Mr Lee yes Mr Miller yes may figorito State comman Bowser yes Mr fr yes M Khan yes chairman Johnson yes right before we call up by Miss Russell I see that you're here today we look forward to your presentation uh we have a very aggressive agenda tonight and if uh I've asked uh whoever's rep anyone here representing Princeton Road nobody here representing Princeton Road okay all right never mind all right uh M Russell I understand you have a presentation for us today I do I believe that there are two items of mine on the agenda and I um don't have the benefit of having a hard copy so can you tell me which one you're expecting to hear first uh Liberty Avenue B 3701 very good for the benefit of the new members I'm going to um in in the course of my presentation I'm going to give a little bit more um information about how this process works so that everybody um who may not be um familiar with what we're going through can can kind of establish a framework and an understanding of of how this process works in terms of Redevelopment um for those of you who are new my name is Kristen Russell I'm a planner with coler's engineering and design and from time to time you'll see um see me here um in Union so what we have before us tonight is the Liberty Avenue 2 area in need of Redevelopment study um Redevelopment is a process that is established by the state um to as the name implies to redevelop properties that may have some um qualifying problem that makes their development under um unassisted conditions a challenge so the property that we're looking at today um is a 2 acre parcel it a vacant parking lot along Liberty Avenue um between ridg drive and Springfield Road um last year we looked at a um property across the street that was the Bed Bath and Beyond headquarters and this board went through the same process and determined that those properties qualified as area areas in need of Redevelopment subsequently um it was requested that we add this additional parcel and I shouldn't say add because it is a separate study um but it obviously geographically um is related to these other Parcels um and in fact if this board were to determine that this additional parcel also qualifies it is likely that the entire five parcel cluster would be um brought together into a single Redevelopment plan that is not necess Neary but I expect that that is likely again that is pending um the the recommendation of this board and the vote of the township committee um so here on this map you can see the relationship of the parcel that we're talking about this evening it's in blue to the ones that were previously determined to be in need of Redevelopment the parcel is currently Zone CI for commercial industrial that allows uses such as manufacturing research Labs data centers and so forth with a minimum lot area of 880,000 square ft um that's approximately the same as the 2 acre parcel that we have now um and the maximum Building height in the CI zone is 45 ft so the local Redevelopment and Housing law sets forth a series of criteria that a parcel needs to qualify with in order to be um determined to be in need of Redevelopment it does not need to qualify under all of them it only needs to qualify under one and in fact if we're talking about um a larger area than than just one lot not all Parcels actually need to qualify that's not relevant this evening because we are talking about only one parcel and I will be speaking to Criterion D this evening which is areas with buildings or improvements which by reason of dilapidation obsolescence overcraft Ting faulty Arrangement or design lack of ventilation light and sanitary facilities excessive land coverage deleterious land use or obsolete layout or any combination of these or other factors are detrimental to the safety Health morals or welfare of the community um at the end I'll also touch on Criterion H which is the designation of the delineated area is consistent with smart growth planning principles adop adopted to pursuant adopted pursuant to law or regulation so just as a little bit of quick background we did look into the history of the site um going back to 1954 you can see that it's mostly undeveloped it looks like there may be a parking lot in that top leftand corner it's kind of hard to tell exactly 1966 a few years later there's definitely a parking lot there and in fact it's interesting that you can see the um there's no tree cover there so you can see um the creek running through the site in 1979 the parking lot has expanded a bit and so I have made some observations about the site I went out there did a site visit um as I mentioned previously it's a 2 Acre Site it's a parking lot that stands vacant and there's really no use for it now that the Bed Bath and Beyond um headquarters have gone out of business there's nobody to park in in that site um and in fact if something were to be built on that site they would have to provide their own parking um anyway the site was previously determined as having historic fill and groundwater contamination a remedial Action Report um is due in 2027 um so that means that there are environmental conditions that are being addressed but that is always somewhat of a burden on a property um a portion of the property is also traversed by a floodway when you have water issues that's also a burden on a property um it may increase construction costs it may limit where on a site construction can happen at all um and here this map shows um that flood way and the kind of orange-ish color AB budding the site um is also a flood Hazard area a two. 2% annual chance flood zone which means a 500e storm so as I mentioned a few slides ago I'm looking at Criterion D for this site um that's the obsolete layout and design Criterion um most obviously the parking lot is obsolete because it's its users have um gone away uh the Bed Bath and Beyond site is no longer a use nobody needs to use it to park um also vacant sites are generally detrimental to the community demoralizing it could be a place where we see um trash being discarded or it it's just unsightly then I'm also referring to Criterion H this is the Criterion that um speaks to Smart growth smart growth is a state principle that um basically encourages growth in ways that does not sprawl that um takes advantage of existing infrastructure existing centers um and Union Township is designated within the state plan as a um as a center and where infield development and that sort of thing should be targeted so if this site were to be re redeveloped that aligns with the States planning priorities to locate much of the state's future Redevelopment in Metropolitan planning areas um it will contribute to the revitalization of cities and towns promoting compact growth stabilizing an older suburb and any future Redevelopment plan would be written to protect the character of the community um for clarification this area in need of Redevelopment study precedes any future Redevelopment plan so at this this point in the process we're not looking at what would go there what the zoning would be um and that sort of thing this stage of the process is just to look at that parcel and determine if it qualifies as an area in need of Redevelopment So based on these two Criterion that I've gone through it is my professional opinion that the site does qualify in need of Redevelopment um this board will next discuss um you know if if you agree with that if you have any questions and then you would make a referral um to the township committee so that's how this process works um and I'd be happy to take questions about the process or about the site um more specifically from board questions from the public I I do I do have a question um you did mention on the lot that there was a creek um through it um my question with regards to the creek does does that Creek connect to any other um rivers or other bodies of water that Traverse through the township it must oh gosh I don't have a a wider view photo here I don't think but the uh just to the West oh gosh I'm GNA is that the pic oh my gosh I'm going to stumble over my Rivers um I'm stumbling through mine I think it might be the ra raway the raway yeah just just behind these Bed Bath and Beyond sites I I believe is where the river um ultimately it connects okay I think ultimately uh that stream Finds Its way over to the raway river so it does okay the the reference to pulling water um can you elaborate more in terms of is it pulling water within the park parking lot basically where there is impervious coverage or is there other areas in the lot itself that you see pooling water as well I only saw pooling water on the parking lot where there's impervious coverage and the the the the main thing that that tells me is that if this parking lot were were being used it would be maintained and this sort of thing would be resolved so it's not necessarily um an issue of um you know it's not necessarily even a water issue on the parking lot it's just demon demonstrative that the lot is not being used or being taken care of right thank you yeah uh Kristen if you could uh explain to the board that here we are looking at two criteria that are satisfied uh when in fact only one is required yes to deem an area in need of Redevelopment is that correct that's correct you only only need one now when um when when more than one applies it certainly benefits um the board or the approving body or or anybody doing this analysis to point out all of the ones that apply um should any such designation ever be challenged you certainly want to have all evidence um in the record um and say say that on a different site um it was somebody challenged um a designation but we had used three Criterion well they would have to prove all three as being unreasonable um and hopefully at least one of them sticks I I mean I would never recommend using the Criterion if I didn't wholeheartedly believe that it was applicable but we we we want to use as many as we can um and in this but you only need one yeah any other question from the board I have a question the map of the area yeah all the areas are surrounded in red all the other districts say have they already been deemed Redevelopment yes I'm trying to find that map for you this one this one yeah yes the four Parcels that are outlined in red were part of the Liberty Avenue area in need of Redevelopment that was designated did I write down the date it was designated on June 27th 2023 those were a bit different well three of the four were a bit different because they actually have unutilized buildings on them the fourth of that is also a parking lot um so some similarities there thank you questions from the planning board questions from the public all right Mr Russell would you like us to move on your on this separately to protect the record yeah okay uh I'd like to ask for a uh a motion that uh area in need Liberty Avenue B 3701 l201 be approved and referred to the township committee show moved second second Roll Call Mr E yes Mr Lee yes Mr Miller yes mayor figorito yesan Bowser yes Mr fr yes M KH yes chairman Johnson yes M russley you start on the Bernett Avenue project yes so it's it's um perhaps fortuitous that we have these two applications back to back tonight because the stage after the Redevelopment designation is um the crafting of a Redevelopment plan and that's what we have before us tonight um the brunette Avenue Redevelopment plan so last year at some point this same area went through the process that we just spoke about for the prior application um it was determined to be an area in need of Redevelopment um this is a site um on Bernett Avenue that is currently a almost exclusively vacated um mobile home park um it's 1.96 4 Acres um the vacancy rate is really I I don't remember I don't know what the number is today but it's been above 80 or 90% for a long time um and the remaining residents are being um moved out um on May 23rd 2023 um pursuant to this board's recommendation the township committee um adopted the resolution declaring this area as in need of Redevelopment um I want to give give a disclaimer that the photo in this picture is a concept it is not a promise um when we prepare a Redevelopment plan that is to put it simply like writing zoning code specifically for the area if adopted the applicant will then proceed with um a site plan application as any normal application would um for review before this board and at that time what they present to you is you know their official request for site plan um the it it is very likely that anything that they show you would be um similar if not identical to this concept but I just don't want there to be any confusion if if this is adopted and then a few months from now you see something that isn't quite the same um that that can happen so as I said we established Redevelopment standards which are similar to zoning code um first thing being to um identify permitted uses and what we've identified in this plan is to allow town home town home dwellings and multif family housing so it would be an entirely residential site um here's just some typical bulk standards that I'll go through with you um the minimum lot area basically they can't subdivide that lot it is what it is um we've set a maximum density of 18 units per acre which would allow 36 units on that site um there would be a minimum setback from Bernett of 20 feet and 15 feet from all of the other property lines a maximum height of three stories plus the attic and 43 ft maximum building coverage of 25% maximum impervious coverage of 65% and there will be a affordable housing on this site um this site is included in the Township's housing element fair share plan which um as the name suggests um sets forth a vision and some um identify sites that will be required to um provide affordable housing So 20% of the for sale units on the site must be affordable or 15% of the rental units um depending on how the um developer were to um sell sell their units or Market their units that's how that number would be determined um and a minimum parking of 2.25 spaces per unit we also have some design requirements um I've referred back to the signage and lighting requirements that are in your zoning code already so those requirements will um be across the board what's existing in town now um is what will be required here um we've established front and side facades via a higher quality material masonry wood fiber cement so stucco and vinyl would need to be pushed to the back where they're not so visible um town home Rose shall have vertical demarcations at intervals of no more than every 25 ft so that keeps us with a traditional town home look of you know 25 ft wide unit so it doesn't look like one long row of homes you can really one long row of just a big building it looks more like homes like we're typ that are typical um roofs shall be pitched sound attenuation materials must be used on the third and fourth floor where we're near the highway because this does back up onto the highway um Lawns must be landscaped there needs to be a landscaped buffer uh Refuge storage must be within buildings so there's not going to be dumpsters or trash sitting out um before I address this slide I I would like to also let the members of the board who may not be aware understand that when this plan is when any Redevelopment plan is um adopted the township also has um more discretion in uh understanding how the site is developed and controlling that so the developer of any such site would be designated the town essentially can approve a developer and say okay you're the you've you've proven your your Merit or your um you have the financial viability to do this or the track record so the town will look at developers um a developer multiple developers depending on the the case and um select them approve Pro them it's calling it's called designating them um and they can attach additional um requirements to the obligation of the developer and when I spoke a few minutes ago about affordable housing the nuances of that um will be further addressed in that Des the redevelopers agreement that the designated developer signs off on so things like that will be addressed in fine-tune deta detail with uh the re with the developer once designated um so even if things like that that might not be in this plan word for word will be addressed another requirement of Redevelopment plans is that they be consistent with your master plan um the master plan is sort of a road map that the township is to use going forward to guide its decisions and we want to remain true to that so that we understand that what this Redevelopment plan is recommending aligns with the larger vision of the community so in 2021 you adopted your comprehensive master plan and I pulled two goals from there that are applicable to what um this Redevelopment plan does the first being to maintain the character of existing residential neighborhoods while providing opportunities for housing types that that meet the interests and needs of all ages and a abilities that includes recognizing the viability and need for alternatives to detached single family homes um two family dwellings and other housing configurations in existing neighborhoods and as part of Redevelopment should be continued where this will not undermine other objectives and to require infield development in existing residential neighborhoods to be compatible with the neighborhood and conform to the setbacks of existing buildings on the Block and the second goal being to establish realistic Market driven and financially feasible Redevelopment plans that attract new development and encourage Redevelopment or Rehabilitation of existing properties where possible and to encourage the Improvement of properties in disrepair um this site backs up um to another residential community so we're um making sure that the two um do not conflict with each other they should they're compatible um and that the the character of this development would not be um obtrusive to the existing residences that it adjoins so um the next step in this process also is that this board would um vote to recommend this to the township committee if if that's your leaning um and then um they they would if they agree with you um adopt it and then this would be the new zoning on that site um overriding superseding the the existing zoning on the site and then um a developer would move forward with the designation process that I described and then come back to this board um again for site plan approval in in the way that um you know this board traditionally does review site plans thank you M Russell is there anything else you'd like to no questions from the board how much space would be dedicated to Recreation on that housing there's no spec there's no dedicated Recreation um outdoor recreation space on the site there is um private outdoor space um each of the Town Homes has a patio um and I know that the concept that the developer is working on does have an indoor community space which I'm not sure that if if that would be something that you would qualify as recreational but it would kind of just be um a space that you know if they're having a family gathering and they don't want it in their house or a kids birthday party um that could happen there now that that's part of their concept that's not written in here as a requirement at the moment any other questions from the board question from the public I'd like to have someone please move uh Bernard Avenue Redevelopment plan b571 L1 be approved and referred to the township committee some move second second Roll Call Mr E yes Mr yes Mr Lee yes Mr Miller yes may figorito yeser yes Mr fr yes M yes chairman Johnson yes thank you Mr thank you have a good evening next and next on the agenda will be the B Corporation hello again sir chairman how are you good yourself very well good you please identify yourself the record [Music] please that works Mr chairman planning board members good evening my name is Michael kosy of the law firm of green bomb row Smith Davis and I'm here this evening on behalf of bapoo Corporation the applicant and owner of the property located at 2735 Route 22 West in the township um would just like to take a minute to congratulate those new members of the board um it's a could be a difficult job sometimes but it it's certainly um appreciated I'm sure by the community uh and obviously very important um the applicants here this evening to continue the hearing on on the application that originally commenced during the planning board's meeting of November 20th 2023 Now by way of background the subject property has been designated by the township as an area in need of Redevelopment under the local Redevelopment and Housing law so this evening you're getting a entire course on the Redevelopment law based upon the past two uh presentations that you just heard um this specific property is subject to the Clinton manner Redevelopment plan and pursuant to that plan the applicant is Seeking a minor subdivision approval to create two fully conforming lots and preliminary and final major site plan approval with deviations to construct a 235 room hotel and a cannabis cultivation and Manufacturing facility with a parking garage in addition the applicant is looking for approval to use the banquet hall as a temporary facility as the parking garage is being constructed the term of the temporary facility will be limited to 12 months in accordance with the Redevelopment agreement um to be entered into with the township now at the November 20th meeting the applicant presented testimony of his civil engineer traffic engineer professional planner a representative of the applicant and two individuals who specialize in the operation and management of cannabis facilities since the original hearing the applicant has made some changes to the plans in an effort to address some of the con concerns that were raised by some board members um some specific modifications I can point out to you is there is a reduction in the overall intensity of two of the de deviations that are being sought in addition the Ingress and egress has been modified um with the goal of making it easier to enter and exit the property um since some of the concerns were raised at the last meeting tonight we intend on presenting additional testimony from the civil engineer traffic engineer a representative of the applicant and the project architect um preliminarily I would um just want to address um the new board members just to confirm that if they were not at the prior meeting that they did in fact um review or listen to the uh hearing um and will be certifying to that just for purposes of the record uh well Mr East did you review the uh last meeting I did I did Joe I did okay thank you very much and what I would hope uh you do they're new yeah there's a lot yeah going on here so if you could uh just like be very methodical yes because I the first time I was at a planning board meeting was like reading High yes yes and and we plan on doing that it's just you know for the purpos of the record just to make sure that it clear thank you you thank you um if there aren't any preliminary questions we we're ready to present our first witness that's Rock okay um I would ask Michael Nana from Stone field Engineers please come up oh I just say Mr kovsky we have till 10 okay I know we have aggressive schedule yeah but we have till about 10: I want to take a break it take around the 9:00 Mark or so so you plan your presentation sorry your name again sir uh Michael Nona n o n a okay m you can raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you give today will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay um Mr Nona you testified at the prior Board hearing correct correct um for purpose of the new members could you uh please give your background and position yes uh good evening my name is Michael nonas SP n uh I'm a project engineer with Stonefield engineering and design uh located at 92 Park Avenue in Rutherford New Jersey I hold a Bachelor's of Science degree in civil engineering from Wayne State University uh I've been a professional in the engineering world for about six years I hold a um professional engineering license in the state of New Jersey my license is current and a good standard Mr chairman I would ask how to be qualified as an expert witness in the field of engineering so order um Mr n do you uh prepare the revised site plan plans dated January 15 2024 I did could you uh describe the proposed plan site plans that you prepared um and in addition uh touch upon the revisions that were made from the prior app plan uh yeah I'd be happy to um um if if I may i' I'd like to start with the existing conditions quickly and then I'll move on to the Propst site and the changes um Mr KY kind of mentioned quite a few items that I'm about to hit on but just I'll be brief um the existing site has four existing buildings on it there are two Hotel buildings a banquet hall as well as a small on story Residential Building um all of which are now vacant or not in use um the site is bounded to the South by New Jersey State Highway Route 22 is bounded by to the west by um commercial Parcels which hold car dealerships uh Sor I'm sorry on the East uh and on the west and the north is bounded by County Parklands and the raway river runs through that Parkland uh the site is currently about 97% impervious almost completely covered in Asphalt gravel or building uh there is no notable storm water detention system or best management practices on site and uh and with that being said I'll move on to the proposed condition our seat is um as we mentioned before uh we are proposing a fivestory hotel building as well as a uh fivestory Park and garage and cannabis cultivation Center um the existing site will also be split into two separate Lots uh for clarity will be referring to the hotel lot on the left hand side of the page as lot a and the parking and garage cultivation Center lot as Lot B on the right hand side um so the main changes that we have are um when we last presented the board we had an egress or an Ingress entrance on the east side of the property and egis on the on the west it was one in one out uh based on the comments by the board as well as review from the Department of Transportation uh We've revised the plan to have uh a two-way exit and entrance on the west side of the property uh this is going to help with people not driving by the entrance TR getting confused and missing it as well as uh we'll improve circulation on the site um the other main change that we have is um adding another uh Ada parking space to meet the requirement of seven 88 parking spaces on site as well as shuffling around some parking um one other change that is on the top left side we have our trash enclosure has been rotated and uh for ease of access as well and an added benefit of that is we are reducing the intensity of one of the requested variances which was a sidey setback of 9 and A2 ft it is now 10 ft from the West Property um in the proposed condition we are um we are reducing impervious coverage by about 30% we're adding over acre of open space grass and uh plantings including including 174 trees on site um the site is compliant with all with all bulk uh bulk zoning requirements uh all major bulk zoning requirements uh outlined in the Redevelopment plan um um with the improvements of storm water we're we're improving uh the water quality of the site as well as reducing Peak runoff by increasing this uh proposed Landscaping on site in the existing condition this the runoff on the site runs about 50% to the rear and 50% to the front that's about half going to the raway river directly as and then half of the runoff going to the dot RightWay um we're maintaining these existing drainage patterns um and just simply reducing the total runoff which is in compliance with all the D storm water requirements speaking of storm water the rawe river which is as I mentioned adjacent to the site does have a 50-ft repairing Zone associated with it as well as a flood Hazard elevation of 84 ft um neither of these impact the site as the river is more than 54t away from um the existing property line and the entire site is well above the flood elevation as and doors are approximately 6 feet above that um we are proposing 268 total parking spaces 210 of them will be within the parking garage and then an an additional 58 on the surface um the requirement on site is for 239 parking spaces so we are above the minimum although one deviation from the Redevelopment plan is that there is a um a maximum parking of 110 spaces 110% of the uh required minimum that would the max allowable would be 263 parking spaces where we are proposing 268 this would be a deviation and we're uh and a c variance that we are requesting as part of this application and and just for a moment that is one of the reductions from the deviations that from the prior plan correct correct and in our last testimony before we made these revisions to the site we were requesting 274 spaces we've reduced that by six by adjusting the um the handicap accessible parking and moving them closer to the hotel build building increasing the side of the loading zone so that they are more accessible to uh uh the box trucks that would be uh doing deliveries on site and adding some green space in areas where we were able to um we've also reached out to local utility providers um and received will serve l letters from uh from sewer gas electric and Telecom um all utilities will be pulled from the Route 22 RightWay U that's where they're all currently running it'll be very it'll be similar to the existing condition although we are removing all of the existing utility connections and replacing them with new ones and just for the benefit of the board um the proposed uses the hotel and the Cannabis C ation and Manufacturing facility they uh approved permitted uses under the Redevelopment plan correct uh correct yeah all like I mentioned before everything here is uh by right um the proposed hotel park and garage and cannabis cultivation are all permitted uses um in the art Redevelopment plan um as well as the temporary uh the temporary grow which will be taking place in the existing Banquet Hall um as Mr KY mentioned for a period of 12 months pending approval um we've also modeled the lighting on site there are a few um deviations from the Redevelopment plan based on uh just Logistics of the site lighting is a little tricky to hit all the minimums and all the maximums exactly as you want the main um the main Dev are um where the minimum is proposed one moment and and if I may when you say a deviation could you explain that further that that the Redevelopment plan sets a standard and we're requesting that the board allow us to either not not fully comply with it uh correct so the Redevelopment plan specifies that for example example one of them is that the minimum on uh the minimum Lighting on site be 0.3t candles at all points on our site we have a few areas uh isolated pockets mainly in corners or um in Grass areas where we we have zero foot candles so there's no illumination there for that one that's mainly in the top corner where we're adjacent to the um County RightWay and in this back corner again we're in the county right away away from any pedestrian traffic away from any vehicular traffic and things like that um we also have one deviation from the maximum lighting level at a property line uh that is a function of two items uh as I mentioned before this is a split uh this is a subdivision plan uh as part of this application there is a property line running through the center of this drive aisle um it would be unwise to have zero lighting at that property line as it is in the center of a driving Drive aisle so that we can't really comply with the maximum or with the maximum of 05 foot candles it wouldn't be sufficiently illuminated for uh pedestrians or Vehicles there's also a bit of overlap of the lighting on the west property line over here and um in the mod ing along this back property line as well uh we don't think this is going to be any concern as on the west Edge that is a car dealership car dealerships are generally very illuminated they like to have it as lit as possible um at all times and then to the rear there's tree cover there's proposed trees as well which will be blocking light uh from overreaching the property line um for the purposes of being more conservative we don't model trees or those kind of obstructions just to be safe and so that we know um what we're dealing with um there's one more uh deviation I'd like to mention it um moving on from lighting uh there is a minimum setback for Drive aisles uh specified in the Redevelopment plan of 10 ft away from a property line just similar to the light in that I just mentioned this there's a property line that runs in the center of the drive AIS um it would not be possible to comply with that requirement um and we think that it will not be detrimental to this project whatsoever um I believe uh we think that this application would be a great benefit to the property uh because currently it is sitting and in a almost completely vacant State um after concluding our site visit we saw there's some dilapidation in the concrete there's some underutilized areas we think that this hotel as well as the Cannabis cultivation Center would bring um you know more people to the area it would improve the site dramatically from a storm water perspective from a traffic perspective and just for the community overall um we think it's it's very nice that we I I don't get to say this usually but we're adding over an acre of grassland and Landscaping generally developers are trying to maximize the property as much as possible and it's it's a nice change of pace to be able to add all that Greenery um that concludes my direct testimony uh I'm happy to answer any questions or I can move on to the uh engineering review letter dated January 22nd why don't we go through the engineering review letter that way that might address any questions we'll do it all at the same time idea um so some of these I uh address in testimony but I'll just run through a couple of them real very quickly um planning and Zing comment 1.1 uh if I if I may say what document are you looking at uh I'm looking at the Colliers engineering and design letter dated January 22nd 2024 thank you got it um actually firstly I'd like to address on page two the second paragraph the first sentence is the applicant proposes to use the current Banquet Hall as a temporary cannavation cultivation facility during construction of the garage the applicant anticipates using the banquet hall for this purpose for approximately 18 months uh that's just I think a misunderstanding based on the Redevelopment plan and as Michael KY added to the record before that will be a period of 12 12 months all right U we talk about this can you slow down a little bit because yes we have we have new people here and plus I'm the chair I've been doing this a long time I'm losing you a little bit okay what now you're on the second paragraph I'm on the second page right and the second paragraph after the bullets which says the one 4.15 acre yeah the par the paragraph after that where it says the applicant proposal thank you sir and the only change I ask uh what brought about the change originally the thought was your schedule was going going to be 18 months that was uh the original discussion with the township but the township has taken the position that the temporary facility may only be used for 12 months and that's 12 months from the final approval as that's defined in the Redevelopment agreement um so that that's where the 12 months comes from so you feel comfortable with 12 months we believe so yes and what happens if you don't hit 12 months the Township has been very clear have that'll be embodied in the Redevelopment agreement oh yes yeah everything will be in the Redevelopment agreement and it's clear that the use of the temporary facility is limited to 12 months let me ask you this um did hayatt have anything to do with that reduction from 18 months to 12 months um I can ask the applicant but I can tell you I've been involved with the negotiations with the with the township and that has come directly from the town sh because as I understand it uh the construction of the Patt Hotel cannot begin until that garage is built and the Cannabis cultivation that that that's correct yes so um there'll be further testimony later but the township um has is willing to accept a phase demo obviously so the um all the improvements besides the banet Hall will be demoed immediately construction of the parking garage will commence temporary use facility will be allowed for 12 months and at the end of that 12 months then phase two of the demo begins and that banquet hall is going to be required to come down under the current draft of the Redevelopment agreement which again this has been a position that the township has held for a couple months now and it doesn't seem that they are going to move off of that um question on the uh eot yes I read their letter which I assume you received a copy of correct yes they point out in their letter that they did not like the idea that you were discharging roof drainage from the hotel into their system what's going to be your respon that um so one thing that was I found unclear about that letter is they said direct discharge from the uh from the roof to me when I read that I understood it as a direct line from the roof to the uh sewer in the public right of way um on our storm water plan we don't have it being routed directly through there it's going through um I believe three structures before it reaches the right away we will work with the we will work with the what are the structures uh they're catch basins and and manholes we don't have we don't have any proposed detention on site um so we got the I got the impression that they were looking for detain yeah so um that's something that we have to work through with uh the dot um what we have a couple of possible options if they force us to detain then that's something that we can't really avoid although we are compliant with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections standards um another option would be to change some of the routing on site to have all of the roof drainage discharge to the raway river and then kind of Shuffle around how the grading works that's obviously not ideal but um the general layout of the site would not change as opposed to adding some sort of detention system if that's required that last option would necessitate a major revamp your grading plan uh potentially yes I don't know how the board would feel about having as a condition of an approval having the approval from the DOT first approval of this board uh I'm sorry I'm I'm not sure I follow that if we were if we were to revamp the grading do we'd have to resubmit discussions with the deot would conclude with the necessity to provide detain or rerouting of the storm from one of the drainage areas to River necess oh yeah um yeah we we can agree with that being um a condition of approval that that would be a fairly major change in the site plan I guess my point is would the board would the board feel comfortable in having that listed as a condition of approval or would they rather see what the raing plan would look like after you conclude negotiations with the do understood yeah I think that's something we can talk you can call us on that later yeah you can call us on that okay after we take a break we'll call us together we'll discuss that okay no problem okay um is there any more questions about that or should shall I move on all right moving through the letter um comment 1.1 um RP section VD 8A requires minimum size yard setback for accessory structures trash disposal facilities of 20 ft whereas the proposed sidey yard setback is 10.4 ft bulk C variance I uh I touched on this when I discussed the changes from the older site plan to the proposed um we were previously requesting a variance for 9.5 ft where 20 is required we have reduced that to 10.4 um to be uh closer to compliance with the Redevelopment plan um similarly on comment 1.5 RP section vi2 requires a minimum uh oh I'm sorry I'm reading the wrong one um one on comment 1.7 RP section V sets maximum parking requirement based on 110% of the parking demand or 263 parking spaces whereas the applicant is proposing 268 parking spaces bulk C variants as I mentioned before again we were previously requesting a variance for 274 spaces we have reduced that by six by shuffling around some of the parking and other uh items on site so that variance has also been lessened um moving on comment 3.4 the applicant proposes a five story structure um 20 3, 574 foot garage to house cannabis cultivation and parking for 210 Vehicles applicant proposes uh applicant is providing 58 ground level spaces including six handicapped parking spaces and 11 EBS Make Ready parking spaces the applicant is proposing a total parking supply of 268 again I just wanted to uh clarify that we are proposing seven handicap parking spaces in compliance with the um State uh local and federal uh legislature um that is also addressed later on in the um in the review letter where it's noted as seven handicap space I believe that's just a comment from the last review letter that got carried over um comment 3.7 applicant shall testify on the environmental condition of the property specifically whether any existing buildings with heated and fuel oil stored in underground fuel tanks oil storage tanks the environmental environmental impact statement only indicates fuel tanks in the basement of the building um since our last hearing we have submitted the environmental phase one assessment um in that assessment it clearly states um at the time of the assessment sorry there were two above ground oil tanks which were found on site one of which had been removed the other one I believe is still in the basement of one of the buildings um during demolition it is our plan to remove uh remove that tank and do any mitigation which is which is required although it is stated in the phase one assessment that there's no um no contamination and no need for further assessment that being said in the last hearing it was also brought up by um Mr Johnston by Mr Johnson thank you that uh was there any concern of under underr oil tanks which were not found in the survey uh we reviewed the um phase one assessment a little more thoroughly uh we found that there were two I believe underground tanks which were found on site and they were removed in 1997 as well as the year 2000 and a letter of no further action was um was granted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and I'm glad you followed up on that sir do we have because I know that's also a question I asked do we have copies of those letters package here we do not we were looking for them we couldn't get a hold of them uh we reached out to the uh we went through like opro request and try to find them and had no luck um but Mr KY does have some documents that he was able to find today by um Mr could I mark this as applicant one sure sure um Mr Ki is handing out a couple documents there say actually do have a copy of of this um actually this is easier um the document that Mr Ki just handed out is a summary of the tanks that were found on site um you can see that oh actually they removed a little earlier than I stated um it looks like the removal date for the tank one which is on page one was removed in uh 1995 um it looks like a th um the it is a th gallon I believe gasoline tank and the second tank which was removed in June of the year 2000 was a heating oil tank that was uh 10,000 gallons uh what's the source of this P um this is go ahead uh this was pulled from the uh d uh Records D website and did you go on the website uh the uh New Jersey Department of enironment protection uh data Miner website you can pretty much search any property in the state thank you yeah unfortunately they didn't have the you had mentioned uh having received or knowing of letters of no action would you happen to have copies of of the letter those related to these two tanks uh we haven't been able to locate those letters uh we just have we just have them noted in the phase one assessment um but we're we've reached out to the D and haven't heard back from them for that letter yet um are there any more questions about the tanks you can continue There are going to be more questions continue um moving on in the letter comment 3.8 the applicant proposes a 6ot high white vinyl fence along the west west north and east sides of the property um that was in the original design but that has since been revised um the 6 foot high white vinyl fence is only along the um Eastern property uh there's also an existing chain link fence uh that is the border between us and the car dealership um that vinyl fence just gives it a little bit of a nicer facade along that chain link fence as well as provide some added Security on that side there is an existing chain link fence along the rear property that belongs to the county um but the proposed vinyl fence is only along that East property line um uh comment 4.6 the applicant shall testify if intends to comply with NJ do Regional permit office comments included in its November 14th 2023 letter requiring the detained of Hotel roof drain water prior to the connection to the NJ do system uh Mr hater already touched on this a little bit but we are in talks with the D uh do and will comply with whatever they require um upon that time we will uh keep the board engineer um updated on any changes to the site what have they told you so far sir what's been their input uh so far they've just made the initial comment uh we haven't resubmitted to the dot yet um but we we've dealt with these kind of things in the past and we feel confident that we can work something out with them okay um comment 4.8 the applicant shall request a meeting with the njde to determine if an individual flood Hazard area permit will be required uh we' spoken with the D about the flood Hazard I touched on this in testimony as well we are well with with we are well outside of the repairing Zone which would trigger this permit as well as significantly higher than the flood so uh is determined that no individual flood Hazard permit will be required did they send it to you in writing sir um I'd have to check but I I believe I just have it in a phone call but I can certainly try to get something in ready do you know the name of the person you spoke with um all maybe you can get that for us yeah I can try to get that if you could that' be good thank you very much much e either a letter or the name of the person that you spoke with that be great thank you uh moving on to comment 6.4 uh the applicant proposes two 8 in sanitary lateral connections at the 10in sewer Main in Route 22 West applicant shall inspect the Integrity of the sewer main between manholes 23 and 22 prior to making the connections and share share the crtv data with Township engineer uh we can comply with this and get that sewer inspected prior to uh connection to it um comment 7.5 the applicant has provided truck turning templates in the loading zone and trash disposal areas however a single unit box truck with a height of 13.5 ft must clear the picare where the clearance height is not provided um we have spoken with the architect um the portic casare has a clearance I don't remember the exact number but I believe it's north of 20 ft and then the two rear uh overpasses have a clearance height of 14 feet uh we'll get that noted on the plans and uh make sure that that's very clear um comment 8.4 the subdivision plan c17 shall include all bearings distances included uh Missing between the hotel and garage uh we'll coordinate with that with our survey team and get an updated survey submitted or updated subdivision plan with all that information on it could could we go back to 7.6 uh yes we can um 7.6 the 47.75 Ft long fire truck must back up about 300 ft from the north side of this Garage in order to exit the property I to the fire department to determine if this maneuver is feasible um if I could I I think our traffic engineer was going to touch upon that if that's acceptable um yeah so our yeah our traffic engineer will touch on that and then I believe the last one I wanted to note was uh 8.7 the plan shall be revised to provide note indicating the entire site will comply with Ada regulations um we have no problem problem adding any of those notes to our plans uh other than that we we don't see any issue complying with um the entire engineering review letter um as it stands and obviously we will resubmit plans to the board engineer and coordinate these changes uh is that end your presentation uh yeah I'm open to questions now okay question from the board just a point of clarification can you show 1.8 on the map please um Z where the zero foot set back 1.8 is where this property line runs through the center of the drive aisle and that is why there is a zero foot setback with the drive aisle okay thank you uh related to that uh subdivision line we need the bearing and distances on on the subdivision plan yeah we we will comply with that that's not a problem and U you'll also need to speak with the assessor U so that before you file the minor subdivision with the counting you'll have learned what the actual lot numbers are it won't be lot a and lot we certainly will okay what is your um from beginning to end what's your time frame for uh finishing these project sir uh that would be more the construction questions I think uh the owner representative will be able to answer that better than I can how many driveways are on the property uh there's only one driveway connecting to the public RightWay have you addressed that with the do uh we have that is based on the do comments although we have not resubmitted that plan to them yet and we don't have a letter from them yet uh we don't have an additional letter aside from the November 22nd letter I believe okay and other question sir um would you do you have any information I'm looking at this final recommendation for a late do you have any information on that or should we go to the owner for that on uh what is that license the will be able to speak to that yes and I trust in the Department of Transport Department of Agriculture letter that you got is that is that what you referring to before uh the Department of Transportation yes I know and there's you also have another letter from the Department of Agriculture this one um I'm not sure which letter you were talking about I can give I just wonder if you have done all if you done all the instructions they to that they uh told you to do is this the reason I is quite a few um it looks like it looks like that is from The Soil Conservation District I believe and we have submitted to them I don't I don't believe we've got comments yet but or it looks like those are comments but yeah we will comply with other comments and make sure we get approval from the okay Conservation District you know if you're if you're currently are you are you is something you're going to do down the road or uh yeah I think our yeah we've been yes we do have we have submitted oh actually I have an approval from the soil conservation J 829 um I'll review that letter and make sure that whoever it's addressed from if you can get us approval letter that'd be great yeah I can do that okay great thank you are you referring to the letter um from The Soil Conservation District uh I think it's looking for a date here I have it as approved on uh August 29th okay I don't have a copy of the letter with me unfortunately uh I I note um the copy that I'm reading from that they require written notification prior to the started land disturbance correct got one sorry just one second if you go on on your uh cam on the display here and this is really more about me not knowing what it means on the upper left side says at least one signature has problems do you see that over here I'm sure it's I'm sure it's a technical thing but I just do you have any idea what that means the sign uper left next next to the warning oh yeah so I'm sure it's a technical thing yeah so basically when we submit to certain municipalities I think these plans might have gone to the D they require very specific signature on the plans that is I don't know unhackable or something okay um and then when you read it on certain PDF viewers it just pops up weird okay yeah I figured that was the case to verif I'm sorry Jee you want a question did I read somewhere where the hotel is going to store some of the cultivation Center product uh no they are completely separate no so um about the banquet hall So currently there's a banquet hall on site um at the hotel separated from the hotel but the hotel is closed right now so as noted earlier the plan is to demo all the improvements except for the banquet hall so at a point in time the banquet hall will be the only Improvement on that building that will be used as a temporary facility uh for cannabis cultivation and Manufacturing as the garage Improvement is being built again the temporary facility uh pursu to the agreement with the township is limited to 12 months so the hotel cannot be built until the banquet hall is demoed so at at no point will the hotel be on the the same property or parcel with the temporary facility may ask um do you have any sense at all should all of this be accomplished and all the submissions that are not submitted be submitted when you intend to try to start demoing so the current agreement or draft agreement with the township provides that demolition must begin 60 days after final non-appealable approval has been granted so what that means is if the board were to approve this tonight and then adopt a resolution at its February 22nd meeting we would wait 45 days to allow any appeal period to run and from that date we would have 60 days to commence the Demolition and there's also time frames um with respect to the demolition of the temporary facility so the temporary facility U must begin within 12 months of fin final non appealable approval and and all of those who would be licensed to um perform the the licensed cannabis U manufacturers licenses will be still intact at that point in time you do Brothers um I believe right now those licenses have a date of June 24th 29th 29th um but uh obviously we would um request that they be renewed or extended I suggest that's a good idea sir do you have your letter that's dated I could I don't think I have in my package excuse me your letter dated January the 12th 2024 because I'm looking for here I don't think I have uh January and addressed from kers this from the architect um the architect will speak on that when he testifies yes oh great okay thank you all right uh so summary of the documents that we're looking for if we could so there's no questions um you there was a letter from the the Department of Transportation waiting for um not the department uh we still have to resubmit to the Department of Transportation and we we can provide any uh review letter from them upon approval and I know when you spoke with the Environmental Protection um you going to get the name of the person that you spoke with or or a letter yeah I'll try I'll get I'll uh email them and try to get something in writing saying that we're exempt yeah yeah that's okay how long do you figure that'll take um consider is a DP at least probably a couple weeks couple weeks okay and you you've confirm that you're I'll take your word for this one you I'll take your word that you already signed up with Department of Agriculture um yeah I'll review that um all right could you just like confirm that with us uh yeah I confirm that with you guys okay see uh do you have have the date of that agricultureal letter so I can sh in my records August 29th 2023 thank you all right and if we could return to the letter from Coler 6.4 yes it says the the applican shall inspect the integrity the main you see that yes has that been done uh I don't believe it's been done yet no uh so once we we will get that organized and share the video and the report with the let's get that done okay yep and that's all questions that I have I oh no I just wanted to be sure Mr header I know you had mentioned the um turning radius and template and the fact that a emergency vehicle may have to try to back out 22 would you clarify that yeah I think what they said was their our Traffic Engineers prepare to address that I do remember that I any questions from the board I do yeah um I I do want to return I do want to return back to the November 14 letter provided by do um and and I just want to reconfirm for the record that the the plan that you're presenting to us tonight has not been that plan that you're showing us tonight is not the plan that they possessed based on that November 14th letter correct the November 14th letter was based on the plan which we presented on November 22nd I believe which and that was the one that had the two Drive aisles okay and so as your for um presenting this plan to us tonight I I did take a look at the dot letter and uh I wanted to just ensure that there were specific things that if you can point out on the plan in particular on page seven of the do's uh letter uh provide signage by the Ingress driveway showing that tractor trailers and bigger trucks are not allowed is there signage now on the on the site plan and can you just point where that would be um I don't believe though those updates have been made because we've been focusing on uh dis revie as opposed to do response um but our traffic engineer will be able to hit a little bit more about the letter but as of as of right now I don't believe that change has been made yet okay and there was also another comment right before that comment 16 the lot line separating the hotel and the car dealership eastbound should be curved is that reflected on the on the plan uh yes it is okay um I want to go back to I think come sorry was there no I do want to go back to the engineers letter um on I do believe page two um the second to last paragraph where the current Banquet Hall would be used as a temporary cannabis cultivation facility just moments ago I I think I heard Council that you said that it's used for cultivation and Manufacturing can you clarify for the record is it cultivation only for the temporary um use of the banquet hall or is it both cultivation and Manufacturing um if I could ask the applicant's representative when he gets up to testify just to clarify that issue okay so I may have misspoke okay well okay thank you for that um I do believe that's just all my questions so far thank you any other questions from the board fire okay I don't know if you're the person I asked the fire alarm system was that through you do you have knowledge of that or is that for someone else uh no that would be either the owner the architect will be able to respond to that it's part of the design okay I'll wait thank you and since we're on that topic uh what kind of security system will the facilities have or has that been planned out yet um so it the facility will comply with not only the town ships cannabis licensing requirements but obviously also the state um the applicant's representative will be able to go into much greater detail on on what's being provided I'm sorry I did have another question with regards it was in um the it was in conjunction with signage driveways and things of that nature with your revised plan with moving now the Ingress and egress down to the left leftmost side of the property what kind of signage is on the property to allow um a patron to know when to turn into the property um a signage package has not been provided as of yet um okay that will be in compliance with all of the local um the municipality requirements uh in our initial conversations we were um I believe we were planning on a monument sign somewhere uh in the middle that's another reason that we changed from the uh Ingress and egis on the east side because we would we wouldn't be able to put any signage obviously before the property if the Ingress driveway is right at the property line essentially so we we were concerned that people would miss that entrance have to Loop all the way around and then come back you know do two u-turns to get back into the property if they miss the hotel on the first pass so this allows um patrons to see the signage to see the actual hotel and oh there's the high it I'm turning here okay no when you say signage what are you talk are you talk about like the advertising or putting uh just like a a a monument sign that would say like Hyatt Hotel okay uh since we're on the top of Hiatt Hotel will be will we be hearing from hayatt um I believe hayatt has reviewed the floor plans um and given an initial approval um I'm not sure if it's their policy to contact the municipality but I'm certainly can find out for you did they give us a letter or like a representation letter or anything like thatly okay great if we could have that that would be yeah yes I just want something that documents the agreement between yourselves and hide so we can you know okay um is that okay if I go through it and redact anything that potentially could be confidential yeah I don't want not work product attorney client I don't want that stuff so if you could but if you if you can get that that'd be great too any other questions from the board questions from the public I say thank you very much for your presentation thank you for your time and uh your next witness Council thank you Mr chairman I'd like to call uh Nicholas Kennedy traffic engineer from Stone Stonefield engineering please raise your right hand do you swear the testimony that you'll give today will be the truth the whole truth truth and nothing but the truth I do please State and spell your name for the record my name is Nicholas Kennedy that's K NE d y I work for Stonefield engineering and design located at 92 Park Avenue in ruford sorry in Rutherford New Jersey uh thank you Mr mck Kennedy um can you confirm that you were at the November 20th 2023 meeting and testified at that hearing yes that is correct um for the benefit of the board could you give your um current position and educational background sure I'm a project engineer engineer at Stonefield engineering and design I'm a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey my license is current and in good standing I hold a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from the University of Hartford and I've prepared over 100 traffic studies throughout the state Mr chairman we' ask that he qualify as an expert traffic engineer thank you thank you um Mr Kennedy Could you um describe to the board the traffic report that you prepared sure um I'll kind of go into the traffic report first and then some of the review editors I know there's been some questions about the dot letter and then as well as the uh the township Engineers review letter um so again just for some background on the site it's located along Route 22 West in in the township of Union Route 22 provides three lanes of westbound travel and then a 10-ft shoulder so three through Lanes um going past the site and then a 10- foot shoulder um again as we' kind of talked about here tonight the jurisdiction of the roadway is the NJ do um we have submitted to them initially back before November our first review letterer came in in no November we've made some changes which I'll go through um you know in in my following testimony and then some of the comments we've had and what we plan to um submit back to them after this meeting um so going into the site itself um as Mr Nona test ifed existing on the site today is a vacant banquet hall and hotel um and then proposed is a 235 room hotel and a cannabis cultivation facility what we do in the industry is we look at the trip generation of the site uh utilizing the Institute of Transportation Engineers trip generation manual so what we did was we compared the site as it is today if it were fully occupied I do know it is vacant today but at some point it could have been fully occupied and compareed that to the proposed use um what we found was generate consistent trip Generations during each peak hour between what was on the site previously and what is proposed um as part of this application um that's mentioned in the township Engineers review letter that there would be no significant increase in traffic um as we all know Route 22 carries a lot of vehicles per day about 100,000 about 8,000 per peak hour um and the proposed development would not have a significant impact on the traffic operations of Route 22 or the surrounding roadway Network excuse me um moving a little more into the circulation and parking actually on the site um again as Mr knowa testified to we have a few changes to the plans I'll start with the parking um we did reduce the parking Supply by six spaces again that's due to um an addition of an ADA space and then widening the Lo zones on the site which I can point out on here um this loading zone adjacent to the cultivation facility and then in the rear of the hotel those were widened from 30 feet to 50 feet to better accommodate the delivery vehicles so again we went from 274 parking spaces in the previous plan to 268 parking spaces they in this plan um I think kind of one of the bigger questions here and definitely the do's biggest concern was the driveway um again as Mr Nona mentioned we have switched the driveway configuration to one right in right out driveway combined rather than a right in driveway on the easterly portion of the site and a right out driveway on the Westerly portion um this in my opinion was the biggest of the dot comments and it generally stems from their requirements for driveway spacing uh the property adjacent to us the car dealership's driveway is right on the edge of the property line and even the radius of that driveway goes over the property line so where the driveway exists today and where we originally proposed that Ingress driveway was pretty much right next to it which provided little to no spacing between the two the do requires at least 24 feet of space between driveways therefore we decided to shift the driveway working on a lot of applications like this the C would prefer to have that one access point rather than you know Shifting the Ingress driveway 24 ft in where it's sort of awkwardly would be in front of the building they would rather have it towards the end of the property like Mr Nona said if you see the site you're not going to pass a driveway and then try to get in the erress driveway I think this location provides the safest and mo most effective um location for the driveway additionally there would be no issues as far as the location all the way to the West considering the raway river is right next to us you simply can't put another driveway on the adjacent development so there'd be no driveway spacing issues to the West um sort of getting into the rest of the dot letter sorry just flip open um most of the comments are pretty General dot comments I'd say uh there's a bunch of call or comments about call outs and notes um traffic control notes some signing and striping um a few of the striping and signage comments will go away with the relocation of the driveway I know there was a few comments about do not enter signs and such which naturally without the one-way Drive aiso anymore you don't need do not enter signs um and again that that overarching larger comment was about the driveway and we believe this satisfies their criteria and concerns about the original location um again we we'll have to resubmit in turn we'll get another review letter similar to uh submissions with the township it's very much back and forth we submit get a review letter um and we'll uh forward any we'll forward any review letter we get after submission how when do you participate getting that sir I'd say We'll submit within the next couple weeks I think kind of our plan was to get the the Township's feeling on the location of the driveway make sure all parties are happy with the design and um so I'm sure we'll resubmit within the next couple weeks getting another review letter probably two months and you'll get you'll get it to us when you yeah once we have it we can forward it great thank you um I think Mr Nona touched can we just go back to the uh full service driveway at the Western end yep of the property I like the idea uh but combining it with a monument sign which was I think suggested by the earlier testimony uh you would need to be careful not to obstruct The View okay site distance so we're gonna you wind up uh installing a monument sign uh giving the drivers advaned notes of the upcoming driveway entrance uh you'll have to superimpose the uh site distance I I totally agree site distance is Paramount on a road like this it's a a high-speed roadway so you know being able to see cars actually traveling on Route 22 as you're coming out of a driveway is definitely you know top concern a safety concern so we'll make sure that sign is outside of any site triangle okay great um moving on to the township review letter which again was January 22nd 2024 um for uh some clarity I am looking at page eight and pretty much the whole traffic and circulation section so section seven excuse me I'll kind of go through all of these considering there's only six um we did provide the township uh truck turns I will go over the fire truck turn um as you mentioned I think in the last comment here um I'll get there but we did provide the township firetr turns um as Mr Nona mentioned all of the vehicles that would be on the site would be able to clear the overhangs they would be at least 14t the maximum delivery truck would be 13 and 1 12 ft so they would fit under the overhangs um in the rear of the building and then I believe the like Mr Nona said the the front overhang is 20 plus feet so they would be able to fit so it's not north of 20 feet you're saying it's 14 I'm sorry the two overhangs in the rear of the property those are 14 feet I believe the front overhang is somewhere north of 20 feet um we can have the architect give an exact number I I just don't have that off the top of my head um moving down the the next two comments I think are generally about the trip generation and the impacts of traffic um as I mentioned uh uh the the traffic volume associated with the site would not have a negative impact um our study took a conservative conservative analysis I I believe um one board member brought up you know possible shuttles or Transit there's a train or sorry bus station right outside our site we took the most conservative approach and considering every trip a passenger car trip rather than you know 15% of people might use the bus that reduces your trip gen we analyzed it in the maximum amount of cars that could be possible coming into and out of the site um going through down to down to 7.4 uh we've talked a lot here about the NJ do we will keep all corresponden from the do and get it to the township as soon as we have it um but again I think our redesign of the driveway is something that they will appreciate and and accept um as part of our next uh submission um 7.5 I kind of just touched on the the clearance um under the overhangs in the rear and the front and then getting to 7.6 so our original truck turns did show the fir Tru driving up mouse if you could just follow my mouse driving up towards the back of the um are you able to zoom in a little yeah further on that specific area okay so it showed the fir Tru driving up um towards the back of the cultivation Center stopping at Naturally where the dryve vial ends and then backing down the um the dryve vial and turning around and egressing the site we have um had some correspondents with the fire chief generally just getting the specifications of the truck the height the length um we have not received any review of the actual turns we submitted themselves so again that that movement of the fire truck to you know see if he gave his Blessing or okay we have brainstormed a few other ideas on how to actually make the fire truck turn around back there um but again we haven't received any review from the fire chief himself did you ask for have you presented that I figured with our submission the the fire chief would get oh yeah you don't you don't want to ass that okay uh we will certainly submit any turns and you know any revisions we need to make based on yeah because the concern is this is going to be a big it's going to be a big building and on any given day there's going to be a lot of people there and we don't want to be in a situation where we can't get our fire trucks in and out um and that's only because of the height of the build it's going to be a very tall building and so we just want to make sure that uh you totally understand yeah I would recommend that you continue your Communications with the fire department to make sure you get some something in writing from them as far as what their input is yep and as I mentioned we we'll uh we'll definitely you know get some writing from him on uh the turns themselves but again we've brainstormed a few other ideas if uh you know that's not accepted by the fire chief we we could come up with another idea maybe eliminating parking space it's critical that we that we feel comfortable that the fire department feel comfortable because the amount of people that are going to be in on any given that place is going to be packed totally agree um I think that was the last just make sure I think that was the last comment as far as traffic and circulation within the township Engineers review Eder um again I I touched on the dot and uh I'd be happy to answer any other questions thank you very much for your presentation sir it was very professional any questions from the board yes if in fact you brainstormed some ideas I would like to hear some at least broad or brief um concept of what that might be the concept of having a fir Tru back out of a driveway is not typical I wouldn't imagine yeah so we would have it be backing not out of the driveway per se but backing down a the just down this drive aisle and then you know kind of making a k turn one of our ideas was to eliminate about seven or eight parking spaces here striping them so that the firet truck could pull up I have run this truck turn myself and it does work it would pull up back up and pretty much make a Kate turn where at that point it's facing forward and could um Traverse the site in a in a forward Direction not a backwards one certainly that seems safer I'm sorry certainly that seems safer yep and I I think again that's something we could definitely present to the fire chief um you know striping at that point uh we're eliminating some more parking spaces actually probably would get rid of parking and I believe the applicant would agree to make that as a condition of approval if that's what the fire chief requested and and I'm sure you're going to have enough room for like police vehicles and EMTs and and the other yeah I think the big one would be the fire the hook and ladders would be the big usually we look to the fire truck because it's the biggest most other trucks that the fire truck could do it if you get in a garage getting a fire truck inside a garage I imagine would be a little on challenging side yeah I I don't think the fire truck get inside that's the whole problem yeah so you got to make sure you talk to the fire department yep sir that's an interesting uh concept eliminating seven parking spaces and because what that would do would eliminate one of your variances where you are providing more than 110% of what you're required to have so one of your variances would disappear you do have a surplus of parking yeah I I agree and honestly at that point if you're going to have that space striped it could also be striped as a loading zone which in turn gets rid of another variance um being that we currently have three loading zones where four are required so I think you know there there's definitely a balance where there's some benefits of eliminating variances and um being able to more efficiently and safely get that fire truck spun around not backing up down the drive aisle yeah I would suggest talking to Drake marcardi yeah fire chief that's who we've been in some communication with but certainly we will uh we will get a hold of him and you know get a review on what we's doing okay any other question questions from the board yes um first question pertains to the trip generation comparison um how was the trip generation done for the proposed marijuana cultivation and Manufacturing facility there is an IT land use for um marijuana cultivation and processing facility is the it name code it's um land use code 190 so what the it has done is they go out and Sample real sites they collect data and then come up with an average inout trip generation rate um so that's where that that data comes from it's based on the square footage of the site that's probably my mind that's okay um so the data comes from The Institute Transportation Engineers my followup question to that would be is there a a rule of TH or horis in assessing the number of square footage that is proportional to the number of employees for that facility as in I I think I understand what you're saying is instead of using this square footage you might utilize the employees in your trip generation um or is there a relationship in in in that method like through the methodology that they Ed that they determined there was a relationship the square footage and number of employees or I I don't know exactly but you know from working in the industry and on projects like this I have to imagine there's correlation you know if you have a larger square footage facility naturally you would have more employees thus you know larger square footage more employees there's some sort of correlation what that correlation or number would be employees per square foot I I don't know and that would and I would assume that that would be a broader estimate that it's it's that depending on what the facility um use would be cultivation versus manufacturing or a hybrid of both that there's no um difference or distinguishing factor and how they assess and develop those numbers I don't believe so okay um my second question pertains to parking if you're able to answer it if if not I apologize and I'll save that question for the appropriate um individual with the parking spaces that are available and with some that will be dedicated um to Hotel guests and things of that nature I assume that because there will be trip generation as a result of employees of the cultivation and Manufacturing facility is there any kind of zoning not in the context of land zoning but zoning of parking um spots for designation of employees or hotel guests Etc I I'll do my best to explain and the architect needs to you know sure fix it I my understanding is the second level of the parking garage there's 12 maybe 13 spaces that would be dedicated for the employees it has to do with the path you would have to walk around the garage um whereas employees have a door they could key card into my understanding is that those are the only designated spaces but I will defer to the architect if there was any more okay thank you questions from the board questions from the public why don't we take a 10 minute break suggest that yes thank you very much thank you thank you both your Witnesses they were very very helpful thank you okay we'll reconvene the planning board meeting please uh proceed with your next witness please thank you Mr chairman uh our next witness I like to call the project architect Mr shabas Mazar would you please raise your right hand please do you swear the testimony that you'll provide today will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do pleas state to spell your name for the records shash maum m a z u m d a r thank you Mr M thank you Mr chairman I'm sorry um Mr Mazar are you employed by Design Services plus yes I am and are you a licensed architect in the state of New Jersey yes yes is is your license currently active it's active um how long have you been a practicing um a licensed and practicing architect in the state in in in New Jersey it's about 28 years now okay and has your license ever been revoked or suspended no um could you provide the planning board with your educational background I uh did my undergraduate in an architecture in India and then I took took my masters from the the University of Houston Texas have you ever testified as an expert in the field of architecture before this board or any other land use boards in the state actually I did it for this board do you recall the date or approximate not exactly the date but it would be around 2017 okay thank 17 18 something like that are you a licensed architect in any other state or jurisdiction yes I am in in Pennsylvania Delaware well New Jersey and Maryland and you have experienced testifying before boards in those States yes I did okay um Mr chairman I would request that he be qualified as an expert witness in the field of architecture I just got a couple quick questions I know that you said you went to college in India yeah undergraduate in India okay what's the name of the school uh University of Kolkata University of Kolkata and is that where you got your master's degree to sir sorry is that where you got your master's degree to no that's that's where I got my undergraduate okay I did my masters from the University of Houston Texas Texas okay great so thank you Mr chairman um mumar uh you previously testified that you are employed by Design Services plus um can you confirm that b Corp um contracted with Design Services plus to prepare the architect plans that we're presenting tonight yes and did your office under your supervision prepare the plans that were filed with planning board yep and are you familiar with the site that of the subject property yes okay um did your office also prepare the architect report that's dated January 12 2024 and submitted with the supplemental documentation yeah okay and in preparing the plans and Report did you review the Clinton Manor Redevelopment plan yes I did okay um at this time if you could describe and identify the plans um and I believe you have a uh PowerPoint that you can go through and uh Mr chairman I have copies if we could mark one of the Powerpoints as uh applicant to and then evidence this is oh okay thank you yeah so this is basically the the key plan showing the the new hotel portion and then this is the cultivation uh plant and that's Route 22 West and then this is actually the the down is the project North sorry project South project North project East and a project West and that's where the where the subu dealership is and then this portion this is mostly uh the fast food restaurants are pretty much very much commercial why don't see that one yeah this is kind of a direction that the the brand has and you can see later on on our elevation and then this is what the the the loop itself we Tred to achieve on our proposed elevation and when you say that it the it's the direction from Hiatt right this is what they they they want to see it's not it doesn't have to be specifically that but this is the type of brand that hayatt wants its buildings to look like exactly here is on one side you'll see the the the South elevation of the the proposed building for the hotel and on the left you see the the typical floor plan it's is a five-story building including the the ground floor first floor is not shown here I will come come next but this floor this is from the second floor third floor second third fourth and fifth floor which is mostly the the hotel rooms combined this is pretty much typical on on every floor from second to the fifth and on the side you can see the the front elevation which is the the South elevation which is actually facing the dout 22 West this is the the ground floor plan which shows which mostly has the the administrative part of it and that some offices covered swiming pool at the back in the and the reception Lobby uh dining space but also it has three rooms all the way on the back side of the building on the left side there are three bedrooms bedrooms meaning that hotel rooms at the back this is actually what I just mentioned they have on the first floor the various amenities that will be included on the first floor various facilities are there the dining to the restroom for the public the swimming pool at as well and of course that the lobby that's the typical floor plan with all of the bedrooms um it has 58 bedrooms on each floor typical uh there are different types of the the bedrooms involved with the different sizes also on in each floor we have six uh handicap rooms as well and you can see that we have the the fire the the stairs on on each corner at the back and the Elevator Shaft we have you can see here and also here and ENT the stairs there and then on that side for the thear grass purposes these are the all different kind of room types also it it called out different Square ft it's the the smallest one is 300 Square ft and the largest one is uh 718 Square ft so all different sizes are involved on the same floor this is the Matrix that tells you the the different types of the rooms and also the sizes and and everything thank this is if you remember the the facade they have on the the southeast Corner facing the the 22nd West 22 West at the that corner on the south end of the East face we have the the features which actually uh it's it's a metal cladding composite metal cladding on the side to just emphasis that the brand uh prototype features that they like to have that focal point kind of a thing it's just about the entrance Lobby where the main canopy there and it needs above it that's what the the South elevation which is facing the the 22nd this is the the features I'm talking about if I can get it yeah that's all these portions at the corner this is the the facing the the this is the south side and on that side also which is actually facing the the garage that corner itself is say a composite uh metal clading but the rest of this upstairs is mostly sto and the and the windows are all fixed windows in between the windows you can see some decorated rers and on the first floor we used mostly the the briak on the first level this is the face is to the east which is facing the garage and we put the same features here on that corner which is the composite metal cladding panels and the rest of it all Stu was but on the first floor we put the bricks brick vineard mostly and that's the the entrance canopy from the the south side of the building to the Lance Lobby and just to mention that we kept that height 59 60 in 59' 6 the the roof height from the the great that's the north elevation which is the the rare part of the the building and it's mostly staco fixed windows lers you know that are glazing that's what we have that's the west west elevation this that's the on the on the left side of the building completely so that's also pretty much stle and you you see that portion there that's the the metal features we have there this is kind of a conceptual uh 3D model which is telling the the locations of of the building and the garage itself also it's showing the the canopy here and then that's that's the garage and then that's the hotel um Mr monar before we go into the garage let me just ask you a couple questions about the hotel um one point that was out of the engineers report um the architect report dated January 12th 2024 it had a a typographical error it identified 325 rooms instead of 235 can you confirm that there are only 235 rooms on this project there are only 235 rooms 58 rooms on on four different floors and then three under the first floor okay and do you know or can you confirm that hayatt has a reviewed and approved the current floor plans as shown tonight yes I yes they have red correct thank you um now the hotel contains a Terrace um what if any amenities will be located on that and further to that point will guests have access to the terce of the hotel it's uh no access for the the guest to the the ter and the Terrace is mostly for the for the the mechanical units to rece on mostly and but we at one stairs is is taking all the way to the the just the access will be to the service people for the to maintain the rooftop units um and then is an emergency standby generator proposed for the mechanical room has a decision been made made for that yet that's not that I know but if if the owner decided to there there would be room for it in the mechanical room oh should okay okay um if you want to go through your garage design now this is the garage design on the on the east side of the hotel the one thing I like to let you know that there is the the hotel guest and the garage employee that the cultivation employees canbas cultivation there is no common way to do so the always there is a restriction who can get into what so the the hotel guest has no access into the cultivation portion of the building of the garage portion of the building even the the employee they they have a separate access I will go through it and uh and the hotel guest has a has access into that garage spaces and just to expand upon that it's not just hotel guest right there there's security measures that specifically separate the Cannabis cultivation portion of the building from the parking lot yes would that separation lead to some underutilized spaces then of parking like if we gave 60 to the cultivation Center but they only have 40 employees to then lose those parking spaces for the hotel so what I can tell you is there's going to be a cross easement between the two properties um so that easement will establish the use of the garage facility for hotel Gest Hotel employees um so that would dictate the number of spaces um provided for the hotel um as uh Mr mumar goes through his plans you'll see that on the um second floor there are uh specified number of parking spaces reserved specifically for the uh employees of the Cannabis cultivation facility um but to answer your question generally um I I don't think um there there will be any issues with wasted space um if for no reason alone we are um on the higher end of the number of parking spaces that are allowed so there should be sufficient parking regardless if I may just comment or question at the same time if I recall um prior testimony there were to be approximately 60 employees and 15 part times um very cool I think I'm right the applicant's representative will be able to respond to that I I don't recall that specifically it it's just in consideration for the entirety of the parking certainly there's numerous there are numerous spaces um however there will be 235 rooms with perhaps 235 cars or more plus the 60 plus the 11 dedicated for I would think 60 employees might be a little high okay uh the the garage SL cannabis cultivation Center that's actually five story above the the grade and then one story below the grade so there is a basement there this plan you looking at that's for the basement and ntcs are all going offices only this this one into the basement and there is the access to the the basement is only to that stairs and then these stairs which comes from the the first floor so there is no access directly from outside of the the building into the basement and this is the first floor and you can see that there is one stair here and another stair there this is that's the hotel it's right here so these one will be strictly used by the the by The Outsiders and that one is only for the for the people in this office for the administrative people for the the cultivation Center and then they have on the first floor mainly the offices for the the employees shower bathrooms and some break rooms a Lobby kind of thing and also right into the middle they have the mechanical and the electrical room all these axes will be uh will have the surveillance for at least all the time 24/7 365 a day uh it will be have I mean the owner will probably will explain more about that access into the building but there will be a lot of controls on the access who can get in and who cannot that's the second floor second floor also pass the the grow growing area and that's where they have all these employee parking this this parking cannot be accessed from from by the office anybody back from the office because that that door itself will be locked why my go away yeah oh okay yeah I got yeah from this one you cannot get onto this floor that will be a mechanism invol right there they can get into the and thenan in the middle is a grow Growing Place that's the the third floor we have all the mechanical rooms and also there are parkings these parkings will be used by the Dos Outsiders and then you know all the the P counting on the parking itself 210 plus uh 58 outside and that's the fourth floor where we have labs and their Associated rooms which goes with the the lab itself and we have the paring but this talking also for The Outsiders and that's the fif floor the the mechanical and the electrical rooms and the the par and here level it's all party the garage the garage for side are two sites which is actually facing the Main Street and the hotel that will be a metal clad system on the exterior face composite and the are metal Loopers and the the entrances for the employee side that building completely separated from the parking garage function wise and from the the hotel P so that that so one stage completely for the the employee there and another one for the The Outsiders including the the hotel guest these are the two access into building U Mr mandar if I could just ask two followup um can you confirm that the plans you showed show 210 parking spaces 210 in the garage yes yes and will those parking spaces be in compliance with the Redevelopment plan in terms of size yes if the board has any questions questions from the board yes um my first question pertains to numbers numbers of rooms um there are discrepancies all over the place in the documents that I have reviewed um in your letter uh dated January 12th there's a reference to 325 rooms but the appendex of that letter on page three adds up to 227 rooms and then on your presentation on one of the slides you have 235 rooms in the room Matrix slide so my first question is can you clear the record in terms of how many rooms are there 235 and should we dis disregard the appendex to your letter on January 12th okay my second question pertains to and there's a slide at the beginning it it says dual brand Direction rendering I just want you to confirm the record that this slide that this rendering is not the actual rendering of the property okay um my third question pertains to what we just reviewed with the garage and and the floor plans with the garage if you can help us orientate ourselves of how someone gets in and gets out of the garage as a hotel guest let me give you a situation in which I'm a hotel guest and I'm I'm going to park at the terrorist level the highest level and Situation Number Two to get from there to out of the garage can you maneuver through those five levels of how someone would go around each of those floors to get to the ter so if you want to start at the fifth floor or the Terrace floor so how do I get to the ter floor um through that if you are a guest from the hotel yeah you will be using that the stairs and the or the the elevators oh no no if if I'm driving into the garage how how how yeah if if I'm going to drive into the garage can you maneuver me through the floor plans through those four floors of how do I get to the Terrace see you you're coming in there okay and then that's you and then you go around to the upper level you go so you you coming in here okay see that's that's most okay all right so you're basically coming from going around whatever is in the center yeah okay and then on the second floor you go around the Grow rooms in counterclockwise and then that top rectangle is basically an incline to the third floor and the pattern repeats itself okay my next question and and the answer might be obvious here if you were a worker for the cultivation and the manufacturing and if you had to go from one floor to another it looks like is there an elevator on on the in the garage yeah that is only accessible to the employees yes so so it won't be two elevators then there are two two elevators one for the employees which which you can see yeah and then that's the the stairs that's the elevator for the guest others that's the the elevator and then that's the stair okay and can you distinguish between the size I would think that the one in the um actual facility is probably a freight elevator that's why the distinction between the two sides um can you go to the basement and just for the purpose of the board to understand the layout in the basement here and I know this is very small text but it looks like on the north to North west side of the floor plan there's a vegro and then most of the basement floor um maybe like 70% of it is grow room what What's the diff and then you have on the top right of a propagation can you elaborate on what these what the differences of these rooms are and what purposes do they have I think the applicant's representative will be able to explain all of that okay I don't know if the architect is vers and the actual growing of the product okay he design no he designed the plan but the how the specific circumstances of how the veg room works I myself I don't know what that I'm not sure that's what the question oh I'm sorry if that wasn't the question no so it was just basically um what what are the differences between the rooms of what purpose they serve for yeah okay okay okay um I want to go back to some of the renderings that you had um with the elevations and I I try to compare it to the Dual brand Direction um that that you started off with and looking at some of the elevations um I'll now I'll give you an example here in the Dual brain Direction um it's a pretty um uh grayscale type of coloring of Shades of Gray of light gray of whites and meanwhile in the South elevation I think I see a a maroon red and then a little bit of a maybe like a turquoise kind of subtle lining of turquoise my question to you is that um what was that choice why why was that choice of color made and is it aligned with The Branding of hayatt it's actually trying to agree with the with the brand Choice most this is also see that here this is all metal cling this whole thing is the metal pling but just two different colors they have a wide range of color selection and but the same materials so I'm sorry I I I I might have not un understand that on my end so is is the red that that the reddish brand that we're seeing actually reddish brown yeah Rish okay I think it also lends to my question I know in your testimony you said that hayatt reviewed it and but I want to get confirmation did Hyatt number one approve the overall design of the hotel the um applicants representative who has been dealing specifically with ha in regards to franchise agreement and the outside design um will be able to respond to that of the applic the the owner will yes yeah okay okay so I'll save my questions with regards to that process then um other than that those are my questions thank you thank you Mr any other questions from the board I have a question sir the uh parking garage that's going to be uh sprinkler yes and where would the fire department connection be we didn't get into that detail but it's in the rear back parking lot okay okay and then the hotel is obviously sprinklered so where would that fire conne okay and now have easy access ACC for the fire department and then what about for the uh fire alarm panels is that is that one fire alarm or is it separate and apart and then where would those fire alarm panels be so mechanical room is the basement yeah yeah should M Mr chairman Mr chairman if I can share if we can swear in the additional testimony that's being provided if yeah however like to handle it the owner will be testifying right after the architect so back off okay okay any other question on the board I have a question for sir and this is more protect the record type of thing this letter dated January 12th 2024 it's it's your letter okay your company's in Las Vegas um would you be so kind and I know that you testified on the typos that are on here um on the first paragraph it says you have 325 rooms that's not accurate right okay and then your Matrix is also inaccurate would you'd be so kind as to submit and amended one of these sure so that you we all the numbers are right and we have everything on the record how long will that take to get us another letter like that probably a week a week or so great and can you get it to your attorney so we can get it to us great thank you um the and again this is just protecting the type of the thing uh the date on your on your design is I I just I'm sure there's a reason for it I just want to make sure I know what it is um I'm the design that says Hyatt dual brand is dated January the 6th 2024 that's correct right and then I have the Dual brand Direction rendering that's dated June the 16th or 19 2017 um and I I I just wanted to I'm sure there's a reason for it I just don't know what it is yeah that's that's from the so it's just that data it's just G that data okay that's fine and the system itself is there a circulation system in other words what am I asking you is for those guests who aren't interested in the Cannabis part of the business is there like a circulation system so they don't have to breathe any of that air for the Cannabis part all you we'll get okay if you have the answer that we'll get it later but if you don't have that's fine if you don't understand um also to for security purposes what kind of of a security system will you be putting in place will you get that too okay all right well thank any other thank you very much ask all questions you smart man any other questions from the board question I don't have a question I do a request um and I don't mean to be factious but 2017 rendering um certainly gives a nice concept it doesn't bear any resemblance at all to the actual plan that you have submitted or that you've just discussed can we um omit this then perhaps you could find something more current from high it that would give us an idea of what their current expectations are I think that'd be great thank you any other question from the board questions from the public thank you for your presentation sir very helpful your next it's getting a little late well we'll move quickly I'm sorry we'll move quickly we'll go I'm sorry oh uh yeah we'll go quickly um I we have a lot we still have a lot of work to do I think we'll have table it for the next give you some heads up okay okay um our last or next and last witness is uh Mr hamatsu Patel you please ra raise your right hand please sir do you swear the testimony that you'll provide today will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do now please State and spell your name for the record my name is hansu Patel it's h m a NSU last name is p a t l thank you thank you Mr Patel um are you here this evening in your role um with bapo Corporation yes could you please explain what that role is I'm a manager slvp of B cour okay and you're aware that the subject property is subject to the Clinton manner Redevelopment plan correct correct and that Redevelopment plan requires the execution of a Redevelopment agreement correct and you on behalf of Bob who agree to uh continue negotiating and execute that agreement with the township before any site plan permits would be issued I do um could you briefly describe for the board the status of the negotiations of the development AG Redevelopment agreement um they're progressing well um we've pretty much um got everything strained away and um we are willing to comply to all the changes that the township has made okay great and then just for the board's understanding the Redevelopment agreement calls for after site plan approval the conveyance of the two Parcels to two separate what are called urban renewal entities right that's it's a concept under the low uh long-term tax exemption law um but one um urban renewal entity Papu holding urban renewal LLC will own own the hotel parcel and bapoo developments urban renewal LLC will own the Cannabis Park and garage paral is that correct that is correct okay and the Township's aware of that and they they're they're willing to agree to it um so focusing on the hotel parcel um is it correct that bapo holding Corp will contract with extreme management to manage and operate the DAT today Hotel facility that is correct we have a management agreement with extreme Hospitality okay and could you give give the board a little background on Extreme management and why you chose them sure uh so they uh were recommended to us through uh the IHG Group which is a uh they own the holiday and uh franchise that we were working with them uh on on a separate project and uh since we were firsttime franchisee they had recommended that we hire a management firm who is experienced in managing a hotel of that class and so that's how we originally first met them and then uh they actually introduced us to Hyatt and that's how we got the Hyatt franchise agreement and since they have a close relationship with Hyatt we decided to uh do uh continue the management agreement on this facility um now on the first floor of the hotel there is a proposed uh restaurant and that restaurant will be limited for guests correct yeah uh so it's I I I I feel like the the word restaurant is kind of a stretch because we're not really uh allowing it to the public it's just for uh the area for like breakfast ser breakfast to our customers and then we do have a bar but that's just for like customers to grab a drink while they're staying at the hotel uh we're not going to be allowing any outside customers okay and just to take a quick step back just to clarify one issue the two urban renewal entities that will own the two properties the um membership interest in those llc's are both the same which is also the same as the applicant correct correct so there's there really no distinction between the two they're just separate LLC entities yes okay um with respect to the Cannabis uh parcel um bapu developments urban renewal will own that and they will lease the Cannabis portion of the property to an entity yes they will be leasing it to the licensed uh holder which is Vu Brothers cannabis okay um and vdu brothers cannabis have they sought and obtained authorization from the state and specifically cannabis Regulatory Commission yeah uh Vu Brothers has been fully approved for annual licenses for both cultivation and Manufacturing okay and as part of that state approval did they have to obtain um support from the township correct yes I we obtained a resolution from the township uh for both cultivation and Manufacturing okay um can you describe the requirements or steps to actually open the Cannabis facility what do you have to do to satisfy any requirements of the state or the township so uh we would firstly have to get the site plan approved and then um once everything is is uh uh approved and we're ready to uh go into uh construction demolitions we would have to demolish any anything and then get the uh complete buildout completed and then we would have the CRC inspector come inspect the facility for um you know any requirements U make sure that the security is uh the Sops are are or standards standard operating procedures are are adher in to what we had uh submitted to them and they had previously approved and then once they see that everything is uh above board then they give their green light then we can get into operations thank you and we've also already have an inspector assigned so they're just waiting for us to Finish the build Who's name uh Ryan I can get your name Ryan saki I think his name is something like that yeah um could you speak about the sprinkler systems um and um related yeah so um if you look yeah so if you look on this uh uh slide here for the hotel so this is uh where's ele so this is the pool area here so the hookups will be uh somewhere uh somewhere around here and uh so that'll give easy access for any uh fire department and uh to to come in and and hook up and then there's a mechanical room I believe right here right on this sorry left side yeah so on this side there's the mechanical room for the the fires uh um panels and and electrical panels and things like that that's for the hotel side and then for the Cannabis uh uh okay so if you see here on the top side here these are the CHP generators that we' be putting in to the facility uh that's right around this area is also where the the hookups for like the sprinklers and and and such will go so that'll be easy access for the fire department or anybody that needs access and then this whole section is a mechanical room and electrical room so that's where the fire panels and safety thing and the electrical panels and everything will be uh be installed could you explain the proposed um security yeah so yeah so there is uh we are going to be complying to all CRC regulations so there's going to be uh at all entrances there will be key card entrances as well as some some more uh heavy duty doors as well as some biometric uh uh um access points and then there's going to be 24hour uh camera system security camera system throughout every inch of the facility as well as the exterior and then uh there will also be armed guard at all operational hours um that's what the CRC requires they don't require 24-hour arm guard but they do require at during operational hours which we will be adhering to and and um there's also going to be U alarm systems that will be collecting directly to fire police department um at the facility as well same similarly with the hotel side as well and that's not only required by the CRC but there's also Township requirements that that you're going to comply with yeah and same thing with the hotel with the hotel um guests will have to enter with key cards um there there won't be any access uh you know other than the lobby entrance there won't be any access from outside unless you have unless you're a guest and you have a proper key card okay um could you just touch upon the uh proposed temporary facility uh briefly um and the negotiations with the township with respect to uh commencement of Demolition and the term of use uh yes so we uh uh we will be operating the banquet hall for cultivation and Manufacturing and uh we had uh spoken with the township and they have indicated that they did not want us to go over 12 months so we will adhere to that 12- month uh time frame and at the end of that 12 months we will be ready to demolish the the banquet hall and move all of in the entire operations into the new uh main facility parking garage once it's completed um and it's the inent of bapu that if and when or when a approval was granted you're going to um begin the process of obtaining demolition permits correct yes we've already begun uh set um working on the demo package and we will be submitting it uh as soon as it's ready so hopefully within the next few weeks we will have a demo package ready we and um did you have a chance to review the engineers review letter of January uh are those terms and conditions acceptable yes everything's acceptable to us thank you uh that concludes direct testimony question from the board yes I guess um so my first set of questions uh to the relationship with hayatt um so I think it was said prior that there was a a franchise agreement signed with hayatt what's the duration of that agreement uh well there is a a a clause which states that within five years um if we do not begin uh construction on the facility there is a penalty but I don't see us even getting close to that um but um they also are willing to negotiate for extensions if need be NE negotiations on extensions on the five on the five years of not being able to BU build yeah exactly if we can't commence within that time period they are willing to uh negotiate with us for extra time okay and um going to the extreme Hospitality um service provider that that manages the day-to-day operations will you be serving in a a capacity as management or with the operations of of the company or is that solely extreme Hospital exem yeah we're because we're new franchises we're not allowed to or high doesn't want us to um have any managerial capacity that's why we will be giving it solely to um uh extreme Hospitality for the initial first five years and then once we have established ourselves with the franchise then they will allow us to uh operate the facilities uh uh ourselves so they're coming only for 5 years essentially well no we will Pro I mean it's based on their performance so if they you know as as long as they maintain you know do well uh we will continue uh working with extreme Hospitality okay so the nature of the agreement is is that as long as long as the as long as the the quality of the service and the job done by extreme hospitality is is up to par then the the the extension of the contract continues as a result not necessarily that they're here temporarily for 5 years to manage and then basically to hand it over to yeah no that's not the case it's it's just an industry standard to have a five-year contract usually in management agreements um but our our we have full intention to continue to allow uh extreme management as long as they uh continue to perform got it my next question going back to the relationship with hayad and I know I save this question I initially asked this question to the architect and and I'm going to have it now for you um with regards to design and basically understanding the process in which hayatt um reviewed and and and approved these so just my first question is it seems like hayatt did review the the site plans reviewed it okay and have they approved it yes so they have app so their process is usually they you would send them uh send them like a 25 set perc uh completion set and then you go to 5050 and then you go to 75 and then 100 so we have submitted the 25 and they've approved that and now our next set is to to get to the 50% set and that means putting in all the equipment and and all the the furnishings and the fine tuning and then we submit that and then uh you know then we'll get approval for that and then we'll move on to the next so in terms of what was presented by the architect tonight was was that the 25% 25% set so far well well we've no well now it's progressed since we have submitted it to to Hyatt but when we had submitted to the Hiatt it was a 25% set but I mean what was presented to us to us no now it's it's it's a lot further along it's I mean I I can say off top maybe like 45% I guess somewhere par okay my next couple questions pertain to um the cultivation but first on the temporary um facilities I I recall probably around an hour ago I I asked a question with regards to is the temporary Bank uh temporary location IE the banquet hall going to be used for only cultivation or cultivation and Manufacturing our plan is to both to do both both okay and if I could recall from past testimony I from I you had some individuals um who operate the business gave some kind of flavor in terms of what they would put to to accommodate the demands for cultivation what what plans are put into place to accommodate the manufacturing part I I assume that there are storage demands as a result and so is there kind is there like a a temporary plan that that is there but wasn't presented to us because I don't think the board has seen like a like a floor plan per se of how what this would look like yeah I I do we not submit a floor plan for the temp grow no that was not um I can submit a a floor plan we do have a floor plan for the temp grow there is storage space in our floor plan factored in for uh both sides of the manufacturing as well as the cultivation um there's a designated space for dry curing for packing for storage um Vault uh all of it okay and with now the um permanent location for um cultivation Manufacturing in the garage um I think I think I recalled the question asked back in November in terms of number employees attributed to cultivation can can you remind us in terms of the number of employees in total that would be for both cultivation and Manufacturing and what would be the ratio of full-time and part-time employees okay so uh uh this I also answers your question um so you were correct uh overall there is roughly 60 um if you count the hotel and the the cultivation there will roughly be but there won't won be 60 uh employees at the facility at any given time because everybody's staggered so at any given time it'll be about half half of that right so about 30 30 people if you're counting both facilities there'll be about anywhere from 25 to 30 uh employees on site at at any given time [Music] okay not I have a quick question about um the uh extreme hospitality company sure um will they be doing all the hiring um all the vetting all the yes arrangements for all all the mations hotel run properly yes yeah and uh they have a very rigorous uh background check process for all the Staffing and everything U so yeah they they will be handling all that and and anywhere in the um plans that we've seen so far there's no designated parking spaces for the M must certainly be multiple employees of the Workforce to operate the hotel for the hotel yeah uh well there there is Sur service level parking surrounding the so so I guess what I'm saying so and it's it's this is a statement rather than a question uh pardon me for The Late Late thinking of my brain if I'm a guest I will come in to the driveway that that will be approved as appropriate and the place I will be asked to park primarily is at the top Terrace yeah yes so have to circulate all around the core of that garage building find the top take an elevator down with my bags walk across and then enter into either under a glass canopy or a back door which I don't have access to until I get my key card yes until you have a key card yes so it's a lot of walking through rain snow and stairs and elevator is there any way to as as you think of the pr I ality of your guests maybe the extreme Hospitality people will come up with a really good solution because that seems like a lot of traveling that is it is a lot of walking U the the way to mitigate that number one is is you know you would assume that the guests are going to stop by the lobby first get their key drop off their bags and then go park their car right is there a space to do that sir yeah yeah so so and then and then and then by that time they would also have a key card so they could all easily enter from the rear that was my question thank you other question from the board I have a question Joe please you know where the nearest fire hydrant is are you going to lose the one that's in the front uh I um yeah there's two I don't think we're going to lose uh you're not going to lose them yeah wrong I don't think so yeah we're not going to be losing the fire but there are to all right and with regards to the Cannabis Warehouse in the Bas when the fire alarm goes off will those doors automatically open or they become unlocked yeah they'll become unlocked they won't automatically open but yes they will be unlocked so so that guest can exit yes any other question from the board just had one more followup question did you no no no Mr Frank I'm just thinking uh I don't know if you can answer this but would you be opposed to an emergency vehicle entrance only just for an emergency vehicle I should have asked the uh traffic would you be opposed to that no we wouldn't beos if we could uh fit it within our site and and not have to change much yeah we wouldn't beos that okay because I didn't know if that one with the New Jersey state D or not but okay thank you this might be a question more so either for the engineer or for the architect or maybe for you but um going back to the garage and really thinking about the layout um and having the operations minus the basement basically be in the middle of the garage what how is that constructed in a way to mitigate or to block out vibrations that would be caused by cars going in and through the garage through the floors and back down to ground level H how do you mitigate all those vibrations that that would be caused by those cars uh yeah I mean it would be the material that we would use I mean a lot of the the the structures around would be uh concrete so a lot of that would be mitigated and uh you know so uh just most of it would be on how we design the the layout so I I don't think that that's going to be much of an issue because uh you know most of the cultivation space is uh going to be behind like a concrete wall so uh you there's going to be a lot of a lot of buffer space between uh the car the I guess the route the car route and the operations is it mainly concrete that's just going to be used or is there other there going to be other materials that are going to be used uh like between the drywall there's going to be insulation and other things like that and would would you happen to know like what what those materials are or if if um Mr chair if you would entertain if if that could be answered by another yeah I mean I can I can get a material list for you later we don't have are are we even at that stage yet that far along in the design yeah we we would have to get to that point once we get to that point I can provide you a material list okay okay thank you any other questions from the board all right M Mr Patel thank you very very much all of your has been very helpful Mr kovski I have a list of about a dozen uh pieces of information that we need from your client so I think it's a safe bet think there would be to carry this to the next meeting if that's okay uh yes okay and uh I don't know when that they that'll we'll we'll get back to you um ask for noticing purposes uh is it possible to look it up now just so we can announce it although there's no one here just so we avoid any additional noticing I believe it's February 22nd [Music] okay yeah we're going to continue on wouldn't be required yeah we're getting there we're getting there all right um thank you very much thank you members thank you sir um no I have no other to business I'll take a motion to to adjourn Some Mo second all in favor I opposed this meeting is up to considering from what I'm hearing from so maybe next meeting might be just as long but now I expect