good evening I'll call to order the April 11th 2024 VOR City Board of Commissioners meeting to order everyone please rise for the flag salute Ali flag United States of America to the repic for which it stands one na under God indivisible with liy and jce roll call please commissioner K here commissioner Mento here mayor langra here pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the law the agenda has been posted at City Hall and on the city's website at www. ventner meeting announcement live streaming there's a statement on our agenda that outlines that we do live stream if we have issues with that live stream we will continue with the meeting but have to shut that down um so that's it's longer than that but I'm not going to read the whole thing first item on our agenda is resolution 202 24-11 resolution of the city of vetner County of Atlantic state of New Jersey authorizing Municipal budget for 2024 to be read by title only a motion for that resolution please motion for resolution 2024 d110 second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mano yes mayor langth yes okay so that'll be in a few minutes but next item on our agenda is our 2024 Municipal budget um we have Leon Costello and Tom's going to assist I think a little bit of that or may may Leon show well I think you want to open public hearing what are you gonna do uh that's is that yeah it is a public hearing yeah we'll need a motion to open public hearing I'm sorry I misread that motion to open open public please motion to open public hearing second all in favor I I I okay now some is red on okay so the budget you have for you tonight is um the same budget we introduced we've made no changes to it we're self- examed so the state hasn't looked at it and there's nothing wrong with it anyway but um Amy will you have a resolution to pass later that says everything was done properly and she swears to it and signs off on it and it's still the same 2.21 Cent tax increase the only thing different about this budget is back on sheets 41 and 42 which are not in the original budget because they're for introduction for adoption only 41 and 42 would include the school tax that we did through the border of school estimates and that's just a same Revenue same expense so so wipe out so nothing's changed on the actual City side and you're good to go tonight okay good work on this Leon I know we talked at our last meeting or last time we talked about the budget we introduced it you know this was you know we wanted to try and keep it as low as we could things cost more you know our health insurance is our salaries are up thing you know fuel costs are still not great they're better than they were but everything's still more expensive than it was um labor cost when we go to repair stuff it's always more dollars than it was last time so um this was a little harder budget to get through but we got through it I think this is a good budget for us we need the dollars to keep the services at the level that our residents expect that's what I think we're moving forward with yeah I think it also sets us up to keep the fund balanced in in a in a place that's in a that's G to start to recoup some the the balances that we're using you remember the comparison between last year's budget and this year's budget last year's budget they threw a hand grenade out you now we have apples in the bucket that that are in our favor so it's night and day different and I was looking at the use of fund balance over the years since um this Administration has been in office and we've increased it with every budget um I know we get asked to do that you know to to put more in and um but and I said I know I said this is the last meeting but I'd like to say it again we hire the best Leon we hire the best consultant to work with us we're going to follow what he advises us if we don't follow what he advises us then it's just plain stupid in my opinion so um thank you Leon and um thank you for your advice my pleasure but we do reserve the right to disagree with yes and there's the business administrator chiming in C I see see nothing wrong with healthy debate but but that but um it does feel as though that we're doing things in a in a conservative way but we're still as a person who's lived in this city for 25 years and grew up here as a as a homeowner and grew up here um if the the seeing the investment back in the infrastructure seeing the the programs that we're adding those kinds of things that are not really create that are being added but not creating an undue burden to the taxpayer in a lot way services that a um municipality that wants to stay at a high level need to have exactly um for years our infrastructure was was let go and we're paying for it now we have to and we got a major project that's close to finishing up on on Monmouth um in Lafayette and we're going to have more there's more on the horizon yeah so your first year when you got it you did five ordinances One Night in October to get things rolling because nothing would been done yeah exactly remember that yeah yeah you need to maintain things and that's just like your home exactly if you let it go it's going to be problematic so y all right um we'll open it up to the public out on Zoom Jim can you let people know that um they comment if they would like do anybody on Zoom wishes to comment on the budget as presented please make yourself known by raising your hand or in the chat feature and we will unmute you okay anybody in the audience here wish to speak we have most of our staff is here not really the public so um I look for a motion to close the public portion on 2024 Municipal budget motion to close the public portion on 2024 Municipal budget second all in favor I I all right now we'll have a resolution 2024 d111 that will adopt the 2024 Municipal budget uh Cindy you want to read um your statement into there of course please be it resolved by the commissioners of the city of vetner city county of Atlantic that the budget here before set forth is hereby adopted and shall constitute an appropriation for the purposes stated of the sums therein set forth as Appropriations and authorization of the amount of 27,455 4029 for municipal purposes and 17 m841 3 841 323.50 for the school purposes in type 1 school districts and that's the school debt service and the school tax levy that you approved at the uh at the Bose meeting yes okay good thank you Cy can I get a motion to adopt resolution 2024 d111 motion to adopt resolution 2024 d111 as described second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes okay do not have any presentations this evening um just a heads up we will have a presentation next meeting um s or Lisa had I talked to Lisa about it just giv everyone a heads up acit kids are gonna come in and present the concept designs thank you so much every year you do good work for us yeah appreciate it um thanks a lot thank you last year actually year and a half ago or so I reached out to Drew Holmes who was an instructor a AutoCAD instructor at acit and he looks for a Capstone projects for his students every year right design students they use AutoCAD and they use a 3D printer to actually make models of what they're going to do so they're going to bring in about six or seven models oh fantastic um for that little um we City own property on Venter Avenue next to Shalom Peta yep um so they're going to come in at our next meeting and do a little presentation each and good we'll make it real informal for him we don't want to scare him flate from the from being professional yeah from being stuff so there's a lot of want to be you know engineers and Architects things like that so it's pretty neat um I've seen it the presentation they did at the the um State Landscape Architects convention Atlantic City so it was cool the kids know what they're doing yeah they really looked into it deep and that's great sun shadow studies and the whole thing for planting and all that so um so we'll have have a presentation at our next meeting um and then probably after that we're going to start back with our department head reports so if you guys want to start gearing up for those um we'll do that and then I know pretty soon we're gonna have a capital discussion I think Jim Rell is going to do a report at some point in then in the coming meetings about projects that are upcoming and things that are ongoing and then we'll have a capital discussion on those as well so we're going to go into our Workshop from this point on and then we'll come back into our our full meeting after that that so these items are up for discussion tonight first three things we'll do will be approv minutes from our February 8th regular and executive meeting March 24 28th regular meeting um I will be abstaining from that one so we'll do these separately because I was not here on the 28th we'll have some ordinance introductions the first one being 202 24-9 which is amending chapter 220 of the code city of Venter as the same relates to water usage that is an increase of $75 to the base fee um the base rate to cover increased costs as you heard us talk about um increased cost of everything from meters to everything else um pipes and and everything that we need to keep this system operating we're going to increase by $75 on your base rate Tom you had a couple comments just one just to um make it clear that this is an annual rate so it's a $75 increase for the year correct uh and in the first year because of the way our billing cycle works it'll really only affect homeowners for three quarters it'll okay they affect basically the second quarter so it's three quarters of the $75 all right on each Water and Sewer which is the next ordinance you're going to dip any questions on that one no uh next resolution is 20 or ordinance excuse me inroduction would be ordinance 2024 d1010 and that is a very similar one with chapter 186 of the code vender City same as it relates to sewer usage and that increase would also be a $75 increase similar um requirements and needs for our sewer system any questions on on that no understood I'm glad we were able to collectively scrub these a little bit and lower them as we started out with a higher number we did we did all right next ordinance introduction be 20241 which is improvements and acquisition of equipment for the city's schools and by in by and in the city of ventner in the county of Atlanta state of New Jersey appropriating $900,000 therefore an authorizing the issuance of $900,000 in bonds or notes Finance the cost thereof these are for school infrastructure H vac systems um pretty much that's really what the cost is exp heating and cooling systems it is and and this uh this ordinance uh frankly it's kind of a rubber stamp to what you did at the board of school estimates because you approved it there that's the process it's kind of a quirk of the law that it now comes here but you're obligated to adopt it you don't you don't have a choice gotcha yeah thanks for that explanation um we don't have any public hearings or adoption of any ordinances tonight then we'll have resolutions done by resolutions in contracts done by consent we'll have resolutions 2024 1112 through 120 First of which is 112 that was pulled I understand pulled that one okay we'll come back to that when our next meeting there was just a glitch in in the submission of that so we'll go from 113 to to 121 one we're adding one we're adding possibly possibly adding next one is as resolution 113 which is word a contract to Arthur Henry for emergency utility repair it's a yearly contract to Arthur Henry um for emergencies if we run into something that our guys can't handle it's too for our cruise to hand we bring in Arthur Henry right to do that and they've been they've done that for us for quite some time and they do a great job for us um we did put this out the bid we do yes we did put it out the bid and we got three or four at least three separate bids on it um and Arthur Henry has always been a good uh been giv us good prices on it any questions there yeah right 202 24-14 is refunding building permits to for Tesla energy operations Inc uh they're no longer installing the charging facility I think this might have actually been solar on a roof try I was reading into it a little bit but they're no longer installing it so um any questions yeah gonna I'm G just go through them unless you guys have some yeah no resolution 115 authorizing seasonal part-time employment for the city of ventner this is our peer staff uh this sets their hourly rate we'll be bringing back pretty much our same team not pretty much the exact same team last year uh Jimmy ARS Lugene T I'm just going to go with Lugene TR cesser I think that's pretty close David Rumsey Steve Corey and our lead guy is Dan zameto who's been kind of our lead peer Master for I think the last seven years I would say um next one is 116 it's authorizing the mayor to execute a contract for fireworks display in the city of ventner on July 3rd um we are still going to do them on the pier we've taken extra precautions this time make sure we don't have any thanks Nicole for the added language um to protect our public property so we'll do that again this year that'll be fun resolution 117 is authorizing seasonal part-time employment in the city of Venter for the Department of Revenue and finance Beach badge Checkers I'm not going to read that list because it is extensive um it is a full page so we got a lot of0 kids yeah we got a lot of kids coming out um and that'll be good they do a good job for us I mean that's sometimes it's not very fun did everyone get hired that applied pretty much I think so yeah okay I look through the list they look like a lot of the same kids coming back lot a lot of returnees yes good okay me I don't recall too many issues last year either so that was good I don't Chief you didn't have any issues last year with with okay good and and just again just to remind you guys and to let the public know so that when they see these kids on the beach they that they don't complain about the job that they're doing uh they're not going to be selling physical tags and carrying cash anym right they'll be selling the beach mobile digital uh Beach Badges and if anybody wants a physical badge they will still need to purchase it at City Hall or we're hoping to set up another satellite at the uh the back of the library where people can leave the beach to buy their tags but the these 14 15 16 year old kids will not be carrying badges or money right okay good we've been fortunate and in part because this is such a wonderful City that there's never been an incident with carrying cash back and forth y but it's a logistically it's easier digiti keep it digital Okay resolution 118 is resolution the city of ventner New Jersey opposing the state of New Jersey's new proposed Shore protection they had proposed another rule without going through the legislative process which they did last year with New Jersey pack which deals with storm waterer management development on along the coast um this would be closing of beaches if you remember several years back Brigantine and North End had issues when someone saw a piping plover Nest so the D shut down the entire Beach remember so they want to be able to do that in our community if someone sees something that is either a plant or an animal or a bird or or anything of that nature that they think they need to protect they want to be able to come in and shut it down without without out any of our say so all the Barrier Island all the communities in in Cap May County Atlanta County are signing this in opposition will it mean anything probably not but at least we're on the record as saying we oppose this this is something that should be left to us um this is why people live here you know we're all for protecting the environment right we're all for protecting endangered species of plants and Wildlife but you know we'll do our best to do that and we do we have a partnership with the finance preservation lines they come in every year and they they stake out where we don't rake along the north side of the pier all the way up to Atlantic City right where that allows the dun grass to come down further than it does down south and it protects the Dune right that's what it does and that's something that we've been participating in priv for the last four or five years yep U but I think that should be more on on our a little bit more of our say it should go through the legislative process that's my biggest with it right is that they're just implementing a rule right rule rule processes take time and has public hearings this is being mayor if I can add to that um they have enacted this like you said in other municipalities already this resolution um one of the the the other concerns that other communities have expressed is that it's a safety concern in terms of when the beaches are in operation because the D can come down as you said if they spot something or even if it's anticipated that something will be there they will rope off the beach from the water up to the Dune so literally Beach Patrol cannot run on a section of the beach to to effectuate a rescue it can become a real safety hazard at that point um for the public so again just to reate what you're saying it's nothing against the wildlife or protection species but this is this is really a step too far and you have absolutely no say over it the njd just comes in and does it so it's it's something that I think the communities have really kind of tried to band together here and oppose there's a better chance we get heard if we if you're all together right right so hopefully that it didn't in New Jersey pack when they adopted those rules because all the towns barer Island towns were together on that um and it didn't do anything so I I'm hopeful but not optimistic guess would be the the phrase right the next one is 119 which is authorizing closing out of escrow accounts people file applications they have to put an escrow up this closes those out we do that every several months to to clean out those those funds get them back this is actually just one isn't it one specific account is it just one yeah it I think it is I think it's just one specific account okay leads Builder well leads Builders yeah okay 1,00 bucks I think I all right thank you resolution 120 refunding certificate of occupancy for Rita marwaha okay so that was just a code thing funded as C right right so those are the resolutions and then we may add one after we come out of executive um approval bills and payroll we'll get through that discussion items we'll do those we'll do those in our regular session go back them public comment now we'll have public comment on anything that we've been discussing tonight we'll open it up to those on Zoom Jim you want to ask anybody if they want any comments on the agenda items tonight anybody on Zoom who wishes to comment any of the items that have been discussed or being voted upon please make yourself known no right seeing none and seeing no one in the the um Chambers we'll close the public portion on the agenda items and we will close the workshop and look for a motion to call to order the regular meeting motion uh motion to call to order a regular meeting second all in favor I I okay so we're going to take the first two February 8th regular and executive meeting minutes need a motion to approve those two motion to approve meetings as described second all in favor no sorry roll call please commissioner yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Lang yes and the March 28 2024 regular meeting minutes approval I will abstain from that but I'll need a motion uh motion to approve minutes from as described second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra abstain okay then we'll have ordinance we'll need a motion to introduce ordinance 20249 which is the water usage increase motion to uh introduce ordinates 202 24-9 second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes langra yes thank you we'll need a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 d010 which is the wood and Sewer sewer increase motion to introduce ordinance 2024 d010 second roll call please Cindy commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes need motion to introduce ordinance 2024 d11 authorizing issuance of $900,000 in bonds to cover School infrastructure improvements motion to introduce ordinance 2024 d001 011 011 second roll call Cindy commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes we Have No public hearings we have no ordinance adoptions need a motion to adopt resolutions 113 through 120 mayor I consent if I could before go into those resolutions there was one discussion item which may have a resolution for adoption that would not be the closed session so if we could briefly discuss that in closed no this is not a session that's 12121 I'm not aware if the other I don't believe the other discussion items have any um resolutions attached to them no they don't okay so um the discussion item is actually number three with regards to hearing officer on the list what you have or you should have is a a draft resolution appointing hearing officer for the city um the need for this exists due to a disciplinary matter um where we need to engage the services of an outside hearing officer to come in and serve as the hearing officer for that matter as a civil service Community um this is part of the the normal process so um we would like to if at all possible get this on the agenda for this evening so that we can move move forward with the scheduling of that hearing okay so we'll add that resolution to our consent agenda so we'll be adopting resolutions 113 through 121 you guys have any questions on that at all no I read it we read it as well need a motion to adopt by consent motion to adopt by consent resolutions 13 through 121 second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes it back all right we have bills and payroll Amy the payrolls for this period is $599,800 131 digital media 24775 trash and 24- 0077 six recycling okay need a motion to adopt bills and payroll motion to adopt bills and payroll as described second with my recusals roll call Cindy commissioner Kel yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes okay announcements and safety report they're on our um on our agenda I why don't we go to our discussion items before we go into commissioner com you want to do that sure all right so the first one is uh parking meters Tom yes we we've had discussions you guys have all I believe had discussions previously about uh considering removal of the remaining parking meters I'm not sure how many we're we're down to but going to exclusive use of the park mobile uh app for uh collecting parking fees so I wanted to get that on the agenda for the three of you to come to some uh consensus or not and if if the votes are not there to do that then we can be done with this and but if there are then we can take the appropriate action to amend the ordinance and uh take the uh meters down where they still exist so I know that I look they're it's Street cluttered yeah meters themselves are um however just going to the park mobile and I use it I use it in other cities all over the place but there is a contingent of of the population in this country that doesn't have that technology so what I would look to is possibly doing and I was against kiosks on on the streets because it it's problematic if you park at one end and walk to the other put them in the middle you're still gonna have a place to walk if we take out the meters can we put in a kiosk in the middle of those areas on each side just has just to have an option for somebody to pay with either a credit card or I don't think anybody pays with cash anymore but I was at the Sixers game Tuesday night you cannot spend cash at the Wells Fargo Center I don't think guy did say I could tip him in cash now what a soft pretzel I'm tipping you um but I mean what are your guys thoughts I I like thought of taking away the meters I kind of want to go back historically when we did these meters we really didn't have the technology available to even really feel comfortable considering something like Park mode mob wasn't wasn't there yet and um these meters paid for themselves in the first year that we put them out there so I just want to get that out there it's not money wasted um you know as as the meters aged and and and then then we lost the they were two G's and we had to go to 5gs or something like that so we we invested in that a little bit but um you know I could see how they're Troublesome and M I hear what you're saying and I'm most so thinking I I had mentioned to Tom maybe we leave the meters on ventner Avenue in the business districts and get rid of them everywhere else we we many other places are there there's not a whole lot not too many because we've been getting rid of them right but you know we have Atlantic Avenue we have the beach area think we do this as a almost as a a rolling project I mean I I think if you're gonna and the only reason I think that is because you know we have I don't know various people using them that might not be um comfortable using the technology right right which which is what you're pretty much saying too I mean well you're saying I very rarely use Atlantic City as an example right they that's what they have they have a kiosk they also have Park Mobile kiosk is centrally located on a street and if you don't want to use the app you can go up and pay you put a little slip in your dash and that's that's how you handle it some of them just do it by license plate and officer can see as they go by right um so what you're saying is no meters but a kiosk periodically in the downtown district so that someone who can you can you know I think that I think that we're dealing with a very small but maybe vocal group of people that don't want to use the technology but and and have and most people have been to enough of other cities that this is they they make millions of transactions a day it's very easy yeah it is I I use it all the time minutes and and then the idea of keeping meters is also going to be there's going to be an expense to I don't want to keep the meters there there there a problem with maintenance we're going to be tens of thousands of dollars in expenses right if we keep a a group of them and they're going to a age out I mean in this day and age parking in a regular lot is done on your phone yeah yeah you know you you get out of the phone you you zap your your zap a a QR code as you leave before you leave you know I I think the technology is going to get become just prevalent and there's going to be people that aren't going to be comfortable so what are we are we talking like three blocks what are we talking so yeah we have meters is dors yeah I would do Park Mobile for that I don't know if do it's the down it's there are three business districts right so you're really thinking the maybe the central here yeah the Wawa Northeast and then outside right Central business district that's the only places we really have and and that would serve the same purpose as what I was expressing right it's sort of like a baby step in a middle ground babbe and then and then technology gets even better and people get better with it with that technology I should say closer to the microphone um I think then we can maybe phase those out as time goes by we'll see I mean I would say that as a as a middle step I personally think that we could we could go completely Park Mobile tear the Band-Aid off there's going to be some push back but what I don't want to have happen is what happened in Stone Harbor last year they did it and it was just a nightmare yeah they issued thousands of tickets right because people weren't they didn't how to use it they didn't know how to whatever I I will say this I did see and this was in Stone Harbor was just down there um in the winter time and Rick we're going to print these up I've mentioned this to you already I took a picture of the sign um and actually Bolt to the park Mobile sign and it says when the meters are not functioning like we do over the winter and I think we're going to continue that if you guys are in support of that I am yeah I think it was very well received by our residents and our businesses sure that from Thanksgiving to April 1 April 30 it oh April 1 yeah it's like blinking the lights yeah you're right first you had to bring that up didn't we got away from that um but that it's just a little sign that goes on each one it's a lot of signs but it they're little little blue sign different color so it's different from and it just says parking is free basically yeah um from this date to this date and you just leave it up yeah you know take it down you just leave it there um so that that because I was walking down the street the other day and a guy's trying to put money in the meter it was like March 28th I'm like don't meant to pay yeah I mean the side you don't see also with the meter and with the kiosk is that we have to put Personnel out there to collect the cash count the cash and take it to the bank two people usually an officer is taking off dut I I I just want we talked about this at our meeting today Chief if you have anything to add to the to the to the roll out we've talked about it in the past I think the Stone Harbor situation was they did it I think F right wasn't enough signage and there wasn't like a grace period I think there was some internal issues from what I found like a learning grace period there was also you know the the enforcement aspect of it I'm not saying was retaliation or anything like that but there was some it was a response to a little bit of an internal I think that's kind of what I investigate and look at I think what we did here is we put the park Mobile in gave it a couple years people are pretty much accustomed to it I think not to put Amy on the spot and get down to details but they two out of three probably even more than that that pay to park are using Park Mobile over the physical meter um enforcement wise it's it's it's really tough for us because we're doing double the work we have to not only check the park mobile enforcement aspect of it to see if the car is there then we got to go to look at the physical meter oh to see if they paid yeah so yeah to me and then like Mr Creo said middle of the summer on a Thursday or Friday I have to put an armed officer with Kevin for three hours in the morning to go around and collect the change which over the course of the several years has drastically decreased right maybe come back to us at our next meeting with that number and if it's if it's really dwindled that much then then let's yeah I'm open to getting rid of the meters I thought the kiosk would have been a good stop Gap yeah to get people into a spot but I understand that it's also taking a guy off the street we'll take a look at the kiosk option see just how that would work okay and remember kosk still in their parking lots excuse me I think if I'm not mistaken Cape May may have a combination of you know Park Mobile uh but also kiosks in the parking lots I would think we'd keep them definely punch in the parking number that you're in but I'm not sure they still have those yeah I was in C I've been in C May a lot recently and even into the residential areas that some there where there are some there's Park Mobile just everywhere everywhere throughout that area and they have one of the most robust parking enforcement in the whole in the whole C in that whole South Jersey I mean there's just a tremendous amount of parking uh you know volume there and and again like you said we that we've had a we've had Park Mobile in line here active for over a year so people are getting used to it that's what I want to see we can get a some some data behind us what the kiosks are going to cost yeah I think I may actually have it because when I do my year report I include that well if you can get it our next meeting we can put something out there to get that together and get it mov if we're going to do it this year that to phase them out it's going to take a while yeah yeah and you're really only talking four areas we already took them about maybe 40% of them are gone yeah you're talking the business districts yep down 7th Beach Central right here and then down by the WWA movie theater and then Dorset so what are the four it's the Wawa D Dorset and 64 65 66 you know Walgreens through Portland Dunkin Donuts are they going on a land down by the restaurants AR Roma okay oh yeah they may be left that's there that's where the last spot they may be they were there one spot on Atlantic correct yeah but the you know the all the other areas Maron Place Somerset sou folk in Atlantic New Haven Newport and the thing is we triple in size from people that are mostly from out of town that are already using this device yeah so going to be like I said I think it's going to be a small vocal minority you're still going to have some people that are going to that aren't going to that aren't going to like it um your early a on VBA if you want to reach out to them sure just get some feedback from their their thoughts and sure just check with that so so I I would like to just make one additional suggestion we'll look into the kiosk but you know I don't think there's any need for us to rush into this we should look to phase it in so we can get plenty of word out maybe we consider putting signs up where they are still meters with an effective date an effective whatever July 1st August whatever the target date is the meters will no longer be there to give people advanced notice that they're going to disappear and that Park Mobile is going to be the way you're going to go okay um one thing you'll get some feedback from that and give you some idea of how many people are really going to have trouble with it okay the one thing we lose with Park Mobile was the five minutes you know how we everybody five minutes run cleaners or that a lot oh we know where you're running [Laughter] into and I will reach out to the BBA their biggest concern was that there wasn't enough turnover that you could that that that there was a way that that there was a problem with wiring the park mobile so that people wouldn't park their car there all day that's controllable that's controllable I think we got I think we worked through that y you can put a limit on how much they can how they can how many times they can and remember there's a phone number if you don't credit card right so maybe a little bit better education on that phone number that you can call on L of right right signage they have like a standard howto guide that we can post on our website yeah I think there's that QR code if you scan it too that gives you some information on how to like if you go to the sign hit the QR code yeah it'll give you but if you don't have any of that if you don't have smartphone there's still a phone number you can call correct and there's a phone number on the signs yes there's still flip phones out there believe it or not yes all right so you're gonna get us some more information we'll move that forward uh next item the consensus is all three of you agree that we're going to phase out the me yes definitely it's inici all right um we got some news on the litigation that we joined in with Long Beach Township against andj D the first ask of them was to find a neutral reviewer on some of this stuff because DP is basically reviewing this and it's their own permitting that they're allowing for the offshore wind so we lost that in in court um there was a report I think you I sent to you guys I copied everybody I'm pretty sure on that just an update so that was one shot that we had take taken during that litigation and I think us Brigantine and Margate all joined in that from Atlantic County um and it's mostly Long Beach Island in that because actually right now the only one that's being proposed is more affected to those communities up north um Brigantine and north um for that dropped out of of this but they're going to put it about there again and I've said this from the start I'm not opposed to Offshore win I'm opposed to it being N9 miles off our beach um move it out further all over the world they put them out further off the coast they should be further off our Coast it shouldn't be all it is is money they they they can't run cables more than 2,000 feet without having a basically a manhole in the ocean they have to have a junction box so they don't want to do that more times than off and they would do at least as mad as possible that's their only argument for not putting it further off is cost the transmission of the electricity right the grades over space they have to well no they can only lay right now they can only lay 2,000 ft of that cable at a time oh I see and then they have do a junction box because special C I don't know what it is but wow that's what we were told oh in one of these meetings um I've attended a lot of these there's these um bom bo b OEM I forget what that acronym stands for something ocean management it's a federal agency I've attended two or three of these um they are all on board with this so they are pushing it I ask questions I don't get answers um so if you guys ever want to join in we have we get the links it's it's monotonous it's the same answer every time um to the same questions that they just won't answer so my opinion they won't answer I will say this the last one I was on I they they explained there's several historic structures in Venter that are going to be negatively impacted it says that in their environmental impact statement the way they're going to handle that is they're going to pay those historic Property Owners off they're going to pay them money the deg of their historic structure they're going to set a dollar amount and they're going to pay them that so the peers one of them this building's another there's a house over here there's a house in in St L's track that are their own historic register so that's how they're going to do it which I don't know how much land use work you do the nunzio case none you wouldn't know what I'm talking about so the Nuno case and land use is an applicant came in and said look I want this variance and by the way I'll buy you a firet truck if you grant me this variance right it's the same thing that they're doing yeah with these historic properties and I raised that and crickets crickets exact oh we'll get back to you that was two months ago so it's very frustrating that they're just Ram roding this project down um so I thought that the lease was was I thought it was I thought that or well Is this different from oread this is Atlantic Shores oh this Atlantic so oreads gave theirs up they found out it was going to be too expensive they pulled out too expensive with a $40 million surplus from vpu not Surplus um I don't call subsidy from BPU right that was supposed to come back to communities right as part that's right y they took 40 million from from all the communities in the state right give it to them to create this offshore wind I don't know how much of that Atlantic Shores is getting Atlantic Shores is it's north it's not right off our beach right still to me it's the same impact no I I I I agree I think there I just com I was in Germany this year and there's windmills everywhere I think that we have to protect our environment but they failed to make a good case um for all the good all the questions that that um that are raised by it yeah so that's just an update I'll keep you guys and I'll send you these links to these bone meetings you can sign in on them um they're Lively conversations usually two to three hours long I us put it on and just listen when they get the questions and answers that's when I ask questions um that's all I have for discussion you guys have anything else on discussion wise no all right from that we'll go to commissioner if I it's not really a discussion item but I just want to take a step back real quickly since the the budget's now finished and we won't be talking about the next one until till next year uh I just wanted to compliment Amy Stover for the work that she did on the budget um she does all the nuts and Bol stuff her and her staff all the spreadsheets that track salaries and wages and changes and uh pension and health insurance and all that so the Yan's part of the work is done right upstairs right and I wanted to recognize Amy's efforts great job thank you clear it's easy for us to find I know you get stuff to to Leon and he crunches stuff but thank you good work absolutely I I did just want to make one comment about the and the discussion that wasn't on the list about the the um the street ends we talked about it a little bit um and I just wanted to um just to touch on it to say that when we do get to that point I think it needs to be um I'd like to see a mockup of what they're going to what the painting is going to look like just so it's obvious that these are all that the street ends are going to be um just going to be a line so I met with Matt um there's going to be yeah there's going to be an X any yeah there be a x from the point from the bulkhead to approximately 75 ft right uh North and we're going to put a stencil I believe talking to Tom no parking Beyond this point trying to be as simple and clear and and cut the cost down um he is in the process of putting the I guess specs together y for for a bid and then okay what we're going to do we're going to require like a preconstruction meeting and myself Matt and representative from whatever uh vendor we choose to have to go out and kind of just give um so the 75 foot Mark may not be specific you know specific right so we're gonna have to just kind of give them a DOT we're going to go out and kind of prepaint and then they can just come through and okay and Mark it up anything that says fire zone the fire zone wording will be removed right it be consistent with consistent with all the 44 streets I believe so we're close good basically moving forward if we can get the vendor you know to get in here and and get it done yeah okay so good y good I'm glad we're using the vendor where you're not doing it inhouse it's going to be the the type of paint that is that last catalyze pain we're going to prioritize the beach box and just get that done and there's some concerns I have especially with the um the venue out by Ski Beach we need to clean up like the 7 800 blocks MH um if we can put it in with this we will but our priority is to get that done as soon as possible and then great you know we can we can work on that thank you thanks Chief um all right commissioner comment I think you went first last time I let Tim go okay got anything Tim um we talked about Street ends um just a our our our standing meeting um well I'm uh a little Bittersweet that we're only got five specials for the summer I was hoping for more but um just to let you know we have five uh on board that are on boarding for for training for the summer good so I talked about um trying to get eight we were trying to get eight so but there just there just wasn't that much qualified personnel and we we talked about maybe increasing their hours in a way to get them get more viable for them and visibility especially in the beginning of the summer yep yeah okay oh and Marshall Gillespie is 80th 80th bir day today oh oh happy birthday Marshall she all she all worn orange if you ever see her she's always in Orange I don't know if you noticed that or not um all right you have um well it's business as usual in the tax offices and the finance office so I really don't have anything to report on that but I do want to remind everybody that April 27th um is our shred event at from noon or from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the library on Newport Avenue so you can come and drop off your documents and we're also doing a textile recycling at the same time so if you have clothing that could get repurpose and that's April 27th from 10: to noon good deal sticking with events a little bit block parties night out too Chef's night out's coming up that's right what that's uh check the yeah let me check that date same weekend as pness so it's the I'll find it anyway the block party is is May 11th be on ventner Avenue from Newport to New Haven May 19th yeah and then May 19th is Chef night out chef Night Out get your tickets you have to get ahead of time they do sell out do sell um couple other things um Frank Sno as most of us know was in our um Construction office he was an inspector for us he has taken a job to help Longport out um we had a joint service agreement with them shared services we're moving away from that and Frank's going to go down there and work for them which is a good fit for both sides it works for us it works for him it works for Longport so um as many of you know Frank was a former commissioner so it was nice to have him in our code office working um but he's moving on and we thank him for what he did for V her when he was here so he helped out he was he was a good inspector a lot of questions on beach replenishment if you've been on the beach Lately from R Pier to our border with Margate that is our most eroded area um we always have that area as problematic the Army Corps has been in town um early spring late winter they were in town doing their surveying they're in the design phase at this point anticipate fall winter spring of 2425 for any replenishment work so um that's if the money gets approved from the federal government so that's we hope that they'll be in you know sometime early fall for this summer we're going to be stuck with what we got um we will be um and and Rick and I be talking about this tomorrow we'll be starting our ramp walkover I don't want to call it Renovations just cleaning them up making sure because there are some Cliffs there we're going to work on that we get a lot of phone calls about that so we'll be working on regrading those all part of our beach um maintenance plan that we got approved last year through the D in order to do that work you have to be able to get those permits um General spring cleanup for Public Works will be really stemming up or kicking up over the next few weeks the guys will be busy we'll start bringing in our summer guys pretty soon too as well um as we get closer to our summer season so that's all I have I think anything else no no all right one last time for public anyone on Zoom have any comments on pretty much anything anybody on Zoom have any questions or comments on any items please make yourself known and you'll be recognized seeing none we'll close the public portion there's no one here in in the commission Chambers so close the public portion we do have to go into executive session tonight have a couple items or at least one items to discuss so we I'll read the statement and we'll go into executive session to read this before or after the motion before Jersey open public meetings act permits discussion of certain matters within executive session as an exception certain provisions of said law V City Board of Commissioners wishes to discuss certain matters which qualify as exceptions in executive session no action binding upon the Board of Commissioners will be taken within the executive session the discussion conducted in closed session will be disclosed to the public when legally permitted when the public interest would no longer be served by keeping such matters confidential matters to be discussed are attorney client privilege and bikes on a boardwalk ebikes on a boardwalk need a motion to go executive session motion to go into executive session as described second all in favor I I okay um you can stay Le oh okay I think for the benefit of the public there there is no anticipated action to be taken Jim you might want to just make an announcement to the people that are on the assume that no action is anticipated after we come out of executive session there okay all right okay um for the record we were in executive session to talk about attorney client privilege matters relating to um issues surrounding electric bikes on the boardwalk um matters that can be um disclosed to the public at this time or that the Commissioners have authorized us to continue to look at this after having a better understanding of what the legal issues may be um so we are being directed to review this ordinance further in terms of um electric bicycles determining what different classifications of bicycles there may be and then also looking at how the state is now classifying these particular um vehicles in terms of or vehicles or bicycles in terms of potential insurance requirements down the line um it's anticipated that we'll have a draft ordinance to discuss at hopefully the next meeting and then it will not be on for introduction though the plan is to discuss it first and then if we're in agreement we can move it forward with um introduction should that be the desire of the commission at the time great thank you thank you right any other further business none for me motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I I I sorry