in compliance with the open public meetings law I wish to state that on February 23rd 2024 the notice of this meeting of the Upper Township committee was posted on the official Township bulletin board and the Upper Township website emailed to the Atlantic City Press the Ocean City sent a ledger the heral times and filed with the Township Clerk tonight's meeting is being video recorded up until the closed session portion of this meeting and will be available on the Upper Township website I he I direct that this announcement be made part of the minutes of this meeting would you please rise for the flag United States of America stands Nation indivisible andice for all call please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes Mr nain President Mr Panos here mayor Newman present all members are present your pleasure on the minutes move we approve the February 12th 2024 regular session second call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried okay let's start withut mayor so just quickly I just want to say congratulations to the upper countship basketball ball Association on the completion of their Rec Season this past Saturday um they had over 500 children registered in their program and they run pretty much every Saturday at every open gym in the township for about 8 hours so it's a massive undertaking um between the board and their coaches so just congratulations to them thank to their board and their coaches for volunteering their time um and also just a save the date our Easter Egon will be Saturday March 23rd um I'll be back with specific times for age groups as we get a little closer um but this year we will be working with Jersey tags for our Easter eggs past we've worked with an organization out in Ohio um that utilizes adults with developmental disabilities to fill the Easter eggs so it's nice to be able to bring that home to organization locally that's doing the same type of work all I thank you Victor good evening everyone thank you so much as always for coming out um this week I took one for the team and attended the Upper Township beef and beer wrestling Association event I know they were there too it was uh it was a very uh incredible event showcasing one of the uh better uh Sports programs we have in the township on bias my son's in it but it was a cool event uh and then on the animal control front uh we had our vaccination and Licensing event over the weekend 77 dogs 11 cats and 55 licenses so another job well done thank you Joan for being there and uh that's all I have uh thank you may I just have a couple things from public works and uh two little things here for it so uh starting with Public Works uh received correspondence again regarding um New Bridge Road it was a county project you guys are all familiar with this it started this this was supposed to be done five or six years ago I know we we've been on top of it um but the latest we have from the county is just slated for late summer fall is the last correspondence I have for that so I reached out to the homeowner just let them know that we've kind of been keeping an eye on it and uh and and some of the issues that they had in the past with trying to to complete this contract so uh hopefully we'll get it across the Finish Line the county will get it across the Finish Line uh either late summer or early fall uh the second thing I have here is East cvw Avenue we got a correspondents uh from a resident there just questioning the be beach access um it's my understanding from uh CME that the uh we're on a hold I guess with the D to to finish that crossover if we even have even if we're able to to do that crossover that's one of the areas that was filled back in so there's new Dune there so I'm not sure uh with that Crossing so I know that um I put them in touch with Gary uh and also I think our Engineers also involved with that helping them out that well I think we're going to have it open for the season try for make sure we have exactly yep um and the third thing I have for public works here um big scary billboard sign on nine and Roosevelt that there's going to be construction coming up um expectedly so I did reach out to our Engineers to make sure that's north of N9 in Roosevelt so they're not going to be really messing around with the intersection there so part of the state project correct y so big scary sign is not uh not that scary um as far as it is concerned we are looking to upgrade the camera system at a main his field um that's severely lacking and also our door access system here the C access system that all the employees use um is outdated and need some updating so we're working with the vendors there to to help them out with that um other than that think that's pretty much some it stuff so outdated you can't buy stuff to make you just got so we're see what we can do to be responsible with the upgrade for that also on Church work on that as y That's all thank you thank you um one thing I have is at our next meeting we're going to have resolution agenda amending our temporary budget we had a donation that's going to be coming in for a life name I make name the call and whatever they want so I don't I want them to do that without um has been order being built you have to generate a purchase order you can't generate purchase order without the money so the money will be here by the next meeting and that's all good things for a new trailer so we going to have a new trailer which are all the other trailers we have two trailers now they are some of them W the teson so we might take one out of the SE what I'm saying one of the shows so that's a good thing and that we will have a chrisan party I'm sure so that's all I have this thank you uh just have one thing that um I wanted to point out to everybody and uh it's been going around on uh I know it's on social media but this is a good real good thing it's a story about um one of our firefighters Bob rins who uh was um uh sa saved by not only our our firefighters our em personnel paramedics it was just a team that the system worked all the way through and I think Mr Carter the supervising uh uh excuse me uh em uh was on that that job and I think you guys were honored for that as well at one time but it's a really really neat video how everything came together and I think if we can probably get a hold of that Gary somehow and just post them on on our Facebook page too that would be a good thing it's easy reading and it's good easy look listen good good watch so and it just has so many local ties that it's unbelievable you know to be saved by your own but also when the care was given up at at Mainland Medical Center Mainland his daughter is employed there so daughter he goes through I mean the thing is what what it didn't say if he wouldn't have been on a fire I would never survive the fire company was right there right there the first respond were right there under any other circumstances probably not yep and that's what we're trying to do and that's why it's a good thing why we send an ambulance in every fire call you never know so okay uh go around the table here uh Gary administrator overvie this uh last two weeks has been the week of engineering so we have we're going to have a a phenomenal report by uh Ryan uh relative to the paving programs and and things that that have been bulleted on your um committee report I also want to I don't see one on here that I have to give Ryan some accolades to he uh pushed the envelope and relative to the scra living Shoreline project that came in today so I got a very nice email from um from act engineering said that they finalized the um the Geotech report and to be submitted relative with the application so even though it's not on his engineering report I need to point that out that that was something that again had floundered had been lost and we kind of pushed it to its conclusion so that was very good uh interesting enough with the mayor you are correct and and we share the same humor with Mr Panos one of the vendors had told us that the only place that he could find parts for some of our it programs are eay so you know he he's working with a few schools that refuse to kind of upgrade and the only place that he can find actual Parts repl site so we are working on uh on some of those upgrades uh this evening we're going to uh give you a budget overview um again it's a very solid Capital presentation uh that I think F what we need to do over next that's all I have nothing thank youo nothing to report mayor thank you thank you Brian star of the show thank you right now um so I do have a couple things to go over first one being the paving program I know we had a productive meeting today uh essentially we have a quote from Paving plus um for uh work under a co-op contract uh we should be able to review that and provide it to the township committee for approval under next committee meeting um good so that's Paving program moving on to strair St M water pump uh as we talked about last meeting committee granted an extension until uh May 17th for that project to be completed uh I am currently finalizing the design plans it should be done within one to two weeks and then we will be meeting with the contractor to Star workk as soon as possible after that time all right uh next one up as Mark indicated earlier the route n project um so again that is a state project and the the full extense is actually from right's Lane all the way to Harbor Road so it's a 6.4 Mile Stretch um it's going to be primarily roadway Mill and overlay curb ramp installations uh potential God rail Replacements as well as electrical its and so um the first phase of the project is installing some of that its conduit which is a sign I believe uh that work is starting March 4th so next Monday uh and it will involve temporary Lane shifts or alternating traffic um during that phase of the Sol that update do they have any uh idea when you know that's all well good do they have idea when they're going to start actually milling and and and pay it I'll I'll get you an answer for that under our next committee as far as I'm aware that will be the next phase the project have Memorial Day Weekend finish up by lab yeah knowing this state it probably is the best timing um but I'll have an update on that okay fine so the next one up would be the beach renourishment um again we are Public Works is currently installing those crossover extension I know Craig was very helpful today and gave me this update that gravel has all been installed for each crossover except for C view uh they actually just finished today the split rail fencing for those Crossovers and we'll be moving on to completing the installation of the sand fencing over the next couple weeks uh after that we're anticipating to do the SE view crossover really end of April early May um that is the northernmost crossover and we're we want to wait that long to review potential erosion before the crossover is installed um next one would be called well Parks uh cwell Park lights so I know the work is substantially complete Public Works started the grass restoration um essentially top soing and regrading and then anticipating seeding in early spring just to bring that one to the Finish Line uh next one up is County open space applications we have one being the skate park um essentially replacement of the skate park in Amanda's Fields as well as a potential new Grant application uh for uh the 7-Day building uh replacement I have a meeting with the county tomorrow where we'll get some more information um in order to resubmit for the skate park as well as a new application for the 7day buildings so so the skate park applications Just For The public's information that's carried over from last year was we had subed that um last April they came back with some changes that they wanted to see so we're pretty hopeful that we made those changes we're pretty hopeful that that's going to go through um the 7day building that we're talking about so I think everyone recognizes that the community center is inadequate for what for our needs you know as I said the recreation program for basketball you know has to utilize four buildings in the township for an 8 hour day just to get through um one season you know the parking there um during basketball during wrestling when we have CFT shows it's severely inadequate despite you know we've made efforts we've um created additional parking I think was about 30 extra spots we keep created last spring um we tried parking bars to discourage parking on the side of the road but it continues to be an issue and really I think it's just that we're out gring the facility um so we're we're having a lot of conversations and that is constantly at the Forefront where we're trying to come up with some kind of a solution that makes sense to provide facilities for the township and also provide safety as the other so thank you for your help with that we're we're hopeful also myself and Gary attended a round table with the county a couple of weeks ago and uh uh they are are I think changing their outlook on how how they're going to handle good space stuff and this really help us out good positive sorry no problem um so living Shoreline will be my last update for today um as Gary was indicating I had a call with act Engineers uh just this afternoon uh essentially the design is done they're now working on finalizing the application so we should have that application over for Signature within a week and then from there they need two weeks to finalize submission at D and Army Corps of Engineers so essentially that one's right at the Finish Line as well before they make the application submission to the state agencies all right and that's all I had for today um yeah thank you again you barar I just have one item um through Public Works through Craig have an a request to send Ed Carter uh to class it's about a week long class $750 for back flow certification this is going to be needed there will be a second class that will be needed as well certification class so um just requesting that um because of cost and the time that requires your approval I think that uh this is part of what his job is I'll make that foral motion that we send him that class call Ro Please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes Mr nappen Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried that's it okay did we have the 2024 budget number one introduction and first reading of ordinance number 2 2024 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget approach appropriation limits and to establish a c bank okay thank you um we're going to turn it over to Barbara and Mr Costello This Time and uh if you can uh go through or and I'm sure Gary's going to jump in here time there you go well this is this is the introduction okay no this is this is the for the right so this is required um you are not exceeding any thing we actually have over half a million dollars more we could spend if you wanted to the important part is the last half of course say establish a cap bank for what you didn't use if you don't do that it goes away and we don't have a chance to use it in the future you never know what year the years going to bring and it's only a tax issue if you ever spent it it's just sitting in a bank available to be used so this is a standard ordinance that's been done now probably 20 years I guess statute prob over 20 years and if you don't do it we lose the F so um I would like to make a motion we introduce number two of 2024 with a public hearing for March 25th yes call please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion car we have two introduction of the 2024 budget you want to start with your slide and I'll kick in sure so again uh we build each year based upon what the vision is and the successes of last year and what we want going forward and what this committee strives for and what we want to see as far as administrators and and professionals is the stability and that's what this budget brings it's stability and how do we get to that success we got it through three things through the involvement of the committee the understanding just like we have in the meetings today the very deep understanding of how budgeting is where the money come from and how it's spent and the manager myself Barbara Leon the clerk's office everybody that's involved in the the management of putting these documents together and presenting it to the committee and the advice and the advice comes from Prof such as Leon and his organization and the state and the other influences that create the budget and make sure that the budget is proper and within the guidelines um one of the things I wanted to to that Leon and I both share is that if that budget appropriation cap was separate it'd be no problem but they pigeon hole that other language in there that makes it look like we're expanding or we're exceeding the budget and it's not but you can't have one without the other and that's kind of why the state makes that the lineage into that particular ordance so how do we do it again cooperation consolidation collaboration departments are keeping within their budget employee Partnerships once again we did it through the uh the kindness and the facilitation of the employees going to the more advantageous Health Care Services shared services we we've heard that on the dies before the Corbin City the courts uh the various uh Ocean Sea uh o programs that we have all these different all these different type of programs that the township um collaborates with uh the hiring practices we've changed our hiring practices we we've brought in employees that are willing and able and have more specific talents and willing to grow the township based upon what the township is and andal and double duty we like to call this double duty know every employee in this particular municipality does something other than their title and it's just so refreshing to kind to see employee base giving 100% of the time and I always put that number up there because because 70% of my time 70% of the budget is employee based right so today we heard that you're sending employees to schools and you're supporting employees to education that all adds up to Raw money whether it's on your salary wage line whether it's your it's it's employees that run the organization so the uh Plus or minuses is the budget's increasing 300 Grand or 1.4 right and that's because of a Debt Service payments or paying down Debt Service and obligations so the drum roll so a penny is equal about Buck 90 1 1.42 cents aage is about 300 grand for Upper Township in total upper only is $42 a year or $355 per month that's what the increase and you can just uh do the math $600,000 home is double that and so forth and so some interesting numbers the we are a collection agency so the township of upper collects about $41 million in taxes total Upper Township receives out of that about $5 million only so we don't get the 41 million we get the 5 million that's about 13% of what we collect everything else goes too every $1,000 collected in taxes of gets about B 20 so school gets 71% County gets 16% and the township gets 133% so I had a lot of questions relative to the 17,000 17 million that we operate or used with the township so I that's my slides back so I did a pizza so P everybody likes pizza so uh $17 million budget there's your third on the bottom of what we collect in taxes that's about your 5 million and so everything else is made up of state aid revenue and surplus and again if you reduce your surpluses then you have no surpluses for next year so it becomes a balancing act between the advice of of professionals and and the insertion of these numbers by the CF I also put a little plus and minus on there so I don't want that's a qualifier so again I put this U I always put this slide into any Township that I work with it's the fuzzy man it's everybody that wants to uh usually sometimes I'll put like a there whoever wants to spin it like a Sit spin whatever spin you want if if you play the percentage game if you have 100 and you add one that's that changes by one that's 1% but if you have six and you change by to seven and that's one that's 16.7% so you can make the numbers look whatever you want to make the numbers look but this is a good budget this budget soles what we need to do for the for the operating year it also sets more spending for the for the year so if we budget X we can't spend L this is what we spend any questions Leon back to you sure thanks so this is a couple points that I got hit on this is my 50th year doing these things and I probably have said thousands of times that the budget's made up of how many people you have what you pay them what the benefits are you forget everything else that's what drives the budget if the services you provided were profitable some private firm will be doing them not you you're stuck with everything that doesn't make any money you have to provide these services and you have to provide them every year and you provide them adequately that's why employee is the base of the budget and nobody else wants to do the stuff the government does so the the state has two laws one's the spending cap law one's a levy cap law you're 750,000 under the levy cap which which means you could you could raise if you wanted to in taxes another $750,000 you could also spend 5 $580,000 more as you mentioned before on the spending cap so you're well well within the Caps this budget obviously um is a you know an apple and a hand grenade compared to last year last year being a hand grenade we had Rising costs all across the board that were dramatic everything has settled down if you remember last year it was a war zone getting these budget stun this year is a stability of 1.4 uh cents and moving forward I know that in discussions that we've had that there's the capital need that's going to grow and we're poised to make that happen in future budgets also as Gary mentioned onethird of this budget State a the governor will be speaking probably the third Tuesday in March I guess is one of good address we'll find out what happens with that we can change it based on what he decides uh the past two years he's giving you a little bit more money each year but we don't know if that's going to happen again we have about 600,000 that's at risk that's really just U free money that he gave away to all the towns not just uper townsel so we may make an amendment in a month because between now and March 25th Yeah March 25th will be the public hearing uh we can talk about the changes but we can't make them until that meeting you have to present this budget for the public to uh ask questions on then after that's over with then we can adopt the budget as is or make changes to it and adopt the budget so that's where you stands guys said it's a very sound budget very solid stability is the big key last year was really turmoil um but we're back so and un kill now and looking good for the future anybody have any questions from the board VI Kim no I would just like to say thank you to to barbin Le on for I've been up here for almost two years and and just sitting with you guys you've always answered my questions and Leon you you know all your spreadsheets and things all the questions I had you were able to answer that so I I do you nobody likes to pay taxes me included but responsibly and you said stability in the township I think is something that we we were shooting for and I think we got there and thanks to you guys so appreciate that car I have no questions or comments I said it at the budget Workshop meeting I'll say it again here Curtis and I spent some prior time on Township committee years ago and we we didn't do what we do now which is go into the to Leon's office on the separate occasions with with Barb and we go over this so make me wait all yeah we made wait so we we can go in there and actually digest the budget and before we just got handed a piece of paper and no idea where we're going and we came out with this stability portion of it the Township's in a pretty good Financial stable position right now and uh we want to keep it that way it doesn't do us any good to go up and down in taxes like a roller coaster and uh uh we just want to obvious Factory as low as we can responsibly do it and still provide the services uh to to our our residents and visitor so um so at this time uh we're we don't take any comment from the public here um we will would like somebody to present a motion and uh to go ahead I would move we introduce to 2024 budget public uh hearing on March 23d second call Please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes Mr nappen Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried so I'll see you in a month unless uh there's another need for another me discuss anything you want to change okay great thank thanks and we are self- examed which means that the state will not review this budget um one out of every 3 years the state looks at the other two years they don't so or will swear everything's okay in a resolution at the adoption that the budget need all compliance with everything we need to go and it does thank you okay we have just not one more thing authorizing the execution of a group affidavit the governing body certification of compliance with United States equal employment opportunity commissions enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records and employment decisions under title 8 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Mo approv second call the Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr napin yes fanos mayor Newman yes motion carried for the consent agenda all consent agenda items listed below are routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion if the mayor or any Committee Member wishes a particular agenda item to be considered separately it will be removed from the consent agenda and acted on separately approve items number on Thea second would you call the role Please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes Mr nappin yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried for Resolutions to be acted on separately authorizing a Grant application and agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for an assistance to Firefighters Grant we approve the resolution second Mr Corson yes s ha Mr nappin Mr Panos yes mayor Newman allain okay under ordinances we have the public hearing and final adoption of ordinance number 1 2024 an ordinance adding chapter 4-6 short-term rentals to the code of Upper Township um at this time uh I would like to turn it over to Deputy Mayor hay for just a second to explain the the committee process that went through this again and then we'll open it up to the public so that everybody knows what's going sure so as I said before we had introduced some a different version of this coordinance several months um and we really kind of missed the mark and heard from the public that they were unhappy with what we presented um so what we did was reach out to the community we we got together some community members who were um in favor of airbnbs who operated airbnbs um those who were opposed to it um some people who worked in real estate specifically in SC where really you know shortterm Ral seem to work well and have worked well for a very long time um we had some great dialogue amongst that that committee um myself ande MOS both served on that and I think we came up with something that everybody was comfortable with um that felt like it it allowed this type of reyal to continue in the township but also protected some of those areas that felt more at risk from them um so I don't know if you want Mr idea thank you deputy mayor uh just I want to lay out the purposes of this I think which are important in the Preamble which states that it's to balance the rights between the owners of residential dwellings proposed for the desire to rent them for short periods of time and also to uh take into consideration the impact it has on neighboring Property Owners so with that uh basic understanding this ordinance was um set out to regulate short-term rentals which are defined as the rental dwelling units for 30 days or less and it makes it unlawful for any short-term rentals um to be allowed for a period that is less than seven consecutive days if the property is one acre or less or for less than three consecutive days if the property is greater than one acre and that is anywhere in the township except for the areas of the Waterfront Town Center the marora Town Center Resort residential and Resort commercial zoning districts but notwithstanding those limitations all short-term rentals are still subject to the regulations that are laid out in this ordinance and specifically they're laid out in section 4- 6.6 which limits um put certain limitations on what short ter rentals can have and that is um they can't be um they can't have more than two cars um at the premises for homes that are up to three bedrooms with one additional car for each additional bedroom uh the occupancy is limited to two individuals per bedroom uh the documents are required to comply with all Municipal ordinances and state statutes P pertaining to noise nuisances and health concerns uh no Amplified music out is permitted outside past 900 p.m. and there's a requirement that all trash be placed in closed containers and placed at the curb for pickup on the scheduled day uh enforcement uh is with the housing officer the uh codes uh enforcement officer zoning official and construction official and there's also a provision that um that places some penalty on on violations which are covered under the standard uh fine sections of the uh Township ordinances but also if there are three or more violations u in any calendar year that the registration uh will lapse and that no uh the the owner of that unit can no longer rent the unit for that year plus the subsequent year so again we believe this ordinance based on the hard work of the committee and the people that participated does strike that balance between identifying the problem regulating the problem and also um giving certain rights to homeowners that acquired properties for purposes of renting them for a short-term basis thank you thank you so at uh this time I'm going to uh open it up to the public if anybody from the public would like to comment on ordinance number one of 2024 uh please make yourself known and step to the podium and come on up that's what you want to comment on yes he John grub Route 50 and so I have a concern of the limitations based on the size of the properties to me it seems like you're you're interfering with me being able to operate my business having a rental property and charge what what I wouldn't be able to charge by regulating the size of the property as for how long people can stay if you have property it's less than Neer you're saying I can't R for I have to be at minimum of seven days no it's three days for less than an okay sorry excuse me less than was that right you read that back me again it's so by doing that you're cutting down what I can actually charge for my rates by doing that and I think that violates my rights to be able to operate my business and how I see fit and what I can charge for my property I think that's I think that should really be looked at again and and and the overall I if it's a lot of people that are doing that and I can see it being a problem and that's basically all I have that's pretty much it just for the record the ordinance does not have any limitations on what people can charge it just puts limits on the number of days that that the occupancy can have well no that's in correct because it's going to be based on what the the rates of the area are calling for and if I can't rent it daily for that rate for three days or whatever if I charge $500 for a week because I have to do a set day whereas I can do $300 per day then your Reg Cal the amount of money that I can generate off my property now by shortening by by making it me a minimum of s days so you're interfering with my business I understand your point I'm just saying the ordinance doesn't have any dollar thresholds in it for what you can change but it does by doing that that creates it there's no dollar signs written out in the just for it's based on the market of what it's C just point of order that's all anybody else want to comment uh step up for please state your name and town to hi good afternoon Maria Buzz Gardener Lane six gardeners Lane um in response to Mr grub I'm not sure where his property is but he's mentioned several times it's his business for those of us who are supporting what you guys have come up with it's our neighborhood it's our residential neighborhood and we really don't want a business in our neighborhood and we've had problems no disrespect to Mr grub maybe his neighbors aren't complaining about it but I appreciate all the work that went into this it wasn't exactly what we wanted we compromised and I think it's good as it is thank you thank you anybody else would like to comment on ordinance number one of 20124 hearing on close the public portion of the meeting and entertain a motion to adopt we adopt ordinance number one of 2024 second would you call the RO Please Mr coron yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr naen abstain Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion Carri with four in favor okay we have 16 introduction and first reading of ordinance number 3 2024 and ordinance vacating Valley Avenue within the township of upper County of Kate May and state of New Jersey this would be the same public hearing of March 25th okay entertain a motion to now this is oh let's go to Mr mono sorry this is one again a small area it's a it's a property between uh properties that are owned by uh the same person and and the request is made to vacate it it will go and I think the planning board Gary has reviewed this um and has made a determination that it has no impact on any planning objectives um so we're following the standard procedure and we're also trying to develop a systemized process for looking at Street vacations um which will be U further developed as we go on but this one has already been reviewed and everything's okay with it was some paperwork that just needed to be formalized relative to this but Bo okay so is this going to involve Aida consolidation so these properties all Consolidated yes okay there was one question too how do we ensure that the properties that were vacating back on the taxist once the deed of consolidation is filed and that would automatically be registered with the tax assessor there's a system where the county the assessor's office gets notification of County filings okay okay uh any other questions for Mr mono Mo we introduce ordinance number three of 2024 for a final hearing on 25th of March second you call all please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr naen yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried under new business we have the estate of William E Walker Jr request to donate block 367 Lots 192 and 21 to the township of upper I went out there thank to Mr Joan who said I was on the exact opposite side of the township so she she was able to kind really back in but we did go out there Mr Jones went out there public works we uh did a curse review of the property there was no vehicles or dump sites or that type of that type of material it is low line U my recommendation because we did it with the survey wheel to get some sort of marker the on the road to find out where that particular property is but um it is what it's present so I think that uh what we need to do here is move to just have a resolution of the board go ahead and uh accept that if that's what we choosing so I'll entertain a motion for that at this time okay uh Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr napin yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carry we have the New Jersey Department of Agriculture 2024 2026 spoted Lander fly control treatment reimbursement program we this was we didn't use it last year is this the one that had to go back or this this is the one that had yeah we had to an email about a month ago and said we either have submit receipts or they alloc we just need a resolution to do that to reapply just need uh authoriz Gary to sign the application okay we applying for funds again this year and it became very difficult first with a vendor and then with are so the are is that we put out Facebook relative to please notify us if we see these particular insects and we working with ruers and the majority of them are on private land then some of them were on areas that have endangered species and so it became a hodg podge of of vendors that were even willing to spray for these particular inss so we give it a shots can a motion that we allow authorized gu to continue on second pleas Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried 19 we have the Ocean City High School theater boosters request to hold Raffles ra 574 and ra 576 at the Upper Township community center on April 20th 2024 motion approve second Mr Corson Mrs Hayes Mr nain Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried 20 American Legion Post 239 Aaron with Co request to hold raffle ra 575 at the Heritage Links Golf Course 1375 Route 9 on August 17th 2024 approval Mr Corson yes M Hayes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried Ocean City High School boys lacrosse boosters request to hold raffle 577 at lavari seafood and American Grill 1291 Route 50 on April 20th 2024 approve second Mr hon yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried move that all claims submitted for payment at this meeting be approved and then Incorporated in full in the minutes of this second all Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappin Mr penos Mayor Newman yes motion carried guess all right this time I'll open the um uh meeting up to public anybody from the public would like to address the township committee feel free step up to the microphone and go from there any public comment okay hearing none I'll close the public portion of the meeting and entertain a motion to go into close session I hereby move that a resolution be incorporated into the minutes authorizing the township committee to enter into an executive session for the following matters presum to the open public meetings act number one Personnel two potential litigation KY County Agricultural Development board three litigation heny versus Township of upper four contract negotiation danzinger and markof five contract negotiation Brian T trise hearing officer contract negotiation Trinity code inspections LLC seven contract negotiations right to know Inventory Services contract negotiations license to use license for use of RightWay number nine attorney client privilege cell tower I also include my motion the estimated time in the circumstances under which the discussion conducted in closed session can be disclosed to the public as follows a is anticipated the matters discussed in CL session shall be disclosed to the public upon the determination of the township committee that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality B with respect to employment Personnel matters such discussions will be made public if and when for action is taken or when the individuals involved consent that it can be made public see with respect to litigation matters such discussions will be made public when litigation is complete and the applicable app appeal period has expired D with respect to contract negotiations such matters will be made public when negotiations have ceased and there is no longer a reason for confidentiality second call the roll please this Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried okay we'll take five