e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ready to go good all right all right good morning everybody today is Thursday May 30th 10: a.m. Planning and Zoning meeting we uh will host this and then I think afterwards we're going to do the LPA uh there's some agenda items today but first um call the meeting to order it's a friendly cell phone announcement if you have a cell phone which we all do please put it on vibrator silent and uh we will do the pledges of of Allegiance off IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one na under God indivisible with liberty and justice thank you okay uh roll call Michael heres here Diana crille here Marvin shavin here Ross Sanchez here Chris Downing here Gary penana here and absentees are Richard Harris Lynn fiser and Linda dle so my name is Ross Sanchez I'm the vice chair of the Planning and Zoning Board been here for a couple of years Richard Harris is our chair he is um currently not able to attend this meeting today due to some travel so I will be running uh does we have the approval of there any minutes to approve no minutes to approve all right moving on um Jesse did you want to do a stat update of anything or does the board have any questions status update on prior Planning and Zoning cases are there any questions there wasn't a we didn't have our usual document um we've just had some um some stuff going on here so does anyone have any questions all good nothing can we get a report next time yeah June uh June 27th yeah definitely have an update for that one thanks yeah there's a lot of empty dirt Lots around town so especially on stuff that we have voted for I know that is one of them uh the rally is there any update on the rally I know that we spent some time on rally uh last they did they did submit one their their site plan did one review and we sent comments back and I haven't received anything since then okay uh parking garage on the old McDonald's lot that was I wasn't here for that meeting unfortunately but I know you guys spent some time on it anything in regards to that lot in particular that one still Falls underneath the executive orders that were put in place so it still technically doesn't expire at the moment okay do I need to be asking any questions about executive orders like expirations does that does that matter or apply okay all right awesome all right administration of oath if you filled out a card today um as well as applicants um then you need to stand and our Madame clerk Miss Stephanie will be doing a um a uh administration of the oath okay please raise your right hand do you s ly swear and affirm that the testimony you about to give before the Planning and Zoning Board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you thank you any um exper take Communications no being they see none we will move forward um hearing procedures our fabulous City its attorney Miss Jennifer Cohen Cen will uh be explaining hearing procedures okay so this is a quasi judicial matter which means that you'll come forward the applicant will be given an opportunity to present um the matter first um and prove up the criteria within code after the applicant has completed their presentation staff will be um given an opportunity to present if the applicant at any time has any questions of Staff or staff has any questions of the applicant they they'll direct them to the board and the board can ask questions at any time additionally um after staff has um completed their presentation the public will be given an opportunity to give any comments that they have and then the applicant will be given a short time for rebuttal um at the concl of the of the hearing after the board has asked all of its questions and is satisfied with the answers it will close the public hearing deliberate and vote on the matter awesome thank you and we will be getting into um our presentation of items we have three today so we'll go and kick forward all right in regards to case number site 00 298-2228 65 Sunshine Sunshine Lane site plan approval request to proceed for an off Street parking lot thank you we'll be hearing from the applicant first just let me know you want okay that's uh good morning everyone first of all I want to thank uh personally thank Jesse and Katherine for their uh tremendous uh support and help throughout the U review uh process of this uh project I'm braio Gales uh with high point Engineering in Tampa um our address is 05 West Laurel Street s 2011 and I'm here uh before you to present uh small project is a small parking lot um to be located at the property um with the address uh 12765 on chain Lane so the um the subject property um uh that's actually uh before I proceed I'd like to just point out that the two pictures on the screen um the one to the left is a view from um JN John pass uh Bridge um facing uh towards the um uh Gulf of Mexico and uh basically that shows the uh you know the vacant land uh the second picture to the right is a picture taken from uh Sunshine Lane um you can see um remnants of some uh previous uh concrete uh property in the past um was uh developed with um a couple various uh two-story uh buildings that were demolished about 6 years ago um that's that's my uh my best guest so the the subject property if you can please move to the next one thank you yes uh is um zwn uh Resorts uh facility height RF RF H50 and preservation the entire property is about 1.4 acres 1 point to be more exact 1.42 Acres uh of those 91 or 092 are Zone RF RF H50 uh the remaining is uh preservation or some preservation so as I mentioned earlier the property is currently um Bacon Land um so green leaf capital is proposing to redevelop uh only 69 Acres of the 0.9 acre Zone rfh 50 to build this uh small parking lot uh including 46 parking spaces and two including two handicap spots um the proposed I plan um it meets all the applicable regulations um of the the rfh 50 zoning District next please so that's just an overview area photograph taken from um pinelas County GIS um it shows basically this uh gives you a perspective of where exactly the um the parking lot will be located which is the north tip uh on the uh East West excuse me west side of the overpass Bridge um the orange line is the um erosion control line as they call it on the screen or uh a lot of people know it as a cost of Construction Control line um uh the green line I believe is the defines the preservation area um that's the way I I understand it um our parking lot which in the next slide I will show it uh is uh to the east of the green line um much more East to the green line so there are no plan improvements on the preservation area and the proposed part lot will not encroach on the preservation area I just want to make sure and emphasize on that so everybody uh knows that we are strictly building uh the or proposing to build the parking lot on the um rfh 50 zoning uh District um access to the parking lot will be um uh we'll have two accesses uh one is from uh Golf Boulevard um uh right in right out and um that Golf Boulevard is under the jurisdiction of the Floria Department of Transportation and then we're going to have we're proposing to have um Ingress only from Sunshine Lane so um now I want to enter into a little bit of the details for the parking lot so the proposed hours of operation of the parking lot are going to be from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. um and um one of the uh things that I wanted to emphasize or mention here before you you is that overnight parking will not be allowed that is that is going to be uh so or that's going to be placed in a very um conspicuous area um on the uh parking lot so all the rules and um regulations for the actual parking lot will be very well described and visible for all the uh users of the parking lot so no oversized uh vehicles or recreational vehicles like Campers or boat trailers will be allowed on the parking lot and um I already mentioned that the uh rules uh will be outline uh for the parking lot will be outlined um inv visible for everybody and they will be installed um by the concrete Island uh if you can please move to the next one so um I can I can show you on this screen this is a overlay of the project um on an area photograph access from uh gol gol Boulevard and access from Sunshine Lane uh there is a small concrete Island if I may refering to that's where sign is going to be placed and the island will be equipped with um smart uh boom Gates uh with a pay station uh that's where uh users of the parking lot will have the opportunity to pay their parking fee and uh the boom will regulate and control who comes in and who comes out of the parking lot I'm almost done so please allow me so um so um we went through uh various DRC meetings with the staff and one of the uh comments from um uh the fire department and I want to emphasize on this is that they requested that we place in the parking lot signs uh of uh no parking fire lane in specific locations which we have those in the in the site plan so I think that's important to be noted um and the you know all the uh driveways internal driveways uh for parking are 24 ft which exceed the minimum 20 ft required by the fire department proposed lighting uh they will be um uh there has been the the lighting or the proposed lighting for the project has been designed in a way that it will not shed light uh towards the adjacent rways uh adjacent buildings to the South or towards the beach uh the next slide is just the side plan that you have seen before in the plans that we submitted for review um strictly uh 46 parking spaces uh in a l chape configuration uh we have uh designed a propo there is a proposed uh drainage retention pwn it's a dry pwn it will capture and collect um the grading of the project parking lot has been designed in a way or in a manner that is going to direct and convey and collect all the runoff generated from the parking lot on the actual uh Pawn um any excess um uh runoff after is been treated and captured per um the requirements uh of the uh state and local um City uh will be discharged towards the U Gulf of Mexico but thus after the water runoff he been three in the pond um so lastly um the proposed s plan has already received a permit from the uh Southwest Floria Water Management District um also has received a drainage connection exemption from the Floria Department of Transportation we're currently working with uh fdot to um secure the access connection permit uh we're very close uh mainly we're just waiting for um approval of the S plan to submit that letter to the apartment Transportation so we can receive the access connection permit with that being said thank you very much for your attention and your time today I appreciate it if you have any questions I'm here to respond to any questions you may have also uh the owner and developers uh are here present in the room in case you guys have any additional questions for them as well that I cannot answer of course I do have a question I have a question as well but you go first uh thanks uh tell me again this is going to be unmanned Security Site right so it's going to be automatic parking right there's not going to be any guards walking around anything stuff right security nothing right great question um so it has boom Gates uh pay station so it controls who comes in and out of parking lot as I said earlier um Green Lea Capital they have already a contract with a security company that um will be um doing rounds um by the parking uh and also they um own uh some of the properties on the um always have to think uh east side of the bridge um so they can um they can see what's going on in those properties as well so they have uh indicated to me that they have already contacted the security company and extend the services to these parking lot as well God only knows we need more parking my only concern is uh it's going to get a lot of traffic with boats coming in there trailers ton it so it's really going to have to be enforced heavily at first so people get the message that they're not going to park their stuff there and get away with it so your question is trailering boats trying to offload boats trying to stick their boat in there try to park their boat in there trailers that's got to be Heavenly enforced right and um um as I mentioned earlier there will be a sign um at the gate um indicating uh that information that uh those uh large uh Rec recation of vehicles will not are not allowed um and um like I said Security will be enforcing uh during the operational time uh during the day that you know if for some reason somebody decides that nobody's seeing me and com in and park their boat at at some point within uh an hour or a few hours the security company will be uh asking them to leave the premises good thank you you're welcome I wonder if you could just comment on how this current parking Arrangement plays into future development that the owner has if if you can provide any comment on future plans you at least I realize you're only asking for the par parking lot at this point correct no buildings no structures so that's a good question I I asked them um and the answer is that that's what right now makes sense for them uh to use the property um they have not indicated uh to me and you know we can bring them to the stand and see if if they have an for you but um my understanding is they don't have any future plans of any development as of right now it may change in a few years but right now this is what makes sense for them okay thank you you're welcome um what's a Rec recreational vehicle how do you define that I'm sorry what how do you define a Rec recreational vehicle RVs um you know campers okay um those those are examples I might not be including all of them right now but um somebody somebody with a truck that wants to have has a trailer with a boat you know that's also considered for in my uh opinion that's considered recreational that's what we Define uh as recreational not an SUV no sir not an SUV a sedan or truck pickup truck or uh you know four four-door truck is is not considered a recreational vehicle that's just a regular vehicle any other questions from the board yes um seeing how I was one of the members that was still on P or previously on pnz when you guys first came through I was as well so that would make Ross and I we have some of the background history of what's happened along this and initially this was was I if I recall correctly was to be a private parking lot for the employees and that type of thing for a business so you wouldn't have the general public parking in there and the digital keypad was going to and the booms security gate booms were all so that you would be able to keep that and that would be able to be managed because of people working in the in the other areas or residents if there were condos involved or rentals or that type of thing so I would like to have that clarified and I would also I do appreciate that you came forthright on saying the parking was going to be from 6:00 a. to 11:00 a.m. no boates and this and that because that was one of our big contention points a couple of years ago and are so I want to know if it's private or public and would you have a problem with that becoming a condition an additional condition for um if we were to go on with approval it's a good question actually great question um um so um yes there was a preview uh uh plan uh I believe that got approved back in 2019 um and that was a s plan approval for a private parking lot um and uh um so during various uh BRC meetings last year um with the staff um for not any particular reason um it was decided that the um parking lot could have a better use uh to be offer uh open to the public um that's nothing really uh was discussed uh other than if it was an allowable use that we could we could go ahead and and petition that that use um it was previously approved as a a private parking lot um the need is still there but it's not a requirement um if employees of other businesses on the other side want to park there they're welcome to do that uh if neighbors uh that have a need for an extra parking space uh vzero parking space they can use the parking lot so it's really not um uh any specific or detailed reason that I can give you other than they the the the use is allowed in the rfh 50 zoning district and uh when we spoke with the staff they said yeah it's it's allowable so if you want a petition or a a you know commercial open to the public parking lot then we can do it so that's what we brought before before you for consideration okay the second part was would would the would the applicant have any objections if we actually had about the 6: a. to 11:00 p.m. and the type of vehicles that are permitted in there as a condition within our actual motion no problem yeah that can be added in the conditions of approval okay and then I have one other question yes ma'am have you got any built-in plans or ideas on how you're going to handle if we have um gasoline spills or oil since you're up against an environmental uh area there for the purposes of having a runoff and doing any damage environmentally with that many cars and coming and going I mean we know we all get little accidents and I was just wondering if you guys have considered that so any parking lot I mean we if you guys turn your your head behind you you guys have a big parking lot back there so any parking lot is open to an accident like that any motor vehicle can have any R oil can have a gas spillage uh accidentally uh mechanically a vehicle can break so that's not just particular to this um parking lot it can happen here but it can happen anywhere so um our intent of the design the way we grad the parking lot is to make sure everything within the pave areas parking and drive AES all that is going to be directed conveyed and collected inside the pond so that's the purpose of a drainage Pond the drainage Pond will collect any um oils any uh pollutants any heavy metals uh disposed by vehicles um through the use of the parking lot and all that when it when it rains that first half an inch of rain is what washes everything in the parking lot and goes into the actual Pond that will stay at the bottom of the pond so uh periodically per uh Water Management District rules the uh detention Pond has to be inspected um and it has to be uh and when I say periodically is every 6 months or um after a major uh storm event rain event let's just call it ourselves here we're we're in a coastal area hurricanes so um that is going to be the process where the uh developer the owner uh have to bring a uh an engineer uh to the side to inspect um you know the parking lot the condition inspect the pond its condition what's happening at the bottom uh of the banks is the uh entire Pond is still grass is the is is it there are there so many um bare spots on the pawn or not is the control structure still uh sound and the way it was built and the way it was design so all those things have to be periodically inspected and um I believe the Water Management District the way they uh approv this per the permit uh drain uh environmental resource permit for this project is to actually have a uh engineer uh license or register in the State of Florida every 5 years to provide an inspection report to the war Management District indicating that the pawn is still functioning as designed from thank you you're welcome Mr G Galis right yes sir thank you for your time today really appreciate you commenting about the overnight parking because I know that that's something um as well as the times I agree with Diane's comments about and you guys being on board from a condition standpoint point I too was here on the previous role I think that's when Mr Anthony sarios I think came came in at the second hour after discussion so I appreciate the clarification on that um I mean I get it I mean kudos to you guys for putting in a you know parking lot on a multi-million dollar view I mean you know parking makes money I mean obviously our city advertises it for it all the time so I get it um I don't have any further questions we're going to get into the staff report and then we'll do the audience and the cards after that so thank you again for your time Ross can I just ask one more question sure yeah uh just I see the plan for The Pedestrian walkway connecting up to the sidewalk and I'm just wondering about pedestrian easement or access from the beach itself or from that seaw wall that that's existing is the plan to keep that as is and just you're placing the buffers there that you've shown there's no access directly to the beach from the parking lot right we're not proposing or encouraging any access to the beach from the parking lot okay okay thanks and I mean I get it I mean if it's you know if this I get that they don't want to give us the details on what's on the other side but I mean if it helps then you know I'm you know I'm all about it I mean right now it sits there as nothing so um let's see what's going to happen in the future next door but moving on to the staff report Mr Miller thank you all right so uh just a reminder this is case number sit t- 00298 D2 022 and once again it's request is a site plan approval request for a proposed parking lot commercial and as we've already seen this is aerial image and this is located at 12765 Sunshine Lane the land use map is Resort facilities high and preservation and as pointed out by the applicant uh the osal construction line almost somewhat separates our zoning between preservation and rfh but it's pretty much almost the same as zoning map also zoned rfh 50 and P preservation as you can see the subject property is located in ae10 ae11 coastal a Zone ve12 and v13 as identified by firm panel number 12103 c01 91h 12103 c01 93h as an effective date of 824 2021 uh just a little bit of background as I've already pointed out some people have already know the background on this okay so as we know the subject property is vacant land on August 11th 2011 the planning and zoning board approved a special exception request to allow a beach restaurant grill SL bar with 17 Cabanas waiting pool water fountain feature outdoor seating and shell parking and that was case number pz d2011 D 02-s glor yes on on August on August 14th 2019 a proposed special exception request and sight plan approval for a proposed parking lot off-site remote was withdrawn those were case numbers pz20 9-14 and pz20 9-15 on January 16th 2020 the planning and zoning board approved a special exception request and site plan approval for a proposed private parking lot offsite remote case number pz20 9-25 and pz20 19-26 on October 23rd 2023 a special exception for a proposed private parking lot offsite remote was withdrawn and that was case number sp- 00297 d222 all right see this is a survey as already shown by the applicant and also site plan as we've already seen then overlay of the site plan uh landscape plan the lighting plan and now we're getting to the site plan review criteria which is stated in section 70- 92 and staff's Analysis is as follows criteria one the subject property has a future land use designation of Resort facilities high and is located within the resort facilities High rfh 50 zoning District the proposed use is not in conflict with the goals objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan criteria two the proposed site plan is in conformance with all applicable regulations of the of the rfh 50 zoning district and we will get into the table to compare those I know that's a little hard to see but I believe you can see that in your staff report for more detail uh pretty much so it meets Our Land Development regulations as shown on the left do meet all of our everything that's in the proposed site plan criteria three uh this is not applicable the proposed site plan does not include the subdivision of property number 4A the proposed site plan is compatible with plan character of the rfh 50 zoning district for B the proposed site plan meets Drive aisle widths parking space width and length driveway and sidewalk connections within the RightWay appeared to adhere to all applicable fdot standards additional Ingress and egress for the city of Treasure Island fire department is available you can refer to sheet C- 4.4 of the Civil plans for C proposed site plan is in conformance with Landscaping requirements set forth in chapter 72 the resources V vegetation and environmentally sensitive lands additionally no development is proposed within the preservation area of the subject property or cord of the cccl for d uh there are no proposed buildings on site for E the proposed site plan will not impact the use of the existing public beach or access to the Waterfront for f there are no known historically SL architecturally significant structure or archaeological sites on a subject property for a G there are no on-site Recreation areas improvements or lands to be dedicated for public recreational purposes and criteria five any proposed work and the RightWay will require approval by the city of Treasure Island Public Works Department prior to the commencement of work on city property you can refer to civil plan sheet c d3.1 c d4.1 n C-5 D1 for the proposed demo and replacement of asphalt in the right away criteria six the proposed site plan will require a permit or exemption from the southwest Florida Water Management District and the Florida Department of Transportation number seven the subject property is currently a vacant lot so there is no non-conforming uses or structures and then and this is the staff recommendations staff recommends the proposed site plan be approved with the following conditions one all building permits and construction associated with this development proposal shall be subject to all current regulations within the Florida building code flood plane management regulations Land Development regulations and the Florida fire prevention code in effect at the time of the building permit application process condition number two where necess Neary to accommodate the proposed development the property owner shall be responsible for the removal relocation of any and all public utilities located on subject site this is regardless of whether the public utilities are known at the time of site plan approval or discovered after such approval any removal or relocation will require the approval of the city's public works department and/or pelis County Utilities Department condition number three all applicable state and federal permits and slash or exemptions shall be submitted to the city prior to commencement of development per Florida statute 16603 36 condition four all proposed work in the RightWay will require approval by the city of Treasure Island Public Works Department prior to the commencement of work number five provide a Unity of title number six the construction in the proposed vacated RightWay is only included in the site plan approval if the city commission approves to vacate the section of RightWay as identified in case number vac -00 449-2247 um the planning and zering board authorizes staff to approve site plan modifications to ensure compliance with the city's proposed terrain modification program if adopted provided that the general architectural and civil design maintains a fair and accurate representation of the approved site plan with the except to grade and that is all I have for staff any questions I thought staff thought sorry staff question audience okay we're going to do audience and cards first and then we'll have board discussion and then if you guys have questions for staff then I would prefer that during board discussions fine fine okay uh first card um ladies first Sharon M M Lon M lendon um please State your address and were you sworn in uh in the meeting I was sworn in my address is 12615 Sunshine Lane and we also on the house at 12621 Sunshine Lane and I have questions that you all probably went through in your own meetings before but I don't know so um the city is going to vacate property in order for this um parking lot to be put in do you guys answer my questions now or I just throw these things out and you talk about it later you you have five minutes to add to address the board if we prefer not to have interactions from a question and answering standpoint but we will make sure that we address them with the staff um after your five minutes or after your time is up okay and and during our board discussions some of your answers may happen just in general okay and I'm wondering about um parking stops you know like if you pull into a parking lot and there's a little concrete thing are they going to have something like that if they're going to have something like that where is that going to go to when hurricane hits when idalia hit all the large um telephone poles were up in the middle of there because the water just rushed in there so I don't know where those are going to go if there's going to be a fence around the parking lot where is that going to go and is that fence going to um impede the ability to get to the beach um since this is a special exception can the city mandate certain things as far as landscaping and stuff this is the gateway to Treasure Island on the North End and we're going to have a parking lot which I'm sure when we did the visioning things that's one of the things we wanted was a parking lot um garbage how many garbage cans are going to be there and how often is it going to be picked up if you go by any one of these garbage of these um parking lots and there's a lot of little parking lots the the garbage cans are always overflowing there's never enough and it's never picked up enough and I would think it would be the owner's responsibility to have that taken care of and if it needs to be increased they need to take care of that um lighting so I I I I know that um it's not going to face anything but but we have turtles so we have to discuss Turtles um does it have to be 46 cars because that's fig four cars a figure five cars a person five people a car that's over 200 people going to the beach on that little section of the beach with garbage um and it doesn't have to be till 11:00 you know 9:00 you know the sun sets at 8:30 there's the Afterglow maybe 10:00 um what happens if a car is not out by 11:00 does do they tow it that day do they wait how does that happen what is the fee G to be per hour I'm just curious um what is the surface of the parking lot going to be I don't know if it's something that's going to drain down or if it's going to run down if it's going to run down into that um retention Pond like the gentleman said you know there's parking lots all over but those parking lots are not on John's Pass and Gulf and and the Gulf of Mexico so those are maybe a different um consideration and um given the narrow width of Sunshine Lane it will be restricted to one-way traffic when where where is the oneway traffic going to be I live on Sunshine Lane it doesn't have to be a on Lane Road um and then I think that was it the vacated right away it's all I have thank you thank you look I I actually had a lot of these questions as well so from a board discussion perspective when it came to what some of the things that you were saying so we just learned right there we will probably do board discussion and then comment cards moving forward so um because I could have answered that a lot um with my questions as well so I apologize for that but hang tight and we'll make sure that we address as much as we can and we have one more card uh Mr Scott bonavita just please State uh your address and you were sworn in sir at the beginning of the meeting yes I was perfect thank you yeah again my name is Scott bonavita um I own sand dun Suites which is at 12620 GF Boulevard um so we're right next door to this and um right next door to the norand I actually am also representing pres ing my neighbor Jerry Goldberg she asked me to come up here and speak for her as well um we have several concerns about um this parking lot and one of the first things that came to mind when I was driving here I was was a Jimmy Buffett song We paved paradise to put up a parking lot you know and as my neighbor just said you know this is the gateway to Treasure Island um there's already a parking lot across the bridge at madira there's a parking lot a huge parking lot um right across Golf Boulevard that is Never full really um so I just don't see where the need is for this um so there's a lot of concerns with the additional traffic that will be in the neighborhood there's a lot of residential it's a it's a very small residential neighborhood um there's a Charming character to Treasure Island that I think is being lost a little bit with some of these projects that are um to be quite Frank with you pure money makers um it's the only reason why this this brings nothing to the neighborhood um Sunshine Beach which is the one of the smallest beaches in Treasure Island is right there um again if you bring 46 cars into there uh even at two people a car that's another 100 people if you put 100 people on that beach it would be mobbed absolutely mobbed um again there's plenty of parking across the street right there uh another concern is beach access once sees people Park um they're going to be parking there to go to the beach they're not parking there for any other reason they're not parking there to go over to krabbies there's plenty of parking at krabbies they're not parking to go you know over to John's Pass they're parking there to go to the beach so again where's the beach access going to be are they going to walk down the walkway to the side are they going to try and walk through the norin I don't know if there's a representative from the norin here but I'm sure they'd be concerned about liability of people walking through their parking lot lot perhaps tripping and falling injuring themselves and then suing the norand um also another huge concern that was also previously brought up is environmental and trash I mean it's not only the oil and things of that nature but we all know that people fill up the trash cans and all that there's a lot of wind right in that area anything that drops on the ground there will not be there for more than 10 minutes it's going to blow right into the water you know so now we've got 46 parking spots presumably over 100 150 people there on a weekend all the trash is going to blow right into the water um there's going to be increased traffic obviously in all of the neighborhood let's say people are coming down they're going to try and get into this gated automated system which we all know breaks down so they're going to back up all the way over the bridge trying to get into this parking lot okay then let's say if the parking lot's full where are they going to go they're going to go in the next street which is a very small Narrow Street I believe it's 127th right they're going to go down that and they're going to realize they're on Sunshine Lane which is basically an Alleyway they're going to have nowhere to turn around I mean we already have a lot of traffic there from the small little uh public parking lot that only has six spaces when that runs out people pull down there they don't know where to go they don't know how to turn around all those kind of things so now we're going to have a whole bunch more people trying to get into this parking lot and they may or may not be able to do that um also again this is a small little neighborhood I mean the norand um to my knowledge is um simply just remodeling that property um they're not tearing it down they're not you know building something huge and big there um I don't think this parking lot goes with the charm and character of Treasure Island and uh we're we're certainly not for it so um we're hope hopeful that another idea can be brought forth thank you thank you uh board discussions I wish they would have built this in 20 19 because we've got more people coming up with more objections and very valid objections to why that parking lot shouldn't be there I mean I'd like 2011 with Cabanas and pools and Views and all that stuff but anyway I'll take the lead because I have some questions if that's okay with everybody sure are we discussion now you guys can kind of yeah for board discussion and it'll be toward addressed towards Jesse appreciate um yeah I have a few but you the comment cards um so first and foremost I don't know if this goes to Jesse and Jennifer but um what are the conditions for vacating an alley I don't know I'd like for that I'd like to understand a little bit more about that been here for I think I don't know what six years now I think and I just this first time I've kind of seen this um really wasn't addressed in the applicant packet but from a standpoint of seeing it on the plans and whatnot but it was definely question that I had had so I just wanted to learn a little bit thank you sure so this is uh vacation is something that comes before the um before the city commission and they'll make that determination and the factors that they kind of look at and using that is is the area being used currently or is there a use for it foreseen in the future as far as um you know are there utilities that's another consideration what utilities are within that um right away so we have we may have some um roadways that have no utility or that aren't used and a dead end and they may have been vacated um when a property is vacated the property from the center line of the road goes to the the neighboring properties and it becomes becomes part of their property um and part of the property that they're taxed on um but that's basically what they they use in accounting for the the vacation is is it being used now is there a foreseeable use in the future um you know what's the need whether or not the the public still needs it and again this is a decision of the city commission okay foreseeable use in the future from the like the acquiring owner gets or from the city from the city okay and then so has this particular site plan of vacating the alley gone in front of the commission already no it has not no okay so if we approve it then it goes to the city Commission so right now um as a condition of so they're separate process okay um merely if the city uh let's say the city commission approved vacation the site plan wasn't before you it wouldn't guarantee that the site plan would be approved okay same thing here if the site plan is approved or not it doesn't necessarily impact the vacation they can still go forward with the vacation and that'll be determined on its criteria okay thank you U next question does vacating it stay forever so let's just say we approve it it goes to the city commission they they're okay with vacating the alley so now now that Alleyway is split in half this this Pro this whatever um site now has that as part of their property like you had mentioned it's a parking lot for two years then they're like well we want to do something else with it scrape the parking lot still there still the vacated alley is still theirs moving forward correct the vacation isn't dependent upon the park lot awesome um now it seems like this is one of those like U Spider-Man memes where people are pointing the finger back so they had made the comment that it's the fdot approval is pending on our site plan type of approval okay so at this point I'm fine with talking to about the vacation process because I'm not a witness but I'm going to turn it over to Jesse all right I'll ask Jesse sorry I just was your here next to me um so the fdot thing we approve it goes to F it goes to fdot it most likely helps their situation I assume with fdot or like I was thinking like I know Jen was able to talk to you but I thought you like in board deliberation I'm asking questions to you I'm just making sure that that's fine so you're going to stop board deliver and then just question they haven't closed the public hearing he's calling it um deliberation but really they're just talking right now and asking all of their questions I'm probably asking questions that they're thinking yep yep more you're good okay good so I'm sorry repeat that question again my question is in regards to fdot so because one of the obviously one of the comments was in both comments was from a standpoint of where people are accessing this from Golf Boulevard so my question I'm and don't want to speak for the others but I assume my in my process of thinking was as well as the applicant made the comment that they would they would are going through the process of ft and they are very close our type of of approval of this I don't know if it helps or hurts my question is how does that work if do they have to have this approval to then get the fdot approval that would actually we would need that approval before they could start developing I saw that in the conditions yes okay all right does everyone understand that fdot approval has to go in right because do needs something to look at which is the site plan itself so we'd have to approve that for them to have something it's mood so it doesn't go to I just want to make sure that understand it's in those conditions that it is in there corre um everything on golf bar is if Jesse if we approve for a public lot today I mean obviously it's privately owned but public lot could is there a potential that someone the owners could come back and change it to private that would be a change of use and then as if you could see in the last one that would be a special exception in so they would have to come in front of the Planning and Zoning Board again and change of use to a private parking lot then you would have a chance to approve or deny that application okay is everyone okay with that type of mentality yep okay just want to make that very clear um garbage was something that was on my mind I tried looking through I mean I haven't I had the packet site plans are smaller I was trying to look online for over a week it kept crashing my computer it's 500 pages so from a garbage perspective do those does that site plan include garbage cans and then I actually had the exact same question was okay well who's in charge of emptying that garbage can and then this is that something that code enforcement is enforcing the reason why I'm asking that question is because I think that that is extremely important like some of the um comment cards had made that is actually an excellent point and that would be a good question for the applicant as well too so I'm sure they might have some type of agreement with some trash collection agency possibly yeah um but on a on a site plan we don't we don't in we don't say that you have to have a garbage can placed there we say that you got to put a sign there for this you have to put um a curb stop in but we don't say you have to have a garbage can not off the top of my head I know we do when we involves like actual structures that's whenever we get Public Works involved and they would say like this how many trash cans how many dumpsters you need uh for parking lot I personally I have to look into that myself but I can't think of anything off the top of my head okay for that okay um if so so we're not I'm on so at this point we don't know trash cans we need there we don't have any idea what we need to put there for trash cans is that Dr for staff or is that I'm just asking a general question oh okay um like I like I was speaking to Ross I would have to check that because I can't think of anything off the top of my head in her code that said you have to have so many trash cans per parking space in a parking lot I can't really but with it a public would a public area be required a public use area be required to have trash cans because it's a public parking lot so a public area and we have them up and down Golf Boulevard well there's a couple of them up and down Golf Boulevard for trash canans and particularly like by the bus stop so what did dictates that we're talking about this one little triangle that is got vegetation and our water and I think it is very clear that the citizens of Treasure Island are very emphatic in protecting good vegetation and our waterways and trash going into it and that type of thing can present a problem I mean even the even the Rings off of your um sixpack or 12pack going to the Dolphins the manatees the fish those things if you don't have the trash pickup those blow away and they go out there so we've got a lot of different things and I didn't mention the turtles but they're another one that get caught up in that but I mean really with this being in that crucial area I I I'm really trying to to think on how the residents are going and stuff and how to protect all that environmental I I know we're considering you know we'd be kidding ourselves not to think that with the amount of use that's going to get Beach wise you know what's going to happen with the coolers as they come up the street it's dumping in the trash can and John's going to look at me and say well it doesn't get on there crap Let It Go on the ground it's going to go on the ground they're going to stuff it the best they can the wind comes up it's going everywhere yeah I mean I I understand the track I mean let's all remind every 25 ft out on the beach we have garbage cans and recycling so I get stuff on the beach coming to a parking lot it's not as heavily impacted because we've got literally I mean I see him out there every Saturday Sunday picking it up um shout out to Todd who runs uh broy Hill I see him every morning with my kid um in regards to the trash in in from my perspective if I'm in I don't know if we give the applicant a chance but from a putting in some type of condition that is similar to what we have in our regular City Lots I mean the city's got more parking lots than probably probably own the most parking lots out of any Beach Community um when it comes to whatever trash ratio is we have for this many spots here or in our other Lots if we could apply it to this 46 spots I would be okay with it um now enforcing it I mean I think that's just like on code enforcement in general I mean if your property looks crummy and there's trash blowing all the way then code enforcement just gives the the the issue I don't think it's so much of a ratio as much as it would be location for different parts of it I mean like when we go down through here we I mean we don't allocate every so many feet that we have a trash can for or a parking space and we've never addressed that in this board ever before and stuff but I do think there should be something and it should be a condition okay of and how they and how we decide that condition maybe we would prefer that they have to sacrifice one spot for a dumpster a dumpster would do maybe better than what a trash can would do I don't know I mean it's just something to think about and set Minds at ease and and protecting the environment okay I don't so the dumpster thing I I'm not really on board with I prefer that I think it's that's a it causes unintended problems all right let's um so are we still in so I I guess like the discussion to go um back a little bit from the detail on parking lot you know spaces and garbage cans more on the the zoning itself in this particular case so this lot is zoned rfh Resort facility high-rise uh or high and also P for preservation so I'm trying to understand offering a special exception I understand the use of putting a parking lot having Park a surface parking lot use within is allowed within that rfh but I don't see where it's allowed to be that as its sole use I guess my read on this in terms of zoning is that it would be within the use as a resort facility in part but not in whole and not seeing the continued plans of the development of this we're essentially voting on this potentially to become a permanent parking lot in that spot and if I go into what the staff indicated with respect to whether this is in conflict with the uh comprehensive plan you know I'd have to my own opinion on this is I'd have to say that just having a parking lot is not consistent with the comprehensive plan if that's what is the only use of that so so a special exception to allow surface parking if there's other Resort facilities seems valid but on its own I'm not sure I understand the the legal use of it in that case and maybe that's better better a better question for Jennifer in terms of legal use to Jesse a question either way yeah all right Chris so if you look in your staff report just above the analysis of Land Development regulations uh section 68- 486 um subsection R this is actually a table from our from our code where off Street Standalone which is what this would be like commercial right strictly by itself if you go over to the rfh 50 that p means it is a permitted use so again I'm still on the I'm not sure I understand the read on that to allow sole use as a surface parking lot in that case it's a permitted use as special exception within the development of that zoning which would include a resort facility not for its sole use as a parking lot lot I'm just disagreeing with the interpretation of that that of how you're reading that okay I got you um so if you could I could I could find some goals objectives and policies from the comp plan that would most likely back this up then well this is second to me a discussion for the rest of the board here in terms of special exception use in a in an area where we have this is meant to be a resort facility in line with the comprehensive plan of Treasure Island I don't see how we we read that one of the at the same time approve approve a a parking lot as a permanent use of that land you got your your Planning and Zoning Board here we're we're zoners and we're planners um Chris makes a great point it's the highest and best use of this property is that where you're going with it well I it again it goes to that it should fall in line one of the criterias for a special exception is that it fall in line with the comprehensive plan I I you know I'm saying that it in my opinion does not doesn't fit and I don't see actually where we as a board even should be are have the authority to Grant an exception if that's the sole use of the property we have the ability to provide that parking as a special exception as a part of a site plan for a resort but I don't see the read for it to be a sole use of that that's my that's that's my read on it I think from from a size perspective with limitations that we've had due to height whatever um you know I know that the beach isn't like on the resort property but the beach is right there so my mindset from a standpoint of all right well everyone talks about how we need more parking in Treasure Island I mean that is something that is constantly going on um I get that it is a business and I understand Chris from a step standpoint of we have no idea what's going on with other ownership of other Parcels across Golf Board I I I get that right but we're looking at this specific site so it's it's kind of hard it's it's a gray situation when it comes to well I want to make this decision on this site because I know that it could potentially help other sites but I see where you're coming from no and I think we should make the decision based on this site in view of the entire comprehensive plan I don't think it's our duty as a board to increase the parking in Treasure Island that's not our duty yeah true but it at the same time if from an applicant's perspect from an app application that comes in in front of us and when it comes to the the rules of the internal processing of the city and staff recommendation I mean they know the interpretation so I do give credit to staff you know you know I make my own judgment but at the same time I also know that staff is giving us a you know an approval or a denial at the same time agreed and I understand the staff has recommended approval on this I'm disagreeing with their interpretation of special use in its entirety on a lot like this yeah and I I also don't want to tell people who own property in Treasure Island from you know if it does fit within the comprehensive plan that you know they can't build what what they want if it's the best use of course I'm I'm not in favor of building good fa we've got some jail bird looking chain fencing there right now and you know with no with no trash pickup y so I kind of look at it as in like okay solving a couple of problems um parking you know parking for beach goers well i' I'd respectfully disagree on that one I'd rather see best huse within the comprehensive plan or would should we just let it sit there for another 10 years again I I I think it's not our our our duty is to make sure that this is done within the planning and zoning rules for the city and to and to try to achieve best use and again I I think we're going to see more of this special exception issue come up where yes certain things are allowed within a property but that doesn't specifically mean in a case like this on a resort property that it would be an exception for the entire property in perpetuity okay Chris I do have just a question would you have a little different perspective if this was a private parking lot versus a public parking lot actually none no okay well I mean because you know un I don't know if it's unfortunate or fortunately Ross and I had been here in 2019 and we really I have I have to admit I the applicants have had to go back B to try to appease anything that we've for every application that they've came in here and I don't and I don't I don't want to say I feel sorry for them but they really have done an effort but everything we we've already had a change in perspective on where Treasure Island wants to go from 2019 to 2024 so that puts another perspective on it because I'm not as stuck on the resort highrise 50 as I am on how much of an environmental Pro environmental impact that can have in the look and that type of thing I'm with you on that too yeah so I mean so I mean but but our views have changed in the last five years also you know I look at the McDonald's lot that is I don't know if it's public I don't know if it's private I hope Thunderbird is not mad at me for saying it but there's motor homes parked there there's no trash bins there's no security there's so I kind of look at this as like okay well they're doing it they're doing it the right way you know from a they went through the application they've met with the city I would agree with that I think they've made us a great effort here you know absolutely I and I do agree with you about the problems on on the McDonald's site today which goes back to a lack of enforcement on the city's part you know what happens if that's a longer story I know I I understand so I'm just wanting you guys to understand my process on on where where I'm coming from some of the other um some of the other uh insights in regards to or excuse me inquiries um enforcing o so one of my questions was enforcing the overnight or who does that they said that they were going to be mentioning security I think if there was um Jesse if there were cars overnight and people were reporting to the city is that something that code enforcement then gets involved in to go even though it's it's not a public um excuse me it's not a city parking lot so if people are parking their cars overnight and the city gets complaints on it how does that get enforced if if that's part of the condition that you would put in place that would the they would be violating a condition of the site plan approval okay City would be involved Y and I think we had talked about the city would not be allowed to go and Tow though no not saying they can do that but they could address the issues of why wouldn't it be a parking violation it might be a parking lot because it's not on city land we're not in charge of this parking lot this is a essentially it's Public Access but private land but we but we could go in agreement with them to write up parking tickets because that's what we do with St Pete I would assume there at 112 I would assume they'd have a contract with the towing company that would yeah have the ability to go in and Tow and maybe we make that part of the if we approve it make it part of the approval oh absolutely I think that would definitely be a condition and also private security and I think as a as an owner of a parking lot I don't know a parking lot but as an owner of a parking lot if you've got someone parking there overnight and they only paid a one day fee they're going to want that person out of there as well right um one of the cards that was I think you had mentioned curbs was it curbing or the pilings the the parking bumpers parking Stoppers parking Stoppers okay um I assume that that's in our Jesse I assume that that would be in the site plan as well from a perspective of a requirement that's in Our Land Development code yeah okay all right I just want to make sure um I know lighting was addressed by both you and the applicant uh including the the turtles Diane I know that they're important as well um I assume 46 spots is because that's what's allowed um I don't I couldn't find the paper of the chart Jesse is it are they doing the max at what's allowed the only thing that's limiting right now with the number of spaces would be the where the rfh zoning district is located and their impervious surface ratio okay all right it's the peria space that's is setting the Mark here yes yeah just that's what's not a design point of view okay and they're maximizing it I think fee I you know fee by I mean I think that that's up to the owner I mean we don't need to ask that question I mean fee by the owner I mean it's going to probably range from daily parking rates from 25 to $60 per day I don't know that for to be a fact but I don't know how we address that I mean people can set parking fees however they want throughout the course of the year um I don't think the city does anything from that standpoint so I don't know how to I know that was a question but I don't think that we fortunately I don't know how to answer that question when it comes to I think we won't have any we have no control of that I know we don't but I just want to make sure that I'm addressing that no I agree I just I think this Gull goes to you know with its use of the land in terms of how if we allow it uh that completes for my questions um we're still in board discussions I know that we're peppering Jesse so I'm sorry but does anybody else have anything else that they would like to address or talk with Jesse about yeah I just wanted to ask about um storage and that that driveway between the the entrance gate and Gul Boulevard how many how many cars can be stored in there three four entrance gate and GF on the on the driveway off off a Gulf Boulevard I'm worried about that backing up on the Gulf Boulevard if people are having trouble with the gate oh so you mean like how like stacking wise vehicle stacked okay um see if that's actually in the ples and I have to actually admit Michael I didn't actually look into the stacking for that and and that's actually I also want to point that that would not be the only um egress for that property as well too if Sunshine Lane will be vacated they could eress through Sunshine Lane as well too that right would help eliminate right I just I got to believe F fdot's going to want to take a look at that I'm pretty sure they will I mean I think it's the same and I appreciate the question Michael because it went through my head as I was doing my own site plan review um earlier this week and when I went over there and checked out the the property um no difference then this parking lot that we stare at across the street when that's full and someone's trying to get in the spot right there and cars are backed up here yeah I think you know F that type decision it is although these are both controlled by traffic signals uh I'm thinking of the one at U St Pete up up here too I run into that one a lot with with traffic backing up but they've got a dedicated left turn lane and they have a signal we we won't have any of that here I think and backing up over a draw bridge yeah no that's fair is the treasure I'm sorry the Sunshine Lane Jesse so just get a clarification on that is it in this site plan is it a is it a two-way Road or is it a one-way road because I only saw one arrow on one of the marks and I just want to get clarification on that they want to turn the section that they want to vacate they want to turn that into a one-way Street the the Sunshine Lane itself I I believe is only 15 ft wide okay one way being heading so this yep right there like this is where they cut off this is the section that they would be requesting to have vacated okay which would allow it to turn it into the oneway coming out the one way coming out yes yeah okay oh all right if the audience are you we're still in open discussion in board discussions board okay so there is access to the beach from this property oh my apologies it's it's off the right now they're showing that they're accessing the sidewalk that's on GF Boulevard to go down to the beach from there they're not then they specifically answered the question that they were not providing any additional egress from the parking lot to the beach and they were going to discourage that uh obviously if somebody's parking right there in the beach 30 ft away they're going to walk straight to the beach but that's a different but the plan right now shows they no they can you can it's it's it's accessible for sure but plan right now is to you know put enough buffer there landscape wise that it's going to encourage people to go on the sidewalk that's how I understand it Ross if I may have one can I backtrack my statement actually I this is actually an Ingress from Sunshine late correct yeah my apologies yeah I'm with you because I was thinking about cars on Golf Boulevard traveling Northbound turning left onto the road and then yeah that would be that makes more sense so is the is the app I think that that helps Michael's conversation you're not having two directions of cars going in one way right I don't know can I just I don't know if you're familiar with but the sir does anybody from the board's discussion standpoint have anything additional not at this time is that okay Jesse I don't know if this is a question for you or Jennifer but on a lot of our things that has to do with the beach and beach access and homes and development and stuff is does the commission have to get involved in this one at all since it's abouted against some environmental and Beach areas Al are you talking about like whenever somebody applies for variance that's on like the golf side okay okay it's only if it's a variance yeah there's only certain things that have to go in front of the city commission that but the Gulf of Mexico okay okay thank you I had received a late comment card so if everyone is okay with that I will address that uh Mr Phil Rooney and please step up to the podium you have five minutes to were you sworn in sir I was not no oh please raise your right hand do you solemnly swear and affirm that the testimony you're about to give before the Planning and Zoning Board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you um so I'm with Eastman Equity um representing the uh Nordin which is right next door and our main question is just relating to Sunshine Lane and its directionality that when we looked at this plan it looks like oneway traffic coming out that's our only entrance into our property and we're just wondering how we turn that into a two-way street and deal with traffic and access to that property just a comment just something to bring up okay consideration that's all I've got okay good thank you I think that we had just addressed that as a entrance not an exit uh Jesse what is the does this now turn it into a one-way Road are we is the city putting in signs that say it's one way I don't even know what it is to I from what I recall in my review I did not see any signs so I guess technically it's a two-way road today so that I think I actually kind of want to get the applicant back involved in this but it looks like it's only going to be a one-way starting at the area that they're asking the city to vacate and the the rest of it would stay two way just they're essentially using it that way so it would be an exit out of the applicant's property it would be an entrance an entrance entrance yeah ah okay Sunshine Lane two-way Road where the city okay all right excuse me where the city is potentially going to vacate their part of the alley okay it would be an entrance into this parking facility I see so the exit is always a rightand turn onto Golf Boulevard yes sir okay understand and I assume Jesse There are signs that says do not enter when it comes to people trying to leave this parking lot and going Sunshine Lane last we put in um we would have to public Public Works would have to look at that because those signs would be then in the area that would still be city right away and we would have to get approval from public works if they would want to post signs beyond the area that they're vacating stating this is a one way from here okay oh I mean one more thing uh Catherine yonan hi Miss Catherine hi uh that is used for Catherine yes you haven't been I have okay uh that is used for to access the Nord Vin property both coming and going so south of where they're proposing to vacate um I don't think it would be possible to make that a one way yeah un understandable and I know one of the questions from the board was if someone from the nor Haven was here and available so just for the last speaker that we had Mr Rooney or Rooney he was from that property right right I think when he's still here yeah I think when he was leaving the board he was in the impression that this was okay so can you turn a two-way to a one-way Midstream in a street it's just that's a you know civil engineering question I don't know the answer to it Sunshine Lane is going to stay as two is stay as two lanes Lane the part where the city vacates it potentially vacates it is going to be a oneway in there's not a oneway out just a driveway it's just a driveway now it becomes a driveway yeah yeah correct so if you look at that essentially the road itself continues to always be two-way got it yeah I see I that's the Nuance yeah it's that okay yep do you yeah good get it yeah good I'm good on that no problem if we were to move forward with this and sorry for the questions I know I know that from a condition standpoint do we also have to then put in the conditions about the do not enter signs leaving the parking lot to go Southbound on Sunshine Sunshine Lane would we have to put that in as a condition or is that already automatically assumed that Public Works would need to review that because I do think that if we were to approve this that some type of notification or some type of situation that advises folks that they cannot exit on Sunshine Lane is imperative and I just want to make sure that if we were to approve it that that is included in into the conditions oh I was going to say uh we could get the applicants come up because they do have an actual signage plan as well okay that was on includ so if you would want you could maybe call up the applicant and ask them if they plan on posting signage stating do not enter I think the other thing is if this is an entrance it's going to have a gate there's not going to be able people able to come out there I don't see on that I haven't seen on any site plan where it's a a gate okay the gates are located on the island I don't know what that black bar is going across I don't I don't know what that is I couldn't tell where the gates were either but I just assume they'd have let's just feel out from the applicant is everyone good yep y questions to Mr Jesse that's I know we peppered him someone someone by right to reserve Fair okay um Mr Galis would you please approach the podium thank you so just so you know I took a lot of notes good um rather than um boring you with all my answers do you wna specifically you want me specifically to answer some important of or you want me to address all the questions from the three um speakers and all the notes that I took from from you guys let's do with the signs first because that's what we call map here let's let's do the science first and then if we were incorrect in regards to answering any of the speakers stuff then he has the opportunity to correct us that sound like a plan sure sure okay so Mr Galis in regards to Sunshine Lane that black bar that I see on the screen right now what is that thing so um that bar was removed in our last s plan revision okay um that line and you're strictly speaking about yes sir uh with the staff um was determined that we were not allowed to do anything in the public right away and when I say public right away okay so we remove that Stop Bar we remove the arrow and we did not remove the signs we relocated them okay uh to so those signs are located within private property new to the RightWay so granted that our pment connec to Lane like anap so engineering we don't want to in na shape so we do not have a stop bar but we maintained the stop sign right at the corner we added um One Way Arrow right next to the stop sign on the right at the South tip of the property and then we kept Doo enter signs on both sides of the entrance within private property okay if you were to if if there what would you all be open to having additional signs with working with the city that do go in the city's right of way if the city agrees to it like is that something that you guys would be on board with if we wanted more signs yeah that's that's not a problem at all um we we've been working hand in hand with Public Works um making sure that it's clear for the user users of the parking lot that when they're coming out that they see that they cannot go and enter Sunshine Lane okay well thank you for clarifying that for us was there anything additional that you heard during our public discussion that you would want to take out of our notes or make a correction to or a comment on sure I um I have um on my notes here um I want to you know address Sharon Sharon's um some of her comments questions concerns so yeah we're proposing to put that back in front you can address you can you can address us talking you address your question by address s yeah just speak into the mic and look at us that's fine so we are um proposing to vacate a a short section of the rideway U that is the um end of the existing Sunshine Lane right away it is proposed to be vacated not to um add any parking or additional parking uh Dev vacation of the rideway is not um increasing our uh number of parking spaces our parking lot is um Bound by the uh regulations in the soning district and we're meeting actually I think the U ISR on this property is is it 95 Jesse if I remember correctly uh yes so by code uh ISR is 95% and and you're proposing about approximately 62 well actually yeah the the imperious uh surface area that we're proposing is way less than that so the number of parking spaces that we prop we proposing are designed just by what we can lay out within reason uh not trying to maximize uh any number of parking spaces here we don't have any any goal to maximize parking simply that's just what makes sense and is a reasonable for uh for the proposed area that we're proposing or we're trying to use for the parking lot um so there is existing fence around the property um the um uh there are uh parking stops every single parking space is going to have its own parking uh wheel stop um parking fees uh right now we do not I do not have any information what the parking fee is going to be uh the uh developer is currently researching uh making some you know compatibles with other parking spaces in the city they have not estimated what the parking fee is going to be um towing truck uh service yes uh they currently have a toow towing truck service um and that is going to be also uh extended that service is going to be extended to this parking lot um uh the surface of the parking lot is is is asphalt and then um I think I cover all those uh questions from uh Miss Sharon then um Mr um Scott uh bonava um so um we're not uh changing the uh the the direction or the traffic uh on Sunshine Lane uh Sunshine Lane is currently 15 ft wide um we're not uh at all changing modifying the two existing two-way uh Direction on Sunshine Lane we're just strictly uh connecting to Sunshine Lane and we're only uh proposing to have Ingress from Sunshine Lane and um for um Mr Phil Rudy um uh we're again same same answer we're not changing the direction on Sunshine Lane strictly just um entrance where we're proposing from Sunshine Lane uh in in the public RightWay of Sunshine Lane Vehicles can continue uh uh current uh directions as they I believe it's two-way even though it's a 15 ft wide right away they use it as two-way so we're not touching or changing any of that um so the RightWay vacation uh and now these are some notes that I have from your discussion um the use of the rideway um vacation is going to help us to create the uh turn uh the Runabout that we're proposing um so that's going to help us maintain that circulation around um as part of the uh process for the RightWay vacation we have to uh receive letters of uh probably almost a dozen uh Public Utilities uh with letters of no objection and we receive all of them uh including the city of Treasure Island public works so we did our homework in that regard uh um Duke Energy uh do um pinelas County to just to mention some of them um we are providing within the proposed section of the uh right we that we're proposing to vacate there is an 16 sanitary sewer system uh sewer line excuse me Gravity owned by the city which we are providing an ismen back to the city uh so they maintain access to that area and then pinelas County also has a uh reclaim water main uh or water line uh reclaim water line on on the RightWay uh that we're proposing to vacan uh don't want to sound repetitive but I want to make sure that you clearly understand what I'm trying to say that um uh pinelas County requested that yes they will allow us to vacate that portion of the rway but in in in exchange we have to provide them back an easement with the same area so um the use of that is basically limited to uh what in the future uh the utility company p in this case pinelas County and the city will allow us to do over uh those easements that will remain in place after the RightWay if the city commission approves the RightWay vacation um yes fdot requires um s plan approval [Music] um yep that's oh uh and a stocking uh I know uh Mr Michael did you ask about stocking I did so fdot requires um minim uh between 50 and 75 fet um stocking so right now from the edge of payment on gol to Bay to the gate we have a space for about five vehicles to stock which is uh surpasses that minimum 75 ft that is required by FD good inel you good yes sir I'm I'm good just but I'll tell you much more polished applicant than the last time this this process was here all right thank you sir thank you appreciate it appreciate it thank um thanks everyone's time and input if there are no further board discussions yeah and if the applicant doesn't have anything further as far as a rebuttal goes the applicant and he know I asked him before he left does the applicant have any fur anything additional rebuttal wise okay one is that I I'll give you two minutes because you only used two minutes of your five the first time thank you yeah I just wanted to clarify we had a misunderstanding we thought it was exit only that was our Bad complete opposite yeah now that we understand that it's entrance only and the roundabouts there and the traffic can go through pull back out as long as there's clear signage we're fine with it yep and it stays two ways yep okay yeah we wouldn't want to suffocate nor Haven from their property I want to clarify that perfect thank you for coming back up your next application you get 90 seconds because you only use 30 we'll keep an aggregate approach to it all right so we will close question oh wait hold on sorry Mr Anthony he you were sworn in I was I was sworn in my name is Anthony sanos address yeah 1371 Playmore Drive Palm Harbor Florida hello I just didn't know if there were any other questions that Mr Galis wasn't able to answer that you might need some clarification on from the applicant's perspective I don't have anything additional okay I just much better process this is probably a stupid question but you're looking to attract people that want to park at the beach correct we we're looking to monetize a piece of commercial property that we currently own right um there isn't anything more than that and I think I um want to point out that some of the questions that people are asking about trash and about um other issues what we're already resolving on other properties that we own within the municipality within Treasure Island so we have for instance security that monitors our properties after hours and roves all we're doing is adding one more property to their assignment we have on-site maintenance people that clean up our properties we don't have a c a code enforcement history problem that same individual that's a full-time employee of green leaf Capital would come over and monitor this property the same way that we do all of our property so so I just want to point out um you know that we're not new we're not Out of Towners we aren't we are folks that have been here now for a Dozen Years uh taking care of our properties and all we're trying to do is just generate some income on this particular piece of property in the future to to your point Mr Downey there's a chance that a few years from now that use might change right the economics might make sense to turn it into something else a structure condos right um but you have to take into account markets and interest rates and cost of construction and you know various things as an owner um so uh right we just have to kind of go with the flow and one thing that I wanted to mention I know some people questioned what may have occurred between the last approval uh and the answer to that is covid um right so once upon a time we operated the restaurant there as the user gave on the past we no longer operate a restaurant there we lease the property to crappies on the past and they're one of our tenants um so that's kind of how we evolved and how we got here so I just wanted to address uh everyone else in the room with those comments but if you have any specific questions please don't hesitate here to answer thank you I mean if I had more time I'd drill you on all the other property that's across from cves that I've sat here for 35 years and watched but anyway thank you for your additional information greatly appreciate it thank you and appreciate you guys working with the city all right we good if there's no more questions you close it and go into deliberation good no more questions all right so we will close the public hearing you me to use this fancy thing go for it great there go nice and I don't have anything additional so does do we ask for a motion sure well I I have a question but go ahead first hit me with it so like somebody pointed out this is the gateway to Treasure Island right I mean it's kind of like an armpit well but underneath the first thing they see when they come over that bridge so the question is should we should we ask for upgraded Landscaping that make Chris feel any better I no I I'm actually still back on the basic question here maybe this goes back from a legal point of view Jennifer um you know with respect to the zoning here and allowing special exception for an ENT for entire use of a property under that condition that's and it's this I from what I'm hearing from the rest of the board members is that this is an interpretation issue of how that's written the city's made their recommendation that it falls within their read of the co of the code um I I'm not reading it that way and I'm I think that's the discussion for the board in terms of but you know there really two points one whether or not you can use a special exception for long-term use of a property like this for the entire use because it's labeled out under that Resort Pro property zoning and second the site plan as it's submitted today does it or does it not fall in conformance with the comprehensive plan and in my opinion it's a no to both was J Jennifer can you can you opine on this or so um what I can tell you is that in in your code right now um it provides for the interpretation as well as um of this code and the administration enforcement of your zoning code to the administrative official which is the city manager or their designate and then there in this instance I believe the design is the CDD director and so what you're hearing from the Department is their official interpretation of this code yeah okay and legally that's what they've been delegated in the code to do and and that goes to for for both points here the special exception you and also whether or not it fits as an interpretation of meeting the the the the the intent of the comprehensive plan right so what you um I've heard you speak about a special exception use but I believe what you heard staff say is that it was a permitted use within that area that's what their testimony was based on the um provision of the code that provides for off Street Standalone parking right so but but we're we're being asked to it's within the permitted use but we're still we're still voting or you know coming up for a vote on whether or not we allow a special exception for this is that no is incorrect that's incorrect the only thing before you today is a site plan approval so you're looking at whether or permitted use as a permitted use as to whether or not what the applicant has put forward meets the criteria within the code for a site plan approval okay so the end if if I were to accept that then the only thing really is whether or not it's that opinion basis of whether or not it meets the site plan meets the intent of the comprehensive plan or is in line with the comprehensive plan correct so one of the one of the determinations that you will make is whe in what respects this plan is consistent or not consist not consistent yeah I see the plan and with the zoning District okay I I understand the Nuance there now all right thank you thank you Chris I did have a I we forgot to ask a question of the applicant um when it came um Mr ghal can you come up here real quick reop oh sorry I need to reopen this right now I can say it sure so when it came to some of the additional conditions that we had mentioned during our discussion and you had mentioned yeah I'm okay with it is like one of the things was um I know you said in the uh feedback it was about like you garbage or security but like timing wise like if if if we put that in the conditions that the applicant would be okay with that from a potential approval perspective so mi Mr um Sanchez um I remember two conditions uh additional conditions of approval um I didn't take my notes when I was speaking I remember one was the hours of operation from 6 to 11 here's the great news for you I have a phenomenal conditions notetaker and she's right here to my right thank you thank you okay it would be my own personal opinion as a board member that I would like to add this following condition the designated hours of operations are from 6:00 a.m. to 11: p.m. and overnight parking will not be permitted additionally oversized Vehicles such as recreational vehicles Campers or boats and trailers will be prohibited from the parking lot moreover there will be be Clarity in adherence to the parking rules science outlining outlining the parking lot regulations will be prominently installed on the concrete Island where the smart boom gates are placed and that is per bam the second to last paragraph on the letter that was submitted to Jesse on May 1st by me 2024 by you sir yeah yeah we're good with those two with that condition of approval that's a whole condition of approval one single paragraph correct well I didn't I just I left off the first sentence about the access to the parking lot will be regulated and limited through the use of smart security gates which will be controlled by digital keypads so we would be taking that content and putting it into a conditions of our approval would be number eight eight we're good yes please we can add that condition of approval I mean I was under the same mindset as my counterpart here so I appreciate you taking those notes and asking that question is that all I'm good for right now that is it I would like I'm gonna close the public hearing thank you thank you everyone thank you and is there we're back to deliberations back to deliberations I think everyone pretty much knows my presence on this one so I don't need to talk anymore I'm good good I'm good you're accepting motions I can we add private security and towing company as that the the owner will contract with it sounds like he already does contract with a private security company and towing company to yeah Marvin I think it's a good point because we keep talking about those other Parcels being somewhat owned by the same applicant but we're only focused on this parcel so I think that that's a very good point to add into the conditions and they've already stated that they would um do that from a from a applicant's perspective so if we would want to make a condition number nine um please the uh owner will contract with the private security company and towing company to surveil the premises and okay perform any necessary Services okay that's a good ad okay accepting motions uh yeah if there is no other board discussion I I would I would move that this board deny um this motion for uh the proposed parking lot based on it being inconsistent with the comprehensive plan plan of Treasure Island I'm not hearing a second ask for a second just ask if there's a second is there a second for that motion so that La that dies for a lack of a second are there any other motions I move to approve with with conditions um and those I'm I move with conditions on uh case site trip 0298 d222 uh to approve with conditions the conditions that have been outlined in the staff report the ones that were previous an ad number eight which would read the designated hours of operations from 6: a.m. to 9 to 11:00 p.m. and overnight overnight parking will not be permitted additionally oversized Vehicles such as recreation vehicles Campers or boat trailers will be prohibited from the park from parking in the lot moreover to ensure the clarity and adherence to the par parking rules science outline outlining the parking lot regulations will be prominently installed on the concrete Island where the smart boom gates are placed in addition to that there's another one number nine which the owner will contract with a private security company and towing company to surveil the premises and provide any needed services and that's the end of the motion and conditions is there a second for that second motion by Diane crille and second in by Marvin chavalon roll call vote please Michael heres yes Diana crille yes Marvin shavin yes Ross Sanchez yes Chris Downing no Gary Tano yes thank you we build your parking lot quick okay we're going to take a two-minute break due to technical investigation make it can we make it Catherine two five okay I need get out but I mean you call the shots in this town you want three four five might this one's going to last a while e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah we need to wait for Madam clerk definitely wait thank you years really everyone good maybe even more than that okay Bianca's okay great Jesse you good yes I'm good all right getting it back together short recess here we are uh Planning and Zoning regular meeting Thursday May 30th and um we're going to get into our next item of business make sure I got the right card okay and um we are going to be addressing case number 0428 d223 11158 Golf Boulevard site plan approval request for a proposed five-story overp parking condo hotel structure comprised of 17 hotel motel units and we will be getting into the applicant who I don't have a is the applicant here today yes please address the podium were you sworn in at the beginning of this meeting sir not I apologize I stepped out for a minute it's okay it was at about 10:02 am this morning were you here at 10:02 a.m. I see at 9 o'cl oh okay um Madam clerk please raise your right hand you already did do you solemnly swear and affirm that the testimony you're about to give before the Planning and Zoning Board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you good morning my name is hush kahi I'm with Northside engineering we're located in Clearwater 300 South Bel Road I personally reside at Madura Beach so not far from you all um today with me uh the ownership um Ali Milad as well as our wonderful uh contractor Bob Lions I've worked with Bob for 35 years and uh Bob has built over like three 4,000 units Bob and uh also Bob's team is here as well if there are any questions that I may not be able to answer I would love for them to chime in and help out um don't want to compliment Jesse because he doesn't like compliments we've enjoyed working with him I guess I'll just leave it at that and he gets a lot of compliments so um the the project before you as uh Mr chairman just described is a a project that we can all be uh proud of we have a wonderful design team phrase design uh Mike Keller is here with us today architecturally if there are questions that I cannot answer I would ask Mike to join me uh project is uh very nicely designed the site has met all the city regulations site currently um is an old hotel it's called our Villa at 11580 Golf Boulevard it it's not in the best shape it doesn't really meet any sort of a regulation um you know you guys had talked about parking back into the street that's absolutely a very dangerous situation on on Golf Boulevard so we're eliminating that we're taking the whole building down the parking everything basically off that property except an existing um Transformer that belongs to Duke Energy so that Transformer basically stays everything else will be removed and uh we're more than happy to um you know provide a a a project that's really first class we' have carefully designed it water sewer drainage Landscaping uh height of the building shape of the building we've worked very very closely with Jesse and his team and we've gone back and forth a couple times just to make sure that uh the vision of this city is is picked up um on our plants so um I think I have described the project uh to to this point and uh if if you all have any questions I'll be more than happy to answer I just I have one question go ahead yes the design looks great I compliment everyone involved uh be a great addition for Treasure Island just a question on a number of the condo hotels that have gone up recently have come in uh to request um exception to have the public use a bar or other type of facility on the property and I don't think this site plan includes any requests of that nature um but let me just ask the question for you as the applicant there is there any intent to have any um fac I guess bar type facilities for the condo hotel residents um the short answer is no and the long answer [Laughter] is okay and I didn't see anything in the site plan that included like that so okay I didn't see anything in the S plan and um Chris it's a really good question because I know with the U property next to it it's something that we had discussed and went through back and forth multiple times um and I even think that one came back for the from the bar perspective like asking about the bar yeah um my only question for the applicant so in regards to you've got the you've got the levels and then you've got the penthouse level and then you've got the rooftop deck that has access to the penthouse so is the Rooftop only attached to the penthouse or is it for all of the community residing in the in the structure I I would like to have the architect uh Mike Keller answer that question okay Mr Mike Keller were you sworn in in the beginning yes I was okay my name's Mike I welcome yes it is exclusively for the uh Penthouse unit it's got a staircase on the back balcony that goes up to it yep I saw that there are there's access to the rooftop units stuff from the stairwells I understand but the only access to that is from the penthouse okay so I think that act answers Mr Chris's question um even from a future use perspective thank you for I appreciate that um so then we don't have to worry about liquor licenses or open to the public or public parking or things like that seems like the rooftop is only addressed to the penthouse so I'm sure that that will not be cheap good if I may chime in the ownership has another piece of property not far from this one it's it's much bigger than that so hopefully we're hoping that this project gets approved today and that will Kickstart the new project then we'll have some you know restaurants possibly at the ground level as you know we're in flood zone so we have to flood proof and do some other things yeah it makes it more challenging for sure yes it does and also once the Project's approved and the project is built the ownership is relocating from Michigan to Treasure Island he is making this place his home and I can see why I have lived in Madura Beach for 20 years yeah that's great thank you aome thank you um any other questions of the applicant okay we will get into the thank you sir please sit down we'll do the staff report all right uh so this is case number sit t-00 428-2233 parking condo hotel structure comprised of 17 hotel motel units uh as you can see the aerial image the subject property is located at 11580 Golf Boulevard subject property has a land use of Resort facilities high and is zoned Resort facilities High R fh50 and the flood insurance rate map the subject property is located in a11 coastal a Zone according to firm panel number 12103 c194 with an effective date of 824 2021 uh just a little B background um not much to this property it's been around forever um so the subject property has one existing structure con constructed in 1950 and is comprised of 15 hotel motel units on December 13th 1977 resolution number 77-340 plan number 047 for a commercial pool and there's a survey of the property as it is today and this is the proposed site plan here's some elevations so this is the front elevation that you would see from Forest golf Boulevard and this will be a view from the beach then this would be the view from the Southside property another one n another side it would have the same view from the north property all right and so getting into the site plan review criteria which is stated in section 70- 92 uh the staff's analysis is as follows the subject property has a future land use designation of Resort facilities high and is located within Resort facilities High RF h-50 zoning District their proposed use and density is not in conflict with the goals objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan criteria two the proposed site plan is in conformance with all applicable regulations of the rf-5 zoning district and sorry again that's a little small but you can see that in your staff Report with more detail but it does meet all Land Development regulations criteria three uh is not applicable the proposed site plan does not include the subdivision of property number four number four a the proposed site plan meets the purpose and intent of rfh-ia 4B the proposed site plan meets Drive AIS widths parking space width and length driveway and sidewalk connections within the right way appear to adher to all applicable fdot standards for C the proposed site plan is in conformance with Landscaping requirements set forth in Chapter 70 resources veget vegetation and environmentally sensitive lands Additionally the applicant is proposing to remove impervious surfaces seaword of the property line and cccl you can refer to sheet c2.1 of the Civil plans for more detail criteria 4D the development consists of one structure that meets all setback requirements there are no other proposed buildings on site fore the proposed site plan will not impact the use of the existing public beach or access to the Waterfront applicant is proposing to improve the sidewalk on the 10 foot Waterfront access easement and will require approval by the city of Treasure Island Public Works Department prior to commencement of work you can refer to to civil plan sheets c2.1 and C 3.1 for the proposed sidewalk replacement uh just to get a little bit more detail there's like a 10t uh public beach access which they are it's um I think it was approximately maybe 20 to 25 ft of that which would connect onto the Golf Boulevard that they will be removing and replacing and for f uh this is not applicable there are no known historical architectural significant structures or archaeological sites on subject property for G uh also this is not applicable there are no onsite recreational areas improvements or lands to be dedicated for public recreational purposes and criteria five any proposed work on city property will require approval by the city of Treasure Island Public Works Department prior to commencement of work I even refer to civil plan sheet c2.1 and C 3.1 for also the proposed sidewalk replacement on city property which we just discussed criteria 6 their proposed site plan will require a permit or exemption from the southwest Florida Water Management District and the Florida Department of Transportation criteria 7even also this not applicable the subject property will be redeveloped in conformance with all applicable codes and of course moving on to staff recommendation staff recommends the proposed site plan be approved with the following conditions one all building permits and construction associated with this this development proposal shall be subject to all current regulations within the Florida building code flood plane management regulations Land Development regulations and the Florida fire prevention code in effect at the time of the building permit application process criteria two were necessary to accommodate the proposed development Property Owners shall be responsible for the removal SL relocation of any and all public utilities located on subject site this is regardless of whether the public utilities are known at the time of site plan approval or discovered after such approval any removal or relocation will require the approval of the city's public works department and slor pelis County Utilities Department condition number three all applicable state and federal permits and slor exemption exemptions shall be submitted to the city prior to commencement of development per Flor statute 166.370 shall adhere to all applicable criteria for Hondo condo hotel uses set forth in section 68-4 N4 criteria five any proposed work on city property will require approval by the city of Treasure Island Public Works Department prior to commencement of work and then criteria number six the planning condition number six my bad the Planning and Zoning Board authorizes staff to approve site plan modifications to ensure compliance with the city's proposed TR brain modification program if adopted provided that the general architectural and civil design maintains a fair and accurate representation of the approved site plan with exception to grade and that is all and staff is available for questions I I just had one quick question I know there's only what five four Cabanas or five Cabanas so there's not one assigned to each unit I I know there's nothing that goes in those Cabanas because it's at the flood level but is there anything on was that a is that part of anything you have to do as far as the site plan with any specifics in terms of the way the ownership goes uh ownership I think that would be a question best for the applicant um it just seems like it would basically just be used for people that are using the dwelling condo hotels but for our perspective if they call it a cabana we know that it's not living space oh I see what you're saying yeah that would yeah that would not be living space yeah of course that's also in ground floor so would not be I guess that's my point in terms of us in terms of that labeling that that covers it for you yes yeah that does okay so condition number six talks about the terrain modification program so they're not doing that with this plan they're not correct going to those standards correct but if they make a change then they have to go to the terrain I'm not sure what number six is all about if we approve our terrain right before they start building and stuff I think then that's when they're going to have to adhere to it that's correct yes so that's because we this is basically a condition we're putting in place that would allow applicants not to have to come back to the planning zoning board because obviously we would be allowing them to elevate their building so there should not be any drastic changes to the site plan approval so if they don't start before August if they get approv approval all the approvals but they don't start building before August 1st and the site and the terrain modification plan is approved then they're going to have to go up as that what you're saying that's correct yes but if they start before then they're they're good they start before then they would apply what's in what's regulated right now just and starting would mean getting their building permit from the the department that's correct treasure is so once they get the building permit that's the they don't have to really start start they just have to get the building permit prior to August 1st whatever because yeah building perit I believe it's like 6 months so if they don't do anything within that six time frame it would expire then than they here that's right yes any and then any changes within the code are going to be implemented so in this particular property they they would have to raise it about a foot and a half right uh for within the coastal a Zone uh we would allow it would be a maximum possibly about 24 in uh but that would be basically very sight specific of where they could Elevate that and these are pretty tight sites so we're confident that we can figure out a way to not affect other properties and that would be a condition yeah yeah that's why that would fall under I'm not confident but we'll talk about it through LP yeah right well here's some examples of what's GNA be happen oh trust me yeah yeah yeah because what it is basic for Builders and things like that yeah right you know there's some people that are coming through and putting you know projects in because they save you know hundreds of thousands of dollars in fill dirt it's not like the city's going to give them money to lift it 22 feet up in the air just cost more money okay does anyone have any other questions from the staff report no mean I like that obviously it's within the height restrictions I mean that's obviously something that's always called out on um from my positioning everyone knows that arilia is like my number one sour spot when it comes to our Boardwalk um I think it's the it's needs to be revamped um I didn't see anything in the application I know that the applicant was up there we can have him come up for a rebuttal at a later date but Jesse in regards to um from the boardwalk to the setback of the property are there discussions going in place on who takes care of that I know that it's a city's responsibility I'm happy that Ocean Club you know did what they did and made it better um um or I think there was like lease agreements in in the past or whatever but are you guys talking to Balboa about the um setback that's from rear setback to the boardwalk on who what what's going to take place there uh at the moment these site plans they don't have anything be beyond their property lines right now okay all right because I mean that's obviously a big deal I we have some of the you know I assume if they're going to be building this multi-million dollar machine um that they also take care of take take care of that as well I mean I think that that's an assumption but I just you know as of right now I don't know if anyone's been behind AR Valia in the last 15 or 20 years I mean it is it's rough so um the but I think you you bring up a broader question that that in terms of consistency of how the city should be dealing with that area between the boardwalk and the setback so that it's fair to all of the property owners across there and including some of the property owners putting up signage which is not that inviting or great I think I think there's there's a there's a lack of I think Clarity for the building owners as to what should be done and then what the city should be doing as well that's something we can work on yeah I think we've talked about it because I remember um the tahan when it did when the tahan came in for their renovation project that was one of those topics of conversation um I agree with you from a consistency standpoint I actually don't even know the the rules or how it works it's yeah yeah the the app the the resident owner I believe can make it nice but they also don't have to maintain it in present day that's that's what my my interpretation yeah I think it can be left natural however it seems like a lot of these properties in Treasure Island like the G applicant made the comment about people are finding out about this place things are starting to get nicer things are happening that's exciting you see some of these properties that are on the boardwalk cleaning up their own act and making it nicer right and then it's kind of a it's I think the the the gray area here is when those improvements are made by the property owners it almost becomes in some cases a private area which it shouldn't be or not you know that's on the edge next to the boardwalk that's where I'm I think there's just a l total lack of clarity it's a license so basically um for the property that is we'll say landward of the uh board or of the beach trail that you're talking about that's that that is owned by the city um and for a certain number of feet for a certain number of feet and then you get into the private property and so that area and I and I know that there are historic um improvements that have been done there so there may be shuffle board courts there may be just concrete pads or things like that that were done be before it was determined that that was the city's property and that was determined in a right in a historic lawsuit um and But ultimately that is city property and so they issue licenses and have issued license for multiple property owners along that talking about what can be done in that area and that it is held open to the public right the key is that it be held open to the public and I think that's what's for the public it's not clear today what's considered a private amenity of that particular property or what is a now effectively a public amenity of the beach area and who who you know who's on first I so all I'm asking and I think it's beyond what we're doing here today on this but and maybe it's just something for our planning board too try to help the city in regard to this for consistency okay take it as a note but I I hear what you're saying Chris because Ocean Club you could the Cabana chairs aren I know some of the people here with Ocean Club whatever but you can go get a drink at Ocean Club but are you a guest at the hotel after you buy that drink can you sit on those Cabana chairs so take this property for example right they put out Cabanas that are in the this area and we're not going to get a drink but if you were walking your cat and you wanted to sit down and take a break could you do it there I think yeah and I think actually in the case of Treasure Island Resort those chairs are on city land and the license doesn't restrict it that you'd have to go buy a drink I think anyone can actually go sit there that's not what the public see SE as the as what they can do and nor does and I'm not trying to pick on Treasure Island Resort because I think this is a problem up and down the beach that where they've added some of these amenities as to what they consider that somebody that's whether it's their property now or not and whether they'll allow someone to sit there and I I realize this a it's kind of a great area here I think the advertising or the solicitation is unknown but I in for your example with Treasure Island Beach I've been there numerous times they've never been like are you staying in our hotel right you know which is nice you know and Kudos are those properties that are cleaning up their backyard because yeah so I I think it's great we could find some you know a commonality here where the public actually knows they can use it but you got to respect yeah the property itself yeah okay and and then just one point you you said the Cabanas um are on that property I don't believe that's accurate is it the the compers are they're within no I realiz in the case of these compas that's fully on their property I was really more speaking about the designation of them with regard to code or whether or not it becomes a living space or not and obviously it's you were you you were satisfied that labeling it as a cabana makes it not a living space and I was good with that okay so I love this actually because we're going to talk about it right now for this particular site plan have they come in and ask for a license when it comes to the setback to the they have not they have not we've given them options during reviewing this like hey if you do plan on doing something it would be good to get a license agreement okay I mean they could leave it the way that it is today if they want still build their stuff if they wanted to um as of right now they're going to demo that shuffle board and of course that would involve a d permit okay and I'm not I can't speak for D but possibly they could have on that like you would have to restore that to its natural condition possible again my assum I don't I know I don't want to base everything off of assumptions but if they're building these Mega Million joints that they're not going to leave it the crab grass and stuff that's back there today again I know I'm with you all right good anything else for the staff report we have two cards so do I need to keep it open sorry uh we got two cards here ladies first we have no ladies so they will go in alphabetical order Chuck Newman Mr Newman welcome thank you I have did you get okay and our Madame clerk Miss Stephanie do you solemnly swear and affirm that the testimony you're about to give before the Planning and Zoning Board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you can you hear me yep okay State your address please yeah my name is Chuck Newman I live at 11555 G Treasure Island um I realize this is a DAV and Goliath moment but I want to walk you down my memory lane for just a second so bear with me I came here as a kid which as you can tell was a long time ago um and then spring break we came down uh College we came down did things teen AG boys do and then after marriage we came down like every other year fell in love with Treasure Island and when we retired in 2011 uh we bought a townhouse uh right across the street from our Villa and um used to be algers um and paid a premium because our unit has panoramic views of the gulf um and I understand developers you know they come in they demolish they rebuild take their bag of money and move on it's what I would do as well the problem with me is All My Views are going to go away and you know I understand that things have to change especially when um you know it it's run down but it just seems like Treasure Island is going to end up being another clearw Beach I I yes it is you can't shake your head and tell me that it is I've seen it almost exponentially change I mean the the strip mall where CJs and the pear were had all those businesses in it that's gone the one across the Street's probably going to go we're losing our charm in it was such a quaint Island it it's it's just sad to me that that's all going to go away and I know you shake your head Diana but you know I'm right so anyway um I understand that this is going to go through but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't say something anyway thank you for your time thank you thank you continuing the alphabetical order want to be fair Luigi Luigi no November oh I know you sir well I know you sir welcome back thank you were you sworn in yes I was all right have at it State your address so my address is 11,500 Golf Boulevard I own so the property right next door I still own me and my group own 26 of the units in the condo hotel next door and I just wanted to come up and say that I fully support this project I think it's going to be a welcome ad because as you guys have mentioned as well what we have next door is not really that nice looking and I also wanted to address that Beach area I know Ali the person applicant he's going to do a great job of cleaning it up as well and that's all I wanted to say awesome and so what what is the name of your property Ocean Club Ocean Club Ocean Club okay new one the new one okay great you guys have any questions for me before I sit down it's not a question answer but I'm good appreciate it good seeing you thank you you're welcome okay it's nice of you to support your neighbor uh we have one more card for this agenda item Robert luk lias lias Lions you left-handed sir my father is I'm just kidding I type too much nowadays were you sworn in this morning sir I was all right thank you thank you who states your address so uh I live at 12891 74th Avenue North in seol Florida so I'm I was a general contractor for Luigi next door and the our intent is to be the general contractor for Ali and uh I came to support the project but also to be available to answer any questions regarding construction or or those kind of things and and and the gentleman across the street Chuck is yesu so I wanted to mention that uh up and I build all up and down the beaches clater Beach to St Pete Beach and I've been doing it for 40 years your town is the most Progressive with regard to requirement of setbacks to try and pre protect people like you you know you have one on on that side of the of the U Gul Boulevard the setbacks require onethird of the width of the property it's unprecedented in pelis County with regard to to beach communities and to me it's very wise and I've tried to speak to that in other communities and they don't see the wisdom in it I do because it allows the people driving by to see between the buildings and at least see the beach or the water other communities require less height but they let them go wider and that that blocks the view from people passing by on the sidewalk or the road or buildings across the street so I commend Treasure Island for that and I think it really addresses Chuck's concern so if y'all later have any questions for me I'd be happy from a construction perspective to answer those awesome thank you Mr lions any additional board discussions we have no additional comment cards anything that you would like to discuss with staff and close the public hearing now close the public hearing and we will talk amongst our oh yeah rebuttal I'm sorry I don't have that written down on my head I didn't hear a lot of challenges to rebuttal but I would like to add a a couple of uh couple of uh items um and also answer some of the questions you might have the the Cabanas they're not living place they are merely for storing let's say uh umbrellas and chairs and things like that so I've as I mentioned I've been working with Mr lions for 35 years and we've done a lot of these uh Cabanas it's just you you wouldn't want to really drag your chairs upstairs and downstairs all the time um you know you just store it there so that's the purpose for that and um talking about Ocean Club and thank you Luigi for complimenting uh this site uh you know we all work together to develop that project you know Northside Bob Lions team Luigi so we all work together very closely to get that that project on way um a couple of other things and this is a question for possibly uh staff um the the permit is good typically for six months am I correct now would you also entertain extensions like in in some cases you can get extensions if as long as you apply for it let's say 30 days ahead of time most places you can ask for up to two extensions I just wanted to maybe get a clarification I mean how does it how does it fall with that current state of okay Madam clerk is informing me that you can get building um you can get extensions uh of a building permit upon the building officials um approval I'm not I mean it would be something I would look I would need to look at to answer you but um it regardless it doesn't affect the site plan that you're putting forth today correct that that's correct well um it might might because you know depending on on the ownership and he would like to start construction as soon as possible but let's say if he does not build within that six months so it's actually a question of whether or not the site plan has a deadline or has an has an expiration I think because he isn't applying for a permit yet well the site plan has a life of after we vote one year one year okay one year so I think to not to but I think you're asking whether or not after a year you can ask for an extension of this of a site plan approval and I don't know the answer to that if there's a process for that or not but that's the question just one second I believe there is Jen I actually have that stated on the uh on a development order on the very bottom of that did you want me to go Ahad and read that sure okay all right so in section 70- 92 uh subsection F within 12 months of the date of approval of an application for site plan review a building permit has not been applied for the approved site plan shall expire provided however that the original approving body and applicant May jointly agree to extend such such period of approval so they would have to come back in front of the pnz again I think that's that's right so if prior to one year if we can request an extension prior to the expiration of the site point we can request you can come before this board to do that so I understand y oh we would we would have to come back and request an extension SC this board I see okay and the only other thing I would add to that is we we say one year but just keep in mind that you know in prepping for the public hearings there are deadlines prior to that so you would want to be before the board before the expiration I mean you may frustrate some people if we do the approval and then we got to wait a year for something to get built I'm just throwing that out there you know because we approve a lot of stuff and you know we spend a lot of time on these reviews and nothing ever ends up happening so you know I I think that if you were to come again what Chris was saying and what our fabulous City attorney is saying from a site plan perspective that you come back and for I mean it's I don't want to say that we're like oh yeah no no problem but it seems like it's a pretty seamless process okay okay and then of course uh I thought I I I noticed that uh Bob Lion's uh uh address as the neighbors concern with regards to viewing and and that really is true you know you guys require better to go vertical because after a certain height you don't really see anything as much but but if you go and give more uh sights at back then not only for visual but also air pollution and also address that and uh Chuck had also mentioned that the developers usually come and make the money and leave in this particular case the developer is our wonderful friend Ali malan which is right here and he is going to be actually maintaining this this um this this uh condo hotel so he's going to be staying there and living there and maintaining it so I just wanted to let you know that you know he's not leaving actually he is coming here you know he is moving to Treasure Island he's going to be residing and maintaining this so I just wanted to let you know you know awesome good thank you thank you thank you we have no further cards we've got rebuttal from the applicant we can do board discussions amongst ourselves and with staff ownership would like to make a statement uh sure I mean we I was about to close it but I didn't know it's okay hold on Sir hold on yeah yeah hold on one second do you solemnly swear and affirm that the testimony you're about to give before the Planning and Zoning Board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I thank you again I apologize I just wanted to make it clear so that every just your name and address sir I'm sorry name and address please oh I'm sorry my name is Ali mad and well my address is in Michigan but it's soon to be we'll take it treasure yeah it's cold there but we'll take it okay 9145 old cot Lake Drive Jack in Michigan okay I I just wanted to be very clear because I didn't want any misunderstandings I do intend on living there and maintaining the property and I just wanted to make sure that nobody has any objections because it is a condo hotel that I would be living there all year round yeah I saw in the application that there was going to be a general manager on site at fulltime so that's see okay thank you very much so is that a that's not any kind of a problem that somebody lives there um whole time just out of curiosity when I've seen condo motels come in front of us before there's usually a comment made that there will be a general manager staying on site this just so happens to be that the general manager staying on site is also curious because I thought condo hotel you couldn't I want his job I mean get a big penous cond Jesse what's the do you know yeah um so for cond hotels like uh and section 68- 494 uh that's also in your staff report on page six it actually lists all of these items that have to meet and one of them is to have a manager full-time on the property which it's a requirement it's a requirement of the Condor hotel that they live on the property yes yeah really which is why he would okay wants to do and and looking but as far as other owners of the condo hotel unit it's it's really up to the association of that condo hotel whether or not they allow someone to live full-time within the unit or does it restrict that as well rest that why I was asking the question item 12 on here same page yes so that does restrict it yes thank you Michael yes so number 12 uh the owner themselves can only stay there 90 days in any consecutive 12-month period so there's additional 16 units owners are only limited 90 days I thought that it gave some lat latitude for the owner association interesting okay thank excep okay let me backtrack for the full-time one um number seven is actually the one that is the exception that permits a full-time manager otherwise they could not so I I'll just read it not withstanding yeah notwithstanding subsection 12 one unit may be used on a full-time basis by Resident manager and if applicable subject to the governance of the condominium or Transit segmented use Association okay smart yeah got it okay anything else against Bo discussion awesome thank you for the applicant's additional commentary and we will close the public hearing anything else motion make a motion I'm just not allowed to make them Gary P I'll do itead how it I make a motion that we approve site 0428 d223 11580 Golf Boulevard site plan request for a proposal of five story over parking condo hotel structure composed of 17 hotel motel units for the conditions listed for the conditions listed one through six in our package one through six in our package absolutely aesome seconds we have a motion by Gary penano poano and I think Marvin and it was um second in by Marvin I'm sorry Michael heres seconded by Michael heres and we will go to a roll call vote Chris Downing yes Ross Sanchez yes Marvin shaelin yes Diana crille yes Michael Herby yes Gary penana yes awesome thank you guys for your time I will not be happy if that is not built like if it's not if it's a dirt lot in 10 months from now I ain't going to be happy I run by it every morning every morning saw Luigi up on his do buddy all right a lot of stuff man all right one last presentation of items this is in regards to case number site- 00442 d224 at the location 10126 Golf Boulevard a site plan approval request for a proposed four-story overp parking multifam dwelling structure comprised of four dwelling units is the applicant present today awesome come on up to the podium uh did you get sworn in at 10:03 a.m. this morning I was for awesome welcome to Treasure Islands Planning and Zoning meeting state your name and your address please hi my name is uh Daniel eply uh address is 4843 Lake Valencia Boulevard West Palm Harbor Florida I'm with AO engineering I'm the engineering uh firm for the deel development I'm here as well with the uh the owner of the property Treasure Island Pearl LLC as well as the architect uh phas design and our contractor guy G away as well um in general it's uh pretty straightforward from what you kind of read off from the the initial statement um we're proposing a a 4 unit uh four dwelling unit Condo building with uh ground level parking um we fall within the the just make sure I say it right the resort facil is high uh zoning as well we also have a portion of preservation in the back um all of our construction activities will be out of the Pres preservation zoning um we have met all the city's requirements and and regulations related to zoning and uh we appreciate Jesse going back and forth with us multiple times to to make sure we could uh get those uh requirements met and uh being very helpful during that process so we could get to the meeting today um I would like to specifically address kind of related to the last presentation you guys uh mentioned the Elevate Treasure Island uh code requirements that are coming forward and um what that will mean for for developments moving forward um our ownership actually um wants to take advantage of that elevate Treasure Island they're looking forward to being able to elevate uh their development uh out of some of the the areas that may have you know existing flooding kind of uh areas they're going to do parking on the ground floor they're worried you know about you know flood waters kind of getting into to parking cars in their garage and things like that so um they are fully aware of the the the code requirements coming coming forward with the Elevate Treasure Island and they would like to take all the advantages of that um when when it is applied if and when it is applied yeah um it's not a guarantee exactly okay I just want to make that clear so we in our in our um permitting process we are kind of hoping that that that does come forward while you know maybe even while we're in the permitting process and kind of before um you know that goes into effect we're we're hoping to kind of uh maybe not delay but um that we're in the permitting process when when that takes place and that we can go ahead just within that permitting um that we're already doing go ahead and take advantage and raise the grade and um and take advantage of that and you guys mentioned so in a case like that be asking right now if let's say you get to raise it 20 you know 18 inches yes on that gr entry ground level will the design then just everything raise up that 18in inches everything else will stay as as designed in terms of height of each section and that's the way this will would end up running exactly and you guys mentioned in the previous um uh uh presentation you know how does that kind of affect the neighboring property so um in in this case I think the ownership would want to you know we you still have to maintain all of your own drainage and things make you're not impacting your neighbor so you use a system of you know small retaining walls or something around the site to elevate your section and not impact your neighbors um and you obviously with the setbacks that you guys require there's plenty of room to make sure that with the retaining wall next to your neighbor that we're draining towards our site and making sure that all the the runoff is Flowing towards our sworm water system and not impacting any any neighboring properties and the overall Building height would be 18 Ines higher absolutely absolutely got do you have any idea what cost additional cost that encompasses or look have you thought about that or I I I know that the ownership has and that might be a better question to to the our contractors here he may be able to provide I can give you a general you know estimate but he might be able to give you more accurate youant of situation right um in your p in your uh packet uh there's a condition number four that says if adopted from an Elevate uh from a Terrain modification program that it would that if it's adopted it can apply absolutely and and like I said I just wanted to let you you guys know we are fully aware of that and we actually have been every I think every email and every conversation we've had with Jesse we've asked if we can make sure that something like that gets put into the packet so we really appreci appreciate you guys putting that in and allowing us to kind of move forward with that without having to come back and do another presentation okay good anything additional uh know we kind of steamrolled you but yeah go ahead no no not not at all um yeah I I just want want you guys to be aware that um yeah we are out of the preservation area there's a CO Coastal Construction line um as well we're staying all the construction is is is out of that Coastal Construction line as well um we we meet the requirements for impervious area we're well under the lot coverage areas um for the project uh I think that's about about it for for what we have awesome thank you for your time and your um application as well as the additional commentary the um we will move over to you get any additional questions for the applicant can we ask the Builder to can he opine on this sure on the cost question sure if you want to take advantage of it has been sworn in um Mr Builder were you here at 10:03 a.m. this morning did you get sworn in okay go ahead and approach the microphone state your name and your address please uh it's not morning anymore good afternoon oh well I got here in the morning this is guy gway I'm from 3047 Glenwood Court in Safety Harbor um I represent I haven't signed my contract yet but I hope to be the contractor here uh this is Alex and Amy milman I've had a chance to work with them for a few months now and I will say they're going to be great um residen of treasure aisle the work that they put into their building is going to be one of the highest quality buildings I mean they've got high-end condos expect hope to get good money for them the time that they spent on their finishes and attention that they paid to details more than I see from about anybody else I work with I haven't built as much stuff is Bob he's an old dear friend of mine we kind of went into business like the same year uh but I've been building up and down these beaches for since 195 um in answering to your question you know we and it's funny because I'm they're pushing to start it I'm pushing to start it we're waiting for that elevate Treasure Island of course we don't we just heard that it sounds like it'll get built into the site plan approval package which is awesome it sounds like would just jump in um from a building permit status let's say you had a building permit um and maybe you can't speak for this did you have a building permit in place and then there's things you could start and I'll talk about construction you know so we have a geotechnical engineer over there and uh they've told us how deep our piles need to be and they help us design our foundations and our pile caps and it's not difficult at all to raise it up 18 in um piles up and down these beaches the 15 or so that I've done 20 um 30 45 ft deep is what they all are they're all friction fit we don't hit anything we just go down as deep as we can and uh and they'll do the same thing it won't be much different other than pile caps which is the end of your piles um the code requires are asked for 18 in below grade so but you know we put them down further all the time we put them down further for elevator pits we put them down further in the back when we've got swimming pools so where you put the P CAP of course it's a it's you got to get the structural engineer tell you it's okay but it's never really an issue most of the time we want those pile caps as high as we can get them because we start building our stairwells from them those are Shear walls that go all the way up and the short of that Shear wall is probably the less expensive the building so we'll usually sit within that 18 in to two feet below grade before we put that cap on top of that group of piles under either a column or stairwell or An Elevator Shaft so from our standpoint easy not a ton a lot more money fill dirt I I can't speak for the geotechnical engineer or the structural engineer but I don't think the piles will grow they'll probably be about the same length so if that answer does that answer you're just basically saying the cost to fill and it's about it man okay really is I mean so how much but a ball ballparking yeah we're just looking for we're using you we're using you I got a project in panel's park I got 5,000 yards of dirt I'm trying to sell for five bucks a yard um I don't know how many if and I'm trying I'll give it to them if if we uh haven't got rid of it before they start I want to say I don't know what's our footprint size no 5, cubic feet divided by 27 got that I went to FS nominal for a project like this phenominal I mean and five6 a yard a little bit of Hing fees yeah very much so I think though that you're I give me a number 5,000 divid by 27 5,000 divid how many cubic yards 200 185 I'll add a little bit to it go ahead 5,000 by 27 185 185 yards right on it and so let's make it 225 yards fluff and more than 12 yeah commissions I get it so yeah I mean if 225 times $5 a y $5 yeah there'll be a few to deliver it it's nominal like you said it's not a lot of money no I don't I don't buy that you know 34,000 bucks yeah even if you said 10 grand we' buy that I mean that's not gonna matter not that much you add it to the price of the condo I mean people are buying the view it doesn't matter it's no big deal if it happens or not okay so I I think you did though ask a very important question I'm not sure we got to the bottom of it which is we can approve the site plan you can do an adjustment to the site plan based on the Elevate TI as it gets approved or not approved but if you take the plan right now and go get a permit can we and I I hope we can there's a way within this that he could begin work do the pilings and might be the the cap has to be increased in size another 12 or 18 in Midstream during the permit because he's going to be allowed to elevate but I think the question here is can he make a change to the permit during this transition time if Elevate TI is improved or he have to wait to actually do the permit Jesse I and I don't know the answer to that and I for your benefit I don't want I don't want you to get sideways here I think I've seen in other places just submit an amendment to the okay good question I we have we'll see if Jesse can address it I ran into the same thing in madira Beach when they got rid of their F code are you familiar with what they did up there they got rid of their FA F code and of course we got permitted before that we actually had to per permit the smaller condition space area which is what the Cod ties to and they said permit get it ready and of course we started our foundations we did a bunch of stuff and the F code got wiped out and we got to increase our conditions bed what footage and they knew it was coming we send an amendment to the drawing so it allowed us to get started while right okay thank you let's kind of it's a poli Jessie what what his thoughts are thank you sir appreci thank you okay so as you can see like in our usual conditions that we usually State y um so things in infect at that time there would have to be so like the Florida building code the flood plane management Land Development regulations that could come into an issue because at the time that they apply we haven't say we haven't adopted yet it's not in the Land Development regulations at that time okay so I would have to check with uh Katherine the director to see if there's maybe a way to I don't know these permits he's going to magically appear I'm to magically appear That's City efficiency there basically you have to be under the codes that are in effect at the time of application for the building permit you can come in with a revision to your uh permit that the applicant comes in and asks to revise their permit to the new code okay but they're not required to no they okay like people that want they want to do it they can do it and build without Phil could I got it yes right so it sounds like since we're giving the provision within the site plan approval then that won't have to come back for that so that works and then you have the ability to approve because it's a change of what's applicable then so that's great someone could be 50% done building a building and then be like well I want to elevate it and then they go in and they can ask for it I'm not saying that it's going to happen right but you're right Catherine's saying doing some of this initial site work and putting the pilings down Catherine's saying that that's yeah that's great okay yeah we're making a great effort to let everybody know that we believe this is coming we believe it's going to be adopted it's really their option is whether they want to proceed under the current code or if they know this is looming and may be adopted this summer they may make a different decision okay awesome Co thank you for your time does anybody have any additional questions on staff report we have one card we we did discussions and we did staff is there any additional no we really did the applicant we Jesse hasn't given his we really did stand but he already did I thought it was the morning what happens you don't feed me at these things sandwich am I good all right we are on staff report my apologies all right so this is case number SI t- 00442 d202 4 and this is a site plan approval request for a proposed four story over parking multifam dwelling structure compis comprised of four dwelling units uh the subject property is located at 10126 Golf Boulevard the subject property has a land use of Resort facilities High R FH and preservation p the subject property Zone Resort facilities High RF h-50 and preservation p uh FL insurance rate met the subject property is located in ae10 which is a coastal a Zone according to firm panel number 12103 c01 94h with an effective date of 824 2021 uh just a little background the subject property has three existing structures construct did in 1958 and 1959 and is comprised of six dwelling units on November 22nd 1977 Coastal Construction setback variance number 772 v176 was approved for the construction of a pool within area 50 ft landward of the Range Line on December 13th 1977 resolution number 7730 approved site plan number 034 for a commercial pool and there's a survey and this is what their what their Pro site plan is and here's some elevations so this will be the view from Golf Boulevard and this be the view from the beach and it's be view from the South AB budding property and of course that would be the same view from the north AB buding property as well all right so site plan review criteria section 70- 92 staff's analysis is as follows number one the subject property has a future land use Des designation of Resort facilities high and is located within a resort facilities High rfh 50 zoning District the proposed use and density is not in conflict with the goals objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan criteria two the proposed site plan is in conformance with all applicable regulations of the rfh D50 zoning district and then you once again I'll figure out how to make these tables more viewable but it is available in your staff report uh they do meet all Land Development regulations criteria three the proposed site plan does not include the subdivision of property criteria four the proposed site plan meets the purpose and intent of rfh 50 zoning district and will not impact compatibility with the planning character of the rfh -50 zoning District criteria 4B that proposed site plan meets the drive bile widths parking space width and length driveway and sidewalk connections within the RightWay appear to adhere to all applicable fdot standards right here 4 C proposed site plan is in conformance with the landscape Landscaping requirements set forth in chapter 72 resources vegetation and environmentally sensitive lands additionally no development is proposed within the preservation area of the subject property criteria 4D the development consists of one structure that meets all setback requirements there are no other proposed buildings on site criteria 4E not applicable the proposed site plan will not impact the use of existing public Beach or access to the water front 4f is also not applicable there are no known historically or architecturally significant structures or archaological sites on a subject property 4G is also not applicable there are no on-site recreational areas improvements or lands to be dedicated for public recreational purposes criteria five there are no newly required or upgraded public improvements associated with this development proposal criteria six the proposed site plan will require a permit or exemption from the southwest Florida Water Management District and the Florida Department of Transportation criteria seven it's unapplicable the subject property will be redeveloped in conformance with all applicable codes and staff recommendation staff recommends the proposed site plan be approved with the following conditions uh condition one all building permits and construction associated with this development proposal shall be subject to all current regulations within Florida building code flood plane management regulations Land Development regulations and the Florida fire prevention code in effect at the time of the building permanent application process as we already discussed they will we do know they will be able to apply for a revision for that if and after the adoption of the train modification program condition two what are necessary to accommodate their proposed development the property owner shall be responsible for the removal relocation of any and all public utilities located on a subject site this is regardless of whether the public utilities are known at the time of site plan approval or discovered after such approval any removal or relocation will require the approval of the city's public works department and slor pellis County Utilities Department condition three all applicable state and federal permits and/or exemptions shall be submitted to the city prior to commencement of development per Flor statute 166.370 and of course staff is available for questions thank you I didn't mention it in the last one um pool like if they did come for a pool separate permit separate permitting process pools would have a separate permit yes pools do have a separate per okay um because I did say I was interesting 1977 variance granted thought that was interesting because that variance stays with it so um okay any questions for staff or any board discussions amongst us looks beautiful looks beautiful yeah four units just to you know my curiosity you know that they they only went up four instead of five units above in terms of height um I guess in terms of the size of the lot getting the parking to work out I guess that's just the way the numbers worked out on this one or the units have all ceilings all your ceilings but I mean that's an assumtion we need um was the setback because set the size of a lot that was separate so anyway I was just curious okay um any other additional comments by the board City staff to to City staff I have one card on the item it's okay I'd like to move to the card we will go to miss Kathleen popper if you are present please come to the microphone easiest name to say in today's cards section please state your name and your address were you sworn in at 10:03 a.m. this morning I was that was a long time ago tell me about it uh my address is 10124 go Boulevard I live next door to the proposed property my concern was the height which you've addressed it's the five stories parking underneath and four stories which is taller than I'd like to see but progress and then you said the Elevate it'll only be 12 to 18 in higher so even though if they elevate it they still can go up the five stories correct okay um then you addressed that there will be a retaining wall so it won't flood on my side or the other side which is the Malloy um that's it I just hate to see it happen I love my neighbors that are there they're great people they're going to be without homes um it's Chang it's progress you don't have to like it but it's happening so thank you thank you thank you ma'am thank you I don't have any additional cards uh if there's no additional board uh applicant rebuttle would the applicant like to have any type of rebuttal any type of feedback okay well to the microphone sir were you sworn in this morning I think everyone knows the time we did that I've said it a gillion times welcome welcome thank you um my name is Alex milman I live currently at 4655 Bas Boulevard in Shore Acres um and the only one thing I really wanted to bring to the board other than to say thank you to Jesse who has really been a pleasure to work with um was that uh we uh my partner and I as my business and life partner um intend to keep a unit in this building so um it is near and dear to us as well so we're really um intending this to be a first class uh design and build and I think it's really going to be an asset to Treasure Island how I feel awesome is there any other questions that I can answer no it looks beautiful it's beautiful beautiful great y thank you for not asking for any variances or anything like that those do not do well in this situ situation um thank you for approaching the board and um I will with that I will close the public hearing and there any would someone like to make a motion I move to approve case number site 00442 224 10126 6 Gulf Boulevard Treasure Island 33706 to approve the site plan approval request for a proposed four-story overp parking multif family structure comprised of four dwelling units with the conditions with the following conditions building permits and construction associated with devel this development proposal shall be subject to all the current regulations within the Florida building code code flood plane management regulations Land Development regulations and the Florida fire prevention code in effect at the time of the building permit application process where necessary to accommodate the proposed development the property owner shall be responsible for the removal relocation of any and all public utilities located on the subject site this is regardless of whether the public utilities are known at the time of the site approval or discovered after such approval any removal or relocation will require the approval of the city's public works department Andor the panel's County utilities department number three all applicable state and federal permits Andor exemptions shall be submitted to the city prior to commencement of development per FS 166.370 osed terrain modification program if adopted provided that the general architectural and civil design maintains a fair and accurate representation of the approved site plan with the exception to grade I'll second all right so we have have a motion by Marvin sh Shin Shin shavin and seconded by Christopher Downing roll call vote Michael heres yes Diana krao yes Ross Sanchez yes Chris Downing yes Jerry penano yes Marvin shavin yes all right congratulations your site plan's been approved go build it two really great improvements yeah absolutely absolutely right and no all right so we public comments on non-agenda items we do have a card on a non-agenda item from Eva devise are you still present Miss Eva okay is there any additional public comments on non-agenda items all right reports and comments of City staff or sorry City attorney staff and board members Jennifer board members or staff Jesse Katherine all good okay board members okay I mean I could say something but Why Stop Now could I just make one statement about the agenda or the schedule yeah I was going to get to 13 okay so 13 uh on our packet Planning and Zoning Board local um planning agency meetings the next pnz and LPA June 27th 2 p.m. and then uh LPA right after that at 3 pm good for me does anyone have any that excuse do we know if Richard will be back I don't know how long I can do this for should be you're doing great Ross um yep it's this regular scheduled so I already have it on my calendar I'm good for that everyone else good I'm good I do I do like the fact that we're starting to get some regular uh getting some flow here because there's a lot of things going on in the city and it would be nice to know we get a list of some of these activities that are going on so I I'm all in favor and even if we don't have anything for a month is it possible still to talk to see what's going on just to exchange ideas because I think we skip a month we just lose something I think we should be meeting every month Le that's we signed up for at 2 o'clock I think we've I think we've been good attendance wise we've been good I think just keep it going Jun yeah um is there stuff on the agenda for pnz and LP I soon there is I mean you're saying that there's meeting okay okay um all right yeah I don't want to bother anyone with my housekeeping things and adjournment sound good you want to do it here you hit this oh yeah we're you taking a break I got to take a five minute break and I have to leave I'm sorry okay I can't I thought we were going to be done okay all right is it still okay we got we're still good all right so we're all set I know and I'm to blame I'm sorry e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e live okay well it is the afternoon now so good afternoon everybody good afternoon uh we are on let's see Thursday May 30th 2024 at our local planning agency uh so I'm calling this meeting uh to order we've already done the Pledge of Allegiance earlier this morning at 10:02 a.m. maybe maybe 10:01 a.m. uh in our Planning and Zoning done the cell phone announcement uh no need for a roll call we have the same attendance Christopher Downing um he has needed to depart so we can get right into the presentation of items we have a um review uh sorry 6. a review LPA resolution 2024 which recommends approval of ordinance 2024 d03 amending section 3-4 proximity of establishments to church or School Exception by removing the 50 room requirement for hotels from the exception amending SE section 68- 302 to correct a codification error amending section 68- 484 accessory uses in motels or hotels to distinguish between accessory uses and incidental Services um so with that being said and I think that that is something that we had reviewed before it was sent to commission and then sent back so everyone should be very familiar with it um and being that I never have made LPA notes I think I go into staff presentation that's it I've had it um so you are correct this was actually brought before you guys back in March uh March 21st of 2024 um any you recommended approval to the city Commission um just as a reminder uh what was brought to you was um section 68 484 uh which basically states that incidental Services used in connection with either hotels or motels including cigar and Candy stands restaurants and lounges personal service shops and similar uses may be permitted by special exception provided at least 50 hotel motel units shall be contained within the building so what was brought before you was removing that 50 room requirement um so that any Hotel could have a small accessory use um so we brought that to the commission um there was also a caveat in there that only 10% of the floor area could be used for incidental services so the commission asked us to kind of re-evaluate that 10% to see if it needed to stay in um so we kind of looked at it and we made the determination based on the definition of an accessory use and um there's another section on Accessory uses general which kind of says that it has to be uh customarily incidental to or in subordinate to the principal use so any accessory uses we approved would would not be the primary use on the property um so we determined that we could remove that 10% um with the exception of alcoholic beverage establishments we left that in there as just a straight you could only have 10% for an alcoholic beverage establishment um there were a couple other changes that we made uh one was to correct an error in the codification of the code and then we kind of did some we um better defined the difference between accessory use and an incidental Services um to make that a little bit more clear so that's kind of where we what's before you right now does anybody have any questions I mean I I'm all for it because I think it just helps business owners so am I so am I I think that's the intent yeah I like it yeah I mean you can't you know you know if you're a what it just helps business owners and one of one of the biggest complaints that you hear from these business owners how do we keep people here so we've got to add something to have that they can offer is there any pending like applications Katherine where this impacts them or I mean are they aware we've had discussions with several hotels that this 50 room was a limiting factor so there are two that I'm aware of that um would like this change okay and when it comes to the the the change that we are proposing I mean they they they I guess my question in regards to all right let me re hit the reset button my apologies in regards to the hotel community that we currently have in place is the majority of the feedback for this type of change that we're trying to implement I don't really know the answer to that question all I can talk about is new proposed hotels or remodels of exting hotels where they want this change in order to be able to have a restaurant or a bar okay so this the stuff that has been pending they're they like they like where this is headed yes okay and they've seen the updates to it type thing uh probably only in today's agenda packet okay but I think they're aware of it okay we've kept them aware okay thank you and sorry I just have one last question yeah in the com does the commission know of the re Visions so commission sent it back yes did they they're aware of the revisions that we now are repr proposing because the last thing I want to do is send it to them again send it to them again and come and they kick it back to us right yeah I believe they've all had a chance to take a look at it okay good all right um so we will go to we did that we did um anything additional no ready staff have any real concerns about this no no I don't no no we we we talked it over a fair amount I I mean I think it's provides a little more flexibility okay um you know so ultimately up to them to decide how big they want to go but I mean they obviously can't go above the primary use but right um I think we spent a lot of time on this one so okay I'm willing to make a motion okay I don't have any well hold on hold on yeah so I don't have any cards uh is there anybody making public comment today on this item great and I'll will entertain a motion okay I move to approve resolution 202 24-4 which recommends adoption of the revised ordinance of 202 24-3 to the city commission second aoll a roll call vote please Madam Clerk Michael heres yes Diana kille yes Marvin CHF approved yes Ross Sanchez yes Gary penana yes sorry so motioned by um our fabulous Diane crille and seconded by Mr Michael heres pass good awesome I'm I'm usually thanking somebody like goild your building or go sell go do your thing like yeah we're all little thrown off go submit your applications people the city of Treasure Island needs businesses come on all right um we do have one more item 6B Workshop to review draft audiances for chapter 8 building in chapter 66 flood plane management you ready this is you yes all right you're we have all you have all of our ears good afternoon so we're bringing back in ordinance form uh things that we've discussed at previous workshops um for chapter 8 which is building and chapter 66 which is the flood plane management regulations big picture overview a lot of things moved out of chapter 8 and into chapter 66 you will see them struck through it doesn't mean they disappeared um there was two main reasons for that one is that a lot of the things that were in chapter 8 are already in the Florida building code and did not need to be locally adopted because they have subsequently been implemented into the building code so like half of them kind of went away and I'll go through it um and the other half went to chapter 66 the ones that are specific to Treasure Island uh the state um has a new plan which they call plain language where they like these amendments to stay in the flood plane code um and not in the building code which has to be reopt every time they update the building code potentially and so they wanted something that had a longer life um we are making changes to chapter 8 to say the currently adopted building code rather than citing a specific year uh but there still may be other changes that come through that have to result in a change to the building uh chapter so uh I gave everyone a uh packet of this printed out that matches the one I have so I can go by the page numbers in the bottom right corner and I just want to go through the changes with you if that's okay so we can kind of highlight how everything that we talked about with um Justin has become in ordinance form uh chapter 8 there are some problems with this draft that you have as far as the the number and the section numbering and there's one outstanding question on the fire code so we will be correcting that from this version that you see but basically this is final language so the first change you'll see is on the packet in page 20 um and that is the change that I mentioned earlier where we're getting rid of a specific addition of the building code and just saying the currently adopted Florida building code that rolls over on to the next page you'll see it also rolls into the national electrical code um and you'll see it one more time on the next page where it struck out of the local administrative amendments we also got rid of the reference to 2020 uh then we skip on over to everything Remains the Same until we get to page 25 25 25 and so the change there is we used to have the whole process for an owner Builder permit called out in our uh chapter 8 that is actually in the Florida Statutes and that changes from time to time at the state level we're going to reference that instead rather than adopting that locally just uh to make that cleaner so that covers the next two pages three pages next changes on page 28 um these are where the changes start from the things that were moved out of this section and moved into the flood plane code or we were redundant to the Florida building code so um you'll see where it says see chapter 66 in the middle of that page that means these requirements move to the flood plane code then you will see not word for word but the generally these requirements move to the flood plane code um we added a new section to go to the flood plane code talking about um definitions that's where you'll see um substantial Improvement and those other things that we talked about we'll go through that in flood plane uh next one went to chapter 66 on page 29 the next two actually went to chap to chapter 66 well next four we're up to page 30 page 31 they went to page two chapter 66 um the ones that are simply all struck through those were redundant with the Florida building code where they didn't say C chapter 66 those are just gone because they're already in the Florida building code so um then we get to the pretty much the end of this and that is the fire code we are still working with the uh Fire Chief and fire inspector just to make sure we've got the right cations in here but it's just referencing the currently adopted version of the code in any local amendments so that's basically it for chapter 8 is there any questions or comments or discussion on that it just seems like it's more of like it just seems like it's more of kind of like a reshuffle retitling type thing to make sure it makes accurate sense yes okay yes really no fundamental changes in there other than referencing some things that go in chapter 66 like definitions that were some of them moved okay and some they were also enhanced because some things were not defined in reference to the building code appreciate you so um I know it's been a long day so I'm going to go pretty fast but please let me know if you have questions um for chapter 66 um that starts on page 35 of your packet um so the first change is on page 37 you'll see we have a new address as you all know you'll see that um we now referen the terrain modification manual that will actually be adopted as part of our code so when you see a reference to this it's just referencing another part of the code uh the terrain modification manual we've been over it in very general large picture form it's very long document very complex as you know um so we will definitely be bringing that back to you in a final form with more discussion about that so I have a question sure is there no chance to leave the terrain modification as a siloed type of Vote or process rather than putting it into this updated LPA code I guess is that the is that how we're describing it so it is the question whether we need to adopt the manual yeah so like because you made the comment when it comes to terrain modification it's going in with all these other changes that we're rewriting our lpas right yes if the terrain modification thing still was mean it's like it's either like you can get all these changes done but it includes terrain modification the only way you can get those changes done is if you are on board with the terrain modification is there any chance that the terrain modification could be siloed or separated so then we could still focus on our regular regular you know revisions that we've been making and I know and I know that I'm the outlier here because there's been a lot of work by staff and by consultants and everybody involved in the terrain modification and I understand the purpose of it as I've mentioned before um but reviewing it understanding it a little bit more um you know coming up against some in internal struggles in regards to being like on board for it so like I was asking the question today in this meeting to say you know can I be on board with the LPA and then can we me personally have the terrain modification be a separate item so the way that it works is right now the way that it's proposed right now it is integral to eight different chapters of the Land Development regulations um so the way that they are written now they're accommodating terrain and fill and all of those things so to p pull that apart would be to reapo this completely MH um and if there are other changes in here like in the building code that we need to make we would just be instructed to come back and make those changes M you know that would be our our guidance is we don't want to rain but we want to update the code um as you all know we're going through a major rewrite of our whole code with um a different consultant that's more focused on the ldr part of it the Land Development regulation part of it so these are um only addressing unless it's like a glaring conflict yeah things to do with terrain okay like for instance we'll be bringing you proposals for fence wall Hedges retaining walls because that you have to address that you modification it changes it yes yeah again I I mean I'm not trying to crush anybody I just the the the terrain modification thing I just I have my opinion on it is I'm struggling like I said a little bit with it because I just feel like when it comes to what where the city wants to go and I get that it's a hundred-year Outlook but you know you look around you drive around you bike around you walk around and I just feel like there we there's some type of struggles that currently exists and I'm concerned that the terrain modification or Elevate TI AKA um could potentially hinder that potential growth or that type of progression now there's there's two different ways to look at it obviously it could obviously help it may attract people but I just I don't know if we need to be looking at other things to help you know if we're going to if we're going to say you we prefer you to go through this Elevate TI process through this code what maybe we need to be looking at other things that we could potentially give in in whether that's height whether that's density whatever it may be I just feel like that's something that we may have to review okay well um included in the proposal is this height adjustment Factor as we call it so you're not losing height with the program um we've gone through that like I I know that you go up two feet you still get your two feet I understand that we're not squeezing people um I just okay I I mean I see where Ross is coming from I mean why wouldn't you come and say hey let's make sure everybody's on board I mean I just feel I'm getting a lot of qu like there's a lot of questions I mean I was out just just walking you know with my son and someone had pulled me over and like oh hey I've seen you on the meetings like you know I have concerns about this Elevate TI thing and this that and the other and it's like okay and then you know the other day I was not even on Treasure was in public because I don't go to this public it's 33% more C cost impact but anyway you know and people were asking those questions and again Catherine I know that you have spent a lot of Blood Sweat and Tears into this so I don't want to be that person that's adverse to the whole motion of where this is going but I just have to ask that question because it just seems like there's a lot of things and my initial question was more along the yeah understand we need changes here it's going to automatically include this terrain modification and like I just it's a it's a struggle for me because I know administratively we just had three applicants come through our packet was 500 pages so now we've got train modification that book alone is I think you said 500 pages I know that I haven't read the entire but well let me let me back that one up a little bit because really the manual itself is not 500 the supplement with every point in the city and all the the elevations is probably 300 pages I don't have it in front of me but um so but you're going to be looking at your specific development type so you're not going to look at the you're not going to have to look at the whole book and from a civil engineering perspective um I think that might be a good thing to bring some in and talk to them about what it means to them from designing a site um but it literally is it's a dra it's a drainage equation that they have to do anyway it's just a different yeah appro it's a different cookbook I guess for how to do your drainage and I and I and I and I get that and I know that that's important for where we for where we for where we want to go um a real life example that I'm thinking about just in present day is like the Treasure Bay situation right so today there's no permit to reconstruct Treasure Bay I I get that we have elevati let's say elevati comes in okay well now we're talking about lifting does elevati impact the Reconstruction project of potentially a renovation of a golf course it Tech would right because you're lifting it the seaw wall or the buildings yes okay so there I mean I'm saying there's there's some there's some impact there and I get that again I want to be glass half full approach where it comes to yeah it should be it you know the golf course elevated is a good idea or the buildings elevated is a good idea um but also that's more work we could could potentially be more money it could we don't we don't know that yet I mean I think that question that we had earlier was interesting so um um you know not only the Treasure Bay situation but um you know our downtown area our other areas the you know the other areas that are empty I just I'm trying to figure out what is the hindrance of progress that has it's taking place and I just need to make it clear that the Elevate TI thing I think could potentially be an additional hindrance to that type of growth and opportunity for people to you know invest in Treasure Island um not trying to Advocate but just to let let you know that the people we're talking to are mostly wanting to elevate so um for instance we had a meeting uh with the church on Paradise and they need to redo their seaw wall it's about 50 something years old they know that this is coming they're very excited to be able to pull that seaw wall up use that fill push that seaw wall up and protect their property because they're looking at um long-term really long-term protecting their property so um the feedback has been mostly positive I mean people have concerns cuz it's complex yeah you know being very honest it's we're explaining it the best we can without an adopted code of what this would mean for your particular property because we have people coming in and saying I want to wait and I want to do this with the new fill regulations because people really want to raise their seaw walls and so it kind of all comes together like raising your house raising your seaw wall raising the roads it kind of comes in a package yeah but the church isn't the church isn't raising the church fortunately the church is actually high they had we had their ancient elevation certificate from 20 something years ago and uh when they did an addition so we were able to you know kind of have that conversation about them being able to raise their sea wall yes because you don't want to put the church in a bowl obviously we all know that and but the way the terrain modification manual works works it wouldn't it would say you can't because obviously you don't want to put your building in a bowl okay all right one of the things I just want to add with the um ordinances that are before you that are before you right now and being considered is many of the changes that are being proposed in those ordinance are tied directly to the terrain modification so there are there are nine ordinances that will travel together you're getting them an individ slices correct um but if the if the decision what you know if the decision is to move forward with train modification these are the nine that need to happen if the decision was to not move forward with terrain modification then we wouldn't the the staff would not be proposing these nine ordinances there are other changes um I will tell you that like like for instance the fire code change that we're talking about in 8 that one we just bring back in a different ordinance because it's it's something that we thought well while we're amending it we'll go ahead and add that in fix that fix that issue so there are things within the ordinance that would be brought back separately um that are cleanup items and while we have that section of the code open you know we choosing to clean it up but if that helps answer the question that you have it does I'm just concerned about you know you want some of these other stuff cleaned up but then the levati thing causes concerns it's I just feel like they're kind of stuck together type thing well from a vote from a from a voting perspective do I have that wrong no no I I understand what you're saying I will tell you I don't think there are many items in these ordinances that aren't affiliated with the terrain mod manual I think there they're um like the fire one is and there I think there clean up in eight is because it's old it's really old and we just had to I get it but I think the majority in 60 clean it up okay so we'll leave it for seven but from a discussion standpoint if someone can just walk me through the timeline then of what's take place for meetings and things like that then I would great well that's why we wanted to bring you these ordinances in in small workshops because I don't think you want to Workshop nine ordinances in one day and I don't think you want to adopt nine ordinances without having Workshop them individually so that's why as they're ready um we are working very hard to churn these out and would have more for you if we could but everything is more complex than any of us think and so you know we're making sure that they're not unforeseen okay consequences of changing things because every one of these changes seems to be rolling into another part of the code and that's what we're trying to track the I get how complex it is yeah and I'm not bagging on the city but adding more complexity to our entire situation actually does give me fear I'm just you know no I'm I'm glad we're having this conversation like the highest power you know we're not a real high-powered City when you come comes to looking around I mean I know we got this big fancy building but I I'm with you okay sorry to interrupt there no no I'm glad we're having this conversation because it's important because what would happen with chapter 8 for instance is just come back to you with only the changes that needed for housekeeping okay thank you cuz I don't think it's gone through his threeyear cycles of read-option okay so we're kind of looking back a long way um we're on page 37 um we just talked about those two things the terrain manual and the address the next changes would be um just to clarify what goes in your application for a permit so we are uh just describing the forms the FEMA forms that are needed and the um how to do a substantial damage or substantial Improvement application so that's really just paper the paperwork confirmation of what forms we were using um page 39 once again references the train manual and then we go into definitions on page 39 the new definitions are on page start on page 40 first one is a building we wanted that to simplify that we had many definitions of of a building in every single chapter of our code that we're all different so this is coming straight out of the Florida building code and it is short and clear so we figure that is the best one to use especially since the flood plane code has to seg into the building code because the Florida building code deals a lot with flood management um the next change will be at the bottom of that same page where we talked about natural grade so we've come up with some new terms natural grade we'll get to in a moment um what that means uh then we on page 41 you will see there are three FEMA forms that we describe which ones to use we've just been getting a lot of paperwork that just doesn't meet the FEMA standards so we just want to be quite clear about which forms you need to use not something that you got out of the archive from 20 years ago that you have at your office that you need to use the current adopted FEMA forms because we get audited by FEMA and if we don't have all our ducks in a row then we're not in good shape so we've been very strict on pushing back on these but we just want to lay it out in code uh the next thing is Phill um we have a description of Phill um material including but not limited to soil gravel or crushed stone that is placed in an area to increase ground elevations which is different than structural fill and then we have finished grade and that's the finished grade after you do fill the next changes roll over to page 40 4 where we go into natural grade and that is the prefill so we're using those terms in the manual we're using those terms in this section of the code um to describe how much you can fill and what the fill is measured from um and then we have a definition of non-structural fill which is not supporting the structure so um might be a parking slab under a house um which is not supporting the structure above it it's supporting the parking slab but nothing else um I'm sorry non-structural and then we go on the next page on page 45 structural fill and that's compacted fill which does provide structural support um once again structure straight out of the building code um substantial Improvement this is something we discussed a lot prior this was the five-year period which is a cumulative 49% um this begins when a permit is issued starting on whatever date we trigger this whether it's August 1st September 1st whatever we're going to give people time after adoption before this goes into effect even though we've made huge Outreach on all of this on the next page page 46 this is where we get into everything that came out of the building code and came over here to live in the this is a real mix because a lot of this was in the flood plane code it's been reorganized or it was in the building code and it came over here so it's a good mix the forms once again we are just making sure that we this is the kind of administrative part this is the FEMA forms once again saying these are the forms you have to use the next part this whole section one a b andc is all about forms um no real change to what we're doing it's just codify what we require um the next part Begins the actual um changes that came over from the building code so this is substantial damage and substantial Improvement um shall be as defined in this chapter so we're saying okay we've moved all this out of the building code into our chapter and have our definition um these minimum building elevations on page 47 these are the same as they always were it's 2T above freeboard for the uh living space the foundation design requirements we moved that over that was always required um the enclosures beow required elevations this was all in here we just moved it into a different sections so it applies to all buildings the only difference is we accepted those commercial buildings um that are either purely commercial or commercial areas of mixed use structures I.E downtown we allow those to be partitioned when they're dry flood proofed so that's um that was a big problem with uh Downtown Development that I don't think anybody realized and when we were looking at this code we said we've got to address that um in order to facilitate this mixed use Vision that we have for downtown where we've got commercial on the on the ground floor quote unquote and the ground floor may now be 2 feet above where the ground floor would be today but that's not a substantial change as as was discussed by the um condo developer that was here earlier it's really Phil um so none of these These are either already in the building code enhancements of the building code or we're already in the flood plane code so what's new is the exception and the substantial damage substantial Improvement definitions um next changes we get to are on page 48 once again a reference to the manual um and then we have the manual again and then we go down to the bottom of page 48 SE section 66-33 point5 um the changes to allow non-structural fill of up to 40 24 in which you'll see there everything else is pretty much carried over from the previous code um other things in this section the number D was in a different part of the code it was just moved here for consistency um and then in number two in the middle of page 49 uh the you in areas that are not Coastal High Hazard and Coastal a they need to meet the building code and the terrain mod manual and then they can have fill so those are the two criteria for fill um and then on bottom of page 49 all we did was add a definition for manufactured home homes coming out of the state statutes um that's more of a house cleaning thing and housekeeping underground tanks uh we adopted some language um from FEMA from their FEMA guidance in there so question sure um the manufactured home things yes you're saying that that was always in our yes we have are not a permitted use in the city they always have never been okay even if they're even if someone put in pilings and bolted one on the top of it no but there is I'm seeing in the statutes there is a difference between a modular home which is a factory-built home and a and a manufactured home which is like a chassis on a chassis okay those are two different things under the FLIR statutes okay so a modular home is a permitted use but that's built on you know on same kind of structure is anything else a garage structure with pilings um nowadays or without depending on what flood zone it's in um and it may come in pieces to the site like four modules yeah but um that is different than it's built different it's built to the Florida building code okay um as compared to the other one it's just licensed differently by the state thank you m c you are welcome um going on on to page 51 um we added a in coastal High Hazard and Coastal a zones we added that you can't have a turn down slab that's just clarifying something um about construction um because those have to be frangible they have to be Breakaway washable wash away walls wash away slabs um changes we made to decks and patios in coastal High Hazard areas um we talked about them being no more than 24 in above grade that's because of the fill requirement for decks um decks or patios um we just struck some language in number what is now 4B and then in on page 52 we added a reference to the manual and that's the changes we have to those they'll come back to you in a finalized ordinance form with correct uh sections and numbering and all that good thing but the content is basically as proposed with the exception of the fire code which we need to get clarity from the fire chief that thing on the bottom of 51 where you said it's 4B it's still going to be 3B just okay oh another see there's typos yes yeah it's okay we were a we were all collectively in a hurry to get this one done looks great it should be three it just be B there oh this is yeah 3 a by the way the a was done yep yeah so our plan is to bring you ordinances in in sections like this as they as we get them prepared and uh then come back however many hearings we need to have to get to a final adoption hearing we're not adopt they were saying the the August 1 thing right isn't that what some so that was a early Target thinking that we would be done at LPA in June okay and going to commission three times in July so we're in May today so we're probably a month I have to look at a def Stacy's latest email but it's not going to be August one it's not going to be August one okay yeah so you guys still work on like you said putting this together as one packet do we have any other departments or avenues that we that will be in front of us for the next LPA meeting when it comes to updating this we will have more sections of more section sections of the code to Workshop yes yes okay how many more sections hopefully she wants to say all of them but she's not all of them okay well no because I know you've been breaking it up you've been doing the different things so are we done with the breakup portions of it like moving them and that part it yes yes and you've had kind of the introductory big picture of correct the Big Ideas like there are three related to utilities and those are just one is new which is just a storm waterer chapter I got you and one is taking all the other utilities and cleaning that up basically and the other one is more of the rates and finance and fees and and process right so we go so those are pretty straightforward other than the real new thing is storm water right yeah you so previously there's three chapters but it's really one just like these are interrelated and that we were moving things from 8 to 66 you have um currently in the code there are two Provisions that deal with utilities um one is in the Land Development regulations and one is outside the Land Development regulations and then there's this new introduction of storm water and so we're kind of tailoring all three of those and putting things where they should be belong so you've got those three ordinances you'll have the ordinance that adopts or doesn't the um terrain modification manual and then you'll have 68 68 69 so 68 um there are some changes within the zoning code that'll um like Katherine was talking about with regard to retaining walls and hedges and fences so um there are some changes in in that particular chapter of the code that relate to terrain and then 169 which you've been briefed on which is uh the seaw walls um and so that'll be coming back for you in an in an ordinance form and so all of those we're hoping to bring at that time okay and they'll be workshopped yes just like these were workshed okay well I like the approach of us just going and looking at the at the changes I like this approach it cuts through it a little bit better for us yeah because there's a lot of words but there's not a lot of changes to these two for instance it's more like a reorganization in this case and the building code to be honest a a much needed update just to the just to the code references all right Katherine good for 6B of your presentation all good anybody additional questions all right uh local planning agency issues comments or discussion does anybody have anything LPA related okay reports of City attorney staff and board members none nothing nothing give me a minute next next LPA meeting we talked about it in planning zoning June 27th it says it's at 3 p.m. that's obviously contingent on the the timing is contingent on the agenda for the Planning and Zoning um but I do like having them on the same day so I appreciate staff's working ability to make that happen for us can I ask one question about that yeah if we wanted to start early depending we don't know how many pnz cases we have and probably will know that in a week or two but um we have a whole bunch of pending cases and they some finally make it through the Starting Gate okay like these three today I've been around for a while you'll notice that parking lot has a 2022 case number um but um would you be available to start early that day just kind of taking ath absolutely not okay this morning early stuff is just not conducive for me okay anybody else when you say early are you talking about like 10:00 a.m. or are you talking about 11 12 1 like just know that it might be a heavy day and usually it just set it's a known thing that it's 2 p.m. I me right yeah pnz stands at 2 and I'd like to keep that if we can but then it might be a long day yeah I just have it lock blocked my calendar Thursday okay that's actually the fourth Thursday we actually had to move um that because the city manager um interviews and commission decision day past 5 o'clock right we can't go past five can we or as long as there's no other meetings in this facility no we should be fine we can so stay 2:00 2 o00 2 o00 okay yep and if we just have to run late we're run late we can run late yeah and I'll just book it on the calendar late stop before we're finished because yeah and if it's running really late like we have a really heavy case we can always take a break for half an hour and have some snacks and you know make it not so' okay any public comments thank you thank you for that and uh adjournment I move to adjourn second second