##VIDEO ID:QH-cMpkfQGQ## oh my gabble broke all right good evening everyone um welcome to the city of Treasure Island Board of Commissioners regular meeting for August 6th 2024 thank you all for being here and we'll call our meeting to order if we can um we'll get started if you can join me for the Pledge of Allegiance please to the flag of the United States of America for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right roll call please commissioner Toth here vice mayor doctor here commissioner minning here commissioner Arden and dicki I'm sorry it's not the first time here uh and mayor pay here thank you thank you all right next is our approval of the regular and workshop agendas uh do we have any changes that we need to be made for our agenda this evening I didn't notice that there were any minutes attached to the minutes I believe that was fixed before iated them yes they've been generated and published might just need to refresh here thank you okay then we'll move forward next is proclamations recognitions and certificates of appreciation and the first one this evening um we have a proclamation for Mel and Betty sembler day um and this is a special one for me I grew up and so did my dad um next door to Mel and Betty Simer and their kids um right on Paradise Island they were longtime residents of Treasure Island raised their family here um and some great great community members that um have given a lot back to the community so they both have um recently passed away so we wanted to honor them um with a proclamation so I will go ahead and read the proclamation whereas Melvin Floyd sembler was born on May 10th 1930 and Betty Schlesinger was born on August 8th 1931 and they were married on May 17th 1953 and whereas Mel and Betty sembler resided in Treasure Island for 40 years where they raised their three sons Steve Brent and Greg and whereas Mel sembler founded the sembler company in 1962 a shopping center development and management firm that has significantly contributed to the Retail Landscape across Florida and the southeastern United States and whereas Mel sembler had a distinguished diplomatic career serving as ambassador to Australia and nauru from 1989 to 1993 under President George HW Bush and as ambassador to Italy from 2001 to 2005 under President George W Bush and whereas Mel and Betty sembler founded the drug-free America foundation in 1976 a drug prevention and policy organization committed to developing strategies and educational programs that prevent drug use and promote sustained recovery and whereas Mel and Betty were both passionate about philanthropy and made significant contributions of time and resources to numerous charitable organizations and whereas the Drug Enforcement Administration made Betty simblr an honorary agent in recognition of her inspiring and dedicated leadership in the fight against illegal drugs and whereas meler was a prolific fundraiser who served as Finance chairman for the Republican National Committee from 1997 to 2000 and as Florida's National committeeman to the Republican National Committee from 1994 to 2000 and whereas in 2009 Betty sembler was inducted into the Florida Women's Hall of Fame and was awarded the Tree of Life award by the Jewish National Fund for her unwavering commitment to the community and whereas Mel sembler served as the spokesperson for the shopping center industry as president of the international Council of shopping centers from 1986 to 1987 and contributed 25 years of service to the council and whereas both Mel and Betty served on numerous boards and commit committees including the Florida Governor's drug-free task force Operation Par in pelis County the Republican Jewish Coalition the Florida Holocaust Museum Florida Governor's Mansion Foundation the Florida National Guard multi-jurisdictional counterdrug training Advisory Board the Jewish policy Center St petersburg's manora Manor the University of Florida brain addiction research advisory Council and the Florida Council of 100 and whereas Mel and Betty sem sembler were extraordinary individuals who lived lives of service demonstrating unwavering dedication to their family faith community and Country now therefore I Tyler Payne mayor of the city of Treasure Island Florida do hereby Proclaim August 8th 2024 as Mel and Betty sembler day in Treasure Island um we do have several members of the assembler family here this evening and also the executive director of their nonprofit The Drug Free America Foundation um so we just want to say thank you all for being here and um thank you for your your um family members just continued commitment to our to our community they've left quite a legacy and it's our honor to to honor them here today so um we'll invite the family up we'll take a picture along with Amy um if you guys want to come forward we'll come around the podium and present the [Music] proclamation I sayet yeah oh my goodness get out of that way very nice thank you guys very touch very impressive family huh very nice I know all right next on our agenda is um a recognition for exemplary EMS performance reward so I'll turn it over to our fire chief thank you mayor good evening mayor and Commissioners it's my great honor to be here tonight uh to recognize some exemplary work by one of our crews uh in the in the EMS realm we run calls like this kind of thing all the time this one was unique though in that it was recognized first by our County's physician medical director who actually reached out and said hey chief are you aware and I'm like I'm aware they're great and they do good stuff all the time but not about this particular call so uh Lieutenant Roland actually wrote the call up and what he was most impressed with and and I'm proud of him for recognizing this is the teamwork that was displayed on this call so our engine company which consisted of these four folks um Kelsey golden Jordan dalstrom Steven Roland and Joe White uh responded to a cardiac arrest call a cardiac arrest call and on that call also because we have the new computerated dispatch system within the county uh truck 23 from St P Beach was dispatched along with a Sunstar unit uh the you two fire units arrived at the same time they immediately went to work together like they had been training and working together their whole careers it was seamless um bottom line the outcome for this patient was a full uh resuscitation it was a complex resuscitation with um different relations multiple Advanced life support drugs cardio version um you name it this this gentleman's heart through this at this crew and with the teamwork uh between St P Beach Sunstar and our crew uh they handled everything a full neurologically intact outcome on discharge of the hospital three days after admission so super job everyone thank you thank you for uh you know representing and and doing your job so well and I know we don't always get a chance to do these types of intense calls but uh when we do it's just so much more impressive that they're always ready so um on behalf of the medical director I want to present commendations that he provided and we are going to award each member our EMS exemplary performance award [Applause] no what's a picture can we do a picture thank you very much good job thank you for you guys are all when I need help thank you good job thank thank you well done as you sure thank you good job [Applause] all right congratulations and thank you again for your for your hard work and dedication all right next we have public comments for non-agenda items um each person will have five minutes Pro to provide comments and please state your name and address um when you come up to the podium I have a couple cards um first is Mark Hoy good evening Mark Hoy 225 104th Avenue number 110 um good to see you this evening and in support of my comments I have a handout if it please you I would ask Seline to pass that out to you surek I'd like to take a moment and speak to the proposed Elevate TI program I am not a c change sea level change denier thank you however I'm a skeptic of data projections forecasts of future used to spend taxpayers money I sat through the presentation by the city's consultant engineer last Tuesday it was full of data points projections and forecasts most notable to me was the graph of the sea level rise used to support the sense of urgency that Treasure Island must immediately embark on a massive terrain mod mod ification program and bind our residents to substantial expense to comply a closer inspection of the data used in the city's chart showed that the data was from 7 to 11 years old the Noah data NOAA data shown were the most aggressive of the projections an easy search of the internet produced the Noah website containing their sea level rise chart data from 2017 and to my surprise updated data from 2022 notably the rate of sea level rise is slower and the resulting sea level height by date is lower in the 2022 data for example their intermediate sea level rise forecast for 2050 which is 25 years from now is 2.03 ft in the 2017 data but only 1.28 ft in the 2022 data 9 in lower a reduction in their forecast of 37% my question is if the Noah data shows a significant slowing in the rate of change after only 5 years what will the data show us for the next five or 10 years will the rate of change continue to slow well I'm no scientist nor engineer I can't answer those questions can you the city is preparing to make extensive changes to the city's building codes and regulations while committing millions of taxpayers and residents dollars to the proposed terrain modification program from now through 2100 shouldn't the city ensure that the science being used to support approval of this program is reliable I believe the Commissioners owe the citizens of Treasure Island to pause the Elevate TI program the rush to approval and implementation is not necessary the data used to support is suspect and needs to be reviewed there is no need to pan thank you thank you next we have Ray tuning uh Ray tuning 11205 3 Street East um first all I want to say uh something positive it seems like the only time we get a chance to really talk and rebut some of the things that you guys say is on a non-agenda item so um that's why we come up here and say the things we say we're not trying to start a fight we're not trying to be disrespectful this is our opportunity to come back um but I would like to say on a positive note my wife grew up here and she knew the sembler and I know that they're a stellar group of people and I'm glad that that recognition happened I also want to say that the uh the the fire department and the uh the EMS group um saved my life I had uh endoscopic uh procedure done and the doctors did not know it at the time they had nicked me on the inside the next morning when I woke up I went in the shower and I basically threw up blood it looked like a crime seat in my bathroom and they came and they rescued me and they got me to Palms of Pasadena and I think they put I think it was four pints of blood or four units of blood in me I was that close to dying so that was a wonderful thing that they did so I do recognize their hard work um but I did but what I came up here for is that um I want to say at the end of the Comm meeting held on July 30th 2024 at 603 following the Elevate TI special Workshop there was a discussion at 5150 um on your video you can go back and look um and mayor Payne says it appears to me that criticism that we are receiving for the program is primarily from people who don't really believe in sea level rise now I did not see that from any of the speak speakers and if you're talking about me please let me know because I I am not a denier and I'm glad to see that Mo Mark had mentioned that and by the way I had brought that same data up to you before when I showed you that the curves they were using were the wrong curves and then you went on to say it makes sense that these would not support this plan because they don't believe it's an issue at all we do support the plan we're trying to save our homes we have legitimate concerns we have legit legitimate uh criticism and I think you should be listening to us I was taken a and some people I talked to were angry over the disrespect that was being shown to the residents people are legitimately concerned about their homes I hope that you guys will recognize that it's not necessary for us to be in compatitive we're just basically trying to point out that we're concerned about our homes I believe I'm losing value in my home be Market value and I believe I I will not be able to elevate my home because I can't afford it and I can't go up just 2 feet because it it is is greater than the 50% value I am in a situation I may have to sell my home and move I want to thank commissioner Dicky okay you spoke up and said not all people feel that way we don't we're not deniers and I think you really should take a a moment and maybe even apologize to the people you you I hope you didn't mean to tell everybody that had something to say was a denier uh I also want to say when people speak don't confuse their concerns whether they think that whether you think they're legitimate or not with criticism they have concerns listen to them they're expressing their view which you should respect when I spoke about the living Shoreline those were legitimate concerns height maintenance the bowl effect the golf which I don't I don't I don't support the gulf I am critical of that decision if we were to go forward and do something with that valuable land that doesn't benefit all the people in Treasure Island but why would you elevate the burm to 6.5 ft while advocating 7.6 feet in the ter uh terrain modification why wouldn't you follow your own rules and your own science creating a bowl would just destroy such a project such as the golf that we will spend millions of dollars doing I also want to remind you that you stated that there would be another workshop on the terrain modification um plan I would like to suggest a workshop SL form perhaps like you did with the budget which I thought went very well and maybe let residents ask questions to the staff and the two Engineers um this is a very important issue and it affects everybody's homes including yours the people that live here all the community members and yours and you are are the ones that uh are supposed to be uh speaking up for the individual districts that you that you represent thank you for your time thank you do we have any other public comments all right hearing none we'll move into commissioner reports and we'll start with commissioner Toth all righty well good evening and thank you for attending in person and streaming online and thank you to the assemblers and especially thank you to our First Responders crew that we honored um personal note they were also the ones that came out from my mother when um we had a stroke alert on her so the professionalism that our team has is extremely exemplary and thank you um I'd also like to welcome our new city manager and congratulate him on picking a wonderful week to start and also I'd like to thank our First Responders for their service during tropical storm Debbie was stayed well offshore and would also like to request that we do publish how much how many houses were affected by storm surge thank you and then I'd also like to thank Jason for getting the word out on social media and to our city staff for clearing up ahead of time and helping pile up the stuff for hallway later we were very for fortunate the storms stayed offshore I couldn't imagine the damage if it hooked right like Charlie did and came into our Beach Community um that said please just take some time and review the city's website about preparing and becoming storm ready because it could happen and probably will again as they're predicting this year thank you thank you vice mayor doctor you know they say that uh timing is everything and Chuck your timing was perfect and uh I think that I mean that jokingly and I mean in a serious way U we were fortunate enough today at The Rotary Club to have our fire chief and assistant city manager uh talk about hurricanes uh but very specifically what happened uh this past weekend and I'll tell you what we fared very well um I mean one if one person gets gets hit uh it's a shame it really is and we we can always work to do better but uh you know we didn't have um a lot of folks that didn't follow the uh the rules and follow what was being said uh and chief made a great point today you know saying that um people in Treasure Island are beginning to hear it they they they're beginning to hear it we've said it enough they're beginning to hear it and we really appreciate your leadership through this weekend as well as uh uh Chief bar and chief bars and all the Public Works folks and everybody that came together to make things happen and I'm amazed I look out the window and uh with the storm that we had the the wind the water everything else we are already on our way back to being normal again and uh and everything over the the next couple days we'll have everything looking great and uh I I had the opportunity a couple days ago to uh to go down into the is of palms and uh and we know we have some areas that do flood in the a of Palms uh but everybody neighbors were out there talking to each other I even stopped and then talked to a couple of neighbors um we came through it very uh very safely and and I appreciate everything that everybody has done the neighborhoods um all of our departments and uh and hopefully uh this was number four out of I think projecting of 23 but let's hope that everything does stay away and that we're all safe and we're all listening and we're all taking the the uh the direction from the city and and moving forward so thank you very much thank you commissioner minning well I will ditto the welcome Chuck um and I would ask are we planning some type of a uh little tea party for Gary for his uh departure if I may ask um we're working that currently just trying to take a look at some dates in his availability okay yeah before he BL blows down yeah okay thank you uh I would also like to commend and thank staff for the exemplary work that they performed over these past four days um I I I'm repeating but was well done so that's all I can can say and thank you one other thing I did want to add is a while back if you recall we had a discussion about plantings along Paradise Boulevard and that some of the palm trees were going to have to go and that we were going to find some other vegetation toh take it take their place also fill in uh and the reason for the hold back or the postponement of that was because we were in a drought well folks we're out of the drought I think we can all de so chuck if you would please take a look at moving forward with um The Paradise Boulevard would appreciate it um that's all I have here all right thank you commissioner dicki I'll give a little bit more detail on uh this past weekend's uh tropical storm as it as it came past us it as far as how it affected Sunset Beach uh it did uh much less damage than I think anybody was expecting the streets did flood water did come over seaw walls both on the the inter Coastal side and on the on the golf side uh but it receded pretty quickly within a few hours of the uh Tides uh uh coming down the all the streets had pretty much drained uh pretty quickly so big difference in some of the pictures I saw on television in Sarasota and some of the others that had three four feet of water so I was really uh good about happy about that uh I also want to reiterate some of the other things that the Commissioners have said too about uh the the updates that we gave we the city gave uh our residents uh about this the storm updates I thought those were very helpful you can always go online and see updates you know that are more generic about the whole you know the Tampa Bay Region and the whole area uh but you the only place you can get Treasure Island specific information is on our website and I thought I thought our Jason his team did an excellent job of keeping us informed of what was what was uh in front of us on that so thank you very much for that uh I understand four houses on Sunset Beach did receive uh some water damage I don't know the extent of that damage uh the beach is a different story though uh the beach took a beating on Sunset Beach I was also looking out here and I can't imagine well I could imagine because I I found a picture earlier this afternoon of Sunset Beach from 1992 and it looked like the beach is out here there was a quarter mile of beach there is literally room for one set one family today when I went over to the sunset Chateau to to set between and it wasn't even high tide to sit down and to be out of the water and and to be on the beach so uh there is the sunset sh Chateau has a seaw wall and prior to the storm it was about a foot and a half drop off uh from the seaw wall down to the sand it's about a 4ft drop now so we lost about three to 4 feet of beach on Sunset Beach uh this past uh this past weekend so it did take a pounding and my big concern and the reason I bring that up is that you know when the residents of Sunset Beach asked me when when are we going to get the beach renourished the most difficult thing I have found in my job up to this point is to be able to say I don't know uh there's nothing on the uh Army Corps of Engineers schedule that gives us any kind of indication when when the beach is going to be Ren and if you look at Sunset Chateau and the properties on either side of it uh as well as some of the other there's not there's no more room for air there's no more margin for air uh I think we're if if we don't do something we will see homes falling into the sea with uh with if we have a serious storm head our way because this was mild in comparison to what what uh others other areas have seen uh so that's all I have thank you um I don't really have much else to add um did you have yeah else add one more I forgot to mention that U I have a rain gauge at our house um and recorded over Saturday and Sunday we received 21 in of rainfall 21 in that equates to about well a foot one cubic foot of water is 7 and2 gallons so if you just take 21 in just shy of 2 feet so that's almost 15 gallons of water for every square foot of ground so a um I'll just bring that back around and say thanks to staff and thanks to trip for keeping us afloat I guess is the best way to put it that's a lot of water to to have handled thanks be absolutely um I was just saying I don't have much to add thank you all for kind commending our our staff I did everything that the Commissioners have said and um thank you all for keeping us prepared and keeping us informed it was a really great um experience um I did want to piggyback on commissioner dicki's comments about Beach nourishment I I agree I went out there yesterday as well and took a look and a lot of the um Dune restoration that was done last year has definitely been washed away there's still um big parts of it that are intact but there's you know before that we had a lot of Ledges on the on the beach front and those are starting to come back where the water has washed away at the at the new dunes and just so everyone remembers that Dune restoration was not a beach nourishment that was an emergency project because our Dunes were completely washed over and washed away and the last the two storms that we had last year so that was an emergency project from the county nothing to do with the Army Corps and it really is um kind of bottlenecked at the Army Corps at this point and I I don't know what else we can do we've been kicking and screaming our our um state representatives have been helping us our um US representatives and DC have been sounding the alarm bells for us and it just doesn't seem to be moving anywhere um I did mention it to um I sent some pictures to state representative Linda chy and she said that um she did have a conversation with Barry Burton the County Administrator recently and he felt as though they were making some progress with the Army Corps and I know we are um trying to work with State lands on establishing our ecl on the southern part of the island which is the the thing that's really they're claiming is holding it up right now that we need to establish that before they can determine what properties need to have um easements written or a sign so we really need to push back about on that whole um policy of the Army Corps that they even require easements but in the meantime we are working towards complying with that in the hopes that if we do get a list of homes that need to have easement signed that we may be able to get the community to really come together and um get 100% of those signed that so that we can move forward with the um the nourishment but I mean all the northern each communities I know have been they've been fighting that for a long time they were none of them or maybe one Community was able to get 100% of their easement signed and that's the requirement that the Army Corps is um citing as their policy so there's some work being done to try to advocate for them to change that policy but it doesn't seem promising so that's why the county is still moving forward with trying to comply with the policy and I know they're also trying to create some plans for just having the do the nourishment on their own and Engineering that so it can't come soon enough I I'm right there with you it's that is probably one of the most frustrating parts for me as well as not being able to give people more hope and um seeing it is believing it so I think that's part of the problem is that these people in DC that are just making these policies have have not seen it firsthand because it is in it is certainly in dire straight so anything that our residents can do to spread that word to your elected officials um at a higher level than us um that can only help to put the pressure on the Army Corps Engineers because that's what is needed they need to change their policy um that is it for my report all right we'll move into City attorney and city manager reports I have nothing to report this evening all right thank you now mayor Payne and Commissioners if I could I'd like to kind of expand a little bit on uh your comments having to do with the tropical storm hurricane Debbie uh there's a lot of moving parts that go into pre post and during storm and what I'd like to do is just go over there go over some of the items that the different departments had done and had accomplished before during and after the storm just to give the community some highlights on some of the things that go on now I won't be able to cover everything and give everything justice but there's some here that are just pretty amazing that happen because it's a well-oiled machine you know commissioner uh doctor when you said Chuck you know it's my your leadership you know when you walk into a well-oiled machine and something that already Works real well you know the the leadership is there but it's not needed but thank you for recognizing on how well the staff does things you know in our community development department they conducted job site visits on Friday and Satur Saturday to talk to contractors and tell them how to secure their sites in advance of the storm then after the storm on Monday afternoon after the second high tide they conducted residential damage assessment there was four flooded structures in Sunset Beach and two with wind damage over in the aisle of Palms Public Works secured City facilities and the bascule bridge prior to the storm they took the city vehicles and the equipment and they mobilized it and moved it out to the Pasadena Community Church they product or excuse me conducted pre during and post storm clearings of all the storm water infrastructure and kudos to our storm water and wastewater folks because they were continuously on site before during and after the storm and they were monitoring the lift stations and the master pump stations and they were managing those to make sure that they were operating effectively over in Fire and EMS we activated our level one Municipal EOC on early Sunday they led the efforts with multiple coordination calls with the county and City staff before during and after the storm two additional staff were on duty with a high water response vehicle they' responded to 30 emergency calls and dozens of non-emergency calls for information and service currently we're coordinating with the cities of gulport and Madera Beach to staff our Reserve pumper for possible deployment Statewide if needed over in our Police Department we have pre-storm increased neighborhood patrols business patrols to be highly visible in case people had questions or needed guidance they reported all observable damage from flooded roadways debris and roadways down trees multiple Downs signs and other areas and problems throughout the city park and Rick they move the buses and the departmental trucks over to the passadena Community Church they emptied the trash on the central Beach Trail and had all the beach facilities and Parks they also secured all the park facilities and the equipment and they cont contacted all the beach concessionaires and instructed them how to and help them secure their equipment and as was mentioned our PI you know our Pio function got the word out and it was probably the best Avenue of communication that I've ever seen operate you know it kept the residents and tourists informed o over multiple sites you know our web pages our social Med multiple social media media Pages you know before during and after the storm we also kept the local media updated and answered their questions as they came in and also participated in Regional Pio calls with the county we did receive late word today on something that you had mentioned that the Army Corp of engineer is going to be here tomorrow they're going to start doing their Beach assessments surveying on Thursday so as we get more information from that we'll make sure the commission and the community is surprised on what they find so so we will keep everybody in the loop on all of that if I could um breaking from there from the storm piece I would just like to offer my thanks and I'm sure I could speak for the commission to say their thanks also to Gary bumbeach you know garot is a selfless servant you know someone who came in here leading a well oiled machine and has done phenomenal work you know he's a great leader and a good person and he truly cares about this community or else he wouldn't have stepped in on an interim basis and you know he is a great mentor he kind of took me under his wing this week and he's kind of just been filling my head with all the information the background and just inundating me with all the information he can and it's great for a first person coming in here in their first week especially during a storm you know so I would just like to say publicly thank you to Gary and to Jennifer for allowing him to come in here and to do this that's all thank you all right thank you all right next we have approval of the minutes um we have one set of minutes on the agenda for the regular meeting and workshop on March 26 2024 do we have a motion to approve motion to approve the minutes second all right it's been moved in second in any comments or Corrections all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min I commissioner Dicky hi commissioner to M pay hi thank you thank you next we have our consent agenda we have two items on consent the first being renewing two agreements with Waste Pro for single family Recycling and downtown contractor services and the second being approve resolution 20247 update of signature Authority do we have a motion to approve I move to approve the consent agenda second been moved and second in um have any commission discussion on the consent agenda do we have any public comment on the consent agenda hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi all right moving into items of business first up is item number one first reading of ordinance 2024 d10 vacating approximately 1,22 Square ft of Sunshine Lane a public right of way located between 127th Avenue and John's Pass and for a utility easement to be retained over the same area I'll turn it over to Jen to read the ordinance title Please ordinance 20 24-10 an ordinance of the city of Treasure Island Florida vacating approx o imately 1,22 Square ft or 0235 Acres of Sunshine Lane a public RightWay located between 127th and John's Pass and for a utility easement to be retained over the same area providing for separability and providing for an effective date all right and do we have a staff report all right now good evening mayor Commissioners all right uh so as Jen stated this is the first reading of order 202 24-10 uh just to give you a better idea of where this is located uh this is the northern section of Sunshine Lane between 127th Avenue and John's Pass and it's a sketch which more detailed gives you more in- depth of like dimensions and everything of the area that they're requesting to vacate and so before I get into this slide uh the city of Treasure Island we don't actually have a procedure in place right now at the moment of how a RightWay is vacated so we base this one off of how historically we've done these in the past the last one I believe was 2015 so we pulled a lot of the information of how that was done and just applied it to this vacation as well okay so some of the things the uh City commission should considered whenever they're reviewing these vacations of RightWay uh is there a necessity for this RightWay uh is there a foreseeable necessity for this right away and also is there a right to convenient access of adjoining property owners that could be affected by this vacation of the right away uh so the applicant reached out to this is a list of all the utility companies uh for letters of no objection only three of them came back with requesting easements so of course city of Treasure Island was one we had pelis County and then Duke Energy so these are some of the findings of fact uh all the property adjacent to this RightWay is owned by the same property owner JP Beach Holdings LLC the right away it's not a through Street uh it's a single Inlet Outlet it's a dead end Street uh The Pedestrian access is not going to be impacted as there's no sidewalks within the area and also there's no conflict with the city's comprehensive plan provided that easements for the utilities which are shown in exhibit B are provided at the cost or any cost relocation utilities and the needed easements are borned entirely by the applicant uh staff's recommendation so staff recommended approval of this vacation of the RightWay on June 27th 2024 the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of the vacation of the 1,22 Ft 00235 square acres of Sunshine Lane subject to the stated in section three of the ordinance and of course staff is available for questions all right thank you do we have any questions for the staff I I have a few questions okay I'm uh new at this so forgive me if some of these questions are are coming uh because of my my lack of understanding this but but the biggest question I have is why are we giving this away it's I know it's a small piece of property but it's 1,022 Square ft and I googled how much an empty lot non-waterfront would go for and the cheapest one I saw was in downtown St Pete for $68 per square foot so that's about a $70,000 worth of worth of property that we're just giving to somebody is that what we're asking so this RightWay was dedicated by plat and is not actually owned by the city uh it is dedicated to the public for Access and typical RightWay actions like utilities and Roads so nobody owns this property right now it so it's it's dedicated property so actually the public owns it and you're entrusted with it so it is a public right of way they use it for access to and from so we're giving this property to to a developer or is the person that owns all the property around that which just giving it to them so yes if vacated it it goes back to the abing property owners I assume this is normal practice or something it just seemed out of the ordinary that we would be so how just kind of separate and apart from this project just kind of like from a historical overview sometimes what you'll do is you'll have somebody that comes in and plats a community and they anticipate that it's going to be developed in a particular way and they'll put in certain roadways and those roadways may come about or may not um or they may come about and then you're no longer using them because those lots get changed or they get combined in different ways and so as a government you have the option um if you if it's not necessary um you know either not being used or not foreseeable to be used in the future to determine that you no longer need this right away and you can vacate it can I interject on a question um that pertain piggybacking off of that so on this map that you have here would I be correct that potentially I believe the property currently is one property that wraps all the way around that so where the 30 the 6 567 and the area above that that's all one piece of property but according to that that map would that indicate that those two slivers that where the five is and then the six and the Seven was that at one point in time a separate piece of property and would that be why that yes when it or the right of way goes in there because it might have been two separate properties that needed to have access at one point in time that is exactly correct the plat would have provided access to um Lots 5 six and seven and lot 30 which I believe is from a different original plaid but the same idea so now that those have all kind of been combined over time there's not really a need for the right of way can I ask a question underneath the by the 30 and the 33 there's that no man's land little square what's that property so so that is further uh just to the left of the 30 is that correct what we're referring to so that is the remaining part of Sunshine Lane that's also Sunshine Lane uh but because that is a buding a different property um the hotel to the South it is remaining as a RightWay that's how they access that hotel it's part of the access okay okay any other questions does the city benefit in any way by by vacating this property or the city or its residents I'm not sure who to address that question to is there any benefit to the residents or the cities by by doing this typically cities vacate right away when it's not needed and does it that's really the determination of has a present or future need okay so will would it possibly in I'm looking for a benefit here okay would would it increase the value of that property therefore the property taxes on that property would go up yes I would think that'd be a good assumption so that is one benefit the city might derive from the okay okay I was looking for something and commission if I could and there's also the possibility with that and um you know the it is by one property owner so that property owner after acquiring that acquiring this piece if it if it's approved you know could propose a development which would increase the property value there and maybe worth noting is the fact that that um property owner simultaneously with this vacation petition also um did an application for a site plan approval and that did go through Planning and Zoning that doesn't come before the commission and it was approved so the the site plan though is conditioned upon um whether or not this vacation is is granted all thank you okay any other questions right do we have any public comment can come to the podium please sorry you can hide behind the podium you look fine you're um Karen Barnett 2011 104th Avenue um I just wondered is there anything on understand it's a lane at this point are there any utilities involved underneath that would have to be moved if so do they take on that responsibility I noticed it said they take on responsibilities but I didn't know if there's anything that currently exists that would be the responsibility they would take on yes there are currently uh three utility companies that have identified Utilities in the right away um that was the city of Treasure Island Treasure Island Duke Energy and pinel's County Water and so they are returning to the city as a condition of this an easement over that so the utilities can remain and be serviced okay so they kind of like in New Zealand you own the property on top and the government owns the property underneath essentially similar okay thank you thank you any other public comment all right hearing none I'll entertain a motion I move to approve ordinance 202 24-10 and schedule its second and final public hearing on August 20th 2024 second okay it's been moved and approved any further commission discussion yeah I just have a question one more I'm sorry uh does public use that access way to get to the beach or anything from Sunshine Lane currently it's fenced off um this will become a public parking lot um that is the proposal that's been approved for a site plan and so yes there will be access to the beach from here afterwards yes whether vacated or the you can speak to the site oh I was going to say yeah I we did add a slide in here that does show the site plan that was approved by pnz uh so they are proposing a parking lot for the moment any other comments or discussion all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Manning I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth I mayor Payne I thank you thank you that passes unanimously all right um next item is number two execute extensions to the building department Services cont contracts with mt Cosley and Joe Payne Inc and authorize spending Authority for this renewal period up to $500,000 good evening mayor and commission and I will ask since Katherine is sitting here it's perfect I was ask her to stay there um not a lot of introduction on the finance side for this item uh this is just a continuation of the uh contracts that we have with our two uh uh Building Services uh providers uh Joe Payne uh Incorporated which is our secondary and Mt Cosley uh which is our primary Building Services Department uh both of them agreed to a 3% increase for the next term which also happens to be the final term of this agreement so we will be evaluating whether or not to go out to bid in the next year uh for these services or if we just want to uh continue on with them I believe it did have a renewal period in them um again both of them uh agreed to 3% increase which was the stipulation in the original contract and those uh rates have actually been included in the fy2 proposed budget already so we've already included that on the revenue and the expenses side so these are already reflective in the fy2 budget and if there are any questions about the contract themselves Katherine is up here to uh answer any of those and I did want to note that you guys have been handed a current version of this the one that was published in the packet actually had last year's dates in part of it so the version on the dis actually has the 2024 20 25 years it's reflected uh twice in one of the contracts and three times in the other contract but the ones you have in front of you are the correct version that those are the only changes that are the dates that was that was a little snafu on my part we thought this item would be coming to the commission a little bit earlier so the uh some of the updates just didn't get uh reflected in um in enough time but they are uh uh even though the current versions are not signed the the both of these vendors signed the uh the previous version of these contract extensions the same day I sent them to them so I have no doubt that they will sign these knowing that it's a condition upon the city executing it as well great thank you do we have any questions for the staff I I know the answer to this question but for the official record uh Joe Payne Inc uh that is not related to any of the commission members oh we may sure that it was is not even the mayor himself has admitted that in the past couple of years whenever we've renewed this I have no ties no relation yes it's uh that no no nepotism uh involved in this one whatsoever thank you any other questions all right hearing none do we have any public comment all right hearing none I'll entertain a motion please I move to approve the one-year renewal of contract 20-01 with safe build and JPI for building department and other planning related services and authorize the city manager to execute the Fourth Amendment to the agreement RFP 20- 001 between the city and Mt Causley a safebuilt company and the third amendment into the agreement of uh RFP 20-1 with Joe Payne Inc JPI and to approve the city manager spending Authority up to $500,000 for the renewal period with either contracted vendor second okay it's been moved and seconded um do we have any commission discussion or comments I just want to say um I think this is working out very well and I just want to rewind to when we were only using Mt cley or otherwise known as safe built we were having a lot of um a lot of issues with backlog and just um it didn't seem like we were able to ever get caught up in the building department so I think the addition of Joe Payne has been um really beneficial I'm not sure if it is still as a result of that but I think it's great to have that redundancy there where we um have another vendor that we can utilize if we can't get what we need from from from safe bill so I appreciate it it seems like everything is going well compared to um when I first started as a commissioner I think the the complaints about service time and customer service in the building department have um significantly diminished and I think it's largely because of this this setup we have and our great staff that we do have in in the department internally so thank you all anything else all right uh R call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Min hi commissioner Dicky hi commissioner Toof hi mayor Payne I thank you thank you that passes unanimously as well all right with that that concludes our items of business do we have any other business to come before the commission all right we are adjourned thank you e