all right I'm missing a gavel this evening but good evening we'll call our meeting to order um this is the Board of Commissioners regular meeting for Tuesday July 16th 2024 welcome thank you all for being here um we'll go ahead and get started with our Pledge of Allegiance so if you can please stand to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all right roll call please commissioner Toth here vice mayor doctor here commissioner Min here commissioner dicki here mayor Payne here thank you thank you all right um first up is our approval of the regular agenda do we have any changes that need to be made on our agenda this evening all right hearing none we'll proceed as it is published um we don't have any proclamations recognitions or certificates of appreciation this evening so we'll move into public comments for non-agenda items so this is the Public's opportunity to come up and speak about anything that we might not have on our agenda each person has 5 minutes um if you do wish to speak you could fill out a card in the back I have a few cards that we'll get started with and first is Carrie arbach please state your name and address for the record Harry hour boox 7427 Dartmouth Avenue North hello um St Petersburg um anyway Treasure Island adopted Beach uh I want to say that transformative change happens at the intersection of Law and engaged Community well I think we did it I think we did it having my career in sales my managers all through my life told me that it's about the numbers so if you don't mind on July 1st Carol Brady Sylvia Rosen and I hit every hotel in business with these flyers up and down Gulf Boulevard every single one of them got a whole handful of these things we were pleased to see that most of the hotels already had their own signage saying no fireworks allowed so that was fabulous on July 4th 22 volunteers 1,000 Koozies stuffed with trash bags spread out all over the beach July 4th our beach ambassador program were patrolling on their own um at beach access points reminding our visitors that fireworks were not acceptable on the beach beach cleanups on July 5th 44 people 210 lbs of trash compared to over double the amount from last year July 6th 28 people at caddies clean up 53b July 7th 35 people 73 lb July 13th 26 people 20 lbs of trash the least amount of trash we've ever picked up and notated since in the four years I've been doing this so to thank the fire department the presence their presence as always uh we had a crew on the beach keeping eye out on the dunes with the brush truck our chief and deputy chief on command well into the evening we had the full police force on duty patrolling and giving warnings and citations as necessary our public works department above and beyond with a plan of action including more trash cans the actual manual remover of removal of full cans replacing empty cans all day long manual labor bringing the cans up and back Parks and Recreation working with our public information officer on signage passing out flyers reminding visitors as they Park um at the beach entrance there a signage there as well uh from what I hear Kathy only got sworn at one time this year that's great okay um Human Resources thank you Jessica for getting a group of city employees joining cleanup on July 5th to our city manager Gary and our lawyer Jennifer for Relentless pursuit of the law appreciate that and especially public information Officer Jason bezel he got press releases regarding no fireworks on the beach to all local media in the Tampa Bay and surrounding counties campaigns along City website all social media print campaigns flyers for the hotels the vehicles at parking lots engaging other pios in surrounding counties to have them share messaging media messages to get the word out including videos with our police chief chief Barkley local media was out here all the time doing uh interviews to help get new information out Parks and Recreation Department had the temporary signs were were placed at the beach entryways coming into Treasure Island um oh the lit up mobile signs coming into Treasure Island then to everyone else behind the scenes that I didn't call out but I know that your support was wonderful our beach and Brass basor program is 31 strong in Wave 1 we've got 24 more signed up for wave two uh thank you and congratulations to our mayor and our commissioners you guys are all official Beach ambassadors I'm proud of you and uh again transformative change happens at the intersection of Law and engaged Community upcoming events second Saturday Beach cleanup August 10th and a really cool one coming in O in October uh Treasure Island adopted Beach is taken it to the streets Beach cleanup October 12th with Richard Harris so we're going to be cleaning up some parking lots over by 7-Eleven and Taco Bus so that's all I have thank you thank you so much thank you Carrie all right next is Andrew vassie sit this one is that micone uh sure yeah uh good evening uh thank you for your time for uh me to provide the following comments um I've reviewed the Treasure Bay the bid documents the um bid tab that came in yesterday the funding sources and prior cost estimates and grants the city is considering a significant Capital project at Treasure Bay that has what I believe are four significant issues first the current plan does not conform with the city's Elevate TI concept I say concept because it's not adopted yet um and it's using $1.3 million of funding from penes for panelas um for a project that does not meet the resiliency standards that elevate TI would put forward and it's going to require more and more funding for ongoing maintenance and repairs if the information that treasure island has put out in its website on Elevate TI given the rate of Rise of sea level comes to Bear the second um consideration on this Capital project is that it has seen the cost of the golf course component escalate from an initial cost estimate of $553,000 in 2021 to $650,000 in 2022 to 723000 in 2023 to 1.1 million in 2024 and then yesterday the bids open and the lowest apparent bidder not yet determined to be responsive but of the two bids that were received the golf course bid is $1.9 million so this is a very significant increase over the life of this project as it's been developed by the city for this golf course that's an escalation of almost 400% the third issue with this project at Treasure Bay under consideration by the city is that it's been joined with a living Shoreline with a walking trail and I believe this is a pretty incompatible use to put a walking trail around a golf course um the fourth and last issue that I'm identifying is that there's potential procurement issue in bid aled at number two um there are pre-qualifications required requirements in that bid alternate related to a golf course contractor and the the bid package is authored by the city and the uh um the contractor who would be the prime contractor on this won't meet the golf course requirement so we're raising an issue of how that how that's going to work contractually where the a potential subcontractor is put forward but doesn't meet the meet the requirement of the bid document um the going to the um penel uh pennies for panels the city um by its own forecast this facility can be inundated with flood water the project fails any resiliency test and so to meet the elev ti requirements if it was the intention of the city to do that will require 11 acre potentially 11 acres of fill that's the footprint of the golf course that's 122,000 cubic yards and will cost about1 and. half to $2 million additionally to meet Elevate TI goal on the other hand you could use the pennies for penelo 1.3 for a higher better infrastructure use since it is available for that um the the bids that were received yesterday as I mentioned are about four times the initial estimate you're currently 800,000 over your the the bid document estimate of 1.1 and um your 600,000 over your P pennies for panellas so somebody's going to have to identify uh where the additional funding is coming from because you didn't meet it in in the bids that were received I mentioned the combination of the walking trail around the golf course there are no walking trails through golf courses anywhere else in the country for a reason it's not going to be a matter of if but when somebody's going to get struck by a golf ball uh considering the way I play golf that I I wouldn't want to be the one out there myself doing that somebody's going to get injured and the city's going to have to deal with it because of that that use um I mentioned the pre-qualification of the golf contractor um and I think that uh that because it was listed as a preferred Alternate which is something unusual and I've done $4 billion dollar worth of airport construction I've never seen a preferred bid alternate in my career um but that it was preferred and that it it was in apparently intended to be set up as a separate proc potential procurement but it doesn't meet that and so we're going to be watching to see how that gets resolved as the bids are brought forward on August 8th or 9th at the meeting which is what the current intention is thank you for your time thank you Ray tuning uh Ray tuning 11 12053 Street East is of Palms um same subject I was also at the um bid opening and I've I think this is going to be my third time that I've been up here to talk about um some of the concerns that I have related to The Living Shoreline and the golf course um first of all I want you to know um that I'm for the living Shoreline I'm not against the living Shoreline I've been up here before and told you guys that and I've told you that um what I really want to see is it's done as a civil engineer professional engineer I see some inherent concerns that I again want to make sure that you guys are aware of you understand we have a couple of new Commissioners who've probably never heard what I'm about to say understand that there's a certain inherent uh risk associated with this type of work when you do doing Shoreline type work and you're laying slopes back and you're taking a seaw wall off you are going to be entering into an area of which uh as you know where it is in an open Bay when you have a strong uh storm you have severe winds blowing and those uh wave action against those slopes you have the potential for slope stability problems you have the problems with scouring and sloughing of the soils I bring this up because you've got grant money you're going to build it that's great I'm all for it but we and when I say we We the People the residents of Treasure Island are going to be stuck with the maintenance of that thing in long term is that correct I think the answer is yes I know I'm not supposed to ask questions um so understand and I'll be more than happy to meet with any particular commission oneon-one and I can show you the cross-sections but so this work actually means you're going to cut the seaw wall down to Elevation one you're going to replace it with amount of rip wrap you're going to lay the slope back you're going to go to approximate elevation of about six after that that's the walking trail then it's going to dip back down into the golf course area so understand a couple things you can scour that that slope and then when the water gets inside the bowl I'm going to call it the bowl you're going to have salt water all in that so we're going to potentially spend 1.8 1.9 you've already spent $150,000 on the engineering and design of this so that's a lot of money we're spending for something that was probably not going to be resilient and then we'll have to rebuild that one day so that's something I want you to consider about um also is there any Assurance from the engineering and Architectural firms that this is going to remain in place and that it's going to to stay where it is put and that our that will have minimal maintenance issues in in the future I don't know you know if they're on the hook for any bad design work but if it is because I have worked in this this particular field by doing loral shelves for Wetlands mitigation stuff and they're extremely hard to get them to catch to where the vegetation and The Roots and all those things take hold to where there's some assurance that it's not going to go away again I am for the living Shoreline I just want to caution everybody understand what you're getting into and make sure that you're doing the right thing for the people of Treasure Islands get it right that's all I'm saying um then um then again just like um Andrew had mentioned you know we have an issue because we have certain goals that we're trying to meet for a resiliency and you're going to ask me as a homeowner that I need to lift my house one day okay I'm GNA have to do something right because I have the standard you know Branch style single floor the elevation of my floor is 5.5 so you're going to put it you're going to put this thing up there and so we're not I think we we're kind of getting the horse the cart before the horse and I've mentioned this before if you can get the Elevate TI to where it's really I'm not talking about Elevate TI but get the code written so that Phil can be used first before progressing into a situation with the golf course you're going to be better off now as you know as you all know I'm not for the golf course I think it's a total waste of money on something that's only shared by a few people uh be better if it was broad-based uh inside that that bowl that I've said some of the elevations in there are three and four there's a concern about water coming through the pipes into the ponds and also raising as those sea levels rise I noticed that there's a a couple of gates that's on the details that you're going to try to close that off not all that stuff is going to work the way it should and I think there's some potential pitfalls also um as Andrew had mentioned I I just think you know we're we're going to spend right now we've got I guess 1.3 and now it's going to be 1. 387 in in pennies for panel's funds that are going to be used for this golf course potentially that's what's in the budget today um I think you can wrap up your comments real quick your time's on so I I think that's a a bad use of those monies that should be better spent for infrastructure that we really need here for True resiliency we have a we have a uh lift station hasn't even started yet so anyways thank you for time thank you Mark hoey hey good evening folks Mark Hoy 225 104th Avenue number 110 uh before I add my comments about Treasure Bay and the plans I did want to again comment on Fourth of July as a audience member it was uh fantastic and I think the volunteers uh the police fire department and the uh the citizens of Treasure Island really combined forces to really take all of the Fear and Loathing that we had over personal fireworks out of the equation it was a great event everybody was in a festive mood nobody was ducking for cover including myself so I want to thank everybody again and thank you for your efforts on that uh I'm not going to belabor the comments the two previous speaker said concerning uh Treasure Bay and the project I've watched that since the Inception of the concept several years ago and the escalating cost estimates etc etc uh but what's come on stream that caught my attention in reviewing the U the bid proposal initially and then seeing the responses from the the biders uh was we had this parallel track with Elevate TI that's been coming down and it's in its own path development and I just found it uh concerning that that had not been taken into consideration for the Treasure Bay project now maybe it's a matter of sequencing timing and it just happens to be that it's coming together like that but I I do think it probably will give uh some terrible Optics if the city pursues proving a project of this scope that's going to be 3/4 surrounded by water and then we we don't adopt the Elevate TI premise of raising the seaw walls in order to make the property safe because I think the same thing there is not only resiliency but the the risk to the taxpayers of having that nice new golf course property inundated in a whether it's a six months from now or two years from now so I I just want to ask the commission to maybe ask those questions back is why why are we doing this in parallel should we sequence this a little differently and if if not why not why would we not adopt that in concept and and look at these bids again because it's going to be considerable difference in cost and then uh finally take into account what this would mean when you're asking the citizenry to be able to bear the cost over time of of raising their properties in seaw walls while the city undertakes a public infrastructure project and does not follow those rules or has to come back years from now and spend that money anyway so just some questions to ask of the team thank you thank you all right next is Kim Matthew I said everything I was say okay thank you Margaret Musa Grand good afternoon good afternoon nice to see all of you I have a question I have a few questions so I will start with this we'd like to uh have some um specifications as to the city's deadlines for Signature petitions for the November election what is the city's deadline to receive the signatures petition so this is a public comment period you're welcome to provide you have five minutes to provide your comments um if there's anything that we as a commission feel like needs to be addressed from questions you asked or statements that were made during your comments we have a time period right following this for our commissioner report so we can respond in that time but this is your time to provide comments that's fine so if if you could please write that down so it could get answered then it is the deadline for to receive the signature petitions for the November election the follow-up question is what process do you have in place to provide Ada reasonable accommodations request for an extension of time to whatever that deadline is that is my second question okay and the third question is is how much more time is afforded can be can be afforded the other issue that I would like to bring up is I I would like to submit a formal request to have this committee authorize a charter Amendment Review Committee made up of volun of of Resident volunteers of the city and I would like to bring that to the floor and those are are my comments it is time that this body gather information from the residents and the and the people that it that it represents and takes a temperature of what is needed in the city democracy is not static it is a dynamic process and as a dynamic process it is it is incredibly important that the this body continues to reach out to the community and get a sense of what are the concerns and the issues that they are facing what we see here in people come is just the tip of the iceberg and I think we all know that in this room it is only when they feel um cornered do they come and I know that because I'm an attorney and I hear them because they come to us before they come to you but the truth is that it is your responsibility as elected officials in a democracy to reach out to the people that you represent in order to do your job properly and for that reason it is time to authorize and a charter Amendment Review Committee and to gather the constituents of the city of Treasure Island and find out what issues trouble them what is working and what is not working and that is the reason that I am here today I would very much appreciate also straight answers about the deadlines that I requested okay I we want to know and um I know that the the City attorney knows that there is also an email out to her so I would whatever is said here I would also like the courtesy of getting those answers in writing for my own records and I very much appreciate your time today thank you so much thank you do we have any other public comments this evening come to the podium hi my name is Mary Ellen hero I live at 240 108 Avenue um I've come today with a question about I think they're called electric bikes the bikes with motors on them okay it seems like it's a little bit unregulated on where and what they can go where where they can go and where they can be ridden they come on the sidewalk they come on the street they come on the bike lane I have a dog that I walk late at night I almost got run over by one the other night and I wonder if there's something we can do to make it a little bit safer for pedestrians with these bikes thank you you're welcome thank you all right any other comments all right we'll move on to our commissioner reports then um we'll start with commissioner to all righty thank you good evening and I'm glad you all came out to see it um to participate um I just want to first off thank Carrie and the city staff for ensuring our safety on the 4th of July I was out passing Koozies and garbage bags and some extra garbage bags um it was great people were very receptive to taking them and obviously the results show and it was really nice to be safe out on the beach and not feel like we were hit by other people's missiles fireworks stray things anyway that was good and then also I want to remind everyone the is of Capri keep an eye ey open for it August 2nd is the oyster Garden event where we will be doing um oyster stringing and roselli park and oysters are fundamental to water Clarity so the thought is to put oyster Gardens underneath your docks to help with water filtration and that's basically my report for this evening thank you thank you vice mayor doctor I think uh to both our Chiefs you're going to hear a lot of thanks and congratulations you guys did a perfect job uh you know it it uh it's nice to hear people that were out on the beach uh talking about you know that they didn't have to Shield their children from fireworks firecrackers you know bottle rockets whatever it was so thank you very much for that I also want to thank the public works department uh um you know we've had a lot with uh adopt a beach um and I heard more comments this year that I ever have about how clean things were about how open things looked and how bright things looked people were talking about the uh the the lights that we have on the causeway so I I want to thank those folks because I know that they've really worked hard in this weather uh the public works for guys I don't know how they do it every time every once in a while I take a walk down the beach or something and I did on Saturday for the the cleanup and uh after about an hour and a half I was ready to go home so uh I appreciate everybody uh really doing uh and paying attention to our our city and uh and the compliments that we were paid so thank you very much um the only other thing I have is that I will address the ebike situation um the ebike uh we do have an ordinance the ordinance basically says that uh the bicycles that have motors on them or any type of micr Mobility uh should be on the uh on the street um especially on uh on golf Bard the enforcement of it is another thing and the chief could tell you that it's it's very difficult to do um and you know I almost got hit by a bicycle and I was on the the beach Trail on July 4th um and the one thing I think that I don't believe that we put out any type of notice saying they can't be on the beach Trail um and and I wish I would have thought about that because we did see a lot of el electric bikes and other micr Mobility items that were going up and down on July 4th and we were packed we you know so they're weaving in and out and uh but we do have the ability to uh the city manager does they actually say that they are not allowed on uh the beach for special events so uh but yes we do have an ordinance there but it's all about the uh the enforcement so thank you for bringing that item up all right thank you commissioner minning well it's been said and I'll just say ditto on the thanks to everybody involved on the uh Fourth of July and subsequent cleanup events excuse me it's really nice nice to see the city come together on that issue um hopefully we can continue that compatibility and excuse me move forward on other projects um that come in front of us but it really was every I mean commissioner to and commissioner doctor said it well uh as well as the other folks in the room but that was really a a victory when you think of what social media did uh reminded me of the days that cat's when so social media came out and said no more beer oh I remember but it really spread fast and it was very effective so uh many many thanks to all those parties concerned I have two additional items um just updates uh we had talked about planting some elevated vegetation along the median on the causeway um to go with the um I'll call it the low hanging or the low elevation material that's already there um that will be done uh once this drought and maybe we're getting over it uh is done is uh run as a cycle and the same thing for the vegetation along Paradise Boulevard um that will be done once we feel that that vegetation can sustain itself or it can sustain itself with um some uh excuse me some irrigation so that that's my report here great thank you commissioner Nicki part part of the problem with being commissioner from District 4 is you you you come up BL on uh on congratulating and thanking everybody for the work they did on July 4th I can't really add much to what has been said other than I think everybody uh universally agreed that the results exceeded expectations in in every way possible so I sat there on the beach and watch the fireworks from uh in front of sunset chatau on Sunset Beach on July 4th and and I kept looking both ways for illegal fireworks going on and the worst thing I saw pretty much was uh the little the little sparklers and there were kids that were doing it and I didn't have the heart to to to to get after them about that so but other than that perfect execution very difficult task to take on and the city took it on uh and had it you know everything went just perfectly on that so thank you again for for everybody that was involved in that and I know it was a Citywide and citizen wide effort so congratulations everybody for for uh getting those results uh the other thing I wanted to add was uh we're shooting right now for June 29th Monday June 29th which is two weeks from yesterday to implement the pay by plate uh parking we still have some uh uh tasks to complete before that's executed we've got to relocate some of the signage uh but the communic ation both the press release and and some Communications to the citizens to the residents of Sunset Beach about this uh pay bypl parking for the on the side streets uh will be forthcoming in the next few days great thank you um for my report I'll address Miss Musa Grand's um questions and I might need some assistance from staff so the first question was what is the deadline for petitions um for the November ballot right so there is a deadline for the petitions which one second um and that first of all the deadline for the ballot language is set by the supervisor of elections and that deadline I believe is August 9th I don't have it directly in front of me so in order for the commission to consider any petition that would identify ballot language as to whether or not it's legally sufficient to be on the ballot the latest you could consider that would be at your August 6th meeting that's your last regular meeting and so those petitions would then be due a week ahead of that in order to be on the agenda which I want to say is July 30th but again I don't have that right in front of me so it might be the 31st okay and do we have are there any procedures in place for an ADA accommodation for that deadline again as you just answered this is a deadline that's set by the supervisor of elections office not the city of Treasure Island so I'm not sure that you'd be able to answer that but if you're familiar with it right so I I just so you know I did get a an email um from Miss Musa and I did um respond to that and advise that um if they needed an accommodation with regard to the supervisor of elections deadline that was something they we're going to need to take up with the supervisor of elections because we don't have the authority to alter those deadlines in any way um with regard to the city's deadlines um first of all they need to be we do have an ADA coordinator there would normally be a a formal um request for an accommodation that would need to be considered and again that request should meet all of the legally sufficient um requirements and but if the supervisor of elections deadline doesn't move from the 9th you're meeting on the 6th there's really no other public meeting it's not as if we have this where you have to do it three months ahead of the deadline you're right up next to it so I don't know how much room there really is for an accommodation just based on the supervisor's deadline okay and how much more time can be afforded I think I don't think that's something that we can right that's kind of what I just responded to as best I could okay the given information um thank you as to um the formal request to authorize a charter Review Committee we did have a charter Review Committee that was convened in 2022 and presented their findings to the commission that is something that is required in our Charter um every 5 years so every five years the commission has to at least consider whether we want to appoint a charter review commission um and we did that in 2022 I had the privilege to serve on the charter Review Committee the previous one to that in 2016 um which at the time Mayor Bob minning appointed me to that committee and that was the first thing I got involved with with the city and it was a really great experience so we do follow um the the guidelines on that and we um consider that every five years and it's a process that's well established within the city and has been underway for a very long time any um those meetings I can vouch for it myself when I was on it we made a really strong effort to um get out into the community we made yard signs that were placed out um to advertise the dates of our meetings for encouraging residents to bring their suggestions and ideas on what we need to do um within the charter and we had some good suggestions that came from our 2016 um commission and we also had some good ones come from our our 2022 commission um so we have not at this point um there are still some recommendations that came from the last Charter review view committee that haven't been placed on a ballot yet but there as far as I'm aware there's not really a time line on we'll take we take the recommendations from the charter Review Committee then the commission the city commission will decide what ballot that would go on if we put it on a ballot at all the recommendations from the charter review commission are simply that their suggestion so the commission has to take action and um do an implementing I believe it's an implementing ordinance I just was reading um it is yeah an initiating ordinance has to be done for for each item that would go on the ballot so we have to comply with those time frames that are set by the supervisor of election when something goes through the charter Review Committee just as a resident needs to comply with those deadlines if they're initiating a um Amendment through our petition process which is also outlined in our um in our Charter so hopefully those that answers your questions we're always open to those and I if anyone has um suggestions for the the charter I'd encourage you to wait for our next um Charter review commission and um bring them to their attention or you can utilize the initiation by petition um process and I did not have anything else to report on so so that um oh I did want to mention um just to kind of save the date and make sure that it's on everyone's calendar for Tuesday July 30th at 2 pm we will be having our Elevate TI um commission presentation so that'll be here um the commission up until now hasn't really hasn't gotten involved in the Elevate TI process um we're of course we're available to sit in on any of the briefings and meetings that Planning and Zoning Board has had but up until now it's been within that body and now it's um coming before us so if anyone hasn't attended an Elevate TI meeting yet I encourage you to come to that one learn what it's all about um and hear what our conversations are amongst the the city commission and with that I'll we'll move on to our next item which is City attorney and city manager reports mayor may I uh ask a question regarding ing uh regarding the request for an extension on the deadlines and that was if if uh the resident who wants to make uh to make these deadline extensions or or is asking for that if they can't meet the current deadlines August 6th August 9th July 30th if they can't meet that the next election would be in March okay that they could Target okay thank you and the associated deadline is December oh December goes from August to December okay all right thank you and then it would back up from there so I'm not sure what that December deadline is for the ballot language but then you would back up to whatever the meeting is for the commission and then the agenda deadline thank you that deadline is December 31st November 31 December December all right thank you your reports um I have no report this evening okay uh the only topic that I have uh to address has already been addressed by some of our uh residents already we did in fact have uh the bid opening yesterday uh the uh the bid consisted of a couple of different parts one of them was the living Shoreline uh the trail burm and then a separate piece of that but all in the same bid package was the golf course we got two uh what we believe is qualified bids we are still in the process of evaluating uh those bids they were just open yesterday and it's a a fairly extensive bid packet so we will keep you a price they came in approximately a million dollars over what we had anticipated we know that's a problem and uh at this particular Point uh we need to digest it a little bit more before we can come back and and be prepared to talk about options we intend to bring uh the bids back uh to have that that conversation uh hopefully in a work session on August 6th if not a work session on August 20th uh in order to keep these fresh and continuing to move forward but uh it it takes a particularly in light of whatever else whatever with everything else that is going on yeah particularly the budget and Elevate to TI uh it's going to take us a couple weeks to get these bids appropriately evaluated okay my and I assume we will um advertise that to the public and make them aware of what the date it is that we'll have that on the workshop and it'll be on the yeah published agenda okay I did have a question um I know we were there was the set discussion about the date of the budget Workshop have we landed on is that are we moving that we did it's uh it's August 2nd uh again commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning okay I just want I hadn't received AAR inv responses from from all five okay albeit hesitantly but we got them and so we're we're ready to go I do appreciate that that was a a request from me I apologize everyone I had a little bit of a calendar um mix up so I appreciate everyone's flexibility and just wanted to make sure that we're being transparent with the public that um that budget meeting is being moved from August 9th up one week to August 2nd at 10:00 a.m. um okay thank you very much welcome all right moving into approval of minutes we have the approval of minutes for the commission regular meeting and workshop minutes for March 5th 2024 do we have a motion I move to approve the minutes of the commission regular meeting and workshop as written second okay any discussion any public comment hear none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne I thank you next is our consent agenda we have one item on consent which is the modification for pelis countywide law enforcement memorandum of understanding do we have a motion to approve the consent agenda I move to approve and authorize the execution of the modification for countywide law enforcement memo of understanding mou as written second okay there's a motion in a second um any further discussion on the consent agenda no any public comment hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min I commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you thank you next is um items of business our first one is the first reading of ordinance of the ordinance title please thank you ordinance 202 24-3 an ordinance of the city of Treasure Island Florida amending section 3-4 proximity of establishments to school or or to church or School Exception by removing the 50 room requirement for hotels from the exception amending section 68-32 use is permitted to correct a codification error amending section 68- 484 accessory uses in motels or hotels to title the section removing the 50 room requirement from incidental Services amending the 10% floor area requirement clarifying alcoholic beverage establishments and distinguishing between accessory use and incidental services in hotels and motels providing for severability providing for conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you all right staff report so uh you guys previously reviewed this one back in March uh the commission requested that we went go back and at the 10% floor area requirement um if you recall the ordinance itself uh does not allow for um accessory uses for hotels of 50 or less rooms so that was the intent of the original ordinance um we went back we uh removed the 50 room requirement based on the fact that it was kind of based on Old liquor laws kind of outdated laws regulated by um the department of alcohol and tobacco um so that was removed we went back and looked at the the 10% requirement we removed that requirement um because the uses themselves are supposed to be supplementary to the primary use um the only exception to that was we left the 10% requirement for a standalone alcoholic beverage establishment so just a bar would still be restricted to the 10% um we fixed a codification error that we found and um in this go around we also made a clarification between accessory uses and incidental Services because they were just kind of jumbled in there um just clarifying that access uses are more restaurants type of things and the incidental services that are um permitted by W are just like snack shacks and you know where they sell pool supplies and things like that so we've made those changes in there as well so all right questions thank you any questions all right I'll entertain a motion I move to approve ordinance 20243 and schedule its second and final public hearing on July 30th 2024 second okay any discussion any comments thank you for your work putting this together we appreciate it um and I know that this should hopefully spur some um good ideas up and down our beach for future development about it so great good good all right do we have any public comment hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi May Payne hi thank you item two is adopt resolution 20245 proposed property tax millage rate for fiscal year 2025 good evening mayor and Commissioners I've had a a few items in a row for your consideration tonight so I hope everyone's had their caffeine uh the uh initial item for you is the first official act in the adoption of the FY 25 budget which is setting the millage rate for the upcoming budget uh by July 30 of every year all taxing authorities must have their uh intended millage rate um accepted so it can be included in the annual trim notices that are mailed out in mid August to all uh taxpayers uh these letters are intended to arrive in the two to four weeks before each of the taxing authorities have their first budget uh hearing so that uh they can um see what the uh see what their local elected uh boards are uh considering for the upcoming year uh the millage rate for fy2 is proposed to remain the exact same at 3.81 29 Ms which includes the 0.5 Mills for the long-term capital needs of the causeway bridge the final taxable valuation for Treasure Island as of uh this tax year is 3 billion1 157 M92 373 uh which is an increase of about 11.57% over the previous valuation the rolled back rate meaning the rate at at which the city would need to Levy to collect the exact same property tax revenue as this year is 3.46 49 the fy2 uh proposed budget and subsequent 5-year financial plan which were published and made available online last week is predicated on the adoption of the proposed flat rate of 3.81 to9 for the FY 25 through 29 uh 5year view for fy2 maintaining the same advore rate will generate an additional 619 uh $619,900 in budgeted revenues for FY 24 uh for another year uh for uh yes for another year to adopt the exact same tax rate for fy2 will require the four fth majority of the commission based on the property tax statutes basically as the math works out if a valuation increases by more than 10% it triggers that 10% change and requ re Ires a four fths majority or it's 2/3 but 2/3 of five of you is four we have to round up in the math World um oh yes so require the four fifth and those meetings are scheduled for Tuesday September 3rd happy early birthday Kelly and Tuesday September 17th both at 6 PM uh and as the uh mayor mentioned the much more interesting budget Workshop will be 10:00 a.m. on August 2nd um with that I will will'll turn it over to the commission and answer any questions you uh might have all right thank you Mike any questions the only question I have when I saw this on the agenda uh I was curious and and this is going to be my first budget review process so uh forgive me if my if my question is a result because I haven't been through the process uh yet but it seems to me that we would be approving uh the the millage rate after we reviewed the budget not and not before so and I know we're on a deadline right now so I know it's too late to affect it for this year but I was going to ask if we could consider uh future years having the budget review process moved up a little bit no that's not possible so actually by Statute you are required to adopt a proposed millage rate and um like which is what you're doing today as in a notch seed amount that gets published so that everyone is aware of it you're not actually adopting the millage rate today then you'll have your budget hearings and you'll have your hearings on the millage rate and at that time you will adopt the budget and the millage rate okay thank you for that clarification that makes uh perfect sense the the the reason being is that at this meeting whatever rate the commission sets you cannot go over that rate between now and the adoption of the budget if you I think you can but the only way that you can is that you have to send certified mail to every single property owner in the city notifying that you intended to actually increase the rate from what you had adopted at this meeting that's a lot of mail that I my staff doesn't want to have to deal with okay thank you all right any other questions for me but the millit rate could be decreased yes the M the the rate can come down so that's typically um um most cities and most places I've worked uh almost always will keep their exact same rate unless they had a plan of increasing from a prior year um and and with the notice that they can always reduce it between uh setting the setting the the proposed rate and adopting the actual rate okay thank you any other questions no not your first rodeo down here no not at all all right actually enjoy the budget though I am so happy to hear that well I I do because it gives our residents an opportunity to see what we're doing what each department does and it really clarifies all the upcoming projects it's a good thing thank you I appreciate that all right do we have a motion I move to adopt resolution 20245 setting the proposed millage rate at 38129 Mills for fiscal year 25 and holding the first public hearing on of the budget on Tuesday September 3rd 2024 at 6 pm at City Hall second okay any commission discussion comments how many years have we kept it at that level with the exception of the bridge increase which was 0. five over actually was four or five years uh it's this has been the rate for what a decade now M at least I'd have to go back and and the the uh actual not longer the historical millage rate is actually one of the pages in The adopted budget book for this year so that would be the quit that's where I would go and look um but that's um I think a decade sounds about right but I can get you uh that uh that information up so yeah that sounds about I just wanted to get that out in the in the public question all right um any other commission discussion sorry all right um now for public comment I do have a card from mark hoey thank you mayor and uh thank you commissioner Dicky you asked the question I had and again being left than informed I started looking at this budget and the same thing came up Mike saying wait a minute we're approving a millage rate and we're just now getting into the meat of going through that budget so thanks for that clarification but it brings up another question is in putting together that budget that 600,000 plus that is the increase where is that in the budget document at this point where did it get allocated or is it pigeon hold somewhere within the budget dock since it is the provisional amount that we will have in the way of Revenue so that's the the one question you know and and thank you commissioner menning you're right it's been held in place as a percentage for a decade but when you have 11% increase in property tax values uh let's hope we I wish I could all live on a 10 10 11% a year increase that's just coming like this hopefully we'll continue to uh keep that in mind budget that's not going to happen every year going forward in fact we may be seeing a a peak on that as this year progresses so let's not get too excited about spending that extra money but if I somebody could get back and just let me know about where that would appear in the budget as a placeholder unless you choose to change it at the time of the workshops thank you thank you any other public comments all right and that'll conclude public comment um to answer the question I I mean I can answer it for you I think I'll let you correct that is factored into the staff's projections and it's it's not in one specific area it's spread across the whole budget that's just an the increase um of what we have to work with for for the budget so does that kind of cover that's it's the it's the adum uh Revenue line that's actually in the line item detail it's a uh a revenue that's available to use for any general funded operations so that's where the the revenue is but as far as expenditures that's not necessarily correct there's no ear marking of any sort of year-to-year tax increases I it would be that would be a lot of paperwork yeah okay thank you any further comments yeah yeah can you not compare a department let's say wreck um their last year's budget and then this year's budget oh I mean that's that's a that's part of the analysis throughout the document that's what I mean oh and trying to see how much of that 600,000 got applied to each I mean that's a that's a math problem that's a an easy one to do um but it's available yeah it's it's not available it's I'd have to work on it but I could do it well so could the citizens well it's in the budget the budget shows each department shows their percentage increase to do your own ciphering yeah all right um roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Minnie hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you thanks all right item j3 is Second Amendment to the agreement with PSTA for trolley and Pa transit services all yeah uh next item is to accept the 5-year extension for the agreement with PSTA for beach trolley and Paratransit Services um um five years ago the city and PSTA came to terms for a renewed um agreement spanning 10 years with the provision that the parties would meet up uh during year five to True up the cost for the second five years it's kind of similar to what we do with a lot of our vendors as we you know don't make them hold rates in for so long because they'll probably give us higher rates than what they than what the actual rates would be so this was like a nice compromise that we would negotiate at midpoint um during the 10-year term the city contracts with PSTA to provide the interconnected trolley services along the beach and for Paratransit uh Transportation uh the renewal for the trolley Services is roughly similar to the prior rates uh with the true up adjustment of about 10% in the first year uh followed by 7% increases annually thereafter um the current rates that we're paying in this current 5year period had a 133% increase in the first year than said % so it's um a little bit less than the previous 5e but is um fairly similar um based on the ailable hours from PSTA writers ship has increased about 3% compared to this time five years ago uh and if you factor in what we can assume is some suppressed ridership during the pandemic the increase could have been higher uh the PA of transit services however have had a much larger percentage increase based on some fun fundamental changes on how PSTA uh provides that service uh for starters utilization of the parat transit services systemwide has increased 50% compared to 5 years ago just putting a strain on you know the PSTA system countywide um additionally 5 years ago the vendor that was under contract seems to have um severely underbid their services to the point where the company actually had to declare bankruptcy and went out of business um so they had to go out and get a new contract which reflects you know much more closer to what we would call Market rates at this point um that increase trickled through um and is is affecting the rates that PSTA is paying and is since it's just a contractual pass through their cost of going up they've uh uh requested that um our rates that we pay to them goes up um some somewhat uh uh in line with their increase uh the rate for the increase uh just for the pair of transit services is 12,500 um which is represents a 227% increase which if you look at the percentage it's a scary number but it's 12,000 um which out of a city budget of 46 million is not percentage wise overall um that uh that much of a a budget impact it's going from uh the 5,500 to 18,000 uh since since it's also a quite an increase to absorb uh PSTA has agreed to hold that new rate of 18,000 constant for the next 5 years um this means that the city's cost to PSTA for fy2 will be budgeted at 334 and6 or $334,500 um and if the city were a full PSTA member and didn't have the power to negotiate these specific routes our ADV valorum tax burden would be about 2.1 million uh the uh cost the 334,000 is already included in the fy2 budget which is balanced and provided uh for public uh consumption and uh with that I will turn it over to the Comm commission to answer any questions you guys might have any questions how much do uh our residents use the perah facility the par Transit one uh they PSTA provided some data but there's a little bit of a a HIPPA sort of with some of the data but they did indicate that uh in particular there were two or three residents that had contributed to about almost half of the rides over the past year so we know that there are a handful of residents that are using it frequently um and there you know the other the other residents that are using it are much more infrequently so without asking PSTA to divulge information that they probably can't share um you know they could kind of just share that Highline but it is I I know they had informed me that um our use of the parat transit not just with these couple of individuals but overall has been increasing just like the systems uh usage has been increasing is it a good value for us do you think that's uh that's a policy question that is uh that's I'm going to push back on you I I do the numbers and I make it work um as far as as far as uh whether or not that to continue the service is um a one of policy that uh while I can oine on it I would I would defer to the commission it wasn't meant that way it was just saying that that if if our residents need it and use it um then I would consider it a good value but if if we if if we didn't have any residents using it I would say that this that why would we be doing this at all like you know the 5,000 to commissioner honestly for for the people who do use it they need it yeah understand it's not it's this is this isn't instead of taking a cab no it really is uh and it's it's a very valuable service to the people who end up having you you can't call a an Uber if you're wheelchair pound for example okay no for less than $1,000 a month for the citizens that use it it is of good value across for the city itself what's less than a th a month what no no it's 12,000 the increase it's 18,000 a year so so500 a month or for whatever sorry okay so the only thing I asked is that we actually put a little bit more information about the par Transit onto our website for people that really don't know about it so they also can access the service I actually uh been going through this whole process with PSTA they have been super nice and and reaching out to me so I'm sure that they have they have some information they'd be happy to share and Jason would can get it up on the website and in no time thank you putting work on you there Jason all right any other questions all right I'll entertain a motion I move to authorize the city manager to execute a Second Amendment to the contract extending the agreement with PSTA for another fiveyear term second okay any discussion further comments all right any public comment hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi all right next is item j4 service agreement for the Gul beaches public library fiscal year 2025 all right third item for me tonight is to uh get the commission's acceptance of the fy2 funding request and services agreement for from the Gulf beaches Library um I would imagine that commissioner Toth probably has a better breakdown of the library's goals for fy2 um but I can tell you the total request is 6.3% high higher than fy4 which with some mod like uh slight adjustments to basically the sort of sort of adjustments the city make just costs have gone up for uh different Services salaries benefits but it's it's normal uh normal cost of doing business so the 6.3 doesn't really raise uh any eyebrows um from the finance side um with that or like the or like the previous items this too has already been included in the FY 25 proposed budget uh and with that unless commissioner Toth once has a bunch of uh interesting stuff about the library I will turn it back over to the commission I do I provided you the usage rates comparative to last year and this year and I'll ask that our city manager also publish it so you get an idea of the door count and door count by age also would like to point out that the 6.3% is $10,000 for our city um we've really tried to keep our budget as tight as possible um with increasing services and we're seeing um a higher usage of services Kathy has just recently had the kids for kids camp and the camp is um The Librarian has come down and worked with the children at Kids Camp so we're doing a lot more Outreach with the community um games a new computer program for learning for the kids so it's pretty much we've tried to keep it all in check great thank you thank you any questions for Mike or commissioner to no interested all right do we have a motion I move to authorize the mayor to execute the 2024-25 Gul Beach's Library service agreement in the amount of 166,000 $623 and authorize the city manager to include the cost in the fy2 five budget second all right any further comments or discussion thank you for your hard work and dedication on the library board and for representing us there thank you app and by the way I do sit as treasure on the library board so I really keep it close tight on eye on the wonderful the funds and where it's coming and going great good is everything going a little bit better on the board since we last talked or it is thank you yeah and it seems like we're you know gelling better good thank you good to hear see I just I just knew I could just defer to commissioner to and let her do all the library talking yeah all righty um do we have any public comment can I add something too I'd like to encourage you to get your library card because not only can you read the newspapers but you also get a can get a museum pass for a family of four from with using your library cards so there's a lot of benefits to the library card and it's also a free service so well it's not really free we pay $4 taxes but nonetheless it's you reap way more than what's out there for you for families and watching your budgets you can take them to the movies M um museums and we do have movies and children's events that come on please look at the website for the newspapers is that an online access yeah with your library card so Tampa Bay Times and yes and the post and a few other ones I think the Wall Street Journal cool that's great and also um research magazines too I learned something new those are online all righty any public comment heing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi May pay hi thank you all right item J5 is purchase a replacement parking enforcement vehicle all right my last item for the commission's consideration this evening is to purchase a replacement uh parking enforcement vehicle and I think I saw Chief yeah I I thought Chief was here earlier so um if there are any PD specific questions I might have to defer to them but I I think I've got a pretty good understanding of um uh their needs and what I what experience I have working with our parking program is i' I've have some uh information about uh these this process as well uh a few years ago when the commission approved the upgrade of the second parking enforcement position uh to full-time staff kind of got created and shuffled around some existing fleet cars to have two functioning parking enforcement vehicles um rather than kind of hot seating one and having you know just doing shifts so that they we can actually have two enforcement officers on the weekends patrolling all up and down uh the beach uh the current vehicles that they're using are seven and 8 years old with vehicle 718 in particular having many recent mechanical issues um I think even today detective McDon McDonald told me that it's like this close to needing a new AC so I mean that's uh we're duct taping bailing wire uh that vehicle uh just to highlight the impact of having two fully functioning enforcement vehicles our two parking enforcement officers collected 3 months of parking fines in just one month period so the budget for for three months they were able to collect in one month we don't do that unless we've got that full enforcement out there on the weekends and and during our peak times so that's a that's a direct downtime of any of those Vehicles has a direct fiscal impact um on the city um rather than replacing with a new Ford Escape U I suggested and py accepted the idea to purchase a Hybrid Toyota Rav 4 with all-wheel drive um the all-wheel drive part in particular is of some importance to PD uh because it would allow um that vehicle to be driven on the beach and would also allow um now I'm not going to steal Chiefs Thunder but would allow for um our uh parking enforcement to actually do a code enforcement as well including dogs on the beach so it would just be allow us to have another tool in our Arsenal so that um our parking enforcement officers can also you know be used to supplant our police and be able to help Patrol U for that particular uh issue um while this particular Mak model is available under the state contract uh we've been told that they're no longer accepting orders for this year so that means probably about six month months before we'd be able to place an order for the next vehicle um since we had we kind of pulled a page out of uh the fire department Playbook back in December we ran into a similar situation and just contacted a local dealership to see what their best price was and they were within I can't remember the price but it was within a close enough amount that it was worth spending a little bit extra to have the vehicle like the next day so much like that is uh we reached out to a couple of Toyota dealerships um in the area and we're able to get a quote that back today that is probably going to be about 1,500 more than what the state price list is so you know uh kind of brass tax at the end of it it's uh is the commission willing to spend a little bit extra money over the state price lists to have a vehicle Pro almost certainly tomorrow if not by Thursday it's on their lot right now um that we could basically have this vehicle and in service in a couple of weeks once it's upfitted uh with all of the because we have the LPR in technology that we have to move over from the old escape to the new one so that might take a week or two um but it means that we could probably have this in service in a month versus waiting six seven months for the other one just to come in and that assumes that the next year's prices are the same as what they are right now if next year's prices are $1,500 more than what they are right now then we've just wasted six months and we'll pay the exact same that we would right now um so staff kind of uh looked at this one and thinks that um this is probably the best option right now uh we can wait and and do it uh in a in next fiscal year basically carry the money forward um but at that point we' be we have that other vehicle is about seven years old too and is in The Five-Year Plan to get replaced in a couple of years so if we get them I'm trying to get them so they're spaced enough apart so that we're replacing them about every 5 years each one every 5 years rather than replacing them both at the same time every 10 years just kind of Smooths out the uh the cost and allows for you know different technology different vehicles to come out of all of a sudden in a couple of years there's a new electric vehicle that's just fantastic for exactly what we need but it's not available right now it gives us the opportunity to buy a different vehicle um as it uh comes up uh again with the uh I put a little uh math in the agenda item itself kind of breaking down the fuel savings I think it at $1,500 the fuel savings alone in the first year uh pays for itself just the miles per gallon difference between the current escape and this hybrid Rav 4 um so staff thinks that this is a a worthwhile item uh is and is in keeping with a lot of the Strategic sustainability goals of the city and it also helps the the bottom line um and like I said the the enforcement that's out there is uh Emily and Dave are doing a fantastic job making sure that our parking uh network is buttoned up tight and uh people are paying the rates and if they aren't they're getting caught so with that if the commission has any questions it's any PD related I'd probably have to defer to them but um if it's anything about the purchase of the vehicle itself I will happily answer any questions as I can well your president presentation begs the question what would happen if we had a third no I'm being 100% serious what would happen if we had a third we know that we're not getting all the hours but if we were able to collect in one month what we normally collected in three I I think at this point we'll probably be re reaching diminishing returns to add a third two right now um if I remember correctly they actually overlap on the weekend so that Dave and Emily both tend to work on the week weekends and then they'll take different days off during the week just just for overlap I mean the weekends are the busiest day that's half of our parking Revenue comes in on Saturdays and Sundays so it makes plenty of sense for them to be out there with the new LPR technology that's on these vehicles I think that we'll reach a level of efficiency that rather than taking about an hour to do a manual check down the beach it'll probably cut in half you know in theory once once the that technology is turned on Citywide so I think with two vehicles and the LPR makes the third one moot so that just you know we say that we uh enforce 7 by 24 but we don't not even close you well now it now with the LPR it's not quite as much but a few years ago whenever U the police would send out their their weekly report the number of parking tickets that I saw written at 3:00 in the morning by the officer you know you got nothing else to do with 3 in the morning right parking tickets um now with the there's a different system and they'd have to look at everything on the license plates um but I I don't see how there being too much more uh juice to squeeze with that uh with that Revenue um at this point if we ever added I'll probably ask the same question on August 2nd absolutely I I'll have a better answer for you all right is there any value to the uh what vehicle we currently have trade in or well yeah we'll end up Surplus it and probably getting something out of it the the sooner we sell it the better value we get it yeah okay thank you all right any other questions for Mike all right I'll entertain a motion I mooved to authorize the city manager to purchase a replacement parking enforcement vehicle with total purchase and upfitting costs not to exce exceed the budget of $45,000 second all right any further discussion or comments good car I had one for quite a while and very reliable absolutely thank you for your work on it and I totally agree $1,500 to get it sooner rather than later is worth it I almost cut you off I like you don't need to pitch us I I try to make your decisions as easy as possible all right thank you thank you um all right any public comment hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Minnie I commissioner uh Dicky hi Comm excuse me commissioner Toth hi and mayor Payne hi thank you thank you thanks Mike all right last item on our agenda is the First Amendment to the interterm city manager agreement this is the agreement between you uh the commission and me uh and it expires right now on July 28th given that uh the uh next city manager isn't isn't planning on getting here until about August 1st uh we're recommend that we extend this I don't know how far you want to extend it or how long the one thing of particular note in here though is the uh is the pay it went from mirroring Amy's contract when I signed up uh to now mirroring what we suspect to be Chucks and uh just going forward for however many weeks that goes and then essentially uh my recommendation would be to kind of leave this open ended as soon as Chuck's done with me I'm out and uh that way we don't have to set any more arbitrary dates or anything like that as he feels comfortable uh then I will gratefully and graciously uh ride off into the sunset all right do we have any questions or comments the only question I have I think you C the new city manager starts August 1st that's what's being thrown around it has not been decided that I'm aware of yeah so we have we're still in negotiations um myself and Jennifer are still working with him on tying up some L SS um but he is still planning on we're we're still on target for him to start on August 1st um I know that with we'll need to we'll be voting on that on July 30th so I posed to Doug last time we talked and Jennifer and I both kind of pushed him we like so we're going to be voting on this on the 30th there's always the you never know situation he's still good with starting two days later um or I don't know what the is it yeah so August 1st is a Thursday um and he Doug said yep he's moving he's already in Florida he's in the Panhandle right now with his family um so I don't know the specifics or Logistics on if he'll be in temporary housing at that point here until he finds a home but that's one of the things that we're is kind of holding up is the um the housing situation and what he's what he's looking for as far as a a home here so um I think if that hopefully your question that's good news thank you um so my only thing would be does anybody I asked Doug today and I think he's in um he was in a dayong interview session with another client that he's working for so we all remember how busy he was that day with us he didn't get a chance to get back to me but if I recall correctly chuck had requested a specific time period of overlap I think or was that a different candidate no I think it was like a couple weeks overlap anyone remember believe something of that sort I'm not 100% sure okay but it makes sense at Le a minimum of two weeks I would think yeah a year you just wanted to see I don't think he would be so gracious um so my only idea is we could we could set it at I don't know do we have to have a date certain in the agreement or could we set it at two weeks after the um start of the new city manager's contract we we can absolutely do that and if you want based on what Gary proposed we could say um you know as the basically until the new city manager determines it's no longer needed but no longer than two weeks following the appointment so that way it could actually end sooner if they're in agreement that there's no more shadowing needed after a you know a couple a week yeah that's I think we have a lot of project so I think leaving us cushion I'd say a minimum of two weeks that you know it depends on uh what do you recommend Gary Gary what do you recommend yeah up to four weeks my experience is it depends on the individual I don't know what uh Chuck's style is my transitions are normally in terms of a day or two because inherently still holding on to the rains and trying to figure out you know who whose decision it is and they are all his I mean I'm G to it's going to be an easy transition but normally it's not a longer okay why don't we go ahead and make the agreement up to four weeks but but uh if it's only two weeks we can cut it off with that or one week maybe not usil I think two weeks is quantity sufficient and if we need be then we can always bring it back to us and discuss way too much we've also had the Gres been gracious enough to serve quite a little bit longer than we anticipated so we appreciate that and I didn't want to stretch it out any keep you here any longer I know you got cooler weather to get to um think we should keep them I think we should keep them I concur you want to be a bridge tender all right um so with that is that do we need to reward word this or can we just incorporate that into the motion you can just incorporate it into the motion all right do we have a motion I move to approve and authorize the mayor to execute the First Amendment to the interim city manager agreement which extends the contract through no longer than August 14th not we're not going to do a date we two weeks after two weeks after the appointment two weeks after the appointment second okay it's been moved and seconding any further discussion thank you Gary well done thank you all right any public comment hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner min hi commissioner Dicky hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi than thank you all right with that our meeting is a j thank you