e e e e e e e e e e e e e this is a regular meeting of the township committee public notice of this meeting has been given as required by the open public meetings law a resolution was adopted on January 1st 2024 Des this state this Hall in 7:30 p.m. as the time for this regular meeting of the township Committee of the township of Union in the county of Union a notice of each and every meeting of the township committee was posted in accordance with the affers said open public meetings law in one public place reserved for the posting of ordinances and official notices of the township of Union namely the bulletin board next to the clerk's office in addition theto a copy of said resolution was forwarded to the local Source at Star ledgar the copy of said resolution is on file with the clerk of the township thank you madam clerk this evening the prayer will be given by committee man Bowser and the flag salute will be led by Deputy Mayor Florio everyone please stand as we gather as members of this Township committee we pray that we are ever mindful of our opportunities to render our service to fellow citizens and our community keep in mind always that enduring values of Life exerting our efforts in those areas and on those things upon which future Generations can build with confidence let us continue to strive to Make a Better Community Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible andice Madam clerk can I have a roll call please Mr Bowser here M Terell here M Fraser here Mr Florio here mayor figorito here we're going to begin today by honoring two individuals I think it's important that we begin to highlight Our Youth and the wonderful accomplishments they have uh so I'm going to call up Jaylen and aiel to please join us up here and as they do I'm going to have uh committee woman Terell read a little bit about Jaylen and then committee woman G Fraser will read a little bit about ofl on go ahead okay so Cong congratulations to Jaylen Perez from the Union High School who is among the national recipients of a 2024 Amazon future engineer scholarship which Awards students with up to $4,000 in paid tuition for college and a paid internship offer at Amazon Perez attended Washington Elementary School Jefferson School and kwami Middle School prior to moving on to Union High high school he said his favorite subject is computer science Perez said he will be attending NJIT in the fall majoring in computer science he said his career goal is to become a software engineer and one day own his own software company on behalf of the township Committee of the township of Union in the county of union state of New Jersey mayor Manny figorito hereby congratulates jayen and wishes him well on his future [Applause] Endeavors this award goes to aiel Hernandez congratulations to AEL Hernandez from Union High School who is among the national recipients of the 2024 Amazon future engineer scholarship which Awards students with up to 40,000 and paid tuition for college and a paid internship offered at Amazon Hernandez attended Hannah Caldwell Elementary School Jefferson School and Bernett middle school and is now in Union High School he said his favorite subject this year is honors calculus Hernandez said his future plans include wanting to leverage technology to create a meaningful impact on Society on behalf of the township committee and in Township of Union in the county of Union mayor Manny figuro hereby congratul Ates aier Hernandez and wish him well on his future endeavors [Applause] congratulations we'll take a picture how's that side us how about a nice round of applause for Jaylen and AEL everyone that's good stuff two products of our Union High School phenomenal job that they do there and these young men look to hear about them in the future four years coming back say hello to us and then 10 years from now when you're millionaires come back and buy us lunch that's right that's right congratulations of both families can I have a motion to approve the minutes of the conference and regular session of April 23rd 2024 and the special meeting minutes of May 6th 2024 motion to approve second all in favor I Madam clerk can we move on with the ordinances and resolutions I for your consideration on second and final reading an ordinance amending ordinance 3729 to add a handicap parking space in front of 2051 balm moral Avenue your be taken up for second with final reading second an ordinance amending the designation of restricted parking spaces for use by persons with special vehicle identification cards in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance creates a handicap space in front of 2051 balm moral Avenue is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance will the ordance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr teral yes M Fraser yes Mr Florio yes mayor figur yes have your consideration on draft and first reading an ordinance establishing a cap bank for the 2024 calendar year move draft be taken up on first reading by title at this time second calendar year 2024 ordinance to establish a cap Bank authorizing that any amount not appropriated as part of the final budget shall be retained as an exception to final appropriation in either of the next two succeeding years Mr Bowser yes M derell yes Miss Frasier yes yes Mr floral yes mayor figur move draft be taken up at next regularly scheduled meeting for second and final reading second Mr Bowser yes Mr Terell yes Mr Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figure out yes amending ordinance 3729 to add a handicap space in front of 727 Gates Terrace and delete one in front of 1042 Lorraine Avenue move draft be taken up on first reading by title at this time time second an ordinance amending the designation of restricted parking spaces for use by persons with special vehicle identification cards in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance creates a handicap space in front of 727 Gates Terrace and removal of handicap space in front of 1042 Lorraine Avenue move draft be taken up at the next regularly scheduled meeting for second and final reading second Mr Bowser yes Mr Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figurita yes amending chapter 26655 entitled schedule 14 parking prohibited at all times this ordinance affects Robert Street move the ordinance be taken up by title at this time second an ordinance amending chapter 266-5565 this ordinance affects Robert Street Mr Bowser yes Miss Terrell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor Figaro move the ordinance to be taken up for second and final reading at the next regularly scheduled meeting second miss Mr Bowser yes Miss Terrell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figit yes following resolutions introduction of the 2024 budget for approval second all in favor I I authorizing the township to do a self-review of the 2024 Municipal budget move for approval second all in favor I authorizing the release of a maintenance bond in the amount of $3,630 32 to American Landmark developers phase one block 2903 Lots 11 through 15 and block 2903 Lots 25 through 29 Mo approve second all in favor I I authorizing the release of a performance guarantee in the amount of 25,100 $82 and cash bond in the amount of $2,798 to American Landmark LLC for 1181 Mars Avenue motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing the release of a performance guarantee in the amount of $540,000 and cash bond in the amount of $60,000 to 1011 Mars urban renewal LLC for 1011 Mars Avenue approval second all in favor I authorizing a contract with fonic document solution for records retention and Disposal for human resources for an amount not to exceed $ 34,1 15250 through the educational services Co-op of New Jersey move to approve contract second all in favor I appointing Donald travisano as the municipal housing liaison for the administration of the affordable housing program motion to approve second all in favor authorizing the mayor to execute a certificate of completion for Vu urban renewal e l l c parcel D motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing the purchase of mobile radios and equipment from Motorola Motorola Solutions Inc for a fee not to exceed $58,900 n move to approve the purchase second all in favor I authorizing lease agreement with the New Jersey Department of militarian Veterans Affairs to sublet a portion of the office space at 652 654 raway Avenue for a period of one year move to approve second all in favor authorizing a shared service agreement with the township of chadam to provide local public health services from July 1st 2024 through December 31st 2025 motion to approve second all in favor I I ask you to approve the finances as listed on the agenda motion to approve the finances second all in favor I following Communications from Terry Manda tax collector requesting the township committee authorized checks issued to the following representing the Redemption of tax sales certificates as listed on the agenda to approve the checks second all in favor I I from tahid grandom 626 lilan Terrace requesting to have a block party on Sunday May 26 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. move to accept the request second all in favor from cacey George United hope 7th Day Adventist Church request ing the use of lot 32 for their health fair on Sunday July 21st 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. um we are going to make a motion to approve um with the stipulation that uh they move the fair to the lot on Caldwell Avenue across the street from Bernett Middle School um we believe it's a safer space it's a bigger space um and it better than the one on moris Avenue second all in favor I I from Ernestine fr utcao requesting to close off Hilton Avenue at Jefferson School on June 6 2024 from 3: to 6:30 p.m. for the red carpet prom event motion to approve second all in favor Iain abstain ratifying a request from Denise Clemens to have a block party on Sunday May 11 2024 on Crawford Terrace for approval second all favor I I and the department reports from the clerk's office all right I first sorry accept the file second all in favor that concludes my part of the agenda thank you madam CL we go to our committee reports I'll begin with committee woman Terrell thank you uh this is our uh May 14th report for the Department of Public Works uh Road division the road division continues to work on repairing potholes and Pat patching sections of Roads throughout the township since our last meeting the road division has performed 446 pothole repairs and 339 Street sweeps the sewer division the sewer division continues to maintain catch basins pump stations and outfalls daily performing repairs when necessary since our last meeting the sewer division performed 440 catch Basin cleaning Basin cleanings 60 enzyme applications to minimize fats oils and grease and one emergency call the shade tree division the shade tree division continues to maintain trees in Parks Township properties and in Township right of ways since our last meeting tree Crews performed 19 removals 31 trims and eight stump removals all concerns or inquiries regarding all division of Public Works can be addressed by calling public works at 98686 1922 or by using the reporter concern feature on the township website that is my report thank you thank you Comm Bowser uh thank you mayor for the police department for the period of April 18th through May 9th there were 2,351 direct patrols there were 4,139 calls for service one arrests under speak initiative there were 134 stops 145 tickets 35 residents under red light enforcement there were 32 stops 31 tickets four were residents under truck enforcement there were 13 stops eight tickets and three deliveries I have one highlight to report on for this time period on May the 7th the detective Bill along with the quality of life unit executed a search warrant in boxall area for narcotic distribution after two-month long investigation officers arrested two individuals and located a large quantity of drugs cash and a handgun both Suspects were charged accordingly that concludes my report thank you committee woman gar Fraser um yes the Senor report um health and wellness Tuesday May 21st from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the nurse will be providing regular maintenance check and Prevention Services if you're interested in applying for the New Jersey snap registration um it is now open the SNAP benefits provide um groceries for a healthy eating if um there is eligibility requirements if you are interested please call the senior center um programs for the month Canasta club meeting Thursday from 1 to 3:30 Zumba Gold next session is May 13th through June 24th from 1:30 to 2:30 Splash into fitness June 26th through August 28th 10 to 11:00 a.m. at the 5 Points YMCA Branch art creative Workshop June 13th and 20th July 18th and the 25th from 11: to 12:00 p.m. working with a wide range of materials to enable members experiment with process of art AARP uh smart driving Workshop will be June 13 from 9:15 to 3 3:00 a.m. 3 3 p p.m. I guess okay $20 ARP members uh pay $20 non-members pay $25 $ earn a multi-year discount on your o AO Insurance when you're um when you've completed the course the course teaches uh proven driving techniques to help you keep yourself and your loved on safe on the road upcoming trips PNC Art Center tickets are free transportation from the senior center a bus departs at 12:00 noon this is Monday the 20th to uh Dominic Dominic scano of Broadways Jersey Boys wi cre Casino at Bethlehem PA June 13th $35 for the tickets departure from Janette Avenue resorts Atlantic City July 11th from 9:30 to 3:30 $40 per ticket departing from Janette Avenue if you have any additional questions please call the senior center at 98851 5290 these tickets go quickly so call them soon from the recreation Department save the date the recreation Department's next movies under the star event will be held Friday June 7th at rapkin Park they will be showing the newly released Wonka movie starring Timothy Sham this uh familyfriendly comedy uh follows Willy Wonka on his rise from Wishful inventor to master chocolate maker the star studed cast is full of familiar faces and we'll have your whole family laughing out loud and dreaming of candy um pre-moving entertainment includes food vendors a DJ booth lawn games and all of that will begin at 7 p.m. the movie will begin after Sundown approximately 8:30 p.m. bring your lawn chairs bring blankets bring the whole family for some fun if you need any additional information please call the recreation department at 908 686 4200 that concludes my report thank you Deputy Mayor Floria thank you very much mayor the fire department responded to 228 emergency calls and 76 medical calls that's over 300 calls in a twoe period just some of the more eventful ones on stensson Avenue we had an underground electrical warfire we had motocal vehicle fires on inol Avenue voxa Road in Route 78 a commercial dryer fire on Green Lane I just that was commercial but one of the one of the fire Hazard you have in your own home is your your dryer you need to make sure you clean that filter on some regular basis we find that lots of times that's the cause of fires and homes neutral a responses to Hillside Rosel Maplewood South Orange and Elizabeth but those of you who don't know what Mutual Aid is we we in town we have a major fire we just we we sent all of our three firehouses out from other towns then they will come in send a group and will man our firehouses why if another fire breaks out there's someone to service the fire and like I said we will do the same in helping other communities some safety tips for our grilling season place your grill way away from the siding and de railings and out from under Eaves and overhanging branches only use propane charcoal and wood pellet barbecue grills outside indoor use can cause a fire and carbon monoxide poisoning very dangerous do not store or use grill on a porch or a balcony keep an eye on your grill don't walk away from it when it's lit clean your grill after each use this will remove grease they can start a fire you ever not clear clean your grill you know that grease can just come up real for break that's my report for tonight man thank you de mayor um I'm going to begin by my pontificating on road safety again yellow means slow down I'm telling all our viewers anyone watching this slow down and red means stop still means that that please be very careful and that includes stop signs stop at those stop signs uh and follow the speed limits our police will be aggressively out there ticketing they will not give any warnings your resident non-resident they're going to stop the warnings they're going to be ticketing you um so please follow those speed limits it's going to protect you it's going to P protect pedestrians that are out there uh important too with with the screens that we have on our cars today eliminate that distracted driving try to set up that screen before you take off no texting no calls during that and be aware share the road there's bikes there's scooters there's ebikes there's pedestrians so follow that and some safety tips again for all of you at home uh if it's 9:00 check that your home is locked check that your vehicle doors are locked there are people still leaving their car doors unlock turn on any outside lights at dusk very important take valuables out of your car you may think it's not valuable somebody may come in and see that and try the door and it's unlocked they're going to hit your car so uh and if you can install security cameras and uh again a reminder you can call our police department at 98851 5252 they offer free crime prevention service they'll come to your home and check out your home um we now get to the positive things again I want to congratulate Jaylen and and avel that were here today on their accomplishments and their scholarship with Amazon um continuing with our youth there at the high school our Union High School's Performing Arts company recently took home multiple awards at the world strides Heritage Festival in Williamsburg Virginia UHS packs three performing groups there's swing choir the director is Melissa Hannon choreography by Ashley and the concert band which is director Dr Richard grener and their String orchestra director is Dr Richard grener received silver ratings and the UHS pack program won the coveted Spirit award this is an award given to the school that demonstrates Superior character cooperation enthusiasm and citizenship at this event I also want to congratulate Union High School senior Angela Ansa who is on a full scholarship ship to study psychology at Princeton University this fall angelene received acceptance letters from two IV League institution Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania congratulations everyone and keep up the great work I also want to congratulate our Union firefighters Captain Kenneth deart and firefighting firefighter Cody mandona roals who will be recognized with a medal of valor award from the 200 Club of Union County next month the 200 clubs medal of valor award recognizes Union County police officers and firefighters who have gone above and beyond in the light of Duty and uh May is moving quickly we're getting close to our Memorial Day Parade please join us for that parade uh the union veterans Alliance Memorial Day Parade on Monday May 27th the parade will feature music by The Uptown String Band there'll be floats show cars military units and vehicles Clydesdale horses always popular and Civic and youth organizations after the parade there will be an reenactment for members of the first njv Battalion of New Jersey volunteers and that'll be between the British and the loyalist troops right in the street there near the historic Connecticut Farms Church a formal program will also begin at noon at the veterans honor roll and Memorial Park that parade begins at 10: and it'll be on Styers Avenue from VFW on High Street all the way to Veterans honorable Park and going on to Memorial Park for best viewing watch the parade from Pearl Harbor Square on Styers Avenue and the day before on Sunday uh May 26 from 1: to 4: right behind here Town Hall there will be the annual Prem Memorial Day encampment stop by they got some horses they got George Washington usually visiting they usually make me wear something um it's usually very hot and I have to put these clothes on and you can then understand fully what these people went through so come see history come to life behind town hall and again with everbridge notifications sign up for emergency and general notifications online at www. union.com and these updates are also posted on Facebook at twpunion New Jersey and with that I'll open the meeting up to the public again a reminder there is a five minute rule please state your name and your address state your name and address my name is Juan Hernandez I don't have an address in Union but my son lives in Union 2510 Clover Terrace I'd like to make a suggestion on uh the traffic light of uh Commerce and Morris I think that you could use a left signal there because in the mornings to drop off my daughter it is very hectic there you got you have to go through the through the CVS parking lot you're not allowed to but you get caught in the middle of that of that roadway so something for you guys would possibly look into thank you thank you thank you anyone else wishing to speak seeing none a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I have a good evening everyone thank you