been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 chapter 231 this agenda is complete to the extent known and was sent to the Trenton Times posted on the first floor bulletin board in City Hall and filed in the city clerk's office formal action will be taken Mr Garcia if you will call the role certainly councilwoman Edwards present vice president Figaro kenberg for the record vice president Figaro k ber is present telephonically for this meeting thank you uh councilwoman frisbee thank you councilwoman Gonzalez presente gracias uh Council councilman Harrison pres councilwoman Williams pres and council president Feliciano pres myself Brandon Garcia Minal clerk present legislative Council Mr Ed kogi pres thank you and in rot I imagine will be uh Mr mikio I believe thank you on your call Madam president may continue with the invocation please certainly almighty God who holds the faith of man and Nation we most humbly beseech thee to bless this our city these deliberations and these thy servants that they may act with wisdom and understanding for the good of our community and thy greater glory amen amen and Madame President if you that we have no presentations this evening so the agenda brings us to public comment and if it's your wish we can move forward with public comment yes before we begin though just want to let everyone know um a slight variation with the agenda where we move Civic comment up below public comment and that's to give you all the opportunity to hear any Council person's response to what it is that you would say during uh public comment because often times we don't we listen we don't talk back and forth that is your time to give your statements about what it is that you want us to know typically by the time we would get to Civic comment because it's at the end many people would already have gone and so you don't get to hear what it is that someone may want to have said to you and so that's why we made the adjustment so on tonight you may hear some responses to your public comment thank you you may continue Mr Garcia uh certainly thank you if someone could please hand me the uh clipboard for public comment if at all possible do we have a security guard we have Mr Beach and that's even [Music] better right thank you sir appreciate it thank you and Madam President we have four individuals here for public comment this evening uh to the Public Public comment is limited to five minutes per individual you may address any matter that you wish uh please do understand that the council is not obligated to respond um please state your name and address for the record when you do come up first person for public comment is Chris bukoski did I say that correctly thank you members of council I'm here tonight to uh register my strong opposition to the proposed ordinance 24 uh 015 uh and the and how it restricts um the keeping of wildlife um and other animals in the city of Trenton uh I just wanted to call your attention that first off um the keeping of animals in the city of Trenton is already addressed in chapter 21 uh article three of the Trenton city ordinances um for regular animals uh the keeping of wild life uh in New Jersey is extensively regulated by the state um not only by ordinance but by regulation uh of the fish and wildlife uh in particular um what this puts what I want to talk about is the keeping of small poultry uh in Trenton and I wanted to address it on uh three grounds cultural educational and economic first cultural uh for many of our neighbors the keeping of a small flock of chickens or ducks or geese is a cultural Touchstone for them uh they remember it from homes from past from their own childhood uh I know that my mother speaks uh at quite length of her pet chicken that she had as a child um I would like you to keep that in mind when you consider this ordinance that there are cultural issues i' would also like to address educational issues um many of our residents might not know where their food comes from certainly children have a vested interest in knowing how food comes from the ground and how things such as eggs comes from a chicken um these are important things that our children should know and SEC the last one I would like to address is economic many of our neighbors depend on our yearly Garden um to supplement their food security this is an issue not only here in treton but across our country and we have a chance to address it in a positive light I don't want to dismiss that there are possibly irresponsible pet owners um that is certainly the case not only for any of the animals that might be listed by ordinance but by simple cat and dog owners as well um I think we can all recognize that the solution there isn't to ban the ownership of cats and dogs but education um I think that I would urge the city to reach out to our neighbors um across the city um to instruct them not only in the existing ordinance um uh which is already covered uh as I stated previously um but to how they can be better neighbors um and better pet owners uh in general I I think that there is a role here for us to be inclusive um of our neighbors uh in a more appropriate ordinance if this is an issue I just want to conclude by saying that the ordinance that I read here in front of me today I think would impoverish our city culturally and communally um in this time where really were driven apart in so many ways I think that we can come up with an idea that will and craft an ordinance that will allow people to come together um and not be excluded thank you Jessica Albert hi good evening everybody um Jessica Albert actually live in Ocean County so I wasn't sure if I should give my work address which is here in Trenton or my Ocean County address so let me know if you need me to change that um I put my work address on there okay uh so I work for um Catholic Charities dasis of Trenton I'm the community outreach associate um I met councilwoman Williams at a recent resource event uh at East um put on by Princeton Justice initiative at East Trenton collaborative which was um a really great event and councilwoman Williams invited some of the resources there to come and and speak to the public and and to all of you which was so nice so thank you for that um I just wanted to highlight some of the programs that we have um throughout Mercer County we have a lot of different programs so if it uh pleases the council I did bring copies for everybody as well as the public I have our full extensive Mercer County fact sheet but um in the interest of time I think I would highlight some of the programs that I think that would be most beneficial to speak about here um the first of which is a new U youth gun violence Intervention Program it's for youth ages 13 to 17 whether they were directly impacted or witnessed to it or they could know somebody that was impacted by by violence it's a free service done by our clinicians it is in Hamilton but our clinicians can also go mobile to meet the need um if transportation is a barrier so um I have flyers for that as well that I can also o offer um in addition to that um while we're speaking about youth we also have a it's a really great program for for youth um adolescents and young adults it's called new choices and it's right here in uh in treton on North Clinton it's a substance use program so it's both an intensive outpatient or a traditional outpatient the difference between the two is how many days uh the youth would attend program so um with that being said they get the Therapy Group individual they can get picked up right from school or anywhere in Mercer County we provide them with dinner and um in speaking with the um Trenton Police Department it seems that um there's a very big up uptick in marijuana use and the children that are using it are getting younger and younger um I also met with the medical director that's doing the testing um you know the drug test of the youth that test positive in Trenton um school system and uh he said the very same thing so um I just encourage everybody to you know utilize these resources if you know anybody to talk about these resources it just as the program name States new choices that's exactly what it's you know meant to do they go on fun outings as well there's a game room so um that one's called new choices and it's listed on our program sheet um on the topic of substance use we also have an adult sub use program same thing we do offer transportation for that and um it's located in um on North Clinton as well the last piece I wanted to mention is our um walk-in Mental Health Urgent Care so everybody has heard the term stigma and how it relates to things and mental health in particular so um I definitely implore you you know it might not affect you right now or maybe someone you know but there can be situational depression anxiety things that happen so we never know what the next day is going to bring if we lose a loved one if we um you know lose our job like these are all things that can affect our mental health so I think being armed with resources that are in the community even if you don't feel like it could you know necessarily impact you it's definitely great because if you have the resources and you're talking to a co-worker and they're going through something you can say hey there's a mental health urgent care you can just walk in you don't even need insurance we take Medicaid um so that's also in in Hamilton but in order to you know we always take it a step further by looking at barriers so we do have transportation um available for that as well um what you know those Services can offer what that could look like is just what I said maybe you haven't been feeling well um and you're you know you're calling out of work you know you're you're not being there for your kids like you want to be something's off it would be a really great thing to be able to just walk in and get an assessment done um and what that also looks like if you want to do that program is it's 30 days of um therapy and what that looks like because when I say program I think people think like oh how much time is this going to take for me it's one it's once a week you get therapy and being that it's a 30-day program it's really um just to prevent any situation from escalating any mental health situ situation so in the event after the 30 days maybe you need further treatment we can refer you out as well um I know my time is up we have these little wallet cards that are directly related to that Mental Health Urgent Care and um you can always call the number you can make an appointment but as I said you can also um just walk in as well so um I just want to thank you all for letting me speak and um I'll leave my business cards too if anybody wants to um connect as well okay thank you thank you so much Eve Phillips hello everyone my name is e Phillips and um I was selected to be in in the I'm official state finals in the Miss New Jersey USA and um thank you and um I'm just coming here basically because they are asking for all the con contestants for a sponsorship and this is in order to to complete the sponsorship it will allow me to participate in the Miss New Jersey and plus the Miss USA so I would just come in here to um ask if you guys were able to help me financially um to complete inside the Miss New Jersey USA um so basically this will also help me with you know my stay within for like excuse me it will help me financially like um what is my please with the equipments this this the the um excuse me I'm Excuse me um with my road trip my air Fray wardrobe and my expenses as a winner for the Miss New Jersey and also training and walking and all this type of things I'm also um my eye open is to be an advocate for the Youth and I believe that this will also help me to you know be the light of the youth and help people that's in need so I would very much appreciate you guys to help me with this and I have um some papers also to hand out to to you guys um so yes thank you for blisten toing Dan is that F oen faton did I get that correct thank you good evening Council it's nice to see you all I'm Dan faten 120 Jackson Street and I think this is the first time I've actually testified to this new Council I just want to thank you it's been very refreshing to have competent leadership again in the city and not to have to worry about what's going to happen every Tuesday Thursday I do read every agenda and I you know I'm watching what's happening as a a city resident and I just want to say uh kudos for the good work so far I'm here to testify about um ordinance 2415 the um ordinance regulating keeping of certain animals of and Wildlife within the city of Trenton and I want to encourage you to vote against this or to amend it so as I think many of you know I was a member of the green team for more than a decade and I think this is wholly against our goals in terms of sustainability and local food production uh I think the keeping of egg laying hens in backyards where there's space is actually a very positive thing that we should be encouraging and is much more in line with um all of the attributes and values that Mr baski talked about in the beginning for me um I'm personally affected I have neighbors who have chickens and they do not bother me I don't hear them uh once in a while I even get a free egg but that's not why I'm here I think there's a pretty simple solution in terms of amending the language so it's and I understand that you're trying to address multiple issues here it's not just about chickens but I think striking the word chickens has you covered roosters are delineated in the language that is the actual problem the roosters are the ones that make the noise that's what we're trying to avoid they're not you know chickens are not harbingers of disease these are uh totally acceptable in an urban community and so I would just really encourage you to think about either amending the language or revisiting this issue altoe because I think if you strike chickens your ordinance is probably fine if you want to address the idea of having chickens in your backyard with or without this ordinance I think we could probably all work together to come up with a permit process or some other logical way to deal with having backyard chickens but I don't think this is the right approach and so I just wanted to thank you again for being good leaders but just encourage you to think a little deeper about this particular issue thank you Kathleen deal good evening Council so nice to see everybody my name is Kathleen deal I live at 19 Greenwood Avenue I'm here wearing two hats today My First Hat is as president of Trenton cycling Revolution we have our open house on March 23rd at artworks we invite all council members and members of the public to join us and to see what some of the opportunities uh that treent and cycling revolution has for Community we give away hundreds of bicycles per year we have a bike shop behind East Trenton collaborative where every week we have programming where young people throughout the city can come and learn to maintain and fix their bicycles and we also encourage uses of the trails and um on the aspect of using the trails one of the things that we've taken some of the youth from the East Trenton neighborhood over the last year was over to Capitol City farm so some of the people and children specifically throughout the city have never seen wildlife and one of our initiatives as um advocates for our community is to make sure that the young people in our city have Equitable access to the N to Nature and the environment and the ordinance regarding livestock is is something that I think should be amended or banned so um just on this uh keeping hens female chickens provides numerous benefits to families and communities and they should not be banned in Trenton the primary reason for chickens is as a loved and cared for pet with endearing personalities and amusing Antics that can brighten one's day and significantly reduce stress in addition to that they provide many other benefits including their eggs are a fantastic source of of fresh nutritious food rich in protein vitamins and minerals they help reduce waste by consuming food scraps and other kitchen waste their manure is one of the best fertilizers available for Gardens chickens also consume weeds vast quantities of tisks and mosquitoes and keep other Garden pests like grubs keeping chickens also helps to continue our connection to our cultural and historical Heritage of farming they promote food security and Independence and are a way to supplement household groceries and protect against PR price gouging chickens are a low maintenance inexpensive and an Adaptive and and adapted to various climates they promote locally grown sustainable food and allow people to know that the food they are eating is responsibly and humanely raised when well-maintained small flocks of hens female chickens not roosters result in they result in no odor no pests very little noise and are not a nuisance to neighbors and communities in fact keeping chickens can help to build community and connect with neighbors children can learn valuable lessons about nature responsibility and the food cycle through caring for chickens overall having a small backyard flock is an enjoyable eco-friendly and rewarding Endeavor for households of any size many towns around New Jersey and around the country have addressed the regulation of chickens through separate well- researched ordinances with specific requirements which can include registration fees Coupe and yard inspections Coupe and run limitations density restrictions and more this can help to ensure that chickens are kept in a healthy safe and Humane environment and that they are not a nuisance for Neighbors hens female chickens egg laying chickens should be Exempted from the ordinance thank you for your time I hope to see you all at our open house at artworks on the 23rd Madam president as all the those are all the individuals I have signed for public comment at this time so if it's your wish you may start with Civic comment and whomever you would like okay thank you so we'll start with councilwoman Williams thank you very much ma'am um just have a couple announcements uh coming up uh this Saturday night over at marsville Lanes is a fundraiser for children's Futures it's to raise money to support matern interal and infant morality mortality awareness programs uh through NFP and Doula programs uh tickets are $25 for children 5 to 10 uh they are $10 uh if you have any uh questions information uh and to get tickets please dial 69691 1977 and the uh session will start from 8:30 uh p.m. uh until I believe uh 11 a 11: p.m. uh also uh later this month uh two Wednesdays from now uh we will be having the northward CAC meeting uh which will be coming up it's at uh Galilee Baptist Church 440 MLK Boulevard uh meeting starts at 5:30 ends at 7 o'clock and that's going to be on March 20th if you can please attend uh it's a good mix of folks from different neighborhoods we also interface with the police department to get issues out uh first person that are going on um and we have seen some issues being uh solved uh within weeks of meetings of the CPAC so please try to join us um there are cpacs in each of the Ws and I know they're very effective so please come out and join us I just want to um Talk on a couple issues uh the first being uh the issues uh with the chickens I really appreciate everybody uh coming out and especially their opinion A lot of people did reach out to us via email regarding this issue and know we'll be having a pretty robust discussion about it uh but please also know I know there are a lot of very uh responsible chicken owners particularly hen owners uh for eggs and they share them amongst their Community which is outstanding because we are a food desert city uh we are a place where uh many people because environmental Allergies have to worry about hormones have to worry about antibiotics and their eggs so this is a real important discussion and it is appreciated that uh folks from the community have spoken out to bring that to the four but I know Mr uh Harrison my colleague councilman Harrison has worked very hard on this over actually a number of months so um this issue is not taken lately we have had a lot of uh as you might have seen online issues happen particularly with an emu uh in the city also with uh waste being from animals being hosed into the street so these are a lot of different health issues that we are looking at but please please know that we are taking all this seriously including uh the important uh things that having H in a city does do because I'll frankly say I grew up as a as a city kid uh I never probably saw a hand until I moved to Louisiana uh for graduate school and add something to uh Miss Deal's point about children in the city having a chance to actually meet wildlife and interact with Wildlife it does change your perspective about your environment about your world so um we're going to do our best and just please trust in us that we are going to have like I said robust discussion about this um finally uh and if I don't have a little bit of time left but just want to speak to uh the issue of abandoned properties in our city and we've had unfortunately since the first of the year a number of properties actually uh fortunately no one was hurt but they did uh collapse or partially collapse because of different things uh abandonment falling apart over the years from neglect uh in one case recently a uh Corner property was uh hit by a vehicle which accelerated its deterioration we are as a city trying to take down as many properties as we can as fast as we can but there are governmental hurdles that we have to AC get across including uh legally being able to use funding for these uh properties and there is a long list I can assure you every council member uh wants to have this get taken care of as soon as we can particularly some of our worst properties where unfortunately because we have a homeless situation that people go into live uh inside during um tough weather months and sometimes they're fires and um unfortunately uh people have lost their homes next to those properties and we are trying to do everything we can to make all our neighborhoods safe and to also make sure with the limited resources we have that we're able to try to get the worst properties taken care of first and as our city tries to get more money whether it's through State transitional Aid or our uh own ways through grants it's going to happen just please be patient with us thank you thank you councilwoman councilman Harrison good evening everyone um I know everyone here's the talk about the 24-15 uh I would like to give some information that I found out today during lunchtime um regarding H the township uh you're only allowed chickens in rural resource areas which is behind the Hamilton Marketplace uh on the way to the mammoth County Line the chicken Coupe must be 200 uh feet from your property it has to be 200 feet from the property um uh no chickens are allowed in Ying Township residents who uh live in Lawrenceville you're allowed to have two chickens but you have to have 5,000 square feet 5,000 square feet to have chickens average row home in the city of Trenton is between 10 uh 10 by 15 which is which around 150 square feet uh compared at the Lawrence Lawrence is 5,000 ours is 150 um additionally um only like I said only only place in Hamilton Township where you're allowed to have the farm area it's which is behind those locations um let's see what else the the Avon influenza can be spread by wild birds to chickens it's highly contagious and deadly to chickens um we just got through the co pandemic so people in the shton um do we really need a bird flu epedemic just like uh so people who can have eggs I understand what people are about eggs but the regulations in other locations like I said Ying has none you're not allowed to have chickens Hamilton has to be 200 feet from the top of your property and Lawrenceville has to be 5,000 square feet each property in the city of Tron is an average of 150 square feet um for that I think that's the reason why I'm against this um we've had loc last year we had issues where people were washing their uh chicken uh stuff out into the Street uh and it became a problem because the heat hit it and the neighbors were complaining about it in South W about the smell of it so hopefully my colleagues will see my understanding about this it's about the size we don't other locations the you have to have either 200 feet from the back of your house or in Lawrenceville 5,000 square feet the city of Trenton is too small we do not have that not only that we have issues right now we're trying to deal with the uh regarding the cats and dogs in the now we're going to be taking on uh chickens I think we need as a city we need to regulate and say hey look we don't need chickens we don't need roosters Emos alligators any of these because we've actually we've had people who had deer in their backyard we don't need that either so we need to continually move the city forward and as like I said it's all about the size of the property we don't have properties that are going to be the size that could be able to incorporate the requirements from other places like Hamilton or Lawrence thank you for your time and have a great evening thank you councilman councilwoman Gonzalez good evening everyone thank you for being present um just want to say a couple of things thank you to all who've expressed your concerns about um the ordinance 24-15 um and for bringing you know your concerns to to us tonight um congratulations to the young lady Miss Phillips uh we just want to say congratulations and good luck on that endeavor um and also um just on a side note parking I wanted just to address the issues that we're having with the parking tickets um it seems like it's excessive and I'm not saying that we shouldn't be enforcing our parking signs and our parking regulations however um I I just don't know if the residents are aware that certain uh restrictions are being enforced now and I know that they haven't in the past and we want to we're doing better at doing that um at enforcing it now but we also need to inform our residents that these things are occurring um there's people that are getting 10 tickets within two days and some of them have corrected their the violations but yet they're still being targeted so it seems I just really want to know if these parking um attendants are being trained properly but what is the process for that because I've seen pictures of a vehicle that's received a ticket that is farther away from the corner that another car was um parked at so it's just a lot of things going on so I just wanted to actually have some conversation about that um and just make sure that our residents know what's being enforced and uh some proper notification um just a couple of announcements I just want to say congratulations to those who put on the celebrity basketball game to our colleagues who participated in it it was a very good event for our city I was not in town to attend that um thank you to everyone who came out yesterday today and supported um Jer T brown with us presenting him the key to the city the the city did a phenomenal job at um putting that together so thank you to everyone who showed up for that and just a quick announcement we have con a cafe conversation that will begin on March 16th and that is being hosted by the department the detectives the Department of Community Affairs from the Trenton police department and I believe they have the president of Mera County College who will be a guest speaker that day and that's from 11 to one and that would be hosted at the Orchid house so if anyone is able to attend we would love to see you there and I believe that is it for this evening thank you all for being present thank you councilwoman councilwoman frisbee thank you council president so good evening everyone um I want to address uh as well the ordinance 2405 let you know that we hear everything that you're saying every time we first of all we thank you for for coming out and giving your time um to this knowing that it is important to you makes it also important to us so um thank you for that and I also thank councilman Harrison for his diligence in bringing all this together hopefully we can work together and get this so that everybody has a uh a it comes out agreeable for everyone I wanted to stop and pause for Miss e Phillips and say congratulations I'm excited about you that is absolutely phenomenal and I would love to get more information um on that and how um I if no one else can best support you in that so I'm excited for you and I look to see you doing bigger better more things I'm in the community and I wanted to say congratulations again to Jer Browns who we were excited about the mayor um did a phenomenal job the city and all of its workers everyone the community came out beautifully to support him yesterday as we gave him the key to the city absolutely good time time good feel good vibes and it's nice to see things like that where we can celebrate our children what they're doing the great things that they're doing in our community so I'm excited that we um actually did that uh we were able to get that done excuse me I wanted to let um you know that on Sunday March 17th at Greater Mount Zion they're having their women's day and they are inviting everyone to come out at 10:00 a.m. and that's at 42 Pennington Avenue here in the city of Trenton there were some other oh um and The Smith Family Foundation of New Jersey they have their we have our spring Community empowerment workshops classes begin on Monday March 11th at 6 PM you can go on their website it is a really enlightening conversation that you will have um their website is SF that's for the Smith family family um foundations their empowerment workshop and also if you are a nonprofit organization here in the city of Trenton they're G giving out grants the grant cycle is now open as well so please go on the website and check for that if you are a graduating high school will be a graduating high school senior they will be giving out grants for that as well watch the website for that as well and on that note I've got a two minutes whole left I'm early um I want to close with saying recognizing that the people of Trenton this is our City's mission statement um recognizing that this the people of Trenton have made us Guardians of the public trust we are committed to govern with integrity and fiscal responsibility to seek excellence in the city's operations and to serve all the city's people with respect and compassion I thank everyone for coming out here I thank our directors all of you our constituents for coming out your time and your presence are greatly appreciated have a great evening and get home safely thank you councilwoman right councilwoman Edwards thank you council president ma'am good evening everyone um thank you all for coming out uh I just want to say Trent just had a recent Allstar Weekend very successful All-Star Weekend um starting with the celebrity basketball game so I just want to again say thank you to our fire director ctor K Douglas for participating as one of the players in the game as well as our council president Crystal Feliciano and myself um a couple of local entrepreneurs had put together a game to uplift the community and they brought out local influencers from various Industries in the community and honored a lot of local neighborhood Heroes to uplift the community and provide some encouragement for those that need it so I just want to say thank you for helping to make their vision come to life and being a part of that and the allar weekend ended with of course Jer Brown receiving the key to the city yesterday so congratulations to him welld deserved um he is a local Trenton native that was just recently drafted to the NFL to the San Francisco 49ers for those that don't know who he is he is 23 no 24 years h no he's number 27 but he is 24 years old of January 25th this year so um he's a young guy that is very involved has football teams around the city is always giving back so it was just a big honor for us to be in partnership with the mayor and giving him a key to the city on behalf of Trenton residents um this ordinance for Animals uh I just want to reiterate some of the things that I said at the previous meeting um just on a record that I would like for us to strike chickens from the ordinance because it is a food source it is a cultural um uh thing as well we do have Farms plural in the city of Trenton um that has a great potential to grow and we want to see that um there are petting zoos that come to the city by permit and things like that and this would be a severe hindrance on them I do believe that the state of New Jersey has done their dut du diligence with Banning a lot of wildlife um and I think that we should take heed to that and also um just enforce the ordinance that we already have in existence which is chapter 21 animals and if you look under article three of keeping of birds and animals you will see that um all the regulations the exceptions the sanitary requirements the license that's required the inspections the suspensions of license es all of those processes nuisances license fees and the limitation of the number of animals as well as an administrative hearing process and violations and penalties is all spelled out already and I think that the issue that we are facing here is enforcement because Emos are already um on a list of being banned from here um and chickens are a part of uh the birds of approval by the state and and um to everyone's points you all made great great points and I concur with you um and with that being said council is not going to always agree on this but I am um I just would like for us to just uh respectfully agree to disagree sometimes and we just have to find a happy medium and a balance um some people may not like the chickens especially the roosters because they are allowed but um and with that I am willing to digress on and compromise on with having chicken or having roosters stay on the list because of the new the noise but the chickens the hens they provide um they provide a food source not just meat but eggs as well and I do agree with the sentiments that it does bring Community together and that was something I highlighted in my previous comments as well um during my annual visits to the Mill Hill garden tour we often see the chickens and they give out the eggs and things and it's a beautiful experience so I would like for us to just like I said enforce this the chickens are supposed to be licensed and registered through the city clerk's office I believe there's a $10 annual license a registration fee that they have to renew renew and a health officer or uh an officer from the police department can do the inspections as well to make sure that their habitat that is adequate according to our existing ordinance and making sure that the sanitary requirements are being enforced as well so that we're not having feces washed out into common spaces and for the public to have to walk through so thank you that's the end of my comments and have a good evening thank you Council woman Council vice president figuroa kenberg yes good can you guys hear me okay go ahead okay thank you good evening everybody please um excuse my absence this evening as I mon the weather to see our crazy weather that we've been having lately um so regarding the wildlife ordinance uh I look forward to taking concerns into consideration I'm worried primarily about inhumane issues of keeping these types of animals tative without proper care I'm sure we the council can come into agreement a way of potentially keeping our chickens under proper care and while following a proper guidelines I look forward to having further conversations regarding what and is not allowed as I understand um southb residents are expected and not an agreement with the ordinance as many others are so we need to decide what's best for the city as a whole and keep with alignment of proper perits um keeping maintenance um so on and so forth so I would like to have further conversations with my Council colleagues um as we um internalize what the public is saying about this particular ordinance um with regards to the parking ticket that was mentioned um I know conversations with parking authority means people thinking that they are parking appropriately but I have had no enforcement for some time and why somewhat more vigorous enforcement others are not happy as we know so we need to get to a point where we're abiding by the ordinances and people are clearly and concisely apprised of the enforce ordinances and our enforcements are appropriately our enforcement people sorry are appropriately trained um there's no nonsense enforcement policies in other municipalities that it comes to parking and there's no reason why our city can't abide by and I just think that it's going to take a little bit of a transition um to where we can understand as a capital city municipality there are certain laws and ordinances and guid that we need to abide by and parking it is one of them we we have very limited parking within the city um we need residential parking permits we need to abide by signange we need to um not park in front of p park to close the curves crosswalks and so on and so forth so I prayerfully hope that we can get to that point where um we we know our limitations you know within the guidelines of our city parameters um other than that I just want to salute all of our community MVPs for everything that you all do all the great things that come out of the city um all the salutations all the all the commitments um and all the recognitions you know we salute greatness within our city and I just happy for everything that people keep doing so and that's all thank you thank thank you Council vice president sitting the clock for myself thank you everyone for coming out tonight tonight and for staying we appreciate you thank you for speaking up tonight we appreciate that as well excuse me good dialogue is always important right and so we're here to serve you and so it's great when you actually come out and you talk to us about how best we can do that and it's about compromise and working together and hearing and actually listening to what someone is saying right so I just want to touch on briefly the ordinance about the um the wildlife right the the chickens and everything um I know that when this was constructed the councilmen had the very best intentions when he was looking to put this together again looking to help solve some of the problems of people you know within this city now since all of the emails and everything that we have received um makes you kind of look at things a little bit differently right but I'm going to tell you that I did receive a couple of complaints of someone who had chickens who I guess were beheading the chicken doing whatever was happening with the chicken discarded of the body in the trash can did not take care of it as it was supposed to trash can full of maggots this is what is happening in certain people's areas so while there may be a section that does address the sanitation of the animals and things like that if you're going to have it can you kill it can you not kill it what are we doing we do need to talk about what that looks like and we do need to talk about how we can address that issue in and of itself and then how we can enforce it as well Council has been putting together some really good ordinances we've been rolling them out right and then sometimes there's certain things that can be enforced and then there certain things that can't because we hear well we don't have the adequate staff that can enforce what's going on I think that we've reached a point where we need to pull away from that and then maybe revisit and look at the staff or the things that we do have right and how we can help to enforce for example I'll be talking to and I send emails all the time but talking about utilizing the parking enforcement people who are out there hitting people with the tickets with the cars doing their job like they're supposed to maybe just maybe we could think about utilizing them to help out with garbage inspections if they see people out there with the trash they can issue them tickets Maybe just maybe we could utilize them as they're looking at some of these abandoned structures to say some things that's going on maybe just maybe we could utilize them when it comes to certain things if they see animals that are being mistreated or whatever like we have to utilize what we have the time has come when we have to stop looking at where we could be we know where we want to be but this is where we are and so we need to start better utilizing our resources in order to meet the needs of what's Happening that being said I do want to a shout out our Police Department thank you director Wilson for um and and to your staff for coming out I live on Riverside Drive I'm on the island then people been out there riding ATVs like it's summertime crazy and I was like oh my God it's the same time it seems like every night I've had to call the police two nights in a row they've come out they've taken care of it I think I actually got an email from a neighbor saying that last night they believe they actually got one of the ATVs and they caught them because excuse me I'm sorry people are speaking up because people are tired they're like look this the house where they at this is where it's coming from leave me out of it just make it happen and so we're making it happen so what I want to say is thank you to those people who trust us with the process who trust us with reporting I got emails about people who were mistreating animals taking the dogs throwing them outside leaving them out there doing them any kind of way overbreeding female dog I'm sending the emails out they're like listen I want to tell you what's happening but please just keep me Anonymous believe and trust and know we do that I do that we're not saying your names we're sending the information on and then thank you to um Health and Human Services for those people at the animal shelter that are finally going out and doing these things with with more uh haste right and then thank you to the to the Hilo officers I think it is that go out but it's time we need to stop we have good ordinances in place we have penalties in place people need to pay sometimes you got to hit them in the pocket to make them understand we're tired I said before it's a new day thank you to all of you for coming out and expressing continue to do that and please believe in us and continue to trust the process we are here to do the work thank you good night well not good night but thank you Mr Garcia yes Madam [Laughter] president on your call Madam president please continue certainly continuing with the doctor the docket Madame President we are are re if there are any questions regarding uh you will have minutes you will have minutes to approval for the next meeting they will be the trailing minutes from uh 112 if there's any questions about Communications and petitions if you like to entertain those now hearing none moving forward to reports the same same goes to reports and on into ordinances ordinance 24-15 an ordinance regulating keep the keeping certain animals and wildlife in the city of Trenton if there's any questions Madam president M at this time or any discussion Madam president councilwoman Edwards um with all due respect to councilman Harrison because this was a wellth thought ordinance and um this was a much needed conversation because we do need enforcement in the city especially for people bringing in illegal Wildlife um and breaking our not only our city ordinances but our state statutes as well so we need to focus on enforcement but with that being said um I would like to motion to table this until we have further discussion visit our existing ordinance and maybe looking at that to amend that to to provide more specificity on what types of exotic Wildlife so that it's on our ordinance and not just on a state statute because in looking at this it just says Birds but it doesn't specify what types of birds are permissible or in prohibited so those are my thoughts and an inofficial motion thank you councilwoman council president uh councilwoman Williams uh ma'am I would uh concur with my colleague but I also have a constituent who asked me she cannot attend one second I'm sorry councilwoman Williams we do have a motion on the floor if I'm not mistaken that's correct don't W to or should we should I redact that before while everybody yes okay thank you very much ma'am it's I'm sorry is she withdrawing that motion or yes thank you thank you continue I'm sorry appreciate that so uh one of my uh constituents uh Kelly Muji who allowed actually she is a she lives um in the north Ward uh Mille section and has uh chickens uh she has something that I would like to read into the record as a statement okay she's unable to attend us because of work reasons okay um dear council members uh keeping hens female chickens provides numerous benefits oh goodness I'm sorry it just disappeared from my screen here we go okay benefits to families and communities and they should not be banned in Trenton the primary reason for chickens is as loved and cared for pets with endearing personalities and amusing Antics that can brighten one's day and significantly reduce stress in addition to that they provide many other benefits including their eggs are a fantastic source of fresh nutritious food rich in protein vitamins and minerals they help reduce waste by consuming food scraps and other kitchen waste the manure is one of the best fertilizers available for Gardens chickens also consume weeds vast quantities of ticks and mosquitoes and other Garden P like grubs keeping chickens also helps to continue our connection to our cultural and historical Heritage of farming they promote food security and Independence or or way to supplement household groceries and protect against price gouging chickens are low maintenance inexpensive and adapted to various climates they promote locally grown sustainable food and allow people to know that the food they are eating is responsibly and humanely raised when well-maintained small flocks of hens female chickens and not roosters result in no odor No Pest very little noise and are not a nuisance to neighbors and communities in fact keeping chickens can help to build community and connect with neighbors children can learn by lessons about nature responsibility and the food cycle through caring for chickens overall having a small backyard flock is an enjoyable eco-friendly and rewarding Endeavor for households of any size many towns around New Jersey and the country have addressed the regulation of chickens through separate well research ordinances with specific requirements which can include registration fees Coupe and yard inspections coup and run limitations density restrictions and more this can help to ensure that chickens are kept in a healthy safe and Humane environment and that they are not a nuisance for Neighbors H female chickens egg laying chickens should be Exempted from this ordinance or tabled for additional discussion research and consideration thank you councilman Harrison is there anything that you'd like to add before we go back to the motion to table okay anyone else okay councilwoman ever thank you council president I would like to motion to table ordinance 24-15 a motion is there a second second we mooving second I'll call the role councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes counc Harrison no not it and Council Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried item is tabled moving on we have one second point of order Mr Garcia I'm certainly councilwoman Edwards tabled until what time we didn't specify when we don't want this to be indefinite so when are we tbling this until if I can ask that question Mr K can I ask that question yeah until the next meeting the the rules of procedure that we've been using is is tabled until someone the person who tables it brings it up for vote to untable it and then it goes by the majority vote with respect to untable there's no date specific it's just a motion by but it can be how we've operated in the past under the rules of procedure that we drafted some time ago is the individual who table it has to make a motion to untable at which point in time it goes to a vote of the body okay thank you un now now that being said that being said this the the rules are silent with respect to if that um member wants to table it to a date specific if that be the case that should be identified today what date it's going to be unted and put to a vote to the body to untable that um that ordinance yeah thank you Mr Bridges I'm just with all due respect I just have to ask Mr you one moment is that is that proper I just want to know whether the individual that tables the item is responsible for unsing well Mr Bridges just brought up an issue he said based on rules that were promulgated I'm not aware if if they happen before I was here I know we have done it where someone moves to table it and then someone else can move to untable it but I'll speak to Mr Bridges about this for the interim it's staed and we'll resolve it by the next meeting understood if I if I can interject it was actually um an issue with respect to litigation um some time ago in terms of council taking things on and off of the docket and that was the rules or procedure that um we came up with probably three years ago in terms of uning things so um I I'll circulate that to Mr cogi and the body for their um benefit and so further thank you sir add on to that um since we've been in Council we've actually been practicing bringing them back at the next meeting so that those things don't happen because of needless to say I'm not going to mention them it needs to come back yeah we don't I I just don't want this lingering out there bring let's let's settle it I think for purpose of clarity then what the procedure will be to table it until the next meeting allow um Communications revisions that needed so I think that would be the that would be the motion on table to table till the next council meeting yes which would be March 19th are we satisfied with the vote that was taken or do we require because the first vote just said to table it now we're saying so let's take another uh so do we have another motion on the floor to to table until the next public meeting until March 19th until March 19th council president thank you a motion to table ordinance 24- 015 until our next meeting March 19 2024 thank you second second we moved in second I'll call the role councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison no noted councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried item is tabled until the 19th thank you moving on yes to resolutions Madame President if there if there any are there any items that the C you or the council wish to extract from a consent agenda at this time uh would you if you would name those or do any council members have any items that they would council president you notice I look that way right yes ma'am go ahead councilwoman Williams uh 24087 okay 24091 24092 20 4097 and uh that would be it ma'am thank you any other council person uh Madam Madame President I have the council vice president go ahead Council vice president I'm sorry thank you 24889 I'm sorry once again I apologize I'm sorry 2488 and 089 got it uh oh yeah I got it thank you 2491 we have that one second that's all thank you thank you any other Council councilwoman Edwards thank you um I want to say we're naturally rooll calling 24- 084 for workers comp is that what we're going to be going to Executive session for yes should we roll call that yes is that on yes okay so the items that require require executive session will be extracted from the uh consent agenda as well are there any other items correct do you have anything else councilman anyone else okay um all right so based upon what we've heard we have we are pulling out 24087 24088 2491 2492 24097 and I have 089 and 084 correct 089 who said I believe I heard that right you said and also 3 which would be for executive session as well right okay thank you and then 91 992 thank you we she called those y okay so that would leave us okay so that would leave us with a consent agenda for the remaining items and moving us on to ordinances for first reading on ordinances for first reading and Madam president if You' like me to to uh read these ordinances aloud and if there's any if you have any discussion obviously yes ordinance 24-16 ordinance amending ordinance 23-25 creating a senior advisory Council by the city of Trenton reintroduced to correct errors yes oh yeah ordinance 24-17 ordinance amending ordinance 2350 to release vacate and extinguish any and all public rights in and to the remaining portion of Baker alley ordinance 24-18 ordinance authorizing the sale of city-owned property commonly known as Baker alley and unidentified on the city tax map block 20 23803 Lot 19 pursuant to njsa 4A 1213 B5 to El catador Bar and Grill for the sale price of [Music] $1,000 ordinance 24 4-19 ordinance to releasee vacate and extinguish any and all public rights in a portion of Hanam Aly and Madame President um if you'll indulge me for one moment Mr uh Mr Beach you want to go ahead and explain uh that so we're good thank sir if there I'm sorry madam president if there are any questions regarding those ordinances if you want to entertain those now thank you does any council person have any questions about the ordinances that were read yes council president go ahead Council have a quick question uh regarding uh the ordinance regarding Baker alley both of them and I just want to confirm uh because on the map that was provided uh with the ordinance itself and then visually uh seeing it the only area that would be sold to uh the owners of the elcor bar would be the portion directly behind the bar because Baker street is a very uh cockey Street in a way that it's starts at Spruce Street goes for quite a long distance then picks up goes for a bit and then it stopped because it's blocked by a building so I just wanted to make sure uh for the public uh verbally that it is only that portion man' from my understanding it is but Mr Beach if you could speak to that please thank you Jim Beach acting director of H that's correct councilwoman so it's only going to be that portion that's uh next to the El catador all right excellent thank you very much thank you anyone else have any questions about any of the ordinances read here thank you okay you can continue M thank you um I believe Madame President that leaves us to Executive session at this at this time understood and I think we have reached that point at at this we've reached that point now yeah we're executive session so with that being with that in mind Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to go into executive session may have a motion to go into executive session so moved and so I'm clear uh to the solicitors we do not anticipate a vote coming out of executive today direct thank you we do not anticipate a vote coming out of executive session at this time I had a motion in a second correct yes that was moved by I'm sorry Williams I believe Williams and then second by uh councilman Edwards thank you thank you we moov the second I'll call the role councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg vice president are you there Vice President are you [Music] there oh okay we had a uh we we had a motion in the second I'm going through the roll call for to go into executive session yes thank you councilwoman Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez um yes I'm sorry okay councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes but uh one moment please ba Cruz has something he'd like to say before certainly V thank you yeah this is actually regarding the ordinances to vacate um Baker alley and at the same time sell Baker alley that cannot happen on the same rest on the same agenda because you first need to do first reading you need to do second reading once the ordinance becomes law which is 10 days after it is is enacted then you can proceed after those 10 days are are due to proceed to sell the property but you cannot have both of them writing on the same agenda until that happens so um that Mak thank you for that who was supposed to tell us that though who was supposed to tell us that we got to this point Didn't I'm sorry council president yes I thought we did um we didn't do the selling but we did do the vacating a while ago the we approved to to if I'm not mistaken it was like I want to say October or November I gotta pull my notes but I thought we did that so there's a there if you look at page 5 2417 is it's an ordinance amending the ordinance to uh to release vacate and extinguish any and all public rates so maybe that was the same one but we did do we voted on allowing Baker's alley to get sold but I I thought that he just didn't come into coun you know we didn't approve for him to on a dollar amount basically so right I gotta go back and so we need we we need for the vacating of the alley to actually be fully completed in order for us to proceed to sell the property we're not saying we're not going to sell it at the time but this has to take effect mayor has to sign off on the ordinance or wait for it to become slow 10 days after it is adopted after the second reading and then we can proceed to sell the [Music] land so just to be clear thank you so just to be clear there was never anything prior to this about vacating the property I don't know I just CAU this uh now I I'm not sure if vacated in the past council president if I may yes um I'll get clarification that I I thought that um this vacation the vacating of it was done um if not I will have an answer to you um tomorrow morning and I think the solution would be if it has not been vacated before there the amend this to delete the um sale of it and just deal with the vacating of the property to allow it 10 days to have it on for the following meeting but get clarification on um tomorrow morning okay thank you thank you ba Cruz thank you madam president I believe the vice president has some comments yes vice president and then thank you for bringing this up ba Cruz I was actually confused about this myself as I had been working on getting shell vacated for quite some time and then sold and I think that a question did come up um as to the sale the vacation and the sale of Baker and then only the vacation of Hanam so that does Pro provide Clarity um as to one being done first you know versus you know and then the other could be done after that so thank you for that we were seeking answers for that did you have a c a question Council vice president no that no that was that was no he provided Clarity I to that that was the was being he was not present in our last um okay do yes thank you thank you councilwoman Edwards um I just wanted to uh I guess second what council woman Gonzalez was saying because staple to it we definitely passed this ordinance back in September but I don't really see a difference between that and this is there a difference is there there a reason why this is coming back well there are a couple okay I see that there is a slight difference on the second page of the ordinance direct there's six points whereas the original one we passed in September was Five Points I'm I'm sorry I was speaking with the business Min can you repeat that councilwoman so on the original one that we passed back in September there is a slight difference on the second page of it where it goes up to five points but on the new one it's six points so we which I'm sorry we talking about the alley still yes is this the is the new one an amendment to that because we've seemingly already relinquished our rights and ownership to the alley and now it's back in September yes September 28th has we even sponsored it and where's where's the discrep of councilwoman I'm sorry she's saying that that's already done September yeah in September but this is this is this is Baker Aly when we talking about Hanah about Baker we're talking about Baker Aly that's what stapled on to the back of what oh so it it was done it was done it was done that's what I I thought it was done but I based on the comments they said it wasn't so differ it there is a difference so if we look at the second page on both of them number three is more um extensive than the original the original states any existing rights of Public Utilities and catv companies are expressively reserved and accepted from this ordinance but the new one says it says that and it says in any and all easements of record or necessity so and then so for water and sewer utility so I think that this one is simply an amendment to put on my Council president's hats who who did that initial one who who wrote that because I to to to your point you are correct in that if it's a substantial Amendment we have to we have to go through this amendment first if it changes the Dynamics the the square footage whatever the case may be so to business administrator Cruz's point if this is an amendment that is changing the scope of that alley or the scope of the vacating we have to pass this first today uh Thursday excuse me and then 10 days thereafter um uh then bring a a subsequent ordinance for the sale of this I guess my my um question is how the Amendments come about not that it's important Germaine for the issues here today but we're going to have to pass this first before we can sell it right so and I'm seeing the difference so the first one it doesn't say anything about how this is so this this new one the amended version is relinquishing like water and sewer services It also says that the chief the city's chief engineer and or the engineer for streets shall record this vacation of Baker alley in the street block and on a city Atlas so it's is pretty much restructuring our property lines or their property lines to include that portion of Baker alley into the existing property of el catador um restaurant so uh yeah so pretty much we relished our right we just didn't do it completely the first time okay thank you Mr Beach you have something you say yes ma'am um I I think it's somewhat echoing the councilwoman's comments but if we look at the original one it you know it it relinquished or preserved existing rights of Public Utilities and the cable companies in terms of their easement the amendment not only repeated those but then added those of the city of Trenton for water and sewer services so that's the nature of the amendment that is before you tonight including then uh also the designation or the recording on the street book in City Atlas which I'm not sure is a material change but simply a recording in those books sorry whatever [Music] sorry like okay um director the bridges um no to to councilwoman and and Mr Beach's point I think discretion be a better part of valor and being overly cautious I don't think that we have a sense of urgency has to get done immediately I think the proper course of action would be to um have this passed first and whatever amendments there may be and then following the rules of procedure 10 days thereafter to have the sale of that that's that's the proper method for this and and one that is beyond any scrutiny or any um appeal so so um unless Mr kogi disagrees with me I think we have to read these amendments in that has to be voted upon once that's adopted then we can go forth and um and proceed with the sale of of that alley okay so so Mr Garcia uh I wanted to jump in and actually rewind Madame President because directors are here this evening and for the items that were extracted from the consent agenda the proposed consent agenda if they would address those items I'm sorry so since they're all here and I know you guys don't want come back on Thursday wait a minute so let's so before we so before we do that um where are we with this so we're going to pull the sale from this at this time so we're going to pull that one from it correct we're going to leave the amended to vacate and everything on and then after the 10 days after the next one then we'll move forward with the sale of the property at that time right uh council president yes and it's 20 days I thought yeah so Madame President for ordinance right hi Madame President being that this ordinance was actually introduced by the administration the administration would like to pull it at this time okay so this is actually resolution 2418 that uh we we will be pulling until the other uh process takes its place and is all in order okay we'd like and just to add clarification to be table we're pulling it and yes to add clarification the other one is just so council president can I just say something for the record just I know that this the owner has been um patiently waiting for a long time and is becoming frustrated and I'm just you know I hear a lot of talk about legal action taken against us because of the money that's being lost so that was the only reason why I was concerned about it um being put on the agenda but so he would have to wait another 10 days and then once we do this bill of sale then it's going to be another 20 days so there's actually this is first reading at the next council meeting there will be a second reading and of course you have to have a public hearing once that vote takes place the day after which will be Thursday that will be day one of the 10 days right and then after the 10 days you can bring it back or it could be placed on the agenda which it will probably beyond the 10 days for the next council meeting which will be in um umil April the first meeting in April perhaps yeah and that's what just to kind of flesh out what Mr Cruz was saying maybe it's a similar to what councilwoman uh Edwards did tbling it earlier table it to a date specific I.E the next council meeting so there is no um delay three Council meetings not pulling it so so that is why we're not tabling it we will we will you pulled it we we we're pulling it and we will make sure that it gets on the next docket as soon after the 10th day it's actually done this 2014 okay thank you um Madam president councilwoman William I just want to make sure I understand so we're selling this for $1,000 and the gentleman who's purchasing is uh consider action against the city it would cost more for a lawyer so let me let me speak to that for one second I'm sorry I I that's news I did not hear that right it's 20 days right for an ordinance so [Music] so okay so to councilwoman Williams um question about the owner saying that he wanted to take legal action against the city for loss of Revenue um it was my understanding that and and what we read and everything is that it is just merely to extend the outdoor patio to use that Alleyway so in fact is not a loss of Revenue he ain't got the revenue yet um the revenue would come once the extension happened so I don't I'm not sure why he would want to sue there's nothing there's in my I'm not a lawyer but there's nothing for him to sue for because he's not lost any Revenue because the the operation is still up and functioning with no problem so I I mean I can't speak for anyone councilwoman but um I just maybe as she expressed being frustrated just trying to get this done from my understanding this has been a long time in the works there were different conversations with different people who were in administration when this first started things were were said that weren't adhered to and now we're finally at a a point where he can actually purchase so I'm hopeful that um he'll he'll he have to wait it out I mean that's just where we are with this right in light of this it'll it'll get right yeah but I don't think yeah the other part too is make sure that zoning you can't sue for Revenue you wasn't gonna get for something that wasn't built yet thank you anyone else have anything else they like to say on this Madam president no counc woman I just want to say because we've been throwing 10 days out there that according to our New Jersey rules of procedure for the city of Tron it is 10 days after the second reading and passage and approval by Council that it go that an ordinance goes into effect so it has to be 20 days right after the second reading yes ma'am thank you so he can't buy it till after 20 days after okay we good are there any more questions about this so we're pulling we're the administration pulled the sale of the of the alley so now we can go ahead and get to discussion while our directors are here I'm sorry we were so excited that we were moving so quickly um we're looking at 2487 there were questions about that if someone would address 2487 thank you yes ma'am thank you uh so I have a question for Police director uh can just explain for public consumption uh what this uh trunk system will be used for and the connection to the police uh State Police I know we had a lot of uh issues in the past with communication software and actual equipment that the city purchased and was delayed in purchasing not by the fall of the police department so hold on one second I get my paperwork out Steve Wilson Police director okay what this resolution is for is um we had uh purchased a new radio system and this is the maintenance agreement for that radio system for the next two years at a cost of $50,000 a year um and and what it is is uh we're entering in this agreement with the state of New Jersey to maintain the infrastructure that we built for the new radio system that's it okay but I I also want to bring to your attention that um in the next year and a half or so um we I'll be coming if I'm still here I'll be coming uh forward to uh ask to extend our service warranty on the equipment that we purchased and that would be the uh the uh Motorola uh equipment that we purchase um the factory warranty will be running out in about a year and a half um and they have an extended warranty packages um then I'll present at that time so just giving you all a heads up uh sir might ask actually with that equipment are you happy uh with the performance of it or the police department yes so we're not fully operational yet we hope that they to switch in about two months um and the whole entire city will be up on that um police and fire and then all public works as well um but we have to uh get this in place first and then uh like I said in about a year and a half um we're looking to get an extended warranty on on the equipment that we purchased okay thank you very much thank you okay I can go on consent so we're moving that to consent okay thank you 2488 Council vice president thank you Council vice president part for this um for our DOA reviews and I just wanted to know and I don't really think that my question was answered to a standard that I would wanted to be answered to I wanted to know why we were using ARP funds for uniform for the firefighters um under what criteria would it have qualified to be used um for the purchase of uniforms thank you so what she's looking for is what criteria that these uniforms fall under that you would use um the funds the arpa funds to to purchase them that was the question thank clarification council president uh Jim Beach Chief of Staff um so Council vice president the regulations are fairly Broad in terms of the permissible uses uh the one area that we were focused on is Public Safety and this is a part of the city's public safety program um and the regulations interpreting the um the statute and the guidance for American Rescue plan uh specifically says that you know the examples they give in there are not exhaustive um and that the statute is be interpreted liberally and so that's the basis on which we're using the American Rescue plan uh funding all right thank for that I I know that the the response that I wish had receiv was that um the amount I guess the amount for the trans fire and I want to put this samea out there before I continue speaking that I obviously completely support anything that our C firefighters need our tpd as well um I just want to make sure we're spending our money appropriately um so one of the responses that I got was that because um the funding I guess for the uniforms had exceeded the annual budget the annual budget expenditures so it almost seemed like we were just kind of uh making up a pocket to cover this cost because that money was not there I don't know what she said vice president you're going to have to repeat that one and we're all we all promised to be quiet hold on one second okay I'm try again can you guys a little bit better now how's that want to approach and listen want to approach and listen why don't you give him the phone yeah probably best idea thank you let me repeat it for the the body uh so Council vice president's concern was that she had been given an explanation and I'm not sure who gave this explanation that the reason that the ARP funds were being used for the uniforms was because there was not enough money in the budget the city's budget to pay for these new uniforms and which gives rise to her concern of whether this was an appropriate expenditure of ARP money um I'm not sure where that explanation came from that was not the premise on which the city based its resolution and its use U that explanation was what I explained earlier to the body and I'm I'm comfortable um and Council vice president I'm comfortable that we are using these funds properly in this instance okay then I I said again I am in no way against um funds being utilized for our police and our firefighter want to make sure we were using it appropriately thank you okay thank [Music] you Council vice president i''d like to know whether you're comfortable moving at consent agenda yes yes same one okay so Council vice president Council vice president did you also select 24089 under the the F that's the same thing so you're good with moving that to consent agenda as well thank you so Mr Garcia when you stepped away 24087 has moved to consent agenda as well and then we have 2488 and 24089 added to consented yes thank you uhuh 24091 thank you council president yes ma'am uh just wanted to ask for an explanation of what the transfer is uh and actually if answer both of them at the same time uh from the fiscal sorry cycle year uh 2023 uh appropriation Reserves and then uh following to that 24092 with your blessing uh regarding uh the temporary budget of the city of Trenton uh having the emergency appropriation of $918,000 um you were not speaking into the mic but I think I have an idea what you what you said yeah just what both of them are Mr Cruz I apologize okay um good evening Council Adam Cruz business administrator I apologize for not uh mentioning my name at the prior responses my apologies okay um the resolution 24091 uh authorizing transfers in the amount of 1.5 1.58 three uh million dollar to be made from the capital year 20 uh from the yeah Capital year 2023 appropriation reserves calendar year my apologies calendar year 2023 so uh uh Madame President the the way things work is is that that at the end of the year when we have money still that we did not spend in the at at the end of December 31st 2023 money goes into a reserve that money is used for us to pay bills that are lingering or any death that we may have for the 2023 year um sometimes it's even into May June July uh that we're still paying bills from the prior year um this appropriation of 1.58 three is actually um for um the money that we still owed police officers uh that retired between the years of 2019 to 20123 which is when we finally settled the contract with the with the unions with um uh with PBA so this is why we are now transferring money into this new bucket to make sure sure that we not that we have enough money as we begin to make payments for those individuals that retire we made uh we were able to make the police department hold for the police officers that were active last year so now it's time to make sure that we have the money and we're very fortunate I mean we were very diligent in keeping money in their reserves the so when this day came so we have this money available so so that is for resolution [Music] 2491 and then there's a 2492 temporary emergency Appropriations um it sounds kind of similar but they really are not uh this one is actually because we don't have an adopted budget we will always call these emergency Appropriations until a budget is not just introduced but also adopted so we will have these on a regular basis to fill in uh the needs of the various departments throughout the city so we will have these until we have an adopted budget Mr BR sorry did you have another question yes I have two follow-ups we fast one on each so um for the first one for the 1.5 and you mentioned the police have all the retroactive increases increases uh been provided to you said uh to the active are there any due retirees as far as colas or anything like that okay can you repeat the question again I'm sorry far is retroactive for retirees uh because recently received an email about some someone yes yeah so we have the consulting company actually working on that as we speak hopefully we will have a resolution in the in the very near future okay I actually had a meeting today with the uh one of the representatives just to ensure that we were still on track and actually addressing the the retirees uh payback okay thank you no I'm waiting for him to get finished yeah and that one uh Colin just filled in yes we took care of that at the last pay period okay thank you yes thank you and then with the 918 it sounds like uh that is a fiscal amount that we have currently that we have yet to draw upon to get us to the end of the uh the year that's correct for the for 92 uh where you have the um for the Emergency Appropriations yes these emergency Appropriations as I mentioned we we don't we're not we don't put all of the money there because we're not permitted by law to actually use all of the money for the rest of the year we only use what we feel we have a need for for a few months months and then we come back again to you and then do another emergency appropriation but we're not supposed to be adopting everything if not I will come to you with a resolution for $200 million sure and then we're done and over with and then there's no need to adopt the budget okay but I guess my question directly is right now we do not have a plan to utilize that 200 that 9918 until issues come up Etc like for example uh this year we've been blessed with a very mild winter so any monies that Public Works would have needed for assaulting uh hiring D drivers overtime Etc that money has not been expensed so hopefully that money would go back into the Public Works budget to get us through the end of the year or maybe enan services so uh for the salt uh situation and to also acquire the services of a consult uh of a contractor uh yes we actually just use the money that we need for that time period however um when it comes to the Salt we have a uh we have an account that we actually put money to at the end of the year so that we can have money in that special account um which is like a reserved account that we use for just that alone just for salt uh this year if you look at the budget once it's introduced you will see that we did not put in money for salt purposes because we were taking it out of that Reserve yes but but yes we we also try to have enough money as we said as we need so if we would have more snow in March and we have you know 50 inches of snow um we will probably be coming to you to request money to fill that bucket again to make payments okay thank you very much no thank you thank you council president ba Cruz yes speaking of the of the budget when are we going to start seeing or hearing we're into the month of March already the the budget that we prepare has actually been reviewed um it was prepared and produced to DCA back in October of last year we started with budget hearings for the various departments at some point prior to November a decision was made by DCA that there was no further need or they were going to review what else could be done because the numbers that we actually are were projecting were actually like true numbers and not luxuries and so they felt that there was no additional needs to do budget hearing for the other smaller departments um they went over the department uh Police Department fire department DP W Recreations and the health department but the other department were kind of put on hold because the majority of expenditures actually come from the Departments that I mentioned and so since then we're actually we have been on the holding sale uh as per DCA because we're now they're now trying to figure out how much money we apply for a what we have we are based on the numbers that we gave the DCA they there's a need for approximately $45 million in transitional Aid and DCA is actually um looking at the request um so nothing has been made um concrete from them as to whether they are actually um will be getting the $45 million or they're going to give us a smaller amount so we're still are in the holding s just waiting for them to tell us this is how much money you're going to get this is the money that you have to work with and you need to make adjustments so so we're still at at that stage and that is why we have not introduced the budget as of yet yeah because we're on so I'm a little confused because and I asked this before right that we move from fiscal to calendar but it's almost like we're still moving on a fiscal cycle when it comes to um all of this right and then when we met with DCA collectively it was we pushed to have you guys have everything in by October so that way we could move and and kind of know what's going on um so hopefully I mean it just looks like we're not going to hear anything again until the summertime and and then we're still behind the eightball in my mind as to where we need to be if we're trying to if we're trying to move timely um through this process so um statutorily I think the the request from DCA based on statutes was that the budget b after they did the the amendment for municipalities to introduce the budget I believe the amendment would have been today would have been our opportunity the last opportunity if we went by state statute for the city to introduce the budget by Statute however we didn't have until the end of April or the first meeting in May to adopt the budget uh right now because DCA is actually dealing with our finances um you know they make exception for transitional a municipalities and then we just have to wait on them to tell us exactly where we're going to be and then make the adjustments to then proceed to introduce the budget right okay so just to be clear today would have been the day the deadline for you to introduce it and then the end of April the 1 of May it would be adopted that would we're we're held up because DCA is looking at whatever they're looking correct I just want to be clear on that okay thank you madam councilwoman Edwards um thank you I I to recall the meeting that we had with DCA and correct me if I'm wrong the timeline was a little bit sooner than March and April city council was supposed to be provided an in reduced budget back in January and we were supposed to do go through that before it's adopted and then it goes to DCA for approval and and back and forth but it was supposed to start here first from the administration before it goes to DCA DCA also gave explicit instructions that transitional Aid does not increase it decreases by a certain percentage every year so we should be able to project exactly what we would be approved for this year at least minimally um I I don't see nothing wrong with asking for more than what that minimum requirement is the worst it can say is no but the state statutes are what they are now as far as capital city Aid that can increase in what we ask for because rightfully so we're the capital city and they um do occupy a lot of prominent real estate here that they are taxes in from so I'm still having a difficult time understanding why we're not complying with the appropriate timeline that DCA and the rest of the municipalities in New Jersey must follow and why do why does the administration keep sending it there before it comes here to ask them what they would get when the state operates still on a fiscal calendar year and we're C uh fiscal year we're calendar we should be we should have a budget ready for them before it goes to DCA and goes to the assembly and Senate to be voted on for Appropriations so I'm I'm having an a hard time understanding why this isn't being understood okay you're done you're done all right Madam president if I may address the her question um okay so going back to the the first um I'm going to set the foundation um there's a state statute that require that state that municipalities are to introduce a budget by a certain date and adopt a budget by a certain date um when DCA came and did the presentation for you know for Council and and of course the directors they brought that to the attention of council as well that there are date that you know that that we should be in compliance when these laws were created there was no such thing as transitional Aid so the director of local government services can actually um Bend those rules for municipalities for spef just specifically transitional Aid or municipalities in the state of New Jersey the 565 municipalities in the state of New Jersey in December of last year there was a local Finance notice which was the last fin local Finance not notice that was actually distributed to all municipalities that uh that Mr Brandon Garcia should have also gotten December of last year and the what what was when was the date I just want to see I just want to see the date that the that this was actually sent okay local Finance notice 2023 d22 December 19th 2023 at that point the director of local government services actually proceeded to give all municipalities in the state of New Jersey not Trenton as a violator all 564 municipalities in the state of New Jersey were received this notification and gave them the authority to move the statutory date from the um from the legisl legislative date that had been created uh and it was moved to the adoption for the municipal introduction and approval of the budget statutory date was April 10th it got oh you know what no it got moved to April 29th I mean I'm sorry to March 29th so we're still within compliance so uh so the C the state the city of Trenton is not a Violator then on the budget adoption was also moved from March 20th of 20 uh of March 20th it got moved to April 30th or the meeting after the first meeting after April 30th and so right now we are still governing bodies May by resolution adopt no later than March 29th to extend the adoption of the 2024 budget and increase temporary budget Appropriations as they may as may be necessary due to the extension so we are still have not violated any law because it has it was moved and as I mentioned to you we are a transitional a city we are at the discretion of the same director that sent this notice it's the same person that tells us you know how much money the city is going to get so as of right now unless we know the number I cannot give you a budget and then and then say Okay DCA after I give it to the council I'm now going to give it to you no we are actually at the sole discretion of DCA for us to be permitted to introduce a budget once the budget is intro they once we get clearance from the CCA to introduce the budget then we can proceed to give you the copies because now we know you know what how much money we're dealing with for the Departments and for the needs of course of the city so then that goes and takes effect if there are no changes that need to be made then you know it that's the budget you may be getting once we get clearance from DCA Mr G um um I'm sorry Mr C yes Council you okay thank you baby so Mr Cruz so in hearing what you said I can I can understand I guess where you're coming from in your in your thought process with this so I guess this is how you've been you've been doing this all along right waiting for them and then building your budget based around what they say but the numbers are the num numbers even even before them and so they told us that because it's transitional a regardless of what they may give us in addition to that right that it would decrease by x amount percentage each year yeah you already know you already know what it took to run everything for 2023 you you knew what that was I'm G wait till he's done you already knew what it took go ahead I'm sorry you already knew what it took for th for things to run and then you would have your projected numbers as you as you move into the next year about increases in staff and all of that other kind of stuff like that so you in theory should be able to craft your budget for what you know you would need or even like to see and then you would give it to DCA they would say okay well this is this is good in addition to this yeah we will give you this but we know that they'll give you at least the bare minimum except for maybe what they said they would that that percentage that they would take away right so if you built your budget based around that um you should still be able to come up with something like I don't think you should be waiting on them to say yes or no it makes the process easier I understand that right so if you knew look we're gonna give you this money now you're like great all right well we could do this this this this and this but you should still know ahead of time what you need what you spent where we're looking to go how we're looking to get there to have the budget done and then give it to them to say great yeah we'll meet you there with that or if you took into account what they said they weren't doing then you you haven't really lost anything if that makes any sense so I'm I'm gonna answer this way and I hope I'm not disrespectful to anyone on Council okay I hope not when when I came in when I came in in 200 18 we were preparing the budget for 2019 okay at that point we were receiving I believe $6 million six something okay um the the needs of the city continue to increase if I was to to stay with the formula that that that DCA says that we should be reducing the budget 15% every year we would probably be at zero right now where do you think the city would be so this is why we cannot go with the numbers just based on the percentage that the ECA would like for us to see we are not a city that can come up with $15 million $10 million $8 million $6 million absolutely not so when you're talking about a difference from TW 16 so last year we got $16 million in transitional aid plus the 10 in capital that's $26 million if this Council wants to do layoffs and go to to the 15% and let's reduce the $26 million to minus 15% that's what we're looking at the city said we need $45 million and this is why you don't have a budget in front of you because we're going now with the $26 million we'll be going with $45 million so I think it behooves the city for us to actually wait to see what happens with DCA and not give you a budget that is going to be reflecting what I mentioned we don't want to create chaos in the city because if we give you a budget that reflects the numbers realistically from the numbers that we got last year $26 million minus 15% chaos is going to break in the city so let me ask you this thank you for that how do we get more Capital City aition unfortunately because it is at the will of the governor uh they are the ones legislature they are the ones that actually determine how we will be receiving the funding uh they are stuck in that the city will receive $10 million in capital and then the other amount will be received in transitional aid but if the transitional Aid is there to transition and consistently decrease then how to your point are are they helping with uh with this okay um yeah so this is why there is no budget being presented to you because those are the the issues that we now have to deal with because there is a the city of trentton is only continuing to need more funding yes we need more Redevelopment but even if we do Redevelopment in one year you see that we cannot come up with $5 million from one year to the next let alone $45 million so this is why it's it's a difficult pill to swallow I get it there is frustration this is the new Council well you've been here for a little bit over a year now so you're not new anymore but um but yes there is a frustration I get it but but there is a process that need to be followed we do this for the for the betterment of the city and this is why yes you know I'll I'll take it I'll get i'll you want to slap me around fine but I we would much rather wait until the money comes in and they tell us exactly we tell theca this is the need of the city we don't want to Short change the city if if the state can provide more funding right thank you well to be clear no one wants to slap you around be a verbally verbally getting disappointed on the process we just want to get down to the nitty-gritty um and just make sure that we have what we need in place for these people so um if you're saying that again in result of of capital city a us getting more of that and the governor and everything I would think that that would be a conversation that maybe the mayor and you all should be having um to try to Advocate to make that happen no right so so the we actually um we tried to inperson meetings with the speakers Senate speaker the assembly governor's office legislative district fighting 15 uh legis lators we do all of that every year before we get to this process and um I guess because of we have voiced our concerns long enough already this is our this is probably like my sixth budget already even though we've only been here for five years I think we've done six or seven budgets already because we of the transitional uh we transition from the C from the fiscal to the C uh to the calendar um every year that we go put a budget in front of council we actually have to go through this actually we go through this routine uh with each with each group at a time to try to get us to hear as you you can see I mean they are listening because rather than being at $2 million in transitional a from where I started with $6 million or $8 million we are now looking at a possibility of getting $45 million well that would be great right we certainly can use it all right does any other council person have a question yes council president okay one sec so we'll go councilwoman frisbee then we'll go councilwoman Williams Edwards you have a question so we're going frisbee Williams Edwards thank you thank you so thank you director um Cruz appreciate you um my question is what you said DCA has we're waiting on DCA now to um confirm what percentage is DCA asking us to reduce by in that budget uh we we haven't been told yet so they haven't given us a percentage in which they want us they they they do acknowledge that there's a need for $45 million they have acknowledged that that okay so that is how far we've gone okay um because was my understanding that they asked us to get a fif to to reduce our budget by 15% well if so as I mentioned before that is actually the norm for transitional a cities that are getting out of a out of a hole because there is new Revenue actually being generated um if we go by that formula for $15 million we will not be looking at $16 million in transitional a we'll be looking at 16 minus 15% so we will not be near the $45 million that we're asking for so that's why we look at the needs of the city first before we even and put a fight unfortunately phip we put up a fight with DCA to say you can't cut us we need more funding and so that's why we don't do the 15% cut and work with a budget like that because as I mentioned before that would mean um right now we have a class of 30 firefighters right now in the academy they started last week there will not be there will be no Academy right now Police director just um uh graduated I believe 12 or 14 police officers you can forget about that to so that's the reason why we have to unfortunately not abide by the 15% disc uh reduction because the needs of the city continue to grow we have Personnel issues you know that we need to address um budget stuff is more expensive so it's it's difficult to say we are going to abide by that 15% cut from the $26 million would reach $16 million we received last year thank you Mr Cruz appreciate you council president um Mr Cruz hopefully this is a happy question uh so late not even that late like late summer probably uh we were given a little over an extra $4 million I Believe by DCA yes $4.9 million um in additional Aid correct absolutely wonderful and we appreciative the promise has been made but they have yet to give me the $4.9 million Felipe so I I'll take back a little bit what I said then uh but hopefully that money will show up very soon very soon I'm I'm hopeful as well would you uh is there any reasonable expectation that that number would be potentially incorporated into this year's so the conversation we've had with DCA at this point is is that if we were to receive $45 million there would be no extra money for the city we would just have to make ends meet with the with the amount that we get because the amount has absolutely I mean if you we're going from 16 plus 10 to $45 million so that's a very large jump so I we do not expect to receive an additional four million five million that they find and and give to us at from that point after thank you and I I appreciate your hard work and and hopeful success for this because we have so many needs across the board for inspectors to roads to correct you name it thank you yes thank you good thank you madam [Music] president just a second ba Cruz thank you thank you couple of things uh if my memory serves me correctly our bottom line budget is supposed to increase there's cost of living adjustments and things like that so that's always going to in increase we need more services and things like that but the transitional Aid is a program that's meant to help cities like ours um to make up for the revenues we don't really bring in that transitional Aid and is supposed to reduce that request that number it's supposed to reduce not by 15% and our budget is not supposed to reduce by 15% first of all that's an Astron e omal uh percentage difference and reduction in our budget I believe it's 2% for transitional Aid it is 15 for a transition but our main bottom line budget is not supposed to reduce so but our TR our Capital City Aid can increase you can increase the ask for that so with DCA acknowledging that we need $45 million what is stopping the administration from asking for the difference in that in capital city funding versus transitional Aid since we're supposed to be um winning ourselves off by increasing our Revenue so that we can get off of transitional Aid so that that's a good point uh councilwoman Madame President so we actually um every year as as I mentioned we do the Doug and puny show with assembly Senate fighting 15 govern 's office Treasury and that that is actually what we ask for every year for some reason unb belongs to us uh the treasury the governor's office do not want to do more than $10 million in capital city Aid um for us for some reason uh it would be fantastic because that is actually the pitch that we do on a yearly basis that they convert the transitional a Aid to Capital City Aid and at and if you probably may remember a couple of years ago maybe two three years ago um Capital City 8 actually comes with an agree with the with a um an agreement that DCA is to actually oversee our finances similar to the transitional Aid we signed the agreement saying yes DCA is monitoring us and so the treasury the governor actually made those uh requirements for the capital budg uh Capital City a as well so um even if we did get capital city we will still have to be under DCA supervision as if we had transitional aid but for some reason they do not want to increase that $10 million Mark yeah um I mean since being sworn into this seat my my understand understanding of the memor the memorandums of understanding and my position of that has changed I'm not opposed to being under anou if we're getting money in those amounts from the uh the state they just want to make sure that it's being spent appropriately and in a professional manner um we obviously have had issues in the past with previous employees and Mayors who misappropriated funds grants have not been properly Lo we lost grants in the millions of dollars because of because of procedural issues so I'm not opposed to theou until we get our act together um so I just want to go on a record and say that um but for back to the introduction and the adoption of the budget in the past during our conversations with DCA it was to my understanding that we were requesting this money without itemizing what is would be appropriated too is that a hindrance like it when we're introducing the budget it's supposed to have what you're going to spend that money on not that we have to ask for it and then we'll tell you what we're going to spend it on we have to tell them what we're spending it on so that we justify why we need that much money so is that has that process changed no the process doesn't change and DCA actually uh was given the you all received the book last year correct the budget book so DCA received that beforehand that shows every expenditure line by line if you want to buy a pen there's a line there for pens in the department if you want to buy vehicles there is a line specific line item for vehicles so that is exactly what we give theca I don't think that they would want it any other way because they want to make sure that that yes they have actually uh their eyes on every single expenditure that we do in the city so would it be helpful with that being said if that's the way that it's structured for us to follow the proper procedures for it to be introduced to council for public hearing so that the public can weigh in on this would it mean more and strengthen our application for transitional Aid and our request for capital city funding if the public and city council passes an introduced budget it's not an adopted one but an introduction and that was strengthen it with DCA to say okay 90 90,000 residents weigh on it weighed in on this and we do need this funding um and this is why we're requesting it is that the way that it would work yeah so uh Madame President the unfortunately DCA will never allow for the administration the mayor to introduce the mayor's budget to council and you accepting the budget without them actually giving us the green light the moment that they that we try to do that DCA will come back to us and say pull that off the docket and so uh they will never allow for that for that to be the the case Okay so and and and as I mentioned to you if I was to actually give you a budget that reflects last year's budget it would actually be a mystery for the city so this is why we don't want you to get a budget that will change drastically once we get the the work from DCA as to how much money we will be receiving thank you you provided a a lot of clarity for us so essentially we're waiting for you to hear back from DCA and then it'll be introduced to us by the new introduction and adoption dates March 29th and April yes the moment that we get marching orders from the director of local government services um that we can proceed with an introduction or she'll say you know introduce a budget well guess what I'm going to introduce the the mayor will be introducing a budget that we currently have on hand that we gave to DCA okay unless we're told otherwise yes I just have one more qu you done I just have one more question um when you're asking for extra staff right like for inspectors and things like that do you provide um an a a like a return on investment sheet a projected income um justification for these positions to show DCA if if we hired five inspectors this is the amount of Revenue that they would bring in by going out inciting people for whatever it is that they would go out and do like do you show them that to kind of to justify the position right not that they would pay for themselves but they're Justified because one we have the issues in the city but two they will draw enough Revenue potentially that it's not just like wasted it's not wasted expenditures yes so Madam president the the way the process works is once we identify a need for the Department um to Extra ectors uh we do a waiver with that uh that is signed by myself the mayor uh by the CFO and then is uh provided to um to the monitor from DCA uh we most most of the times if if it's not very significant we go with perhaps no memo or just the explanation on the waiver to then a memo with perhaps as you mentioned backup documentation as to why this will be critical for the city um we've been in conversations now with DCA for um for a pitch from the fire director and we have done a couple of presentations to the monitor as well as voluminous uh documentation to to say why it would be beneficial for the Department to actually you know um um for them to approve the request and so for the majority of the times when if it's one or two individuals there really isn't much talk but when there is something that we feel is going to be significant yes we provide the paperwork the data whatever it is that we can and of course we have meetings with the monitor um to make sure that he understands the documentation yes okay but it's not always because most of the times it's only like one or individual two individuals and it's not very significant of a hit uh when it comes to expenditures okay yes thank you because we know that we have certain positions um that need to be filled like we want to see a full cabinet we want to see us fully operational with what we need we want to see the Staffing we want to to have it so that people can move around and do what it is that's needed um you know we would definitely like to see that okay and Madam president the when we intro we do the budget books um you will see in your books once you get a copy of your book you will see when it is a new position um don't forget once it comes to you it has already been vetted by DCA the directors have come and pled their case and we have already gotten approval to say yes you can proceed with these two new positions um at that point is when we make the argument as to why it may be necessary and by by the time he makes it to the monitor uh he already knows that this budget has already been vetted approved by DCA and then he's good to go as long as the positions are reflected on the budget he doesn't do much push now if we do Rec creative and we want to do rather than two new position we want to do five then the monitor will say no you only budgeted for two new positions and so that's where the push comes all right thank you so much B thank you thank you um and then the last one is oh so for those two consent okay so 24091 and 092 are on consent thank you and so then our last one is 24097 yes ma'am okay so if I like to ask the fire director a few [Music] questions we have to give them something to do once in a while yeah right I was like where's he going K Douglas fire director good evening Council good evening fire director yes ma'am uh so just wanted to ask uh regarding this um I'm sure it's absolutely needed but can you uh fill us in on the exact heing situation currently at the headquarters and then also at the other firehouses around the city the repairs yes please okay so um as you all aware uh I believe is this year or last year $1.7 million was um approved um through transition a by DCA um part of the money for vehicles but at least $1 million um is being used to repairs some much needed repairs to all seven firehouses including the roofs the windows um two of the floors of course you know we have a couple of firehouses that stated and those floors with the weight of the equipment that we have can't sustain the weight and um some other cosmetic things of course um to fix these fir house firehouses apologize so then with this uh resolution 97 about the heating systems are the heating systems and other uh other firehouses are they in good shape well core mechanical that actually um they do all the heating systems uh for all the public buildings the Perry Street is just one of them yes good okay and then an engine six on North Clan I know I've asked you about this before do we have any guesstimate of when um the concrete floor might be able to get poured uh for that one well I know that the deputy uh uh public I'm sorry um the director of Public Works um he has the quotes for those floors um so you should be seeing something introduced to the council shortly okay and then uh from that I don't know if the director wants answer but my understanding it would take uh a little bit more than 30 days for the concrete floor to be poured and then cure after the removal of the wooden floors and a replacement of the floor joist Etc I wouldn't know okay we I'm another cont yes sir yes sir about the how long it take for the concrete floors to be poured concrete concrete floors to be P it's like the timeline yeah I yeah I I actually had I actually have been involved in in in this and um the city engineer has actually um a Quire the all the plants and specs that are needed because it's some of these things are you know we have thousands and thousands of pounds that are rolling in and out it's not a fixed weight that is falling on there it's just a movement so specific structural um um needs have to be addressed in order to make that very stable so the RFP from what I understand about two three weeks ago the specification were actually being produced um and they were in the process of putting the RFP together to advertise so that should be coming on probably within the next week or so two weeks but yes it's we're in the process and we're fortunate to have money from DCA from the $39 million that uh but the $4.9 million that that U that they gave us to fix the firehouses so this one at engine six that should be done by Summer time I would like to thank yes I would I I would say so because it takes about uh 10 days to to what the the RF the RFP is already done they need to do the bids packs once the bids go out minimum 10 days we bring it back I would probably say between 15 to 18 days for us to actually grade it and put it on the docket for uh for adoption so yes you're probably looking at probably end of April beginning of of May for the bids to be presented to council for adoption and then from there of course it's just getting the documentation notice to proceed for the project to take place and you know then it's just actually doing the actual work okay thank you very much gentlemen thank you counc president yes please very much so thank you on your call Madam president that concludes that so I guess we'll take the motion now to go into executive session I believe you already passed the motion for that purpose if you want okay so then can we go ahead into executive session certainly and for the public since it's been some time we do not anticipate a vote coming out of consecutive session thank you thank you e e I just have one I have one more thing to say okay before we close I just have um I I I can't help and I don't mind saying this I don't mind saying this openly the mic somebody um I don't mind saying this openly but um to the extent Council has given approvals or resolutions of support to folks who that support may be in question there's a procedure in terms of having that person come back on a motion for reconsideration of a past resolution to have a discussion with the person um who may be doing things to flaunt things like looking in that mirror or that window to have them come back and reconsider whether or not the support is still there I love it and and to enforce compliance yes can I have a motion to come out of executive session so second we mooving second I'll call the role councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes counc woman Williams yes counc president Feliciano yes motion carried may have a motion to adjourn the meeting so move second please call the role certainly councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg councilwoman Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried meeting adjourned thank [Music] you and got me in my