##VIDEO ID:M17sE3iAnvI## yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion Carri um and Madame President as we get back into regular session I understand there's uh some clarification that you'd like with resolution 24399 yes I'll defer the solicitor to explain that uh that clarification needed thank you so yes council with respect to uh resolution 24399 it says here that the city will be paying an amount of $3 million that's in fact incorrect uh pursuant to our agreement with our insurance carrier the city will in fact be paying no more than $500,000 the rest will be actually handled by the insurance carrier thank you thank you and Madame President if it's your wish or the council's wish would you like that item to be placed on roll call or for consent uh for consent agenda potential consent agenda potential consent agenda thank you we'll note [Music] that good um and Madame President that brings us to public comment at this time if we could have the public comment clip board please [Music] thank you very much and Madam President we have three individuals listed for public comment this evening uh public comment this evening I imagine will be five minutes for each individual yes that's fine thank you thank you and to the public you may uh speak on any any item that you wish to the council just please understand the council is not obligated to respond first and the idual up for public comment is Mr Carl [Music] Osborne all right there it goes again hold on Jorge can you assist with that ba Richardson there's something he has to do is this good okay my name is Charmaine and um my husband Carl Osborne and I are here because we own two properties on Styers 811 and 809 um we're new to Trenton uh live in mhill and have those two properties our reason for being here is um twofold so we received we continuously receive letters from the city asking us to do an assessment so we've gone in a number of time done the assessments the only reason I'm speaking now and not him is because I'm the one that brought the assessment in a couple of times we were told nothing about taxes and understandably people are to pay taxes for their properties um we received a a letter stating that we had zero taxes so it said 1,892 we have the the proof here and then it said a credit of 1,892 so amount due was zero so we left it we didn't do anything now my husband has other properties in New York and the letters kept going there so we received two pink slip letters one for 1,513 one for 1,932 so I took that to the office across there the assessment office because we're novices thinking all we're doing is assessing the property because we're trying to renovate we're we believe in the city the city can be up and coming whatever right we want to be a part of the solution so we I took that letter to the assessment office brought the paperwork that they gave showed them that two those two letters and was told to go down to the tax office CU there might be a lean on the property so I'm like okay so I did that went there and was told that we needed to email someone and they let us know how much lean was on our property I let my husband continue because he emailed and was told that our properties is both properties are foreclosed how do you foreclose someone's property without their like any sort of announcement to them any sort of Correspondence and if the council or all the people who are involved needs to see any form of proof we've got that with us and my husband's going to finish our last five minutes or three [Music] minutes good afternoon ladies and gentlemen um my name is Carl Osborne and um about three years ago I purchased two dilapidated properties um on sty Avenue I don't know if you guys are aware of Styers Avenue but my properties have been broken into three times I've been fined by the city of Trenton twice we have a road in the back of our property that I didn't know was a road until recently when um the city showed up and took out all the garbages the city has two properties next to my property that's been abandoned for the years that I've been there I've renovated my properties to a particular standards and ever since I have put those properties together the city seemed like they taken interest in my properties and now they want to take it from me [Music] I've seen many people my contractor told me that there were five black tahoos one from the mayor's office and several other investors there at my properties no one wanted it when the the windows were falling out it was there for years years and years on end no one wanted it when the drug dealers took over the neighborhood no one it when I pulled up in front of there and there's about 200 people telling me that I can't come into that those properties no one wanted it all of a sudden since I have renovated it and it's the best looking thing on Styers the city takes [Music] notice or whoever the investors is who wants my properties now I will tell you today you're not going to get it without a fight okay I moved my family here from New York and we planning on living over there we purchase another property until our renovation is over one minute walk from here right down there 40 living thank you sir that is your [Music] time thank you [Music] Greg [Music] zeff good evening everybody my name is Greg zff I am the lawyer for Jawan Henderson uh I'm also the legal redress chair for the NAACP here in New Jersey uh I want to thank each and every of you for your consideration of Jaan Henderson here today uh I am sorry to be in front of you with this terrible burden um he Jaan is in a wheelchair now not in the best shape uh otherwise he would have been here himself uh but I wanted to tell you that um whatever you're going to do with this matter he needs your help at this point and I would like on behalf of Joan Henderson and the NAACP to volunteer my help to you um the city of Trenton Police Department as you know has uh undergone a number of major complaints and there is currently a federal investigation going on uh I have been working with law enforcement throughout New Jersey and in Philadelphia for over 30 years the NAACP here in New Jersey has literally hundreds of law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers who are part of the organization we want to help you and Trenton to make your Police Department a better place so that something like this never happens again I have been in touch with your uh City attorney uh West Bridges and uh we are going to open a dialogue uh with the city and hope to be part of whatever the solution itions are to make your Police Department a safer and better place going forward and I would invite you to reach out to him or to me or to the NAACP because we think not only do that you need the help we think we can help you so thank you Austin Awards Salam uh good evening uh council members I'm going to keep it brief uh just want to Echo the sentiments of my colleague Greg zeff from the uh State NAACP legal redress uh we support uh um uh the actions um of uh the state and ACP in this matter and uh just appreciate the time and consideration that you guys took uh in resolving this thank [Music] you okay Madam president that is the extent that is the extent of public comment all the individuals I have listed for public comment if it's you wish now you may start with any member of uh member of council for civic comment thank you councilwoman Williams um I just I'll be brief tonight given uh we had an extensive executive session uh tomorrow night we have the Northwood CCE advisory council at Galilee Baptist Church at 5 30 440 Martin Luther King Boulevard by everyone to attend if you know of anyone in the northward who should attend uh please let them know we have a great discussion we are trying to help with our citizen uh police relations and also solve some crime issues it's been very successful and we've been quite fortunate to have our community relations officer detective Cory McNair and other members of the team as well as director Steve Wilson with us for most of our meetings and I can assure you uh our uh members who come to our meetings regularly are very happy to have those discussions and be able to get answers to their questions and gain a lot of information uh finally tomorrow night at the meeting uh we will be uh giving away some of the anti- theft devices that the police department's graciously graciously been offering so if you need one for your vehicle please come to our meeting and we'd love to help you with one uh finally I just want to congratulate uh some of our Trenton High Sports Teams particular early been getting some good ink in the newspaper the football team is doing a good bit better than the past season so congratulations including uh beating Hamilton High West last weekend uh as well as the soccer teams are performing quite well so all our kids and all our Sports and the Arts deserve our congratulations but I just wanted to highlight a few of our teams that are really doing a great job this year so early in the season so God bless everybody thank you for coming to our meeting thank you councilwoman councilwoman Gonzalez thank you council president good evening everyone just want to say thank you for being present thank you to those who came and spoke up in support of um the case that is being brought before us and also to the Osborne Family for sharing that information with us as well I believe the director went over to speak to you so hopefully we can get some solutions for you all soon um just a few a few announcements um thank you to our Recreation Department and all of the work that's going into the parks and a special um I'm I can be there obviously because I'm working during the daytime but um the the park that's in Villa Park for our special uh our differently abled population I want to say thank you thank you thank you for doing that I would love to see more of our Parks um cater to that population so thank you so much for that just a few announcements we have the GTO independencia that's the uh event that is happening at Trent and Ninth Grade Academy that is September 21st happening from 12: to 3:00 p.m. and that is hosted by the Puerto Rican Day community and Friends organization also that same day is the party and sober event hosted by the empowerment house that would be at Unity Park from 12:00 to 5:00 pm um and then also we have our Taste of trening going around so please come out and support that support our local businesses and restaurants throughout the city um and then I also want to announce um something that I've worked on since December which was uh renaming our Athletic Complex after Sharon Grady who is our first africanamerican woman to become an athletic director also someone who W seven state championships here in for the city of Trenton um and we will be renaming that in her Honor on October 12th so you are able to come out to Trenton Central High School that will be October 12th um and the time will be announced later on once we solidify that um also I just wanted to express that I wasn't here last week because I was um one of the member new member to join a cohort with the Hunts Institute and it was really really informative and I just want everyone to know that you know although we're away some of us are not here all the time but we try to join and be present as possible it was a great conference on um connecting elected officials with our education as we often see that our elected officials are disconnected from our Board of educations in different states so it was very very informative a lot of knowledge and I'm looking forward to sharing the information as the time goes on um with that initiative um I believe that is it for today and happy Hispanic Heritage Month to all of us thank you thank you councilwoman councilwoman frisbee thank you council president so good evening everyone and thank you for all coming out I did want to address the osbornes we've been communicating quite a bit and I glad to meet you face to face Miss Charmaine and your husband and I'm hoping that we'll get to a positive resolve um with that I am uh the other two already left when it comes to Joan Henderson um so I'll just leave that uh where it is and we will deal with that come um next meeting I do want to remind everyone that this Thursday is going to be um a day when we will be uh voting on whether or not um City Hall Annex will be renamed after former mayor Douglas H Palmer and we invite you all to come back out on that day um I think it'll be a historic moment and we would like to have as much um folks the community support as possible I also want to Echo um with Taste of Trenton if you don't want to take advantage of it it costs only $10 support our community and support our elders you can give it to an elder you can give it to someone who is less fortunate and they can go around the city and actually taste a variety of foods around here so it costs you very minimal if you can afford it we ask that you to please and if you don't get one for you get one for someone else or if you get one for you get one for someone else anyway support our Community um and I do want to say congratulations Villa Park came out absolutely beautiful we saw the pictures and it blessed me to see that they did take into consideration it was not an afterthought to put those who are differently able in mind as a mother of a child who is differently abled I would it blessed I just to say it just blessed me to see that they were in the Forefront with this so I'm very grateful to see that my next next West Ward Community conversations will be held on Tuesday October the 8th we've been having great conversations great dialogues with the community and we invite you to come out if you're on the west board you want to know what's going on you have in the west ward and you want to air what's going on give me updates what's going on the in your um community in your section of town I would love to hear from you and that's at 5:30 we always have it at uh the on Hermitage in artisten the police station that sits there on the corner on October 15th we are reminded you it is the last day to vote we cannot tell you who to vote for but we want you to vote if you are not registered if you know of someone who is not registered and they are of age to register we beseech you please have them registered they can go to nj.gov and they can register right there online um or if you need forms we keep I keep forms with me you can register you can register please register please ma'am please sir and then on actually that is my last one so I don't have I was going to talk about Miss Grady um I'm going to read a portion of our City's um mission statement which is recognizing that the people of Trenton have made us Guardians of the public trust we are committed to govern with integrity and fiscal responsibility to seek excellence in the city's operations and to serve all of City's of the city's people with respect and compassion I thank each and every one of you for coming out I especially thank our directors for the job that they do in all thank you and thank you to everyone that's been out thank you council president thank you councilwoman councilwoman Edwards thank you good evening everyone um thank you for joining us this evening and those that are joining us online thank you for spending some time with us um as we handle the city's business I just want to say congratulations to the NAACP for hosting their voter registration event this past weekend at hesp Williams Intermediate School not middle school anymore and um I wish that I could be there but my schedule had me elsewhere I would have definitely been out there on the front lines with you all but congratulations these efforts are much needed um thank you to the city for revitalizing Villa Park uh playground area and definitely echoing the sentiments of my colleagues for including um playground equipment for differently able children in the neighborhood um that is where I grew up at and that was a long time coming and I'm glad that my children get to enjoy a new playground um as Bittersweet as it is and that brings me to an idea as you know someone that grew up in that area for 20 years we need a basketball court over there we have a huge tennis court that has for the 20 years I've lived over there has been locked up in a cage and the neighborhood does not actively enjoy it it's only for like summer camps that come there we don't have access since I was a teenager we had to hop defense if we wanted to play in there and drag our basketball court to the middle of the street and Dodge cars as we played basketball so I would love to see at least half of that Court be turned into a basketball court the way that we turned some of the um baseball area in Unity Square Park to a soccer field to cater to the new demographic in that area tennis does not really serve a purpose in Villa Park anymore and basketball would be more beneficial to the community so I just want to put that out there while we're looking at um revitalizing the rest of our parks and my last comment says this is National voter registration day as councilwoman frisbee said the last day to register the vote is October 15th and that sounds redundant but remember that date as you are out there telling um everyone that this election is coming up in November it's also important to tell them we have early voting days starting October 26 to November 3rd at the um Tren fire headquarters on Perry Street and I believe polls are from 6 AM to 800 pm on each of those days and if you're also interested in being a poll worker you can work for $300 for the full day or I think it's half that for a half day your choice but it's $300 if you have the day off what can you lose so um let's get out there to vote this is by far one of the most important elections and I know we get tired of hearing that but it's the truth so let's get out there to vote and um thank you for being with us have a good night thank you councilwoman before we get to council vice president councilwoman G Al has something she wanted to just say real quick thank you thank you I'm sorry because I forgot to say this but I want to say thank you to both our all of our directors um but shout out to uh director Douglas for coordinating the 911 memorial with me and U my colleagues and then also director Wilson because I see we got a crossing guard in front of my school finally so I had to say that thank you so much thank you Council vice president figuro kber thank you council president good evening everybody um I Echo many of my colleague sentiments tonight um first of all um happy Hispanic Heritage Month to everybody um second of all I am very proud of the city and the way it's dealt with our Parks um they came to us with a proposal um to rehab many of our Parks 26 and they have been fulfilling their promises and have been getting these Parks underway um and ribbon cting have been happening these Parks have been revamped and rehabilitated and this is exactly what our community needs our parents have asked for it our children have asked ask for it and we have much of it now more to come so I'm very very excited for that and I just want to applaud the city of Trenton for that effort um and for making it happen it does make a lot of difference and I get a lot of phone calls and a lot of text messages and emails about it um and there is a ribbon cutting for um Orange Street Park this Thursday at noon um if you'd like to come out that would be great we'd love more people to come out and just celebrate um the successes um other than that um September 24th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the COO on South Broad Street located at 920 South Broad Street um I'm inviting the South Ward and anybody else who want to come out um along with all the directors who have been invited um and members of their departments to talk to um the community about um crime statistics in the South Ward drugs affecting our streets and Alleyways trash management Street Paving traffic calming measures lead service lines Rehabilitation of parks and fire safety so please if you these are your questions and you'd like answers direct from our um department heads um please come out and join us in this discussion and let your voices be heard um this would be a great um evening and there'll be other resources there as well um voter registration uh re-entry program information anchor program information and the like so um please come out to the COO from 6:00 to 8 on September 24th um with that being said have a wonderful evening everybody thank you thank you Council vice president good evening everyone thank you for being here and for joining us tonight um I'll be brief with my comments um my colleagues have have addressed um the osbornes and everything and I see that director Liston has been talking with you so we're hopeful that some resolve will come to that I would like to say today is National voter registration day and I would like to shout out um my trans Central High School colleagues and our students we had a wonderful um assembly today that was put on um we had guest speakers there today that came out and really spoke to the reasoning um why it is important for our students to engage in the voting process and why it is that they do need to work to to vote I'm sorry and work but vote um and also I want to thank Mr Garcia and his phenomenal staff poor and chalise for coming out uh they were registering students to vote in the cafeteria after the assembly was done typically I do voter registration events four times a year um at the school so our kids are constantly aware of of their civic duty and their rights and we do encourage them to vote I do want to say that tomorrow there is going to be a ribbon cutting at Unity Square Park at 1:30 PM um Council vice president I'd like to correct you on your um announcement of orange Stree park that is actually Friday at 12:00 noon so tomorrow is Unity Square Park at 1:30 Friday is 12: PM at Orange Street Park I would like to commend um interim director Paul Harris and our interim ba Maria Richardson as well as the mayor um and everyone involved in the tremendous work that's happening with the parks and everything it did touch me when I went out the other day to um Villa Park to see all the sensory items and locations and the things for the children showing the Progressive Movement and the inclusion and one thing that um director Harris always says is he looks to focus on increasing the quality of life uh for our residents and that is very very important and he is very consistent with his message and saying that and um it is evident in his works that that is what he truly is setting out to do so thank you for carrying the mission of our former Recreation director now our inba Maria Richardson for I would like to say to Dr Diego Thank you for the great work you're doing with the cdbg um we were out there the other day as well with the Demolition of the 17 homes that are going to be happening on Fountain Avenue as far of the choice program so we're excited for that right they're going to tear it down and we're going to build it up and start um you know making our city better right and so I to that and I do want to say yes we have our critics and some people will say to all the good things that they see happening what about this what about that listen before we wasn't having nothing and we moving so we GNA take it like we get it and the thing is I want to shout out my councel for doing a great job um in putting Trenton in the residence first I thank you for that I thank you all for the collaboration for the conversation I thank you for as we go back and forth sometimes about stuff to try to get to what it is that will be the best decision um for our residents and I can say that within our time of working together we have collectively done just that and so I want to thank each and every one of you for your hard work dedication and service that you've given to the council and to the community I want to thank our directors for the tremendous work that you all do it is not easy to come to work um and and you know take on the burdens of the day sometimes or dealing with staff or just dealing with life in general right nobody it's not easy for any of us but y'all do it and you do it with Grace and so I thank you for that I thank you for your time your efforts for your travels your come and go for those that come from a distance and then the heart that you have for the city I would just ask that you continue to operate In fairness to operate um you know holding people accountable holding yourselves accountable as well and just doing right by your employees do right by yourselves do right by the city um and then do right by each other so shout out to mayor gusciora for the work that he's doing he has a counsel that's working with him and a wonderful Administration that's pushing the message forward there are no excuses we are here and we are helping to move Tren in the right direction and I'm looking forward to us to continue to do so as we work to continue in that effort together thank you Mr Garcia certainly Madam president moving on with the docket at this time you have communic communications petitions and reports which we will vote on [Music] Thursday uh going through ordinances Madam president if you would would you like me to read each ordinance in its enti Society or are there any questions regarding the ordinances at this time they will be read Thursday for second reading thank you are there any questions by councel for any of the ordinance presented tonight for second reading if I'm hearing none Madam president I'll move on with the doet okay moving on with the doc M president one second okay um I just uh regard you said for second reading not the first reading second reading I just want to make sure I heard that okay I'll wait thank you got it moving on with the docket to resolutions Madam president are there any items that you or any of the council wish to extract from potential consent agenda Council does anyone have any that you would like to uh question I what I would ask first is is that please look at the Department of Housing and economic development first are there any from those that we have questions on okay very good as we move through are there any other resolutions that have been presented throughout the docket that anyone has questions on if so please state so now council president yes Council woman I don't want anything removed but I just wanted to know if director simple could just explain so for for clarity for public and for me actually on some of on really 405 and was it 405 I think I'm 405 what the one we're purchasing Electric Service Repairs like the repairs and stuff just if you can just explain what's up here okay one second director simple not right now what we're doing now is we're going to list the numbers and mark them and then we'll call them when we're ready but thank you for being ready to answer any other no it's 404 I think that's the main one uh I think it's 4 the electrical repair yeah okay so 404 and 405 uh not 405 okay just four4 hopefully he'll explain all of them okay any other Council people with questions Madam president yes councilwoman Edwards um I believe 24- 399 should be roll called as it a settlement or is that staying on a consent we were putting this one on consent for tonight okay thank you anyone have any questions and again I just want to say to the public that may be listening or watching that when we have our docket review and we go through the council does read through everything and we um go back and forth with our questions to the administration and things that we can have answered prior to us meeting before a meeting we have answered but everything is documented and noted um as such so don't be alarmed if there are not questions or if there's not a lot of questions it's just that the questions have already been satisfied prior to us coming here before you tonight that being said Mr Simple director simple if you could come forward regarding uh resolution 24404 [Music] uh I believe that's and 405 it's the same it's the same thing so if you could just come forward and just explain those um to the councilwoman good evening council president vice president council members thank you director SLE Trenton water and S yeah so the water utility has been built many many years ago as 1914 and we've had done minimal upgrades to the electrical system system we run multiple Huges 700 700 horsepower pumps that requires a lot of Maintenance over the years we had a study done in 2023 and the study the results of this study requires us to do some serious upgrades from when we have blackouts we call them brouts means that once we lose power most times the plant shuts down and you know what it is is not to have water in our system it's a crime so this this study and this contract will give us the ability to do the upgrades over the next couple of years electrical upgrades yes thank you we'll leave that on consent thank you director simple Mr Garcia am I calling for my motion to put our resolutions into consent I'm sorry said am I going ahead and calling for my motion and listing my resolutions that are going to go into consent ah yes if there's no items that are extracted from consent agenda you can go ahead and name them off or if you'd like me too thank you certainly here we go may I have a motion to approve the following for consent agenda resolutions 24 390 391 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 43 404 405 and 406 so mov second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carry C consent agenda has been created for Thursday vote moving on to ordinances for first reading and introduction Madame President is there any question for the loan ordinance 24- 063 Madame President just a housekeeping item I have been informed of a change in title to this particular ordinance and I'll read that off if that's okay with you yes thank you ordinance amending ordinance 24- 063 ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 14 of the code of the city of Trenton traffic oneway streets as it applies to and the correction is from hton Avenue and Sherman Avenue to Gerard Avenue and hton Avenue and I've been informed of this by director Anor Terry who is here present as well thank you are there any questions by Council council president yes Council I just uh want to just uh note that we have a couple members of East Trenton collaborative in the house with us uh from that neighborhood and uh this ordinance when it is hopefully uh heard and passed for the second reading will be of immense help because both of these streets uh run across or run beside rather uh darnley mcnight school so this will be a huge help to the Safety and Security of that neighborhood so thank you nice thank you Mr Garcia certainly if there is nothing else Madam president I don't believe we have any other items on the docket this evening if you'd like you can ask for a motion to adjourn now don't everybody answer all at once can I have a motion to adjourn so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Williams yes council president felano yes motion carry meeting adjourned thank you all good evening thank you good night everyone e for