excuse me all prior to beginning uh does anybody lose a ticket by any chance we found a ticket has anybody lost a ticket by any chance that's my lottery ticket let me h no can't tell you if it's a winner but if nobody has we'll be here unfortunately not she said is it for a fundraiser it is yes okay I'll get it from you later all right all right how much did it cost right and where is it too and we ready on your call Madam president Trenton city council meeting Thursday March 7th is here by in session let us salute the flight I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 chapter 231 this agenda is complete to the extent known and was sent to the Trenton Times posted on the first floor bulletin board in City Hall and filed in the city clerk's office formal action will be taken Mr Garcia roll call councilwoman Edwards present vice president Figaro kenberg councilwoman frisbee councilwoman Gonzalez present councilman Harrison for the record councilman Harrison is present via phone Council Harris Pres thank you thank you sir councilwoman Williams pres and council president Feliciano president myself Brandon Garcia municipal clerk president here is legislative Council Mr Edward kogi and in for West Bridges is Mr Scott Miko thank you on your call Madam president may continue thank you certainly invoke uh Madam president if you'd like I'd like read the invocation at this time thank you almighty God who holds the fate of man and Nation we most humbly beseech thee to bless this our city these deliberations and these thy servants that they may act with wisdom and understanding for the good of our community and thy greater glory amen amen and Madame President at this time I believe we have some recognitions or at least some recognition that needs to that to be done yes we will have Council res recognition done by councilwoman Gonzalez thank you everyone for being present so I'm just going to read um a little bit of the resolution into the record as we are the city city council city of Trenton resolution honoring the Trenton Central High School varsity and junior varsity cheerleading team whereas Trenton Central High School cheer program is under the direction of head coach Aisha Dawkins and assistant coach Amber Wilson the cheer program is known for their high energy and spirit that has inspired many crowds for several decades the style of cheer this team is known for is called sh Stomp and Shake which began in our Southern States Trenton Central High School has mastered this style of cheer which has inspired many to come see them perform and whereas in addition to entertaining the crowd and inspiring their teams the student athletes are encouraged to work within their Community by complete by completing community service hours and whereas both coaches and volunteers both coaches and team members have volunteered at many local events which has given them much pride in their Community they participated in book bag giveaways and feeding the homeless providing helping to organize and distribute book bags to children and the the cheer team volunteers timed with elementary students providing face painting and free cheer clinics throughout the state to help motivate our young people to become involved in the spor of cheer and whereas additionally within the last 10 years the program has excelled in competitive cheer they have competed in the colonial Valley Conference cheer competition which includes all merca County High School since 20 since 2015 today they have won first place first place in game day CBC in 2018 they also went won Grand Champs in 2018 and for those who may not know the sport of cheer grand Champs is they came in first place out of all of the high schools in Mera County they've won most spirited in 2016 2017 2018 and also 2023 the program is preparing for their next year competition in November and now therefore be be it resolve that the Trenton city council hereby wishes to recognize the Trenton Central High School cheerleading teams both varsity and junior varsity for continuing to be the positive energy and role models for other students in the community yes so before before we take our pictures I just wanted to um you know obviously everyone knows that the cheer team is near and dear to my heart as one of the former Co former coaches of um trans Central High School and obviously a former cheerleader but these young ladies go unrecognized we often go to the basketball games and we go to baseball games the the football games and a lot of people always um they seem to always cheer for the the actual players but not realizing how much these young ladies put into the cheer sport so I wanted to personally say thank you I wanted to recognize you because you are always behind the scenes you always are showing up when we are asking you to be present somewhere and I just wanted you to know on behalf of the city council that we love you we always cheering for you and I'm I'm excited to see you all here and how the cheer program has go has grown um to coach Dawkins and Coach Wilson we love you I know how much time goes in it goes from July until March every single day and people don't understand that that's a lot of time so thank you thank you thank you for being here and I just want to if anyone else wants to say something before you speak Madam president so good evening and I'm excited to see you I love seeing our our young folks in the uh building I want you to realize that this is the opportunity when instead of you guys cheering and encouraging someone else we want to cheer and encourage you so this is your moment to be encouraged and to thank you for all that you do to motivate and encourage those that are on the um floor you are the ones that make a difference on a great day and even on a not so great day so just wanted to let you know I salute you I appreciate I know that is a hard it is hard work I know cuz I tried and I didn't have enough Rhythm to get on the te team myself so um I appreciate the work um that you ladies and if there are any gents that help you out them as well that you they you guys all put in so I congratulate you I salute you on this evening councilwoman Williams thank you ma'am I just want to uh congratulate you and say thank you for everything that you do uh you did an amazing job even just a few nights ago on the steps of city hall for the celebration of the key of the city and uh if the Christmas uh parade you performed in a Christmas parade uh in the cold so you're always there for our city just as you're always there for tchs and you're always there for the other athletes and let it be known cheerleading is a sport cheerleading is a sport I I hope that they do get Varsity letters and so forth okay that they do excellent so keep it going when you go off to college if you go off to college don't give up on cheerleading stay involved with it it's a great way to support your school travel maybe we'll see some of you on know television but um thank you so much for putting the time in and uh for letting us recognize you thank you ma'am Council vice president hey guys so I just want to congratulate you guys as a tchs um graduate um as a Varsity softball and soccer player and as the tchs alumni president I just want to congratulate you all for all your hard work all your due diligence all the endurance and and all the pep that you guys bring to all of the games I and all the excitement and thank you all congratulations councilwoman Edwards did you want to say something why not hi ladies um it's a pleasure to see you here I know a few of you through my daughter Michaela who's back there um I'm just sitting here texting her pictures like oh some of your friends are here I'm so proud of you so is she and um I mean I just love the energy energy that you all bring to all the games without the cheerleaders there is no cheer at the games like you bring the energy you live in the crowd and we love that for you and we can't do these games without you so keep it up cheerleading is a sport I definitely tried out but boxing was more my thing so I went that way and congratulations is well deserved and I'll see you at some of the games in the future councilman Harrison did you want to say anything the cold weather and in the uh basketball games always promoting a positive message for this great City so thank you uh councilwoman gas Mell Gonzalez and thank you to all the young ladies who uh represent TR high school every day thank you so much so thank you all for the tremendous work that you do thank you for the ex outstanding spirit that you do bring each and every time I graduated from Notre Dame Right Back in 88 so I'm an old head but I remember I couldn't deal with chiling so I was a pom pom girl in the band but I remember when we would show up at different games and stuff and the Cher leaves would come out we would always put our heads down because we just knew Trent high was gonna bring the heat like none other and so they did it then and you continue the Legacy now and so we thank you for your dedication your commitment thank you to your coaches that put in the tireless effort to make it make sure that your routines are on point to make sure that you are in sync right and that you are the true tornado spirit that we need that carries our teams as we go forward in battle on the field or on the court so thank you so much God bless at this time if one of the coaches or both coaches want to say something you could come to the podium press the mic on say something or one of the cheerleaders bust a cheer out okay oh you want a cheer that's it okay you got to turn press the button and turn the mic on babe There You Go Button y there you go okay good evening city council good evening St citizens right I'm captain Mari Beller gos class 24 I'm co- Captain the side gettis um and we just want to graciously thank you guys for the recognition um we are ambassadors for not only the spirit of our school trans Central High but role models of our community we often get overlooked as a sport and the amount of hard work dedication and spirit sets us apart from any and everybody we're not just a team of girls we are young women who have been molded by coaches such as Aisha Dawkins coach Sharon Grady and of course one of our Council women Miss Yasmin NY Gonzalez um these women have put us on a road to ESS with multiple aspects of Sisterhood multiple levels of strength physically and mentally and we not only cheer for various sporting events but actively serving our community and enjoying every bit of it at every single time our program Prides on leaders for our peers families and character Cher has given us a safe space to come to whenever no matter the situation I hope that our youth always feels welcome by our energy I hope that you guys always feel welcomed by our energy and we hope that you will always be ready to cheer for us and for the city of Trenton so once again we thank you tremendously for this amazing recognition thank you all right we're gonna step out for a moment quickly and move to the staircase so we could take a couple pictures and come back to the meeting we ask everyone if you just bear with us just a few minutes while we do this we'll be right back everyone if you could step out to the staircase thank you oh said you can I said okay e that's one Mr Garcia we're ready no what oh hold on one yeah let me let me get this going on your call Madam President we can continue with the candid M presentation for the vault please certainly Madam president you have a presentation here for cannabis it is the Vault thank you honorable Council if you could please I'm sorry remind of the time and everything Mr Garcia presentation time thank and to the presenters just so you understand can you'll be limited to a number of I'm sorry how many minutes 10 minutes for your presentation uh and Mr walski I take it will be introducing go Ahad yes yes sir I'm Ken walsky and I'm the chairman of the anabis advisory committee and on the Janu our January meeting we evaluated the application from the ball and we recommended that the city issue a resolution of local support for the vault uh we found a robust micro retailer application that addressed the criteria in the ordinance uh by a female social Equity applicant Haitian applicant and Trenton resident Kayla massenot and she's here today with her mother um fuli mot so here they are thank you good evening Council I'm sorry thank you go ahead good evening Council um my name is ruli Masset and I am the daily operation manager for the vault to my left here is Kayla massanet owner of the Vault and she'll be coming up as well um for full disclosure Kayla is my daughter and I'm also her realtor and I'm now under her employee as the daily operations manager for the vault for the interest of time we have presented a binder that contains all the information the same information that was given to the Cannabis committee for review there's also the supporting documentation along with our conditional license that we've already been awarded by the state um we also inside the binder you will find that we have hired count um a capital um um fundraiser we have our um funding and everything else so I'm just going to read this for the interest of time so I don't get lost um we respectfully come before you as we already have our conditional cannabis license from the state of New Jersey asking that you grant us the resolution of support to continue our journey in obtaining an annual class five cannabis retail license from the state of New Jersey carola Masset has lived in the city all her life she is 100% owner of the vault which has received the social Equity designation by virtue of having lived in the city of Trenton for over 10 years her business has been certified by the state as a woman minority owned business and through in though Trenton is deemed economically disadvantaged by the state this is an opportunity to create multi-generational wealth for her family that will allow her to demonstrate and train others to have the same she intends to sell usable cannabis items and related supplies within the state's maximum limits and responsibly to our residents along with consumers over the age of 21 there is a plan in place to hire 10 employees operate the Cannabis establishment in accordance with a CRC regulations for micro businesses while OCC occupying an area of no more than 2500 square ft 3133 East St Street satisfies the buffering requirements it is located in the downtown district more than 500 feet from any other possible possibly soon to open dispens dispensary it is not located within 750 fet of schools where children are routinely present measured from door Todo walking distance it is not located within 250 ft from the front entrance to a place of worship a completed application was submitted to the city for review and determined to be complete and compliant a comp a compliant application by the zoning official the city cannabis advisory committee appointed by the city governing body acted as the body for local review for the city and as also deemed the application to be complete private funding has been obtained and a capital fund raiser has been hired and proof of financial capability to open and operate the Cannabis establishment has been submitted as requested from the Trenton cannabis advisory committee the micr licenses application fee has also been paid the presentation packet before you includes proposed operational plans outlines for Community programs employee incentives partnering agreements security plans resident Outreach intentions commitment to local Workforce hiring community service and collaboration with the schools that support both cannabis training along with dedicated schools that support social justice incentives Kess qualifications include but are not limited to having worked for a retail farmacy and she is a nurse she has committed since the age of 16 partnering in various projects throughout the city of Trenton to hire she will be using experienced cannabis staffing agencies such as Brin and flower hire and cannabis an agreement is already in place with the Trenton Park and Authority Jimmy Lee Young Blood of young bug electric and one will be obtained with the Trenton Police Department the hours of operation will be tentatively between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday through Saturday to date Kayla has done the following she has obtained a conditional license from the state and secured a site at 31 East a Street Trenton she has a obtained the letter of clearance from zoning to be centrally located in downtown and submitted the application and presented on January 17 2024 the remaining steps are as follows obtain a resolution of support hopefully from Council um finish outfitting um the location complete the conversion of the conditional license to the annual license within this from the state of New Jersey the annual license will in turn allow the vote to not only provide a platform form of information and education on various products and methods of consumption to Consumers but also provide a considerable amount of Revenue dollars to the city of Trenton's tax base please see Pages six and seven of the presentation for the potential tax revenue in the breakdown become we look and seek hopefully to become the city of Trenton's first Haitian woman own and operated cannabis location right now what I like to do is introduce Kayla um so she can tell you a little bit more about her employee incentives and how she plans to participate with the community good evening thank you guys uh for having us uh so to start my name is Kayla massanet I'm going to be reading here so I probably won't be looking at y'all in your face um so my name is Kayla asset and my background is as follows I'm a GED awarde um I am a general construction graduate of mercel County Community College I'm a former local 254 Carpenters Apprentice with a ba in criminal justice from College of St Elizabeth and a BS I'm currently enrolled in school to get my RN because right now I'm uh LPN I work for dangler construction as a section three higher traffic controller on the Miller Holmes project uh Rush cross Rush Crossings project I am at LPN um and a former school nurse in the Philadelphia School District I also work in a local hospital um currently I have been a medical cannabis card holder since 2017 licensed to carry gun holder since 2017 currently contracted by Safeguard property to do property verifications in the Mercer County area I State these things to demonstrate this plan wasn't a new one it's not a bandwagon I'm jumping on and it isn't a phase I've been preparing and working on this for some time um my experience also working in the health care field especially during covid was a very crucial time um I noticed in increase upti in a need for escapism which is one of the reasons why I also want to to venture into the marijuana population um cuz isolate isolation and covid and families were under scrutiny under that time and a large population found a sense of relief um with their circumstances at the time in the use of cannabis products legally and illegally unfortunately um my primary focus is our relationships with the people who come to us um our mission is is to redefine the Cannabis experience by cultivating a compassionate safe inclusive space with a diverse cannabis menu with exceptional customer service like similar to Chick-fil-A my goal is to guide and meet the needs of all we encounter by assisting to create a one-of-a-kind uncomplicated approachable borderline unique experiment while using therapeutic use um and education where am I on time am I am I still good 49 seconds left okay all right so um moving forward we have a lot of plans in in the binder um it's going to show the direction of the company that we wish to go which is community outreach um eventually because as a kid I always wanted I love the double dutch program so I also want to bring back recreational activities for kids um and housing a safe place but also having a therapeutic space for people who do like to indulge in um a form of escapism so with this uh we close out and want to also thank you for your time and uh what we need from you is your support and hopefully your approval so we can move forward so thank you oh made it yeah you did made it thank you any council members have any questions council president Council woman Williams gave everybody time thank you um so have you have some questions there a lot of information here thank you for being so thorough because uh isn't often that we actually get packets is thorough thank you that's a compliment thank you um so I did look through it and I know your startup cost uh were listed at $500,000 do you already have that in capitalization or are you still looking to raise money we do have most of the capitalization in place we already secured it and we have someone who where we're under contract with the building and it's going to be a cash deal so those are in place as well we're going through the inspection process currently so hopefully if everything goes well with that we should be closing next month and so yes it's still revolving but if we need to cut Corners like you know because at the end of the day we have a large shopping list but in order order to open in interest of time what we're liking to do is whatever the state minimum is to open and then we build as we go along okay and then actually is there a bank vault in the basement or the we wish no actually the location is located right downtown there's no bank vault okay it's just we utilize that name because we think of when people utilize cannabis it's either to escape or to relieve the hold in or to release so just like a regular bank for safekeeping we want people to be safe when they're coming to us that's why we're going to make sure our products are vetted um and and you know we educate them there's videos that things that they can do on their own time okay and then as far as uh security has the Trenton Police Department already done a review of your security plan we've hired the architect who's going to be putting together the whole plan as we put the everything together for the planning committee we will be reaching out to Trenton Police Department we have reached out to them and we understand that they have a program as well where we're able to hire on some of the police officers as part of our security plan as well but everyone says the same thing you need the resolution letter really first before we're talking to you with the experience and everything to be honest with you as far as the process is concern what we found is once you complete one hurdle it open up doors that more people are more open and susceptible to see that you're actually going to bring this across to the finish line and then they dedicate more time in helping you cross over to the finish line so right now at this point with the planning with the security plan as far as the police department is concerned a lot of that is after the resolution has been issued and then they know okay full force what are we going to do okay and what is your timeline for opening at this point at this point if if we obtain the resolution of support from you at the next step will be applying to the state for the annual the inspections are being conducted with the next 30 days of the actual location we've already secured an agreement with the architect and she's starting to work on the site plans and we'll be submitting our planning application so we can be going through this process simultaneously so at which time by the time we finish the planning review the security plan all of that will be in place okay and then uh my final question and I I'd have to quote Denzel Washington in the film Philadelphia uh you have a lot of good pictures and it helps explain but can you explain it to me like a 5-year-old would understand it which part the pictures for the location the process of sale if I wanted to purchase your because usually you see counters and employees Etc so I'd like you to explain this because this is very unique actually oh thank you well see so we're going to have various means first of all because we're located downtown we have entered into an agreement with the Trenton Park and authority to make it comfortable for individuals to be able to use the parking and as you know when a client comes in they can have like 20 minutes or 30 minutes and then they don't have to pay for parking so one of the things that we've decided to do is come about create a mobile app that people can actually Order ahead of time so they're literally just coming in grabbing and go we have spoken to the state and one of the things that we're also going to be having is for example lockers so when you call just like ordering your food you place your order because a lot of times people already know the product that they're interested in right they're already shopping anywhere somewhere so because we'll be running focus groups to understand what are they utilizing and carrying some of the same product they'll be able to go on their mobile app place the order once order has been pulled they'll be notified so they know that it's pulled it'll be placed in the locker they come in um Security will check them right to make sure that they're supposed to even be there and then a second checkpoint when they come inside then they'll go to the kiosk and the pickup window submit their order ticket along with their ID all over again and then a person will go to the lock there grab their bag give it to them and they can leave this will allow to also help minimize the lines with the hours and where we're located downtown Trent has over 58 8,000 employees with that being said we're going to try to work our hours within being able to accommodate early on but prior to a person either going to work also their cars are already parked so at lunchtime and then especially when work gets out around 4 to six o'clock we understand that Trenton sometimes once the State closes um everyone leaves right so some of the events and things that we'll be doing or focus groups or possibly thank yous and things of that nature we're going to try to do them towards the tail end of the day so we can see if we can keep them around a little bit longer so basically you're working here and also spending here your car is already parked we're centrally downtown you'll be walking past other stores as well probably let me go grab a bite to eat and pick this up while I'm out my car is already parked and then go back to work so it will be just as easy for someone who didn't pre-order to come and purchase absolutely now a person who didn't pre-order we're going to be having kiosk so with the kiosk a person can either you can have have order with at the kiosk and then the order is pulled or if you're not sure we're also going to be having Bud tenders there that are familiar with the product which is why we're going to be using a staffing agency because they can properly vet and vet the individuals and actually check the references to ensure that they know what exactly what we're talking about what they're talking about when they're behind the counter because again people smoke for different reasons and there's different strands you know and there's different ways that people can consume so if a person needs an appointment like to sit down with someone that'll be something that they'll be able to curate on the website as well so they have their own decate time and someone to give them that one-on-one attention Okay and my last question I thought it was impressive to see that he had some market research listed so I was curious how um you actually you did that market research to see where people and Trent are actually going presently to purchase well one of the things um we went on the crc's website we also ran uh went on Google and see who's open you know at the end of the day everybody's going somewhere so what dispensaries are within a 30 minute radius um like Kayla has mentioned she's had her um medical card since 2017 so from her having her medical marijuana card what was her process and what did she notice and she would travel up to 45 minutes to an hour away depending on the lines and depending on the time of availability so utilizing her own personal experience and actually speaking to other people who have medical cards as well um that's how we determine where they're going but we just did a random what's in the B binder right now is everywhere that's really within a 40 minute radius within the city of Trent well thank you very much and thank you council president council president one minute I think Council vice president had a question first and then councilwoman Gonzalez Council vice president thank you council president hello hi um so this this information could be this is a lot of information just got these so this could be in here but I perused through and I didn't see it so I was just curious um it looks like you're going to have high volumes of cannabis you're going to be selling out of your storefront um with the kiosk and I guess you'll have um Front word sales cor sales as well um how many employees are you you thinking that you're going to have to have on staff well right now we're a micro business so we're only allowed to have up to 10 so one of the things that we're going to do but the 10 can be rotational for example full-time or part-time because one of the things we want to do is be able to also accommodate some of the individuals that will be working with a their schedule because you'll have some people especially now that might want to go to school and learn more about cannabis so those schedule those schedules will pretty much fluctuate so even though it's 10 it you know you might have full time you might have part time and we might have some where it's on a Consulting type basis to be able to accommodate those schedules and hours of operation hours of operation currently downtown have hours from 7 to 10:00 a.m. as far as what if you're one of the bus yeah in the ordinance it listed as 7 to 7:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. for okay 10. yeah I'm sorry so anywhere in between there but our standard hours will pretty much be from 8 to let's say 78 o'clock at night okay and um I noticed that you you you did mention like incentives for employees like a car and other things um what about benefits okay so with Benefits what we're going to do is we're going to look at healthc care and we're going to try to figure out how to make it work we have spoken with the Department um of Labor we were speaking with a Veterans Affairs um we're going to be speaking with Board of Social Services um one of the things it's not just about the people that's working with us some of Trenton's challenges have been housing has been transportation and things of that nature so what we're looking to do is to be able to facilitate with other agencies for example Isles they have the electric cars now so by having one of their kiosks in the taxis right we know Social Services has a to success program so also assisting them with driver's licenses and things like that so those are some of the things by pulling those programs together even if we don't do it we're in a position to be able to Outsource them to an agency that does and give them those references as we find a point of contact that we can send them to but you'll be looking for something in healthcare especially oh absolutely full oh absolutely okay um and I know this you said uh influencers and stuff will they be getting like incentives based on like percentage of sales or things like that or they be on payroll influencers won't be on payroll that's they pretty much will be like contractors it could be something that's promoting something as simple as an event and influencers could be our very own influencers that are here when I when we when we utilize the term influence it it doesn't necessarily mean the multi-million dollar person that everyone looks up to no it's a matter of who has a target market that they also want to educate and we have a good product and they're willing to stand with us and we want them to stand they're willing to stand with us and we're standing with them and finally thank you and finally you mentioned staffing agency um will you be hiring outside of the city of Trenton or or only in the city of Trenton employees I can't say only in the city of Trenton because it all depends on qualifications however we're starting with Trenton first this is this is home I mean you can't go outside of home you got to do home first so yeah thank you very much best of luck thank you thank you so much yes thank you thank you for the presentation um two of my questions have been answered already but one other question I had was um I see that you included Your Potential Partnerships so I wanted to ask have you spoken to your neighbors around in the area and have their support and what's coming there oh absolutely one of one of the requirements with the of the application is everyone within 200 square feet had to been notified we sent out over 140 certified letters introducing ourselves explaining the process and what we would be doing and if they also aware that we would be coming before Council so that way they would have opportunity to also be here if they had any objections or concerns or to be able to call the city at any time in between all those documents pretty much went out between December and January were now in March so they had about 60 to 90 days if there was any questions and not being funny we know Trent and Tren they don't have a problem pick it up the phone if there's an issue so yes thank you so much and thank you I think it's Unique also so best of luck to you also thank you Council woman thank you council president so I don't have a question I just want to really just say this is really a thorough presentation um I really commend you both I love the idea that is one your uh your first page talks about how you are Trenton born um so you are from the city of Trenton and I'm so glad that we have someone from Trenton knowing that they should be and we're worth investing in so seeing your own value because it helps teach those that are coming up behind you I love that you have your little lady here has just blown me away the whole evening long I love the kiosk order um that is absolutely fantastic and the fact that your Rewards program that you have literally breaken broken it down in here so folks understand exactly what you are planning to do I think the hours between 8: am and 800 PM is actually um really great great timing and every question that I thought that I needed to ask you you actually answered it in your presentation so Coos to both of you I wish you the best and I look forward to hearing from and you did have to throw in that Chick-fil-A thing you know you were wrong with that hungry but yeah that type of service that's the kind of service we want and our city not only wants but we deserve so thank you for that thank you so much any other Council people so I just want to say thank you for the very thorough presentation I Echo the sentiments of my colleagues here um young woman stepping up coming to the Forefront helping us to help build the city excited to see it looking forward to see what's to come I love the the um the foresight about the technology with the app like you were saying the pick up and go type thing um the the deal with the parking authority just working it out right thinking ahead of time to see what you can do to help meet the needs of the people um while also taking care of your business at the same time so I wish you the very best looking forward to seeing more from you thank you thank you so much you're welcome have a good evening to Mr Garcia certainly Madam president we've reached the point of public comment um I have the clipboard here we have six individuals signed up for public comment and for the Public Sub public comment is limited to 5 minutes you may address any matter that you wish you may address any matter that you wish and understand that the council is not required to respond thank you first person up for public comment is Deborah Cole and please do state your name and address for the record sure thing my name is Deborah Cole I live at 1126 Lamberton Street I want to thank you for this opportunity to address you at this time um I have one of the properties that borders Hanam Aly and Hanam Al um I support the vacation of Hanam Aly and it's part of the ordinance is it's in your packet 24-19 I trust that Jenna has given you all the information and all the corresponden that we had uh over the past several years regarding the alley but I just want to reiterate a couple of them real briefly since it is on the docket uh when it was open the cars would Zoom down that alley quickly and would not stop before they traversed the um sidewalk making it very dangerous for children and pedestrians who were trying to walk on the sidewalk also there was a extreme lack of maintenance the alley had several large potholes and that when a car or a truck would hit these potholes that it would rattle the house the ground and U Mr Gonzalez's property um the big trucks that would come down trying to save time by cutting through the alley were squeezing through taking down branches of my tree practically hitting Mr Gonzalez's house just to save 10 seconds instead of going around the block um uh very few pedestrians actually use the alley uh drug dealers do find their way uh to hide in there because it's not extremely well lit and some of the ATV riders and the Motorcycle Riders trying to evade the police when they bust them down from riding in the park try to squeeze up through that alley to get away to get away from the police um so the lack of concern for the sidewalk pedestrian speed has made the alley act actually a detriment um in the city as opposed to a benefit so I'm in favor of keeping the alley closed and for the city to vacate Hanam Aly I thank you for your time and consideration thank you Ed El Edo Gonzalez uh thank you good evening uh pretty much she cover everything uh I live in 11 11:32 Lamberton Street I believe in in 1984 uh the AL is too close to the house it's dangerous I'm intain the Ali since I've been living there but H I got to fix it myself it used to be courts oil trucks heavy equipment going through the alleyway my house vibrates it did damage to my shimy in the house has somebody check I had to rely the shimy I can't use it anymore so I just want to thank you for this moment thank you thank you Linda is that Smith Linda she had to leave understood char Charles Charles I don't even know what your last name is thank you sir I like to say good evening everybody my voice is kind of heavy so I'mma turn it down a little bit uh last time I was here was in October and you know I'm G bring you up to speed if you don't remember from before about the demolition of 196 and 202 Pennington Avenue it has been five months since the resolution was approved and I was assured upon the resolution by the director of Housing and economic development that this would be first on the list those properties because they were already made an imminent threat because people were living next to I'm number one living next to one of the properties I'm still getting the same situation from that day to this very day and it's always when it rains whatever separation and whatever going on at the house you know it's an issue to my house and each day that goes by it's causing a water damage mold and that's what's happening in my house right now sh and be before you because it's been five months I mean come on now when you make a resolution you supposed to execute not eliminate and go to other uh projects that's in the city that didn't have a resolution on it I understand the mayor is the key to the city he is the one you cannot put a resolution in place and forget about that resolution and then put something else ahead of that when you got a taxpayer like me that been the owner of the house since 2013 and they're still paid up to this day today okay so my issue is I don't want to keep getting the runaround I have been very nice about this situation I even talked to Mr Beach February the 4th and on the same line with the Mr Carol construction they assured me on the fourth next week we're going to execute and you know what they did more lies and more deceptions this is what I'm getting I don't think it's fair to me as a taxpayer and a person that retired from the city to go through these situations I I know I'm not the only one going through the situation I know the whole city has bigger Pro problems just like mine but when you make a resolution on certain things you have to execute it because now it's a lie it's five months the last time I was here was October the 26 it is March the 7th come on now what what have our city officials doing me and Mr beach I was in his office on the 4th of February okay he assured me like I said the vendor of the contractor Carol was on the three-way line W is come on now don't lie to me because I feel like I'm being you know pushed to the to the side and just give me something to appease me and I honestly I have not messed with the city since they made the resolution I should not be here today it's a waste of my time you know I work very hard I'm still working I'm chief engineer at two hotels in in in Princeton the high in the high place I don't have time to keep coming down here I'm tired I want to go home you know what I mean but I should not have to keep coming here with the same issues that's been five months ago and not one step has been made about demo on these two properties somebody's gonna get hurt I see those kids it's winter month so they're not out there that much at 202 I don't want to hear that we we need public service to do a shut off what the curve let me tell you I know everything about that block between antiarch and Union Baptist Church where my father was the minister at okay so what I'm trying to say is this I don't want to hear public service we waiting for public service because I'm going tell you when 200 Pennington Avenue caught on fire two years ago and almost caught on fire to my house Public Service cut off the gas and the electric and cut the wires to both of those properties at 196 and 202 so don't give me lies and deceptions I'm not arguing with you they're giving me lies and deception about things that I already know about okay and and and it's it's it's Time come on now I mean I mean give me a give me the opportunity and I tear that house down down myself I'm a heavy equipment operator you pay for the dumpsters I tear down in two three days I take two weeks vacation I guarantee you that house will be down to the ground and I'm qualified on all those equipment electrician I'm boiler license black blue seill I'm high pressure boiler I'm I'm I'm HVAC I'm accreditated with the state lead mold I got it all I can tear the house down myself see that was my brother's house and I just wish he didn't let it slip out of or or or OPP with as a family and let the city take that over all I just asking the city I know my time is up what are we going to do about this I mean you you can't get no answers now I'm at the point where now I have to execute I have to go and do what I have to do for the protection of my property and it's getting bad okay thank you sir thank you thank you uh Michael Smith Michael Smith understood for hajia Muhammad did I get that right anywhere near Hada thank you hello um hia Muhammad I'm here in reference to 48 Delaware View Avenue again I don't know if anybody remember me but I was here the same time the last gentleman was here we were here at the same time this is my first time back um the property in question is 48 Delaware View Avenue it has been in my property since the 1960s um the property I I purchased the property in the year 2000 my late husband Harold Williams is a 100% disable veteran from service connected injuries during the Vietnam war we met in 1979 was married in 2008 and it was in 2008 that the property taxes began to fall but I didn't know that um service connected 100% disabled veterans were tax exempt and um I was so busy into taking care of him and I'm a disabled person myself I was in a bus accident back in 1992 um a Greyhound in New York and I was seven months pregnant so I've we've just been trying to take care of each other and um we was just having hard times um the assessor finally did give us our tax exempt sta status but we were just not able to keep up with it and then um I think it was in 20 no cuz we got it in 2015 and then just recently with the last or the next to the last city um you know when they take the houses and for foreclosure whatever I don't know because it was just for taxes it was to a sale and I F that everything to just not get it going away so now it's in the city's hand I spoke to Mr Beach and he said that he could give it to me for a dollar but what am I going to do with it number one is full of our family heirlooms from my grandfather my uncle my aunts my cousins it's it's full of heirlooms my stuff my mom's stuff is just full of things my husband's things notebooks that he wrote I mean I want to get in there and I have the key to it why they lock the doors I have no idea they just boarded them up I have keys oh we can't leave it open but yeah city owns it but I just don't think that the situation was fair and also I am experienced in child care location location location is important Delaware view sits right off of 29 and West State Street for people to go right to work um I ran a daycare for years up in Harford Connecticut back in the back in the 1980s and um I just want to opportunity to save our family's property but they told me I can't do anything from the from Mr Beach he told me working for the mayor that he couldn't do anything without the city council he's like you can't I can't just do this you need he said you know anybody I'm like uh no I don't know anybody down there but he said only through them can I get it so he said we can't just give properties away I mean but I bought the property myself and it's only taken away due to taxes and with that occurring interest I didn't have a mortgage they told me to get a mortgage but I told them I'm too poor for mortgage I miss a payment you take my house and look now they taking it during the taxes so I don't know if it's anything I can do if I don't know what I need advice so if I can get help I would appreciate it um I do want to do a Child Care Program I want to do youth counseling and redirections I want to bring back some double dutch because that's what I remember growing up Hopscotch and even Jacks whatever something to get the children doing different things chess I like chess and to help the children with homework I love the stem programs so we could just you know just focus on the children the youth because it's their future thank you and one more thing I just had my ninth grandchild and we also have our great grandchild who's three and we need something to leave my mom they left things for us and I have nothing to leave to mine I thought I was doing something when I paid cash for the house thank you thank you Madame President we've reached the point of Civic comment and uh okay it is your will which whoever you'd like to start with thank you councilwoman Edwards thank you council president just happened so fast I start it's fine it's fine good evening everyone um I didn't have much to say today anyway but um I do want to comment to you Ma'am about the 48 Delaware View Avenue I do remember when you came to us about this uh when you said that your late husband had passed and you didn't realize that the tax exemption would go away after he was deceased so you know again I'm I'm sorry that that happened but I'm sorry that's misunder tax exemption went away when he passed it was before and we were trying to first of all we spent a couple years not even knowing to file and then when we did file it was late and they just kept putting on um interest fees and interest fees and the interest turned out to be more than the actual tax okay really more interest than anything else and then when I kept trying to get them to give me um an amount I a month to just let okay well I want to talk to you about that and see how we can help you and things because um you know the conversations that you had with them since you've last been here is a little interesting and you know you have your family heirloom and items inside of the house so that's very concerning so we want to make sure that you get the help that you need with at least accessing your personal belongings and let's see if we can work with the city on if you're trying to buy it back it's it was was yours and you know you had some unfortunate situations happen so let's just see how we can help you and I will meet with you after the meeting to collect your information so we can get some resolution with this right all right thank you and um I also wanted to uh address the Pennington Avenue situation uh but he left um so I'll hold my comments on that as well so that brings me to a closing and good to see you all today have a good night thank you councilwoman councilwoman frisbee thank you Council um president so I wanted to address um Miss Muhammad I believe you and I have been interacting via email I believe that that's how you got in touch with Mr Beach is that correct did you and I um frisbee did you get an email from me connecting you with Mr Beach I thought um you were you the one I believe that uh they he said that the house was condemned and it was a safety hazard for you that you would have to that's not the right one I've been dealing with so many so if it's not you then I apologize construction but I had all the pling redone okay I wanted so okay so then I may be thinking of someone else okay um but the one thing I did want to say is we cannot advise you um that's first um that it's not our our place we would get an lot of trouble for that um Mr Beach saying that it's up to us to um whether or not that decision is made um that's something we'll have to look into um as well um I'm glad our councilwoman Edwards is going to look into that I I'm very interested and I'm I I'm prayerful I'm hopeful that you will get your family Heir loans at the very least no one should lose that especially when there was an opportunity to get it those are irreplaceable there there no price that you can put on that so I prayerful that that will actually um happen I want to say congratulations to our cheerleaders they're all gone but I'm excited for um Council Gonzalez that you actually saw fit to acknowledge them they are a sport and they deserve their um accolades so I'm glad that we gave them um just that and also I Mr Lewis he did leave some I will leave that for later on thank you for those who came out about acknowledging the the two for um the alleyway Hannah Aly so um in support of that we always appreciate when the community comes out and pays attention to us on the dockets knowing that this is we're here for you um your voice matters it absolutely does make a difference and what we do and let's see that is that on this I'm excited about um the Cannabis organiz or um The Vault that came before us to have such a young lady young woman here 30 years of age um presenting this who is a Trenton resident that really encourages me and hopefully it will encourage others in our community to invest here in our community that when you learn and you go somewhere and you get your education that you bring it back here and you invest here in our community and our city um I want to thank everybody for coming out this evening including my aid over there I see you miss ANH high thank you so much for being out here thank you to everyone who did come out on this evening I appreciate every one of you including DCA who's out here every um meeting with us appreciate you as well our City's mission statement is recognizing that the people of Trenton have made us made us Guardians of the public trust we are committed to govern with integrity and fiscal responsibility to seek excellence in the city's operations and to serve all the city's people with respect and compassion I thank each and every one of you for coming out here we don't take you or your time for granted thank you madam president thank you councilwoman Gonzalez thank you council president thank you everyone for being present today um just a couple of things I want to say congratul congratulations again to the young ladies who were here um as I stated before you know working with those young ladies they often do not get recognized so I just wanted them to know that we appreciated them and to the captains and co- Captain who spoke um thank you to the vote for their information it was a very good presentation and I look forward to actually reading through it thoroughly um later on today um as far as everyone who came and spoke on your concerns thank you Miss Cole and SE Gonzalez so I wanted them to know that we will be in support and thank you for being present and sharing your concerns with us um to Miss Muhammad councilwoman Edwards um pretty much said what I was going to say if you could just leave your information so someone one of us can actually try to assist you with that we appreciate you bringing that to our attention and to Mr Lewis that left um we've been going back and forth with emails and it is unfortunate that he is being told specific dates and then those dates continue to change and change and change and it's been happening since October so I understand the frustration when you tell someone on a specific day that things are going to get done and then they do do not happen so to Mr Lewis we will continue to um work with him and hopefully get those uh two properties down in a timely fashion um and as we do know we have a lot of buildings we have a lot of U dilapidated buildings that are vacant and are causing issues in other you know to other neighbor to to the neighboring homes around and we have a long list and we're trying to get through all of them so please be patient but again for him to be told specific dates and then they Contin to change is just not unfair to him so thank you again for everyone being present and happy women's history month thank you councilwoman councilwoman Williams thank you ma'am I just want to start off with uh thanking everybody for coming everybody's watching uh online tonight uh it's important that you get to see what we are doing but we also particularly if you come physically to city council we get to hear what going on for you regarding our city and I'm disappointed to hear about what's happening with u Mr Charles on Pennington uh regarding these properties because we were actually pretty excited to be able to pass that ordinance and make it happen hopefully this will get resolved quite soon uh having seen these properties they are in very poor condition um Miss Muhammad um sorry this is taking the length that it is uh for your um situation I'm not a lawyer and any way neither would I try to get offer you advice but I know my colleagues uh who are going to be speaking with you and working with you definitely will do their best and I hope you also get your um family heirlooms and something to pass along to your family having a family served in the military it's very important particularly when you have that connection to service and I know your husband's not with us but i' would like to say thank him to thank him for his service in Vietnam and um for everything he did for our country and uh I hope things will work out and I'm confident that they will ma'am uh so we have some events coming up starting on Monday is the citizens police uh Academy which my colleagues coun president Feliciano and Council vice president janif figeroa kenberg uh took last year and they very much enjoyed and have been um very much protier for it to can encourage others uh so please please if you are available uh want to be an involved citizen or get more involved consider it because it does change your perspective I took it a very long time ago um and it would be good for us to have more citizens take this course so they see what the police are doing and the police get to hear and see what citizens are thinking about how they're doing it it's a good exchange of information as well as uh learning uh this weekend um if if you go to the movies or like movies it's the Oscar weekend so the Trenton Film Society will be showing the Oscar shorts uh in categories of live action documentary and animation at past's theater so please uh find him online if you haven't seen any of these short films a lot of them are very very fun uh some are quite moving and they're usually films from filmmakers that you'll see later on make large much bigger movies that you'll see go for Best Picture Etc but it's something in a city that doesn't have a movie theater to really have have a chance to commune get together with other film lovers and watch uh it's a special moment so please consider attending and then um outside of that I just want to remind folks about this Saturday night is a fundraiser for children's Futures uh with the bathon at marsville lanes and that starts at 8:30 at night if you could please come and support tickets for adults are $25 for children five to 10 they're $10 and uh look forward to hopefully seeing some of you there um thank you very much have a good weekend uh please be safe out there and if you see something that our city needs to improve on or any of our Wards need to proove improve on please do reach out to us uh you can always find us in our email addresses and phone numbers on the city website and it's important because we can't fix something unless we know about it and we're all in this together so thank you councilman Harrison yes I would like to uh first start off tonight um the spring giveaway by the train Police Department U March 23rd 9:00 am to 1M it's Easter baskets complete with perishable and non- perishable items will be distributed at the TR Police Department 225 North Clinton Avenue for more information please email the Community Affairs Shon police.net uh next event is a Community Affairs has a cafe conversation Saturday March the 16th 11:00 a. to 1M at The Orchard House Cafe 1:34 East toover Street with special guest speaker Dr Dey priston from Capital Health um there will be uh free food and beverage you serve get to know First Responders engage in conversation about the community initiatives and events and meet up with friends and neighbors it's uh being sponsored by uh again questions email Community Affairs at TR police.net okay uh my colleague already said about the Police Academy I mean about the uh police uh Citizens Academy which is March 14th through May 16th it's Thursday it's once a week 6:00 pm to 900m at the TR Police Department 2 225 North Clinton Avenue cost is free um applications are available by contacting Community Affairs at TR le.net applicants must be must live in tran be at least 21 years old and have not been convicted of a crime in the last five years um Also regarding um my colleagues we we I I understand what they were talking about abling 24-15 um I would like to have on the record the health department give their input into it also with the rest of my colleagues so it'll be unted on the 19th so we could have a more uh discussion if you go to my um Facebook page I will have a link on there regarding um the diseases that are from the backyard chickens so people can go on there too also here we go the ni the neighborhood Improvement Association March the 23rd we're doing Freeman Lane between Hampton and Chamber Street 9:00 am to 1 pm it's a legal dumping cleanup that's it and I thank everybody and have a blessed evening thank you councilman you're welcome thank you president Council vice president thank you council president hello everybody thank you all for your input this evening um I just want to remind everybody tonight you know there's 9 2,000 residents in the city of Trenton and a fraction of that are city employees and a smaller fraction of that are us Council people I feel like you know we are doing the best that we can to implement change and to answer the calls of our constituents I'm a strong advocate for quality of life um in my constituents in my community in my neighborhood and I just ask I know we ask this sometimes for patience but I really do strongly say you know give us a little bit of heed and give us a little bit of patients because you know when we do um approve a resolutions that come across our de um you know then we do um leave it up to our Administration to now Implement them and there are a lot of services that are needed for our city of Trenton and there are a lot of backlog things that did not get done in previous administrations um previous under previous Council and we are doing the best that we can and we do have everybody's good grace um and and change and and wants and needs um for our taxpayers in mind um Miss Cole and Mr Gonzalez thank you guys for coming and speaking today um as you guys know it was a labor of love um getting Hanam Ali vacated it was partially vacated in the previous under the previous administration under the previous um Council and I'm not even sure if that went before Council to have it done but it had been vacated for several years um and you you both communicate ated to me the need and the want to have that done and I was just I I'm glad that you did and and you you provided all the tools you guys did all your homework all the research and you know when I got a know from Administration first that was not enough for me so I was relentless and I'm glad that I was you know we need these things you guys are are are taxpaying um citizens in the city and you deserve the best quality of life so I am very glad that we were able to get this done um I'm glad that I didn't give up on it I'm glad you guys didn't give up on it and I just want to thank my colleagues for adding it to consent agenda um so that it will be passed so congratulations for that you guys um and to anybody else um in our city you know we are trying to get the things done that you guys need for us to get done for you and it is your right um for us to be able to get those things for you so again thank you guys thank you for your patience I'm asking for continued patience for myself and for my colleagues as we move forward have a wonderful night thank you thank you councilwoman Council vice president thank you everyone for joining us tonight and for being here we appreciate you being here thank you to those that came forward um to speak up about your concerns certainly we do care and take it very seriously um what I do want to say is sometimes we get emails from people and they'll email all of us on the same email course respondents we cannot all respond in that chain because it's a violation of the open public meetings act so no one is ignoring what's happening um it would be easier if when you're emailing you have at least a minimum of three Council people on it to give the option to come back because here's the other thing none of us know who's answering what so if you email all of us you may not see anything from anyone because because no one's going to say well hey I took it or it was me so we don't know what's happening so please don't ever think that we're ignoring let us just all do better um with that process shout out to the cheerleaders from tchs I did say that I graduated from not Dame but I do teach at the high so I'm a tornado um by default right um to the Vault again wonderful young lady coming forward looking to see what happens to Mr Lewis what I wanted to say about that was is that if damage is being caused um to his home by fault of whatever is happening I wonder if that's where that torque claim form would come in to play so maybe that may be something that you may want to tell him that he may want to look into the Tor claim form if things happen um they pick it up in the clerk's office if damages are happening to the property by way or fault of the city because the fact that Mr Beach and everybody said this was going to happen and he has the document saying that it was and it did not then if there's damages happening to his house then he can see them about that with that form possibly so if you're in contact with him that may be something that you might want to let him um look into to Miss Muhammad again I'm I'm sorry for everything that's happening regarding your valuables and I'm sure that my colleague will look into it to see what can be done to help you get your items out of the house as you should have them for the alley um it was our pleas pleasure to go ahead and take care of that thank you for coming forward to speaking on and thank you to CVP figuro kenberg for speaking up um and and what I want to say is I'm glad that all the council people like when we have issues or concerns that our constituents are bringing to the Forefront we have no problem dialoguing and discussing and trying to figure out what's best to do to help Serve the People better and that's what I do love about this council is that when when it comes to serving the people our hearts and minds are in the same place when it comes to that so I wanted to say that um the Trenton Police Academy if you haven't signed up Citizens Academy you should sign up it is a wonderful experience um councilman Harrison actually did graduate at with the last class CVP and I graduated the class before that it was a valuable um a valuable experience that being said I'm done for the evening everybody have a great week um in a wonderful weekend and uh that's it thank you on your call Madam president let us continue certainly uh Madam president we've reached the point of the docket and if you want to ask for a motion to approve Communications petitions and reports yes may have a motion to approve Communications petitions and reports so move Mr roll call councilwoman Edwards yes councilwoman Figo excuse me vice president Figo kber yes councilwoman uh frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried thank you and Madame President if you want to ask for a motion to approve the minutes this evening we have minutes of November 2nd 2023 and the addition um which was circulated minutes for 1221 2023 I have a motion to approve the minutes of 112 2023 and 1221 2023 so moved second thank you councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes ccom Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion Carri can I say something real quick I'm sorry I just want to shout you and your team out um Mr Garcia for pushing through the minutes getting us to where we need to be thank you for your diligence and for the delegation of the duties to your staff to make sure that we are up to Snuff and getting better um to where we need to be to be on point so thank you for that thank you moving on to consent agenda Madam president if you want to ask for a motion for consent agenda that consent agenda consists of resolutions 24-85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 and that will be the entire consent agenda if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve the entire consent agenda consisting of the numbers read by clerk Garcia so move second Madam president yes I have a question on 2488 real quick resolution we have a new version um that was provided to us and I'm wondering what the amendment was um the new version it was provided to tonight versus the one had we put into reading on Tuesday uh that version was received uh this afternoon and there were some I believe there were some thank you Madam president may I yes hi um good evening Council Adam business administrator uh the question regarding 24 um 088 uh yes there was a discrepancy on the resolution um one of them should have been strictly just to allocate the funding for ARP but uh for some reason there was language that made it to that resolution that also stated that we were also award not only were we allocating the funding from ARP but we were also awarding the contract and that and that is not the case and uh the clerk's office actually brought it to our attention and so we amended the portion we edit that the piece where it says that we were awarding the contract on that resolution and then we just made it actually just to allocate the funding from ARP and then 89 is now strictly awarding the contract to gals to purchase the uh the uniform for the fire department so that is the the one change that was made was actually just that do went away with the award yes which was not proper because you cannot do both in one resolution yes so thank you so Mr Garcia yes what happens now I mean they abended I mean this so we had it on the consent agenda we yes we wrote we're going with it now there's this that has been changed do we vote to say we still want to leave this on the consent agenda with the change I believe you can still leave this on the consent agenda um as amended it's not that's not a problem so so Madame President the intent the original intent was was for that resolution to uh to um allocate the funding which was mentioned on the resolution so it really is there's nothing that affects the actual intent it was just removing the language that made we don't know how it made it in stated in the resolution that we're also saying and awarding the count uh the the contract to GS it really is Bly a title at it okay and Madam president president if I may if it's your will it can remain on the consent agenda unless someone else wants to pull it out but that's your call if you want to still include it on the consent agenda okay thank you no does anybody have any problems with it being on a consent agenda no okay so let's continue thank you okay with that being said I believe we had a motion in second for the consent agenda was there any other discussion regarding any items in the consent agenda hearing none I'll go through the roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figero kenberg yes councilwoman fby yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried I believe Madam president if you give me a moment I think we just lost councilman Harrison okay I'd like to just try and get him back oh there he goes and there he is again councilman Harrison hold on one second councilman Harrison are you with us yes thank you I just please stand by one moment I believe we were at uh we are on to the roll call resolution and roll call resolution being uh roll call res resolution 24-8 resolution authorizing the settlement of a worker's compensation claim in the matter of Joseph Muny the third versus city of Trenton claim petition number 2018-1 12054 in the claim amount of $ 59,42520 including attorney fees and costs amen president want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so move second noted roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried on to ordinances ordinances for first reading and introduction we have ordinance 24-16 ordinance amending ordinance 23-25 creating a senior citizen advisory Council by the city of Trenton this is reintroduced to correct errors and Madame President if you want to ask for a motion to approve that yes thank you may have a motion to approve so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-17 ordinance amending ordinance 23- 50 to release vacate and extinguish any and all public rights in into the remaining Port the remaining portion of Baker alley may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes one second one second I'm sorry thank you I just want to point I know Mr har councilman Harrison is not available with us up but um each of the count or my colleagues uh received the map with a highlighted area behind El catador which uh designates the portion of Baker alley um that would be uh covered with this ordinance and it is where the three cars are located uh just off of an entrance on mbery street so it is a minimal portion of land it is not uh where a uh structure was previously created nor is it the entire length of Baker uh alley going towards Spruce Street I just want to clarify that for folks thank you thank you councilwoman Mr Garcia yes uh if there's no other discussion moving through the roll call correct yes I'll go ahead with that roll call again councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-19 ordinance to release vacate and extinguish any and all public rights in a portion of Hanam alley may have a motion to approve so mooved second any discussion we can go to the role certainly roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes C uh councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried and Madame President I believe those are all the items we have at this time for the docket if you want to ask for if there's nothing further if you want to ask for motion to can I have a motion to adjourn so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes and council president Feliciano yes motion carried meeting adjourned thank you