all right good evening I want to call to order the April 25th 2024 veter City Board of Commissioners meeting to order everyone please rise for the flag flag salute pledge allegiance to flag United States of Amer stands Nation indivisible with liy and jusice for all thank you roll call Cindy commissioner Creo commissioner meno here mayor Lang here pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda has been posted on in City Hall and on the city's website at ventor we have a meeting announcement and our and our um remote disclosure we not going to read that in but should we have issues with our remote status on on the zoom meeting we will continue with the meeting and just shut that remote access down um we have some presentations tonight our first one is the surprise of the night we're Christian for Christian Bergman we have a proclamation for you Christian um for some of your accomplishments so I'm going to read that into the record and then we'll we'll we'll come up and uh congratulate you on that city of veter Christian Bergman whereas we are here today to express special recognition for Christian Bergman and to honor him and whereas the beginning at a young age while following in his pops footsteps Christian could be found on the beach spending countless hours supporting and encouraging ventor City lifeguards and whereas at age 15 Christian moved to Cape Cod to attend Riverview School where he excelled in leadership skills serving as a class president and captain of the baseball track and field teams and whereas through countless hours Christian found his passion for Special Olympics becoming a 15 time gold medalist powerlifter and whereas Christian is a sports Enthusiast his love of sports makes him a book of knowledge for rooting for his favorite Philadelphia teams whereas Christian became a welcomed site with the Venter life guards and fire prevention department where he offers assistance with day-to-day operations offering positive encouragement to all those he encounters now th therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Venter City Board of Commissioners do hereby congratulate and recognize Christian Bergman for his caring sharing spirit and his commitment to his family and community thank you guys all for coming out you've all been a big part of Christians life and he's a part of our community and everybody knows so we thank him for what he does for everybody including here at the city it looks like we surprised them at that so that was great well done for keeping that quiet guys a we have a uh Proclamation for Arbor Day which is tomorrow I'm not going to read that whole one I don't think we need to read that in so you know I'll start it out yeah so in in 1872 the Nebraska Board of Agriculture established a special day set aside for planting planting of trees and that was April 26th so basically it's it's observed around the world um talks about trees being the solution for combating climate change reducing erosion precious top soil wind and and water buzz back cutting Heating and Cooling cost moderating the temperature cleaning air and producing life giving oxygen u i now therefore I Lance slra mayor of the Venter City to hereby Proclaim April 26 2024 is ARB day in the city of Venter and I Ur all citizens to celebrate our day and support efforts to protect our trees and Woodlands right that one and we have a third um presentation the Lewis Bay second scholarship competition we have um a participation award and we have our state semi-finalist we have nahal Khan and Samantha Batino here you are Samantha no you're no you can stay down there we'll come back you so this is is a competition that is put on by um Lewis Bay scholarship they they give scholarships to students who write an essay about you so it's a community impact that's say they ask ask students to write and they going to be our our state uh you're the runner up you get participation for that I got to read it it was fantastic so great job good luck to you you want to be a writer okay we all con again she wrote something that meant well to her to our community and we'll make sure she gets this and wish wish her luck in state competition last but not least we have um Drew Holmes and his students from acit um I've got to see this presentation a couple times now um what they've done and Drew tries to do this each year with different projects throughout the county uh I reached out to him we have a a vacant land piece of property here on Venter Avenue and Drew looked at it as an opportunity for his his CAD students to do some design so I'll turn it over to Drew Holmes who's an instructor landscape architect I've known Drew and his family for quite some time we're kind of in the same worlds together so if you want to use the microphone right there behind you drew working can I try it with the mik you you guys hear me oh now you're standing in front of the mic they can all hear you all right so uh first let me preface this and say I want to thank everybody for coming today you know this is an awesome opportunity for my kids and uh they worked really really hard on the presentation to back it up I guess Mr langra came to me about three years ago I'd say it was and said he had an idea he had a piece of land in downtown Venter and we wound up having a field trip over to the look at the site these guys were freshman they're so most of them are sophomores and juniors now and they went out and looked at the site and uh we had actually at the time I had another man named Bob Preston who's a landscape architect he was at the time a landscape architect for the city of Atlantic City and he came out and we met on site I believe uh commissioner griel was there too and Mr langra and we started it there and now we're going to talk about the site analysis and I'm going to bring up sincere he's going to take the lead here you ready sincere yeah let that let let me see it more so yeah we know the lot yeah we know the lot all right so pretty much it kind of just um started off it is a 30 by 110 foot um lot it's quite lengthy it is in between a restaurant called shaloma and like two doctor's offices it's right on um venner Avenue and it's like right across from I think seore and stuff like that um on the far in side on like the right side where Shalom Pita is right behind there you have two homes behind it all the way in the back of the home you have another um home behind the site um the sun kind of comes in with um the sight the Sun is going to come in from right over here and then it's going to travel its path around here and then back around here sending Rays into this and your best views are probably going to be around midday and pretty much a lot of people decided to design their Parks focusing on those um views that's pretty much it spring upate wow nice the cool thing about all the stuff that they have in there a lot of the stuff and there all 3D printed so Drew teaches them through AutoCAD and then they have a 3D printer to bring all these things to to threedimensional right it's pretty cool play video sure Jim can you play the video so we have two screens on either side get here you go this was made in this video was made in Twin motion which is a uh system we use it's based off of Revit um so I took my Park I designed it into Revit and then took it and put it in the Twin motion um from that I turned it into a 3D rendering and then took pictures to and put them together to create a video and make a kind of like a mini walk through of the actual Park itself it's really nice yeah so my Park the biggest thing with it is I want to design aspects of vetner into it so different things that represent it so in the front here with the gate has the um boat and then we have the uh small kind of Robo um common to like the Ocean City boat the veter boat stuff like that we have the um lifeguard tower on the front end of the gate all of these also are cut out to have holes in them so they don't seem like just a straight metal gate um and they have some character to them as well on the entire side of it on this wall and the back wall is that repeated all the way down to make it feel a bit more interesting in there we also have a mural on the back side of it that says veter City New Jersey with that boat on the side um when you enter the concrete is uh colored concrete is also weather resistant and resistant to the ocean salt so that way it will not Decay over time the um tree planters those little circles right there um they also work as seaing too so they're not just for the trees they're multi-purpose as well as these semicircles right here they are also seating area this small area right here is for the Shalom paa restaurant um is takeout window so if someone wants to go in there and get some food and um and then in the back of it is more of an open space so if someone wants to put um seating back there or just it's more of just a recreational space whatever someone wants to do with it as well as there are two benches on the backside of it and we have um bushes and plants that go around the side um integrated into the park open that door push that door open just kind of I want to make it think we're in a closed meeting back up to tell you when we started the design process I had we had a somebody stock come out and do a thing called diversity design where the kids had to think about somebody else R kind of took the lead on it he explain why good evening my name is Ryland this is Nick this is our diversity Park that we decided to put in the veter area the what he's talking about the stock and it turns out he had a professor come in to talk about diversity and give us all types of tips ideas stuff that we can do and it turns out that it was my fifth grade math teacher so she came in I was like whoa how do know you were a stocking teacher now so she came up and we designed diversity stuff where we have electronic signs to show quotes songs news stuff like that for de people because I take ASL so she was telling us all this stuff so we did research and we chose metal slides because it reduces static electricity for hearing aids the ray sandbox me personally have an autistic brother so when we were growing up we did sandbox stuff or stuff like that because it calms them down or it just helps them relax and that's what we did I'm gonna let Nick come over he's gonna explain the how we got the design of the Park good afternoon everyone uh my name is Nicholas I was responsible for the layout uh around over here we have Circle uh type of layout I chose that design for more room and for like I said make it more spacious for those who have a disability like wheelchair can roam around with these around here is going to be a a drive-thru so people can dine there and order food from the Shalom restaurant right there further down we have a uh sunflower sculpture where their kids can also climb on the sculpture that we have also designed in the middle we have a ni ni common area where you can just sit relax and then at the end we have a play zone for the kids and we made a rubber I just in case if anything happens like they fall they won't be seriously damage the that's it all right so what he's talking about with the round design how we kept everything each one of these circles is going to have their own seat and table so if you're coming in from work or you need to sit down relax you have the window there you can get some food and you have your own individual work space where you can sit down and have your own thing everything's different colors we kept it a sunflower theme because who doesn't like sunflowers they're very very flower you want to go look at keeps it attracted you want to come in so we did colored Concrete where every color we kept it either dark or light because when the Sun hits it it will attract heat so you don't want to burn yourself so we kept it yellow red blue we kept the blue in the back this uh that rubberized mat stuff so when the kids are playing on if they fall it's not crazy hot you can go out there with no shoes and then you got the color concrete so it's still somewhat cool in there we have because of the different hours where the sun come in you have shade in different areas so we kept the circles where you can sit and there's always going to be shade in that spot we kept everything in low profile for um de people where you have the low profile profile benches you can sign so you can be on this side of the park and sign on the other because you have the low profile and nobody can block anything we have um there's trees and all that stuff to keep it there's no water so not going to be very high maintenance there's just Turf where you have to mow every once in a while and you have the trees and everything looks nice it doesn't have to be maintained as much and uh yeah that about covers it thank you this is our part It's a pretty cool part uh the gate here uh speak oh I'm sorry so um this park we for the gate we had you know me and my friend Jaden we worked together with this one I made the design and he made the little design on it you know and um like inside there's like you know a lot of area to move around and whatnot you know nice place um if you look over here on this wall right here it's like um exercise stuff you know like little bikes and stuff for you know exercise yeah and on the wall like on the side there's a mural made by jayen it's really nice his concept behind mural so basically he he basically designed J you want to talk about the sensory area there's another area sensory yeah there's a little sensory area here for people who you know need sensory stuff it's a nice area I like it excellent job W good evening everyone my name is Davis my name is Andre and for our park we decided to do an arc entry way that he designed so yes as you can see you have arcs going down this path right here and over here you have a little seating area in case you want to you know sit down eat your lunch or just hang out there over here we have an open fire pit trellis and as you can see on the edges here we have seaing and um the the walkway here is stamped concrete so the um if we were to do wood it would get be damaged by the um the beach weather and here all of this is Turf and right here we have double decker benches surrounding the fire pit in the middle and we have like sort of like a open trellis so that it it can't catch on fire from the fire pit in the middle we just wanted that to be just its own subject as you go down the pathway at the back of the park there's a stage and um little bleachers here and the sun's coming in from North here so there's a nice little backdrop behind the stage especially when it's um Sunset and Sundown and we did a lot of trees on the side and all around the par just for extra Greenery and yeah that's really it so students really they really put their Heart and souls into these designs I was in the classroom a couple times with with Drew think you made you made it out there you were out at the site I don't think you made it in the classroom but you know there's a there's like a few more over there but I right this this gives us a good idea of what you guys have done with it um it's really appreciated to us to see the designs it gives us ideas whether or not we we build one of them or take a piece from each one of them it's just ideas we're looking at um not only for this park these are some of the idea the sensory stuff that I think the first or second the first group did or the second group did I think that's something we can add to parks that we have now um you know our playgrounds and things for kids that don't have something to do that have those those prefab you know playground apparatus know something for the the hearing impaired was is something never even thought about so great job guys really appreciate it and you got a competition coming up next week so good luck on that have fun with it that's the big part of it have fun and like I told you in your classrooms get used to speaking in public because that's going to be if you're going to get into designs commissioner Kel and I do this for living Maria not so much but she was still runs meetings and things so get used to speaking in public because if you want to go somewhere you you have to be able to do that job interviews and whatever you have to be able to talk in front of people so I encourage you to do that as much as you can but great job tonight really appreciate nice we're we're going to take a little little break we're going to come over and look at the things so these guys can see more of it close up than I've already have and then we have to go into executive session to do something real quick we got five minutes we'll take a walk around we take a five minute recess thank you so I I helped design the main um concept of a park I wanted to have a flowy natural like curvature as it's next to the ocean and you think of ocean waves that kind of stuff so the starting off with the fence I have a design that is basically mimics the ocean but um there's the blue and beachy kind of like split color which better close to the ocean um and the sidewalk is concrete so it won't wither away and like get destroyed uh it's also a 8 foot width so people with wheelchairs and like Walkers um even strollers can comfortably move through uh and we have a takeout window for Shalom pea so people can sit down relax enjoy food and um we also have the stage in the back which was my central idea to maybe do live performances maybe you can rent out the park for maybe special um occasions to bring the community together and just make everyone more social because social media media is a problem and people just need to get out more so another um one of our main kind of concepts with the design it's pretty much um butterflies like underwater we chose butterflies because um when you think of a butterfly you think of like flowing being free being open um new beginnings and stuff like that when they come from a caterpillar to a butterfly um our entrance way has um these good waves and these um birds that Connect into a letter V which um is represent uh representat of ventner around this we have our seating wall right here and this is just going to allow so once you walk in you don't want to have to hustle too much to really get down to a seat um because of the type of area it's in we kind of just wanted it to be a really calm recreational area so we have seating walls all around and all of these little dangly um butterflies that you see and the trees and stuff like that they're they would be made out of a specific type of wiring which would um give light luminosity in um the night time and really give you a really great overall Vibe we have a campfire right here which is covered by this really big tree so when the sun's coming in you have like a really nice shade and it's also going to be really really good for the night time um we have a m over here on the side this is mainly just showcasing again our butterflies and because we're right next to the ocean we decided to put them in bubbles and throw them underwater and yeah that's pretty much it it's just a nice nature environmental part thank you all you guys have a great job really appreciate coming next okay next semester need it for okay that's what I that's the next project okay yeah they're already doing their little micro house oh I'll come in yeah all right we're back on right yes good all right um we'll go through a couple things we we um do not have any department head reports and I don't believe we have any Capital discussion discussion we don't have any minutes to approve tonight we are goingon to have to go into executive session for a few minutes so once these guys clear out we will do that um I'll read the announcement now we can just wait till everybody clears out to do that right do a motion first need a motion to go in executive session motion to enter executive session second all in favor I I New Jersey open public meetings act permits discussion of certain matters with an executive session as an exception to certain provisions of said law venor City Board of Commissioners wishes to discuss certain matters which qualify as exceptions to in executive session no action binding upon the Board of Commissioners will be taken within executive session and the discussion conducted in close s will be disclosed to the public when legally permitted and when the public interests no longer serve to be by keeping such matters confidential matters to be discussed our matters relating to ATT attorney client priv privilege and possible litigation motion to come out of executive session second all in favor I I you back on Jim you can let people back in we're good okay so Nicole you want to give a brief sure so while we were in executive session we discussed two pending litigation matters and a third matter which um involves a um an individual employed by the municipality and the actions that um we will be looking to weigh moving forward and at this time that's really all we can say okay all right we're going to go back into our Workshop portion of our agenda and where we left off was we have no no minutes to approve from last month we'll do them at our next meeting and then we we have uh two ordinance introductions the first is 20240 one2 Bond ordinance providing repair and or Rehabilitation of the boardwalk buying in the city of of Venter city county of Atlantic appropriating 14,110 689 therefore including a 7.1 roughly 7,110 689 Grant from the state of New Jersey for preservation fund and authorizing the issue of $7 million in bonds or notes to finance uh part thereof what basically that does is this the money we got from the state got us to from Jackson Avenue to about Sur right um what we would have liked that to cover the whole thing we asked for 25 million um we'd like to at least get to the pier with those Renovations so this would hopefully get us that f with our estimates so um that's what this does we don't have to spend that extra 7 million that we're putting in bond but we're we're preparing to be able to to do that okay all right um the second one is on introduction is 20240 one3 providing various 2024 General Capital Improvements buying in the city of ventner appropriating $3 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $2,857 42 in bond notes bonds or notes the finance part of the cost thereof those items deal with uh police it improvements uh Public Works Vehicles utility improvements Recreation for our playgrounds um fire department safety equipment bcbp boats and sheds um bulkhead restoration Street ends drainage projects and Beach replenishment it's a million dollars set aside for Beach replenishment which if you've been on the beach recently you've seen where we need that right um Buffalo Avenue has almost zero Beach at high tide M um side note on that we may have to discuss limiting the ability to put up canopies like Wildwood there just for because of that square footage yeah we'll talk about that prior our next meeting um you good with those yeah and can I just highlight two of those things that you mentioned sure so that the there's couple of things on here of Interest people the Public Works infrastructure provides money to redo the tennis courts and pickle ball courts in the B I did have that on here that was was a commitment that was made previously this will provide the funds to be able to go forward y in the short term we are doing emergency or short-term repairs to pickle ball courts uh and Tennis Courts for this season then we'll see how that holds up we can go ahead and reconstruct the basketball court because that's completely out of play right now so once this is in place we can move forward with those projects um and then as you already mentioned the beachville so two two-thirds of this ordinance are for the beachville project and for those Recreation improvements right I did have pickle ball down here my cryptic note says pball and I couldn't read what that was that said so thank you for filling that in that's helpful um we will go into ordinance public hearing and adoption on three ordinances the first being 202 24-9 that's chapter 220 the code of City of ventner same relates to water usage we talked about that at our last meeting that's an increase on water um base fee of $75 right and then ordinance 20 24-10 chapter 186 very similar for sewer usage again a $75,000 increase in in that base fee good with both of those um then ordinance 2024 that's 011 which is Bond ordinance providing various Capital Improvements excuse me and acquisition of various equipment for the city schools this is the HVAC project for uh vecc and that's a $900,000 um Bond ordinance again this goes back to our first year in office yeah instead of the school putting that in their their budget they cannot Bond so we do that and it saves us a significant amount of dollars in doing it that way this would have been in one year's budget yeah that would have been a three to five cent tax increase yeah so by doing this it spreads it over one multiple years but also multiple residents and not just the people that have kids in the school now or live here now right spreads it over years of time and it probably 20 year wouldn't you think it is yeah yeah 20 year Improvement I would imagine AG 15 year y so those are the ordinances both introduction and adoption that we're proposing then we'll go into resolutions we'll adopt those by consent uh resolution 2024-25 we're going to add one uh an additional one so we'll go to 136 here on the bench so the first one is resolution 123 and it's for authorizing seasonal part-time employment for the city of ventner Department of Public Works we're going to hire five seasonal employees most of these guys are coming back from years in the past got Joe calie Mike vitanza Mike miltenberger um Ryan gal I'm gonna pronounce that correctly and Robert newcomer so those will be the five guys we're going to look to bring in back into our works good on that one yep and then resolution 124 is authorizing change order number two for water main replacement roadway reconstruction Monmouth Avenue Lafayette Avenue it's approximately $100,000 increase what we added there was um construction of of road base or removal of concrete road base on Monmouth Avenue they ran into a layer of concrete that had to be removed and then we added the entire sewer line for Harvard Avenue if you recall we had when we went to tie into those lines they were just disintegrating and causing a lot of problems so we had to add that entire Street of Harvard from Monmouth to Winchester so you dig up old things they tend to break resolution 125 is a authorizing refund of $1,983 40 for water discharge to col Calmar Associates not Kar Calmar Associates there was an overpayment on that 126 is awarding Arthur Chu for the construction management inspection of Services of Winchester Avenue bulkhead not to exceed $226,400 um Arthur was U was the design engineer on that so he you hir them to do the inspections on it when they're building it and that project should start sometime in the next three to four months we think Tom Fall I think so Winchester between which streets it's at the Jackson Avenue Jackson it's at the end there um I don't know stops don't know the end but it's all the way up hill right there at Hillside yeah it is the crab house right the crab house um rowers know what we're talking about resolution 127 is authorizing no parking during the farmers market um certain streets in and around there um so we do that every year that's coming up Newport Avenue yep resolution 128 is authorizing no parking suspension open container During certain special events those are our concerts uh Newport Avenue and Ski Beach 129 is purchasing agent for finalized specification public publicly bid I can say that publicly bid Venter City Bandshell that is why our agenda is so thick right for our our backup documents that's half of it um that's going out soon so that be ready for construction in the fall right so those are the the contract do bidding documents yep that that'll be advertised next week taking bids middle of May uh looking to start construction day after Labor Day day after Labor Day yeah yeah we had a zoom meeting with the architect and laid out our schedule laid out the a couple tweaks that they weren't happy to hear about for the design but I think they're they make sense we wanted to rate if I can just talk about it yeah sure second they we we we we recognized that the design was a little too low for that space so we're raising that platform so it's the same height as the existing platform it's going to require a switch back yeah um yeah yeah so I think it's a it was a smart smart thing to do to um just to keep it so that because those concerts go all the way back you be a see you'll be able to see it so we're trying to keep it um agreed that changes the elevation of the ramps and all that stuff yeah okay um if you haven't noticed as part of that same thing both the old gazebo and the Lifeguard tent is G are gone right they were removed over the last week 10 days so actually this week so that that site is now ready for that um resolution 130 is authorizing first one first one of of two-year extension to Brothers enterprise LLC for food and beverage concessionaire on the pier that's the pier Shack oh um so Tom was able to negotiate a little bit more money on this lease think it's $3,500 per year plus $500 per cart I think they had one maybe two carts last year two they made thir this year so it's the same vendor vendor it's yeah when when you awarded the contract last year it had options for us to renew for two successive one-year terms right so we can renew this year you can do it again next year rebid it the following year yep great um you good Mar with that yep um resolution 131 is authorizing hiring of seasonal part-time employees for the V City Police Department um like we got four of these guys some of them are are they um some are new some are returning G I think is returning we had we tried to get eight we because I I I've been talking to the the rank of fil police and then the the chief as well about trying to have the quality of life issues like at uh parking and at Wawa and at and on the boardwalk we're only able to to have candidates that are the type of quality that we asked for we were only able to find U not not not as much uh apply but we have we're have we'll have we hiring four we have one full-time Bella Bella and then we're g to tr she's already working um Boardwalk on weekends as the season gets in and we're trying to work a little closer with them to get them more hours um and um and we talked about this ourselves about maybe hiring another full-time Park just park gotcha all right resolution 132 is refunding pasta dinner fees to Joan brand she was unable to attend when we had to relocate that date change the date to the Rain date flood date it should have been called and almost flooded that day too yeah um resolution 133 authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with the city of ventner and Trinity code inspecting LLC is plumbing and Fire Protection subcode officials mechanical inspector and building inspector um with uh some changes in our code office um we are going to go to a third party inspector it's someone who's worked for the city before G by name of Jake dillworth owns this Trinity company um and they will be our inspectors um it's efficient for us will not cost us any more money than what we had we're actually gonna had we'll have to add some administrative fees to manage that um we've we've talked that through with Dino and his staff and it's going to be kind of a real smooth transition um we'll actually be we'll save some money on some vehicles too so so plumbing and fire but not electric or mechanical as well mechanical as well mechanical inspector and electric no we have we have we have an electric we have an electric guy would just be mechanical and building inspector right so all right with that right uh resolution 134 is requesting approval of special items of Revenue and appropriation looks like we've got recycling tonnage Grant back from acua the amount of $1,823 you have to recuse yourself on that probably thank you for reminding it's always good to get money in uh resolution 135 is termining a contract with IPS group and authorizing removal of cash payment parking meters so that's the one that we're going to move to Park Mobile right I see the members of the VBA is here maybe we there's a comment portion at the end here coming up in a couple of two minutes two minutes if you want to talk about what you your your group has um has discussed on that matter um that would be the time y um next we'll have approval bills and payroll and then I don't have any discussion items did anybody have any I don't have any so less than two minutes so we'll have at this point we'll have public comment on any items on our agenda if you have any comment did there was I'm sorry I do have that it's right here sorry when they're added on the bench they're not on my list so it messes me up so resolution 136 is authorizing personto person and place to place transfer of plary retail distribution license number 0122 d44 9-5 from basia's Inc to Michael dep pillar Inc that's a um package Goods license that's on Atlantic Avenue is it staying in that same location 4825 lat um yes formerly yes that's where it is yep it is all right so that's the last one um all right so we're going to open up the public on for public comment anyone who has any comments please step forward to the microphone state your name and ask your questions or make your comment thank you guess that's Michael I guess so and everything just waited for that yeah I gu okay hello Dow 125 South Little Rock Road Avenue for on behalf of the VBA in regards to the parking meters and Park Mobile so as you know thank you for the heads up Tim we did a survey amongst our members um there is substantial concern about the removal of the parking meters and going to a 100% app in front of the business um you will have to make substantial changes to your signage if you remove the physical meters so right now in a parking block of a the city businesses there's one sign for Block if you are at either end of that sign you won't see it right so the only way to be successful with the app is to increase signage it's on the same as your street sweeping if you have a sign at the top of the street and at the bottom of the street you turn on you're not looking for a sign you park mid block you don't know what street sweeping day and you wake up to a ticket you have to you'll have to do more signage for it to be effective for you for the city not to lose money right now people pull up they see a meter they'll drop money in the meter you are collecting money because they're just dropping the money in the meter if you don't have the meter there and they don't see the sign you're losing that money unless they get a ticket so so okay you have three parking enforcement officers right now right two on any given day your class ones last year were relegated to the boardwalk only so that was no help North Beach is its own problem with parking because of the permits and you've got angry citizens down there because you don't enforce the permits you've going to have Angry business owners if you don't enforce Park Mobile it'll be enforced we understand we have to install new signs one of the signs that I actually saw down in Stone Harbor what they added was because we do the the grace period in the holidays they actually have that and they leave it up you're yes they do yes they do that's we're gonna add those I have Rick already starting to to get those ready to to put up we're also looking into part into painting the more particular locations for parking which would identify that there is a parking spot there in some cases you may lose some places but your It's Gonna Make You popular Tim yeah it I'm not I don't have a magic W but the the and as far as losing money the it's actually costing us money I understand your math but I'm telling you from a just observational every day people are putting money in broken meters yeah but the math doesn't end up it doesn't add up I'm not I'm not defending the I'm not defending the meters you guys have maor decision I don't agree with it but I don't have to agree with it you've made a decision I'm just telling you if for Park Mobile to be effective you're going to have to increase your signage 100% And 100% across the board members of the VBA do not want you to extend the parking limit because for those of us and almost all in your email you just you you mentioned and I don't have your email in front of me you mentioned that the Limited hours on the parking or what whatever you phrased it it made it sound like you were looking to extend it no to be clear than two hours to be clear when we first started with Park Mobile and that's why we feel a little more comfortable because we've we've been using it for a while is that the first time it was W when we started it it wasn't wired to um to limit the time on streets and that's the whole point of it so now you're not going to be able to you're not going to be able to Simply add time at certain business districts and the the also so so part of it is is also I I want to Circle back to the to the money piece the the the cost of the meters goes up and up and up and they take less and less and less to the tune of $140,000 from Park Mobile to $20,000 in meters right now so the not the dollars while they're not going to balance the budget it just doesn't make sense to Future in the future to to buy something that is is obsolete in a way right so so and the other part of Park Mobile is that they will furnish all the signage we can work with them on it but they furnish they furnish the signage um because it's in their best interest and it also gives us data so when we can see where the people are parking then we can we can push our enforcement in those areas I'm looking at am's numbers um we got 152,000 from Park Mobile meters and we got 30,000 from cash MERS yeah and it costs us somewhere between $2 to $10,000 in maintenance right on mobile on Park not gonna argue with you over the meters not even gonna touch it I'm just telling you that the The Meters allow customers a 10-minute grace period or a FIV minute grace period they push that little green button yeah what's Park Mobile going to do for us probably won't exactly can't we asked we've asked them to do that so you just have The Misfortune that Jimmy Lenny or Bella are driving by and you don't have a fivem minute grace period or you pay the 20 cents if you're only going to go in for five Park Mobile doesn't work that way it doesn't it's not a 20 20% charge I've done 15 minutes you can do 15 minutes I've done 15 minutes yeah one I forget what app it was on but I've I think I have three different ones on my phone there's Park Mobile there's car park yeah yeah you can do and unfortunately that's not something that it it it allows but you know let be honest Lenny Bella and Jimmy are not gonna be hovering around the corner no that's why part of this discussion is to add a a full-time in in the hours seasonally which would ultimately pay for himself or herself as well is there so right now it's a two-hour limit on the Park Mobile for Venter area I think the beach parking lots are longer maybe in my zone right around the theater it's four in your Zone I can reup that as many times as I want no no I can not anymore you won't be able to since when since when we're making this ordinance okay this that's perfect because Chief fussner told me last year that they had you could not and and I had to park there one day and I could just keep renewing it and renew it and renew it yeah so as long as that protects the businesses that's all we ask he's assured me that that's the case Park Mobile wasn't able to do that in the past now they can limit it they can cap it okay by by your license plate because you have your license plate is tied to who you're paying for so if you right so you so it it is a hard it is a hard stop that you can't reup in certain zones when we wire at that way so let me ask you because I've seen Bella and I've seen Lenny out there with their tablet to you check a license plate to see if they've paid you know if you following me what is the actual procedure so if I have a car I pull in to work 7 o'clock in the morning and there's a car parked there the car is still parked there at 11 o'clock the car is still parked there at 1 o' in the past if Lenny's working I can text him and say can you just check he comes out and he has to punch in that license to see if they've paid at that zone is that is that the procedure for the for Park enforcement they have to literally punch in every license plate you I'll have to have you talk to busner about the exact procedure but the from my understanding the park mobile has a uh you has a has an interface just for the parking for the parking attendance which they'll be able to they'll be able to see who's parking where and when so they'll know when so all right so let me right noted okay so but it's a it's a it's a resource question so they do have a route that they do they certain days they follow the street sweeper and then we have them go into um uh the the North Beach area to follow the meter the the the parking permits for four hours and back at four hours so they do have a route that they take but um as far as the actual like dayto day um they all have different schedules so I can get I can I can have I can send you an email with that so just stay with me for a second so when you have a parking meter and your parking meter expires it currently flashes so driving by code enforcement can say oh gota pull I gotta stop write a ticket that parking meter's expired right right well yeah that's how it works yeah Park Mobile sends out a notification when when someone's time expires thank you so all right I have six parking spots in front of my store whoever is working parking enforcement gets an alert do they get an alert that my that was explained to me they get they get an alert at that certain a certain license plate their time has expired that's how I understand it we we'll get back to you with the exact but that is we've been that's the way we've understand ITC the reason I ask and I'm sorry if anybody's waiting their turn because it's very labor intensive watching parking enforcement punching license plates to see they don't have to punch in a license plate I've seen aist maybe maybe they just verify updated you might be punching it into to give them a ticket I don't think is labor intensive about that I mean that's their they're issuing an e ticket yeah they're no it was before that they're just trying to see if they were so the meters are much more labor intensive to the city yeah 10 times 10 times much more labor intensive the batteries don't last as long as they're supposed to well meters don't last long in our environment so there's they were also used when you that's you know were they us I don't think they were used right Maria you were what was that she said they were used when we installed them no we we bought all new meters we we bought new heads bought all new head the only thing was there was the pul but I mean that's kind of Beyond us now right right and none of that and and actually they paid for themselves within they paid for themselves in the first year but what was or 2gs and 2G went away and that's part of this op trade in for 5gs what's the next thing and then we have to send well just to respond if I don't I don't I guess I don't understand what you're saying is labor intensive and why about Park Mobile because it is it is like apples and oranges we have to send an you've made your decision and well because I thank you for your time because I thank you for your if I were if if if this was a if if VOR was a business and I was a stock holder I wouldn't want them to waste money and time and effort on something that wasn't going to be productive or cost us much F so I I I'm I'm here to to listen you said I'm trying to understand what you think is labor intensive about Park Mobile the way it was but you you've you've clarified it I'm I'm I'm in the wrong but as you've addressed my questions okay all right anybody else okay John D 125 South Little Rock um I just want to thank you for the parking for the farmers market again and renewing that again for this year I appreciate that um I will talk Park Mobile real quick if that's okay it's about mon sure it's all about monitoring and how do you make sure that somebody's driving by making sure that they're not parked there and it's expired so I guess that's the whole thing is how do you monitor that what M commissioner Kel Tim Mr commissioner Kel this guy um brought to us tonight is that he would like to hire for the summer season a fourth yeah parking meter I don't call a Mater M because that's it's not a popular job no I understand that but you gotta be able to monitor it's not like uh you know you're done doing taxes terrible you're telling somebody they got to owe a money but I guess the question would be pitch that to somebody but it's got to be monitored it's never gonna work it's like anything else if you don't monitor it then people are just going to park there exactly that's just the way it is and then and then but but in this case we have um we have five seasonal seasonal people coming on they're not going to be completely dedicated to the boardwalk they'll will they will have some certain shifts some of them come on later in the afternoon when these these times are important but we h i I think we have a need to have them on on week on the Friday Saturday Sunday absolutely and I think that we're GNA we already started the advertisement for someone um because we've had one but we haven't gotten any responses so you know we' we've advertised it last year and the year and the year before and no one get into like the Tye mode so is there is there a way of then if the business owner sees that somebody's in park there but nobody's done anything is there a a place for them to call is there a nonemergency line absolutely so you want them to call the eem non-emergency line ecy line and get a hold of the police and say hey you need to send somebody out here is that how you want to handle it going forward yeah so most most times when a police officer see is not ready parking tickets because they're there's just not the right resource for that especially when you have a city like ours which is very active you have a about a call in the summertime every half hour so so what they do when they write tickets is when they see something egregious like someone parking in a 20 foot zone or somebody in a par in a driveway that's when they stop and write a ticket but we you can call the the non-emergency line and they put it in a triage queue and say if there's somebody if there's not a a more serious event happening they will send a an armed officer there to do it the business owners will know then we let them know that they can just call the non-emergency if they're finding somebody egregious and nothing's happen that goes right to dispatch it goes right to dispatch and nine times out of 10 that dispatch goes directly to one of the one of our specials so the specials would pick that up and if they weren't available because there's something going on they would send a car but um but we're gonna we're going to work with the ACA and our public public are are Outreach there to get more to get more Graphics out to get more information out to get more signage out things of that and are they going to be able to get more than one ticket so let's say they park there and they don't care about the ticket and it just sits there all day because it's only what 4050 bucks and they figure I'm only going to spend 40 bucks for the day to park anyway to go to the beach the philadelph is there a way of giving another ticket or another ticket or a third ticket or anything like that or escalating fees if you thought about anything like that CU we've seen people do that I mean we know as well as you probably do that people will park there go to the beach well and then not care if they got one ticket they're like yeah it's 40 bucks for parking for the day yeah well Parking in Philadelphia is $50 and so is a ticket so who's your poison you know I'm not in here and I'm asking is is is it something that you're planning on escalating giving multiple tickets if they're there for an extended period of time or you one ticket and that's it and if they seeet they don't care no that's a good point should look that it it happens as you know it does so all right thank you okay Jim can you check online if there's anybody on Zoom that wants to have any comments anybody who Farmers Mark tied up in the Park Mobile but yeah thank you we can't wait agreed agreed Jim anybody on Zoom anybody on Zoom wishes to speaker comment on any of the items all right no all right seeing none we'll close the public portion on Zoom anybody left in the audience wants to comment Peter nothing all right good to have you I have my oros in the freezer Peter so we'll close the public portion and we'll also close our workshop and a motion to go into our regular regular meeting motion to close workshop and enter a regular meeting session thanks for coming out guys uh all in favor I I and we'll call to order our regular portion the first item on the agenda is approval of minutes which we have none we have ordinance introduction on ordinance 2024 012 need a motion to introduce that ordinance please motion to introduce ordinance uh as described second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner meno yes may langra yes we also need an order motion to introduce ordinance 202 4-13 which is for various 2024 General Capital Improvements motion to introduce ordinance as described second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes langra yes we'll need a motion to open public hearing on ordinance 202 24-9 which is uh amending and updating the water usage rates motion open public hearing on ordinance 009 second roll call please commissioner kbo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes hey this is a public hearing on ordinance 202 24-9 may have any comments or questions please step forward and state your name Jim anybody on Zoom anybody wish to comment on this ordinance I can't hear him he's yeah can text no okay seeing none we'll close the public portion and we'll ask for a motion to adopt ordinance 20249 motion to adopt ordinance 20249 second roll call please commission approval yes commissioner Mento yes langra yes in a motion to open public hearing on ordinance 202 24-10 sewer usage rate increase motion to open public hearing on ordinance 202 24-10 second all in favor I I Tim can you see if anybody's on Zoom wants have any comments anybody to comment on this ordinance seeing none anybody in the audience no seeing none need a motion to close the public hearing motion to close public hearing second all in favor I in a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-10 motion to adopt ordinance 202 24- 010 second on roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner meno yes mayor langra yes motion to open public hearing on ordinance 202 24-11 which is the uh School HVAC system Bond ordinance motion to open public hearing on ordinance 202 24- z011 second it all in favor I I okay Jim anybody on Zoom wants to have a comment on the bond ordinance for the school anybody on Zoom wish to comment on this ordinance seeing no comment we'll close the public portion need a motion to close public portion motion to close public portion second all in favor I I a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 d011 motion to adopt ordinance 2024 d011 second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes need a motion to adopt resolutions by consent resolutions 123 to 136 motion to adopt ordinances by consent as described second roll call please commissioner Creo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor luse on ACA 134 I have to re on4 yep thank you okay um bills and payroll Cindy you have those Force yes payroll for March 31st 2024 to April 13 2024 is 69266 17 and the bills are 1,917 977 and 28 okay motion to appr bills and payroll as stated motion to approve bills and payroll second roll call please commissioner kbo yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes announcements and safety report are listed on our agenda uh commissioner comments uh Maria do you have anything I learned today we got eight million in radal already wow January feary all all right and not very popular but taxes are due May One race period takes you to May 10 okay so 8 million R three months it's good track yeah yeah last year you got anything no we hit the things that I mentioned the stage the parking uh enforcement piece and the park mobile okay um one thing and and nobody's ever see it but I got to participate in something last week that was fantastic yeah the live burn with our ventor fire department was cool I think our city administrator needs to do that next along with Maria never P for life insurance policy it is you do feel like you're playing a video game with one life yeah they give you the thermal camera it and as you walk around with that thing you can see how hot everything is it's and you can't see your hand in front of your face it was it was that cool oh yeah that sounds great it was fun I I really enjoyed that they set up hay Burns in Corners so you can see and and one of the things that they teach you is to is to is to look around the outside and to do it in a clockwise manner so you don't miss anything so you're always going into a room and going clockwise and they have dummy staged counterclockwise yeah and then they they find dummies and some of them find the dummies and some of them don't you know so it it was pretty NE they they would not let me go on the second floor we keep us to the first floor and then the water starts flowing in yeah it25 degrees yep it was pretty cool um I could do it fishing pier is open so the kiosk is manned um weekends that'll start being manned as it gets more busy to later in evening we don't say manned anymore staffed please thank you thank you um I got to be on AC Mike's radio show this week and I did mention that our our beach badges is now available on an app yeah you can purchase them on an app just have it on your phone you have to carry a badge I'm old school I like to carry I I need my badge need my number one badge and your office is taking credit cards all our all our construction and and all the offices in City Hall are taking credit card payments so that's good um some events that are coming up we have our shred event this weekend on Saturday from 10: to 12 it's also a textile event so if you have blankets sheets bedding anything like that you want to recycle that don't go into a landfill please bring them to Newport Avenue from 10: to 4m go early it gets crowded um on the 24th I I skipped one on the 19th we have Chef's Night Out 4 to 8m and then on that's a great event great time great Community event uh shelle dzo does a fantastic job with the vent she's already sold 300 tickets wow wow she's only gonna sell 400 yeah yeah so get your tickets if you want to go there's only a 100 tickets left um Farmers Market starts on the 24th Friday Memorial Day Weekend from 8:30 to noon don't go early they get mad um 5:25 is our first concert at ski Beach um that starts at 5:00 pm band starts at 6 but the food trucks are open at 5: and then on the 26th and the reason why we moved the concert to Ski Beach was we have set up on Saturday for our Kenny whan run on the 26 I think is a really good compromise I think you worked on that I think that's a that's a great idea with uh special event staff to move those to kind of separate them yeah it was because people come in to register and there's an event going on and it's confusing so I think that's a really good idea hopefully this then layout will help as well going forward um that's it for events I believe one last thing and I talked about it today um with a um a resident the library clock we are going to try to to Reet it's going to have to be totally new um that's going to be about a $133,000 cost uh one resident was looking for ways to donate money on his in his wife's behalf she passed away um maybe look for donations on on that maybe not for all of it but certainly for some of it I'm going to put together a post in our newsletter and start putting that out there for those who want to to donate to that um so they might be the first to do something like that so great they would have a plaque there for that so that that's all I have I did have one thing um the parklet so I went to Public Works worked with a couple of your mechanics we put together the planners and and went through the instructions on how to assemble it and it looks like one day next week before the end of the week we're going to install it and at 7311 on the corner of that um Street and I'd like to get um what yeah I'd like like to get um we can talk about this later but I'd like to get some um uh Local Company like rain flers to do uh uh to do the planers the first time from us and it would be using uh Green Team approved flowers things like that we when we put that in we should do an event to be there to ribbon cut it if you want or something yeah I might even put like a a logo on it like a venor city logo on one perfect right I like it good um anything else Tom I'm good Nicole nope last chance all right we'll open it up to public for any comments on any topic anybody in Zoom please Jim check with anybody no coms over here anybody in Zoom wish to no comments from from Mr goloff Nicole you want to do a live burn no all right we'll close the public portion and I need a motion to journ motion to adjourn second all in favor I all right thanks guys know that was a long one we haven't had one like that in a while