[Music] adequate notice of this meeting has been given an accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 chapter 231 this agenda is complete to the extent known and was sent to the Trenton Times and Trentonian newspapers posted on the first floor bulletin board in City Hall filed in the city clerk's office and posted on the city of Trenton website formal action will be taken Mr Garcia certainly roll call councilwoman Edwards present vice president figuro kenberg councilwoman frisbee present councilwoman Gonzalez presente for the record councilman Harrison is excused from this meeting this evening councilwoman councilwoman Williams president present gracias council president IO present myself Brandon Garcia municipal clerk present Mr Edward kogi legislative councel and assistant City attorney Scott mikio president thank you on your call Madam president please continue to the invocation certainly almighty God who holds the fate of man and Nation we most humbly beseech thee to bless this our city these deliberations and these thy servants that they may act with wisdom and understanding for the good of our community and thy greater glory amen amen and Madame President at this time I believe we have present a presentation and that is from Trenton restorative street team presenting the week of shalom in the city of Trenton yes and to the presenters you will have 10 minutes 10 minutes to present I understand if there's anything uh any AV of any type that anybody has to offer then we have that here as well okay and do we have a clicker for [Music] them oh they don't I got you oh [Music] okay apparently we have that covered never mind right go right ahead folks well good afternoon um and want to thank um city council for inviting us here a big shout out to uh councilwoman Crystal feliciana as well as councilwoman uh Tesa frisbee um for allowing us to come in here and being able to talk about what we do my name is Pastor tone Bellamy um and I am the program coordinator for the Trenton restorative street team um where our sole mission is to help restore Justice and promote peace in Trenton schools and Trenton streets we do this um across seven programs which I'll get into that we strategically run right here in the capitol city as you can see the team here everybody on our team is from Trenton for Trenton and in the city doing big things trying to make a difference um our sole purpose really I'm under the leadership of Reverend Charles Boer um from salvation and social justice who for 10 years has been doing policy work in the community but for the last two years he's moved from just doing policy work to Pavement work so that we could help our people in our community and so um I'm excited to be able to share this with you all and to be able to talk to you about how we see the week of Shalom as something that could really be a staple event annually here in the capitol city of Trenton promoting um Peace and pushing back against violence in our community so if we could put the slides up real quick [Music] em un all right that's fine and here sorry just hand me the computer no worry about it then that's fine council members don't worry about this I'll send this to you'all via email no worry about it have me the computer just take it off hand here so I can just use it uh to present um so like I said we run seven programs um in um um for the Trent restorative street team um with the sole purpose of helping restore Justice and promote peace and Trent schools and Trent streets one of the programs is our street response program where one of our hris Kean Jones essentially uh dispatches our Outreach workers to anytime somebody is shot or stabbed or anything of that nature whether they show up at the hospital um or show up on the scene um and we do everything from engaging with the family getting their contact to helping them plan funerals to even helping do the funerals because we've got resources to be able to do that um and follow up with the families that's our street response program which is big and core to what we do as intervening in violence in our community we also have a safe fastest program where essentially we have about uh 10 nine to 10 people who work with the School Trenton Central High School and Holland Middle School to essentially ensure that kids are safe going to and from school um mitigating issues um of bullying and things of that nature to ensure that our kids um don't allow the environment sometime to undermine their education we got another program called our beauty salon and barber shop conversations we essentially realized trying to get people um to to go to counseling and therapy was hard because of the stigma on it and so we realized that we needed to allow them to go and be a part of a safe space that they already were familiar with and beauty beauty salons and barber shops were already that and so we've done at at at date about 12 of those between beauty salon and barbar salons and the impact has been phenomenal seeing people take steps toward because sometime you need Community therapy before you can take scouch therapy and so we've been able to do that um another program that we have is our summer boxing program with Mike the Beast Hilton where we house anywhere from 40 to 50 young people and teach them the tri and true art of boxing as an alternative to settling beef in the street with bullets and so that's at l again I'll send you the slides so you can see all that we do but today we're specifically here because we want to promote a culminating event event that we hope will become annual called the week of Shalom um the week of Shalom the week of Peace promoting peace and and essentially it's seven days um one week from July 8th through July 14th where we have seven events across seven days promoting peace and positivity in Trenton streets right and so we're really really excited about this we want to work with city council as well as dozens of community organizations that we're already partnering with to be able to pull this off we've done a lot of the leg work ourselves and we've already got um um some support um from our organization salvation and social justice and many other council members um who have we've already talked to about this um and so for an example um on on Monday we're trying to do something with uh councilwoman president um around the power of prayer because we recognize that a lot of the trigger problems in our community um um is a trauma problem and we need our prayer warriors to pray for our people and so across many Faith Traditions really inviting all Faith leaders to come out and pray with us um and then on Tuesday we're going to have a returning citizens um job career fair hopefully here um at City Hall where we can love on our returning citizens and help get some job opportunities for them on Wednesday of that week we're supposed to be having um an event where what is it no the prayer Vig is on Thursday um where um councilwoman jossi will be helping us with that um that'll be really really excited um to do on Wednesday we're having African American thank you Kon um uh a Heritage flag which we want to have that raising to really um um boost cultural awareness and encouragement of our people because when you got a sense of belonging right um that helps to undermine some of the violence that we sometime look into Friday we want to have a Friday Night Lights event we're already partnering with uh poppy Sanderson from education out ways and Mall as well as all of the proceeds for the Friday night flag football event will go to the Trenton you football program with Terrence um Terence Stokes commissioner teren Stokes runs that program so we're excited many of us came through and played with teren and so we're excited to give back to our community in that regard um on Saturday of that week will have a Color Run in CW Park our very own councilwoman Tesa Frisby will be leading that effort and so we're really excited to have her on that and all of this will culminate on that Sunday the 14th where we'll have a Citywide March in hopes of having all of our council members representing walking from their respective boards where we'll end up in Mill Hill Park and yes we got the permits already ready for it as well so I knew that was going to be a question so really quick that's an elevator pitch version of what we're doing here's what we were asking for you guys for from you guys today three things you know I'm a pastor so I got three PS and alliterations so first and foremost we need your partnership um we need your partnership um we recognize if you put the city's name on this you get the city's backing on this the people will rally around this many of us voted you all in office because we believe y'all out here and y'all want what we want we want help for the people that's what we want and that's all that this is about this ain't no gimmick ain't no Gadget we all from the city there's a lot of bullets and bloodshed on this team right here all of us as lost lost people to violence here it's not just a professional Endeavor it's a personal Endeavor for us as we believe it is for you all as well so partnership secondly um we need your promotion we need you to help us promote this thing man we need you to we want to Rally you know street team members right alongside you know council members really letting the community know man that we are out here and we're so serious about minimizing murder not just being for a moment but a movement man that we really want to invite y'all to be a part of help us minimize murder in the capital city of city of Trenton specifically through um your Partnerships and helping us promote and the last thing families we just need your presence um that's the power of pres we just need y'all there one we want every council member to partner to cover and oversee one day alongside us leading it and then we would like all of council members there on that Sunday to be a part of the March as we declare to our city that gun violence will not have the victory in our community thank you so much for your time I want to leave some space for Q&A and any questions you might have there it is thank you any council members have a question council president councilwoman Gonzalez thank you thank you for the presentation and thank you for the work that you all do every day um out here in our city I was going to say I would like to sign up for the Friday night since that didn't sound like it was taken we already had you down for it see we know study our Council we study our Council we know what's going on yeah that' be perfect any night really but not Friday if you could do Friday FR be great thank youc councilwoman Williams thank you um that was a great presentation I'm very glad to hear about this I had no idea that this was happening till this moment so thank you for bringing us to council You Can Count Me In of course you all know me um I remember when we did the four WS watch march last year I know weather wasn't our friend but it will be this year I'm confident God will send us good weather um so I know about your the three uh PS but also often there's Logistics that the city may be able to provide or material um Necessities so I'd like to see if there's any idea of what materially um you might need from the city or any other assistance that the city can provide to make this entire week a success absolutely if the slides were up there I had it detailed about what the partnership included and that was certainly helping us with some of that so thank you so much counc sure luck and I'm looking forward to it absolutely councilwoman frisbee thank you um so one I'm so excited about this I know um was that we were trying to get this off the ground last year and perseverance wi wins out and I'm so proud of the work that you guys do um you're making a tremendous impact here in our community especially with our children and that's the heartbeat that's the growth that's our Lifeline are our children so thank you for what you do um thank you for doing it thanklessly a lot of time times um and we know that you don't always get the recognition and the acknowledgement that you deserve and people probably are resentful when they see you at times but later on they learn to embrace you because they realize the work that you're doing is vital and if you don't do it then who so thank you for doing what you're doing I'm grateful for this week of Shalom um I wanted to offer uh with especially with this being um the week of Peace um if we'll connect with a a plethora of other um organizations that can probably assist you with this like you said it's the collective it's the partnership the promotion and the presence um so that we make sure that we get there together um I have was one question and I know councilwoman Williams did hit on one of them with uh things for the flyer but do is your flyer available we do for this you do have the flyer so that we can so we have a flyer and and and and it's already ailable we have a a a rough draft copy of it actually available the show for Council right now we we we we anticipated that y'all would probably ask that because y'all smart we smart so I think that's really about it for me is just I want to make sure we saw the flyer um hopefully it has to it's a rough copy it doesn't have yeah color City's logo and all the other wonderful stuff on it so thank you for that thank you for the work for you do and I look forward to the week of Shalom and working with all of you [Music] absolutely Council vice president good evening council president thank you um thank you guys so much for this presentation um again you know we support any and all things that are positive for the city um I'm out there to do as much as I can uh I'm just asking you guys reach out to me yeah South Ward come out reach out to me I'm your person um I'd love for more to happen in the South board and I'd love for you guys to literally I'm born and raised in the South board so please come out there reach out let's do some things um keep doing what you guys are doing I'm going to be full supportive of everything that you guys are doing right here um and my Council agrees so thank you for coming and presenting and just keep doing what you guys are doing absolutely AB councilwoman Edwards thank you council president um I just want to say thank you all for coming in and doing this presentation and to just say that the work that you do is commendable it's God's work first and foremost and I've marched with many of you I've rallied with many of you I've done the work with many of you and I look forward to continue doing this work I say thank you for thinking of me um you know gun violence advocacy is near and dear to my heart so I just want to say publicly thank you for everything that you're doing for our city because we need it it's not easy changing our lives around many of us come from the same streets doing the same things and to see us here in this chamber gives me goosebumps and I love I love you all for what you do for our city for our youth and um and just knowing it's not easy to stand up to our peers facing oursel in the mirror at times and reaching out to these young Generations seems redundant at times but it's necessary and this will continue to create change one Soul at a time absolutely so I appreciate you and I'm looking forward to this thank you we appreciate you too so thank you all for coming in tonight we appreciate you and your effort you're doing the work boots on the ground we're not talking about it you're taking action and that is what is important right and collaboration and so I'm excited for what's to come when we first heard about it you know ready to go but you know God's timing is best right and so now in this season it'll be brought forth and so I definitely look forward to helping lead the charge and making this happen alongside my Council colleagues I do want to say to Mrs Bellamy um I have come to your um Beauty in the in the um your beauty salon conversation um it is a wonderful experience and I see it growing and growing and growing and I thank you for the continuous work that you do um for the community alongside of your husband for your church um thank you I saw you at the high school today you flew by and um they were saying they were getting the girls ready for the prom go to A1 whatever the room number was but you were there and your present you're all present and I love I see you with the safe passage thank you for being out there thank you for the conversations with the kids thank you I see you Keon when you come up inside of the cafeteria and everything you talking in different capacities with the kids but thank you all for the work and the consistency because that's what's important and Pastor you in the barber shop I haven't been there yet but I see that it is smacked up in there um you know and I thank you and it continues to grow and so that's a true Testament of the work that it is that you all are doing so I look forward to the week I look forward to the walk I look forward to the worship together God bless you thank you thank you appreciate y'all appreciate y'all and thank you for getting us on the dockor councilwoman I appreciate got it Mr your call Madam president certainly uh Madam president we've reached the point of public comment yes you may start with any council person that you wish public comment huh public comment public oh public comment comment I'm rush I'm rushing this already in any event public comment will be 10 five minutes you may address any item that you wish if we have can we could have the public comment clipboard please the clipboard the clipboard yep I know [Music] right and again to the public uh public comment will be five minutes you may address any item that you wish the council is not obligated to respond first person for public comment I have listed is Victor irisari uh good evening uh proud to be in front of you I've heard a lot of positive negatives about city council so uh I know most of you are new to your positions now but not to the politics of Trenton all right uh my name I'm again Victor RAR from 19 Moren Avenue uh Puerto Rican American uh uh africanamerican oriented right my my point here tonight is that uh I believe the city council has the power to petition the governor of uh New Jersey to uh ask or talk to the president of the United States that would be Joe Biden to execute an executive order uh to immediately uh end the drug war like one that uh Nixon did back in 1971 that was not authorized by Congress till 1973 then it went into effect and that's 120 executive boorder of 12717 and uh Ronald Reagan picked it up and it's still going on today and it's a failure uh it was designed and directed to the black community and then to the black brown community and then now to the black brown ethnic community and it's getting nowhere and most people in jail now are people of that uh ethnic group or race uh uh along with that uh it's getting nowhere our people are in jail in the drug war is a silent uh War this um silent genocide but with the the true purpose of that from Jay Eder Hover was to find a black Messiah to prevent the black Messiah from raising up the nation black nation which eventually would save the planet Earth with righteousness and I'm I heard tonight I'm glad that I when I walked in and they these gentlemen and Lady were ladies were before me and I I heard a lot of godliness in this place and that inspired me even more to bring up the subject that the Gaza Strip War right now is nothing is Bo it's only the tail end of the holy war of Gooden was it started when they claim the uh Heavens in the spirit was actually a inspiration or aspiration of the people of the time and then it was only the Black Nation so there was a indifference within the black nation that started to was so called the holy war that is going on to now and both sides are looking for the black Messiah one to continue establishing God's uh government on Earth and not his kingdom but his government that's one side and the other side is to find the black Messiah or his people uh to destroy him or them to prevent peace on Earth uh I was uh my request says with your with the power that you have and uh how you uh deal with the mayor and the mayor with the governor I would think that by now uh well anyway since uh Governor uh Murphy did uh legalize uh Recreation marijuana for uh recreational you uh use uh stopping the drug war and decriminalizing hering cocaine and uh freeing out people from jail who are uh victims of a victim malis crime and if it's that just getting high that is trying to make a few dollars when that substance is illegal until you get arrested then it becomes legal semi-legal which makes law enforcement and the criminal justice system and uh pedal system much much money as well as the cartel that goes back to a 360 of illegal activities so it's a big circle and we are the ones who are people impoverished people are you know poor people black people uh uh what they call trash whites so forth the ones that suffer and between the families also so that's my comment for tonight and again I'm honored to be in front of you and that again talk to the governor through through your May of course to uh see uh all the other Governors would uh ask the President Biden to execute an executive order now stop the drug war and that'll uh stop a whole lot of fighting on Earth and especially like brothers and sisters saying killing or the gun violence and on our streets for one reason or another and most times it's because of money all right uh money thank you have a good [Music] night Pastor tone [Music] Bellamy Lewis Brady good evening everyone uh just want to Mr Brady can you please name your name and address for the record Lewis Brady 618 Franklin Street uh every th Monday and Thursday we have the street cleaner come down our street unfortunately the one day one Monday my father received a ticket for in front of in front of his house and he was just about ready to go out and move the car to the other side and the person says oh well you're getting the ticket anyway and he can't be moving it back and forth but that's the sign is up there it says Monday and Thursday and I have called numerous times to the street cleaner to the uh sanitation they're telling me they only have one [Music] sweeper and it's broke and they told and and I said okay let's I'll let I'll let it slide Monday and Thursday come they're not they're not doing the street and there's a lot of trash a lot of garbage in front of the house and along this uh curb I'm like I'm saying okay let me call them again and see what they tell me oh we already sented him down no you didn't because there's a lot of garbage right in front of my house I I I I really don't know what else to [Music] do so [Music] right Le uh is that Leo is I see brid last name is [Music] Bridgewater okay Pete [Music] Lewis Frankie Williams [Music] you want to turn on your microphone man please turn no if you want to turn it on there you go I really didn't but um all right I flunk the first time I came here but so my situation is kind of different it's kind of uh spiritual so just hear me out um to everyone Excuse Me Miss Williams I'm sorry to disturb you did you give your address I'm about to what's it we need that before you start speaking honey your name and your address please oh I was about to it's on my um it's on my uh Speech well my name is Frankie Williams my address is 620 West State Street U my number is 609 44678 and my email is Frankie Williams 4422 gmail.com um I'm here today to talk about dementia this is one of the steps in the process of turning you into a zombie and everybody here knows zombies is real because when I was 16 it was on the front page of the Trentonian that zombies were right here on Lamberton street so that's not like it's a joke um first a supernatural being drains you for everything your memories your thoughts your secrets your IDE ideas your personalities then they watch your facial expressions when you say certain things then at that point they can finish your sentences and even your thoughts they tell people you know about secrets you know about them so they could cut you off the next step is to create dementia and turn you into a zombie somehow I was supposed to be un alive but I'm still alive I still have a conscience and they are mad this being said he wanted my brain so now you have a supernatural being saying they want your brain which is them creating dementia where you forget about well I will forget about me and turn into a zombie then it'll be something like a manorian candidate where they could control you and make you do anything it's not a [Music] joke all right where they could control you and make you do anything turn you into a junkie and force you into sexual acts that you would have never done something like a mentan candidate when they can send you anywhere to do any crime to anybody they can even send you to just slap random people down the street which they are [Music] doing once again I'm here to tell everybody that they did save the wrong kids my children's are still being raped in this city by these beings who are urinating and uh putting feces on them I reported that years ago and they forced these people into retirement even after the victim gave a statement of them uh you know what they ain't no feet putting feces on their mouth um this is not in the report but this was about two years ago it is aliens hair it is supernatural beings Hair It Is demonic beings hair and the government is experimenting with humans and these people making superhumans when you have sex with these people they will rape you in your anal and then lick the feces out of it that's alien that's demonic and it has to stop and it's being done more than people realize and it's not a joke [Music] um uh this is just part of something bigger if somebody knows uh my children's location if they could tell me my daughter is 14 they told me that she was in kingsberry working on her fourth or fifth child no telling what they did with the children she had they made a law where you could drop off your kids at any doorstep or at the police station and this was to cover up for the sex trafficking victims who get pregnant right here in the city a lot of kids from Trenton are getting sex traffic right here in Trenton New York and going down to Florida to have their kids these people are broke and they use kids to support their drug habits they stay in brothel all day because they are really homeless and will rape a child child or an adult all day just to cover up not having somewhere to stay they will also invite friends over to indulge in the rape my son is 22 they have changed his sex when he was a teenager and they were trying to send me signs that my children were being raped in the kingsberry highrise when I was staying in the lowrise but I didn't get the signs because they were too spiritual for me until I got connected to the spiritual World um also um also told me that they have my son dancing right now these people will change your kid's name after they give them dementia Captain [Music] Smith good afternoon Council board uh my name is Katherine Smith I'm at 202 Woodside Avenue Hill Crest area and I have a addressed uh I just need some guidance as to how we can get a situation in our community resolved we don't have drains I mean the last um rain heavy rain that we had in April uh uh we had extensive flooding most of my neighbors we all had I mean where we had to go out and get our plumbers get sub pumps and have it pumped in the street but it's being pumped in the street but we don't have any sewers we don't have any drains on the corner of Woodside and Stacy I've I've been uh um at 202 Woodside Avenue for over seven years now and um so everyone complains about stuff but nobody wants to do anything so I took the liberty and I says look let me get a petition see where my neighbors are how they're feeling about this and they said they've approached this issue before um years ago I says well I'm talking about right now and uh so I just need help I I spoke to my West board councilwoman we went to uh one of the meetings and uh we also you know my uh neighbors we came out and we let her know what that problem was and um the first uh thing that we did was we talked to Trenton Water and Sewer they shift us over to the water department and then the water department says we'd have to speak to city council so that's why I'm here tonight um I we we don't know how to get this but I need drains I can't you know if we get another big flooding like that again and use a sub pump and pump it out in the street just comes back in I mean where's it supposed to go we don't have any drains so I'm here to ask how are we supposed to get drains and they told me you are the guys that have to authorize it and get it um done so that's that's pretty much it I'm real [Music] simple Madam president if I may address her yes [Music] thank Madam pres certainly Madame President those are all the individuals I have for civic I mean for public comment at this point we move on to Civic comment and start with any council person wish councilwoman frisbee so Miss Katherine um I actually am working with the directors to see how we can get your uh situation rectified I did have it forwarded um to the various departments and so that you don't have to do the runaround I will do the runaround and then I will absolutely get back to you and update you on that okay and I am sorry that you as I said in our meeting I'm sorry that you are going through that and your name neigh s it shouldn't be that I can't imagine the community be actually let it be uh put together without um drainage it had to just be an oversight on our part um I did want to mention to everyone that on June 8th um mom saman ason is having our wear orange in the city of Trenton uh we will be working with um Trent Street team that just left here um at 9:00 a.m. we'll be meeting um at the corner of Calon and West State Street and processing down to cat Walder Park um and I want to acknowledge our veterans this Memorial Day this is going to be a long weekend we ask everybody to be safe as you're moving about I went out today and got my poppy pen um and I just want to say thank you for all the work that those veterans do the sacrifices they've made and make and their families make as well um I want want to acknowledge that the Smith family foundation and along with all the other graduates in the community um we are having our Scholars uh that will be graduating in June and they will will be having a hosting an event our I am the change graduation uh ceremony we invite you to come out on that I don't have the date and I should have it right in my head I believe it is [Music] June uh let's see June 14th I was correct at 6:00 at 471 Parkway Avenue if you're able to come out uh and support them also um councilwoman Gonzalez and I are working with um other council members in merca County as many of you may know there is a there are reservations that are going on at the new um Air at the airport so they're extending it they're growing it and we are going to be taking trips out there we're inviting there only three here we'll be reaching out to the rest of our colleagues but of course we can only go in set threes so we don't have quum but we also are working with other communities um since it is Mercer County it is not just Trenton we're working with those um uh council members as well so that we can all go out there jointly and get a tour of what is going on I'm also working with our seniors so if um you are a senior you know of a senior who would like to take a trip we are taking uh trips we're doing bus trips out there and we will be they will be providing lunch for you they will be held on Tuesdays and they will held on Thursday if you are interested please contact my office my information is on the website um would love to hear from you but we have um a number of trips planned for that and I think that is about it let's see voting please remember that we have to vote this June if you don't vote you can't complain or have a can't say that something didn't go your way uh your vote is your voice you don't vote you lose your voice or you actually voluntarily give up your voice don't give up your voice um so we ask that you would come out and if you don't know of some if you know of if you do know of someone who is not registered to vote please go to nj.gov and you can get them signed up online uh with that uh I think that is all I have for today um part of the Trenton city of Trenton mission statement is to recognize that the people of Trenton have made us Guardians of the public trust we are committed to govern with integrity and fiscal responsibility to seek excellence in the city's operations and to serve all of the city's people with respect and compassion I thank everyone for coming out here and I ask that you would continue to come out June 3 I will be having my next West District um conversations at the same location so that is June the 3 um it'll be at the police station on Hermitage that's not the address but the the police station there thank you um if you would come out join us and again that's where we get our concerns hurt that's where we find out what's going on in our community and that's how we can help one another and lift each other voice up thank you so much and have a good evening councilwoman Edwards thank you madam president good evening everyone um it's great to see you all here thank you to those that came forward to uh give a public comment your concerns are definitely heard and taken into consideration and will be addressed um I want to just touch base on a few things that I've been working on recently uh on Monday I had a meeting with the county executive the mayor of Trenton and a few of their staff about the recycling issues in Trenton uh just to follow up on some of the new rules uh that affected Tron in terms of them not as accepting recycling that are in blue bins or in clear trash bags any longer and the way that things have to be disposed of um so we're working on some feasible Solutions because we do already have a $1.7 million budget with them to uh pick up our recycling twice a month for residents and three times per week for our commercial businesses um so we did learn some things that uh there's some issues around that so we're going to do a big educational roll out I'm going to work with the county the administration and my fellow colleagues to do a Citywide educational roll out and try to get people the the actual bins that they need in the correct color so that the recycling is picked up um and we're going to probably revisit adding on another day down the line because that is a huge budgetary item but for now we're going to work on being boots on the ground with getting people the necessary bends that they need and educating on them on on what actually is Recycling and how to dispose of it so that it's picked up in a um timely manner I want to say uh a a comment about the War on Drugs I want to say thank you for speaking about that I am a former uh New Jersey chapter president of minorities for medical marijuana and I and my organization we played a huge role in the decriminalization and legalization um on the state level as well as uh convincing some of our predecessors to opt into the Cannabis market for trend for us to be able to partake in that Revenue stream and to um protect our returning citizens and to that I want to say um that uh there are 60 days or less left to issue a public comment to the federal government in terms of rescheduling marijuana or cannabis from schedule one to schedule 3 and on that note I want to say that I'm glad to hear if I'm not mistaken that uh the amendment to the ordinance 24-42 was pulled in terms of cannabis uh open air smoking um because I believe that putting extra stipulations and regulations will contribute to the effect of incarcerating people again when we're trying to keep them out of prison so I hope that we strongly reconsider amending that that ordinance and take into the consideration the punitive uh reactions that that could have if we were to do that putting restrictions on people smoking in public if tobacco is allowed to be smoked in public cannabis should follow the same rules um I also want to speak to uh support resolution 242206 I was not here on Tuesday because of my own illness uh kind of DEC capacitated me on Tuesday so I wasn't able to be here to speak to any of this so I just want to say for the record that I wholeheartedly support the Locust Hill Cemetery interpretive Center it is a a an upand cominging asset in that community and it's definitely going to be a pivotal pivotal change for the heart Avenue area but that Cemetery has a lot of African-American troops that died there and that was buried there that was discovered and um Mr alganon Ward and everyone that has been supporting him including myself for the past five years or more have been uh have put in a lot of time to clean that area up in respect to those troops that are buried there and I want to invite you all out this Saturday to the memorial um uh service that is being held there at 11 a.m. at 73 hars Avenue at the Locust Hill Cemetery um so so I'm glad that the state has stepped up and earmarked These funds in the amount of $400,000 now the city has to do their part to make sure that we make sure this money gets into their hands so that they can redevelop that interpretive center and open up very soon and in that light I want to say thank you to our veterans my father included a 38-year veteran who just retired from the military um thank you for your service and have a good night councilwoman Gonzalez thank you council president this is going to be short today first thank you to uh this restorative street team for their presentation and for coordinating the weekl long peace walk um I think it would be definitely um something great for our city so thank you for being here this evening thank you to everyone who spoke Mr Victor Lewis Mr Mr Miss Frankie and Miss Katherine I know the councilwoman frisbee is working with that um so just thank you for being here and expressing your concerns and the needs and things that you would like to see happen in the city of Trenton um just a couple of announcements we have this Saturday there's a lot going on this weekend but this Saturday we also have Trenton southw neighborhood association Community cookout which we've invited the street teams to that begins 2 to 5 p.m. and it is located at 471 Lamberton Street also May 31st we have the lot no caucus wearing in that will be taking place at 6: pm. and then we have June you spoke to June 8th councilwoman fris me so thank you for that and then I just want to just say prayers to all of those families all of the families who have lost someone um who were serving in our country we thank you for your service everyone please have a safe and happy Memorial Day [Music] Weekend councilwoman Williams thank you ma'am uh first of all thank you everyone who's attended everyone is watching uh on the virtual um this being Memorial Day weekend um please let's all take a moment to make sure that we uh remember and honor everyone who served this country um going back to the Revolutionary War going back into Times where people fought for this country even though they did not have rights at home and we need to make sure that we encourage incoming generations to do the same because the freedom that we do have in this country is not free it's been paid with a lot of blood here and abroad um so please you know as as you go this weekend if you can go to a memorial service or a remembrance such as the one at Locus till my colleague U mentioned earlier uh they are very moving but it's also important for veterans uh who are currently or currently serving to see us support and remember them uh so I just have uh one other comment and just a couple announcements um I shared uh my colleague uh councilwoman Edward's concern about um having folks uh be going back to jail for cannabis possession I don't think that's a place we need to go back to that's a place historically that this country went and the times have changed the concerns of the country have changed uh certainly but um in the ordinance it actually has a series of fines Financial fines uh so I don't want anybody to think that we're looking at in the city of Trenton putting people in the jail again that's not something we're trying to do we're trying to expunge uh people's records and make sure that they can have a fruitful life and also build up a cannabis industry here too uh because we do need the tax money that comes from that uh 10% of the tax money is actually going to go to identifying and addressing healthc care disparities uh and our city so we're trying to make some good uh come from the taxes that will be raised and hopefully uh we will see those soon and I look forward to asking our business administrator Mr Cruz about how much money is coming in charge F because uh we have a lot of good uses for it and I know our Administration will be using it wisely uh so just have a couple announcements as I mentioned uh the north Ward CPAC meeting for next month is going to be moved to June 12th uh from June 19th we don't want to CCT to juneth uh so please if you can join us from 5:30 to 7:00 at Galilee Baptist Church 4:40 MLK Boulevard uh there's also free lead testing tomorrow um from 10: to 4:00 p.m. at 2 18 North Broad Street uh if you cannot make it by 4 p.m. uh please if you're in one of the affected neighborhoods or you have a family member who works at one of the schools or a child um they are doing testing at some of the schools that were identifi at Grant school you can make an appointment by calling 609 989 3242 extension 115 and our department of health will be happy to uh make sure that they have you come in and that they can uh have you be tested at a time convenient to you and then uh the final thing is on Saturday there's a mental health event that our city uh Department of uh health is put together it's at Unity Park from 2: pm to 5:00 P pm at Hamilton Chestnut Avenue and there'll be resource uh tables with information on mental health and how to get resources uh activities uh music and food as was mentioned with Pastor Bellamy earlier about the stigma around um mental health and getting care for your mental health uh particularly in our urban areas it's an incredibly important thing that we work towards that and past that stigma to try to help people get help that they need um may not be a lot of help maybe just be a little help but we all can use some help and coming out of covid I think you know as a society we've learned that a lot of folks need to know that it's okay to not be okay and that may be temporary that may be more than temporary but there are resources available and there are a lot of people who want to help you so uh if you can come tomorrow Saturday rather from 2: to 5: at Unity park or spread the word so thank you very much have a great weekend and God bless thank you councilwoman Council vice president excuse me I'm sorry um I thought councilman Harrison hadn't spoken yet I didn't even know I'm sorry I can't see from this point I'm sorry good evening everybody um so I'll be brief as well uh basically again I wanted to thank the Trent Resort of street team for coming and speaking they've been doing such great work um within a community um for some time so them coming to council and just talking to us and letting us know what their plans are for peace week um and getting Council involved and getting the local government involved I mean that speaks volumes I mean that's what we kind of need we need uh transparency and involvement and things of that nature so thank you to them and I hope that they you know continue the great work that they've been doing um we need these types of visuals um throughout our community um to lead and to um present and you know to encourage um I want to thank the New Jersey Department of Transportation for having the meeting that we had at South Village yesterday with regards to the intersections at ler and Cass and 129 we're trying to revamp the crosswalks that have been problematic that have been creating um you know all types of travesties we want to make it safer for our pedestrians and for our drivers um so I definitely want to applaud dot for coming out and speaking to the residents of South Village um and other individuals who wanted to come and in and listen to what was going on to speak about what the plan is moving forward to commence in about 2029 um based on the presentation that was given to us also want to thank um the chief of traffic uh Mr santor for coming out and speaking to the petitions that were given for um speed humps that we are trying to put in on stokeley Avenue in front of South Village in front of M school which is very imperative in the South Ward um coming off of ler Street um which is extremely problematic if you walk out of uh South Village which is both disabled and elderly and you have the school across the street you don't want anybody speeding down the street and it's just it's it's it's a complete problem um I also want to thank County officials who were there as well to speak about the gas pipes that were um coming in and um psng for the input about what that process looks like and how long it's going to take um and when ler street is going to be back to normal as that is a County Road uh I want to also applaud once again Foundation Academy for the presentation that they gave at the firehouse um last week um at ladders 2 and three at 714 to 720 South Broad Street with regards to um the possible purchase um of the doll factory on Grand Street at 350 Grand Street and expansion of the Foundation Academy which I think is a wonderful idea um residents came out they spoke their mind um questions got answered it was a great event there will be a followup to um NJ Do's presentation at Foundation Academy on June 6th at 6 pm at 22 Grand Street if anybody is interested in attending um other than that Mr Brady thank you again for coming and um addressing Council for issues that you're dealing with on your street um we are readily um dealing with those things um nobody should have to deal with some of the stuff that you're dealing with um and as far as the street sweeper schedule I have requested that about a month and a half ago I do have it um I am readily addressing you know are we sticking to the schedule are we putting up signs are we sending out um information to Residents as to what they need to do and when so that this can be moving like a well oiled machine yeah they do they do have I'll I'll talk to after this I'm sorry yeah um and then other than that I think we're good I want to wish everybody a wonderful Memorial Day weekend um veterans I want to thank you all for your service and um have a great uh rest of your evening thank you so much thank thank [Music] you oh that's okay before I begin I'm gonna call Ba Cruz up Miss Smith he has commentary for you about the issue um with the drainage where you are uh if you recall you did contact me prior to going to the meeting so I had started sending emails and everything out and I've been keeping you a breath of the things that I had um you know in the works for you so Mr Cruz is going to give you an update on it or hey this is separate from my my Civic comment there's no time you're welcome ba Cruz thank you good evening uh Madame President and Council Adam Cruz business administrator um in regards to the uh to the uh to the lady that came and spoke about the Woodside Avenue uh there she is correct there is an issue in the area that actually the entire block from um uh what's what's the main mil uh [Music] mhill Hillcrest from Hillcrest all the way down to where she's located that whole area there is actually um uh suffering a lot of water um uh water damage um the water is coming up into their backyards um unfortunately it is a um it is an issue that is being created by uh what was left behind by the railroad track that was behind there where the where the old train used to go by and that has becom kind of like a canal that area is actually collecting water and now the water is sipping into people's properties and of course because it's a high volum of water is actually ending up in their basement um I had including myself I had sewer actually the first time go around and find out what the issue was and they came back to me and they're like uh no this is there nothing that we can do but unfortunately for Su I don't take no for an answer so then I actually called everybody there including myself and it was about nine of us it was sewer it was water it was the uh DPW the city engineer and um I can't remember what other a couple of other inspectors from SE because as you are aware they are the ones that oversee the storm drains so we were all there we walked around and the water is not coming from the street the water is coming from their yards and so there is nothing that the city can do on ourn because we can make the entire Street um storm drain we can and I'm not kidding I we can put storm drains in every foot of the street and that will not alleviate the problem because it's the the problem is in the backyard and um just recently with the email the last email that you sent me once again I asked Lee from SE to go back again and take a look again because now she's saying is actually a drainage problem in the on the street and then he also went once again and the city engineer went there once again and they confirmed that the water is not the issue is not from the street but from their yards um at this point I mean the the way the street has been designed as you all know um everything works with um gravity and so the streets have been designed with a very slight pitch so that when it rains water kind of tends to flow in the direction of where the next storm drain is uh so even if there is no storm drain in front of her property there's a storm drain down further where the water then just kind of goes on its own and finds its way there but it's there's no water accumulation on the street unfortunately as I mentioned is in the back uh further uh discussing it with the staff they also discovered that that property from the railroad was actually sold to private owners and so now there is different owners for different lots and so now it's unfortunately now becomes a landlord and landlord situation where the tenants the landlords that are being affected by the water are going to have to take matters into their own hands and uh perhaps have a nuisance complaint against them in court but at this moment the city uh cannot do any to alleviate the problem because it's it's in someone's private property and we are only um our only Avenue would be to do something on the street because it's p private uh public but there's nothing that we can do it will not alleviate the problem thank you so Miss Smith did you hear everything that ba Cruz just said okay so I'm not sure sure how to proceed I'm not sure how you will proceed with this however it was looked into and that is where we are with the with the answer okay thank you all right evening everyone thank you for coming out tonight appreciate you all being here thank you to everyone that spoke um I'm going to make it quick uh May is we're winding down Mental Health Awareness Month um I've done a couple of projects and I'm grateful for everyone that participated in the projects um to help make things move along and to continue to raise awareness of it yesterday um past Commander ly Austin myself the Trenton VFW 12165 we did a Memorial Day celebration here in the atrium honoring those that paid the ultimate sacrifice for us with their lives and it was wonderful um we had a host of people that came out thank you to councilwoman Gonzalez for stopping by and being part of the ceremony it is a truly riveting and moving ceremony and it gave me uh a completely different perspective about Memorial Day uh from when we had did this over a year and some time ago uh I do want to shout out uh our congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman I was surprised yesterday when the um Trenton Police Department Color Guard did the folding of the flag and as we stood there and they talked about what each fold in the flag represented when they were done they presented me with a flag um with a certificate from the congresswoman that said that that flag was actually flown over our nation's capital in remembrance of those that had lost their lives and had it presented to me here um in in Council so I'm grateful to her for their honor I'm grateful to lety and the men for the work that they do and the women for the work that they do to help make sure that we all um recognize the sacrifices that our soldiers make for us we have a popup shop um coming up a dress for success popup shop coming up next Wednesday here in the city hall Atrium 2:30 to 400 PM it's free for women to come and get um clothing accessories shoes and so that's going to round out our mental health a Awareness Month type um situation we want people to look good to feel good to think good to be good last night also I did a senior citizen dance line dancing here in the atrium which was great right so it's it's addressing mental health movement through music thank you to Ivon Williams who came out and facilitated the class to miss Lana and all the seniors that came out and joined us last night to the security staff that was here with us lying dancing last night it just was a good time um and what community is all about right everybody needs a break sometimes and we need to just relax and just chill so I'm glad that they were able to participate with us in that with that being said I want to wish everyone a um a memorable memorial day that if you've lost a loved one um in the line of duty in service in war you know God bless you um for those that have uh family members or loved ones that were prisoners of war or missing in action again just the presentation yesterday was so touching that my heart goes out to each one of you that that God would bless you and then to our veterans who have served and are still with us thank you for your service and to you all that lost loved ones along the way uh my prayers and everything extend to you as well thank you Mr Garcia mror go ahead oh I'm sorry Mr yoria no problem um council president I now have minutes for approval yes would you like to make a motion to approve these minutes uh for March 5th 2024 and March 7th 2024 second all right and I will now take roll call councilwoman Edwards yes Council vice president figero kenberg yes councilwoman [Music] frisbee Council woman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes right moving on motion pass I now have communications and petitions would you like to make a motion may have a motion to approve Communications and petitions some oh and reports reports and reports some of second thank you roll call Edward councilwoman Edwards yes Council vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee Council woman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes right moving on we have ordinances for second reading ordinance 2439 an ordinance prohibiting the damaging def facing or removal of street signs within the city of Tren chapter 54 Article 5 may I have a motion to approve are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time sorry excuse me um are there any members of the public that wish to speak to the sword at this time hearing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve I got it sir so moved councilwoman Edwards yes Council vice president figero kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion motion carried ordinance 24- 041 an ordinance of the city of Trant to adopt NJ dp's model ordinance regarding storm water control and to amend chapter 254 of the code of the city of Trent one second point of order yeah if I may um so this ordinance was introduced to the previous meeting it has to go to the planning board for review and comment before it returns to city council so this will be uh removed from the docket for today's meeting and considered at a future meeting after the planning board reviews it right moving on to the consent agenda um Council council president it's my understanding that two resolutions will be getting pulled I will now defer to um Mr Miko uh I don't believe there's any resolutions that are being pulled from the consent Agenda One of the ordinances in first reading will be um pulled from the agenda but I'm not I don't know of any other resolutions that need to be pulled very well thank [Music] you approve uh resolutions 24 142 193 194 195 5 196 197 198 199 200 2011 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 and 211 some second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes Council vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee councilwoman Gonzalez yes counc woman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes all right motion [Music] pass um we have a roll call resolution 24-1 192 resolution authorizing settlement of a civil action in the M of Edgar's Crossing versus city of Tran in the total amount of [Music] $125,000 may I have a motion some move second roll call it's been moved can councilwoman Edwards yes Council vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion pass moving on to ordinances for first reading and introduction ordinance 24-27 Bond ordinance providing for roadway repairs in various areas serviced by TR Waterworks including by and in the city of TR in the county of Mercer state of New Jersey appropriating $5 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $5 million of bonds or notes to finance the cost thereof may I have a motion so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes Council vice president figero kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee councilwoman Gonzalez yes Council woman Williams yes and council president feliciana yes motion carried and is ordinance 24042 yes so uh ordinance 24-42 an ordinance creating chapter 48 of the code of the city of Trenton entitled cannabis consumption uh council president the administration recommends that this be pulled for now um particularly due to Mr wal's comments at the Tuesday meeting um the ordinance needs to be revised to account for those um those those medicinal patients that use cannabis so it will be hopefully reintroduced at a at a meeting in the near future thank you and at this point council president we have reached the end of the agenda can I have a motion to ajour some second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes councilwoman Council vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes meeting adjourn thank you have a good night everyone good night thank you