is now um excuse me open a little sick here will everyone please stand up for the um no the call no I'm sorry pledge of Alle no this call oh yes Pledge of Allegiance you will have you will have to forgive me I pledge allees to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I can't see you'll have to forgive me I kept reading roll call instead of call to order so um at this time we will have roll call Yolanda Lopez present Gerald truart absent Jean buoy absent Denise Johnson present Austin Edwards present Jeanie weum present Addie Daniels Lane present Sasa man present Larry trayor present we have a quarum the New Jersey Sunshine Law the New Jersey public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right to the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted on on the rules of this act the Trenton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by publicizing the date time and place therefore posted on the web page the times and the Star Ledger formal action will take place at this meeting our mission statement all students will graduate with a vision for their future motivated to learn continually and prepared to succeed in their choice of college or career I am going to ask for a motion to adopt the agenda with a following addendum person uh from human resources on new hires new hire resend reassignment transfer salary adjustments and stiens I have a so moved second roll call Yolanda Lopez yes Geral truart absent Jean buy absent Denise Johnson yes Austin Edwards yes Jeanie weam yes Addie Daniels Lane yes Sasa mon yes Larry trailer yes motion passed with addendum tonight we have a really special presentation from our children over at Thomas Jefferson but I am going to have our superintendent first give us his remarks and introduce them good evening everyone and Welcome to our Jefferson Superstars glad you're here uh we're so excited this evening to have two groups our uh band and our choir here this evening uh to perform for us and to share thank you for all the parents who came out today in support of the awesome opportunity for our young people to be with us uh so first we will have our band um I need you just as a point of note um these are first year instrumental students so we're excited about building our pipeline [Applause] yes and they've been playing since the beginning of school so under the direction of Marissa grao Marissa raise your hand thank you we are so excited to have a mixture fourth graders fifth graders and sixth graders to join us for the je with uh the Jefferson Intermediate School band performing because of all the snow and the the spirit Jingle Bells okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] la [Applause] [Laughter] and they have have on their Jefferson shirts very nice [Applause] yes we'll give them a minute I think we need a new setup I think this group is standing the choir will stand so we'll move a few things make some space which one next we have our fourth fifth and sixth graders from Jefferson [Applause] choir under the direction of Mr Steve merdian performing do they know Christmas the snow got the everyone back in the spirit of singing holiday songs how about [Applause] that thank you so much congratulations and I want to thank principal Ram tan appreciate you and your team coming out to join us this evening what a great way to always start a meeting for a students to share their success it's really exciting we will continue with the agenda uh just a few more more comments um just a notice uh to the public just wanted to share some information about a uh a new um thing going on in District so we were recently the district was contacted by the EPA the Environmental Protection Agency recently around late November early December uh and they asked about sampling the soil uh we were informed that they have been to hundreds of residents in the nearing area near Grant and near um uh mcnight uh Grant Intermediate School in mcnight elementary school um sampling soil uh as a result of Old Pottery factories in the area uh they're trying to get a reading on potential lead contamination on the soil um the district just as a point of note the district is required each year uh to do lead sampling in water but we don't do it outside in the soil so when we were contacted and ask if we would join uh this effort uh we understood that they have sample close to 150 homes in their sites and they go about two feet below bring the soil up and then they run tests so we're waiting on results right now for the test at Grant and um and at mcnight when the district tests the water we are up toate on our testing uh and have shared that information uh and with the public so I just want you to know this is something new that came our way and we agreed to allow the public the EPA to sample our soil uh and we're looking uh waiting to hear back from them so a couple of things can happen uh we'll be meeting over the next few weeks uh we hope to get the results soon to kind of uh hear about what's happening in our soil in those locations uh if uh for any reason there's a need to take action they take a few actions one is they mitigate or remove uh one is they come in and they bring they they call it separation they separate uh the students from the soil depending on the nature the density of any type of lead if there's nothing they don't do anything uh but once we know we'll take action on those two sites uh the site that's most impacted is Grant um Intermediate School in the back where the big playgr ground is uh and so we don't know any more than that and then U there's a small space at mcnight so we're waiting to to hear about that and at that time we'll make decisions about what will take place next so I just wanted you to know as we get into that work um we are up to date on all of our testing and all of our schools this is an effort that's taking place around the city some of you listening or in this room may have had your soil sample uh and we're grateful to be in this process to make sure everyone's safe so we look forward to working with the EPA uh the mayor's office and this board about next steps in that process uh with that being said we have a presentation this evening um we are starting we're beginning h a presentation we want to do a series one every other board meeting where we come on in for about 10 15 minutes we want to share the work that we're doing with our partners some of the service work some of the resources out there today we're talking about Mercer Street friends in the future we'll be talking about other organizations that work with us provide supports to our children to our schools so we're excited Dr Rodriguez is going to lead this effort uh and the purpose around this is we talk so often about all that we do and I know we're doing our series on uh Community conversations but this is another way to share with the community what we actually do when we say we're connecting with the community how we do that and then how do we grow that long term so I'm going to turn it over to Dr Rodriguez who will share a quick presentation about uh and we have Partners here with us from Mercy Street friends that can just share a little bit about what they do and service they provide to our students thank you good evening president morero Lopez members of the board superintendent Earl members of the public uh tonight I would like to speak about one of our amazing Partners Mercer Street friends and uh I'm joined by the director of Community Schools burnard de trap this evening um like Mr ear said and like we hear that quote it does take a village to raise a child and so this is that part where we really reach out to our Community Partners they are excited to partner with us uh some of our partners exact like Merc Street friends has been have been around for quite a long time and have done a lot of good for us and our students so first off so Mercer Street friends provides a lot of services for instance one is a preschool we about 90 90 of our students attend uh they also provide parenting and Adult Services a food bank food pantries as well Community Schools and last summer they did provide a summer Bri bridge program as well so our preschool um like I said uh uh about 90 students uh children from ages three to 5 years old who reside in the city of Trenton um and currently Mercer Street friends does have uh one school with within our district so parenting and Adult Services and then I'll ask U Mrs Trav if she'd like to uh expand on this but parenting and our Adult Services so this department serves families across the city and Mercer County offering five programs parents as teachers Healthy Families family support and reunification family centered services and adult basic education programs work with individuals and Young families prenatally and those who have children from birth to 5 years old this array of services includes home visiting with families a parent child Center a GED program and a family reunification program that provides parenting education focused on reuniting and keeping children and their parents together across all the programs dedicated and trained staff partners with individuals and families providing case management education and support delivered through lens of trauma-informed care and diversity equality and inclusion simply that good evening everybody um to just elaborate a little bit on something Dr Rodriguez just said many of our families are referred through the division of um Children's Services or or um pediatricians at Birth the hospitals refer families to us but because we have really move to grow our community school initiative at our three schools we are also connecting our families to these Services however these services are open to any family in Mercer County or the city of Trenton that require assistance so um I do believe that Dr Rodriguez I can I have my card if anybody needs to reach out or wants to talk about ways to connect we're always willing to work with the families across the city the food bank and pantries this uh this just expanded this year as well into MLK into Martin Luther King school but this is just from December some of the statistics um so in Gregory the food bank was open seven days again this was December a very short month uh it was open seven days served 72 individual families so it wasn't the same family 72 times but 72 individual families and distributed over 1300 pounds of food the MLK food Bank as you're aware just opened up in December we had a nice big press release there and um an event it was really really nice open for two days so far served 11 families and distributed over 200 pounds so we get this update every month we do have it as well for November October as well so uh I just fit one month in there but um this does we do serve quite a quite a bit of families as well so I'll have uh Miss tra come up and speak a little bit about this as well but right now we have three Community Schools uh Merc stre friends is at Gregory Rivera and M I know some of the writing is a little bit small so I apologize uh but what does a community school really entail um so really simply put a community school is a strategy for organizing the resources of the community around Student Success so simply put is how do we get all the resources around in our community and channeling them to our students and to our families so each one of these sites does have a site coordinator that works directly with the principal in each one of these schools and the students so up there there is a on the left SES there are direct supports so these are inside the school site coordinator there's a case manager a full-time counselor a reading interventionist uh summerbridge program at each one of the schools there are a dependence initiatives celebrations school-based pantries and Family Resource Centers as well as indirect supports Afterschool enrichment M Hill therapeutic services there are also Health supports dental vision physical as well as Youth Development programming and Community Saturdays so I I'm going to start off by saying that Rivera when it was a middle school and I was the principal there was the first Community School in Mercer County and we are happy that we've continued this trend here in Trenton um upon retirement I left to go work with Mercer Street and we have grown so the site coordinator is actually a required position by the um National Community School um Coalition however we do much more than just provide the site coordinator we provide a case manager at each Elementary School two at the middle school because it's larger just like everybody else we're struggling to find somebody who speaks Spanish because middle MLK needs somebody who speaks Spanish so we're in the hiring process um we struggled with finding counselors to service our students therapists so we're in the process of Hiring Our Own full-time counselor who will be bilingual to help service our schools but we do partner with mhill who does provide Counseling Services on site we as um Dr Reggie said we have a reading interventionist we had two wonderful celebrations last year so we have three retired Trenton teachers that work at each of the elementary schools and provide reading intervention to students they work side by side with the principal and the student and the teachers at the schools and they're more or less an additional staff to support them however they can um we utilize the programs that we were asked to utilize we were asked to utilize um leveled literacy intervention so we had our staff trained in that and that's what we utilize we just had our staff trained in Dr so that we can assess the students at the same time as the district is making sure that everything is aligned with what you're doing uh additionally we know attendance attendance is problematic it has been prior to the pandemic exasperated due to the pandemic so we do our best to provide supports and initiatives at the schools to give reasons to come to school attendance campaigns Awards treats we even look at ways to support the parents by giving the parents something um we were giving out Wawa gift cards to the parents whose children had perfect attendance for the first marking period and a lot of celebrations are big thing as um Dr Rodriguez said were the pantries we opened a pantry at each of the two um schools in the fall we will open um Rivera schools Pantry um March the 1st we believe is the date we've worked with Dr Russo on that our goal is parents come because they need the services they need the food it's a choice Pantry they come in and take what they need they don't have a limit to how often they can come they can come weekly if they want but they come they take what they need from us but our goal is that once we get them in the door we then are able to form a relationship of trust and then we can start connecting them to those other services that they so greatly need but are sometimes not sure what they need or not sure how to ask for help so these are the things we do as well as partnering with all these great people like milh Hill Henry J Austin Kinder Smiles just to name a few task and Homefront these are all of our partners that we work very closely with thank you and then the summer bridge program uh it was at two sites at Gregory and MLK as you can see from Gregory 70 students and there was growth we can get deeper into what that means but there were significant growth in ela and math as well as in ml with 60 students uh there were uh there was growth as well as in ela and in math uh the program lasted one month July 5th to August 5th so four weeks and so this is just a small overview of what Mercer Street friends at no point is this an exhaustive list and just like Miss trap said uh everything that Mercer Street friends does is aligned to what we do in District at no point do they Veer off they use tra informed care they used lli just like we do as well so this is a support that works together to really build our capacity thank you very much and if you have any questions or comments I I just wanted to um applaud our district and and uh applaud Mercer Street friends for the partnership uh with our district and trying to help our kids um you know I I worked a long time in the community and I think the community has amazing resources that our kids can benefit from and I also wanted to highlight what you said that you don't just come in and do this you work in Partnership and you take the time to know what it is we are working with our kids on and and you know put that in your programming so I really just want to thank you for the work that you're doing with us um I also wanted to say um thank you for the work and thank you for your partnership but I had a question about the pantries um is there a set schedule um is it open once a week on Fridays or how does that work so yes but the pantries at each school is open twice a week it's open one morning and one late afternoon um if there are School events it opens for the events Gregory has Community Saturdays so it's open every Community Saturday um it's open back parent conference evenings it's open if there's a parenting event at night excuse me um none of the pantry times overlap so if a family needs something that week and they're they can't get to the pantry at their school they can go to another school to the pantry and our goal eventually is to open it to the community but we want to take baby steps because we're not not quite sure as you can see in the month of December we weren't open as much as we could have been and it was unbelievable so we want to make sure that we don't set ourselves up for failure so we're going slowly we're working out the Kinks which is why we've opened them in two to three month intervals and we've learned from each one so yes they there is a schedule um I can certainly email um to Jane if you want I can email you the schedules of all the pantries that you can share with the board if you'd like you know okay thank you yes I have a a quick question thank you again for the information um we do know that it's difficult for children to learn with their needs outside of school right so we understand that so thank you again for the information but I just had a quick question the summerbridge program what type of program is that again I I may have missed it so it's actually a summer program um we run Monday every Friday fulltime students get breakfast when they come in we have academic instruction in the morning lunch snack and then enrichment in the afternoon we hire Trenton Public School teachers as our instructors so the principal at the school hires their teachers they they pick bring the kids on board they hire their teachers we also hire um Trenton Central High School students as counselors that work alongside the teachers and different Community vendors that might have an arts program that we're interested in and then we take a trip once a week and I have one second I have a second question the three schools where these programs are Gregory Rivera and MLK is there a reason why you're at these specific schools like are there like specialized needs at these specific schools no um Rivera started when I was the principal because there was a meeting and went to the meeting and I expressed an interest MLK come on came on board because when I retired we had the different structure and 90% of MLK's students fed into Rivera Middle School so that was a beautiful feed we didn't want to abandon the schools just because the district restructured okay and Gregory school really came on board prior to um principal Harris um at that time the teachers were very vocal in the need of something in their school and they had been former teachers of mine at another school so they kind of went to Mercer Street themselves and advocated on behalf of themselves till Mercer Street said okay let's go so you know we're working closely with the district on talking about ways to expand we don't have to be the only game in town we're willing to work with others um as a technical adviser on how they can do the work but we do see the need to bring these services to the schools okay I just wanted to make one of comment um I'm not sure if we could have access to any type of data which would show the type of impact you're having within the schools so yes I collect what we call touches data on all the things children participate in and their parents participate in you saw just a sampling of the pantry data right um also we um keep track of we run different attendance initiatives so we track that data I track reading intervention data as well as pre- and post assessment for summer program so you just need to let I guess Dr Rodriguez know what you want and I'll put everything together for you thanks Bern trap appreciate you a retired School administrator here in the city of Trenton Tren public schools and continue to work with mer Street friends for many many years after your retirement your dedication to our district and to our community is overwhelming supported by this board and certainly by our community in Trenton um I see you I see some of your colleagues I see Bernie Flynn I believe hey Bernie how are you good to see you um and all and your team your team is here can you introduce share your introduce your team as well so yes two of my team members are here because just like any other organization we look to build from within so we're looking to develop leadership wise so we have the um site coordinator from Gregory Elementary School Mr Niguel Johnson is here here who has done a wonderful job at Gregory and we have our coordinator of school based pantries and Family Resource Centers who has put this whole Pantry thing together for us this year and that is Miss Kayla Taylor thank you thank you so much we appreciate this presentation we appreciate appreciate the Partnerships that you have been able to establish with our community and we hope that this will spread to all other schools and thank you to everyone who has made this possible at this moment I'm going to have our committee's chairs um give their reports and we'll start with my vice president here General truart hey how are you all right thank you uh terms of our our policy committee uh we did not meet uh this particular month um in in January but we plan to meet next month uh we plan to look at uh continuing um our review of our Strauss estimate review beginning to set that up for stra estimate to review our overall policy we've been last review we have was about four or five years ago so we're due for another review stme will conduct that review also we're looking to uh approve regulations in February uh from our superintendent and then also we like to continue to look at the facilities policy review we have put this on the agenda on our committee agenda last year didn't get a chance to get to it but we'd like to get to it this year and um we looked also to continue our review of our policies both our policy and our regulations as we continue this year remainder of this year uh through June of 2024 in terms of our community engagement uh happy to say that our community conversations are going very very well uh we had a committee meeting on January the 9th uh we met and we had a conversation about the success that we've had the first half of the year with our community conversations in many of our schools uh we also discuss that this was the first we had a a zoom um Community conversation on the 17th we had about 20 participants there and I had an opportunity to speak one of participants at the MLK event at the higher region uh C the SE M mentoring program MLK award drum major award ceremony um Miss Gordon and she was very very um thought was very very informative she learned a lot and she's going to take that back to her her PTO at Gregory school and share information about what she learned from our business administrator Jane Howard and her team of course a superintendent doing a great work with us with Jane Howard and the team in the business office on the facilities uh area of our five-year strategic plan it's a great presentation and if you missed that presentation I believe we did record that presentation so there's an opportunity to take a look at that presentation great great job by all of her team members uh presenting and it had an impact because Miss Gordon is taking that back to her PTO at Gregory school that's is one example of how this information can spread and and can be shared with our community and we're looking forward to more Community conversations that's our goal for this year as a community engagement committee uh to get out to our community and share the great work of our district through our leadership team with our our leader Mr James Earl and getting feedback from our community getting feedback from you ideas letting you know what the work that's being done many of the questions that are being are asked sometimes superintendent we have this conversation is what are you guys really doing and this is a great opportunity for for not only the senior management team and the leadership of the district to share what's happening in The District in terms of where we are in our fiveyear strategic plan we're in our third year but also to receive feedback from our community members um and this I believe is going very very well and we continue to continue to look to plan this out remainder this year and I believe the superintendent is also looking to continue this continue these Community conversations not only on the fiveyear Strategic plan but other areas that may be of interest to our community want to learn more about our district um so you'll be able to share in those Community conversations maybe other uh topics of interest that you have about what's happening in our district that you want to hear about um and I'm sure superintendant will take that under advisement back to his team and then come back forth with a conversation around those particular topic or areas and subjects that you may be interested in um so we're looking forward to a future great future in this year and I thank you for the time thank you so much aome perfect on behalf of the uh HR committee uh the report we met last week uh and went over uh plethora of different uh Creations abolishment like things that are happening in the district right uh there are two things I specifically want to highlight right and I say this uh fairly often uh that we really want you Community member to be a part of the Great work that we're doing here in the district right and um a few of the things that we actually talked about right you know some of the incentives to bring people in um first of all we uh uh have a lot of help with uh getting people in right first uh even if uh you still have one or two things that you're missing to qualify for a specific position we're happy to you know bring you in train you up so you can be ready uh for that position right I know um I want to highlight the superintendent HR uh director shrell Toller right for uh really pushing especially over the summer right and it's an ongoing conversation of getting people in the door right and then working with you to make sure that you can excel at the position that you're coming in uh also we uh assist you with paying for your uh credits continuing education right we always give um some type of uh payment for that longevity right being with the district for a period of time give you stiens for that um let's not forget you know this wonderful thing called a pension that happens here in New Jersey right you know always a great incentive uh to come not just into the district but you know throughout the state uh the steps the salary adjustments like there's a lot of things that we have going on to continue to make sure that people can come in can get a well-paying job and really benefit our children here in the district so you know that's that's one thing I specifically wanted to highlight and towards the end of the report I also wanted to highlight this uh uh additional position this job description that we have of walking school bus drivers right it's saw the presentation with uh Mercer Street friends um and that is one of many conversations just like this position where it really is community coming together and helping out our kids right specifically we're reaching out to community members parents all right uh business owners right those who are around in the neighborhood right giving them the opportunity paid opportunity up to $25 an hour right to uh essentially walk with our kids right pick them up you know on various Corners right make sure that they get to school safely all right create a team in place to make sure that if something happens you know along the Route they can reach out to the police or some someone else that can uh authority figure right that can make sure that they're safe right these are specific community members who are going to lead this effort and this is something that again I'm very proud of the district superintendent um and a lot of other uh thought leaders uh for making something like this happen right it really takes all of us to come together to uh solve the problems that we have in our school and I think these are uh some incredible ways of doing it so some of the things I just want to highlight in the HR report uh excited for the work that we're going to do in this year thank you um we did not me it um in governance so I will pass on to to uh Miss Addy Lane for curriculum because we did not meet for facilities either so uh good evening the um curriculum committee um did in fact uh meet on uh Thursday um January the 18th um and at this particular meeting we reviewed and discussed um special education concerns we talked about the extended um school year uh excuse me the extended school year program that's being developed to service our special needs students uh we talked about the eligibility criteria of being um reviewed and also compensatory services that will be offered um during that particular um program in addition we talked about um transition services and um how they're handled for um our special needs students as they look to complete um their K to2 education how do we support them in terms of transitioning um out of again the K to2 educational setting um additionally we reviewed the proposals that are listed on the agenda and many of those proposals ltic support social emotional development for students as well as um self-enhancement uh there's also proposals for professional learning for staff there is um there are a number of programs that will support um attendance activities and um also there was an extensive list of uh student study trips um to museums libraries science centers um parks and zoos and it was also staff travel so that staff could continue professional learning um we also discussed expanding the mcra hill um programming for older students in terms of literacy development and um we talked a little bit about the Trenton literacy um movement and um its uh progress and uh assessments and so uh those are the things that we discussed at the curriculum meeting that was held again on uh January the 18th so thank you for that thank you um going on to public participation the Trenton Public School District welcomes the attendance and comments from all members of the public at his meetings this public comment period is your time to be heard on any school or School District issue that a member of the public may feel is of concerned to the residents of the school district each person who signed up will have five minutes to comment you will be notified when your 5 minutes are up you cannot yield your time to another person when it is your turn to speak please address all of your comments to the board president please conduct yourself in a respectful and courteous manner for anyone whose comments or actions either harass intimidate or threaten the safety of any person we will provide you with a warning or immediately end your comment time also if you curse use volder language or make personal attacks we will provide you again with a warning or end your comment time comments that adhere to these guidelines will not be interrupted if you have any questions please ask your question during your 5 minute comment period after the public comment period is closed the board superintendent or design will address your questions to the extent provided by the law we also ask that members of the public not interrupt the speaker during their public comment time at this time I would ask that althia Duncan please come up uh good evening board member superintendent Earl and members of the community I just want to address something Austin I loved your update however we don't offer longevity anymore we have not offered longevity in over 15 years the longevity that you see on the agenda are people that are grandfathered in I started in 2005 and I don't have longevity even though I've been here for 21 years so maybe on that committee if you think about bringing it back we might be able to retain and attract some people because our fellow districts um in the community still do have longevity for new and incoming people all right I'm up here to address something that I bought up last month unfortunately my member that I um talked about last month that worked in the summer in August um she worked 20 plus hours she has still not been paid I have been reaching out to the individuals on the leadership team frequently to get it addressed and I just want to talk about a conversation that was had on last week or the week before last where I was told by an individual on the leadership team that my member would be on the board agenda this evening my member is not the board agenda this evening what is on the board agenda this evening is a revision to the resolution of the grant that the member was trained for over the summer upon not seeing my member's name on the agenda this morning I called an individual from the leadership team to ask why that member told me it was definitely on the agenda let me go to another member on the leadership team to confirm that that leadership team member went to the office of the other leadership team member on speaker and said toia is on the phone and her member is not on the agenda that person was adamant that it was on the agenda and as I stated before what is on the agenda was the revised resolution on the finance agenda I then explained to the individual that having the grant approved on the finance agenda does not mean that my member will be paid because my member needs to be listed on the HR side of the agenda that member then begin to say things such as do what you have to do grieve me then if you're going to file a grievance if you're going to talk about me etc etc do it now I know we cannot identify people but let me just Clearly say this person knows how board agendas work this person knows that if someone is to be paid they have to be on the HR side and it does not matter that you put whatever you put on the finance side I know the board members know that we have been working collaboratively when we have issues we try to work them out how is it fair that my member has been owed $810 since August and this person that makes 175,000 plus is going to say grieve me deal with it I will say for one of the the other member of the leadership team said to this person that means we won't be able to put her on until February which means my member will not receive payment for service is render in August until March how is that acceptable well I guess when you make 175,000 plus $810 to you doesn't seem important but for my member who has not received a raise since 20 2021 I think it's rude unprofessional for that person to speak to a union leader that way and then says grieve me because it goes directly against what superintendent Earl stands for as well as what the board is saying that they want in our relationship if you would like to know the two individuals that I speaking to about when you guys retire to Executive session please come see me I will be on road two have a great night thank you at this moment we will be having um board member comments board members in that case I ask for a motion to approve the board uh the consent agenda with superintendent's recommendations on teaching and learning Human Resources finance and facilities and the HIV report so moved second I'm sorry uh Yolanda are we uh Madame President are we also looking to approve the previous agenda and minutes for the January 4th 2024 Are We There Yet yes okay um did you want to discuss something no no I have to Asain from that so I just want to be clear where we are okay thank you okay roll call oh my Yolanda Lopez yes Gerald truart yes Jean buoy absent Denise Johnson yes but yes I'm just abstaining from approving the minutes and agenda from the January 4th 2024 reorganization Medias Austin Edwards yes jeie weam yes but abstaining from anything related to Grant School Eddie Daniels Lane yes Sasa mat yes Larry trailer yes motion passed thank you whereas the open public meetings act codified as njsa paragraph 10 colon 4-6 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances and whereas the trentton board of education is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist is indicated as follows any material considered confidential by federal law state statute or Court rule any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiations to which the board is or may become a party to and any matter falling within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required to preserve the attorney client relationship and allow the attorney to exercise his or her ethical dut duties as a lawyer on the matters captioned as invoices in the amount of $1,580 50 the Trenton housing authority and update on negotiations now therefore be it resolved by the Trenton Board of Education County of Mercer state of New Jersey then an executive session will be held on January 22 2024 for the statuto L permissible purposes indicated in this resolution be it further resolved that action may be taken by the board when it reconvenes an open session be had finally resolved that the minutes of the executive session with regard to the above subject matters shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved no longer adverse to the public interest or does not endanger any individual's right to privacy may I have a motion to go into executive session so move second roll call Yolanda Lopez yes Gerald truart yes Jean buoy absent Denise Johnson yes Austin Edwards yes Jeanie weam Addie Daniels Lane yes Sasa mat yes Larry trailer yes motion passed we will journ to ex session I'm sorry I didn't hear