um summer EBT is in response to the pandemic EBT that families were receiving um Miss Taylor I do apologize don't mean to interrupt just to let you know you have 10 minutes for your presentation okay I won't be that long um so this is in response to the pandemic EBT that families were receiving um to supplement meals that were traditionally provided through school um so any eligible family meaning eligible through the income guidelines the federal income guidelines um will receive benefits um there are two different ways that they are eligible for benefits um the first being if they already receive public benefits such as snap tanif if they're in the foster care system or if they're homeless um if families are not already pre-certified through those programs then they will have to complete a meal application um or in trying it's called a household income survey or household information survey because we're Community eligible um so the flyer that was passed out and I believe are available for the public as well um that has a link directly to the Trenton meal application um so if the families complete that application and are eligible for free or reduced lunch then the families will be mailed the card in June for $120 per eligible child okay so what we've been trying to do in partnership with the district and other community or is encouraging families to complete the meal application if they haven't already update their addresses with the school district because that's what gets sent directly to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and the cards are automatically mailed to that address on file um and then we've also been encouraging families to check in with their snap case manager because even though they are directly certified they're going to want to make sure that they are going to receive that benefit and we're trying to make them aware that it's a new car that money won't be put onto their existing snap card okay so I do have um some of my business cards as well we've been working with Hunger for New Jersey and the office of the um New Jersey food advocate so we do have um some materials that are be using Statewide so I'm happy to provide those digitally if you guys would like to share um or provide more print copies if you want to distribute within your own like networks um so yeah we're here with merary friends as your Mercer County Food Bank to help with SNAP assistance thank you thank you any Council people have any comments or questions yese councilwoman frisbee so one thank you for coming out um the work that you guys are you Merc Street FR are doing the commun is absolutely fantastic especially with helping to combat the food deserts that we have in the community um just a two questions I have thus far is we're online for those who are on online and others who may not have it right now where can they go to get the information if they're not here to scan this barcode um that's the first question and then the other one I'm not sure if you said it and I was just distracted um is it is the card per household or is it per child is there a limit on the number that can go into each household no so it is $120 per eligible child but it's important families to know that's only being distributed one time so the card will be mailed in June and that'll have the benefits for each child um and there's not a limit um any child in the school so that's age five kindergarten through High School it will receive benefits okay and the other one online yes so the school district has been pushing it um because it has to go through their their meal application as well as the state sending out information we've been sharing things on um our social media um but families if they're not eligible or if they don't see the QR code then they should go online or check with their school so that was the other um my other question as I have seen it in some schools are we putting these in all of the K through 12 schools so that they have it readily to go home because and actually that was um would be a great idea if they just had it to go in the actual bookbags have we made that available yes so what we did do actually for all of the Brer County Schools um that receive our shop or our weekend meal bags we put the information into the weekend meal bags um and we dropped off District specific Flyers such as the Trenton QR code one um so that has been distributed to every um elementary school and middle school because they all get um the weekend meal bags um we have um tried to partner with the district in other ways to get more information out um but because the program is new there's a little bit of hesitancy around and just Unk knowing of how to go around getting it out properly so that's another thing if you hear from any of your constituents or the community um and you want to provide feedback I can take that feedback directly back to the office of the New Jersey food Advocate as well and how do we get in touch with you I have my card I'll give my card to all of you and last question this is this is not restricted just to Trenton this is all of Mera County yes all of New Jersey all of New Jersey thank you Michael I appreciate you yes you're welcome council president councilwoman Williams thank you I have a quick question um I know you all work very very hard on trying to get information out to people and of course our different agencies of government try to do that as they uh encounter folks in need help uh are you still finding a large Communications Gap or any Communications gap on getting more people to know about you know things such as this and other benefits available and are there any ways you suggest our city can help better to fill those gaps yeah I think I think what happens is if people are aware of some benefits then they're aware of all of them um and a lot of the times they don't become aware of them until they're in an area of really really great need where they could have probably benefited from it earlier too um so I think we as an organization are just trying to continue to push the information out um and as city council I think it would just be great if you guys shared it so I'll start making sure too that any of our Communications are shared with you because I think a lot of it does get shared already but if I can share it with you more directly that would be great thank you councilman Harrison um I wanted to uh commend you I see your Flyers both in English and Spanish that's something that I think this council is advocating for we want to make sure that the uh going forward that we have our documents in English and Spanish so I commend you for doing that thank you I would love to take credit for the that's the hunger free New Jersey that they're pushing to use Statewide um but we do put everything in English Spanish and then they're also working to get it translated into French Creole as well thank you so much you for your provide that when we have it I appreciate your hard work any other Council okay thank you so much for your presentation tonight thank you councilwoman Frisbee for arranging this um it's good information that we need to know and I do agree uh for the most part Council we do share just about everything that we could get our hands on um but I do agree that you know this is something important that we can push and two and and councilwoman Gonzalez and I are actually Educators um in the school district so we can push also from our end right to help get the information out and see what we can do to to help on our end as well okay thank you so much all right thank you all right Mr [Music] Garcia Madam president I believe we reach the point now of public comment if we can have the public comment clipboard please and for the Public Public comment will be five minutes for each individual and you may address any item that you wish please understand the council is not obligated to respond our first individual for public comments at this time is Deborah Marshall please state your name and address for the record my name is Deborah Marshall I live at 100 South over Brook Avenue in Trenton um my concern right now are slum Lords and this issue is really irking me I have been in a battle with my landlord for almost a year and the problem is the illegal things that the landlords do that they're not accountable for if you have to go to court with a landlord there is absolutely not one attorney in the Mercer County area that will represent tenants if you unless you actually have mental health issues you can go through um an agency that's in Trenton I'm not sure what legal aid does everybody that I speak to haven't been able to get any assistance from them at all my problem is that my landlord keeps uh sending uh handymen or electricians to do uh connect his common area lighting and uh fire uh appliances that in the building to my breaker in my basement so I came here and I've had the housing inspector the electrical inspector come out several times to the point where it actually got taken care of then right before we had to go to court the last day uh I was the only tenant in the building who had no heat they then switched it to these baseboard heaters and connected them to my breaker in the basement even though the landlord is responsible for my heat so in response to that I'm deducting the difference of my public service bill from my rent however I'm finding myself having to go to court again for non-payment of rent and the thing is that I recently had open heart surgery I had a quadruple bypass and I am not in a position because I'm on disability to even find an attorney to pay for one the last attorney that I had I had to go to a totally different County this man had to drive for an hour to come to Trenton to represent me this is off and I'm sure that is not a coincidence that there are no attorneys in the Mercer County area representing tenants that's not a coincidence and it's just a problem because the landlords are allowed to do whatever they want to do you can't take your landlord to court if you want any done you have to come to City Hall you have to go through housing and then they have a problem because the landlords don't even have uh addresses that are verifiable so I want to file a complaint a civil complaint against my landlord however I don't know how to contact him I don't have an address for him the address for the uh Property Management I recently sent something to them and it came back so what do you do how do you address these issues when you I mean I live in the city of Trenton been living in Trenton all my life the rent has gone up as atomically and they blame it on Co I think it's just greed then you live in a place that is not kept you know you have to fight your landlord for an exterminator I Got Ants coming in through my windows you contact or try to contact somebody and you can't so your hands are tied behind your back and you're fighting a losing battle and this is ridiculous as far as being a taxpaying resident of the city of Trenton and then it's it's just how do we handle this how can you as representatives of the residents of the city of Trenton address this issue and hold these slum Lords accountable for their actions how do we get relief cuz at this point we don't thank you ma'am thank you Christine Bas um Sorry Miss Deborah if you could just leave your information because there's a group that is forming for tenants right now and I would like to connect you with them um as far as attorney we there isn't one in Mera County but we have been um locating other ones I've been working diligently with that group so if you could just leave your information with Mr Garcia please thank you sure thank you ma' Miss I'm Sorry Miss Marshall also um if you contact the tax assessor if you contact the tax assessor they will be able to tell you who the owner of the um the property is as well and give you that information yeah go ahead Miss bias please state your name and address for the record oh yeah it's on my my name is Christine Bas I live at 542 East St street I'm here to plead for some help we live in a commercial area and I live in a residential property and for two years I had to pay almost $300 kusac parking in front of my house and now um I'm having a lot of problem with the parking authority they've given me multiple tickets I've I've tried and there is no way that there's any space for me and I beg you guys for permanent parking my husband has one leg and we live next door to the conservatory which rents the whole out and the parking is like there's if you know there's never parking for us and when we go shopping or to do laundry we can't get back in we need permit parking please we have five units and we're the only building that's residential what do we do that's all I don't know what I've never been to this so can somebody tell me what I do my landlord has um the his attorney coming to see Anthony the director of parking we're trying to we need that permit parking we desperately need at least five so I was going to say ma'am for everyone that's going to publicly speak if Council wants to respond to you because they're going to I'm sure people will have something they want to say if you would just wait for our Civic comment they will address you at that time so we're able to move through this transition Civic Civic comment follow directly after public comment just have a seat and we'll be able to uh address you absolutely you're [Music] welcome our next individual for public comment is I see initial L and is that Brady got it thank you sir okay my name is Louis I live at 600 block of Franklin Street unfortunately we've been having a lot of problems with a biker club that is across the street from me 629 Franklin Street I I've called the Trenton police numerous times they've never they've come out but they haven't gone they've seen what was going on they didn't say I don't think they said anything thing and my father is handicapp and and the bikers we we just uh got a dog and unfortunately it scares the dog I I don't know what else to do I I've called the Trenton police numerous times about it and I've I've come down here complained about it and nobody's doing anything I want to know what's going on what can I what else can I do is there something that I'm not doing right I just want to know is there something else I can [Music] do so you just have to wait until Civic comment if there if there's an individual that can address that okay thank you our next individual um I'm going to stumble through this name I just see the last name is is that Thomas thank you please do state your name and address for the record hi my name is hea Thomas address 136 South Logan Street here in Trenton New Jersey I'm an avid Gardener with the black urban Gardeners of the Trenton section on item number 24171 I'm asking did we have a meeting or something be done before the sale of that property that is one of the oldest Gardens in Trenton the uh property owner now put a lock on that garden and refused to let gardeners in last year the community is not aware of this sale and I think some serious thought should be given to this cell before it proceeds as Trent is a food desert and the proceeds from that Garden would go into the community which is mostly lowincome and Hispanic and black and that is all Madam president I'm s so they are speaking okay I it appears to okay we do have other addition additional individuals for public comment Joseph Hy I have a JB Miner and Maser Daniel Daniel good evening Council I am here in advance of saying thank you for your time for um the vote that will be happening today I want you to meet some of our students I also want to let you know that we are very gracious of your time and your thought and um I just want you to meet some of the people some of the young two of the young men that were able to serve and they can tell us a little bit about um what we do for them thank you J Miner we only have five minutes so I'll be quick I um name and address for a record order okay jab minor 116 Chestnut Avenue Apartment B Trenton New Jersey um good evening everybody um I am a former Alum of the J foundation of the Arts now student board member um just want to come and express um just the Gratitude and just how the program has helped shape me from the young man that they met me as seven years ago compared to I am today um I was 15 at the at the time going on 16 so I'm 22 now um from the time that I met Mr Joe Miss Kim and just the entire program I was a lost young individual I didn't know what I wanted to do coming off of a fresh surgery I couldn't play basketball anymore and all that good stuff so I was looking for a passion and although I was pretty lost like I just mentioned but um I did some acting and I was introduced to the program and then just from then my career just shot up um just uh the connection that they made with me just um anything involving my passion they really grew that from the around you know through the sky um outside of that just educating me and spoiling me way more than they should have even to this day no matter what I ask for they're always there they helped me go to school for college they you know paid for my classes for me to go for school even now you know I flunked out of there but I said hey you know I want to go back but I want to go somewhere else for a different career path they said hey let's do it you know there's no questions asked anything for me that I've ever asked for they've always been there and you know it's it's it's a family that I have family at home of course but once I leave there and I step foot into that program that's a whole another family that I just can't explain you know truly what they've done for me for the past seven years and even to this day it never goes away there are always a phone call away even when I'm going hey gpri are you okay what can we do for you it never dies down they still treat me as if I'm one of the students I don't want to talk you guys' ear off I can talk all day about how much they done for me but I do want to let mush here um one of the young men who are in the position that I was in before who is currently witnessing the same blessing that I received from the program um hi my name is musher uh I live at 836 Berkeley Avenue CH New Jersey um like about two years ago about two and a half years ago um I was introduced to to the program and around the time I was in a very like bad position at home um you know and mentally as well and I was kind of looking for like a safe place you know safe place to be another place to go to and my grandma actually introduced me to the program and I wasn't expecting it to be like another home I was just expecting it to to be just the program but you know like along the way like they they started to take more care into me tried to you know see what's going on in the background and um as I as I stay it it showed me how much they cared you know and um it really it really just helped me be a better person because I was I was lost you know and it was a way to find myself it also brought me a lot of skills you know I learned how to use the camera feel me I learned how to act um I was in like two films you know I'm on my way to like um being another one and I just you know it it just gave me like a a sense of purpose you know motivation cuz that's that's not a lot of that's not what I had about like two three years ago I was ready to give up but once I found the program you know it gave me a sense you know keep trying keep going you know so yeah okay Madame President we have reached a point of Civic comment and you may start with whichever member of council you wish thank you councilwoman Williams thank you council president um so I have some comments um first I do want to speak up uh regard regarding uh the garden ma'am um that Garden uh Miss Thomas right here I'm I'm over to your left I'm sorry that's okay um so the garden is uh to stay as a working Garden for uh producing healthy food and it will be uh actually African-American owned so I don't know if that laser some of your concerns but those are the facts of who is actually going to be purchasing the garden and uh perhaps a conversation could be held in the future after its sale but uh they will be maintaining it as a garden and it's int is to provide healthy nutritious food uh to people in TR because uh I do know personally from um speaking to the owners of their mission of with the Orchid Restaurant is to have healthy food for people that's free of car know chemicals Etc that you know unfortunately too many of us put into our bodies with h food as it is in our country what community gardeners allowed to go in there to also um that to that I can't speak about Community participation because it would be privately owned um but that would be a question for the owner so um so with that just have some announcements real quick uh so first off is this coming Wednesday uh May 15th will be our monthly meeting for the north w s police advisory Council it's at 5:30 at Galilee Baptist Church 440 uh Martin Luther King Boulevard in the basement if you can come uh please encourage others uh it'd be really great because we do get to have conversations about things such as um crime of course different issues with police but also even landlord issues parking ticket issues and so forth um hopefully uh we would be able to help people come to a resolution sometimes that does happen but the best part is we at least get to have a conversation with each other and talk about issues and that's something we really need to do to rebuild our city so I have a couple thank yous I want to thank the Department of Natural Resources for all their hard work and removing some of the very large stump trees that are still around uh in our city at least in the north Ward and that is really to help U make the neighborhood safer as far as people being able to help viewing of when uh cars are driving Etc but also uh it's not very unsightly and additionally I've had consu complain about not being able to park because they can't open their car doors because of some of these trees so that's really really uh something that's been great to have happen and I'm looking forward to seeing more of these stump trees some of them is high as 25 feet tall being removed also uh hopefully folks will notice soon uh Mercy County Department of Transportation thank you very much for uh working to remove graffiti on some of the overpasses the county actually controls it's a weird thing but even though say uh route one is a a state highway uh it also has a federal component to it but the county runs and is in charge of most of the overpasses Crossing Route One within Trenton and they're also going to be fixing a lot of the lights on top of it apparently uh they got out there today so we'll be able to see better as we're driving over the overpasses or if someone's traveling through the city they'll be able to actually see where the uh overpass is and help them with the directions uh also on Saturday May 18th at Royal Co cakes Cafe which is at 2:40 East State Street from 11: a.m. to 1:00 p.m. uh the tpd Community Affairs department will be holding a cafe conversation regarding women of influence uh with Sharon Grady the former athle director at Trenton High uh Janine Laro and Rosa Rosado so um with that those are my only announcements I know there some problems that some of the folks who came here tonight miss bz uh know you're going to be giving information look forward to chatting with you about some of the parking issues as do my some of my colleagues these are things that we are trying to continually work with in our city and work on and it's uh not been as easy a process as we'd like but thank you so much for coming to let us know about it because we can't get a chance to fix it unless you're with us so thank you uh God bless and everybody have a great weekend councilman Harrison uh good even everyone um Mr Brady I heard your conversation or comments uh after the meeting's over we can talk I can give you some information about what's going on it's good to see that our directors are working hard Wally's helping um with the help of cleaning up the streets Maria is helping um getting these trees and get things done glad to see councils we're working together we should be soon working on the budget that's I everybody in this room is truly concerned about and uh we want to make sure that we're going to partner with the D and we get the funding that we need to move the city forward because we have a lot of things we want to still address whether it's streets trees you name it and uh please people in the community please keep coming to these meetings keep reaching out to us keep letting us know what's going on which needs to be addressed because we're up here representing the community and that's what we're supposed to be doing so with that said I wish everybody a blessed evening and everybody have a wonderful uh time oh and Happy Mother's Day on Sunday thank [Music] you councilwoman Gonzalez thank you council president good evening everyone um first thank you all for being present here this evening um thank you to Mercy Street friends for the presentation um Miss Kayla I just want you to know that I know in our school in particular um they have been Distributing the Flyers so it is getting out to the parents so that's a good thing and I believe that's going across the board at every school um to miss Marshall with the oh I I think I told you to give the information because there is a group um that is formed right now we're working really really diligently to to fix the disconnect with some of the landlords and the issues that we're having with the tenants so hopefully um I'll be able to connect you with that group and then we can um move forward with that um as far as the parking is bias I'm so sorry that you have to go through that as a person that is living in that home and then you and like you said it's a commercial area hopefully um if you given your information or also reach out to the parking authority and somehow some way we can make that um try to assist in that way I assist you with um possibly getting a permit parking for the residents in that area um parking has been a big big issue um Mr Brady I know Mr councilman Harrison is going to assist you with the uh biker club and then um my Council colleague also address the garden and the purpose that they do want to keep it as a garden um if that and I believe you know you would be able to have a conversation with the the potential owner of that um Garden as far as announcements I also wanted just to say really quickly oh um Trent and Ninth Grade Academy there's a leadership training conference and it's hosted by the New Jersey associate Association of student council um for three students it cost $450 so they're looking for sponsorship I have committed to donate some money um and and I believe they're reaching out to others in the area if anyone would like to donate um you can contact uh Miss Nancy miles at Trenta 9th Grade Academy um also just I wanted to make this announcement but my T time ran out last week I mean on Tuesday and um it was State testing this week for our students so I just wanted to make you know I'm pretty sure most of our students did well I know we've been in newspaper um as being listed as and in a negative light and I want you to know that us Educators we really really try hard with our students um and very confident that they did well this week uh we will be doing makeup testing so if anyone needs to makeup Test please make sure they get their rest get off the phones go to bed early and are prepared for the state test next week also um for any of the youth in our city there are free recre recreation centers available there are baseball leads there's plenty for our kids to do I keep hearing things you know a lot of parents don't know that there's things for our youth to do there are free rec center in just about every Ward please please sign your kids up so that they can be involved um and participate in sports on May 9th which is today we're here hopefully we can make it before um the game is over but Trenton high is playing Nottingham at the Thunder Stadium it's free admission if anyone wants to stop by there and support our students May 14th I will be hosting a webinar with my sority um social action on maternal health and that is um we have a special guest appearance by uh first lady Tammy Murphy so if you are able to register online we would appreciate you to to log in and join us for that May 17th I believe uh councilwoman uh May 18th councilwoman Jennifer just announced the cafe conversations also May 18th Delta Sigma Theta will be hosting its annual health and wellness walk at coww Park from 9:00 a. shout out to all the Haitians it's Haitian Heritage Month also there's free laundry service available for anyone at North Clinton Church all you need to do is call 69306 4892 to to sign up and also I have my 609 Day activities that are coming up in June that is my grief counseling this is the second year we're doing that we have our event with the police officers and youth and then I've also partnered with some of my Council colleagues we're going to have an event for um our differently able population and uh also a community giveaway will be happening also in June all a part of our 609 day and also I just want to touch really quick before my time runs out about the language and the Spanish translation that we tabled off I just want to um inform the individuals um that I received several phone calls from our website actually does translate to several languages if you go on the city website it already does some of it for us um we've been working really diligently just to um find an actual company to do the vital documents but our site our website already um translates to several different languages if you go on the right hand corner of our website you will see that it translates so just to put that out there also am I missing something okay and then also um Miss bias U thank you councilman Harrison he just said there's also um councilwoman frisbee good evening um so I wanted to just say Kayla I believe she left wanted to thank her for the presentation and the work that she and merca Street friends are doing in our community um to help combat all the food issues that we're having here uh Miss Deborah Marshall um that is a a problem we are working diligently to try and come up with a solution to deal with these slum Lords um it is a problem and it doesn't go on those we are all residents here here and so we've all been affected or know someone who's been affected by some Lord so um thank you for just bringing that up I'm sorry for what you're going through um and I hope that you'll seek legal counsel um with that to get better advice um I can't give it I'd love to be able to say some things but I can't so I'm going to um digress but um then miss Christin um Bas um it is unfortunate that um the parking we're still having those issues and hopefully we can get something done and since it's only five um units there I would love to see us be able to help out um over by the conservatory to get those uh designated for those homeowners you shouldn't be stressed out when you leave your house whether or not you're going to have um parking space especially when you have a husband who is differently abled um with one leg um Lou you already know um spok with councilman Harrison and you and I you can always call me and we can always follow follow up I appreciate everything that you do um Community um the Hy family um I'm so happy to hear the young men speak um I was moved by it I appreciate it and it is rewarding to know that the work that uh um Joel that you're doing it does not go unaffected um having um jabri come back and actually speak on your behalf that is telling cuz if they don't have any connection with you and they know that he can come back again is telling so I appreciate that and then bashier um I sincerely appreciated your words especially saying that it gave you a sense of purpose and direction that speaks a lot and um also reminds me to tell others to remember to listen to their Grandmama and their mam uh because you said grandama sent you there so I appreciate that and I'm glad that you had the forward forward um to actually go and hopefully your message will be um something that resounds with others um it's all about making connections and what You' said um the both of you young men will make a difference for someone else um so I applaud the work that you're doing um Joe and I appreciate um I'm Sor oh Cam all appreciate all that you um all do at the foundation the work is fantastic and I've had opportunity to be um in the midst of some of the other young men so thank you for what you're doing uh um uh this uh next Tuesday which is May the 14th at 5:30 they we were having our West District conversations um will continue at the Trenton Public um police station at 660 Artis and um on in Hermitage um so if you are in the west ward I'd love to hear you um hear whatever is going on for you and to come out here we've got going on in the community that's where you get to tell me what your concerns are and I get to hear hear about that and bring it back to the um Administration and also I get to inform you about what's going on in the west section of Trenton um also on Healthy Kids Day run this Sunday is the final day for those of you who have children who are K through 8 that is at Foundation Academy uh at 3:00 um this Sunday is the last one uh this on May 17th if you can come out here to the uh City Hall will be Haitian Heritage flag raising day so on that will be at noon on May the 17th please come out and support um our Haitian Community uh on May the 22nd is the Mom's demand action for gunsense in America they'll be having uh advocacy day at Greater Mount Zion ask you to come out and join at 9:30 there'll be great information it comes out but if you want to help make a difference in the preven of gun violence here's where you can raise your voice and that's 42 Pennington Avenue on June 8th mom Sam Man action for gun sent in America will be having our wear orange day that is going to be a fantastic day where we're partnering with the Trenta Community street team um Perry Shaw there will be a March from Calhoun and West State Street going into cab Walder park there will be more information coming and with that I made it and here is our part of our City's um statement but is recognizing that the people of Trenton have made us guardians of councilwoman Edwards good evening everyone I just want to start off by um just giving a couple of announcements yesterday May 8th was GI J T brown Day last year the city of Trenton had made uh it Jer T brown day when he got drafted to the NFL to the 49ers um I want to let you know that there is a pink market for Mother's Day weekend downtown this Saturday from 12: to 3: at much better Studios and in partnership with Classics bookstore they are going to be a series of vendors inside of much better stud Studios and lining the sidewalk all around the corner to Classics from 125 uh South Warren to Lafayette Street the Orchid House Cafe is hosting a real estate workshop on also on Saturday at 1: to 3 p.m. uh there is a congressional art exhibition at artworks Trenton tomorrow from 6: to 8:00 pm this is a twoe exhibition for high school students in the 12th congressional district and um going from announcements I do want to address some of this uh public comments regarding the slum Lords there is a really big issue in the city with slum Lords and um just to let you know ma'am that if your utilities can be separated from other tenants you would have to be responsible for that your landlord is only responsible for providing working equipment for your heat but being that they changed it to electric heat and added it on to your utilities with PS and G I believe you are responsible for that um but I was I would say as councilwoman frisbee said I'm not an attorney so I would say pursue this in court when you're talking to them but it should be in your tenants rights that you should have received from your landlord but in the event that you have a slum Lord to your point if you're living in a space that's three units or more you would report that to DCA and their number is 609 633 6227 this is the Bureau of housing inspection and they also have an email as well if it's less than three units if it's one unit or two unit rental that would fall under the city of Trenton's purview and that would fall under the division of housing inspections and their number is 609 989 3563 and I can give you that information as well because I didn't think about that when I had asked uh Jorge to pass you dca's information I'm not sure how many units your uh space is so I just wanted to let you know that but definitely stay on top of these landlords because they will get away with murder if they can so report them please and um to Kayla at Mercer Street friends I want to say thank you to her for stopping in Mercer Street friends was a a very involved in my life when when I was experiencing homelessness when I was a teenage mother at 19 they helped me get into shelter at home front they helped me with Transportation they helped me get food stamps and they helped me with child care and other support services for my newborn who is actually 16 today so I just want to thank her for stopping in and kind of rekindling some of that for me and um I hope that people who need to help get it and on that note Happy Happy Mother's Day everyone thank you and have a good evening Council vice president Figaroa kenberg hi good evening everybody um I'm gonna be very short and sweet I hope um thank you all for being here as as usual I do want to thank Kayla for the presentation this evening um this is a great program and I'm hoping and I'm I'm I'm hopeful um that this will help several families throughout the city of TR so that's excellent and in the state of New Jersey so that's wonderful um two events I wanted to announce one event um is Trenton firefighters would like to speak to the southw specifically on May 15th between 6:00 and 8:00 pm at the Trenton fire department on uh between 714 and 720 South Broad Street um to discuss just safety and response within the city and also to address um Vehicles being parked too close to intersections which kind kind of deter um the fire trucks from turning Corners when they're trying to get to fires so please come out and join myself um council president um Christof Lano and the fire department and other um First Responders for that event um also it came to my attention that there were letters issued to Residents specific residents of my South Ward um around Grand Street Adeline Street and the and the like with regards to the old doll factory on Grand Street um and also the old St Mary's rectory at 411 Adeline Street both um properties are um being repurposed uh one is being repurposed um possibly by Foundation Academy to expand their campus um I did want Foundation Academy I had many I had conversations with them about having a community conversation first um before these letters went out but unfortunately that's not the way that it happened so I was a able to organize a meeting with Foundation Academy and I'm going to let the public know that that meeting will be on May 14th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. again at the Trenton fire department um between 7:14 and 720 South Broad Street so please come out so you can find out what is going to be happening with that old doll factory um and also how um they're going to address parking and other um issues of the like um additionally with regards to old Old St Mary's rectory I believe the letter was stating that um the property would be repurposed for apartment housing um and and other multi-purpose um things so I definitely want to get more information about that and unfortunately I don't have that information at this time um both of these issues will be raised at the May 15th zoning board meeting here in council chambers at 7 pm on the 15 so if you'd like more information about that please attend um Mr Brady thank you so much for coming and addressing council with your concerns um this is the first I'm hearing it um had I been made aware I would have definitely addressed it I know you said councilman Harrison was made aware this is in the South board um that would have been something that I would have liked to address as well so I will definitely get on this and see what more can be done that has not already been done I know you said your father has issues with the the bikers club and I'd like to and I gave you my card so please reach out to me and we could communicate and I'll get my I'll get my your number before I leave yes um other than that I just wanted to uh congratulate the James haly Foundation and the gentleman who came and spoke before us um the Arts was something near and dear to my heart growing up um and I'm really thankful there's a program such as this in Trenton um because we need these types of programs for our youth we need something to set apart from what's what's real what we face and what our kids face every day and to you know help them um visualize outside the box of Trenton and you know what is what is offered so thank you for all that you do um and you know we're very thankful um for providing alternate um avenues for our children and keep doing what you're doing and you know you guys just keep absorbing and soaking up everything that you're able to gather from these from that organization so thank you very much um other than that uh I know that there's an issue with hummings Avenue I know that there is a um there's a lot of delivery trucks that come on that street and there recently there was a sign put up for no trucks but yet I get text messages every single day the trucks are still coming on that street and making deliveries so your your concerns of being heard um we're trying to rectify that situation uh other than that I just want to thank you guys for being here this evening and have a wonderful weekend have a very happy Mother's Day and take care thank you thank you good evening everyone thank you for coming tonight glad to see everybody that is here um I Echo the sentiments of my colleagues that spoke about the public comments that were made and am sure that between one two three five seven of us um messages will be sent out and things will be looked into to find some kind of result I do have a couple of announcements that I would like to make first I would like to congratulate we very own Scott mcho today he instead of being home and celebrating with his wonderful wife he's here with us doing the work of the city on his nine-year wedding anniversary so congratulations to you Scott thank you we appreciate you Robin I love you and Shana I love you sorry to interupt but hi Shana Daddy's on TV congratulations to you all this Saturday um in honor of mental health awareness month and keeping and keeping um the spirit going of what myself along with commissioner Nina melker assemblyman Anthony verelli and acting helping Human Services director Maria Richardson started um this Saturday we'll be having a good grief Workshop remembering Mom and so for those that may have lost their mother or their Guardian um who was with them Mother's Day for most of us that have our mothers it's a good time to celebrate and then for others that don't have their mom or their loved one around anymore it may be a depressing time but we want you to come out with us from 1:30 to 300 p.m. at the Trent free public library I'm going to have DOA Brown she's a Lac and the NCC um they're on site we're going to have a workshop remembering Mom in a good way and having some good grief so everyone is welcome to come it is free um and then on Tuesday May 14th seems like that's a hot day in the city with everybody but on Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Orchid Cafe we'll be having the what's tea let's talk about self-confidence and I'm partnering with Miss International USA Shamir H Haskins there we would ask everyone to register for that we have um Flyers of information up online or you can contact me so we're looking forward to that happening at the Orchid House Cafe on Wednesday I'm partnering with dress for success we're having a popup shop here in the atrium of City Hall from 2:30 to 4 p.m. we want everybody to feel good look good right and and so we're doing our part to make sure that happens that is in partnership with um Maria Richardson in the health and human services department here on Thursday we're doing something for the seniors we have Ivonne Williams line dance with EV she's going to come out and we're going to be at Trenton Hall at Mercer County across from merca County Community College downtown from 5:30 to 700 p.m. again in partnership with the um Health and Human Services we want people to move feel good there's therapy in music there's therapy in dance there's therapy and conversation there's therapy and just being around other people to help uplift your spirits and so we're looking to do that on Wednesday the 22nd we'll be having a Memorial Day celebration here I'm partnering with past Commander ly Austin in the Trenton VFW 12165 that'll be here in the atrium from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. we did that um the year before last together and it was a very impactful moment we're doing that again our kyot speaker is assembly woman Verina Reynolds Jackson on May the 25th there is a mental health fair at Unity Square Park from 2 to 5 that's being held by the health and human services department I would just like to say real quick that on Tuesday night I made a comment about the home in M Hill and I thought that it was a purchase that was done from the city because when I did get a correspondence about a pilot um when I first saw that I associate pilot with the city-owned property or purchase it in fact was a private sale that was done so there was no communication between the city um and the purchaser so there was no deal or anything or conversation that was done so I just wanted to clear that up it was a private sale yet and still I say that um nothing came before Council um I'm sure that whatever needs to be done regarding review of what the house will be used for or what it's looking to be used for will be taken care of accordingly but I wanted to state that for the record I would like to shout out the women of win the um the for of the NAACP the win committee one of the members Kiana Alexander is here tonight for helping push the crown act and its importance we appreciate appreciate you and the women of wi as well as the NAACP for the work that you're doing to Advocate and make sure that people are aware of what's going on with that being said I would like to [Laughter] say thank you Mr Garcia certainly Madam President we can move through to the rest of tonight's docket uh this time if you want to ask for a motion to approve Communications and petitions may I have a motion to approve Communications and done yet second no problem moving second call in the role thank you Council councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kber yes councilwoman frisbe yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion car married moving on to ordinances for second reading and public hearing ordinance 24-14 an ordinance of the city of Trenton amending chapter 10 alcoholic beverages section 10-5 restrictions of the code of the city of Trenton to permit a waiver of distance restrictions under certain circumstances are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion motion to approve may have a motion to approve move second thank you roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison no noted councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-18 ordinance authorizing the sale of city-owned property L known as Baker alley and identified on the city tax map block 23803 Lot 19 pursuant to njsa 40 a1213 B5 to El catador Bar and Grill for the sale price of $11,000 are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so move second no councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-26 an ordinance to revise certain positions fixing the salary ranges therefore and setting certain regulations for the implementation of same construction official are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president president if you want to ask for a motion to approve we have a motion to approve second noted roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-28 an ordinance to amend chapter 222 of the code of the city of Trenton rent control to fix rental increase at 4% for tenants and 2% for a senior citizen or disabled tenant are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes hold on one second there you go vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-29 an ordinance of the city of Trenton to adopt NJ dp's model ordinance regarding elicit connections to municiple separate storm sewer system and storm sewer system and to amend chapter 254 of the code the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve we have a motion to approve move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-30 an ordinance of the city of Trenton to adopt NJ D's model ordinance regarding littering and to amend chapter 150 of the code of the city code of the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so move to Second thank you councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figero kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-31 an ordinance of the city of Tron to adopt NJ D's model ordinance regarding pet waste and to amend chapter 21 of the code of the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve I have a motion to approve second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-32 in ordinance of the city of Tron to adopt NJ D's model ordinance regarding feeding of Wildlife and to amend chapter 21 of the code of the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing Madam president if you want ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so moved second not it roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzales yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-33 in ordinance of the city of Trenton to adopt njd peace model ordinance regarding privately owned Refuge containers and dumpsters to amend chapter 254 of the code of the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-34 an ordinance of the city of Trenton to adopt NJ D's model ordinance regarding yard waste and to amend chapter 312 and 248 of the code of the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none I believe Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve we have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-35 an ordinance of the city of Trenton to adopt NJ dp's modal ordinance regarding spilling dumping or disposal of materials other than storm water and to amend chapter 254 of the code of the city Tron are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve we have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-36 ordinance of the city of Trenton to adopt NJ D's model ordinance regarding privately owned salt storage and to amend chapter 254 of the code the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so second got it roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-37 ordinance of the city of Trenton to adopt NJ dp's model ordinance regarding retrofitting of storm drain inlets and to amend chapter 254 of the code of the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madame President if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president bisano yes motion carried ordinance 24-38 an ordinance of the city of Trenton to adopt NJ D's model ordinance regarding tree removal and replacement to amend chapter 287 of the code the city of Trenton are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve I have a motion to approve so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion Carri and Madame President we' reached the point of consent agenda if you would like to ask for a motion to approve a consent agenda consisting of 24154 one second Mr Garcia certainly Point order if I may ask a quick question certainly for the ones that we met in executive session about would they be roll called or would they still be a part of this consent agenda we should pull out what we meant an executive session about correct my apologies I believe you're correct items that were right items discussed in executive sessions we pulled for roll call which would be 154 one resolutions hold on one second 164 65 that would be 154 sorry about that one 1633 164 165 I believe that's all of them yes those are the items with those it with those items extracted from the consent agenda for roll call a consent agenda consisting of 24-1 161 162 166 167 168 169 170 171 173 174 17576 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 and 188 did you say 172 also you missed it yeah yes sounded like you skipped it did I skip 172 M 17 including 172 thank you madam president councilwoman Ed um I just wanted to see if it was possible to get the the potential developers of uh for the resolution 24171 apparently there was a little bit of misinformation to the public and there's been con some concerns about the purchase of this property and how that will affect the community and the the developer that had offered this is here and missed his opportunity to sign up for public comment um and wants to speak and is it okay to for him to like clear the air to you know explain what his plans are because it's a garden that produces herbs and vegetables and things like that and they're concerned about that going away from the community is that okay not to pull it but to So to that point councilwoman um I will allow it at this at this point in time however when we have Civic comments if you would like if any council person at that time would like to extend part of their time to the person to then come up and speak and address then we can use that time um to do that but given the nature of this I don't have a problem um with him coming forward and having two minutes to say it is that he would have to say and that's my apologies because it totally spped my mind written and then that's fine but as we move forward just to keep consistency in order we can do that during Civic comment appreciate you you Mr Dixon would you like to come forward two minutes thank you turn the light push the button thank uh good evening uh Elijah Dixon 13 for East H Street um and yes I'm with the work House Cafe LC and just and I I did speak with Miss with with uh Miss hea Brown afterwards and she did have some misinformation she just spoke to one person from her Coalition who doesn't even live in the neighborhood and respectfully she does not live in the neighborhood either so she was just was ignorant to like what actually is going on at our at our community garden and uh Inspire of the fact that we are looking to looking to purchase it um through our Cafe it will remain Community involved Community owned still essentially um the only so there's two main um reasons as to why we are pushing for ownership at this stake is and and and one is just um to prevent a lot of the outside developers who've been coming to East H Street into the block to be able to oh here's here's some undeveloped lot and we're going to do it and we've and it's serving such a critical Community function and then two because so for like the last eight years and you know I've been like one of the main gardeners there actually I am the leag AR there and it's been a community garden but uh um Marvin sidas he was a a Costa Rican man who would um after I moved from East Tran over to the neighborhood he had welome me and show me the roofs Marv moved away so it became me and then I've engaged other people from the neighborhood young old perican white black Rich poor whatever and we use Surplus produce that is not that is not given out to you know to our members you know and back to their families we use Surplus produce to make up like pepper sauce and things of that nature but it actually cost us money to be able to to be able to sustain operations and and I'm not even talking about the like you know I'm not I'm not even talking about from the seeds to the tools to the equipment but we actually pay we we actually pay kids in the neighborhood you know who also help out over at the Garden to come over to our cafe after school every single day five kids no less getting like $5 each you know Mr Garcia thank you Mr Dixon certainly uh Madam president there's no other questions you can ask for a motion to approve the consent agenda as I recited yes may have a motion to approve the consent agenda with resolutions recited by Mr Garcia so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried moving to roll call resolutions roll call resolution number 24-1 154 resolution authorizing settlement of a civil action in the matter of Heidi Chan Heidi us Chan versus city of Trenton in the total amount of $935,000 M president you ask for a motion to approve I'm sorry may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried moving to resolution 163 24-16 63 resolution authorizing settlement of a workers's compensation claim in the matter of Ray Washington versus city of Trenton claim petition number 2021 d86 N1 and the claim amount of $45,100 yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried roll call resolution 24-1 164 resolution authorizing settlement of a workers's compensation claim in the matter of Donald Kelly versus city of Trenton claim petition number 2020-1 19055 and claim amount of $ 29,5 including attorney fees and costs I have a motion to approve so mov roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes Council Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried resolution 24-65 resolution authorizing settlement of a worker's compensation claim in the matter of Brandon Wilson versus city of Trenton claim petition number 2019-1 12606 and a claim amount of $3,579 including attorney fees and costs I have a motion to approve approv so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried on to ordinances for first reading and introduction 24-39 an ordinance prohibiting the damaging defacing or removal of street signs with in city of Trenton chapter 54 Article 5 and Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may I have a motion to approve so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figero kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion Carri and ordinance 2441 ordinance of the city of Tren to adopt NJ D's model ordinance regarding storm water control and to amend chapter 254 of the code of the city of Trenton may have a motion to approve some Mo second Council roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried and Madame President I don't believe there is anything additional and if you want to ask for a motion to adjourn may I have a motion to adjourn some second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figel kenberg councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried meeting end meeting a Jour thank you thank you all for coming out God bless