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full full days of crowded Beach going the adopted Beach Crew will be out on July 4th handing out 500 trash bags stuffed in Koozies we need more volunteers this is a really fun way to engage with our visitors we usually go out between 4 and 7 p.m. when trash cans are filling up or have already been fill and we encourage people to use the bags to place their trash next to the full cans but also to suggest that they bring their trash with them to toss out at home if anyone would like to get a supply of 15 to 20 of these to hand out please reach out to me at Treasure Island adopted Beach gmail.com and I'll arrange to get them to you prior to the 4th there will be another major cleanup on the morning of July 5th usually we are cleaning up fireworks debris from personal fireworks every year we are hoping with enforcement of existing ordinances that we will see less of that this cleanup organizes across the street from Waffle house with free parking and supplies keep panel's beautiful will be joining that day and we are hoping to have many volunteers that morning and finally another cleanup on Sunday July 7th in the evening same bat Time same bat Channel I am here to help and educate and guide I was never an expert and I don't claim to be I found this passion and I don't want to see the beauty of Treasure Island destroyed I love this beach and this community and I ask that you join Jo me in the efforts with that I have created a beach ambassador program and already 27 people have signed up for orientation SL trining we are a group of like-minded people that are willing to spend about an hour understanding what the ordinances are some turtle education as well as simple ways to approach beachgoers to remind them about what it takes to keep the beach clean flat and dark we will not be policing as a matter of fact if a beach Ambassador just wants to walk the beach in their bright yellow Beach ambassador's shirt that's fine too for a small donation to keep pelis beautiful and a signed agreement waiver each Beach Ambassador will be furnished with a yellow Beach Ambassador t-shirt not this one they are at the printer um you'll get a bucket a trash picker a shovel a reusable reusable gloves and a light filter from clear water marine aquarium to check lighting of buildings for our sea turtles they should be Amber not white as Turtle Mamas and hatchlings are drawn to light I appreciate this commission and all you do on your own as your own on your own part whether it's handing out trash bags picking up trash on our Causeway attending Beach cleanups and or doing your part to keep Treasure Island clean flat and dark I invite you our elected officials to please join me the beach ambassador program will be launched this month with support from keep poun beautiful our police and fire departments as well as many other Treasure Island City officials we can make a difference people have discovered our treasure and more and more are coming imagine being a treasure of visitor to Treasure Island staying at a hotel vacation rental staying with family or friends or just coming in for the day imagine seeing people walking the beach in these yellow shirts you would wonder hey what are they doing what's going on what is this wow this community really cares let's not trash their Beach let's fill in the holes let's knock down castles let's take home our trash let's give this a try making Treasure Island a model of an environmentally conscious City can and will catch on to other communities again please reach out to me at Treasure Island adopto Beach gmail.com thanks for your time thank you Carrie do we have any other public comments all right hearing none we'll move into our commissioner reports and we'll start with commissioner Toth okay good evening and thank you for attending Carrie thank you for all you're doing and also I'd like to say a special thank you to our police and fire department Mercedes and meteorologist Mike Clay for their presentations on Hurricane preparedness it's important to realize that our city lies in an a evacuation Zone which means we are the first group to Evac Evacuate the at the Expo we learned that they stressed the importance of preparations and putting preparations in place before the last minute before we have a hurricane heading towards us we also learned that the gulf and Atlantic waters are warmer at this time than they have ever been and the weather forecasters are predicting a very active hurricane season there is a popup that's located on our City website it's called be storm ready the link opens to website with all the information about how to prepare for a storm and what is required to get safely back on our Island also there is a link and the same link um to alert TI where you can sign up for emergency alerts for active situations in our city such as water outage Etc I would also like to express my appreciation to the American Legion Post 158 for hosting the Memorial Day ceremony for our residents it's a special honor to be with our veterans and remember those we lost that gave all to our service of our country and then lastly I'd like to remind everybody on Thursday June 6th we will reflect upon the 80th anniversary of D-Day I hope that we take the time on Thursday to honor the memory of the Brave Allied troops who paid in life and blood they fought and many died on the beaches of Normandy to defend our nation defeat Fascism and protect our freedoms thank you thank you vice mayor doctor I do not have a report tonight okay commissioner minning a couple things um those of you who have driven down the causeway I'll call it the West Causeway uh from the bridge to the St James Place uh we have talk to city and City staff about uh I'll say enhancing The View corridor um there you know the bottle brush trees were removed uh and as you look East from St James Place um we see some nice vegetation but it's pretty low Ling and so we're working with City staff to try and get some uh height uh in there in terms of some vegetation uh nothing elaborate nothing like the median Palms uh but at least something there to break up the visual um perspective as you look down that Corridor second things we're also moving mov forward with the um Palm removal uh along Paradise Boulevard uh if you recall from the last commission meeting we said that the diseased uh Palms that were in front of the towers uh I think there were nine uh there that are going to be removed uh and that will be undertaken here shortly undertake it um and so we'll um replace those I'm not sure what the selected uh replacement vegetation will be but it's not not going to be as high and it's not going to grow up into the wires so that's my report great thank you thank you commissioner dicki I just have one item uh most Sunset Beach residents may have already noticed that late last week of uh Park Mobile signs were placed uh on 39 locations in Sunset Beach this is telling all of us that the implementation of paid parking on our side streets is not far away as a matter of fact it's likely in the next couple of weeks uh the city's already begun an in informational campaign to alert residents of this change the campaign includes uh emails to Residents notices on Facebook next door and Instagram uh I hope we also use the uh variable Message Board uh to alert in particular non-residents who are going to be probably the hardest uh group to reach out to and communicate about this uh upcoming change but I did me I did meet uh Sunday with six Treasure Island residents to talk about this issue because once those signs start appearing there's it was clear that we still have a lot of communication uh to do on this to our for our residents uh specifically but if any of you have any questions or want to spend some time with me I'm more than glad to sit down with you and talk with you about what the what the plans are U that's all I have all right thank you um I do not have anything to add um but thank you guys for all giving great updates um next we have approval of minutes we have the commission special meeting for April 19th and May 15th for approval I move to approve the minutes of the special commission meeting for April 19th 2024 and May 15 2024 as written second okay we have a motion and a second um any further discussion comments all right any public comments on our minutes hearing roll call please vice mayor doctor hi I commissioner Min I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth I mayor Payne hi thank you thank you all right next is our consent agenda we have one item on consent this evening which is hold harmless agreement for the use of the City of St Petersburg training facility so I'll entertain a motion to approve our consent agenda I move to approve the hold harmless agreement with the city of St Petersburg to allow the fire department to utilize their fire training grounds for inservice training second okay it's been moved and seconded any discussion on the consent agenda all right hearing none um any public comment all right Ral call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min I commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne I all right into our items of business first up is J1 first reading and public hearing for ordinance 2024-25 7 an ordinance of the city of Treasure Island Florida amending chapter 38 Recycling and waste management of the city of Treasure Island's code of ordinances by revising section 38-4 unlawful practices generally and section 38-5 enforcement procedures and penalties to provide for enforcement um revising sections 38 section 38-14 duties of single family residential customers to improve city access to storage containers revising section 3815 duties of multif family residential customers to improve city safe access to storage containers Rising section 38-16 duties of commercial customers to improve city safe access to storage containers providing for conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you Stacy did you want to cover the change we made since it's posted sure so um what's before you tonight is um and what was uploaded to granicus today is the ordinance that's being considered but prior to that there was a a slight change with 384 there was one revision that was in subsection six there was a strike through of yard waste and that's been eliminated um but the the other change which is to subsection 10 there remains so um it's still illegal to burn yard waste um so the changes um just to elaborate a little bit on um what Jennifer described in the title of the ordinance is is the change to enforcement procedures and penalties um prior to this change the majority of the violations that were listed in the ordinance went through a citation process and we were actually excited to do that because we thought that maybe we could effect change quicker by being able to issue citations and um the one violation that still will be enforced by citation is with regard to unlawful placement of yard debris and we do believe that that's critical um during storm events um the the major change was that everything else is reverted back to code enforcement so that um non-compliance will result in um you know escalating viol or enforcement procedures through the code enforcement board or special magistrate and the reason why we feel like this is very important to do is because we've had a number of injuries and complaints and turnover in our sanitation department due to unkempt conditions of these dumpster enclosures so we're finding um enclosures that have divots in them just not being maintained really difficult to roll the dumpsters in and out particularly when they're heavy particularly at restaurants you have a lot of the liquid waste that's still getting in there um we have slope issues where we have to have um the dumpster roll out and uh you know someone there to stop it from rolling out in the Gulf Boulevard and trying to catch it before it hits um so I I will say um with regard to dumpsters in the past 12 months we've had eight um eight injuries or accidents that have occurred which is a lot and four of them we feel fairly confident um could have been avoided if we had better conditions in those areas um so we changed the enforcement process the placement of containers um for single family residence it's always been in there that it has to be 3T from and it lists a number of things one thing that our staff has told that it doesn't say 3T from the other containers um so they you know commonly have to get out and separate the trash and recycling from each other when those occur on the same day and that just kind of slows down the process so that was another change that was made um duties of multif family and Commercial customers that were changed like I said the screening the enclosures and the gates all need to be kept in good condition and free of debris a lot of times we'll find sticks and sand and other things there that also make those dumpsters difficult to pull which can result in injury um it specifies a maximum slope for the dumpster access route so it's not just right there in the enclosure it's all the way to the point of collection that we have to pull those dumpsters to to get them hooked up to the back of the truck so that whole area needs to be smooth and of a reasonable slope um if if there's failure to comply um until we get to compliance they can be required to roll it out all the way to that point of collection on those days and the additional change that was made specifically for commercial um customers was that the size of the Rolling surface and the pads can be determined by staff um here at the city because what we're finding is when you have commercial customers particularly when they have restaurants there's a lot of different considerations that need to be taken into account when sizing those appropriately because when they're not sized well enough it's it's a lot harder to change it on the back end and when you have overflowing dumpsters and they're harder to push that's another issue that we're experiencing pretty frequently so I'm here if you have any questions any questions for Stacy um I was just wondering do you have um any idea of like how many properties that this might impact and or how many properties you're you've identified or dealing with that don't have um dumpster areas that are in compliance with this currently as this is written M we're at about 19 right now um our code enforcement staff was able to issue courtesy notices of violation and got some calls back and said yes you know we want to do this we want to make it right but no further action on their end and so we would like to do another courtesy notice and try to work with them and explain once this is adopted the changes to the ordinance and what that means and um we're happy to work with them to to come up with a solution and I see in the um business impact statement that you at estimate that the average construction cost of um kind of rebuilding an entire enclosure is about $4,000 right yes yeah we looked it um over the past uh four years whenever people have had a new site plan or dumpster work that they've done modifications they range from 2,000 to 6,000 for the work okay any other questions on the uh funding you say no funding is requested at this time is there any point in time that a funding would be requested for this no all right anything else all right thank you Stacy um I'll entertain a motion I move to approve and schedule ordinance 2024-25 that we just need to keep our staff safe yeah thank you for identifying this as an issue and I'm sorry that you've had to deal with um difficult property owners that aren't bringing it into compliance and I wish we didn't have to kind of go this far to create the change to solve the problem but um hopefully this will help and we'll um get our our residents and our property owners to come into compliance because it is it's a it's a dangerous job when you think about it especially for so many of our properties along Gul Boulevard that um are our trash um workers are getting out of the vehicle to move these big trash cans and dumpsters um when you have those on a big incline or moving them over unstable train that's not a a safe condition for our workers to be in so hopefully our residents understand the need for this and um are okay with moving forward do we have any public comments all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner minin I commissioner dicki I commissioner Toth hi mayor pay I thank you all right next item is J2 um which is author authorization to the city manager for the execution of purchase order to Harbor Side Fleet Solutions LLC for vehicle repair services in the amount of $60,000 good evening mayor Commissioners um Harbor Fleet solution is a diesel fleet repair shop in addition uh Harbor fleet has a mobile service that the city uses uh we just started using them back in 2023 the purpose was to have the city uh use this mobile service company to make on-site repairs of our diesel engine equipment the expect expectation was to use them on a trial basis to see how they could be integrated into our uh garage maintenance program however the um however what happened was we started using them and we started using them as a garage and not a mobile service unit what that did was is they were being sent out and the and the cost that was coming in were good cost but we did not have the ability to go over $225,000 well it did go over $225,000 and this is why I'm here today is to correct that problem of us going over the 25,000 by requesting a um the authorization to spend up to 60,000 with uh Harbor Fleet one of the things that has happened in the last three months is we had a um about a year ago ago we we um one of our mechanics left it took us probably about 6 months to hire another mechanic for three months we had that mechanic and then we had to let him go because he wasn't um he wasn't up to the the task of being a Fleet Service uh provider so we um hired this Harbor Fleet to basically to come in and help us well I wasn't on top of the purchasing enough and so we went over $25,000 it was two work orders that they used in there because they have also a fleet um garage of their own we took two vehicles to their Fleet and that's why it took us over the $25,000 so um this has happened one time in 10 years that we've been over our purchasing agreement or purchasing approval so I do want to apologize for that and that it will probably not happen another 10 years so I would like to ask permission or authorization to um put a purchase order together for $60,000 so that we can um get back using this company okay any questions for Mike I goad go ahead um Mike is the position the garage mechanic still open yes it is is and are we still looking to fill that position on a daily basis and if we get it filled we wouldn't likely need all the $660,000 that we're allocating is that am I interpreting that correctly no no we will still need the 60,000 okay this is not just for replacement of that person it's to help us help the garage in a mobile position that mobile position the mobile service is so that they can come to our yard and use our facilities so that that truck doesn't have to go to their facility when we take a truck to a facility we need two people two vehicles so we were trying to offset that time by having a mobile service come in and do it we just what we did was is we used them for the wrong process for the wrong we shouldn't be using a mobile Fleet company in my mind to do work in their garage so that was something that I did not even recognize until I started looking at the purchase orders so we would still need that $60,000 to get us pass this year and we've got June July and August September so we're not going to stop using them with another person that's coming in we have uh we have 10 individual companies that help us with our Fleet um so having another one is good but it will still be used that 60,000 will be used up okay by the end of the year if not it'll go back into the budget you got that information from me no actually well I was talking when I talked to uh each of you all about this I had uh thought that when we hire a new mechanic uh that this demand would go down uh if I'm wrong will certainly correct that but at this particular point this is to get us through this year uh and then we will evaluate that I I promise we'll evaluate it as we go forward when we get a mechanic and see what the offset could could possibly be so that's not mic that was on me what is considered full staff in our mechanic department so we're we're just down one right now we're two full times so we're half We're Half Full okay yeah and typically do you know probably not off the top of your head but kind of going off the same point how much you you mentioned we have 10 other vendors that you use for Fleet Services so do you have like a total spend that you yes typically do and then how much it would be because we're down one person how much additional we're looking at at this point uh we're at 140 $2,000 in garage Services over 10 10 different um companies ranging from 41,000 which is the most to $643 for basically Parts at this point so we use 10 different ones a lot of times it's who who can we get it the vehicles in quickly and get them out quick so it's just just a conglomerate of of of of uh service providers for us our budget is around 250,000 so if you look at 142,000 we're at 34 of the way full we'll probably go up to2 200,000 so we'll be $50,000 under budget that doesn't really make a lot of difference because if a truck is broken we have to get it fixed and we got to get it fixed as fast as we can because we don't have a lot of redundancies in our system okay commissioner Manning um Mike how many vehicles does this cover well maybe you could just run through by department does it cover all police yeah but I don't have them in front of me we we have um probably 42 Vehicles plus how many did the did the um did the police just add so we've got what 65 now or something like that I can give you an actual number but those I'm sorry what I say it's all the different departments the vehicles that each of the Departments have we have that I just don't remember them off the top of my head okay but that's what this agreement covers all of those all the entire fleet people will be servicing what has gone out to this specific Fleet uh provider has been mostly sanitation because they're big diesels um we have Ford you know Walker Ford for the for the police vehicles high faab and uh Tampa cranum body is with the diesel Atlas is um you know just hydraulic stuff rdk assets is another one that we use um so we we use a lot of different companies and the more you have the better it is because we can find one that's not as busy and we just we take it to them this one was basically for providing services on site here or I would have come here and gotten a $25,000 or above 20 you know 30,000 for it like I did uh hiab and Tampa crane ody but the motion here is for any vehicle serviced by yes um the mobile Fleet correct correct correct okay and all those charges for each of those individual Vehicles goes to that department okay so in the funding request I put down the solid waste because my what we've used to them is the majority is sanitation uh sanitation is probably um 80% of the cost of our garage okay but those charges that PO comes out of Public Works or comes out of Sanitation yes okay and the same for police the same for we don't do individual we don't do individual POS we can with a purchase order let's say I I open up a purchase order with with one funding source if that funding source let's say it goes to police it'll get charged to police okay and that's for a police vehicle for a police vehicle sanitation it would go to sanitation funding my answer yes Department in this memo I just put sanitation because the like 99% of it is sanitation okay but of that $60,000 that you're requesting um 45 could go to sanitation 10 could go to parks and right it could but most likely it won't okay but I'm just saying that's the way that this could be divided correct correct okay thank you yes but you state in your memo that the funding is coming from the solid waste fund because 90% of it is going to come I can I could put down the other three codes but it wouldn't matter because if we're going to use them that we're going to take that amount it won't be a sep po it'll be just separate billing the PO you don't okay a PO you can have a 100 invoices for one po okay okay so if 80% of them are solid waste they go to that fund okay but each expense go is individually taken out and put into that account thank you funding yes if and if I'm interpreting all this correctly we're not ask you're not asking for any more money no if this is all budgeted you just need for this particular vendor uh a larger purchase order than you currently have on file that is correct okay thank you we normally don't get to that point so that's why it put me into a bad situation is we're at 41,000 right now I'm what 177,000 over my my li limit yeah so I'm coming in here for forgiveness okay and has happened one time in my 10 years here okay so it's rather embarrassing a little bit all right any other questions for Mike good all right do we have a motion I move for the city commission to approve staff's recommendation to authorize the city manager to approve a purchase order to Harbor Side Fleet Solutions LLC for vehicle repair services in the amount of $60,000 second okay any further discussion all right any public comment okay hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min hi commissioner Dicky hi commissioner Toth hi May Payne hi all right thank you Mike um that is all for our regular meeting so we'll go ahead and adjourn and we will reconvene in about 5 minutes for our Workshop meeting okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back um this is the June 4th 2024 um Board of Commissioners Workshop meeting and we'll go ahead and call the meeting to order and we'll start with um our city manager and City attorney reports I don't have anything to report this evening okay I've got enough for both of us all right uh first I want to talk to you a little bit about our approach to fireworks uh we are not initiating an ordinance that bans fireworks what we are doing is uh having fireworks enforced on ordinances that are already on the books and the big three are leave no Trace one of the problems we've been experienc is experiencing is excess litter and debris uh no open Flames uh which we've also banned smoking so there is no need for an open flame on the beach can't light fireworks without a flame uh and then lastly in respect to and in protection of our Turtle population uh the lights associated with uh fireworks are potentially detrimental uh to the to the turtle population so those are the three ordinances that previously we haven't been overzealous in enforcing as it pertained to fireworks we intend to start doing that now uh there is an option that uh the city uses for its fireworks and that is uh submitting for and applying for a permit uh and that opportunity is available uh to groups for special events if if they see fit uh but that without that permit uh intend to allow no fireworks on the beach okay any questions for Gary on that the only question I have is that seems and i' really would like to address this to Chief Barkley it seems like uh it that approach is going to make it more difficult to enforce I maybe you can help me understand there's no question it's going to make it more difficult but it's our only alternative okay chief I didn't mean to step on your toes no absolutely not um that's a proba point what we're going to try to do through education and social medias let people just leave them at home um the reason this has happened and and I know there's been public comment I'm going to I don't want to take this off the rails here but there's just to answer some of the questions that have been out in the in the stratosphere or whatever is you know why are you doing this now what's going on when the State of Florida relaxed their restrictions on fireworks it allows people to locally buy fireworks that you used to have to go to Tennessee or North Carolina so to buy so it's not that there hasn't ever been fireworks on our beaches is now the type and style of what is now allowed has been brought on the beach and until last year and the year before we didn't have people literally Towing carts of mortar shells and you know we we noticed the danger last year when this started to go off um nobody who was on the beach can really deny that you know myself and the fire chief we all standing there and it's our jobs as public servants as your police chief and fire chief to identify dangers and a potential danger that we just can't tell everything's wonderful and then have a child or somebody get injured by a mortar that tips over in the sand hit somebody in the side of the head and then the next year they're going to be standing in front of you why didn't you do something about it so it's it's our jobs to identify danger and this is definitely a dangerous situation so not being able to enact an ordinance what we're going to do we went back and did legal research into what are existing ordinances that would cover some of that but a lot of this is going to be public education variable Message Board signs social media which you which you hit social media tomorrow telling people hey watch the professionals do it come to the beach we want you to enjoy your time here there's a reason that our professional fireworks people have a 600 foot perimeter around what they're lighting off there's nobody lighting off fireworks on our beach their personal fireworks ah had a 600 foot safety perimeter we have seos catch on fire every year we have garbage cans that burn down every year that's from people's personal fireworks so in interest of safety leave it at home enjoy the professional show it's a new vendor this year we're all excited to see what they have and we want everybody to enjoy their time at the beach safely very very good thanks Chief thank you any other comments all right the uh real quickly wanted to talk two aspects of renourishment uh as you all have read and I'm sure a lot of folks have heard Passad Grill is uh next up and they are in the process of getting ready to do renourish passag gril now the big difference between Treasure Island and passag gril is they require no easements that the Corp of Engineers is is requiring uh we do uh but we can't even get the Army Corps of Engineers to identify what easements we need at this point uh we're still working with that uh and trying to get ourselves in position to be renourished uh but we have not stopped nor has the county uh nor has the state in supporting our desire desire to be renourished uh we're getting we're stumbling at the Army Corps of Engineers and I just wanted to clear up because we've gotten a lot of questions why pass a grill not us the answer to the question is they don't require the same uh easements that we do uh for the Army Corps of Engineers We are continuing to pursue that uh but that's where we are to that end uh we asked the mayor on behalf of the city of Treasure Island to send a letter uh to uh our legislative delegation asking for support of the County's initiative on the word act to make to try to get the Army Corp of Engineers uh through the legislative process uh to provide us the easements that they're asking for and to do those things or tell us what those things are that are necessary in order to be eligible for re nourishment so those two things are happening simultaneously questions on renourishment uh just wanted to know that wanted you all to know we've talked about this for quite some time the treasure uh bay bid uh has gone out it went out today uh for both the golf course and the living shore line and all of the components that everybody's kind of intimately familiar with so that in fact is on the street as soon as we get that back uh we'll be able to uh bring it forward to you all to make sure that we've got uh appropriate information for you then to make the decisions that you made need to make associated with Golf Course walking uh or living Shoreline so forth questions on that sir the bid request that went out is it require one bid for all three uh projects or or someone can somebody bid for the individual projects it allows for one bid for all uh but it also allows for individual bids on different aspects of the project okay thank you we're hopeful I'm not going to kid you we're hopeful that we get one bid because that makes the coordination a whole lot easier uh but if we get two and those are the two better bids then that's the way we'll do it then it becomes a scheduling issue so for clarification they needed to bid all three projects no no they didn't need to okay so that had been re been changed that that that is a change from the last time we were talking before okay uh we did we do recognize different subject we did recognize that uh we got overwhelmed on Memorial Day with some of the trash pickups uh it is it's a challenge uh getting the equipment out there uh there was as Carrie said a little bit earlier there was an enormous amount of people and the trash was bigger than we had planned for uh Public Works is now meeting uh this week uh and they're going to develop a plan for future holiday type events like uh July 4th Labor Day and issues where we're going to have this to make sure that we've got everything we need in order not to have that repeat itself are there any ideas off the cuff for what that solution more people might be more staff to empty the trash can it's predominantly more staff uh the other challenge is when you get the number of folks on the beach that we had this past weekend uh you can't get our equipment out there so now we've got individuals that are having to roll these cans uh off the beach to a place where it can get a vehicle because we it's packed yeah and there was no way to do that so that's what kind of compounded the challenge we thought and previously we had had that was enough people to be there to do what we needed them to do uh but between the volume of people that were there and the volume of trash that they generated uh it got the better of us so we're going back and and going to have more people try to figure out ways to uh to better utilize the equipment but that's what the whole planning process is about okay I know we're kind of constricted with the amount of trash cans that we have in inventory but based on my experience being out there um for cleanups the next day or even the the evening of some of these holiday weekends I witnessed um right here mainly in the main the main Beach area being very um that's where all the trash is mostly concentrated but we spaced the trash cans out kind evenly all the way up and down the beach so there's other parts of the beach that aren't as populated as these Main Beach accesses so think we can kind of more strategically place the trash cans when I went out there with Carrie I I physically moved a couple of the trash cans that were totally empty in places that people weren't using the beach to the ones that were totally overflowing and tried to move the trash off the ground into those trash cans so I lugged the the cans down that were empty and kind of reposition them and that's what we're kind of you're forced to do otherwise it sits there overnight and on the ground and birds are going to get all into it and make an even bigger mess so I think a little bit more strategic placement of the cans that we do have may help as well and it is it's a lot of cans to put in a concentrated area and it's not very pretty but on holiday weekend I think that that's really the best solution fair point we'll certainly consider that as well and and I know the beaches are extremely crowded during the day but early in the morning we might be able to get our equipment in there to empty those trash in the morning we can and do okay uh it's usually later in the afternoon that we get overwhelmed and uh that's what happened this last early morning is not the issue right and uh our guys were out there we even had a couple of folks that uh sent messages I got a couple saying you know where's the trash guy's picking up five minutes later trash guy was just here MH they were preceding our guys our guys go first thing in every single morning but strategically setting up the cans and figuring out a way to do it more frequently is is really our challenge at this that's all I have okay any questions for Gary all right thank you onto our discussion items first up is B1 which is draft Treasure Island downtown Mobility plan discussion of proposed intersection improvements at 104th Avenue 106th Avenue and First Street East I'll turn it over to Stacy thank you so this goes back to November of 2022 um we were talking at that time a lot about the potential for downtown Redevelopment we were talking about micromobility and we had already adopted a strategic plan at that time that had several objectives that were tied to enhancing connect activity and improving safety throughout the city um so through the drafting of this uh plan I just um wanted to reiterate that there were multiple engagement sessions that were held and those comments were um recorded and were taken into consideration um prior to drafting the report that has come before you so the one project um we wanted to bring it back one by one to kind of break it down because it was a lot that was included in this plan and the one we wanted to talk about tonight is the inter SE that's shown on the screen what you'll see on the left is the current configuration and on the right is showing a proposed configuration and this is the intersection at 104th Avenue where it meets um 106th Avenue and First Street here at the corner of TI Park see so I kind of bulleted several of the reasons why the consultant listed this as a project um it's not an inexpensive project but it's relatively low in complexity which is one important thing to note because I know when we've discussed this plan before it is an important plan to think about prior to adopting because we have several elements in this plan that are triggered by certain activities that can happen within the city you know when we talked about 107th Avenue um which is off the table now but when we talked about that that was an example of a project that when development were to occur adjacent there that this that would trigger these actions to occur because the plan would have already been adopted this project that we're discussing tonight is an independent project meaning that it can be kept in the adopted plan but funded or not funded by the commission through our CIP process if the you know conditions arose that made you feel that that needs to be done so when we talk about again going back to downtown Redevelopment the south side of pirate Square um which will be at some point in time probably redeveloped we talked about how in the city's current downtown codes it prohibits the Ingress and egress from 17th Avenue so what will happen there is you will see 106th and First Street having much higher traffic loads in the future than they do currently um because you'll have you know if they max out the the density on that site you'll have more people there and then they'll be using these other streets which now become more of the backbone of our downtown traffic area and so looking ahead and looking at this intersection and projecting higher traffic loads in the future our consultant thought that this was an important project to keep in the plan as a consideration so what we had prior or today rather um is an intersection that has difficult lines of sight and it's high in complexity um for people particularly when they're not familiar with the city um you may or may not know that um there is a regional bike path um that is advertised and projected throughout multiple Publications in the county and the formal bike route from the causeway and from the city of St Petersburg actually runs through this area and it goes from 104th um here from 107th along 104th to Gul front you know right back here so it's it's difficult if you think about it from a perspective these long angles that are formed by the triangle configuration make Crossing non-predictable so I don't know if you can see the arrow here but if you were a biker taking that path and you were traveling this way sorry and then you had a car that wanted to turn right or wanted to continue on 106th how how do you know that that is happening right so the bike assumes they have right away and they don't so that's one instance here other than just squaring it up for lines of site that make it problematic um so one of the things a consultant looked at he did look at um police reports and traffic incidents over you know the past decade or so and did not find that any significant accidents um had occurred nothing that resulted in injuries um that he saw over over the past several years but he did feel that if you added additional traffic loading to this area the responsible thing to do was to make it a predictable intersection here and by doing so you have right now what you have is a a mixture of yields through um movements and you also have stop signs so you have three different things happening within one intersection and what the squaring off does is it provides that four-way stop and in his analysis and looking at those full full developed downtown traffic loads it only resulted in a 10 to 15c additional um delay in traffic and so they did provide a cost estimate to perform some of these improvements a significant amount these are very high level cost estimates by the way um this this is not a design we're not at that level yet but um they did feel that a significant amount of funding would go towards uh utility relocates um that are within that intersection and they looked at to con to include design and construction their High planning level high contingency cost was about $530,000 and so I'd like to discuss it with you all and hear any comments that you might have Okay who wants to start I joined a number of folks that are in the in the audience uh on Saturday was it Saturday or Sunday I lose track of of my days since Saturday thank you and um and we sat there and watched everyone and you know it was interesting how many horns are you know how many people are flipping each other off and everything else because one things they have the right away and the other doesn't um some dangerous uh sight lines especially for bicyclists and the when the the cars are pulling up at certain points they're looking to see where the cars are but they're not even paying any attention to the pedestrians or the bikes right and uh so I think that uh I think this is a good solution I think it's a very expensive solution and I'd like to see if there's a way to bring down that cost uh I know there's some drainage kind of mixed in there and some utilities and everything else uh but I do think that uh you know we've had uh for a while we've had a lot of folks that are on 104th that are complaining about the speeds of the vehicle and what one thing this does as well is that it's going to slow everybody down and having the four-way stop and uh I so I think that this is a good solution I'd just like to see it be a heck of a lot cheaper than $530,000 yep I I concur with commissioner doctor uh I I I didn't talk with anybody who disagreed with the need uh for improvements that we need to make here for pedestrian and bicycle is safety uh it is a it is a dangerous intersection even though the the accident reports don't reflect that but it just it's just an accident waiting to happen there so 100% support doing something there $530,000 sounds like a lot of money so so I would like to see the what the components of that are I didn't catch that $175,000 in utility relocation uh when I looked through the other stuff earlier but um uh but I would like to see what those 530,000 is it's uh it seems like a very worthwhile project but as commissioner doctor said let's let's see what we can do on on uh on doing it for less than than what's been uh suggested yeah one thing I would like to to mention because I should have said this before is that um in the consultant scope of work when they presented this draft plan they were going to go back and detail out and refine some of the cost estimates after you all selected what you wanted to be in the final adopted plans um so we will get some more refinement and some more detail there it's just going to you know right now it's very high level just to allow you to help make decisions it won't be perfect it won't be a design but it'll be more refined yes I just have a question is the approximately 175 in utility relocation pretty much that pretty stable that almost 200,000 in utilities so and the rest is they look at the worst case scenario right now without spending money on surveys so it's very it's very high when you do planning level costs like this um it's not atypical to have a 30% contingency in there so the these should be high numbers right now okay so then we can expect to see something come back with actual costs I wouldn't say the actual cost because they're still at the planning phase without having the survey and the design um but they'll be more broken down so that you can understand where they're getting the numbers from and how they're broken out well I think it's important to remember what we're actually doing here we're looking at a plan that was put together as a comprehensive plan with a menu of options that we can choose from for projects in the future this isn't a discussion about are we doing this project right now are we funding this project for $530,000 right now are we putting it in the budget for that much we're not having any of those discussions right now it's just that's just an estimate it's a high level like Stacy said so I don't want to get too much into the Weeds on how much it's going to cost I think our decision at this point is is it a good idea is this intersection an issue that needs to be addressed and is this a good solution to it and then if the answer to that is yes it stays in the plan and then once we decide we want to move forward on that project that's when we go out to bid on it we get more detailed quotes and estimates and we decide whether it's a project that we can afford at that time and look for funding and decide on how we can um project manage that project to get those costs down at that at that point in time well in that case I do agree that it is a dangerous intersection and really the value of making it safe is essential yeah okay any other comments yeah um I'm not going to argue one way or another as to whether or not this is a high Hazard area uh we'll leave that to the law enforcement folks I do note however that there are have not been any reported accidents uh involving personal injuries um so I think that's something that we need to keep in mind second thing is we've got traffic right now that flows down 104th and you take a left off the causeway you go down forth and you wind up at the traffic light right out here um and that's a uh a reasonable Pathway to get from the causeway to Gul Boulevard without going to the traffic light at 107th what you're doing now with this proposal is you're saying when you come down 104th you're going to take that jaunt to the right you're going to wind up at this four-way stop and then you're going to have to make a left to continue um and that's just to to my opinion is going to cause for more traffic jam during High flows southbound or westbound uh off of 104th so we're adding another stop in there with this plan is that good is that bad yeah it breaks up the speeding it breaks up the High um um speed traffic down 104th but at what cost um are we going to be backing up people or are we going to be shunting people off down 106 so the people down 106 all of a sudden come out at G Boulevard and there's no light that's not a safe situation either yeah and we were so lucky to get um Joel man who we got from stanch as our consultant on this project because he is renowned in the country for traffic analysis and looking at that future downtown fully developed scenario his estimate was a 10 to 15c delay he did not see any back ups at this intersection or because of it yeah this was a piece of of a much larger plan yes and now that we're going to keep both lanes uh on 107th both lanes going east and west more people will choose to go straight to the light because now you are going to have to go to that four-way stop and it is going to slow you down and and so I think that what'll happen is you'll just see more folks going straight through town and uh and then you've got you know two lanes going to the left heading down to Sunset Beach and you know so I think that yeah it's comprehensive plan and we've changed one piece at comprehensive plan which basically is going to free up some other things uh for the good or bad it will do do that yeah and if you think of it from because I have the same concerns as commissioner minning that it doesn't really it I I like the flow how it is now because it does Lead You In One straight shot to a traffic and I am concerned that when people have that option of coming to that that aren't familiar with the area when they come to that four-way stop they're going to go straight and then they're going to end up on Gul Boulevard without a light so I was concerned about that but to vice mayor doctor's point I think that kind of addresses it the concern for me is that if you're looking at it from a visitor's perspective they're typically going to be following their GPS if they are it's their first time in town and their GPS is going to take them straight down 107 to go Boulevard and turn left it's not going to try to turn them that down that way and I think people do rely on their GPS so much that I don't I hopefully that won't be as much of an issue as I I initially thought it could be I went out there just before this meeting and drove around it probably like 20 different times in my car through every direction trying to figure out if there was a different way to do this because I don't love it coming down and coming to a stop and then you have to turn a hard left to get back down to this light and I just couldn't really come up with any other option that wasn't very oddly configured um so I do think that this is probably the best alternative option um but I would also be I'm curious to hear what the public has to say and um see see their thoughts on the project uh another aspect of this if you're a truck coming out of Puppets taking a right going up 104th uh all of a sudden you're going to come to this intersection with a you're going to take a a left and then you're going to have to go in front of the hardware store down first and then you get to um 107th and you're going to have to make a hard right um and that just to me doesn't um isn't conducive to traffic flow um you're adding another you're adding two more turns uh in there um when right now they've got a straight shot through to 107th um I just think it needs more consideration I'm not in favor of this I'll be voice that right now as it exists but I'm not saying it against not doing something um but this to me can compound a problem that we're trying to solve all right anything else from the commissioner at this point we'll we can discuss again after we hear for some public comment all right I have a few cards um first is Mark hoey good evening good evening evening Mark Hoy 225 104th Avenue uh right at the Confluence of all this discussion and I I'll tell you you we've uh resided there almost eight years so we've seen a little bit of everything that's taken place as you try to use that intersection whether on a bike whether on a motorized uh cycle whether in a golf cart primarily as a pedestrian walking through there and then also driving through there so uh you're right that is a very heavily used byass for people who want to get to a Gulf Boulevard and then of course travels South uh and our friends and Neighbors in Sunset Beach know that very well so the the challenge is is that you have multiple options that are taking place with pedestrians uh bicycles and then the car traffic that comes through there and it all happens uh simultaneously it is a heavily used bike path because anyone coming from Paradise Island any of the the uh hotels at the St James they they're coming along interestingly they're coming along on the for from where we're here here on the right side and then having to cross over to get on the wider sidewalk on the park side that's where so much of the confusion comes in because you can't really stay in a bike and ride up and down on the other side there's too many um Interlopers what I would say that are parking Vehicles right up to the RightWay along some of those developments that exist between this intersection and here at Gul Boulevard so people have to cross virtually have to cross they have to cross in that section and that's where you get into the wait a minute I'm looking at the yield I'm going to roll through a yield because I need to make a hard turn on to 104th from 106 or first and they're not looking they're not looking and and we've seen that time and time again of just roll throughs I understand the trucks you're exactly right it is a nice easy path for a lot of commercial vehicles uh and they're generally not the problem from a speed aspect the problem is the passenger cars and it's almost unenforceable because if you noticed from from a a top down you don't see it all in this that road makes two nice uh curves and that takes your line of sight away and these cars running 40 45 in a 25 Zone you don't have time to react they they come whizzing around what is basically a blind curve and right to that intersection from both directions so it's it's just one of those kind of uh anomalies if you did it purely on moving people in cars from 107th to Gulf Boulevard you probably wouldn't change a thing but we've got a lot of pedestrians and a lot of bicyc uh bicycles in that type of vehicle that use that and it gets even heavier of course during the tourist season because everybody's coming back and forth on that route so worthy of consideration I'm not a civil engineer Stacy uh the cost thing though does perplex me um I look at that we just relocated or or restored the main power lines on 104th they're all new they're all at least based on these drawings not in play there is a storm sewer drain there that drains that area that would probably have to be modified a little bit but it's there there's no removal the only thing I see in the way utilitywise is there is a cable and telephone wire Crossing that crosses the intersection on a on first but that's a relatively minor change so I think it would be worthwhile that we get a reasonable um engineering look at that for a cost because it seems extremely costly for the the amount of work we're basically taking away Paving and putting Landscaping in its place to make that work and we're not doing a lot of infrastructure but again I'm not an engineer anyway thank you for your uh attention to this and appreciate the evening thank you next is Kim Matthew good evening also residing at 225 104th Avenue separate units thought I would make that point um it is a confusing intersection unfortunately as Mark said the bicyclists do have to cross directly between the L the lanes of traffic um Unfortunately they get to the middle and realize they've lost their path and they have to now jog over to come down by the park so I think some clearer markings will help in the initial um downtown Mobility plan they did note that um it does not significantly impact utilities so I was a little surprised to see that number of 175,000 in utilities um so I'd be curious to see if this goes forward kind of how that shakes out um the other thing is we did notice a fire hydrant is sitting there at the edge of the park so I don't know if maybe that's in play with the utilities um but again I think it's worth taking a look at um to see what might fit into the budget that's I think a half a million may it may not be worth the half million but if we can find a way to make it work without spending quite that much money I think it would be worthwhile so thank you thank you former commissioner Beth Wetzel welcome back thank you thank you good evening mayor and Commissioners um so with this I'm here as a person who has every reason to believe that speed is an issue going from 107th over to Golf Boulevard that's my route every day and yeah it would it's great if you can get through it quickly but that's not the the goal of people we're not a highway here we don't need to speed and get from point A to point B the fastest and even on in the we all hate spring break traffic but really what stops us are the drawbridges the ones where we're actually really stopped so I would gladly as a person who has who takes that as my main route add an extra 30 seconds or a minute or two minutes even to go from there over to here to think that it's a safer option for people and when you listen to the people who are right there I don't care what the accident reports say I don't care what the police reports say this is a common sense situation every day when you drive it you see near misses thankfully thankfully we don't have a ton of accidents there um because it it could be very devastating um a lot of the residents people know to be on the lookout that you're you know you have to have your head on a swivel around here so I think that that's something that's really important and as far as the Public's trucks things like that they can come out and go on golf they can turn left they don't have to go that way they can go on Golf Boulevard they can go on the main thorough fars and most of them are professional drivers who can get around so I don't know that that is um an argument and I just uh it's a tough decision you guys have to make PE change people do not like change um you know it's one of the things that it's always around um but we also have a lot of residences back there it's it's between a residential area and a park it's not on you know a Golf Boulevard the main thorough Fair sure we have a lot of Walkers and things like that but um I think that there's every reason to do what we can to um slow down traffic in that area thank you for your time thank you all right Karen Barnett gentl 2011 104th Avenue which no surprise a lot of 104th Avenue people are here um I agree with everything that has been said I am curious on the utilities as well just simply because thank you commissioner Dicky and doctor for coming out and meeting with us when we were looking out there it was hard to see where and we were trying to figure out a the same thing trying to figure out a better way and and could not come up with one I think the main points are the two yields and the three stop signs because how many of you here think yield means you go through or how many of you think yield means you stop and there's somebody else there it's not just our visitors our residents are very confused as was I my husband and I of course disagreed but so I checked with Chief Barkley to find out exactly which what we were supposed to be doing because it's like yield I'm supposed to go I don't have a stop sign no I'm stopping they have to wait on me they have to yield um and the I don't know obviously everyone's familiar with it but that bicycle lane which is also a pedestrian Lane crosses in the middle of two other lanes so that essentially you're trying to walk while you've got cars coming this way and cars coming this way the ones who are heading towards 107th the intersection comes together like this and they become one road The Pedestrian Bicycle Way Comes this way so I am looking this way to make sure I'm not pulling out in front of another car when I get a break I go forward which is natural it's what you would do however a lot of times there's cars coming this way there are bikers or Walkers coming this way um makes it difficult to see when you're looking this way what you have to do and naturally you would think you're going to look quickly this way and go but you don't always see a pedestrian or a bike as easily as you see a car um there are lots of near misses uh I I think we had a few people rolling right through um both the stop sign and the yield sign when commissioner doctor was standing we were standing at the corner of Benjamin's there watching the people go through um and that was just on an afternoon between the time the morning Beach people have gone and the afternoon Beach people um have decided to go home and if you want to be there and really have a good time you should come for drum circle it's really interesting then thank you very much uh we are in in favor of the proposal we're willing to look I know my driveway I know it says nobody's interested and I think I have to change my driveway and I was trying to figure out that out too and was not very successful but would be happy to work with the city to come up with something that works for y'all and we can get out thank you very much for your time thank you all right do we have any other public comments all right hearing none any further commission discussion right kind of have to decide what way we want to move forward with so the I I'm glad the the people who live on 104th Avenue came here and spoke because they see it you know I'll drive through there once or twice a day so I'm I'm coming through for you know 30 seconds and I'm come and gone but these people live right across the street from this intersection they live it they see it every day and they unanimously see it as something we need to address I agree minning I think you're probably the the one that is still a little apprehensive about this so is this something that you can I I appreciate the need or at least the expressed need um to do something about this intersection but I'm concerned about what you're creating and you're creating some more turns um in here than what you have right now and that to me doesn't make any logic it's not logical you can up 104th you can now go either way I'll call it north south on there uh without access this now you're interrupting it and you're causing traffic that's coming eastbound on 104th to come to this intersection to go over to 107th to make another right turn to what do you think's going to happen at that intersection that's a pedestrian walkway there's another pedestrian walkway right there and so that's those are my concerns that we're doing something here to do something and it hasn't been completely thought through and that's my concern okay um to kind of rewinding not specifically talking about this project but as we've given the staff direction to kind of break up this Mobility plan into chunks so that we can discuss them in a more digestible format and give the public a chance to focus on each one I think we as a commission need to decide on a game plan on how we move forward as we review each one of these because we're not all going to agree on every single one of them so I need some guidance from you guys on how we move forward with each one of these because like I said as we go through each item we're not going to come to an agreement necessarily on all of them so if we have consensus from say four or three out of the five of us that this specific project in the plan is a good idea that we want to move forward with and keep in the plan do we move on and then ultimately we're going to have to vote on approving the plan as a whole right so at that point I'm I'm just trying to get a a a path forward do is that how we approach it we just kind of have the discussion take a consensus if it's a consensus to move it forward we keep it in the plan and then once it comes down to the final vote then we can kind of each assess whether we're comfortable with supporting the whole plan or not um is that I don't know how else to go about it yeah I know I I don't know do we really need to you know we we have an initial plan that was developed we've already changed one piece of it which was 107th and the two lanes each way um can we basically move forward on individual pieces of the the plan or do you really believe that we need to have everything come together after we look at every component and and then basically say well okay it's got to be this way so in our strategic plan and in our comprehensive plan we have identified that the city will adopt a city-wide connectivity plan and that has those three components to it that we've talked about before um the Gulf Boulevard component will come back before you um from for pelis at the next meeting that we have later this month um the Citywide one and then specifically the downtown one so that does our our comprehensive plan does guide how we make decisions in the city so I do think it's important that we have something with regard to this particular project um in the downtown plan like I mentioned earlier it's a no Stakes one to keep in there unless you feel very strongly as a commission that it should not be done like like was done on 107th Avenue there's no harm in keeping it in there because it's not stipulating that anyone do anything at any particular time and it's not creating something that um outside of Miss Burnett's driveway uh which which would be part of the project expense um it's it's not creating something that you're putting on a property owner to do um so it's a low stakes one just to keep in there it's not causing any action to happen it's just saying that we're supportive of the concept whether or not you want to fund it or not will be up to you in the future when you develop your cips for the budget um from a professional engineering standpoint you don't want to wait for accidents to happen before you address safety concerns and certainly um if we're seeing that many near misses now which is good to hear from our residents and if we are seeing those high density developments come downtown it would be something um that we would probably recommend in that cipu you know at some point in time and that is a good reminder that just because if we move forward like I was proposing we agree on each kind of segment as consensus then we take a vote on the whole thing just because there's a project like this in the plan doesn't mean we're committing to doing the project that will still come back before us as a commission or whatever commission is in office at that time to decide whether it's a good project to move forward with and how much it's going to cost um so that's something to keep in mind what one of the risk of of of uh looking at this project by project and by the way I do agree this is the right approach but what a risk in it is that you know commissioner Min doesn't agree with this component of it I might not agree with another component commissioner doctor would not agree with another one and commissioner Toth wouldn't agree with a a fifth one so we all and and and of course mayor you have you'd have your thoughts on it too so at the end of the day if we if we package this all into one big package we're going get five NOS on it because each one of us feel strongly about our particular piece of it having said that I think it's more important to look at these individually and as a as a group as a commission say this is a work and I'm saying this not this particular project but each one separately is a good project it should be included and in the final analysis we might have a uh we don't have to I guess I'm lobbying for not not package it in such a way that we risk losing the whole thing because somebody feels strong about one piece of it well I think that's kind of what I'm asking is if we take that approach do I have the support or the promise that we will all have open minds when it comes to the full project scope and that we're not going to get really super pigeon hold into specific projects and we can look at it as a whole plan and not get really stuck on one specific project because if we can't commit to that and thinking big picture then we might need to take another approach so I can say that if there's I mean there's a lot of projects in here and I already know that I don't agree with some of them so if there's a couple in there that I'm not fully on board with I am going to be able to support the plan as a whole knowing that in the future we will have to make individual decisions on each project knowing also that these are plans and suggestions that have come from experts that studied these extensively and have the education and the knowledge of what actually from a planning perspective is best and I don't have that sort of expertise so kind of deferring to that as well so so you what you're saying is that we're going to be these separate projects going to come before the commission as separate projects ultimately once they get yeah once we decide that we're going to move forward with them it would come before us to go out to bid and individual project okay because this is just a plan it's a it's a high overarching plan not saying that we're committing to doing all of them and I think that's what it's it's uh it's dangerous for um the residents who are looking at this super critically and looking at those estimates super critically is just because I know that it's a staggering number when you add all of them up in there it's multi multi multi-millions of dollars it's not saying that we're going to do all of them it's just in a picture perfect world if we had unlimited funding and this is everything that we could do to make Treasure Island a better place for for Mobility it's not saying we're going to do it over the next five years might take 25 years who knows how long it's going to take I don't necessarily know where the funding is going to come from we will work that out as we go um May I add one caveat to that because it is it is overall it's a very correct statement but um when we were looking at the need to have this plan one of the things that it was intended to do was to share in some of the development costs of these projects when adjacent development occurred and so if you did adopt the plan as it stands today with with the change that we've already made um there would potentially be projects in there that would be triggered by development and and that would be a city supported plan and adopted that we would make sure Property Owners um that would be affected were aware of so that if they came in for a site plan or renovation those are now requirements and it may trigger us to need to have action simultaneously at the same time um so when any big projects like that are take a long time to plan as well so that does still give us as you as staff and us as the commission ample time if someone comes in and says I'm going to develop this area we know from the very beginning that it needs to be on our radar to keep that in mind for CIP funding as you guys are putting together the the budget so I'm not I agree and thank you for pointing that out but I think we still have plenty of lead time to make those decisions on a project by project basis so is that approach sound doable or do we think we're going to get to the end and we're all going to be not happy with the final product and vote now well honestly I I have a feeling well I'm looking at is what we're looking at now currently we have a big safety issue and I really think that straightening up this intersection could be pulled and then still be part of the project as a whole but we have residents on board that are looking at safety and seeing it every day that it might be imperative to really fix this intersection section before we finish the plan of all the rest of it because this is dangerous and what's the value of a life if we could fix an intersection and make it safe yeah and I think we're going to run into that with probably multiple of these I do too because I remember when these were dirt roads cutting through and how people drove through so you know although with this one I don't know if we picked this one because it is the one that is in a residential and a Park area that really no development is really going to impact this this particular project the others when you take a look at 108th and you take a look at 107th and 106th there's a lot of development going around those areas so this is probably the safest one basically to to move forward on quicker than later I would like to talk about um 106th Avenue sooner than later because we have been um discussing some potential joint improvements there with Walgreens um and I think there's a good opportunity there that we might not want to miss so that would be one coming up to look at so how do we go through this on a PC mail basis but also get the staff direction that we're on board with these projects because if we I mean how many pro how many projects are in here and how long is it going to take we only have two commission meetings a month and we talked about breaking this up several months ago and this is the first one that's come before us I know we've been busy and have a lot of other things on our agendas but how long is it going to take us to get through all of them and vote on a final Mobility plan and maybe um that's a good conversation that Gary could have with each of you what what are the projects in here that you would like to flush out further you know we have had multiple engagement sessions with the public and we have presented the plan now twice but with that in mind if there's ones that you feel that yourselves or your constituents are uncomfortable with maybe you can point those few out to Gary and we can prioritize which ones you think need discussion because maybe we'll find that some of you don't have an issue you know with a few of them and we can knock those off the list but we can really um Pace this to to your desire um you know I was trying to ease back into it a little bit after the last time um but you know it's it's up to you all did you say how many there are projects like these that we would be reviewing let's see so we knocked those two off um we talked about that one today 20ish okay that that that is a lot that will take a l lot but a lot of them should be discussed together because they're really um components of the same bigger idea okay um so so anyway I I I just want to reiterate what I had said earlier that I I think that each one of these need to be looked at in isolation there's some good good projects in there and some that we may not agree on uh so that we shouldn't package it all as one deal that if we think this is a good idea you know it stays part of the connectivity plan as as as as described in in uh in the original document but there's no reason why next year we couldn't the city couldn't figure out a way to fund this for example doesn't have to wait for an entire Mobility project to to move forward on we can get survey whenever you'd like to and get a better idea of what some of those high level costs are and truth be told this whole connectivity plan was never designed to be all or nothing at all okay good it was designed to provide professional options to fix potential problems that currently exist inside a Treasure Island some of these are very easy to lump together because they make sense because they're solving a particular issue in a particular area uh so it's not going to be 20 times we're going to need to come to you and get I think where we are right now is is a good approach because we do have consensus albeit concerns uh that will help us as we go forward that we recognize that money is an issue we've never operated in the world where money wasn't an issue uh so so we'll continue to refine this one uh and then until that ultimately is Bid and ready to go you guys can always and gals you you all can are up to that last minute able to say no yeah so what we don't want is the perfect to be the Archen enemy of the good right and there are going to be some of these project projects that not everybody's going to get consensus we love it when we get 5 O's but that's not required to get all of these projects moving okay um and yeah I'm looking at the so on page 30 of the Mobility plan it has a list in order of the like project numbers and it's goes from 1 a through 15a and then three other inter section so um there are some big chunks like 5 a through 7c are all having to do with 107th Avenue so we or 107th Street we've already talked about that so those are all kind of checked off the list I think or at least the lane reduction um so I think we can move through it quickly and something else to keep in mind is if it does come down to that situation where everyone is sticking to their guns on one specific project they don't want in there and it comes down to we can't get something approved we always have the negotiation conversation of okay well can we remove a project we can take out a project from here and say we don't want that as part of the ultimate plan we'll approve this with the exception of 2B 6B and 8A are all stricken and then that might get to us a point where we can approve a plan and get it passed so um I think that that is a good approach so sounds like we have four in favor of I'm I can support after hearing the um the communities or the Public's feedback I can support getting moving forward with this specific intersection so we have a consensus of four to one on this specific project correct all right that's your guidance for now and we'll look forward to hearing the next next presentation thank you good all righty um okay next item is our financial update for fiscal year 2024 quarter 2 now I'm you know what I'll take the table since I haven't got to present yet good evening mayor and Commissioners um I'm gonna hopefully you know rock everyone to sleep uh with this short Financial update to wrap up the meeting um as of mar March 31st um the city had collected 46% of the budgeted revenue and spent 40% of the budgeted expenses meaning we're ahead of the curve for the first six months of the year just looking at it from a straight line perspective um if you look at the breakdown of revenues and expenses by fund U each line above or below 50% respectively is generally good U so you can see you can also see like the inra fund breakdown to see like the collected revenues and expens for each fund so you can see the general funds collected 74% of our revenues but only spent uh 45 as of you know at the six-month Mark so you can kind of see within each fund kind of where we are um kind of looking within the general fund specifically um all but one of the revenue categories have collected at least half of the budgeted revenue for the year so indicating good returns um compared ing the year-to-date property tax collection to last year um returns are up 10% which is the exact same amount that the valuation went up so it's uh we keeping the same tax rate valuations went up 10% revenues are um projected to be up 10% uh utility tax and franchise fees are um up compared to FY 23 reflecting higher rates and projecting similar usage that we had last summer um they're talking about another heat wave Nationwide this summer so that's going to affect utility bills which affects the utility tax collection uh local business tax collection is still significantly off a after fy21 when we had the one-year moratorium um we're still trying to look through and see exactly where the shortfall is uh but we do know with um whatever potential short come or short-term rental um that eventually is implemented that will probably um supplement some of that but we're looking to see exactly if if businesses have dropped off um if they've paid in in regular year so we're trying to go through the data uh just to see over year to year but there's just a lot of uh lot of businesses out there to kind of look through What's the total income projected for that I think as right I think we've got 880,000 budgeted I would probably guess we're about 50,000 forecast so I just want to Ballpark of how much work yeah that's that's me trying to remember off the top of my head and that's roughly about what you know what I'm projecting okay um half cent sales tax are trending a little bit less than the fy20 or the FY 24 uh budget um yet other demand driven taxes are remaining stable so this is largely this is probably on me that I think I might have slightly overestimated that Revenue so we'll uh re-evaluate and adjust for FY 25 but probably probably a negligible adjustment uh parking fines are trending less than the $200,000 budget but I think that was likely due to a vacancy we had for our on our parking enforcement team for a couple of months and if you guys have not met Emily our new parking enforcement I think she is trying to set a record so I think this Revenue will probably bounce back in the second half of the year uh she even lit me up with a ticket that well I don't know if I deserve any who uh the final highlight revenues is interest earnings um I'm projecting to collect $400,000 more than we had budgeted um this is one I'm happy to be off on because I'd hate to be the other way around um I we still think that there's going to be some interest earnings over the next year or two but we really want to be cautious in how how much we're anticipating and at the end of this I'll have a little update on some Investments uh for general fund expenses there's just a few departments that are running a little bit hot halfway through the year but all normal and normal and absorbable overages um admin had to absorb Amy's uh leave cash out so given her years of service here at the city that was not insignificant um non- departmental is largely front loaded with insurance payments so that's why it looks like it's a little uh running hot uh Emergency Management reflects the EOC generator that we purchased with the other three EOC cities so we paid for the entire amount but they reimbursed us so it just looks it looks like we paid for it in our budget if you just look at expenses and the parks and rec admin is reflective of all the sanding Ovations costs that happened in November so they're all front loaded too so if you look at all the all the uh overages are explainable and understandable uh looking at some of the other funds uh the penny um is starting to look that's you know this is our this is our Capital fund this is where we do major infastructure uh police and fire vehicle Replacements so we ask a lot of this fund and keep an eye on it as closely as we can um people in my job will always look at uh demand-based taxes like sales taxes as kind of a canary in the coal mine for economic uncertainty and while the year-to-date figures are a little less than last year's we have only collected four of the six months for for the first six months and the state kind of has this reputation of being a little late um with some of their remittances and not necessarily on a regular schedule so sometimes we get them in a certain month one year and sometimes it'll be two months later the following year uh but we we know that they're coming at some point in time uh so those returns as they come in later in the year they could be higher that could make up some of this but it's um something that we'll keep an eye on and hopefully this year alone with the interest earnings it could offset any sort of uh U uh shortfall falls in the uh the sales tax revenue in that fund uh the building fund the year-to-date building permit fees are a little off from f23 which if you look at the building activity doesn't seem to make sense but the building fund is largely front loaded with their revenues meaning that if you come in and pay for a permit you're paying for the permit upfront and the services that are rendered like with uh with our two Building Services uh contractors might not be for months later so there's kind of a lag in whenever those uh expenses are actually paid out so we might collect building revenues in one year but might not spend the expenses related to them until another year so there's just a little bit of fluctuation um but we are keeping an eye on this one because of the state law change from two years ago we have there's a limitation on what we can keep in fund balance so it's a an average of the past four years actuals future fund balance cannot be greater than that total so it's um we we have to thread this needle with this fund that we can't collect too much revenues because then we have to cut it and get back and then all of a sudden if the revenue start falling off again now we have to raise revenues so the state's put us in a situation we're having to almost constantly change building permit fees just to keep up with this you know fund balance rule that they have with us um looking at the utility funds uh while we're halfway through the fiscal year as of this report we had only received a third of our remittance from pelis County which is fairly typical uh looking specifically at Wastewater the city is actually measurably down compared to FY 23 and we'll be looking into the numbers more for like fy2 budget development but it initially it seems like there has just been less consumption in pable water um which typically would mean less that we're paying to the City of St Petersburg but that's not quite lining up so we could have some I I issues and some other stuff that's going on and I'll let Mike talk about all that stuff at budget time um hey we also have the $6 million for the master lift station reconstruction um it's not likely to be encumbered by 9:30 but uh we have to spend that money by 1231 and uh we will be having in the next week or two um other major procurements going out that will uh uh be related to this project so we're uh while I'm doing budget I'm also working on some big procurements that we uh we have on the horizon uh Solid Waste fund uh collections are meeting uh the adopted budget totals which is good uh since we have Fleet Replacements that started this year um the claw Tu was actually replaced this year but it was about $330,000 more than what we had anticipated for the budget just um supply chain stuff but the interest earnings that we're having this fund are probably going to offset that so it's um you know Zero Sum um and then the storm water fund uh there's not a lot to report in this one but the um as the commission knows we implemented a new um edu study for this one which completely upended how we calculate and we had made the point you know reexpressing the point that it's going to be Revenue neutral and so far that looks to be the case so we're meeting our Revenue we're meeting the revenue totals but we're not collecting more which means that I feel completely Vindicated in having that report that it you know it did the things that we need to do without increasing Revenue it's it was a reallocation of the burden um of the storm water fund and then looking at the investment so I I mentioned the interest earnings and the updated figures that are in the report but um I wanted to mention some other reinvestment strategies that are like unique to us right now um in the next couple of weeks we have about $10 million Investments that are maturing um and given the high interest rates but economic uncertainty just it's it's a guessing game as to what's going to happen in the next couple of years um we'll be taking that $10 million and investing it into a 6 12 and 18 month security so that on a recurring six-month basis that roughly three and a3d million dollars or plus the interest earnings that it gets can be reinvested every six months which gives us more flexibility to invest in different things every six months as the market changes and it gives us an access to uh liquidity should the city ever need it every six months so it's it's a way to kind of set us up on a recurring basis to um be able to maximize interest earnings but still have the cash on hand should we ever need it so and a little bit of automation when it comes to our uh Investments um and with that and hearing some snoring behind me I will wrap it up and uh answer any questions that you guys might have all right thank you Mike any questions or comments I I have a comment mikee and and I'm used to reviewing uh Financial reports you know in the and the private sector and and I find them a lot easier to to to read than these if you could I hear you quite frequently reference uh fiscal year 23 versus this year uh so I know you have the data available and there wouldn't be that much more work but what I would really like to see is is a year-to-date comparison how we're doing through the current uh period in this case the first uh six months of the year this year uh compared to the same the same period last year because what we're looking at on these Financial reports is a six months worth of actual on compared to a 12-month budget so I'd rather see six months of actual this year versus six months of actual last year and then we could talk about as you as you do during your presentation about any major variances uh in those trends friends that's that's a report that shouldn't be that it's probably one that's actually built into our system that I could you know I just have to twiggle you know adjust some settings and probably get one out the only thing I would caution is looking is is looking at one year to the next and assuming that all things are are the same because one program could have massive more money in it one year to the next you know a $660,000 study in a small program one year to the next is going to make the numbers look way different so you still have to go in and look at the individual changes from year to year and know exactly where all those changes are and that's why tying it back to you know your budget is is really helpful so I'm more than happy to provide that I just wanted to to caution that just looking at year-to year doesn't quite tell the story unless you kind of get down into some of those those numbers a little bit more well I didn't want to ask for too much but I did I'm accustomed to looking at each month each period okay this is period six and we look at both how we're doing versus budget as well as versus last year but I understand the budget is so is almost a moving Target it there's a little bit of that so that's why I only asked for that year-to-year comparison at this point and we're happy to do it thank I I am I'm happy to pull together some reports and let you guys take a look and if if that's what I am we can tweak all these reports for the to live long day so uh I'm happy to okay anything else all good all right thank you very much Mike thank you thanks Mike all right do we have any other public comment on anything else all right seeing none we'll go ahead and adjourn thank you all very much have a good