e e e so move thank you second any discussion uh Mrs Capello I have a motion uh moved by Mrs mani and seconded by Mrs Kimberly Scott Hayden uh roll call please miss caranel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K macki yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasca yes Mrs Scott Hayden yes Mrs Williams um abstain on through6 yes to 78 Miss Santana yes next we have our Communications that are reflected on the Personnel agenda yeah for I would like to take this moment to speak about an outstanding man that served Union as well Congressman Payne was a dedicated public servant whose lifelong commit commitment to social justice and constituent service made a lasting impact on the community and Beyond throughout his six terms in Congress Congress man pain tirelessly advocated for Progressive policies that aim to improve the lives of all Americans from his strong support for Medicare for all and the green New Deal to his efforts to address Community gun violence and expand access to affordable child care and housing he was a champion for equity and opportunity for all Congressman Payne's leadership was instrumental in securing finding for critical infrastructure projects including the national replacement of lead pipes that significantly benefited our region his dedication to clean drinking water environmental justice exemplified his commitment to ensuring a healthier and safer future for generations to come and he was also a friend to Union I would like to take this moment of silence and give our condolences to the family and think about Congressman Payne Jr thank you thank you all next we will have comments from the public on resolutions and all other matters we will have comments from the public on resolutions and all other matters seeing no comments from the public I will pass it along to Dr benaquista the superintendent report for thank you madam president welcome everyone um thank you for joining us tonight at uh our board meeting um I'll go through our agenda uh we're gonna um highlight our teachers of the Year tonight uh we're gonna a small glimpse is going to be geared towards our one of our projects that we completed this year as always I I'll review our hi findings and uh reports as well as our student Liaisons uh reached out to me today and with AP exams coming up um it was a very hard decision but I told them that we could uh share some positive news about I think we need to focus on our AP exams uh but they were very concerned about um you know not being able to be here and I think that's shows their dedication uh to not just themselves but our district as well um so our teachers of the Year this year you know it it's always awesome when you could uh highlight your teachers of the year um you know I I want to just I can't I don't have enough time to speak about all of them but I I picked a couple quotes uh that I feel maybe don't highlight them uh in a way that is going to uh show everything they do but their peers pick them as as the teachers of the year in their schools which say a lot right there um a lot of the teachers that are on here or a couple of at least uh are also participating in um a group that I brought together it's the volunteering um to have aspirations to be a future leader which I say I think says a lot because you know they're leading every day in their classroom uh they're leading their students I'm sure they're leading their peers too A lot of times uh the lead the teachers that get voted for Teacher of the Year their peers go to them for assistance so um one of the things I uh wanted to say is a good teacher can Inspire hope ignite imagination and instill the love of learning uh to instill the love of learning in a student is uh tremendous uh teacher I mean the students even 20 30 years later are going to remember the teachers that left that impact on it guarantee sometimes the students end up going into education because they had that teacher so I think it's very important that you know um you guys be recognized uh because I'm sure you're leaving uh those that love for learning with the with your students a mediocre teacher tells a good teacher explains a superior teacher demonstrate the great teacher inspires and again kind of connected but I'm sure you guys are inspiring your students every day as well as your colleagues around uh I don't think you would you would had other colleagues you know vote if you weren't and then the last thing before I call you guys up and and would just like to uh recognize you in front of everyone um and give you a certificate um is if you have to put someone on a pedestal put teachers they are society's Heroes I think a lot of times in society a lot of people do not realize what it takes every day in and out to educate our students and and that's not just here that's everywhere um you know unless you're living in in in in those shoes it's really hard to understand the demands every day um so I don't think we should forget that and I I I want to let everyone all our teachers all our teachers all our staff our administrators our support staff everyone we're here to highlight our teachers of the year but teaching is such a a special profession but it's so demanding and I think we we can't um highlight our school staff enough so as I call your name please come up Miss Watson do you want to join me in handing out the uh certificates along with this is the county does have a breakfast to highlight all our our teachers year throughout our County Madam president Madam vice president um so they get to go to a breakfast as well um which is nice that all every person from the county all the schools they do the same thing they nominate and and it's a special day and it's at cane um and that'll be coming up soon so um Cindy anony come on up so after you guys come up we we'll take a picture congratulations and then if you could hang out I would like to get a group picture with everyone with our board president vice president well congratulations so much congratulations do you want just get a we'll get individual pictures and come in the middle Cynthia carart some of the teachers obviously weren't available to come tonight Susan Craig congratulations congratulations thank Christina dejoya [Applause] congratulations hang Michael fero Solomon llama [Applause] congratulations congratulations congratulations Kathy Lombardo Lombardo uh Katherine Martins [Applause] you're congratulations thank you so much that's yours thank you thank you guys Jessica Mendes Catherine Michelle shago there was a couple that couldn't be with us but I just want to let everyone know um instead of just emailing um you know a congratulations letter uh it was so nice to go to every school is challenging but to get to every school I I couldn't leave a school out um but to see their reactions um and letting them know that with their administrator that they were uh teacher of the year was amazing uh touched uh myself to be able to share that uh with you guys um what I would like to do is get a group picture but I want there's a lot of Administrators here supporting their staff so administrators if you could come up in the background as well and get in the picture I just want to say thank you for all you do in supporting our teachers and I appreciate you spending time uh you know know even coming out tonight to show your support so if everyone could come up we'll get a group picture and uh and thank you again congratulations teachers in the front yeah administrators and um Madame president vice president in the middle I'm gonna stand right [Laughter] here we'll tell him that good oh my god calone really I think you need to get I could go one step you need to be in the front yeah but iock e again thank you and thank you again uh everyone that came out to support our teachers of the year I really do appreciate it um so at this point I'm gonna ask uh Dan Daniel Regal to come up from Schneider uh he is going to be sharing a a glimpse of uh uh we did a a project and and where it's at to support our district I'm going to bring up the you could clip this on and then we'll s that's easier but if you got it you're good okay oh because it's a PD yeah I don't know how it'll just click a little easier okay all right thanks all right all good okay can everyone hear me awesome well yeah it's great to be here thanks so much for the time uh it's been a few years since I've been at one of these board meetings so happy to be back uh really just to share a bit of an update on the Energy savings Improvement program that we had done with uh with the district so uh to introduce myself my name is Dan wle I'm with a company called Schneider Electric so we work with schools and towns all across the state and the country but I work just in New Jersey doing Energy savings projects and capital Improvement projects so uh just as kind of a bit of background we had started working with the district many years ago looking at uh ways to help the district save money through utility costs things like electric and natural gas uh as well as you know ways to upgrade the facilities as you know many of you are probably aware a lot of the buildings in Union including the schools are much older so there was a lot of older infrastructure so when we started this program uh we were trying to help the district find ways to upgrade some of the facilities and as well as reduce cost so we were able to uh put together a pretty well-rounded project uh you know that was really driven by Savings in in the facilities doing things like new LED lighting uh like solar on the roofs as well as over some of the parking lots you may have noticed at the high school in Hannah Caldwell uh and kind of used a lot of those savings opportunities to pay for some of the facility improvements so new HVAC systems uh there were a couple areas where air conditioning was added uh and we really worked with the District administration and we're able to put together kind of this comprehensive Project funding about $15 million worth of improvements uh at no cost to taxpayers basically using those savings to fund the improvements getting some extra extra funding from the state to kind of put all this together so it was you know a bit of a process just wanted to share kind of the background uh and then we can talk about kind of what the current performance is but uh overall we we started the process with the district in 2018 2019 developed the scope of work and really installed and implemented everything in in kind of the the early to late covid uh era 2020 2021 2022 uh and and then now we're in this what we call measurement and verification period where we're looking at the project and seeing okay how did we do uh you know with the implementation of of this various scopes of work so you know some of the things that I mentioned that were included uh solar at all 10 of the schools mostly on the roof but a couple over the parking lots a big savings opportunity like I mentioned was uh new LED lighting so basically taking the old uh old fluorescent tubes and replacing them with LEDs uh and then in a couple of areas upgrading some of the ceiling grid as well just to give it a little bit more modern look like at Bernett and Battle Hill uh some other things you you wouldn't notice unless you're hanging out in the Janitor's Closet uh more efficient electrical Transformers uh things behind the scenes and on the roof like new HVAC units uh that would add air conditioning so there was a lot of kind of behind the scenes work that was um you know saving natural gas saving electric for the district but also replacing a lot of these older systems like the Hannah Caldwell uh Chiller and cooling tower that was on the roof and kind of bringing it up to you know a more modern uh you know set of infrastructure another big need was addressing a lot of the roofing systems we were able to do some partial and some complete roof repairs and replacements at six of the schools roughly 400,000 ft so a pretty good amount of of coverage there and then that allowed solar to be installed on top of some of those roofs um so as far as you know how are we doing now how's the project performing uh we do have over a Year's worth of solar data that's really the biggest source of savings within this project and uh really across the board we're at 101% so basically what we expected when we put together this project and this the state energy office reviewed it uh we're about 1% over uh what the expectation was we have this little graphic with kind of a school by School uh breakdown with kind of that gray straight line being 100% what what the expectation was and then some schools have produced more power than we expected which is a good thing because every you know kilowatt hour that the solar is producing is is saving the district money and then some schools being a little bit below but uh all in all averaging out to just one % above what was expected so that's uh good news in terms of of savings um so just to kind of look at some of the bills because this is based on the utility bills that the uh that the district is paying if we look at uh February at the high school just as an example uh the solar bill which is shown on the left here which represents about 43% of what the high school used in that month in the summer it would be higher but we see the rate for the solar was a little under 2 cents a kilowatt hour versus the rate that was paid for all the electricity that comes from the grid from psng was almost 10 cents right so 2 cents versus 10 cents uh about five times lower and again it it can change a little bit per month but you know the good news is the solar is working it's producing just a hair more than we expected but for every you know unit that's produced it's saving the district you know a pretty substantial amount uh compared to to the grid so what's you know what are utility costs going to be from PNG we don't really know that can vary moving forward but the one good thing about the solar is it's a locked in rate for 15 years goes up by 1 and a half% every year um versus your you know your utility bill at home or at the school it's going to go up and down and you know you don't really know what it's going to do for the next 15 years so um that's kind of a snapshot of how how the savings are are being um uh benefiting the district um and then kind of on on the more Global level a lot of the other things we talked about or I talked about with the the HVAC the heating and the cooling systems and the new lighting you know how how's that performing so we have uh as part of our agreement this measurement and verification plan you know looking at a full year of data to see how are we performing so it's a little bit more complicated when you look at everything going on in in the buildings and um you know what are the savings from the project but we're about 6 months into that analysis period we do have uh another few months really it runs until I think end of June uh takes a couple months to get all the bills from psng because it's all based on what the actual data is showing so probably in the fall we would have kind of that full year uh period of of the consumption and the usage um so right now you know with the the bills through the end of December we're looking pretty much right on track uh with where we would want to be for savings uh we do work with the facilities team and you know we we're always looking out for other ways to you know save additional energy if we find a piece of equipment that's on 247 um you know we want to address that and um you know there are some kind of changes that happen right if the summer school schedule changes a little bit and you know more of the schools are utilized in the summer obviously that's going to mean a little bit more runtime on the air conditioning so there's those types of things that we have to factor in but um um you know overall things to be things look to be on track for the building usage and the energy usage there as well and um you know really when we put up set up the agreement we focused on the three most uh critical schools that had the most square footage and the most savings from this project which were the high school Bernett and Hannah Caldwell to really focus on you know the the the biggest kind of ticket items to prove performance so um so yeah we've been working closely with yoland and kind of reviewing more of the details that's really high level but um again we'll have kind of the full the full year uh over the next probably 3 to four months uh to share out we do have more than a year of the solar data so that's good um and overall things uh seem to be uh right where we would want them to be so um that's uh that's really all I had to share and um happy to take any any questions if you'd like any questions from the board I'm sorry any questions from the board yes yes please I'm just curious and looking at the graph of the uh performance is there anything that accounts for the fluctuation from one building to the next uh there there there is it would be kind of a little bit of speculation to say exactly what it could be um you know I think there could be you know like a panel that that goes bad or something at one of the schools um you know generally the weather would be about the same right as far as like how sunny it is at one school that you know when you get a cloud come over uh it does affect things but that really wouldn't you know cause that big of a difference so um you know there there were a couple things that our team mentioned and now that you put me on the spot I'm kind of blanking on it so uh yeah I would have to get back to you on kind of what those it's obviously a narrow range and and every school was above 95% so it's it's negligible I just was curious for understanding yeah yeah I I I'd have to go back to my notes and and you know we had a couple ideas but they were still you know somewhat speculative um uh as far as you know why why some were a little higher versus lower so thank you yeah one more question um yes on on page 14 uh bullet point number two says not all meters are being tracked or normalized what does that mean exactly Yeah so basically um if we think about something like solar right like it's it's very easy to track right you put a meter you see exactly how much power is coming out of the solar building so this is referring to everything else we did in the building that's a bit more difficult to track right so if you think about this facility if you put more efficient Lighting in you know how can you measure and verify exactly how much that's saved you for the next year so that normalization uh process I don't think I use that tune there but we basically have to like weather normalize so if um you know if we're looking at everything we did in a building we have to factor in was was it a hotter summer and a colder winter right because we don't want to you know skew the data one way or another for that or did the operation change so because of the amount of leg work that kind of goes into um you know accurately being able to represent you know what are the savings associated with this project versus maybe the use changed or maybe the the um you know the the the season was different with with heating and cooling loads um so really because of like that those were the three schools where there was the most safe savings associated with the new HVAC systems with the new lighting obviously the high school is very big and we did a lot at Bernett as well so really like the juice you know isn't necessarily worth a squeeze when you're looking at you know the smaller schools and kind of the cost it would take to to prove Beyond you know A Reasonable Doubt um you know what those savings were so we're kind of focusing on the bigger the bigger ones yeah thank you yeah to Michael's Point um what criteria do you use to determine how many panels go in a particular building or School in this case yeah so really it's driven by you know what the available areas are so if it's going on the roof you know we want to make sure that the roof is new and has you know a warranty that's going to last as long as the solar system will last which is at least 15 years uh and then after that it it's based on how much the building uses because you don't want to produce more power over the course of the year than the building uses is so um uh yeah that's really kind of the main criteria and then it's kind of going through with the administration and the facility staff it's saying okay where you know where do you guys want to see solar where are you okay with it uh are there areas you know you don't want to see it where it's visible from the street or whatever because different communities have different takes on that um and then yeah once you kind of get that input we you know came up with a design on on what what made sense for example the high school there were some older roof sections that we didn't put solar on because the roof needed to be replaced there wasn't the budget at the time um so we kind of focused on a certain area does that does that help some okay you okay you probably answered the question already the the high school Hannah calwell they're in the parking lots is the reason why because the roofs on those two schools weren't you know it wasn't uh good to put the panels on uh so we still have some on the roof at the high school and I believe we have some on the roof of Hannah Caldwell as well it was more so kind of looking across all the schools which parking lots might make sense from you know are they big enough to build one of the canopy structures that we have or you know do you does the district want to see it there so we kind of looked at all the all the parking lots and those were the two that made the most sense um but there are still some on the roof as well at those two schools and why aren't all of them on the roof at the say the high school um um I I think it was because the cost to a lot of the roof had to get replaced or repaired um so the cost to do that much more roof work just wasn't it was too much basically to to replace more of the roof to do more solar so we looked at the parking lot uh and that you know was still economical yeah thank yeah MH any other questions from the board I have a question if not um so uh I don't mean to get granular but I live on the Washington side of town okay um so for Washington I don't know if my memory serves me correctly they had quite an issue with their roof was that replaced and are the solar panels there yeah yeah that was part of the project was um uh yeah we're replacing the roof at Washington CU I think there's some skylights there right at in that school do you when I drive by I don't look up yeah yeah yeah I mean you'd have to kind of go in the building but yeah I believe that was one of the main schools that had you know roofing issues at the time and some you know some leaks so yeah I believe that was so it's safe to say that that got upgraded and those the roof got replaced there's no there's none in the parking lot from what I remember from what I know no yeah it's so the roof got replaced and then the solar went on top of the new roof yeah MH that was my question thank you so much yep you okay thank you yeah we yeah Daniel thank you very much uh for coming and shairing I'm looking forward to hearing another update in a couple months and see where we're at because I know Miss is really hoping that um it does uh save our uh District um some money um while it's coming back up on the uh TV I would just like to continue with my presentation um and yes the roofs at Washington were giving us a very hard time yes so it was very nice that this project did because it it was ongo where we couldn't figure out uh and and solve that leak and I'm sure Mr Matthews could share the frustration cuz you know many times we uh were dealing with that after a bad Shar them with him so uh this month was Arab American heritage month and again I'm not going to read through everything but there were some of the small amount of activities our district did the nice thing is our administrators are really uh fostering every month uh activities uh that are dealing with the the whatever is recognized that month Heritage wise uh and I I have to say through Dr Perez's leadership uh she's really communicating with the principles to make sure that different lessons and activities are embedded uh during the month um and and this month as you see uh a lot of it uh uh library was uh embedded and utilizing the library books uh bringing them into classes there was some believe it was the high school did fashion design um and just the teacher sharing a lot of uh different projects a lot of highlighting a lot of people as well uh that are represented uh with the AR this month with Arab American heritage month so as I have to monthly uh I want to review the affirmed cases of our Hib um we had one at at bernet uh two at were unfounded at Franklin one unfounded at hna Caldwell one founded at kuami uh three at the high school found it and five in conclusive that was affirming uh last months and Reporting this month um for this period of time it was three founded uh throughout the district zero unfounded zero inclusive uh and the three founded were two at kuami one at Jefferson and uh there was one Hib investigation that H was reinvestigated and it's uh 33a and it was uh founded um after it was reinvestigated so essentially during this period of time uh it was now 6 and I know I mentioned earlier but Nia uh was able to make it to us so thank you um you know I know we guys we all have a lot going on with the school studies um do you want to uh just speak on it do you want to plug in your device or you could just speak freely if you want so this put on your jacket and then I'll plug this in if you want we it should be coming up for I don't think so yeah is it this one this oh the password sh I think it's off did not go on Dr yeah where did my mouse go crazy yeah oh yeah she said loging to you I think I shared with you no G shared it Gia shared it not me um good afternoon everyone good afternoon everyone I hope everyone's having a good week so for March and April by me and Gia so tomorrow is take your child to work day and it's an exciting annual event event at our school because we do a lot of events and tomorrow a lot of NHS students will be reading to students in the library some of us will be playing games in our classes with all of our teachers kids um May 1st is Commitment Day so it's when all of us seniors show what schools we are attending and we represent our schools by wearing shirts on Saturday we had an Autism Awareness run that was held at the high school that was hosted by our town and this week is Autism Awareness school week at our school and we're doing a spirit week and tomorrow I think is tiye day some um the spring Sports this spring Sports So currently we have 280 high school students athletes par participating in the spring Sports there are seven sports Spring Track boys and girls girls flag football baseball softball boys volleyball boys tennis and golf we also have 140 middle school students athletes participating in the four sports baseball softball track and volleyball so on April 5th at our school the Union High School girls flag football team played their first ever girls flag football game in the UHS history they defeated New Brunswick 3914 for their first win of the season the UHS track program competed in the East Brunswick Invitational on April 13th the girls Sprint medal relay finished Friday Cassidy kid marara Ponto lyanna masca and J Kamara Laura on wo finished first in the girls high jum they also competed in the Morris Hill relays on April 20th the girls Sprint medal Rel finished in first and qualified for the Nationals and then this week also at our school is a pep BR tomorrow on Friday and there's also a military ball on Friday thank [Applause] you and and thank you NASA for uh joining us tonight and sharing those great things uh going on in our schools um Madame President I just want to thank you thank the community and that will conclude my uh superintendent's report next we will have the education student discipline committee chair Mr Cohan to present the resolutions to be voted on tonight thank you madam chair U I'd just like to acknowledge that resolutions E1 and e1a were adopted by the board at its work session last week and resolution e11a is for information purposes only no vote is required so on behalf of the committee I'd like to move resolutions E11 through E6 second thank you sir any discussion so uh Mrs Capo this motion is moved by uh Mr Cohan and seconded by Miss Kimberly Scott Hayden roll call please M caranel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs k macki Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes thank you so much Mrs Capello next we will have f and planning committee chair uh vice president miss carbonel to present the resolutions to be voted on tonight good evening everyone I just want to remind the board as well as the public that we voted on resolution F7 at the work session and resolution F40 is for informational purposes only I also want to take a a moment to address resolution um 98 and just give a sh out you know I know that um the community heavily supports our school system and we don't always recognize them and I just wanted to take a minute to do that um from the policeman's benevolent benevent Abu pronunciation Association um khah he Memorial Scholarship Douglas Krueger Memorial Scholarship Wayne Russo Memorial Scholarship connect One Bank the Vogal Memorial prize for excellence in French Joseph cryan scholarship Jason Lopez scholarship June te scholarship Crystal scretchen scholarship and the Chamber of Commerce I want to thank them all for providing these scholarships to our youth um with that said upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the fiscal and planning committee presents the following resolutions for the board's consideration F1 through f41 with the exception of F40 and F7 second thank you so much any discussion this motion has been properly moved by Mrs carbonel and seconded by Mrs Mani can I have a roll call please Mrs Capo Miss carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K Mackey yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott haen yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes thank you so much we currently do not have any resolutions for agreements and negotiations next we will have the operations uh committee chair Miss Scott Hayden to present the resolutions to be voted on tonight good evening upon the recommendation of the superintendent of school the operation committee presents the following resolution for the board's consideration with no objection I would like to move them in Block um O2 has already been approved the item was approved at at the April 16th 2024 work session and with that I move 01 through 05 second thank you so much is there any discussion this motion has been properly moved by Miss Kimberly Scott Hayden and seconded by Miss Elsie KY macki no Miss Williams oh miss Marilyn Williams my apologies can I have a roll call please Mrs capiola Miss carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K Mackey yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes on all but 05 I abstain Mrs Scott Hayden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes thank you so much Mrs Cula next we will have Personnel committee chair Mrs mini to present the following resolutions okay so I'd also like to um pass these as a whole as a group so upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools the Personnel committee presents the following resolutions for the board's consideration P1 a to P1 second and uh we said seconded by Miss great so this has been properly moved by Miss uh mani and seconded by Miss Kimberly Scott Hayden any dis discussion on this Mrs Capo W call Face M carel yes mran yes Mrs K macki yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs B yes Mr NASA yes Mrs Scott pedon yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes next we will have the policy committee chair Mrs Williams to present the resolutions to be voted on tonight upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools the policy committee presents the following policies for the board's consideration this is the final reading adoption um policy one is to approve policy 5111 eligibility of Resident non-resident students and policy two is uh regulation 5111 and that also addresses eligibility of Resident and non-resident students thank you so much do we have a second second second yeah any discussion I guess um Madam chair president I just wanted to clarify um like I did last week that um the in this um resolution and Regulation and policy and regulation that there is a tuition base for um someone outside the district if they choose to come here that it would be um tuition base thank you so much any other discussion uh Miss uh uh Miss Williams just uh inquiring about where we left off with Miss Kimberly Scott Hayden's request we are going to be having a policy meeting to um address it and present to the board okay just making sure it wasn't put you know I didn't forget it uh so this motion has been properly moved by Miss oh I'm sorry is there any other discussion this motion has been properly moved by Miss Marilyn Williams and seconded by Miss mini can I have a roll call please Mrs Capo M caranel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K Macky yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs man yes Mr Nesta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes thank you so much Mrs Capo moving along Mrs mini will present the following residency resolutions okay so um this is just for informational purposes only but upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools The Residency committee presents the following resolution for the board's information R1 um student 26652 and student 27581 um removed from the high school transferred out thank you so much there's no vote no there's no okay thank you any discussion uh so this month there are no technology resolutions to present but I know Mr uh McDow always likes to give us uh an update on what's going on and uh especially now because there was an incident uh I guess a an outage of our computer systems last the weekend of 413 uh Mrs Paul has submitted a uh report on exactly what happened um and it seems like the uh the system uh was taken down um because it was something discovered by uh Aspire Technologies who are are our 24 uh uh 24/7 firewall monitoring system um but uh I would just tread um solely on that exactly I think I think uh all I'd like to say is the system is back up and running okay and uh it's been taken care of thank you for that thank you so much no worries so uh may I have a motion to approve the bills list so thank you any discussion this motion has been properly moved by Miss Kimberly Scott Hayden and seconded by Mr Cohan can I have a roll call please Mrs CIO Miss caranel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K macki yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott haeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes thank you so much and I will open up the floor to unfinished business for the board uh Madame President yes so I have some unfinished business um I just wanted to clarify some statements I made last at last month's uh bo me Boe meeting in regards to Transportation um what I was trying to reflect did not come across the way I thought it came across um so let me reiterate um I was at a meeting with our County with going over transportation and the Outsourcing of busing for our students with disabilities and as a mother of a child with a disability and a staunch advocate for our kids with disabilities one of the challenges that we have especially our children that can't speak can't tell us anything are often times issues surrounding who transport them uh and things and and lots of issues that happen with our children on these buses these buses are not Union employees they're outsourced contracted employees and based on that it's always the lowest bid that's accepted so sometimes what happens is people submit a bid it's not quality it's really based on what's the cheapest and when you go the cheapest route you get what you pay for um for whatever reason I can understand Transportation thought it was was them it is absolutely not them on the contrary my hope my prayer is that one day we will be as a district able to have our own transportation team members take care of our students with disabilities and transport them around because you know why they are vested in our children they are vested in our community and they are vested in our schools so to the transportation team to the union head I hope you're watching I am so sorry if that came AC us it is the absolute opposite um and Madame President this might be some new business um I had the luxury of riding um our school buses with our transportation team and just listening and observing um and just to say that you know we get it and and we're dealing with a new generation of students um with so many factors and and kudos to our transportation team for being able to deal um adoring them caring for them um but more important being vested in them and that is why I hope one day that we don't have to rely on Outsourcing our students and it comes back in District um as I can tell people um the good news is there were zero instance the kids were amazing um so it kind of contradicted some of the stuff but on the flip side what we can say is at least our students know how to act when company is around um and so um thank you to all that you do transportation and again um hopefully one day our children will be under your watch that's it thank you so much Miss KY mcky and if I could just uh paraphrase for those that weren't here last uh meeting I think that what you saying is that you had made a comment about busing and the narrative was that it was specifically to Union Township busing but you were not speaking to that you were speaking to count um so that that's that clarification thank you so much for it um any other unfinished business I will move on to new business I have new business govern yes so um good evening um I just want to reiterate um the statement that I made at the work session in regards to a program that I um actually am attend um alongside my grandson who is dealing with a um traumatic loss of his dad due to a tragic incident and we came across a program um that is offered in Union County also in um exus County and I believe they have other uh facilities around the state and it's called imagine um imagine offers grief counseling um therapy for people who are going through divorces um loss of spouse um different levels of counseling that I feel can be beneficial to our community so I did um inform Dr benaquista that I brought a um plethora information to put inside of our schools and share with our guidance Department as well as with our um social workers um who um come in contact with our children when they're facing such issues but I also want to make sure that the community is aware of these services that are being offered through the community because they are free they cost you nothing um my grandson goes in a cohort he meets um every other Tuesday from 6:30 until about 8:30 um and it's a various um age of a group of Ages of people that so it goes from like little kids all the way up to adults so and they have um sessions for every type of grief um therapy for if you're going through something mental um Health crisis Etc so I think it's important I'm glad to see our administrators out tonight because um if you're around at the the meeting I do have the Flyers with me if not I will make sure that Dr um Ben quista gets them to you so that the community and our students as well as our staff because you guys are important too um we need to make sure that you're healthy so that you come into our schools and be the best versions of yourselves for the students in which you serve and I also would like to say to our administrative assistance happy U administrative assistance day it is today we honor you we respect you I know what you do um thank you for what you do because you guys definitely keep our build is running um and happy belated Transportation uh day to our bus drivers that was earlier I believe in the week or either last week I can't confirm which day it was um but to them also um you also get our children safely to and from school so thank you for what you do as well and briefly and very quickly um I can't not recognize um the work and dedication of Congressman Donald Payne um knowing him very personally his family very intimately um had the pleasure of doing a lot of work with him when I was on the Nea board of directors um actually lobbied him quite a bit um on the hill so I know his work I know his passion his dedication to public education to the township of Union to labor um he's going to be missed I just pray that his successor has that same heart and and and soul to Ser to serve the people and serve them with um a open heart and a willing spirit so um to the pain family um you have my sincere uh deep heartfelt condolences to you um you know he's going to be surely Miss cuz he definitely walked in his father's shoes and um yeah just all of that so um thank you for your time so I have a few few items um and Nancy and I we attended this event but it was to me so special um on Saturday and I want to give a shout out to the Hannah Coldwell staff um Kim Kim kante and the Special Education team as well as CPAC for putting together the autism walk it was just amazing and we had a lot of fun um I also want to give a shout out to one of our own um Grill Master and board member Greg Nass for coordinating the DPW cleanup day that that was also a great event and it was nice to see you working along with um alongside with the school to have the students also participate so excellent job um I want to congratulate the teachers once again there are a lot of teachers in this district and to be selected um a handful to represent all the work that goes into your vocation is truly special and um we're very proud of you and we're very grateful to you and um just in time for Teacher Appreciation Week in the next week or so um we also had a chance to um get a tour of the new library and I would be remiss if I didn't say that that is going to be a full service maker space where both the students parents and Community will be able to experience art um Escape through Reading and most importantly create create in the areas of steam um science technology engineering art and Mathematics so I can't wait for it to open I'm very excited and Kim I'm glad that you said something I also knew Congressman pain on a more personal level and today has been a very somber day um he yes he was a leader in the political Arena but he was more importantly a great son and a great father and a person that really loved children and I was very honored to work with him on a drone project for the school that I worked with at the time and um it was just nice to see him come and spend time with the kids and fly the drones and um just be there to show that he really cared not only about the students but also the staff so he is going to be missed greatly and and um my prayers go out to him and his family okay so you took two of my my little things you took you took the operation clean suite and you took the autism walk um but I'd like to tell everybody that I attended the cpeg meeting the other night and um I encourage everybody to log on um they do a virtual meeting they had um two guest speakers speakers um with lots of information for our students and families to get involved in and to uh bridge the gap um with uh their their children and the rest of the population and family so I encourage everybody it's uh once a month um it's we have their their website they're on our website the CPAC committee so I encourage you all to um tune in any other oh unfinished business business I don't want to leave anybody out Greg Ronnie Mr Cohan so I I don't know if this is unfinished or or new business uh I want to give a shout out to our boys baseball team and it's selfish because my son is on it they they are a lackluster mly crew and they actually won today I was here while they were winning so the ones I go to they lose the ones when not there they win so I guess I'm not going to go come on cuz I'm superstitious but um so they have three wins and a lot more losses but uh they're it's a new program you we have a new coach I invite everybody to go out there uh Greg and Ronnie were out there the other day watching the game Nancy too she was cheering my son on on in one of the games so uh give a shout out to our Union High School uh varsity and University baseball teams and the Middle School while I'm at there and I'd also like to Echo what uh has been said about Congressman pain and uh when we were campaigning uh Kimberly Scott Hayden and I he was one of our big supporters kind of just giving us advice and speaking to us and uh I enjoyed my time with him and I'll miss those B ties yeah that's what I have to say on that so with that the board will go into executive session to discuss personnel and legal issues and actions um uh they may be taken once when when we return may I have a motion to move into executive session may I have a second second thank you so much Mrs Capo this has been moved by Mr Cohan and seconded by Miss Marilyn Williams Miss carel Miss capol roll call please miss caranel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs Conte Macky yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes yes Mrs Scott haen yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes [Music] wo w [Music] w wow [Music] oh w [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] 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moving along we will have Mr benaquista he will present can you I'm going to present his oh okay great so miss Mani will present the following residency resolution so after um some discussion in executive session upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools The Residency committee presents the following resolution for the board's information uh no we're going to vot voting yes um and Dr the um student ID numbers and these are students that will be removed from the our Ralls and uh prior to reading the ID numbers that we'll be voting to remove I would just like to make uh the board aware on R1 even though we didn't vote on it there was a typo and it the ID number uh for the 10th grader should have been 266 552 just for a matter of record yes the ID numbers that we'll be voting on now uh number one is 298 236 then and 30055 next 241 047 3 1 0 010 next 3481 61 37 0781 33255 35260 281 044 and the last one 32571 thank you thank you um is there a second second any discussion just a question so how many students is that total it's um nine 10 10 10 and are multiple children from multiple families gotcha thank you thank you this motion has been properly moved by Miss mani and seconded by Miss maryn Williams uh can I have a roll call please Mrs Capo Miss carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K macki yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott haeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss an yes may I have a motion for adjournment some move second no no no no students extended the two students oh that's right so my apologies next we will have the education student discipline committee Mr Cohan to present the V resolutions to be voted on so I'd like to ask the superintendent to identify the student uh ID numbers of the two students that will be acting upon his recommendation ID uh first students ID number 24567 and second student ID 26501 and it is um we need in the resolution does it talk about Mr presid Madame President I I move that we concur with the SEC superintendent's recommendation on those two students thank you so much is there a second Madam president just to make it a matter of record my recommendation is to um for a long-term suspension thank you you you want to follow that up with discussions with the administrators right yes any discussion thank you this motion has been proper moved by Mr Cohan and seconded by Miss Mani can I have a roll call please miss capul miss caranel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K macki yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott heeden Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes move to a Jour second may I have Mrs capiola roll call please miss carbonel yes Mr Cohan yes Mrs K Mackey Mrs K Macky yes Mr McDowell yes Mrs Mani yes Mr nasta yes Mrs Scott heeden yes Mrs Williams yes Miss Santana yes see you Saturday