okay today February 22nd 2024 Union Township planning board is called to order we have a recitation of of the open public meetings act please pursuant to the open public meetings law notice that this meeting stating the time in place was Satisfied by the filing of an annual notice with the local source and the Star Ledger newspapers of General circulation within the the township of Union and posted on the bulletin board of the township of Union Municipal Building thank you Mr R can we these a roll call for attendance Please Mr Cohan Mr East here Mr Lee here miss okay M too Espinosa here Mr Miller here M Perkins here mayor figurino commit Bowser here Mr fr Miss Khan here chairman Johnson here we have a quorum and my mic is way too loud all right uh we have one application we had adj German of the of the U bapo Corporation application that's that'll be heard at the March meeting at least as of now uh we'll be calling Mr H understand you'll be handling the application 2024 -05 yes are you today sir good good evening and thank you all for being out and welcome to new board members excuse me actually I have to for a second I forgot this to us wearing our yes Township engineer ra your right hand you swear testimony about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I go thank you all right great so uh again pleasure to be here this evening and uh look forward to our presentation we're before the board this evening Union County Savings Bank located at uh 642 Chestnut Street been there for many years and what they're looking to do actually several locations throughout Union County is to renovate the bank uh it's mainly interior Renovations we'll describe it and uh beautifying the outside and upgrading the bank and even on the interior new Ada and and all types of things there uh it doesn't uh we don't think triggers there's two existing variances for lot dimensions and setback which aren't being impacted and then it was noted there may be a sign variance but it's actually the the sign itself meets the four feet we can work I discussed that with Mr hat but uh so it's again a fairly straightforward application we are located in the uh neighborhood core Zone which permits the the bank use so what I'd like to do is to call upon uh Chris mcfaden from the bank to tell us a little bit about what's planned so Chris you go over to that one and you'll be sworn in good evening m F we have a swearing please m m fat would you raise your right hand you swear the testimony about to give is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do okay so uh Mr M F give first of all a little overview of your position with the bank and then uh generally what you have planned for the area in this branch in particular sure um so I thank you all for um allowing me to kind of right into present to you tonight uh I am Chris mcfaden I am the chief financial office officer of Union County Savings Bank I've held this position for approximately 2 years uh the bank has undergone um a a really um transformation uh Donald Sims was the prior CEO of the bank uh he served for about 57 years a new management team came on board about two years ago and we've been taking the bank in a different direction uh we're trying to modernize the bank add new products and services really trying to serve the communities in a much steeper way uh than we have previously so part of that uh is really looking at uh the existing facilities uh many of them were outdated and um had a lot of deferred maintenance uh that needed to be done to them so uh we've decided to completely renovate uh the locations um the one in uh we're dealing with today is that 642 Chestnut which is our Union location it is our largest branch and our most important branch in our franchise we have four branches um so this project specifically um is really to modernize and really beautify the branch itself uh there will be no impact to the existing Staffing at the location it will remain um and we're really looking to do improvements uh not only just to the Aesthetics of the branch inside and out um but we're also doing uh modernization inside the branch for our staff and our customers um we are doing a lot of efficiency so we we will be replacing windows and doors to More Energy Efficiency um we are doing um improvements to um you know we're putting metal siding on for um low maintenance options we're looking at uh Power and lighting controls for Energy Efficiency there as well um and we're replacing an old oil furnace uh with a new more efficient uh natural gas furnace um so we're doing like I said we're trying to do also Energy Efficiency uh while we're going through the Cosmetic uh upkeep of the branches um we're also looking to make the uh branches more uh accessible uh to our elderly customers and to our staff uh so we are doing um ADA Compliant parking um walkways entrance vestibules as well as restrooms uh so those are all getting um upgraded as well um so that's really the the project in a in a nutshell um if there's any questions I can certainly answer them if not I I thank you for your time thanks so much Chris and if there's any questions from the board or board professional question from the board question from the public thank you thank you great thanks Chris I'd now like to call upon our architect Michael good evening um Michael Davis I'm the architect St you please get in first certainly and Mr Davis would you raise your right hand SAR the testimony about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay and Davis you were back explained please give your qualifications to the board I have been uh practicing uh licensed architect in the state of Wisconsin for 17 years I've been with the laki group for one year um since then I've been under the direct supervision of uh the vice president of design at laki group Michael Erick who's been licensed in the state of New Jersey for over five years and you are well familiar with this project and the pl absolutely okay I served as job captain on this project which means I oversaw and coordinated the design and construction documents of this building I was here over the summer we measured every corner of the building and uh developed the Designs Great so uh you've heard obviously the testimony of M MC faten take us briefly through what's proposed by way of uh the renovations to this building focusing on elevations and the light I'll start with our site you may be familiar with it on the corner of Indian Run Parkway and Chestnut existing building with an existing parking lot and uh access drive from Indian Run Parkway and then this is uh access only drive around to get to the drive up Lanes in and out for the parking and then egress a chestnut for um for driving out egress from the uh drive up drive up Lanes we're working with existing conditions of a restricted uh width minimum width of the site is uh lesson um allowed which um Joseph will talk about um we also have limitations uh because our building is situated closer than our stand uh required setbacks we're at 6 foot 6.7 feet instead of 10 ft back so these are existing conditions that um we are uh we're just we're dealing with we're um removing some uh landscaping and replacing it we're adding an entrance canopy uh to accentuate the the entrance to the building this is an existing location the entrance we're going to create a a gabled and roof to really uh accentuated and brought attention to it we're we're taking the finishes of the roof and the side exterior siding and um as Chris mentioned uh we're we're bringing it up and modernizing it uh from 197 5 is into the current standards trying to design a more Dynamic and entertaining or interesting building for a younger a younger uh client some of the things that were adding is a dumpster enclosure at one point we were putting it next to the building and now we're moving it to a back corner we want to use um a vinyl slat pre-manufactured uh product and um it's going to be in a dark gray color uh to uh represent the colors that we're doing on the exterior of the building we also are providing a new pergola so it's uh to enhance the street access pedestrian access from Chestnut and to the the new entrance that'll be of a a pre-finished aluminum a smoke color dark gray we're introducing the brand of the bank with the more better signage uh we have uh a wall sign on the Chestnut Street uh gabled end sign on the above the entrance uh we're going to provide a sign with the logo only on the parking side to allow the people uh better direction to access the entrance and then we have the existing Gable then where we're going to provide signage so people driving north on Chestnut will have visibility and uh beered to the building's location we also showing um walkway lighting recess Lighting in the softfit column mounted lights um and wall packs which I'll talk about later so our sign on the chestnut side street is uh larger than 4 feet um but this is the most prominent facade of the building and we'll get the uh will draw the most attention to itself so we want to provide something that's large and um very uh Dynamic so it it's 4T 9 to the height of the sign we're providing a wall panel behind it over the existing brick which is more of a wall finish than it is the sign um but um we're still within the area requirement I believe and then um we're just asking for uh consideration on the height limitation of 4 feet instead of we're showing 4 foot n and if we consider 4ot um we would like to uh we like for you to consider that this is the sign on the Gable in of the entrance here you can see the new uh canopy that we were talking about and the sign directly on the the uh gabled wall panel um we're minimizing or we're holding the 4 foot high uh sign restriction here it's basically the same color scheme and uh branding of the of the uh East Elevation this is the gabled end where we're um adding signs to provide uh more visibility from Vehicles approaching from the north and I think I jumped over one here is the parking side view where we providing a their brand only um just as a wayfinder for people from the parking lot to know the direction of travel to get to the entrance the depth of this sign uh is raised uh canister logo only one inch and the panel behind it is 1 and a quar so we're holding the overall depth of the sign to Less Than 3 in we're holding the height of the sign at 4T our exterior finishes um we're we're reusing the existing brick and we're introducing new materials above it with a a standing seam metal roof in a in a um matte black color with white uh aluminum trim we have a flush metal panel on the gabled ends that's slightly less uh dark it's uh burnished slate color um we're introducing where there once was a walkup teller window which is no longer used we're going to provide uh an exit door at that location there's an existing walkway approach to it we're going to have exit only for convenience of the of the customers and the and the and the um employees we're taking existing columns and removing the existing wrap a brick wrap um cladding if you will keeping the structure and replacing it with new um brake metal uh it's like a aluminum flashing decorative flashing that enhances the uh the design of the building similar on the uh North elevation facing uh the North and the drive-thru to the South similar materials you'll see that we're also adding new windows and some areas which is an aluminum uh uh aluminum storefront and a dark a dark black color that closely uh matches the roof material these are some of the material in this is our storefront material with the matte black this is kind of what we're talking about how we're cladding The Columns um creating a look that's very uh Dynamic and interesting and modern to give it uh a new character but keeping with the historical nature of that area as well in some ways this is our existing brick that we're reusing uh when we talk about a flush metal panel it's this is the material we're talking about in vertical flush seams kind of resembles this with these colors here's our roof color Here's the the the burnish slate color um the white trim um this is what I believe we all understand what a standing seam metal roof is but this is an image of that and then when we talk about a a wood finish with these columns it's a pre-finished aluminum panel that repres that looks like wood and then we have a a a cast stone sill at all of our Windows more information about the standing seam roof the colors the trim um we've got new gutters and down spots that all match the color of the roof material and a little bit more information about the uh storefront windows when we talk about our building this my give you a better idea of of what we're doing is basically we're keeping the existing mechanical room and the existing Vault and then redoing the rest of the of the building with new offices uh meeting rooms the teller lines um the Ada accessible restrooms and a new break room this is Chestnut Street to the to the right and this is the uh existing walkway that was once they walk up T now is a point of ESS this is their existing door that were redoing their vestibule and redoing the doors with new storefront and then you can see our canopy and pergola parking is approaching from the left so our site improvements one of the main things that we're doing is trying to uh enhance this whole this whole Edge so one of the things that we want to do is remove this row of shrubs and replace it with uh s this side's going to uh match what this whole area is existing now so this really opens it up and and and it was there's some large trees that were're removing and we're just putting in new landscaping and Edge and um building along the building along the parking Edge and then um we're creating this ada8 uh parking uh stall restriping some of this area and Reus keeping the existing uh striping some of the materials we're using right here is kind of a blow up of of this area you can see the entrance vest and the canopy we're putting some stamped concrete in there to mimic a paved uh pavers um and then we're also providing uh uh some uh ground cover that uh it's kind of like a um PE gravel is the word I'm looking for and then these are the some of the things we're also introducing we we have a large flag we have um these uh walkway uh lights baller it's about 4 foot tall we've got some lighting on the back of the building to add additional lighting to the parking lot to enhance what the uh owners have done with the existing light pole and a new lights there and and then um under under canopy lighting and then the uh I mentioned the B the The Columns will have lights on them these are up lights that look like something like this they will be color uh controlled over different parts of the year um and dimmable uh computer controlled so they will provide another level of of interest to this this area that's all I have about the site and Joseph the civil engineer will fill you in on the rest of the elements of the site well I think your lawyer may have some questions yeah no I I great uh explanation of the interior and exterior Improvement so I have no further questions any questions from the board all right I have a question I I know that you mentioned that you're licensed as an architect in Wisconsin that's right are you licensed in New Jersey no okay whose work did did you work under the authority of someone who's authorized I mentioned pres president of architecture in our office is Michael erck he's been licensed in New Jersey for over five years and he he is a licensed architect in New Jersey correct okay I'm just going to have to make an inquiry with our Council because I want to make sure that we can vote based on the testimony on a architect that's not licensed in New Jersey I just want to make sure we can do that okay can we yeah he worked on we're good he is also the architect of record he stamped these drawings he's he's the uh like I said the architect of Records that's fine as long as as long as we protect the record that we inquired and we're fine because your testimony was very polished and professional I thought thank you great okay next witness yes I'd like to call upon Joseph V the our site engineer nice work can you um say and spell your name please sure uh Joe Vu that's V is invictor UI C Mr vew do you uh swear to or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay and Mr F if you could please give the board a benefit of your work experience area of expertise licenses you hold I am a professional engineer and professional planner certified Municipal engineer in the state of New Jersey uh I graduated from Lehigh University in 2006 been working in the industry since uh both on the private and public side most notably currently I am a municipal engineer serving multi municipalities in the state of New Jersey um so I often sit on your side as well as on this other side um my licenses are in good standing uh I've represented number of boards in different municipalities in different counties as well as uh work within Union County I'm doing okay so Mr if you could take the board through the engineering aspects of this plan I know they're somewhat limited and uh I believe you've obviously had an opportunity to review the uh letter issued by kers on February 12th and we've had our discussions with Mr Hatter who's here this evening I have apologize I think a lot of it uh was already covered by the testimony Mr H will this be your expert witness yes wel would you like to move him as an expert witness yes please thank both as the a professional engineer and professional planner so ordered thank you great thank you can I that go full screen can we all see it okay all right so these are our existing conditions on the site as Mr Davis had mentioned there are existing improvements at this corner primarily primarily Landscaping that is being extensively removed as well as a large tree that many may know when you you come through this intersection also being removed and all of the existing Landscaping along the front and along the adjacent property on Chestnut being removed uh are improvements along with the the new entrance and the new sidewalk to remove and reset this sidewalk uh slightly wider slightly off from the building as well as then with the parking lot to address Ada accessibility uh we have a small section of curb repair removal of existing sidewalk in this area to replace with some Stone landscaping and then Ada accessibility through this area so if we look at Oh wrong direction look at our our overall site plan we see very similar common elements of that same walkway and access from Chestnut uh extensively Landscaping with a a gravel base um to allow for infiltration through to the plant mediums that are planted throughout this area and resetting and the sidewalk through this area for Ada accessibility from this stall through the accessible ramp at this location and then also with the resetting of the striping in this location we've reduced from 27 existing parking spaces to 25 and utilizing this area as uh the the Patron's primary access to the parking lot safely uh while coming over the existing the proposed sidewalk as well as this this patio area here that complements with the arch to go along with the Aesthetics of the Landscaping um there is keep doing that keep going back the wrong way so here's our proposed Landscaping scheme uh as you can see there's uh rather dense planting throughout the Indian Run side uh complement the the entrance a two-way entrance in and out as um as well as arching around and and kind of identifying isolation from the existing corner and the busyness of the street to the patrons uh safely accessing from the parking lot into the property and um promoting access from the street to the the proposed sidewalk locations as opposed to Across the lawn space uh with our parking lot improvements uh I mentioned where we are restriping we are not doing any grading changes uh the parking lot is being seal coated and restri striped um the grading that exists in this location we were able to identify a location for ADA compliance of the space relocating the space to here and then provide accessibility for a complete route into the building that is one thing that was noted in the engineers letter We'll add that as a note on the plan uh providing it in testimony tonight to confirm that it is already in place in our plans without revisions um we are also locating our trash enclosure previously the property is operated without a trash enclosure uh the trash small amount of waste but it U would be you know taken out to the curb when necessary uh at this location in the rear we'll have an ability to um be more compliant with the code to provide trash enclosure uh we don't believe they're going to need it for any increase in activity there's no change in density to the site in any way that's going to create um and we're all more paperless nowadays right um so we've lost a space in that corner because of that and we've lost a space with the restriping for the Ada that brings us down to 25 spaces instead of 27 we're well over the 16 I believe it was that was required by the code um and with that I also believe that one of the comments from the engineer regarding the Make Ready spaces um we are willing to comply however I do believe that based on the exemption of section d2h in the ordinance which follows the state's model ordinance uh 25 parking spaces or fewer are exempt from providing the electric vehicle um so I would just note that it would be the board's discretion if you'd like us to still run conduit and make have a make ready space we are willing yeah we'll work with Mr Hatter on that yeah the I believe there's seven questions that we had here yes on page two of the letter yes uh and and paragraph 2.1 to 2.7 you'll be able to you'll be able to comply with those requests sir yes we will be able to comply um the county so the both the county and the municipality have rights of away um we'll show the the site triangles on our plans for revision for resolution compliance we'll address uh revisions to the Landscaping appropriately to remove out of those areas uh we are are promoting ground perennials along the frontage but I did note that we did have some shrubs that may be in Conflict so we'll remove those and um there is a there's a trend strain at the existing egis from the site on Chestnut yeah on Chestnut um it goes across the entire length of the exit only um it it is currently operating without issues uh we will inspect it and free any debris to make sure that it it continues to drain across the frontage of the property to an existing manhole from the original s plan approval and then connecting out to the county catch Basin and we have applied for our County approval on this and we that to the engineering department okay um with respect to changing my hats and putting on my planning hat um we have two existing non-conformities on the site uh we have a minimum lot area lot width of 150 ft we are a corner lot uh so we have some exceptional um uniqueness to the property of being a corner lot uh the property is 25.01.2013 improvements to the site uh the benefits are operating within an existing usable Bank facility that served this community for a number of years um and we you know we'd asked for the variance uh as an existing non-conformity that's that served the site has been particularly suited for the bank's use over 40 plus decades or four plus decades um in addition we have a front yard setback variance for 6.67 Ft where 10 ft is required again another existing non-conforming condition uh as which was part of the original site plan approval in 1974 uh the complements of the addition the changes to the site and the architectural improvements have been based on utilizing existing building not changing the density of that building in any way and really complimenting the existing space that people are familiar with with new modernization um so again uh we see no detriments to the uh continuation of this use in this building without modification uh believe it's appropriate it's it serve the bank appropriately well and the community well at this location in this configuration and I I don't see any detriments to that I see the the positives really the planning alternative of the positives that being that um the site doesn't have to go through Remodeling and extensive site work to continue to serve in the same capacity um the third variance uh as Mr Davis had noted uh is on our front wall elevation and I'm going to click back to his plan real quick so you can see that location a little better it's here we go so the front of our this is our front approach Mr Davis was noting the the architectural Aesthetics of this facade have the uh primary signage the largest signage at 4' n in in size and diameter of the circle uh around the star that brand logo is the most prominent on the site and it is a deviation from the 4ot maximum height permitted um however we've we put it one as the most prominent size because it is the prominent Frontage two because it complements the space on the building appropriately uh the the metal banding finish behind is set at the same elevation as the windows so there's a architectural benefit and aesthetic benefit that's provided for um the suitability of that that sign in that size on that particular Frontage of the building um with that I also see that uh it's a strong planning alternative to strict compliance with the code mod and that um downsizing and scaling at that location would look a little bit out of normal and and not as natural at a smaller size because as we look at the features of the building and we look to the additional additional um sides of the building we notice the same architectural features so we're carrying we're carrying these same features on the other facades um with the metal banding and the same height and elevation of of the the full sizee windows so it's a complement 365 around the entirety of the building um one other point to note um is not a variance on the application but um your code is specific about signage being permitted on one per side and on the sides that face the street as well as the sides that face the parking on on this building we do do have four signs on all four sides uh we have a frontage on two sides as a corner lot it's naturally permitted under under the code for signage on both those locations we have our small sign on the rear for w finding from the parking lot and we do have a for sign above the drive-thru um that sign does still Orient towards parking uh angled parking on that side as well as the drive-thru so that's why it wasn't identified by us or I believe as by your professionals as a variance for the application great thank you very much again no further questions at this point questions from the board yes uh I have a question yes U could you address uh items 2.3 2.4 and 2.5 of the letter uh sorry I I generalized over that we will comply uh specifically to install stop stop signs and stop bars at both entrances um I had actually made the mistake in preparing the plans I mislocated the trench strain as existing striping that that was recently put down uh so I thought we had that Stop Bar in that location but we will comply there um 2.4 as I noted um the Landscaping we will make adjustments to your satisfaction for uh the site triangles 2.5 finished Circles of the oval area Mr Davis had spoken to that earlier that area being the corner lawn space uh that will remain a lawn we are removing the large tree that is in that location uh we're removing all the shrubs that come around the corner and replacing with sod so we'll have an open corner of of lawn inviting for the crosswalk and and accessibility and View for the the intersection uh and then potentially have an opportunity for future improvements in that area that would complement say the mun municipality and the bank um as a Cornerstone you know in the community but that would be under a future application if we ever saw fit um 2.6 all we will be adding the note and 27 I believe I I touched on with the drywell okay to 27 the trench drain and drywell system yes that appeared on the 1974 site plan correct has that been abandoned no is still in its location it's still and it still functions yeah as I noted earlier we we will inspect it and free it of debris uh it it drained um I believe in the submission we gave only the the site plan itself I do have the additional documents from um for the rest of that set I'll provide those to you there's details on the connectivity and the inverts that go out to the county system okay thank you thanks Phil Nothing questions from the board any questions from the public next witness we have no further Witnesses at this time and certainly anyone that's testified is here to answer any further questions from the board okay would you like to sum up yeah just briefly again it's uh it's great to see another business in in the township investing into the site I think the improvements are are are great both from an aesthetic and operational standpoint ADA compliance beautification opening up that corner and uh the few variances are minimal in nature and have been uh justified by way of testimony and we look forward to the board approving this application thank you Mr Hill thank you to your Witnesses they did a very nice job I thought thank I'll take a motion that application 202 4-05 Union County Savings Bank 642 Chestnut Street b2615 l18 be approved so moved second second roll call Mr East yes Mr Lee yes Mr Espinosa yes Mr Miller yes M Perkins yes committeeman Bowser yes M Khan yes chairman Johnson yes okay thank you very much have a great night and you as well very much with no other business I'll take a motion to adjourn the meeting move to adjourn