##VIDEO ID:9M7pQOA54WU## [Music] Mr [Music] Garcia certainly Madam president thank you madam president the next uh item on our on our agenda here is a presentation by Kingsbury Towers an update thank [Music] you have a via okay hold on one second sir it works now e so everyone just bear with us a few minutes while they're figuring this out thank you [Music] while we're waiting I do want to recognize Nicole Miss Hamlet excuse me one second I do want to recognize um the school board member that came out jeie weim thank you jeie for always being present um and on point when it comes to things that deal with our school district so thank you for coming out to be here tonight to celebrate Nicole so forgive me as we were going through the 50 million proclamations and resolutions but we appreciate you so while we're waiting for them with the with the technical difficulty um if we could just move on to public comment if we could have the board brought up for public comment please we thank everybody for your time and your patience thank you for moving things along Madame President at this point we have five individuals signed up for public comment okay our first individual for public comment is Miss Cordelia ston thank you and to the public for public comment public comment will be five minutes as I understand it you may address any item that you wish the council is not obligated to respond thank you please do state your name and address for the [Music] record thanks thank you it stays like that okay cord ston 310 Garder Avenue City of Trenton Good evening distinguished members of council tonight I am before you I have come before you with a petition and I am accompanied by Miss Dr Diane Campbell and Miss Hazel [Music] [Music] Stewart go right ahead man' okay we the residents of the great capital of New Jersey want to acknowledge the Legacy and many contributions of The Honorable Douglas H Palmer the first africanamerican mayor of our state capital the historic city of Trenton during his historic tenure 1990 through 2010 mayor's Palmer's leadership and vision for a better Trenton included Economic Development home ownership Public Safety try this one utility improvements and enhance Municipal Services he continues to demonstrate his commitment to Trenton through his charitable Works Trenton first which promotes positive Youth Development through academic and athletic opportunities mayor Palmer continues to support community and grassroot organizations that Empower neighborhoods and molds the lives of young people with respect and admiration for the historical significance of Douglas H Palmer's tenure as the mayor of the city of Trenton it is only befitting that Trenton City City Hall Annex be renamed be named in his honor and what I'm going to present to council is um several hundreds actually of petitions from the residents of Trenton asking Council to please draft an ordinance naming the annex dedicating the annex to Douglas H Palmer I'll let Miss Hazel speak Dr D [Music] I would like to say good evening to everyone on behalf of the petitions that were signed we would like to present these petitions because we feel that some of us feel that mayor Palmer the first black mayor for the city of Trenton we need something in this city to see and know what he has done and what we as people of the city like what he did and I myself would like for this to be presented all right thank you and with the petitions we'd like to give them thank you good evening I'm Dr Diane Campbell and I am speaking to in support of Mayor Douglas Palmer being the name on City Hall for the city of Trenton mayor Palmer had a broad view of the city which included Health Care with Henry J Austin Health Center Capital Health housing with several Redevelopment efforts clean streets his love for the Parks and Recreation especially the little league and a solid connection and this is very important a solid connection with other municipalities throughout the country mayor Palmer was the chair of the United States Conference of Mayors Countrywide so therefore he was able to confer with other Mayors on an ongoing basis so that he would be able to bring the best to our city in 206 mayor Palmer appointed me to the Trenton school board and I served until 2011 and at that point there was an appointed school board that has changed recently I served two years as the vice president and two as the president and I was there just in time to experience the turnover of State leadership and the removal of of Appropriations that Trenton had received in order to build new schools and that appropriation was coming from the school Development Authority and among the new schools that was PL that were planned was a new Trenton high school and this was a controversial move because Trenton high school was one of the most historical buildings in the city but there were a lot of people who said we don't want to be held hostage to history in Trenton and so the movement started to get a new Trenton high school and it was so bad there was asbestos there were leaks that made the asbest leak down on the students the uh theater the the uh chairs were all broken there was mold there was mildew and even with the state of trans High there was a fight to improve it to either build a new one or to do something more to make sure that our students didn't have to experience an environment like that every day mayor Palmer pulled together Reed Gora who was an assemblyman Senator Shirley Turner congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman and more to address the need to have a new Trenton high school and we visited schools in in Robinsville and New Brunswick and we had our hard hats on going in and out of schools that were being built so that we could make sure that our students in Trenton didn't have to experience this while they were trying to get an education so when the time came we built the new high school with the support of a lot of Citi in Trenton every stone that could be turned and every button that could be pushed mayor Palmer was there to make sure that that happened and when the opening came there was a prayer March around the school and I stood across Chamber Street saying my own prayers as the tears ran down my cheeks because I am a Trenton High School alumni and a graduate and this was so important to my heart and so when we look at the new school the technology all of the comfortable Zone within that school the beautiful theater the wonderful athletic fields all of these things happened because mayor Palmer understood how important the education of Trenton people is to employees who work in this building employees that work at the county building at the State Building and nonprofits all of this happens if you get the best education possible that can happen and within this of all the things that Douglas Palmer did I work besi I walk beside him as he did this particular effort and and if you have a chance to ever go and visit Trenton High because it's so easy to just ride by to take a look to see what a wonderful wonderful and excellent educational facility it is thank [Music] you I too have petitions that I would like to submit [Music] thank you I believe the next individual we have for public comment is Andrew [Music] [Music] bobit good evening fellow council members and friends I'm here to talk about petitions that going around for the honorable former man Douglas H Palmer I'm sorry sir we just need your name and address for the record oh do you really no one did that okay Andrew Bob 72 Phillips avenon North Trenton thank you now the reason I'm here you're going to have other individuals will be coming in here talking in front of you council members and there's a beginning there's going to be a middle and there's going to be an end I'm here to talk about the beginning in 1989 as we were out here working for mayor Doug Palmer and you wouldn't believe during the time period this man ran it was like 1957 in Alabama that's how Prejudice racist these individual cops were in this city and I could say that cuz I was there during the time period as we was going around trying to get people registered and I have to give a shout out y'all knowing to Rodney Washington myself we deliver each one of us a th new petitions of registered voters during that time period when you came to City Hall 1989 88 City Hall had to be 85% white 10% black 5% Vino before mayor Pama got here during that time period I never forget the council um I say the clerk office wasn't located where you guys at it was on the second floor as we walked in here to turn in petitions getting called the nword and say y'all in people would not make it up in here that was a termination I took back to the headquarters and we pushed it just because of what that individual said and we wanted to work harder we talking about the time period when mayor Palmer end up becoming mayor let's talk about the other racism the police department coming around this house bugging his phones see these are things people don't know about but we kept the termination with mayor palman to continue to fight to change the city around we also had to change the police department thanks to my girl cilia ston and her team of us Lonnie Marshall is not here Dave P and myself we put a group together called yes we can campaign yes we can change the Trent Police Department if nobody knew back then a police chief could stay as long as he wanted to council couldn't do nothing about it or the mayor a lot of people don't know that so what we did we had to do a whole new campaign over a whole new campaign over to change that whole new election to turn a police chief into a Police director that the counsel and ourselves can oversee and make sure they do the right thing so like I said there's a beginning of every story but these are the parts of the story you don't know about and I have to give a shout out for when more people of our color and more people of brown color start coming here caros if anybody remember Carlos PCO Carlos PCO was a Latino Community leader right here in the city of Tred he was doing what I'm doing today Community Affairs to bring people of color in City Hall to work when they was deprived of jobs years ago so when you see the struggle I always try to tell these younger people where you at now the majority of the young people that's working in city hall now are getting able to get jobs in the city don't forget that was a struggle of people that had to put you here that we went out and worked for years ago with me and Doug Palmer some of the same programs as I see working in Recreation for 20 years those programs are still running in your city ofed today for mayor Douglas H Palmer and especially in Recreation but the legacy is only a legacy to me and I remember working with Greg Grant when he played for the Phoenix Sons and walked around and got 500 petitions to name great Grant Park after on East State Street we got to stop and I heard people saying well he not dead yet why are we naming a building after him why do we have to be dead to show people the roses and the flowers while they living and we got to stop that I have seen a lot of individuals I had seen a lot of individuals we named things after why we wait till they pass away so we'll be back soon with more people more stories about mayor Palmer so I'm hoping um next week we could go ahead through this and name this building after an honorable mayor Douglas hm thank [Music] you Bernard McMullen did I get that correct thank you [Music] good evening Council good evening um members of thing my name is Bernard McMullen I reside at 1622 Riverside Drive on the island um I want to add my voice to support um the the effort to rename or to name the city hall Annex in in favor of uh Doug Palmer um I worked with Doug on many issues around particularly around flooding since I do live on the island um and I noticed of late that I've also been sort of walking in his shoes because as you know Doug liked liked and likes to eat um and um and that brings me up to the main reason that I'm here today um I am the coordinator of something called taste Trenton this is in our eighth year and I'm going to announce that we have moved from being simply a weekend event to 10 days now called 10 crucial days of dining and it begins next Friday the 13th and runs through the 22nd there are 36 restaurants spread across Trenton involved in this effort and for those of you who don't know this is how it works you purchase a wristband like this uh for $10 it's good for the entire uh week it's sort of your passport into any and all of the 36 restaurants who are waiting for you to come across their threshold so that you can taste their food see what it looks like and they're offering you special deal sometimes it might be a small plate sometimes of a specialty or it might be uh 20% off on a menu item anything you want um sometimes it's a a you know great um opportunities to try out new foods so I encourage you and everyone else to join us you can find out about all of the restaurants and their menus thanks to um a good friend Yan D I should say that uh there it's up and running as of noon time today you can check out the menus you can see what the possibilities are and you can order your wristband for $10 and pick them up at the will 1719 William Tren house Visitor Center starting on the 11th so I hope you can come out it's going to be a great fun and uh this is an economic development effort to be sure that Trenton's restaurants of which there are more than 120 um we to just ensure they survive um the second thing I want to me invite you to is this Friday and every subsequent Friday in September is the renewal of uh Friday September Fridays in the cemetery held at Mercer cemetery across from the train station there'll be food trucks there'll be food come on down see what's going on in the cemetery and hear about the major reg Grant we receive through Mercer County actually Mercer County received the Grant on our behalf to um change the accessibility of that um Cemetery to include increase lighting and security and things like that and provide what the Department of Transportation of New Jersey calls safe passage from transit and to transit to downtown Trenton so this is a celebration of that I hope you can come out between 11:30 and 1:30 on each Wednesday in September thank you so very much and I will hand these to the clerk and he can hand folks thank you very very [Music] much Madame President I believe those are all the individuals we have for public comment at this time uh I understand excuse me one moment councilwoman are you with us yes I disconnected but thank you thank you my apologies uh I believe this brings us back to our budget item on the on excuse me no our Kingsbury Tower update go ahead Sir and Madame President just so the gentleman knows how long he has for his presentation 10 minutes about 10 minutes sir good evening everyone good to see you again so I'm just going to go over uh a brief update on where we are with the Kingsbury Towers preservation and uh reiterate and ask that we made a you back in March and have not talked a lot about since but we want to uh move the project forward because we're getting ready to close and start the rehab so um with that just a a little overview of what we're doing here you've seen this slide before we are purchasing and rehabilitating Kingsbury Towers which as you all know need a lot of work um we've been doing this with hmfa and with the city council we meet we meet bi-weekly so this is a a way of us sharing our progress and updates with uh the rest of the council and the public you've seen this slide before as well um just a reminder that this is a extremely extensive Rehabilitation of the towers including apartment interior common areas a new exterior of the building windows roofs um and all major Building Systems will be uh replaced or repaired where necessary um in addition to adding uh accessible units to meet current uast standards um so this slide you haven't seen before this is uh you know a substantive update on what we've been doing at the site um over the last few months since we last presented um if any of you have driven past the the lowrise home part of the site it's now completely fenced off the windows are boarded up and it's spring prepared for demolition um in the meantime we've worked with New Jersey hmfa to uh push the financing of the acquisition and Rehab forward we got a declaration of intent for the transaction on August 15th and we're on the November 7th board meeting for a commitment of their mortgage uh we hope to close almost immediately thereafter and get to work um we've also made some upgrades at the site the the physical plant we've repaired the HVAC system which was blowing very cold and hard all summer um some might say too cold but that's not really a problem in my mind fire alarm is repaired the emergency generator is repaired and we've increased security and uh as of either today or tomorrow we will have submitted permits for the rehab to the building department so that we can get to work um so the ask today is related to the pilot that you all helped approve back in February um I spoke about this a little bit back in March but essentially it's too large of a transaction to do in one so we've split it into two and in splitting it into two it requires us to split the approved pilot into two um there's no difference in the economics that will be delivered to the city and the you know the annual payments are just going to be split in half one from each Tower um and we've worked with the city staff to create a draft an agreement that I think looks almost exactly like the agreement that was approved back in February and March questions Council vice [Music] president Council Frisby so one Eli I want to tell you thank you again you and Jonathan and the team have been doing a phenomenal job with this and as we um get closer to getting this project done I just want to reiterate you know that a lot of folks think that this is something we say we're going to work on kingsberry we actually had um councilwoman Edwards and I was just in a room um last week and she made mention that we were working on Kingsbury and someone said did wait wait wait did you just say Kingsbury and we're like yeah it's still going on it's not something that is an overnight thing so we are grateful for the work that continues with this I would ask that you would um send the slides to council um if you would just send that to us and we can get make sure that it gets to um the rest of our constituents but I don't I don't have any questions I just want to say thank you for the diligent work and I like look forward to continue the work with you thank you we're excited Council vice president councilwoman Williams thank you so Eli if you could outline uh what the process is going to look like for the Demolition and you know kind of if you have an outside date uh when that might occur because I know particularly for folks uh who are streaming that might be of interest yeah um so the the Demolition and the funding for it is going to be a part of the greater financing so when we close after that November 7th board meeting that's our first order of business is to start the demolition um so ideally sometime in early to mid November okay do you have an idea of uh how long that process might take and the removal of all the materials because I know you've been doing uh remediation on any asbest or any issues previously yes so the remediation is actually done as of today today was the the last day of that work um so we'll start with the demo in November and it'll take somewhere in the four Monon Range four month okay so we'll be talking roughly like February March then yeah okay thank you very [Music] much any additional questions or comments from Council councilman Gonzalez do you have anything for the presenter at this time I'm going to take that as enough thank you so much for providing the information to us for keeping us updated um as this has been completely contentious as we've been going through the motions of learning what we can do and what has been done and how we can help the residents and move the city forward with this project so thank you very much thank you uh Mr Garcia we can certainly thank you very much sir Madam vice president I believe that brings us up to the budget item on the agenda uh I understand we do have a presentation waiting from Mr chair Cherry [Music] proceed and so he knows uh how much time does Mr Cherry have 10 minutes thank you thank you Mr cherry good evening members of council and members of the public um as was requested last year we just in uh preparation for the public hearing on the introduced budget we were asked to bring back the presentation that we had provided for the introduced budget so we have done so uh this evening this presentation is available for the public on our website as is the introduced budget itself and once we adopt the budget on uh Thursday hopefully that budget will also be available since this is just kind of a refresher of an old presentation I didn't want to go through it in uh complete detail but um just to highlight we do still have a $28.15 budget as noted on this slide that we talked about um in July the budget was 12.8 million over the Appropriations cap we were able to work with the state to get that number down to about 9 million and then on August 14th we did successfully petition the local Finance board and receive a waiver to move $9 million worth of inside the cap funding to outside of the cap which is just an accounting language the budget itself didn't change we just were permitted to introduce and adopt at this number um you will see that work in the actual Amendment resolution uh that is on the docket for today but it just moves it primarily just moves money from inside the cap to outside of the cap these numbers here which I know are very small on the screen but again are available um online uh have not changed at all we kept the numbers the same the only changes you'll see in the amendment are very very small amounts uh to a couple of line items but primarily grants and then as I said $9 million moving from inside the Appropriations cap to outside the Appropriations cap which again is not a change that anyone in the public will experience it's just an accounting issue did any members of the governing body have any specific questions or need any particular Refreshers as we move into this uh public hearing council president councilwoman Williams thank you just a broad question just for folks who may um not be as familiar with the budget process and how it's put together are there any uh economic assumptions or accounting assumptions that are usually used with a budget like this or is it kind of um the straight process from year to year no matter what's happening nationally we we aren't permitted in the state of New Jersey to make any assumptions everything we do is based on either revenue or expenses from the prior year or a commitment specifically to revenue for the next year so for example um if we have a grant until we have a letter committing to funding that amount we can't uh enter it and while we do make some assumptions for example if we see that the price of gas for example during the pandemic um grew substantially we may budget a little bit extra in those areas I would say over 85% of our budget is spoken for just by a statutorily determined process very much of course any other council members have any questions council president yes councilwoman Edwards I just have one question um does the increase in the library's budget or the budget period for the library include each Tron Library I know that they're coming to a close with the renovations and trying to get that Library back on um I guess open but is it going to be funded by the city so U my answer is as far as I know no I believe that that is not going to be a library operated by the Trenton free public library my understanding is that the intent there is to run a community center that is that offers some of the same services that a library may may offer offer and it is perhaps the case that in the future they'll partner with the treat andfree Public Library to offer some sort of service but I believe that uh the treent andfree public library is not at this current stage um at a place where they can operate that as a separate Library okay thank you of course thank you Mr Garcia certainly before we continue um I believe that and and they um it may have just been a slight oversight uh there was a representative from the Cavaliers that wanted to come forward and make a public comment somebody wanted to come forward and make a public comment on behalf of the Cavaliers now would be the time to make that comment turn please turn the mic on sir thank you honey hi hi good evening counselor um my name is Greg Broner I'm the vice I'm the president of the organization the Cavalry organization and uh we just wanted to talk about how M Bob had done for the city of Trenton and far as with the youth and um how we still is active today far as in helping kids you know who have a mental problems and and stuff like that so then I have a one of the one of the oldest members who know a little bit more than what I do about the capitalism Bob bingol and what he had done okay okay thank you good evening Council good evening it's my obligation to let you know you don't know that this man should be named a street after him you have young men who came from the streets to be lawyers doctors Engineers Barbers You Name It We produce them on the um agenda here I said it says to name the street Bingham Bingham Boulevard but that's to be correct corrected to Robert W Bingham Boulevard he said I was street named after him I'm sorry could you say what what should the corrected name be sir I'm sorry Robert W Bingham Robert W Bingham Boulevard Boulevard thank you um when they was talking about Doug Palmer um I walked Doug out the building for the last time I was um here in Joe NOS how's your mother doing Joe good I was in this building for 18 years so I know what council was all about and I want to say that CA and um many others were great counsel people and I pray that you be great counsel people just keep doing the good work again back to Mr Bingham here's a man that took kid kids off the street marched with the presidents of the United States marched at the World's [Music] Fair marched all over this country as National Champion Champions representing the city of [Music] Trenton and there's no reason why the works of this great man should be recognized with the boulevard there's no reason why he shouldn't be looking down on us now he can clap his hands to say I got some old Soldiers still fighting the battle knowing that what he's done for us took from drugs alcohol wrongdoing did you know you had to maintain the sea average the Maring this real team you could not be a failure in school the lady was talking about education well that was on our plate we was young men so to stand up for Education we must do that it's um important I want to thank the council Cavaliers would you please stand please there's many more than [Music] there are many more than this a whole lot of them are deceased now but we never let their Spirit down as long we can March keep us in your prayers thank you thank [Music] [Applause] you Madame President if it's your wish we return to the budget hearing yes and I'll Now open up the meeting to the public are there any members of the public that wish to speak on the for the on the budget only seeing none Madame President at this time we can move on to Civic comments you will be voting on the on Thursday okay thank you all right so tonight we'll start with councilwoman Williams thank you very much ma'am uh first before I begin I know Mr Jean Korea K sir I just want to acknowledge thank you very much for joining us tonight as a Vietnam veteran thank you for your service to our country [Applause] sir and if there are any other veterans in the room tonight or families thank thank you very much for your service to our country too I just have a few quick announcements uh it was uh really good to see uh Miss Dayton uh Miss Hazel Miss Campbell come out tonight and speak uh it's a very important issue but it's always great when you have good citizens involved and just don't talk they take action additionally uh just want to in case anybody hasn't seen it or experienced it so far uh there's some great work happening at South waren and on West Front Street to finally fix the sidewalks and the landscape after many years so that's something to be really thankful for and I just want to publicly thank the public works department director antii uh mayor RI gusciora uh the director Richardson when she was at um natural resources and culture and recreation uh but also Mr WEA and everyone else involved Mr uh Chief santor because this is a project a lot of folks wouldn't happen and it's actually happened so thank you so much for doing that was really good also to hear about the 10 crucial days of dining that I love that that unique idea take on the Revolution and the battles of trend and it is important to support our restaurants so I hope a lot of folks will participate we have a lot of good restaurants in the city that have been long time uh favorites we have some newer ones and we need to support them well we will lose them and that's something particularly that we only have half the state Workforce here in the city um we need to make sure that these businesses stay because many of them actually do employ Trentonian and when uh some of the great folks I've met over the years they started off in a Trenton restaurant and then they became chefs themselves and are starting their own businesses so let's keep that positivity going forward on on Wednesday September 21st we're going to be having our next Northwood citizens police advisory council meeting um which will take place at Galilee Baptist Church 440 Martin Luther King Boulevard at 5:30 so please particularly if you live or have a business or do business in the northw come and attend and I'd also like to share that this coming uh Monday September 9th will be the citizens Police Academy with the police department and you can reach out to uh the Trenton police department for more information on it's a great program uh councilwoman uh figuro Kenbury Council woman council president Crystal Feliciano took it last year I will taking it this year with apparently some of my colleagues so I'm really happy hear about that oh miss Council councilman Harrison take it good all right so um make sure you do participate it helps everything we do to try to reduce crime in a city it has a multiplier effect but the more we know about how the police do their jobs how we think and feel about how they're doing in the city it's all great communication whether you go to a CAC meeting or you take part in police academy and I see the uh Community Street teams are here tonight they're very active and making sure that we have safe neighborhoods particularly near our schools uh Jason Rogers Perry Shaw thank you for everything that you all do to help make Trenton safer and healthier place for everybody um also just want to congratulate the Cavaliers uh for everything they've done and thank them for in the past and it's good to see that we will be able to honor Mr Bingham with this honorary Street renaming it's important to them but I think it's also important to the community and finally regarding streets I was happy to go out this past weekend with my colleague uh Southward councilwoman Jenna figero and kenberg to get a petition signatures to try to get speed bumps on Lamberton Street and there are other streets nearby that need those and throughout our city I know the process is tedious with petitions and making sure you get 75% of a and it needs to be checked and the city doesn't have enough money to do every uh put in speed bumps everywhere we'd liked them but let's be patient we'll get it done and uh just I just ask everyone to keep the faith because each month each week that this council is working together with the administration with everyone involved with our city things are getting better and we will make this a great City it has always been one but we need to just make sure we take care of our city a little bit better and that's what's happening so thank you very much and please come back on Thursday thank you councilman Harrison uh first I would like to talk about the Citywide cleanup that uh was done in all four Wards uh Wall-E hectors uh Recreation all my colleagues um the community all reached out did their part to help clean up this great City it's a wonderful thing that was done um also tonight we uh recognize Miss Hamlet what a wonderful woman um this room seeing everybody standing up clapping it's what it's about to see that how many lives that she's going to touch in a positive way and help lead the Next Generation we need more Miss hamlets like that so thank you um again tonight was brought up uh about mayor Doug Palmer um about the so forth I think it's a wonderful ideal um Miss Stewart Miss Campbell like to thank them because they're always um want to see the best for this great City so thank them um and I also want like to say um a wonderful thank you for many years um George Michelle and Terry Michelle um the wishu arrat he um he closed after 40 years 10002 l Street um he 307 uh 30 some years on the police department 14 some years on city council but he always worked him and his wife for many years worked hard for the people of this great City every word so thank you and everybody have a good blessed evening and see you on THS Thursday night thank you thank you councilwoman Gonzalez uhuh to everyone who spoke this evening um one I wanted to send prayers out to the Riva family on the loss of one of our students um also wanted to congratulate Miss Hamlet on a job well done as a a educator myself I know that we have a tankless job so it is always great to be recognized for that so thank you for all that you do and for being my fellow haulk sister my um graduate um also I want to just Express that I am in support of renaming the annex after mayor Palmer so I want to thank everyone who was there to speak on it who has signed the petitions um in honor and uh support of that initiative also a big thank you to the city of Trenton on the Citywide cleanup it was a job a job well done on all of our city employees so I just want to say thank you because some of those days were extremely hot um also thank you to everyone who came out to support my Ninth Annual book bag giveaway and all of those who donated supported came out a shout out to councilman Harrison for coming out and actually getting behind the grill and assisting with the food and thank you to councilwoman Tesa councilwoman fris be for her donations as always um I also want to to say this Friday September 6 will be movie Under the Stars at the ju Martinez Memorial Park on Lamberton Street and the movie begins at D and that is hosted by the city of Trent so thank you for everyone um for the recreation department our city of Tron for doing all the movie and stars and all the events that we've had all summer for everyone and just want to wish everyone a great school year to all of our students who are coming into school on Thursday we are excited to have you this is year 22 for me as an educator and and it gets more exciting every year so I just want to say good luck and have a great great school Year to everyone in the city of Trenton and all around thank you thank you councilwoman councilwoman frisbee thank you council president so again I want to thank everybody for coming out this evening um for every part that you played Bernard I want to say thank you for getting this um how the taste of Trenton making sure that was continued this is absolutely great I love this I can't wait to go uh door to door to our uh eateries I want to also say there was a Route 29 project initiative that started last week and I'm glad to hear that the conversation that started again especially since that affects the West W heavily so that's conversation that we have actually been talking about for over two years and I know other organizations as well so I'm glad that there are others that are picking up the Garment and the Hamlet and uh running with it so I'm looking forward to continuing those conversations I want to give a big shout out to our mayor um mayor R gor he has been working with all of us all of the uh council members to make sure that we are informed of what's going on in our city he keeps us updated he makes sure that there are things that are going on in our WS that we um are aware of and just making sure that monies that need to get into our community he's working diligently so I want to say that we did A Walk in P cat Walder Park we are working diligently on cat Walder Park and there's a path there that has been dilapidated for quite some time we are halfway done the county has helped out as well um and we're working together and that's what it's all about is working together recognizing that we can't do it all on our own and then we might not be able to do it all at one time so I want to just say kudos to him um the West the cleanup was absolutely spectacular I'm so glad that the community um got involved took advantage of it I want to say congratulations to our West Ward who won it with over 70 tons um of trash that they put out and our incredible team Mr Anie Wally an ter Mr Hector way um and even Mrs Cruz and all their team members did a absolutely phenomenal job working in excellence making sure that if even if they needed to go back double back they did just that I want to give a big shout out to fathers and Men United for allowing me commissioner Frisbee and the Greater Mount Greater Mount Zion to join you on this past Saturday to with our get out the vote and educating people on project um 25 I think it was very effective we we're still getting comments about it so I just want to thank you and I want to thank everybody who was there present did their part and even if it wasn't their part they were out there and they were supporting so I'm very appreciative of that as well um yes Citizens Academy that begins next Monday September 9th it is a 10-week course it if you can't sign up because now sign up is done but um if you have not experienced it um maybe you can get the next go but it is something that I'm sure everybody should look into taking a part of and educating ourselves what it looks like from the police Optics as opposed from just the options that we have um next Tuesday Tuesday uh September 10th at 5:00 p.m. at 66 660 Artis Street the old um the police station on I call it Hermitage but it's on artison I will be having my West W Community speaks um at 5:30 I ask that you would come out join us if you are in the west ward if you have something to say if you want to hear about what is going on in the community we've been doing this since December and it has been fantastic the feed back we've been getting the Police director always there or if not he has a representative and it has been an enlightening and encouraging a growing conversation so I encourage everyone to please come out um who that may affect again I want to say congratulations to Cole Hamlet um one of my westwards I'm extremely Godly um just proud of her and thankful for the work that she does uh 19 years is nothing to B at that is a that that that's just an amazing career so I'm grateful for how she invests and is invested in our community and I want to read our uh a portion of our City's uh State mission statement which is recognizing that the people of Trenton have made us Guardians of the public trust we are committed to govern with integrity and fiscal responsibility to seek excellence in the city's operations and to serve all the city's people with respect and compassion and I do support our Cavaliers thank you and enjoy the rest of your evening thank you councilwoman councilwoman Edwards thank you uh good evening everyone um it's great to be back it feels weird it feels like we haven't been here in a long time so but I'm back to be back in the chamber and doing the business for the people um and on that note I want to thank all that came out to my recent Town Hall at Mercer County Community College I want to thank Trenton Waterworks department and the Parks and Recreation Department Michael Walker and Paul Harris were coming out to do a presentation with the guest or um do a Q&A session with the guest and give updates about uh the city services and things and projects that we have have coming down the pike and I want to thank commissioner Frisbee and councilwoman Feliciano for also um giving a a great greeting and some updates for the attendees as well um as councilwoman frisbee mentioned we recently attended a Route 29 development project planning me uh meeting that's being planned by some local business owners and residents in that downtown area and I'm glad that uh the residents are getting more involved and the mayor had also stepped in to provide some updates about um the application that we submitted to the uh to the federal government for grant money to term 29 into a Boulevard but we unfortunately were not awarded that but we are head in the right direction so we're hoping to see some some traction there in the future I want to say I am in support of naming the city hall Annex after former mayor Douglas H Palmer um he Not only was the first black mayor but he did Monumental things as a mayor of the city of Trent for 20 years and he continues to work in the community to help improve um areas of train and helping to support local businesses as as well so I'm hoping that uh you know to see this come to fruition because it's well deserved and we should honor and give people their flowers while they're living not after they're gone um there is a mayor's boxing championship coming up on H September 7th at 2m at father Roco Park where yours truy will be the announcer at the boxing tournament as a former boxer and my former Co Coach Doug uh Rob Mar is organizing this event and I'm excited for it I get to relist some of my past with some of my former boxing coaches and former trainees from uh gos and gos so excited for that if you have some time at 2m join us in Father Roco Park and um say thank you to to Kingsbury for the update and on the note of Redevelopment I want to congratulate TR Housing Authority again they just had an event a meeting last week where they had they were presented to $15.6 million check from HUD where I believe the director of Hud attended the congresswoman the mayor and a plethora of people from the federal government to um encourage Trenton and and encourage and support the the north Trenton Choice neighborhood program is a mouth full as long but uh this project is going to come to fruition and that's what we are fighting for that's what we're working for in collaboration with city council and our mayor our Administration and our local boards um to bring better Services better quality housing and living better quality of life for tonians and um I want to say thank you lastly uh to um to I'm sorry director galani G gett I could never pronounce his name galani garet and Christy huff and all that had um played a role in putting that plan together and submitting the application on behalf of the city of Trenton and I believe that the north W Donley Holmes residents will be better for it thank you and have a good evening thank you Council vice president Figaro kber thank you council president uh good evening everybody I share all my colleagues sentiments tonight um as I normally do they all get to speak and basically they've said everything that I would have wanted to say for the most part so I really just want to welcome the students and the teachers back to school this week um we are looking forward to great things and I really am hopeful that we have a calm educational soothing school year that our kids are learning everything that they're able to learn and that our teachers are given the tools um and the patience and the the capacity to to be able to teach our students um the way that they deserve to be taught so congratulations and I welcome that all and I and with that I also want to just congratulate and say thank you to all of the back to school efforts that were made um throughout the city of Trenton to everybody who um hosted them participated uh donated um showed up what have you everybody did a really wonderful job um specifically yesterday uh Rich cuts on South Broad Street South Broad and Elm um along with Kevin Hines and myself hosted one and it was just a lot of great fun certain firefighters were out there and um 100 there were 100 free haircuts and backpacks and giveaway so it was just a really great time um and it was there was no issues no concerns it was just Community coming together um the city cleanup was a great success and I must say that I had a great time just advocating for it um the South Ward picked up 65 tons of trash this year versus 55 tons last year coming Second To None only to the west ward and you know so much bigger than ours so but U it was it was really really great I actually got to clean out my basement after like 14 years in my home so it was it was very motivational and awesome and and all the residents who participated who remember to put out their trash um they were very grateful and those who missed the cut off or somehow forgot to put out the trash um thank you for the city of Trenton um Sanitation Department for acknowledging and being flexible enough and going back out in in doing those pickups for those individuals you guys did an amazing job so thank you very very much um congratulations to the Cavaliers on making history um always love to give people their flowers um it's also great to see Civic engagement in this city so to all those who do come to City Council meetings and speak on behalf of whatever your beliefs are whatever you believe will make this city flourish and move you know move the city forward um whether it's a gripe or you know it's it's it's a Kudos or Applause you know we welcome it because at least it shows you're paying attention it shows that you want your voice to be heard um going back to the clean this really really quickly I also want to applaud Mr Brady is in the audience tonight who resides behind Chamber Street Mr Brady thank you for bringing attention to certain areas in the city that needed to be cleaned up but not only that um you have offered your services to keep a certain lot cleaned after the city did the initial cleanup so thank you for that um that's much appreciated and something that we do look forward and you know our residents to take upon themselves and do so I really really appreciate that from you um I have a South Ward police and community meeting coming up um is still to be determined the date um but it has been requested from the residents um and I've been waiting it out to to when our certain Community officer is available so that will be held at the CYO I will give you dates and times very very soon um councilwoman uh Edwards alluded to the fact that we had a great meeting about the Route 29 being turned into a Boulevard this is last week um it was a great turnout the room was full um and in 2018 when I first ran for office it was something that I was talking about that I was advocating for um in order to build our Riverfront because I mean we have such um such such amazing uh accommodations that that can be given to the city just if we are able to utilize our Waterfront to the extent that some of the other municipalities around us on the river are able to do can do and it's it's really a gold mine and with that I'm really really grateful that um the Marine ter terminal Park we were able to get a um park playground in there which was actually a lot of fun um and in great shape and Orange Street Park as well is under construction as we speak there's been nothing in that park for quite some time so I'm really really happy about that um also that crime statistics are down in the South Ward so thank you director uh Wilson and your team for all that you're doing in the community for that that has been pointed out to me by residents we're sending me maps and stats so and they're thanking me I'm thanking you but thank you very much um Trenton greatness Miss Hamlet again um I'm glad that we were able to honor my colleagues had mentioned this so I just want to say this was sent to me today um NAACP Trenton branch is having a voter registration free voter registration block party on Saturday September 14th from 12: to 6: at hedgpeth Williams um there'll be lots of um event lots of things for the kids and treats um Carnival type setup so please if you haven't register the vote out on September 14th thank you very much thank you council president good evening everyone thank you for being here tonight thank you for everyone that spoke um for the presentations that came forward shout out again to Nicole Hamlet she's a wonderful cooworker um that I've had the pleasure of working with the past now six years um at the high school she's a phenomenal woman doing great things um I want to thank my Council colleagues for stepping in for helping with the presentations and everything right the word says Be always ready right so thank y'all for being on point and stepping up um and doing that teamwork does make the dream work I just want to say that um September 17th is National voter registration day so everyone I mean listen you need to vote all the time you need to be talking to people about registering to vote and voting but September 17th is National voter registration day so everyone is encouraged to do something somewhere with someone we're having a big assembly for our seniors at Trenton Central High School I have guest speakers that are going to be coming in it's going to be a great day um we have our clerk's office coming in as always they come in several times a year to register our students to vote at the high school during the lunch periods and everything because Civic engagement is very important so we're looking forward to that um October the 12th is tchs homecoming so for those that are interested be on the lookout more information will be forthcoming regarding a parade or regarding vending and things of that nature it will be released um soon it is on the way I just want to say overall thank you to the mayor to the administration thank you to all of the directors and the employees that have done um a wonderful job throughout the city I see the change I feel the change the um residents see it they feel it they are excited about it thank you for the the Parks right we're fixing up all of the parks we're keeping them as clean as we possibly can thank you for cutting the trees down man because councilwoman Williams she's lethal when it comes to the request no in all seriousness we all are pretty lethal when it comes to the request right but I thank you and I just want to say thank you to the tremendous work that has been done to my neighbors on the island right we've had people who have had issues with trees for a long time that now they're able to say um that the the trees in front of their homes have been cut down they have been asking for whatever reason things were standing still but I've been getting grave reviews um about the work that's being done and thank you and that's the Testament to what it looks like when good government is taking place so for every pothole being fixed for every water pipe that's being done for every tree that's cut for every park that's done for everything that everyone does for the time the care the commitment for the sacrifice for just doing the work I just want to say thank you thank you thank you it is starting to turn around right Rome was not building a day we're not going to get this thing right overnight but we are working slowly but surely and we are staying on course and we are moving the plan forward which is to get our city back together and I believe that we are on the right path in doing just that that being said I thank you all again for coming out here tonight um I do support um the naming of the annex after former mayor Douglas H Palmer um Everybody spoke as to as to why it should be I Shar the same sentiments um you know when people ask why or what he was mayor 20 years so he was doing something right and it was a whole lot of people that liked and loved him so with that being said he still he did work then he's still doing work now in the city um and he has a heart for the city him and his family um and so I I wholeheartedly support the renaming um as well shout out to the Cavaliers and to Father Bryan um there there is something we're looking to rename a street after Father Brian as well uh many people came forward several friends of mine um had had um mentioned and brought all of the great works and efforts that Father Brian has made and done and so I'm excited for us to to um look at that and move that forward as well again thank you all for coming out tonight and for everything that you do to help make our Capitol City great Mr Garcia certainly thank you madam president and moving on with the docket Madam president you have uh Council you have minutes for approval on Thursday of June 18th you will also have another set of minutes from July Communications and petitions of course you will vote on Thursday as well as reports and this will bring us to ordinances for second reading and public hearing uh I leave it to you Madame President if there are any questions or if you want to ask for any questions regarding those ordinances or if you'd like me to read them each aloud Council I have any questions regarding any of the ordinance um ordinances here for a second reading 24051 52 or [Music] 53 there's no questions Mr Garcia hearing none moving on to resolutions uh Madame President if there are any items that anyone would like to either extract from a consent agenda or ask questions regarding uh items from Department of Housing Economic Development any council members have any questions regarding any resolutions regarding housing and economic development at this time Madame President yes councilwoman Edwards I have questions about 352 which one 24- 352 oh I'm sorry okay okay anyone else have any other questions housing and economic development and just so just for clarity with Council excuse me moving forward we'll be doing housing and economic development first um on the agenda so that we can move through this timely um we can discuss later but we we're doing housing and economic development first and then we'll move everything else councilwoman Williams yes uh I have the same uh actually as my colleague and then uh 24353 okay and then 24360 thank you anyone else housing and economic development only right [Music] now okay so we'll begin with 24352 Council woman Edwards thank you um I just wanted to get some clarification on what the settlement agreement between the city and this property and its owner is about um so that the public can have a better understanding surely Wes we this is the one with um Mr Potts on the um clawback of the property and um this is done prior to my my 10 year [Music] council president Meg I I don't have the answer to these to this question um I could find out I wasn't anticipating it but I I I'd have to look into it again Mr wasn't here we had someone else at time as well as another U employee handling it so I I just don't know the answer off so you want to pull this now or we want to table this until next meeting what you want to do we can table okay so we'll table 24 352 to the next meeting Mr Garcia certainly that a are we motioning for table can I have a motion to table 24 352 to the next meeting till Thursday so move second roll [Music] call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Felician yes motion carried item is table okay 24353 councilwoman Williams thank you so much as far as uh my question regarding the way find I'm really glad to see this occurring um because this is something I were good by memory probably hasn't happened maybe since the late 80s or the sorry uh the 90s and I was just curious uh in the definition of installing wayf finding downtown in Chambersburg um can you a light for the public uh what that actually means like what geographic area we're talking about yeah you you're talking about uh first of all this is a Urban Enterprise Zone pro project so it's got to be within the Urban Enterprise Zone um these are these are very common in most cities where you have uh especially historic City and the capital we will have signage in these downtown area and and obviously uh guiding into the main corridors coming into the community uh and what they do is they the OU of Towners are looking for historic sites uh tourism and to the capital and these signs will be obvious to the the people from the outside there'll be large letters on polls and with arrows and it really improves the experience of people coming to the community because it makes it easier for them to travel around and and find places and which is very important and if you've ever been an outsider coming to Trenton uh Trenton can be a very confusing Place sometimes and I know myself um when I used to come into town when I worked in other places um I always got lost and this will help uh with with creating I think a more comfortable situation for uh tourism and people visiting the community okay and then Chambersburg it would uh just not be um one portion of it would be the whole definition down to Clark Street yes okay great and I just have um two suggestions potentially uh one of which is uh for South Broad Street which and it comes into North Broad and then of course uh Warren Street back in the Revolutionary War times when we had the battle Trenton uh South Broad was known as Queen Street and Warren Street was known as King Street and that is of interest to people who come here for our history so if there's a way to note that uh for historical tourism I think that would be good to try to make that connection to folks that they're walking on the same streets that we here in 1776 you I think it's a very good idea and I think that um prior to the placement and the design I I think we'll come back to the council and let them get you know some input into this and what's important to their Ward or important to the downtown um just just a a note but thank you you're welcome thank you and the other one is uh we do have a plethora particularly um North Broad and Warren around the uh battle monument portion a number of signs that are directional that are sun bleached or and damaged repair and you there are in other places including Chambersburg and the greater downtown area and I don't want to have to take away budget money from this project to replacing those signs but just to be cognizant maybe there's a way to really revamp that area and get rid of signs that are unnecessary or are not in good condition you know that's that's a very good idea and I I think that um you know I'm going to ask to dis be table for the fact that I'm going to go back with those issues and I think we're going to expand this project because if we have many signage much signage downtown in in different areas that are um really really faded and can't be seen that we maybe increase the whole project so we can replace a lot of the the signage into the downtown and uh have it funded by the Urban Enterprise Z thank you very much I appreciate that okay so then um Mr Garcia when it comes to the first one the 24352 we were discussing about tabling it whether it was Thursday or the 17th we're gonna I'd like to clarify that to yeah so we're doing to you know we could start this project we could do this may if you want to adopt on Thursday we could we could start this project I'll come in with a supplemental project uh so so we can move this faster and then uh with the supplemental project uh especially with the historic side of it um I I'd rather do that I'd rather move this along and and and get the historic part of it Mo moving as a second phase of this okay so we're GNA table it until Thursday this Thursday and we're referring to 353 here now or yes 353 so we're tabling 352 we already did that can I have a motion to table 24 353 to this Thursday so second moving second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried item is tabled until the 17th or Thursday this Thursday this Thursday the fifth the fifth thank you council president if I May um address the prior tabled item 352 um I've had opportunity to look at the resolution essentially it it it states exactly what the issue is here there were there was a a Redevelopment agreement the time within which for certain um construction work to be done has since elapsed uh litigation was filed in an effort to claw back that property because of the lack of any um meaningful work pursuant to the agreement uh during the uh dependency of litigation prior to Discovery the part's ental in settlement discussions and the settlement agreement states um basically the parameters within which this Redevelopment will go forth by the redeveloper giving um an outline as to the dates and deadlines that things will get done uh certain payments related to the delay so um everything is is pretty much recited in the settlement agreement but that's what this resolution is about there was a a a lawsuit to take back the property because the agreement was not met um during this uh complaint and during the litigation there were settlement talks and discussion was had and a decision was made in an effort to have this devel this property redeveloped as we initially intended to hold the owner to certain parameters and certain uh deadlines within which they're going to do this Redevelopment so that's the that's the reason for that resolution I apologize I didn't have the resolution when you asked the question but if there's any other questions I'm happy to address them now councilwoman Edwards thank you so with the settlement agreement is the owner going to maintain ownership of the property and move forward with developing renovating the property or is the city clawing it [Music] back yeah go right she ask the question or no can she ask the question or no oh certainly I'm yes can trying to speak with the attorney procedurally in terms of the table Council right um yes the the owner is going to retain ownership of it and uh do the Redevelopment it's it's the settlement agreement is a three-page dock um but answer your question yes they are going to retain ownership of it thank [Music] you my apologies I'm sorry I just have a quick question um councilman Harrison thank you for the catch um if we're tabling these to Thursday um director Bridges and um interim director Liston are you both going to be here Thursday to provide the answers to what we're looking for well you just said the one now but to provide the answers to what we're looking for or do we need to table this to the 17th when you both will be present uh if I may respond to the direct listing council president I will be here um I think what would be beneficial and and helpful in terms of giving complete answers if you kind of can anticipate what those questions would be so that I can have the you know documentation proof whatever the case may be to show you but yes I will be here to answer any questions with respect to 352 okay and for 353 will you be here Mr list on Thursday 353 [Music] what I requested I think is if we could untable and move this because I would write a supplemental project past this project I we have a supplemental project written so it doesn't slow this first one down I can get this to the state so we can get the funding and then um I'll the Su supplement will be brought forward in a future meeting so we can increase the size of the project but I I would hate to table this and delay it um so I would request you know me I guess procedure leads a vote to untable and leave it on the agenda okay so can I have a council president yes um I just want to just throw out a request if that's the case and I'm I'm fine with that if we can ask U Mr Liston to come back within 30 days with that supplemental sure thank you all right so can I have a motion to untable 24 353 and put it back so moved thank you second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kber yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried item is unted okay so then 24360 councilwoman Williams uh now I'm fine we can can move that back on thank you I got my answer y okay all right thank you I have just one thing um Madam president is on the project downtown um of the sidewalks uh 24350 is a resolution which authorizes the intake of money from Isles the project downtown is actually an Urban Enterprise pro project funded by the Urban Enterprise Zone so I want to give credit to the the urban inise Zone people who have done this project but this is also Isles partnering for the uh engineering part of that so this is uh a whole project funded by outside dollars for the downtown which I I think works very well in partnership with with the the nonprofit and with the state with the UE okay thank [Music] you okay so as we look through the rest um of the docket Beyond um 24333 Beyond 24343 and [Music] 24344 are there any questions about any resolutions um that we would like to have answered before moving to consent agenda [Music] ask his numbers one more time I'm sorry um we're taking 24333 that's the one the whole the executive session right um and then 24343 which is a settlement because we're going into executive session about that and then 24344 was the other one for executive session okay thank yeah thank you [Music] uh council president just have a question on 346 one [Music] second 36 okay uh 366 366 okay and then [Music] uh 371 371 thank Youk okay any other Council people with any questions on any resolutions [Music] [Music] [Music] give it a few more minutes I'm gonna ask a general question about 24342 myself [Music] [Music] [Music] if no one has any questions we will move ahead all right so the first one is going to be [Music] 24342 this question is actually yeah for Chief of Staff [Music] Beach it's just a general question I just threw that one out there as the as the reason but my question is really about about good evening Madam president thank you so the question that I have is and I asked it for docket review was for the um quarterly reports for um a spreadsheet right a spreadsheet of the quarterly reports that were given so I had please provide a listing for all for-profit and nonprofit organizations that have submitted their quarterly report as required give the name of the company and the date of the quarterly report received for those that have not submitted please just indicate by putting NR for not received it says they will be Pro it will be provided we still don't have it we are still assembling that Madam president because understand this this uh these two subdivisions have been going on for three years now so we have to go back and compile everything okay thank you for that and then um also if it could be provided um for Council via email just an updated spread of the arer funds and how we've been Distributing the money and where we are as of right now because we're coming up to December 31st so we want to know we are nearing the end Madam yes so if you don't mind if you could send all of us that that spreadsheet absolutely thank you sir and I'll send you the most recent quarterly report that we file with US Treasury as well yes thank you I would appreciate that okay so that's all I have for that thank you um 24346 director [Music] Wilson Steve Wilson please director councilwoman Williams thank you director Wilson I just wanted to ask uh this resolution has to do with purchasing uh more body armor and other accessories for the police department and I know uh some members of the public uh do get concerned when they see things uh like we're purchasing armor other uh amenities at the police department needs that it might have to do with military grade or militarization of our police departments I just wanted to ask you to speak about what this equipment is and how differentiates differentiates from if at all from the equipment our department already uses just in case anybody has a concern oh so this is U this is for our police officers for their Bulletproof vests uh bulletproof vest has has an uh expiration date and 70 of our officers are reaching their expiration date so we have to buy them new vests and that's what this is and then also um as we approach the other officers who will get their expiration dates as well um will be purchasing more so this is just for their bulletproof vest as they wear every day on duty right thank you I ask what is the usual lifespan of a bulletproof Fest for five years five years yes okay thank you sir thank you ma'am I never knew that thank you it's good to know so we're going to leave it on consent right yes ma'am thank you all right 24366 interim director Paul Harris hello Paul Harris intern director councilwoman Williams thank you uh thank you director Harris so my question has to do uh specifically I saw with fencing and I'm that's really great I'm glad we're doing it because there are severe needs out there but particularly lipinsky Park uh there's presently no fencing around the court that's there and it's used for different things between a bicycle uh Rodeo or skateboard Rodeo I believe it is uh there's also folks playing uh handball different things and there's no fence protecting uh the park keeping people you know from going into that area if someone's playing or even balls going out into the street and maybe hitting a car causing an accident so I've had request from constituents that that fence and get replace soon yeah so what we're going to be doing there is we're going to be replacing the asphalt so the asphalt been awarded to a local contractor we hope to get that done within the next two weeks and then uh then I'm going to have the fence put back I just didn't want to put the fence back and then they damaged the new fence okay yeah it's just been a long time coming because we wanted to make sure it was a local vendor right thank you and there's also um a lot of clean up there happens to be apparently a nighttime homeless encampments occurring which I know you all know about so that's a growing concern too right all right thank you very much yes ma'am thank you ma'am consent agenda yes please thank you 24371 Department of Public Works director h Mr we superintendent way thank you council is Hector representing director and ATT you councilwoman Williams thank you very much uh thank you Mr W for uh coming up so my question has to do with uh asphalt I know uh we're all anxious to start getting Rose paved and uh speed bumps and speed humps so and it's unfortunate we with with the bid proc process that has to get rejected and start over again uh can you talk about how uh we might be able to get some roads paved if at all this year or what the exact situation is because I know just in my word I'm sure my colleagues all all have requests from constituents um wanting to know you know when is my street going to get done and you know now we're in September okay so um due to what is going on right now that the bid was rejected um come tomorrow we're going to be opening the new bit and walking on the council on Thursday uh that being said couple of weeks after uh we might be starting our ping season um because this wasn't done that uh unfortunately the list that we had for each W uh will not be completed in its entirety uh this year uh because of the paving season is short and the season the Winer be coming up soon um but until we have less than 40° weather we will continue Paving so we have up to maybe sometime in November or early December depending on how the weather presents itself as far as speed homes are concerned um after the paving season that's when we ready begin to do speed homes I know most council members are concerned about speed homes from the residents that are uh requesting that speed homes be done on the streets uh we just should be mindful that some of the streets are are mean other r that U We cannot put speed homes on those streets so in as much as the residents want it uh we should be careful that there are police vehicles flying the streets uh there are ambulances flying the streets as well so we should think about all those things um before the requests have been made um but nevertheless um the streets will be at least probably 50% of what we anticipated will be done okay in 2024 as long as we have a hopefully a mild early winter yes okay thank you very much and I just uh want to reiterate you know how how hard you all work on that department and uh this particularly this past summer in the Heat and the bad weather uh it's very much appreciated thank you and I want to say thank you to every member of council as well for being out there doing the citywi K I actually one question would we be able to get uh a new Revis list of what would be done in 2024 uh words well if you make that request we sure surely can make that possible put writing okay yeah because we've gone out already and we rearranged the list based on priorities so I know a lot of um council members have set streets that they want to get done but then on our list of priority uh it's not really up there so it's a give and take that we have look at there might be a street that you really want to get done but then when we look at the streets that are damaged more that might not be in the number that's understandable thank you very much sir a consent agenda ma'am thank you all thank you okay so that being said may I have a motion to approve the following to consent agenda resolutions 24 348 24 349 24 350 24 351 24 353 24354 24355 4356 24358 24359 24360 24 334 335 387 385 386 337 338 339 340 341 342 345 346 347 361 362 [Music] 363 364 365 366 367 368 388 389 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 378 379 380 381 382 383 and 384 soov second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro gurg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carry consent agenda is assembled thank you and moving on Madame President if it's your wish we can move to ordinances for first reading and introduction if there are any questions on those thank you are there any questions from Council on any of the ordinances listed for first reading and introduction [Music] on your call Madam president okay may have a motion to approve so moved second to approve all of them can I say that I think they have to be I believe voting this evening wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute so there's one thing thing for 2461 under the honorary Street renaming that needs to be um amended to Robert W Bingham Boulevard we will have the uh the amendment done and just uh for reference Madame President this evening we will not be approving those uh ordinances we'll do that tomorrow for first reading and introduction okay excuse me Thursday I apologize right okay you know all right and with that being said Madam president I believe that leaves us at executive session okay can I have a motion to go into executive session some moov go second second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman harison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried uh we do not anticipate a vote this evening after executive session thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] wait oh [Music] good how are [Music] you for