying is the business Community is not carrying its share its load and and that's something that this body really needs to look into as a representative body of the voters of Treasure Island because after all you represent us that own here that live here not the corporation so as someone who has been coming here for over 20 years there has been a remarkable difference in the quality of life of residents and owners there there is a remarkable difference in the presence of business interests in our city which is real and undeniable and um that is one of the it is the most substantive issue that I have heard at this meeting today not to trivialize any of the other you know cute photo ops that went on here today because they were adorable but this is a real substantive issue and this is something very very worthy of your attention and your focus and I really hope that you will take these comments um in in a very sobering way thank you very much thank you all right uh Carol Carol Brady um I live on Isa Capri I I'd just like to address something that was um brought to the commission a few months back and that was how do we communicate with the residents on Treasure Island and I can tell you as the past secretary and member um ship chair for the ISA Capri civic association for 5 years I sent out emails I sent out we started a Facebook page um we even for Run for the beaches we put things on next door we put posters out and I went to um when commissioner Toth was running um I sat at a meeting or one of one of the a meet and greet where somebody actually said they they they didn't get on Facebook they don't do social media so I just want to commend the city I know that um Jason has done an incredible job posting on next door I don't know how much more we can do as a us the city um Commissioners and the city employees can do to communicate or get the word out to our residents and I just want to support you in that because I've been there we we had 200 members um when I left the icca we we have music in the park we do so much but still people sit there and say I didn't know that I had no idea so I just want to show my support for the commission thank you very much all right with that we are ajour all right John