e e I'm not got it you ready s welcome to tonight's meeting of the zoning Board of adjustment which of the township of Union which is being held pursuant to the open meeting law c231 laws of New Jersey dated 1975 notice of this meeting was advertised in the local Source Andor the store Ledger two newspapers of record and notice has been posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building adjacent to the municipal clerk's office roll call Mr Wy here M Martins is absent Mr bentan is absent Miss Scott here Mr Johnson here Mr mcneel is absent Mr Graves is absent Miss rickets is absent Miss champ Mr champion here there being a quum present this meeting is now declared open Mr manguso at this time are there any Communications uh Mr chairman there are no Communications hearing none her first order of business is the adoption it will be the adoption of the resolution for calendar number 3435 779 Rosner Drive LLC located at 779 Rosner Drive block 3102 Lot 19 applicant wish to construct the driveway without a garage board members you've all had a chance to read the resolution at this time are there any board members that would like to comment make changes or modifications to the resolution as it is written hearing none may have a motion in a second Mr chairman I move that the board deny the variants applicable to this application and that council is directed to prepare a resolution consistent with the board's decision second adopt the resolution as written and dispense with I already what happened the motion has be to adopt the resolution as written and dispense with Mr chairman I move that this board adopt the resolution is read as accurately memorialized in the previous findings of the board second roll call Mr Wy yes Mr Scott yes Mr Johnson yes Mr champy yes our next order of business is calendar number 3431 Ukrainian Evangelical Assemblies of God DBA living world church located at 2208 Stanley Terrace block 5504 lot 1718 and 22.01 applicant wishes for overnight truck parking which is not permitted use in the CI Zone Mr hail would you like to begin yes thank you very much and we appreciate the board members coming out this evening I know it's the middle of the summer uh and we did have the courtesy of of uh Anthony and Tiffany advising us and Rob that you would only have four uh members here obviously enough to have a quorum but uh for the relief being sought actually on this in the next case you need five affirmative votes uh we felt it's best rather than starting and having board members have to listen to or watch the video the like that we would just uh knowing this I would appear this evening and uh confirm that it will be carried I think Tiffany we indicated this one would be to the August 28th uh without further notice um at 7:30 p.m. and we stipulate any appropriate extension of the 120 day time period for decision and again we appreciate the board members coming out by having it having the Quorum uh we're able to get get this on the record and we do look forward to uh presenting our case at the end of August so at this time can I have a motion in a second to adjourn tonight's case calendar number 3431 and for continued reading on August the 28 chair wear 3431 training of Assemblies of God DBA Living Church 2208 Stanley Paris 5504 178 22.01 overnight truck parking not committed an abuse to August 28th second roll call Mr Wy yes Scott yes Mr Johnson yes Mr champy yes thank you very much truly appreciate that and we'll pass that along to to the church and we appreciate that acknowledgement that it will be at 7:30 in this room it's at August 28th uh there will be no further new notice issued uh either to the 200 foot list or for publication purposes this is the only notice so it'll be Wednesday Wes Wednesday August 28th 7:30 in this room for calendar number 3431 as adjourn with the time stipulations noted for the record by Mr Hill thank you Mr chair thank you Mr panula thank you Mr panula our next uh case this evening is calendar number 3434 Toros Home LLC located at 103 Union Avenue block 1903 Lot 1 applicant wishes to construct a addition for more event space and restriping of the parking lot Mr hail yes thank you again Mr chairman uh Steven hail representing the applicant Torah holes LLC I do have a letter that I'll provide to uh to Anthony uh and actually this one we were going to be adjourning anyway so um we want to work with uh the board professionals just to clarify some things on on the on the plans but being again that there's only four members president again thank you for coming out this evening uh to have a quorum to uh have this adjournment our letter uh requested it be carried to the August 28th uh meeting we realize that that's not available and discussing with Tiffany uh it's my understanding that this matter would be carried to the October 16th hearing of the board again 7:30 in this room without the requirement of further notice um and we actually did R notify for this meeting after Consulting with Mr panula regarding the relief being sought and similar to the previous application we would stipulate to a appropriate extension of the time period for decision thank you Mr H this one has one other variable Mr Champion to is Rob P the board attorney uh there were materials circulated by the zoning office to the applicant that information also has to be it was recently circulated to the board as well so uh we did want Mr hail and and his client to be able to digest that uh it was code enforcement information and some details that are very relevant to the application so that record has been supplemented by the code enforcement official um so there are additional new data that's a part of this record for the public yeah and to that extent we did have uh this matter violations clients are well aware of the issues uh they're going to address those issues and we did resolve the matter uh both by compliance and and the like and and paid the appropriate F so want to get them on the straight and arrow and appear in October thank you for the clarification at this time can I have a motion in a second to adjourn and reschedule calendar number 3434 Toro Home LLC Mr chairman I make a motion that we calendar number 3434 T LLC 103 Union Avenue 1903 one addition for more event space and restriping the parking lot and Carri for October 16th at 730 in this room second roll call Mr Wy yes Miss Scott yes Mr Johnson yes Mr Champion yes right thank you again and we appreciate you coming out this evening again thank you summer have a great night Mr chairman there being no further business coming for the board this evening I move rejourn all in favor I opposed