e e e e e e this is a regular meeting of the township committee public notice of this meeting has been given as required by the open public meetings law a resolution was adopted on January 1st 2024 designating this state this Hall in 7:30 p.m. as the time for this regular meeting of the township Committee of the township of Union in the county of Union a notice of each and every meeting of the township committee was posted in accordance with the affet open public meetings law in one public place reserved for the posting of ordinances and official notices of the township of Union namely the bulletin board next to the clerk's office in addition thereto a copy of said resolution was forwarded to the local Source in Star Ledger a copy of said resolution is on file with the clerk of the township thank you madam clerk this evening the prayer will be led by committee woman G Frasier and the flag salute will be led by committee woman Terell would you all please stand let us bow our hearts and Minds as we gather as members of this Township committee we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our service to fellow citizens and to our community keeping in mind always that enduring values of Life exerting our efforts in those areas and on those things upon which future Generations can build with confidence let us continue to strive to Make a Better Community amen amen I pledge allegiance to of the United States of America and to the for stands Nation God indivisible andice Madam clerk I have a roll call please Mr Bowser here M harell here M Fraser here Mr Florio yes mayor figorito here uh this evening I want to begin with uh a proclamation that will be read by committeewoman Terell to um honor Child Abuse Prevention month M Terell thank you Proclamation uh recognizing Child Abuse Prevention month presented April 2024 whereas children are vital to our Burrow's future success prosperity and quality of life and whereas child abuses and neglect is a community responsibility affecting both the current and future quality of life of a community and whereas all all members of our community have a role to play in strengthening families to ensure children grow up in a safe nurturing environment free from Fear abuse and neglect and whereas all children deserve to have a safe stable nurturing and healthy home that Fosters their well-being and whereas there are close to 300 children in Union County who enter the child welfare system due to abuse Andor neglect some of those children reside in the township and whereas courta appointed special Advocates Casa has provided court appointed volunteer advocates for children throughout Union County including the township who have been removed from homes due to abuse Andor neglect and whereas due to the unmet need of the casa organization has expanded its operation to support the close to 300 abused and neglected children living in forer care in Union County and whereas Casa of pic and Union County needs additional advocates for all the children who are eligible for advocate for for an advocate due to the limited number of volunteers and whereas as of April 2024 Casa of pic and Union counties will officially operate under the new organization umbrella name Child Focus to more fully support the multi-program approach to mitigating the negative effects of child abuse on children within our community and now therefore Manny figurita mayor of T the township of Union in the county of union state of New Jersey do hereby proclaim the month of April as Child Abuse Prevention month in the township of Union and call upon all Citizens Community agencies Faith groups medical facilities elected leaders and businesses to increase their participation in their efforts to support children who have been abused and or neglected and placed into foster care signed by Manny figurita and the and the members of the township committee Deputy Mayor Joe Florio James Bowser Patricia G Frasier and myself sandre Terell thank you committee woman Terell is there anyone from Casa here representative to receive this Proclamation not we will make sure that they receive a copy of this Proclamation and again thank you for reading that and a very important topic and unfortunately that still exists in our society today so it's good to have organizations like Casa to oversee this I'd like a motion to approve the minutes of the conference and regular session of April 9th 2024 so moved second all in favor Madame C can we move on with the ordinances and resolutions please I have for your consideration on second and final reading an ordinance amending ordinance 3729 to add a handicap parking space in front of 6 Emily Avenue move the ordinance be taken up second and final reading second an ordinance amending the designation of restricted parking spaces for use by persons with special vehicle identification cards in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance creates a handicapped space in front of six Emily Avenue is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance to be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Ral yes Mr Fraser yes Mr Florio yes mayor figurita yes providing for various 2024 Capital Improvements move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second a bond ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Improvements buy and in the township of Union in the county of union state of New Jersey appropriating $17 m790 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1,223 188 bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost there up move the ordinance be adopted is there anyone from the audience who wishes to speak on this ordinance okay move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Rell yes M Fraser yes Mr floral yes mayor figurita yes amending chapter to allow the discretionary hiring of a police officer through the alternate route program move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance amending chapter Mr Bowser yes M Terell yes M Fraser yes Mr Florio yes mayor figurita yes amending chapter 48 to amend the fee scheduled for Emergency Medical Services move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance amending chapter 48 entitled Emergency Medical Services in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance amends the fee schedule for Emergency Medical Services is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the orience be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Terell yes M Fraser yes Mr Florio yes mayor figorito yes amending chapter 4:15 to amend the fee schedule for recreation permits move the ordinance to be set taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance amending chapter 4:15 entitled Parks and Recreation in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance amends the fee schedule for individual and organizational permits is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr L yes Mr Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figorito yes amending chapter 270 to amend the fee schedule for construction permits move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance amending chapter 270 entitled construction codes uniform in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance amends the fee schedule for construction is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Terell yes M Fraser yes Mr Florio yes Mr figorito yes manying chapter 660 to amend the fee schedule for animal control move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance amending chapter 660 entitled animals in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance amends the fee sched for animal control is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Terell yes M Frasier yes Mr Floria mayor figurita yes amending chapter 693 to amend the fee schedule for Board of Health we ORD be taken up for second or final reading second an ordinance amending chapter 693 excuse me entitled fees Board of Health in the township of Union County New Jersey this ordinance amends the fee schedule for the Board of Health is there anyone from the public wishing to speak on this ordinance will your orance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Terrell yes M faser yes Mr Florio yes mayor fig yes amending chapter 754 to amend the fee schedule for public pools move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance amending chapter 754 en titled recreational bathing spaces public in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance amends the fee schedule for pools is there anyone from the public wishing to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance to be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Terell yes M Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor Figo yes I consideration on drafting first reading an ordinance amending ordinance 3729 to add a handicap parking space in front of 2015 51 balm moral Avenue move draft be taken up for first reading by title at this time second an ordinance amending the designation of restricted parking spaces for use by persons with special vehicle identification cards in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance creates a handicap space in front of 2051 balm moral Avenue Mr Bowser yes M trell yes Miss Fraser yes Mr Florio yes mayor figorito yes move draft be taken up at the next regularly scheduled meeting for second and final reading second Mr Bowser yes Mr yes M Fraser yes Mr Florio yes mayor figurita yes the following resolutions authorizing payment of all approved vouchers for solid waste collection holl and Disposal at the interim rate of $759 per ton for household waste and $172 per ton for bulky waste for the month of March move for approval second all in favor I I I authorizing a professional service agreement with arh Associates for conflict Engineering Services for the township move for approval second all in favor I amending resolution number 20247 increasing the amount to W Goldman and Spitzer by $5,000 for an amount not to exceed $70,000 for Bond Council for 2024 move to approve second all in favor I appointing Donald travisano as fund commissioner and Dion and news as alternate fund commissioner to the Garden State Municipal joint Insurance Fund Board of Commissioners move approval second all in favor I I authorizing the execution of a certificate of completion for American Landmark developers project phase three move for approval second all in favor I authorizing an agreement with NW Financial Group LLC to provide unclaimed property locator services for the township move for approval second all in favor I authorizing the purchase of new furniture and equipment for human resources from various State contract and Cooperative pricing vendors for a total amount not to exceed $35 , 5101 move to approve the purchase second all in favor amending resolution 2023 309 resulting in a net decrease in the amount of$ 17,635 187 for a Revis total amount of 1,265 9634 for the purchase of furniture for the new library from various State contract vendors move for approval second all in favor I authorizing accept acceptance of a safety and stabilization bond in the amount of $5,000 and escrow fee in the amount of $500 for Best Buds Union LLC 2200 Route 22 East move to approve second all in favor I I authorizing a contract with jell kizel Architects and Engineers for a functional assessment of the municipal building for an amount not to exceed $48,000 so second all in favor I authorizing the tax collector to prepare and mail estimated tax bill motion to approve second all in favor I I amending resolution 2023 366 increasing the amount to garubo and capis PC by an additional $25,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $56,000 for legal representation in the matter of signature sports bar LLC move for approval second all in favor I I authorizing the expenditure of funds from the affordable housing trust fund for the repair or replacement of roof siding walkways and common areas at New Town Village move to approve funds second all in favor authorizing a Professional Services agreement with tnm Associates for the boxall Road Bridge pedestrian safety evaluation for an amount not to exceed $7,100 move to approve second all in favor I authorizing a settlement agreement for the litigation Edison un NJ 001 LLC versus Township of Union move to approve the settlement second all in favor ask you to approve the finances as listed on the agenda who for approval second all in favor have the following Communications from Terry Manda tax collector requesting the township committee authorized checks issued to the following representing the Redemption of tax sale certificates as listed on the agenda move to approve second all in favor I from Nick ronley Ren kitchens requesting the use of temporary signage for the retail unit located at 2725 Route 22 Center move to approved based on the approval of construction official second all in favor I from the Jud Ricket Union Haitian American civic association requesting to hold a Haitian Flag Day ceremony in front of town hall on Tuesday May 16th from 5:00 P p.m. to 7 p.m. motion to approve the flag raising second all in favor I from Justin Cho Connecticut Farm School requesting the use of showmobile on May Wednesday May 22nd 2024 for the school rety show to approve the request second all in favor I from Kim d e First Baptist Church of fox hall requesting permission to close Hilton Avenue from Berkeley place to Laurel Avenue on Saturday July 20th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for a church anniversary celebration with the rain date of Saturday August 3rd 2024 move to approve second all in favor I from Dana Hazard 11:48 Schneider Avenue requesting a block party on Saturday May 18th 202 4 from 300 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with a rain date of May of May 19th 2024 so move second all in favor from Patricia Gomes Portuguese American civic association requesting a flag raising ceremony on Monday June 10th 2024 at 700 p.m. also requesting the use of the showmobile and barricades for their annual Portugal Day event June 28th through June 29th with the rain date of June 30th 2024 with all fees waved motion to approve second all in favor ratifying a request from Hannah cwell Elementary School to hold an Autism fundr run on Saturday April 20th 2024 move for approval second all in favor following Department reports from municipal court and the police department move reports be received and filed second all in favor I I that concludes my part of the agenda thank you madam clerk we go to our committee reports we'll start with committee woman to thank you uh report report from the Department of Public Works uh on 42324 the road division the road division division continues to work on repairing potholes patching sections of Road throughout the township since our last meeting the road division has performed 253 pothole repairs utilizing 13.5 tons of material and 232 streets were swept the sewer division the sewer division continues to maintain catch basins pump stations out and outfalls daily performing repairs when necessary since our last meeting the sewer division has performed 348 catch Basin cleanings 40 enzyme enzyme applications and one emergency call the shade tree division the shade tree division continues to maintain trees in Parks Township properties and in Township R of ways since our last meeting tree Crews perform three removals 19 Trims and four stump removals all concerns or inquiries regarding all divisions of Public Works can be addressed by calling Public public works at 908 6861 922 or by using the report of concern feature on the Township's website thank you thank you uh committee man Bowser please uh thank you mayor the police report for the period of April the 5th through April the 18 2024 there were 1,414 direct patrols there were 2,451 calls for service there was 72 arrests under the speed Initiative for the same period there was 106 stops 107 tickets 18 were residents under red light enforcement for the same period we have 18 stops 19 tickets and five were residents under truck enforcement we have 14 stops 11 tickets I have one highlight for this period on April the 8th officers were dispatched to Carnegie place for a report of a shooting where a victim was shot in the leg the suspect had fled the scene on foot quality of life officers were assigned to the area due to the recent issues responded by observing a black BMW with heavily tinted windows driven away from the area officers followed the vehicle conducted a motor vehicle stop on a stal place officers quickly established there were the suspects from the shooting all four occupants were removed from the vehicle and plac in handcuffs officers located two guns in the back seat all four suspects were transported to headquarters and charged accordingly that concludes my report thank you committee woman G Fraser please good evening senior report the senior Center's mission is to provide a comprehensive array of programs activities to promote healthy aging and a sense of well-being for older adults 60 plus in our community the health and wellness will take place Tuesday May 7th from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the nurse will be providing Health maintenance and check prevention Allied Health students Tuesday May 7th from 11: to 12: p.m. students will be performing basic screening assessments with the seniors this learning by doing AIDS students with valuable hands-on experience programs kasta Club will be meeting every Friday from 1:30 to 3:30 fashion upcycling will meet May 4th 14th 21st and the 28th from 10:30 to 11:30 reservations are required Zumba Gold the next session is May 6th through June 24th from 1:30 to 2:30 Splash into fitness June 26 through August 28th 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Five Points YCA branch a tech new vehicle this Workshop will learn all about the latest high-tech safety features in our current cars or what technology to look for when shopping for a new car the safety benefits of blind spot Warning Systems forward Collision Collision warnings and more that will take place May 9th from 9:15 to 11 a.m. and this is free upcoming trips PNC Art Center tickets are free transportation from the C Senior Center and the bus departs at 12:00 noon this will be held Wednesday May 15th and they are going to see the Texas teners uh baps swam swaran a shartom temple um $3 and this will take place May 23rd from 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. a journey into the heart of Hindu spirituality and finally Columbus flea and Market uh Farmers Market $3 to attend and that will take place May 30th from 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. for any additional information please call 98851 5290 and for the recreation department the union recreation department will be hosting a candle and soap making class on Saturday May 11th at the Vox hall meeting center from 4: to 6: p.m. this class will be great gifts for mothers in your life older children ages 12 and up can register as um as well if you want to make it a multigenerational family activity please make sure to um call and register the program will be led by Evelyn DEA who is a union resident who owns a small business making candles soaps and other beauty products um if you have probably met Evelyn at the union farmers market or Township events where she is a vendor she has started teaching how um how to classes with Union Rec last year and has a passion for helping those in her community the last two uh candle making classes were sold out and went quickly so if you're interested please register online as soon as possible the registration is now open it is $25 registration fee includes the supplies for one candle and one soap each participant must register individually to ensure we have supplies for everybody registration for various summer enrichment camps and programs will roll out over the next two weeks keep an eye open for programs including chess stop motion anim stop motion animation robotics basketball tennis and fashion design class details and registration dates will be shared on the township social media so check back frequently as new programs are added if you want more information from uh the rec department please contact 908 686 4200 that concludes my report thank you Deputy Mayor floral thank you mayor first I'd like to put in form of a motion to move our budget hearing to Tuesday May 14th at 5:00 pm in the conference room could I have a second on that second all in favor I I secondly uh these are license applications for approval put in form of a motion for gas stations fast lane fuel at 2573 Route 22 West and for bring your own bottle nuse Creole restaurant 2117 Springfield Avenue that's a form of a motion second on that second all in favor all right from our Union fire department uh in the past two weeks they responded to 222 emergency calls for service with 116 medical calls very busy two weeks some significant events not only but these are significant ones in the period on April 18th the fire department responded to an activated fire alarm to a restaurant on Stenson Avenue at 3:25 a.m. on arrival crws encountered heavy smoke and fire burning in the kitchen area the fire was confined to the area of origin on April 21st the fire department responded to a Chestnut Street for an electric bike on fire inside the building upon arrival the EB bike was removed to the exterior and went into thermal Runway when the lithium IM batteries ignite and accelerate the fire and temperatures grow ex I'm sorry excessively the building suffered minor damage Union County has met responded to assist with the removal packaging of D of damaged lithium ion batteries we can't even touch those batteries we try and keep it very difficult to put out a lithium batter and fiery uh if you have an ebike please be very careful use only authorized batteries there's a lot of B on secondary Market are not guaranteed when you see all those fires out in New York that's primarily what that's from multiple responses for motor vehicle accidents on Gard State Parkway in Route 78 responses includeed vehicle fires and extrication here's some safety tips for the spring for your grills check your Grill's propane tank hose and connection points for leaks or braks in a hose Grill should be at least 10 ft from your structure outdoor fire pits never leave leave the fire unattended or unattended children no leaves grass or construction debris to be burnt fire pitch should be at least 15 ft from any structure it shall be limited to a maximum of 3T diameter and 2 feet high contained in a non-combustible chimney with a spark registered lid on dryers we all know this clean your your lint basket every use and the vent pipe should be CLE anually we know that's a lot of that's another item that starts house fires is a lint fire in your dryer that's my report for tonight thank you Deputy Mayor I'm going to start with my speed 2024 Mantra that I will continue at every single meeting and we'll start with slow down on yellow you see that yellow light that means slow down red means stop that includes red lights and stop signs please come to a Full Stop of course follow speed limits that's going to protect not only you but pedestrians eliminate some of the distracted driving specifically texting and phone calls and share the road be aware of bikes scooters we just talked about ebikes and E Scooters they're out there on the road be careful with that now in your own home if it's 9:00 check that your home and your vehicle doors are locked sounds simple but just check them turn on any outside lights at dusk important take those valuables s out of your vehicle even if it's a pouch they may think something's inside of value take them out of your vehicle along with your key fob make sure that's inside with you if you can install some of these ring cameras or security cameras that exist and just again know that our Police Department offers free crime prevention survey you can call 908 851 5252 to set up an appointment for that now we talk about pedestrians the study that just came out today was conducted by injured in Florida they analyzed data from 2017 to 2021 New Jersey emerged as the state with the highest percentage of pedestrian fatalities in the nation 30. 23% of all traffic fatalities in New Jersey involve pedestrians so again with that safety message that I'm going to keep talking about please take that into consideration it's about safety for all of us it could be one of your family members that gets hurt out there so please everyone you get into that vehicle that vehicle is a weapon please drive it carefully so uh uh on a on a somber note also and I will get on to some positive things I'm going to ask all of you viewers out there that you keep Congressman Donald Payne Jr and his family in your prayers as he deals with a Health crisis at this point so now we get on some positive things I want to congratulate Victoria quer from kwami middle school and Payton Benson from Jefferson School they recently were honored with the herb sing good citizenship student award by the Rotary Club of Union it's Awards presented to students who exemplify the quality of rotary's four-way test is it the truth is it fair to all concern will it build Goodwill and better friendships will it be beneficial to all concerned congratulations and keep up the great work to these two individuals our aapi food and music festival is just a few days away this will be this coming following Saturday May 4th from 12: to 4: a week from Saturday we will feature various aapi owned vendors food trucks local businesses and have an amazing lineup of live cultural performances music and demos there will also be free Henna assari wrapping Jo that my be for me and you I don't know an interactive samurai sword demo only for children Joe we can't do that we can't do that ongoing origami workshops and much more this event will occur on Styers Avenue we'll have that Street closed between Mars and Axton for more details follow our Facebook event page or visit Union township.com and uh May is knocking on our door which means our Memorial Day parade is soon upon us join us for our parade on Monday May 27th mark your calendars this parade will feature music by The Uptown String Band floats there'll be show cars military units and vehicles Clydesdale horses they're always a big hit and Civic and youth organizations after that parade there will be a reenactment for members of the first njv first Battalion of New Jersey volunteers will occur with British and Loyalist troops battling on the street near the star Connecticut Farms Church a formal program will begin at noon at the veterans honor Rolland Memorial Park the parade begins at 10: a.m. on Styers Avenue starts at the VFW on High Street all the way to Veterans honor roll Park and Memorial Park for best viewing watch the parade from Pearl Harbor Square on Styers Avenue and again we ask that you sign up for everbridge notifications these are emergency and general notifications that you can get WR to your phone and or email uh these are also online at uniontown.pa with that I will open up the meeting to the public again a reminder please state your name and address and there is a five minute limit microphone is open uh good evening sir uh my name is dang sangavi I stay at 1168 Commerce Avenue Union for last 20 years uh there are a couple of things which I need to let you guys know is that first thing is that we just got a letter two days back from the township of Union regarding the garbage GS uh they said you should have a lid and all that things whatever uh 4965 and 4955 something that whatever the code is there uh what I would I have seen in other towns the township Pro provides uh garbage cans we don't need to buy I mean why do we have to buy around $700 cans just because Township wants it I mean majority of the towns nowadays they Supply the garbage cans so that's why I would suggest you guys if you can think about it because we do need that because I rodents are there things are not good uh obviously you get rodents in the house and I agree with you but we need you guys need to support us because we are the taxpayers and we are paying heavy taxes it's not that we are not paying taxes so that's one of the issue the second issue is that that the the road which I stay onto Commerce Avenue uh there are two schools one is the donon school and there is Hannah Cardwell School the problem is that the donon school uh there's so many teachers over there that if I leave my house at 8:00 in the morning for any reason if I have to come home at 10:00 I don't get parking for my own spot there's absolutely no parking anywhere it's all the teachers have taken up all the parking spaces there's nothing where I can do so I have to think before coming home I have to come after 3:00 after 3:30 to get the parking spot and I do have three cars so if I would suggest that if you go and give them the parking space near boys and girls uh that swiming Club there's the parking lot is full empty so if they can be moved all the teachers over there to park over there is better for everybody it's the Commerce Avenue and the joining street it's all packed with they may be having 100 cars everywhere uh so that's one of the thing and second thing is that we are lucky enough that accidents have not happened on Commerce Avenue uh people go at top speed many of times I've seen 60 70 they are just driving off fast over there they need to have a speed breaker just putting a speed limit over there of showing that on the scale that you're 25 it doesn't make any sense if there's a speed breaker it helps the school we are lucky enough that our kids have not gone through that things what you just mentioned like now that like the fatality of 30.8 I mean we should have a speed Breakers over there because there are two schools over there and one more thing is that between Commerce Avenue and wael Road uh the cars coming from all the sides there is no uh traffic light there should be a traffic light because it's difficult to take a turn on the left hand side or right hand side because cars coming all the way throughout so I mean you need to suggest all these things it's been I'm seeing for 20 years and nothing has been done these are the most important things which the committee should decide and go ahead with it that's all thank you for your points just so you know our police will be out there they already are back there and have heard your comments we will have them stop by the Durant school and look at that area and see what the situation is as far as the intersection of voxell and commerce there's a study being done on the Fe done on the feasibility of a traffic light there we can't can't just indiscriminately put one that's also a county road we are working with the county and a study for that to try to have that happen and as far as speeding you heard my comment it's not Commerce it's all 650 roads in the township of Union it's the thousands and thousands of roads in the state of New Jersey this is a problem that is prevalent all over that's why I appeal to the public with my message and I will continue to appeal with that message no I agree with you the problem is that that the two major schools are there and so many teachers are crossing kids are crossing and people just speed up over there yeah I mean I've seen myself see in the house I stay my house is right opposite their on school parking lot exactly opposite that school I've seen people speing like 60 70 over there MH in the morning time at 8:00 could you imagine 8:00 going fast I mean nothing thing has happened we lucky enough but it could happen anytime sure sure thank you thank you for bringing it to our attention thank you so much sure uh sir the only place I'm aware of where the cities or townships Supply garbage cans is where they have an automatic pickup they have a truck that actually special garbage cans the truck comes there no might involved picks it up and puts in then you have to have a special garbage can for that I'm not aware of anybody may be somewhere supplying garbage cans other than that instance we basically you need that because the truck picks up the actual garbage can and puts it in there's nobody there no people to handle thank you thank you anyone else wishing to speak seeing none a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I I'd like to wish all our Jewish people out there happy Passover best to you have a good evening everyone