e e e e e e e e e e e this is a regular meeting of the township committee public notice of this meeting has been given as required by the open public meetings law a resolution was adopted on January 1st 2024 designating this date this Hall and 7:30 p.m. as the time for this regular meeting of the township Committee of the township of Union in the county of Union a notice of each and every meeting of the township committee was posted in accordance with the affers said open public meetings law in one public place reserved for the posting of ordinances and official notices of the township of Union namely the bulletin board next to the clerk's office in addition there to a copy of said resolution was forwarded to local Source Star Ledger a copy of said resolution is on file with the clerk of the township thank you madam clerk this evening the prayer will be led by committeeman Louie and the flag salute will be led by committee woman G fer everyone please stand let's B ahead as we gather as members of this Township committee we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our service to fellow citizens and to our community keeping in mind always the undoing values of Life exerting our efforts in those areas and on those things upon which future generation can build with confidence let us continue to strive to Make a Better Community amen amen ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Madam CLA can I have a roll call please Mr Bowser here Mr Lewis Here M Frasier here Mr Florio here mayor Figo here can I have a motion to approve the minutes of conference and regular session on February 27th 2024 may I make commission to approve the minutes for February 27th 2024 second all in favor I I Madam clerk we move on with the ordinances and resolutions please I for your consideration on second and final reading an ordinance amending ordinance 3729 to add a handicap space in front of 1433 Bernette Avenue move the ordinance be taken up for a second and final reading second an ordinance amending the designation of restricted parking spaces for use by persons with special vehicle identification cards in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance creates a handicap space in front of 1433 Bernett Avenue is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on the this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Lewis yes M Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor Figaro yes amending chapter 440- 5c of the municipal code to prohibit the planting of new bambo and restrict the spread of existing bambo move wers be taken up with second and final reading second an ordinance amending chapter 4405 C to prohibit the planting of of new bamboo and restrict the spread of existing bamboo in the township of Union Union County New Jersey is there anyone from the public wishing to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr Lewis yes Mr Fraser yes Mr Florio yes mayor figa yes the following resolutions amending resolution 2023 337 increasing the amount to Aro and donu LLC by $7,500 for an amount not to exceed $20,000 for a Personnel matter move for approval second all in favor I I appointing the municipal Emergency Management coordinators move for approval second all in favor I authorizing an award of contract to craft power company for the 2024 Pump Station generator maintenance at their low quote not to exceed $1,760 motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing appropriation transfers for the first three months of the fiscal year move for approval second Mr Bowser yes Mr Lewis yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figury yes authorizing Professional Services agreement with Coler engineering and design for planning services to provide meets and bound services at the union public library for a fee not to exceed $5,500 approval second all in favor I authorizing a Professional Services agreement with coler's engineering and design to implement a geographic information system systems for the township for a fee not to exceed $446,000 move for approval second all in favor amending resolution 20248 increasing the amount to air air center Inc by $920 for the purchase of an air compressor for Fire Station 2 for revised total contract amount not to exceed $1 15,6 motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing a Professional Services agreement with Stephanie Schwarz Esquire of hat field Schwarz Law Group LLC to represent the Township in a Personnel matter for an amount not to exceed $7,500 move for approval second all in favor I authorizing change order number two increasing the amount to lanch a Construction Corporation by $ 32,610 resulting in a revised total contract amount of 1,737 18442928615 move for approval second all in favor I authorizing a Professional Services agreement with Michael J Ash Esquire of Carlin Ward Ashen Hart to represent the Township in Redevelopment reverse tax appeals for an amount not to exceed $7,500 move for approval second all in favor I I ask you to approve the finances as listed on the agenda motion to approve second all in favor I following Communications from Terry milanda tax collector requesting the township committee authorized check issued to the following representing the Redemption of tax s certificates as listed on the agenda move for approval second all in favor from Joseph V A Township engineer requesting the following payments payment number five to grenad Construction Corporation in the amount of 15,590 for work completed through March 1st 2024 in connection with the 20123 road reconstruction program phase two payment number four to lanche Construction Corporation in the amount of $48,750 196 for work completed through March 1st 2024 in connection with the 2023 Road program phase one for approval second all in favor I from Herman Williams Jane J any city tours requesting to park approximately 15 cars in lot 20 on Caldwell Avenue on Saturday May 4th 2024 from 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 P.M for a day trip Mo for approval second all in favor I from Betty spirula St Demetrius Greek Orthodox Church requesting to host their annual Greek festival September 5th through 8th 2024 in their parking lot also requesting permission to erect several tents and to place four Banners at various locations in the township motion to approve second all in favor I from Stella OK cono Nigerian Nurses Association of America requesting permission for the use of Weber park for a health fair on Saturday June 8th 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. move for approval second all in favor Marin mangelo American helenic educational Progressive Association requesting to hold a flag flag raising ceremony to celebrate Greek Independence Day in front of town hall on Saturday March 24th 2024 at 1 p.m. move for approval second all in favor from Betty spirula St Demetrius Greek Orthodox Church requesting raway Avenue be closed on May 3rd 2024 at 8:00 p.m. for 1 hour for a religious procession go for approval second all in favor I the following Department reports from the clerk's office Community Development and Municipal Court motion to approve second all in favor that concludes my part of the agenda thank you madam cler good to our committee reports committee man Lou we'll start with you the wood division continued to work on repairing poth holes in patching section of Roads throughout the township uh since our last last meeting the wood division has performed 239 Bol repairs 25 overlays the sewer division continued to maintain catch basins pump stations and outfall daily performing repair were necessary since our last meeting our S Division has performed 190 catch Basin cleanings 40 enzyme applications and one emergency call the the shed tree division continued to maintain trees and parks Township properties and Township R of ways since our last meeting our trep performs 16 removals five trims nine stump removals the recycling division um as a reminder Brown Goods newspaper paper and cardboard should be tied and bundled in place at curbside uh for recycling pickup all concern and queries regarding all division of public work can be addressed by calling public work at 9:08 6861 1922 or bying the report concern future on the township website thank you that conclude our report May thank you committee man Bowser please uh yes may I have the following license applications for approval Outdoor Cafe Gusto y saber 22 24 mors Avenue First Watch restaurant 1235 West Chestnut Street Patty's Place 999 Rosemont Avenue Peruvian Flavor Restaurant 10 1020 cyberon Avenue entertainment Amusement license the union Elks 281 Chestnut Street signatures bar sports bar 2586 Mars Avenue Liberty Tavern 1403 Liberty Avenue Joe's Place 282 Mars Avenue and Patty's Place 999 Rosemont Avenue could I have a second on that motion second all in favor I I mayam my following report for the police department is as followed for the period February 22nd through March the 6 there were 1,457 direct patrols 2,432 calls for service 86 arrests on the dispute Initiative for the period of February to 23rd through March the 7th there were eight 7 78 stops 79 tickets and 14 were residents red light enforcement for the period of uh February the 23rd through March 7th there were 19 stops 21 tickets and two were residents under truck enforcement for the same period there were 18 stops 16 tickets at one one delivery and I have the following highlight on February 26 officers were dispatched to 492 North Avenue which is quick stop for a report of two suspicious males in the rear of the building numerous officers quickly responded to the area quickly set up a perimeter as they responded directly to the rear of the business offices located two adult males with Vault Cutters crowbars attempting to break into the rear of the business one suspect attempted to fle the area but was quickly apprehended by the officers and the second suspect was arrested without incident both residents was transported back to headquarters and charged accordingly no entry was gained into the building that concludes my report thank you committee woman G frer thank you um good evening everyone I'd first like to congratulate um our fourth fourth grade basketball travel team um they had an undefeated season however they lost in the semifinals um but uh congratulations on an amazing season um the union recreation department will be hosting its annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday March 23rd on the new rapkin Park football field doors will open at 10 a.m. with the egg hunt beginning at 11 a.m. there will be four separate egg hunt areas toddlers sensory friendly uh special needs ages five and under and ages six and up there will be a photo booth as well as a photo op area where you can take an Easter photo with your child among um our decorations DJ clutch will be providing music that your little bunnies will hop to all children and attendants will receive chocolate bunny to take home as well as a ticket ticket for a chance to win a giveaway prize including Easter baskets and bikes we will monitor the weather forecast and share any changes on the event in the Township's Facebook page um save the date registration to the union Recreation summer camp begins on Wednesday April 10th at 12:00 noon the program is open to children who will be entering third through 6th grade a flyer with additional information will be sent out as soon as POS possible we expect this program to be popular so if your child is interested please do not delay if you have any questions please reach um reach out to the recreation department at 98686 4200 and my second report for the evening with the senior center um as always the health and wellness um Health maintenance Tuesday March 19th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. if you want the nurse will be on the site checking blood pressure and uh blood sugar check Health topics dementia and Alzheimer's Wednesday March 22nd from 11: to 12:30 and the upcoming program St Patrick's Day celebration March 15th from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Music by Chris Hoy band coffee and dessert will be served dine and Chad join the senior center on April 19th for an amazing three course prefixed lunch special at Mighty Quinn's barbecue $25 per person it is from 12 to 3 3:30 p.m. bus departs the senior center at 1:30 p.m. sharp reservations for reservations call the um Senior Center again if you want to file your taxes for free the AARP free tax Aid um there are still limited times available please schedule your appointment call the recreation department upcoming not the recreation the Senior Center upcoming trips Wind Creek Casino at Bethlehem Pennsylvania that's March 21st $35 per ticket paper mill Playhouse gun and powder on May 2nd that's $38 per ticket and Two River theater Gem of the ocean on 61924 that's $45 per ticket please call the senior center at 98851 5290 that concludes UD my reports thank you Deputy Mayor Florio thank you very much mayor the union fire department responded on 243 emergency calls for service this period with 112 calls being for medical service on March 8 the fire department responded to multiple significant incidents the shift began with a car that struck a utility pole on Mars Avenue severing the pole at the base psng needed to replace the pole just after that a tractor trailer hit an utility pole on roadway Avenue bringing down primary wires and service drops to Municipal multiple businesses this incident knocked out power to a large section of town which in turn triggered a fire alarm activations and elevator rescues of occupation occupants being trapped in the midaf afternoon apparatus was dispatched to Jackson Avenue for a solar roof installer that fell on the roof and broke his laid the far Department Special Operations team assembled a rope rescue and the patient was removed from the roof by sto basket after the incident the fire department was dispatched to Colonial Avenue to assist in removing a a bariatric Pati from their home also use utilizing ropes and rigging while on the scene a vehicle crashed into the home next door pushing a park car into the house causing a structural damage a lot of issues on almost the same day some winter fire safety tips with daylight savings occurring this past weekend we would like to remind our residents that when you change your clocks you should also change the batteries in your smoke detector changing the battery in your carbon oxide detector and to check the gauge of your fire extinguisher and sure the indicator is still pointing in the green if the indicator is in the red you will need to purchase a new fire extinguish that's my report for the tonight mayor thank you Deputy Mayor um I think I'm going to pigy back on what you said that one day a lot of accidents in town uh we're only 69 days into this new year and already the number of car accidents we've seen in town has been totally totally unacceptable and that report demonstrates that over a 100 crashes and fatalities have occurred in this state so far this year please do not become another statistic you know none of us leaves the house planning to be involved in a car accident however we can all slow down stay sober and follow the rules of the road red still means stop doesn't mean anything else it means stop yellow means slow down please follow speed limits throughout town and you can save lives because excess speed kills and damages property and hurts others so that's I'm off the Soap Box let me get on to some positive things now but please drive safe out there before I begin I want to congratulate Union High School student Alysa alinder who finished her wrestling career get this 27 and one and her one loss was in her championship match down in Atlantic City at the state championship so phenomenal job Alysa great job representing the township I also want to congratulate our UHS maroon guard and infantry guard drill teams for winning the north Jersey League championship for the 25th consecutive year that RC just does a great job they took first place in eight out of 10 categories and the league meet congratulations to those men and women and keep up the great work now we are on the middle of women history month and we are almost almost at capacity for upcoming her story is our story panel discussion and networking mixer this is on March 27th which is in honor of women's history month we invite women of all ages to join us for an insightful discussion featuring six inspiring women as they share their empowering stories Journeys and experiences and one of them is up on this day as I'm looking at her but she wasn't looking at me um this is a free event I just want you to know that so online registration though is required via uniontown.pa or to one of your Furry Friends you can donate $10 to the Friends of the Union public library and they'll place a dedicated bookplate inside a circulating library book for more details contact the union Public Library at 908 851 5450 save the date now miss G Frasier spoke about the township egg hunt we also have our special Improvement districts annual Easter scavenger hunt right in the center of town this event will be held right across the street at Russo Park on Saturday March 30th from 12:00 p.m. to 3: there'll be face painting balloon artists themed games and characters OMG bubbles goodie bag excuse me goodie bags and more this free event is for kids of all ages and again a reminder sign up for your everbridge notifications these are for emergency and general notifications you can also see those online and sign up online at ww. uniontown.pa and with that I'll open up the meeting to the public a reminder please state your name and address and there is a five minute limit to your discussion open the microphone please come up Sir Frank just bring bring the microphone back down yeah there you go thank you hear me now yes okay hi my name is Frank manano Jr and I am here to speak on behalf of my father Frank MC Senor I'm here to ask from help from this community that my father and mother have been a part of for over 50 years my father my mother even longer because she grew up in Union with my grandfa parents who lived in Union since 1952 in the house I'm about to tell you about recently a house on 136 1 Liberty Avenue was torn down to the foundation the foundation was added on to and the house was rebuilt the house is significantly bigger in size I would say maybe three times there were trees cut down and the land was graded in a way that when it rains water comes into my father's yard of great proportion and stays for a week since January it's been coming into my father's house that's when I went to the building department to make a complaint somebody we sent to our house in the next couple of days a Mr Anthony cavalo he looked around took some pictures I showed him in the house where the water came in he said he would talk to his boss and see what he says then I called a couple of weeks later because I didn't hear anything and on February 13th I received a call from Mr Galo he said that situation was being looked into and that an engineer was coming to look then on March 2nd it rained and water came into the house much worse than it did the time before so on March 4th I went back down to town hall and complained again and on the 7th of March Mr cavalo and an engineer named Butch showed up and looked at my father's yard they went to the new house and came back and explained to us that this was our problem that the contractor followed all permits and our house was always flooded if this was the case we wouldn't be able to live here it's pretty obvious that this is being caused by the the new construction buty engineer told us he would give us names of three landscapers that could fix this problem but we are still waiting I had a company come and give us an estimate to fix it was around $20,000 my father is 80 years old in a vet who cares for my mother who has dementia and health issues and he can't afford something like that and he shouldn't have to when this never happened until a new construction that changed the path to the water and is now causing lots of damage so land is graded higher than my fathers and we were told by Butchy engineer I would tell you his last name but I don't know it he wrote his name Butchy engineer on one of Mr gal's business cards and I tried to to look him up in the engineer Department I couldn't find anything so he said that the contractor would level the land to the level of my father's land along the fence at least 2 feet which hasn't happened either this past weekend the water came into my father's house so bad rushing in through the whole first floor and down the basement steps like a waterfall I had to call the fire department who came and pumped out the yard to get the water away from the house I don't know what would have happened if they didn't come so how can anyone say that this always happened I have pictures for you to keep and a copy of the fire department report I am asking for any help from this community I even went to Senator cryan's office for help and I'm still waiting I don't know where else to go that's that's why I'm here asking this community to do the right thing for an elderly couple that has been in this town for over 50 years thank you and my father wants to say something if he may Frank if you have pictures you can give them to the officer there he'll relay them to us and as your dad come as your dad comes up I just this is Mr travisano back here and uh I want you to just give him your uh give us your address and phone number if you can give it to the clerk right there on the side after your dad speaks how's that good evening uh everyone my name is Frank mcgo Senor and uh I'm probably going to repeat a lot of what my son said on my behalf but I thought you should also hear it from me because I'm the property owner if you'll owge me I would like to start by saying a little about me I am 80 years old as he said and have lived on darus Avenue for 50 years I'm an army veteran I have a serious heart condition and I'm the primary caregiver for my wife of 60 years who has dementia presently oh recently rather trouble has come into my life and I'm here to ask for for help the trouble I'm referring to is this here I go repeating but I can't help it the old house adjacent to my house was demolished and a new house was built the last thing done by the Builder was to add dirt or top soil to the yard raising its height this action dramatically changed the drainage pattern of rainwater and caused a tremendous flood in my yard eventually coming in to the ground level and basement of my house just last week as my son said we had to have the fire department pump out my yard in 50 years we have never had a flood like this one that caused trem tremendous damage it's not right that the the builder of the new house can do something to damage my yard and house and not be held accountable I do not know what to do I live on Social Security and savings I can hardly afford to spend $220,000 to remedy a problem that I did not cause I want the town government to do the right thing and write this wrong and thank you for listening thank you Frank Frank if you could give your contact information we're going to have Administration contact with the professionals and try to move this process along he's just going to give his contact information to the clerk thank you anyone else wishing to speak seeing none can I have a motion to adjourn move to adjourn second all in favor I have a good evening everyone e