e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e um Welcome to the the city of Treasure Island City Commission meeting for June 18th 2024 thank you for being here and I'll call our meeting to order um if you can all please join me standing for the pledge of allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you everyone roll call please commissioner Toth here vice mayor doctor here commissioner Min here commissioner dicki here may Payne here thank you thank you um before we move too much further in the agenda I did just want to take a minute um to acknowledge that one of our members of our Planning and Zoning um committee and our local planning agency Linda Driscoll um she passed away earlier last week um so we just want to extend our deepest condolences and sympathies to her family she was a resident of Sunset Beach for a very long time and she's been a great Planning and Zoning Board member so she will be missed and um there's information about her services available at the Mera Dante Funeral Home andent Apple um website so again our sympathy is to her family and um thankful for her for her service to the city we'll move into our approval of the regular and workshop agendas do we have any changes that need to be made to our agenda um yeah is he here here okay um we do have one item on the agenda for it's item j6 which is a temporary parking GR M with middle grounds Grill and we have Mr couver here this evening um and just because we have some other items ahead of that that might take some time um out of courtesy I'd like to move that item up to um and just move it to the first item if that's okay is Scott here you're there okay so we'll move that to J one if everyone's okay with that any other changes no all right [Music] um then we will move into proclamations recognitions and certificates of appreciation um we have a life- saving award and recognition of Officer Ryan Phillip so I'll turn that over to Chief Barkley good evening Mayors members commission this is uh probably my favorite part of being police chief is uh recognizing outstanding work by some of our employees and I'm not going to let them stand in the back Ryan come on up you can stand right next to me officer Ryan Phillips has been with the city of Treasure Island police department since April of 2023 prior to arriving at tipd he served in the United States Marine Corps Ryan is currently training to be a backup Marine patrol officer on the patrol boat which leads us to today's award on May 31st 24 at approximately 2:50 p.m. officer Phillips was training on the police boat with officer Meander when they received a call for a water rescue a woman drowning a woman had fallen off a dock at the rear of a residence and could not get out of the water upon arrival of marine 1 officers noticed that the female was drifting underneath the dock and was floating on her side regurgitating water and foaming at the mouth without hesitation officer Phillips removed his gun belt and other gear and entered the water grabbing the female and placing her in a face up SW and swimming her to the dived door the boat to get her on board she was then transferred onto the dock where she was transported to the hospital for medical care officer Meander based on his training experience felt that if the observed condition of the female upon their arrival was indicative of someone who was in the final stages of drowning and if officer Phillips had not entered the water and taken immediate action the female could have perished for officer Phillips actions on scene in accordance with go 2.4 police Awards and recognition I very happily and humbly present offic Phillips with a life saving award officer Phillips he's only been with us for a very short time but he's made a very big impact with the agency as you can see and already an impact on the community saving someone's life wonderful congratulations thank you so much that's incredible thank you all right next we have a proclamation for Parks and Recreation month and I will um read the proclamation whereas Parks and Recreation are an integral part of communities throughout this country including the city of Treasure Island and whereas Parks and Recreation promotes health and wellness improving the physical and mental health of people who live near parks and whereas Parks and Recreation PR otes time spent in nature which positively impacts mental health by increasing cognitive performance and well-being and alleviating illnesses such as depression attention deficit disorders and Alzheimer's and whereas Parks and Recreation encourages physical activities by providing space for popular sports hiking trails swimming pools and many other activities designed to promote active Lifestyles and whereas Parks and Recreation programming and education activities such as out of schooltime programming Youth Sports and Environmental Education are critical to childhood development and whereas Parks and Recreation is fun fundamental to the environmental well-being of our community and whereas our parks and natural Recreation areas ensure the ecological beauty of our community and provide a place for children and adults to connect with nature and re recreate outdoors and whereas the US House of Representatives has designated July as as Parks and Recreation month and whereas the city of Treasure Island recognizes the benefits derived from parks and recreation resources now therefore I Tyler Payne mayor of the city of Treasure Island on behalf of the entire Treasure Island City commission do hereby proclaim the month of July 2024 to be Parks and Recreation month um I think that says it all we have a great Parks and Recreation Department so I wanted to make sure that we honored you guys with this Proclamation and show our appreciation for all the hard work that you guys do and bring some attention to our wonderful programming and our wonderful parks and especially right now as you guys are in the midst of summer camp that is a big undertaking so thank you all for um your service and your dedication to the community as well so I'll sign this Proclamation and may our parks and recck Department can have the original thank you guys [Applause] we do not have any presentations this evening so we'll move into public comments for non-agenda items I have a few cards I believe first we have Carrie arbach and please state your name and address for the record Carrie hour boach Treasure Island adopta Beach 7427 Dartmouth Avenue North St Petersburg um just want to remind everybody we got a big weekend coming up July 4th July 4th is Thursday um I have about a hundred of these Koozies left that are stuffed with trash bags if anybody would like to get a bunch of them to hand out on the beach in the evening of 4th of July when the trash cans are overflowing to encourage people to either bring their trash home with them or put it in the dumpsters that will be placed off off the beach area um get a hold of me at Treasure Island adopted Beach gmail.com and I will get them to you uh July 5th in the morning we will have a beach cleanup across the street from Waffle House please join us 8:30 in the morning and I have another one on July 7th in the evening same place um just hoping that everyone will get out there and do their own DIY cleanups and keep an eye on our beaches because it's going to be a big one thanks very much thank you all right I have a card from Mark Hoy uh good evening Mark Hoy 225 104th Avenue uh number 110 here in Treasure Island and thank you and uh appreciate opportunity to speak to you tonight um I was reviewing the meeting docs along with the uh packet for tonight's meeting and I was just surprised to see the amount of agenda items and almost 390 Pages worth of material that you all were expected to digest uh in preparation for tonight for tonight's activities it seemed like a lot and particularly in light of the fact that this week represents the uh visitation and presentation and selection of a new city manager uh for Treasure Island which is to me a Paramount responsibility that you all have and we're all certainly very interested in as well so I was curious on the reasoning for the city Administration to load up this agenda just a day before all of the candidates and interviews take place now don't get me wrong I'm not questioning your stamina or your ability to to do lots of work but it's just a matter of focus of attention and to me the city manager selection process which you will go through tomorrow and into Thursday should have taken precedence over other activities and and matters of State here now understand business has to continue on you've got decisions that need to be made about equipment and purchases and all that City business has to be done I do question whether uh entering into another discussion on the traffic study whole thing is appropriate right now and that could not have waited another week or two to get its own time in the spotlight so in closing it also seems to me that the new city manager that's selected should have the opportunity to review and provide some level of input into this very comprehensive traffic planning process uh since they're going to be the one who really takes on the burden of implementing that plan in the months and years ahead so anyway my two cents thanks for your attention and good luck this week thank you for your comments do you have any other public comments for non-agenda items all right hearing none um before we move into commissioner reports do we want to take a picture with officer Phillips with the commission I sure par okay I think Chief you want to come up focul there goes the family all right now we'll do our commission reports we'll start with commissioner Toth uh thank you thank you for coming I don't have a report tonight thank you okay vice mayor doctor I do not have a report either all right commissioner minning uh I have one item and that is this Thursday I believe it is p is going to be having a wine tasting I'll call it a party or a get together at sympatico um I'm not sure the time on that 6 to8 6 to8 thank you uh come one come all that's great they use our public our city buses to offer Transportation over to the wine bar from the Treasure Bay facility so you have a safe ride to get over there so we will be busy with city manager selection I'm bummed that I we can't make it but great event um for anyone who lives on Paradise isum commissioner dicki I'll pass on on the report all right I am good as well so we'll move on um into our agenda actually I did want to address the the kind of agenda load question um we when we created our schedule for the summer um we had some we've always have some Commissioners who Express a desire to try to thin out our meeting schedule over the summer to allow some summer vacation time so we will not be having a meeting the first week of July um so this is our last meeting until um July 16th so we have almost a month between now now and then so while I um certainly understand the sentiment about potentially wanting to kind of hold off on this and there you have some other valid reasonings there um I think that we certainly can handle the conversation and um but just as far as like scheduling wise um we do have a lot going on right now but we also only meet twice a month and when we have one month one meeting in a specific month that this kind of tends to happen with the meeting before and after that is a slight larger um agenda which we all know going into that decision-making process of scheduling off a meeting in the summer we kind of know that we'll have a longer agenda the meeting before and after um all right we do not have any uh minutes to approve tonight correct okay uh we have nothing on the consent agenda so we'll move on to our items of business and as amended we will start with item j6 executing a temporary parking agreement with middle ground's Grill yes sir good evening mayor and commission um we were approached um recently um about a temporary parking solution uh for uh middle grounds at their location um they had asked us since we have vacated the city hall property if they could um use um between 10 to 15 of their spots during their peak hours from 3:00 to 11: p.m. on the nights that they're open um having you know looked at that parking lot historically it's usually has um an Fair number of vacancies uh so I do not believe that allowing them to uh use 15 to 20 spots will displace anybody who would have paid more for that parking so I think this is just a pure value added uh proposition for the city and a way to uh help one of our local businesses during a a busy time of the year for them um I will say also that this is a temporary agreement this is set to expire um October 31st or whenever the notice to proceed for the demolition for the old building um is uh is granted so that's the that's the termination clause on this agreement so it is very short term just until we we get to that point um don't think that it's a a major um uh won't won't affect any of our uh traffic flow blow in and out of that lot and uh we'll be vacated before we get to uh the demo portion so there shouldn't be any lingering issues with that um as you've noticed uh Scott the uh uh vice president uh is here this evening if you guys have any restaurant related questions U but if you guys have any parking questions I'm I'm happy to take any of those now Mike I do have a question how did we uh come up with the amount to be charged uh uh during that period of time there's not really any good um uh comparison for rates in that area that parking lot's only been open for paid parking 247 in the month and a half since we've vacated this building so I don't have any historical uh data to go back to um basically the rate that was there was um a rate that was uh formulated based on um the the estimated usage of a parking space in that lot for those hours um again given that it's not a um uh utilized lot that there would be no paid parking without this agreement um the rate was we understand the rate you know seems a little um favorable but I I think it's it's fair given the lack of um historical data on that lot uh to charge them more would be assuming that it would be more marketable to uh to sell it that way and I without good data in the area I'm I'm not comfortable professionally of giving like a um a good Market comparison for what that area is just because we have the we don't have data in that area and so trying to compare what that impact would be versus like a beach lot it's kind of an apples and oranges just because we we haven't had the the historical usage in that area and the nearest comparable is this parallel parking right here on 106th Street behind the restaurants and if you've ever driven down that street those parking spots are always full so that wouldn't be a fair comparison either to City Hall um it was just a a best guess for for what um the usage might be and uh again because it's we think it's 100% value added because it won't displace any paid Parkers that it's just a um extra money for the city I and I do appreciate all the thought that you put into it I do think $50 a week uh for 10 10 do you say 10 to 15 spots it's 15 to 20 depending on what their what their need is it just seemed like it was uh significantly under what uh what might be what one might have to pay if they went elsewhere uh and again I want to be supportive of middle ground it's certainly my favorite go-to restaurant for all special occasions uh but I do uh I I I do want to go on record is saying I think $50 a week was uh was way too low for the for the value that that uh is being given here any other questions for M or comments before we entertain a motion we can always adjust it if if others are uncomfortable with that amount no I'm I'm actually fine with it because I'm something over nothing is something so we're good any other thoughts is that and that's $50 for all of them it's not $50 per spot because we we have no will real way of guessing what their utilization will be and even though we have this new LPR system it would just add another layer of complexity so we've we've come up with a an easier way for our parking enforcement team to uh monitor this one uh unique parking situation and again if we had had some historical information and we had some um better records of what the parking in that area cost of course I you know the the rates would have been adjusted higher it's just not having a not having that data um makes puts us in a weird spot of asking too much or asking too little and just kind of trying to strike that balance and uh and mayor if I may the my my larger concern is just setting a precedent uh and I understand the needs uh of middle ground right now and again I do support the concept it's just the dollar amount that I'm in disagreement on because if we do this for Middle Ground now you know what about uh some of the other uh companies or hotels or stuff that ask for uh consideration for parking as well so that was my biggest concern is is how do we how do we then turn somebody else down later you know later on or charge them significantly more uh because we've kind of set a precedent but if we go with a $50 week uh for 15 to 20 parking spaces that was something that Gary and I had mentioned of the Pandora's box of this situation but given the time limit nature of it that it is only until October there is no extension there is no it is a very temporary thing given a unique situation that we have in Treasure Island and if I had U if I knew that the rates were way more and we could justify it I absolutely would have but I think in this situation we're we're comfortable that this doesn't open that Pandora's Box for other businesses to uh to start asking for similar Arrangements what is the normal parking rate there that's the that's the same Citywide rate at 375 okay and that's enforced 247 right yes as of once we vacated the building those parking rates were changed because we didn't have the public business in that building anymore and these employees will put probably parking for about 8 hours or from 3 to 11 given whatever their shifts might happen to be yeah okay um so it is quite quite a deal MH um but I'm willing to kind of move it forward and take a vote or discuss it after a motion's made or if someone wants to make an amendment to the recommendation um what's the will of the commission uh I would not make any changes but I'm just saying it's only three months three or three or four months so for us to say down the road that we would do that same deal with another establishment we wouldn't have it yeah we're in pretty unique a good thing for business in the community okay well I will entertain a motion then I moveed to authorize the city manager to execute the non-exclusive license agreement with middle grounds Grill LLC for the temporary use of parking at the Old City Hall location second okay it's been moved and seconded any further discussion or comment comments from the commission all right do we have any public comment Scott do you want to add anything all right thank you any other public comment all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki nay commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you all right thank you all right um back up to item J1 second and final reading of ordinance 202 24-7 amending chapter 38 Recycling and waste management if we can read the ordinance title please yes ordinance 22407 an ordinance of the city of Treasure Island Florida amending chapter 38 Recycling and waste management of the city of Treasure Island's code of ordinances by revising section 34-4 unlawful practices generally and section 38 -5 enforcement procedures and penalties to provide for enforcement revising section 38-14 duties of single family residential customers to improve city access to storage containers revising section 3815 duties of multif family residential customers to improve city safe access to storage containers revising section 3816 duties of commercial cover customers to improve city safe access to storage containers providing for conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date all right Stacy yes hi um so we haven't had any changes since the first reading of this ordinance and again as Jen just summarized um the purpose of the ordinance is to enhance the safety conditions that our staff um are faced with when they're out there doing trash collection as well as to um there's a couple of items in there for operational efficiency purposes okay any questions for Stacy all right um any actually I know this is second reading so I have some a different procedure I need to follow um we'll open the public hearing do we have any public comment on this all right hearing none I'll close the public hearing and we'll entertain a motion I move to approve and adopt ordinance roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne I thank you thank you all right item J2 is first reading of ordinance 202 24-3 can you read the ordinance title Please certainly ordinance 202 24-3 an ordinance of the city of Treasure Island Florida amending section 3-4 proximity of establishments to church or School exception uh by removing the 50 room requirement for hotels from the exception amending section 68-32 use is permitted to correct a codification error uh distinguishing between I'm sorry hold on one second um distinguishing between accessory uses and incidental services in hotels and motels providing for conflict providing for severability I'm sorry providing for severability providing for conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date mayor I see that there's an error in the title okay and that's why my I paused like I did um it appears that there was inadvertently a section number that was removed from the title and that is um in distinguishing between um accessory uses and incidental uses in hotels and motels that's amending section 68- 484 okay can that be added at this time no we're going to need to re notice this what is the change that's being made in that section oh that's the it's just in the title block there's nothing wrong with the body of the ordinance it's just in the title block right but that section is really the the meat and potatoes of the correct no J um or no 68302 was um there was that's where the it's 68 48484 it's not mentioned in the title yeah 6832 was the one that had the codification error right I'm saying that 68- 484 is the main body that was changed with regard to accessory uses and incidental uses and um through the editing process that section was deleted from the title inadvertently and it needs to be added back in and we should do that before first reading it's in the agenda is it in the agenda it's just not in the attachment yeah what was Act so do we know what was actually noticed then yes I'm looking at I really don't want to push this out another month I know I'm I'm looking at the proof of publication and it's not in the proof of publication oh it's that there's nothing we can do nothing else we can do no only because there's case law directly on point with regard to the title block so I can't if it was an error within the ordinance I'd have more flexibility okay so this will just come back before us at the July the July meeting we are potentially meet when were we potentially adding a meeting that's at the end of July right okay what there aren't any other what's the notice requirement like a week no they have to republish I know but what's the notice requirement like how how far in advance um I think you have to be published I want to say seven days prior to the meeting but you need to back up then also for um the the Tampa Bay Times requirement on when they have to receive it and I want to say it's like a week before or five days before it has to be published so I think we could get it we could get it published in time for the next meeting um okay I was just trying to figure out if we could add this to the agenda for one of our meetings tomorrow or the next day but if there wasn't a newspaper publication and and I will say you know so many of the ordinances um they don't require that but this particular one because it is dealing with a change in use does require the two Publications by Statute so that's why we're having because normally we wouldn't have a publication on first reading okay who's responsible for reviewing that before it's published who's responsible for reviewing the ordinance before it's published um seems like a pretty yeah yeah it's it's my fault okay all right then we'll do we need to make a motion to table that or just it's not properly before you so we'll just bring it before you on first meet read okay all right item number j3 consideration and approval of the collective bargaining agreement with sunos PBA good evening once again Mayors and Commissioners we were uh challenged this year to come up with a new collective bargaining agreement between the PBA and the uh uh Treasure Island Police Department some of the challenge that we faced in the in just in pelis county is the hiring pool um for many professions and especially Police Service has become a puddle um every agency is fighting over the same people sometimes that goes out of County into Hillsboro counties sometimes that goes down into the Bradon area all fighting for the same same people so what we have challenged with is finding a a salary range that is competitive and fair and Equitable for the city and for the officers of course what else we have done as a department is make the working add conditions we feel feel better with the uh rotating 12-hour shifts uh the take-home car program that was recently implemented things like that to make their working life better but officers of course also need a fair wage we had fallen behind after the covid year because the officers took a a year without any pay increases at all we're still playing a little bit of catchup from that um the agreement was hammered out we started meeting in March this year with members of the PBA finance department HR department and our police Administration to try and find some fair and Equitable um pay pay wages as well as some other as other um items and we feel we've come up with something that's very fair and Equitable to everybody involved and I'm happy to answer any questions about the process or anything specific okay do we have any questions for the chief I have a comment more than more than a qu question I did spend several hours reviewing the contract and some uh attachments and other charts that you sent me and sounds like you guys did a very good job uh working with the uh with with the Union to come up with a very good contract thank you sir I appreciate that all right anything else and of course we we appreciate as the fire department did as well during covid uh you worked with the city and we appreciate all you've done I know we have some members of the PB here I don't know if they wanted to speak on the matter [Music] or you got to come up Courtney it's not that easy try to state your name to the record I'm assistant general counsel the sunos PBA Courtney young and I just want to thank you um the police department as well as the city HR and everybody involved it was wonderful to work with them and we believe we came up with a very fair and healthy contract for our team that that keeps your guys City safe so thank you thank you likewise you guys are always a a pleasure to work with and I know Sasha and John well um so thank you guys for your great leadership at the PB okay any other questions all right do we have a motion I move to approve and authorize the city manager to enter into the October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2027 agreement between the city of Treasure Island and Sun Coast PBA second right it's been moved and seconded do we have any further commission comments or discussion just thank you for looking out and being part of our community appreciate you keep up the good work all right any public comment hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you thank you and congratulations thank you very much all right everybody um moving on to our next agenda item is j4 adopt the Treasure Island connectivity plan Stacy got caught up in the moment there um so this is one of three connectivity plans that um that we were asked to do for the city there were three different areas that were identified again one was Gulf Boulevard and that one was separated out because obviously Gulf Boulevard is a state road um and we wanted to make sure that whatever plan was developed to enhance safety along Gul Boulevard was fully vetted by do and we were lucky enough to have Ford pelis to help us that plan um to really look at safety and they had an excellent consultant on board that helped us do that as well and to analyze all the data and we also did it in conjunction uh with staff over at St Pete Beach because we wanted to identify common themes and consistencies wherever we could with the understanding that we have different conditions within the cities and different right of way widths throughout our different corridors so um this plan is not only supported by our strategic plan but these three elements together um are identified in our comprehensive plan and are supported by six different policies under recreation in open space as well as um multimodal transportation and together those three studies are identified as the Treasure Island connectivity plan so that is why um we are asking for adoption tonight if you're comfortable with the elements within the plan um because the comp plan does identify that we need to adopt this connectivity plan so the Gulf Boulevard safety plan would be the first element of that plan and at your leisure we could amend that plan going forward and reopt with the other elements um that we've discussed which is that Citywide plan that's all the other areas that are not covered by downtown and Gulf Boulevard as well as the downtown plan specifically um so a couple of um things to note that have changed since the last iteration that came before you um the executive director of for pelis did um add a letter of support to the plan the um approximate existing typical RightWay widths were added to the typical sections there was um several just grammatical things and reorganization that was done so that we could have the corridor ride improvements kind of grouped together as well as the segmented improvements together it just seemed easier to to use in that regard um there was a we had discussed an improvement that we could make in our ldr process um which was to potentially require adjacent Property Owners to provide remaining sidewalk outside of the rideway to support this plan um when Redevelopment occurs if needed and that's just a suggestion um so this a good note to have is there's no cost impact to the city because this is a state road adopting this plan allows us to support their their ongoing efforts to promote safety within the corridor um so we don't always know when D is going to do work in Treasure Island unfortunately but if we have an adopted plan that shows our community support we can get that in front of them now as well as provide that to Ford pelis so that when projects do come up they know where we stand and what they've already vetted and approved um that would be good to implement within our community so with that um I guess that said they also don't have to do anything in this plan right it's their Road it's their money it just shows where our support is and this is uh nen Ramen she's a principal planner with for pelis who's going to present the study with us tonight thank you Stacey and good evening everyone my name is noin Raman as Stacy stated I'm a principal planner at forward pelis um and today I'm going to give you an overview of um what's in the study it's quite a long study it might be the reason the agenda is so long if it was attached um but I'm here to give you a an overview of the study and happy to take any questions at the end so starting out um for those who might not be familiar in the room um or elsewhere at Ford penis um we are the merger between two agencies within our County Ford penelas is actually a fictitious name it's just our brand um but essentially we are the Metropolitan planning Organization for pelis County so the transportation planning organization as well as the penis planning Council um where we coordinate land use decision- making across the county um we're quite a unique agency and that we're able to integrate those land use and transportation decisions together for our County and overall um we are a forum for countywide decision- making on those two aspects and in our capacity as well we provide technical assistance to our local governments and that's sort of how we became involved in this safety study providing kind of um some facilitation technical assistance and general support um because we do like to see where we can see we can see improved safety um on all of our roadways um and especially with this being a state road it's incredibly important to have that coordination across agencies um just a quick overview on our governing board um they are represented um by 13 folks who represent um all 24 municipalities in penel County unincorporated penel County as well as um the penel Sun Coast transit authority and we're also supported by various advisory committees who have also um been able to look at the study and receive this presentation as well so giving you some project background the study began all the way back in 2022 um as Stacy mentioned in conjunction with St Pete Beach who took on the same study and it was taken on because of the safety needs identified by yourselves at the city and unfortunately um in some cases serious injuries and fatalities that you all might remember hearing or seeing um that happened in this community and overall and early goal of this study was to provide multimodal safety improvements for all Road users whether they're bicyclists pedestrians or motorist and you'll see that in the recommendations provided throughout the study now a quick overview about a study like this as um Stacy mentioned these are really these are really just Concepts that have been developed to show what is possible within the existing right of way within your community nothing in this plan that even after you adopt today is the final decision on exactly what happen happens upon adoption but really just shows that as a city you have put in the work to determine the safety improvements that you want to see and then are able to work with ourselves and Dot to help those come to fruition so the study includes an existing conditions analysis which just looks at the roadway as it exists and determines the conditions um of both the uh roadway lanes and The Pedestrian and bicyclist realm there's a safety analysis that's conducted um within the study and then ultimately the study develops recommendations and Concepts um which you are able to consider as a city and in coordination with our agencies so talking about the um kind of multi-jurisdictional uh partnership that went into this um because St Pete Beach also took this study on at the same time what this allows for is recommendations and improvements for a continuous segment of Gulf Boulevard even though it spans across to two jurisdictions and I really want to impress upon you as the commission that this is a unique situation it's not done commonly throughout the county so we do commend yourselves at Treasure Island and St Pete Beach for taking this on together and providing that continuity of improvements along an important State Road and because it is a state road that's managed by dot as Stacy mentioned they were heavily involved throughout this process they were present at your public workshops um to answer questions and provide support and our involvement from Ford pelis allows yourselves at the city to have a sort of direct line of communication to be able to be eligible for state and Federal funding which we are ultimately the conduit for in many cases so we were happy to be part of this process and um we're very excited to see this is something that you all wanted to take on so kind of taking a step back why a safety plan you all know of some of the safety issues that have Arisen um along Gulf Boulevard and as I mentioned the study was commenced in 2022 so at the time we were looking at crft statistics from the years of 2017 to 2021 and in that time there were 456 crashes along Gul Boulevard in this uh study segment um that was selected for this project of those 456 crashes 45 of those were serious injury crashes within that time frame um as a city you have also uh adopted the Safe Streets resolution which is our commitment as panellos County to move towards zero serious injuries and fatalities it's something that we take very seriously as the no as an agency and we know that you take it seriously as well as a city and overall um I'll go through the existing conditions on the roadway but there is a general need for safety improvements because of clearly the heavy pedestrian traffic throughout your Corridor with your beach access um and Retail options um many people crossing Gulf Boulevard often at unmarked locations which is incredibly unsafe for all involved bicyclists um using on Street facilities because of a lack of separated bike Lanes um and something I do want to note is that where midblock Crossings are present they do see high compliance but the key wordss there are where present they could probably be or should probably be present more throughout the corridor and that's something the study also looked at so giving you an idea of the study process because it was commenced in 2022 I won't go over every single step in this but it does give you the timeline of the study process and what I do want to highlight is the um very involved Community engagement um that was available throughout the study the study received um local news coverage as well which is always a good thing for folks to be able to know what's coming down the pipeline in their community and what I want to highlight is last step which is that coordination with ourselves at Ford pellis and with fdot because ultimately as a city you're able to work with us and submit an application to be eligible for state and federal funding which is really how these Concepts become a reality in design and construction down the line so finally getting to the meat and potatoes of the study what we're looking at um with this study is the segment of gulf boulev from blind Pass road all the way down to John's Pass Bridge so um right up until madir Beach and while this study segment looks at these few miles um of the corridor what we did is we broke down the overall segment into three separate North Central and South segments based on the surrounding character and context at these geographical segments and within that we were able to look at improvements for the various intersections within each of these segments um and that really made it a little bit more digestible and easier to see um the breakdown not only of the cost of these potential improvements but the timeline of them whether they're considered more short-term midterm or long-term improvements going through the existing conditions this is your city so I think you're aware of what it looks like out there but just giving you an idea of it um throughout much of the segment there are similar conditions which involve a lack of pedestrian scale lighting um shared Lane markings um with uh bicyclists and uh motorists sharing the lane very large L and um often frequent uh driveway openings because of all the um Resorts or um rentals or retail options that you have um a center turn lane but also a lack of a median in some cases and some of that landscape shading which can provide Comfort to U bicyclists and pedestrians as well as safety um the central segment you see similar um conditions an unprotected forit bike lane which is quite narrow especially when it's unprotected unprotected um beach access which is where you might see some of those Crossings at Gulf Boulevard at unmarked locations because folks are just trying to get across and then lastly the South segment much of the similar conditions and then you're seeing that um in some cases the sidewalk is an incredibly narrow 5- foot sidewalk that are flushed with the roadway making The Pedestrian feel even more exposed to the uh oncoming traffic um obviously creating unsafe conditions in that case so as I mentioned part of the study looked at a safety analysis which involves looking at the crash locations and the Crash densities along your Corridor and this map um which is called a heat map shows you um the intensity of the crashes and in terms of their number with the red areas being your what I'll call problem areas for um crash locations and this analysis showed that the intersection of 107th Avenue and Gulf Boulevard is the location with the highest number of crashes and on the slide here you also see um some of the uh intersections that showed High crash numbers as well and this kind of gives you an idea of potentially when as a city you decide on um moving forward these recommendations or submitting an application which intersections you might want to start with if you're basing it off of Crash data giving you uh an overview of the community engagement there were two Community workshops and uh stakeholder meetings throughout um the study process and essentially at the first Workshop the residents were presented with um this study and what it hoped to achieve and then essentially got feedback on the improvements that they want to see and the second Workshop the community was presented with the potential Concepts that would be incorporated into the study and the residents and community members were able to vote on the concepts that they preferred most and that just gave us an idea of what your residents and community members want to see in terms of safety improvements but the general feedback that we received um is that where rectangular rapid flashing beacons or rfbs are present they are um seem to be very effective in safely stopping motorists and getting pedestrians across the street um there was a there were drainage issues obviously identified um by your community members um which can create uh issues for um those areas that have crosswalks or bicycle Lanes but in general residents did want to see more crosswalks so this might mean that those crosswalks are not only at signalized intersections but also at midblock Crossings where those rrfbs are present and can get folks across without having to make them walk even further in this heat um and resoundingly what we heard was there question go ahead yeah on the just before we uh started this meeting we got an email from a resident who who talked about the voting uh piece of this can you talk to us a little bit about who who voted and how they voted sure at the community workshops and see p Beach went through the same exercise um the concepts that you're going to see later on in this presentation they were essentially just blown up into large poster boards and residents were able to take a look at the uh Concepts and their various elements and um they did through voting so basically they were presented with two or three options and they placed a sticker on the concept that they preferred um and vote of the word vote is used because essentially that is them voting but it was just getting their feedback on the concept that they preferred and I don't know if you know the answer to this I don't know if you were actually at this session at the time they had that but were there lots of people here how many people would you say would have participated in that in that vote I wasn't at that Workshop I wasn't involved with the study at the time I don't know if Stacy wants to speak anecdotally to the the nature of the crowd at the time just as an example to answer your question on the south segment which is the segment that this resident reached out to and on specifically there were only 16 votes cast Okay um on that specific one and that's in the they have pictures of those boards in the plan with the kind of demonstration of the sticky notes okay all May thank you so see relatively small sample size got thank you any other questions Pur all right thank you um so resoundingly what we heard from your residents was the need and desire for separated bike Lanes on Gulf Boulevard and we heard the same thing from St Pete Beach um and we think that this was an very important piece of feedback that will heavily improve safety along the corridor and you'll see that throughout the concepts that are recommended so getting into those recommendations um like I mentioned the goal of this was to provide recommendations that improve safety for all Road users bicyc pedestrians and motorists and the um recommendations include elements such as um those protected bike Lanes um midblock Crossings narrowed travel Lanes um because I'll explain to you a little bit about how we're working with various rideway widths and in some case limited rideway widths and there's a need for us to essentially Shuffle things around within the existing rideway to provide room for those bicyclists and um pedestrian facilities um the study also access management because that's a major topic of concern throughout a corridor like Gul Boulevard where you have those frequent driveway openings but as I present these Concepts to you today what I want to let you know is that I'm just presenting to you one concept for each the North Central and South segment um the study or the plan shows you all of the concepts that have been developed and ultimately all of these are options for the city to pursue with uh fdot um and we hope that you will know when fdot is doing something on your roadway because they were heavily involved in this project and um we are hoping to help facilitate that coordination as well but ultimately I'm just showing you for the sake of example and time one concept each from each of the segments um but in general a lot of them have similar or the same elements throughout just some's changed up depending on the ride of way right so speaking of that ride of way this is what we're working with here in the city um the ride of way goes as narrow as 65 ft in your Southern segment and throughout it has um anywhere from 80 ft to 90 ft and at its widest 100 ft and as you can see here the rideway widths are pretty much differentiated based on the North Central and South segment so really at the North segment a lot of what you have available is 80 ft um in the central segment you have 100 ft so ultimately the segments um were the concepts for each segment were developed based on the available available ride of way with so the top image on this slide shows you the existing rideway or the existing configuration that you have and the picture below shows you the proposed concept of what could be possible um to be designed and built ultimately on Gulf Boulevard immediately I want to draw your attention to that separated protected bike lane um that's painted green for higher visibility and it might be hard to tell in this image but how this bike lane is separated is through um a material called a ziga zipper which is think of it as like a much more significant Rumble strip it actually prevents the vehicle and the roadway lane from Beering over into the bicycle lane um when we spoke to your community members from what I know this was preferred because it's more aesthetically pleasing than the typical Flex post that you might see throughout the county and even on Gulf Boulevard looks a little less cluttered um when cars hit a flex post too they have to be like ripped out and um or uh repaired anyway and so this is a little bit more of an Innovative concept that doesn't take away from that safety so any of the separated bike lanes that you see in these concepts are separated by that ziga zipper um we also have um you maintain the four travel Lanes two travel Lanes each way you have an intermittent landscape median um and then you have a little bit of a widen sidewalk in that case and um if you're wondering how you make room for all of that given that ride of way it's through that reduced Center turn lane so by taking away a couple of feet from that Center turn lane and redistributing it redistributing it to your bicyclist and um pedestrian facilities you're able to create those safer conditions for those other Road users but having that reduced Center turn lane also encourages the motorists to slow down when they know that they have a little bit less room and pay attention a little bit more before they make that left turn and pay attention to the oncoming uh bicyclist for pedestrians this is to give you an idea of the cost because ultimately this is a planning study it doesn't give you final cost of um what the Construction and design of of these recommendations would be and something I also have to add is that these costs were conducted in 2022 and it feels like this economy changes every month so I would take these costs with a grain of salt but it gives you an idea of what it would cost for DOT um to ultimately um construct uh these improvements and you can see here these improvements are itemized so essentially for each of the intersections or any of the recommendations that we made we created almost like a laundry list of different types of recommendations whether it was um adding the new sidewalk or adding a mid block Crossing in some cases lower cost improvements like restriping The Pedestrian crosswalk which in some cases the the paint is faded and that's creating a safety issue and that's a very lwh hanging fruit issue that can be solved the study really tried to look at ways that we could recommend both lowc cost and kind of midterm higher cost solution so that you have options available to you sooner rather than later something you also opted for throughout the study were some of these um visualizations to give you an idea of what it really looks like to walk along this Corridor so this is is um facing south um in the north segment of what those improvements look like this image um probably gives you a better idea of what those Zig zippers look like when SE uh when you have a separated bike lane and then lastly kind of just an overhead view of what that looks like as well similarly stop there and just get some feedback and if see if anyone has any questions I kind of want to make sure we have an opportunity for each one of these yeah segments any thoughts or questions I'm good okay sounds good I appreciate you letting me catch my breath though yeah one question the 456 crashes yes were those concentrated in any particular segment the 456 crashes were throughout um the corridor the I can go back to the heat map to show you where these crashes were concentrated um as I mentioned 107th Avenue was where you had the highest number of crashes from those 456 yeah most of those as I looked at it were at signal intersections yes that's interesting isn't it yeah it is um so that uh you know really I that's a good point I want to impress upon the commission that it's not just at your unsignalized intersections it also begs the question of how you can make your signalized quest uh intersection safer um it could involve um you know having these design elements that encourage motorists to slow down because ultimately a safety study like this doesn't work to reduce the posted speed limit but rather offer you design recommendations that make the motorist more alert that encourage the motorist to slow down and look out for pedestrians and then a lot of those simpler Solutions like restriping the crosswalks um can also help with that because where the motorist doesn't see um the striping it could um hinder them from safely recognizing that a pedestrian is there and there's no consideration given to distracted motorists go ahead there there's um if you I know it's a very lengthy report but starting around on page 100 of the report there is um a really good breakdown of all of this data and they look at it a bunch of different ways by time of day by lighting by intersection um what type of Crash it was whether it was head-on whether it involved a pedestrian so there's a lot of interesting data here that might be helpful what I will add is that some of the recommendations include disseminating educational materials to your Resort and rentals um because ultimately every person has a responsibility to be a safe driver pedestrian and bicyclist um but we can always do more to educate folks especially when they're um visiting here and just excited you know they but they should also remember to keep the residents that are crossing safe thank you thank you I just wanted to take a second to point out the kind of difference in widths from the existing to the proposed so the sidewalk would be reduced from 9 and 1/2 ft down to 6 feet that bike Lane would be a new thing that we don't have in this section which would be a 5ft bike lane with a 2 and 1/2t buffer M and then the travel Lanes would be one of them currently is 13 ft and one's 11 ft those would be going down to 11 feet and 10 ft so two feet off of one and one foot off of the inner lanes and then the turn lane in the middle is going from 13 feet to 11 feet so just to make sure that everyone kind of sees those differences and I don't think that there's a really big difference there so I think that's a big win to be able to have a dedicated sidewalk and a um dedicated bike lane there which is nice in that area I know we won't we don't have that luxury in some of the other spots because we don't have the RightWay withs there just to follow up to that the from the north segment the current uh RightWay or usage is 69 and2 ft and the rideway is 80 feet and the plan calls for 73 feet of that to be used so it's so we'll need to kind of utilize some more of the RightWay that's not being used currently yeah and that's the question as to how much of that RightWay is currently being used so in the case of this study um nothing none of the recommendations require acquiring more ride of way withd um a lot of those concerns from the utilization comes from those driveway openings and The Business that are um adjacent to the the right of way there so when it comes time for design and Engineering that's where those nitty-gritty details are addressed a little bit more as to how you can maximize that utilization within the right of way that dot has um and how many current um establishments utilize part of that rideway as they're parking I'm not sure of the answer to that but that is is where those access management considerations come in and where um coordinating with the businesses when it comes time for design and Engineering for any of these recommendations um it's a very valid question because where you see land uses encroaching upon the right of way it's important to be able to see where what dot actually has available to to use and uh Implement these safety recommendations does dot get involved at all in um right away you by private business yes and how do they do they condone it do they license it how do they handle that I'm not sure if that answer completely but I do know that they work with adjacent Property Owners um and have to let them know that they're about to do work outside of their um property so um when it comes time for any specific construction that communication should be there okay thank you all right any other questions on the North segment no thank all right moving on to the central segment so again the image at the top is um what's existing and then the image at the bottom is the proposed concept um as you might have recalled from the rideway W the central segment is where you have some of the most space with 100 ft of ride of way and so a lot of it is similar what's in front of you but I think the biggest difference is that there's even more separation between the uh separated protected bike Lane and the adjacent sidewalk um that's buffered with a um 5ft landscape buffer giving you some shade trees for the pedestrians and the bicyclist and giving um the pedestrians even more room in between um the travel Lane um and the bicycle lane as well um and then a lot of what's there is similar that 11t um Center turn lane um in this case you have room for 10 foot sidewalks um this area you really have the opportunity um with the ride ofo WID to have um kind of space for everyone is the way that I would put it and then again in front of you are some of the the planning level cost to give you that idea and then some of the visualizations um of what that looks like and you can kind of see um this one gives you a good example of what happens to the bike lane at a driveway opening on the right side of the image a bicyclist is kind of going what can be assumed to be a driveway opening the ziga zippers kind of um go away at that point but the striping remains and that kind of dashed green striping is more of a visual cue to the driver that this is still the bicyclist lane and then that's the overhead view and um mayor if you'd like me to stop there I can see if anybody has any questions on the central segment sure anything same comment yeah noted all right and then the South segment is where you have some of the most narrow rideway width with 65 ft that's not lot of lot of room to work with um so the options there are a little bit more limited um but something that we did make sure to include was that separated bike lane because it's not impossible to include that in this right of way so that's still separated um with the ziga zipper um and then you still have six foot sidewalks um when I was presenting this uh these Concepts to our technical Coordinating Committee at Ford pelis we heard complaints about the very narrow 4ft sidewalks and how especially if you're parent with young children you do everything you can to keep them away from the side of the roadway and something that we really wanted to prioritize um in this study was making sure that those sidewalks can at least be widened um for a safer experience for the pedestrians so in this um concept the center turn lane is not there as it is um the same um with your existing conditions um and that's simply because of the limited options that you have but the concept um the concepts in the study do include um options for Center turn lane but they would require um a lane repurposing and um much more coordination with fdot but I did want to note that while this concept does not include a center turn lane it's possible um with more work and more money and a lane repurposing um that is included in the report these are the um costs for the South segment alternative again just giving you an idea of that and then kind of the visualization of um what that looks like when you're walking on the street and then lastly um that overhead view and I can stop there if there are any questions yeah so in this one one of the like concept Alternatives was one lane in each Direction with the turn lane in the middle and that designated separated bike lane which allows people to kind of turn so can you walk through kind of the rationale of why this design was kind of preferred over that one from a technical perspective Stacey will take this one okay I know there's tradeoffs there like you have the obviously the negatives of going down to one lane we've just discussed that in our downtown area one lane in each Direction This does fortunately have a turn lane in the middle but nobody's ever a fan of Lane reduction um but this it would provide more protection for the bike um so just kind of talk through the how that was prioritized or decision was made um so again um you all will will make that decision so it can be however you want it to be um tonight and going forward in our Communications with do so I want to say um when we were working with fdot on this study they were like we're we're glad you're doing this now because we have a resurfacing project coming up and we were thought to believe that that was really soon and that we might miss the opportunity to finalize this project um prior to that um but come to find out more recently we're looking at like an F fy6 I think State year for them actually to do that resurfacing in the sou segment and that goes through St P Beach up to about 99th Avenue and the only reason that it came back to our attention after our Communications ended drafting this report was because there was a Quest from the city to do uh utility locates we were like hey what's going on here um so we started to talk to them again about this study and we put the study in front of them that's when we started talking about Sea Dogs and the crosswalk there that we've been trying to get for a long time and we also um kind of put these other improvements um back in front of them you know here were the Alternatives that we discussed we were making this plan and it was like well we've had this resurfacing plan for a long time it's been in our work plan you know we probably don't have money to do all of these things right now um so that's kind of the struggle that we have in looking at this is is one we did hear a strong opinion from our community recently about um the feelings about not hindering traffic as well as do side of things this was a planned segment you know project that we have and we have limited funds and we're going to try to do everything that we can and we're going to continue to push that anytime that we know there's a project coming up and and for this recent one um it it's it's really up to you all how you would like to take that from here and I'd like to comment on that too when I was campaigning uh to run for City Commissioner I got a lot of push back on the plan to to go from four lanes to two lanes there uh and I've talked with a lot of people including some of the businesses there and I have yet to talk to any individual who wanted to go from four lanes to two lanes there so I I you know my preference is to to to go with the preferred uh alternative that's shown on here the the person who sent us a an email before we came in here uh lives outside of that zone outside of this South segment something I would like to add as well is that this uh the study or the plan includes all of these Concepts as options but it's just that they're just options so when you adopt this plan you're not deciding today whether you're going for this preferred concept that's in front of you or whether you're voting for the lane repurposing a study is just meant to show you what's possible within your roadways um and it gives you the pros and cons the benefits of the safety of Elane repurposing or not um so I want to make it clear that when you're voting on it you're just voting on adopting the plan with all of its recommendations that can then be discussed with DOT later on okay any other questions or comments on that section I think that addresses kind of the a lot of the concerns that were brought up in this email it was mentioned that um at that public engagement session that more votes were cast for the plan with two one lane in each Direction and a turn lane in the middle but there again sample size was 16 and there were 1 two 3 four five six votes for the preferred plan and then there were nine votes for the one with two one lane in each Direction and a turn lane so yes it that had more votes but in the grand scheme of things we can't really make a decision based on a vote of 16 people we need to listen to our experts use our own um critical thinking and kind of like you said also just because it's that's the preferred one there's still these Alternatives so when it comes down to actually discussing that with do they're going to have something to say about it too I would imagine because they're the ones that the funding is coming from okay any other questions or comments on the south part all right thank you all right so home stretch here um today we are uh requesting adoption of this plan and I think the um the bit that I explained right before this kind of gives you an idea for all of these segments um in the entire plan you're adopting the plan as it's been written the work that's been done the data that backs up um all of these Concepts and Alternatives and they are just alternatives for um consideration later on on it just shows that you've put in the work to consider the safety um implications for uh the recommendations and improvements um throughout the segment of Gulf Boulevard so when we um several weeks back um as we were wrapping up the study we got all of ourselves at a table um Treasure Island St Pete Beach ourselves at Ford pelis and fdot and we just asked both cities to kind of tell us about the areas that they might think are priorities and um as the crash or the heat map showed you of crashes 10 of 7th Avenue was where you had the highest density of crashes so in speaking with Stacy and the rest of the team that was kind of identified as what could be an initial priority and so how this moves forward with next steps you as a city um vote to adopt this plan and then from there over the next year or so we're able to work with um the city of Treasure Island and as well as the city of St Pete Beach to submit an application for what's called our project prioritization list which are a list of projects um all throughout the county um where uh these projects are El eligible for federal funding so ultimately for a project to come to fruition it has to be on this list to get that Federal funding and then similarly um the city yourselves you're able to work with DOT to move projects through um their project prioritization as well as what's called push button contracts which are kind of like lower cost low hanging fruit types of projects um and the study um advantageously actually includes some of these recommendations for that very purpose to be able to move through um some of these safety recommendations without having a massive construction project because some things can be fixed quite quickly if the resources are allocated properly um and then as a city you also always have the option of um learning about grant opportunities and pursuing those um in the case of many grant opportunities sometimes at the federal level at the state level as well um they involve a local match so in that case you would have you would be expected to put forth um your own local dollars towards that um so there's pros and cons to that you know obviously that's money that comes your way excuse me that comes your way but you're able to put um your own money to advance some of these projects so these options are all available to you and um I'm happy to take any more questions that you have um but ultimately we're looking for adoption as a a result of this I think the question that I'm asking is that uh the Treasure Island Gulf Boulevard safety study is what you're looking at getting approved correct I'll let's stay see that so it's called the Treasure Island connectivity plan um because the way that it's referenced in our comp plan is as a Citywide comprehensive um connectivity plan but the only part that's being requested for adoption is the Gulf Boulevard plan correct okay so Stacy mentioned at the beginning so we have those three components the other two haven't aren't ready yet we haven't fully flushed those out so when we adopt it tonight it's only going to include this part the Gulf Boulevard and then later later on we're going to amend the connectivity plan to add on to the plan those next two sections okay right I have no issue with that and I actually like the plan to was that correct summarization that is correct thank you and just for clarification I I I know the answer to this but just for the official record the the costs that you shared with us these are mostly going to be absorbed by uh Department of Transportation is that correct so the idea is that um that we could support I guess grants that they may go after or if we wanted to get something done faster we could put forth a match towards a grant but um the way that we're foreseeing this to be is these are do projects and we're just showing them that we support them and enhancing safety when they pursue their normal course of you know treatment work yeah thank you there's also a list in here somewhere of potential funding sources right M yeah that just is meant to give you an idea of all the options that are available to you um because sometimes waiting on the list of state and federal funding it can take a while there's a lot of projects on those lists a lot of priorities throughout the county um so you're not limited to those options but those options certainly um save you your city's dollars great all right any other questions for good job the staff great thank you guys so much [Music] um all right we I'll entertain a motion then I move to approve and adopt uh of the Treasure Island connectivity plan second all right do we have any further discussion or comments all right we'll go in public comment I have one card from Kim Matthew good evening my name is Kim Matthew 22500 4th Avenue well now I don't know what I'm going to say because I thought I had clear in my mind where I was going with this and then seeing all of this has kind of changed that I have a few concerns and I guess as the projects come down the line we might be addressing them but I'm I'm hearing about tightening up some of the lanes those lanes are tight as they are um as they exist right now so I'm I'm wondering how we are going to fit that in I'm concerned about the driveways for a lot of the existing um you know little small smaller hotels up and down the Boulevard or the yeah um up and down that street um so it just feels like we're kind of shooting after a lot of unknowns and I don't know if that's how it should feel or these are just big ideas and and we'll Hammer them out as they go I mean I guess I need some clarification on that because it feels like a a very big project and we're saying yes to a very big project but we don't really know how it's going to turn out I guess that's what I'm saying I don't know if that makes sense sure but thank you thank you all right do we have any other public comments Mark sure uh thank you Mark 225 104th Avenue uh in 110 she's in 210 so just to clarify that um yeah you you clarified the one thing we're not being asked the City commissioners are not being asked to approve the A B and C B and C is in that still requires work that's great I think that's appropriate um but I am a little confused because at one point we were talking saying the do controls this this Corridor so what does the city have to say about those if you decide or this do comes in and says okay we're going to push back those right of ways either by purchase or by other means does the city have a means to address that so it it seems like we're approving a plan that is really not in our hands it's in the hands of the Florida DOT primarily as to just how how far they want to push that um anyone who's driven biked or walked along Golf Boulevard from end to end here knows the challenges with limited RightWay and access to all these businesses I'll point out you can look right across the street here to the I Beach Resort and their parking space is literally rest at the end of what is supposed to be the sidewalk nobody walks there in their right mind because you're squeezed between the bike lane and the cars but that's all the way up and down uh Golf Boulevard and our so huge challenge but I guess uh I I'm just asking you guys to and gals to think about um I guess we're going to sign off on it and say we we support it in concept but really we're we're not at the point to put money into it it's about 15 16 million two years ago three years ago so we know it's more now um is this where we want to spend future money or even budget future money or do we really look at the dot to ultimately over a large expansive time come up with the funding to do some of these safety related ones and believe me I'm all for the safety related ones that would make it a little easier to live with but I don't know how much control we'll ultimately have and that would be something I think you should consider in your decision so thank you thank you any other comments sure I'm Diane Hawkins at 11385 8 Street East and my only concern would be or I I suppose mayor Payne mentioned it common sense there's no uh substitute for that so this is of course an fdot plan and because they have the money they will have the power and so we just need to be very cognizant of pushing back where their um ideas conflict with our common sense and Kim Matthew mentioned about tightening up the lanes oh that frightens me because as any of us know when we're driving along we're trying to be patient enjoying that we live in a Beach Community respecting that so a lot of tourists people coming in and out of the driveways having that little extra of room allows you to move over a little bit and stay out of the way and not rear end a bike you know a a a vehicle a pedestrian if we tighten up those Lanes any further we are reducing that Comfort um to be able to move out of the way in an emergency else we Collide into the car in the next Lane so these are very important things one thing that struck me and then I'll I'll be quiet um last month we had a very unfortunate situation uh where the district fire chief of St Pete Beach was actually arrested and put on administrative leave I actually feel very sorry because he must not have realized that he was driving in a shared Mobility Lane right between vehicles and bicyclists and he it seems to me became annoyed at the cyclist and said get out of the way when in fact there was not a designated painted line that would indicate that there was anything that the cyclist couldn't move into the vehicle Lane and so this uh fire chief became irate little road rage and wound up getting back in his truck and nudged with his pickup this cyclist and that you know after that there was this argument that ensued and it was a very unfortunate situation but we see that happening because we don't have protected bike Lanes it's a disaster for everybody involved and it will change lives when these incidents occur so I want to really again say we we need to be careful and consider that there's a human factor to all of this it's not just about oh there is enough room for a vehicle there's enough room for a pedestrian we have people who are used to driving we have a there's an emotional reaction to a lot of things we're not robots so we have to take into account that human beings have to share these spaces and we have to make it very clear where each person where where each uh I guess they call it micro anyway where Vehicles pedestrians and uh bicyclists are supposed to be so we don't invade each other's space and we can all kind of live in harmony and safety thank you do we have any other comments any other comments all right any followup um from the commission good I just wanted to um kind of touch on the concept of a plan to address Mr Ho's concerns I think that this is it like the other plans that we're considering right now and going through and to your point as well taken that we do have to work with DOT on this this is a plan that we can use as ammunition when we are working with them and these big state agencies do all have and a lot of our agencies here forward pelis and um a lot of the other government units around um around the state the county um even some other cities that are larger than ours have designated positions for people for intergovernmental Affairs and it's their job to work with other agencies to make sure that we're all accomplishing goals and Rowing in the same direction and making sure we're working well together so we have a great team here that knows a lot of people around the county has good relationships at Ford Panella so even though this isn't something that we are going to be able to directly execute alone it's something that we can utilize when do does reach out to us with their internment Affairs people and talks with us about what we would like to see they're not going to ramrod something through with us and that's the beauty of having work together with DOT on this plan is that we have a document that shows we worked with your staff to come to this plan um so they should bear um kind of give that some extra bearing when they're deciding on their their plans for the actual projects um so it's just a plan and it's it's something that we can use and have in our tool chest when we are talking to Dot and trying to advocate for for our best interest um and then the minimum Lane width I wanted to ask is there like a standard minimum Lane width that's recommended I just Googled what the average width of a car is and it's 5' 8 in so if we're talking about 10 foot lanes that still gives quite a bit of buffer room on either side of the car yeah there's a lot of things that go into consideration the type of Road the traffic volumes the design speed and all of those things but one of the things I did want to point out is is that not all the preferred alter Alternatives reduce widths in fact the central segment is reducing the I mean increasing the outer Lane width um so it just depends on the segment that you're looking at um and the other one I think it was 6 in on either side which is I think on the North and provided now because it's a shared bike area there's a 6 inch difference oh yeah so but but right now you're sharing it as a bike lane so no crash is a good crash but if you're going to have the extra buffer the extra you know a car toar collision is a lot less dangerous than like a car to bike Collision um so it's just where you're providing that that extra foot or that extra 6 in it's funny you said about you Googled uh how how wide is a typical car I Googled how wide is a semi TR and it's 8 and 1/2 ft so if we have 10t Lanes down here on the south end that's uh 9 in on either side so if you have two I mean there's not a lot of room so and I know we don't have a lot of room to work with and in that those uh shorter or less wide lanes are coming at the expense of wider sidewalks and wider bike Lanes so so I get what you say there but yeah let's do take a look at at those there because I'm I'm concerned about a 10- foot uh 10ft Lanes down on the south end as well yep and we H we do have some 10-ft Lanes throughout the corridor right now now so that that that's not a big change um one of the things that do uses um and roadway designers in general um I know that we want to keep traffic moving but when you're trying to get people to adhere to lower design speed like a 35 mph road that removal of 6 in or that putting up that tree actually affects people um in a way that makes them adhere to the speed limit more so than not because it just has that feeling of of being more Clos in and and actually helps to to have compliance with speed limits all righty anything else no I've just looked up an RV and that's 8.6 and 10t so on the other hand with that are there studies that show that the narrower lanes are safer is there um it's a give and take it's a give and take lower design speed like 35 M an hour I think it it's more preferred than if you had you know a a highway coming through here obviously well yeah because it's a speed thing as well all right good to V all right roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Minnie hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you thank you and thank you to the staff lots of hard work this has been a long time in the making so congratulations and thank you thank you for having me all right next item is J 5 approval of a work authorization with Advanced engineering and design in the amount of 9,598 40 very specific number so this um as as a staff um both in the public works department and in the Community Development Department we are receiving a lot of um requests for preliminary reviews of plans and ideas is um when it comes to development work whether it be seaw walls or houses or multif family commercial buildings um that are planning to pursue um terrain modification under the proposed ordinances that we plan to bring per before you in the coming months um and so we want to be sure that we are giving adequate guidance and that our review Engineers um who riew our Pam applications are prepared and are evaluating these projects appropriately under our program so we have um a work authorization request before you that entails four General tasks the first task is to assist in those Plan reviews to support the initial launch of the program so those could be pre-application requests that we get um as we have been getting to be able to um as staff we don't always have the time to go through that large technical review that's needed to give people guidance on on what may or may not work on that site and this task also provides the QC of our reviewing Engineers just to give them the opportunity to go through through through the first few um to make sure that they're looking at um restricting site conditions that they've all seen one in a coastal a zone that they've seen a single family and the the differences in how we permit seaw walls versus a house that's elevating um so it's just to get through um those first few to make sure that everyone's looking at it appropriately and if there's Lessons Learned we can share those with the other Engineers as well the um second task is to develop standard specifications and construction details um this um will be very helpful for both the people who are applying for permits and the people who are reviewing the permits we have a lot of um circumstances throughout the city even today when someone submits a permit application for work that touches the public RightWay or public utilities often times referring to um specifications in other jurisdictions um you know even though it's our infrastructure they could be referring to the City of St Petersburg or penela County standard details we want to make sure that um especially when we're looking at elevating and transitioning back through the right of way that they're adhering to a standard specification that we're okay with and not having them have to develop something from scratch each time or for us to have to review something different each time um so we hope that having that um performed and available to them and to us we will'll make reviews and applications simpler task three is the development of a video script and a video overlay part of um the work that we had the engineering team do when looking at developing the train modification program was a set of renderings and um Katherine and I have been reviewing those renderings and that shows a lot of these different circumstances that that we've discussed the different development types the different restricting conditions on a site and um the different flood zones that that may be impacted so we have these really great renderings but we think that they would be much better if we could put those to just a video and it's not going to be like a fancy video because we're actually going to develop that video in house but what it will do is it'll have an overlay where you can pop up and say look at this like actually have an arrow this is what this is doing and this is the site restriction this is why you have to have a sale here this is what the retaining wall would look like this is how you tear your driveway slopes under this condition um so we just think that the level of Education um would be greatly increased by providing that additional overlay to those renderings that we're finalizing right now and task four is um something that we budget for commonly um and this is just authorization to access those funds and that's for um storm water grant writing and administration um we do have some grant opportunities um coming up um and we just want to be prepared with information um to be able to submit Grant applications for our storm water projects the one that we have discussed and that we'll be getting into more details soon is the commission's preference on whether or not to proceed with storm water improvements on the west Causeway and which route you may be more interested in taking there so we want to be able to to hit the ground warning um with those uh requests for Grant funds so um the total for task one is um just over $39,000 20,000 of that were proposed in um actually be redirected from an authorization that you gave staff recently um in March for as needed uh actually I think that was supposed to be may I think it was May 26 for as needed Civil Engineering Services so instead of using $60,000 that you authorize we'd be redirecting 20 for this other purpose the difference there that I I do want to point out is when you did approve that $60,000 for the plans review a lot of that was reimbursable under um fees that we collect this is not reimbursable because this is additional review on top of the engineers review to support that pre-program and slightly post program implementation the other 19,340 would come from non-departmental contingency to cover task one and then for tasks 2 three and four which total just over $70,000 that would come from various Public Works accounts um and those are line item out for you from Wastewater Municipal Services storm water um both for engineering and Professional Services so have we're available for any questions that you have all right questions commission uh the contract says lumpsum it should not say lump suum thank you for catching that all of our work authorizations that we do and I I I apologize for missing that are invoiced to us on a percent complete basis and they're on an as-needed basis too so when you look at task one um even in the work authorization itself it's as needed services and those are build out at an hourly rate yeah so lumps is incorrect and I can go and strike that through before approving this work authorization thank you for catching it okay any other questions all righty um so with that um with that change do we have a motion to approve I move to approve the work authorization with Advanced engineering and design for $195.42 all right any further comments discussion does that motion include the deletion of limson yes okay okay any public comment all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Minnie hi commissioner dick hi commissioner Toth hi May Payne hi all right thank you item j7 is an agreement for w Wastewater Services between the City of St Petersburg and city of Treasure Island good evening mayor Commissioners um as you're well aware the city of Treasure Island has a Wastewater collection and transfer system we transfer that Wastewater to the City of St Petersburg uh we have an agreement with them that lasted 10 years with no problems uh we went through a pretty rigorous review of that the new agreement which is going to ex the old agreement is expiring in uh July 28th 2024 so the next 10year um agreement we went through a pretty rigorous review of it and um I'm going to present some of the changes that were made um during that uh review um the city of of uh St Petersburg agrees to provide and the Treasure Island agrees to pay for Wastewater Services during the term of this agreement which is again 10 years in accordance with the terms and conditions that were set forth in the agreement the City of St Petersburg will treat the total Wastewater flow generated from Treasure Island up to an A A an annual average daily flow of 1.57 million gallons per day the following are a list of changes total sewage flow reduction from 2.8 million gallons per day to 1.57 million gallons per day this was calculated by taking the city's daily average flow and adding uh 25% for growth you're going to see a big change in the 2.8 down to the 1.7 that is because we're not using it and what it does do is it takes the the the City of St Petersburg total volume of what they can handle from other facilities and they have to limit that 2.8 to us so bringing it down does not restrict us in any way whatsoever we have a 25% buffer you're probably thinking to yourself what about development we went through what we thought were the maximum development that could happen on the on the island which would be over here downtown and also on the North End that would be the only large developments that we have left in the city uh we calculated those up and it did not go over the 25% growth however each of those projects when we get the estimated flow from the contractor we'll check it to our daily average and then if we need to we will ask for an increase we've already talked this scenario through with the city of St Petersburg and they have agreed that that is a reasonableness for us to do that uh we clarified is that amount what we're charged based off of or are we charged based of actual we're charged with actual flow we have two two uh uh meters they're called mag meters and those mag meters are totalized every month and what we do is we it's it's on a skada system so they'll tell us the T date and time we look at it they look at it and we agree upon those numbers we have never been off more than a gallon so those are very very accurate their mag meters we're responsible for them and we calibrated them uh I shouldn't say calibrate we verify them every year and then send those verifications letters to the City of St Petersburg there's two of them one is at both Master pump stations Master Pump Station the main one and then you have a master Pump Station which is Pump Station number two uh four which I'll talk about later in just a little bit which is in Paradise So based of that 2.8 that was in the previous contract that was allowed us to provide that much flow If Ever Needed correct but so what's the benefit was that a request that St Petersburg made in this contract yes okay y just to bring it more in line with the accurate number of that was a that was a uh something that we talked about on a on a on a regular basis it probably each one of our meetings that we had which I can count up five or six of them that we had at least okay um it's gone through uh I think probably the last year you know we've been talking about this I also just want to point out to the public and make sure that you are comprehending that number 1.57 million gallons of sewage per day that's incredible per day Mike I'm just curious with all the relining that we're doing on the uh the laterals and all the sewers and that are we seeing any reduction in the amount that we're sending over to St Pete okay that is a very hard question to answer and there's a lot of different techniques to determine infiltration what we do is a very simplified and not very accurate infiltration rate what we do is we take the potable we take the the sewage that leaves the city compare and divide it by the amount of potable water that comes into the into the city the difference in that is what's we call infiltration okay we see it bounce day to day week to week month to month year to year some years we're at 1.47 meaning 47% is coming from infiltration and we're continually spending 300 to $400,000 a year plus we've gotten one 1.05 million Grant all the years that we've been then relining we got to 27% of our lining accomplished in the city with the $1 million we're up to almost 47% so there we have 53% left to do so it's very important for us to continually pump that money into relining we have just finished I'm not going to say we finished up on Gulf Boulevard we have I think five more laterals on Gul Boulevard to do the L FAL don't one each one does not really affect the flow but when you start putting in I think we had 110 laterals on Gul Boulevard to line all those combined up probably was about a one to 2% because of the amount of mileages that you take so it takes a lot of money to start getting that reduced some of the other things that we've done to to reduce infiltration is all the watertight Lids that we put out we're the only city that I know of that has pump stations lift stations in the street there's I think we're the only one in the state that has them they you don't normally put pump stations in a street because that's the lowest part of your system of of your roadway system in your drainage it everything's going to go right to that to the top of it so that has probably done another 2 or 3% which would only occur during the rain rainfall and heavy heavy you know flooding and um High Tides did that answer your question okay um we clarified some language that was added regarding the joint pipe ownership from the causeway Isles to Pasadena as you know or you don't know um at on the Treasure Island Causeway at 79th Street there's a big Vault there at inside that Vault the city of St Pete Beach and the City of Treasure Island meet and we then um we have a a 24 inch um combined header that goes all the way to Pasadena uh over around 72nd and First Street uh South 1 Avenue I'm sorry 1 Avenue South and 72nd Street in that area is where where we pump our sewage to which then gets pumped to the uh Tyrone Mall um I can't remember the name of the the plant but it's the one over by Tyrone Mall and there's other there's three other where it's us penel County and Pasadena and St P Beach so four communities use that same Pump Station another reason why they wanted to lower our limit so that they could expand in other areas uh we clarifi okay language is add to clarify that St Petersburg may have liability for any damage done to TI system if they do something to let's say block off all of our flow to them and it damages our pumps or pipes or anything else they're liable for that they have to contact us tell us they're going to do maintenance so that we can shut down our system they always do that we've never had a problem but we put language in the agreement to make sure it happens languages uh added to clarify payment will be handled in accordance with the local government uh prompt payment act in accordance to law uh we remove the Restriction that Treasure Island cannot change its users less than the rate of St Petersburg charge I think that should be charge yeah yes it looked like charge change yeah charge it users less than the rate of St Petersburg it'd be silly for us to do that that because we wouldn't make any money um 10year contract with annual renewals thereafter it was 10 years with a 10year renewal so we'll we'll study the in 10 years we'll study the uh agreement and if we agree upon it or there's a minor modification then we'll just addend we'll do amendments to it hold harmless language with change to provide Mutual obligations and restrictions notice language was updated exhibits were changed um we just made a more accurate map of what what is the city of Treasure Islands what is the city of St Petersburg and what is the city of St Pete Beach and those uh um yeah the the that those are the um the exhibits that we did exhibit D was changed which is a pre-treatment agreement uh revise the language to provide for ADV notice to Treasure Island if St Pete believes Treasure Island system is introducing any pollutants into the St Petersburg system and is going to begin metering and charging the Treasure Island system meaning if we if they see that we're let's say um Mercury an increase in Mercury means that you have a dentist that is using mercury and they're pouring it down the drain if they detect that they'll come out and they can meter us and then charge us more for it that I think we have one dentist in town he doesn't use it and there's some other chemicals that they have um exhibit e was added uh inflow and infiltration agreement uh the purpose was to cooperate to reduce unpermitted discharge of Wastewater preserve capacity and plan for New and expanded services so each year I will put together a Five-Year Plan of how we're going to combat inii and that is all I have at this time okay questions for mik did you mention in your uh summary of are they increasing our rates for this contract and if so by how much and okay so each year they increase our rates it's between five and 15% so each year we go through a rate they go through a rate study they increase it we then have to do what we call a pass through their increase plus our increase and then we have to so each year they increase it you'll see an increase in the bill so how much is this increase going to be is it just for this specific year or has been set yet hasn't been set yet it has not been set it's going to be between 8 and 15 it's more likely 10 so just like we set our rates for um storm water and garbage and other utilities St Petersburg City Council sets the rate for the for the sewer so that's the rate that we get stuck with and then we can charge our residents additional on top of that and if needed to maintain the system so it's kind of a two-part so we're there isn't a specific rate in this agreement that's a separate act from the St Petersburg City Council that determines our rate or contributes to determining our rate all right thank you any other questions questions all right thank you Mike I'll entertain a motion I move to approve and authorize the city manager to execute the agreement for Wastewater services with the city of St Petersburg second all right any further discussion any public comment right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you thank you all right item number eight approve city manager purchase Authority in the amount total amount of $4,895 120 to xylm Water Solutions USA Inc for a wet well pump at Pump Station number four um okay as you're aware the city of Treasure Island has uh tin stations and two Master pump stations we have the main P Master Pump Station over here uh over by the um the rally right behind there that's M that's that's our we call it Master Pump Station the other Master Pump Station we have we call Pump Station number four that's in Paradise Island uh that is the uh Pump Station that requires a new pump during preventive maintenance and our routine inspections we found that the the uh it's called the Volute Volute or Volute um it's the bottom portion of the pump so you have a Volute which is the pumping portion of it then you have the motor on the top of it the Volute and the motor itself due to about eight nine years of continuous operation continuous meaning they we have three pumps in there they each run on enough one pump comes on runs it the cycle it turns off the next pump comes on it turns off so it rotates through the three pumps well on number three pump it started to have more of a shaking it had some problems with it amperages and things like that so we pulled it out found out we had damage and it needs to be replaced uh there's three pumps in there during um the heaviest rainfall events and the heavy usage we've only required to have two right now we only have two right in the system right now so this is a pump that we need to get as fast as possible uh and put in but we do not see that um you know we haven't seen that since the last couple of months I think it we found out in May end of April May that this Pro the pump had an issue so it's not been in operation since um let's say two months so we have not seen any problems with it we do have have a uh an emergency pump St an emergency uh bypass pump if you've driven by there on Paradise Island Drive or uh yeah Paradise Island Drive you'll see that that blue pump is sitting outside that is there in case that we do lose another pump that we have a bypass capability and um I'll take any questions all right any questions for Mike it's a good thing it's been dry for a while and this is we have the funding in this correct for this budgeted yes and that pump was last replaced in 2016 um I believe so yes that's what it says in the analysis yeah so it's got a decent service in it yeah there they should last five years we've gotten probably eight to nine years out of it because we rehabed that pump station back in 2016 I think so during the rehab we repl all the pumps that's the station in the Triangle Park and that is correct and that's another one not your Triangle Park our Triangle Park other triangle but that's a um that's another place where we have a meter so we have two meters in in master Pump Station and pump station number four all right I'll entertain a motion I move to approve city manager purchase authority of $4,895 120 for a wet well pump purchased to xylm Water Solutions USA Inc second okay any further discussion any public comment hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Minn hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner TOs hi M Payne hi thank you all right last item is number nine motion or authorization of the city manager for the execution of purchase order to BNB roadway and Security Solutions LLC for the purchase of two pedestrian warning gates for the bascule bridge in the amount of $ 44,10823 uh that's about 17 years ago um during the the 17 years we we do a lot of preventive maintenance a lot of inspection a lot of corrective actions on components of the bridge to extend their life um one of the things that we do again is is we identify things that are failing we fix them so that we can extend the life of the of all of our components that are on the Bridge we do that through an asset management system so each component that we have on the bridge has a routine inspection that we go through and has preventive maintenance it's my bedtime um so we have this real robust um preventive maintenance plan using City Works I'm you sure I've bragged about City Works to you before so so during our inspection we find problems before they actually cause delays in the bridge operation right so we go out there we run through checks and balances on it we routinely open and shut the bridge so that everything is working coordinated because if one thing on the bridge doesn't work the bridge does not open up or it does not close that's how the whole system works through a control system which is run by a program logic controller so it's a very detailed system and it's first of all it's for reliability and it's also for ease of operation for our for our um our Bridge tenders so during our routine inspections we fixed these things on a on a constant basis fixing them meaning it looks like this is rusting out the wires are done the gears are needed greasing um limit switches need to be adjusted or repaired and and um or replaced um the last time we inspected these two um uh pedestrian uh uh safety gates pedestrian warning Gates there we started to see a lot more where than we were comfortable with what we don't want to do is get into a circumstance that we have the bridge up and we can't get the P pedestrian gates to work and we can't get traffic across and I got to send mechanics out at 1 am in the morning so we can get traffic going so what we do is we just look at it we start looking at the history of that components the components and we say okay it's time to replace this component it's now time to replace the pedestrian gates um the the reason why some of you know there there may be a look at and say wow $22,000 for a pedestrian gate well first of all what are we looking at we're looking at reliability we're looking at um uh how it operates this um pedestrian warning gate has probably operated over 25,000 times and has not been the cause of a a non-opening okay so we have prevented delays we have prevented uh a lot of people getting stuck on either side of the bridge it's now time for those to be replaced and um for all the reasons that I've talked about before is is it's reliability the other thing is that they're custom built for this bridge that we have this bridge is a custom Bridge there's only one other one just like it and and it's very costly it's a $55 million bridge and if you compare that to $22,000 it it doesn't seem to be that high in my mind I remember hearing the stories about the military buying toilet seats for $5,000 you we got our $22,000 pedestrian warning gate well I think it's better than a toilet it's it's a a very reliable piece of equipment we've we've spent a lot of money on that bridge we spend about $900,000 on that bridge a year to maintain it to keep it operational in the next 3 to five years we're going to spend about $6 million on that bridge and you'll see it during our budgeting process so do not get sh do not get sticker shocked because I'm telling you keeping a bridge operational is very expensive Bob you remember I'm sorry commissioner minning you remember the the $1 million painting jump yeah well that that $1 million painting job is now about $1.7 million we got a deal so lucky us exactly exactly but this this bridge over 17 years is is in very good shape it's one of the best ones that I've seen uh when the state comes down and they do their yearly inspections they're they're very impressed on how well we keep it you guys are all invited to go look at what a a a very nicely very well-kept very well-maintained Bridge because again it is our largest and most expensive asset in the city and I'll take questions any questions Yeah question is is there no other contractor uh that can supply this okay it's not a contractor this this is a this is a a custom built okay there are other people who make custom built stuff yes there are yes have we is it worthwhile going out I mean that's sort of after I don't think so I don't think it's I think what we do is we use a company that is well established that makes these things they build they build they build these on order so I have to order it it's about a three-month process yeah I don't think I I me shopping around for it I think is is it's not uh going to save us any money it was recommended by our consultant hard the Hardesty and Handover they found this group for us to to custom build it did they build the first one for us I'm not 100% sure if it was this exact company but I I I do believe I mean I do not know for sure if it is the the actual but what it does though is they build it for our spec just like the original one was and we have the specs yes we have the drawings for yes okay thank you fair question um I assume there are other potential vendors out there that there are probably y okay we're not at public comment yet I we'll get there any other questions for Mike no I I've been inside the bridge and saw the safety mechanisms and if that's what it takes to keep people safe That's essential all right do we have a motion I move to approve after the motion I move to approve and authorize the city manager to approve a purchase order to BNB roadway and Security Solutions LLC for supplying two pedestrian warning gates for the bascle bridge in the amount of $ 44,8 120 second okay any further comments or discussion no any public comment my name is Ronald deazi and I reside in the idle Palms uh I'm not sure if all of youve been here long enough but I'm sure this gentleman here has been uh year years ago when we had the toll booth on the bridge we were sold a bill of goods that if we took the toll booth down that we would never have to pay any repairs for that bridge for as long as it was there now in the the uh either the federal government or the state I don't know who they made to deal with I don't remember but I'm questioning if this gentleman here remembers that when they took the toll down we were never to incur any expenses I wasn't here during that time you weren't here no uh how about you Mr uh minning were you here if you can State your questions in the form of a comment we'll let you conclude and then if anyone wants to an if anybody would like to comment on that that knows about it I would appreciate it okay thank you okay any further anything to add yeah I'll just comment I was here at that time um the grant was given by our Congressman Bill Young uh who arranged for it Mary Maloof was mayor at the time uh everybody uh was elated that we got the $55 million to build our Taj Mahal Bridge um damn the maintenance but I believe that in that contract or in that Grant from the government um that the city was liable for maintenance I think that's the way it was stated so we knew UPF front and there were discussions going up front you know do we keep it and charge tolls do we take the Grant and suck up the money for uh maintenance but those were the two Alternatives and the city said let's take the grant the other what you may be thinking of is there's has been there's nothing on on paper in the grant paperwork or official documentation but there are some newspaper articles covering the story of what is commonly referred to as a gentleman's agreement between Comm or Congressman Young and the city at the time that he would do everything that he could to fight for federal Appropriations to pay for the maintenance moving forward but there wasn't any sort of legal promise for that it was more so a gentleman's agreement that they would help us do that and then Congressman young passed away and that promise wasn't able to be kept and also shortly thereafter they we got the bridge funding through an ear earmark and shortly thereafter they got they stopped doing earmarks all together so that was his proposed that was his plan to get us the funding was to continue adding earmarks for us um but the federal government stopped doing that so those are some of the reasons why that is there and there was also a gentleman's agreement that we would not put a toll back on the on the bridge as well um so those are the things that we're kind of working with and we're doing everything that we can still on we have Federal lobbyists to this day that are always talking to um people in DC about any opportunities that we might have to get secure more funding to help with the maintenance of the bridge but it's um it's not doesn't really work we've explored a lot of opportunities and um had a lot of conversations about it so we now our strategy is we use our lobbyists to get funding for other things that the city needs that are more reasonable to or more um available for us to to get more winable so we've gotten a lot of funding for our sewer system and our roadways and things that we weren't getting before so we get that funding in and that kind of is able to offset what we have to spend on the bridge any other comments before we vote good one you got it all right thank you roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor pay I all right thank you that that is our last item of business um can we just do city manager and City attorney reports before we sure adjourn and does that work for your system s do you need a break or anything I'll make a note in the minutes that we just continued okay all right I don't have anything to report tonight all right I don't have a lot uh most of it we've covered with this uh action-packed agenda so I appreciate all the support I particularly appreciate the fact that uh that you were willing to understand what it was that we were talking about with the connectivity plan and subsequently the Gulf Boulevard uh safety study portion of it uh the only thing I can be absolutely sure of in any of you who have ever dealt with fdot is if we didn't have a plan we wouldn't have a seat at the table uh and so this has and and do is very very good as is forward pelis of of includ us when these things are happening as a result of of our willingness to sit down with them and uh and work through these issues same thing with St Pete Beach so uh that's that's a big deal again I apologize for the problem with the uh with the ordinance we'll get that fixed and get it right back to you concludes my comments all right thank you um can you give us a brief update on our plan for tomorrow when we need to be here scheduling sure for the city manager selection the uh day in essence will kick off with the staff tomorrow at 7:30 uh where we're going to do panel uh type uh interviews with the individual candidates over the course of the morning uh we're asking you all to to come in around 11:30 and join us for lunch uh and then uh the afternoon is going to have them uh doing tours that the staff is going to that the staff is going to take them on individual tours uh and then the evening is uh is the meet and greet starts at 6 o'clock from 600 to 8 o'clock upstairs in the prominade room uh Thursday morning is also a very early morning including you all uh where we're going to convene at about 7:30 uh you all are going to uh convene as a body uh at which time you will interview each of the individual candidates by themselves they to give a brief little presentation uh and then you will be uh interviewing they have alloted uh or Doug is alloted about an hour and a half per candidate uh you may or may not use all that uh knowing you like I do I would find it hard to believe that you will use all that time but but you may uh and you certainly feel need to feel comfortable doing that at the conclusion of those interviews uh again then there will be uh there'll be another lunch reconvene uh and then you will get together as uh the commission again uh and and if you're able make a make a selection all right just to clarify we have lunch tomorrow at 11:30 and then we have our one-on ones with the candidates after that in the afternoon right okay and then the meet and great all right any questions on that all right anything else all right we're adjourned thank you everyone roll through that