E11 is to approve Frasier's mathematics Solutions hybrid assembly resolution E12 is to approve the acceptance of funds for school-based mental health Grant year 2 resolution e13 is to approve the girls on the run program for Frankland Elementary School and resolution E17 is to improve approve employee 12412 to administer the access test in the home the residence of student 25 6679 second for the agenda items that's up Mr Cohan and second any discussion yes madame president I'm just very excited to see that um we're devoting some TLC to mathematics um this is in reference to E11 um I know that um throughout the state most students are struggling with mathematics um and Co certainly did not assist students in staying in the trajectory so I'm glad that we are partnering with um frasers mathematics to make that happen also um I was very excited to I really had to look it up e13 Girls on the Run I was curious if the girls were going to be running Mr Dr vanista but um I see that it's a very nice program for young ladies to develop their communication collaboration and Leadership skills so kudos to those that are running this program at Franklin any other discussion yes yes um I was very also uh also very happy to see uh the change in status for uh the Franklin Franklin Elementary School and Jefferson Elementary School um uh to meet the criteria to be eligible to exit the comprehensive uh support that had been going on there for years so they are making progress I'm very happy about that uh it's it's a it's a bright uh moment for the district I think when when we are elevating uh our schools this way so and uh I think that Mrs deado and um Mrs Dr basille doing great jobs there and along more so with their teachers I think they're inspiring their teachers uh uh they're all working very hard because they they know uh I guess where they were and uh I'm sure they're happy to be moving forward making some progress um many years ago yes um Miss benell Mr Cohan yes Mrs kante Macky yes Mr McDow yes Mrs Mani yes Mr Nesta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes thank you next we will have fiscal and planning committee chair Miss carbel to present the resolutions to be voted um before I do that I do want to thank Dr benaquista and Miss for um working to make sure that we are fiscally responsible I know it's a delicate balance between the things that we want to do in the district but also keeping in mind um that we also serve the community so thank you both and I think we're you know um taking the right steps to make certain things happen not only in the district but also for our community um and in addition to that I just want to give a a shout out to all the students students that were here tonight that excites me so much to see students um exercising leadership and um being role models for other students um and very very impressive with two young ladies with a was it a 5 point something so kudos to Abigail and SN SN I want to make sure I said it correctly um congratulations every student if you're listening can do this um no one in in the world has special abilities what we have is passion and drive um to follow what we care about so everyone has the opportunity to make something happen um now to the fiscal side of things um Madame President um F7 was a approved at the last meeting as well as F12 through F18 and f19 is for informational purposes only therefore I'm going to read the other resolutions for tonight um upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the fiscal and planning committee presents the following resolution to the for the board's consideration F1 treasurer's report F2 secretary's report report F3 certified treasurers and secretary's report F4 approve appropriation of transfers F5 approv list of contracts and purchase orders F6 approve districtwide travel and related expenses f7a approve district-wise student field trips f8 approve list of 2023 24 State contract approved vendors f9a approve approv list of contracts and purchases from the Student Activity um accounts um f9b approve fundraisers F f9c accept donations F10 approved 2023 24 out of District student placement list and f11 approved Center approved Center for developmental psychiatric evaluations and and last but not least F20 approv Early Childhood preschool budget for the 2024 2025 school year second any discussion um I do have a question at nf20 is that 8 mil um fully Grant funded yes yes okay I thought I saw that but I wanted to double check the fund was very small Miss Co thank you any other discussion wonderful the motion has been properly moved by Miss carbonel and seconded by Miss Marilyn Williams can I have a roll call please miss capol m carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs con macki yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes thank you so much Miss capol so upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools the legal committee presents the following resolutions for the board's consideration we have L1 approved settlement agreement and we have L2 that is a walk-on from um our executive session um I making the motion is there a second second any discussion the motion is BR properly moved by Miss Santana and seconded by Miss uh Mani can I have a roll call please miss Capo yes Miss carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs con Macky yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs mini yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott Heen yes Mrs Williams stain Miss Santana yes next we will have the operation Mrs Scott ha the operations chair Miss Scott Hayden to present the resolutions to be voted on tonight good evening upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the operation committee presents the following resolution for the board's consideration 01 approve security drill bus evacuation reports O2 approve acceptance of funds emerging and capital maintenance need grants 03 approv request from Brandon Thompson for UHS and 04 approve renewal of membership for njs second thank you any discussion I would just like to add that I'm very proud of 03 um our Union High School graduate coming back and just uh um gracing our halls with all the talent that He has and I hope that all these students come back and well I I actually want them to say stay in the town selfishly but if they don't to just come back and show where their Foundation was um excited to see the video and excited to see everything that he brings to the table um so this President Madam president before you call for the vote I'd like to uh point out that I am conflicted on resolution 04 so I will recuse myself thank you any other discussion I just want to echo on all3 those lyrics were beautiful so I'm so happy to have him come back and do that video here we share the the final product yes excellent excellent so any more discussion this motion has been properly moved by Kimber Miss Kimberly Scott Hayden and seconded by Miss Mani yes thank you can I have a roll call please miss capol yes Miss carbel yes Mr Cohan yes on res on resolutions 01 02 and 03 and abstain on 04 Mrs C macki yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Anana yes next we will have the Personnel committee chair Mrs Mani to present the following resolutions okay I just like to um to point out that we added um P5 and P6 to our agenda so um with that I'm the resolutions upon recommend ation of the superintendent of schools the Personnel committee presents the following resolution for the board's consideration p1a Personnel actions new hes p1b personal actions extra pay P1 C personal actions transfers uh P2 um approve the substitute list p3a accept letters of resignation and retirement p3b approve leaves P4 appr approve professional development discovering the power of the creative curriculum cloud and we added P5 to approve termination of employee 12917 and employee 12471 and P6 to approve um withholding of an increment for employee 13199 is there a second any discussion seeing none this motion has properly been moved by Miss mani and in by Miss Kimberly Scott Hayden can I have a roll call please Mrs capol Miss carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K macki yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Beni yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams yes to everything abstain from P5 P6 yes to everything else Miss Santana yes thank you so much so there's no policy to vote on tonight uh for the policy committee these policies will uh go back to the policy committee for further review is there anything you'd like to say uh Miss maryn Williams other than I'll have to be following up with thank you so much Miss Marilyn Willams so moving along Mrs Mani will have the following residency uh resolutions okay so again um if through executive session we added R2 um to uh our um agenda so upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools The Residency committee presents the following resolution for the board's consideration R1 report of students voluntar voluntarily transferred to District uh out of District residents um this is no vote required on this and R2 remove student uh number 31088 for discussion in our executive session second thank you uh any discussion the motion has been properly moved by Miss mani and seconded by Kimberly Scott Hayden can I have a rooll call please Mrs Capo M caranel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K Macky yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams abstain Miss Santana yes for the technology committee month there are there are not any uh technology resolutions to present uh Mr MCD would you like to say something in reference to the um technology committee yes just a few things uh uh we met the other week and uh just a couple of things that that's going on in technology uh two weeks I guess two weeks ago they had the the uh State Testing and that's all uh uh using the instruction technology everything is done online uh and I think I'm sorry to see Mr Armen go because he was uh one of the people responsible for getting the one1 the one 121 uh computers for our children here uh in the district so uh uh we are kind of I guess moved into the 21st century uh and what else um we are also investigating uh vaccine over the internet provider and that a training is going on in the district now for the business office Personnel uh the Via telephone systems uh have been installed in the classrooms prek through four School and uh they're working on configuring to call out of the district but presently they can call 911 they can call the main office uh classroom to classroom and any other offices within the district uh the network audit is take uh uh uh took place on March thir I'm sorry March 13th and March 14th and I believe that Mr Paul will uh share a report on that at our next committee meeting and uh the last last thing is uh the application for e funding to renew District internet access uh and and uh why area network access for Jefferson School and that's going to be that's that has been submitted for bidding and again that's through the eate any discussion thank you so much Mr McDow you are welcome may I have a motion to approve the bills so moved is there a second second any discussion the motion has been properly moved by Miss mani and seconded by Miss LC KY macki can I have a roll call please Mrs Capo Miss carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes on everything except check number 137 396 on which I abstain Mrs K Macky yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Beni yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss s yes thank you Mrs capol is there any unfinished business moving on to new business yeah I'm sorry yes no new business yes okay so I just wanted to say since we are in women's history month and this is our last board meeting for the month of March I had the privilege today to be on a small panel in Kenworth School District speaking to young women of various shades of beautiful colors um and I would be remissed if I didn't make sure that I uplifted our young women in our community and us as women as a whole so I would just like to say to every young lady young woman and women here in this space those who are watching on uh Facebook live or whatever stream method of streaming you're watching um I just wanted to leave you with one quote that I spoke to today and it was called I choose I choose to live by choice not by chance to be motivated and not manipulated to be useful and not used to make changes and not excuses to Excel and not to compete I choose self-esteem not self-pity I choose to listen to my inner voice and not the random opinion of others I choose to be me so I hope that inspired some of our young ladies who Walk The Halls of our very school buildings who may need a word of encouragement I want you to know that we as board members we see you we uplift you we encourage you and we most of all hope to inspire you thank you any other news Madam president um so I wanted to just bring some information to light I sit on the Union County PA Service Commission um and at our last meeting um you know we adopted a budget and one of the things that I learned from that was Transportation everyone knows that that is my um biggest one of my biggest um things that I do Champion for an advocate for is the safety of our children with disabilities and transportation um and what I learned at that meeting was that all of our kids um All Buses trans a are mandated to have cameras on board and I don't think that a lot of parents know about that um especially those of us that have children that are nonverbal and cannot tell us anything it brings a great um comfort they can't hear you at home oh let me moved the mic up sorry thank you my apologies um so just to run back um sitting on this count to commission board um one I did learn the astronomical amounts of funding that goes into Transportation um so it's definitely something for us to really look into but more so parents with kids with disabilities like myself whose children cannot tell us what's going on on the bus and cannot really give us details if anything is actually happening and safety is kind of the biggest concern Dr Ben Madam president Madam vice president um bottom line is we send our children out on a wing in a prayer and hope that they're being safe um one of the things in the discussion that opened up all districts talking about is what do we do internally within our community with our districts to ensure that we're following the Mandate are these buses equipped do we know is there something in place and can we better educate our parents to at least know that this is available because having that give some peace of mind knowing that there's something to protect kids who cannot defend themselves and or tell us um so I Circle back to the both of you um just to G some insight on that and really make sure that our community of kids our special kids um and family members and caregivers are educated and at least aware that this exist thank you thank you m president yes Mr armeno was here this evening he mentioned a lot of things that are going on in town so I just wanted to mention that there's a fundraiser for the um Memorial Day Parade committee it's on April 21st it's called the dueling posos um it's going to be held at the senior center it's in the afternoon 3: to 6 um and it's to raise money to for the veterans Alliance for the uh Memorial Day Parade so if um anyone is interested they can reach out to um uh Mrs Teresa over at the senior center if they're interested in tickets Madam president yes Mr C so I have two items uh the first is that in recognition of women's History Month I'd like to uh make certain the public knows that our president is going to be on a panel tomorrow night of accomplished women from the community uh sharing her experiences in in leadership and her path to uh community service I'm looking forward to that panel discussion thank you I'd also like to uh share something that I read in the Star Ledger yesterday uh and to acknowledge a comment made by uh one of our neighbors from the public related to the budget um this was a letter to the editor written by oh now I lost the author's name U but she's a resident of the town of Bordentown and she was talking about reductions in uh budget cuts to the Bordentown Board of education's budget she works in human resources and she talked about her experience with applicants and employees and she pointed out that uh cuts to to uh School budgets could affect students for the rest of their lives student without access to youth programs becomes an employee who struggles with teamwork a student without access to a music program becomes an employee who lacks critical thinking skills a student without access to a drama program becomes an employee who has difficulty speaking in front of a group a student without access to language programs becomes an employee who struggles with communication so I'd just like to uh acknowledge that we're doing our best to bring all the resources to Bear to make certain we provide the best educational program for the students of this community and we Bear all of those issues in mind as we make uh have our deliberations and make our decisions thank you madam president thank you any other discussion um so yes I just want to let everyone know that the topic is uh her story is our story um I'm excited to be there tomorrow and I invite everyone that can come I think that it it there's like a pre-registration yeah it's 6:00 to 9 at Galloping Hill I think it's pre-registration I think it's closed out but yeah you know say You Know Me Maybe you get in I don't know but if you go I'll see what I can do um but I did want to let everyone know also that um our fear leader over here Dr benaquista we have our is this the first one no third oh okay so this was the mar is it from from our children it's just exciting wrting it has a lot uh our kids our Township our our superintendent the teachers great um information about all that's going on uh it's student farmer Frontline what's up with tups uh I invite everyone to try to somehow um oh yeah it's getting pushed out tomorrow yay uh so looking forward to read it see the beautiful pictures I'm a visual so when you see people especially people that you know you have that familiar connection uh so excited to to read about it do we have any other new business say that it's really impressive with her quickly um the registration closed people um you know wanted to be a part of that because the women that are on the panel are alling it's nice and I'm very proud of our president oh thank you one of the panelists oh thank you so much thank you thank you madam president I just have one quick thing it's kind of could be old but it's kind of new to to this audience I want to just thank Miss Hall uh we started diving into our mission statement with her her student group and we're next step is going to merge the group of students that handle the newspaper as well as her group together to take it out of the next step and so we we are again moving forward on really hearing the students voice on making sure the mission statement fits them so it you know we're going to continue the rest of this year to hopefully again be able to present a new mission statement for the upcoming year yeah I uh I remember so president one of the first things I said to Jerry I said Jerry we have to do something with the mission statement but what I wanted to say is that I'd like to make it ours the boards the students everybody uh and kind of something that we're we're proud to speak on or or speak to every single board meeting I know that in the past there's been comments like oh we don't live up to this mission statement or I don't I don't even believe in it um well I do and I I am going to do is anything that we bring on to be the new mission statement is something that everybody will be proud of everybody will live up to and um I'm I'm happy that that was one of the uh that you're working on that I love to I'm gonna love to see the outcome and then have our board's um input on it and see where we go from there Madam president if you permit me yes of course I just want to say between the newsletter the decals the students doing their thing um the mission statement I am so optimistic and so happy that we are rebranding our ourselves one more time to exemplify what everybody thinks of Union Township and Union Township Schools so thank you for to everyone that worked together including the teachers um for making that happen that's exciting we're in an exciting time very very very any other comments move to a journ oh second Miss Capo I have a motion from Mr Kohan and seconded by Miss Mary Lynn Williams roll call please miss carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K Macky yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta Mrs Scott Hayden Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes yes