public like the time do they have your sign of it come you been good I'd be dead if it wasn't for Mo m I know what okay the chair above the you know you know you a little person looking above the the dashboard yeah I'm chairs don't let to roll sure sometimes is phone call way oh okay good okay the meet the meeting of the township of Union planning board Thursday June 27 2024 is call on a session m r r would you please recite the sunshine laws pursuing to the open public meetings La notice of this meeting stating the time in place was Satisfied by the filing of an annual notice with the local source and the Star Ledger newspapers of General circulation within the township of Union and posted on the bulletin board of the township of Union municipal building roll call please mran Mr East here Mr Lee here M esposa here Mr Miller here M Perkins here committee woman Frasier here committe Bowser here Mr fr here M Conan here chairman Johnson here okay we have a quum uh for all business I'd like to have a motion to approve the minutes of the April 25th 2024 meeting so move second second roll call Mr East yes Mr Lee yes Mr esposa yes Mr Miller yes M Perkins yes many woman I'm sorry ER yes Mr fr yes M con yes chairman Johnson yes okay now for n oh and um roll call please oh you did the roll call already I knew that um all right I'd like to call up uh watch Young developers LLC Mr Hil Mr you and I discussed before meeting we do have a letter from the engineers recommending that uh we adjourn the matter to the July 25th 2024 meeting if we just look they Engineers believe we should allow the police and fire departments enough time to prepare the written reports I think you have a copy of it yes they were kind up to send me a copy of that letter yeah what's your position on that please well again it's certainly within the board's prerogative to uh to do that uh I think I had mentioned I mentioned it to Phil and Council you know we're not requesting Aur we're not extending the time period but the board's still within their 120-day time period so we'll see you we'll uh I did reach out to fire um waiting to hear back from fire and police to get their their comments on the plan and I'm sure we'll have it before the next meeting so okay yeah I'm inclined to to Grant the adjournment only because it's police and fire we really have the public safety concern we want to make sure that we're on the same page here as we discussed certainly within the board's prerogative all right I'd like to have a motion that the application 2024 as04 recommendation watch like developers be adjourned to the next board meeting July 25th 2024 so moved second second roll call please Mr East yes Mr Lee Yes esposa yes Mr Miller yes M Perkins stain m rer yes Bowser yes Mr fr yes M Conan yes chairman Johnson yes thank you Mr H my pleasure Mr Russell I understand uh sorry oh we did chck PL now do we do check Bo okay we do a mo pardon me for a second uh there's a resolution for the Chick-fil-A resolution understand that uh we we do a approve the resolution can I have a motion please so move second second roll call Mr East yes Mr Lee Yes esposa yes Mr Miller yes M Perkins yesc Fraser Bower yes Mr fr yes M con Johnson okay um if any of you are you here for anything else that we have a large audience here this so are you okay so you you know we're not going to be hearing that today and I don't I don't want you keep if we don't have to just okay all right Miss Russell it's your turn good evening everybody um again my name Russell iing and asked to prepare a reexamination report for Township and along with it are some zoning Cod amendments are separate items on your agenda but I will next take time of questions in between the two but I want to stress that the two are related to each other you as we go the process so again um I was asked by the township to U prepare a master plan reexamination report um you're all probably familiar with con of Master vision and kind of guiding principles for how you want to move forward with your policy with your land use and so forth on the municipal New Jersey m La requires that towns prepare a master plan at least once every 10 years but you're entitled to update it as often as you feel necessary more years and in fact your most recent master plan aded in 202 so about three years ago um when it's um when the township is contemplating policy changes or zoning changes in order to remain consistent with the master plan we at ream it so that we're consistent ACR all platforms um the municipal land use law does have five um elements that are required within a master plan reexamination um just briefly it is that we need to look at what problems and objectives existed at the time of the PRI master plan how those have changed um the extent that there have been changes in the assumptions and policies locally um recommendations or changes that we um recomend and if there is anything regarding Redevelopment plans that we need to discuss um the scope of this particular reexamination rather than a broad scope which is how we usually deal with these on a increment when it's done in shorter increments there's there's usually specific reasons and so the focus and the scope is more concentrated for the the reexamination that we've done now um this includes modifications to the NC zoning District uses modifications to the transit oriented and commercial industrial district boundaries and modifications to allow the potential for signage on Municipal Lots 22 and I'll go all those as we go through this presentation um so one of the first I that the mpal land use La requires us to address is the objectives related to Land Development that were in effect at the time of the last master plan and how those have changed why we're doing this now um I highlighted in the next few slides text that is important to this discussion um so I will concentrate on that text um there is a goal within the existing master plan to support desirable development beneath that goal there is an objective to identify zoning ordinance improvements that can respond to changing economies and Market demands for the purposes of this reexamination that objective remains with the modification to expand the C Zone and uses in the NC Zone again I'll get that more detail as we go along there's also an objective um to limit incompatible residential uses Loca in non resal areas outside of downtown or neighborhood centers which would generate adverse impacts to Traffic Safety thats to be modified to remove and characteristics in the downtown transition and downtown there is also a goal to streng downtown C by encouraging a mi of non resal and resal uses that provide opport servic and entertainment thats modifi instead of to in the and transition what I mention and devel St again the of that remains but is modified and clarified to refer and transition station so what are the changes in in assumptions we're refocusing residential mixed use development as I've been saying to the downtown and the downtown transition rather than scattering it throughout the NC District as well this effort will help us support um this change will help us support ongoing efforts to revitalize down down transition so we can have a more like I said a more focused effort on those areas and allow the other um neighborhoods of Union to um to be more single use in character so what are we recommending within the neighborhood core District we are recommending um currently it allows a mix of residential housing types and numerous commcial we are recommending that the zoning District regulations be revised to eliminate the residential uses and any corresponding bul adjustments resulting from that um as as it relates to signage um we are recommending that the township explore the opportunity to install signage on Township owned properties along Route 22 that based on size and geometry in other words they're probably like really or fny shap where you couldn't really even get a building on them um to have those um consider using them for Township signage um this may require zoning and code amendments but that is for a future analysis we're just setting the stage now for that potential um also as it relates to the T and C resoning these two zones are next to each other um you can see on the map that um that is on the screen I've circled two Parcels that are currently um in purple and that means that they are currently Zone to um theay Parcels beside them in the that are in kind of like a square shape right now those are zones um c um the purple Parcels that are circled um are currently used beverage distribution do distribution and so forth so in other words the current zoning on the ground this current zoning does not match what's happening on the ground um and in order for those Parcels to continue operating as conforming uses and also look at the potential for um cannabis uses we um we recommend resoning those as CI to match their adjacent operating as they are today zoning Amy Des thank you Mr questions from the board um just just one question just to establish for the record um as you did mention cannabis related use for the CI Zone the CI Zone perms cultivation and Manufacturing but it does not permit retail that's correct I should have I should have been more explicit about that yes thank you very much yes any other questions from the board you continue okay so I'm going to move on to the second portion of the presentation which is the zoning amendments um there are the last zoning code that you had was adopted the last amendments that we talked about for 2023 the new amendments that I'm bringing forward to you tonight are both in response to the reexamination that I just spoke to you about and also in response to some kind of straggling requests that um that just sort of been lingering improvements to the code that that have been requested and I'm kind of bundling them all together for the purposes ofcy um specifically um we're going to talk about addressing the NC zoning which I just presented to you will be the C math Amendment which there's not much code text there's not any code text to amend that would be a math Amendment and then miscellaneous other amendments requested this includes regulation of massage and body Services regulation of body tatto businesses prohibition of methodone clinics and the prohibition of parking utility trailers some of these are really just administrative type changes sake of transparency as it relates to tattoo parlor um I have included language to regulate as a conditional use um limiting them to the corridor commercial Zone on Route 22 um there was some concern in UN about the potential of them going into your downtown area and that was not um desired and so this language will allow only um along the Route 22 Corridor um there's also a separation distance so that between body art establishments AKA they need to be from one another so you're not going to see a whole cluster of them in a single Sho CER method clinics um very simple we we wrote some language tooh does allow the prohibition of this use um and it was requested that that be included in the union code um the neighborhood core Zone amendments which is what we spoke about with the master plan reexamination um first and most um administratively the current NC zone is in the subsection of mixed zones and as we are eliminating the mix of the Zone we need to relocate that aod to a commercial subsection and correspondingly I have eliminated the text allowing resal uses and within the bu standards for the Zone I have also um eliminated the density requirement because density only pairs with residential uses so it is no longer relevant that will text and the table and the table all mass body work there um was concern about what might actually be happening in such establishments um the state regulates these through health code um and so what I have done is I created a new section of code not within the so it is actually not something that this board would be hearing nevertheless um there will be a new section in the code that is copy and pasted from state regulations um and therefore I was able to put language in the zoning code that references to that to the um other part of code and says You must comply with this you must be licensed you must be inspected um otherwise you are not a legi so that is how we are um making sure that the massage and body work therapies that are provided are legitimate and are on the up up uh Kristen yes that ordinance was introduced this past to just St night thank okay thank for ility trailers this comes at the request of your zoning officer um there is current um as one is currently prohibited from parking trailers on residential lots the language in the code however I think says something like recreational trailers or some something that refers to the towing of boats and the towing of um bikes and campers and this sort of thing and um there was there was a loophole to be found and we have closed that loophole um by adding language that say um in residential districts the parking of trailers and black beds such as those used for moving or hauling of equipment and materials shall be prohibited so that was just a like I said a loophole that we are closing um to make like a little bit easier for your zoning officer that is the extent of the Amendments um they are scattered throughout the code um and um I think address many of the requests that have come um to over several months in terms of tweix up to but I'm happy clarification on any of those questions from the board questions from the public please come up yes sir it's right just identify yourself in your address please so DOI um resident in the largman state area um when you mentioned the massage parlor um you didn't clarify whether or not that was going to be limited within the Route 22 area is that going to be pretty much anywhere they could put these it's it's anywhere I mean the fact of the matter is that um although it is not in the code right now any any practitioner providing Massage Therapy Services is subject to state law and we're just codifying that now within our own code are we not able to do then the same thing that we did for the tattoo parlors and be able to also keep them out of our residential area so massage so massage parlors are not a use Mass therapy can take place in all kinds of places in physical therapist office they take place in hospitals they take place in salons and spa and those uses depending on the use that it is operating under would would inform where it can happen so if it's happening in a medical office any Zone that allows a medical office can can provide that and I um I'm not sure that I can't think off the top of my head what what zones allow off um same goes for personal service establishments um if there is a um beauty salon for example that is allowed in a variety of commercial zones I think it's probably I think there I think it's allowed in uh quter commercial neighborhood commercial downtown cor and down transition no understood I just wanted to see if there was some leeway to be able to limit the location but if you're saying there's not I guess there's no question on it a resal Zone already does not allow offices or Services it'll fall in the same group understood understood thank you ma'am questions from the public okay M Russell thank you very very much you're welcome all right I'd like to hear a motion to refer master plan reexamination to the township committee so so moved second I'll second that roll call Mr East yes Mr Lee Yes esposa yes Mr Miller yes M Perkins yes Frasier yesan Bowser yes Mr fr yes M con yes chairman Johnson yes thank you M Russell thank you have a good evening you too uh next new business 45 Green Lake Park improvements good evening members of the planning board uh my name is dve mello I'm general counsel to the Union County Improvement Authority uh we're here this evening on what's commonly referred to as a courtesy review uh we're here to uh advise uh the township of uh improvements uh focused on the development of a passive park at Green Lane Park um in that Park it's which is roughly a 5 acre Park uh there's going to be uh a a Trail Loop a walking trail um there are no structures being built other than some um uh sports equipment um Outdoor Equipment um and uh but to explain the project in more detail I have with me this evening uh Mr Matthew znra from CME Associates um he is the engineer on the county project um and he is here to provide an overview of the project for the planning board with your permission thank you sir Mr Zing will you please raise your right hand swearing the witness please do you swear to testimony you about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth please identify yourself for the record please sir my name is Matthew a professional engine and manager C Associates okay Council please proceed question uh Mr zra uh how are you uh you mentioned you're an engineer is that correct and are you the engineer specifically on the uh County project at Green lanee Park okay and um I understand that you have prepared uh some blowups this evening to uh Aid you in the uh presentation of this project is that correct okay and um if you could at this time take us through the improvements at Green Lane Park thank you I believe we do have handouts if we have some technical difficulties yeah all right might want to oh that's complete thank you old Mr chairman is this acceptable this location for you yes I I recommend that you mark it as an exhibit okay thank you I also recommend that since we have hard copy it might be appropriate for the public so can be absolutely may be hard but I think it would be poite thank you because we do have a absolutely and Mr chairman with your permission I'd like to mark this as exhibit a so order thank you Mr s please feel free to explain the project this time thank [Applause] you 5 Lan Lan 301 Mr Z gra I'm sorry to stop you but I believe your microphone is off and I believe the better sorry thank you please continue it's okay [Music] thank you just uh repeating what I said earlier the project is located on block 301 lot 2.01 um also known as 545 Green Lane uh the park is located immediately to the south of the um Kennedy reservation also County uh County own Park um just ating it in reference to some of the other improvements in the neighborhood there is the union y directly to the South I think as mentioned previously there's a door distribution warehouse located immediately to the north and on the opposite side of Green Lane I believe is the uh Elizabeth Town Gas offices uh the site is currently zoned as open space Recreation zone so the proposed use is consistent with the um with the township zoning um I brought with me today exhibit I believe we've marked it exhibit a exhibit a uh which is a color site plan rendering of the proposed improvements to the site uh just going over briefly the existing condition of the site um it is a 5 acre vacant site um predominantly wooded it's bisected by a tributary of the uh Elizabeth river which terminates in a culvert on the south end of the site uh the area of the site surrounding the stream which which you see on the um exhibit as a darker green color are predominantly Wetlands um in total about 60% of the property is actually encumbered by Wetland so it's limited to a to a decent extent what can actually be developed on the site within uh the D's freshwater wetlands regulations um the Western portion of the site closer Green Lane is approximately 15 ft um higher in elevation than the lower Wetland portion of the site um currently that portion of the site is occupied by several rather large debris piles um old piles of construction debris remnants of other um just fill that have been dumped on the site over the past decades um moving on to the proposed improvements on the site uh the focus of this project was to develop a passive use for the site identifying that given that such a you know predominantly the site is encumbered by Wetland so it's you know relatively Limited in what we can do on the site and we thought that would make best use of the site to um utilize it for for more passive improvements um so what we're proposing is a approximately uh 2,200 ft long network of Walking Trails um as you can see on the exhibit marked in the it's more of the brown color that makes a ring around the center of the site that's proposed to be an 8ot wide um slightly elevated uh Timber Boardwalk that's elevated above the watland so it actually wouldn't result in any direct disturbance of those of those areas themselves when I say elevated Boardwalk it's not going to be five or six feet off the ground it's really only going to be you know a foot to I believe maybe three feet Max off the ground just to make sure we can comply with all Ada standards for slopes um anywhere where the boardwalk is elevated more than 2 feet we'll be providing guard rails and handrails just to protect the public and any areas where the uh Boardwalk is elevated between Zer and 2 ft we'll still be providing a uh tow curb around the outside to make sure anybody that's utilizing the board walk with a wheelchair or while they're walking isn't going to inadvertently fall off the side of the uh of the boardwalk uh moving over to the Eastern portion of the site which is located adjacent to Green Lane as I mentioned before um this is you know predominantly covered by uh Woodlands vegetation and uh piles of construction debris some of these are 5 to 6 feet tall um you almost wouldn't notice that they're out there without actually going out there and walking on them and realizing that it's predominantly made up of chunks of concrete and asphalt salt millings um directly on the I guess that would be the southwest corner of the site adjacent to the union y property there're the remnants of an old um asphalt parking lot uh we're proposing to generally use the same area as a parking lot for this park development we will be reducing the size of it slightly we'll be using the same curb cut so we're not introducing any new curb cuts to the site um also along the park uh Parks Frontage on Green Lane we're proposing to extend the sidewalk from the door distribution warehouse on the North down to the union y site directly to the South um just focusing on that portion of the park for a second so we will be removing all those debris piles that are currently on site to um level off the site and that being said we're still looking to maintain as much of the existing vegetation on the site as possible we've gone out we've marked more mature trees on the site so we do intend to those and in addition on the wetlands portion of the site obviously we're limited by uh regulations as far as what we can remove and obviously we don't want to remove anything more than we absolutely have to to install the boardwalk so you might notice looking at the plan the boardwalk takes a couple of you know odd jogs and and angle points in it and that's specifically so that we can work around the existing trees that are on the site um the parking lot that we're proposing off Green Lane provides 15 parking spaces to these parking spaces will be Ada accessible as well as uh two of the spaces will provide EV charging capabil ilities for Cars Moving um slightly to the north of the parking lot on that area of the site we were proposing a concrete walkway which Loops up to a small covered Pavilion on the North End of the site which will be utilized as a observation point for people to sit they can look out over the stream over the park um throughout the park we also be incorporating um various areas with interpretive signage so we can include information about natural wildlife and the environment the wetlands that are uh present on the site um was trying to think if there's anything else that we'd like to point out so on that portion of the site since we are clearing some of the BMS that give it a little bit more elevation um we're looking to make this a more of an immersive experience so we're not just going to clearcut that portion of the park and make it a completely flat lawn area we're proposing to build up um some landscape burn BMS and mounds to provide a little bit more of sense of interest for people walking through the park so they can experience um just different different Landscapes different um plantings native plantings that might be included um as far as plantings go we're looking to keep the plantings all Native materials we're proposing shade Gardens throughout some of the Wetland areas of the site where the sun might not filter down all the way to the ground uh we're also proposing pollinator Gardens and um wild flower seed mixes throughout the site to um provide a host for po ators and you know provide some nice Aesthetics for people walking through the park as well um regarding storm water so we are I mentioned before we are reducing the amount of impervious cover in the parking lot um that said uh the scope of the project still does trigger a uh D it's considered a major development under DP storm water standards so accordingly we do have to um comply with those standards for storm water control um so in order to comply with those we're proposing a small bio retention Basin directly to the south of the parking lot it's in a triangular shape off to the bottom this is a vegetated storm water basin so not only does it provide control of runoff but it also provides a water quality enhancement for any contaminants that might be washing off of the parking lot and additionally we're also proposing a uh area of perious pavement under the parking lot so it'll help to filter and detain the storm water that comes from the park and from the parking lot um in the parking lot we're also proposing uh minimal security lights uh for for the site at night in addition to a emergency call box that would be located in the parking lot that way if anybody at the park doesn't have access to a cell phone it might not be working they'd still have direct access to First Responders if needed so um and then just other typical Park amenities would be included trash receptacles pet waste receptacles benches um picnic tables I think I mentioned interpreted signage before um as well as just a a small nature themed uh playground in the center of the uh Upland portion of the site so thank you Mr chairman we happy to take any questions that you might have question from the committee I have a question uh the town just l a contract to repay that portion of Green Lane so my question question is uh is the apron leading into that uh parking lot going to change location so it'll be in the same general location I would have to check the plan to see if it shifts you know a few feet one way or the other but if there's going to be proposed Paving there we can certainly look to keep that in the same location that way we don't have to have any additional pavement repair work within the RightWay okay and what about utilities U you're bringing any water suppli F in to the park yes so as far as utilities will have electric on site to power the lights to power the EV charging stations as well as uh just a small water service which will provide water for uh irrigation system as well as a u just a a water fountain onsite okay uh what is the timing on the project when do you anticipate to start work so currently we're in the permitting phase with the D we hope to have those D permits in hand by the end of the summer at this point we've been working with them and just responding to some uh minor comments that they have um after that we intend to be out to bid sometime in the fall and hopefully awarded over the winter time and starting construction spring of 2025 okay my guess is that the road will have already been paid by the time you start work so if there's anything uh you know that you could do now to avoid having to reopen the road uh I would suggest looking into it okay certainly will certainly do that yeah okay thank you thank you yes I just have a question I didn't hear you saying I'm assuming the small play I will refer to as a playground um that would be for all abilities children of all abilities yes thank yes okay any other questions from the committee I have a question how many how many parking spots um is put in this plan because it seems to be a lot and you what are you going to cater there's too many people in the park this spillage of parking where would they so we're providing 15 parking spaces on site um we did uh try to make that relevant to the Township's parking ordinance which requires I believe it's one space per 5,000 feet of uh open field space for a park and I think that's more geared towards um like active recre facilities with ball fields or Parks but um just to be safe we we went with that metric to make sure it would um handle anticipated parking loads um we also do have a uh Trail connection over to I believe that's cabat Avenue on the northeast corner of the site um so if necessary there would be parking available I assume in the neighborhood if there wasn't parking available on Green Lane any other questions on the board question from the public question sure come up make yourself available here pleas mention stations sir on the mic we do everything on the record here no problem just give us your name and your address please my name's Tony baruchi 1044 M Vernon Road um you mentioned two EV stations yes what is the need of EV stations in a park so I see ev station is being in a gas station in an apartment building a place of residence so in I believe it was in 2022 New Jersey passed a new ordinance requiring uh electric vehicle charging stations for residential and non-residential developments um as far as how that applies to Parks I I don't believe that's specifically stated in the ordinance um but generally for any non-residential development you're required to provide uh one parking space I believe it's if you have a parking lot of up to 50 parking space spaces I believe it's one EV charging space so we're providing that just in um in in good faith with the with the ordinance and understanding that as time goes by there might be more and more people with with the need for EV charging and just to provide space if I was going and charge my car I either charge it at home or at a at a gas station or somewhere that's provided not at a park and that's going to force me to go to the park I'm going to sit there and charge my car even though I don't need to use the park that's that's kind of like my thought process so I just wanted to know so okay thank you sir thank I I saw another hand come come on up please man please once again please give us your name and your address please so just so ye largman States resident um three questions project engineer as well as you um for the D are you assuming you're going to be backfilling the wetlands what did you put in your permit like are we putting cost into the project to do that so for the wetlands themselves this Trail falls under a GP I believe it's a general permit 177 which allows the construction of a trailer Boardwalk throughout wetlands and wetlands transition areas so with what we're doing we're not actually I believe with the exception of the stone dust trail there's really no fill in the existing wetlands and the fill for the stone dust trail is minimal it's on the order of you know probably just a a couple cubic yards okay if that so we're looking to maintain the existing topography existing elevations that are on site and that's something the DP really looks at and when they review our compliance statements they always look for ways to make sure we're um developing this with the with the least impact possible so they're always pushing us to that point uh which is part of the reason why we went with the U went with the boardwalk which really spans over the wetlands we we are still um limited to the the footprint of the area but um in our view and dp's view that limits the amount of disturbance and you mentioned the project be starting in 2025 how long would you be going to completion and while you're doing completion and you have cranes and back holes and so forth are you going to have Green Lane blocked for traffic uh we at this point we don't anticipate Green Lane would be blocked off the traffic we do have the existing parking lot on site which does allow for an error if for staging so we don't anticipate that any materials equipment Vehicles would be stored in Green Lane or otherwise affect traffic with the exception of maybe the crane coming onto the site and leaving the site but that would be very limited and what was your completion datea again uh I believe this is a one-year contract so we would ipate you know over the course of 2025 into 2026 depending on when that notice to proceed was granted and what's your current estimated cost um at this point our cost estimate I believe is at $4 million for the project and a lot of those costs are associated with removing those old debris piles from the site it's a substantial amount of uh excavation and Export that we have to take off the site mostly on the on the area right adjacent to Green Lane and I guess this last question I don't know who it goes to but when we have the schools that don't have AC's working how do we prioritize this to get the funds over that not sure who that goes to I don't think he's in a position no he's not that's why I'm saying I'm not sure who it gets addressed to well this is a courtesy this isn't this is just round one this is a courtesy uh review we're not even going to take a county project it's County project okay all right thank you thank you ma'am I have just one one U remark for clarity uh I understand the parking spaces that you have indicated with EV charging stations Etc is it my understanding that the Overflow which it's a lovely park I'm sure there will be extras we'll have to cross Green Lane to get into the park um it so the parking lot that's shown on the far side of Green Lane I believe that's the Elizabeth Town Gas parking lot so everything will be contained on so that the parking the extent of the parking will be those 14 spaces yeah yes uh the 15 spaces on site I don't know courtesy a lovely project but that very small there's no other way to access this to walk take your vehicle entr on correct yes and I believe believe there's a small um parking lot near Kennedy reservation near the back entrance to Kennedy reservation that might also be available but any other questions from the board question from the public come on up good evening ma'am please recite your name and your address please for the record uh taita Chapman 1092 Mount Veron Road uh just a quick question I know that this is a county project Pro but what is the plan for maintenance and the upkeep of the property so maintenance would be would fall under the Union County parks department okay thank you thank you ma'am any other questions from the uh public question from the board Council would you like to sum up uh well I just at this time I'd like to uh thank the uh the board for the opportunity to present the project uh we are requesting a resolution acknowledging that we were here uh for the purposes of answering any questions both from members of the board and from the public um and uh we look forward to continuing a dialogue with the engineering office and all applicable uh offices with the administration to bring this project to fruition thank you very much well thank you very much sir okay thank you sir thank you thank you members of the public for your input uh no new new business I'll take a motion to Adin the meeting please I'd like to make the recommendations that we acknowledge the presentation that was just offered and thank them for the be putting it together for us okay for resolution all right uh is that your that's my that's your motion okay second second roll call Mr East yes Mr L yes M esposa yes Mr Miller yes M Perkins yeser yes Bower Mr bra yes yes chairman Johnson yes thank you thank you thank you very much all right once again we're going to uh no morning business we're going to take a motion to adjourn the meeting move second a second all in favor opposed the eyes have it it's going crowded presal